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Character Name: Chung Seiker

Age: 16

-Slow Movement compared to rest of cannon
+Fast attack speed with pistols
-Slow attack speed with cannon
+Various skills
+Can enhance ally defense
+High armor durability
-Low magical defense and affinity
+Use of cannon has made Chung very strong
+Unlimited Ammo
+Don't have to carry ammo
-I have to reload after [x] number of shots
+Enters Super Armor Status at the end of attacks and when combat reloading
+Awakening increases damage, critical rate, and allows for unlimited ammo without reloading.
-Awakening lasts 90 seconds

Powers and/or Equipment:
[2] Silver Shooters
[1] Cannon

Rumble Shot
[Active] Chung fires out a pulsating cannonball, which pushes and damages monsters up to seven times.

Accurate Marksmanship
[Passive] Increase Chung's overall accuracy and skill with the Silver Shooters and the Destroyer's cannonballs.

Sharpshooter Syndrome
[Special Active] Chung fires the Silver Shooter towards the sky to create a windblast that pulls enemies in and release a silver aura that affects all party members in the radius.

Bullet Blitz
[Special Active] Chung fires a bullet from one of his Silver Shooters that homes in on any nearby enemies

Gas Piston System
[Passive] Chung is able to reload 1 cannonball for every ammo he uses. His critical hit rate is also increased.

Tussle Technique
[Passive] Improve Chung's overall skill in handling different weapons at the same time.

Outrage Strike
[Hyper Active] Chung fires a barrage of missiles that freeze in place around the area. He then tosses his cannon into the air, locks onto the missiles, and uses his Silver Shooters to detonate all the missiles, creating a massive array of explosions, and all just in time to catch his cannon.

Heavy Railgun
[Special Active] Chung loads his cannon and fires a super fast cannonball that pierces through all targets in its path.

Remodel Magazine
[Passive] Modifies the Destroyer to hold more ammo capacity and chance to reload 1 ammo during combat and non-combat.

Shooting Star
[Special Active] Chung launches 12 guided missiles from his cannon that explode upon impact.

Impact Detonation
[Active] Chung aims forward and fires a barrage of shots. Upon impact the shots will detonate, damaging any nearby targets.

Tolerance Aura
[Buff] Chung releases a aura which increases your damage reduction.

Gigantic Impact
[Special Active]
Chung jumps backwards and rockets into ground with meteor-like force, knocking all targets in range upwards.

Scare Chase
[Special Active] Chung slams his Destroyer down and reloads one cannonball before firing a missile that seeks the nearest target and explodes on impact.

Lunatic Blow
[Special Active] Chung repeatedly pummels and blasts targets with the Destroyer.

Personality: Serious most often, has a light side.

Tier level: Tier 2

Posting Rate: If nothing comes up I'm available from 6:00PM {Florida Time} to 12:00AM {Florida Time} during the week. And almost all day on weekends if nothing comes up. Posting may be interrupted and late on occasions.

Appearance: Tall, lean, short black hair

Character Name: Bayonetta

Age: 603

Attributes/Powers: Speed, agility, strength, Umbran climax, summons of beast from Inferno. Equipment is "Love Is Blue", her set of four pistols

Personality/History: An Umbra Witch and nearly the last of her kind, Bayonetta exterminates Angels to keep her part of the bargain between herself and Rodin, that keeps her from being sent to hell. Her personality is confident, sassy, fearless, and caring to those she sees fit to be under her care.

Canon: Bayonetta 2

Other Info: First debuted in Murder Game IV, she is making her return, as hinted at the Epilogue that she would take part in the Coalition effort. Won Murder Games Award for "Most Badass Character".​

Character Name: Teresa Agnes(Reaper Edition)

Age: 19


-As a Reaper, Teresa has access to a variety of power pins, giving her a variety of abilities she can use; however, she can only have three at a time, and must call upon Joshua to switch them out.
-Her starting pins will be Grizzly(can create shock waves), Sexy D(telekinesis; that's right, this one's back ;)), and Eyes Full of Light(when user stares at an enemy, it focuses an intense holy light on them; inflicts continuous damage).

-Element of Surprise: Teresa is much stronger than she appears, often leading people to believe she's a weak child who just talks big
-Smart: Clever, and did a good part in helping group A1 bust out of the Maze(with the help of Thomas and the others)
-Quick-witted and proven to do well at thinking on-the-fly
-Strong/Physically Fit: Possesses quite a bit of over-all strength and speed, especially in comparison to most females of her age and stature
-Strong-Willed: Teresa will keep pushing forward, no matter the odds. She never gives up

-Teresa, as she well demonstrated, put others before herself and will risk it all for people she cares about
-She can tend to act without thinking things through
-Extremely stubborn
-Tries to remain emotionally distanced, but cares deeply for others(though she'd never admit it)
-Can't swim
-Mild fear of electricity and fire

In The Kill Order, a year after the Sun Flares, Teresa(or Deedee) was living in a village with a large group of people, including her parents and brother Ricky. When The Flare began to spread, everyone in her village shunned and abandoned her when they found out she was immune to the virus, believing her to be a demon of some sort. In the end, Teresa told Thomas that her original name was Deedee. Teresa showed up in the glade a day after Thomas; happening to be the first and only female there. After this, no more gladers came out of the box. When they made the escape, Teresa was placed in a separate dorm than the males, and seemingly vanished(though she communicated telepathically with Thomas). There were few encounters involving her and her 'pack' of gladers, but when there were, she seemed to have gone crazy. Later, in the Death Cure, she met her death(after retrieving her memories) pushing Thomas out of the way of the collapsing ceiling.

However, Teresa re-awoke in an odd dark room.. What turned out to be a murder game! During this, she typically stuck to herself, aside from travelling with a few choice friends. These friends including Ashley "Ash" Williams(Evil Dead Trilogy), Jenny(Doctor Who), a wolf noise pup she saved and dubbed "Little Guy", Frank Reagan, and Hurley(Lost). She didn't make many friends, but cared deeply about these few and a couple others. Her ultimate goal was saving as many people as possible(and slightly above this goal is keeping her friends safe), and hopefully staying alive trying. However, killing Ryu became her goal upon seeing him torment Ash into oblivion. After challenging Ryu to a duel, in which he admitted to being one of the traitors, Teresa met her death when Ryu used her internal conflict over whether or not she should kill him or simply keep him under close watch as opportunity to shock her to death. However, this death did not go in vain; as Teresa managed to take Ryu out with her.

In the end, Teresa gave a speech upon John White trying to get her and the others to side with him, convincing a majority of the folk to side, rather, with Joshua. With the aide of some select few from this bunch distracting White, including Reagan, Minato, Asha, and some others, Teresa managed to destroy John White's power source, killing the monster once and for all. After this, upon realizing she was unwanted and purposeless back where she used to call home, the glader decided to stay and become a Reaper.. But now that Aki had finally stepped fourth, she immediately stepped up to the plate.

