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Welcome to memento mori, a roleplay run by mono and soli. Based around the concept of death gods, it takes on a darker slice of life atmosphere.

even death has a heart

what if life doesn't really end after death?
what do you have to do to finally rest?
First, we define what exactly is a death god.

the act of dying; the end of life; the total and permanent cessation of all the vital functions of an organism

a supreme being according to some particular conception

death god
a supreme being that oversees the cessation of life

They go by many names. Shinigami, Azrail, Ankou, the Grim Reaper, just to name a few. Their stories and appearances vary, but in reality they're all the same: Death Gods. Those who keep the veil between life and death, guide souls in their afterlife march and tend to vengeful spirits wreaking havoc on the mortal plane. Their job is often long, arduous, and a little bit lonely, with endless days and too long nights. They fulfil their task until the day they recover their last memory, finally able to move on and join other souls into the next step of the journey.

For some, this task is but a blink, moving on within a couple of days and bidding their fellow death gods good bye. But for the unlucky ones, this process can span hundreds of years, each memory but a grain of sand in an hourglass. This is why they've bound them together; helping each other locate fragments of themselves, and hopefully giving them a chance to finally rest. For eventually, each one must come to terms with their life before they can move to the next step in death.
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Welcome to memento mori, a roleplay run by mono and soli. Based around the concept of death gods, it takes on a darker slice of life atmosphere.

even death has a heart

what if life doesn't really end after death?
what do you have to do to finally rest?
Hello and welcome to Memento Mori's interest check! From the introduction above, one can surmise that we'll be playing death gods. The main focus of the roleplay will be character development, with some action thrown in in the form of high-threat ghosts.

Our characters will carry heavy regrets that stop them from moving on to the next life. Unlike ghosts whose regrets tie them to the corporeal world, death gods' regrets make them want to leave life behind. As such, a frequent cause of death amongst them is suicide, but one can have lived a full life yet still become a death god. The theme of the story will be accepting one's self, faults and all.

There is one key thing to note about this roleplay: it requires heavy ooc plotting and collaboration with the GM's. Why? For one thing, the roleplay itself doesn't have much of an over-arching plot. We go on a character arc basis, wherein we slowly discover the truth about each character's pasts. The interesting thing? Only the GM's will know the full story of everyones characters. Otherwise, you'll only know your own. It's encouraged to keep secretive, unless you'd like to submit characters whose pasts are tied together. When it's your character's arc, then you are temporarily a GM and we will happily help you weave in your tale.

We're looking for people who will give us a strong character and a good case of #feels. I expect many of the stories we get to hit home. Understandably, our subject matter is heavy and there are certain lines we'd prefer not to cross unless you can submit to us a powerful narrative. We expect maturity in handling it. And I (mono), am someone who tells it to you as it is. I am not afraid to reject someone, and neither should you shy away from criticism. I won't bite, but do not expect me to sugarcoat my statements.

With all that said, I'm looking for a group of around 5-7 people, Soli and me not included. Our cap is more based around roleplayers than characters. Take note that just because you expressed interest here doesn't mean it guarantees you a spot; if and when the OOC goes up, you'll still be required to submit an application. Sorry, but this is the kind of story that requires strong writers!

Please feel free to ask questions to clarify anything after reading through the above information. We hope to see you around!
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*expressing my interest with actual words because I couldn't find a witty gif to post*

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I am unsure, cause I've had pretty bad experiences with character-driven RPs, but it does look really good...

*vague interest expression*
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas~ Haruka! ; A ; / ... I think I'll make a brand new dude for this thread. I'm in!
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Yes all the way. I was yes as soon as I read the basic concept in your blog. <3
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Ironically, when I first started getting hardcore into rping (and I met a lot of my lifetime rping friends), it was for a rp that had to do with a bunch of Reapers (basically your shinigami) that had to go on a specific mission, finding certain people that they were connected to through some kind of mystical force. They would have to follow these living people until their deaths. But they couldn't be a part of it... oddly enough, these living people could see Reapers.

I'm tempted to bring back my original character from that. omg that was almost seven years ago? ;;A:;
I miss Aisander... Q__Q
Huzzah! I'll be tagging everyone once the thread is up! I've got most of the index written up (which you'll know about if you've been stalking my test thread), but I still have some work to go through in regards to the CS, app and general formatting. If nothing comes up, latest I can get this rp up would be by next week. Earliest is within 24 hours.

my gif game is weak so its ok

you stalker you <3 im glad y'all are aboard

yeah, I know the feel. it's completely up to you if you want to give my management skills a chance! o7

u need to stop w/ the memes

@devil's 4DV0C473
Whoo! It just felt like such a shame to miss out on playing him since he struck so many chords in me. : (

@™ T A K E N O B U
ahhh, yeah I remember joining a couple of those a while back. it was a pretty common theme on gaia actually. but I can imagine he'd work really well with the concept!

im here to make sure y'all suffer looking for fc's with me.
I feel like I came here late? Fashionably late? Probably not...

@Birb, why didn't you tell me, you traitor! ÒnÓ

@monopoisoner I'm getting all super hyphy for this RP. ouo
dw it's not like im dying from formatting the index
definitely not
Huzzah! I'll be tagging everyone once the thread is up! I've got most of the index written up (which you'll know about if you've been stalking my test thread), but I still have some work to go through in regards to the CS, app and general formatting. If nothing comes up, latest I can get this rp up would be by next week. Earliest is within 24 hours.

my gif game is weak so its ok

you stalker you <3 im glad y'all are aboard

yeah, I know the feel. it's completely up to you if you want to give my management skills a chance! o7

u need to stop w/ the memes

@devil's 4DV0C473
Whoo! It just felt like such a shame to miss out on playing him since he struck so many chords in me. : (

@™ T A K E N O B U
ahhh, yeah I remember joining a couple of those a while back. it was a pretty common theme on gaia actually. but I can imagine he'd work really well with the concept!

im here to make sure y'all suffer looking for fc's with me.
*Happily strangles you with love* I'm thinking going blue this time...hopefully I stick with it. 8'D
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