Mun's Test Zone

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!






Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse ac egestas dui. Vestibulum eu ultrices enim, ullamcorper lobortis urna. Mauris tincidunt erat est, in gravida diam porta quis. Sed id lorem venenatis, eleifend justo id, congue nunc. Nullam vestibulum sapien eget nulla rhoncus, a fringilla erat fermentum. Sed et lacus scelerisque erat blandit consequat eu ac purus. Curabitur non sem lacus. Vestibulum aliquam dolor eu sem consectetur placerat. Quisque rutrum sollicitudin gravida. Donec efficitur ipsum at fermentum feugiat. Vivamus massa orci, pharetra vitae accumsan eu, pulvinar id sapien. Mauris vehicula libero vitae enim malesuada dapibus vitae ut nisl. Sed vestibulum quis sapien non commodo.

Phasellus pretium et sem et feugiat. Fusce venenatis pulvinar ante ac cursus. Nullam massa nisi, blandit id magna pellentesque, pretium efficitur mi. Pellentesque molestie leo sit amet nunc pulvinar, vitae luctus sapien malesuada. Nunc suscipit, tellus dictum vestibulum tincidunt, nulla quam accumsan nibh, sit amet scelerisque libero est sit amet nunc. Nulla facilisi. Sed tincidunt scelerisque scelerisque. Morbi pretium diam non magna lobortis semper. Sed sit amet hendrerit sem, in bibendum ex. Nulla facilisi.


Aenean vitae lacus justo. Pellentesque vitae diam sagittis, tristique sapien eu, rutrum diam. Aliquam elementum aliquam fringilla. Fusce nulla erat, bibendum vitae quam quis, dapibus feugiat ante. Phasellus eget egestas lacus, eu lacinia tortor. Morbi placerat dui vitae lobortis tristique. Morbi lacinia aliquam massa, sit amet volutpat magna finibus non. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce ut orci et neque interdum dapibus. Donec ut sem ut orci tincidunt pretium. Nulla facilisi. Quisque posuere urna eget mauris fringilla, eu vestibulum metus vestibulum. Aliquam vitae felis libero.

Nulla orci mauris, pulvinar sit amet dictum at, aliquet pretium nulla. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur pretium nunc sed luctus porta. Curabitur imperdiet mauris sed felis facilisis, sit amet eleifend augue elementum. Duis vulputate massa non mi efficitur iaculis.


Maecenas dui arcu, aliquet in augue ut, auctor rhoncus leo. Integer dignissim sem quam, et posuere nunc auctor ac. Maecenas commodo vitae velit sed ullamcorper. Donec quis ultricies felis. Nulla faucibus nibh in orci iaculis, at pharetra tortor scelerisque. Curabitur ultrices dolor mi, a pharetra nunc sollicitudin nec. Aenean ultricies sed dui sit amet iaculis. In purus nisi, varius sed urna a, venenatis feugiat ante. Nulla pulvinar tincidunt ultrices. Pellentesque non neque diam. Quisque commodo quam nibh, sed feugiat ante vestibulum eget.

Fusce mattis tortor mi. Etiam tristique eu dui et laoreet. Suspendisse turpis risus, pulvinar ut venenatis et, scelerisque vitae dui. Nullam viverra nulla in massa posuere tincidunt. Donec in nisi suscipit, pulvinar massa id, volutpat risus. Curabitur laoreet quam nec vehicula gravida. Suspendisse efficitur vel massa sed pellentesque. Pellentesque ipsum mi, tincidunt nec quam vel, faucibus tempus neque. Etiam ornare id urna at rhoncus. Integer nec elit at nisi ultricies elementum at nec est. Etiam pellentesque, tellus sed mollis placerat, nisl mauris faucibus libero, at maximus sapien massa id ipsum.

Credit: @Spectre of the Fade
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  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Spectre of the Fade
First Name
Texty textyness










Credit: @Spectre of the Fade




Wrath's domain, Ira is a wasteland of half destructed buildings. The city was once beautiful and rich in architechture but the first fire demon's first rage demolished that. Time and time again, Drestdeimos's fury destroyed his domain, leaving it in ruins for the citizens to make do with. Rivers and geyers of flesh melting lava run through the city, with the latter erupting without warning at all hours of the day. As if to make the situation worse, stiff icy snow layers the ground, an element that keeps Ira's fiery citizens in check.

The inhabitants of Ira are mostly fire demons like their lord or creatures related to that element. Goblin-like dragons roam the skies, searching the ground for easy prey to make off with. And on the ground, fire demons snarl and gripe at each other, always ready for a fight and rarely in a good mood. Crimes of fiery passion are frequent in this domain, and rarely is their a punishment for these acts.

The technology in Ira is severely limited. Due to the scalding temperatures and Drestdeimos's rages, the formerly competent technology has regressed to an almost primitive state. Inhabitants are forced to jerry-rig all of their techs, and even then there's no guarantee that it will work. The closest description to the type of technology is victorian steampunk-esque.

Demon Type: Fire Demon - Beings made of fire and or charcoal burnt flesh. They possess massive horns, sometimes more than two, and have the ability to manipulate fire and it's sub-properties. These demons have foul tempers and are quick to anger; The smallest things can set them off.

Sinful Power
Fire Manipulation
  • Heat Manipulation
  • Lava Production



Relationships: How do you feel about your brethren? (Here is the place to air dirty laundry and talk shit about each other.

How do you feel about the king?

FC Mariano Di Vaio

Credit: @Spectre of the Fade
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Species: Nature Spirit - Tauno is an embodiment of nature. A massive being consisting solely of trees, soil, and other natural resources. Standing at an imposing 50 feet, Tauno is the guardian of forests and it's inhabitants. Aside from his forestry limbs, Tauno is a humanoid shaped being.
Virtuous Power: Tree Manipulation


Relationships: (Do you know any of the other virtues?)
How do you feel about your situation?

FC Angel Parmar

Credit: @Spectre of the Fade
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Jude O'Dea
joo-d / oh-day









Wendy - grandmother
Wren - older sister - twenty nine
Jocelyn - twin sister - twenty four
Ava - cousin - sixteen



dark brown


160 lbs


Credit: @Spectre of the Fade
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Hero Knolls



Super Speed

Favorite Curse Word: Cursed Once & Hated It

Hero Knolls

Wonder Woman - her dad calls her this
Little Bear - her dad also calls her this
Princess - her dad calls her this too
Wally West - her dad calls her this as well
Speedy von speed - her dad calls her this also

Date of birth/Age/place of birth:
June 18 / 19 / Baltimore, Maryland



Enhanced Speed
Super Speed
Hero can move much faster than the average human, beyond what can be emulated via natural training and with little to no maintaining. She can run up to 75 mph.

