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Minato waved at the woman dressed in a uniform, "Minato Arisato, Miss Kurihara. It seems except for a few of us, your assumption is correct..." After a moment's hesitation, he held out a hand to her, "I know this is sudden, but you wouldn't mind working with me and the others, would you? It's best we all work as a group to escape this place, and you seem fairly reliable..."


"It seems you have a good idea, Mister Arisato," The tactician nodded along with his suggestion, fine with the idea, "And I'm Robin Tact, Mari, tactician by trade."

@The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @BarrenThin @Krieg @ShiroKiyoshi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Mari did not take Minato's hand, but looked at him instead. "Of course if we intend to get out, it seems we should use all available resources. And all the people we have here." She agreed, but found Minato to be... too formal. As if putting up an image of someone extremely polite. It was not necessarily a negative trait, but especially for a male, she was somewhat distrusting at least on initial perception. "And, just call me Mari, Minato. there is no need for formalities here.

Mari then looked at Robin. He was less formal, but that was a slight downgrade from the more formal Minato. Still, she would try to keep an open mind towards them all.

@The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @BarrenThin @Krieg @ShiroKiyoshi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Sean and Edispu were asleep against the edge of the bed. Their snoring echoed throughout the room. All was peaceful until the confusion of those around him woke Edispu with a devilish grin. "This isn't the academy..." Edispu sat up rubbing his head with a paw. "...How'd I get here?" The demon looked around and noticed he was in Sean's lap, his Soul Reaper next to him. Edispu hopped up on the boy shaking, rustling him, and slapping him, but nothing woke him. Edispu was invisible to those who did not posses magic or access to the Astral Plane. To those that did not meet this requirements it would look like Sean was simply having a seizure while a ghost voice came from his lap. Edispu sighed and walked out of Sean's lap on all fours, his skull already on his head. He pulled the skull off and chucked it staring at the group around him. The negative energy their confusion created only served to piss Edispu off, but he would do nothing as there'd be no point in killing them, Sean would only reap a demon's soul. "Kid, wake up." Edispu said with a sigh as he sat down on his hind legs a few feet in front of Sean facing the people around him. The simple command woke Sean up and he sat up rubbing his head.

"What? It's too early to get-" Sean paused and instinctively grabbed his bat when he saw the others in the room. "Who are they?"

"Calm down kid. From what I can tell they're not here to hurt us. Most of 'em anyway."


"Normally I'd refuse to answer, but something's interfering with Soul Eyes. I can only read moods as of now. I'll let you know if I can collect more personal information later."

"Think it's a demon?"

"It's have to be one higher than me, but I doubt they'd be the ones to have thrown us here."

"Where is here?"

"No idea, but it looks like the objective is to get out right now. Try a swing at the door why don't ya'?"

"Sure." Sean stood up and eyed everyone around him carefully before bending over to pick up his bat. "Move away from the door." The bat then suddenly ignited into blue flames. Regardless if someone moved or not Sean would walk over to the door and stare at it. "Soul Fire!" Sean grasped the bat in both hands and stood back like he was about to hit a ball. "Gaian Slam!" The fire seemed to shoot the bat forward adding to Sean's already unbelievable swing. The attack had no affect. "It didn't work?"

"Wh-what? That's impossible! Nothing can handle my Soul Reaper!" Edispu shouted in rage turning to the door, obviously just scared and flaunting it. The sudden burst of emotion made the small dog and his floating skull visible to all. "Try again!"

"No point. They'll open eventually." Sean swung the bat over his shoulder and stuffed a hand in the pocket of his hoodie facing the group that was gathered. Simultaneously Edispu would sit there arguing with Sean and the boy would continuously ignore him. "Look I don't understand what's going on, but name's Sean."

"Don't ignore me!" Sean pointed to where Edispu stood and the demon turned slowly back to the crowd with a death stare. "I hate you all."

"That's Edispu." Sean then saw a chair and knocked whoever and whatever was in it off of it and sat down. "Anybody know how we got here?" Sean said stabbing his bat into the ground and shrugging his shoulders.

@BarrenThin @The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @Krieg @Mari @Schnee Corp Lawyer @TheSpringwoodSlasher

Robin couldn't help but smile at her reaction, "Well, I won't deny that it's quite wonderful to see you again as well... But shouldn't we focus on the task at hand? If this is anything like Monokuma's game, then we need to find a way to leave this room," However, before he could begin looking around the room, Battler's question caught him off-guard, "Huh?"

He unwrapped himself from Erika's arms before nodding to the man, "Ah, well, yes. Erika-chan and myself do know each other... quite well in fact," He gently rubbed the back of his neck before tilting his head. It felt strange meeting someone that Erika knew from outside the Murder Games, as though he was disembarking onto a foreign land. "My name is Robin, Robin Tact, good sir. Would you mind telling me yours? A friend of Erika is a friend of me."


