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Well, this was certainly one interesting situation to wake up from after a night of gambling and light drinking... Joshua blinked his eyes clear of the sleep rather quickly, though he had to squint a moment as he grew used to the rather strange lighting of the room. Had some of the Empire's soldiers brought the mercenary back from the tavern where they had all been playing cards (with Joshua shamelessly and quietly cheating during it) so he wouldn't be left behind during their next assignment?

A quick inspection of everyone else (along with his gold pouch to make sure it wasn't light at all) told him that guess was completely off-base. None of the familiar crimson armor was worn by the people around him, and add to that that the place they were in didn't seem to be a barracks...


A female mage of some kind, running an experiment? Well now, that was an interesting sight...not to mention a gorgeous one at that. Not like her looks were first on his mind in this case though. Of course they weren't, he definitely was a gentleman in serious situations. Adjusting his hat with a smile, he approached the glass and gave the scientists beyond it a slight bow of respect before asking his question.

"Pardon me, but you wouldn't perhaps explain that one more time? I'm not quite of the mind for magic, so having it explained again might set myself and the others at ease, if that's alright."

Best to let the suave swordsman try to speak to the scientists over the man getting upset, right? Not to say that Joshua was a little uneasy about the situation, but he could at least hide it well.

@Atomyk @Kaide' @C.T. @Crow @Hospes


The sounds, sights and smells of the forest surrounded Nashetania as she trudged through the underbrush. The path towards peace between humans and fiends was a rocky one. At times, the former princess ached for the simpler life she had once known. The thought made her give a small chuckle, as she lifted her eyes to the canopy. Her life was never "simple". It had always been guided by complicated politics and manipulation.

She was finally on her own path. This was her life. No one could deter her from this course. Not her father, not the six braves... Not even the Goddess of Fate. They could kill her, sure. The possibility of death was always there. But never would they tear her choices away from her.

She swayed, body becoming weak, thoughts fizzling away. What...? What was this? Her green, green surroundings blurred around her, before being eaten away by large, black dots. Every part of her suddenly felt heavier, drooping, as though she were melting underneath the rain that started to pour.


Light, light, too much light. It consumed her eyes and her mind, causing her body to shake until she couldn't even move her limbs--couldn't even feel them. Cold, numb, so painfully white and bright. Was this the afterlife? Was this where it all ended? To think, her thoughts had been lingering on death only a few moments ago. How ironic. How tragic, to think she would die before changing her world for the better.

The light faded as soon as it came, leaving her in the darkness. Suddenly, a whirlwind of voices assaulted her. Feeling returned to her body, and she felt herself laying on a hard, chilly surface. Before she even opened her yes, a part of her wanted to laugh. Alive? Only after a few more moments, did she stir and sit up, opening her eyes. There were people--people of all shapes, sizes and colors. It was mostly a blur to her, so many people flitting to and fro.

Without thinking about it, she reached her hand up, trying to grab for purchase on something--anything. Her hand brushed against a leathery surface--a boot of some sort. In her dazed state, she grabbed onto it. Not tightly, but just enough to assure that it was real, and that she was anchored to this world.

Cagliostro felt something gripping onto her ribbon-adorned boots.


"Oh? What is this?"

Of the four main races - or 'people' - that inhabited the Phantagrande Skydom - and additionally - every other race the 'people' refer to as generally 'unknown' - the woman was most likened to as Erune, characterised by animalistic-mammalian traits such as animalistic ears and at most times, a tail. For all she knew, it could merely be a similiar-looking race.

Heck, maybe even a Primal Beast in disguise. But that's just ridiculous.

As the animalistic girl woke up, she would hear Cagliostro's voice.


"Teehee~ you're awake, big sis~" Cagliostro smiles at her. "This place is pretty scary, so I understand why you'd want to cling onto these cute little boots~"

@Mami Tomoe

The scientists stared at Jinx blankly, though the ones in the observation room above them seemed to be taking notes intently. Jinx did have access to her powers, or at least that seemed to be the case.


They were surprised, however, that one of their captives approached the edge of the glass with such ease. The scientist in sunglasses cracked a smile, but the female held a steely gaze on Joshua. "There's not much to explain beyond what has already been said. You may not understand, but this is not the work of..." The woman made a quotation gesture with her fingers. "... Magic. Furthermore--"

Blake was next, emitting a reaction the scientists had more commonly expected, but it phased them even less than Joshua had. "No consent, that is true," she admitted plainly. "It's unethical, but this is beyond that. For now, we will monitor you for a time while you sit in confinement. You are assets to us now, so your lives are valuable. You are more a danger to yourselves at this time than we are to you."

"Geez..." Taking a place beside Joshua and Blake was the boy who had spoken first to the scientists. He shrugged casually, looking almost listless.


"Barely took you guys a minute before you started sounding like megalomaniacs. That's just peachy."

The scientists exchanged glances. "... It will be clear soon enough."

"Mmhm..." The boy looked to Blake, Joshua, and Cullen. "Forget these guys. They're getting a kick out of this."

@Gummi Bunnies @The Myrmidon @Josh M

Cagliostro whispers under her breath.


"They think they can 'own' me, the cutest, smartest, most beautiful alchemist, Cagliostro... but they think wrong... they're pissing me off real bad... it looks like it's time to..."

She turns back, and alters that intimidating face to her usual cute, smiling face to all in the vicinity. As she spoke, this face was reduced to mild sadness.

"I- I'm sure that with everyone here, we'll all be fine~ but... I'm scared... because everyone here... is a stranger to me... I don't have any friends here... except Ouroboros..."

@Myrmidon @Verite @Atomyk @Mami Tomoe @Hospes @thatguyinthestore
Twisted Fate | Prologue
It was a typical day for Twisted Fate. He recently got his third job of the week and hoped to use this week's gold to buy another pair of his outfit. He couldn't stand having his attire looking rugged and dirty if he got into a fight. His looks were the most important thing to him, followed by his wealth. Anyhow, this particular job was a heist mission. All he had to do was steal an artifact. How bad could it be?

At midnight, he approached the manor that held his prize. He weaved a card through his fingers and it radiated energy. Soon after, he teleported into the manor. He arrived in a hallway. He took a moment to see if there were any immediate threats. It didn't seem like there was. He eased up and looked outside through a window. Whoever owned this manor clearly didn't know who he was. Most of the guards were stationed outside; they never expected anyone to simply appear within the manor. Twisted Fate grinned and began walking as quietly as possible. He searched for about an hour. During this, he snuck past a handful of tired guards. Those who were alert enough to detect him received a gold card to the face. Normally, these cards would knock someone unconscious. If the target was powerful enough, they would become stunned instead. Thankfully, these guards were average people. Twisted Fate eventually reached what looked like a storage room. The door had five different locks on it.