  • She cannot control her running speed. She will blow right past her targeted location and stop about ten miles past it.
  • This power speeds up her metabolism, so she needs to eat 5,000 calories a day. Without proper nutrition, she will burn out her stomach lining and her organs will explode.
  • She needs to eat five times a day. She can usually be seen snacking between meals.
  • It is not good for her to have any liquid less than 30 minutes before running. She will projectile vomit and collapse from nausea.
Speed Combat
Thanks to her father having her take self-defense classes, Hero is able to fight at incredible speed, striking her opponent in rapid succession. She is able to use defense skills at very high speeds, meaning that she can block, parry, dodge and do such things at high speed effectively.

Hero is a petite young woman with light brown skin and long natural blond hair. Most people think she died it, but if they check her roots after a few days, they'll see that they grow blond. She has big brown eyes that bore into your soul and silently demand that you smile. Her wardrobe is quite colorful, but she has a preference for shirts with witty graphics. She rarely wears skirts or dresses, and if she does, she wears shorts or leggings under them. Due to her power, Hero can usually be seen eating something and it's not unusual for her stomach to growl in the middle of class or the night.

Natural blonde, long and wavy

Dark brown


Petite and toned. Having a track coach for a dad will do that to you. Despite this, she still has a healthy amount of baby fat on her cheeks.

Favorite Food: Carbo Load Salad

Hero's the type of person to tell you to "turn that frown upside down!" then gently tug your cheeks until you smile. If that fails, she'll try to help people talk out their feelings. She's very affectionate with people even when they aren't her friends. Her idea of a greeting is to hug someone--and not a two second wimpy hug, but a six second full body squeezing hug. She's never one to half-ass anything and she can be quite stubborn and tenacious when it comes to what she wants or thinks is best. She can be a little overbearing because she hates pessimism and wants everyone to be as happy as she is. She's very energetic and has a tendency to dance to any and all music. When she gets mad, she sulks and pouts for hours and has to be dragged out of her funk.

Key Traits:
❧ Spontaneous
❧ Affectionate
❧ Stubborn
❧ Pesistent

❧ Carbo Load Salad (sliced Italian bread with cheese between the slices, crushed potato chips on top, extra cheesy cheese pizza, a few dollops of sour cream & jalapenos)
❧ Her dad
❧ Mixed stuffed animals (she cuts the parts off of a bear and sews it to a rabbit etc)
❧ Sports / Competition
❧ Gorey horror movies
❧ Thunderstorms
❧ Stickers
❧ Makeup

Gently Dislikes:
❧ Cold soup
❧ Cold temperatures
❧ Kale
❧ Being rushed
❧ Slow songs

Favorite Animal: Her Neighbor's Fat Cat, Chimkin

Hero was the result of a one night stand, but she wasn't considered an unwanted child by her father, Vince Knolls. He adored her and readily made space in his life for her when her mother admitted that she wasn't ready for a child but wouldn't abort the baby if Vince wanted her. He'd never told anyone, but he'd always wanted a child but had never met the right woman for him, and he never did, but he was fine with that. He loved Hero more than anything and treated her like a princess. The two of them did everything together and most of Hero's personality and habits can be attributed to her father. He was a college track and field coach and would bring Hero with him every day before she started school. And when she finally did start school, he would pick her up afterward and bring her to the track. Of course, being the daughter of a coach, Hero was also athletic. She wanted to become a professional athlete and eventually compete in the Olympics, and her father was eager to help her achieve that dream. With his help, she honed her skills and ran speeds that gave some of the college students her father trained, a run for their money.

Their life didn't revolve around track and field. The two had a daddy-daughter day every Friday where they got breakfast smoothies, went to Build a Bear Workshop, ate at a new fancy restaurant for lunch, did laser tag, then saw a movie of Hero's choice. Vince was Hero's favorite person and vice versa.

On the track, Hero really shined when it was only her and her dad. With his sole encouragement, she always ran faster. But on one particular day, when she thirteen, she ran inhumanely fast. As soon as her dad blew the whistle, she sprung forward and in an instant, she had made it around the track. When she returned to where she had left, she found her dad on the ground staring at her in shock. He wasn't hurt at all, but the force from her start had pushed him backward. He swore up and down that she looked like a blur. Even though she knew her running had been different that time, she thought he was exaggerating. The next day, he brought his camera and filmed her. When they watched the footage together, her running form looked like a smear of colors. The blue of her shirt, the grey of her athletic leggings, the red of her shoes, and a streak of blonde hair and light brown skin. That was all that could be seen until Vince slowed the footage down.

His daughter's ability did not scare Vince, although Hero was terrified at first. Vince let her know right there, that her powers didn't change anything between them. He was still her father, and he loved her. But, her track lessons would have to cease, because he wanted her to take up boxing. He feared that someone would try to take advantage of her or even try to abduct her, so he contacted an old friend who ran a boxing gym. Hero went to the gym three days a week from then on, and she was trained in boxing, kickboxing, and wrestling.

By the seventeen, she was a fighting machine who could hold her own against grown men. She'd managed to control her speed to the point where she could implement it in her fighting, but surprisingly she couldn't control her speed when running. No matter what she did, she always blew right past her intended location. To make matters worse, her kick back usually knocked bystanders down. One of those bystanders happened to be someone who'd been observing the Knolls for quite some time. She had first caught wind of Hero from her contacts at the boxing gym. The woman worked for Mosshurt and she told Vince all about the school and how Hero could learn to control her speed there. Vince was outraged that some big brother goon was spying on his kid. As he usually tended to do, he looked to Hero for agreeance but was surprised to see that his daughter had a pensive look on her face. She told him that Mosshurt didn't sound that bad and that their help would be beneficial for her. At first, Vince refused to listen to her but she reasoned with him and changed his mind.

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Jackson Kincaide



Gossip Columnist + Drug Dealer

Appearance & Health

Health Ailments: Pet Dander Allergy Ⓓ Allergic to Boring Bitches Ⓓ Chronic Depression
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 165 lbs
Hair Color: Dark brown
Eye Color: Brown
Scars: Appendectomy Scar
Birthmark(s): small dark mark on right hip

Personality & Preferences

Likes: Wipe Out Ⓓ Slapstick Comedy Ⓓ Quoting Vines Ⓓ BuzzFeed Quizzes Ⓓ Horror Movies Ⓓ Pesto Pasta Ⓓ Night Drives Ⓓ Racing Video Games Ⓓ People Being Indebted to Him

Dislikes: Authority Ⓓ Albinos Ⓓ Non Hypoallergenic Animals Ⓓ Being Corrected Ⓓ Vegans Ⓓ Tofu Ⓓ Old People Ⓓ Little Kids

Strengths: Journalism Ⓓ Being Nosy AF Ⓓ Business Ⓓ Resourceful

Personality: Jackson's a resourceful and cunning guy. He knows how to work the system and boy, does he work it well. He's charismatic, charming, and he loves having the upper hand. He can be a bit of an asshole because he values wealth over people's feelings and wellbeings. He will often choose the path lined with drama before he considers empathy. He isn't a sociopath, however, he was just taught at a young age to value details over the masses. That being said, he isn't completely heartless. When paired with the right people, he shows a chance of changing but as soon as he breaks up with those people or distance comes between them, he reverts to his old ways. He can be...Kind of standoffish at times but that's because he has a reporter's heart (even though he never went to journalism school). He has no tolerance for people who beat around the bush or take too long to tell stories. He likes to get in the thick of things and he doesn't come out until he gets what he wants.

