• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
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I will be the Shadow to your Light
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Fantasy, Modern, Magical, Romance, Greek/Roman mythology, Action, Mystery, Scifi, Anime, Medieval, Yaoi, Yuri, Fandom.
[fieldbox=Rules, red, dashed, 10]IC Rules:
(I do not take credit for this list of rules, but they are everything that I wanted my rules to be.)

Please try to post a paragraph each time. I really detest having a lot of 1 liners, so please try to keep them away. (I understand if you get writers block or something, just tell us so we don't think you're not trying.)
YOU CAN NOT BE YOUR OWN PARTNER/LOVER! I hate it when people do this, it sucks to be done, and if you plan on having a drama point based on the fact that two of your characters were together, that's fine as long as as it is now over.
Feel free to interact with a NPC or more!
Likewise, only type in third person. Reason is, first person can confuse people. It makes them get lost in all the I's, since there would be a ton of them. So please, for my sake and the sake of others, use third person.
Please refrain from using text talk and please try to use a spell checker if you don't know English very well.
GRAMMAR! Now one of my pet peeves is having people who spell things shorthanded. It doesn't matter to me if there are a few mistakes here and there.Just don't let it become a repeated process.
Cursing. Now, I know some characters are not going to be the sweetest, and some are just going to have a few instances, but I am completely fine with your characters cursing. However, one every single sentence is kind of extreme, so try to avoid putting one in everything.
Collabs are more than welcome and acceptable as long as you do not drag out the scene and or day.
No god moding. Everyone hates it, so please dont have an "instant K.O." of an another character without that player's permission first.
Must post a minimum of once a week. If unable please inform one of the GM's of your reason and estimated post date please!
Now this is a superhero rp so most of the characters or going to be OP in some or way another but please try to keep your character within reason and take into consideration their experience and age.
Since we have underage players this will not be a 18+ rp so keep the detailed gore, romantic acts, and lewd behavior to a PG-13 level please!

OOC Rules:
Anime FC's Only!
Please message myself for issues or to run any idea's by me that have an extreme effect to the RP.
Feel free to expand on the CS, just make sure what's there is in there somewhere.
Put, "#Kaachan" at the end of your CS in order to be accepted and to know you read the rules.
Under no circumstances are you allowed to post without a GM accepting your character.
Please flesh out the characters. We like seeing that people put effort into their characters, and that they took time to have some formatting and other things. We love ideas so do feel free to bring any before us and if you want to make drama.
Please be kind to all your other rp friends, we don't want people feeling attacked or threatened by others. It helps create a more cohesive bond between players.
There is a 3 character limit! If someone drops out or a character dies/moves away I will reopen the role they had for another to take.[/fieldbox]
  • Students with Heroic intentions will be here
    Red Rose ~ Learner's Craft/Blink - @Sasha Bliss
    Takagi Sunemizuki ~ Keratin Manipulation - @EmperorsChosen
    Yoshio Bakugo ~ Explosions/Chains - @BlueFlameNikku
    Yuuki Ishida ~ Aura of Will - @zane620
    Appolline Venetica ~ Laughter/Rubber Body - Everlasting
    Sairen Monoma ~ Hell Blade - @RaineSensei
  • Students with villainous intentions will be here
    Sora Ryunosuke ~ Senses Fail/Slight Empath - @Everlasting
    Reika (Rei) Hamasaki ~ Medusa - @SoleStride
    Lairen Monoma ~ Hell Flame - @RaineSensei
  • Students that are undecided/on the fence will be here
    Sofie Longsford ~ Super eyesight/Illusions - @Shitsuji-Carty
    Marina Matsuyama ~ Multiples/Monkey Attributes - @Alis_Audāx
    Misoka Yamasaki ~ Dullahan's Reach - @RedArmyShogun
    Kaizu Daiji ~ Dragon/Strength - Sempiternus
  • NPC parents, teachers, heroes, and villains will be here
    Aizawa Shota - Parent to Sora
    Katsuki Bakugo - Parent to Yoshio
    Momo Yaoyorozu - Biologic parent to Red
    Neito Monoma - Parent to Sairen/Lairen

Please try and keep the genders even! =) Current Ratio F-9/M-5
Appearance: (anime only)
Name: (Japanese preferred unless foreign)
Age: (13-15)
Parent Quirks: (What Quirk do your parent(s) have?)
Sexual Orientation:

Hair Color/Style:
Eye Color:
Body Build:
Noticeable Scar(s):
Costume: (The costume/uniform you have designed for your character to where as a Hero)
Costume Mods: (These are modifiers to your costume that you designed/requested. Ex: Bakugo's canon guards that help increase his blast power and prevent his Quirk from damaging himself. More mods can be removed/added to later on in the rp so dont feel like you have to think of them all right now!)

Personality: (2 Sentence minimum)
Quirk: (Let your imagination take hold! Just dont be immortal lol, 2 quirk max (like Todoroki)
Quirk Weakness: (What limits does your Quirk currently have? Ex: Tokoyami's Dark Shadow is weaker in light/during the day. Dark Shadow is hard to control the darker it is/at night)
Motto: (Your characters personal motto, or code they live by.)
Alignment: (Is your student a hero, villain, or on the fence?)


Strengths: (6 maximum)
Weaknesses: (3 minimum)
Bio: (5 Sentence minimum)

Relationships: (These can be family, predetermined, or past relationships)
Favorite Song(s): (Optional)
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Kaze Yamada
Parent Quirks:
Kaze's mother, Megumi Yamada, seems to have passed her Quirk onto her son, seeing as she possesses the same type of ability - only on a much, much weaker scale, only having the power to sweep up dust with a cool breeze. Funnily enough, Kaze's father, Ryuu Yamada, possesses a brand of Quirk that Kaze also inherited - features from a bird. However, while Ryuu possesses the ability to sprout talons...Kaze has the ability to sprout wings.
Standing at 5'10", Kaze is a about average height for a teenager his age.
Hair Color/Style:
Kaze's hair is naturally a soft white within certain amounts of light. It's perpetually neat and silky, the soft locks arranged much like the feathers of a bird. Generally, a run-through with his fingers is enough to get him through the day.
Eye Color:
A peculiar mix between blue and emerald, Kaze's eyes boasts a unique teal color that glow a bright silver during usage of his Quirks. To this very day, he has no idea why it does that
Lean, yet athletic and defined - nothing surprising, considering he was inducted through the means of official recommendations.
Body Mods:
None, yet.
Nothing notable.
Kaze's costume was kept simple and efficient, yet it is no less attention-grabbing than other Heroes'. In addition to his regular white gloves, he equips black pants, tapered off into black boots with white laces. His ensemble is completed by a pale white, high-collared overcoat with deep black accents along the collar and sleeves. The hood of the coat, perpetually up, shadowing the majority of his face, other the lower half consisting of his lips and lower jaw. Meanwhile, cool, glowing silver eyes are visible from the shadows of the hood, visible even from long distances. Finally, at the back of the overcoat, two slits were cut into the light fabric, allowing the full, majestic black span of Kaze's wings to unfurl completely.
Costume Mods::
Other than requesting for the costume to be light-weight for the usage of his wind, and equipped fully for his wings, Kaze had the palms of his gloves removed for some of his more hands-on wind techniques.

The reason why Kaze may come off as cool and aloof, is because, in general, the boy keeps a cool head about him. Not one for outrageous displays of anger or sorrow, Kaze instead prides himself on his natural-born independence, dealing with such negativity in his own introspective ways. That is, brooding through his problems on his own, and being too prideful to ask for help. With that being said, the teenager is genuinely a kind-hearted boy, if not a bit blunt and straightforward in his mannerisms. He doesn't speak so frankly to be rude. Rather, he tells it how it is so that no feelings are unnecessarily hurt at the end of the day. It's better for those feelings to be hurt right at that moment if they are destined to be hurt at all, no?

Then again, his own personal logic could be considered rude all on its own.

His analytical and observational abilities are exceptional, and it isn't rare for Kaze to catch things that others may miss with his unnaturally sharp gaze, allowing his similarly sharp brain to come up with tactics and stratagems using his natural perceptive abilities. Although he could come off as cold to some, Kaze possesses a dry and sarcastic sense of humor that tends to reveal itself in the presence of annoyances or idiotic/foolish displays. Honestly, he may also be a bit socially unaware when it comes to certain things, and this is often displayed in his completely unimpressed/anticlimatic reactions to outrageous or dramatic situations. Then again, judging by the enigmatic smirks that occasionally appear on his otherwise stoic lips, one could never tell for sure.

With that being said, Kaze is a fiercely loyal person when the situation drops down to it, despite all of his ups and downs. Any friends he may acquire, the teenager will go through any obstacles to save and protect, even if he may seem apathetic on the exterior. He feels true passion in his goal of being a Hero, and refuses to take flack from anyone, no matter their gender, age, race, or power level. Such fearlessness and non-hesitance may seem brash to some, but for those that knows Kaze, it is only natural for the young man. He truly believes in the power to make his own decisions, and refuses to have his freedom taken from him.
Wings of Freedom, Winds of Change. A hybrid Emitter/Mutation Quirk that combined the bases of his parent's two Quirk within Kaze's own DNA. Basically, he has large black wings and he can manipulate the wind with his will. WIP.


Favorite Song(s):

Name: Red Rose
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: American/Japanese
Parent Quirks: Red was adopted when she was three, so she only knows her adopted parents of magnetism, and Chitin manipulation
Height: 5'2
Weight: 90 lbs
Sexual Orientation: Bi-curious

Hair Color/Style: Black to Red natural, Goes to bottom of neck, covers an eye.
Eye Color: Silver
Body Build: Petite yet slightly muscular.
Piercings/Tattoos: N/A
Noticeable Scar(s): One on her collar bone, slightly cover by her cloak
Costume: Outfit
Costume Mods: N/A
Personality: Red tends to be a bit cocky, but knows when she's outclassed. She's outgoing bubbly person and talks, a lot. She's kind and tends to be a little upset when people don't like her. She's a total nerd when it comes to weapons and it's her first conversation starter since she doesn't know how to talk to new people.
Quirk(s): Weapon Memorization: Creating and learning how to use weapons.
Secret Quirk: [spoili]Blink: Red uses this quirk to move in a burst of speed for 5 meters that makes it look like she teleported, she can only use it so many times a day since it drains her energy immensely, she can use it 5 times before becoming too exhausted, no one knows of her having this quirk [/spoili]
Quirk Weakness: Red is limited to one weapon at a time, the bigger the weapon the longer it takes to make, she has to have touched the weapon before she is able to create it or know how it works. Her secret quirk drains energy and doesn't allow her to move very far.
Motto: "I don't need people to help me grow up. I drink milk."
  • Weapons
  • Food(s)
  • Anime (she's a closet weeb/otaku)
  • Fighting
  • Villains
  • Bugs
  • people who don't take responsibility for their actions
  • Not having a pencil when need
  • dying
  • the ocean
  • bugs
  • When she goes to museums she touches the artillery and other old weapons.
  • Secret quirk
  • The sadness of her friend's death


  • Weapons
  • Durable
  • Adaptable
  • Sleight of Hand
  • determined
  • Cocky
  • Bugs (lol)
  • Talks to much
  • Too focused on doing 'it' her way
  • Dreamer/Unrealistic
Bio: Red doesn't remember anything from her old parents except that they gave her, the red cloak she always wears. Adopted at the young age of three she quickly grew close to her adopted parents as they did with her. she lived pretty much a normal childhood. When she learned about her quirk it was when she made another hunting knife of her father's while they were camping. They though her quirk was duplication but later it became obvious. During her first year in middle school her best friend was kidnapped by a villain, the heroes however were unable to save her. It was then that Red decided she was going to become a hero to protect those closest to her.


  • Adoptive Parents
  • Best Friend (Deceased)
  • Real Mom: Momo Yaoyorozu (Unknown to Red)
Alignment: Hero

Course: Hero Course

Favorite Song(s): Anything Nightcore


Real Mom:
Momo Yaoyorozu (Her mother knows her but she doesn't know her mother)

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  • Love
Reactions: Pyralithia
Hokay here's my go at it.

Hero Name: "Gate Master"
Appearance: I can never get image links to work here, so click this.
Name: DJ Masterson (American)
Age: 15
Gender: M
Ethnicity: Pacific Islander
Parent Quirks: UNKNOWN (He was adopted).
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 120
Sexual Orientation: Hetero

Hair Color/Style: Deep Brown. Messy/wavy. Looks like a fluffy cloud on his head. Sometimes his bangs obstruct his eyes.
Eye Color: Brown, but usually unseen because of opaque lenses.
Body Build: On the thin/lean side. Not muscular but not flabby and weak.
Piercings/Tattoos: None. And proud of it.
Noticeable Scar(s): None.
Costume: A long, white jacket, giving the impression of a futuristic labcoat with a bit of armored plating, like on the shoulders and over the cuffs of the sleeves. When fully zipped the collar covers the lower half of his face, but portion of it over the legs is still open. He tends to wear black slacks and an ordinary T-shirt underneath.
Costume Mods: His hero suit is a general survival armor that has temperature-control systems inside to keep the wearer comfortable in both blazing heat and freezing cold. It's resistant to damage in general and carries a supply of oxygen in case the wearer finds themselves underwater or in some similar situation. The gloves in particular amplify his control over HyperSpace Particles to make it easier for him to create and manipulate portals on the field with less energy, although he is capable of doing so without any input from his hands. He is hoping to have grappling hooks added to the suit in the future but these were a last-minute design request and he's been told it will take a while to fix them to meet his specifications.

