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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Name: Annabeth Chase

Age: 16

Canon: Percy Jackson and the Olympians, specifically, between the two series, like Percy.

Powers / Abilities / Attributes: A brilliant combatant and Battle strategist, great at remembering details, insanely smart. A baseball cap that gives her temporary invisibility, a laptop with various notes and things.


Annabeth loves architecture, and spends her free time designing new buildings and visiting national monuments. Her fatal flaw is hubris, otherwise known as excessive pride: she thinks she can do anything and do it well, even better than the gods. Percy gains insight into this flaw during The Sea of Monsters, when he sees Annabeth's vision as she listens to the song of the Sirens.

Annabeth can be very caring but possessive of the people she loves. For example, she is very anxious of losing Percy to another girl like Rachel or Calypso. Assuming that Percy is dead in The Battle of the Labyrinth, she speaks to the crowd, saying, "He was probably the bravest friend I ever had". Yet when Percy emerged, and Annabeth figures out that he was recuperating on Calypso's island, she calls him the "single most annoying person I've ever met!"

Annabeth is very harsh and judgmental during first meetings, but after winning her approval she is very loyal. She is very strong-minded and equally stubborn, she is also incredibly brave and daring. Annabeth shows many signs of dauntlessness, courage and determination. She has a lot of nerve. Annabeth is also an intellectual genius, as well as clever and witty. She's also analytical, strategic, and is very wise.

Since Percy left her for months, Annabeth has become reckless when a situation concerns him and she has also developed a fear of losing him to death or being separated from him for a long time.

Her Fatal Flaw is Hubris. Celestial Bronze (same with any demigod.), She is ADHD and Dyslexic.

Fears: Spiders, Cyclops

Noble Phantasm:

Daedalus's Laptop AKA Sum of Human Knowledge.

Her laptop turns into the laptop of Daedalus, the creator of the Labyrinth. This laptop contains the sum of human knowledge, as well as various other things. Also makes a great bludgeoning weapon, like Kisho's, except you probably shouldn't throw it, considering it contains the sum of human knowledge in it...
((sorry, @The Tactician I had to.))

"Superior genetics."


3 months since emergence; "birth" date unknown.


Powers / Abilities / Attributes
Deoxys a strange alien bacteria given sentience and a fully evolved body through a freakish, possibly man-made mutation that twisted it's DNA into something horrifying. Deoxys' body is made up of mutated biomass and its biology is largely unexplained by the best scientists of the Pokemon world, as it seems to lack any food, water or rest in the normal sense. It lacks any skeleton or normal organs, and all of its power and biological functions are focused upon the small gem-like organelle embedded within its chest. Deoxys is a very powerful creature in it's own universe, wielding immense and powerful psychokinetic potential and nigh-immortality, in exchange for a severely crippling and fatal weakness.

The main component of Deoxys is it's forms, as it possess the ability to shift it's biomass and modify it's gem organ to adapt and perform particular tasks in and out of battle. While Deoxys can potentially shift it's body to any sort of form, it prefers to keep it simple with four basic forms; each with it's own unique power;
These are various abilities and powers that Deoxys can perform whilst in any form.

Flight - Deoxys, using its psychic power, can levitate itself off the ground and move about freely in the air. It can shift forms mid-flight and perform other powers aswell. The speed of the flight is dependent on it's current form. It can easily be knocked out of the sky and into the ground, however.

Teleportation - Any form of Deoxys can suddenly dematerialize its matter and teleport a short distance. This teleportation is mostly reactive and more of a reflex; automatically used when Deoxys must quickly retreat from a battle. Deoxys has no control over it, and while it CAN try to use it consciously, it may lead to undesirable effects.

Telekinesis + Telepathy - Deoxys can use its psychic power to physically lift objects, lifting and throwing objects at a maximum of 10x its own weight (It weighs around 134-140 lbs). It can lift, throw, crush, tear and generally just physically manipulate most objects. In addition, Deoxys can use its psychic power to communicate with non-Deoxys lifeforms. It is also able to read the thought processes of other lifeforms to quickly determine intelligence.

Psychic - Deoxys slams it's foe with a stong psychokinetic force, possibly harming the mind of the foe in the process.
Zen Headbutt - Deoxys focuses its psychic power to it's "head", before literally headbutting the foe. May cause the enemy to suddenly flinch.
Psycho Shift - Deoxys uses immense telepathic suggestion to transfer harmful "status effects" with the enemy. Status effect denotes any effect that causes some form of status upon Deoxys over time. This includes being on fire, being paralyzed, being put to sleep, being poisoned, ect. Psycho Shift cures Deoxys of any effects it has and immediatly transfers them to another enemy. This only effects HARMFUL status effects, meaning Deoxys cannot transfer its regeneration/healing status to an ally.

Aurora - Deoxys can emit various electromagnetic wavelengths into the sky and manifest a large aurora in the night. This aurora must be constantly sustained and focused on by Deoxys to stay active, it will dissipate the moment its focus turns to something else. The aurora's color can be anything Deoxys' chooses it to be.