"Excuse me..." Minato carefully approached Robin, Erika, and Battler, announcing his approach to keep them from being frightened, "But would you mind if I join your group? I've been in one of these before, at least, something similar, and it's best we work together."

@Gummi Bunnies @Verite @BarrenThin @Mari @Krieg @ShiroKiyoshi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Mari Kurihara looked at the others in this room. She knew none of them, and most of them had strange appearances to them. She looked around the room, and it seemed to afford no means to exit or escape. Finding a means to escape, even from a well guarded prison, was not a new thing to Mari... but it was not something that could usually be done instantly. This situation seemed to be no different.

She looked at the two males conversing with each other. The older one and the younger one, both seemed... okay. For males. For now. She then decided to introduce herself.


"I know none of you, and I assume that means none of you know me. Mari Kurihara."

@The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @BarrenThin @Krieg @ShiroKiyoshi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"O-Oh... if that's the case, then I have no problem meeting you, Robin," Battler had a hint of surprise on his face. Usually (from personal experience) if someone says that they knew another very well, it's safe to say that it was more than a friendship for sure. But hey, maybe with this, he wouldn't have to deal with Erika's shenanigans on a daily basis here.

"My name's Battler Ushiromiya, the Endless Sorcerer. Well... I know Erika mainly from the rivalry we had in the past, but don't sweat it too much if you expect us to bash heads against each other. It's more of a friendly rivalry now. Especially in this situation... which reminds me. Erika, I don't think this was the location... or was it? We were supposed to end up in some particular Fragment, correct?" Battler provided the usual introduction and a little background info to Robin concerning how he and Erika knew each other. Well, he could've gotten more into detail if requested, but with the current situation at hand, Battler knew it wasn't the time to go onto long exposition speeches.


"Uh... I don't have the answer to that, so leave that matter on the side, Battler. This stupid door won't open... and if this is going to be like what I think it's going to be... things are going to be nitty gritty once we leave this room..." Erika knew this feeling all too well. Just because of this one situation that seemed almost too simple, there were many ways that things would end up to be once they leave this room... and quite frankly, the detective didn't like where this was going.


"Well, I do think it's wise enough to group up and combine our efforts together. It wouldn't be that productive to be working separately after all..." Battler had different thoughts about this whole situation, being stuck in a room with no way out by the looks of things.

Oh god, if this is going to be a closed room murder...

Battler didn't seem to like where this was going as well, but hid his discomfort for the time's being. No need to spread panic in their small group.

@The Tactician @Mari @ShiroKiyoshi @Verite @BarrenThin @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Mari did not take Minato's hand, but looked at him instead. "Of course if we intend to get out, it seems we should use all available resources. And all the people we have here." She agreed, but found Minato to be... too formal. As if putting up an image of someone extremely polite. It was not necessarily a negative trait, but especially for a male, she was somewhat distrusting at least on initial perception. "And, just call me Mari, Minato. there is no need for formalities here.

Mari then looked at Robin. He was less formal, but that was a slight downgrade from the more formal Minato. Still, she would try to keep an open mind towards them all.

@The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @BarrenThin @Krieg @ShiroKiyoshi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"Fair enough, Mari..." For some reason, he couldn't help but imagine a redheaded woman, standing in the same place Mari was. Mitsuru would probably enjoy this woman's company. Both seemed like the leader type, and to be perfectly honest with himself... Minato wouldn't mind someone else taking the lead for once.

"Anyways, let's get to business, shall we? This place has to have some sort of weakness..." Anything they found here could be of some sort of use, even if they couldn't escape just yet.

@The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @BarrenThin @Krieg @ShiroKiyoshi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty


Having escaped with his beloved Maggie in a small rowboat, Stubbs ignored the massive explosion going off nearby as Punchbowl was tactically firebombed to prevent the zombie menace from spreading any further. Which would have been a great plan. That is if Stubbs hadn't planned on treating his lovely new zombified lover to a night to remember. Grasping her hands, Stubbs looked up and stared Maggie straight in the eyes and began to speak as only he could.

"Brains. Brains? Braaaaaaains. Braaains!"

Maggie couldn't have been more flustered at Stubb's words if she tried. It was evident that death hadn't ruined the former salesman's charm one bit. Yanking him in for a quick smooch, she'd pull back once they both felt satisfied and she'd fold her hands neatly on her lap as Stubbs took off his hat and pulled out two tickets to Coney Island that he had nabbed off an unfortunate victim. There had been occasions during his war against the living in Punchbowl where he didn't think he'd get a chance to see Maggie. Once he finally got a chance to, they had to hurry up and escape the city before it was razed to the ground. But now that they were all alone? He couldn't think of a more perfect time.

