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Harrison stood and grinned, "I'll have a go at it...but that was a hard act to follow for sure." He made his way to the stage and looked huge up there next to the equipment. There were a few speculative looks from the crowd as he stepped up onto the stage and a few dismissive remarks. He knew he looked like a big brute of a guy, so he was used to being judged by that alone. He tapped a few times on the screen and found the song he was looking for much to his infinite relief. It was, by far his all time favorite song.

He reached for the mike and gave his group a grin as the 'band' appeared. A piano, snare, and a bass was all that came up but they were silent until he began. "Last time I sang this was for my mom...hope you all like it as much as she did..." His voice was deep and full and had a beautiful fluidity to its tone. The hecklers were immediately silenced as he began singing the ancient song.

I've been so many places in my life and time
I've sung a lot of songs
I've made some bad rhymes
I've acted out my life in stages
With ten thousand people watching
But we're alone now
And I'm singing this song to you

I know your image of me is what I hoped to be
I treated you unkindly
But darling can't you see
There's no one more important to me
Baby can't you see through me?
'Cause we're alone now and I'm singing this song to you

You taught me precious secrets
Of a true love
You wanted nothing
You came out in front
When I was hiding
But now I'm so much better
And if my words don't come together
Listen to the melody
'Cause my love is in there hiding

I love you in a place
Where there's no space or time
I love you for my life
'Cuz you' re a friend of mine
And when my life is over
Remember when we were together
We were alone
And I was singing this song to you
We were alone
And I was singing this song to you
We were alone
And I was singing this song
Singing this song to you

He slid the mike back in the stand and gave a brief nod to the crowd and then stepped down. It took a minute for them to applaud. And he was a little glad of it. "So...how'd I do?"

Cass smiled, "I didn't know you could sing like that. It was beautiful!" She was one of the people who forgot to clap. She was so stunned and caught up in how much emotion he put into the song that she totally forgot to clap at the end.

Jenn smacked at his arm, "Why have we never heard that voice before you stinker?"

Harrison shrugged, "I am allowed to have secrets Jenn..." He grabbed a glass and downed a shot and let it slide down.
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Kirst and Erik clapped for Harrison as Dante gaped and looked at Nadia. "What the hell?! All yall up here singin like you in a musical while i can barely sing it all! It aint fair!" Dante crossed his arms and pouted grumpily as Xanders put down his shotglass and nodded. "Yeah! Me and Dante can barely sing at all while you guys are singing so eloque...elo...singin so good!" Dante and Xanders were clearly already sloshed from the amount of shots they had been pounding back while everyone sang. Kirst rolled his eyes and gently kicked Dante under the table. "Dante, Xanders, behave. You keep whining like that and i will make you two sing a duet together." Dante moaned sadly and leaned against Jen as Xanders glared at Kirst. Smiling slightly, Kirst set his now empty beer bottle on the table and leaned back. "How about this, you two go and buy us all a round of those fancy inner sector beers and i will let you off the hook." Perking up like they had been rescued from death row, Dante and Xanders nodded eagerly. "You got it LT! One round of fancypants beers comin up! Leggo Xanders!" Getting up from the table, Xanders and Dante wobbled slightly but managed to right themselves and made a beeline towards the bar.

Erik chuckled and lightly punched Kirst's shoulder. "You just wanted an excuse to have someone buy you one of those overpriced beers you cheapskate." Kirst grinned cheekily but shrugged in response. "Don't go making false accusations against your commanding officer Riktof." Rolling his eyes one last time, Erik turned back to face Cassandra. "So what was the song you wanted to sing? I think as long as i can read the words i can follow along. No promises though, Harrison and Brunel set a pretty high bar."
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Cass laughed at Dante and Xanders. "You guys are too cute...I bet you aren't as bad as you think..." She was hoping someone else would get up there that was just average and not ready for a record contract. "Whiskey Lullaby? Or something from a musical? Like grease maybe?" She hadn't sung in ages, but her voice was passable. not anything like the two who'd just sung so beautifully, but she could carry a tune. What do you think?"

Harrison was smirking at the guys, "I bet you aren't that bad...and hey ...once it gets late everyone will be drunk and no one will know if you're good or bad."