[BCOLOR=transparent]He prepared to use Gate once again but hesitated. He began to realize that things were a little too quiet. He was expecting a lot more activity within the manor. He sensed that something was awry, but couldn't put his finger on it. As he weaved a card through his fingers and began shifting into the storage room, he sensed a bit of danger. When he fully materialized, there was nobody around. Or so it seemed. He took a few steps forward and suddenly a man burst from his hiding place, wielding a cutlass. The seemingly safe atmosphere did not convince Twisted Fate, and as a result, he already prepared a gold card.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The guard was instantly hit by the card and knocked out cold. One by one, more and more guards came out of hiding, charging towards Twisted Fate. He wasn't in the mood for killing; he just wanted what he came for. Ducking under and evading sword strikes, he ran around the rather spacious storage room. He checked several boxes and noticed that each one was empty. It was at that moment that he knew, he fucked up. As the cluster of men got closer to Twisted Fate, he prepared poker hand of gold cards and threw them. All of them were stunned, but not unconscious. It seemed that these men were stronger than the rest. When he noticed this, he ran past them and began searching for a way out. There were no windows and the only way out was the door with five locks on it. His pursuers regained their senses and looked towards Twisted Fate. In their eyes, he couldn't escape. Unbeknownst to them, he had an ace up his sleeve. As the mercenaries began walking towards him and smiling at his miserable situation, he prepared a texas-hold-em hand of red cards.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent](Pretend these are red.)[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]As they came into view, the group of men suddenly stopped. Twisted Fate planned to throw his cards at the room's supports, which would cause the room to collapse on everybody inside. He knew this might kill him. Nevertheless, he threw his red cards with utmost confidence. The result was a fantastic explosion, followed by an unremarkable collapse of debris. The ambushers screamed in horror as they were crushed. Debris fell on Twisted Fate as well.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]In a twist of fate,[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] Twisted Fate was the only one who was not fatally damaged. He was trapped under the rubble, but there was nobody to stop him from using Gate. He had enough room to weave a card through his fingers. As he began to shift, an odd force affected his power. His teleportation ability was suddenly disabled. Bad thoughts began to blossom in his mind, thoughts of a future filled with death and despair. He clawed his way out of the rubble and looked towards a blinding light. For once in his lifetime, Twisted Fate didn't see something coming.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]He got up from the ground, as confused as everyone else was. His suit was dirty and he was in pain, but it was nothing too bad. Everywhere he looked, he saw unfamiliar individuals. Everyone looked drastically different compared to the people he would encounter in Runeterra, his home world.[/BCOLOR]

That was the last thing she recalled, a long cry from Lux that seemed to stretch on and on...until it faded, along with her senses. An encompassing darkness swallowed her up, time itself seemed irrelevant. When the Star Guardian finally came to, it was not to the rest of her comrades. Dull fluorescent lighting, an affront to her eyes. A sense of grogginess remained.

For a moment.​

Her groggy feeling instantly evaporated once her sight acclimated. Dull lighting, scientists...a goddamn lab. Experimenting! "Oh yeah?" She glanced left and right to check that her familiars Shiro and Kuro were still with her. They were. "To hell with that." Jinx attempted to rise into the air with her flight, check to see if she retained usage of her powers.

"Maybe you should have valued your own well-being. If you did...you'd realize grabbing me is the worst mistake of your lives."
Twisted Fate looked towards the commotion, hearing Jinx's voice. His eyes widened. What is Jinx doing here?
The scientists stared at Jinx blankly, though the ones in the observation room above them seemed to be taking notes intently. Jinx did have access to her powers, or at least that seemed to be the case.


They were surprised, however, that one of their captives approached the edge of the glass with such ease. The scientist in sunglasses cracked a smile, but the female held a steely gaze on Joshua. "There's not much to explain beyond what has already been said. You may not understand, but this is not the work of..." The woman made a quotation gesture with her fingers. "... Magic. Furthermore--"

Blake was next, emitting a reaction the scientists had more commonly expected, but it phased them even less than Joshua had. "No consent, that is true," she admitted plainly. "It's unethical, but this is beyond that. For now, we will monitor you for a time while you sit in confinement. You are assets to us now, so your lives are valuable. You are more a danger to yourselves at this time than we are to you."

After this, he started talking.

"Jinx? How the hell did you end up here?"

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The Fortress had fallen, crashing down on the Man of Steel and Lex Luthor. When the young man's eyes opened, to say he was shocked? That's an understatement. Who are these people? How did he get here? What do they know about him? Are they aware of his powers? Clark was worried, however, he need to stay calm.

Turning to Cullen and Jynx, Clark stood firm, his body language gave them, and everyone nearby a calm air. Mild mannered and calm, he addressed the group.


"Before anyone does anything, let's just take a step back. There has to be a reason why these people brought us here. We all just need to stay calm."

Clark stood firm as he tried to play peacekeeper. He knew he seemed optimistic to a fault., as well as naïve. One punch. He could bust out of this cage with one punch, but there was too many witness, and too risky. The best bet to keep everyone safe was, for now, to go along with whatever this was. He had no reason not to.

@thatguyinthestore @Verite @Atomyk @The Myrmidon @Hospes @Sen @Hana
Joshua cocked a brow at that response, hiding his inner disappointment and worry behind his smirk still. So they were trapped in some sort of experiment, and there wasn't a way out at the moment... Add in the fact that the others seemed quite volatile about the matter, and there was a skirmish ready to happen at any moment.

"Right... Well, best we sit tight then. There's no point to trying and start a fight at the moment."

The swordsman certainly didn't enjoy the thought of being locked up for too long, but he also knew that they would get a chance eventually. They would just have to wait for an opening... The redhead shrugged at the boy after a moment with a smile.

"Stiff upper lip, my friend, that's all we can have right now."

Now there was a calm, reasonable person to get the others to rally behind. Sure, he seemed rather funnily dressed, but then again, everyone seemed to be of different tastes in this place. Besides, he was calm and respectful with some sort of natural charisma that felt like it could calm everyone. Why not stand behind him?

"Glad to see another man of a peaceful mindset at the moment. Seems like we might be the only ones who can keep our heads on straight for the moment, excluding the quieter folks..."

The myrmidon glanced at both the silver-haired young woman and the other redhead who stood against a wall before smiling at Clark, putting on a friendly face.

"Joshua's the name."

@thatguyinthestore @Verite @Atomyk @The Myrmidon @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Josh M
Jason approached these two with a brow raised in question. What was it with people staying calm when stuff like this happened? Sure, Jason wasn't shooting the glass cage right now and trying to escape, but that was only because a quick scan with the detective vision in his visor revealed that the glass was bullet proof and could withstand the rounds he had on him at the moment. Walking over to Clark and Joshua, Jason glanced them over.

"Alright, my patience is really wearing thin right now. You two seem like the normal people here, so maybe either of you might have any idea what the hell is going on?"

@Josh M @The Myrmidon
Prologue: A pirate's life for me


The city of Roanapur was not a nice place. Ever sisnce it first became a small port city on the coast of Thailand, it had attracted all sorts of shady indivuals. First it was those who fled the Vietnam War, then it was the drug traffickers, then it was the mobs from around the world. Notably, the Chinese Triads and Hoteel Moscow (a branch of the Russien Mafia) were the top dogs in this sun drenched city overflowing with drugs, violence and sex.

A single car raced through the suprisingly empty streets, tires screcching as the car's driver did he best to keep control of the roadrunner. Behind the wheel was young japanese man, maybe in his mid twanties, he had anaverage build and donned a white button up shirt, tan slacks and a teal neck tie


He was known simply as Rock, a nickname given to him by the massive african american man known as Dutch who acted as his boss for the last year and a half. It was funny, time had seemed to go by so quickly for Rock, it seemed like just the other day when he was kidnapped by the woman sitting next to him in the car. He was just an ordinary salaryman when he was abducted by Lagoon Company, a small but tough as nails group of pirates/mercinaries. Ever since that day, his life was both a blessing and a curse, sure, everyday in this city could be your last, but he had his friends looking out for him, more notably, the young woman in the passenger seat, Rebecca Lee, AKA Revy.