Psycho Boost - The signature move of Deoxys, able to be used in any form; the creature focuses all of its psychokinetic energy into raw, visible and physical form within its tentacles, creating a humming multicolored orb of psychokinetic energy. Once the orb is formed, Deoxys can hurl it forward. This is a very heavy attack, dealing immense damage and demolishing armored and high-health foes like Raquayza. However, it severely weakens Deoxys and must be used in regulation. After unleashing a Psycho Boost, Deoxys cannot use any other psychic move for some while.


The "Normal", or "Balanced" form is the form that Deoxys will take during normal battles. It lacks any drawbacks or positives, having decent biomass defense, attack power and speed all around. While it may seem like it lacks any truly unique powers, the Normal form is a very crucial form; it is the only form where Deoxys can regenerate. Any damage done to it's body must be repaired by going into Normal form. When in normal form, it will quickly regenerate it's biomass and heal any damage, before being able to fight once more.

The "Attack" form is an offensive form that Deoxys uses when it must focus on quick and severe attacks. Deoxys' crystal is modified in this form to not only amplify its psychic power, but also make it hyper-aggressive and enraged; a stark contrast to its usually calm and analytical attitude. Biomass is rearranged to make Deoxys' faster and to sharpen it's tentacles. The tentacles on the Attack Form are sharpened to the point where Deoxys can easily impale and slash at foes close range; at the cost of some of its defensive biomass the revealing of it's delicate weak point. Special techniques in the Attack Form include..

Zap Cannon - The Attack Form suddenly emits a wave of psychic electricity, not enough to deal any permanent damage to anyone, but certainly powerful enough to temporarily paralyze the limbs and body most organic creatures.

Drain Punch - The Attack Form can stab one of its appendages into an organic creature, not only dealing grievous damage to it but also consuming some of the creatures biomass, regenerating some of its wounds if it cannot switch back to Normal Form at the time. This also allows for Deoxys to read and catalog the DNA of any creature it drains.

Signal Beam - The Attack Form can release a strange signal wave that manifest as a sinister beam of light coming from its chest organ. This wave causes mass confusion and disorientation in organic enemies, causing them to stumble about and disconnect from reality; opening them for an opportune kill. The signal wave also appears as a radio signal, sounding like a strange alien-like buzzing. If the wave appears on radio, it can be tracked to Deoxys' location.

Low Kick - Less of a special unique superpower and more of a fighting technique, the Attack Form can perform a sweep with its legs and trip an opponent, causing them to topple to the ground. It does immense damage to heavy enemies, but only effects enemies with legs.

The Defense form is, as the name implies, focused on defending against enemy attacks. Deoxys redirects its biomass and forms a thick carapace around its body and core to serve as "armor" against foes. This form is the slowest out of the four, moving and flying very slowly and more suited towards standing still and tanking attacks. Additionally, this form has the least attack potential; the arms of Deoxys are thickened into slow-moving slabs that can knock away projectiles and block attacks. The core of Deoxys is also shelled, which significantly reduces its psychic power. However, not all is lost in terms of offense; The Defense Form can be used as a battering ram and is certainly physically strong enough to smash down a wall or two. Special techniques of the Defense Form include..

Iron Defense - The Defense Form hardens its body and covers itself with its arm to form an immovable, impenetrable rock. Only the strongest of attacks can pierce the thick, iron-like hide of the Defense Form in this state.

Focus Punch - The Defense Form takes a turn to channel the little psychic energy it has and focus upon a single enemy. If uninterrupted, the Defense Form will be able to make a quick and decisively powerful smash on the the focused opponent. The attack almost never misses, and almost always smashes every bone in the body of the target, sometimes even outright killing them.

Counter - The Defense Form raises one of its giant meaty slab-like arms and swings it forward, deflecting a range attack/parrying a melee attack. This move can protect against solid attack, energy/magic attacks may require more work, and any attack that could be classified under one of Deoxys' weakness types (Ghost, Dark or Bug) cannot be countered.


The Speed Form is an extremely light-weight and soft form, removing almost all biomass and heavily revealing Deoxys' core. The Speed Form is fragile and weak, its physical attacks pathetic and its constitution horrible. The main feature of the Speed Form is its amazing agility and speed, allowing to move at extreme speeds and dodge multiple attacks at once. The Speed Form can fly just as fast as it runs, aswell. It lacks any special moves, mostly used for recon, stealth and/or escape.

Deoxys is a very intelligent and refined Pokemon, wielding thought power beyond common human brains. It is highly analytical and intimidating, seeing much of the world as fact and knowing more about you and you know about yourself. One must not ask Deoxys a question, as it will give three answers; each of them more horrifying and mind-bending than the last. It is hard for one to befriend Deoxys, as its judgmental and strict demeanor will scare off most; but showing signs of intelligence and genetic superiority (through combat) will earn one the trust and friendship of this outsider.