Canon: The Maze Runner Trilogy

Other Info: N/A​
Think about it. Lost three limbs, Requires a respirator to breathe, lost 1 death star, takes orders from a walking wrinkle, need I continue? XD
The Duo Of [glow=red]Ruby Rose[/glow] & [glow=yellow]Sophie![/glow]

  • Character Name: Sophie

    Age: 20

    Weapons master; Experience with various modern weapons, from long ranged to hand to hand, this includes rifles, switch blades, police batons, automatic and semi-automatic weaponry, and even able to wield both sledgehammers and sticks as weaponry. (Cry of Fear logic at it's finest here :P)
    "starter" Items (the items she carries around at the moment):
    - A fully loaded glock 19, with 1, 15 round magazine
    - A black colored switch blade with a standard, sharp, silver blade
    - A phone that once belonged to Simon (It has a built in flashlight feature!)

    Personality/History: Sophie was a typical woman, living in Sweden, with various regrets, a kind heart, and a huge sense of determination along with what could be considered selflessless. She once had a dear friend of Simon Henriksson, and they often enjoyed spending time together, and helpign one another through tough times... Tragedy struck when he passed away during a hit and run incident, leaving Sophie mourning him, filled with regret from holding back from telling him about her feelings for him. During the evengs of MG III, Sophie recieved a letter, and partook in the frightening events that occurred there, having her leg broken at least two times, going through the pits of hell itself, and making various friends along the way, a few notable ones included (now Queen) Elsa of Arandelle, and the Red Spy, whom she had briefly met after he had helped her, only to get executed not too long after.

    Canon: Cry of Fear

    Other Info: A participant in Murder Game III; Welcome To Silent Hill

  • Character Name: Ruby Rose

    Age: 15

    Speed Semblance; Each person in the world of Remnant has a semblance along with an aura, Ruby's semblance is speed, allowing quick bursts of movement so fast that one could mistake them for teleporting... However, such feats require large amounts of concentration to effectively pull off...
    Combat (with the Crescent Rose); As her Uncle (Qrow), had taught her how to fight, she is able to perform various tactical maneuvers and attacks using a custom-build sniper-rifle/scythe called the "Crescent Rose", able to wield the large (Albeit somewhat light) Sniper-scythe with minimal effort.
    Physically weak; Unfortunately, without her weapon, she's not as physically strong as most others, therefore being caught in a fist fight is a big disadvantage to her.
    "Starter" Items:
    - Crescent Rose; Large scythe with the ability to switch to a compact state and a weapon-oriented state "It's also a customizable high impact sniper rifle." - Ruby Rose
    She also carries around two seperate types of ammunition for this weapon; the standard, dust-rounds, and a more powerfull version of them, marked in seperate clips with a sort of black reticule
    - Red Cloak; A cloak which lets loose a flurry of petals whenever Ruby Rose moves at quick speeds, something she carries with her at all times
    - Coalition Communicator; An painted over communicator which she uses to keep in contact with the Coalition.
    - Scroll; An object that functions as an collapsible and expandable holographic tablet, it's able to guage a user's aura as well as those of the user's teammates depicting the aura's "strength" as a life bar... Ruby Rose commonly uses this to make and recieve calls, mostly with team members and contacts in Beacon Academy.

    Personality/History: Ruby Rose is a young, energetic, childish girl with a kind heart and a strong sense of leadership, she is currently enrolled in Beacon Academy along with her older Sister Yang Xiao Long. She was taught how to fight by her uncle Qrow before she was enrolled, gaining various skills in combat, based around her ability to manipulate both her semblance and her large combat scythe/weapon, the Crescent Rose. When she had ended up in MG IV, along with her sister, the two went through various crazy things, making various friends along with way, one notable friend included Cosmo the dog. Ruby was the second player to be voted for and executed since she was a suspected traitor (which turned out to be wrong), and afterwards, in the afterlife world, she befriended a girl named Jennifer, along with making acquantances with Natsu as well. After the events ended, she returned to her world, now secretly a reserve member of a group called the Coalition.

    Canon: RWBY

    Other Info: A participant in Murder Game IV; Monokuma Rising
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Character Name: Piper, Prue, and Phoebe.

Age: Unknown(likely around late 30s,) Unknown(likely around her early 40s), Unknown(Likely around her early 30s)


Basic Powers
  • Spell Casting: The ability to cast spells and perform rituals.
  • Potion Making: The ability to brew potions. This is considered Piper's specialty, due to her love and skill for cooking.
  • Scrying: The ability to locate a person or object by the use of a scrying crystal, a map, and sometimes other tools.
  • Mediumship: The ability to see and commune with spirits of the dead.
Active Powers
  • Molecular Immobilization: The ability to slow down molecules to the point that they freeze. This power works on almost all objects and beings, except certain upper-level demons such as The Triad. This is Piper's primary power which she channels through her hands.
  • Deviation: The ability to manipulate your current magical power to deflect energies back in the direction it came from that are thrown in the targeted direction of the deviator. Piper is capable of this through the use of her Molecular Combustion power.
  • Molecular Acceleration: The ability to reverberate molecules at a speed which causes them to rapidly heat up and sometimes become disordered; this can often result in either melting or ignition. Piper gained this ability in 2008 when she wanted to blow up the Source of All Evil in the form of a Golem.
    Molecular Combustion: The ability to speed up molecules to the point that they explode. This power advanced so much that she is able to destroy Upper-Level Demons. It is considered Piper's strongest and most frequently used power.

Other Powers
  • The Power of Three: The collective power of Piper and her sisters which enhances their powers.
  • High Resistance: The ability to be highly resistant to physical and magical harm, surviving otherwise lethal attacks.
Basic Powers
  • Spell Casting: The ability to cast spells and perform rituals. Prue's spell-casting ability has been dramatically-enhanced by her power of reality-warping, allowing her to cast spells as powerful (if not more) as the Charmed Ones.
Active Powers
  • Telekinesis: The ability to move objects and beings with the mind. This was Prue's primary ability as a witch which she could channel with her eyes and later hands. When she became caretaker of the Nexus of the All, she used this ability to close the manor doors.
  • Astral Projection: The ability to project one's consciousness into an astral form outside the body. Prue first developed this power during her second year as a witch as an advancement of her telekinesis. She later demonstrated this power as the caretaker of the Nexus of the All when she astral projects to the Astral Plane.
  • Hovering: The ability to rise in the air a few feet with or without the use of orbs (without in Prue's case).
  • Holograms: The ability to project light-based images. Prue used this ability when she projected the image of Leo while she was on the phone with him.
Other Powers
  • The Power of Three: The collective power of Piper and her sisters which enhances their powers.
  • High Resistance: The ability to be highly resistant to physical and magical harm, surviving otherwise lethal attacks.