History & More

Jackson told his first story when he was six and saw his dad, Gilbert kissing his secretary, Amelia. He ran straight to his mother and told her everything, expecting to be rewarded for his candid honesty. Instead, his mother burst into tears, packed a bag, and walked out his life forever. His father was devastated, but mainly because he wasn't the best father and had left it up to his wife to care for their son. Amelia, who was more than thrilled that her competition was gone, didn't give two shits about Jackson and made it clear that she wouldn't be his new mother. So, Gilbert arranged for his younger brother, Finnegan, a newspaper editor living in the city, to take Jackson for a while. "Just until Amelia gets settled. It'll be three, four months, tops."

It was for eight years. When Jackson came back, he was a totally new kid. His hotshot journalist aunt had taught him the ins and outs of journalism. What to write about. What not to write about. "The stories should make people wanna tear your tongue out for tellin' them." She'd told him, and so he joined the newspaper club in high school and started airing people's dirty laundry. No one was safe, save for the few people who weren't afraid to make him a friend. The number was staggeringly low, but it was to be expected. Jackson was ruthless. When he heard the whispers of gossip, he tracked down the source and published the stories asap.

When college rolled around, Jackson wanted to major in journalism but his old man wasn't having it. He didn't like how bloodthirsty (read: desperate for drama) his son was, and because Amelia did not want to have to skimp on their daughter, Deborah's college fund, by 'investing' in Jackson's pursuits. This irked the young man, but he'd seen it coming, so he'd invested in a little side business to pay his way through college. This business was the selling of drugs. It started out with a few baggies of weed, then Adderall that he'd gotten off a friend with a prescription, and then things had escalated to the point where he was offering sales on coke and MDMA. He made good money slinging drugs, and he was almost finished when shit hit the fan. His half-sister Deborah who'd been attending the same college as him found out about him selling drugs, and told Amelia who ratted him out to the dean. Of course, dear Debbie neglected to tell anyone that she'd only found out after buying some product.

Jackson got kicked out and banned but that didn't break his career. Rosewood's newspaper was rinky-dink and only in business because people still lived in Rosewood. The editor of the magazine was dying for any attention for his shitty newspaper, and hired Jackson as a gossip columnist, despite the severe lack of a degree. His only requirement was that Jackson didn't write about the employees of the newspaper, as if they were interesting in the first place.

Secrets + Struggles:
He indirectly caused someone's death because of his gossip column <-- Struggle
He receives hate mail and death threats near constantly <--Secret + Struggle
He can't find a significant other because his job chases people away <-- Struggle
He's addicted to cocaine <--Secret + Struggle


Gilbert Kincaid - dad - alive - retired opera singer - 54
Luciana Luca - mom - probably alive - ? - 48
Amelia Kincaid - stepmom - unfortunately, alive - baby eater - 46
Deborah Kincaid - half-sister - most likely alive - who cares - 22

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"Get A Life"
No, that's not an insult. It's not a cheap dig to get a mildly concerned individual off of your back. It's our job. Here at the Living Essence Recollection Industry, LERI for short, we as the name suggests, reclaim lives. When someone dies, it's our job to pop down to the mortal realm (or Earth, for you humans), collect the soul, and return it to the astral plane (or heaven/hell, whatever). We're not angels or anything though. Once we were humans like you, but our lives were taken from us in an abnormal fashion. To be clear, we died before we were supposed to. Sometimes, inexperienced LERI agents end up collecting more souls than they were supposed to, and once you remove a soul from a body, you can't put it back.

For example, when I was sixteen my school's soccer team was on its way to Nationals. It was gonna be an all expense paid trip, courtesy of the PTA. We were gonna kick ass at Nationals, have a celebratory dinner at a fancy schmancy restaurant, then turn in at a four-star hotel. But things didn't pan out like that. The driver had partied harder than the statue of David's dick the night before and he fell asleep at the wheel. The bus swerved on a five-lane highway and got t-boned by a semi, who was then rear-ended by another semi. The LERI agent assigned to our unfortunate case was supposed to collect 6 souls, but she got confused and took 9. The intended were: The driver of the first semi, the goalkeeper, central midfield, wide midfield, the coach, and the full back. And the unintended were: The bus driver, the substitute goalie, and me--the mascot.

I don't know what happened to the bus driver and the substitute, but I got placed as a LERI agent. The boss lady said I had 'spunk', whatever that means, but it may have had something to do with the stunt I pulled after that moronic agent yanked my soul out of my body.
Rosalind "Roz" Leighton

Location: Home to the Fair


Motherhood is a B- - - - -

Roz leaned against the counter, taking sparing bites of a granola bar and a few sips of unfiltered tap water. The filter affixed to the sink spout had broken weeks ago and she hadn't had the time to get it fixed. Correction, she hadn't had the time or money to get it fixed. She'd spent her last paycheck and the allowance from her father on clothes, groceries, and an Jurassic Park ATV for Silas. She knew she shouldn't have gotten him the thing, but...He'd seen it in Geller's Toy Shop window and he wouldn't stop screaming until she went inside and bought it. The other patrons had made a big show of staring her down with their fucking disapproval, so she again felt like the world's worst mother, but at least Silas wasn't screaming anymore. Ever since she'd gotten him the car a week ago, he'd been an angel. The picture of obedience. She hoped to hell that lasted for the Awareness Fair. Just long enough for her to be able to hang out with Kimiko and Amara without having to wrestle with the little--darling.

She'd already prepared Silas's breakfast, and from the serene look on his face, she could tell he was enjoying it. It was his favorite breakfast dish, of course. Froot Loops floating in coconut milk. God, her kid was fucking peculiar. He was the only kid--no, person-- she knew that willingly consumed unsweetened coconut milk with the gusto typically expected for a king devouring roast pheasant.

Now she just had to get him into the outfit she'd picked out for him, then get him in the car so they could head to the fair. Honestly, Roz was more concerned about her opportunity to have fun, then the closing of the mine. Sure, the mines worried her because in twelve years Silas would be old enough to work in them, and seeing as he fucking loved rocks more than the air he breathed, the mines would probably be where he ended up. And though, a little voice in the back of her head asked her if that was really such a bad thing--she still needed to show her support.

"Silas, honey. Finish up so we can get to the fair, okay?" Roz's voice pierced the silence but her son barely acknowledged her and continued to eat his food at a snail's pace, savoring every spoonful. When he was three it used to be cute. But now at six, it was just obnoxious.