Jenn watched them run away and she looked around, "Hey...can I get off that easy? I can't sing...I mean really...cats will die...dogs will howl...there will be mass suicide..."
Erik smiled at Cassandra as a young couple took the stage and began singing a corny love song. They were average at best but clearly they were enjoying singing together. Taking a sip of rum, Erik tapped his metallic fingers on the table in time with the beat. "Whiskey lullaby sounds good. I think i have heard it once or twice. Just pull me up when you want to go." Nadia smiled at Jen and giggled as she poured herself a shot of gin with a lemon slice. "If you really dont want to go i guess i can let you off the hook tonight. But i want you to at least do something adventerous once on this trip. Life is too short to miss out on these opportunities Jen. Trust me i know it's a little scary. But once you face your fears life becomes a whole lot better. Tell you what, if we come back here again i will pick out a song you, Dante, and I can sing. Sound like a plan?" Turk simply nodded sagely in agreement with Nadia as Natalya hogged the bottle of vodka. The white haired major was putting quite a dent in the vodka supply and still seemed fairly sober. She did have a slight flush on her cheeks but otherwise Natalya was seemingly unaffected. Nadia arched an eyebrow at Natalya and reached out to take away the bottle of vodka. "Woah slow down Nat. It ain't a competition and i really don't want to have to carry you back to the hotel." Natalya glared at Nadia and pulled the vodka out of her reach as she looked at her haughtily. "I can assure you i am still quite functional Brunel. It takes quite a large amount of alcohol to get me drunk." Holding up her hands in mock surrender, Nadia leaned back and watched the couple on the stage. "If you say so Nat."
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Cass nodded, Not to worry I won't forget you." she snickered. The young couple was cute and she enjoyed their song even though ti wasn't as polished as Nadia or Harrison. What it lacked in professionalism, it made up for in cuteness overload. They were smiling at each other and the girl was blushing sweetly, and she was completely charmed by them. "Aww they were adorable," she said when they finished and she began clapping.

Jen looked at Nadia, "I'll try something that doesn't require talent...I've never jumped out of anything...I'd do that." THAT was definitely the alcohol talking, because when anyone would mention this later she'd remember she was terrified of heights. "I should try to shoot a gun too..everyone here knows how but me I think...I feel left out." She pouted. The shots were starting to make her feel nice and warm inside and she was definitely feeling happy. "Um...ok...if you go up too...I guess maybe I can try it. It will be horrible though..." She looked up at Dante, "You'll come to right?? PLEEEEASE.."

Harrison lifted a brow at Jen and then looked at Dante, "Might be time to cute the light-weight off..." He shook his head and chuckled, "But I would pay money to watch Jen jump out of something...anything."

Cass smacked Harrison's arm, "No...she doesn't know what she's saying. That girl is terrified of heights...if you instigate that ..YOU Are cleaning up the vomit."

Another group of guys got up there and started singing a really silly kid's song while other people at their table cheered and laughed. "Seems to be a bit of karaoke roulette going on over there," Cass giggled. Once they were done she stood and grabbed Erik's hand, "Ok..before I lose my nerve..." She made her way to the stage and used Erik's shoulder for a brace to get up the rather high step up onto it and then tapped the screen. Soon a holographic band appeared and started playing the melancholy notes of the intro to the song. The acoustic guitar played alone for a few measures and then Erik's part started, and he sang well. She sang verse two and let her voice convey the emotion of the sad song and even closed her eyes a few times. She wasn't nearly as good as Nadia or Harrison in her own estimation but she enjoyed singing and it felt good to do it again after so long. They sang the 'la, la, la, la, la,la la" at the end together acapella like the song called for and she smiled and hugged him. "Thank you! That was fun.." An she had to get his help to get back down off the stage too.

They went back to the table and she smiled at everyone, "ok...who's up next?" she asked, "come on...those guys are singing silly stuff and everyone is drunk."
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Erik hugged Cassandra back and smiled as he sat back down. "That was fun. Always nice to try something new." Dante looked down at Jen and sighed dramatically as she begged him to sing with her. "Okay, but we need Brunel or Harrison singing cuz I don't think either of us can pull off singing even a little bit good." Xanders meanwhile had handed Kirst his requested beer and was doing his best to hide behind Dante so nobody would single him out.