[BCOLOR=#000000]"Rock! you fucking shit for brains, stop pussyfooting it and get after this cocksucker!" The fiery young woman known as Revy barked at her companion, already in a bad mood due to the shootout that happened a few moments earlier, her right arm was bleeding at a steady rate, but it was only a fleshwound. Still, the fact that it still stung and the assholes that stole an important shipment of weapons intended for Lagoon Company got under her skin.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]Rock decided to take the back alleys in order to either cut off or catch up with their target . When they sped back onto the main road, a orange mustang sped past making a sharp left turn.[/BCOLOR]

"There they are Rock! Let's get em!" Revy said, rekishing the thought of revenge. Rock nodded tersly and hit the gas, picking up speed and gaining ground on the mustang. Revy rolled downthe window and pulled the Beretta 92FS nicknamed "cutlass". "Take this assholes, this is what you get when you fuck with us, you don't fuck with Lagoon Company! Fucking Cocksniffers!" Revy roared as she fired upon the mustang, her bullets bouncing off the seemingly bulletproof body of the car. Revy growled in frustration before she came up an idea. "Rock, get closer! I'm gonna shoot out their tires!" Revy shouted. Rock glanced over at her a little worried that her plan may backfire.

"Revy...this isn't such a good idea, what if they spin out and smash into us? What if...." He noticed Revy givin him a hard glare, sometimes she unnerved him with that stare of hers. Rock shut up and drove even closer to the mustang, he had to duck to avoid bullets as Revy and the thugs in the mustang exchanged gunfire. Suddenly the sound of tires screeching caught his attenion. The mustang began to spin out, and just as Rock predicted, it smashed in Revy and Rock's car, causing them to fly and crash into a solid brick wall of a store, everything went black after that
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All across the multiverse exists countless worlds. An unfathomable amount of dimensions and worlds. Universes that, for the most part, hardly even know of the other's presence.

The untold story of the first ever Murder Game.


It happened without warning.

A blinding, all-encompassing light enveloped you, pulling you into itself as if you were being tossed into a pool of water. It was shockingly cold, almost unbearably so, until a feeling of numbness filled you. It helped, for a moment, blurring everything until it was nothing but a dull roar. The light then faded away, as did all your senses, until you felt nothing.

How long you slept following that, no one could say. It was a void of time, where not even dreams manifested. The world went on without you, unflinching, until the time you finally awoke.

A dreary sight awaited you: Dull overhead lights that were barely strong enough to sting your eyes. They were embedded into a ceiling that seemed high up above you, above what appeared to be a layer of glass or plastic. You weren't the only one here, clearly, for all around you others were waking. It was a large crowd, enough to fill the spacious plastic box around you. You had been sleeping on concrete, so some would be feeling a bit sore.

Whether one was a human, a robot, or something else entirely, the experience was the same for everyone. Your body felt heavier than usual, and something just felt a little off inside your head. It was an unpleasant feeling, to say the least.

Perhaps most alarming, once someone took notice of it, was the number of people watching the group from outside one wall of the box, just about all of them dressed like scientists. Some stood far back, while a few could be seen observing from a well-lit room a floor above, their eyes glued to the window that separated them from the others. Three of the scientists stood right next to the box, two males and one female. The one male had slick blond hair and sunglasses, while the other had messy brown hair and wild eyes. The female looked rather normal next to them, blonde and reasonably attractive. She whispered something to the two men before taking a small step forward.


"By our calculations, you'll be feeling the effects of the transition for a few minutes," she said, her voice echoing throughout the box. "Please wait patiently, and we'll inform you of the situation in just a moment."

With most of the group still feeling the effects of whatever the 'transition' was, a lone male voice posed a question: "You really expect us to sit here patiently?" He scoffed. "Not bloody likely."

One of the men behind the female scientist began to speak, but he froze when the female raised a hand to silence him. "What we expected were confusion and rebellion, but this containment is secure and we have taken precautions. We believe we are safe to observe from here. This is an experimental phase, so if you value your well-being, it is suggested that you try to keep any outbursts to a minimum."

Curiously enough, everyone's weapons seemed to be missing.

There didn't seem to be any escape from this glass cage, at least for the time being. Though it was crowded inside, it was thankfully spacious enough for everyone to have some space to themselves if needed. For now, it seemed you were all prisoners and all in the same boat... whatever the nature of that boat would turn out to be.

Cast List
@Minerva as Ada Wong (Resident Evil)
@Yun Lee as Alice Twilight (No More Heroes)
@Sen as Alucard (Castlevania)
@Jeremi as Android 18 (Dragon Ball)
@Takumi as Azura of Nohr (Fire Emblem)
@Krieg as Bernard Lowe (Westworld)
@TheMythicThird as Black Mage Evilwizardington and Fighter McWarrior (8-Bit Theater)
@Gummi Bunnies as Blake Dormi (OC)
@Crow as Cagliostro (Granblue Fantasy)
@CCC Kouhai as Charlotte Wiltshire (Hello Charlotte)
@Josh M as Clark Kent (Smallville)
@Atomyk as Cullen Bloodstone (Marvel Comics)
@DBZ7 as Daizo (OC)
@penguin055 as Domon Kasshu (Gundam)
@Bomb as Doremi the Meoletta and Jabber the Riolu (Pokemon)
@TheColourlessRainbow as Eliot Waugh (The Magicians)
@Archwar as Fierce-Heart Ali (OC)
@Hana as Hakuei Ren (Magi)
@Crimson Spartan as Jaffar (Fire Emblem)
@thatguyinthestore as Jason Todd (Arkhamverse)
@C.T. as Jinx (League of Legends AU)
@The Tactician as Joshua (Fire Emblem)
@LuckycoolHawk9 as Lucifer Morningstar and Linda Martin (Lucifer)
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Lucio (Overwatch)
@Cilin Hosan as Homura Akemi (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
@MetalNova as Mikoto Kujou (Last Game)
@Kaide` as Miku Hatsune (Vocaloid)
@Mason Moretti as Naomi Kimishima and Inspector Navel (Trauma Center)
@Mami Tomoe as Nashetania (Rokka no Yusha)
@Vyzwx as Overlord Laharl (Disgaea)
@Nater Taters as Revy and Rock (Black Lagoon)
@Verite as Riesbyfe Stridberg (Type-Moon)
@TheTechnologicVampire as Scarlet Verdana (Marvel OC)
@york as Schala Zeal (Chrono Trigger)
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Senna (Bleach)
@Savannah Clause as Setsuna (Shattered Angels)
@Cromartie Sarkissian as Sheev Palpatine (Star Wars)
@Kaykay as Shirou Yusa (Dies Irae)
@Tone 6th as Travis Touchdown (No More Heroes)
@Otto as Twisted Fate (League of Legends)
@Gands as Warpath (Marvel Comics)
@Darkseide as William "Penny" Adiyoi (The Magicians)
@Hachiro Terra as Zerberus (Kingdom Hearts OC)​
Revy was actually the first of the the pair to awaken. She groaned loudly as she sat up and looked around, noticing Rock not that far. She began to panic internally when she thought he was dead, but sighed in relief when she realized he was only sleeping. She looked around and noticed a samml groupf of people awake as well in this strange, glass cage. She stood to her feet and mad her way over to the group.
The scientists stared at Jinx blankly, though the ones in the observation room above them seemed to be taking notes intently. Jinx did have access to her powers, or at least that seemed to be the case.