"Aaaaah!" Maggie groaned in joy as she gleefully grasped one of the tickets and gave Stubbs a small peck on the cheek. If Stubbs was still capable of blushing, it would have been in full force at the moment. Pleased that he could treat Maggie to the joys in death that he couldn't offer in life, he slipped his ticket back under his hat and resumed rowing.

Unknown to the two undead lovers however, their arrival to the island wouldn't exactly be with cries of acceptance and friendship. One young teen in particular had taken his own girlfriend out to the amusement park to try and propose to her. Bringing her out near the docks so it'd just be the two of them, he'd cough to clear his throat.

"Judy? Would you marry me?"

"O-Oh,Ted! This is all so sudden. I mean I'm still getting over what happened to Punchbowl. My brother had moved out there.."

"Juuuudy, that was hours ago! You gotta stop living in the past and looking towards the future. Like marrying me!" The jock exclaimed as Judy sighed and looked as if she was going to accept the ring only to break out in a cry of sheer terror instead. "Whoa, whoa what's the problem, Judy???"


"Judy, what are you-AAAAAAH! IT IS!"

Ted screeched as he turned to face Stubbs who had made the effort of climbing up here only to get insulted for his tie once again. He never understood how it was a key point when people had to describe him. It didn't look that bad. But that wasn't what caught Stubbs's attention, it was the bright and shiny ring in Ted's hand. Figuring that asking wouldn't get him too far if anywhere due to his very limited vocabularly, his hands lashed out to grip Ted by the neck. The jock was head quarterback of his team but Stubbs's strength was in a whole other league.



The sound of the skull being smashed through by a zombie's teeth was the most glorious sound Stubbs could think of. Tearing into the juicy grey matter, he'd seek to shove Ted away from him and then pick up the ring from his cold lifeless hands. Ted would soon be joining the league of the undead in a short time. Ignoring Judy's pleas, Stubbs moved on to follow after wherever Maggie had gone to surprise her with the ring. Kneeling down by Ted's corpse, Tears spewed from Judy's eyes like a fountain as she tried to comprehend the sudden loss of her boyfriend and possibly future fiance. But she wouldn't have to mourn him for long as Ted's head slowly rose up. Only his skin was a darkish green like Stubbs's and his eyes were a bright orange with no pupils and saliva dripped from his teeth.

"Brains!" He moaned as he wrestled Judy to the ground and well you can imagine the rest. As for Maggie and Stubbs, the undead salesman had found his lover munching on some unfortunate folks who had tried taking a stand against the zombie. Which was something that Stubbs simply could not tolerate. Attacking him was one thing. But when you attacked his gal, then your brain was dinner. Or well it would have been anyway but he was gonna eat it nice and slow.

Gorging themselves on the brains of anyone who crossed their path, Stubbs glanced around at the small army of zombies that the two of them had made in their wake. Gosh, three was a crowd but sixteen was a bit too much. Shoving any and all zombies who weren't Maggie aside or even into the water below, Stubbs knelt down before Maggie and held the box out to her.

"Brains? Braaaaaaains."


Flicking open the box and showing off the bright and shinny ring for his beloved, the lovey dovey proceedings would have to be put on hold as a loud clatter of gunfire broke the mood and bullets tore through Stubbs's torso as he dropped the box and collapsed to the ground. "Aaggghh..." As Maggie reached down and wrapped her arms around Stubbs in a defensive measure, Stubbs glanced back to see just who or what had shot him. What he saw actually surprised him. They looked like immigrants judging by their clothing. But their accents made them sound like Russian accents??


"Do not even think of getting up, Zombie! We are recently arrived Ukrainians who have had heard of your escapades in Punchbowl! The government isn't fond of your kind. So we've been tasked with tracking you down and making sure you are dealt with!" The younger-looking female of the group proclaimed as Stubbs couldn't help but let out a groan of annoyance. The government had tried everything to stop him. From scientists, to rednecks run by his killer, to the army and none of them had prevailed. Reaching into his gut, he'd yank out his stomach after some strain. The organ was pulsating and seemed like it'd explode at any moment. Which was the intention if only so Maggie could escape. He had fought worse. But he couldn't risk Maggie getting hurt in the crossfire.

"STOMACH INCOMING!" The leader shouted as all four of the Ukrainians leaped out of the range of the stomach as it touched down and exploded sending all kinds of debris flying. But it also succeeded in disorienting the enemy which Stubbs was hoping for as he tucked the ringbox away in his innards. Grasping Maggie by the shoulders, he gestured back towards where they had docked the boat. "Brains, brains, braaains! Brains!"

Maggie's lip trembled at the thought of abandoning Stubbs but she knew he had good intentions about it. She knew that no one would care if a couple of Ukrainians went missing or got killed by Stubbs. But if they won and brought Stubbs down? Then there was no doubt they'd be rewarded greatly. Giving Stubbs one last kiss, she hurried off as fast as her shambling would take her.