Personality: DJ is one of those people who knows he was blessed with an amazing quirk, but none can say whether it's the quirk itself or just his own narcissism that leads to his Egoistic personality. He praises himself whenever an opportunity arises to do so, and has a hard time admitting his faults. Still, despite this, he is actually not that aggravating to be around. Polite and courteous to his fellow classmates... sociable and charming, people tend to like him. He does seem to prefer being on his own, however. Nobody can say why... If people were to sum up his personality in one word, most would agree on "Honest". A less favorable summary might be "Obnoxious".
Quirk 1: Warp Gate - DJ can create portals, essentially, allowing for instant travel between locations. DJ can manipulate the portals in a variety of ways, such as creating an entry portal with several exits, or an exit that is bigger/smaller, allowing him to duplicate or resize objects and people. These changes are called "Desynchronizations", and are temporary. After 7 seconds, resized objects suddenly shrink/expand to their original size, and multiplied objects and people phase back together into a singular entity (they become ghost-like and able to phase through objects as they merge back together).
Quirk 2: HyperSpace Particle Barrier - DJ's body is infused with special "HyperSpace Particles" that revert any physical damage to him back to normal. It can be considered an enhanced healing ability.
Quirk 1 Weakness: Creating portals consumes stamina based on their size and number. One of the portals must within 5 yards of DJ. DJ can only create portals in places that are immediately within sight, or in places he has been to before, and creating a portal to a distant location, even if he has been there, can be difficult and sometimes dangerous for him and others.
Quirk 2 Weakness: What at first glance appears to be an overpowered healing mechanic is actually just an alternative damage mechanic. Trading out physical damage for an "HP" system like in a video game, when this "HP Gauge" reaches 0, DJ will fall unconscious, as his stamina has been fully depleted and he has become overexhausted. The healing factor will cease as well, leaving him vulnerable.
Motto: "Work Smarter, not Harder!"
Likes: Praise. Company (despite appearances), salty snacks, oppai, video games, Coca Cola, reading up about ancient life, music. But most of all: Peace and Quiet so he can Relax. Martial Arts (it looks so cool!)
Dislikes: Pressure, being advanced on, sharp things, being deprived of video games. Excessive loudness. Hectic situations. Being challenged for authority (either directly or unwittingly). When people goof around in his portals and linger too long (he REALLY hates this).
Fears: Being blinded. Confined in tight spaces. Rejection. That one "False Awakening" dream he had that kept happening like, 7 times before he ACTUALLY woke up.
Secrets: He has never kissed a girl. EVER.
Alignment: Heroic. (potentially secret villain?)

Strengths: Despite his "scientist" motif, DJ is a character favoring street-smarts over book-smarts, lacking a bit in the latter, but having the former in spades. Clever to a fault, and able to lie with a perfectly straight face. Charming, an excellent negotiator and diplomat, but favors being an obnoxious prankster most of the time. While his body movement isn't supernatural, his mental reflexes are incredible, lending some credence to his self-appointed "genius"-ness.
Weaknesses: He can get motion-sickness easily when travelling in any vehicle or being carried around (thus he prefers to warp). Prideful, he can easily lose his temper over small, insignificant things. Because of his labcoat costume people assume he's actually really smart and ask him lots of difficult, technical questions all the time, which is incredibly embarrassing. Egotistic to the point that others sometimes tend to view him either as an asshole or a pathetic poser.
Bio: DJ was abandoned by parents who were "Human purists", a cult-like group who saw quirks as a blasphemous mutation of the righteous human form. His foster parents, to him, were unremarkable. If asked about them, he would admit he felt like he was a burden to them most of the time and they couldn't wait until he was out of their hair. He sees his acceptance into UA as an opportunity to create his own path in life, and has spent every waking moment since his acceptance practicing with his quirk, pushing himself to his spacial limits to make something great out of himself. He claims "I grew up in a world that didn't really care about me. It didn't hate me, but it didn't love me either. I'll show them, I'll make them regret that they never took the time to get to know me for what I am: something truly amazing.".

Relationships: DJ is currently sorely lacking in noteworthy relationships, being rather aloof with his parents. His only friend at the start is an un-named individual in the Support Course (making room for someone to play this character if they want to).
Favorite Song(s):
Extra: It's possible that DJ could play one of the characters who is actually a villain acting as a spy on the inside, but he would only be using the villains for his own personal gain (and with his cunning and charm nothing short of a mind-reader would find themselves suspicious of his motives). In the end his ultimate goal is to be remembered, whether it be going down in history as a great hero, or the most terrifying villain... he's not sure.

#Kaachan... is not as cool as Deku!
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  • Love
Reactions: Pyralithia
Name: Yoshio Bakugo
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Japanese
Parent Quirks: Yoshio inherited his Father's (Katsuki Bakugo's) "Explosion" Quirk as well as his competitive nature and he inherited his Mother's (Hinata Bakugo) "Chains" Quirk as well as her more aloof and laid back personality. Though at times Yoshio would say growing up his Mother would become scarier than his Father at times.
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 145lbs
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Hair Color/Style: Dirty Blonde/thick bangs
Eye Color: Bright Blue
Body Build: Average Slim Build
Piercings/Tattoos: N/A
Noticeable Scar(s): A black scorch mark that looks like a chained tire tread from when his older brother had attacked him when he was younger.
Costume Mods: Yoshio had his "Jetblades" fashioned for him. They are twin wheel rollerblades with a small engine exhaust in the back heel of each which are connected to Yoshio's heel which allow him to fire off explosions from his heels and out the engine exhausts in his rollerblades to not only propel him efficiently but to also help him deliver powerful kicks.

Personality: Most of the time he acts a bit aloof and carefree but can become energetic and competitive at the drop of a hat. He holds deep grudges for people who deserve them. He's actually really big into soccer and has always enjoyed rollerblading. He lives his life in the fast lane and doesn't like to take orders or answer to people and can become rude when annoyed to a point.
Quirks: Chain-reaction: This Quirk allows the user to excrete sweat similar to nitroglycerin from their palms and ignite it to create various explosions at will, especially for innovative uses such as propelling oneself. The more the user sweats, the more powerful the explosions are. The other half of this quick allows the user to create and manipulate iron chains that are created from the user's palms. As said chains expel from the user's palms they natural become coated in the user sweat and can be ignited so long as the user is touched the chains in some fashion which will cause the lengths of the chains to explode in a chain reaction hence the name of the quirk.
Quirk Weakness:
1. Yoshio can only create and or manipulate two chains at any one time, one out of each palm.
2. The chains Yoshio creates are by no means unbreakable as they are simple made of iron which he uses up his own iron supple in his body to create them. So whenever he creates multiple chains and does not salvage them back into his palms he could greatly reduce the iron in his body to dangerous levels.
3. During cold weather, the nitroglycerin-like sweat requires slightly longer time to ignite, as opposed to heat, where conditions are optimal for ignition.
4. Over using his explosions with repeated ignition (especially big explosions) will cause Yoshio to wear down his skin in the relative area of over use and cause throbbing pain.
Motto: "If your too slow then step aside and let me handle it."
Alignment: Hero / Though an unorthodox one

Likes: Winning, Soccer, Rollerblading, Speed, Contests, Sweet Foods
Dislikes: Losing, Lazy People, Sour Foods, Cold Weather, No Skateing Signs,
Fears: Becoming crippled, old age and death
Secrets: Has sworn vengeance and to bring down his older brother Daiki Bakugo who has become a villain. (Daiki Bakugo possess the same Quirk/Quirks as Yoshio.)


Lacks Defense
Lacks Good Teamwork

Bio: Most of Yoshio's early life has been fairly normal. His father always holds him to a higher standard than others while his mother just want him to do his best. Once his parents discovered that he had not only inherited one of they're quirks but both of them they couldn't have been more happily surprised that both himself and his brother before him were both so fortunate. As Yoshio was halfway through middle school something drastic changing about his brother Daiki who left school as well as the family to pursue a life of villainy which began with him trying to kill Yoshio but was stopped by their father Katsuki Bakugo. Daiki ended up escaping however and has gone off the grid since then. Ever since that day young Yoshio has vowed to become a hero and take his brother down.

Katsuki Bakugo / Father / So-so Relationship
Hinata Bakugo / Mother / Good Relationship
Daiki Bakugo / Older Brother / Abysmal Relationship
Favorite Song(s):


Let me know of any issues and I'll fix them.
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  • Love
Reactions: Pyralithia

Name: Takagi Sunemizuki

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: Japanese

Parent Quirks: Unknown. Adoptive father known as Titan, a hero with impenetrable skin and enhanced strength. No mother to speak of.

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 128 lbs

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Hair Color/Style: Raven-haired. Long, somewhat messy. Wavy.

Eye Color: Brown

Body Build: Slender/Curvy

Piercings/Tattoos: N/A

Noticeable Scar(s): A few adorning her arms and torso, likely from some sort of blade or knife from her time on the streets.

Costume Mods: N/A. Takagi's costume was mainly designed with intimidation in mind, rather than granting any physical bonuses.

Personality: At first glance, an arrogant, smart-assed villain to-be. At a closer look—still arrogant, still smart-assed, but perhaps not quite as evil or cruel as she might come off as immediately. The unfortunate truth is that Takagi is extremely unlikely to get along with others of her class, simply due to the difference of upbringing. Others grew up with some form of love or care around them whereas she didn't experience such affections until later in her life. However, she is likely to give someone credit when credit is due and is outspoken enough to stand up for others, even if she goes out of her way to justify her actions so as to not seem selfless. Outwardly, she's very rough and thorny. Inwardly, she's more weak and scared than she is likely to ever let on. A part of her wants to be a hero that her guardian will be proud of, but instincts from her early life keep her heavily guarded.

Quirk: Keratin Manipulation - Takagi is capable of manipulating Keratin which is the structural protein that make up the nails, hair, surface of the skin, scales, horns, hooves and claws of animals. With this quirk, Takagi is capable of manipulating her hair in a prehensile manner or strengthening it, ergo the epithet "Tendril". She is as well capable of strengthening or sharpening her nails to act as claws and adjust the durability of the stratum corneum to enhance her defensive abilities.

Quirk Weakness: Takagi's ability is rather effortless to use, aside from the case of actually hardening or sharpening anything. Manipulating her hair takes very little energy and concentration. However hardening her skin, growing her nails to claws or heightening the durability of her skin typically require time and if not that, then massive amounts of pain due to the sudden changes of her body's properties.

Motto: "I've only lost if I don't get back up."

Alignment: A not very hero-like Hero

  • Reading
  • Praise
  • Animals
  • Success
  • Justice (Though her idea of it may differ from others)
  • Tea

  • Bullies
  • People who blame others for their problems
  • Video Games (She sucks at them no matter what)
  • Failure
  • Being proved wrong
  • "Goodie-Goodie's"

  • Disappointing her guardian
  • Being alone
  • Becoming a villain
  • Ghosts

  • Yearns for companionship despite her rough personality
  • Animals make her personality do a complete 180

  • Agile
  • Intimidation
  • Observant
  • CQC
  • Pain-tolerance
  • Steadfast

  • Strength
  • Long-range
  • Teamwork
  • Arrogant
  • Pessimistic

Bio: A product of growing up on the streets alone. It was there where Takagi acquired a not-so-heroic attitude and outlook, though believe it or not her personality improved drastically since her adoption by the hero Titan. Being raised and reeducated by one of the more popular modern heroes turned a definite villain in the making into more of a gritty hero to-be, or at the least some form of anti-hero. While perspective-wise she differs greatly from typical future heroes, she at the least possesses enough restraint so as to avoid crossing any lines, if only to avoid the trouble it would bring later. Takagi was let into the school on recommendation, mainly due to her relations to top pro-hero Titan, and while she strives to reach or surpass his level, it is for less noble reasons than simply helping to help.

  • Guardian - Titan


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  • Love
Reactions: Pyralithia
Name: Jack Kennedy (No relation to the president)
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Parent Quirks:
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 185 lbs
Sexual Orientation: Bi, leaning towards women.

Hair Color/Style: Jack's hair is a sovereign entity, and can govern itself, so far as he's concerned.
Eye Color: Blue
Body Build: Thin and lithe without being too scrawny.
Piercings/Tattoos: none, but he does have this really embarrassing birthmark...
Noticeable Scar(s): none
Costume: He hasn't really been able to decide yet, since his power doesn't really benefit from equipment much. He has asked for some sort of auto-translator, but he hasn't gotten it yet. He's imagining some sort of swamp-thing aesthetic, or maybe something with armor made by the support course? He's not sure.
Costume Mods: "Sorry, I uh, I can't read this. I only know English. Could I get like, a translator or something, please? Anyone?"

