Moth to a Flame

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Chaotic Lawful
Original poster
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  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. One post per week
  2. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Adaptable
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  1. No Preferences
Shinju was, so to say, familiar with the way of the sword. However, that in no way had prepared her for the path of war, and that knowledge alone was pressed upon her very clearly as she witnessed the battlefield.

Where poetry spoke of red rivulets and described the dark clouds ahead, the blood and smoke surrounding her were anything but poetic. It was simply death and decay surrounding her, and even that was too philosophical and romantic to truly behold the angst and weariness that came with.

Mere days it had been since she had arrived in this strange era to which her family thanked their fame. An era she had so thoroughly studied she could almost call herself a scholar, though she didn't have the certificates to boast for it. Just a name, and even that was so often contested for she was heavily aware of the liberties and bias that influenced the tales imprinted to her mind. The Sengoku era, the era of the neverending wars between the lords, the constant string of death and glory that followed after each other in short succession.

Mere days it had been when she had been taken in by Chiyome. As expected, nothing escaped the eyes of the infamous kunoichi, and everything in Shinju's gait screamed that she had been well-trained. Though trained as she was, it was nothing that had prepared her for the horrors in the fields. No, Shinju's training was for the mind, body, and soul. A warfare turned into art in the modern ages, not meant to be lethal, not even practical.

A murmur went over the field. A shout that called over the soldiers fighting, an announcement that introduced another part of the era, closing one chapter and opening another;

"Lord Shingen has been shot!"

A death sentence, truly, for Shinju knew one thing for certain; this was the fateful battle in which the Takeda fell, or supposedly fell, for it seemed that much in this era did not meet the details of the history she had studied.

Much time to lament she had not, not that Shinju believed she needed to grief. Her time in this era was too short for any form of attachments, and there was little love from her side for the great names of this particular era to begin with. Still, there was a charge coming at her, a sword glistening through the fire and smoke surrounding them, and in a reflex Shinju pulled out her own as she blocked the attack.

Steady breath, patient mind, focussed eyes, Shinju knew the theory behind a good fight, but there was still a panic rising. The glint of the sword, ringing sharp through the air, the thirst in the face of her aggressor, seeking blood so obviously, the strength in his swing, and the malice that sparked as metal kissed metal. Shinju staggered just a bit as she defended herself, the realisation dawning upon her that she hadn't been prepared at all to meet a real fight. Talent and training wasn't enough. Bloodlust and experience was what she lacked.

Shinju knew that she couldn't continue this fight defending herself forever. It was either strike, or be struck, and she had an eerie feeling that it was likely to be 'struck'.

Logically speaking, Shinju shouldn't have been out in the field, or even engaged. For that she was still considered to be too fresh. Put into context, Shinju had been in hiding, only told to stay back and treat the wounded. So that she was at least of some use. However, the announcement that had reached them had meant enough for the fight tonight. Tonight this side of the camp was to lose and there was nothing Shinju could do about it but pray that she could find a way to escape.

"Your lord is gone, surrender and we shall spare your lives!"

A voice sounded over the battlefield and the female knew that the troops had been pushed far back, or fled. The knowledge that Shingen Takeda was wounded was enough for the first to flee, abandoning vital posts in the hopes of seeing another day.

Breathing heavily Shinju knew what surrendering meant. Despite her lack of experience she knew what it meant to be caught as spoils of war, especially being the gender she was, and it was a fate she refused. And though her arms hurt from the blows, and though she still couldn't find it in herself to strike her aggressor, Shinju continued to block, parry and block as she tried to move herself away into the forest, hoping that soon she would be able to find an opportunity to dart away.

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In her years since she literally fell into the Sengoku period, Asuga had seen her fair share of battles and skirmishes. This was different, however. Left and right she saw the people she knew fall to the swords and guns of the Oda - Tokugawa forces. Trained as a Kunoichi, she was supposed to operate from the shadows, but this was her home they were attacking. Kai and it's people needed protection from the bloody nightmare which was rolling towards them.

She pressed her black mare Nemain forward through the battlefield, her Katana slicing enemies wide open on every turn. Asuga almost made it to the enemy lines. Her black armor covered in blood which was not her own. Worry tore at her nerves. Where were Shingen, Chiyome or Yuki? She had seen neither, nor their newcomer who had appeared out of nowhere just like herself years ago.

Advancing further towards the middle of the fight, she finally stopped two familiar sets of red armor, a spear and a greatsword. Relief flooded her mind and she turned her horse towards the spot where Shingen and Yuki were fighting on horseback. A scream from her right distracted her just for one second, an enemy soldier attacking her. Nemain rose up to her hind legs, which caused him to back off, giving Asuga the chance to turn her mount and slice clean through his throat.
Just as she wanted to start to race towards her former destination a shot rang through the air and everything slowed down into slow motion for her. The battlefield seemed to have fallen into silence, her eyes following the sound only to meet Shingen's form jerking with the force of the impact by the bullet. He fell off his horse, Yukimura directly by his side. Asuga wanted to charge towards them, protect the only family she had since coming here.. but what was that? Someone calling her name?

Like hit by a fist the fight resumed to it's former chaos and Asuga looked around, finding Chiyome making her way towards her on foot. She looked beaten and wounded, but not without her inner fire. "Asuga! Look at me!"

She obeyed without hesitation, the voice of her mentor grounding her.

"I will see to Lord Shingen and Lord Yukimura. I need you to find our green blood. I'm entrusting her to you. Listen to me. She is your responsibility. Go find her. Quick." Chiyome had gripped Nemain's reigns as if wanting to make her point further. Asuga panicked, she stared back towards the enemies surrounding Shingen and Yuki and back to Chiyome.

"I can't possibly leave you all." It was more a desperate plea than an actual argument.
But her master smiled weakly. "Don't worry about us. I promise you. This is not the end of the Takeda." Chiyome never made promises. She was far too realistic for that, but when she spoke those words with such determination, Asuga believed them. "Now go and find our freshling! I left her in the rear camp."

As if physically not capable to disobey her mentor, Asuga pulled Nemain's reigns into the other direction. With a sound of protest her horse took off, back over the battlefield, jumping over a burning, fallen tree, dodging attacks as best she could. Was she injured? Asuga didn't even know. The screams around her, the smell of burned flesh and blood soaked earth, she managed to ignore it all only focussed on her task at hand. She had to. She had to trust Chiyome to get Yuki and Shingen out of here. Their troops would soon fall apart now that their lord had fallen.
Their rear camp was already overrun. Amber eyes searched frantically for Shinju, the young woman taken into Chiyome's care just a few days ago. Everything around Asuga was chaos, but a slender form defending herself from an attacking soldier caught her attention. There she was. The grip on her Katana tightened, the Kunoichi charged her horse towards the enemy, who was thoroughly distracted by his smaller opponent. Asuga used this chance to press Nemain towards the confrontation, the sword glinting in the light of the flames and cutting clean along his back, causing him to crumble with a cry of pain.

She stopped her horse directly in front of Shinju, holding out her hand. "We have to go." And leaned down to pull her up without asking any further. "Hold on tight." And off they went into the woods, an area Asuga was more than familiar with. Kai's forests were her favorite place to be. She would find a way out for them. The smaller paths along the mountains couldn't be used by soldiers for an army. Safe enough for them to get some distance.

Her heart torn in two, because she left behind the only people she cared about in this time, left behind her home, friends, family and this little piece of safety. Her hand gripped the reigns far too tight as she guided them through the shadows of the trees towards the mountains. The only thing which kept her going was her sense of duty. Chiyome's request clear in her mind, but silent towards Shinju.
It was strange how the pursuit of bliss was a lifelong chase, but the overhaul to a tragedy merely took a split second. One moment Shinju was fighting for her life, defending herself with everything she had, praying to the heavens that soon this fight would come to an end without a loss. The next there was the sickening sound of a sword slashing through fabric and meat, cleanly cutting it as red flew through the sky, pulled down to gravity to stain the grounds and the fabric of her clothes. Blood that wasn't her own, but of her aggressor.

A figure of black stood in front of her, the dark horse standing tall with its owner on top. It took Shinju moments to recognise the figure, though the realisation that it was help came sooner, just as the blankness of her mind that gripped her.

The aggressor fell to the ground, his sword never leaving his hand as he clutched his shoulder. In no condition to fight the man glared up instead, still on his knees, still with that same vigour and bloodlust from before, still with that determination to strike. It came to Shinju that her definition of health and condition didn't apply here, the realisation dawning upon her that it was life or death, no between.

"We have to go."

The order came so simply and at once Shinju moved her hand, pulling herself up over the horse as she held on tight. To flee, that had always been her solution, for it preserved her life and that of Asuga, a fellow kunoichi that Chiyome had taken in. To flee, Shinju knew now, also meant preserving that man's life, whatever there was left of it. It meant that the blood drawn could hopefully be all that he suffered. That if the fight truly was coming to an end.
"No!" the man snarled, one hand wrapped around the wounded shoulder, the other, holding his sword, slashing around wildly, desperate to land a hit. The horse deftly dodged it, however, running straight into the forests on the command of its owner and leading Shinju into the forest she had tried to escape into earlier.