"The woman zombie! She is fleeing!" "Let her! We only came for the one with the ugly tie."

As they levied their guns towards Stubbs, he closed his eyes. He doubted that they'd be able to outright kill him with their gunfire but he knew it was gonna sting like heck to heal it all back up. But the shots never came as everything went white for Stubbs. Had he died yet again? No, he had been down the path of death before and this didn't seem anything like it.

This didn't seem like any place he had seen before. He thought that perhaps the Ukrainians had knocked him out and taken him somewhere. But then why would there be so many humans in here with him? Wouldn't they have been concerned he'd eat their brains and turn them? Or maybe he wasn't supposed to eat these ones? What had happened to Maggie? Ugh, there were so many questions.


Reaching into his pocket, Stubbs pulled out a lighter and a cigarette. Lighting it, he'd pop it into his mouth and then let loose a puff of smoke as he tried to figure out exactly where he was.


@The Tactician @BarrenThin @Krieg @Schnee Corp Lawyer @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies

"Well... this is something. Ought to introduce yourself... or?" Battler wasn't exactly sure if he could get someone that possibly says the same thing over and over to introduce themselves. But hey, he kind of abandoned the "anti-fantasy" stance some time ago. It was also something of need that he would have to get acquainted with everybody here for good measure.

Jason groaned, holding up a hand to his throbbing head. It felt like someone used a speed spell on a lollipop and sent it flying at his head. The Immortal also felt... drained, like someone sapped his powers. Thankfully his cells were alive with activity, all of them complaining about the decrease in energy. His Immortality seemed fine, yay. Fourth Wall was still there. However, his Psionic Energy felt lacking and Jason easily connected it to how he felt. Not so unlike a night of drowning sorrows in whiskey.

Looking around, Jason saw some fancy deer or flower wallpaper. A single bed was tucked between an indentation in the wall with a light on. A polished table stood in the middle of the room and a fireplace was directly across from him. The Immortal saw that he had no helmet on in a mirror above the fireplace. To the right were two stuff animals, a bear and a bunny, sitting on chairs. A door was between them and Jason went straight for it ignoring the other people in the room. He rattled the knob. No go.

"Well, some smart bastard or bastards threw me in a room filled with strangers. Wonder if any of them are going to get a little stab happy? Also, what is this room? The Princess of fucking England? Waay to fancy for some poor sap trying to steal enough money to afford this. Somebody wants us to feel comfortable before they do horrible things to us" Jason thought. He knocked the bear to the floor and took a seat observing the others in the room.

Lets see here. There were two white human males saying things. If he caught their names right, then the one with the tin cap was named Donny the Sheep and the one with the spicy clothing was named Lon'qu. Guessing from the way they talked and how they looked, they must have just now popped out of the Dark Ages and were about as knowing as him. Then a young human female asked where was she and who they were. Yep, another unknowing lamb.

There were also others like the little innocent pink ball with appendages, but Jason kept a straight face, but also showed that he knew nothing of what was going on. It appeared everyone in this room was as confused as he was. There were windows, though they were likely locked. If they weren't then surely there would be people outside unless it was a painting. He would let the poor fool get a face full of projectiles before making his own escape.

Though, the bear could have something in it and Jason went about ripping it apart to see what might be inside.

@Crimson Spartan @Hospes @DapperDogman @Room 2

  • Bucket of Rainbows
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"O-Oh... if that's the case, then I have no problem meeting you, Robin," Battler had a hint of surprise on his face. Usually (from personal experience) if someone says that they knew another very well, it's safe to say that it was more than a friendship for sure. But hey, maybe with this, he wouldn't have to deal with Erika's shenanigans on a daily basis here.

"My name's Battler Ushiromiya, the Endless Sorcerer. Well... I know Erika mainly from the rivalry we had in the past, but don't sweat it too much if you expect us to bash heads against each other. It's more of a friendly rivalry now. Especially in this situation... which reminds me. Erika, I don't think this was the location... or was it? We were supposed to end up in some particular Fragment, correct?" Battler provided the usual introduction and a little background info to Robin concerning how he and Erika knew each other. Well, he could've gotten more into detail if requested, but with the current situation at hand, Battler knew it wasn't the time to go onto long exposition speeches.


"Uh... I don't have the answer to that, so leave that matter on the side, Battler. This stupid door won't open... and if this is going to be like what I think it's going to be... things are going to be nitty gritty once we leave this room..." Erika knew this feeling all too well. Just because of this one situation that seemed almost too simple, there were many ways that things would end up to be once they leave this room... and quite frankly, the detective didn't like where this was going.


"Well, I do think it's wise enough to group up and combine our efforts together. It wouldn't be that productive to be working separately after all..." Battler had different thoughts about this whole situation, being stuck in a room with no way out by the looks of things.