They were surprised, however, that one of their captives approached the edge of the glass with such ease. The scientist in sunglasses cracked a smile, but the female held a steely gaze on Joshua. "There's not much to explain beyond what has already been said. You may not understand, but this is not the work of..." The woman made a quotation gesture with her fingers. "... Magic. Furthermore--"

Blake was next, emitting a reaction the scientists had more commonly expected, but it phased them even less than Joshua had. "No consent, that is true," she admitted plainly. "It's unethical, but this is beyond that. For now, we will monitor you for a time while you sit in confinement. You are assets to us now, so your lives are valuable. You are more a danger to yourselves at this time than we are to you."

"Geez..." Taking a place beside Joshua and Blake was the boy who had spoken first to the scientists. He shrugged casually, looking almost listless.


"Barely took you guys a minute before you started sounding like megalomaniacs. That's just peachy."

The scientists exchanged glances. "... It will be clear soon enough."

"Mmhm..." The boy looked to Blake, Joshua, and Cullen. "Forget these guys. They're getting a kick out of this."

@Gummi Bunnies @The Myrmidon @Josh M
Revy couldn't belive what she was hearing right now, were her and Rock kinapped, but why?

"Hey bitch...that's really funny joke you got there...no how bout you let me and sleeping beauty over there go before I really get unpleasent." Revy growled while pointing over to a sleeping Rock.

@ anyone
The scientists stared at Jinx blankly, though the ones in the observation room above them seemed to be taking notes intently. Jinx did have access to her powers, or at least that seemed to be the case.


They were surprised, however, that one of their captives approached the edge of the glass with such ease. The scientist in sunglasses cracked a smile, but the female held a steely gaze on Joshua. "There's not much to explain beyond what has already been said. You may not understand, but this is not the work of..." The woman made a quotation gesture with her fingers. "... Magic. Furthermore--"

Blake was next, emitting a reaction the scientists had more commonly expected, but it phased them even less than Joshua had. "No consent, that is true," she admitted plainly. "It's unethical, but this is beyond that. For now, we will monitor you for a time while you sit in confinement. You are assets to us now, so your lives are valuable. You are more a danger to yourselves at this time than we are to you."

"Geez..." Taking a place beside Joshua and Blake was the boy who had spoken first to the scientists. He shrugged casually, looking almost listless.


"Barely took you guys a minute before you started sounding like megalomaniacs. That's just peachy."

The scientists exchanged glances. "... It will be clear soon enough."

"Mmhm..." The boy looked to Blake, Joshua, and Cullen. "Forget these guys. They're getting a kick out of this."

@Gummi Bunnies @The Myrmidon @Josh M
"Yeeeah, I get the point."

Blake rolled his eyes once he heard the answer that these scientists had to give them. Guess he couldn't do much from there in terms of asking these guys for more info. For now, his PWM wasn't seem to be activating, but he supposed that he used the crap out of it earlier so it might be recharging for now.
Miku's attention was caught by an offhand comment made in her direction. Normal? She glanced around the room, noting the many strange appearances of most of them. By many standards she didn't consider herself "normal" either, but perhaps she'd give everyone the illusion of being so. The best she could, anyways.


"Thank you." She replied to Blake, watching him curiously and seeming to note how frustrated he seemed. Not surprising, quite frankly. "My hair does stand out I guess." Glancing away to continue to observe her surroundings, she was at a loss on what to do. Were they just supposed to talk with one another? Was there a point to that? Somewhat unsure (and with a slight wobble), she forced herself to try and stand. Might as well start somewhere.​

@Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @Yun Lee
"Well... no one really has blue hair naturally... but hey, lots of people change the color of their hair with the wonderful invention called hair dye."

Pondering his options, he seriously had no idea on where to go from here. With little options, Blake couldn't think up a plan on the fly like he would usually do. Boy, he hated to do work sometimes, and he wasn't going to have it this time. Besides, Miku did look pretty lost and lonely...

"But since we're in the same problem of being stuck, we can chat away and see if anything changes with the time we kill off. Sounds good? I mean, not going to let a pretty lady like you be all afraid and alone, I'm not that bad of a guy at the least."

He definitely didn't sound like a flirty guy... right?

@Kaide` @Atomyk @others​
"Before anyone does anything, let's just take a step back. There has to be a reason why these people brought us here. We all just need to stay calm."
"Calm?? Are you nuts? Losing sight of yourself in a dreamless slumber, waking up to crappy lights, placed in some box with a bunch of people who think a PhD gives them some justification for messing with people telling us to not cause a scene while hiding behind their little window! That's pretty standard mad scientist bullshit. Same things that made PROJECT a thing. Well ya know what? THEY CAN SHOVE IT!"

Having confirmed she had access to her powers still, she was prepared to--​

"Jinx? How the hell did you end up here?"
"...Fatey? What the heck, you're here too?"

@Josh M @Atomyk @Otto
Turning to Cullen and Jynx, Clark stood firm, his body language gave them, and everyone nearby a calm air. Mild mannered and calm, he addressed the group.​


"Before anyone does anything, let's just take a step back. There has to be a reason why these people brought us here. We all just need to stay calm."

Clark stood firm as he tried to play peacekeeper. He knew he seemed optimistic to a fault., as well as naïve. One punch. He could bust out of this cage with one punch, but there was too many witness, and too risky. The best bet to keep everyone safe was, for now, to go along with whatever this was. He had no reason not to.

@thatguyinthestore @Verite @Atomyk @The Myrmidon @Hospes @Sen @Hana

"Geez..." Taking a place beside Joshua and Blake was the boy who had spoken first to the scientists. He shrugged casually, looking almost listless.


"Barely took you guys a minute before you started sounding like megalomaniacs. That's just peachy."

The scientists exchanged glances. "... It will be clear soon enough."

"Mmhm..." The boy looked to Blake, Joshua, and Cullen. "Forget these guys. They're getting a kick out of this."

@Gummi Bunnies @The Myrmidon @Josh M
Now there was a calm, reasonable person to get the others to rally behind. Sure, he seemed rather funnily dressed, but then again, everyone seemed to be of different tastes in this place. Besides, he was calm and respectful with some sort of natural charisma that felt like it could calm everyone. Why not stand behind him?

"Glad to see another man of a peaceful mindset at the moment. Seems like we might be the only ones who can keep our heads on straight for the moment, excluding the quieter folks..."

The myrmidon glanced at both the silver-haired young woman and the other redhead who stood against a wall before smiling at Clark, putting on a friendly face.

"Joshua's the name."

@thatguyinthestore @Verite @Atomyk @The Myrmidon @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Josh M

"Whatever their reasons are, I would hope that they weren't malicious intents, as that would a poor choice to attempt any harm upon a Holy Knight," Riesbyfe said in response to Clark, taking a breath, "So long as you stand behind me, civilian, I shall do my best to guarantee your safety on my honor as a knight. The same for all of you, if we are united by circumstance and objective," she spoke, eyeing the others nearby, including Joshua, Cullen, Blake, Jason, and more, like a knight of medieval times speaking to civilians of the local town.

It seemed that while there seemed to be mild personality clash, especially with that strange armored get-up the man in the bat-like helmet adorned, there seemed to be at least some common willingness to cooperate. Glancing over at Joshua as the man introduced himself, the silver-haired maiden gave a nod in response.


"My name is Riesbyfe Stridberg, though you may simply refer to me as Riesbyfe or Ries if you'd prefer," she introduced herself to everyone.

@Atomyk @Josh M @The Myrmidon @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @Crow @EveryoneNearby
@Crow @Hospes @Verite
and anyone else who wants to reply!!
Young. Younger than her at least. Nashetania lifted her gaze, meeting Cagliostro's own. A young, human girl. As her world began to rotate rationally once more, Nashetania willed herself to stand. The woman steadily got to her feet, eyeing Cagliostro sheepishly. She knew how to play this game. How to hide ones true intent, one's personality.

