My Hero Academia: Blackout

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Mitsuo Uchida


"Hmm? Wassap?"
  • Hero Name:


    1.77m / 5"7 ft

    70 kg / 154 lbs

    School Transfer:
    Seijin Highschool

    Appearance/Hero Outfit:
  • Quirk:
    ~ Lizard ~
    Mitsuo's quirk is a mutation-type quirk, that gives Mitsuo both lizard-like features on his body, which include a tail, green skin, and small scales across his body.
    Mitsuo's tail is about 1.5 meters long, and has 3 spots where it can naturally detach, being at each third of the way, starting from where the tail connects to his body.

    He also gains access to a number of other traits lizards are capable of, such as:

    ~ Venom ~
    He is capable of utilizing venom, which he can produce from his mouth. This venom is capable of causing paralysis, breathing difficulty and convulsions, but it is nornally not deadly. Mitsuo is capable of coating weapons with his venom and also utilize it that way, though the venom will dissolve after 5 minutes.

    ~ Adhesive Pads ~
    On the tips of his fingers and toes, he has more closely-places scales, that together form adhesive pads. These adhesive pads allow Mitsuo to climb onto others surfaces, such as walls and ceilings.

    ~ Camouflage ~
    He is capable of shifting the colour of his scales to more closely match that of his surrounding. It can work across his entire body, but normally works better when he matches his scales on one side to a surface on the opposite side.

    ~ Tail Regeneration ~
    Mitsuo is capable of losing his tail, much like every other limb in his body, but unlike other limbs, he is capable of regrowing his tail. The more of his tail is missing, the longer it will take, with his full tail taking a week to regrow. It was noted by his mother, from whom he inherited the quirk, that once he'll pass his 30's, the regeneration will start taking longer.

    ~ Pheromone Detection ~
    By utilizing his tongue, Mitsuo is capable of detecting the pheromones left behind by different living creatures. The scents caught by his tongue are only used for this purpose and not for smelling foods or anything else, thus left for information-gathering only.

    ~ Hero Outfit ~
    While his hero outfit looks like an outfit influenced by a ninja, it is made of a material that is able to adapt to change in his skin whenever he uses his camouflage.

    ~ Kunai ~
    As part of his gear, Mitsuo carries a pouch of kunai on him at all time. He also hides several kunai in his costume itself as assurance, primarily his sleeves and shoes.
  • Personality:
    Mitsuo is a rather relaxed and calm type of guy. He tries to keep himself as cool and collected as his blood is, according to himself. He tends to try and keep an open ear for everything that goes on around him, and be attentive to others.
    Mitsuo is hesitant when it comes to matters of how people look, due to being insecure about his own appearance. He is also a tad naive and clueless at times regarding interactions with others.

    When he is working as an intern hero or sidekick, Mitsuo is fully on the job. He'll keep himself focused on the work and nothing else, and if he does get distracted, he'll likely scold himself afterwards, regardless of the job's outcome. The same goes for when he is training. When in class, he is a bit less harsh on himself, but Mitsuo still feels disappointed if he were to miss a single thing.
    On his off times, Mitsuo will likely spend time where ever he can get some sun at. He enjoys keeping himself warm and will try and do as much as he can at the sun. He also won't be one to spend too much time doing things during the nighttime casually.

    Mitsuo was raised by two loving parents. His father had a weak telekinesis quirk, while his mother had a lizard quirk, much like him. When he was born, he was the third child in the family, thus named appropriately 'Mitsuo'. His two older siblings, both females, inherited their father's quirk. With his family, everything was normally fine. There were some expected sibling fights, but nothing that wasn't resolved or just forgotten over time. His time with his family is something Mitsuo was always fond of, ever since he was a kid.

    When he was two years old, another sibling arrived at the family. A younger sister, Hana, who appeared to inherit the lizard quirk as well. As they grew, however, she also showed signs of inheriting their father's quirk. Everyone in the family was excited over the fact, and Mitsuo's parents started looking at the youngest sibling as their biggest pride. The two older siblings, who were hoping to join their father in his business, started resenting this, and in turn started bullying Hana more frequently and harsher than normal. Mitsuo started defending Hana, doing his best to ensure she grew up in a space she could consider to be safe.

    After entering primary school, Mitsuo started coming across a harsher reality for himself. People looked down at him for how he looked, called him by many names and hurt his self image severely. It eventually reached a point he begged his parents not to put Hana in primary school, so she won't suffer the same things that he had gone through. But his two older sisters had convinced his parents against his own arguements, and Hana ended up going. And fortunately for Mitsuo, things were not as bad for Hana as they were for him. Her access to two different quirks had made her popular. Seeing Hana do fine at school allowed Mitsuo to be a bit calmer.

    Middleschool came and gone, and Mitsuo managed to apply to a hero course at the Seijin Highschool. The teachers there started teaching him to utilize his quirk to become a more stealth-like hero, one who can perform feats of intelligence gathering. They also started teaching him to use a Kunai as a weapon, both short-range and thrown, to ensure he has a way to defend himself, as fighting with his tail would not always be something he could rely on, especially if an enemy could remove his tail.

    The beginning of his second year, however, things would change for him. Both his older sisters had left home, without any explanation to their parents, and just vanished from his life. While it completely confused all his family, Mitsuo couldn't help but feel a bit worried. Once he started his hero studies under a professional hero, he had requested from the hero to try and look for them. But there was nothing to be found. It was as though they had just vanished from the face of the earth entirely. While Mitsuo was even further worried, he decided to put his worries aside and focus on his studies. He also recommended Hana to apply to the hero studies, believing she could get in with even further ease than he did.
    At the end of the year, he recieved the invite to come learn at Surpression, which gave him the promise to make him into a better hero than anywhere else could. He decided to accept it, believing that if he could become the best hero he could be, then he could find out what happened to his sisters.

    His tail
    His younger sister Hana
    Warmth and sunlight

    Cold Temperatures
    Bugs (And the thought that he's supposed to enjoy them)
    Talks about looks
    People who use their quirks for selfish reasons

    Mitsuo's eyes appear to slightly shift in colour depending on the time of day. During daytime, they are Yellow-green, while at night-time the yellow shifts to a reddish-green colour instead. This is solely a visual effect his body performs.
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Amaris Alucard
Hero Name: (was) Saigo no Kage(Last Shadow), then (was) Shadow Mistress, none as of right now

Height: 5'7''
Weight: 122 lbs
Age: 49

Experience/Style(How long you been a hero, and what kind of hero were you)
14 years
A cold and logical hero. Was never anti-hero, was always anti-villain, so always acted in a merciless way to easily dispatch villains, which made her efficient and reliable.


Hero Outfit:
Currently just wears her "Teacher uniform"

Gear/Tech:(If none just say N/A)
Wailing Widow
A uniquely crafted trick-umbrella weapon capable of forming into a bo staff and a hand mace with a diamond-head design.

A design based on her Izanami's Sorrow from her ANVIL days. While Izanami's Sorrow is a superior weapon in every way, the Wailing Widow is nothing to scoff at.

It lacks much of the strength and ironclad durability of the IS but is still made with a unique flexible, yet firm carbon fiber that allows this umbrella to stretch to about 6 ft. So, not quite the tower that was IS, but still allows Amaris do activate the move that made her famous as a hero: the Spike of Yomi. Just on a much smaller and more intimate scale.

The umbrella can provide adequate defense as before, but it no longer generates unique electromagnetic waves that the IS used to deflect emitter quirks. This means the Spike of Yomi doesn't have the crazy protection it used to have, and is much easier to take down with concentrated attacks. Thus it is a move to use sparingly. At any rate, Amaris really just uses the umbrella in staff mode to 'bat' enemies unconscious.


The Alucards dating back to her Great Grandfather Julius have a genetic quirk that would strike you as very similar to the traditional perception of vampires.

Amaris's physical appearance is greatly altered from that of a regular human. Her skin can be best described as an icy chill, or deathly pale. She has fiercely sharp teeth and a pair of fangs that can leak blood like venom, with a stinging, paralytic bite. Also, said bite can also suck people's blood out, which activates "lifedrink" for her. Amaris feels pain from sunlight. She also possesses some heightened senses. Lastly, she has a hissing cadence while speaking, though one that isn't as pronounced as her mother. Her dietary needs is altered to require primarily meat and blood. More so now after touch with death.
  • Lifedrink: Similar to her mother, Amaris can drain energy from her target, but only by biting them directly. Or by sitting in their shadow for an extended time, which serves as a way of healing herself and regaining her strength, at the expense of her "host".

Shadow Blood Bath

Amaris can "enter" shadows as if they're water. Once in there she is virtually untouchable and practically invulnerable. By leaking her blood into the shadows, which turn them into a coppery color, she can momentarily empower them and her control over them is even finer and stronger.

Since training in the Hero Course, Amaris has mastered quite a bit more of her quirk.

  • Amaris could always enter shadows, but now she can effectively "melt" into or out of them. Making her entrance into them much safer. Also tends to happen in silence, so people are often surprised when she shows up or disappears.
  • She can now attack much easier with her shadows. In both blunt form, and in a sharpened form. Sharpened shadows are much deadlier obviously. And she has trained even more in sharpening her shadows since her battle with Mauve years ago. And simpler attacks do not require her to leave the shadows, but stronger attacks do.
  • Amaris can send up shadows to intercept attacks in the form of blocks and barriers. More shadows equate to stronger barriers. But it does require mental focus to do this, and focused, intense blocking can lead to her becoming mentally exhausted. As of right now, other than light, nothing has been shown piercing through or breaking her shadows. The only way to break the blocks is for Amaris's mental fortitude to break.
  • She can fine-tune her shadows down to the sharp pin of needles.
  • With these "Shadow Needles" she can perform precise punctures to the level of a master in acupuncture.
  • She can even momentarily puppet a person's body using this method, or render them immobile by attacking certain pressure points.
  • As mentioned below, using her shadows, Amaris can drain the emotions out of a target, leaving them open to mental suggestion.
  • In an even simpler form of Shadow Bloodrush, Amaris can wrap her limbs in shadows, giving more power behind her physical attacks, which otherwise would be weak. This also can be used as a form of protection.
  • Shadow Blood Travel: She can move around in this shadow form, slipping through and into places one normally wouldn't be able to get.
  • Shadow Blood Follow: Where Amaris leaps into someone else's shadow and uses them for travel. (And for energy siphoning.) This is also her go-to way for traveling in sunlight.
  • Shadow Blood Portal: A "portal" of shadows will appear and she'll appear out of it. This portal can only be used in places that make sense, like between attached walls.
  • Shadow Blood Binding: Does what it says. It wraps tendrils of "Shadow Blood" around the target to ensnare them.
  • Shadow Sense: Amaris can sense shadows in range of her. Their "depth", and "heaviness", can help her determine specifically who is nearby. Especially more so for shadows she's familiar with.

In her peak days of heroing at ANVIL Amaris basically brought out the most out of her quirk, as a true Master of Shadows.
Her shadows were fast, agile, pin-point accurate. They could deflect anything, and swarm and flood everywhere. She was a real goddamn monster. Even the tiniest of shadows could connect and connect and connect repeating... to shadows to make a giant flood of controlled shadows, making her "Spike of Yomi" back then largely irrelevant. Essentially, Amaris could "activate" Spike of Yomi from nearly any source of shadow, and subdue people by standing still.

(previous one)
Spike of Yomi: Requires Amaris's umbrella weapon. Stabbing her umbrella weapon into the ground, it will extend up to the sky, then unfurl into a canopy that casts an entire area in shadow. In this form, the umbrella generates electromagnetic waves that are capable of defending against most emitter quirks, which deter attacks from breaking it, stopping it, shifting it, or elsewise from changing it in anyway after the "spike" has been placed. Only Amaris knows the combination on the handle that will return it back to its usual form. However it isn't totally untouchable, and can be overcome with intense attacks or power.

