Monster Kissing Booth - Just a little Kith

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The minotaur's beady eyes glimpsed down... waaaaay down. At the cheeky little feline that seemed to have a wish for many kisses. But his tail whapped, and his large nose scrunched. He's been silent up to this point, but with a breath, the beasts voice shook the very booth with the unexpected volume of his voice. "KO DOES NOT LIKE SMELL OF SMOKE." His tail flickered again and he wavered his hand in front of his nose. "MY SHIFT OVER. BYE KITTY."

The floorboards crackled under his weight as he stooped low - practically needing to crawl through the pathetic little doorway. "SCUSE ME. SORRY." Ko rumbled from behind the scenes before another monster was drifting outward, ready to get her pucker on.

"I want brave souls to line up for this kiss," the woman of monochromatic color spoke with an icy chill. Her hair seemed to flow in nonexistent wind and she smiled in such a way that expressed she may just be more of a trickster than a kisser. "If you really want it, come and get it."


Next Monster: Banshee; Ularia
On Site till we wanna change it!!
The door jingled as he walked into the building. Considering the view inside that had seemingly only one present patron and a god damn looker of well... did it really matter? "And here I was thinkin' I was guna regret being a wee bit late to me shift." Lips curled over fangs, making horns pulsate a bit faster looking at the immortal appearance of something slinky, dark and spooky. "Well, well, ello' love. Now I'm wonderin' if I ought to just play hooky for this little kiosk thing."

Arc strutted across the floor, right up that counter. "Surely yah be knowin' that banshee's be tales from the green isle. Perhaps we can be notchin' each other off another's kissin' peg boards, lass, hmm?" Demon grinned with a look towards the kitten in the room. "Ah, another. About to be callin' this me lucky day, now."
  • Haha
Reactions: Megasis
The ring of the bell was ever so sweet to her ears. The pitch was off a bit, but if she was daydreaming, it would have reminded her of her place of origins; the bells by the docks where the sea tide wavered to and fro. That ought to have been an omen with what came strutting in through the door. The accent was unmistakable, and it fiddled with heartstrings she thought long since dead.

"Now that's not fair... I must be see-through the way you're picking out my weak spots." She had full intentions on spooking the next patron who walked in that door! It was no fun for there to be all treats and no tricks! But this demon seemed to have a direct line to her fancy. "Indeed, I heard from a coworker she's been here all day. Bound to become an eternal part of the decor." She gave a teasing wave to the kitty before addressing the demon once more.

"You come for a kiss or you just going to keep talking, darling?"
Roguish was the grin offered to her. Shrugging nonchalantly, "Ah I just be knowin' what words work best on someone out of my league." Offering her a playful twist of lips before looking upon the cat woman once more. Humming, "Naw, not the eternal part of the décor, just a miss that knows what they want. A feasts of beasts all laid out on a counter, how could one resist."

Violet rings considered a moment longer before leaning closer, "I could do both, but I'll take the former over the latter for a spare second."
The banshee tittered gleefully at this demon who knew how to play the game! She came to work expecting kisses, but not to have her heart feeling like it was beating again in her chest! She smirked next and reached to try and tame some white bits of hair that just continued floating about how it wished anyway. "A fair point. Your smart and suave, babes."

Elbows leaned down over the counter while her feet came to hover off the ground, and dark lips stretched into a smirk. "Two seconds?" Fingers as cold as death reached to coax him closer, hooking around the beck of his neck as equally chilly lips met the heat of the living. Always a thrill for her it was. She giggled as she released him and fluttered white lashes at him.

"Better catch your other kiss now before I decide to keep you all to myself," she said and played with a floating lock of white hair to wrap around her pointer finger.