The booming voices of the scientists truly alerted her to their situation. Locked in a large, glass container. A crowd of onlookers, most likely scientists, were leering in at them from beyond the walls.

"Why...?" Her voice was low, quiet. Until she realized that Cagliostro was indeed, still there, and not a figment of her imagination. "I'm sorry about that." She said, a sheepish smile coming to her face. "Just a bit dazed, is all."

She moved her red gaze across the room. So many people... Why were they chosen to be here? How they got here no longer mattered to her, as that was said and done. Instead, Nashetania turned her attention a young blond woman, who appeared just as dazed as she had been moments ago.

"Hey..." She greeted softly, unsure of what else to say. The situation they were all in was so obnoxiously impossible, that she wasn't sure about what to do. "We should all probably collect ourselves and assess the situation properly." She said openly, and loudly. "If we're divided, then we can't do too much."

"My name is Nashetania." She introduced properly, hoping to establish some sort of trust with the others here.​
- L U C I O-
Prologue - "We Come Together"


"....suspect went missing around the Santa Teresa district...."

"...-ported bright flashes...valuables missing, no tracks."

"...-ellite has nothing. He's just gone."


"--can't be. Whatever, doesn't matter now. Wrap it up, file the report to Vishkar."

What does freedom really mean?

If you looked in the dictionary or something, it'd probably say "the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint", or something to that effect. That's a pretty smart way of answering the question, if the person asking it wanted you to sound smart, but those are just words. Words are like...harsh sounds, depending on who's speaking. You won't find any soul in a lecture, and you certainly wont find any rhythm in a speech being given to hundreds of clueless people.

Nah, nah, the true meaning of freedom can't be given by another person.

You gotta find it in yourself.

You gotta follow the beat that you want to follow.

You gotta be like Lucio.



When the world regained color, Lucio took a few minutes to fully regain consciousness. The transition-- or whatever happened back there -- wasn't as pleasant for him as it was for everyone else. After a few for moments of precious sleep, his eyes fluttered, causing him to slowly rise into a sitting position. "Aw, nah, mama, I'm not sleepin' in again..." he groaned, running a gloved hand through his brown locks and attempting to rub his eyes. When his hands collided with the gear he most definitely doesn't wear when he sleeps, Lucio realized there was something afoot.

"--Hey, wait, whaaat?"

Lucio fully awoke, forcing himself up on his skates and scanning the area around him, surrounded by all kinds of people in an unfamiliar area. "W--where am I? Who...?" Lucio sputtered, honestly confused by this turn of events. He didn't seem distraught, but his face conveyed absolute confusion, and slight fear. It was a blur before now...but, really, where was he? Who were these people? Did he get kidnapped by Vishkar?

...And, if he did, did he leave anyone behind? How many? How...

The first step, freedom from confusion and fear.

Not for himself...but, for everyone.

"...Hey, is everyone here alright?" he spoke aloud, querying anyone who would listen.

@Atomyk @Josh M @The Myrmidon @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @Crow @Verite @Hospes @Everyone Around

Jason approached these two with a brow raised in question. What was it with people staying calm when stuff like this happened? Sure, Jason wasn't shooting the glass cage right now and trying to escape, but that was only because a quick scan with the detective vision in his visor revealed that the glass was bullet proof and could withstand the rounds he had on him at the moment. Walking over to Clark and Joshua, Jason glanced them over.

"Alright, my patience is really wearing thin right now. You two seem like the normal people here, so maybe either of you might have any idea what the hell is going on?"

@Josh M @The Myrmidon
"Well, you could at least introduce yourself first before interrogating us, friend. Not like we don't have the time."

The mercenary responded to the armor covered man, his smirk still in place and just as cocky as ever. Of all the people here, Joshua had to say that the man who had approached him and the rather cheerful fellow who had stayed calm was the weirdest dressed of the whole lot.

Oh well, not like he could judge much with how ragged he probably looked. The mercenary tipped his hat to the man, a sign of respect before responding to him and the silver-haired woman.​

"Whatever their reasons are, I would hope that they weren't malicious intents, as that would a poor choice to attempt any harm upon a Holy Knight," Riesbyfe said in response to Clark, taking a breath, "So long as you stand behind me, civilian, I shall do my best to guarantee your safety on my honor as a knight. The same for all of you, if we are united by circumstance and objective," she spoke, eyeing the others nearby, including Joshua, Cullen, Blake, Jason, and more, like a knight of medieval times speaking to civilians of the local town.

It seemed that while there seemed to be mild personality clash, especially with that strange armored get-up the man in the bat-like helmet adorned, there seemed to be at least some common willingness to cooperate. Glancing over at Joshua as the man introduced himself, the silver-haired maiden gave a nod in response.


"My name is Riesbyfe Stridberg, though you may simply refer to me as Riesbyfe or Ries if you'd prefer," she introduced herself to everyone.

@Atomyk @Josh M @The Myrmidon @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @Crow @EveryoneNearby
"Like I said to my friend here, I'm Joshua. All things considered, wonderful to meet you, Miss Riesbyfe."

Definitely a wonderful meeting indeed to meet someone lovely like her. Then again, most of the ladies here were quite the beautiful sort... But not like it mattered at the moment. He tipped his hat to her as well before shaking his head at her offer.

"Thanks, but no thanks. As long as I have my own blade, I am always prepared to duel to defend myself."

Oh, that reminded him. His hand fell to his belt, searching for the hilt of his blade. Hopefully, they hadn't thought to take that away from him during the movement as well.

"And holy knight, eh? Quite the impressive title..." His eyes, while still friendly and jovial in respects, narrowed slightly as he considered her a little, "Though does it come with equally impressive swordsmanship?"

@Atomyk @Josh M @The Myrmidon @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @Crow @EveryoneNearby
The scientists seemed particularly interested in what Doremi had to say, but even so, the female shook her head. "You are not permitted to leave. If you wish to sing or dance, you can... go right ahead."


To Revy and Jinx, the male scientist finally spoke up, interrupting the female.


"You think this is a joke?" he asked, sounding halfway amused. "It's anything but. Whatever you think you can do, I would think on it some more. This glass can not be penetrated and those of you who have been observed to possess kinds of supernatural ability... Well, let's say we're not worried."

The woman shot him a dirty look. "William...!"

He just ignored her.

@Nater Taters @C.T.

Names, huh? There wasn't much else to do, so Cullen tagged along with his growing group like a silent shadow. He offered little of substance beyond, "... Cullen Bloodstone."


There, introductions were done. Cullen didn't really care if anyone recognized the surname. Things were a bit too hectic to worry too much about it for now.

He gave Joshua a sidelong glance as he reached for his belt, only to find nothing. "Don't think they left any of us with weapons, mate."

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Mami Tomoe @Verite @Josh M @The Myrmidon @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @Crow @EveryoneNearby
The scientists seemed particularly interested in what Doremi had to say, but even so, the female shook her head. "You are not permitted to leave. If you wish to sing or dance, you can... go right ahead."


To Revy and Jinx, the male scientist finally spoke up, interrupting the female.


"You think this is a joke?" he asked, sounding halfway amused. "It's anything but. Whatever you think you can do, I would think on it some more. This glass can not be penetrated and those of you who have been observed to possess kinds of supernatural ability... Well, let's say we're not worried."

The woman shot him a dirty look. "William...!"

He just ignored her.

@Nater Taters @C.T.

Names, huh? There wasn't much else to do, so Cullen tagged along with his growing group like a silent shadow. He offered little of substance beyond, "... Cullen Bloodstone."