Oh god, if this is going to be a closed room murder...

Battler didn't seem to like where this was going as well, but hid his discomfort for the time's being. No need to spread panic in their small group.

@The Tactician @Mari @ShiroKiyoshi @Verite @BarrenThin @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Robin noted the strange flash of surprise in Battler's response. However, he held back on bringing it up at the moment. Best not to distract ourselves with too many questions... "Nice to meet you, Battler. I'm glad your rivalry with Erika has shimmered down now, as I'd rather not fight an unneeded battle with a friend," He added a playful smile near the end, showing that he meant nothing negative by his words. He then quieted down, listening as the two rivals spoke with each other and nodded along with their ideas.

"Agreed. We need to keep together and coordinate our actions to be effective," A sly smirk played at his lips as he finished up, "I'm glad I have two people I can trust from the very beginning this time... Especially when one of them is you, Erika..."

@Gummi Bunnies @Mari @ShiroKiyoshi @Verite @BarrenThin @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Stubbs didn't really care too much for the prattling of the living unless it concerned him directly. But the girl in the frou-frou dress with blue hair had mentioned something about the doors not working. Shambling over with his left leg practically being dragged along, Stubbs gripped the doorknob and tugged on it as hard as he could with his undead strength. But the door wouldn't give away and give him the freedom he desired. He didn't want to stay in some room cooped up with a bunch of nattering humans!

"Gaaaaah.." He groaned in annoyance as he propped a foot on the door and tugged on the doorknob once more. But this badboy was locked good and tight. Removing his hands from the knobs, Stubbs took another drag of his cigarette out of frustration. He still wasn't sure if he could eat these people which made this feel like even more of a kick in the ass. Maybe his hand could sneak under the door?

Before he could think any further on any plans to escape the room, Stubbs heard one of the humans speak to him. Which didn't really strike him as too odd in all honesty. Until people figured out he was a zombie, they just assumed he was a dirty bum with an ugly tie and a festering wound on his side.

"Braaaaains.." The tone sounded a bit agitated than was probably warranted. But nobody had really asked for Stubbs name since he had died. He was sure he had a card somewhere. Looking over his person, he'd reach into one of his pockets and pulled out a card that looked like it'd been buried for a long time-over twenty years to be exact with the dirt stains on it and such. But the text was still legible enough.

[Edward 'Stubbs' Stubblefield! The Best Traveling Salesman Around or you can have your money back!]

@Gummi Bunnies
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"Well, this was super unexpected."

Saiai Kinuhata sat up and looked around. Where was she? She didn't know. And she also didn't know anyone in here. So now was a good time to get some answers.

Or look at a crystal. Looked valuable. Saiai decided to touch it, as well as address some of the people in the room.

"Who're you people?"

@The Silver Paladin @Bomb @york @Shattered♦Secrets™ @Gibbons @CrunchyCHEEZIT @OrlandoBloomers @Atomyk @Mighty Roman

The crystal suddenly shuffled to the side, lightly falling ontop of a bed.

@The Silver Paladin @Bomb @york @Shattered♦Secrets™ @Gibbons @Kaykay @OrlandoBloomers @Atomyk @Mighty Roman
@Wake UP ROOM 3​
"Oh? My name is Karin, and this is Ethel. I'm her Fairy partner."

"...Hi" was all that Ethel said.

@The Silver Paladin @york @Shattered♦Secrets™ @Gibbons @Kaykay @OrlandoBloomers @Atomyk @Mighty Roman @CrunchyCHEEZIT @room 3 guys​
"Well, this was super unexpected."

Saiai Kinuhata sat up and looked around. Where was she? She didn't know. And she also didn't know anyone in here. So now was a good time to get some answers.

Or look at a crystal. Looked valuable. Saiai decided to touch it, as well as address some of the people in the room.

"Who're you people?"

@The Silver Paladin @Bomb @york @Shattered♦Secrets™ @Gibbons @CrunchyCHEEZIT @OrlandoBloomers @Atomyk @Mighty Roman

The crystal would almost immediatly begin shuddering violently and glowing with a sharp violet hue. It rises in the air before Saiai, vibrating at a constant pace before seizing and hanging in the air. A few minutes of silence, before a tangling red-blue mass of organic material shoots around and begins to twirl about the crystal, shifting and shaping before finally merging and taking a vaguely strange, humanoid shape.


A pair of eery unblinking eyes would appear within the "sockets" of the creature, immediately fixating on every person in the room.