Basic Powers
  • Spell Casting: The ability to cast spells and perform rituals. Phoebe is considered the best spell writer of all four sisters.
  • Potion Making: The ability to brew potions.
  • Scrying: The ability to locate a person or object by the use of a scrying crystal, a map, and sometimes other tools.
  • Mediumship: The ability to see and commune with spirits of the dead.

Active Powers
  • Premonition: The ability to see and experience events from the past, present, and future. This is Phoebe's primary Wiccan power.
    • Intuition: The ability to sense when something is about to happen before it does. This allows her to sense and predict attacks.
    • Astral Premonition: The ability to receive visions of the future while simultaneously astral projecting into said future.
    • Sharing Visions: The ability to share visions with other psychics by holding hands, palm to palm.
    • Psychic Echos: The ability to create a psychic link with other psychics.
  • Levitation: The ability to propel oneself into the air and hover. She can also extend her levitation power to levitate other people and objects when in physical contact with them.
    • Super Strength: The ability to exert a level of physical force above that of a normal person. Her ability to levitate allows her to build up enough momentum to deliver more powerful attacks by levitating and kicking her targets, who would fall back a considerable distance.
  • Empathy: The ability to feel, sense and understand other people's feelings and emotions.
    • Psychic Reflection: The ability to reflect emotions and/or memories back onto a person or onto another being.

Other Powers
  • The Power of Three: The collective power of the Charmed Ones which enhances their powers.
  • High Resistance: This ability is active when Phoebe is in unity with her sisters. It is also active while channeling the powers of another magical being.
Natural Abilities
  • Advanced Combat: To make up for initially only having a passive power, Phoebe took classes in self-defense. She also trained with Cole for short period of time. She eventually became the most effective hand-to-hand fighter out of all the four sisters.
  • Agility: Defined as moving quickly and easily from one motion to another. She acquired this skill through intense combat training, which was later enhanced because of her levitation power.


Piper: http://charmed.wikia.com/wiki/Piper_Halliwell

Prue: http://charmed.wikia.com/wiki/Prue_Halliwell

Phoebe: http://charmed.wikia.com/wiki/Phoebe_Halliwell

Canon: The Charmed Ones, and Murder Tale II: Eden and the Forgotten People.

Other Info: I have GM approval for three characters.


Character Name: Frenzy

Age: Unknown

Attributes/Powers: While he prefers to avoid direct confrontation, Frenzy still has an impressive arsenal. Each of his four arms carries a small but powerful machine gun, capable of being equipped in a fraction of a second. He also utilizes a disk-blade launcher located in his chest compartment. These shuriken-like weapons are capable of cutting clean through a human, and even some metals.

For defense, Frenzy doesn't have much. His main strength there is a de-centralized modular nervous system. In short, he is very hard to kill. It allows him to sustain critical injuries while still retaining full function to the body part it is connected to. This has resulted in numerous decapitations, which now are more of a nuisance than an actual threat. Combined with his hyper-reactive trans-scanning and reformatting system, he can scan virtually any electronic object within a matter of seconds. This system works regardless of any state of disrepair, making him incredibly hard to track.

The simplest way to kill Frenzy would be to chop him into pieces too small to function correctly. After all, a single finger isn't much to work with. Another way would be to overload his system with raw energy, which would nullify his ability to relocate his nervous center and result in his termination.

Personality/History: Frenzy is a jittery little thing, often prone to spastic twitching and speaking in rapid cybertronian gibberish. He is both hyper-active and single-minded, making himself an irritation to even the most tolerable comrades. While his espionage abilities are great, it is his propensity to spread chaos that is his greatest skill. He approaches life with a sinister glee that makes it incredibly difficult to deter this little abomination from any course of action he has chosen to act upon.

Canon: Transformers (2007) movie

Other Info: I'm estimating his height to be around 3-4 feet, while his weight might be around 90-100 lbs. He also might be slightly radioactive.


I was told to put this here
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Meira Franz

Character Name: Meira Franz

Appearance: Meira is decently tall, reaching 5'10"/180 cm. Her weight comes to 146 lbs/66 KG. Her hair is exceedingly long. Her left eye is noticeably blind, with a scar running straight down it and beyond to the side of her body. Eye color is a darker shade of blue, though it turns bright red when using magic.

Age: 19


General Skills
Meira has general combat prowess, specialized in swordsmanship and hand-to-hand. Although Meira isn't an acrobat, she moves with precision. She can handle her magically enhanced physical abilities as if they were her natural ones. She has a decently large resistance to psychological attacks and pain, and has no problem inflicting any kind of damage to others, even those close to her. Despite having a relatively normal amount of internal magic, her circuits allow her to use exceedingly large amounts of mana from the environment at one time.​
Meira keeps a concealed knife on each inner thigh, balanced to serve both as a thrown weapon and in hand. Additionally, she has a magical weapon called Akashic Air.​
Akashic Air is a magical weapon in the form of a katana whose weight and sharpness reflect the 'Air' part of its name. As well as being a well-forged blade, Akashic Air's ability is to dissipate or otherwise physically affect magic. It reads and reverses the process of spell casting, meaning it can affect all magic it can touch or come near. The amount of mana used to dissipate is roughly the amount used to cast the spell. However, Akashic Air is also able to physically affect spells using much the same method, but also by applying physical force. This allows the user to physically knock away spell-based attacks, even if they are made of fire, water, or any other non-solid substance. Akashic Air 'reads' and 'saves' spells in the area around it, meaning the more times a spell is cast the more efficient and effective the weapon is at dispelling or physically affecting it.​
Meira has the ability to use Magecraft, and has general spells one would expect from a Magus of the Type Moon universe. One of these is Reinforcement, which she uses to enhance her own body and weapons to a level that's capable of fighting even powerful Servants. Additionally, she has created her own unique list of spells. (Prana = Internal Magic Energy, Mana = Environmental Magical energy)​
Type: Enhancement
Speed: Single-Action
Chant: N/A
Range: Self/Physical Contact
Effect: Uses a burst of mana to send her body into motion. This can get her to maximum speed in any direction in a moment, or above if she uses an excess amount of mana. When used in air, it allows for changing directions in mid-air. Can be used against other people upon physical contact, sending them flying in any direction. When used this way, Ex-Accel's power is limited. This spell is also useful in melee combat, as she can redirect her sword or body at a moments notice, even after using an all-out attack.