Personality: Jack may seem laid back and carefree on the outside, but he is really a fiercely independent person, and generally doesn't enjoy answering to people. He's not rude or disrespectful, but he does what he wants, and not much else. It's quite lucky for people that the things he want to do are mostly lazing about and learning how to save innocent kittens from burning buildings. In the words of his mother, "He's the nicest rebel around." Jack isn't a hero because he feels some higher moral calling, or has some great role model he looks up to. He's a hero because he wants to be one, plain and simple. His parents may not approve, due to the dangers that come with the job, but the way he sees it, he's got to die sometime. Why would you let yourself rot away in some hospital bed, wasting your life on filing tax returns for some corporation when you could die in a way that's awesome?

: Overgrow
Jack's quirk allows him to produce any type of plant he's eaten from his body. Right now, this means he can produce apple trees, grass, holly, and blackberry bramble (complete with berries!), in addition to numerous types of edible vegetables, and a fuzzy green moss. Right now, he's basically just a less ninja version of Kamui Woods. However, his power has something...more to it. Jack doesn't know what exactly this extra power is, but he can feel it bubbling just under the surface when he uses his abilities. While sleeping one night he somehow managed to create a living creature from his plants that was capable of beating the snot out of a pro hero. Most nights, he just winds up covering himself in moss and making a mess for his roommates though. He didn't even know he could do it until one of the teachers brought it up during interviews.

Quirk Weakness: Jack has to eat plants before he's able to create them, which kind of puts a damper on what he can and cannot create, since poisonous plants are, surprisingly, poisonous. It also means that, currently, Jack's repertoire of plants that he can make is rather limited, being mostly fruits and vegetables. In addition, he can only create plants out to about 15 feet from himself, after which point he loses control over them, and cannot re-establish control at any point. Any structures that could not realistically support themselves collapse without the help of his power, and plants created without the necessary things to keep them alive will die out within a few days.
He also has no idea what exactly prompts the creation of his plant-monsters, though he has read the report of the hero who got him into U.A. about the event, and they've spoken some.
Motto: "Sorry, what? Could you say that again in English? I don't speak Japanese,"
Alignment: Hero

Likes: Jack finds the whole hero scene to be pretty interesting. He likes getting to see all the really cool quirks, and seeing new ways for people to apply them. He hasn't really tried to push his quirk's limits much, though the new environment may prompt him to do so. Aside from that, he likes the normal teenage american boy stuff. Music, video games, and watching superhero fights on the internet.

Dislikes: More than just about anything else, Jack dislikes being bossed around. He doesn't get angry, or openly rebellious, but if someone tries to make him do something, he probably just won't do it. Instead, he'd leave and go do something else. He also hates pickles, and

: Jack doesn't have any serious crippling fears, but he is pretty jumpy. He's the kind of guy you could probably give a heart attack if you slammed a door when he wasn't expecting it.

: It's not really a secret, as he'd tell people if they asked, but Jack is actually really smart. He doesn't really apply it to anything, but he has a particular love of history. He's also inhumanly good at most games, be it video, card, or board games.

Strengths: Jack has a legendary poker face, able to maintain a perfect deadpan no matter what. His quirk also seems to have nearly limitless potential, if the reports about the monster he created are accurate. Aside from that, he's always gotten good grades, and is surprisingly book smart. As mentioned above, he has enough skill at games that it could be classified as a second quirk. Eat your heart out, Yugi Moto.

Weaknesses: Cannot speak/read Japanese, which proves to be a problem when you're going to a school in Japan. He doesn't follow orders if he doesn't like them, which makes him something of a loose cannon. This can cause some problems when combined with the fact that Jack doesn't really know how to use his quirk, and has largely been brute-forcing past obstacles with it. He's also blind as a bat without his glasses, with anything outside his arms reach appearing fuzzy and difficult to distinguish. Lastly, he lacks the durable body of other heroes, and thus finds himself in a lot of danger during times when he can't count on his plants to protect him. Just one or two punches from a more physically capable hero or villain could be an easy K.O. if they could slip past his roots and vines.

Bio: Born into a poor family in the American Heartland, Jack only managed to get into U.A. due to some rather extraordinary circumstances. A powerful hero who'd graduated from U.A. (who has requested to remain anonymous due to the nature of the event) claims that Jack defeated him in combat while he was visiting family overseas. This was seen as a lucky break for the family, who were beyond overjoyed that their little boy would be able to attend such a famous school. He was mostly just excited to learn from the best heroes around. Because he was basically rushed onto a plane at the first chance anyone got and flown out to Japan, he didn't have much time to say goodbye, or learn to speak any of the local language. He also lost his luggage at the airport, leaving him effectively stranded in Japan with no one to help him read the street signs or menus at restaurants.

Relationships: He's got a loving mother and father back in America, who are currently taking care of his pet dog. There's also an unknown pro-hero who is serving as a friend/mentor figure.
Favorite Song:
Extra: #Kaachan or whatever, I guess.
Name: Sofie Longsford
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Parent Quirks: the father had super eyesight, and her mother had the power to create illusions
Height: 5'8
Weight: 130lbs
Sexual Orientation: straight

Hair Color/Style: straight white hair that flows down to her elbows.
Eye Color: Blue
Body Build: A toned body but not overly muscular
Piercings/Tattoos: None
Noticeable Scar(s): None
Number 1
Costume Mods: She has a pair of goggles that help her estimate distances between her and her targets. (see FC for example)

Personality: She is a quiet girl who is easily flustered. She is kind to everyone until someone makes it on her bad side, then the gloves come off and her sharp tongue can easily make people put some distance between them and her. She has a tough time making meaningful relationships as she doesn't like to let people in and tries to stay evasive when people ask about her personal life. She is generally a cheerful girl once she learns to relax around others.
Quirk: Super eyesight: She has obtained her father's quick of having eyes that can see much further distances than a normal humans, and better in low light. She also inherited her mother's quirk to summon Illusions
Quirk Weakness: Her eyesight can only be extended for a hour or two per day before she gets an horrible headache. And to use her Illusions she must be standing still to place them in front of her. The Illusions do not move or act in any way, nor can she summon them from a distance.
Motto: "Happiness is a Daily Decision"
Alignment: On the Fence

Likes: Music, fruit, animals, having some alone time, and Working or keeping herself busy
Dislikes: boredom, large crowds of people, Being late, spicy foods
Fears: being trapped in small places, Being indebted to people, losing her vision, people who are twice her size
Secrets: Her father was a drunk who used to abuse her and her mother unless they used their powers to hide.

Strengths: Teamwork, Long range, her Speed, Firearms.
Weaknesses: small spaces, close quarters combat, strength, likes to day dream
Bio: Sofie was born into a happy family, receiving love and care from the moment she was born. Her family's status was nothing more than normal as they enjoyed the time they spent together. The only thing that made them stand out was the fact that her Father had attended U.A. Her Father was only in the support class even though he wanted to be a part of the Hero class. Everything seemed to be going well for Sofie as she breezed through her normal studies and when she came of age she quickly shined having inherited both her parents' quirk. Her parents were happy for her as they nurtured and help Sofie learn to control her quirks. It was until she was attending Jr high did her father start to change. As he witnessed more and more people's kids with amazing quirks and abilities, he started to feel worse about himself and pressure Sofie to become a hero. When Sofie refused it, it seemed to drive him into a depression, He started drinking more and going to work less until he finally lost his job and would stay home all day long drinking. Because of this Sofie would sometimes hear her mother shriek out in pain when her father would get aggravated after seeing other hero's kids succeed. It didn't start very bad, but as time went on he slowly fell deeper and deeper into despair. By the time she was finishing Jr High it had become a regular thing for her to come to school with a few bruises, she hated ever second of it and couldn't stand the fact of what was happening to her and her mother. That was when she came up with the idea to attend U.A. this way she could please her father in a sense, while also helping take some of the heat off her mother. She wants to attend U.A. to mostly get away from her home situation but also to better herself so when she returned home she would be able to stand up to her father.

Relationships: Strained relationship with her father, shes close with her mother, and has one childhood friend whom she trusts dearly.
Favorite Song(s): Sugar Song to Bitter Step
Extra: # Kaachan
  • Love
Reactions: Pyralithia

Name: Sora Shota (Goes by his mother's surname Ryunosuke)
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Japanese/Chinese
Parent Quirks: His father Aizawa Shota has the Quirk Erasure. His mother had the Empath Quirk.
Height: 6'4
Weight: 182
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Hair Color/Style: Raven black with white streaks and purple tips. Its usually a spiky mess but is surprisingly silky when touched.
Eye Color: Right - Violet, Left - Orange
Body Build: Muscular but Lean
Piercings/Tattoos: Ears have various piercings and he has a tattoo on his right hand.
Noticeable Scar(s):
A large faded scar that runs along his breastbone. A small scar on his left eyebrow, the edge of his jaw on the right side, and little ones on his hands.
Costume: Minus the Sword/Wing with this mask.
Costume Mods: He wears under armor made of a light/flexible metal similar to Kevlar that protects his torso and very hard to penetrate while his gloves have steal plates in the knuckles/back of the hand. He also requested a device to be installed inside the bracer on his left wrist that when he presses a small button on the inside it triggers a Camouflage effect that will let him blend in with any background so long as a part of him is touching it.

Sora has an...Interesting personality. In general people see him as intimidating due to his appearance and mismatched eyes so they tend to avoid him, even if its a subconscious action. This outlook isnt helped by his constant brooding demeanor that gives him an anti-social aura. But underneath that Sora is actually a pretty kind and goofy guy. He likes to make others happy and laugh, especially if their sad/mad. He has a fierce protective streak in him that has more than once put himself in harms way in order to protect someone hes deemed innocent or someone he cares for.
Hes very passionate about Heroism and aspires to be a Hero even greater than his father. Although he does have a slight (ok maybe a lil more than slight) temper that he no doubt inherited from his father. But hes never directed it at a child or animal for that matter. Hes been getting more and more bouts of depression recently though, more due to his circumstances than anything.

Quirk: Senses Fail: A mutation of his father's Quirk, Sora has the ability to "steal" or "block" his target's 5 senses. Although he didnt develop her full Quirk Sora can sense another's feelings if their strong enough around him.
Quirk Weakness: Senses Fail has many different conditions that must be met to work and currently he is only able to steal 2 senses at once for a max of 1-2 minutes depending on the level of his target. He also doesnt always have control over his Quirk which has led to some...Disgruntled people.
Sight: He must make eye contact with his target to steal their sight.
Hearing: His target must hear his voice without filters for him to steal their hearing.
Touch: He must touch his target skin to skin to steal their sense of touch.
Smell: He exudes an odorless chemical through his skin that when inhaled can steal his target's sense of smell if he wishes. They have to be within range and of course without filters.
Taste: ....He hasnt tested this.
Motto: "If thats what it takes I'll walk this border between salvation and damnation."
Alignment: Forced Villain

Sour Foods|Books/Manga|Music|Analyzing|The unique|Humor|Honesty|Children|Animals|Games
Bugs|Villains|Spicy Food|Cruelty|Liars/Lieing|Himself sometimes|Cowards
Hurting innocents|His situation|Losing anyone|Losing his senses|Dancing|Bees|Singing in front of others
He has been blackmailed into joining Wrath of the Abyss as an informant
He really does love his father
He still sleeps with a stuffed lamb his mother gave him as a kid
His fears
Hes actually a really good singer

Agile/Flexible|Quick|Intelligent|Hand-To-Hand|Perceptive|Calm under pressure
Not as strong as some|Socially Awkward|Self-Sacrificing|His empathy sometimes|Goofy Humor|Children/Animals
Sora was a happy accident between the famous Hero Aizawa Shota and a civilian by Renga Shota. The two were already married and happy when Renga discovered she was pregnant so it wasnt a scandal or anything. It was a joyful time (aside from Renga wanting to castrate Aizawa one minute then kiss him the next thanks to mood swings). But at 7 months something went wrong, Renga went into labor. It was too early, they rushed to the hospital and Sora was born. Luckily he survived but he was premature and needed special care in the hospital for a few weeks so his lungs could fully mature.

Eventually they were able to take him home, but the doctors warned them that he might develop health problems due to such a premature birth. So this led to his parents coddling him as he grew. Sora was blissfully unaware of this as grew up, all he knew was his parents loved him unconditionally and were a little overprotective. At age 4 was when they discovered something was wrong with Sora, he couldnt keep up with the other kids at the playground. They took him to the hospital and found out he had a defect in his heart that wasnt allowing enough oxygen to reach his lungs. It wouldnt harm him at this point but as he got older it would get worse.

Afterward they tried to keep Sora from exerting himself too much but he was his father's son and he was determined to prove he was just as strong as the other kids. When he was 6...That was when disaster struck. Aizawa was out training a new class of Heroes and Sora was sad because his father refused to take him to watch this time. So in order to cheer him up Renga decided to take him out to a local Theme park. Sora was so happy, they spent a better part of the day there. They were going on their last ride, a Roller Coaster that he had been wanting to try out for a long time. Finally he was tall enough to ride! They had just reached the top of one of the hills when his mother suddenly went stock still. Confused Sora asked what was wrong, thinking maybe she was scared of the ride.

