Medieval Fantasy RP With Character Advancement System Interest Check

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Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
Online Availability
7pm-10pm est
Writing Levels
  1. Beginner
  2. Elementary
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Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
Fantasy, Scifi, Magical
A group of us have been developing a character growth system to be used in relation to a medieval fantasy setting. The idea is you accrue points for posting (kinda like experience points for you rpg players). You could then spend the accrued points on character development stuff: growing stats, acquiring abilities, obtaining better equipment, etc.

The general loop of play would be: create character > go on adventure with 1 or more other rp'ers and their characters > get points for a completed rp > spend points to grow character > take character on newer and grander adventure > repeat

We have considered a lot of the short comings as well as perks of such a system for running rp's, and thought it would be fun enough to at least try. Anyone also interested in the idea and/or willing to give some creative input as we continue to flesh out the system, please let me know. ^_^
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Which is more interesting for building and growing your character:
A. acquiring canned abilities like FireBall and Shockwave slash that can undergo a bit of modification through flavor text and maybe some mechanical adjustments?

B. Acquiring a list of skills that can be combined in various ways to create fully custom abilities and techniques?

A is easier for rp'ers to use but more restrictive. B is the most flexible of the 2, but would require more effort to understand and to make cool abilities.
I'm interested in the idea for sure. I'll be honest though I'm pretty bad at checking Iwaku, so I'd def need reminders through Discord. It's the struggle of an adult life.

I would attempt at answering your second post, but I think I want a bit more details on what y'all have already fleshed out.
I'm interested in the idea for sure. I'll be honest though I'm pretty bad at checking Iwaku, so I'd def need reminders through Discord. It's the struggle of an adult life.

I would attempt at answering your second post, but I think I want a bit more details on what y'all have already fleshed out.
We do have a discord community for this so we will be able to communicate to you when waiting on posts.

However, due to lack of interest on this site, we will be hosting it elsewhere. If you are still interested, let us know and we will keep in touch.