"Silas." She repeated, firmer this time. He glanced up, not meeting her eyes and instead staring at a space near her head. That was the most attention she'd get out of him and she needed to take advantage of it. "Finish your food so you can ride your Dino at the fair, okay?"

That kicked him into gear and he wolfed down the rest of his food like Tasmanian Devil. As soon as the last drop of disgusting coconut milk was gone, he tore out of the kitchen, rushing to his room where Roz had laid his clothes out on his bed. She didn't follow him in, he'd begun resisting her help when he turned five. If she even tried to help him tie his shoes, he'd throw a fit, so she'd just bought him strap on shoes to speed up the process.

When he was all ready, she loaded his Dino ATV in her car, strapped him into his booster seat, and headed to the fair. It wasn't a long drive--thank fuck. She didn't think she'd be able to listen to anymore Kidz Bop that day. God, I wish those stupid kids would die in a fire. She thought as she unstrapped her excited son and pulled his ATV out of the back of her thrice owned reddish mini-van. They were near the entrance of the fair and Silas was eager to drive into the fair.

"Silas," Roz said, trying to catch the kid's attention but he was too hyped up. He was practically reverberating as he sat proudly atop his velociraptor. "Silas." She repeated. No answer.

"Silas!" She hissed, snapping a finger in front of his face. He stared at her shoulder. "Remember our rules about the Dino, okay? We don't hit people with the Dino, right?"

He nodded.

"If someone is where we want to go with the Dino, we wait for them to move. Or we go beep beep, with the Dino, right?" She motioned for him to hit the button on the ATV steering handles.

"Rawr." Silas corrected her as he pressed the button and the ATV played a recording of the 'roar' of one of the dinosaurs from the Jurassic Park movie.

"Right, sorry. We go rawr rawr to get people to move. And last, if we want food, we come to mommy for money, okay? We don't take food without asking. Okay?"

Silas nodded again, and as soon as his mom moved, he peeled off, weaving through the crowd on his Dino. Roz knew that she would get complaints later, but that was future Roz's problem. Right now, she was going to meet up with Kimiko and Amara, and enjoy the fuck out of the fair.

She found the two women relatively easily as they were both sitting at a park bench and eating. "The most important member of our trio has arrived!" She announced jokingly.
First Name
Texty textyness
▞ Orphan or Non-Orphan ▚

▞ Physical Appearance ▚
↳ Ethnicity • Height • Weight • Hair and Eye Color • Piercings • Markings • Etc ↲

▞ Personality ▚
↳ Include at Least Five Traits ↲

▞ Other ▚
↳ Languages Spoken • Face Claim • Etc ↲

▞ Additional Sponsorship places ▚
↳ optional, only for non-orphans ... whole numbers only as they represent the number of students being sponsored. I immediately count them in addition to the two that every non-orphan has attached already. ↲

▞ Class Schedule ▚
↳ See Schedules Tab ... only need to fill out for grade 5+ ↲

▞ Extracurriculars ▚
↳ all students must be involved in at least 1 club or sport ↲

▞ Family ▚
↳ Answer Here ↲

▞ Significant Other ▚
↳ Include Name and Status {Crush, Boyfriend/Girlfriend} ↲

▞ Relationships ▚
↳ Friends ;; - ↲
↳ Enemies ;; - ↲
↳ Rivals ;; - ↲
↳ Exes ;; - ↲


Age & Birthdate

Gender & Sexuality



Theme Song

Credit: @Spectre of the Fade[/USER
Character Concept for Zip City
(FC: Andrea Maddaluni)

Bellamy Ortiz




Delivery Boy (Man)

Physical Description:
Bellamy has an average physique, meaning he isn't muscular nor is he skinny. His light muscle mass makes him appear toned, but he has a smidgen of baby fat on his face. His hair is cut short on the sides and is long on top with a bit of a curl on the ends. It's a smoky black color and is fluffy to touch. He has a fine coat of soft hair on his forearms, but aside from that, no body hair. His skin is relatively unblemished, save for a few faded scars on either side of his torso. His complexion has an even golden undertone and his eyes are light brown.

To say that Bellamy is a mess of a person would be an understatement. He is horrifically disorganized and not in a functioning way. He needs to be told about plans or appointments two hours in advance, so he can locate all his shit. Thankfully, he is persistent and dedicated to his commitments, so he'll always try his hardest to be on time or meet up with people. Bellamy is a relatively friendly person when food isn't involved. He's a messy eater and inhales food like a starving dog. Due to his tumultuous and chaotic childhood, he gets crazy possessive over his food and he hates sharing. He is honest about his background, however, and is quick to explain why he's grumpy or hoarding food. Sometimes, he can be a bit too honest and it isn't uncommon for people to scold him for providing too much intimate information. In addition to his oversharing, Bellamy is a touchy-feely person and he often doesn't understand why people are adverse to him because of that. He comes from a family that doesn't believe in privacy so it isn't odd for him to walk out of his room buck ass naked, or barge into other people's rooms. The only people he isn't friendly with automatically, are medical professionals.

Bellamy is a front bending and back bending contortionist, meaning his spine is extremely flexible, allowing him to twist and bend in all directions. He is able to squeeze into most tight spaces, and when he can't he will dislocate his shoulders to fit better. However, he does not particularly like dislocating his limbs, and will only do it when he really needs to.

While he uses his contortion to help navigate Zip City, Bellamy also uses it for fun. He loves to prank people and he knows that most people generally don't like encountering a foldable person in a dark hallway or in a box. He can run on all fours like an animal and he can maneuver obstacles by using a combination of gymnastics, acrobatics, and contortion.

Bellamy chokes on his food at least once a day. He eats way too fast and he never learns. He also suffers from food insecurity and gets highly territorial when people get near his meals. He has bitten several people for reaching across him while he is eating. Furthermore, he will do just about anything for food. He won't kill anybody, but that doesn't mean he won't consider it. [spoili]He will suck a dick for a hamburger[/spoili].

He is anemic and needs to take Vitamin B and Iron supplements on a daily basis, if he doesn't he'll pass out.

He has Iatrophobia, which means he's terrified of doctors and will do anything in his power to avoid going. He will fight tooth and nail if anyone tries to make him go.

History: Bellamy's childhood was hectic, competitive, and full of nasty fights. His parents weren't the best caretakers and seemed to spend most of their time procreating instead of working and caring for their children. When they did go to work, Bellamy's mom waited tables at a shabby diner, while his dad fixed cars. When they got home every night they'd toss meager groceries onto the kitchen table and the horde of Ortiz children would scramble and shove each other out of the way, to get their dinner. They weren't always starving though, some times when there was extra money, the Ortiz's would splurge and get twelve tv dinners instead of five.