As Kirst happily drank his expensive beer, he looked at Cassandra and shook his head. "Sorry I only sing for my daughter." Nadia turned to look at Natalya and grinned cheekily. "What about you Major? All you have been doing is drinking, c'mon it will be fun!" Natalya put down her glass of vodka and glared at Nadia. "No, i have no desire to make a fool of myself." Nadia rolled her eyes and took a sip of her gin. "I think you are just a chicken. Seems the big bad Sokolov is all bark and no bite." Leaning forward, Natalya pointed a finger at the grinning Nadia. "Watch what you say Brunel, I am warning you." Nadia laughed drunkenly and began flapping her arms and making clucking noises as Natalya's expression darkened. For a few seconds it looked like Natalya was about ready to punch the clucking Nadia and the Saints braced themselves apprehensively. But surprisingly, Natalya stood up and stomped over to the stage as Nadia grinned triumphantly and took a shot of vodka. As Natalya got on the stage and began scrolling through the music choices, Nadia turned to the group and smiled excitedly. "Okay guys, she probably is not that good so be supportive. I'm sure even ol' ice queen can get embarrassed so lets be sure to cheer her on."

Finished selecting her song, Natalya waved down a passing bartender and after a few quick words handed him a credit chip. The bartender scurried off and quickly returned with a shotglass of some dark colored liquid and a working replica of a black stratocaster electric guitar. Natalya snatched up the shotglass and downed the liquid in one gulp before taking the guitar. Walking back to the center of the stage, Natalya plugged in the guitar and after a few experimental notes quickly tuned it to her liking. Pressing the button to start the song, Natalya put the guitar strap over her shoulder as a holographic heavy metal band appeared.

The band opened up with the fast opening notes of the song as Natalya began playing like she was an expert. Nadia and the Saints went slack-jawed as Natalya began singing with a powerful voice as she continued to play the guitar.

Song (Steal Away the Light)

Rushing through the woods again
I hope this night will never end

Never mind the shouts and screams
They cannot break into our dreams

I was not prepared to move this fast
A race against the light

Running to you again
Why? I don't understand
'Cuz my heart's never missed
A single beat for love
Oh but I - I still try to steal away the light

In the shadows with a desperate glare
I felt a thousand heartbeats pierce the air

I have made a choice to have no fear
But now it feels like more than I can bear

If I burn all the bridges down
If I turn all waters to sand
I'll still find a way

Running to you again
Why? I don't understand
'Cuz my heart's never missed
A single beat for love
Oh but I - I still try to steal away the light

Burn the bridge to the ground
Cast your fears away
Turn the waters to sand
Let night swallow the day
And so I - I will try to steal away the light

To add an even bigger shock, Natalya launched into a complex guitar solo as the bar patrons clapped and cheered. With her fingers flying over the strings at a breakneck pace Natalya glanced up and cast a haughty look at Nadia who was sitting still as stone in disbelief. Finishing her guitar solo, Natalya once more started singing like a pro.

Running to you again
Why? I don't understand
'Cuz my heart's never missed
A single beat for love
Oh but I - I still try to steal away the light

Burn the bridge to the ground
Cast your fears away
Turn the waters to sand
Let night swallow the day
And so I - I will try to steal away the light

Finishing her song, Natalya handed the guitar back to the bartender as the crowd cheered and whistled excitedly. Walking back to the table, Natalya casually sat back down and smirked at Nadia. "Sorry Brunel, what were you saying?" Opening and closing her mouth like a fish, Nadia mumbled something under her breath and began pouring herself a large glass of rum.
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Cassandra smiled at Erik and bumped her shoulder against his playfully, "That can't be the first time you've done that...You were very good."

She watched Nadia taunt Natalya and frowned a bit. She was about to say something when Natalya stood up and marched up to the stage and began playing the guitar like she was a professional musician. At first she was shocked but then she just smiled and enjoyed the performance. When Natalya returned to their table she beamed at her, "That was AMAZING!! Thanks for going up and playing for everyone!"

Jen was staring in disbelief the entire time. It wasn't really that difficult to shock her but she was stunned, even in her drunken state. "Wow...she's a badass in more than one way huh?"