Support Sphere
Type: Support
Speed: Single-Action
Chant: N/A
Range: Self/Physical Contact
Effect: Creates a solid sphere of mana slightly larger than her fist with various uses. This sphere locks itself in space, and would sooner be destroyed than moved. The most common of its uses is as a foothold, allowing Meira to stand anywhere at any angle by creating the sphere around her foot or elsewhere. It can also be used as a restraint, or even as a medium to transfer force from attacks should it be disadvantageous for her to directly touch the target. Although they can only be made in her immediate area, they remain until dispelled or dismissed.


Scythe Crescent
Type: Air Projectile
Speed: Single-Action; Two-Verse for a barrage.
Quote :
"Dance in the Devil's grasp,
and then those claws will impale you."

Range: 25m
Effect: Sends out a slash of air about the size of one's hand. One they hit, these projectiles of air turn into ghostly hands, grasping tightly and pulling away as they hit the target. This causes rips rather than cuts, and if blocked or resisted, the hand(s) still pull the target backwards. As this effect usually works on those who even block with a magical shield, it is useful to cause an opening.


Reaper's Grasp
Type: Air Binding
Speed: Single-Action; Two-Verse for a barrage.
Quote :
"Celebrate in the Devil's grasp,
and then it shall close around you."

Range: 25m
Effect: Sends out a slash of air about the size of one's hand. Once they hit, these projectiles of air turn into ghostly hands, grasping tightly onto where they hit. This can restrain the target as well as move him about, even into the air.


Type: Curse
Speed: Four Verses
Quote :
"You are to be punished from the light of the sun,
I gift upon you that which none have blessed, only cursed.
May you be forgotten from the world itself, and rot in its underbelly,
Be devoured by the abyss for all eternity!"

Range: 100m or more, depending on need for accuracy.
Effect: Sends out an 8 foot diameter airy gray sphere filled with maleficient intent. It isn't particularly fast, nor slow. Passes through physical objects, but can easily be destroyed by magic. Overpowers magical barriers of the same or less rank. The sphere isn't particularly fast, however it carries the curse of petrification and can hit multiple targets. Areas with physical matter it passes through are petrified, including both liquids and solids. If hit completely, death will be slow. This is a curse meant to punish, and as such it does not petrify the blood, vital organs, or the brain. With less to provide for, a person's body could take months to die of thirst or hunger.


Type: Effect Resistance
Speed: Three Verses
Quote :
"Poison is a twisted substance,
it decays and spreads on its own,
yet it does not harm its own kin."

Range: Self/Physical Contact
Effect: Restrains the effect of a spell or substance affecting her to a specific part of her body, such as a hand or foot. This can be used to isolate harmful effects such as poison, paralysis, or even petrification, whether they be caused by magic or otherwise. Although it can only be used with OD prana, the amount required is small.


Type: Dispel
Speed: Single-Action
Chant: N/A
Range: Self/Physical Contact
Effect: Dispels harmful effects from the body. If in contact, these effects can be transferred to another person. However, because this spell requires large amounts of OD and cannot use mana, she can only use it once per day. Because of this, Isolation is best to manage harmful effects unless the situation calls for otherwise.


Mana Maelstrom
Type: Mana Control
Speed: Five-Verse
Quote :
"The Strength of the World,
The Fraility of Humans,
Their pointless existence,
all of it is so wretched,
and so it is also beautiful."

Range: 40m
Effect: For about a minute, Draws all mana (prana in the air) within 40m torwards Meira. The outer 20m diameter has no mana to use. Ten meters inside that there is a small amount, and ten meters around Meira is where the majority of mana circulates. Useful for limiting opponent's sources for spells, as well as giving her an abundance for her own. When inside "Devil's Castle," this spell draws in all mana inside the bounded field as well as inturupting any spells being cast when this one is initially used.


The Devil's Castle
Type: Bounded Field
Speed: Three Days to set up. (Five if restoring a Servant with Prana)
Chant: N/A
Range: 200m
Effect: Once set up, this bounded field gradually claims dominion of mana over the course of two days, in Meira's name. Once dominion of all the mana is complete, this bounded field will forcefully draw more mana from the Earth if any is used up. Depending on how much is used/drawn, the side-effects on the earth can range from simply being tough land to barren. When nothing more can be drained from the Earth, the land is petrified, wind does not blow, and light becomes a simple shadow of darkness.

Once mana has been claimed by Meira, she becomes able to freely use it while others are unable to use it, and must rely on their OD or other sources. In addition, their transfers of prana, external magecraft (the longer it's out,) and magecraft above two verses (increasing for each verse) are weakened.=​
Physical Skills:
Blastblade: Uses a combination of mana and technique, as well as the property of Ex-Accel. Can only be used when the sword isn't moving. By rotating, thrusting, and slashing in an instant, Meira is able to deliver a powerful blow to what the sword is touching. It can rip a hole as if it were a blender, cut deep as if it was a powerful swing, or blast a person away with the blunt end, even if the sharper end was touching them. Able to be used with her body as well, despite the name. When used with the hand, combining this technique with a throwing motion can rip off or dislocate a limb from the application of instantaneous movement.

Flourish: Uses a combination of mana and technique to repeat an action and amplify the power as well as the speed upon which it is done, preserving the previous action's momentum with magic. Flourish repeats an action with twice as much physical power and speed, stacking up to four times (2^4, or 16x.) The speed and power can be immense, but if an enemy realizes the aspect behind Flourish, they can use it against her or at least predict it.​
Determination, Genius & Potential
Perhaps one of her most useful abilities, Meira is incredibly determined towards her goals. To accompany this, she has been gifted with an exceptional body and mind, to the point where she's self-taught herself magic on variety and levels that would take normal magus families generations to reach. It is possible for her to evolve past what one would think her limits are, or what limits in general should be. As such, it is possible and even likely for her to become even stronger during the Ultimate Murder Game.​
Origin of Reaping
Meira's Origin (Which she has been awakened to,) is that of Reaping. It is in her nature to take that which is precious or necessary, even if she has no use for it. Spells that are of that nature come easily to her. This origin does not have notions of 'self' or 'others,' nor 'good' or 'evil.' Even its from herself, Meira's every instinct and thought demand to take what is precious.​

Meira is a cheerful girl who likes to joke and play when the situation is friendly. However, she is undeniably a creature of evil. She receives joy out of the suffering of others, much like a certain fake priest. But she was raised with no hope of even trying out a normal happiness. However, despite being evil and recognizing herself as such, Meira does not let it affect her normal behavior.

Meira has proficient social skills on the professional level, although anyone who's seen her darker side reconsiders their relationship with her. Indeed, she can be quite friendly to everyone, even if they're an enemy. In fact, she'll gladly talk to them with her sword in their gut. That said, she isn't mindlessly happy. She'll more than return any misfortune placed upon her by others.