There, introductions were done. Cullen didn't really care if anyone recognized the surname. Things were a bit too hectic to worry too much about it for now.

He gave Joshua a sidelong glance as he reached for his belt, only to find nothing. "Don't think they left any of us with weapons, mate."

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Mami Tomoe @Verite @Josh M @The Myrmidon @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @Crow @EveryoneNearby
"Damn, seems it really isn't a lucky day for me... Oh well, always good to hope."

Joshua seemed a little disappointed by the lack of his Killing Edge, but rolled with it. No point in becoming discouraged over it in his mind when he could simply replace it when the time was right.

"Anyways, nice to meet you as well, Cullen."
"Well... no one really has blue hair naturally... but hey, lots of people change the color of their hair with the wonderful invention called hair dye."

Pondering his options, he seriously had no idea on where to go from here. With little options, Blake couldn't think up a plan on the fly like he would usually do. Boy, he hated to do work sometimes, and he wasn't going to have it this time. Besides, Miku did look pretty lost and lonely...

"But since we're in the same problem of being stuck, we can chat away and see if anything changes with the time we kill off. Sounds good? I mean, not going to let a pretty lady like you be all afraid and alone, I'm not that bad of a guy at the least."

He definitely didn't sound like a flirty guy... right?

Finding it in herself to steady her balance, Miku looked back at Blake. He was willing to talk to her, so it looked like she was starting here.


"That'd be great." She'd approach him, smiling gently. She had since learned how to bounce back flirtatious tendencies towards her. Maybe her line of "work" would prove useful, after all? "There's a lot of people here. Most of them look like they're dressed for some crazy play."

@Gummi Bunnies @ Anyone around​


"DIE YOU BASTARD!" Travis swing his katana as hard as he could, cutting his latest opponent clean in half. A mist of blood covered the killer "Awe man I just washed these asshole!" he kicked the dead mans torso.

"Congratulations Travis, you are now ranked 5th." a blond girl with a french accent called to him from beside the ring.

*Tch* "Whatever, dry cleaning is going to cost a fortune. Call me when the next match is ready." he walked off in a huff.

The hallway to the exit seemed to go one forever. "Come on, I'm sure this was the way." Travis started to pick up the pace. The corridor just kept going on and on, "What the fuck is this!" he yelled. He ran until he was out of breath "Bullshit!" he started to run again. The killer soon found himself running into a very bright white light "Oh shit!" it engulfing him.


When Travis came to his head was killer him "Wha...?" he said starting to get up. "Where am I?" he looked around the oddly shaped room, his eyes finally picking out what seemed like a familiar face. He walked over to the pink haired woman "Well long time no see Alice, told you I'd never forget." he pointed to her. "You look pretty good for being cut in half." he chuckled.​
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The cycle was renewed.

Time resumed its flow once more.

Shirou Yusa awakened from a dream that had gone on for over 20 years. A dream in which nothing changed. A dream in which he was forever frozen in time, along with his childhood friend and that guy's partner. Because they were destined to resume their battle once more. There was only one option for them to take. Everything moved as ordained. That man simply rolled the dice, and watched as everything unfolded.


There was no way he could accept that kind of bullshit.

So when he woke up in a place he'd have never expected, Shirou couldn't help but allow a wry smile to appear on his face. Where was he? Who were all these people? Why the hell was he here? How did he end up in a place like this, stuck behind the glass like a lab rat?

Yet despite the not-so-promising circumstances, he was genuinely happy. Quite possibly the last thing he'd have expected had happened. Now, he simply had to take part and see what would unfold from here on out.

So to test just how long he'd be in here, he stood up and took out his Desert Eagle.

Only, there was no cold steel to meet his finger tips.

Well, that made sense. Nobody would leave their little experiments a way to fight back, would they? For now then, might as well enjoy the company. Looked like there were some interesting people around, after all.

"Whatever their reasons are, I would hope that they weren't malicious intents, as that would a poor choice to attempt any harm upon a Holy Knight," Riesbyfe said in response to Clark, taking a breath, "So long as you stand behind me, civilian, I shall do my best to guarantee your safety on my honor as a knight. The same for all of you, if we are united by circumstance and objective," she spoke, eyeing the others nearby, including Joshua, Cullen, Blake, Jason, and more, like a knight of medieval times speaking to civilians of the local town.

It seemed that while there seemed to be mild personality clash, especially with that strange armored get-up the man in the bat-like helmet adorned, there seemed to be at least some common willingness to cooperate. Glancing over at Joshua as the man introduced himself, the silver-haired maiden gave a nod in response.


"My name is Riesbyfe Stridberg, though you may simply refer to me as Riesbyfe or Ries if you'd prefer," she introduced herself to everyone.

@Atomyk @Josh M @The Myrmidon @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @Crow @EveryoneNearby

"Hey, at the least we all got one objective we share, yeah? I mean, unless one of ya really likes being locked up like a mouse in a cage. Do what you like. But anyway, you guys planning a rebellion or something? Or are you guys more of the 'sit tight' type when disarmed?"

Snickering, he took out a cigarette and put it between his teeth, holding out the pack towards anyone who might have wanted to take one.

"Shirou Yusa. Nice to meetcha guys."

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Mami Tomoe @Verite @Josh M @The Myrmidon @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @Crow @Verite @EveryoneAround

So. These people were... Peculiar. Evidently, there was another being here capable of flight, that was threatening those on the other side of what appeared to be some sort of glass. She didn't want to cause a fuss just yet, unaware of whether the flying female was a threat, sincerely, just yet. So instead, she approached the glass, staring blankly at it in what seemed like deep thought. Her reflection shimmered in it, staring back at her until she finally turned her gaze away, further observing those around her. For example, a man advising they all stay calm with a seemingly adept sense of composure. Or the man speaking to him, or the odd girl with blue hair. In a quiet, soft monotone, she spoke.

"Correct. It would be wise to maintain...-"

Then, Setsuna spotted some of the folk that were not recovering quite as well and she and a few of the others. One male in particular seemed to be struggling to stand, looking as though he may topple over at any given moment. To him, her soft voice spoke out once more. "...Do you require assistance?"

@Sen @Josh M @The Myrmidon @Kaide '​
The scientists seemed particularly interested in what Doremi had to say, but even so, the female shook her head. "You are not permitted to leave. If you wish to sing or dance, you can... go right ahead."


To Revy and Jinx, the male scientist finally spoke up, interrupting the female.


"You think this is a joke?" he asked, sounding halfway amused. "It's anything but. Whatever you think you can do, I would think on it some more. This glass can not be penetrated and those of you who have been observed to possess kinds of supernatural ability... Well, let's say we're not worried."

The woman shot him a dirty look. "William...!"

He just ignored her.

@Nater Taters @C.T.

Names, huh? There wasn't much else to do, so Cullen tagged along with his growing group like a silent shadow. He offered little of substance beyond, "... Cullen Bloodstone."


There, introductions were done. Cullen didn't really care if anyone recognized the surname. Things were a bit too hectic to worry too much about it for now.

He gave Joshua a sidelong glance as he reached for his belt, only to find nothing. "Don't think they left any of us with weapons, mate."

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Mami Tomoe @Verite @Josh M @The Myrmidon @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @Crow @EveryoneNearby


"No need. Do not worry about me," Alucard put up a hand as if to stop her if she did have any thoughts of coming to assist him. He cleared his throat as he stood himself up properly, taking his time to examine those that were still down and those that were up and talking. They appeared to be conversing with a woman in a white coat, some of them looking angry. "... Do you perhaps know what this place is?"