But it wasnt that, Renga grabbed her son and wrapped him in her arms tight only moments before something big crashed into the ride sending them careening toward the ground. Sora was so shocked and scared all he could do was cling to his mother as loud noises crashed all around them. Then everything went black. He woke up to a warm feeling, then he remembered what had happened. Sitting up he pulled himself from his mothers embrace, but she wasnt responding. He shook her but nothing happened. People were screaming and there was smoke as everyone panicked. Sora stayed with his lifeless mother for about 10 minutes before a Hero found him and whisked him away despite his protests. After that everything changed.

Aizawa became a much more somber (if thats possible), depressed man. He tried not to let it show but Sora could tell. He also became even more protective of him, overbearingly so. He tried his best to stamp out Sora's dream of becoming a Hero. But he wasnt going to let his fear control him like his father. When he was 10 he had to get an operation to replace part of his heart that had the defect with a mechanical part instead. Aizawa retired as a Hero and teacher after that. Now Sora is 15, him and his father arent on very good terms. Especially since Sora adamantly ignored his will and applied to U.A. Unfortunately his dream was darkened when a new villain organization by Wrath of the Abyss cornered him one day he was going to school. They teleported him to some secret base and gave him a choice. Become a spy in U.A. for them, or lose the only other family he had, his father. At first he didnt believe them, but when they showed him a real time camera of Aizawa speaking to someone he recognized as an old friend of his father's, he felt his heart stop. The very "friend" his father was talking to looked up at the camera when Aizawa's back was turned and gave them a wink. So thus his journey as a villain informant began.

Aizawa Shota - Father - Crappy
Renga Shota - Mother - Deceased
Siblings - Open (if anyone is interested)
Favorite Song(s):
Make it Rock
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Queen Hideyoshi Hideaki



Half Japanese, Half English

Parent Quirks:
Father : Unknown
Mother : It's quite ironic. Their Quirks are almost the same except her mother's Quirk is based on good luck whilst hers is based on bad.


5'5 ft


115 lbs

Sexual Orientation:


Hair Color/Style:
Black / White. Kept short to her neck. She usually clips her bangs and leaves her hair as it is. There are times where she ties her hair in a small ponytail. Usually when she's having her leisure time.

Eye Color:

Black-Red / Glowing purplish pink

Body Build:




Noticeable Scar(s):



Her costume is basically just a hooded cloak and a mask. The cloak is pitch black and reaches slightly below her knees. It has three big red buttons acting as clasps in the center. They're the size of ping-pong ball. The last button ends at her navel leaving the rest unclasped. You won't see what's inside the cloak unless she walks or moves her legs though. At the very top is another clasp though it's in the shape of a simple crown. It's also red. The cloak has sleeves that ends at her knees. There's a wing-like pattern on the cloak but it's most noticeable at the sleeves, making it seem like wings. Especially since the sleeves are quite wide, akin to a kimono sleeve. The hood, however, has no patterns and has two cat-like ears at the top.
As for her mask, it's also pitch black albeit with a reddish tint. The area of the mouth is shaped like a beak though not too long are sharp. The area of the eyes have cat-like holes for her to see through. The holes are covered with transparent glass.

Costume Mods:

The cloak was made to be a-lot-of-things proof and extremely durable. There's also hidden pockets in there where she puts switchblades or other things in case she needs to fight without the aid of her Quirk. The mask has been made so that it acts as a gas-mask of sorts. It filters anything and everything so the only thing she's breathing in is clean air. The mask also has night vision.

Bad Charm: This is a Quirk she has yet to have full control of. It is almost always activated. Anyone within her arm's reach will be affected with bad luck. It's the same if she touches someone. For the former, it can actually be considered a self-defense mechanism. For example, if one were to try to hit her, her Quirk will cause them to have bad luck and by default either miss or something else happens. As for the latter, it's similar to a music box that needs to be winded. The longer you wind, the longer the music plays. In her case, the longer she touches, the longer they'll have bad luck. Either that or they'll bad luck becomes worst. She can also just slight drain a person's bad luck. If she masters her Quirk properly, she can do so much more. One of them being she would be able to increase it or transfer it to someone else. There's a lot of possibilities.

Crow: There's not much is known about this Quirk she's only activated this twice. What is known is that in this state, Bad Charm is more powerful and advanced. She can also use the marks on her body as a weapon. By that, she can actually pull the marks from her body, making them materialize into a red string and use it as a string weapon.

Quirk Weakness:

Bad Charm:​
  • Because of the Quirk being constantly on, this causes Queen to be easily tired and sleepy. Some days, she barely has energy to do anything.
  • There's a sign whether her Quirk is active or not. If her eyes are a deep red, it means her Quirk is active. If it's not, her eyes are black.
  • This Quirk causes her to constantly stay a good distance away from people. This Quirk might also be problematic if she's in a crowded place.
  • She needs to touch the person with her hand only.
  • Useless if the target is far away. For now.
  • She seemingly has no control over this Quirk. Absolutely none. It seems as if she becomes a different person when this Quirk is activated. It also seems like she has no memory of what she does during this Quirk's activation.
  • She becomes an actual Villain when the Quirk's activated. Violent and evil.
  • This Quirk drains a lot of energy. She might stay unconscious for a long time. Both times, she stayed unconscious for a day and a half.
  • You can snap her out of this Quirk if you hit her on the head until she passes out.
"You're only happy when you see me happy so I'll pretend I am. Besides, if I pretend long enough, might actually be happy."


Anti-Villain. You know how anti-heroes aren't really hero like but they are good in a way? She's isn't really evil-like but she is a villain albeit an unwilling one.

Her love and obedience to her mother is what molded the various masks she puts on. Which is a fact unknown to anyone even her mother.

Her main facade is the act she puts on in front of the people in U.A and regular civilians. A friendly and happy child. Constantly smiling no matter what happens. Although she's constantly sleepy, she makes for it with her positivity. You could say she was a chaotic good. A lazy kind of chaotic. She is also sometimes a bit panicky and clumsy just as how she's sometimes lazy and sluggish.

Her personality changes when she's in WoB. She is still a merry and lazy kid except more serious and mature. Especially when situations call for it. She can also be seen with a bit of a sadistic personality. With her mother, she is gentle and soft. As if her mother would break if she's too rough though obviously that's not true. She loses her childish persona and adopts a more responsible and adult-like nature so that her mother doesn't need to worry about her. She also cannot say no to her mother.

Her trueself... Well, she lost her trueself long ago. She can't remember nor does she intend to. She will never stop putting on masks and she's willing to die before letting it down. She also bottles up her true feelings and words, constantly spouting lies or a kind of truth. She fears that if she's honest, it'll only lead to problems and then it'll make her mother sad. She refrains herself from becoming close to anyone. If she did, she'd have to worry about not letting the truth be found out in fear she'd lose them.

Quinn Kingsley was 21 when she immigrated to Japan and met Hiroshi. They met and immediately felt a spark. Two years after meeting, they married and had a daughter by the name Queen. They lived quite merrily until Queen turned 2 which was when Hiroki was born. After he was born, Quinn and Hiroshi started to fight more and more often. They already had disagreements when Hiroki was still in Quinn's womb. By the time Queen was 3 and Hiroki was 2, Quinn and Hiroshi filed a divorced although the latter seemed more reluctant. Quinn took Hiroki and Hiroshi took Queen.

In the 2 years since the divorce, neither Queen nor Hiroshi had heard anything about Quinn and Hiroki but they were still content together. It seemed as if Queen didn't have a Quirk since she still didn't have signs of having a Quirk at the age of 5. But that will soon change along with her life.

It was midnight and both Hiroshi and Queen were asleep. Queen, being the lighter sleeper of the two, awoke when she heard something. She looked around and found that the window had seemingly opened by itself. Being a child, she thought nothing of it and went to go close it. As she did, a hand came to her mouth and she attempted to scream but it was muffled by the person's hand. She looked up and saw a masked figure but she could still see their eyes. It was a nice shade of blue. Those eyes for some reason unknown to Queen made her feel safe. She relaxed in her captor's hold and that was when the person lifted her up. Before Queen realized what was happening, she was taken.

The young Queen couldn't really understand what happen. Just the fact that she liked being with the person who took her who she calls mother. On that very same night, her Quirk appeared. With the nature of Quinn's Quirk, it cancelled out Queen's but when others approached her, bad things happened. They were only able to approach when her eyes turned back to black. She grew up in WoB and she came to view them as friends in a way. As she got older, she started to understand more and more. She could tell what they were doing was bad but some of them had valid and understandable reasons. As she got closer with WoB, the line between black and white started blurring into a big grey mess.

She started being actually directly involved with WoB when she turned 10. She wasn't happy about it but she complied. That was also the age her mother decided to tell her things from the past. She found out that the Kingsley's, usually females, were born with a weak body but somehow, that didn't happen to Quinn. She thought that maybe the 'curse' was broken but she still wanted to be careful. During the years of marriage, Quinn already begun her secret life in WoB. She wanted to take Queen but decided to wait. When Hiroki was born, Quinn changed her plan and decided to take Hiroki, fearing the 'curse' wasn't gone.

Quinn was right but wrong at the same time. A year after the divorce, she found out Hiroki was the one with the 'curse'. Queen found out her little brother died just a few months ago. This got Queen to think about her dad. She couldn't imagine how he must feel, to have his daughter taken from him without him realizing. She just hoped he didn't do anything drastic. Quinn also told Queen that at first, she was going to make a soldier out of Queen but Quinn came to love her a bit too much. Although she was a bad, twisted person, she was a great and loving mom. Queen was aware the Villain life was what Quinn wanted but she still told her daughter to chose whether or not it's what she wanted. Naturally, Queen said she wanted to live as a Villain. She could still remember how happy her mother looked.

And so, she's lived a life she never wanted. She got a new mission right before her 15th birthday. To enroll into U.A Academy and be a mole.


Quinn Kingsley Hideyoshi Hideaki ll Mother ll Alive ll 38
Hiroshi Hideyoshi ll Father ll Unknown ll Unknown
Hiroki Hideyoshi ll Little Brother ll Deceased ll 3 [Deceased Age]

Her Mother
U.A Academy
Playing with her knives
Black animals
Minty food


Her Quirks
White animals
Rough Sports
The topics of Justice, Villains and Heroes


Her secrets being found out
Losing those she cares for
Becoming a Villain
Failing and disappointing her mother
Putting down her mask.


She's part of WoB
Wants to be normal alongside her mother and live a normal life
She doesn't want to be Hero but she doesn't want to be a Villain either
She wants and likes to be touched affectionately but that's not happening anytime soon
Some of her fears


A skilled knife user
Lying / Acting
Concealing herself


Long distances
Low stamina
Those she cares for
Incapable of saying of how she really feels
Has low self-esteem

Favorite Song(s):

[It's more so a theme song than a favorite song since she has never listened to music before]

  • Has never listened to a song in her life.​
  • Often mistaken as a guy and that makes her kind of sad sometimes.​
  • Has no clue about the current trends.​
  • She likes to think things in a different perspective, especially regarding Villains. Since she has been living with them for so long, she tends to see beyond the crimes they commit and see their ideals and reason.​
  • Those red things on her body are marks that appeared when her Quirk appeared.​
  • #Kaachan​


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  • Love
Reactions: Pyralithia
Name: Marina Matsuyama
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Spanish/Japanese
Parent Quirks: Father's (Japanese) quirk is to create multiples. He has a second quirk, slight gravity alteration. Mother's (Spanish) quirk monkey like qualities, she has the agility and jumping capabilities of a monkey. Also, she has a monkey tail.

Height: 5'7 in.
Weight: 153 lbs
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Hair Color/Style: As displayed in picture.
Eye Color: Lavender
Body Build: Curvy, with one long slender monkey tail. The color of her tail is a few shades darker than the hair on top of her head.
Piercings: Ears are pierced. She has two lobe, cartilage and forward tragus pierced. Don't be surprised if she walks in with a new ear piercing.
Tattoos: Not until she is of age, according to her mother's people. We shall see what father does when she comes of age.
Noticeable Scar(s): Under her arm near her armpit, it looks like a burn scar.

Costume Mods: Marina's boots have shock absorption properties and grip capabilities . This assist with her monkey quirk when she is in costume. The material used are made out of light weight armor to assist during combat situations or if she accidentally falls out of a tree. There is also space in the back to allow her the use of her tail.

Personality: Marina is an optimistic individual. She is that person that attempts to find the bright side of a dark situation. Spilled water all over your dress? That is okay, it was hot outside. Did you get in a fight? That is a good opportunity to test your skills. Marina's bubbly energy seems to be boundless, which would explain why it seems she is never tired. This appears to help when it comes down to crunch time aka U.A exams.She is clever, despite her sometimes quirky ways of relaying information. She becomes easily excited when things she likes are present or become an opportunity to obtain.

Quirk: Multiples: Marina can make multiples by touch, just like her father. She also inherited her mother's quirk monkey like mutation, yes she has a monkey tail. This quirk also has other monkey like capabilities.