As stated before, Meira readily accepts her innate desires. She will lie, cheat, and steal with no regard, even kill people simply if there would be no consequences. However, she believes (due to her rather defined personality, upbringing, & nature) the world loves her. And so she, in return, loves the world. She truly does. If she must be evil, then Meira decided that she be the strongest evil possible. Stories from her childhood firmly planted in her mind, she believed that if she became the all-powerful evil, a stronger hero would rise up and defeat her. This would make the world a better place. She decided to show her love for the world, she would become the ultimate villain, so even those who are wretched like her could be saved. It is this thought, this goal, this single delusion that saves her from herself and her origin of reaping. Even though she's insane for believing in it, it is the driving force behind her actions, more so than even her origin.​

Long story short, life was crap. She was 'raised' by a rising underworld gang in China, and had to constantly make sure her services were worth more than her price as a magus's child. The pressure and environment were perfect for her personality and nature, allowing her to blossom as an 'evil.' The driving force behing the Gang, Meira was certainly more valuable than any price. She even extended the association towards the oriental Magi, an unprecedented event that had Magus on their toes.​
It was there that she met her only friend, Shiyan Fu. Meira hated her guts, and the feeling was mutual. The daughter and future head of a prominent Magus family, she was the candidate for the upcoming Holy Grail War. Through tense negotiations, a false sense of peace was established between China's magus and the Gang. The meetings continued. Meira had coffee, Shiyan had tea. Talking out of necessity, there was no doubt Shiyan never considered Meira her friend. But Meira, a twisted creature, enjoyed that. She spent so much time with the other woman, that it became natural to count her as a friend. After all, she was no more hostile than everyone else around Meira.​
It was to this 'friend' that Meira had lost an eye. When, after researching elsewhere, Meira had brought up the subject of the Holy Grail War, Shiyan had attacked in a fury, fleeing after. Those associates of hers at the meeting had met a fate worse than death, and then death.​
Time passed, and Meira disguised herself as Shiyan and entered the Holy Grail War. The original Shiyan, was of course brutally beaten, turned into a living immobile statue, and kept for her amusement. In these games, Meira summoned Berserker. This and that happened, and this is where I take her from.​

Canon: Original Character / Type Moon (Fate) Universe

Other Info: Meira carries around a small piece of her mother's flesh that has part of her Magic Crest. As her mother was a shape-shifting witch, eating this flesh will give one the ability to change almost anything about themselves, whether it be their appearance, mind, or body. As it is a limited magic, it is mostly used for aesthetic purposes. Using this, Meira may eventually turn into Maou. This transformation removes the memories of Meira, and effectively creates a pure avatar of her determination. It perfects her body (still relatively human levels,) and regrows her left eye.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Atomyk
Appearance: (Picture will be uploaded later) Messy Hair, Goatee. He wears a shirt with a blue tie, and dresses quite formally. He's also quite thin and tall. Famed for his black trenchcoat with moving blue flames.

Character Name: Joseph Aniphage

Age: 25

Attributes/Powers: Joseph possesses one of The Rings of Gwyn, a very powerful magical object, of which he channels his magic through. (Magic must always be channeled through an object to work effectively). The Ring he possesses is called 'Nox'-and represents 'The Darkest Light'-Dreams and Nightmares.

He is also a master of most basic forms of magic, favouring those based around fire. He also has a vast knowledge of magical history and how magic works.

Joseph is also the last Aniphage-those who can transform into Animals. It is a skill he rarely uses-the transformation is extremely painful. However, Aniphagism is a magical skill that cannot be taught-only stolen.

Joseph is subsequently paranoid about his own death because of this-whoever kills him could potentially take his power.

However, his most famous power comes from his enchanted coat. The coat is a black trenchcoat, with moving blue flames, which move like actual fire. The coat enables Joseph to teleport short distances-but he cannot take others with him.

He is also a skilled detective and an adept swordsman.

Joseph Aniphage first discovered his powers as a teenager, accidentally setting fire to the orphanage that him and his sister ,Teresa, grew up in. Joseph still hasn't revealed what happened to his sister, but has implied that she had some terrible fate relating to magic. Never speaking of how he had caused the incident, he lived an unfulfilling life, until he rescued the American sorceror, Donald Pierce from a strange magical being.

Donald had recently been kicked out of C.O.R.M.U. (Central Organization of Real Magic in the Universe), due to his extreme alcoholism, and agreed to train Joseph in the use of his potential magical abilities, to take his place at C.O.R.M.U. Joseph was a quick learner, and soon became good friends with Donald, even sponsoring Donald's AA sessions. Until one day, on the last day of Joseph's training, Donald presented Joseph with a gift-his coat, which Donald had worn everyday since he met Joseph. Donald then left, and was killed in an alleyway by the dark Magical creature known as a 'Nightmare'.

Taking Donald's coat and ring, Joseph vowed to avenge his fallen teacher, but had found that the Nightmares had infiltrated almost the entire planet. Vowing to stop them, and other dark sorcerors and magical creatures, Joseph joined C.O.R.M.U. as their Prime Detective and Advisor on Dark Magic.

Since then, Joseph has become famed for his quirky and eccentric manner, and how he will always appear when someone requires his help, even a 'Mortal' (Non-Magical Folk). Joseph also often deals with the darker magical mysteries which other sorcerors are too scared to solve.

Canon: OC, but comes from my Original Series 'The Noble Magi'.

Other Info: He'll probably find out about The arch-demon invasion by being hired by The Coalition, due to his expertise on magic, and detectivework. He is aware that The Multiverse exists, and has worked with G.O.R.E. a couple of times in the past.
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Nicki Minaj

(Yeah, she's that old.)


Suppa Bass Attak: This ability is produced when Nicki sings her ridiculous lyrics. However, when she raps, the Suppa Bass Attak is widely ranged. Suppa Bass Attak are kisses that she blows towards her enemies.


Twerk 'n Attak: Butts, butts, butts, butts, butts, butts x10,0000milliontrillionw.e.numberomgaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Let's just say if you're close to her silicon-filled butt, there will be massive earthquakes all over the place.

IQ Termination!: When this ability is used on others, they will be confused for several minutes. If they are hit with this a second time, their bodies will be paralyzed momentarily. Brain cells will be lost, obviously, if her lyrics won't get to them.

ROMAN: This ability is only available when Nicki completes ten twerk-licious booty moves. Roman is another personality of Nicki, and she will become much more aggressive. When the ability is avaliable, any attacks that are produced afterwards have a higher affect no matter if it is a small punch.