Silence fell between the two of them as the horse slowed down, trudging down the small and winding paths of the forest, the sound and smell of battle soon fading away behind them. The end of her first fight, though Shinju felt far from safe, or even able to relax.

"They said that lord Shingen has fallen," Shinju spoke after a while, her shoulders suddenly heavy, just as her mind clogged, a haze falling over her thoughts as she tried to reorganise all of her memories. "I suppose this is the end of the Takeda, as written in records," the female continued, the pieces of history her family was so obsessed with drifting to mind. At the moment Shinju didn't care what she should say, or not. Though, the female had long since suspected that Asuga might be the same as she, not from here, nor anywhere within this time.

"Thank you…" Shinju said, her voice stalling for a moment as she sought the right words, "...for coming to my aid," the female continued, her weight shifting to a more comfortable position. It felt strange to pay her gratitudes in which another was harmed, almost as if she gave her blessing for the possible loss of another. Though, so she reasoned with herself, that was why she gave thanks for the aid given and not the saving.

Realising that she was still holding a sword in hand. The weight, though familiar, suddenly felt cursed and in disgust Shinju discarded herself of it, throwing the blade away into the bushes as she drew another shaky breath.
"Where do we go now?"

It was the last question that popped up from her mind, ringing clearer than any other thought now that the first emotions wore away. Slowly, Shinju noticed that Asuga was as tense, if not more than she was. Deep in thoughts, but possibly also inner turmoil. The loss of a lord, the loss of home. None of the impressions were lost on the female, who despite her short stay, also sensed the same fear to a lesser degree. This, she realised, was the uncertainty that also came with war.
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As the sound of the battle faded away into the distance, the forests around the mountains grew quiet, leaving them in eerie surroundings. Asuga tried to stay focussed on the path but was running more on autopilot. The twisted paths of Kai were only known by locals, though while the feeling of safety stayed away there was at least a sense of relief that they weren't followed. Her tense shoulders were about to relax when Shinju spoke up.

'Lord Shingen has fallen.'

The more she said the more Asuga felt like she would snap. The only thing keeping her from doing so was her sense of duty and the promise Chiyome made. The Takeda didn't fall. They couldn't. Where else would she supposed to go? If the province fell into the hand of the Oda there was no place on earth where they would be safe.

"I came to your aid because Chiyome put you under my care." Her answer might seemed harsh but she couldn't hide the tremble in her voice, as she tried to keep her emotions in check and was eternally grateful her back was turned to Shinju. Her eyes would probably give away everything she was thinking. Her usual mask just couldn't slip back into place, not now that she possible lost her family.

The sound of the sword being thrown away into the bushes caught her attention for just a short moment, suspecting they would be attacked from the dark. Asuga's hands tensed once more. Shinju really needed a lot more training in Kunoichi ways.. Otherwise she wouldn't just leave evidence of their presence behind, no matter how small. "We are leaving Kai for now. We need to get away from the fighting, unless you would like to be locked up in a cage or maybe killed." She paused for a moment, scanning their surroundings again. "We will go from there then."
She pressed her lower legs against her horse, giving her the sign to pick up the pace. They made their way out of the valley which was Kai, up into the hills still covered in trees. The hills turned into the mountain range and the small path forced them to slow down again. Asuga took a deep breath and stopped Nemain on a small overlook. The fires of the battle were still burning and she could spot Tsutsujigasaki castle in the distance, pain tucking again at her heart. "This is not the 21st century, Shinju. I don't know what your history books taught you.. But they didn't prepare me for this here. We need to find a spot to hide or we are both dead. Maybe we can use one of the Mitsumono hideouts in the area. I hope they haven't been revealed yet. Who knows how quick Azuchi's spies work."

Asuga turned her horse again, back towards the mountains. They couldn't stop at least not until nightfall. No fires either. Thankfully it didn't rain and wasn't too cold.

Further up in the mountains she stopped on a small clearing between trees, hidden from eyes who could possibly, if at all, travel this road. "We rest here. It's getting dark. Tomorrow morning we proceed towards the north." She knew about a hideout in a small village about a day's ride away from here. They could lay low there for a small while. Asuga jumped off her horse, stroking Nemains neck. The mare was exhausted from the day and needed rest as well. She didn't notice her hand trembling every so slightly when she cared for her mount. She took a quick breath. "Are you alright? Physical injuries?"
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Shinju Maeda

Of course it was by the grace of Chiyome that Shinju had survived. She remembered the kunoichi well when she had been found. The road had seemed so endless, and Shinju was so lost in where she was. Never would the female have guessed that she got transported into the Sengoku era. Though the fact that the temples of Kyoto had suddenly switched out for endless landscapes, only encountered in rural areas, had been enough to startle her. It was merely luck, perhaps even a set-up that Shinju had attracted the attention of the noble so soon after her arrival. An attention that proved itself to be worthwhile as it provided her with some answers and a place to stay at.

It didn't spare the female any love, however. Great as Chiyome was, and however noble her cause, Shinju had no intention of truly joining the woman. The knowledge she carried felt like an unfair advantage at first, as if fate was taunting her to change and influence the future. If that was the case fate had found the wrong ally in Shinju, who wished for nothing more than to return home. How, she would have to figure out.

Asuga's confirmation of her own origins solidified Shinju's earlier assumptions. Obvious was that Asuga had been here for a considerable amount of time, making her well-integrated. However, her accent was too foreign, and her attitude too modern. Though slight, Shinju could still sense the differences between the woman and the rest, and the similarities with herself. Now that Asuga had confirmed the assumptions Shinju at once felt that she had an ally of sorts, though it seemed that the kunoichi did not consider her as such yet. Understandable, for Shinju had upset her.
They rode on, riding past the fires and the battlefield below them. The castle in which they had lived ahead, by now perhaps conquered. Shinju didn't dare to shut her eyes, knowing that this was the history she was taught. She remembered the casualties suffered, the names of those involved drifting to mind. All useless facts, for they were already dead. Useless, other than that Shinju knew exactly who the culprits were, her hands clenching as she gripped the fabric on Asuga's back taut.

"No century can prepare us for war," Shinju responded in a clipped tone, her voice a near growl as she watched over the fires that spread. "The truth might be hard to bear, but this is the reality we are to face," Shinju continued. Asuga's curt tone had struck Shinju enough, giving her a signal that while the facts were clear, the kunoichi was in no state to repeatedly have them confirmed. So she did not. Instead Shinju focused on what was to come, her mind whirring as she recalled every bit of this era she ever had to recite.

"No injuries on my side," Shinju replied when Asuga called for rest. She was indeed, other than general soreness, but that was nothing unusual for her. It was still the ferocity in which she was met that had startled her the most, but even that surprise had long since worn off. "I have a plan, however," the female announced, her eyes trained on the kunoichi, hoping for her attention. The slight tremor in Asuga's hands didn't escape Shinju either. As a trained physiotherapist such details often didn't slip past, but there was little time and the morning was to be early. Rest and health would have to come later, when they were safe, if their plan worked. For now Shinju found solace in the fact that Asuga didn't possess any visible injuries herself other than to mind.
"Strange as it may sound we might find sanctuary with the Oda forces," Shinju was quick to explain, her hand reaching for a pocket inside of her clothes as she pulled out the Maeda crest. A gift forced upon her by her grandparents who had it specially made for her with her coming-of-age. One she had scorned, but saw its uses now. It wasn't as flimsy as the souvenirs that the dojo sold as memorabilia and was made to replicate an actual historical identification, though how accurate to the Sengoku era this was, Shinju could not tell, only pray.

"The Maeda clan, of which my family claims to be part of, serves under Nobunaga Oda in this era. The current head should be serving as a general, which will grant us certain privileges if we play our cards right," Shinju continued, her hand clenching around the tag as she let go of a deep sigh. "Though not ideal, I hope you will consider the plan to hide in Azuchi," the female continued, dark eyes meeting the other.

"Nobunaga Oda will not die before June 1582, which means that this is the time we have," Shinju pressed on, feeling fairly convinced in her own convictions. "If lord Shingen truly survived we will at least be safe until then." And beyond, she trusted, but she didn't dare to speak of that now. Those were facts too far ahead, a future beyond their focus for now.

Deeper into the forest the monk Kennyo had witnessed the battle of Nagashino, though it would only be named so later. Tonight it was just another war, another battle of the many that occurred within this era, another pointless shedding of blood and wasting of life.

Once it had been him who the Oda-forces had turned upon. Then it had been his temple that burned and his people who suffered. Once, it had been him and when Kennyo had asked for help no one came, leaving many to die. A fact he much resented Nobunaga for, and for which he still felt betrayed by his former friend.

"Another titan of history falls," the man spoke, followed by a short prayer for the fallen. That they may find peace in the afterlife, that the warlords responsible for condemning so many lives may meet the eternal fires of hell. That their karma might be bad, and that their souls would never rejoin the cycle of life.

Kennyo found himself a condemned man. One who had cursed his existence to such a point that the curses he just spoke over the souls lost were nothing at all. A man who only moved by one motivation, a goal he had failed to meet once more as Nobunaga still sat on his horse, high and mighty, another victory in hands.
When the announcement was made Kennyo knew that this was his cue to retreat. Along with the remainder of the Ikko-ikki they retreated into the forest, deciding that it was best to hide and lay low. Another chance would come, and that was when they would strike.