Harrison watched how she approached the stage and he knew they were all going to be in for an eyeful. People who knew how to sing and play weren't afraid of the stage, and they weren't afraid of the mike. Natalya was almost threatening both and he was curious to see what she did up there. He was smiling by the time she began singing and tapping his feet but when she broke into that guitar solo he was downright impressed. When she returned he stood and clapped, "Major...that was the best thing I've seen in a long time..." He extended his hand for her to shake it not sure she would, but he wanted to so he was offering.
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Natalya arched an eyebrow at Harrison's extended hand, but after a moment of hesitation she grasped his hand and gave him a single firm shake. Nadia gulped down her glass of rum and narrowed her eyes at the smug Major. "Okay spill the beans Nat, when the hell did you learn to play like that?! I mean that isn't something easy to pick up. Oh I know! You are secretly part of a heavy metal band and you wear a disguise on stage to hide your identity from Valentine!" Nadia was swaying in her seat slightly as she drunkenly rambled and began pouring herself another glass of rum. Natalya simply rolled her eyes and waved a hand dismissively. "Nothing like that Brunel, when i was younger i went through a rebellious phase and learned to play. I only know a few songs so don't expect me to do any spontaneous performances." Nadia swirled her glass of rum and let out a dramatic sigh of disappointment. "Well there goes my plan to start a band. But that was probably the best performance of the night, i dunno how anyone could top that." Kirst set down his almost empty beer bottle and leaned forward with a small grin on his face. "What would you do if someone topped the Major's performance Brunel?" Nadia gave Kirst a weird look and shrugged her shoulders. "I dunno..at least buy them a drink." Kirst smiled mysteriously and looked over at the bar full of expensive drinks. "Well there is a brandy over there i have been meaning to try. But the stuff is pretty expensive. The whole bottle probably costs at least a few hundred creds." Xanders let out a snort of amusement and drunkenly pointed at Kirst. "Yeah right LT! You already said you wouldn't sing! Even if you did I bet you cant beat what the Major did." Natalya nodded in agreement as she sipped her vodka. "I doubt there is anyone here who could play as well as I did." Kirst laughed softly and glanced at Nadia as he leaned back in his chair. "How bout this Brunel? If I impress you enough will you buy me that bottle of brandy?" Nadia chuckled and set down her drink as she ran a hand through her hair. "Y'know what? Sure, go ahead and knock my socks off." Grinning confidently, Kirst looked at Turk who had been quietly sitting and drinking whiskey the entire time. "Alright Turk, go show em how its done." Turk paused as Dante and Xanders broke out laughing in disbelief. "Really LT? Of all people you think shy Turk can do better? No offense Turk but the whole time I've known you I haven't heard you talk more than a few sentences at a time!" Dante giggled as Turk sighed and pulled down his sunglass to look at Kirst in what seemed like annoyance. Kirst simply continued to smile and gestured at the stage. "You owe me Turk." Turk let out a sigh of resignation and slowly stood up and made his way to the stage. Looking around, Turk waved over a bartender and after a short conversation stepped onto the stage. Moments later, the bartender set a sleek looking portable piano next to Turk as the quiet man grabbed an unoccupied stool and sat down. After experimentally pressing a few of the ivory keys, Turk input his song choice and waited as a drummer and violinists in tuxedos flickered into being. Taking in a steadying breath, Turk began effortlessly playing the piano as he began singing in a surprisingly clear and pitch-perfect voice.


Wrap me in a bolt of lightning
Send me on my way still smiling
Maybe that's the way I should go
Straight into the mouth of the unknown
I left the spare key on the table
Never really thought I'd be able
To say that I'll visit on the weekend
I lost my whole life and a dear friend

I've said it so many times
I would change my ways no never mind
God knows I tried!

Call me a sinner, call me a saint
Tell me its over, I'll still love you the same
Call me your favorite
Call me the worst
Tell me its over I don't want you to hurt

Its all that I can say
So I'll be on my way

For those that knew the song, Turk's voice would be eerily similar to the original singer and the normally quiet soldier even had some of the same mannerisms while playing the piano. With a voice full of emotion, Turk closed his eyes and sang the melancholic song as the crowd stopped to pay attention to the performance.