Nicki's personality shifts a lot from bubbly and nice to rude and offensive. She'll do whatever it takes to be on top and prove to others how flawless she is. Those who dare to make fun of her, let's just say she'll rot your brain with her lyrics.
As stated, Nicki has a second personality called Roman who's worse with terminating the IQ's of others as well as talk in a much more rude language. Roman tends to be more aggressive and judgmental when displayed. When aspects of Roman start to appear, be warned because she will pick a fight with anyone.


Other than she's a ruthless woman with a whole lot of attitude and will probably end up dead or voted off by the first round? Nah.



I will provide warnings for any material deemed offensive and/or explicit.
Many of these videos contain language.
Viewer discretion is advised:

OOC: I'm so going to have fun with this. Huehuehue.

Appearance: 5 foot 10 with white hair and blue eyes. Is toned and has pale skin which suits him well. He wears a long red leather coat and brown combat pants and black steel capped combat boots.

Name: Dante

Age: 20

Attribute/powers: Being a half demon Dante has Regeneration, high damage and combat. Devil Trigger. In Devil Trigger Dante has serious increase in strength, speed, regeneration, defense causing his form to change.


Dante's Armory

Rebellion Dante's Blade:
Non awakened & Awakened

Ebony and ivory:
His guns

Cerberus made by the three headed demon dog, uses the element ice:
tripartite nunchaku

Agni & Ruda with elemental powers:
Twin Talking Swords

Yamato Dante's twin brother's katana:
Demon Sword
Demon Scythe Guitar

Kalina Ann:
Missile Launcher


Laser gun (kinda like the needler of Halo)

Beowulf, hand and leg armor designed to increase power and defense:
Close combat weapon

Dante is skilled and what he does as a job you wouldn't challenge him in a fight.

Though he's always failed to get a girlfriend. He hopes that will change.

Personality: Cocky and playful (extremely sarcastic) . Dante Is a young adult with a fun personality. He's kind to humans but is weary of them at times. Dante enjoys fighting shown when he sometimes does not fight at his full potential so he can toy with his opponent or make a fight last longer. Dante gets bored with fighting weak opponents and only finds entertainment in fighting strong opponents who will give him a challenge.

History: Born a twin Dante half demon half human was left to grow up on his own after the death of his human mother and demon father. He has grown up hunting demons and solving cases on the supernatural. Now he has finally got his business going ' Devil May Cry'.

Cannon: Devil May Cry 3.​
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Character Name:
Vi has many special abilities due to her hextech gauntlets. They are supported by a magic infuser on her back. With out the infuser she could not carry her gauntlets properly.
Blast Shield
[passive] After an ability is casted Vi will gain a shield for a certain amount of time due to the excess of energy that her abilities put out.

Vault Breaker [ability] Vi charges her fist and releases the energy sending her forward for a distance depending on how long she charged her fist. It is able to break down doors, walls, and of course people. The only catch is that while charging she can only move at a slow walk.

Denting Blows [passive] Vi's attacks come with a catch. If punched more than two times, in a slightly fast manner, the third strike will have a severe blow causing anything that the person, or thing, is wearing will either be blown off (for pervy reasons) or destroyed if it is solid material.

Excessive Force [Passive and active] (passive) Over time Vi stores up excess energy so she may use this ability quickly and multiple times. (Active) The energy goes to her gauntlet making her attack more powerful and causes a Shockwave to blow past what is punched, so if she punches a wall and it doesn't break the other side of the wall will still feel the blow.

Assault and Battery (active) When activated, Vi's gauntlets choose a target of her choice and fly at the enemy, knocking away anything in her path. Once the target is reached she will send the target up with an upper cut and slam them back down with tremendous force.


To Vi, every problem is just another brick wall to punch through with her gigantic hextech gauntlets. Though she grew up on the wrong side of the law, Vi now uses her criminal know-how to serve Piltover's police force. Vi's brash attitude, abrasive humor, and blatant refusal to follow orders can often infuriate her by-the-books partner, Caitlyn. But even the sheriff of Piltover cannot deny that Vi is an invaluable asset in the fight against crime.​

As a child growing up in the lawless outskirts of Piltover, Vi learned to rob and cheat to get by. Stealing and stripping hextech hardware gave her the skills of a master mechanic, while life on the streets taught her self-reliance. When she was six, a ragtag group of criminals took a shine to the young delinquent and brought her into their fold. By the time Vi was eleven, she had become a seasoned accomplice, and she relished the thrill of every heist.

Vi's attitude changed when a raid on a mining facility went bad. She was forced to decide between fleeing with her crew or trying to save the innocent mine workers from a collapsed tunnel. Vi chose to play the hero. While searching for a way to free the mine workers from the rubble, she discovered a damaged robotic mining rig. Improvising, she wrenched off its huge fists and modified them into makeshift hextech gauntlets. Fitting the heavy weapons to her tiny hands, the young girl flexed her arm and threw a powered punch at the rubble. The force of the blow blasted away the rock. With the workers free to escape, Vi fled the scene.

After that job gone wrong, Vi severed her connection to the crew. She returned to a life of solitary crime, but stole only from other criminals. As the years went by, Vi modified and improved her hextech fists, allowing her to bust up heists and snatch loot with ease. Eventually, word of her notoriety reached Caitlyn, the famed Sheriff of Piltover. Rather than seek Vi's arrest, Caitlyn offered the criminal a way to pay her debt to society: work for the law in Piltover. Vi laughed. To her, a job that let her beat up crooks without forcing her to run from the cops sounded perfect. She immediately accepted. Caitlyn now struggles to keep Vi in line, and Vi treats Caitlyn's orders as mere suggestions, but when they work together, they are feared by all lawbreakers in Piltover.​

Canon: League of Legends

Other Info: Can be pervy at times (for some fun of course). This is a different version than the one that was with Dallas.(unless we talk about it or some stuff)

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The Emperor, True Dark Lord of the Sith