The Core - The Core is the small gem-like organ located in Deoxys' chest. It makes up and performs all biological and psychokinetic functions of Deoxys, essentially being its only source of life. And it is conveniently placed right out in the open on its chest.

Literally, one single piercing stab on the organ will kill Deoxys instantly. That is all it takes; a single well-placed attack on the center of its chest and Deoxys is severely wounded, mentally crippled and probably dead. All of this power can be killed in a minute. This is why Deoxys must be fast and aggressive; it has to kill its opponent before it even thinks about attacking its core. Deoxys will not hesitate to attack and maybe even kill a close ally/friend if it tries to poke its core.

Ghost-type moves - Any attack that channels otherworldly spirits or just the supernatural undead in general cause serious harm to Deoxys' body. There are things that even Deoxys cannot explain.

Dark-type moves - Any attack that channels all things shadowy, dark, evil, sinister and immoral will harm Deoxys' mind. The thoughts it receives are disturbing and somewhat scarring.

Bug-type moves - Any attack from (or is related to) insects, arachnids, arthropods and generally just any bug of any kind will cause damage to both Deoxys' mind and body. Both the stupidity and strange genetics of those creatures seem to cause harm to the alien.

The only thing Deoxys fears are its own personal weaknesses. The idea of it not being superior in some way will cause immense fear in even a creature of its mental scope. Things it cannot explain, things that are recklessly sinister and things that are just downright stupid strike fear in its weak, fragile and valuable heart.
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"They laugh at the law. The rich ones who buy it and twist it to their whims. The other ones, who have nothing to lose, who don't care about themselves, or other people. All the ones who think they're above the law, or outside it, or beyond it. They know all the law is good for is to keep good people in line. And they all laugh. They laugh at the law. But they don't laugh at me."


Name: Frank Castle.

Age: In his seventies.

Canon: Marvel Comics.

Powers / Abilities / Attributes:

Master Martial Artist: Castle is a very thoroughly seasoned combat veteran of exceptional skills. He is very well-versed in the arts of warfare, several forms of martial arts and hand-to-hand combat. His styles of choice being Nash Ryu Jujutsu, (the four-style martial art founded by his Sensei Adam Nash and the Marine Corps LINE/MAPS combative systems) Ninjutsu, Shorin-ryu Karate, Hwarang-Do, and Chin Na. He is an exceptional knife fighter who carries up to 3 or 4 different types of edged weapons, preferring the knife he learned to fight with in the USMC: the Ka-bar.

Expert Marksman: He is an exceptional marksman of every type of firearm who is sometimes depicted as being ambidextrous in this respect. He is skilled in sharpshooting and knife throwing as well.

Expert Pilot: Castle received helicopter training with the U.S. Army and U.S. Naval Special Warfare Command.

Interrogation Expert: Castle uses his interrogating skills to get information from people who has links to criminals through very creative use of torture as well such as water boarding, electrocution, suffocation, sleep deprivation, starvation etc.

Extensive special ops training: Besides his Marine training, Castle also received U.S. Navy SEAL/UDT (Underwater Demolition Team) training, EOD (explosive ordnance disposal) training, U.S. Army Ranger training, U.S. Army Airborne School training, U.S. Army Special Forces Q-Course training, and LRRP (Long Range Recon Patrol) training. He also took part in cross-training with the Australian Special Air Service Regiment.

Expert Tactician: Armed solely with conventional weapons and motivated by a fanatical hatred for criminals like those who murdered his family, the Punisher has single-handedly incapacitated up to a dozen well-armed and experienced opponents in a single encounter and escaped uninjured. It is his military training and his attention to detail that allows him to achieve this.

Pain tolerance: Frank can power through very serious injuries.

Personality: Frank is not the man he once was, though he still leans on the side of 'Shoot first, ask questions later.' Thanks to Rin and Jen's influence, he has changed some of his policies. He does not actively seek out crime. He does not immediately go for the kill... usually. However, he still feels no remorse when killing an opponent and does not regret any of his past vigilantism.

Though initially considering Rin as a romantic partner, Frank eventually decided he didn't want that and instead settled on being a sort of guardian for her.


Slow: Compared to how strong he is, Frank is a surprisingly slow runner.

Age: Though its effects are advancing much slower thanks to past resurrections and the like, age is taking its toll, if slowly. He's not as strong as he used to be, though rigorous training keeps him well above average.

Human frailty: Frank is tough. Can he ignore a serious injury? Yes. Will it still kill him if he doesn't seek medical attention? Also yes.

Fears: Since going with Rin, Frank has come to fear a couple things: that he would die of old age, rather than while avenging his family, and losing Rin the same way he lost his family. The fears conflict rather violently, as one calls for him to leave and hunt crime, while the other calls him to stay put.

Noble Phantasm: Frank ain't got that shit.
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"He gives orders, I stab people. I think our roles are clear."


Name: Lon'qu

Age: 20

Canon: Fire Emblem Awakening (Different universe from where the Robin in this Murder game came from.)