(current one)
Wailing Widow's Thorn of Yomi: Stabs umbrella into the ground. It will extend to just about 6 feet and cast a shadow for Amaris to use.

However, after nearly dying, and being in a coma for 18 years, Amaris's overwhelming control and power is gone. She's back to needing her umbrella for more control. She's still going through some physical rehabilitation and Quirk rehabilitation. She can make basically her own shadow as accurate as before, maybe use her shadows in hand-to-hand, and maybe connect a shadow here or there, and make smaller shadow-shields, but she cannot do much more than that without the Spike of Yomi. Even Shadow-travel is hard for her.

Still, with rehab, Amaris's once insane flexibility and acrobatic-skills are slowly returning, so she's still pretty dangerous and can catch someone off guard if underestimated.

To this day, the Shadows of her quirk still siphon her emotions. She had largely learned to control that back in her ANVIL days, but is back to fighting it again.

After her ordeal, it is unfortunate to say that Amaris has regressed a lot in being able to express and convey much of herself. Back in her UA days she was an emotionless vampire because her quirk siphoned emotions from her. After years of schooling, surrounded by friends, Amaris learned to express herself a bit more.

By her ANVIL days, she had learned to "steal" back (what she called 'claiming') her emotions from her quirk. This helped her grow even more as a person, and was generally considered a bit of a witty, snippy biatch. Though with a light side that poked fun.

That's long gone now, though. Amaris isn't monotone much anymore, but you can tell from the moment she speaks, all fight in her has gone. The light within her has gone out. Amaris has not a drop of joy in her words, and is struggling once again with inner demons.

But it isn't all bad. Amaris is trying her best, just like she's doing physical rehab, she's trying reclaim that outgoing, assured self of hers once again. Hence why she's taking a teaching position -something she never would've done in the past. To an extent, Amaris is reaching out, trying to better herself, too, just like the students.

Amaris is scared of her daughter. Scared of talking to her. Facing her. Scared of how her daughter will react. And possess self-loathing for leaving her daughter to fend for herself for so long. Amaris isn't too thrilled about Vigridis being a student. She feels wary about interacting with Vigridis, and is equally unsure how.

Amaris was born to Ramiris, who is one of Julius's offspring. Ramiris was not the best mother, not really knowing how to deal with her daughter. She was also always on the job, heroing religiously every night, whereas Amaris woke during the day to go to school. Still, in time, through the school years and into Amaris's time in ANVIL, their relationship got better. Especially at Imma's insistence.

Speaking of school, Amaris went to UA. When she was there, she was still struggling hard with her quirk. Her quirk sucked the emotions from her, leaving her a stoic, emotionless, monotone vampire. The days at UA really helped her learn to master her quirk and get this part of her under control. Or at least she was able to get better with it, experiencing more emotions as the years wore on. Even making friends. Having a few romances beyond the physical need, surprisingly.

Since Amaris always operated under a "logical" way of thinking, she never really adhered strictly to the aspirations of what society's view on 'Heroes' should be. Thus, after UA, Amaris sensibly joined ANVIL, where they were a bit more liberal and lenient with their thoughts on heroing. Here she shined, and truly became a Master of Shadows. Becoming known as one of ANVIL's scariest operatives. Her hero name gradually shifted from Saigo no Kage, to the Shadow Mistress, which pretty much stuck. Though there are fans of hers who will never let her original name die.

She operated in Anvil all the way up until her pregnancy. Where complications quickly arose, surprisingly.

Turns out, Vitalis's quirk blossomed within her womb as a growing babe. Just like Ramiris's had. And like Rami and her mother, Amaris suffered a great deal because of this fact. The vitriolic, Life Energy-siphoning mist built and built up within Amaris's womb. She struggled and struggled, lasting it out, as long as she could. But even before she could give birth, Amaris slipped into a life-threatening coma. Doctors worked around the clock with her, providing the best in medical care to the ailed mother, but no one had seen anything like this. Oh, quirks regularly caused complications here and there, but no one had any idea of the Life Energy-draining power of Amaris's growing daughter. Not even healing quirks could do much.

Still, Amaris was an Alucard. Due to her vampiric-mutation quirk, she also had strong Life Energy within her, which was the sole reason she was able to survive -unlike Rami's mother. And believe it or not, Vitalis, her daughter, was born. But not before a still born twin, shriveled and blackened fell out before her. Not that Amaris knew any of this. She was in a coma. A coma that would last the next 18ish years, missing the entirety of her surviving daughter's youth.

Clearly her grandfather did not believe she was getting the best treatment. Just after Vitalis was born, he sent for her. After some heated back-and-forth with the doctors of the hospital, Amaris was carted away. Under strict watch, newly born babe, and Amaris were flown on a private jet back to Julius in Romania. He set her up with doctors he trusted, saying "This is the best care she could receive." He was furious she had nearly died due to this pregnancy, and furious the twin was killed in the womb, but he was extremely ecstatic in what this meant for Vitalis and her quirk. Which he swore to cultivate. But despite the "best care" she could receive, even with Julius, Amaris remained in a coma. Not even Julius's quirk could revive her. Which only made him even more giddy about Vitalis's quirk.

Until one day, when Amaris's eyes spontaneously opened, and she took a deep, deep breath. Amaris managed to sit up lifelessly, like a mummy. Skin and bones. Gaunt. Sunken eyes. Any color that she had managed to gain in UA and ANVIL now gone. Once more, she glistened pasty moon white. Except for the harsh acid-like burn scars across her body. Ugling up her entire form.

Immediately Julius set her up with physical and quirk therapists. In his own way (own selfish way) he was extremely concerned about his 'daughter'. Like all the color, Amaris had lost her spark. And she wasn't thrilled to see where she was. But she took to the therapy readily. Or, she desired to. Mentally speaking, Amaris was utterly crushed. Physically speaking... even worse.

It was a long time before she had any motor functions at all. Yet she yearned for it. For what she had lost. Time with her daughter. Hero-work. Her friends. Where were they? She wondered. Where was Airi? Amaris managed to cry (and cry, and cry) when she learned of what happened with her daughter... er children. It was another crushing blow to the battered woman. Her mother Rami's disappearance was another blow; the first thing Amaris had wanted when she woke up was to hug her mother tight. Just fall into her arms, cry, and stay like that for ever and ever.

Eventually enough strength returned to Amaris -probably thanks to her vampiric mutation. Meat and blood it became clear helped her recover much faster. And as it turns out, Amaris seems to require more of that now than she ever did. A side effect of the whole thing. Necessary to help her body fight the toxins still undoubtedly within her system.

Anyway, at a point she deemed successfully "strong enough", Amaris departed the Alucard manor. Julius threw one of his fits -this one was a calamity. He tried everything in the book to convince her to stay. Everything. And you know, with everything that had happened. With how broken Amaris was, she really nearly did. But he could not stop his granddaughter. Like Vitalis had done a few years prior, Amaris once more left. She set Izanami's Shadow -her trusted trick-umbrella weapon from her heroing days- into a locked hidden door within her room, leaving it behind, as if leaving a part of her old life behind.

After calling up some connections (and getting very astonished and surprised responses at suddenly hearing from her after so long), Amaris flew back to Japan. She did not return to ANVIL, but she used her connections to snag her a new teaching gig at the new school called Suppression. On the flight over, Amaris went over all the emails sent to her about it, doing her best to get acquainted with this brand new school. She struggled doing even this. Rubbing her eyes. Swaying in her seat, trying to keep her head up. Bones and muscles ached. No screamed at her to lay down. "Rest! Just rest!" they shouted. But she persevered. Amaris had always done things she put her mind to. The girl was straightforward like that. And even this mummy-like woman was still straightforward like that.

Amaris went over everything she could on the plane flight over. And in her new hotel room while waiting on some calls.

Her? Teaching? She never would have ever considered such a thing before! The idea had not even been possible in that little emotionless, logic-thinking vampire who callously took down criminals without a second thought. But those days were over. Her glory days long behind her. All she could do now, was.. help the new generation. Help them learn what she had learned. Teacher. Her. Amaris!

Heh. She was even getting excited!

But she was a little apprehensive... because she saw the name of one of the students who had been accepted. Vitalis. Her daughter. Mother and daughter had never spoken. She was nervous about meeting the girl. What was she like? Would Vitalis remember her? Would Vitalis hate her?

All questions that swarmed her head as she interviewed for Suppression, and talked to excited, shocked, long-time friends who hadn't seen her in nearly 2 decades. Who had missed her, and she them. In the back of her mind, Amaris wondered if she could really pull off this thing as a teacher.

Her mother.
The idea of being a teacher.
Emotional and nostalgic music.
Her old friends from UA and ANVIL.
Vitalis, her daughter.

Julius and the other Alucards.
All the time she lost.
Specifically, the time she lost with her daughter.
Hates how her daughter was forced to grow up and endure what she did basically alone. (Or worse, with Julius and the other vampire goons.)
Hates how she hadn't been strong enough to stop that from happening.
Hates how weakened she became. Quirk, mind, body, and all. How much strength she lost.

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Kiane Rainne Breez Scirocco
The Tempestuous Aviator Hero: Detective Bluebird


  • Age: 27
    Weight: 122 lbs
    Height: 5'7''

    DOB: Jan 24th
    Birthsign: Aquarius
    Nationality and Language: American/English, Japanese, Italian, Russian


    9 years
    A calm and collected demeanor in her duties, she assesses the situation from on high before diving down to fight. Prefers an analytical approach. Is pretty justice-oriented, but not against bending some rules here or there.

    Kiane's Aviators:
    Made with a specific tough material that makes them far harder to break than normal glasses. To protect Kiane's eyes in flight.

    Half-Chestplate Armor: Beneath her suit, Kiane wears a lightweight mesh covering that protects her upper chest and her shoulders and half her back. It's there to primarily protect her growing feathers. Makes her upper chest deceptively tough.

  • Featherstorm
    Kiane's feather is what helps her control air. As does her very breath. She cannot use her Quirk with feathers that are not her own.
    At first Kiane had a single feather. However right now she has 9 noteworthy ones, with a box of "other feathers". Feathers grow downwards off the back of her shoulders; where she has 3 growing on each shoulder. (It is very difficult and takes a very long time for her to grow even one extra feather). If a feather is ever destroyed, then her ability to control air is negated. So, her feathers are kept protected.

    Her feathers can be destroyed. It depends on the feather for how easily destroyed it is. However none really possess that much defense with the Divine Feather and Tempest Feathers being the toughest and stronger against different damage types. Strong quirks can easily threaten -or even destroy- her feathers. Burning-type damage, in particular, is strong against her feathers, and is basically her weakness.

    Touching her feather without permission, or snatching her feather will fill Kiane with feelings of impending doom and dread. She'll become fearful, upset, and paranoid if her feather isn't returned right away. Threatening the feather works wonders against her mental state.

    She has a few unique feathers.
    • Prime Feather: The very first feather Kiane had. Grown with her in her mother's womb.
    • Divine Feather: A unique feather grown by Kiane when she mastered her quirk in the last year of her hero training at school. Makes using any of her techniques and air-control easier compared to other feathers. (The one she currently uses.)
    • Tempest Feather: A unique feather grown by Kiane after her husband was murdered. Her anger and rage bloomed in this feather. This feather is as tempestuous as her feelings that day, allowing her to easier use Thunderstorm-like effects.
    • "Wings": Her extra 6 feathers growing off her shoulders. Backups if the above three are destroyed. Regular feathers with no unique properties.
    • Box of Feathers: A box of feathers that Kiane periodically plucks. She keeps these "just in case" she needs them.