A young man's words caught his attention, causing Alucard to look at his waist... only to realize the familiar weight of his sword was gone. He had a feeling his powers weren't going to work either - just like that time when Death had took those from him as well. The dhampir's eyes narrowed. Was this another incarnation of Castlevania? But how? And so soon?​

@Hospes @Atomyk @ Anyone​

"Whatever their reasons are, I would hope that they weren't malicious intents, as that would a poor choice to attempt any harm upon a Holy Knight," Riesbyfe said in response to Clark, taking a breath, "So long as you stand behind me, civilian, I shall do my best to guarantee your safety on my honor as a knight. The same for all of you, if we are united by circumstance and objective," she spoke, eyeing the others nearby, including Joshua, Cullen, Blake, Jason, and more, like a knight of medieval times speaking to civilians of the local town.

It seemed that while there seemed to be mild personality clash, especially with that strange armored get-up the man in the bat-like helmet adorned, there seemed to be at least some common willingness to cooperate. Glancing over at Joshua as the man introduced himself, the silver-haired maiden gave a nod in response.


"My name is Riesbyfe Stridberg, though you may simply refer to me as Riesbyfe or Ries if you'd prefer," she introduced herself to everyone.

@Atomyk @Josh M @The Myrmidon @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @Crow @EveryoneNearby
@Crow @Hospes @Verite
and anyone else who wants to reply!!
Young. Younger than her at least. Nashetania lifted her gaze, meeting Cagliostro's own. A young, human girl. As her world began to rotate rationally once more, Nashetania willed herself to stand. The woman steadily got to her feet, eyeing Cagliostro sheepishly. She knew how to play this game. How to hide ones true intent, one's personality.

The booming voices of the scientists truly alerted her to their situation. Locked in a large, glass container. A crowd of onlookers, most likely scientists, were leering in at them from beyond the walls.

"Why...?" Her voice was low, quiet. Until she realized that Cagliostro was indeed, still there, and not a figment of her imagination. "I'm sorry about that." She said, a sheepish smile coming to her face. "Just a bit dazed, is all."

She moved her red gaze across the room. So many people... Why were they chosen to be here? How they got here no longer mattered to her, as that was said and done. Instead, Nashetania turned her attention a young blond woman, who appeared just as dazed as she had been moments ago.

"Hey..." She greeted softly, unsure of what else to say. The situation they were all in was so obnoxiously impossible, that she wasn't sure about what to do. "We should all probably collect ourselves and assess the situation properly." She said openly, and loudly. "If we're divided, then we can't do too much."

"My name is Nashetania." She introduced properly, hoping to establish some sort of trust with the others here.​
The cycle was renewed.

Time resumed its flow once more.

Shirou Yusa awakened from a dream that had gone on for over 20 years. A dream in which nothing changed. A dream in which he was forever frozen in time, along with his childhood friend and that guy's partner. Because they were destined to resume their battle once more. There was only one option for them to take. Everything moved as ordained. That man simply rolled the dice, and watched as everything unfolded.


There was no way he could accept that kind of bullshit.

So when he woke up in a place he'd have never expected, Shirou couldn't help but allow a wry smile to appear on his face. Where was he? Who were all these people? Why the hell was he here? How did he end up in a place like this, stuck behind the glass like a lab rat?

Yet despite the not-so-promising circumstances, he was genuinely happy. Quite possibly the last thing he'd have expected had happened. Now, he simply had to take part and see what would unfold from here on out.

So to test just how long he'd be in here, he stood up and took out his Desert Eagle.

Only, there was no cold steel to meet his finger tips.

Well, that made sense. Nobody would leave their little experiments a way to fight back, would they? For now then, might as well enjoy the company. Looked like there were some interesting people around, after all.


"Hey, at the least we all got one objective we share, yeah? I mean, unless one of ya really likes being locked up like a mouse in a cage. Do what you like. But anyway, you guys planning a rebellion or something? Or are you guys more of the 'sit tight' type when disarmed?"

Snickering, he took out a cigarette and put it between his teeth, holding out the pack towards anyone who might have wanted to take one.

"Shirou Yusa. Nice to meetcha guys."

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Mami Tomoe @Verite @Josh M @The Myrmidon @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @Crow @Verite @EveryoneAround

"A... knight?" Cagliostro beams at the one referred to as 'Riesbyfe'. "I'm so glad we have someone like you among us! I was born weak, so I never really had the chance of being a knight... or have my mommy or daddy teach me how to fight for that matter..."

When Nashetania introduced herself, Cagliostro then proceeds.

"Ah! I forgot to introduce myself, I'm the number one cutest, most intelligent, beautiful alchemist, Cagliostro! Pleased to meet you all! Teehee~."

If people were surprised at that statement, she'd say, "I haven't met an alchemist my age before either, to be honest. They're just so hard to find~! It makes me feel a little lonely at times, with no friends my age to discuss my favourite topic with. Now that you've met me, it's time for you all to meet my friend. Come forth and wreak havoc, Ouroboros!"

Cagliostro then took a plushie out from behind her.



It was clear that 'wreak havoc' was a metaphor for 'come meet everyone'.

"I reeaally reeeaaally want to get out," Cagliostro speaks to the one known as Shirou Yusa, "but there's nothing I can do right now that won't cause too much collateral damage. Ah! Maybe I have something in here!"​

Names, huh? There wasn't much else to do, so Cullen tagged along with his growing group like a silent shadow. He offered little of substance beyond, "... Cullen Bloodstone."


There, introductions were done. Cullen didn't really care if anyone recognized the surname. Things were a bit too hectic to worry too much about it for now.

He gave Joshua a sidelong glance as he reached for his belt, only to find nothing. "Don't think they left any of us with weapons, mate."

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Mami Tomoe @Verite @Josh M @The Myrmidon @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @Crow @EveryoneNearby
Cagliostro checks her pockets for her chemical vials.


"Those bastards really have guts, that I can say," Cagliostro utters underneath her breath, realising that they were gone as well.

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Mami Tomoe @Verite @Josh M @The Myrmidon @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @Crow @Hospes @Kaykay @Verite @Atomyk @EveryoneAround
Last edited:
"Well, you could at least introduce yourself first before interrogating us, friend. Not like we don't have the time."

The mercenary responded to the armor covered man, his smirk still in place and just as cocky as ever. Of all the people here, Joshua had to say that the man who had approached him and the rather cheerful fellow who had stayed calm was the weirdest dressed of the whole lot.

Oh well, not like he could judge much with how ragged he probably looked. The mercenary tipped his hat to the man, a sign of respect before responding to him and the silver-haired woman.​

"Like I said to my friend here, I'm Joshua. All things considered, wonderful to meet you, Miss Riesbyfe."

Definitely a wonderful meeting indeed to meet someone lovely like her. Then again, most of the ladies here were quite the beautiful sort... But not like it mattered at the moment. He tipped his hat to her as well before shaking his head at her offer.

"Thanks, but no thanks. As long as I have my own blade, I am always prepared to duel to defend myself."

Oh, that reminded him. His hand fell to his belt, searching for the hilt of his blade. Hopefully, they hadn't thought to take that away from him during the movement as well.

"And holy knight, eh? Quite the impressive title..." His eyes, while still friendly and jovial in respects, narrowed slightly as he considered her a little, "Though does it come with equally impressive swordsmanship?"

@Atomyk @Josh M @The Myrmidon @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @Crow @EveryoneNearby
Jason chuckled a bit and shook his head, placing his hands on his hips and looking down at the ground as he did so.