Powers / Abilities / Attributes:

Lon'qu is incredibly quick on his feet and fast on with his sword. His skill with a sword with his speed allows him to attack quickly and effectively. While he does lack in the defense part his skill and speed usually allow him to crit enemies while also dodging almost anything they throw at him. All in all Lon'qu is an incredibly fast and precise character which makes him a tough costumer on the battlefield.

Personality: Lon'qu has a cool personality and tends to keep things to himself. His way of talking is direct and somewhat unwieldy, likely from his lack of social grace or his foreign origins of Chon'sin. Due to the events in his childhood involving Ke'ri, Lon'qu developed gynophobia out of fear of having another woman who becomes too close to him get killed. Because of this he feels uncomfortable around them and grows nervous.

he is shown that his pride in his swordsmanship can lead to something of a reckless temper and irritability when it is questioned. He is also noted to dislike indulgences such as alcohol and unhealthy foods. Lon'qu is shown to be considerably humble, and dislikes flattery from others, even from his own spouse.

Weaknesses: While Lon'qu has speed and skill he is lacking when it omes to health. When he does get hit it usually isn't good. That being said his resistance and normal defenses also suck compared to most.

Fears: Females

Noble Phantasm: Astra ( A modified version of the real thing ): Lon'qu strike his opponent five times only with each hit his damages increases (instead of it being halved at the start.)


"Fight and get stronger, he says... Guess it can't hurt to try. I sure hope I don't get in the way! Gosh, that would be just awful..."


Name: Donnel but people usually call him 'Donny'

Age: 18

Canon: Fire Emblem Awakening (Again different universe than the Robin present)

Powers / Abilities / Attributes:

Donny as shown in support conversations is quite the trapper and fisherman for that matter. He is also shown to be good at general farming (as he ya know grew up on one). While at first glance Donny doesn't look like much for fighting you'd be dead wrong. Donny has potential to become one of the strongest fighters in Fire Emblem Awakening. With such versatility in his stats he gains Donny is easily one of the best characters late game.

Personality: Donny is a typical village boy "from the sticks" and is unaccustomed to life outside of his village. He is shown to be a very nice person and often is hesitant to enter battle. Donny also seems the type who would risk himself for others if needed. Otherwise Donny is not used to living outside of his village and may often be confused by things.

Weaknesses: Early on Donny is pretty weak to start off but as time would go on he gets stronger. So early on he's pretty vulnerable.

Fears: Unknown

Noble Phantasm: Underdog (Modified greatly): When this activates Donnel's next attack becomes much more powerful and he gains a high chance of dodging any counter attacks after he attacks.

(As for these two in a duo my reasoning is that they had decided to work together while searching for the Robin of their time. Which lead them into this event. Otherwise tell me if I made a mistake and i'll fix it.)​
"He gives orders, I stab people. I think our roles are clear."


Name: Lon'qu

Age: 20

Canon: Fire Emblem Awakening (Different universe from where the Robin in this Murder game came from.)

Powers / Abilities / Attributes:

Lon'qu is incredibly quick on his feet and fast on with his sword. His skill with a sword with his speed allows him to attack quickly and effectively. While he does lack in the defense part his skill and speed usually allow him to crit enemies while also dodging almost anything they throw at him. All in all Lon'qu is an incredibly fast and precise character which makes him a tough costumer on the battlefield.

Personality: Lon'qu has a cool personality and tends to keep things to himself. His way of talking is direct and somewhat unwieldy, likely from his lack of social grace or his foreign origins of Chon'sin. Due to the events in his childhood involving Ke'ri, Lon'qu developed gynophobia out of fear of having another woman who becomes too close to him get killed. Because of this he feels uncomfortable around them and grows nervous.

he is shown that his pride in his swordsmanship can lead to something of a reckless temper and irritability when it is questioned. He is also noted to dislike indulgences such as alcohol and unhealthy foods. Lon'qu is shown to be considerably humble, and dislikes flattery from others, even from his own spouse.

Weaknesses: While Lon'qu has speed and skill he is lacking when it omes to health. When he does get hit it usually isn't good. That being said his resistance and normal defenses also suck compared to most.

Fears: Females

Noble Phantasm: Astra ( A modified version of the real thing ): Lon'qu strike his opponent five times only with each hit his damages increases (instead of it being halved at the start.)


"Fight and get stronger, he says... Guess it can't hurt to try. I sure hope I don't get in the way! Gosh, that would be just awful..."


Name: Donnel but people usually call him 'Donny'

Age: 18

Canon: Fire Emblem Awakening (Again different universe than the Robin present)

Powers / Abilities / Attributes:

Donny as shown in support conversations is quite the trapper and fisherman for that matter. He is also shown to be good at general farming (as he ya know grew up on one). While at first glance Donny doesn't look like much for fighting you'd be dead wrong. Donny has potential to become one of the strongest fighters in Fire Emblem Awakening. With such versatility in his stats he gains Donny is easily one of the best characters late game.