    Kiane's primary Quirk power is controlling air. She can stir up winds. Noteworthy techniques are listed below.

    The Breath
    Kiane's breath is strong enough to cause a strong wind. And in conjunction with her feather it creates powerful winds that she easily manipulates. Her breath can also freshen the air nearby and is strong enough to blow away smoke, toxins, or other such negative things in the air. Kiane can typically breathe such things, too, and her body automatically ventilates and cleans the air.

    Air Sense
    Kiane can "feel" air and wind. She is capable of knowing when wind will blow. Typically she can determine the wind's strength (or thereabouts). She knows the various persistent winds that the Earth has, like the easterlies and westerlies.

    Orbs made of dense wind. Used as "wind bombs". Can also condense water into them.

    A technique where Kiane "blows up" with condensed air (cloud-like air) that bursts out from her. Not particularly damaging, but leaves the area clouded by fog.

    Kiane's typical application of her quirk. Simple wind creation and control.

    Cloud Creation
    Condensing water vapor in the air, Kiane is capable of creating cloud formations.
    After which Kiane can manipulate the temperature or condensation of her clouds. Making chilly winds. Ice. Hail. Rain. And even lightning if given enough time to form Thunderclouds, and she focuses enough. The Tempest Feather helps her create Thunderstorms easier, but she doesn't usually use it. Unless she's going after a particularly dangerous foe.

    Self-explanatory. Kiane can whip up winds around her strong enough to carry her body through the air.

    Tornado Armor
    Kiane's body doesn't boast any notable defenses. In the split-second of attacks hitting her, she enwreathes herself in wind to soften blows or divert the energy of them. She'll use wind to cushion herself. Or wind to blow away attacks that would hit her, like fire, or knives, or other such things, etc.

    Zephyr Fist
    A fighting style developed by Kiane. Enveloping her limbs (fists, kicks, etc) in wind, she's given more propulsion and power behind her strikes.

  • Personality:
    Kiane is independent and headstrong. She's a bit of an overachiever. She takes initiative, and won't back down when she believes she's right, or when she's focused. This mindset bleeds into her teaching and how she interacts with others. She's pretty no-nonsense, but doesn't go overboard with discipline and, other than in extreme circumstances, has never allowed herself to be overcome by anger. She's not the type to act without reason or cause, but will jump head first into danger when need be. Good attitudes, and good work ethic tend to be rewarded by her. But she does find criticizing easier than complimenting.

    Kiane's always had to struggle with the storm within her heart. She's chosen to temper it, hone it. Use it for herself. Weaponize it against her enemies, as opposed to be consumed by it. She has a stigma against love, spurned by something tragic in the past.

    When Kiane was born, there was one feather with her, surprising the doctors and her mother. Turns out, this feather was a part of Kiane's quirk.

    As a child, she played with that feather relentlessly. Always tossing it around outside, chasing it on the wind, and sniffling with it enough to make her sneeze. At first it seemed strange, but her parents never questioned it. At some point, a local neighborhood boy saw the small blue-haired girl running around after a feather; it caught this boy's attention. He ran out after her and snatched her feather out of the air. This immediately made Kiane distraught and upset. Her parents attempted to help, but it wasn't long before she and the boy began playing together with the feather, as he didn't mean anything wrong.

    Then around age 6, her quirk manifested. It became clear that it was no longer the natural wind that was blowing around her feather, and was instead the girl herself. She and the boy played with the feather more. The game was "keep away." Using wind, Kiane kept her feather out of reach of the boy. This was their favorite thing to play.

    Throughout school Kiane would constantly keep her feather aloft. During school hours. During tests. Always. This honed her control long before she entered a Hero school. Together with the boy, who at that point had become her best friend, they joined a hero school in America. This was around the time when she officially set aside her "Prime Feather" - as she was calling it.

    It was tough on her to do so, because the Prime Feather had been with her since birth. It was like a friend. Like a sibling. It was apart of her. But she knew it was dangerous to keep using that feather. And by now she knew she was growing feathers, so she simply hid it away and replaced it with another feather.

    Her worry turned out well-founded. As that feather was quickly burned away in some exercise gone wrong. Resulting in her having to pluck another feather. At that point Kiane realized she needed to keep feathers ready to replace lost ones. So, she readily plucked feathers periodically, placing them in a "box of extras". So far she hasn't really needed to use the ones in the box, and the amount gradually grows.

    As hero school continued, the tests and missions and trials gradually grew harder and harder, always testing the blue-haired girl. Eventually, rising to the occasion, she felt something new. The "spark" of strength, welling of power. She reached back and plucked a uniquely shaped feather. She could feel its "power". Kiane would dub this feather the "Divine Feather" and it would become her default feather to use with her quirk. Afterwards Kiane began to stand out considerably. At the end, she was among that year's top students. During the school year the boy became her boyfriend. He was impressed by his girlfriend's power, and felt slightly inadequate as he gradually fell behind in the school year. That didn't mess with their relationship, though.

    Right out of hero school she married her boyfriend and took a job as a fledgling pro hero. It wasn't long until an incident occurred. In which she royally screwed up resulting in the villains getting away and the death of hostages. One which was her husband. Kiane had always secretly battled a storm within her heart. So far she had managed to keep her fury continued. However when her husband was murdered it exploded out of her completely unfettered. For the second time in her life, she felt a unique "spark". She reached back and plucked her second (or I guess) third unique feather. Which she aptly named the Tempest Feather. A feather that swirled with her anger, that was imbued with the storm that once raged in her heart.

    The villains that killed her husband and the other hostages escaped. Kiane made it her life's mission to hunt them down. She took classes on how to investigate crimes, and then joined the police force and became a Detective.

    Kiane's investigation brought her close to finding the villains who were responsible. Scared they ran away. On the trail of the criminals, she followed them across the ocean to Japan. Where she joined the police force there. Due to her strength, she was also recognized as a Pro Hero by Japan. And even hired part-time by UA as a teacher. Her subject was English and language, but she also spritzed forensics and investigative skills into her teachings.

    Now, though, she acts more of a hero contact liaison between hero society and Suppression, while maintaining her detective duties.


    Solving crimes
    Listening to karaoke, not so much participating.
    Burgers and fries.
    A muffin or some other treat on a special day like her birthday. Maybe just as a surprise.


    Petty thieves
    Dark chocolate
    Sour things

Haya Kimura

  • Not Your Hero is what inspires her to continue her hero school learning. She likes her blindfold and sometimes she will change the color of the blindfold. Her clothes all have indentations to tell her the color and sleeve.


    Born February 5. She is 17

    Isami Academy

  • outfit.jpg

    Haya does not have a weapon presa, she has a guitar that can separate into a blade, but generally she uses just for sound, for those times when sound is absent or to increase the sound that he can put out or take in. . She normally does have a headset on, for the fact that she likes to feel the sound, more than hearing it.

  • Sound Vibrations

    Haya has the ability to control and manipulate sound vibrations around and of her body. There is still a lot that she knows can be done with it but for now, she only had four forms of using it.


    Sonic blast

    The ability allows her to use her sound in two forms from her arms and hands. The first is small, which she calls a Wave. It is when she uses her fingers. This is used in two different manners in itself. One, is a single wave that is more for moving things with a collected force. But when she snapped his fingers together it is a collected force stronger and slightly wider as a brunt force. The second form is what she calls a Blast. It is a larger force that can also be used in two ways, with an open hand, it is more of a projectile manner. But when she claps her hands together it is less concentrated and more of a Blast. The effect is powerful enough that it can deafen, rupture or cause bleeding within the body.


    Echolocation is a way for her to locate objects and people, a sensitive feel of vibrations that allow her to theoretically "see" in a broader way than vision would. Although her senses are heightened for the fact that she is blind, this ability allows her to also feel the vibrations through simple walls and corners. This ability can be shaky to use, because any residual sound could affect the use of this ability, such as a loud sound from a jackhammer. And a thick layer of shield is another way that her vibrations in sound become useless.

    Shield is her ability to deficit attacks against her. Sending out concentrated vibrations is a way that deficits attacks, depending on the location and power.


    Symphony is the ability that she can use for others. It allowed her to connect others to her quirk, using the familiarization of their sounds to others. Allowing her to give sound alerts to her allies on attacker locations and where they will attack though vibrations.

  • Personality: Haya is confident, self-assured in the way that her quirk works and the way that she lives. She relies greatly on her quirk for everyday life and trusts in it more than anything else. She can come off cocky, but she knows herself well enough to be that way. She is overly blunt and doesn't believe in bullshit, she doesn't believe she has the patience or time to deal with it. She likes to listen to music, but just because she does this, doesn't mean she can't hear everything. She is comfortable with the fact that she is blind and has no issues with this fact, so she isn't sensitive about comments about her sight or lack of sight.. Although she might be a loner, she is never against having friends, she just doesn't have the personality that invites everyone in. She can be protective of those she cares about but she will tell you if you are wrong. At the same time, because she spends a lot of her time with support and defense use of her quirk, she is more protective than she sometimes needs to be. Her deepest belief of a hero is that there are no heroes, only those that protect the light from darkness; sometimes they are labeled heroes by others, but that is just a word that others use.

    Bio: Haya was born blind and throughout her childhood, she knew that she needed help with her sight, and she did everything she needed to. Learning sign language and working on walking with a walking stick. She was 9 when her quirk started to develop. At first the ringing was low, she could hear things from those around her, no matter how quiet they were. She soon was walking around without a stick and talking to others while being able to face them. It was something that made others question if she was really blind. So, she started to wear a blindfold, even when she wasn't in training sometimes.

    Soon after, she found that the sound did more than help her move around without help. Her senses were improved even more then they had been before. It also started to woke her up from different sounds at night, so she would hardly get much sleep. Her uncle had started on experimenting with her on ways to help with her sleeping issues when things got worse. She was starting to lose sleep and having some issues focusing to the point that she could no longer walk around things in front of her. Her uncle developed a headset that would help her to lessen what sounds she was affected by and soon, she was able to even create a headset that would allow Haya to learn to music and other things, without being overwhelmed.

    The experiments that her uncle had been working on for her, became her only way to sleep and live. Her uncle had created her an acoustic foam headset and her tomb-like place that was lined with liquid foam to help her sleep. So, she was getting used to the new form of her life, the muffled sounds helped her to find some peace with her quirk and learn to use it in a way that she wanted.

    She developed some interesting ways of looking at life that made her family believe that she should go to hero school, and she was sent to Isami Academy, where she developed friendships and her ability, she called 'Symphony'. When she was scouted for Suppression, she wasn't sure that she wanted any part in it, but her friends believed that she could benefit from other powerful quirk friends. With a visit from her parents, uncle and grandparents, she was convinced that she should try it out and that she would be needed if not for her quirk but for her ability, 'Symphony'. "It takes more than aggression to stop the worse of the world." Her uncle stated and she stands by the belief that she is not a hero, but that doesn't mean she shouldn't protect the light from the dark.

    Likes: Listening to music, reading, dancing, smelling new things and the feeling of touch

    Dislikes: loud noise, lies, half-truths, being underestimated, people who treat her like a handicap
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Sorry to barge in, but, I just came across this and I am a big fan of the source material. I just wanted to pop in and say that you guys are doing a fantastic job with this. I am enjoying reading it, keep up the great work!
youre reading it? thats cool! :3 glad its that interesting to read someone elses rp! ^^
Sorry to barge in, but, I just came across this and I am a big fan of the source material. I just wanted to pop in and say that you guys are doing a fantastic job with this. I am enjoying reading it, keep up the great work!
Hey we appreciate the compliment x3
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Reactions: Xenotrix Metamorph
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Name: Kikyo Asuka

Hero Name: 明鏡 "Meikyo"

Age: 17

School Transfer: Hanataro High School



Hero Outfit:

Kikyo's Costume #1.png
Gear/Tech: N/a


Mirror Demon

Kikyo's quirk manifests in reflective surfaces in multiple ways.