"Abbot, a sword was found thrown away, unstained, though unsheathed."

The report came as a surprise. Who would casually discard a weapon so valuable in this era? A careless move and Kennyo frowned deeply, his mind whirring as he tried to find logic in the move.

"And no body was found?" he questioned, which was confirmed in the answer. Even stranger, for this meant that there was someone walking in these forests without anything to guard themselves by.

"We found signs of travellers near, one horse, by the weight of the imprint with two riders." The details kept coming, and soon Kennyo moved a hand, signalling for his men to scout out the forest and seek out whoever it might be that hid within the vicinity. Enemy or not, Kennyo had to be careful. He would not subject his men to the cruel fate Nobunaga had brought upon them again.
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Asuga looked at Shinju with a face as expressionless as she could muster. Her heart was painfully aware of the loss she suffered from, but she couldn't let it cloud her judgement. Their survival would stay in first place on their priority list for now. It was a good thing to focus on to forget the despair settling in her mind. While Shinju's words were indeed correct, the truth mattered little right now. They would have time to deal with that later.

"Good. I'm relieved you are not hurt." A faint smile appeared on her lips, amber eyes looking over the other woman once more as if to make sure she was actually speaking truthfully. Asuga moved over to Nemain, the mare peacefully using the grass below their feet as her dinner. She took off the saddle, placing it on the floor. The horse shook herself and continued feeding on the plant life. Asuga just let her be and returned her attention to Shinju.

The suggestion of finding shelter with the Oda let an ice cold shudder run over her spine. They had been at war with them and the Tokugawa for what felt like ages. Seeking to hide in plane side with the enemy? Technically not a bad idea if it wouldn't be for Azuchi's silver Kitsune. Mitsuhide Akechi and Shingen Takeda were very much equal on the range of their informative network. They both had eyes and ears everywhere, while using different methods, both were incredibly efficient. Thinking about the Akechi clan and their firearms caused instantly the sound of that fateful gunshot to recall in her mind and Asuga flinched visibly. Her eyes rested on the clan crest of the Maeda. "You're a Maeda? Well, fuck me, I guess." She shook her head, baffled by the information but not for long. Asuga knew the worth of this name. She had..encounters with this clan before only for information gathering purposes, though.

"So what you're asking me is to hide away in the enemy's headquarters until june 1582?" Her hands started trembling again. Shingen couldn't be dead. She wouldn't allow it. Besides, Chiyome promised. She promised this wouldn't be the end of the Takeda. Asuga had to cling to this little glimmer of hope otherwise she might as well just throw herself off of this mountain. While she started into nothingness, memories flooded her mind. Good times she had in Kai. When they were younger, Yukimura and Asuga were constantly getting into trouble together. Treating him like her younger brother she would always enable him to go against any rules. Shingen would laugh it off, his eyes full of warmth and love for those around him. And then there was Chiyome with her long lectures, harsh punishments but always eventually budging down. The people Asuga loved more than anything and now they were gone? Could she believe it? She saw the massacre in the valley.. Tsutsujigasaki would probably be in Oda hands by now. Their home. Her home.

Asuga took a long, deep breath, closed her eyes for just a short moment. Shinju was right. Her name was a key to Azuchi and eventual safety. "You're right of course. Hiding in plane side might be the wisest idea. We have to be smart about it and watch out like hawks for Akechi. If he gets on our trail we are both dead, are you aware of that? I had dealings with his agents in the past. Nasty bunch." She sighed deeply. "You are technically noble, right? So let me pose as your escort. I will keep an eye out for Akechi's spies and you can use your name to get us in."

It was a solid plan. Very risky. Very dangerous..but solid.

Asuga moved over to the spot where she had dropped Nemain's saddle and opened one of the bags at the side. She pulled out a modern day plastic water bottle and threw it towards Shinju to catch. "We have to stock up on rations in the next village or hide out. I got enough water to last us until then, though."

A feeling of unease settled into her very bones. Asuga lifted her eyes once more and checked their surroundings. They should be alone here. Nobody knew of these paths, except the locals. Why did she have the feeling there was someone else around? "Shinju..", she spoke out quietly, grabbing the Katana tied to her waist. "I think, we're not alone." Oda scouts? Unlikely. Locals? Even more unlikely. Everyone cowered in fear in their homes. Certainly this was someone else. "We might need to run again. I'm sorry." Carefully she progressed towards the trees surrounding the clearing, sticking to the safety of the shadows. Her sword at the ready, she looked back to her companion for a second, pressing the index finger of her free hand to her lips and then progressed to slowly move on. Soon she heard some quiet voices. Someone was following them.

They moved without light in the protection of the dusk as well. Who were they? Enemy ninjas? If she would be with Chiyome they could communicate without words… This would be..difficult. Quickly the Kunoichi retreated, ducking through the tall grass, only raising to full height again back on the clearing. "There is a group of unknown players following us. I don't know who they are. They are not with the Oda. No locals either. Prepare yourself. They must have found our tracks.. Ugh, this was so careless." She moved over to her horse and guided her further between the trees. Maybe they could just stay silent and wait this out….
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Shinju Maeda

There was a long silence after her proposal, with Asuga's mind visibly churning its gears as the kunoichi tried to put everything into place. Her face paled and Shinju could only guess what thought it was that bothered her the most.

"Well, fuck me, I guess."

Shinju winced at the reaction. One she should have expected, but that hit nonetheless. How easy it was to just push off and neglect the detail that distance did not sweeten the wounds. It was only logical.

"My surname is, but technically my family has no way of proving that we are actually related to the general of this time," she was quick to add, though it was an useless fact to share. Her family insisted that they were, she was the heiress, she held a crest proving as much, and they needed a place to hide.

Still, she liked to keep Asuga as an ally and put distance between her and history.

The tremor in Asuga's hands didn't escape her; this time Shinju concluded that this was more of an emotion-based reaction rather than from injury, though it was worth examining nonetheless. Later, later Shinju promised, for there was too little light now and too many factors of stress.

"At least until June 1582," the female confirmed, though she didn't dare to finish it off with the rest of her thoughts. Partly because that may horrify Asuga all the more. Partly because it meant that Shinju had to admit that she owed Ieyasu Tokugawa and that was a debt she would rather not think about. "Maybe we will find a way back before," she mumbled instead, and that was a prayer indeed.
Twitching at the mention of the Akechi network Shinju frowned to herself, fingers cupping her chin as she tried to gamble with her thoughts.

"Mitsuhide Akechi was said to be the cause of Nobunaga's fall?" Shinju mused in response to Asuga. It was true that the records said that it was unclear if the Akechi had any hands in the betrayal, but it was a lead, a clear one. "Though it is only speculation and we still can't trust the man, he might be an ally," she continued before turning her eyes up to the woman. "He does die soon after Nobunaga," she said. It was almost carelessly explained, as if it were just some casual facts, rather than the rush of history and a gamble on the board. Though Shinju supposed that her distant casualness was part of the reason why she could stay so calm in the face of a great deceit in the midst of war.

The claim that she was a noble had Shinju nearly leap out in protest, however, ironically inciting more reaction out of her than listing out the death dates of the men just discussed. The modern days didn't know any nobility in Japan anymore, though it was true that the Maeda claimed to be part of the great samurai class that grew only second in power to the Tokugawa. Yet another detail that Shinju rather forgot. The thought alone enough to send shivers down her spine.

There was something else that sent a shiver down her spine, however.


Asuga's voice took on an alarming tone, suddenly tense, suddenly alert, though her words were ever so careful. Instinctively, Shinju bent through her knees, lowering herself between the lush vegetation and the horse as she strained her ears. She couldn't hear it, nor did she see anything, but she could sense something. A malicious intent, like the aggressor from the battlefield.
Taking in a deep breath Shinju exchanged a look with the kunoichi, her mind whirring as she wondered what she should do. How to react. She wondered how long they had been here, what they had heard and whose side they were on. She wondered all that as her fingertips grew cold, stiffening at the thought of having to meet that bloodlust so soon after.

When Asuga spoke up again Shinju could barely register her words, eyes darting through the vegetation as she held her breath. How to fight, how to act? Shinju regretted discarding the sword earlier, though she was capable enough to engage in hand-to-hand if needed. The thought alone, however, to fight for her life again. It was terrifying.


His men returned swiftly, familiar as they were with the territory, agile as their feet carried them. Moving in teams and combing out areas were part of their many capabilities, and it surprised Kennyo none to know that they had already found the wanderers.

"Two women, one armed and a horse." The report sent his mind into another whirl. Why women, part of Shingen's network? Why was only one armed?

"One of them is holding a plum blossom crest, though the tag is nothing like the styles commonly used," one of the men reported, garnering his attention.

"Maeda, huh?" Kennyo mused to himself, wondering what a woman of nobility was doing outside. One allied to the Oda-forces even, the winners of today.

"We have overheard them talking about hiding in Azuchi, it all is very strange," came the response, and Kennyo agreed. Why would an Owari noble feel the need to hide in Azuchi like a criminal? It didn't make sense, for the Maeda had not participated in the fight of today and neither had the clan any need in sending out women to lead the battle. Nothing made sense in the situation.
"Stay hidden, I shall meet them," Kennyo ordered and made his move, the bells on his staff ringing, though it brought him no peace to mind, only a reminder of his goals. Decision made the monk decided to face the bull headon, his intuition tingling as he prayed to whatever god was still willing to watch over him.