Personality: Donny is a typical village boy "from the sticks" and is unaccustomed to life outside of his village. He is shown to be a very nice person and often is hesitant to enter battle. Donny also seems the type who would risk himself for others if needed. Otherwise Donny is not used to living outside of his village and may often be confused by things.

Weaknesses: Early on Donny is pretty weak to start off but as time would go on he gets stronger. So early on he's pretty vulnerable.

Fears: Unknown

Noble Phantasm: Underdog (Modified greatly): When this activates Donnel's next attack becomes much more powerful and he gains a high chance of dodging any counter attacks after he attacks.

(As for these two in a duo my reasoning is that they had decided to work together while searching for the Robin of their time. Which lead them into this event. Otherwise tell me if I made a mistake and i'll fix it.)​
Well, this ought to be fun. :3
With thanks to @Josh M and in cooperation with @OrlandoBloomers in an experiment, I present a familiar face...


Max Caulfield



Life is Strange

~Powers / Abilities / Attributes~
Max Caulfield, upon first glance, is nothing out of the ordinary. From shoddy, simple clothing to a bored expression, the social invert appears to hold no powers worth of mentioning. Yet, for reasons still beyond her, Max possess an extraordinarily passionate power- the control of time. In short bursts, Max can revert time a few minutes beforehand, changing the course of history and earning her the de facto nickname of the "Retcon Queen"

Max, from birth, had always been a reserved and quiet soul. Living in a simple middle-class family with a simple middle-class life, the girl found herself disillusioned with society, her grades not fantastic yet her intelligence shocking. Her attitude is always kindly yet soft, yet Max is not afraid to defend herself if the situation was truly dire. Outside of that, she can come off a little awkward and a social invert, often spending her time looking at the world around her than the people right in front of her face. The few that befriend this enigma, however, are treated with a young woman whom is both compassionate and kind, even in the darkest of times.

That was before Blackwell Academy, however.

With time, people change, and perhaps for Max, her story is much different. Often one road with split into two, and for Max, her roads are the same yet many, flowing in the same yet different path.

Her time capabilities are limited in usage and she is physically a normal human being with little to no strength

The fear of failing
The fear of being an outcast
The fear of the unknown


This will be an interesting experiment ;)




Dragon Age

Powers / Abilities / Attributes:
Cole isn't a human, but rather a spirit of compassion that took human shape when he forced himself from the Fade to the waking world to help a dying man. As a spirit, he doesn't eat, sleep or drink, and has a myriad of strange abilities. As a spirit of compassion, he can sense the 'hurt' in people, their doubts, fears, guilt, sadness or physical pain, most often in the form of thoughts or memories that surround a place. The power has some weird connotations, able to read the minds of people continents away if 'their hurt touches' the hurt of someone closer. He has the power to make people forget him or ignore him entirely, and has gotten highly skilled with at fighting with a pair of daggers to either kill things that would hurt others or to 'let the hurt out.' This ranges from mundane combat abilities to short teleports to phantasmal copies of himself attacking a foe

"I want to help. Their thoughts twist and tangle, a ball of shadow in their minds. I take the tangles and pull to loosen, to let the hurt out, free, weight lifted. Then I make them forget. Its easier if they forget me, remembering brings fear or uncertainty, questions of what I was or how I knew the hurt inside. But the hurt is not always inside. Dead, dark and done, beyond my help as they hurt others, I stop them, make their pain end and keep them from hurting anyone else. Then I still make them forget"

In his own world, his spiritual nature can leave him vulnerable to being bound to a mage via blood magic, though it would take a powerful spell to do so. Cole isn't human, so there's a lot of things he doesn't quite 'get' when it comes to mortal life. An example

Cole: My shoelaces keep coming untied.
Varric: You're doing fine.
Cole: Can you talk to them? They don't listen to me.
Varric: Maybe not so fine... Don't talk to them, Kid. Just tie them in knots.



Noble Phantasm:
Fade Cloak: Cole extends his powers to others around them, turning them invisible and unnoticed as well for the duration of the ability

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Kinuhata Saiai



Powers / Abilities / Attributes:
Offense Armor - She can control nitrogen in the air to form an armor around her that can stop even sniper rounds. She can also use compressed masses of nitrogen to lift heavy objects and deliver powerful blows.

She is also a capable marksman and has a can of liquid nitrogen on hand in case an enemy can remove nitrogen from the air.

She enjoys C and B movies and likes to tease others, Shiage in particular because of his reaction to anything sexually suggestive. She is also described as being very eccentric. Despite this, she is still quite serious and dangerous during a mission, having a much more subdued mien than Shizuri or Frenda, ITEM's other combatants. She has a tendency to add "Super" into her sentences, probably in place of expletives.

Enough force can break through her armor. In addition, though the armor may block attacks an attack with enough force, like a sniper round, will knock her down anyway due to her small size.

Other than generic stuff like losing her friends, none notable.

Noble Phantasm:
As her ability is passive and mostly defensive, I don't really know what to put here lol. Maybe her anti-tank missile or something.

  • Love
Reactions: Verite
I'd like to reserve a trio.