Reflection - Allows her reflections to pass through the surface they appear in, becoming tangible. The reflections can act independently and leave their respective surfaces, and can interact with the world, even fighting enemies. However, they are fragile like glass, and a good solid hit can severely damage or outright eliminate one. Kikyo can manifest a limited number of reflections at a time without the effect being too difficult for her mind to handle. Presently that number is 2. She has a difficult time controlling her reflections, particularly when utilizing multiple reflections. Additionally, each reflection can only be as far as a hundred yards away from her before turning to glass.

Mirror Walking - Over time, Kikyo learned she could enter mirrored surfaces herself to travel through a mirrored dimension. Firstly, the mirrored surface must be large enough for her to enter or exit, be it by walking, jumping, crawling, etc... Kikyo can also only travel up to a mile through surfaces, any further and she is ejected from the nearest suitable surface. She will also be ejected from the entered surface if any surface she is inhabiting is disrupted. i.e. breaking a mirror or stomping a puddle.

Mirror Dimension - The Mirror Dimension itself is a dark reflection of the material world, with no people. Inhabitants of the Mirror Dimension are only capable of interacting with more permanent objects light structures, and cannot interact with smaller objects. While here, Kikyo can see through reflective surfaces, and be seen through them as well. Covered surfaces will appear covered, and mirrors that are facing mirrors will create a sort of feedback effect that will eject her from the dimension from where she entered.


Kikyo is a reserved but cheerful person, tending to keep a more cautiously optimistic attitude. She is generally friendly towards others and tries to see the good in people, but, also has a tendency to notice character defects and subconsciously work around them, no doubt a characteristic linked to her past trauma. Nervous habits like tripping over her tongue and the occasional stutter is nothing new to her, and that general nervousness bred clumsiness and an ease of startling. In fact, the only times she can be reliably precise is when creating art or fighting. Kikyo dislikes speaking of herself, and can't help but see herself as damaged, unworthy, and hideous. Her trauma has left her with a severely hindered self image, yet she has maintained a degree of confidence and even pride in her ability to stay alive. Above all else, she strives to become a hero and repay the debt to the heroes who saved her. Though, hidden deep in her emotions, past the thankfulness, the regret, the sadness, lies the anger. Her rage towards the man who hurt her is boundless, and she inwardly worries that it may keep her from becoming a hero, in the end.


Kikyo was born and raised in a small town, her parents were loving, and attentive, even after having two more children they never let her go without in any capacity. Her mother is an author, writing children's books and fairy tales, and her father does financial work for a big company in the city. With her father often away for days at a time, Kikyo didn't spend much time with him, but loved him nonetheless. In her younger days, she and her mother spent a lot of time together. Once her younger siblings became a little older, their time together grew scarce. She didn't mind, however, and began to find contentment in solitude, taking up painting and drawing as a hobby. In her youth, Kikyo didn't excel in school, but, she always did her best, a trait she was proud of, but, there was always a fear of not being good enough.

Kikyo's life would change dramatically one late evening when she was returning home from a simple grocery run for her mother. The path she took passed through a short string of alleyways, something that she had never worried about before. Crime was uncommon in the area she lived in, and outside of the barest hint of caution, she seldom considered the risks of walking alone. A voice caught her ears, calling out to her. There was a dialogue, but, she could never recall what it was. Her next memory is waking up in a small room, where she was inflicted upon with great pain. Kikyo endured this for days before she attempted to escape using her quirk. Unfortunately, whatever was manipulating her stopped her from escaping, and she found herself trapped inside a mirrored prison.

Inside this room of mirrors, Kikyo was forced to look upon herself, reflected in every mirror. She was never a vain person, but, she had appreciated her appearance. Of course, now, all she could see were the beginnings of scars. Now her reflection brought only misery, with each passing day the scarring grew worse to mirror the amplified torture sessions she was forced to endure. The days quickly blended together, and Kikyo settled into her new life. Pain. Loneliness. Weeping. Repeat. All she could do was wait for death. Even after finally being freed, she would admit to her body defaulting back to those days.

Release finally came. However, it wasn't in the form of a painful passing, but, in the discovery of the lair by heroes. They discovered her alone in her prison, she was unconscious, and panicked when they woke her. When Kikyo calmed down, she wept with relief, but was still uncertain. The scars were severe, and a portion of her hair had been irrevocably altered, losing it's dark color. The heroes told her that they didn't find her captor, and what information she was able to give was minuscule. They promised her that they would continue investigating the crime, but, she held little faith her captor would be found and punished.

After being returned to her family and a long period of recovery, Kikyo returned to school. It was difficult for her to acclimate, and the lasting trauma of her experience took a heavy toll. However, the experience gave her a new appreciation for heroes, and led her to pursue her own career as a hero, in a hope of repaying her saviors. When she was able, she enrolled in the closest hero school she could, Hanataro High School. It was small and wasn't well known for producing great heroes. However, it was still a benchmark, and enabled her to pursue her newfound dreams. Truth was, she never expected to get anywhere towards becoming a hero, between the small school and the relatively small amount of crime where she was from. Much to her surprise, however, she was made an offer to enter another program, one that would serve like a stepping stone for her aspirations almost as well as if not better than having been able to get into UA.

After a great deal of conversation with her parents and siblings Kikyo decided to accept the invitation, leaving her family behind for now in an effort to achieve her goals.

Likes: Art, Music, Cooking, Cleaning, Friendly People

Dislikes: Mirrors, Lies, Manipulation, Bullies​
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Name: Hotaru Sunemizuki

Hero Name: Titan

Age: 19

School Transfer: U.A.

Gear/Tech: Her outfit appears to be normal, save for the fact the clothing is more flexible, allowing it to retain its shape throughout Hotaru's morphs.

Quirk: Biomass Manipulation:
Hotaru's ability allows her to mostly-freely manipulate her own biomass. Whereas others' bodies may have mutated in particular ways or allow them to manipulate particular parts of themselves, Hotaru can mold and adjust her own flesh and body, the areas altered changing in appearance from flesh to a black-reddish material.

Primarily, Hotaru is known for increasing muscle mass in particular areas, such as her arms and legs for increased strength and power, or hardening her body for increased strength and more damaging blunt attacks. This is not the extent to which she can morph her body, however, as she can completely shift portions of herself as well, some notable examples being morphing her hands to claws or an arm into a whip-like appendage. Her quirk also speeds up her ability to naturally regenerate, however not to an extent so as to be useful in an immediate fight, more of that she won't be out for the count for as long as someone else might be.

However, Hotaru's primary weakness lies with the law of equivalent exchange. While she can stretch and "grow" her biomass to an extent, she can't just create a large mass from nothing, which limits her versatility from becoming an extreme threat. She can grow herself, but won't be doubling her size and if she wants to grow or focus mass in a certain area past a certain extent, such as muscle-mass, she will have trouble maintaining other transformations at the same time. Furthermore, manipulation of biomass requires a large amount of energy, leading to Hotaru having to essentially carbo load after overusing her quirk.

Personality: Due to her family, people often are surprised when they find Hotaru to be stoic and calm, something of a gentle giant. She very much is a "go with the flow" type of person and could be called lazy in some regards. Innocently blatant, the girl speaks most of what is on her mind, which is likely good as her face isn't too expressive. However, her personality does shift somewhat when she adorns the name "Titan".

When she acts as a hero, Hotaru seems to partially differentiate between herself and herself as a "hero". Whether it is a purposeful act or not is debatable, but the girl seems to mimic the hero of old that she tries to represent. "Titan" is fairly boisterous and eager, not shying away from a fight and often acting as a "tank" or bulldozer. While normally quiet, she becomes a bit of a smartass, throwing out challenges or mocks at her opponents and can even be seen grinning at times, as if enjoying herself or simply a showcase of the adrenaline pumping through her system.

Bio: Suppression was never a route Hotaru had planned on. A mostly unmotivated child, she initially travelled down the road of a hero due to her family lineage. Most wouldn't be familiar with her parents. Her mother is a simple homemaker and her father a police detective. However, beyond that immediate scope, she stands at the feet of titans. One aunt works as an ANVIL officer, known mostly for her large, monstrous transformation quirk. Another is the retired anti-hero Grudge. Uncle Surge Alloy. Grandfather, the now deceased hero, "Titan".

Hotaru recalls childishing proclaiming she wanted to be one too when she was young, though those were the same cries as a child comparing a shooter to being a soldier. As she grew older, the girl became unmotivated and, even more, stressed at the idea of pursuing it and living up to the expectations set for her. After her declaration, she received training from various members of her family, though primarily her grandfather due to their quirks being the same.

She entered hero school through recommendation, carrying with her much the same lethargy. She didn't have too much trouble conversing with her class, and her talents were clear. Hotaru simply lacked the "drive" many of the other students displayed. That was, until the passing of her grandfather.

When Titan passed away, it hit the girl fairly hard. She was often stoic and not very emotional, however she did have a soft spot for those who broke through that shell. She was always very close with her family, her grandfather especially. Suddenly, Hotaru felt she had wasted time and should've spent more with him, should've taken his lessons and advice more seriously. However, his death did give her a focal point from which to motivate herself.

Hotaru adorned his original hero name, Titan, and similar costume. Since they shared the same quirk, she felt he could live on through her work as a hero.

Her motivation found, Hotaru quickly began applying herself and was eventually offered to finish her schooling at Suppression. Even if she didn't stick with it afterwards, she figured it would be an excellent way to set herself apart as a hero.

Likes: Video games, Cinnamon, Rock, Animals

Dislikes: Bullies, Math, Bitterness, Gossip

Extra: Hotaru is 5'11" in height and 143 lbs in her base form. However, she has been seen to grow up to a height of 6'5" and weighing over 200 lbs when fully morphed into "Titan".

Ren Abiko
Hero Outfit
17 yrs. old
Ketsubutsu Academy
Gear/Tech: Ren uses a spear sometimes that he made with his parents. Ren is good with his hands, but he only uses one idea, sword, or nothing. Unless the item is already on scene.
time gets slower as he continues to do it. This ability is hard for him to keep up, but one he does not hesitate with.

Movement: The ability to move things with his mind. As a first-year it was just things that were his weight or less, but through the last two years, he has learned to move things of a little more weight. Moving people is a little hard to do since movement comes off as resistance to his control on it, but if he can lift the equivalent of their dead weight, he can lift them. His current max halts at 250 lbs.

Deflection - The ability to create a psi field for protection. It is still under development, so it can not take many hits or hold for very long, but can currently hold against both kinetic force, and elemental attacks. However, elements like water, ice, or earth that can come repeatedly crashing down with actual weight take the shield out quicker than energy-based elementals.

Binding: He can grasp someone mentally into a standstill halting them from physically doing anything. However, this ability is extremely limited only able to hold one living thing in place. If they are of high intelligence or have a mental quirk boost they can resist and break out much faster. For example, Amano or Agi's mental quirk addition helps them resist this better whereas someone like Goto or Kaizen who are more mentally simple will have a hard time resisting as they don't have mental boosts regardless though when this ability is used. Now if say Kaizen or Isa were to be in berserker mod they would also be able to break free rather fast. While using this hold Ren has to completely concentrate on it and have someone defend him as any distraction physically will break his hold immediately.

Psi Repulsion: On top of their barrier being a shield they also can use it to attack as a psi burst pushing everything within a 14 foot radius by temporarily expanding the strength of the shield and size though upon its max size it will burst instantly.