Needless to say, as soon as Bellamy turned eighteen, he left home.
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Will literary bend over backward for you

Personality: Prankster - Loud - Messy Eater - Disorganized - Persistent - Touchy-Feely - Honest
To say that Bellamy is a mess of a person would be an understatement. He is horrifically disorganized and not in a functioning way. If you need him to go somewhere with you, tell him at least two hours in advance so he can locate all his shit. He is also a messy eater. He eats like a starving dog .

If it fits, he sits - Like a cat, Bellamy can fit in most tight spaces. He is double jointed and proud of it.

Bellamy chokes on his food at least once a day. He eats way too fast and he never learns. He also suffers from food insecurity and gets highly territorial when people get near his meals. He has bitten several people for reaching across him while he is eating. Furthermore, he will do just about anything for food. He won't kill anybody, but that doesn't mean he won't consider it. He will suck a dick for a hamburger

He is anemic and needs to take Vitamin B and Iron supplements on a daily basis, if he doesn't he'll pass out.

He has Iatrophobia, which means he's terrified of doctors and will do anything in his power to avoid going. He will fight you tooth and nail if you try to make him go. Like taking a dog going to the vet or a child to the dentist, you have to lie to him to get him to a physician.

History: (optional)
Bellamy Ortiz

Bell or Amie




Delivery Boy (Man)

Theme Song

Credit: @Spectre of the Fade
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  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Spectre of the Fade
"I'm a life coach. I make people's lives easier.


Tracking / Tailing
High stamina
Handgun skills
Hand to Hand combat
Knife combat (he prefers this)

He never learned like most normal things that normal people do. Like whistling, snapping, doing laundry...
He can't cook for shit and will eat instant ramen every day.
Suspects everyone
He has an awful stutter.
He can't kill any woman with dark brown skin and black braids, because they remind him of his mother.

While others were raised to be bakers, singers, or to take over the family business, Aurelius was being raised to be a killer. Every man in his family either is or was a hitman. Aurelius didn't have a choice on what he got to be, this life was chosen for him. As soon as he could walk, he was ripped from his mother's arms and raised by his father and his late brothers. His father is an infamous sought after hitman who primarily serves privvys. Until he was twenty, Aurelius served the same people, but after a falling out with his father, he broke ties and ran off to the Mezzanine District.
Aurelius Tate






Theme Song
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darkflames13 is the genius behind this CS template
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Hair colour:
Eye colour:
Body modifications:

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Prankster - Loud - Messy Eater - Disorganized - Persistent - Touchy-Feely - Honest
To say that Bellamy is a mess of a person would be an understatement. He is horrifically disorganized and not in a functioning way. If you need him to go somewhere with you, tell him at least two hours in advance so he can locate all his shit. He is also a messy eater. He eats like a starving dog.

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If it fits, he sits - Like a cat, Bellamy can fit in most tight spaces. He is double jointed and proud of it.

Bellamy chokes on his food at least once a day. He eats way too fast and he never learns. He also suffers from food insecurity and gets highly territorial when people get near his meals. He has bitten several people for reaching across him while he is eating. Furthermore, he will do just about anything for food. He won't kill anybody, but that doesn't mean he won't consider it. He will suck a dick for a hamburger

He is anemic and needs to take Vitamin B and Iron supplements on a daily basis, if he doesn't he'll pass out.

He has Iatrophobia, which means he's terrified of doctors and will do anything in his power to avoid going. He will fight you tooth and nail if you try to make him go. Like taking a dog going to the vet or a child to the dentist, you have to lie to him to get him to a physician.

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Theme Song:
Aaron Smith

Extras (as in kinks, position and everything else you'd like to add):

Bellamy Ortiz

Bell or Amie




Delivery Boy (Man)

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darkflames13 is the genius behind this CS template
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Hair colour: black
Eye colour: light brown
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 167 lbs
Bellamy has an average physique, meaning he isn't muscular nor is he skinny. His light muscle mass makes him appear toned, but he has a smidgen of baby fat on his face. His hair is cut short on the sides and is long on top with a bit of a curl on the ends. It's a smoky black color and is fluffy to touch. He has a fine coat of soft hair on his forearms, but aside from that, no body hair. His skin is relatively unblemished, save for a few faded scars on either side of his torso. His complexion has an even golden undertone and his eyes are a steely gray.

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To say that Bellamy is a mess of a person would be an understatement. He is horrifically disorganized and not in a functioning way. He needs to be told about plans or appointments two hours in advance, so he can locate all his shit. Thankfully, he is persistent and dedicated to his commitments, so he'll always try his hardest to be on time or meet up with people. Socially, Bellamy is a relatively friendly person when food isn't involved. He's a messy eater and inhales food like a starving dog. Due to his tumultuous and chaotic childhood, he gets crazy possessive over his food and he hates sharing. He is honest about his background, however, and is quick to explain why he's grumpy or hoarding food. Sometimes, he can be a bit too honest and it isn't uncommon for people to scold him for providing too much intimate information. In addition to his oversharing, Bellamy is a touchy-feely person and he often doesn't understand why people are adverse to him because of that. He comes from a family that doesn't believe in privacy so it isn't odd for him to walk out of his room buck ass naked, or barge into other people's rooms.

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Bellamy's childhood was hectic, competitive, and full of nasty fights. His parents weren't the best caretakers and seemed to spend most of their time procreating instead of working and caring for their children. When they did go to work, Bellamy's mom waited tables at a shabby diner, while his dad fixed cars. When they got home every night they'd toss meager groceries onto the kitchen table and the horde of Ortiz children would scramble and shove each other out of the way, to get their dinner. They weren't always starving though, some times when there was extra money, the Ortiz's would splurge and get twelve tv dinners instead of five.

When they weren't fighting over food, Bellamy and his siblings were fighting over their parent's attention. Each kid wanted to be the favorite and bent over backward (literally in Bellamy's case) to make their parents like them. No matter what their mom and dad did, the kids always vied for their attention as if they were saints or celebrities...Their parents used this blind devotion to their advantage and often exploited their kids for money. When they found out Bellamy could contort, they had him perform on the streets. Bellamy happily executed this task from age three to ten, but as he grew he began to hate it. He loved himself, he loved what he could do, but he hated how his parents used him as a way to make money and never loved him more for it. The only reprieve he had from this involuntary performance was when he visited his neighbor, Djinn. The two boys weren't terribly close, but they were friends. Well at least until Djinn left one day.

It took Bellamy six years to leave his home and he took his younger sister, Cornelia with him. They planned to live on the streets, with Bellamy panhandling for food money, but they soon realized that the streets weren't safe for two teenagers. Thankfully, Bellamy met Djinn again and the other teen gave him and Cornelia a home in the Hideaway.

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Bellamy is a front bending and back bending contortionist, meaning his spine is extremely flexible, allowing him to twist and bend in all directions. He is able to squeeze into most tight spaces, and when he can't he will dislocate his shoulders to fit better. However, he does not particularly like dislocating his limbs, and will only do it when he really needs to.