@The Silver Paladin @york @Shattered♦Secrets™ @Gibbons @Kaykay @OrlandoBloomers @Atomyk @Mighty Roman @Bomb @ROOM 3​
[BCOLOR=transparent]Prologue: Love for the Lost[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]It was a rather average day, in Ravenwood Manor.. Or, rather, as average as it got in the place. For the first time in quite a while, the interior of the Manor was quite bright and pleasant, the decor and general feel of the place reflecting that of it's residents within. Inside, a young girl with blonde hair and stunning bright blue eyes was curled up against a large black wolf. The two were garbed in matching capes, the latter not seeming too happy about this. The young girl, however... "Hey, Reece?" she asked, not looking up from adjusting the cape on her canine companion. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]A heavy sigh was the response, followed by the sound of a book shutting. "Yes, Ryan?" a new voice asked right back, though she very much lacked the enthusiasm the child did. Rather cheerily, the younger girl spoke up again. "When are Lena-beana, Ethan, and Jules going to be home?" she queried idly, continuing to fiddle with the dark blue cape. This question caused a long silence to fill the air, the older of the two females pinching the bridge of her nose with annoyance. "I don't know. Why don't you try to Kelt with her and find out yourself? You really ought to practice more," the other voice chided, shaking her head with disappointment.[/BCOLOR]

Now, the ten-year-old child paused in messing with the cape, seeming to consider this.. Before she looked up at the other girl in her presence. The other girl had similar blonde hair- though it was much longer, and in a neat updo -, with pale features and abnormally radiant green eyes. "..You know, Jules says you never do anything but read," she finally commented to her older sibling, rather calmly. The reaction that came from the green-eyed young woman... Wasn't quite so calm. "I do more than read and study," she snapped, defensively. "Ridley hasn't got the slightest clue what she's talking about. You shouldn't listen to a word that comes from that girl's empty head."


"..That's not a nice thing to say, Reece," finally came a response from the little girl, a new matter-of-fact tone in her voice. This just earned a scoff from Reece, who looked at the younger girl like that was the single most ridiculous thing she'd ever heard. "Real cute, Ryan. Real cute. But I think that..-"

And suddenly, before the sisters had time to react.. Everything began to fade to black. To an empty.. Nothingness. Void of any feeling, senses, or anything else.


Ryan had no idea how long she'd been out for, where she was, or- most of all -who she was with. She stirred in an unfamiliar room, filled with unfamiliar faces. Her expression was that of a disoriented confusion, and yet, despite this, the little girl was perfectly calm, in all of her caped glory. However, she seemed rather uncertain, lying there on the floor where she'd awoken, of whether she should speak up or not. To most, this situation was probably terrifying.. But to little Healer Ryan? Well, all it did was pique curiosity. After all, considering she'd never been allowed to leave Ravenwood Manor... Well, the idea of getting to meet new people was exciting. So, almost shyly, she tried speaking up.. Of course, this was only after subconsciously gripping at the Lon'qu's sleeve, whoever that lucky(or unlucky) person was to be.

"..Where are we? Who are you people?"

@Crimson Spartan @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Archwar @The Man Without Fear @Thuro The Assassin Potato @EVERYONE IN ROOM TWO<3

".....L-Let me go....I don't know where we are...." Lon'qu spoke bitterly but he seemed to be getting nervous when Ryan grabbed him by the sleeve.


"Aww don't mind him....Lon'qu don't like it when girls get close to 'em. Names Donnel but most call me Donny.....I don't s'ppose you know anything about this here place...?" Donny spoke introducing himself to Ryan while Lon'qu seemed like he was attempting to get away from her.

@Hospes @Archwar @DapperDogman @Room 2 peeps (Still best room ever)
  • Love
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Stubbs didn't really care too much for the prattling of the living unless it concerned him directly. But the girl in the frou-frou dress with blue hair had mentioned something about the doors not working. Shambling over with his left leg practically being dragged along, Stubbs gripped the doorknob and tugged on it as hard as he could with his undead strength. But the door wouldn't give away and give him the freedom he desired. He didn't want to stay in some room cooped up with a bunch of nattering humans!

"Gaaaaah.." He groaned in annoyance as he propped a foot on the door and tugged on the doorknob once more. But this badboy was locked good and tight. Removing his hands from the knobs, Stubbs took another drag of his cigarette out of frustration. He still wasn't sure if he could eat these people which made this feel like even more of a kick in the ass. Maybe his hand could sneak under the door?

Before he could think any further on any plans to escape the room, Stubbs heard one of the humans speak to him. Which didn't really strike him as too odd in all honesty. Until people figured out he was a zombie, they just assumed he was a dirty bum with an ugly tie and a festering wound on his side.

"Braaaaains.." The tone sounded a bit agitated than was probably warranted. But nobody had really asked for Stubbs name since he had died. He was sure he had a card somewhere. Looking over his person, he'd reach into one of his pockets and pulled out a card that looked like it'd been buried for a long time-over twenty years to be exact with the dirt stains on it and such. But the text was still legible enough.