Homing Effect: To make any object up to 25 lbs automatically follow, home in, and lock onto its target or targets until it hits them.

Object Manipulation: To alter an object's inner workings, e.g. unlocking a door.

Telekinetic Strike: To exert pressure and kinetic energy from a distance to strike a target, either to repel or damage it.

Telekinetic Pressure: To use telekinesis to damage the surrounding area.

Ren is an easy-going guy but is brutally honest. He is not a post boy, nor will he tolerate ignorance. But he is open to getting to know something about a person before he makes judgments. Ren tries to keep an open mind and surround himself with those that are open to other people. Most of the time, he can be a loner, but he normally will reach out when he finds a connection with others. Ren is also a very 'why not' kind of guy when he gets comfortable. He believes that you can not grow until you try. Win or Lose, it is what you learn that matters. This gets him in some trouble, but he is no bad boy, just a little bit of a troublemaker when he gets comfortable.

Ren was born on July 1. His mother and father both developed their quirks at a young age, but he was born with his. With his parents, both being hero's Ren spent a lot of time hearing about them more than being with them. His parents had to be away, normally would leave him with friends or those that they trusted to care for him. This is where he learned to cook, clean, fix things, and work hard. He is proud of his parents, understanding that being a hero was an important part of who they are, he has never thought anything less than good things about this choice. His parents do spend time with him and have developed his understanding of the world, but they are not a big part of his life. On a day with his parents, when they refused to use their quirks and dealt with stalling a criminal for police to arrive so that they could spend the day with Ren as their promise; it inspired him to believe that being a hero is in his blood, going to hero school was only natural. He didn't believe that UA would give him the advantage of working hard with friends. So, he decided on a lesser-known school or at least one that rivaled UA. He built up a reputation for being quiet and a loner, among most of his classmates. Ren spent his first year on calls to his family and his parents, who he was glad to know were expecting great things from him. Although he was not motivated to beat up every villain he comes across, he understands that it is important that he catches his target. To the point that he has been scolded for overdoing it.

Likes: Food, learning, losing, his parents

Dislikes: Ignorance, hurting people, letting villains getaway

Extra: "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. So all I can do is keep fighting" - Ren

Ren comes from Class '10Class '10 with Yamoshi and Hotaru

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Media Tweets by POP🎗 (@nanao2_).png

Daichi Ishida


Hero Name:


School Transfer:

Hair Color:

Eye Color:


161 Pounds

Hero Outfit:

3x tranquilizer (in case of inability to control quirk)
2x steroids (in use of holding ground before quirk can activate)


Zero hour

While they don't seem to have any remarkable quirk on the surface, their quirk can only be activated with constant attacks to their body before it can be in use, with enough force towards Daichi, quickly his agility, strength, stamina, and precision is upgraded with every wound and punch dealt with them. For a few examples, Daichi becomes much faster than his regular speed, his precision is much more accurate, and can react faster with every punch and kick.

His notable weaknesses seem clear, his quirk takes time to charge and with enough force could knock him out before he can gain enough endurance. Other weaknesses include unstableness after too many blows, tiredness after a battle, and lack of pain.

Stage I - After a good number of hits, they have a slight increase in the above characteristics, nothing drastic but the change is noticeable

Stage II - as a battle continues, there is a sizable increase to their quirk, moving and fighting as well as a trained fighter

Stage III - As the attacks become repetitive and the battle grows longer, their attacks become more unstable, as well as their normal characteristics are above peak human state.

Stage IV- Almost like a rabid dog, Daichi's quirk cause's his attributes to heighten to a significant degree. (It will take a tranquilizer or 2 to put him down after a fight)


The best way to describe is a way that many would subject him as, a little much. Being overly optimistic and energetic could annoy others but they have learned better than to change themselves for others. Perhaps one of his best traits is how tuned in they are to their emotions and could be summarized as an empath, even to those who don't deserve it. Their empathy doesn't change how much they like messing with others, whether it's small pranks or teasing about who they liking, they just enjoy watching others' reactions. Their extroverted nature and goofiness may make them seem like they don't take things seriously, on the contrary, they can sense a room on how to react with ease.

Daichi has had a seemingly normal life growing up, as most kids lived in the city Daichi on the other hand lived in the country, oddly enough on a farm with his younger brother and older sister, picking crops, learning how to drive a tractor, and keeping the barn animals fed, it wasn't exactly what Daichi wanted to stay his entire life but he couldn't say he didn't love being in a great close family.

So by the time they hit 13, Daichi had been begging their father to try out for U.A, and although with great fear and hesitance, they agreed that he could go but stay in constant contact. Things seemed on the incline, Daichi passed the test and joined U.A, although hesitant to leave their home, they knew this would be a great opportunity and left to start a new life at U.A

Though as the weeks went on, Daichi felt more alone at the school than ever before, their classmates were snobby and teased him, he had virtually no friends, and even the teachers were having problems figuring out how to use his quirk. They stood their ground in hopes to not disappoint their parents for leaving something he tried too hard to get into, that was until a few years later when he got a certain letter.

>Pro-hero Goldfinger

>Losing control
>Doing things alone
>Long speeches


>Has an odd obsession with Goldfinger
>They haven't told their father they switched schools
Name: Rosalie Yukimura

Hero Name: Cherry Bomb

Age: 17

School Transfer: Ketsubutsu Academy High School

Rosalie stands are a flat 5' tall.

Hero Outfit: Click Here for Hero Suit.
It is important to note that the gloves of her suit are actually fingerless.

  • Chemical balls for creating specific types of explosions
  • Molding putty for creating shaped charges
  • Other items for explosion purposes
Bomb Voyage
Rosalie's quirk takes the form of energy manipulation allowing her to transform various inorganic objects' potential energy into kinetic energy. This charges them, creating explosive effects. The size of the charged item dictates the size and power of the explosive. This can range anywhere from tiny frustrating firecrackers, to cherry bombs, to standard grenade sized blasts, and beyond. The larger the object, however, the more time and energy this process takes. Too many large explosions in succession can leave Rosalie exhausted to the point of collapse.

This is not where Bomb Voyage ends though. She can use her quirk to cause hazardous materials or bombs to pull themselves apart or defuse instead of exploding violently. This would essentially cause them to implode or harmlessly melt away to nothing.

Additionally, Rosalie is able to channel her energy through various mediums to create a medley of effects. For example, she can channel the energy through a bat at the point of impact on collision with whatever she is hitting to create an explosion on contact. While standing on a piece of debris or other sturdy object, she can channel explosions through the bottom to simulate levitation or perhaps flight.

That said, she is nigh immune to most explosions herself. Flash bangs, sonic booms, etc. all affect her, even if to a lesser degree than the average person; she is, however, especially weak to sonic based attacks and piercing or cutting weapons. Still, this makes her an effective tank in most situations.

Rosalie is a kind and caring person who enjoys the company of others. She also enjoys tries to get a rise out of people, or little reactions with playful teasing. This can best be described as bits of her mother coming out to say hello. Apart from that, Rosalie was taught by her parents to love herself, inside and out, and this is quite evident in her confidence. She likes to joke and tease about people already being in love with her, but that's far from what she actually thinks most of the time. She just likes to see their reactions.

Ever the loving individual, however, Rosalie quite enjoys helping and taking care of her others. She worries for her friends and takes injuries very seriously, even if they aren't major. This doesn't mean she won't try and mask her worry with the occasional poke and prod, but she largely just wants to make sure her loved ones are okay.

Rosalie was born into a family of heroes. While her lineage certainly didn't go back generations, her mother and father had made names for themselves as Chevalier and Bombs Away. Charlotte Chevalier and Isamu Yukimura, her mother and father respectively, met during their time at UA High School and while one might think that would have colored her choice in school when entering the hero course, it was outweighed by Rosalie's want to branch out on her own. Rosalie, for all intents and purposes, didn't simply want to follow in the footsteps of her parents. She could see that the world was changing and she wanted to change with it.

At her core, Rosalie knew that she wanted to help people, but she also wanted to show that she could stand up among her peers as one of the best. It didn't hurt that she knew being able to work together was far preferable to working alone. After all, the days of relying on a single number one hero for peace and safety were quickly becoming a thing of the past. So, when she got the offer to join Suppression, she jumped at the chance. It helped that she would have a chance, hopefully, to keep an eye on her friends, whom she knew were likely to be injury magnets. Maybe she'd even end up saving one of them one day.

Beginning her career at Suppression, Rosalie was initially placed in class XI (11), but the class was unfortunately broken down.

  • Karaoke
  • Science and Sci-Fi
  • Pranks and schemes
  • Sweets, particularly ice cream
  • Anime and Video Games
  • Cute things; what she thinks is cute can sometimes be weird
  • Assholes
  • Bullies
  • Pain
insert Joke about her measurements here
Rosalie has one younger sibling.
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Name: Yamoshi Saito

Hero Name: Rave Master

Age: 18

School Transfer: U.A. High School

Yamoshi stands at around 5'8' tall.

Hero Outfit: Click Here for Hero Suit.

  • Yamoshi's hero suit is outfitted with multiple chains and wires to use for channeling his quirk when he feels the need to.
Neon Walker
Yamoshi's quirk allows him to create, shape, and manipulate neon gas. Controlling neon grants access to a medley of light based abilities. The lights appear as having a pink-red neon hue. Using neon, Yamoshi is able to enhance the power of his strikes (punches, kicks, etc.) to incredible degrees. He can enhance his body to move at high speeds, leaving behind neon afterimages in his wake, but only for short bursts at a time. This coupled with augmented jumps, provides high maneuverability for Yamoshi. It also, unfortunately, makes it that much easier to follow him, even if it isn't easier to hit him outright.

Additionally, he can also mold the neon into light based weaponry which can be further augmented with various materials, usually chains or other forms of metal, wire, or even glass, to give them more weight, striking or piercing power, and body. This offers Yamoshi a range of ways to use his power. Neon Walker also allows Yamoshi to fire off beams of neon light with concussive force enough to knock people out. With enough power and focus behind these blasts, Yamoshi can pierce a target, offering options in the way of lethality should Yamoshi choose to use it.

Cool, calm, and collected are words that could be used to describe various people who aren't Yamoshi. Ever confident and cheerful, he tries to keep spirits up and rarely lets things get to him. He likes to have a good time and he loves to try and help others have a good time too. He sometimes gets jealous of not having a quirk like or similar to his mother's so he can't help spreading a little love and cheer. However, he loves that he has the strength to protect the smiles and good times of other people. It's a real conundrum.

Yamoshi sometimes has the bad habit of snickering or laughing when uncomfortable or nervous. This, fortunately, can help him keep up the facade that he's in control or give him a chance to turn things around. Unfortunately, it means he may laugh when he shouldn't.

All in all, Yamoshi is a good person; at least, he tries to be. There isn't a whole lot that can shake him or throw him off his game if he just takes a second to think things through. Of course, using his head is something he needs to be reminded to do every once in a while as he falls into habits not unlike those of his father. Luckily, his mother made sure to give him a little extra direction to ensure he didn't end up too much like his father. As much as she loved him, having two boys as dense as that guy running around couldn't be good for any girl's health.

Yamoshi grew up never really taking much too seriously. He loved spending time with his mother, he enjoyed training with his father, but ambitious would never have truly been a word used to describe him. He didn't take training with Shunsuke Saito, his father, seriously nor did he take much in the way of schoolwork with Emika Saito, his mother, seriously either. In fact, after a point, it seemed he would begin performing just enough to get by. Shun was especially disappointed when he chose to stop training, having learned only, at best, the basics.