I finally put it all together, nothing really lasts forever
I had to make a choice that was not mine
I had to say goodbye for the last time
I put my life in a suitcase
Never really stayed in one place
Maybe that's the way it should be
You know I've lived my life like a gypsy

I've said it so many times
I would change my ways, no never mind
God knows I tried

Call me a sinner, call me a saint
Tell me its over, I'll still love you the same
Call me your favorite
Call me the worst
Tell me its over I don't want you to hurt

Its all that I can say
So I'll be on my way

I'll always keep you inside
You healed my heart and my life
And you know I've tried

Call me a sinner, call me a saint
Tell me its over, I'll still love you the same
Call me your favorite
Call me the worst
Tell me its over I don't want you to hurt

Its all that I can say
So I'll be on my way

So I'll be on my way
So I'll be on my way

Finishing the song, Turk quietly stood up and walked off the stage as the stunned bar patrons erupted in a cacophony of cheers, whistles, and clapping. Brushing past several inquisitive men and women who tried to talk to him, Turk sat back down in his seat as the other Saints gaped in disbelief while Nadia glared at the content Kirst. "You sneaky bastard, i bet you were waiting all night to pull that out of your pocket." Kirst simply shrugged as he smiled knowingly and looked over at the now silent sniper. "Maybe, maybe not. I hope that brandy tastes good." Nadia tried to keep her serious face on but after a few more seconds of glaring a smile broke out on her face as she stood up. Lightly punching Kirst's shoulder, Nadia smiled respectfully at Turk. "Now that was a treat, you should sing more often." Turk simply shook his head, making Nadia shrug and walk off to the bar. Dante looked over at Jen and rubbed his forehead in shock. "Jen, did Turk just sing like a pro? Am i just realllly drunk? Maybe I'm dreaming, hey pinch me i swear i am dreaming." Erik looked at Cassandra in disbelief as he scratched his beard. "Well...i definitely did not expect that of all things."
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Cassandra wasn't drunk but she too was feeling warm and happy and slightly affectionate. she was leaning onto Erik a bit more and even holding his hand under the table. when Turk went up onto the stage she was a bit shocked, even moreso than when Natalya went up. Natalya was fearless and not afraid to put herself in the spotlight, Turk however seemed to avoid it like the plague. When he started playing though she watched him and blinked. "I know this song..." She said in a hushed voice and then when Turk came back to the table she peered at him for a long time. she wasn't totally sure but she was almost totally sure he was the one she'd seen in concert years ago. How she hadn't recognized him before now, she wasn't sure. maybe because he was totally out of context and always wearing dark glasses. Maybe she was wrong though...she kept quiet but she'd ask eventually.

Jenn grinned and pinched Dante, or tried to. "How can I pinch you?" she giggled, "You don't have any fatness anywhere..." finally she pinched his ear and smiled, "there...pinched ya!"

Harrison listened and he too thought Turk's performance seemed familiar, but like Cass he wasn't willing to call him out on it. If it was the original artist, there was a reason he was hiding from the world. He wasn't about to be the one to blow that for him. He smiled and like before extended his hand as he stood, "Love that song...great job my man...great job!" He clapped and then sat dawn again. His arm went around the back of Nadia's chair and he leaned in, "I think we've both been snookered."
Erik blinked a few times in disbelief as Turk sat down and Nadia placed the expensive bottle of brandy in front of the victorious Kirst. Deciding to stop trying to figure out what was going on, Erik grasped Cassandra's hand and smiled. "Well i can definitely say tonight has been interesting." Dante laughed when Jen pinched his ear and gently poked her shoulder. "Well i guess I ain't dreamin, but im really startin to feel the booze. Turk quickly shook Harrison's hand and seemed to almost curl up in an attempt to escape from the metaphorical spotlight. Nadia looked at her communicator screen and yawned as she nodded in agreement with Harrison. "Yeah, but losing a bet with friends ain't that bad. I dunno bout the rest of y'all but im fading. One last round then hit the sack?" The Saints all nodded in agreement, Xanders being the worst off and looking like he was about to fall asleep standing up. Finishing their drinks, a wobbly Nadia led everyone out into the crisp night air as she summoned a hovervan taxi from a nearby console. Dante had taken it upon himself to guide the drunken Xanders with one hand and hold Jen's hand with the other. As Xanders mumbled incoherently, Kirst happily inspected his prize while Natalya walked next to Turk and talked to him quietly. After a short ride back to the hotel, everyone found themselves in the hallway and looking for their room numbers. Yawning loudly, Nadia leaned against a wall as she fumbled with her room keycard. "Kay gang, we sleepin in. Maybe go for lunch..proud of y'all...gnight." As Nadia stumbled into her room and closed the door, Dante managed to find Xanders' keycard and deposit him into his bed. Turning back to Jen, Dante gave her a sleepy smile and a hug. "Night Jen, us bad singers gotta stick together." Kirst gave everyone a quick two finger salute and went into his room as Natalya and Turk did the same. Erik stood outside Cassandra's room and held her hand as he looked her over. "You able to make it the rest of the way? I know being on your feet all day has probably worn you out."
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Harrison was standing close enough to Nadia to keep her steady and give her silent aid as necessary. He wasn't drunk but he had enjoyed the evening far more than he'd expected to and that was something. He smiled at Nadia when she almost fell into her room and when he heard the click of her door he went to his with a wave of his hand, "night all...see you for lunch."