"Cocky sonuva bitch, aren't ya?" Jason said lightly. "Well, you can just call me The Arkham Knight. I'm not too big on giving my name out to random people I just met. Hell I'm not big on giving my name out period."

Names, huh? There wasn't much else to do, so Cullen tagged along with his growing group like a silent shadow. He offered little of substance beyond, "... Cullen Bloodstone."

There, introductions were done. Cullen didn't really care if anyone recognized the surname. Things were a bit too hectic to worry too much about it for now.

He gave Joshua a sidelong glance as he reached for his belt, only to find nothing. "Don't think they left any of us with weapons, mate."

Jason would too pat down at his utility belt to find that his weapons were taken as well.

"Those fuckers!" He said, patting around to see if they at least left his grapnel gun alone.

@Atomyk @The Myrmidon @Josh M @Others
Joshua cocked a brow at that response, hiding his inner disappointment and worry behind his smirk still. So they were trapped in some sort of experiment, and there wasn't a way out at the moment... Add in the fact that the others seemed quite volatile about the matter, and there was a skirmish ready to happen at any moment.

"Right... Well, best we sit tight then. There's no point to trying and start a fight at the moment."

The swordsman certainly didn't enjoy the thought of being locked up for too long, but he also knew that they would get a chance eventually. They would just have to wait for an opening... The redhead shrugged at the boy after a moment with a smile.

"Stiff upper lip, my friend, that's all we can have right now."

Now there was a calm, reasonable person to get the others to rally behind. Sure, he seemed rather funnily dressed, but then again, everyone seemed to be of different tastes in this place. Besides, he was calm and respectful with some sort of natural charisma that felt like it could calm everyone. Why not stand behind him?

"Glad to see another man of a peaceful mindset at the moment. Seems like we might be the only ones who can keep our heads on straight for the moment, excluding the quieter folks..."

The myrmidon glanced at both the silver-haired young woman and the other redhead who stood against a wall before smiling at Clark, putting on a friendly face.

"Joshua's the name."

@thatguyinthestore @Verite @Atomyk @The Myrmidon @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Josh M
"Someone's has to stay calm, right?"

Extending his hand the myrmidon.

"Clark Kent. Nice to meet you."


"Whatever their reasons are, I would hope that they weren't malicious intents, as that would a poor choice to attempt any harm upon a Holy Knight," Riesbyfe said in response to Clark, taking a breath, "So long as you stand behind me, civilian, I shall do my best to guarantee your safety on my honor as a knight. The same for all of you, if we are united by circumstance and objective," she spoke, eyeing the others nearby, including Joshua, Cullen, Blake, Jason, and more, like a knight of medieval times speaking to civilians of the local town.

It seemed that while there seemed to be mild personality clash, especially with that strange armored get-up the man in the bat-like helmet adorned, there seemed to be at least some common willingness to cooperate. Glancing over at Joshua as the man introduced himself, the silver-haired maiden gave a nod in response.


"My name is Riesbyfe Stridberg, though you may simply refer to me as Riesbyfe or Ries if you'd prefer," she introduced herself to everyone.

@Atomyk @Josh M @The Myrmidon @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @Crow @EveryoneNearby
When the holy knight to young man "she'd protect him, a smirk a appeared on the young man's face.


"You're going to protect me? That's a first."

The young man's voice was playful, but no reason seemed given. Nodding at the holy knight the farmboy introduced himself.

" Nice to meet you Ries, I am Clark, Clark Kent. About our situation, I think our best is to go along with these people for now. We have no idea what the can do, and I don't want anyone to get hurt."

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Mami Tomoe @Verite @C.T. @Kaykay @The Myrmidon @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @Crow @Verite
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The cycle was renewed.

Time resumed its flow once more.

Shirou Yusa awakened from a dream that had gone on for over 20 years. A dream in which nothing changed. A dream in which he was forever frozen in time, along with his childhood friend and that guy's partner. Because they were destined to resume their battle once more. There was only one option for them to take. Everything moved as ordained. That man simply rolled the dice, and watched as everything unfolded.


There was no way he could accept that kind of bullshit.

So when he woke up in a place he'd have never expected, Shirou couldn't help but allow a wry smile to appear on his face. Where was he? Who were all these people? Why the hell was he here? How did he end up in a place like this, stuck behind the glass like a lab rat?

Yet despite the not-so-promising circumstances, he was genuinely happy. Quite possibly the last thing he'd have expected had happened. Now, he simply had to take part and see what would unfold from here on out.

So to test just how long he'd be in here, he stood up and took out his Desert Eagle.

Only, there was no cold steel to meet his finger tips.

Well, that made sense. Nobody would leave their little experiments a way to fight back, would they? For now then, might as well enjoy the company. Looked like there were some interesting people around, after all.


"Hey, at the least we all got one objective we share, yeah? I mean, unless one of ya really likes being locked up like a mouse in a cage. Do what you like. But anyway, you guys planning a rebellion or something? Or are you guys more of the 'sit tight' type when disarmed?"

Snickering, he took out a cigarette and put it between his teeth, holding out the pack towards anyone who might have wanted to take one.

"Shirou Yusa. Nice to meetcha guys."

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Mami Tomoe @Verite @Josh M @The Myrmidon @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @Crow @Verite @EveryoneAround
"Joshua, nice to meet you as well, and no thanks."

The mercenary tipped his hat to the rather relaxed man, keeping a friendly smile on his lips as he refused the cigarettes.

"And yeah, I am along with when we don't have much of a plan to escape. Can't do much without understanding our prison cell first."
Jason chuckled a bit and shook his head, placing his hands on his hips and looking down at the ground as he did so.

"Cocky sonuva bitch, aren't ya?" Jason said lightly. "Well, you can just call me The Arkham Knight. I'm not too big on giving my name out to random people I just met. Hell I'm not big on giving my name out period."

Jason would too pat down at his utility belt to find that his weapons were taken as well.

"Those fuckers!" He said, patting around to see if they at least left his grapnel gun alone.

@Atomyk @The Myrmidon @Josh M @Others
Joshua cocked his brow once again, his smirk only growing wider as he responded.

"Call it cocky, but I've learned that folks prefer to talk with people who are friendly and who share their names, Knight. Simple as that... And no need to curse in front of the ladies and children. Could be worse."
"Someone's has to stay calm, right?"

Extending his hand the myrmidon.

"Clark Kent. Nice to meet you."

When the holy knight to young man "she'd protect him, a smirk a appeared on the young man's face.


"You're going to protect me? That's a first."

The young man's voice was playful, but no reason seemed given. Nodding at the holy knight the farmboy introduced himself.

" Nice to meet you Ries, I am Clark, Clark Kent. About our situation, I think our best is to go along with these people for now. We have no idea what the can do, and I don't want anyone to get hurt."

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Mami Tomoe @Verite @C.T. @Kaykay @The Myrmidon @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @Crow @Verite
"Nice to meet you as well, Clark."

The mercenary didn't hesitate to shake the young man's hand, glad to know there was someone reasonable and kind here along with Riesbyfe. As the farmboy spoke his mind on what they should do, Joshua nodded along with him.

"Can't say you're wrong at all. All we know at the moment is that the deck is stacked against us, and we've only got a junk hand..."

A mischievous sparkle appeared in his eyes as he continued.

"Though with a little luck, we might find a moment where we can cheat our way out of this bad situation."

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Mami Tomoe @Verite @C.T. @Kaykay @The Myrmidon @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @Crow @Verite
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