The truth was, all Yamoshi cared about was having fun. He found he could skate by on talent. To the point that he managed to get himself accepted to the once prestigious UA without much effort. Of course, over his time there, he met others, and faced challenges that pushed him to want to do better. It was likely because of this paradigm shift and the results it has begun to show that he even received an offer to join Suppression. The young man still has a ways to go, but he plans to put everything he can into becoming one of the best; plus, maybe he'll have a little fun along the way.

Beginning his career at Suppression, Yamoshi was initially placed in class X (10), but the class was (un)fortunately broken down.

  • Having fun
  • Singing and Dancing
  • Lizards
  • Jokes
  • Cooking
  • Horror; he kinda finds it funny in most cases
  • Being forced to do things
  • Being looked down on
  • Homework
  • Taking things that aren't serious too seriously
Yamoshi is kind of a big mama's boy. He and his older brother used to fight over their mom.
Yamoshi ain't a hoe, but he doesn't shy away from affection of any kind
Yamoshi's nails can frequently be found painted red. He let's his younger sisters do this and thinks they look good.
Yamoshi has 6 siblings altogether.
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  • Name: Yukiryu Kamiya

    Hero Name: Basilisk

    Height: 5'1''

    School Transfer: U.A. class 1-C

    Hero Outfit:
    NSS's Sailor Uniform
    (of course it's been modified to fit her)

    Gear/Tech: None
    (Though she does carry around various ice creams, and peppers)

  • The Basilisk

    Yukiryu's quirk is a mutation quirk similar to her father's. She has a dragonic appearance with horns, tail, teeth, and a forked tongue. Her throat is able to expand. Her jaws don't break from biting hard things. And her stomach is capable of holding many times her own body weight, despite her thin appearance!

    Draconic Vision: Like many lizards, Yuki has a unique extra membrane in her eye that keeps it clean. Meaning she doesn't technically need to blink. She's gotten into the habit of blinking, but only cuz it was weird when she didn't. She is also capable of seeing 6 miles which is 2x human sight. Her sight seems to "zoom" in on things she targets at those distances.

    Yuki's bite is strong enough to break up rock. Her tail is particularly strong and tough, and her horns are ridiculously strong. Capable of smashing steel. If her horns ever break, they eventually grow back stronger and bigger.

    What really makes Yuki's quirk is her unique "breath" attack, which changes based on what she consumes. Yuki regularly consumes rocks and stones and minerals, so it's normally going to be of the Stone Breath variety.

    It takes a few seconds to ready her body for her breath attack, and it puts stress on her body.

    Stone Breath
    Yuki is capable of "stoning" things with her Stone Breath. However it only puts a coating of stone on whatever she breathes on -and yes, she has to breathe on whatever it is to make this happen. This requires dirt, and maybe mud agents reacting and solidifying.

    It is possible to break out of her stone attack. Those with stronger physicality can probably break free easily. It really only works on capturing those with weak physical strength. Other things can break it, like strong forces or impacts.

    Rock Spit/Stone Flurry/Stone Hurl
    • Rock Spit: Just what it says, by solidifying drops of her own spit with her stone breath, she's capable of spitting out pebble-to-stone sized chunks of rock. Sometimes all at once. Sometimes one a time. Sometimes in a consistent bullet-like barrage.
    • Stone Flurry: Similar to Rock Spit, except the stoneification of her literal breath. It isn't quite the same as Stone Breath, as this is a physical attack. It's more like heavy smog that impacts targets.
    • Stone Hurl: Basically throwing up. Yuki congregates all of her stomach bile, spit, and whatever else into one large stone. Then she upchucks it like a catapult at her target. Will deal significant damage, but the aim isn't the best. Leaves her hungry as heck!

      Stone Scale Coat: Since her skin has no normal protection and is just regular skin, Yuki can essentially "stone herself", growing/manifesting scales made of stone all over her body as a form of defense. She can willingly control the density of these scales. From mildly-firm, akin to maybe light leather. To hardened scales like solid bedrock. However, no matter how firm she makes her stone scales, wearing the stone scale coat drastically lowers her speed and makes her very predictable in movement. It goes without saying, that the firmer the scales the slower she gets. With her bedrock scales basically making her immovable -like a statue. But tough as hell! Should she wish to regain her maneuverability, Yuki only has to discard the stone scales, shaking them off as if they're nothing but dust.

    Technically Yuki's breath can have different properties. It depends on what she eats.

    Spicy Breath: After eating something real spicy, lets say, around Habanero spiciness! Like roughly around 400k Scoville units! Her breath gains a fiery effect, appearing and acting more like your typical dragon breath from fiction, though more realistically comparable to a flamethrower.

    Frost Breath: After eating chilly substances like ice cream -like a couple tubs of it! Yuki's breath takes on a cold and freezing quality. She can use similar ice-based variations of her various rock spit attacks. Like spitting out chunks of ice.

    There may be other types of Breaths Yuki can have, but she hasn't yet discovered the required food to make them happen yet! (All future breaths will be approved as need by GM)

  • Personality:
    Yukiryu is quite the little thing! She's energetic, eager, and always raring to go! She has a very "can do" attitude! With basically no heed to any sort of "what ifs" or "maybe we shoulds..." She prefers action and doing. She's a bit one-note in that way and tunnel visions hard. Still, her positivity is quite charming!

    She can be a bit of a dunce. And isn't too terribly bright, which is why she tends to do poorly at academics, or coming up with alternate plans, or even following those plans. Hence why she's never really been in the "Major" classes. Though, she's certainly capable of taking the spotlight, you bet your butt she is!

    Yukiryu typically has a friendly and sunny disposition. But on occasion, her draconic instincts will take over. And she'll go into something akin to a "kill mode". Let's say... Predator mode. Where most of her previous personality disappears and all that's left is The Hunter. She actually becomes a bit more observant, and methodical in this mode, but is also much more aggressive, and merciless. Whereas most of her actions are kinda like play-fighting normally, that isn't the case when her draconic instincts take over.

    She hardly even realizes she has such a craze, as she never remembers anything afterward!

    Born to the heroes Fuyuki Gen (Noble Silver Savior) and Shigeru Kamiya (Snow Scale). Her father's hero name is rather ironic, since it's the sunlight that bleached his scales like that, and his quirk has nothing to do with snow, ice, or the cold. He has bleached, dry scales that reflect light well, giving him insanely good camouflage, even amongst lizard-like quirks. Hence why he was considered one of the best infiltrating heroes of the previous generation. He merely accepted being called "Snow Scale" cuz "It sounds nice, shishisisi," he'd say and laugh. He was always like that. And it was that devil may care attitude that ultimately drew her mother to him. It's also the type of personality that Yuki has tried to emulate.
    Shigeru Kamiya (Snow Scale)

    Fuyuki Gen (Kamiya) (Noble Silver Savior)

    Now her mother was her idol when she was growing up! And when her tail first sprouted, and her horns first popped out of her head. Mother and daughter roughhoused in the backyard a lot after that! Then papa joined in, and it was the happiest, sweetest, cutest little family you'd ever see! Fuyuki was the best mom! Just like Shigeru was the best dad!

    Until one day. One day NSS was beaten so badly, that her entire world shattered. Due to her quirk only empowering her based on her own delusion of being a Hero, that when it was made clear NSS wasn't the hero she thought she was, that her quirk just totally... stopped. As the delusion was broken, her quirk stopped giving her powers like a Hero. Forcing her to retire.

    After that, Fuyuki was never quite the same. After learning her quirk wasn't what she thought it was, she realized she could never go back to being the hero she thought she was. Still, to this day, Fuyuki tries to forget, and tries to make up a delusion that will give her the powers she once had. Tries to recall the delusion of the hero NSS.

    Seeing how much pain her mother is in has emboldened Yuki. She decided to go ahead down the same path and be a hero for her mother! She would make her parents proud! She would help her mother out by being a prolific hero in her place!

    Her parents.
    Spicy foods.
    Ice cream.
    Eating and nomming on rocks!
    Laying about in the sun.
    Horseplaying around.
    Loves her mother and the Heroic ideal!
    Her mother's Hero uniform -the sailor suit- which has been modified for her to wear!
    Loves her father as a role model as what a draconic/lizard-like hero can be!
    Plus many many many more stuff!

    Seeing her mother miserable.
    Villains "doing bad stuff"!
    Bitter foods.
    Gross things!
    An empty stomach!
    Other... stuff, probably! Though Yuki doesn't have much she dislikes.


  • Like
Reactions: RedArmyShogun

Name: Shako Kujaku

Hero Name: Coral Hero: Scylla

Age: 18

School Transfer: Ketsubutsu Academy


Hero Outfit: (See Appearances)

Gear/Tech: N/A

Quirk: Peacock Mantis Shrimp

Additional Limbs - Shako's quirk gives her two additional limbs, upper arms that grow from her shoulders, and a thick tail. One arm ends in a fierce claw, the other forms a scythian forelimb, great for gripping or cutting. Whenever she molts, these limbs fall off and wither rapidly, but regrow during her recovery.

Colorful Carapace - Shako's quirk causes her to grow a thick multi-colored carapace that covers her entire body. The carapace is quite strong, capable of withstanding powerful blows before cracking or breaking. The carapace that covers the top of her fingers up to her wrists and her claw is particularly hard, made of extremely dense hydroxyapatite. This makes her punches particularly strong and damaging.

Aquatic Nature - Shako's quirk gives her the ability to breathe and navigate effectively underwater.

Pistol Punches - An ability replicating nature's fastest punch, the impressive striking ability of the animal from which Shako's quirk is derived. Through a unique evolutionary design, muscles in her arms bind together tightly before releasing, creating an internal spring load effect. This allows Shako to punch with unnatural speeds and force. With the size and mass difference from the normal animal (that can generate a force similar to a bullet fired from a .22 long rifle) this speed and power is quite intense.

Cavitation Bubble Creation - Being an aquatic type of quirk, Shako is particularly dangerous underwater. Her enhanced punches move at speeds fast enough to generate cavitation bubbles in water, When these bubbles pop almost immediately after forming, they release a significant amount of heat, temporarily raising the temperatures of the immediate area to near those at the surface of the sun, causing additional damage before creating an intense shockwave. This effect is devastating to both soft and hard targets, and creates a surprise secondary strike of equal if not greater power than the initial blow.

Molting - Every month, Shako must molt her carapace in order for her to continue growing. When this occurs, she sheds all of the armor, her extra limbs and tail, even her antennae. It takes about a week for her carapace to fully regrow. During this time she is substantially more vulnerable, and her combat ability reduced because of it. What's more, utilizing the full force of her punches puts her body at risk due to the lack of the carapace on her hands. The recoil can be quite damaging.



Shako is fierce, seeing herself as a predator. That isn't to say she doesn't have softer emotions, simply that she is more dominant and aggressive than many. She is trusting and loyal to those that show her respect, and she believes firmly that the worst people on Earth are turncoats. While she doesn't see things in black and white, her views on morality are more akin to necessity than good or bad. The idea of order appeals more to her than the idea of good. Chaos cannot be allowed.

Shako loves a good brawl almost as much as she loves spending time in the water. Her adversarial attitude doesn't come from a place of hate or even distrust, but from a desire to challenge everything to be its best, and a desire to ensure that order remains. Even though she admires strength and order, there is a part of her that deeply admires beauty, especially natural beauty. Practicality is important, however, with aesthetics playing a far off second in comparison to function. Shako tends to be straight forward and to the point, treating virtually every aspect of life in terms of fact or fiction and practical or impractical. She sees little reason in beating around the proverbial bush.


