Muvluv Ironfront RP OOC

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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I know nothing of Muv-Luv, but this is interesting. Plus @Akashi is here so I can trust this will be good.

I will watch the show and return educated.
The wiki would be more useful, or the games, but the show also is of help. Welcome regardless.
The wiki would be more useful, or the games, but the show also is of help. Welcome regardless.
Save me I'm starting episode four and I can't stop.

I'll give the Wiki a whirl tomorrow when I'm done with duty, and then I'll try and get a CS up Friday if I can figure it out.
If you have questions, feel free to ask them here, may save you time searching.
Should I make the next post?
I'll have my first post in a couple of hours.

It may be possible that not everyone who joined before the IC was up got the alert.
Well its linked in the overview for now. Hopefully they'll read here.
Will update casts list tomorrow, Astros when you do your three have them just go together, or I can do them "one by one" in one post. Not making 6 total posts. That leaves Emp and, akashi to post, and you guys can post in general if you want, hoping this gets done quickly, then I'll explain the battle system.
Okay, I'll have them all in one go. Just a heads up I'll be posting after Dahrinn responds.
I will post today, in a few hours. Hopefully.

Name: Tanizaki Kosuke / Age: 25 / Height: 182cm (6') / Weight: 71.6kg (158lbs) / Gender: Male

Nationality: Japanese

Branch of Service: Imperial Japanese Mainland Defence Force

Rank: 2ndLt

Experience: Veteran

TSF: Type-97

TSF Loadout: Storm Vanguard

Type 87 Assault Cannon (4x36mm and 2x120mm Magazines)
Type 92 Multipurpose Supplemental Armor
2x Type 74 PB Blade
2x Type 65 PB Blade

Personality: Callous, Dangerous, Dutiful, Perceptive, Unrelenting, Unhesitating,

Born to a single mother in the Miyagi prefecture Kosuke was brought up by his Grandmother while his mother worked round the clock to keep food on the table for the three of them. While his upbringing wasn't the "normal" that was expected in Japan at the time it certainly wasn't unusual, for many families had lost the males of the household to the war with the BETA just as Kosuke's family had.

With strict standards placed on him by his Grandmother Kosuke was instilled with a strong sense of responsibility when given a task, to the point that he wouldn't hesitate to take any necessary steps to accomplish the task at hand. A trait that would end up less than favorable.

At the age of he fifteen he was drafted into the Imperial Army and began his formal training to become a TSF pilot. Just a year into his training at the age of sixteen the BETA invasion of Japan began in Kitakyushu. Kosuke found himself deployed to the defense line being set up in Kyoto. It was there that he would get his first taste of combat, fighting in close quarters relentlessly, with few breaks and little time to think, Kosuke found himself acting off instinct in combat, when given a command he would go to any lengths in an attempt to ensure it was completed, which led to complications.

On August 10th of 1998, the day that Kyoto fell Kosuke was deployed with a forward squad tasked with holding the BETA advance at a key railway junction that was being used to evacuate important people and equipment. The orders were specified as the utmost importance and Kosuke's Squad leader informed them that they had to defend the point at all costs. It wasn't long until the BETA surged forth on the junction.

Terrified and inexperienced Kosuke let his emotions get the best of him becoming almost useless in the opening minutes of the fighting. But he was snapped back into the moment by the gut wrenching screams of his fellow pilots as they fell one by one, and with that Kosuke flipped a switch in his mind shutting out all emotion for his squad mates. His sole purpose was the mission they had been given, and his Squad leaders words stuck with him, At any cost. Kosuke and one other would be the only survivors of the Squad sent to the railway junction.

It was only a week after the fighting had ended that the second pilot who had been unconscious since the battle awoke. The stories he told of the fight were brutal, but nothing compared to what he said about Kosuke. The inexperience pilot had entirely disregarded his fellow pilots, allowing many of them to be overwhelmed by BETA as he focused entirely on keeping the BETA from the railway. He even disregarded the calls for help from a pilot trapped in his broken TSF as the hatch was slowly pulled away by a Tank Class BETA, all the while Kosuke was simply reloading and waiting for more BETA to make a move for the railway.

The Tank Class would eventually be done in by Kosuke, but only after it had had an enjoyable meal and set its sights on Kosuke himself. With this recollection of events, Kosuke found himself up against military Court Marshall, and was not charged with the loss of his entire squad due to a severe lack in experienced pilots. Instead he was capped at 2ndLt and was simply put back on the front lines where the BETA would have a better chance of giving him what he deserved.

Fast forward to 2004 and Kosuke has managed to stay alive and is now leagues more capable than in 1998. Surviving through many battles that the majority of; if not all of; his fellow pilots did not return from the Imperial Japanese Mainland Defence Force headquarters has decided to assign him to the Multinational 336th TSF Special Missions Regiment, with a status of "Expendable" plastered across every page of his service record in red in order to close a page in a book they would rather not continue to have to open.

At Any Cost
approved, you'll be able to post soon then tomorrow we'll beging the simulation if all are around.
I'll get a post up when I wake up for sure. For now I must sleep.
I should be asleep so no worry
If it gets moving quickly while i sleep feel free to retcon me doing the business.
Oh I doubt it will lol. I just did that post to kill time, my next whenever that is will be getting the sim started.
I'll move it ahead if none of the others want to interact with each other..though I would like at least a couple of posts before I go again.
if no one posts ill do a post in regards to the suit bits, im back to work Tuesday so my time to post gets reduced then but i guess its likewise for most others during the week.
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