Stepping out in the open the male stood tall, eyes glancing over the small paths that crossed and continued on endlessly, and over the vegetation surrounding them that hid his men and also the women. A grim expression crossed his face as he leaned against his staff, his posture composed, but alert for any possible attacks.

"These forests aren't meant for weary travellers," the monk spoke up, his voice ringing through the air as he addressed the women who had hid themselves. Kennyo was confident in his own safety, though less so in the identity of the women. The forest was his area after all, and a condemned man had little more to fear other than the inability to meet his goal.
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Asuga used to hunt in these woods. Whenever there was a feast in Tsutsujigasaki she would bring her wolf companion Hayate and they would go out and bring back meat for the festivities. The grey wolf wasn't here right now, though. Otherwise they would probably be in a different, less risky situation because he would have already torn into the strangers approaching without permission. Her first instinct was attack, though she glanced over at Shinju, who had gone into cover as well. They had to go. This was less than ideal. Leaving the sword behind and travelling over muddy ground had been careless mistakes made in the desperation of fleeing a battle.

Holding a tight grip on her Katana, Asuga steeled herself. The soft sound of fine metal chiming through the silent clearing, she saw a figure moving between the trees. Holding..a spear? No a staff. Every muscle in her body tensed, even Nemain sensed the unease of her owner. The man now openly addressing them had a deep scar marking across his face. His expression was grim and distant. She didn't trust him. He looked like a monk, a high ranking one… Asuga thought like she should remember him..

Stepping out of her hiding spot, leaving Shinju in the dark for protection. With careful steps the Kunoichi left her cover and went to face the stranger on the clearing. He looked indeed like a monk.. But that face… Huh. "These forests are also not meant for wandering monks. Especially for one in fancy robes like yours." She narrowed her amber eyes, Katana ready to strike.
He didn't carry himself like a normal monk either. More like a soldier or general. It took her a moment longer of staring him down on the clearing until her memory finally served the puzzle piece she needed. Of course. Why didn't she remember him before? He looked so different but yet almost the same. She knew this man.. Or used to. A former friend of Shingen and the Takeda. Their history was a sad one. A temple burned to the ground, so many lives lost. All because Nobunaga grew scared of a group of monks. A little bit of tension left her shoulders, but she stayed defensive. "You are Kennyo. The abbot of Hongan-ji. I haven't seen you in a long time."

She didn't really give him a chance to reply to her. The anxiety slowly leaving her body. If he was anything like the soft and kind hearted man she remembered they had nothing to fear, no matter the reason he was here. Whatever that may be..

"Shinju, you can come out." Her tone trying to tell her to stay on guard, though. She really hoped the other woman could read her voice. Kennyo might have changed in the time Asuga hadn't seen him. He and Shingen went way back and used to be very close friends. She had met him a couple of times. He was always kind and one of the most gentle souls she ever encountered in this crazy time period. Would it be worth praying they he wouldn't sell them out? Nobunaga was responsible for his monastery's downfall.
Asuga held Kennyo's gaze for a while before speaking up again. "Kai was overrun by the Oda-Tokugawa forces. Shingen has…" She swallowed hard. "Shingen has fallen. I don't know where Yukimura, Nobuyuki or Masayuki went. We have to leave, unless we want to fall into Oda hands." This was a risky move. More than risky but she counted on his good heart to maybe earn some aid for their escape or at least for the chance on not being stopped on their way out of the mountains. Asuga was worried. For now she could do the talking. She had lived in the Sengoku long enough to know the ways around here, but once they got to Azuchi it would be on Shinju to make their deals. Asuga had nothing but disgust for the Oda. She couldn't guarantee to stay free from a slip-up with their carefully formed lie.

While her thoughts were running wild, nothing had moved on the clearing. She had still her Katana in hand, ready to fend of whatever or whoever would come for them.
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When Kennyo had heard about a woman with the Maeda crest he was fully prepared to go into the offensive, knowing that it was likely that this was a trap set. Though the Oda wasn't known for employing kunoichi, Nobunaga had proven himself to be anything but usual, implementing one new tactic after another. A versatility and strategy that had worked well for him thus far.

What the fallen monk hadn't expected was a familiar face, however. When Asuga came out of hiding, recognition flashing through her expression like he had recognised her, when her shoulders slumped and tension left. Kennyo regretted how at ease the woman seemed at once upon recognising him, mistaking an ally in the fallen monk.

"You are one of the Takeda kunoichi," he spoke, his voice distant as he didn't want to name her. Though, remember he did all the same, no matter how he denied it from coming to his mind. The foreigner, the stranger with no verifiable origins. How long it had been indeed, and how much sadly had changed between the times met and today.

To see her here, it only meant one thing. The realisation of it ached his heart, more so for the people lost than for the fallen lord. Once, he would have felt sad, but the current him did not. It was the price of war, so had it been taught to him long ago.

When Asuga called for the other woman Kennyo shifted his weight, his expression tensing as he watched another figure come out. This time it was a new face, strange and unfamiliar. At once the monk knew that it was she who carried the Maeda crest with her. Soon the pieces would fall into place. Soon, everything would be explained and Kennyo would be able to determine what he should do with them. Another aching realisation throbbed within his chest.
"The heavens are weeping for the innocent lives lost," Kennyo responded after a short silence, his expression grim as he cast his eyes down. Though he had thrown away his friendship with Shingen the man still wept within, his hatred for Nobunaga increasing as he thought of the cruel fate that had befallen upon them all.

"Your friend, I don't believe she is from around here," the monk questioned, his dark eyes seeking out the kunoichi, trying to garner a reaction before turning to the other. "Has the Oda taken away your home as well?" he followed up, a look of sympathy flashing past before he hardened himself.

The female didn't answer, dark eyes meeting his straight on, a glare set in them. Was it suspicion, or was he despised? Kennyo found that he didn't care much for the distinction, he only found wisdom in the wariness displayed.

Deciding that he didn't need an answer Kennyo let go of a sigh, his eyes closing for a moment before he opened them once more, fatigue clear on his face, as it was on that of the rest. War-weariness, for the fights were too long and the demons too numerous.

"You are right in leaving this place. Kai is no more, you have no more home," he said, deciding that it was for the best to be honest. Honest about at least their safety and the reality of war. Honest about anything but himself. "That demon won't spare this land, you will only find it in ruins."
It was what had happened to his temple and fief. Kennyo expected it to happen again here. Nobunaga wasn't known to be merciful.

"Flee, flee as far away as possible. Flee and remember well who did this to you," the monk continued to speak, feeling as if he was cursing the both of them, but he felt the need to warn them. His men had mentioned Azuchi, how the two of them were planning to hide there, but Kennyo found only folly in that. Azuchi was his next target, but he couldn't mention that without startling them.

Would it be cruel to invite them into his ranks? Kennyo's eyes glided over both women once more, determining that it was indeed a cruelty to ask of them such. He was doing the work of the devil. He was creeping around in the darkness where not even the sun dared to thread. And though at least one of them was a kunoichi, used to the shadows, Kennyo didn't want to condemn either into the hell that he had descended. No, the man determined, he would not tempt them to such a tragedy.

"Would Azuchi be good?"

The woman named Shinju challenged him and Kennyo's eyes flitted over the other, his eyes turning into slits as he wondered why she was so bold to divulge their plans so openly.

"No, not even Azuchi," the monk answered with a sigh, "especially not Azuchi," he hinted away, hoping that they would take it and turn the other way. Which way he didn't care, just any direction that would take them away from the fights, and the war, and him, most of all him.

That seemed to be all that Shinju wanted to know as her hand reached over to Asuga, tugging at her sleeve as she motioned for the woman to leave. There was wisdom in that, they should move away as soon as they could, as far as they could. Yet, the man didn't want them to go too soon, not with night coming.
"I can't offer you a place, but I can at least offer you safety for the night," Kennyo said. Shinju looked like she was about to protest, but the male raised his hand, motioning that he wasn't finished yet.

"You don't have to see my men, or me, but you can stay here. We will protect you tonight and part in the morning," he offered, and the determination and genuinity in his eyes seemed to calm the other down. Now it was just a matter of accepting.
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The relief that Asuga felt upon seeing a familiar face was soon replaced by skepticism. The tone of his voice, once gentle, had been replaced by something that almost sounded like a rough growl rolling through his throat whenever he spoke a single word. Whatever he had been doing since they had last seen each other, it hadn't done him any good. She frowned upon his words however.

It was only natural that Shinju didn't answer him, though there was something else behind it. Maybe she could get to the button of this eventually, when their lives wouldn't be threatened. Slowly Asuga let her Katana sink down, the tip brushing the grass on the ground ever so slightly. She felt hurt all over again, being reminded of Kai's loss, it's people, her family. Closing her amber eyes for just a moment, taking another breath and trying to control her raging emotions. She just didn't' have the mental strength to keep on her mask in this moment.

Oh, she would remember. No matter if they were going to Azuchi or not. Asuga wouldn't forget. Revenge was an ugly business and a very bad ally, but also a powerful source of energy. Once she made sure that Shinju was save and wouldn't require her protection anymore.. Nobunaga's and Ieyasu's heads were hers. She wouldn't let anyone else take it.