Shako's early life was pleasant, but full of competition. Her mother was a hero with a strong water manipulation quirk, and her father was out of the picture before she was born. She doesn't even know what his quirk was. However, she never really cared. Shako's mother was always fiercely competitive, a trait that Shako herself not only inherited, but developed strongly over her formative years. As a young girl, Shako was entered into nearly every sport or competitive activity her mother could find. The ones she took to naturally were mostly athletic, with her favorite being martial arts clubs.

This led Shako to being very busy, and not a whole lot of room for meandering. Most of her friends were her fellow competitors, which made most of them also rivals. So, she never developed particularly strong attachments to people, or even close friendships. It was no surprise that when the opportunity presented itself, Shako made a move to become a hero. She enrolled and was accepted, doing well to prove her worth during her two years at the academy. However, a new challenge reared its head in the form of an invitation. It seemed she was considered suitable for a new position in another hero program, one that would put her to the test far better than the academy. One that even her mother had never even heard of, much less had a part in. An opportunity to push past her greatest inspiration and rival? How could she pass that up?


  • Water
  • Swimming
  • Fighting
  • Competition
  • Beauty


  • Sitting Still
  • Cowardice
  • Being Vulnerable
  • Losing
  • Cages


"Look? See? Like? Ew. Scoundrel. Letch."

Name: Kojika or Kanoko Wakabayashi, real name Kinshika Nara

Hero Name: Faun

Age: 18

School Transfer: None

Hero Outfit:
Normal skirt and top. (She prefers loose clothes that don't restrict her movement.)

Small breakable sacs that she fills with her sap and fires with her arrows. Small gourds that she can fire with her arrows that can be popped open to drink the sap within. Spare cloth she can soak with her sap.


Delight, Decadence, Repose, Respite
Tranquility and Hedonism

Gold Deer
Faun has a pair of fluffy deer ears she hides under her hair. She has a cute wittle fluffy white-tail deer tail. Has two deer legs, hooves and all. And of course, she sports a pair of antlers.

The Wilds
  • Deer Sense: A heightened sense of surroundings like the deer animal. Includes a minor sense for specifically danger, called "White-tail Fear".
  • Prancing: Light on her feet, and quick, with fairly light steps, but her hooves still echo on harder surfaces.
  • Peak Leaping: With her enhanced deer legs, Faun is capable of incredible jumping. She is capable of leaping high to like building height with enough effort, but is better at using leverage of consecutive leaps to reach higher heights. (Can casually leap 2-3 stories (roughly 35ft/10ish meters), and in panic, or with effort, going beyond, she can leap 7 stories (75ish feet/22 meters)).
  • Cervidae Kicks: Faun's kicks incorporate her extremely strong deer legs, and REALLY hurt with those hooves and that power behind them.
  • Tough Antlers: Faun sports some particularly firm antlers. Their toughness varies, based on her control over them, but are generally considered a strong point, and can be used to headbutt foes. Stronger foes may not be as susceptible to her headbutts, as it could be too risky to try.

Bona Dea // Feminea Dea
"Come in the Sacred Grove, relax and indulge yourself."
The Refined
Faun's antlers produce a sap that has several effects based on the desire of Faun, and how concentrated the sap is. Her "sap" can be called "wine."

Nine Colors Deer
In a different concentrate that Faun wills, her wine can provide a minor buff of strength and fortitude after being consumed (drank). In higher concentrates, the effects are more profound, and in its highest concentrate, can even provide a healing-rejuvenation buff.

Saint Giles
Faun's antler sap. Healing "Wine". When consumed Faun's sap has healing and relaxing properties. It can not only calm the nerves, but actually rejuvenate lost fatigue. When applied directly over a wound, like a balm, her sap will better heal the wound. The healing isn't an immediate effect, but will "trigger" after a few seconds. But, the calming effect is more immediate. The healing effectiveness varies depending on the severity of the wounds, with more sap required to treat severe cases.

Demeter and Dionysus
Faun can actually produce a wine-like sap from her antlers if she so desires. In strong concentrates, this wine is even capable of getting those who drink it drunk (as it can be used as a substitute for wine). Or at least, simulate the effects of drunkenness. She often over-exerts producing her wine for lascivious, indulgent affairs. Her "wine" can be forcibly administered like a shot, by wine-sap-tipped arrows.

Faun can willfully control her antlers to grow to the size and shape she wishes (so long as the shape is within reason for antlers). This requires intense concentration. The demand of this ability puts a pretty significant burden on Faun and cannot be done willy-nilly. As such, she must carefully deliberate just how best to control her antlers in any given situation, especially fights. As their overuse can knock her out, or leave her weakened and fatigued. Faun without antler support is a sitting duck.

Faun forcibly grows her antlers into a small bow shape that she breaks off and uses as a bow. And she can break off pointy stick-ends of her antlers and use them as arrows.

Faun's antlers also produce -or perhaps- "grow" little gold-amber seeds of crystalized sap. Though it takes quite some time for them to grow -perhaps even nearing a day or so. She can forcibly grow them, but that causes her issues because it takes her life force to do so. These seeds will quickly grow into vines when "planted". Faun cannot control the vines directly, but the vines are so wild-growing that they often are useful in situations regardless. Like constricting her foes. So, Faun often shoots arrows tipped with her seeds. The vines themselves are more akin to orchard-like vines. Thin, green vines that are more of a mild, sudden nuisance, that can be easily ripped through with a bit of effort, rather than thick, strong vines that are tough.

A physical attack where Faun overgrows a part of her antlers and makes them thick, using her antlers as a lopsided club.

Faun is temporarily capable of forming a second pair of deer legs, making her quadrupedal for a brief time. During this time, she also forms a half-deer body to match. She can be ridden or can carry baggage or injured people while in this form. But it only lasts for roughly 2 mins, and leaves her exhausted.

Faun's natural scent, mixed with the secretions of her antlers that mist-ify and become airborne can induce visions and cause vision impairment. Particularly useful for Faun to flee, and reposition. The effectiveness varies based on the foe's abilities, mental faculties, and resistances.

White Deer (Strongest Abilities)

Similar to her "Trance" ability, Faun is capable of pretty much fully-releasing all of her healing sap in a "Burst of Healing" that has a wide-range capable of reaching her nearby allies to grant them a surprise, strong heal. To do this, Faun must "plant" herself and concentrate deeply, then release. She must literally plant herself -- Faun basically grows into the ground, her hooves turning into roots, fur into leaves and foliage, her antlers expand, growing up and out like winding branches. Her veins will glow green, and then the "burst" will happen, releasing glowing "pollen" that grants healing effects to all who are touched by it (even foes). This ability essentially puts Faun into a "hibernating"-like state. Which can last for a varied amount of time, but sometimes days.

In a similar vein, using her doe wiles, along with her natural scent, and her mist-like secretions from her antlers, Faun is capable of charming or enchanting the target with either her visage, or just her presence in general. It's a mix of her wiles and chemicals. The effectiveness varies, and depends on the level of charm Faun wants. Whether a small distraction or to cause a poor fool to fall for her. With that said, the effectiveness also depends on the target's own strength, will power, and sense of self, and ability to resist her chemical charming secretions.

Taking a moment to concentrate her trance-ability, Faun can invoke the visage of a overwhelming demon-deer of imposing presence. This vision can demoralize lesser opponents, though it has no actual combat significance or ability. In fact, Faun uses this exclusively to run and hide. It also takes a great deal out of Faun to pull off, and may leave her antlers unusable for awhile.

Instead of secreting her sap, Faun instead infuses it into her own self. Using its empowering effects, Faun can momentarily shapeshift her body into something akin to the Cernunnos vision, granting her a buff to strength and the like. But the wine also hampers her senses and reason. In this form she can pose a significant threat to her foes (and perhaps others, but Faun tries her best to resist that). This form only lasts for as long as she can hold it which is usually only a couple minutes at most, but it pretty much always ends with her becoming vulnerable and passing out. She also doesn't feel much pain in this form and ignores her survival instinct, so it's easy for her to receive wounds that she completely ignores. Luckily while in this form, she tends to be able to handle injuries and has a minor rejuvenation factor, but once this form ends those beneficial effects end.

Black Deer (Negative effects and Weaknesses)
Faun's healing effects are directly tied to her own life force. So every time she produces healing sap or buffing wine, or debuffing wines she is directly pulling from her life force. Her "Yggdrasil" ability, in particular, is extremely dangerous and life force-intensive. Don't worry, using her abilities don't really affect her overall life span, but they do cause major issues for her in the moment, and can cause her pain, fatigue, injury, or cause her to faint. Only Yggdrasil, and repeated, overuse of her abilities can directly affect Faun's life.

Faun lacks power typically. Sure her kicks can be nasty, and her antlers can pose a threat, but typically speaking Faun's build and physique is on the weak side. She prefers to hang back, or hide out of sight (just like a deer!) instead of engage in any direct combat. Her kicks are pretty much exclusively used to knock out, or knock down so she can flee. But Faun has a particularly weak countenance.

Speaking of lacking power, her arrows are on the weak side, and she takes her time to line up shots to make sure she hits what she is aiming for. Still, her arrows are probably not to be underestimated! Typically though, Faun uses her arrows as a delivery system.

"Pleasure's. Mine."

A woman of few words. Mysterious and unflustered. Faun presents herself in a dignified way, and seemingly maintains her graceful nature at all times. She doesn't break that image. Not even in combat, where she is methodical, observant, and valiant.

Except when she speaks. As she is often quite frank. Faun is forthright and speaks her mind; she seems to be quite opinionated. She's so plain-spoken it can be called rude. But she does so often with a smile on her face, so it can be unclear if she's mocking, or joking. Or really what her smile means at all. Despite this, Faun is usually polite-spoken, as she isn't really one to stir the pot beyond those occasional gibes.

Beyond that, she has a chivalrous streak. Opting to do her best to help. Her healing-sap effects and how she watches over the battlefield, best showcase her chivalric nature. She will thoughtfully protect from afar, or gallantly ride forth to bring healing and sanctuary, or carefully carry her ally away like a white knight when withdrawing is necessary.

Faun appears to be quite astute. She is deliberate with her actions on the battlefield, and cautious. She will quickly made the most prudent action needed. Her pensive, collected demeanor makes her seem quite wise.

Faun seems to be courteous, humble, reverent, and even ceremonial in her day-to-day actions. Only her casual outspoken jeers ever break the illusion and hint at anything else beneath the surface. But yet her eyes have a far-gazing, haunting, and almost sinister gleam to them; her mystifying nature only adds to the mystery of Faun. For while she's open, she's far from an open book, and keeps a tight lip on the topic of herself.

The Tale
Seemingly an orphan, Faun lived with a small band of people she affectionately called "brothers". There was distinctly no "sisters"; she was the sole "imouto". There were other women that showed up time to time, but they never paid her any attention, and were always there for her brothers. They either ignored her, or gave her looks of disdain. But that didn't last long, as the women never stuck around for very long.

Whether she was blind, or grateful, Faun didn't see her brothers for what they were. Their home was a pretty rundown, crummy place. It seemed to basically be a rundown factory area. Yet her brothers brought back foods, drink, various entertainment things, and other stuff that released funky-smelling smoke, that tickled her sensitive nose. They often came back with wounds, and sometimes were pretty fucked up. In which, that's where she came in. Faun was then made to secrete more of her wine, but this time her healing wine --which always hurt, in particular. And they always needed so much of it! But her brothers were hurt, and they needed her! So she always helped. Just like she gave them buffing wine before they left -"To make sure they'd come back," they always said.

