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MxM. Semi literate, 3+ sentences. I usually do a maximum of two or three small paragraphs. I have practically no limits, so I'll allow anything that isn't against the rules. Here are my plots. Feel free to suggest something.

There'd been a war going on. Mc, a guy who was training to be a ninja, had been sent to deliver battle plans to an allied general. He'd been chosen because his unusually small build and light weight that allowed him to move quickly and silently. While moving through the trees however, he'd jumped onto a dead tree branch, causing him to fall right at the foot of an enemy samurai.

Mc was more of a witch hunter in training than anything, nonetheless he'd been taken on his first hunt. His mentor had thought the witch was weak, making it a great chance to test mc on his hunting skills, yet he was wrong. He was killed, and mc was left vulnerable against a man with unbelievable power.

There'd been a rumor going around throughout villages. A witch had been executed, but before he died he said, "You've been fed lies you ignorant fools, I shall come back and make things right!" Meanwhile, a teen who lived a few villages away was on his death bed. As if by magic, he was suddenly very healthy, as if nothing had happened. Why? Just as the teen had died, the witch took over his body. He called it a miracle and acted as if he'd lost his memory from the near death experience, pretending to be the teen. Yc, a witch hunter, decides to investigate the rumor, secretly following Mc until he sees mc using magic in some way.

In a world where the Earth is ruled by a majority of normal humans, there are people with odd characteristics (tails, horns, wings, etc.) Those people are called "Odd", and they were usually discriminated against. Odd children were usually bullied, odd adults usually had a harder time finding jobs, and most normal humans looked at them as if they were freaks. One day Mc, an odd, goes to a boarding school/university. He's the first odd to be allowed into the school, so a lot of the other students treat him differently. While at the school he meets Yc.
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I'm still looking for people to roleplay with. I love doing multiple roleplays at the same time, so don't hesitate to pm me, I can never have too many roleplay partners. If you want to roleplay one of my plots or have a plot that you think I might like, please feel free to pm me. I'll reply as soon as possible.
If anyone hasn't taken your Merman idea I would love to take a shot at it. Pm me if your interested.
More plots!

Mc is a merman. His family had been attacked by a shark. He'd managed to save his sister's baby, a fish-like egg that had yet to be technically born, but at the cost of getting his tail bitten. The fin had a gash in it. He'd found shelter on a rock at the bay of an island. He however didn't know that a team of researchers was exploring the island. One of them, yc, was headed towards the bay to study it's wildlife and was bound to spot mc.

Still looking for people to roleplay any of the plots.
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'Ello there. =) I'd be down to play your first plot, if you're still down.