Quirk Weakness: She must be able to touch the item first. Currently, Marina is capable of creating multiples of up to 5 items. The more complicated the item, the less number of that item she can create. The hope is that the more she practices, the more complicated and larger amount of items she can create.Her dad can create up to 17 items without breaking a sweat and in one sitting to boot. She has yet to try touching an actual living creature to create multiples of it. Nor has she attempt to create multiples of herself, the ideas are taboo in her father's family.

Motto: Life's a climb, but the view is great.

Alignment: On the fence, leaning more towards hero.
Likes: Peanut butter ice cream || macadamia nuts (let's face it, everything sweet) || dancing || video games (loves otome games) || watching movies || making friends || collecting leaves.
Dislikes: Bullies || Sugar free || B.O.
Fears: Spiders || not reaching the happy ending on her otome games || losing her family.

Secrets: When she thinks she is alone, Marina climbs trees to the very top branch. Where she stashes a reward bag, for the days she needs a pick-me-up. Also, her uncle is rumored to have joined the villains. This was after his supposed attempt to create a multiple of a individual. This was done in the hopes of using the duplicated individual's quirk for experiments evolving the identification of quirk specific genes. Her father's family have gone through great lengths to keep this from becoming public.

Strengths: Observant || Clever || Physical Strength || Close quarter combat || Team Player
Weaknesses: Self-indulgent || Agility || long range attacks

Bio: Marina comes from a immensely mixed family. Not only are both of her families cultures different, their outlook on quirk's purposes also differ. So why did these two families come together? Well, it all started when Marina's father, Jun Matsuyama. Decided it would be best to travel outside of the families traditional network. Being the youngest of his siblings the restraints from the family were not as rigid. This lead him to Spain, where he fell in love with the lifestyle of the country. He fell hard for the food and fell even harder for Marina's mother, Adora Almonte. Her free spirited and emotional expression was a breath of fresh air. There was no hiding or guessing what the feisty woman wanted or felt. As a result, the two married and Marina was born from their union.

The Matsuyama family was not pleased when news of Jun's marriage and production of a child came to light. The Matsuyama family would not say it out loud. However, their dealings and influences on whom their children married would lead one to believe they were fond of Quirk Marriages. The Matsuyama family placed pressure on Jun and Adora to move their family to an area in Spain where they felt would be better suited for a child of their family. This also allowed the Matsuyama family to actively influence the growth of Marina and the quirks that she had inherited.

Marina for the most part grew in a eventful and stable environment. Her parents did not lack signs of affection, despite the pressures from outside individuals. Marina's mother instilled in her daughter the same passions for life, as she had. Allowing her the freedoms any normal child would have. As Marina aged, it became apparent that the pressures of her father's family were not to be taken lightly. Once Marina turned 10, her uncles would make appearances at their home in order to train and work predominantly on the Matsuyama's quirk of Multiplication. They did not believe that Marina's monkey quirk provided by her mother, was note worthy. As a pre-teen, Marina's attitude and indifference towards her father's family often resulted with her ditching these training meetings. She would rather enjoy her day at her mother's bakery, being wrapped up the warm delicious smells of baked goods. The bakery was sadly being financially backed by the Matsuyama family as an attempt to control her mother. Marina wants her family to live out life on their own terms and by their own convictions. She hopes to be able to gain the strength to do so by attending U.A. Even if she has to use the multiplication quirk in order to do so. Marina will perform in her own way and simply keep on climbing.

Jun Matsuyama (Father- Junior H.S. teacher)
Adora Almote (Mother- Baker)
Uncle Ren (Uncle-villain)
Matsuyama Troop (Papa's side of the family)

Favorite Song(s):

  • The ring is a gift from her mother upon her acceptance into U.A. She wears this on her middle finger, left hand.
  • She does her best to not allow Otome games rules to effect her regular social interactions.

  • Sorry for the long post. Here is a potato for you all.

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  • Love
Reactions: Pyralithia

Name: Yuuki Ishida
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Japanese
Parent Quirks:
Father- Unknown

Step Father- Has a Hardening quirk that gives him an Obsidian skin. He also happens to be a retired police officer.

Mother- Aura of Will is basically using your own willpower as your aura which you can manifest to a point that others can see it. You can use it in ways to lessen damage done to you, and even use your own willpower as a weapon. Hitting someone with literally your willpower.

Height: 5'10
Weight: 138 lbs
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Hair Color/Style: See Picture
Eye Color: See Picture
Body Build: More toned than built.
(He was naughty)
He has quite a few. Most of them are of mythological creatures. His entire left arm is a deep sea sleeve with majority mythological creatures in it. Has a Chinese dragon on right forearm and Phoenix on upper right arm., with a turtle with a cat sitting on it's shell on his inner right forearm. All of which if frowned upon can be covered up.
Noticeable Scar(s): Has one on his left knee from when he fell and slide on rocks.

Costume: (See appearance)
Costume Mods: Hasn't thought of any. Hes still giving it some thought.

Personality: A man raised to be kind to others quite well, so much that he is even kind when being insulted by others and looked down upon. Taking the higher road, they would think him to be mature for such acts. However they would be wrong, as deep inside he wishes nothing but the worst upon them and yet still finds it in himself to give them mercy and another chance then another and another. Other parents tend to like him and think that their children's friends should be more like him. He tries to cover up his anger though in a comedic way trying to make light of a situation that could be considered rather sour. Some might judge him right away based on his tattoos, but really a majority of them have a deep meaning to him. The deep sea was just because he liked it.

Quirk: Aura of Will basically lets his will be his shield and sword so to speak. Able to coat his body with it to lessen the damage done and use it to power up his strikes or if hes creative, manipulate his aura into a weapon and do damage that way. A easily noticeable way to tell its active is when a purple glow seems to be radiating around him.

Quirk Weakness: It's rather simple really, since it's his own WILL that he uses as his defense and offense means that whenever he takes damage, its also doing damage to his own will. Same with using it for attacks. Say he shoots it out in a beam of sort. He shooting his will out of himself which doesn't come back. This can slowly decrease his.... will to continue fighting if it takes too much of a blow. It can also just be low on some days if he is sad enough. His will can be rather weak in this case too. Yet opposite if he is in a great mood.

Motto: "Nothing ventured, nothing gained."

Alignment: He has a Hero's judgement on right and wrong, but at the same time with the world having been such a cruel mistress to him. He at times wishes he didn't have to save such evil people that are labeled innocent.

  • Weapons like swords, axes, spears, etc
  • Video games
  • Manga
  • Meat
  • Birds
  • Turtles
  • Myths
  • History
  • Sleeping
  • Honesty
  • Cold days
  • Liars and users
  • Puzzles
  • Vegetables
  • Know it all people
  • Hot days
  • Insects
  • Losing even more family
  • Pitch black areas
  • The fact he lost his sister
  • His hate for people who don't deserve kindness

  • Team player
  • Patient
  • Studious
  • Reaction speed
  • Close and long range
  • On the spot lies
  • Will try less if he dislikes you.
  • Could be an immense pushover if hes not willed enough.
  • Easily says yes
  • Baby animals
  • Will not get close to anything bug related. In fact goes out of his way to avoid it.
What should have been a happy family, which it was for the most part. Was also a rather difficult one with his big sister being diagnosed with an incurable disease from an early age. It didn't make things any easier with their birth father walking out on them for no real good reason when they were so young. This made life rather difficult with his mom having to work several jobs to pay for all the bills and medical bills his sister had. His sister also didn't get a quirk being a quirkless child, while his came in at the age most come in. Yet while some would consider him a lucky child, he felt no such thing. This was just unfair for his sister that everything bad that could happen transpired only on her while he was lucky to have nothing happen to him. Yet despite all this bad luck she always had a smile on her face and would play with him all the time. It honestly made him rather happy and despite all the troubling things, she always made his day better. To Yuuki his sister was the light within himself and the reason his will was so strong as a child. Their life even seemed to be getting better. His mom finding new love in her soon to be husband. He knew her situation and still helped them out, and his son would even play with the two children although he would never let them win. He also learned the ugly side to most people at a young age as well. While they would pick on him or use each other like it was such an obvious instinct to do, he never let it get to him too much. For his sister's sake that was.

Life seemed great but when he was fifteen his sister would pass away from the disease and this would cause his mother to break a bit. Staying on the verge of sane and insane. She began arguing more and more with his stepdad, while never getting divorced. They would never really be as happy as they once were. His mom's only saving grace was her son Yuuki, who at the time was also in a rather bad place. Having dealt with his pain in rather unorthodox ways. While it wasn't drugs or anything sexual. He began getting tattooed at an age one wouldn't get inked at in most places. He only stopped when his mom broke down crying begging him to stop. Which was when he popped the question of stopping, only on the exception that he could be a hero like his sister was to him. Which his mother had no issue in accepting.

Father- Horrible as he left the family when he was one year old.
Mother- Loving as shes been there his whole life.
Sister- (deceased) Loved her greatly and misses her very much.
Step brother- Great bond with each other.
Stepfather- Strained as he wants Yuuki to be more like him in life, which Yuuki doesn't want.
Favorite Song(s):
Extra: #Kaachan
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  • Love
Reactions: Pyralithia

Name: Yuutsu "Yuu" Yoake (literal translation means "Daybreak's Melancholy")



Ethnicity: Japanese

Parent Quirks: Light Manipulation (Father) and Darkness Manipulation (Mother)

Height: 180 cm (5'11")

70 kgs

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Hair Color/Style: He has messy, off-white, shoulder-length hair

Eye Color: Silver (when Quirk is inactive), Gold (when Quirk is active)

Body Build:
Thin but lean

Piercings/Tattoos: None

Noticeable Scar(s): None



Costume Mods:
The costume was made to be very durable and shock absorbent. The materials used in the costume are also fire-proof as an added countermeasure whenever Yuu decides to use his light quirk.
While he does try his best to be friendly, Yuutsu is quite a socially awkward individual. Having spent majority of his childhood ostracized by most of children his age, and gaining only less than a handful of friends, developed this social awkwardness but it hasn't stopped him from being friendly with everyone if he could help it.

He is generally calm and cool-headed during normal day-to-day interactions but he tends to stay away from what he considers as very judgmental people specially towards people like him that seem to have quirks only suited for villains.

Yuu adopts a serious attitude in fights though, not one to hold back but careful enough not to seriously injure his opponents. That said, he can become overzealous in fights specially against said judgmental people. But he does treat everyone he fights with both caution and respect whether or not he has grievances with them.

He harbors an unhealthy amount of hatred for his cousin, however, and it could be said that one of his motivations to enroll at U.A. is to get stronger in order to overcome Akane and utterly defeat Shiso.

Phantasmagoria - This quirk is divided into two sub-quirks:

Darkness Manipulation - The quirk Yuu primarily uses, this ability allows him to conjure and manipulate darkness and its properties. He mainly uses it in such a way as to create various objects and weapons of different functions and varieties. He claims that darknes is a lot more "chaotic" which makes it easier to take on different forms. Yuu can also create gateways out of darkness that essentially functions as a portal leading to other places where darkness exist which essentially allows him to use his or other people's shadows for such a function. Interestingly enough, the objects he creates essentially take on most of the properties of their real world counterparts like their shape, density, hardness, weight, etc except for their actual composition.

Light Manipulation - A quirk that Yuu still has trouble using, his main usage of this primarily falls into two categories, as auxiliary and offense. When used as auxiliary, the light Yuu produces enables him to move at blinding speeds, but even when this can be considered as very fast, he cannot move at the speed of light as one might assume. When used offensively, the light Yuu produces burns through anything it comes in contact with, so he mainly uses it as a beam type attack. (Similar to Mugino Shizuri's Meltdowner ability)

And while his father has been able to conjure things out of light, Yuu is still having difficulty with it, as he theorizes that light's stability hinders any attempt of making it malleable and take any other form. This part of his quirk is primarily kept from everyone in U.A.

Quirk Weakness: Aside from a few exceptions, Yuu generally cannot manipulate light and darkness that he himself had not created. In cases when he uses darkness as gateways or portals, he still has to use his quirk on said dark spots to exert his influence and manipulate them.

While he can use both his quirks at the same time, he tends to avoid doing this as much as possible since it causes him great pain and discomfort and prolonged usage leads to tissue and muscle damage.. He theorizes that this side effect is due to how light and darkness aren't compatible with each other and they start rejecting one another whenever they are used at the same time, causing a violent backlash that affects the user in the process.

Yuu is still more proficient with darkness and would usually use it primarily unless he is forced to use light. He also tends to avoid using light in fear of causing another "accident"
"In the end, right and wrong is a completely subjective thought. After all, nobody likes to admit that they're wrong, right?"
On the Fence/Anti-Hero - Yuutsu never truly envisioned himself as a conventional hero. Maybe it was because of his upbringing, having been raised by a hero for a father and an ex-villain for a mother, but Yuu imagined himself as being more of an anti-hero, someone who can perform the feats of a hero without being bound by ideals and morals.