Due to them constantly returning injured, Faun figured she could help more! Or at least.. defend herself, should they bring back something "bad" that caused those wounds. So, on her own, in secret, during her free time -which was pretty much all the time- she trained. It hurt to create her wine. Especially in large quantities. It hurt to control and grow her antlers. It always hurt. So, she put a lot of time into learning how to control and grow her antlers to the best of her ability and disregard the pain. Or as much as was possible. She learned how best to create her wine, or secrete her sap. And how much she could do in any given time before she would pass out. She learned new aspects of her ability during this time. Such as the seeds she grew. Or infusing herself with her own wine -she had never even thought to take a sip of her own wine before. Stuff like that. She also took the opportunity to try a couple things. One being archery. She didn't have a bow, and asking things of her brothers well... They did dote on her (when they weren't asking something of her), but it always felt kinda... weird to ask things of them. Scummy, it felt scummy. And made her uncomfortable. So Faun rarely did. Which resulted in her rarely talking. After all, she didn't have much to say, and no one to really speak to. Anyway, she had the bright idea to form her antlers into the shape of a bow, and snap it off. Initially it hurt to break her antlers, but after doing that enough times, she got used to it. She had the issue of not having "ammo" either -so she snapped off parts of her antlers as arrows, too. At which, she began training with a bow. She sucked at first, obviously. And it was slow going. But keeping at it, she gradually got better. That isn't to say Faun ever became a master archer, she just simply became better, and better. Now she's rather competent, but far from a master. And a bit too slow on the draw. Taking the time to meticulously line up her shots like she had learned back when training as a child.

At some point, it became clear why Faun was there. Her brothers were criminals. Thieves. Druggies. Maybe they were petty criminals, though those wounds always concerned her. But criminals all the same. And they were just using her for her ability. Once she realized that, Faun felt devastated. She left soon thereafter. And that's pretty much where we're at now, and Faun's story.

"Captivated. Me. I know. Intrigued."

Writing Poetry
Lazing About
Topiary, hedge trimming, sculpting
Minor gardening
Walking through woods
Urban Exploration, and High-rise Observing
Sugar Cubes
Adorning and Primping her horns
Hoof hygiene
Drunken Festivals

Needy People
Clingy People
Aggressive People
Nosey People

Tells people in her "circle" to call her "Kojika". (Or Faun, tbh)
But her "brothers" call her Kanoko. And less-familiar people call her Kanoko.
However, her real name that she's unaware of is Kinshika Nara

(ignore any scaley-parts in the pic, she doesn't have that or a shell)
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Name: Keihō Awate

Hero Name: Aka Hazādo, aka Red Hazard

Age: 17

School Transfer:

Seira Academy

Hero Outfit

hidden daggers
a couple handguns

State of Emergency State of Emergency
Keihō gathers energy from surrounding disaster, turmoil, tension, and anything that would be considered "dire". You could say the more a situation becomes "dire" the more energy Keihō is able to amass/gain/acquire.

She has three different ways of using said energy.
  1. She can "send" it into people, effectively granting them a momentary buff to their parameters which feels more like an intense dose of adrenaline and surge of energy and burst of strength, that they can then use to empower their quirks. The effectiveness of the buff depends on the "level" of the surrounding situation. So it is best to wait to the.last.possible.moment. for her to use her energy/this buff, to get the greatest effect from it. But it is very difficult to actually ascertain that moment, and is a risk to wait that long. -- She can grant any number of people this buff, but the more the energy is split up, the less "increase" they receive. Friendlies' buff lasts as long as the situation remains dire.
  2. She can absorb the energy into herself, granting herself the same buff she would've granted to another. It grants her the exact same parameter increases that it would've given. Except it puts a strain on her body, meaning she is extremely weakened/fatigued afterward, and can even pass out, depending on the situation. Her buff lasts until the energy runs out, as it is constantly burning through the energy as she fights.
  3. She can use the energy in energy blast attacks. Their power depends on the level of the situation at hand. And once expended, that energy does not return. Her only way of gaining more energy is for the level of the situation's "direness" to increase. She can also opt to wait to.last.possible.moment and release all of that amassed energy at once in an all-out, all-for-nothing attack (energy blast). If it doesn't work, then Keihō is left completely spent and useless.
The Direst of Situations
Most situations likely won't give her much of a boost at all, or provide much energy, leaving her to fight with her martial arts and skills alone. However, assuming the "Direst of Situations", then Keihō is empowered to a state that makes killing her nigh impossible for the brief moment she's able to use her buff. However, all damage sustained does accumulate, and then suffered as the buff wears out.

Forewarn Alert
A unique byproduct of her quirk, is that she can innately know when some sort of disaster is unfolding. A warning 'alarm' sets off to signify such, with varying degrees of how loud, obnoxious, and "in-your-face" the alarm is, though, to some degree, Keihō is capable of suppressing this. The alarm consists of a red blinking light on the back of her hand and her palm, with flashing yellow hexagonal markings accompanying it over her hand, wrist, and forearm.

Crisis Averted
The energy she has will lessen if the situation becomes less dire. And will completely vanish if the situation is resolved before the energy is used.

When she chooses to use the energy in the middle of a situation much before it becomes "dire" to power-up her attacks.

Keihō has a Hazard system she's personally devised. She bases her actions on the hazard level that she updates on the fly.

Hazard Levels
CataclysmicWidespread loss of life is expected. Lots of wounded.Dark Red Alertextreme perilEntirely Quirk reliant. NO HOLDING Quirk energy.
Very HighLoss of life is probable, or injuries of a much more volatile and threatening nature.Red Alerthigh dangerLiberal Quirk use. Rely on quirk over other normal techniques.
HighHigh risk of injury, including life-threatening dangers.Orange Alerthigh cautionQuirk permissible now. Mix of quirk and normal techniques.
ModerateThreat very possible, but injury level is within normal standards.Yellow AlertcautionA mix of regular defensive and offensive actions. Only use quirk if there's an opportunity for it to be useful.
LowMinor threat possible, but unlikely.Light Green AlertadvisoryDefensive actions.
Very LowNo threat detected.All Greennormal levelRemain on the lookout. No further actions.

Keihō can seem a bit deranged. She's kinda wild and crazed as she fights. Some of the way she acts seems to suggest she's a bit psychotic. All this stems from a broken girl who hasn't gotten over passed traumas, and instead has become consumed by them. Due to this, Keihō doesn't really view any relationships as viable. If she's ever nice, kind, or if it seems a relationship is developing it's largely a front. Keihō simply is afraid to get close to anyone. She's afraid of the day she hears an alarm for the untold danger and catastrophe that's about to befall her friend. So she opts to simply not have friends. That sound is torture. Any of her cowardly tendencies are still there in full-force from her childhood, just perhaps, a bit better hidden.

Normally speaking, Keihō is functional. In fact, downright congenial and sociable. She exudes confidence and charm. She's warm and helpful, and fairly easy to get along with, or talk to. If you didn't see any other side of her, you'd think she was a perfectly functioning human. Her mask so expertly worn, that it's invisible. There may be a bit of snark, and edge to her. Even so much as a bit of a twisted jokester, but that's just apart of Keihō's charm.

Another aspect to Keihō's charm is how she acts when alone. When she thinks she's alone, Keihō is actually rather quiet and introspective. These are private glimpses into the girl's real demeanor. Keihō enjoys time alone. She enjoys "quiet time". To help ease her soul, Keihō picked up drawing. Which she can be found doing, dedicating a lot of time to art.

Is a bit flirtatious in her dialogue. Primarily to women, but often to men, too. Inwardly, a bit insecure about herself, her capabilities, her usefulness, her contributions. Something that's kinda easily noticed, due to her tendency to allude to it in her incessantly joking chatter.

When Keihō's quirk first activated it was both a shock and like she received a splitting headache. She felt drawn to what was causing this strange sense in her head. She eventually followed it to a house, where she heard a loud BANG! that spooked the young Keihō. Suddenly the terror she had been feeling was real. She had a sense of foreboding in her heart the entire time, but after that loud shock it was like the terror was able to flood out and grip her completely. The BANG had made her immediately hide, which turned out to be a good thing. A group of guys in black ran out of the house and run away. Keihō, herself, was left there, wondering what was going on, who those guys were, and what that sound was. The young girl found her curiosity getting the better of her. Keihō walked timidly forward, and into the house.

There she got the shock of a lifetime. A man was on the ground, a hole in his head and blood everywhere. Keihō ran out of there screaming. But the strange sensation she had felt up until that point had disappeared. So, even though she had just witnessed something too traumatic for a young child's brain, she felt an odd sense of relief.

Her quirk continued to evolve from that point on. Her hair even changed red. One day she was alerted, and there was a strange spot on her palm. It was flashing red, with a yellow hexagonal pattern traveling outward. Simultaneously an annoying beeping sound was playing -- out of her hand? It was annoying, so to stop it, she did as her quirk basically instructed, and went to find the nearby tragedy. She didn't need to go far. A housefire nearby with firefighters on the way. But she got there first. As a young girl, she watched another young girl leaning out of her two story window screaming. Keihō reached up, calling to her. Then she watched the house collapse on the girl. The beeping's volume lowered after that. She walked away with wide eyes full of anguish as the firefighters drove up and started spraying fire everywhere. Already too late.

Her quirk continued to alert her to tragedies. The strange red spot appeared on the back of her palm as well, and the hexagonal patterns spread out all across her wrist and forearm as the sound gradually grew worse, until a full-blown alarm was shrilly shrieking in her room. Keihō was witness to all manner of stuff in all sorts of situations. Collapsing homes, gunfights, car crashes, heart attacks, brawls gone too far. Even quirk-related stuff, like heroes and villains fighting, or just villains doing terrible shit with their quirks. It traumatized the girl to witness all these events.

At some point, her policeman father was called out on some job. Her alarm immediately went off as his car drove away. Keihō just knew something bad was happening. Her father never returned. That situation had been particularly nasty, and the alarm on her wrist and hand was particularly noisy. He had become involved with a villain who had caused some mass damage. Her father had been caught up in it, being killed on the spot. Keihō had thought about telling him not to go. She had thought about calling him to ignore it and come back home. Many times she had considered explaining her quirk to her father, thinking it could help her father's work, but she had always been too much of a coward to do so. Her cowardice got her father killed.

After that, her mother became shut off. She began to neglect Keihō. Nothing could get her mother to pay her any attention. Not crying, not begging her mom, not performing well in school, in spite of her traumas and anguish at her father's death, which she had never been able to grieve properly, nothing. Finally, desperate, Keihō came clean about it all. About what her quirk did. And her culpability in the tragedy of her father's death. As she regaled all this, her mother's face and eyes still haunt her to this day. Her mother shrilly shrieked, but said nothing. After that, her mother completely ignored her, except on purpose now.

Keihō gave up on that relationship, and relationships in general. But she decided she was not going to allow anymore tragedies to occur. Not like the one that happened in her own home, and not any others. She decided she would use this power to save and help people. But she was weak, she needed to get stronger.

After resolving that, Keihō went to a gym. There she trained in kickboxing and martial arts. She trained in daggers and sidearms. And she learned more about her quirk, gaining a bit of control over its more... unique aspects. That is, she was able to decrease the wild nature of her alarm, and lower the volume of the siren, so it doesn't disturb anyone else. The warning lights are the same. She learned what the unique energy surge from her quirk was, but since it's inconsistent, she's forced to primarily rely on her combat training.

Listening to rock, screamo, and any other loud-af music
Walking around
Soaking in a bath with earmuffs on
Simply Relaxing and taking it easy
"Quiet Time"
Playing Chess

Being interrupted from any activity
Loud music she isn't personally listening to
Rowdy People (and girls especially)
Riotous, Disorderly, and Unruly People
Pain and the Anguish of others

Remembers the dates of every tragedy she knows. Has a personal list of all the names of the deceased of every tragedy, catalogued, too.
Is decent in martial arts and kickboxing.
Decent shot with sidearms.
Has decent dagger manipulation, and keeps hidden daggers on her person.
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