Gah, it's getting late sadly and it's been a busy day for me so I'll fill out my sign-up sheets tomorrow. XD
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: OrlandoBloomers

  • [fieldbox="Reece Duchannes, lime, dashed, 10, andale mono"]
    View attachment 85894[/fieldbox]
    [fieldbox="Reece Duchannes, lime, dashed, 10, andale mono"]

    Name: Reece 'Annabel' Duchannes

    Age: 18-19

    Canon: The Caster Chronicles

    Appearance: Reece is described as pale-skinned, and having blonde hair similar to that of her sisters- Ryan and Ridley -, often wearing it in neat and scholarly-looking up-dos. Her eyes, however, are where the difference comes into play; while Ridley has gold eyes, and Ryan has bright blue, Reece has brilliant eyes of an almost unnatural green color. She's somewhat tall, but not especially so. Unlike Ridley, her choice of dress is very modest and professional.

    Powers / Abilities: Reece a Light Sybil. Sybil is a term for a Caster, that are able to "read" faces of people, discovering the truth behind the lies, seeing what they have done, who they have seen, where they have been, and much more. However, many restrictions apply to this for nerfing reasons :D. Reece is also proven to be a very capable Caster, having studied all sorts of Casts very thoroughly. As such, she knows basic Casts, as well as telekinesis, conjuring basic items, etc.

    Personality: Reece is.. Well, what many would call a stiff. She adheres very strictly to the rules, and expects others to do so as well. However, despite her very good-girl and occasionally bossy attitude, she's very kind deep down.

    -Bossy: Oftentimes, Reece is a bit too strict to the rules. She gets fairly bossy every once in a while, and has also proven to have quite the attitude. This was given away when she taunted Ridley by reading her face at the first family gathering Rid had attended since being disowned.
    -Insecure: Despite her seemingly large ego, Reece actually seems to be a bit insecure, trying to mask this by boasting her intellect.
    -Overprotective: This is probably just Reece's way of showing she cares, and trying to protect others, and maybe even is just a piece of her bossiness. Regardless, Reece is definitely overprotective. Ironically enough, she isn't the best at upholding this.

    -Failing to protect her family and loved ones
    -Failing tests
    -Being lonely

    -Amazing at Casting
    -Good Memory/great at recalling things and reciting knowledge

    [fieldbox="Ryan Duchannes, hotpink, dashed, 10, Georgia"]
    [fieldbox="Ryan Duchannes, hotpink, dashed, 10, Georgia"]

    Name: Ryan Duchannes

    Age: 10

    Canon: The Caster Chronicles

    Appearance: Ryan has long blonde hair reaching down past her shoulders, occasionally falling in a curly or wavy fashion, or done in braids or ponytails. Her skin is fairly pale, making her big stunning and oddly bright sky-blue eyes stand out even more. She's of a very petite, frail and thin body type; her frailness made more obvious by how soft her skin is. However, don't let this size fool you; she could hug you so tight you'd struggle to breathe.

    Powers / Abilities: As a Caster, Ryan has rather basic magical abilities. Things such as manifestation of relatively average items, mild telekinesis, etc. Because she's a long ways from her Sixteenth Moon, her powers haven't yet fully manifested. However, she has been proven to be an excellent healer; with the strongest healing she's managed to accomplish being saving someone from a heart attack. She has to touch someone, physically, to heal them.. So if you're in need of healing, you better get some cuddle time with this kid and you'll be fixed right up.

    Personality: Ryan is.. More than likely to be the sweetest, most innocent, thoughtful, loving, and downright adorable girl you will ever meet. Her innocence is unmatched, and she's excellent at making friends due to her friendly and outgoing nature. She can be a bit naive and/or uncertain sometimes.

    -Naive: This is probably Ryan's biggest weakness. She's terribly naive, and sees the best in people even when it isn't there. She's also incredibly trusting, making her easy to deceive.
    -Cares too much: While this could be considered a good trait, it makes for hell for Ryan when someone she cares for gets hurt, goes missing, etc. So if any of that happens... You'd best shield her eyes and tell her they're just on vacation. Or if they're injured, let her heal them up.
    -Too Sweet: Yeah.. Maybe the constant kindness can get a little annoying.
    -Too Trusting: Going alongside her naivete and sweetness, Ryan trusts others way too much for her own good.

    -Seeing death/suffering that she can't fix

    -Cheering people up: While physical healing is Ryan's main field, the girl is excellent at mental and emotional healing through conversing. Whether or not this is a power or just something about her personality is unknown.
    -Running: For someone of her age and size.. Ryan can be pretty damn fast.
    -Petite: Not a skill, but Ryan's small stature allows for easily getting into small, tight spaces. This can come in handy quite often.
    -Giving Affection: Bring on the hugs and piggyback rides, biotches

    Noble Phantasm:
    Heaven Unto Earth - A dome emitting an almost heavenly light will cover roughly twelve feet around Ryan, immersing them in a stunning healing light. This will provide healing effects upon those within it's radius, replenishing health and vigor to a fair extent.
    However, this tactic will leave Ryan totally drained, causing an effect on her similar to that of wound transference; she will feel the pain of that she took away from others, be it physical, mental, or emotional.[/fieldbox][/hr]​




Gilgamesh, King of Heroes




Fate Zero & Fate Stay/Night

Powers / Abilities / Attributes:

Access to tremoundous wealth, world treasures & Charisma.