She caught the hint Kennyo gave them, though wasn't sure if her companion picked up on it. 1582.. Asuga told herself. Just like Shinju said. If things turned out differently she could always bring 1582 to the Oda. A bitter thought, full of anger and hatred. It replaced the bottomless grief which had taken over her entire mindset since leaving the battlefield. To focus on her duty seemed harder with each passing minute.
The moment Shinju tugged at the sleeve of her armor. They should be going, she knew. But she was exhausted, so was her horse Nemain. She couldn't tell about the other woman, though without her mount being at full capacity they wouldn't get far in the mountains and after. Sleeping for a few hours under the protection of Kennyo's group.. Maybe not the wisest decision but whatever else could they do except for running themselves into the ground. Whoever these men were, they better not try anything. Asuga would ask Shinju later for a watch schedule. She didn't trust these people and she wasn't sure if she could trust Kennyo either. He was nothing like the man she knew.

"Very well.. We will take you up on that. Just… don't startle us." Asuga suddenly felt incredibly tired. "Stay out of hearing range." A warning. Because she would know if they kept spying on them. Without another word the Kunoichi turned around and went back to her horse, taking care of her before basically sitting down on the ground, leaning with the back against a tree, still tense. She crossed her arms about her chest, not wanting to start a conversation until Kennyo would retreat far enough from their little clearing.
"Shinju.. Do you still want to stick with the plan on going to Azuchi?", she asked once he was out of earshot, speaking more quiet just to be safe. "This was a clear warning.." The only things she knew about the Oda forces were her infos from the Mitsumono network. Troop movements, numbers, connections.. She pinched the bridge of her nose. Asuga would go along with it. Whatever Shinju thought was best. It was her duty to take care of her, maybe teach her a thing or to if she was willing to learn. Before they depart, she wanted to speak with Kennyo again.. Just for her own peace of mind.

What would she give for a nice cup of Sake right now and drink until she forgot today ever happened. Her amber eyes looked for Shinju, wondering how she was actually holding up and if everything left her so unphased as she seemed. Despite her beginner mistake of throwing the sword away, she could actually wear the emotional mask of a Kunoichi. Asuga sometimes questioned herself if she even was suited for this branch of work. Not that it would change anything now. There was too much blood on her hands. A small sigh left her lips.

At least tonight they were able to get some rest.
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Kennyo, from her knowledge, was better known as Kosa to the public. And even then her knowledge of the monk was limited, other than the stark fact that he held a great contempt for the samurai class. Obvious was that they were not enemies, yet, but from his answer Shinju garnered that he could very soon be one if he were to find the truth.

But the two of them were tired and Shinju knew that the abbot meant them no harm. His promise was sincere and so was his offer. They were safe tonight, and that was what counted, her shoulders slumping as she watched the monk move away.

"It was, he plans to attack Azuchi," Shinju spoke wearily, sinking through her legs as she sat down. "Should have figured that," she continued to mumble, fingers tangling up within her hair as she tried to recall more of the history she had been taught.

"His grudge is with the samurai class, not with the rest. He shouldn't want to attack them," she continued, her voice a near mumble as she tried to sort through her information. "Maybe he is responsible for Honno-ji?" she questioned, throwing a hopeful look up at Asuga, hoping to see something, though she quickly realised that this was too optimistic.

"In any case," Shinju calmed herself down, a deep sigh escaping her as she eyed the purple moving some distance away, "he won't succeed. Not Kennyo," she whispered, "not until much later after Nobunaga's death." Determined dark eyes lit up with the confidence of the future.

"I'm not fond of the Ikkō-Ikki, but I know that they mean no harm as long as we aren't enemies," the female confessed. They were buddhists before they were warriors, she knew. People of religion before they were generals, or soldiers. Though vicious and though able to kill Shinju knew that she didn't have to fear them.
"We just need to locate one of the Maeda generals," Shinju explained as she sat up. "As long as we don't get involved with the other warlords we should stay out of history's way at large."

The female was very determined to let history have its course without her. As much as she was happy to not to get involved with any of the big names, of which half of them left a bitter taste in the mouth. However, Asuga had no need to know of Shinju's personal opinions and feelings and they were of no relevance now. The important time was now, as they sat across from each other and discussed their plan.

"Azuchi is our best bet for now, that I firmly believe," Shinju concluded, and she dearly hoped that Asuga agreed.
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Leaning against the tree, she listened to Shinju speak. Asuga didn't know much about history, she was more interested in art and music back when she was still living her normal life. These informations were all new to her. Not being native to Japan, her history lessons would lack the simple informations. When she fell into the Sengoku period, she didn't even know who any of these men were. It took a long time to learn about each and every one of them. Not getting involved with the people in Azuchi would be a problem, most of all for her. She really had to strengthen her resolve against her enemies if she wanted their little story to be believable. Maybe Shinju could just tell everyone that her resting-bitch-face was normal and Asuga would be fine out of it.

A deep sigh left her lips. The tragedy of the day weighing heavy on her heart and while she wouldn't allow herself to cry, her nerves were tense like a bowstring, ready to break.

"We will go to Azuchi, if that's what you wish. I will keep you safe. I know you're not helpless but the Sengoku is so full of shit, I tell you…" Her words were mocking but there was not the hint of a smile on her face, just weary eyes watching the sky darken. "Once we find a place to hide, I will see if I can get informations from the Mitsumono network. Maybe anyone knows something. Shingen has...had… eyes and ears everywhere. These type of connections don't just vanish."
It was like she was admitting that the man she called brother had fallen in battle. She firmly wanted to believe he didn't, but what were the odds realistically seen. Her mind made up all kinds of horror scenarios, gruesome images flooding her inner eye. It was hard to keep them at bay and ignore them. Everytime she closed her eyes all she could see was Shingen's body jerking from the force of the gunshot and falling to the ground. Like her whole world collapsing with him. The Takeda were her family. They took her in when she had nowhere to go and was entirely lost in this time.

Amber eyes opening once more, she turned them towards the sky. Night had fallen over them. Beautiful stars lined up, careless about the things happening down here on earth. She looked over to Shinju, not sure if the other woman was asleep or just trying to shut out the world. Whatever it was, Asuga wouldn't disturb her. There was no rest for her right now, no matter how exhausted her bones were.

She got up from her spot under the tree, moving away from the clearing. She would put her faith into Kennyo's men that they wouldn't try anything. Shinju had confirmed this. So Asuga took the chance to clear her head, walking through the trees, out onto the street which had led them up the mountain earlier. Not far from there one could almost overlook the valley that was Kai. Not everything, but some part of it. The fires of war were still burning. She wondered if some of their soldiers were still fighting or if the Devil King had slaughtered them all. She wanted to be angry, furious, but all she felt was part emptiness and part grief.
Feeling entirely restless and agitated, Asuga turned away from her burning home and made her way through the woods close to their clearing. It didn't take the Kunoichi long to find a group of men resting under the trees just like she was supposed to. Some of them looked at her and tensed, but Asuga didn't pay them any mind. She found Kennyo sitting not far away from them. Not meeting his eyes she sat on the ground next to him, facing nothing but the dark of the forest. She was silent for a long while, before she found the courage to speak up. "Why are you protecting us?" She wouldn't buy the excuse of 'two women travelling at night'. It was bullshit. "What are you and your men gaining from this? Will you come back to us some day and demand a return of the favor that you granted us here?"

Asuga couldn't help however and let go of some of the tension in her body. This was not safe. Not at all. But the chances on being stabbed in the back and murdered by a bunch of monks, no matter how trained, especially since they shared an enemy, was rather low and it put her at ease. She wasn't asking for comfort or consoling words. All Asuga wanted was information to give her some sense of security, anything really. Shingen used to speak so highly of him, how he was too gentle for his own good. That might have been true, before Nobunaga took everything from him. As he did from her. They probably had that in common at least.
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Shinju Maeda

The night wasn't so young anymore as the women set off to rest, though Shinju could tell that Asuga wasn't planning on sleeping soon, perhaps wanting to keep watch. The kunoichi's gaze was pensive, questions whirring within her mind and Shinju knew that it was on her to give some of them. It was after all she who had mentioned the future.

"We will talk about the future when we arrive in Azuchi," the female answered, fatigue hitting her as she wanted nothing but a soft bed. How she missed her mattress and blanket in the 21st century. Alas, it was obvious that tonight it was the soil where she would lay her head and even that didn't sound half so bad after the battle.

She closed her eyes, thinking of all the arguments she would need to make to convince Asuga to stay. Shinju knew that it was in part selfishness that didn't want the kunoichi to leave her side, but she rationalised it with the thought that they were both lost time travellers that needed to find their way back. It was simply easier to have Asuga near her in case they ever found a way back home.

'Azuchi,' Shinju promised herself. As soon as they reached Azuchi she would explain everything and then allow Asuga to decide what she was to do with the information received. She could only pray that the choice would be favourable.


When the kunoichi approached him Kennyo didn't stir from his spot. In prayer's position the man sat solemnly down a tree, his fingers counting the beads of his necklace and his eyes cast faraway, too far drowned to be focussed on prayer, which was something that the abbot hadn't done in a long while. Not for himself at least.