  • Rain
  • Cold Weather
  • Manga (specially with Anti-Hero characters)
  • Training
  • Reading
  • Playing the Violin
  • Strawberry Milk
  • Visual Novels
  • His Sister, Akane
  • Hot Weather
  • Overly Moral and Idealistic Individuals
  • Judgmental Individuals
  • Shiso Ashikase
  • Bitter Food
  • Losing the "game" and, in turn, his sister forever
  • Failing to remove the stigma against his and his mother's quirk
  • Losing control of the light aspect of his quirk and causing another "accident"
  • He sucks a lot at video games primarily because he hasn't devoted enough time learning how to play.
  • He has finished a lot of simulation games and visual novels in order to deal with his social awkwardness.
  • Even though he doesn't show it, he is inspired by his father's attitude specially with how he handled Yuu's mom back when she was still a villain.
  • He wants to gain a lot of friends in U.A. in order to make up for his socially deprived childhood. He's also hoping to get in a relationship with someone if that's possible. (He generally prefers mature-minded older sister types but isn't that picky.)
  • He aims to only use his Darkness ability throughout his time in U.A. to show the world that it is the person, not the quirk that determines the Hero.
  • Combat Proficiency
  • Has a lot more mastery of his quirk compared to others his age
  • Competitive
  • Determined
  • Friendly
  • Hubris
  • Socially Awkward
  • Needs development with Teamwork
  • Stubborn
  • His sister, Akane
Yuu was raised in a pretty unconventional setting. His father, Hikari Yoake, was the hero Flash Knight, who had a series of decisive battles with the villain Night Shade. These battles would often end up in a draw as both seemed to be a match for the other. But eventually, light would triumph over darkness, right? That had been the case when Flash Knight finally defeated Night Shade at their most decisive battle yet. All of Japan celebrated the victory of perhaps one of the clearest personifications of Heroism over the most prominent personifications of Villainy...

But unknown to most people, the Hero Flash Knight, Hikari Yoake and the Villain Night Shade, Kaguya Yamihoshi weren't just hero and villain respectively. Ever since the two met, they already had an... interesting relationship. Hikari would always seem calm and cool-headed as he dealt with Kaguya's antics, while Kaguya would always be irritated, annoyed, and hot headed, whenever her plans are foiled by her nemesis. Interestingly enough, whenever she attacked him with the intent to kill, he would counter her attacks but deliver non-fatal ones in retaliation. It bothered Kaguya a lot, thinking he was underestimating her by holding back so much. Each time they battled, it resulted in a draw. Each time they fought, he held back. And after every battle, after every fight, after each time he foiled her plans, he would smile at her and say that he looks forward the next time they meet again in that kind and gentle voice.

Kaguya thought that the hero of light was straight up senile. Like who would smile at someone who did their best to kill you and say that they look forward to meet the other again? The villain that controlled darkness quickly found her thoughts being diverted towards Hikari the more they encountered each other. Nobody has had such an effect on her before. She had fought against various heroes, and was barely able to escape utter defeat from none other than All Might, himself, but these heroes filled her with nothing but fear and hatred. Hikari, on the other hand, filled her with curiosity, annoyance, and as much as she hated to admit it, hope. After all, he was the only one who didn't outright judge her as evil because of her quirk, but only because of her actions. Everyone feared and hated for her quirk. She wanted to become a hero but was forced to take the mantle of a villain because she realized that the world would continue to reject and persecute her because they feared her ability. Everyone but him.

Finally, in their last battle, Kaguya confronted Hikari about his demeanor towards her. She needed to know why he was different from the rest. She got her answer, but it wasn't the one she expected... far from it even. Sheepishly, Hikari admitted that he liked her the moment they first met, so much so that he looked forward the next time they would meet again. When asked why he could say such things to a villain like her, he replied that she wasn't like any villains he met. In all the atrocities she had performed, he observed that no innocent person was ever hurt. It was as if she made an active effort not to involve innocent lives. Hikari told Kaguya that her actions weren't those of a villain, but a misunderstood girl crying out for help, telling the world that she isn't the kind of person everyone made her out to be.

With those words, not with his Quirk, Flash Night not only defeated Night Shade, but Hikari Yoake conquered Kaguya Yamihoshi's heart. During that day, Night Shade retired as a villain and worked hard to become a hero. Flash Knight was, of course credited for making not only defeating Night Shade, but turning her to the side of good as well. Everyone still wasn't willing to accept her as a hero but that didn't matter to Kaguya. She was happy enough that Hikari accepted her.

A few years after the unlikely couple tied the knot, their first child, Akane, was born. Three years later, she would have a younger brother by the name of Yuutsu. It can be said that the two siblings have always got along wel with each other, and Akane to be exact, loves her younger brother dearly.

Being the eldest, Akane was the first to manifest her Quirk, and much to everyone's surprise, she inherited the exact Quirk of her father. The media had celebrated this discovery claiming that she will be the one to take her father's mantle as her path to becoming a great hero has already been determined. Yuutsu, however, didn't get such a warm reception when he initially displayed a Quirk that resembled his mother's. Even after all these years, the world seems to still revile his mother's quirk.

When word got out that Yuutsu inherited his mother's quirk, he started getting bullied at school more often. This escalated to the point when children would even secretly use their quirks against Yuu. Akane was enraged when she found out about this and went to confront the bullies. They retaliated by using their quirks against her, forcing her to use her own quirk in self-defense. Unfortunately, she ended up being overwhelmed by the kids as she made an active effort of avoiding lethal attacks.

The sight of his sister going through the same suffering led to Yuutsu unlocking the second part of his quirk, in an albeit, violent fashion. The sudden burst of light maimed the bullies before Yuutsu promptly collapsed. Not wanting her younger brother to be persecuted further by the media and everyone around him, Akane took full responsibility for the incident. She was the poster child of the hero of light so the media would be more forgiving right?

Little did she realize that those were the thoughts of a naive child. Indeed, Akane was Flash Knight's child, but she was also Night Shade's daughter. Even if she had taken responsibility for that accident, people would not want their idol's name to be tarnished like that? Instead, they would find ways to prove her innocence, from reasons completely absurd like undermining their mother for not raising her children "properly" to something closer to the truth like Yuutsu having something to do with the incident instead.

Her mother and brother were placed in much more scrutiny and persecution than they previously had been because of that one selfless act. An act that she thought would save everyone by making herself a martyr would only be disregarded by people who couldn't swallow the bitter truth... and would rather live in their ideal world filled with lies.

After that day everything changed for the Yoake family but in more ways than one. While the media continued to persecute Yuutsu and Kaguya for that accident, the news of Akane's sudden and mysterious disappearance sent waves of panic throughout everyone who had been monitoring the children's progress. A nationwide collaborative search was done by law enforcement officials and hero agencies alike to no avail. This went on for months but it had seemed that Akane disappeared without a trace.

With their efforts thwarted by lack of traces, all the Yoake family could do was grieve for the loss of Akane. The media seemed to have finally decided to give their family a break too after Akane's search yielded no results. Things have never been the same for the family since then as they desperately tried to live a normal life.

But almost a decade later, as Yuutsu was preparing to follow his parents' footsteps, something peculiar happened. Two girls suddenly appeared in the Yoake residence's doorstep claiming to be "relatives". One of them was a black haired girl wearing a conservative black uniform similar to those schools in Kyoto and the other was a red haired girl that heavily resembled Akane. The black haired girl introduced herself as Shiso Ashikase, and she confirmed that the girl with her is indeed the long lost Akane Yoake. Yuutsu's mother explained that Shiso was her niece but after seeing how strongly his mother reacted after realizing who they were, he knew that this girl meant nothing but trouble.

Shiso quickly went straight to the point and explained that she had brainwashed Akane into becoming a villain and joining the Wrath of the Abyss, describing it as a fitting compensation for Kaguya's betrayal after she was defeated by Flash Knight and stopped being a villain . But she offered one specific condition for Akane's release. It was simple, really. Defeat her and she sets Akane free as if she treated the entire thing as a game.

Now as Yuutsu sets foot on U.A. for the first time, the ultimate game between heroes and villains has begun. And the boy who wields powers both light and dark is determined to win it all, no matter what it takes.


Hikari Yoake - Father
Yuu and his father has a very normal, albeit awkward relationship. Even though Hikari does his best to become a good role model for his son, he feels a bit disappointed whenever Yuu would emulate his wife instead, but he understand why his son acts in such a way. On the other hand, Yuu respects his father greatly but tries to avoid totally becoming like him after realizing that the world won't treat him the same way as they treated his father. Yuu appreciates his father's support though and he was secretly inspired with how his old man made Kaguya fall for him.

Kaguya Yamihoshi-Yoake - Mother
Yuutsu gets along better with his mother than with his father primarily because they suffered the same persecution before regarding their quirks. Kaguya was always their to be a pillar of support for Yuutsu whenever he is ostracized by those around him, having gone through the same experience herself when she was young. On the other hand, Yuutsu idolizes his mother for remaining faithful as a hero despite the harsh criticisms that come her way. For that reason, he is determined to mainly use his darkness ability if he could help it.

Akane Yoake - Older Sister
Yuutsu has always loved his sister dearly and has looked up to her ever since he was a kid. He initially blamed himself for her disappearance but was relieved yet disturbed to have found out that she became a villain over the years. Yuu is determined to bring her back home no matter the cost.


Shiso Ashikase - Cousin
As the person who took Akane away from his family, Yuutsu feels nothing but hatred and animosity towards her. Yuutsu could safely say that he has dedicated his entire existence to utterly defeat her and bring back Akane.

Favorite Song(s):

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Reactions: Pyralithia

Name: Appolline "App" (sunshine, warmth in Greek) Venetica
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Brazilian/Greek/Japanese
Parent Quirks: Her mother's Quirk makes people that she's touches laugh uncontrollably. Her father's Quirk is a body manipulation type where he can increase or decrease his size and width.
Height: 4'10
Weight: 92lbs
Sexual Orientation: Bi-Curious

Hair Color/Style: White with light pink undertones, she either wears it down or in a half ponytail to the side.
Eye Color:
Body Build:
Piercings/Tattoos: Earlobes
Noticeable Scar(s): App has a medium sized faded slightly jagged scar on her knee and another smaller one on her left shoulder.
Costume: This with a little more coverage on the...Private areas <_<
Costume Mods:
Her costume has been modded to extend and contract along with her body. Its also very lightweight/flexible for easy movement.

Appolline is a genuinely upbeat person. It takes a lot to bring her down, although this doesnt mean she wont teach you your place when you strike a nerve. Shes honest and outgoing with a fierce stubborn streak that drives her parents crazy more times than she can count. She has a very unpredictable way about her, you can never truly know what shes thinking or going to do next. Shes got a talent for persuasion and thinking of cunning ideas to get her way without the other realizing it until its too late. Although she might seem transparent and generic she actually has a much deeper outlook on life then you would expect at first glance.

Quirk: Unlike her mother App doesn't have to touch someone, if they inhale the air within a certain radius of her they will start laughing. She inherited a mutated version of her father's body, her body is more similar to rubber giving it a more contract and expand nature.
Quirk Weakness:
App has to be within a 4ft radius of her target for her laughter to infect them.
She can activate or deactivate her laughter but those in her radius are affected whether their enemy or ally.
She can only maintain the laughter a max of 1 minute.
The intensity of laughter varies depending on the persons fortitude and personality.
If she tries to manipulate her body past its limits too much it can damage her muscles/ligaments.
She can only manipulate her body for a max of 10 minutes right now.
She has limits of how far she can stretch/contract her body.
Motto: "There is always 3 sides to every Story. Yours, theirs, and the Truth."
Alignment: Hero

Quiet Places|Music|Animals/Children/Reptiles|Dancing|Brooding/Silent types|Flowers|Anime|Magic Tricks
Gross Things|Evil|Loud Places|Scary Stories/Items|Cotton Candy|Extreme Temps|Pranks
Scary Things/Creepy people
Really dark places
Losing those she cares for
Failing or causing another to fail
Being helpless
Her parents embarrassing her
She's actually really tired of everything being turned into a joke/something funny.
She's intrigued by darker/more subdued things.
She has a pet Gecko named Taz.
Her fears
True Evil

Extreme Heat/Cold|Sharp Objects/Weapons|Focusing|Naive|Her fears|Strength
Appolline is the daughter of a Hero duo by the name of Giggle Snap. Her father is Greek/Japanese while her mother is Brazilian/Greek. The couple decided to settle in Japan shortly after Appolline was born, they retired after a few years to become teachers. Not wishing to risk leaving their daughter an orphan if something happened to go wrong on a job. App was raised in a always, and she means always cheerful household. Sometimes annoyingly so. Between her parents upbeat personalities and her mother's Quirk that she used way too much in stressful/awkward situations to lighten the mood. App began to wish for more...Normal parents.

It wasnt that she didnt or doesnt love them, she admires them actually. But she wishes they would take things more seriously and stop turning everything into something lighthearted. Her parents now work at U.A. as teachers and encouraged App to attend even though she dreaded having them as her teachers. But eventually she gave in, her dream of going to the most famous Hero academy in Japan overruling her fear of embarrassment.