Arrogant, full of himself and isolated. Gilgamesh see's himself as essentially a perfect God. Where even his material goods are often to valuable or important to even touch many other's. He loves to collect treasures and master their use, and is very arrogant and selfish while looking at a world through a perspective of 'himself' valuing good and bad equally.


He is arrogant and confident enough that he rarely, if ever puts his full effort into things. By underestimating his foes he gives them opportunities to pull things around for themselves when they would otherwise be completely destroyed.


Death, and losing all the wealth and power he has grown used to.

Noble Phantasm:

Unleashing Gates to his word treasures behind him, and then firing them as a hail of arrows against a target.

Name: Gilgamesh, King of Heroes

Age: Unknown

Canon: Fate Zero & Fate Stay/Night

Powers / Abilities / Attributes: Access to tremoundous wealth, world treasures & Charisma.

Personality: Arrogant, full of himself and isolated. Gilgamesh see's himself as essentially a perfect God. Where even his material goods are often to valuable or important to even touch many other's. He loves to collect treasures and master their use, and is very arrogant and selfish while looking at a world through a perspective of 'himself' valuing good and bad equally.

Weaknesses: He is arrogant and confident enough that he rarely, if ever puts his full effort into things. By underestimating his foes he gives them opportunities to pull things around for themselves when they would otherwise be completely destroyed.

Fears: Death, and losing all the wealth and power he has grown used to.

Noble Phantasm: Unleashing Gates to his word treasures behind him, and then firing them as a hail of arrows against a target.

Name: Goes by Kizaru but his real name is Borsalino

Age: 58

Canon: One Piece

Powers / Abilities / Attributes: Pika Pika no Mi

Personality: Kizaru seems to be very laid-back and easygoing, speaking rather slowly and occasionally drawing out the last word of his sentences, which is strange considering this behavior is in direct contrast with his Devil Fruit power. He takes everything lightly regardless of the severity of the moment. In surprising, perilous and unexpected situations, he is apparently never shocked and even when a pirate fired a bullet at him, he seemed to be focused only on calling his subordinate. He even asked the offenders where his subordinate was. After uprooting a mangrove tree, he laughed to himself that the force he used was a tad excessive.

Weaknesses: Much like other Devil Fruit users Kizaru gets weakened when he gets submerged in any body of water. "Moving water" like rain or waves does not weaken him. Seastone also cancels out Devil Fruit powers.

Fears: Nothing specific.

Noble Phantasm: Ama no Iwato (天岩戸 Ama no Iwato?, literally translated as "Heavenly Rock Cave"): A video game only special attack, debuted in One Piece: Gigant Battle, and has yet to make an appearance in the actual mainstream series. Borsalino shoots a powerful massive laser beam from his feet in the form of a monkey head. It is named after the Amano-Iwato, the cave of Shinto mythology.
With thanks to @Josh M and in cooperation with @OrlandoBloomers in an experiment, I present a familiar face...


Max Caulfield



Life is Strange

~Powers / Abilities / Attributes~
Max Caulfield, upon first glance, is nothing out of the ordinary. From shoddy, simple clothing to a bored expression, the social invert appears to hold no powers worth of mentioning. Yet, for reasons still beyond her, Max possess an extraordinarily passionate power- the control of time. In short bursts, Max can revert time a few minutes beforehand, changing the course of history and earning her the de facto nickname of the "Retcon Queen"

Max, from birth, had always been a reserved and quiet soul. Living in a simple middle-class family with a simple middle-class life, the girl found herself disillusioned with society, her grades not fantastic yet her intelligence shocking. Her attitude is always kindly yet soft, yet Max is not afraid to defend herself if the situation was truly dire. Outside of that, she can come off a little awkward and a social invert, often spending her time looking at the world around her than the people right in front of her face. The few that befriend this enigma, however, are treated with a young woman whom is both compassionate and kind, even in the darkest of times.

That was before Blackwell Academy, however.

With time, people change, and perhaps for Max, her story is much different. Often one road with split into two, and for Max, her roads are the same yet many, flowing in the same yet different path.

Her time capabilities are limited in usage and she is physically a normal human being with little to no strength

The fear of failing
The fear of being an outcast
The fear of the unknown


This will be an interesting experiment ;)

"I'm gonna beat one motherfucker with another motherfucker."

"Yes, I modeled my armor after Batman. This is what I wear when beating idiots with sticks."

"Most people just call me Jason, now, sod off."

"I'm between 500,000 and a million years old. Damn, I feel old when I think about it... but at least I get to keep my looks."