Jen was leaning heavily against Dante as the waled and rode and then walked again. She was humming softly and smiling and let the occasional hiccup as well. She would blush prettily, covering her mouth and apologize and then giggle. She was a happy silly drunk it seemed. Dante hugged her and she smiled and let out a happy sigh, "You are the best ever hugger Dante...bestest ever." She had to try three times to get her key card into the lock but she managed and then stumbled in and landed on the bed. She never undressed or anything. Just fell out right there.

Cass watched everyone with amused eyes and was leaning against her own door. "I hope so...my legs feel like rubber though." She admitted. "Thanks for letting me lean on you all night...it was nice of you and ...I liked it." she smiled and felt her eyes slip closed. "Maybe I'm a little more tired than I thought..." she whispered.
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Erik chuckled and held Cassandra up as he opened her door and guided her inside. Sitting her down on the bed, Erik smiled and stretched tiredly. "See you tomorrow..or is it today? Anyways see you at lunch. If you need anything or want help i am next door and you also have my comm number. Let's hope this vacation keeps going as well as it has. Good night Cassandra." The bearded medic gave Cassandra a quick but warm hug then walked out and closed the door behind him.

The next morning pretty much everyone was still asleep save for Kirst who was standing in the hallway engrossed in tablet while browsing the latest news updates. A glazed donut hung from his mouth and while one hand held the tablet the other hand held a cup of hot coffee.
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Cass smiled at him and was honestly glad he didn't make her ask for help. It was bad enough to her that she needed it, but constantly asking made it seem worse somehow. She hadn't had nearly as much to drink as some of the others, so she slept well and woke feeling rather well. her muscles were relaxed and not nearly as stiff as she'd anticipated from all the walking. she showered and used the steam and heat of the water to help her stretch and loosen up the little bit she needed and then she wrapped a robe around her and ordered up some room service. For whatever reason, she was famished. she heard a tap at the door and went to open it and saw Kirst standing in the hallway, "Good morning you! Are we the only two early risers today?"

The elevator dinged and Harrison stepped out and smirked, "No Ma'am...been awake for an hour at least...I thought maybe a few of our fellow partiers might need a bit of hangover treatment this morning so I went and got some..."

Cass smiled, "That was thoughtful and probably necessary...especially for Jenn...she really tied one on."

"Xanders too...not sure if Nadia will be ok but just in case there's plenty for everyone." He glanced at Kirst and lifted a brow, "what's so interesting?"

Cass had the belhop set her breakfast on the small table in her room and then moved to Jenn's room. Tapping on the door, "Jenn? it's Cassandra...are you ok?"

Jenn was in the bathroom on the floor next to the commode having the worst morning of her life. She heard the tap on the door but it sounded like a hammer on her temples and brought about another bout of violent vomiting.

Cass could hear something that sounded weird, "Anyone have a way to get in there? I think she's sick..."
Kirst looked over at Harrison and shrugged dismissively. "Nothing much, just reading the latest news reports about the war. Battles won, battles lost, that sort of thing. I have a few friends in the other branches so i just keep an eye out to see if they get featured in anything." Finishing his donut, Kirst walked over to Cassandra and examined the door. Turning around, Kirst handed Cassandra his warm cup of coffee. "I can get it open, just need you to hold this for a sec." Looking around to see make sure there were no onlookers, Kirst hid his hands from the view of the others and after a few quick movements the door to Jen's room clicked open. Turning back to Cassandra, Kirst winked conspiratorially as he retrieved his coffee. "There you are, one open door."
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Harrison nodded, "I used to wish the war would end, but then I realized there was always a war somewhere and figured it was what it was. Hope your friends are all ding well..." He watched Kirst open the door and then lifting a brow chuckled, "Ok...I'll let you handle Xanders...and Dante..." He said handing the man two hangover remedies. He went and tapped on Nadia's door, "You awake in there?"