Xiphos Venetica - Father - Good
Swayla Venetica - Mother - Good
Siblings - Open
Favorite Song(s):
What I've Overcome
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  • Thank You
Reactions: Eon

[spoili]Reika_Full.jpg [/spoili]

Name: Reika (Rei) Hamasaki
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Japanese

Parent Quirks:
Mother (Katsu Hamasaki): Petrify – Transforming matter into stone
Father (Chikao Furukawa): Snake Transformation – Total transformation

Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 110 lbs
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual (Leans toward women)

Hair Color/Style: Black hair with green tint. Wavy and medium-length to mid-shoulder blade.
Eye Color: Dark emerald green
Body Build: Slim with a lot of hidden, very toned muscle
Piercings/Tattoos: 3 piercings in each earlobe
Noticeable Scar(s): None - but normally covered in bruises or burn marks
[spoili]Reika_Uniform.jpg [/spoili]
Costume Mods: With goggles and a light, collapsible bow staff

Reika tries to appear distant at first, but doesn't do very well. She's thrown off balance easily and can be swayed to blush instantly by a warm smile or sweet gesture. If she makes a friend, she is capable of opening up and quickly becomes overjoyed. Despite her appearance, she is quite naïve and can blush easily with the right (or wrong?) kind of comment and becomes shy. She tries her best to be smart, but can become frustrated and agitated – especially if she struggles to understand something. This comes from her upbringing where being too slow can have serious and physical consequences.

Reika has been raised on the side of villainy, so she tends to want to feel hatred for the "hero" team, but struggles with the reasoning for it. Being brainwashed to hate those who work for the better of mankind tends to alter a person's decision-making abilities and she finds herself in some sort of moral battle over almost everything because her heart is constantly warring with her head. This makes her actions, especially in battle, kind of unpredictable. You never know whether you're gettgin sweet, concerned Rei or WoB's Medusa. However, she loves her mother to death because she was trained to follow her like a puppy and would do almost anything to make her proud.

Growing up with tough love, earned meals, and nights spent under bridges so she could "learn her lesson" has made her a tad warped about crime and punishment, so she assumes that even some of the smallest "wrongs" should be punished heavily and without mercy – but again we have that internal battle against some long-forgotten inner voice.

Medusa – A mutated combination of her parents' quirks.

The two-parter ability includes:

Petrify - the power to transform matter into stone by looking at it. This ability is still in the process of evolving and may even develop further. Her mother's was not fully developed until her twenties. It's possible that the process can be halted part way through.


Snake Physiology - A lesser snake transformation than her father's that allows her skin to mimic that of a snake's; scales, tongue, and eyes. Scales act as armor plating. The tongue acts with the vomeronasal system just like a snake's (the smelling tongue) and is prehensile.

Quirk Weakness:

Petrify – Requires her snake eyes. For living beings: Must lock eyes with a person/animal. Affect is temporary and only lasts about 5 minutes at most, but can last a little longer on non-living things and is still evolving. This power can be turned against herself as she is not immune to it. Does not apply only to organic matter and can be used on almost anything that has mass and can be touched as long as she looks at it with snake eyes.

Snake Physiology – Is not a full transformation; only turns skin to scales, alters the tongue and the eyes. Scales are like armor but are not as strong as say, metal – protects from rough objects/scrapes and cuts and may deflect blades and projectiles at the right angle, temperature changes, and waterproofing.

Motto: "A heart of stone is the best road to success."
Course: Hero Course
Alignment: Villain (?) (Heart may be swayed)

Sour candy
Cute girls
Climbing trees
Playing pool

The entire English language
Strong scents

Her mother/WoB
Herself/Her own eyes

[spoili]Easily gets crushes and secretly fan-girls over people she adores (May even sometimes try to take photos without said person knowing)[/spoili]
[spoili]Part of the WoB[/spoili]
[spoili]Knows and trains with Yoshio's older brother, Daiki, all the time[/spoili]

Hand-to-Hand combat/weaponized combat
Strong sense of smell (With tongue/snake transformation)
Physical precision/accuracy (dodge this!)

Internal struggle – causes her to hesitate a lot
Wearing her heart on her sleeve/easy to read
Doesn't know when to quit/Overexerts herself

As was mentioned before, Reika was raised under villains. Her parents were never really a couple, never got married, and never really spoke about their relationship – as if there never was one. Since her parents were never "together", she has come to believe that their union to create her was purely done for the genetic benefit and in hopes of creating something stronger than themselves. Certain comments around her mother's house has led her to believe this as well. She lives with her mother and goes with her to any nefarious meetings, where she mostly just sees her father from across the room. Only when training does he want to speak to her and that's only so he can reprimand her and help carry out punishment. Her parents are both very strict and look down on anything less than perfection.

The group she "belongs to" decided from an early age that they would try to have Reika attend the Hero Academy so they could get inside information and weaknesses – so she has been training with her quirk and in combat for a very long time. She is trained to use many short-range weapons and even a few long-range items. Any error is rewarded with physical violence and various threats. Thanks to the ruthless training, Reika can almost become another person when fighting though she tries to resist it. One moment you could be having a friendly spar with a nice girl and the next moment you could be facing down the Greek monster Medusa herself. At those moments, her training (and a little bit of her mother's genes) come out. Those moments are normally followed by instant regret and a dip into depression where she starts to question everything about herself.

Unfortunately for her...

Failure is not an option.

Mother (Katsu Hamasaki): Villain - subservient
Father (Chikao Furukawa): Villain - subservient
Uncle (Jirou Furukawa – Father's brother): Villain - Not terrible
Daiki Bakugo: Villain - Sour

Favorite Song(s):
Band-Maid – Daydreaming
Reol – Give me a break stop now

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  • Love
Reactions: Pyralithia


"Well, she's Sairen and I'm Lairen. We're the Monoma twins~."
Sairen and Lairen Monoma

"We're twins, so we're the same age! But I'm older by 2 minutes and 37 seconds."
"Yet you're the childish one..."



"I'm obviously a boy."
"So we're fraternal twins."

Sairen is female and Lairen is male


Despite their names, they are Japanese and very traditional at that.

Parent Quirks:

"Mom and Dad were a little weird, weren't they?"
"Father is the only weird one."

Their father, Neito Monoma, had the quirk called "Copy". This allowed him to duplicate and use another's quirk.
Their mother, Maki Monoma, had two quirks as a result of her parents. She had the ability to protrude blades from anywhere on her body and the ability to produce flames. However, she could not do these simultaneously.


"Sai is a little short."
"You're just tall."
Sairen is 5'6"


Sairen is 118 lbs
Lairen is 164 lbs

Sexual Orientation:

Both are Heteosexual

Hair Color/Style:
"Definitely not identical."
Sairen has long, hip-length white hair. It is usually straight and flows freely. Her bangs tend to get in the way, so she pins them off to the side.
Lairen has straight black hair that hovers lightly over his eyes and reaches to the middle of his neck.

Eye Color:

"Ah... It depends..."
"... Because they switch."

Sairen was born with red eyes and Lairen with blue eyes. However, their eye colors may switch when they used their quirks.

Body Build:

"Your big brother is strong, isn't he?"

"That hurts me..."
Lairen is very physically fit. He had defined muscles all over his body, yet he maintains his slim figure.
Sairen is small and petite, which differs greatly from her brother. Her body is evenly proportioned and slim, which hides her exceptional physical abilities.



This tattoo is on Sairen's left shoulder and Lairen's right.

Noticeable Scar(s):

"Well... we both have our reasons for our scars."
"You fight too much."

Lairen has small scars all over his entire body, especially his hands, because he has a tendency to get into fights.
Sairen gets wounds from using her quirk too much, which leads to large scars along her back, arms, and calves.


"Mother designed it for us."
"She loves Japanese outfits, so we ended up looking like shinobi."


Instead of blue, it will be a dark red / maroon.
Her pants will not have the gap in the middle.

His outfit will be shown as a dark blue instead of this green color.


Their masks cover their eyes.
Lairen wears this mask with the white base, but blue details while Sairen wears one that is mainly back with red details.

Costume Mods:

"It'd be bad if the clothes burned off."
"But we can't really do anything about our blades, can we?"

The clothes are made out of fire-proof material to prevent it from being burned off.
They also wear masks with small slits in them, allowing them to see but their opponent to not see their eyes.
As for blades, they decided to just let their clothes rip until they've found a better solution than less coverage.


"Brother is too childish."
"How mean, Sai. I'm so hurt."

Lairen is extremely protective of his sister and his family, yet he seems to not care about everyone else as much. He tends to cheerful and somewhat childish, which often leads to his carefree and laid back attitude. These qualities often carry on into battle where he can be seen smiling while fighting. He is hard to anger and quite patient unless his sister is involved, which he then becomes short tempered and irritable. Nonetheless, he is easy to approach and very well at concealing his true feelings.
Sairen is quiet and usually keeps to herself. It takes time for her to completely get comfortable and trust others, so she tends to just remain closed off. She is only seen talking comfortable with her brother or immediate family. This is partially because she has a fear of being hated or looked at in disgust by others. However, once she opens up, she is honest. She lacks confidence in herself due to her childhood and is full of fear of hurting someone.


Because they are twins, they have a shared quirk, but also a quirk of their own.

Shared Quirk : "Link"
This quirk is similar to Copy, but has been altered slightly to suit the twins. Link allows Lairen and Sairen to switch quirks.

Lairen's Quirk : "Hell Flame"
Lairen is able to create and control fire.

Sairen's Quirk : "Hell Blade"
Sairen can create blades anywhere on her body, which then protrude from her skin. These do not hurt her or cause physical damage unless used too much.

Quirk Weakness:

Link can only be used between the twins.
They must physically touch in order for Link to activate.
They cannot use both quirks ( Hell Flame and Hell Blade) at the same time.
Once they switch, their eye colors switch as well. Red signals that they are using Hell Blade while blue means they are using Hell Flame.
Excessive and extended use of Link can cause dizziness and tire them out faster.
If one loses consciousness, then Link shuts off and they revert to their normal quirk.
Use of each others quirk increases the chances of repercussions.

Hell Flame

If used too much, then they overheat and faint. Depending on how much they overheated, they can be unable to use this quirk for a few hours or a few days.
If Sairen uses this, her body is greatly exposed to receiving burns.
He cannot use it in small, enclosed areas.

Hell Blade
If used excessively or for long periods of time, then the blades will take longer to form.
When Hell Blade has been used too much and the blades retract into the body, it is possible the place where the blade was will not close up, leaving a cut.
If Lairen uses this quirk, he is more likely to receive these cuts no matter how long he uses it.


"Together is better."


"Why would I align myself with those who despise my sister?"
Lairen has villainous intent.

"I... want to be a hero."
Sairen wishes to become a hero.

"I like my brother and sweets. "
Observing others
Eating sweets
Looking at animals
Making people happy
Her family

"Isn't my little sister cute?"
Punishing heroes for being unjust
Protecting his family


"This and that..."
Being away from her brother
When Lairen fights
Hurting others
Being hated
Her quirk

"Those who cannot do their jobs."
Hurting his sister
Being away from Sairen
Being told what to do

"Never again..."
Sairen fears hurting an innocent person after what happened during her childhood.

"There's no meaning without them."
Lairen fears losing his family, but above all, he never wants to lose his sister.


Sairen is not aware of her brother's hatred for heroes.

They are extremely well coordinated together.
They both have above average physical abilities and combat skills.
Sairen is an amazing observer. She's able to find a person's weakness just by watching them.
Lairen is physically and mentally strong.

Without Lairen, Sairen lacks the confidence to use her quirk in battle and therefore cannot control it.
Without Sairen, Lairen fights to kill and tends to lose control of his quirk.
If they are not together, they cannot use their abilities to the fullest.
Sairen's fear of hurting people can cause her to panic and either shut down completely, or involuntarily activate her quirk.
Lairen's quirk is a relatively large ranged quirk, so using it in a small space would be almost deadly for anyone around.


Growing up, the Monoma's were very close. Neito and Maki showered their kids with love and taught them the basics of being a hero, like to be kind and just. They were happy.
Soon enough, the twins enrolled in preschool together where they met other children their age. Some of them already had their quirks, which made the twins a bit jealous. Neither of them had shown signs of their quirks yet, but they were excited for when it would.
Some time into the school year, all the kids in their class had shown signs of their quirk. All besides Sairen. Lairen had previously discovered small flames forming around him, but Sairen showed no signs of having a quirk. This led to being bullied by her classmates. They called her Quirkless and constantly made fun of her, but her brother did his best to protect her.
One day, the bullying had gotten too far. A group of boys had separated her from Lairen and corned her. They pushed her around while throwing insults at her. Sairen couldn't take it anymore. All the feelings she had kept to herself released in the form of her quirk, Hell Blade. From her body, blades extended out in all directions, hurting the kids who were bullying her.
While this was happening, Lairen had gone to get someone to help him find his sister. He met a couple of heroes who agreed to help him and soon after, they found his sister. She was sitting in a small pool of blood, her blades still out, and the still, but breathing bodies of the other children. Sairen was crying and when she saw her brother, ran to hug him.
However, the heroes Lairen had brought pulled him back and looked at Sairen as if she was a monster. They rushed to help the children, but treated her as if she was a villain.
Since then, Sairen was known as a danger to everyone. Some called her a monster and shunned her from society. Just like that, her dream of becoming a hero seem to be unreachable.
At this point, Lairen's hatred for heroes started. In his eyes, they didn't care about what those people did to his sister. They weren't kind or just. They were simply mindless pawns who didn't know right from wrong.
The twins grew older and eventually, it was time to enroll in a high school. With her parent's encouragement, she and her brother enrolled in UA. She enrolled in the General Studies while her brother was selected to enroll in the Hero course.