Sheev Palpatine



Despite his frail appearance, Darth Sidious was incredibly skilled inlightsaber combat, one of the greatest duelists of all time. A SithSwordmaster, Sidious was one of the very few who was the equal of Count Dooku, Mace Windu and Yoda. As a result of his tremendous skill, he killed Agen Kolar and Saesee Tiin—who were considered to be two of the finest lightsaber duelists of their time—each with a single blow, and while also engaged with Mace Windu, he slew the formidable Kit Fisto only moments later. He also held his own against Yoda in a lightsaber duel later on but in the end he forced the Grand Master to flee with his Force powers rather than his lightsaber. Many years later, Sidious, in one of his clone bodies, engaged and defeated Luke Skywalker in a one-on-one lightsaber duel in his clone labs on Byss, despite losing to the latter in their second encounter. He was ambidextrous and could change his fighting style at a whim—keeping his opponents unsure of what his next move would be. A master of every form of lightsaber combat and stances, Sidious drew his opponents in, fighting less than his true capability, and then striking the fatal blow when his opponents thought they had the better of him. When fighting at full strength, the Sith Lord was a terrifying opponent. During his assassination of the Gran Protectorate, the speed and ferocity of his technique was so great that it appeared as though his victims were dispatched by a phantom.
Sidious had an extremely aggressive dueling style and augmented his swordplay by using Force speed, which allowed him to defeat three experienced Jedi Masters at once with very little effort. His style was a combination of brutal aggression and lethal precision making him an almost unstoppable opponent. Sidious' brutal fighting style allowed him to overwhelm Luke Skywalker during their first duel and Skywalker only barely defeated him during their second. In fact, the only people known to have defeated him in lightsaber combat were Mace Windu and Luke Skywalker.
Although Sidious usually used only one lightsaber, he was also a master of Jar'Kai, wielding both of his lightsabers against Darth Maul and Savage Opress. Utilizing a ferocious yet fluid fighting style, Sidious fended off both brothers simultaneously. Sidious effortlessly defeated them, killing Opress and disarming Maul.
Ironically, despite Sidious's masterful dueling skills, he was fairly disdainful of lightsaber combat in general, believing the Sith to have grown beyond the need for lightsabers.

Force powers

In addition to his lightsaber combat skills, Darth Sidious was one of the most powerful Force users of all time, perceived in the Force by his apprentice, Darth Tyranus, as a "black hole of the dark side."Both Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader, likewise, had viewed Sidious as having become the Dark Side's most powerful expression.Sidious' relationship with the dark side was so deep to the point that he became a possession of the dark, and the dark became a possession of his. As an apprentice under Darth Plagueis' tutelage, he learned all the known dark side powers of his predecessors, until he considered himself the Sith'ari. Sidious' mastery of the Force was such that even he at times wondered if the Force had been so strong in anyone before him, feeling a monster rising from the core of his self, impatient to unleash itself. Shortly after the death of his master, Sidious received a most powerful vision from voices that proclaimed his reign. He himself considered that the simple act of glancing at him was tantamount to glimpsing the dark energy that bound and drove the galaxy. Even prior to his induction into the Sith, his Force potential was powerful enough to block out Darth Plagueis' (while adopting the public identity of Hego Damask) mind reading abilities when they first met, and later able to effortlessly and telekinetically murder his parents, siblings, and their personal guards.

Sidious was a master of Force lightning and was known to use this both as a lethal attack, and as a way of torturing his enemies. If used to its full potency, he can instantly reduce one or more people into charred husks. In addition, he could use this power to light up the surface of an entire planet. He could also use this power in conjunction with telekinesis to electrify objects that he is levitating before hurling them at his opponents, thus increasing the damage potency of the attack, called lightning grenade. He was also extremely skilled with telekinesis; during his battle with Yoda, he levitated several Senate pods simultaneously, including the one he was standing on, with incredible dexterity and precision. Likewise, he was skilled enough with telekinesis that he was also able to remove Luke Skywalker's restraints while barely even lifting his finger when meeting face to face on the Second Death Star. Sidious was a master of Force speed, implementing it into his fighting style and allowing him to move so quickly that his opponents would often find themselves unable to react in time. Darth Sidious also possessed the power of Force Flight. After the first decade of his apprenticeship under Darth Plagueis, Sidious possessed an exceedingly feral usage of Force rage, demonstrated when he assassinated the members of the Gran Protectorate that organized his and his master's failed assassination attempt. He also utilized an ability similar to that of Static Barrier, which he utilized during his fight with Marek in conjunction with Force Flight to temporarily retreat from the battle in order to have his red guards and senate guards attack Marek.

Sidious was also the only known being capable of producing a Force storm of his own power, a dark side technique which he himself discovered, and that had enough power to kill an entire world. Using his anger and his will, he was able to rip thespace-time continuum and create a hyperspace wormhole. It should be noted that even though he claimed to be able to conjure a storm simply by willing it, by his own admission he was not able to fully control it. By ABY, however, the Emperor believed himself fully capable of controlling a Force storm, and it took the combined efforts of Luke, Leia, and the unborn Anakin Solo through the light side to turn his dark side creation against him.
Another very dangerous and advanced Force technique utilized by the Emperor was the ability to use the Force to transfer his essence, as well as the essences of others, which he used to survive death on at least two occasions. He had a supply of clone bodies ready to house his spirit until the last one succumbed to his own corrupting power and the sabotage of his subordinates. He also, when taking over a host's body, overwrote the soul and personality of the being to fully dominate over it. He used this power not only as a pathway to immortality, but also as a particularly cruel and sadistic form of torture; it is known that he killed and resurrected Imperial engineer Bevel Lemelisk seven times as punishment for the destruction of the first Death Star. Palpatine was also able to transfer his spirit into the bodies of individuals who were biologically unrelated to him. After his first death, his spirit was able to possess the body of Jeng Droga, though Palpatine's power drove Droga completely insane for a time. He also intended to possess the body of Anakin Solo after the genetic material for his clone bodies was sabotaged, though he never got the chance to do so. He also possessed some knowledge on themanipulation of midi-chlorians, having done so with Darth Plagueis in a Grand Experiment taking place in BBY that indirectly and unwittingly resulted in the birth of the Chosen One, Anakin Skywalker. He was unable to fully master the technique prior to murdering Plagueis, though he claimed to have a level of competence with the technique that would have enabled him to save Plagueis while he was suffocating.
Among the Emperor's powers was the ability to channel the collective life essences of billions to sustain himselfand his Dark Side Adepts; his victims would live in a dream-like state while his own power grew. The entire population of Byss lived under this spell until the planet's destruction by the Galaxy Gun. It was mentioned by Luke Skywalker that the Emperor's very voice had a hypnotic lull to it whenever he was outwardly projecting his dark side Force powers. Darth Sidious was highly adept at foreseeing the future, often utilizing the power to see his plots to fruition, ensuring that all would proceed as he had envisioned. Furthermore, Sidious was a master of Force stealth, able to hide his dark nature from the Jedi Order for many years before allowing himself to be discovered. Sidious was so powerful in the dark side that he was able to cloud the Jedi's vision, making it exceedingly difficult to predict future events. This allowed him to bide his time and plot his rise to power while the Jedi were unable to sense him.
Sidious was also capable of enhancing force sensitivity on other people through the use of rituals. He used several of these rituals to enhance his Dark Side Elite's force powers.
Upon spending decades immersing himself in the many facets of the Force, it was believed that Sidious had a mastery over all known powers, previously unknown powers, and could create new abilities on a whim. By the time of his final death, he had become a nexus of the dark side capable of tearing apart the fabric of space.