Powers / Abilities / Attributes:
"My Immortality is very useful as I can't die whatsoever, serious, my atomic molecules were split apart and they still came back together forming me down to the last memory, but it's like a clingy ex, that'll be explained in the weaknesses. Another useful feature is that I don't need to eat, drink, or sleep to survive, but I still need to breath. Yeah for logic! On top of that, I have a natural regenerative ability. Granted, it's not ridiculously fast, but it gets the job done.

My cells are sentient, meaning they can communicate and share information as well as form a kind of colony for organs. So when I burn, my skin cells shriek in unison because that transmits the pain they're feeling to other cells. Too bad they're not smart enough to turn the recptors off. Another thing is that I'm resistant to disease, poisons/venoms/toxins, and mental assaults.

Ahh, Psionics or magic, how I equally love and hate thee. This is what makes mortals into 'gods', though it does have its limits, and there are several schools. Holy, buff and restorative spells. Elemental, manipulation of the elements like iceballs and fireballs. Body, spells that enhances psychical performance. Mental, spells that focus on the mental state of allies and foes and this is also where the term Mind Screw comes into play since I'm screwing your mind, though it can get much worse. Then Necromancy, raising the dead and many other creepy things that I wish not to get into. I primary focus on body spells.

There are a few others, but there's a reason why they're forbidden! I don't want to repeat the Mass Bunny incident again. Time Manipulation and Dimensional spells brought those monsters into my world and ate all my crops!

I also have the Fourth Wall awareness, and I got this when I was ten years old. Just popped out of nowhere and I was like, OK, finding out that everything I know is a big lie is fine with me! I'm subtle about though.

Also, Soul Immunity comes in handy, nothing can affect it as Archwar believes the soul cannot be touched, but to substitute for that, Psionic Energy can be manipulated with the right stuff, just don't expect it to be joyous when it is manipulated.

Then two that will (hopefully) not come into effect are the Anti-Mary Sue/Gary Stu ability. That effectively removes the traits of your typical perfect and dull character, turns them into a Anti version, and they cry because everyone hates them now. Hehehe, I love this one.

And then I do have the Anti-Godmod ability to punish sore losers. If a player attempts to control me without permission, a very large Ban Hammer will stop by to scold the rulebreaker. Please, don't Godmod people.

I have also picked up various skills that likely won't help me like Poisonous plants since my world used to be a radiated filled ball and now a bunch of old plants are now mutated carnivorous Venus Fly Traps, oh boy I remember seeing those for the first time.

Then finally I'm a expert in melee and ranged combat as well as knowning where to hit to cause the most damage on human foes. I also specialize in brutal kills to send a simple message to the cowards, run."

"I'm snarky cynical, sarcastic, and a general all around asshole. I like making jokes when I can and correct people if they're wrong. Also, being the atheist I am, I will scoff at people who believe in gods, goddesses, or some divine being, but I do believe in a soul. Dying and seeing nothing, but darkness would be rather boring wouldn't it? However, I'll also show kindness and try not to fuck up, but I'll fuck up anyways. I'm human after all, bound to make mistakes galore!

Also, I suffer from Split Personalty Disorder and PTSD as well as depression at random times like all Immortals. At least I'm not Ebony Darkness Dem-Demn I can't even fucking pronounce the name. At least I'm not that Mary Sue from My Immortal! That stuff burns my eyes."

"As mentioned before, I suffer from a wide range of mental disorders that are kept in check by drugs, lots and lots of drugs as well as Psionics. Nightmares are common and waking up to a thousand screaming in your head all saying bloody murderer is about as jolly as stabbing your toe.

Even despite not needing to eat, sleep, or drink, my body still 'feels' it and thus if I am deprived from it for too long I'm bound to be a little grumpy. Who wouldn't be after five years of nothing, but eating rats and other scurrying rodents. Also, it's required for my body to do typical stuff like brain stuff, heart stuff, shitting, and what not. It's also required for my Psionics to work properly otherwise there's a severe decease in power.

Psionics is very useful in many things and can turn mortals into godlike beings, but it has limits. Overuse can cause many problems like a headache that yells like a angry spouse, tiredness, comas, or even dying again.

I'm also still human which means I can still make mistakes and still vulnerable to ordinary attacks. The last thing is that Will where I come from is a renewable resource, which means repeated mental attacks will drain my Willpower, strange thing is that I can do the same to others, no matter what.

Oh, and my snarky personality turns people off so I don't make many friends, speaking of which, I CAN'T BE TURNED ON! :(

"You would think a Immortal like myself would be fearless, that's a nope. Because people like being creative with death, I now fear a 'creative death' like being slowly drowned in a pool of acid... or syrup. I'm also a atheist and if I find out that God exists oh boy, I'm fucked. Also, Lollipops. What? You try eating a poisoned lollipop and see how you like having your internal body on fire, not literally of course for you simple minded folk."
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Can I reserve a duo? I wasn't actually on my computer till just a little while ago.

so many fucking duos so quickly, what the fuck​
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