[Edward 'Stubbs' Stubblefield! The Best Traveling Salesman Around or you can have your money back!]

@Gummi Bunnies

"I see... then it's nice to meet you then, Stubbs," Battler looked over at the card that was presented to him. Well, as if that didn't sound off enough, but of course, he couldn't make much conclusions in this place yet, so he had to deal with it.


Robin noted the strange flash of surprise in Battler's response. However, he held back on bringing it up at the moment. Best not to distract ourselves with too many questions... "Nice to meet you, Battler. I'm glad your rivalry with Erika has shimmered down now, as I'd rather not fight an unneeded battle with a friend," He added a playful smile near the end, showing that he meant nothing negative by his words. He then quieted down, listening as the two rivals spoke with each other and nodded along with their ideas.

"Agreed. We need to keep together and coordinate our actions to be effective," A sly smirk played at his lips as he finished up, "I'm glad I have two people I can trust from the very beginning this time... Especially when one of them is you, Erika..."

@Gummi Bunnies @Mari @ShiroKiyoshi @Verite @BarrenThin @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"Oh stop you, you're making me blush~" Erika winked playfully when that comment directed towards her came her way. Oh boy, this was the first time Battler's heard this kind of talk from her before. Though, they all have their problems at the moment, which was to get out of this room as soon as possible.


"As for the door, I'm pretty certain that it won't br-"

Erika was going to state the obvious, but of course, the Endless Sorcerer had something to try for the very least.


"Move aside, detective! I got this!!"

As he passed by Erika, Battler happened to take off his black cape and tossed it over to her general direction. For what he was about to do, the cape would only get in the way.


Erika managed to yelp out before the cape covered her up. How else was she going to catch that cape of his?


"All we need here is a little more force to the doorrrrrrrr!!!" Battler extended his arm back, curling his right hand into a fist before punching the door. What happens after that?

... utter failure.

"Ah dammit!!" He only got a sore hand after that attempt, and boy did it hurt.


"Battler, if you were going to listen, I was about to say that physical force wouldn't exactly open the door," Erika managed to pull the cape off of her, holding out the black cloth over to him while giving him the look that showed she wasn't amused in the slightest.

@The Tactician @Mari @ShiroKiyoshi @BarrenThin
Stubbs gave a half-assed wave in response as he slotted the card away and turned back to face the door. Battler could have told Stubbs he was a maggot farm on wheels and it would have had the same effect. He had been a human once and then he got shot. Them's the breaks usually. Now he shambled around and while he had to eat brains, being a zombie really wasn't all that bad. Of course it meant his leg would never heal properly giving him a damned limp.

But that was something he had grown used to. He hadn't grown used to being around humans he couldn't eat. He'd step aside however as Battler tried to seemingly punch the door down. Only for it fail completely. Pulling the cigarette out of his mouth, he'd let out what could have been interpreted as a small cackle. He may have been dead but that didn't mean his sense of humor kicked the bucket with him. If these humans kept amusing him like this, maybe being stuck with them wasn't as bad as he thought.


@The Tactician @Mari @ShiroKiyoshi @BarrenThin @Gummi Bunnies
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"Well, this was super unexpected."

Saiai Kinuhata sat up and looked around. Where was she? She didn't know. And she also didn't know anyone in here. So now was a good time to get some answers.

Or look at a crystal. Looked valuable. Saiai decided to touch it, as well as address some of the people in the room.

"Who're you people?"

@The Silver Paladin @Bomb @york @Shattered♦Secrets™ @Gibbons @CrunchyCHEEZIT @OrlandoBloomers @Atomyk @Mighty Roman

"Oh? My name is Karin, and this is Ethel. I'm her Fairy partner."

"...Hi" was all that Ethel said.

@The Silver Paladin @york @Shattered♦Secrets™ @Gibbons @Kaykay @OrlandoBloomers @Atomyk @Mighty Roman @CrunchyCHEEZIT @room 3 guys​

Percy and Annabeth looked at each other. They then looked at the crowd.

"My name is Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon, and all around awesome guy." Percy said standing up.

Annabeth sighed and facepalmed, and dragged her laptop out of her bag. "Annabeth Chase, Daughter of Athena. He's my boyfriend." She said pointing to Percy.

@Atomyk @OrlandoBloomers @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Room 3
You find a lot of cotton inside.

As Jason ripped through the bear all he found was cotton, lots and lots of cotton that served no other purpose other than fluff for the bear. He threw the scraps up into the air in frustration and thought about ripping the bunny up. Though, he shouldn't ruin a child's life before it went from good to bad to worse to shit. The Immortal also heard Lon'qu say something and he looked up to see that the human female had gripped his arm to help get up. Sheep tried to defend his friend.

"Well, as seeing my rage tear was a failure, why not introduce me to frienemies?"