"What are you and your men gaining from this? Will you come back to us some day and demand a return of the favor that you granted us here?"

The man kept quiet, unable to answer, or rather not wanting to answer. Was this how the kunoichi viewed him? A monster who would take advantage of the weak and those in obvious distress? Kennyo could only ponder on how far he must have fallen to be mistaken for the likes of Nobunaga. Yet, he made no effort to defend himself, his eyes focussed into the darkness ahead, barely able to separate the shadows of trees from the path.

"You're safe tonight, don't waste the rest you're offered now," he finally decided upon after a silence. It was better this way, better for both women to stay far away from him and start a new life out of the way from any warlord.

Had Shingen abused her so cruelly that she couldn't accept any help offered? Momentarily Kennyo's expression fell into a bitterness he hadn't felt for a long while. Had his friend fallen as well?
"If you must hold onto anger, turn it against the era you live in," the monk spoke as he finally lowered his hand, the beads falling into his lap as he eyed the kunoichi. "Flee the battlefield and lay down your sword. Forget about this world, you aren't suited for such cruelty and neither is she," Kennyo spoke, his eyes switching to the forest behind Asuga where she had left the other behind.

"That girl, she is a noble, not?" he questioned, his expression taut, making the scar on his face stand out all the more. "They live cruel fates, married off as pawns for politics," he mumbled before returning his attention to the kunoichi.

"That devil isn't known for mercy, the gods have given him none. Don't waste your time by seeking refuge with him," the man warned once more, his expression turning sharp as he thought of all the spies he had set up in that place, reporting every movement of the man whose name Kennyo couldn't even utter.

"Remember what he did today and hold onto that fear. Not even a child will be spared in that devil's conquest."

The bitter words rang cold through the air, but the flame of wrath flickering in his heart flared hotter than ever as he remembered the scream of the night, the cold kiss of the blade over his skin throbbing in beat.

"You will be nothing more but a glorified hostage if you go," were his words before standing up once more, the bells on his staff ringing as he moved. Standing tall the male turned towards Asuga at full height, a cruel grin displayed on his face as he solidified his position.

"The Ikko-ikki has no place for two women." Though what Kennyo actually meant to say was: 'Don't walk the cursed path I have chosen.'
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The long silence that stretched between her and Kennyo was unnerving. Asuga was really not in the shape to deal with any of this cryptic talk. If he believed she would be able to rest after everything that happened today, he was a lot less smart than she thought. The Kunoichi was quiet, letting him talk, remembering how he used to be when they met before they burned down his temple and killed so many of his people. "You shouldn't assume that you know anything about me, Kennyo. You know nothing about the way I lived or still live. I am a trained Kunoichi. If you think I can lay down my sword without beheading those responsible for this, you are very wrong."

Her fierce expression hid away the pain she actually felt, when she turned her amber eyes towards him. Her hands folded together to a tense fists, but her gaze didn't waver. She wouldn't be patronized and most of all not from someone who didn't know her, her beliefs or her connections in this world. Maybe she wasn't suited for the battlefield, maybe Shinju wasn't either. But Asuga would move heaven and earth to fulfill Chiyome's request.

"We don't need mercy. We don't need refuge. We will find a place to hide, that's that. If you think I'm afraid to face down with this evil, you are very wrong." Being underestimated because she was a woman, was something she often used for her work as a Kunoichi. No man expect a blade in their side from the pretty little thing they had been flirting with all evening.

"I will not let anyone lay hands on that girl. It was my master's last request to keep her safe before she stormed off into the battlefield. No man or woman will lay hands on her unless she wants it so. Keep your false worry to yourself."
For a moment her eyes are frozen in bitterness. "Don't you dare tell yourself, you are the only one who has a claim on the Devil King's head." She paused. "You and your men do well to remember that." Asuga got up from her position next to Kennyo, giving him one last glance.

"Piece of advice.. From someone who knows what they are talking about. Don't underestimate the women of our time, hm?" With that she turned around and walked back into the darkness of the forest, back to the small clearing where Shinju was still resting. At least one of them would be feeling a little bit refreshed in the morning. Asuga moved over to her horse, Nemain also laying down in the grass, dozing. If her mare was feeling comfortable enough in the presence of these men, she would allow herself to rest as well. Animals were far better judge of character than any human could ever be.

Asuga sat down next to Nemain, her back resting against the stomach of the resting horse. Her equine companion let out a soft sigh, as if she knew what was going on in the Kunoichi's head. Well, she probably even did.
Sleep wouldn't come to Asuga tonight. The horrors of the day had branded themselves into her mind, images of the fight never leaving her in peace. What she would give, if she could have taken her guitar, brought here from the future, forcefully left behind at Tsutsujigasaki, and just play for a little bit to ease her raging nerves. She couldn't allow herself to fall apart. Not yet. Tomorrow they would start they way to Azuchi and it would be a long one. They had to steal a horse from somewhere for Shinju. They couldn't keep both riding on Nemain. Her mount was a real Takeda charger, but not invincible.

Asuga pinched the bridge of her nose, once more looking over to Shinju. She crossed her arms over her chest and decided to stay awake. There was no point in closing her eyes anyway.
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Kennyo wondered what others saw when they looked at him. Did they see a shadow of the past? A man with no path to walk down upon but the one descending down to hell? Did they see the monster that he saw reflected in the metal of his hidden blade? Did they see his scar first, or the man behind?

He had no answer for that, having never asked the question himself. However, he did know what he saw, and what he saw was a woman wounded. A person who had lost her home just like Kennyo had. A human who had seen the ultimate cruelty happening right in front of her eyes, just like he had. He was a fool to think that she had been luckier because she came out of it unscathed.

It was naïve of her to believe that shallow rage was all it took to take down Nobunaga. Had it been simply the swift cut of the sword Kennyo wouldn't be standing halfway down into hell for his revenge.

But Kennyo had still underestimated her. He had taken her convictions for granted, tried to play into the fear he had hoped she had felt. But he had forgotten that this woman had been trained in the same vicious ways as his men had been. That she had taken what the gods had granted once upon a time. She as well was stuck in the cycle of sin and decay, of bad karma, like him.

And yet the monk didn't want her to be anywhere near what he had planned. Yet, he felt the compelling need to protect that slight piece of humanity that she still held onto, even if it was only there to protect that girl.

"Very well then," Kennyo said, "I have warned you, but if you don't want to listen, the consequences are your own to bear."
His words were cold, distant, but the monk knew that he wasn't planning on just abandoning them. When Asuga turned away, leaving him in the forest alone once more Kennyo waved his staff, gesturing for one of his men to come as he stared ahead of him, eyes trained on the back of the retreating kunoichi.

"Tell Ranmaru to keep an eye out for them," came his solemn order, "but be sure that he will not interfere with them."

"What intelligence should he gather from them?"

The question was to be expected and Kennyo lifted his eyes up to the sky, to the clouds hanging above, covering the stars. It seemed that even the eyes of the gods above didn't want to grace him. Heaving a sigh the man shook his head, another smile gracing his marred features, this time bitter.

"None, I just want them out of harm's way."

Time Skip

Truth be told, Shinju had no clue what the distance between the castle was. Surely, she had a clue of where the castles were located, but that still gave her no approximation of how far she had to travel, or even long.

She had definitely not expected a week, or what felt like an eternity in her experience, for Shinju was far from an experienced rider, or a rider at all. Horses weren't common in Kyoto, after all and the times she had ridden a horse could be counted on one hand.

Least to say, her back was killing her and the female wanted nothing more but to slump right down to the ground, but even that thought was painful for the blisters she had on her blisters. After a week of constant riding, travelling over luckily mostly flat terrain, they had finally arrived at the town bordering the Azuchi castle, a welcoming sight and Shinju was all too eager to slide herself off her horse to feel the ground underneath her feet again.

"Finally," she breezed softly to herself, forehead leaning against the borrowed horse. Her legs were shaking in exhaustion and her shoulders were stiff beyond reason, but she had survived her first Sengoku move.

The horse bristled something, its head pushing away the female from its neck. An action she couldn't fault the horse for, Shinju had no clue of its name or its origins, other than that they had stolen it first thing in the morning after the fight. It was already a great surprise that she hadn't been thrown off the animal, or that the horse had been so obedient throughout the week.

"If this farce works you will have lots of yummy grass," Shinju mumbled as she patted the horse, her hand torn up once more from holding the leashes, "promise."
As the horse ignored her, nibbling on the leaves of a nearby tree, Shinju turned towards Asuga who seemed strangely fine for the rough journey they had. Or perhaps not so strange seeing as she was better adapted to the era, having had the proper training and all.

"Shall we continue on foot?" Shinju questioned, weary eyes turning up against the other. She had always believed herself to be in good condition, having to owe her endurance to her rigid training and strong discipline, but Shinju knew now that the Sengoku era cultivated a different type of body. One in which she was still too soft. A lesson learnt and a note to file away.

"Nothing against the horses, but I would be glad for it," the female grimaced painfully. Even with all of Asuga's careful attention to her inexperience accompanied with her own professional expertise Shinju couldn't seem to avoid feeling stiff and aching. It was a shame, really, but it only pronounced more what an era she had fallen into.