Cass hugged Kirst and went into Jenn's room. She found her in a mess by the toilet and shook her head, "Oh Jenn Hon..." she said grabbing a wash cloth and running warm water onto it before wiping the girls face and neck. She went back to the hall, "Kirst...could you help me in here?" She asked and then returned to Jenn, "You my dear should not drink so much..."

Jenn looked at her through bloodshot pained eyes and nodded, "Yup..nope...definitely should ..." Loud BURP "not..."

Cass looked up at Kirst, "If you can get her to the bed for me..." She said as she looked at the mess all over the floor, "I'll take care of her and clean this mess up..."
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Kirst followed Cassandra into Jen's room and let out a soft chuckle as he examined the mess in the bathroom. Setting his coffee cup on the sink, Kirst reached down and picked up Jen into a princess carry. "Up we go Jen, let's get you somewhere more comfortable." Uncaring about the mess Jen was leaving on his clothes, Kirst carried Jen over to her bed and gently set her down. Grabbing a small plastic trash bin, Kirst put it next to Jen as he wiped some flecks of vomit from her chin. "Just take it easy there trooper, you need anything just call and someone will be there." After patting Jen's head in a fatherly manner, Kirst returned to the bathroom and began helping Cassandra clean up the bathroom. "Hard to believe all of this came from someone so small."
Jenn groaned but somehow managed to wrap an arm around Kirst' neck. He was being really nice considering her condition, "Thanks..." was her soft reply but she just nodded to the calling for help comment. That seemed to her like a LOT of effort at the moment.

Cass chuckled when Kirst came back to the bathroom, "I was just thinking the same thing, and she didn't eat too much of the food either...at least I didn't think so." They worked together cleaning up the mess and she gave his arm a tight squeeze, "Thanks...I owe you about three thousand now..." she grabbed onto the sink and pushed herself up. Her legs were feeling a little steadier today and she was grateful for it. "Time for Harrison's hangover cure..." She grinned and took a glass and filled it with water and dumped the contents of the small bag into it and then swirled it gently. Stepping out of the bathroom and into the other room she moved over to Jenn and lifted her head, "Here...drink this...it'll make everything better."

Jenn looked at the stuff floating in the water and then at Cass. "What is it?"

"Harrison's sure fire cure for a hangover," Cass informed her, "Just drink it. Things can't get worse now can they?"

Jenn groaned, "Guess not." She held her breath and drank it down and then closed her eyes.

Cass brushed the hair back from her forehead, "I'll be back in a while to check on you." She said grabbing her room card from the floor. She left then to allow the 'cure' to work its magic. "Kirst, you are a pretty amazing guy..." She smiled as she made her way back to her room to change into some clothes now that the bathrobe was completely covered in yuck.
Kirst laughed and shook his head at Cassandra's comment of him being amazing as he retrieved his half finished coffee. "I am not amazing, just been around long enough to know a thing or two." Closing Jen's door, Kirst followed Cassandra to her room and respectfully stood outside while she changed. "Hey Doc, since it's just us right now i want to ask you a few things. Nothing serious I just want an outsider's perspective. Is it okay if we talk in your room?"
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Cass came out of the bathroom dressed in a pair of baggy pants and a white t-shirt. She peeked around the door and smiled, "Sure Kirst...come on in...I'll even share my breakfast if you want something. This is enough food for three of me." she chuckled, "However...the coffee is mine...sorry." She motioned for him to join her at the little table that had two chairs for just such an opportunity.

"By the way," she said before he asked whatever he wanted to ask, "You ARE an amazing person. So...accept it and let's move on." She poured herself some coffee and then took a sip. "So...in your world I'm about as outside as you can get, how can I help you?"
Kirst walked into Cassandra's room and rolled his eyes as she kept insisting he was amazing. "Well let's just agree to disagree on the whole amazing thing." Sitting down, Kirst sipped from his coffee and looked out the window at the clear blue sky. "This might sound a little strange, but humor me. For all the Saints, including myself, what is your overall... what's the word...view of each of us individually? If that is too vague just list off some pro's and con's about each of us. I want to fill you in on some things but i would like to hear from you first. And you need to list at least one con, i know you are probably able to fill a whole list of pro's but even if it is a little thing i would like to know." Kirst was still his usual laid back self but his eyes had a strange far off look as he drank his coffee, like he was half listening to another conversation in his head that Cassandra could not hear.
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