Sidious was a master of Sith alchemy, an ancient art he was taught by Darth Plagueis. He wrote about alchemy in The Creation of Monsters, the unfinished last part of his Dark Side Compendium. He rediscovered the long-forgotten art of creating chrysalides, and used it to alchemically alter rancors into fearsome chrysalis beasts used as pets at his Citadel on Byss. He also created Shadow Droids, hybrid mechanic/organic starfighters controlled by his own will, used against the Republic after his return in a clone body. He may have also used alchemy to hide his true face from the Jedi and the rest of the galaxy as a senator and Chancellor of the Republic. The Dark Lord also possessed knowledge of Sith magic, allowing him to use arcane rituals to detect poisons and drugs in food and drink. He also could utter incantations in the Balclanguage.
By the time of the Battle of Endor, even with his advanced age, the Emperor was still extremely potent in the usage of the Force. His usage of the Force sustained him beyond his natural lifespan, and derived his powers of persuasion and control from it. Sidious' Force abilities were extensive and potent enough that even overpowering him in direct combat at full power required a large amount of Force-sensitives with each possessing a strong potential in the Force, as was best demonstrated when he was captured by Zaarin's forces with the aid of Lyn and her students aboard the Majestic and when he was defeated over Pinnacle Base by the combined efforts of Luke Skywalker, Leia Skywalker, and then-unborn Anakin Solo. His power was also such that even after death, it required every single deceased Jedi Knight to keep Sidious from escaping Chaos and wreaking havoc on the Galaxy. In addition, the primary motivation behind Vader's search for a powerful apprentice was simply to aid him in killing the Emperor; Vader had no confidence in his ability to defeat Sidious, whom he considered to be the greatest Sith Lord in history, without aid.

Palpatine, also known as Darth Sidious, was a Force-sensitiveHuman male who served as the last Supreme Chancellor of theGalactic Republic and the first Emperor of the Galactic Empire. A Dark Lord of the Sith in the Order of the Sith Lords, recorded by history as the most powerful who had ever lived, his entire life was the culmination of a thousand-year plan to overthrow the Republic and the Jedi Order from within.
Born in 82 BBY on the planet Naboo to the aristocratic House Palpatine, Palpatine discovered the Sith at a young age as a collector of dark side artifacts. In 65 BBY, he met Hego Damask, a Muunbusinessman who was in reality the Sith Lord Darth Plagueis. Under Plagueis's manipulation, Palpatine killed his father and pledged himself to his new Master's dark side teachings as Darth Sidious. Palpatine lived a double life for many years, serving an untarnished career as Naboo's ambassador in the Galactic Senate while learning from his master and training a young Zabrak as the Sith assassinDarth Maul. Plagueis and Sidious, both exceptionally skilled and powerful in the Force, were able to conceal their identities from theJedi for decades. As Plagueis privately searched for the key to eternal life, Sidious manipulated galactic politics, culminating in the blockadeof Naboo by the Trade Federation. In the wake of the political crisis, the Galactic Senate voted to elect him as Supreme Chancellor, and around the same time, in accordance with Bane's Rule of Two, Palpatine murdered Plagueis and usurped the role of Sith Master.
As Chancellor of the Republic and Dark Lord of the Sith, Palpatine orchestrated the outbreak of the devastating Clone Wars ten yearsafter the Naboo Crisis. He himself headed both the Galactic Republic and, secretly, the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The public leader of this splinter faction was former Jedi Master Count Dooku, Sidious' second apprentice as Darth Tyranus in the wake of Maul's presumed death on Naboo. As billions perished in the war, the vast majority of Republic citizens rallied behind Chancellor Palpatine, giving him enough support to amend the Galactic Constitution in the name of security and transfer most of the Senate's executive authority to his own office. In 19 BBY, following Tyranus's demise, Palpatine revealed his identity as Darth Sidious to the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, telling that the dark side teachings that Plagueis had pursued could help Skywalker to save his wife, whom Skywalker had foreseen dying untimely. A failed attempt by the Jedi High Council toarrest Palpatine ensued, and Skywalker pledged himself to Sidious's teachings as Darth Vader. All members of the Jedi Order were accused of treason and betrayed by their clone troopers to the point of virtual extermination. Without the Jedi to oppose him, Palpatine declared himself Emperor of the first Galactic Empire, bringing an end to the Republic that had stood for over 25,000 years.
As Emperor, Palpatine effectively wielded absolute control over the entire galaxy and virtually everyone who lived within it. During his tenure, he built one of the most powerful military forces the galaxy had ever seen and ruled unopposed for nearly two decades. Palpatine progressively abandoned his facade of being an enlightened leader and began to rule through terror symbolized by the Death Star, asuperweapon that could annihilate entire planets. However, he later discovered that Vader was training Galen Marek, an exceptionally powerful Force adept as a secret apprentice "Starkiller". When Palpatine discovered Starkiller's existence in 3 BBY, he forced Vader to fake Starkiller's death and then request that Starkiller assemble the most influential traitors in the Empire in a rebellion in order to highlight and destroy them all. Palpatine's plan backfired when Starkiller, healed from his near-fatal injuries and espousing the teachings of the light side, vowed revenge against Palpatine and confronted him on the Death Star, ultimately sacrificing himself in an act that inspired the dissident senators to create the Alliance to Restore the Republic. As the Galactic Civil Warbroke out, Emperor Palpatine ironically fought against a rebellion that he started in secret. After the Empire suffered a devastating defeat in 0 BBY, in which the Alliance destroyed the Death Star, the Emperor steadily began to lose his absolute control over the galaxy.
In 4 ABY, Palpatine gambled his chances in order to annihilate the Rebel Alliance once and for all, allowing Rebel spies to learn of the existence of a second Death Star and its secret location near Endor. As expected, the Alliance fell for the bait and dispatched its fleet to destroy the Emperor, Vader, and the incomplete Death Star. With the Alliance soon falling for his trap, Palpatine brought Luke Skywalker, the son of Darth Vader, before him in order to turn him over to the dark side and replace Vader with an apprentice who was younger and more powerful. After goading Skywalker to give into his frustrations with thoughts of the Alliance's defeat and the death of his friends, Palpatine eagerly watched as father and son fought one another. However, Skywalker refused to submit to the dark side and spared his father, prompting Palpatine to unleash all of his rage and hatred on Skywalker. Unwilling to stand by and watch his son die from the agonizing effects of Palpatine's Force lightning, Vader finally redeemed himself, throwing his astonished Master down the Death Star's shaft, a sacrifice that fulfilled the prophecy of the Chosen One and brought about the end of the Order of the Sith Lords.


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I assume that Investigators and Traitors are chosen at random?