While he uses his contortion to help navigate Zip City, Bellamy also uses it for fun. He loves to prank people and he knows that most people generally don't like encountering a foldable person in a dark hallway or in a box. He can run on all fours like an animal and he can maneuver obstacles by using a combination of gymnastics, acrobatics, and contortion.

Bellamy chokes on his food at least once a day. He eats way too fast and he never learns. He also suffers from food insecurity and gets highly territorial when people get near his meals. He has bitten several people for reaching across him while he is eating. Furthermore, he will do just about anything for food. He won't kill anybody, but that doesn't mean he won't consider it. [spoili]He will suck a dick for a hamburger.[/spoili]

He is anemic and needs to take Vitamin B and Iron supplements on a daily basis, if he doesn't he'll pass out.

He has Iatrophobia, which means he's terrified of doctors and will do anything in his power to avoid going. He will fight you tooth and nail if you try to make him go. Like taking a dog going to the vet or a child to the dentist, you have to lie to him to get him to a physician.

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Theme Song: Dancin - Aaron Smith

Bellamy Ortiz

Bell or Amie




Delivery Boy (Man)

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darkflames13 is the genius behind this CS template
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Hair colour: black with a bit of brown
Eye colour: dark brown
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 165 lbs
Aurelius is all sharp angles with barely any presence. He has an athletic form with a good layer of muscle, but he's not particularly tall. He uses this lack of height to his advantage, because rarely do people suspect a short man is going to butcher them. The most significant thing about him is his angular facial features, his dreadlocks, and his thick black eyebrows. He tends to wear black, brown, and dark blue clothing, big enough to conceal the various weapons he carries.

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A quiet man, one might think he's mute because he rarely speaks. In truth, Aurelius is disgusted by his stutter and prefers to communicate non-verbally. He believes that everyone is inherently selfish and only has their best interests in mind. Because of this, he suspects everyone and is skeptical when people perform good deeds or do nice things for him. That isn't to say that he hates everyone, however. As much as he doesn't want to acknowledge it, Aurelius knows that humans are social creatures and deep inside, he wants a friend and a partner. He can be sweet when he isn't out killing people. He regularly buys food for stray animals, and on occasion, homeless women. He holds doors for people, and he waves at babies. On his days off, he people watches and thinks about random worldly things.

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While others were raised to be bakers, singers, or to take over the family business, Aurelius was being raised to be a killer. Every man in his family either is or was a hitman. Aurelius didn't have a choice on what he got to be, this life was chosen for him. As soon as he could walk, he was ripped from his mother's arms and raised by his father and his late brothers. His father is an infamous sought after hitman who primarily serves privvys. Until he was twenty, Aurelius served the same people, but after a falling out with his father, he broke ties and ran off to the Mezzanine District.

His father always held an aversion for the poor, so Aurelius lives on the cusp of the Mezzanine District and the Comms.

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As a hitman, Aurelius is skilled in hand to hand combat, improvised weapon combat (meaning he'll use his surroundings to murder you), as well as actual weapons combat. Though he has a gun, he prefers to use knives to kill his targets, not because he likes stabbing people, but because knives are inconspicuous and quiet while guns are loud and cause panic. Plus, there's less risk of a knife richocheting and hitting a bystander. Aurelius has high stamina and can pursue targets for several hours. He rarely loses his targets because he's great at tracking and tailing.

He's got an iron stomach, meaning he can eat just about anything (that's edible), and he doesn't throw up when witnessing gore or otherwise disgusting scenes.

Though graceful and fluid in all movement, Aurelius has a debilitating stutter, so he doesn't speak much.

He never learned how to perform normal tasks like whistling, snapping his fingers, doing laundry, etc. Ask him how to flay a man and he'll give you over 100 ways. Ask him to whistle a tune? Not possible.

He can't cook for shit and will eat convenience store food every day. Although sometimes he's hired to kill people in their houses and if they were in the midst of eating supper, he'll take some leftovers.

He can't kill women, though he has no problem killing children and the elderly. He only kills people he was hired to kill, however.

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Theme Song: Inova- Immortal

Aurelius Tate



Lower Mezzanine


Life Coach ([spoili]Hitman[/spoili])

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darkflames13 is the genius behind this CS template
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Hair colour: brown
Eye colour: pale brown
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 142 lbs

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Amelie's first priority in life is herself. She does what she thinks is best for her, and she doesn't care about collateral damage. She is an aggressive go-getter and not a team player. She's more likely to sabotage a coworker just because they might become a competition. She hates not being the prettiest woman in the room and she tends to belittle people who have the misfortune of not being her friend. She secretly admires any woman who's more successful or richer than her, but at the same time, she desires to ruin them. Amelie has a tendency to rely heavily on her significant others and when it comes to them, she can be a bit of a pushover. She is easily influenced by her lovers and its hard for her to see them as they are.

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Amelie is the third eldest of the Graham children. She and her older siblings spent most of their childhood, corralling their younger siblings and sacrificing their general happiness so their parents could keep doing as they pleased. The difference between Amelie and her siblings however, was that she knew how to draw out their parents' affections. She cemented herself as their favorite, and as their favorite, she got perks. One of the best perks was getting to know her parents' friends and their friend's friends. This was how she met Amun Akira.

She moved in with him as soon as she could and it was then that he convinced her to apply for a job as a maid in the Cloud district and help him with his growing business. She started stealing things for him and giving info about rich unaccompanied kids that he could kidnap and ransom. Of course, she managed all this without incriminating herself, but lately, she's begun to realize that her "boyfriend" barely pays attention to her. He's begun treating her like an employee, and she did not apply for that job.

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Actress - She wouldn't be able to get as far as she did without acting skills. She can turn on the waterworks immediately, or pretend to be someone's friend. She also has the skills to disguise herself and owns about fifty wigs. Her makeup is the next level to the point where she can add freckles and moles.

Sleight of Hand - When she was little, she used to pickpocket. When she got older, her skills got even better. She's really good at lifting things from people, but she's also good at snagging this and that, here and there.

Naive and Dependent - This only applies to people she likes. She has a tendency to take them at face value and listens to them blindly. It's easy to take advantage of her because she gives a thousand chances and sometimes chooses not to see the bad shit. It takes her a long time to see the truth.

Birds - She is allergic to the flying rats. Birds flying overhead aren't a problem, but birds that are up close, or when she comes in contact with feathers, are what trigger her allergies. Her face gets red, splotchy and puffy, and her eyes start watering. She carries an EpiPen with her because of this.

Fear of Doctors - When she was a kid, her parents rarely took her and her siblings to the doctor. When they did, the doctors were always located in the dingiest seediest offices. Not only were most of the doctors creepy as hell, but they were also rough. Because of this, Amelie got really into home remedies.

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Theme Song:
The Graham family. She doesn't contact them nor does she keep tabs on them. They could all be dead in one ditch for all she cares.
Platonic Connections:
Bad Connections:
Love Connections:
Amun Akira - Her boyfriend. She practically worships him, but she's also beginning to notice that he doesn't really care for her. Honestly, she's pretty sure he prefers his bitchy mountain lion over her.