Jason rose up, his dull, green eyes staring at them as if they were a bunch of school kids horsing around. If they looked into the eyes, they would lack any sign of life. A frown was also plastered on his face, signifying his annoyance at the whole ordeal. Before he spoke, he made a slight bow.

"Ok, since we are stuck in here, why don't we introduce ourselves? I am the Immortal Jason, yours?"

@Crimson Spartan @Hospes @Room 2 captives


Years ago, Cindy Moon's life took a turn she never wanted. Bite by the same Spider that gave Peter Parker his spider powers, Cindy was also gifted the powers of a spider! However, due to having a power to find any Spider-man in the multiverse, Cindy was locked away in a bunker for 10 years! Now she was free, now she was the hero known as Silk.


However, it seemed, as she woke up in the room, weak and dazed, she was back in another bunker! Standing up, Cindy would around the room.

"Ugghh, Ow. Okay I feel like a train it me. Twice. Where the heck are we? So, who's creepy dollhouse is this?"

@Jeremi @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @ room 4
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".....L-Let me go....I don't know where we are...." Lon'qu spoke bitterly but he seemed to be getting nervous when Ryan grabbed him by the sleeve.


"Aww don't mind him....Lon'qu don't like it when girls get close to 'em. Names Donnel but most call me Donny.....I don't s'ppose you know anything about this here place...?" Donny spoke introducing himself to Ryan while Lon'qu seemed like he was attempting to get away from her.

@Hospes @Archwar @DapperDogman @Room 2 peeps (Still best room ever)

Immediately, Ryan seemed to become very self aware upon Lon's comment. "Oh.. Sorry, sir," Ryan quickly apologized, immediately releasing her hold on Lon'qu's sleeve and backing up very slightly in attempt to give him a bit of space. When you were as comfortable with touch and hugs and such as Ryan was.. It wasn't uncommon that you forget not everyone has that view. At least, not in the Caster's opinion. But, now that she knew this male wasn't, she had no intentions of touching him again. After all, the ten-year-old always respected people and their wishes.

The young blonde did brighten up slightly upon Donnel's introduction, and she offered the male a small, bright smile. "Nice to meet you, Donny.. I'm Ryan," she introduced, pleasantly. She bit her cheek at his question, seeming a little uncertain. "Well.. No, I don't," she answered, sincerely. "I guess you don't, either.."

Jason's little announcement made the child turn her head, her bright blue eyes landing on the man quietly. Considering she'd just stated her name.. She seemed a bit uncertain of how to respond, or if she should at all. Again, this was her first time meeting anyone outside of her family... Cut the kid some slack.

@Crimson Spartan @Archwar @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @DapperDogman @ROOM TWO<3​
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"I see... then it's nice to meet you then, Stubbs," Battler looked over at the card that was presented to him. Well, as if that didn't sound off enough, but of course, he couldn't make much conclusions in this place yet, so he had to deal with it.



"Oh stop you, you're making me blush~" Erika winked playfully when that comment directed towards her came her way. Oh boy, this was the first time Battler's heard this kind of talk from her before. Though, they all have their problems at the moment, which was to get out of this room as soon as possible.


"As for the door, I'm pretty certain that it won't br-"

Erika was going to state the obvious, but of course, the Endless Sorcerer had something to try for the very least.


"Move aside, detective! I got this!!"

As he passed by Erika, Battler happened to take off his black cape and tossed it over to her general direction. For what he was about to do, the cape would only get in the way.


Erika managed to yelp out before the cape covered her up. How else was she going to catch that cape of his?


"All we need here is a little more force to the doorrrrrrrr!!!" Battler extended his arm back, curling his right hand into a fist before punching the door. What happens after that?

... utter failure.

"Ah dammit!!" He only got a sore hand after that attempt, and boy did it hurt.


"Battler, if you were going to listen, I was about to say that physical force wouldn't exactly open the door," Erika managed to pull the cape off of her, holding out the black cloth over to him while giving him the look that showed she wasn't amused in the slightest.

@The Tactician @Mari @ShiroKiyoshi @BarrenThin

"... He's not very bright, is he?" Robin muttered to Erika, obviously not impressed with her companion's actions. He tapped his foot as he watched Battler nurse his fist, "Now then... I have a simple hypothesis to test, and it is one that you should be familiar with, Erika." With only a few steps, he stood against the wall facing the door, watching it, "We wait for it to open on its own. If this is like our previous experience, then the answer should work just fine." The tactician would normally be uncomfortable waiting like this, unable to take the initiative. However, right now, he was fine just waiting with the woman he loved.

"Erika, if you would be so kind as to join me?" He held a hand out to the detective, inviting her to a session of holding each other close.

@Gummi Bunnies @Mari @ShiroKiyoshi @BarrenThin @Verite @Krieg
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