Reaching for her watersack Shinju's eyes fell over the bundle of clothes that they had packed as well, another weary sigh running out of her body.

"I suppose that now is the time to change?" she ruefully said, though she was looking forward to being able to change out of her travel clothes, which by now were smelling less than attractive.
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And so they left Kai behind, finding everything they required to survive in one of the Mitsumono's hideouts. Money, food, clothes.. A week of travelling at a murderous pace almost, at least it seemed to Shinju that way. Asuga felt bad for the other woman, who was clearly not used to travel by horseback, while there was nothing more beautiful for her than to ride over the wide fields with her horse and enjoy the freedom of the moment… Her companion was very opposed to the idea it seemed. And it was then when Asuga actually smiled the first time in days. It was a small, faint smile.. but it was one.

Kennyo's words were still lingering in her mind. The warning of Azuchi. They would make do. Shinju and Asuga both were not fallen on their head. Her only actual worry was Akechi. They had to be so careful..

They reached the forest at the outskirts of Azuchi castle town. It was indeed time to change her clothes and for Asuga this might be a lot harder than for Shinju. She would have to leave her Kunoichi armor behind and switch it for something more suitable, since she was supposed to pose as a guard. She decided it wasn't necessary to show up in full armor, however. A kimono with more freedom of movement and a few modifications had been enough. The seamstress who sold the original piece was rather confused about her asking for these changes, but they were done quickly.
Asuga jumped gracefully off her horse and nodded. "Let's get changed and then I will go and stable the horses." She wasn't sure if Shinju would need any help in changing. The Kunoichi guided them to a small River that ran through the woods, ending in the large lake outside of Azuchi. They could wash up here and get changed. Asuga didn't take long, since she was used to the whole way of dressing in this time. She adjusted her Katana and Kodachi to her sash, being well aware of the simple fact that she would attract eyes in Azuchi. The people of Kai were used to her sight and accepted her without question.. The Oda territory was something else. A woman, heavily armed to the teeth, who didn't look asian at all? It was bound to draw attention towards them. She had decided that if someone asked, she would just tell them the short story of how Shinju saved her and she owed her. Totally made up but it usually worked.

She packed up their travel clothes, leaving her armor behind with a heavy heart, just dropping it into the river. It was like she was leaving her identity behind.

She took the reins of both of their horses and walked towards the stables, just outside of town. Even though they earned curious looks, nobody stopped them or questioned their motives. Yet… The people of the town were celebrating, happy. Their lord won another victory. The Takeda were defeated, Kai was theirs. The Devil King would return victorious to his castle. Asuga frowned, trying to keep her own emotions in check. She couldn't fault these people for the crimes of their lord.
Asuga looked at Shinju. "Looks like the army will soon be back. Do you want to look for an inn to stay for now?" She kept her voice quiet, not saying too much to keep up the image. "Don't forget, you're noble now." A faint, teasing smirk on her lips, she turned towards the street. The horses were taken care of, which was extremely important to her. Maybe she could get Shinju to become friends with her mount eventually. Hope dies last.

From then on, she slipped into character, standing by Shinju's side and she would follow her lead from there. Hands resting on the grip of her Katana, always ready to strike if someone would come too close to her 'Lady'. Her face became an expressionless mask, eyes turned cold, while she was waiting for her companion's 'orders'.
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Shinju nearly groaned at the sight of Asuga gracefully stepping down her horse as if it was a mere hour since they had climbed on top of the horses. A random image of Asuga as a Dothraki popping up in mind as the other wondered if Asuga would sleep on top of her horse if fate had allowed her to do so.

Her mindless complaints didn't last for long, however. The river was delightful and Shinju would have let go of another type of groan if it wasn't for her own bashfulness. The cool water rejuvenated her, waking her mind and relieving her body, but also returned her rationale. She had been acting the child for long enough now, Shinju realised and it was time to slip back into focus.

Rolling out her muscles Shinju thus gave herself a quick self-massage, reminding herself to offer Asuga one later as well for the harsh labour done, before getting to her new clothes. It was a fancier dress than what she had been wearing up until now, but it was still suitable for travel, which would help in keeping their story plausible later on. Impressed with the level of preparation that the Takeda kunoichi gets to enjoy, Shinju tugged at her sleeves one last time before declaring herself satisfied in the reflection of the water.

Somewhere ahead the female watched Asuga wash away the last remnants of her ties to the Takeda. Was it relief she felt when watching the armour drift past? Or was it solemnity for the life lost and shaken up? It was hard to tell, for they stood in direct conflict with one another, but Shinju reminded herself to be kinder to the kunoichi who had now lost her world twice.

Their entry into town didn't go unnoticed. The appearance of her 'guard' attracted the curiosity of the citizens, but also their own surprise. Azuchi was in celebration it seemed and Shinju could quickly guess why.
"Tsk," the sound escaped her suddenly when Asuga teased her, face averted from the other as she tried to hide her own embarrassment. Five centuries back or forth, it didn't seem to matter as Shingen Takeda still managed to make her play the role of a princess, somehow.

"I want to know who is in town," Shinju responded evenly a moment later, a mask slipping over her features as she smiled at Asuga. "Perhaps, if we are lucky my cousin might be amongst the men returning," she continued as the gong sounded and people rushed to the side. The procession was coming and Shinju's eyes darted over from the happy crowd to the middle of the route.

Making her way to the side Shinju deftly placed herself next to an elderly woman, careful to stay out of sight, but at least keep enough vision for herself. And while the crowd was cheering, jumping up and down as Shinju pretended to crane her neck to watch the proceedings.

"I heard lord Toyotomi is nicknamed a monkey for his appearance, but I don't think I recognise one ugly face amongst them," the female spoke up, loud enough for the older woman next to hear her. The elderly had trouble seeing the crowd, herself and swayed back and forth on her legs as she let go of a mirthful laugh.
"Rumours, child. Mere rumours," she informed Shinju and the female smiled wider, knowing that she had picked her target well as she feigned interest.

"You're not from around here, right?" the elder spoke as she nodded towards Asuga. "Else you would have known that the man to the right of our Lord Oda is the man you insulted just now. To the left is Lord Akechi, and the man in yellow is…"

As expected the woman started to name the warlords passing by on their horses, speaking enthusiastically as she quipped in some local gossip between. All information that Shinju eagerly soaked up, glad as she was to see that the oldest of the generation never changed in their delights to speak to the young.

"Handsome aren't they all? You wouldn't call any of them a monkey, though Lord Oda likes to give his men some strange nicknames," the woman laughed and Shinju joined her with a grin and a chuckle from her side, though she refrained to answer.

Glancing over to Asuga, Shinju wanted to signal that they were ready to leave as soon as the last lord had passed them by. However, it didn't seem that the celebrations were over so soon as the crowd stilled, Nobunaga having stopped his horse in the middle of the proceedings as he rose up a fist.

Shinju's expression fell when she realised that this was perhaps a victory speech.
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The province Kai had finally fallen into his Lord's hands. After the long resistance of the Takeda, the alliance of the Oda and the Tokugawa managed to overwhelm the mightiest cavalry in all of Japan. Horses were no match for rifles. Mitsuhide's thoughts were wandering back to the battle which had taken place roughly seven days ago. His bullet had been the one to throw the famous Tiger of Kai from his black charger into the blood soaked mood of the battlefield. Despite the celebration and the pride of Lord Nobunaga, Mitsuhide couldn't find any satisfaction in taking this life, any life really. He did what was required of him to follow his own ideals.

It just happened to be that the people of Kai were in the way.

The town of Azuchi was bustling with life as always. Just for once the residents would all lign up by the mainstreet to see their victorious army return. Mitsuhide despised being put on the spotlight. He was better in sticking to the shadows, doing the work nobody else wished to do. His face expressionless except for the well crafted, careful smile, he would ride by Nobunaga's side towards the castle gates. Hideyoshi to his other side, he could feel his eyes almost grilling into him, trying to figure out what he was thinking. Too bad he wouldn't find any.

"My, Hideyoshi. If you keep staring at me like that you will guide your horse against a wall." Citrine eyes turned their attention from the crowd to Nobunaga's right hand man. "It would really be a shame for your horse." He didn't pay any attention to the angry ranting of the little, furious monkey named Hideyoshi. One of these days the vein on his forehead would explode and it would be hilarious.
His eyes continued to scan their surroundings. While the whole army eventually came to a stop, since Nobunaga had to announce their victory to the people of Azuchi, Mitsuhide wasn't listening. It was the same every day. His lord liked to bask in the bright light of a won battle, unlike himself. For him it would mean quickly back to work. Lords may change when a province was invaded or overrun, but the people who lived there stayed the same. The natives of Kai weren't exactly happy to be counted to the Oda now. There would be unrests and maybe even rebellion. These little embers of revolution had to be suffocated as soon as possible.

As Nobunaga's deep voice continued to speak of victory and the unification of Japan, the hairs on Mitsuhide's neck started to stand up a little. A small, barely visible frown appeared on his forehead. The citrine eyes met amber ones, which burned with the fire of hatred. Well, someone wasn't happy about their return. A woman, not native to Azuchi, not even Japan. Curious. Clothes were too fine to belong to random townsfolk. He took note of another female close to her, also dressed in very expensive fabrics, discussing something rather interested with an elder. His first guess was they were connected to a rich merchant or maybe lower ranking noble, but Mitsuhide knew of everyone in these ranks moving through Azuchi. He considered himself interested. He would require Kyubei to find some information for him later.