Amelie Graham



Cloud District


Informant / Maid / Nanny

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Everyone's cheerleader until she's not
FC: Tashi Rodriguez
Real talk
Will tell you what's up
Not a doormat
"Congratulations on your 20th anniversary of being a dumb bitch."
Inspiration: Lizzo
Theme: Good As Hell - Lizzo

Name: Forestine Reyes
Forest + ine = Of forest
Forest's mother was at a gallery opening where she saw that one of the artist's name was Forestine, and she loved it so much, she named her daughter that. Her husband did not like the name and wanted to name her the female version of his name (Bernard -> Bernadette), but thankfully, Forest's mother was adamant on not naming her child what she considered a "dork's name".
Nickname: Forest
Her mother calls her Forestine, but she prefers Forest because Forestine calls to mind a gorgeous and delicate leaf-clad nymph. And yes, she is gorgeous and delicate, but she's always preferred badass creatures like dragons and harpies.
Date of birth/Age/place of birth: December 2 | 20 | Outside of an art gallery in San Fransisco, California
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Power (List abilities, weaknesses, etc.): Size Manipulation

Hair: Dark Brown / Thick
Eyes: Taupe
Height: 5'9"
Build: Petite and waifish


Forest was conceived at her aunt's wedding reception in a storage closet. Her mom, Katy Reyes, sister and maid of honor to the bride and her dad Bernard Blake, best man to the groom, hooked up on a whim. "The maid of honor and the best man should get to know each other intimately don't you think?" Bernard had purred suggestively and Katy had shrugged and dragged him into a closet. It wasn't her initial intention to let Bernard raw dog it, but they only realized they didn't have condoms in the heat of the moment. Bernard had sworn to her that he'd use the infamous "pull out" method. Turns out Bernard comes very quickly.

When Katy found out she was pregnant, she decided to keep the baby because she had a relatively comfortable job as an accountant, and she figured, what the heck? She called Bernard to let him know in case he wanted to be in the baby's life, and he responded by proposing to her over the phone. That freaked Katy out because she suffered from ATCS, allergic to commitment syndrome. She rejected Bernard's proposal immediately without hesitation and that's how they became enemies instead of co-parents.

Nine months into her pregnancy, and dangerously near her due date, Katy was at an outlet mall eating copious amounts of froyo when she spotted something intriguing across the street. It was an art gallery opening and she realized then, that she'd never been to one. Seeing as the event was free and open to the public, she waddled right over. The artwork was...Subpar in her professional non-artist's opinion, but she did like the name of the featured artist: Forestine Bailey. For the past few months, she'd been trying and failing to think of a name for her baby (and she'd be damned if she was going to be one of those parents who let a nurse suggest a name for her own kid). The name "Forestine" sprung out to her and she decided right then and there that her child regardless of its gender would be named, Forestine. As if daring her to make good on that statement, Katy's baby decided that that was a good time for her water to break.

Seeing as she was 24 when Forestine was born, Katy raised her daughter more like a sibling than a child. As her daughter grew, they did everything together and Katy never censored herself around her daughter. She encouraged Forest to speak up when she needed to and to never back down when it came to things she believed in. Unfortunately, Katy followed her own advice to a T and it often got her in big trouble. She was the type to call someone a bitch for dropping the door on her. In short, she was hot-headed and her anger usually got the best of her.

When Forest was ten, her mom was arrested after causing a massive accident via road rage. Some douchebag in a Camry had cut her off and flipped her the bird. Katy, in turn, sped up to cut him off, and they'd gone back and forth until she accidentally drifted into a lane occupied by a semi. In an effort to avoid hitting her, the semi driver swerved but ended up jackknifing and causing a five-car pile-up. Katy was sentenced to twenty years in prison for reckless driving, two counts of vehicular manslaughter, and one count of vehicular homicide. Forest was placed in her estranged father Bernard's custody.

Forest's father was nothing like her mother. He wasn't free spirited and he certainly wasn't a fan of outspoken women. He was highly critical of everything Forest did and he constantly policed her physical expression. He also loved to badmouth her mother.

Three years passed and Forest morphed into a meek girl who kept her head down and rarely looked down. She didn't have much of a social life and only did her work and chores around the house. Even though she was obedient, Bernard regularly pointed out flaws in her character nearly every day. Nothing she did was right. He made her feel ugly and small and that's how her powers manifested. After he'd lectured and criticized her for about the hundredth time, she shrunk to the size of a Barbie doll. Bernard freaked out and called the police, but they never came. Instead, someone came to take Forest to Mosshurt where she was told she would learn to control her gifts.



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Forestine Reyes

no-repeat center;
background-size: cover;]

Forestine Reyes


Forest or Biggie Smalls

Date of birth, Age, Place of Birth:

December 2 | 20 | Outside of an art gallery in San Fransisco, California






Size Manipulation

Forestine can manipulate the size of herself, from tiny to absolutely gigantic while retaining her physical proportions.
  • She does not have the ability to increase or decrease a single body part, she can only grow or shrink her entire being.
  • She retains the same physical capabilities that she has when normal sized. So she doesn't gain super strength when giant sized or super speed, when tiny.
  • She is currently able to shrink to the size of a Barbie doll.
  • She can grow to the size of a three-level parking garage.

Contrary to her name, Forest has never had an imposing form. She's skinny with baby fat spread out here and there. Her eyes are big russet brown orbs and her hair is almost always tied up in a messy bun. She adores cute clothing and spends a lot of time choosing her outfits. She only wears light make up because she doesn't like standing out. Her favorite color is pink and most of her outfits adhere to that preference.


Dark Brown & Curly


Light Russet




Petite & Waifish


Forest is a gentle young woman who wants to make friends with nearly everyone, but rarely finds the right way to do so. She can be a bit awkward in that she often points things out that aren't usually mentioned. She is quite observant and always eager to compliment others. She is a bit of a people pleaser and she often inconveniences herself (and sometimes others) in her quest to get people to like her. She wears her heart on her sleeve and is very sensitive. She will cry at the drop of a hat and will shrink when she feels attacked. She is fiercely protective of the few friends she has and will defend them to the end.

Key Traits:

would rather die than curse

will dance to any song
big fan of the elbow nudge

prefers hugs to hellos


when animals wear people clothes

nursery rhymes
but they're


non-fiction books and movies

her dad
growing (she is very clumsy)
chicken noodle soup
debbie downers


Forest was conceived at her aunt's wedding reception in a storage closet. Her mom, Katy Reyes, sister and maid of honor to the bride and her dad Bernard Blake, best man to the groom, hooked up on a whim. "The maid of honor and the best man should get to know each other intimately don't you think?" Bernard had purred suggestively and Katy had shrugged and dragged him into a closet. It wasn't her initial intention to let Bernard raw dog it, but they only realized they didn't have condoms in the heat of the moment. Bernard had sworn to her that he'd use the infamous "pull out" method. Turns out Bernard comes very quickly.

