Medieval Reign Kings and Queen of Europe!!!!

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Hell's Harem King
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
Online Availability
Week days I work from 6pm - 11pm and weekends are unpredictable.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Transgender
  4. Primarily Prefer Male
I'll play them all if I like the plot but I go for mainly fantasy and magical. I like anything that wouldn't happen to you in everyday life. I mean if you can live it why role play it.
Since the day she was born Alessandra Marquises de Salvoy has been the sole Queen to the Italian throne. At the age of 18 she travels to France with four ladies-in-waiting to secure her politically strategic engagement to the king's son, Prince (enter name). A prince she had know since childhood. Aless and Prince share a mutual attraction, even though he has reservations about the wisdom of an alliance with Italy. But complications arise when (name), Princes' illegitimate half-brother, whom Aless finds herself drawn to in spite of herself and France's Queen trying to rid her. The Queen fears the oricals words of Aless bring her sons demise and does anything to rid her of his life. The French Court is also full of less romantic challenges for Aless, who finds her engagement,and life, threatened until she finds an ally in a mysterious shrouded guide. With all that she faces, Aless rallies, readying herself to rule and trying to find a balance between the demands of her country and those of her heart. Thankfully the young Queen is not alone and stands strong with her loyal ladies in waiting and long time friends.

Text adapted from Google Search info for the CW TV series Reign: Reign - Google Search.

- Must be long term, DEDICATED and respectful to all in the game.

- You must be ACTIVE, and post at least once or twice a week, though its preferred once a day. You will be given three warnings for inactivity before being removed from the group.

- You must be cooperative with the Game Master and the other members.

- You can contribute by adding ideas or even plot twists, but please tell the game master of any plot or event prior to carrying it out.

- If you, the game player, are having troubles with another member please tell the Game Master.
Drama out of character is frowned upon, drama in character is welcomed.

- Zero tolerance is in effect. I do not and will not accept bullying of any form out of my game. Bullying in game is only alright if the person who is playing the character is okay with their character being bullied. Any other form y,ou will be removed from the group, and your character will become npced until I decide they are no longer needed.

-This rule shouldn't have to be a spoken rule but common sense rule. But here it is anyways.

Do not argue with the Game master, as they have final say in any matter. When they tell you to change something then you change it. When they tell you to stop misbehaving then you stop misbehaving. When they tell you no then that means no. A GM will not be disrespected, belittled, or harassed for any decisions They've made regarding anything in the role-play. You will be given three warnings to correct your behavior before being removed from the role-play.
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Need more people!!!!
Well it seems three people.
I think this will be smutty
Of course why wouldn't it be?
Okies :)
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Yes but we need you to be active and not disappear
I'm not sure about the once a day post but I can do once a week. Buuuuuut it's fine if I can't join.

Either way, good luck with the RP ^^
Yes but we need you to be active and not disappear
I'm not sure about the once a day post but I can do once a week. Buuuuuut it's fine if I can't join.

Either way, good luck with the RP ^^

You must be ACTIVE, and post at least once or twice a week, though its preferred once a day.