His eyes narrowed slightly, a smirk appearing on his lips, as he regarded this very small and furious woman with a taunting gaze. She wouldn't break eye contact, lifting her right hand and showing him..her middle finger? Huh.... His lord was calling for his attention.
"Mitsuhide, what has you so distracted? We move now." Charming as ever was his Lord.

He nodded in reply. "As you wish, milord. Just two little birds catching my attention." There was amusement and mirth in his voice, while Nobunaga let out a light chuckle at his words. Hideyoshi, of course, wasn't so pleased.

"How can you look at some birds when Lord Nobunaga is holding a speech." And here they were again.. Back to the ranting monkey.

"Do they ever stop arguing? They are worse than an old married couple." Ieyasu sighed tiredly from behind them, speaking to no one in particular.


She hated him. She hated him so much and if it wasn't for her duty to Chiyome, she would run through this crown and rain 1582 upon Nobunaga without hesitation, no matter if it would cost her own life to free this world from his evil presence. Asuga was brewing with fury in this very moment. Her glare burned itself into the Devil King's side. If looks could kill….

Once he opened his mouth, though she couldn't bear to look at him any further. Instead her eyes moved to Akechi, who was right by his side. He was carrying one of the rifles his clan used in the battle. One of these rifles shot Shingen from his horse. One of those weapons was to blame for the misery and helplessness she was feeling right now. He must have noticed her glaring at him and their eyes met. His expression was taunting, infuriating and arrogant.

Never breaking eye contact, Asuga lifted her right hand and without even moving a muscle in her face she lifted her middle finger and showed it directly to him as a big 'Fuck you.' He wouldn't understand this gesture, of course. But it felt somewhat satisfying to see that flash of confusion in his citrine eyes before the Bitch King called for his attention. Asuga huffed irritated, trying to reign her emotion in and slipping back into the role of Shinju's guard. She stood still until the leader of the Oda forces passed by and then carefully put her hand on her companions arm. Her mask perfectly in place once more.
"Shall we, milady? I'm sure you require rest." It was an indirect way of asking her if they should go and find the inn. Asuga could use a good cup of sake and they had to talk about their plans on how to move on. She wasn't following the conversation Shinju had with the elderly woman, so she could explain to her what was going on.
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"Oh, such fine men they all are. I still remember when Lord Oda was still known as the fool of Owari, so clueless, so reckless! But he has truly cleaned up his act now and look! All these mighty men that ride with him,"

The elder was still speaking, enthusiastic to share all of her memories of each one of the warlords, not very interested in the victory speech of the big hero today.

"You know, being my age you stop believing in certain things," the woman spoke as Shinju pulled her eyes away from the black figure prancing on his horse. "But with Lord Oda around I truly do hope that my grandchildren at least will know a unified country," she sighed, a simple smile on her face.

The truth of this era, once more, hit Shinju hard in the face, her pleasant smile faltering for a moment as she turned her eyes back to the warlords, a pensive look crossing her features as she examined each one of them from that light. Nobunaga's speech, though grand and theatrical, was nothing impressive compared to the conviction of this old lady that believed in him so firmly.

"I suppose in a way he will," she answered mindlessly, but her tone was clipped as she pulled away from the other, not wanting to spoil the good day of such a wonderful soul.

"Oooh, lord Akechi is looking this way, quick, quick, child, wave!"

Before she had any say in this Shinju's arm was pushed into the air, an incredulous as well as baffled look on her face as she hadn't expected such strength in the elder. Forced to wave into the direction of a certain man whose gaze was trained upon… Asuga and her.

The one and only Mitsuhide Akechi seemed to have already singled them out of the crowd. How and why Shinju only realised belatedly as she felt her cheeks flush, both at the attention, but also at the enthusiasm of the people surrounding her who were growing rowdier by the second, high as they were by the encouragement of Nobunaga.

Quickly steeling her gaze Shinju whipped her head around to Asuga, a feeling of dread brewing up as her eyes widened in horror at the gesture the kunoichi made.

"Asuga," she hissed, hand already reaching out for the other before Asuga retreated herself, the solid masks of their roles slipping back on once more. Shinju remained out of character for a moment longer, however, her shock soon replaced with a glare as she gave the other an incredulous look.

"Really?" Shinju deflated, her shoulders slumping so far forward that she believed she could hit the ground any moment now. She fixed herself soon after, however, her attention returning to the passing lords who seemed to ignore them once more before glancing at the elder from before.

In the split second that Shinju had torn herself away from the woman the elder seemed to have forgotten all about her, cheering on the warlords once more in enthusiasm. A feat that Shinju didn't mind too much as she turned back to her 'guard'.

"Let's go," the female spoke, a deep sigh escaping her. Today had been much too long indeed.
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Asuga, despite her trauma and sadness she constantly carried these days, found Shinju's reaction on her showing Mitsuhide the middle finger rather amusing. A small smile played around her lips while she shrugged for a second, before slipping back into her role. She had been to Azuchi before, knew of some rather secluded inns so they could discuss their plans in peace. The one they were going to stay in was rather fancy, but they had to keep up their appearances and couldn't be careful enough not to raise any suspicion.

The streets of the castle town were still bustling with people. Asuga made sure she wouldn't lose Shinju in the crowd. They were both not exactly tall, but their clothes would stand out. Which shouldn't be a good thing but in this case it was. The inn, the Kunoichi aimed for, was rather small but well kept house almost in the centre of town, close to the marketplace and castle gates. Basically the perfect 'base of operations' for them. She also knew about a Mitsumono stash not far away from here, which might allow her to deliver a message to her fellow spies out there. Any news would help them to move further.

"That's the place. I usually stay outside of town, so they won't recognize me. Just let me handle this", she explained quietly, before entering the inn.
Asuga talked with the owner of the inn, asking for a room with two futons for the two of them. She wouldn't let Shinju stay by herself, not with Akechi already having eyes on them. Things were getting more complicated than she wanted to.. and they just got here.

Shortly after they were shown to their room upstairs. It was sure big enough and had a nice balcony with view over the castle grounds. Not that it mattered to her at all, since they were going to try to hide for while. "We have enough coin to buy a few more sets of clothes, mostly for you, you are noble after all. There is another Mitsumono stash not far from here which will help us get around for now." She still kept her voice low, even if they were being alone. Couldn't be careful enough. "Shouldn't this be enough I will take some contracts in town."

She turned towards her companion, her expression softening a little. "I will get us a bottle of Sake. I'm sure we could use one by now. You get settled in, alright?"

Leaving her weapons behind, Asuga returned downstairs, asking for a bottle of Sake for them. Without further questions she got handed one, paid for it and was about to walk upstairs again when she ran into a man in a dark kimono, black hair tied behind his head. Gentle, blue eyes looked at her in surprise. One of the Sake cups had slipped from her grasp and the stranger caught it swiftly. He handed it back to her with a smile. "My apologies, my lady. I wasn't looking."
Asuga just stared at him, amber eyes narrowed. Too friendly. She was instantly on guard. "Think nothing of it. Thank you for helping." Her tone was neutral, an expressionless mask on her face. With tense shoulders she moved back upstairs, opening the sliding screen with a foot and directly closing it behind her, a frown on her face. She shook it off soon enough and approached Shinju. "Here you go. I brought medicine for the nerves."


Mitsuhide had settled into his room upon returning to his manor a bit later. He didn't think it necessary to attend to today's war council. There was not much to discuss despite the management of their new province and this was not his field of expertise. He started to write letters, as per usual. The image of the two strange women, however, didn't slip his mind. He had sent Kyubei out as soon as they passed the castle gates to find out where they were staying and what they were doing. As fancy as they dressed, they surely didn't behave like a noble and their guard should.

Amused by the whole situation, a faint smile appeared on his lips once he started writing about rather gruesome matters. Dirty work that needed to be done.

A bit later, there was a soft knock, which ripped him out of his thoughts. The footfalls revealed Kyubei soon enough, so Mitsuhide didn't stop working. His most trusted vassal would never return without any new information, how small it might was. Every little bit of news could turn the tide of a while war campaign.

"You are back. Anything interesting?", he asked after a few seconds.
"My lord." Kyubei bowed shortly and then started with his report. "The two women you saw on the main street are staying at Daisuke's inn. I couldn't overhear their conversation, since I only ran into the foreigner of them, but something was off about it."

"Dearest me, don't make it so exciting."

His vassal shook his head for a short moment. "The guard.. The one from the west. She is too careful. And the other one? She doesn't know how to carry herself as a noble. I also spoke shortly with the elderly woman, you pointed out. She tried to deny it, but I found that she stole this here.." Kyubei reached into his sleeve and showed Mitsuhide a fine worked token. The crest of the Maeda clan. Now this was surprising.

He lifted his silver eyebrows, letting out a quiet laugh. "Who would have thought? However could they get their hands on this, I wonder? Let's keep an eye of them for now.. I'm eager to see what they do next." He then handed the other man a bunch of scrolls. "Would you be so kind and deliver this to the Tenshu? I'm certainly busy for now."

"As you wish, my lord."
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