When Katy found out she was pregnant, she decided to keep the baby because she had a relatively comfortable job as an accountant, and she figured, what the heck? She called Bernard to let him know in case he wanted to be in the baby's life, and he responded by proposing to her over the phone. That freaked Katy out because she suffered from ATCS, allergic to commitment syndrome. She rejected Bernard's proposal immediately without hesitation and that's how they became enemies instead of co-parents.

Nine months into her pregnancy, and dangerously near her due date, Katy was at an outlet mall eating copious amounts of froyo when she spotted something intriguing across the street. It was an art gallery opening and she realized then, that she'd never been to one. Seeing as the event was free and open to the public, she waddled right over. The artwork was...Subpar in her professional non-artist's opinion, but she did like the name of the featured artist: Forestine Bailey. For the past few months, she'd been trying and failing to think of a name for her baby (and she'd be damned if she was going to be one of those parents who let a nurse suggest a name for her own kid). The name "Forestine" sprung out to her and she decided right then and there that her child regardless of its gender would be named, Forestine. As if daring her to make good on that statement, Katy's baby decided that that was a good time for her water to break.

Seeing as she was 24 when Forestine was born, Katy raised her daughter more like a sibling than a child. As her daughter grew, they did everything together and Katy never censored herself around her daughter. She encouraged Forest to speak up when she needed to and to never back down when it came to things she believed in. Unfortunately, Katy followed her own advice to a T and it often got her in big trouble. She was the type to call someone a bitch for dropping the door on her. In short, she was hot-headed and her anger usually got the best of her.

When Forest was ten, her mom was arrested after causing a massive accident via road rage. Some douchebag in a Camry had cut her off and flipped her the bird. Katy, in turn, sped up to cut him off, and they'd gone back and forth until she accidentally drifted into a lane occupied by a semi. In an effort to avoid hitting her, the semi driver swerved but ended up jackknifing and causing a five-car pile-up. Katy was sentenced to twenty years in prison for reckless driving, two counts of vehicular manslaughter, and one count of vehicular homicide. Forest was home at the time but when the police came to take her to her father's house, she freaked out and shrunk to the size of a Barbie doll. Her plan was to run but her sudden size change scared the fuck out of her and the cops grabbed her before she could flee. She was sent to Mosshurt within a week.


Theme - Lizzo - Good As Hell
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Forestine Reyes

Forest or Biggie Smalls

Date of birth, Age, Place of Birth:
December 2 | 20 | Outside of an art gallery in San Fransisco, California



Size Manipulation
Forestine can manipulate the size of herself, from tiny to absolutely gigantic while retaining her physical proportions.
  • She does not have the ability to increase or decrease a single body part, she can only grow or shrink her entire being.
  • She retains the same physical capabilities that she has when normal sized. So she doesn't gain super strength when giant sized or super speed, when tiny.
  • She is currently able to shrink to the size of a Barbie doll.
  • She can grow to the size of a three-level parking garage.
Contrary to her name, Forest has never had an imposing form. She's skinny with baby fat spread out here and there. Her eyes are big russet brown orbs and her hair is almost always tied up in a messy bun. She adores cute clothing and spends a lot of time choosing her outfits. She only wears light make up because she doesn't like standing out. Her favorite color is pink and most of her outfits adhere to that preference.

Dark Brown & Curly

Light Russet


Petite & Waifish

Whenever Forest meets someone new, she prefers to forego pleasantries and hug them. And not for a brief second, a full-on, squeezing, five-second hug.

Key Traits:
❧ would rather die than curse
❧ big fan of the elbow nudge
❧ prefers hugs to hellos

Likes: ❧ when animals wear people clothes
❧ nursery rhymes
❧ jello
❧ puzzles
❧ secret compartments

❧ non-fiction books and movies
❧ her dad
❧ growing (she is very clumsy)
❧ chicken noodle soup
❧ debbie downers


Forest was conceived at her aunt's wedding reception in a storage closet. Her mom, Katy Reyes, sister and maid of honor to the bride and her dad Bernard Blake, best man to the groom, hooked up on a whim. "The maid of honor and the best man should get to know each other intimately don't you think?" Bernard had purred suggestively and Katy had shrugged and dragged him into a closet. It wasn't her initial intention to let Bernard raw dog it, but they only realized they didn't have condoms in the heat of the moment. Bernard had sworn to her that he'd use the infamous "pull out" method. Turns out Bernard comes very quickly.

When Katy found out she was pregnant, she decided to keep the baby because she had a relatively comfortable job as an accountant, and she figured, what the heck? She called Bernard to let him know in case he wanted to be in the baby's life, and he responded by proposing to her over the phone. That freaked Katy out because she suffered from ATCS, allergic to commitment syndrome. She rejected Bernard's proposal immediately without hesitation and that's how they became enemies instead of co-parents.

Nine months into her pregnancy, and dangerously near her due date, Katy was at an outlet mall eating copious amounts of froyo when she spotted something intriguing across the street. It was an art gallery opening and she realized then, that she'd never been to one. Seeing as the event was free and open to the public, she waddled right over. The artwork was...Subpar in her professional non-artist's opinion, but she did like the name of the featured artist: Forestine Bailey. For the past few months, she'd been trying and failing to think of a name for her baby (and she'd be damned if she was going to be one of those parents who let a nurse suggest a name for her own kid). The name "Forestine" sprung out to her and she decided right then and there that her child regardless of its gender would be named, Forestine. As if daring her to make good on that statement, Katy's baby decided that that was a good time for her water to break.

Seeing as she was 24 when Forestine was born, Katy raised her daughter more like a sibling than a child. As her daughter grew, they did everything together and Katy never censored herself around her daughter. She encouraged Forest to speak up when she needed to and to never back down when it came to things she believed in. Unfortunately, Katy followed her own advice to a T and it often got her in big trouble. She was the type to call someone a bitch for dropping the door on her. In short, she was hot-headed and her anger usually got the best of her.

When Forest was ten, her mom was arrested after causing a massive accident via road rage. Some douchebag in a Camry had cut her off and flipped her the bird. Katy, in turn, sped up to cut him off, and they'd gone back and forth until she accidentally drifted into a lane occupied by a semi. In an effort to avoid hitting her, the semi driver swerved but ended up jackknifing and causing a five-car pile-up. Katy was sentenced to twenty years in prison for reckless driving, two counts of vehicular manslaughter, and one count of vehicular homicide. Forest was home at the time but when the police came to take her to her father's house, she freaked out and shrunk to the size of a Barbie doll. Her plan was to run but her sudden size change scared the fuck out of her and the cops grabbed her before she could flee. She was sent to Mosshurt within a week.

Theme - Lizzo - Good As Hell
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