Father : Neito Monoma : Alive
Mother : Maki Monoma : Alive


If you need me to edit it, let me know. I know it seems like they may have 3 quirks, but it's really only two. I also made it so that there's many drawbacks to using each others quirk or using Link.
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"Hehe, Hiya, oh this mark? Ahaha, don't worry about it.."

Yamasaki, Misoka Age: 15 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Japanese​
Parent Quirks:

Father, Saito Yamasaki: Regeneration: Having the ability to regenerate wounds and even to keep severed limbs in a reattachable state, he made his living as a magician performing various tricks.

Mother Sai Yamasaki: Telekinesis: could move her body and items close to her in a levitation state, she is a skilled surgeon and meet her husband while studying his abilities.

Height: 5'4" 163cm
Weight: 125lb 57kg
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Hair Color/Style: Red-brown, surprisingly long, but kept short looking with hair bow accessory.
Eye Color: Red, slit pupils
Body Build: Fairly slim with a fairly modest chest, her eyes are the most noticeable feature, coupled with the scare all the way around her neck, on her arms below the elbow, and around the lower legs above the ankle on both legs.

Piercings/Tattoos: Lower lobe piercing on left and right ear, no other features of note.
Noticeable Scar(s): Large cut scars around neck, above ankles and below elbows.

"Who the hell are you calling a weak monster! As if you were so strong!"
Costume Mods: Containment Sleeves, Boots, and Neck Collar are designed to keep her limbs attached in combat short of via her own will with her quirk.

Personality: Normally a good natured and helpful girl, she is unintentionally creepy and scary to most, either by use of her power or her general mannerisms. Giving off a dark aura, a bit of a practical jokester that doesn't seem to understand her power and appearance can make most uncomfortable. She tends to feel bad when people run from her. Overall her traits in this regard may be due to her family and unique living situation. One to question situations she is normally Brave if not all that long term thinking.

Largely a people person and one for seeking out her own amusement, she has a rather large mischievous streak with a rough way of talking. Meaning she typically has more luck with children than her classmates and adults, such as doing the literal "thumb trick". While a chaotic figure, she normally has a sympathy for the weak. Not idolizing the strong nor fearing them she is motivated to climb to their level, to unify the weak so that they may stand as equals to the strong. Given this her placement in the general class is just one more obstacle to overcome, even if it's just throwing her head over it. In terms of good and evil it would be correct to say she's a Chaotic Good, but largely on the fence in terms of her morals. Money seems important to her as does being naturally nosey, however she isn't naturally greedy.

Her general honesty can be questionable given her maliciousness, but she is a good team player who often acts for good, if not social rules. Making her something of a wild card, generally jumps at the opportunity to fight and can be surprisingly "girly", particularly with cats.

Quirk: Dullahan's Reach: Combining the powers of both of her parents into a new union, Misoka has gain great telekinetic powers owing to them both. Inheriting her father's regeneration and her mother's levitation. With a few perks of her own. Being able to guide her head, arms, legs mostly within 20 feet of her. Her regenerative ability allows for her limbs to reattach in good order, but does not prevent them from being damaged, pet see.

After childhood incidents that cost her arms, feet and a head literally, these parts alone she's able to will off and keep on her body with a bit of focus, her absent mindedness means at times her head will come off. Able to project her parts or general body up to 20 feet away from her current position with a bluish flame around them. In addition cutting her up or shooting her, while painful, only gives her more parts to control or to piece back together, earning here more than a few nicknames that could be used as a hero moniker. There are some weakness with her Quirk that may not seem readily apparent, or at least are questionable. As a bonus to her quirk she tends to not bleed from most wounds.

Quirk Weakness:

Dullahan's Reach: With the abilities of both parent's a few general weaknesses crop up as well and are as follows;

Regenerative/Manipulative Limitations: While she can separate, or even control cut off portions of her limbs, her central abdomen and torso is vulnerable to blade attacks, taking awhile longer to heal and lacking in control if broken down to that extent. Versus her head and arms which have quicker regeneration factor her core is more prone to injury from all manner of attacks, even if bleeding isn't immediately apparent.

Range of control/awareness: Generally while her regenerative ability allows her to pick up and rejoin her parts, if a part leaves her zone of influence, currently limited to 20 feet, she loses control and influence over it, while maintaining a semi state of awareness with the parts she has no direct control.

Lose of a connection takes physical touch, or being in close proximity for about five minutes to regain control. For example it is possible for her to lose her head, as her body attempts to recover it, her head aware of this and able to speak cannot directly communicate to the body short of through a basic sense of awareness.

Also while she can levitate more broken-down parts of her body, chiefly her limbs, that doesn't mean they are useful for much other than bludgeoning.

Physical Limitations: Her body, in spite of quirks is that of a basic girl, suffocation, burning, electrocution and other such things can seriously harm her. Physical power and defense is that of a basic human, though she can improve on this front with training.

Motto: "The Weak shall move on together! Don't underestimate us just because alone we aren't strong!"
Neutral - Fence

  • Cats
  • Children
  • Playing pranks
  • Spying on others
  • Meat (beef in particular)
  • Her family
  • Those who also struggle to improve


  • People running from her
  • People who are disgusted with her crude humor
  • Those who throw around how strong they are
  • Sour Foods
  • Goody-two-shoes
  • Dogs
  • Those who prey upon and take advantage of the weak
  • Hanging out at boring places (Mostly formal locations)

  • Actually losing her head one day
  • Failing in her ideals
  • Deep water
  • Being alone

: Normally a straight forward person, but her biggest secret would have to be taking pictures of others or stealthily stealing items and information about them to hold on for later bartering blackmail or to sell to other interested parties who would pay well. She may secretly think highly of some of the strong depending on what they do with it.

Strengths: (6 maximum)

  • Pain Tolerance
  • Stealthy
  • Unorthidox CQC
  • Willpower
  • Team Player
  • Scouting/Information gathering

Weaknesses: (3 minimum)
  • Strength
  • Unintentionally seems like a Villain
  • Shortsighted, prone to acting
  • Absent minded with things she's not directly studying.
  • Has fun at the expense of others, even if light heartedly.

Bio: Misoka was rather lucky as a child, born to a home of loving parents, a father who was a magician with a morbid sense of humor, a mother who loved studying and working on physically based quirks, particularly the father. Given the nature of both parents, her family situation, while never violent or lacking in much was unique to say the least. The antics of both parents were to shape her personality as much as it did her powers, loving super hero cartoons growing up, she took a strong linking to defending the weak. Though her scary aura and readiness to fight often left her labeled as a villain and trickster.

Not minding this she continued with her path, until her powers awoken in a rather spectacular fashion. Traveling with her father at the age of eight in Osaka, a freak construction accident happened, resulting in a truck carrying glass window panes to overturn, fatally cutting into Misoka and her father and partly crushing the car. With the front in smashed in, metallic bits tore directly into her lower legs and feet, severing them while taking her head off at the neck. Her father for his part while also decapitates was readily able to retrieve his own head, gravely concerned for his daughter. Through sheer strength of will and fear of dying weak, she was able to trigger her quirk, if at least limitedly. Blue transparent flame igniting around her as aura, her arms were the first to levitate back, reconnecting, then her father helped reattach her limbs. To the shock of on lookers, the girl simply carried her head around in her arms, once she fount it in the floor, blinking at them with a bit of tears, the Dullahan's Reach was born.

Needless to say, both of her parent's were thrilled with this, encouraging their daughter to explore her power, even allowing her to help out a little in both of their work. Interestingly, while the Tissue remained functional the "holding" could always be released, allowing her to move those parts with her will and ghostly blue flame.

Though not all was enjoyable, the cruelty of others or those who were stronger was an always present thing. Genuinely wanting to keep her ideals of proving the weak can be strong she pushed on, gaining her Family's permission to enlist in the Hero Academy. Though she was disappointed in the nature of the placement test. Not overly flashy nor overly strong, her quirk while somewhat interesting and with some utility was deemed insufficient for placement in the hero class, rather placing her in General. Undaunted, she aims to prove what she is capable of and to be placed among the strong as the so-called weak. Even pushing the boundaries of walking the school halls as she sees fit.


Family: (May include images later)

Sai Yamasaki: A medical surgeon, she always has a creepy aura to herself and says violent things in an overly sweet manner, it does not seem she does this out of malice however. Enjoying the study of the human body, or rather those effected by quirks, she loves her daughter and husband to an almost obsessive level. Not hesitating with cutting open bodies or sewing them up, her always smiling face adds a bit of terror to this situation. Her nickname is Doctor Frankenstein among fellow hospital workers in the city. She's known for, while out of kindness, freaking out patients who are in surgery, by levitating above them with a mechanical bonesaw in hand. "Ganbatte may you wake up when I'm done Ehehehe!"

Saito Yamasaki: A former Magician who now is mostly a stay at home dad who works from time to time on shows. Given his regeneration abilities and dark sense of humor more than a bit of his personality rubbed off on his daughter. Overall he's a good man, if not a bit too trolling with a love of jump scares

Yuuji Yamasaki: Her toddler Brother, being only three years old he's shown no sigh of a quirk as of yet, Misoka seems to dote over him.

Friends: TBD

Enemies: TBD

Favorite Song(s):

Extra: #Kaachan, kaching Kachang Kaboom boom boom.
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Name: Azuha, Shouya
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Japanese

Parent Quirks:
Azuha, Motoba - His father is actually quirkless, having not inherited anything from his parents.
Azuha, Satomi - His mother has the ability to manipulate ice, and thats something Shouya has inherited, like his siblings.
Ryogo, Fukuya - His grandmother has the ability to manipulate her own blood, and the blood that is visible to her red eyes.

Height: 6''0
Weight: 166 LBS
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Hair Color/Style: White, with a simple hairstyle.
Eye Color: Red
Body Build: Slim
Piercings/Tattoos: None
Noticeable Scar(s): None

His costume is related to his hair and his eyes. The majority of it is white, while the outlines are red. It fits nicely around his body and to just below his chin, covering half of his neck as well. Not much makes it unique. It basically looks like this, however the color is white and red as mentioned, not black and white like the picture.

Costume Mods:
It cannot be seen, but his costume can generate heat, though Shouya has to activate it. The costume can only generate heat for his own body. It is only to keep himself from freezing or sustaining frost damage because of his quirk.

Shouya can be considered reserved, but he isn't. He tends to look serious most of the time, but is easy to interact and socialize with. For him, its not easy to talk with someone else. Like mentioned earlier, he ends up keeping to himself unless someone talks to him instead. It is definetely safe to say that he isn't energetic like some of the others. He just has a hard time expressing his emotions. But showing a cold and a mean side is much easier for him. If he's annoyed he may have the same expression. If he's happy he may have the same expression. One can hardly see Shouya smiling. Though during a hectic situation, you could see his expression changing. He could be smiling, or show determination.

Lets not forget that Shouya is extremely competitive, and if he finds an opponent worthy of defeat, he'll let him or her know. He also tends to ignore anything or anyone around him when he has his eyes set on something. Damn the consequences if anything. Since his unfortunate nature is to stay quiet or reserved, he also tends to observe others around him.

White Ice Manipulation - It should be a given what Shouya can do here. He has the ability to generate and manipulate ice at will, however, its color is pure white, just like his hair, and not blue like one would see around and about in the world. He can also make a part of the ice explode and much more.

Second Quirk:
Blood Manipulation - Like his own grandmother, he has the ability to manipulate his own blood. He can also harden it, and use it for defensive purposes among other things. Shouya can also manipulate the blood that isn't his. He has to see the blood in order to manipulate it. If its on your face, on the ground, or a wall, he can make use of it. Other than that, he cannot manipulate it.

Quirk Weakness:
  • Excessive use of ice would decrease his own temperature. He'll freeze and become cold if he continues to use it.
  • The more exhausted Shouya is, the weaker his ice is. It would be easy to penetrate through it.
  • An obvious weakness, but fire, heat, explosions can work well against his ability to manipulate ice.
Second Quirk Weakness:
  • If he continues to manipulate and use his own blood, he'll exhaust himself drastically, going unconscious.
  • Has the ability to only manipulate blood from existing sources only.
  • If he is too weak, he is unable to muster the strength to manipulate blood in general, rendering his second quirk useless.
Motto: "A hero is not defined by his quirks. Theres more to it than that."
Alignment: Neutral

  • Apples
  • Sweets
  • Tea
  • Cats
  • Summer
  • Takoyaki
  • Swimming
  • Dogs
  • Winter
  • Screeching Noise
  • Nagging People
  • The Color Red
  • Losing to his Second Quirk
  • Unable to accomplish his own goals.
  • Keeping his ability to manipulate blood to himself.
  • Strategic
  • Flexible
  • Forceful
  • Aggressive
  • Mid & Long Range Combat
  • Iron Will
  • Reckless
  • Team Player
  • Chaotic
  • Straightforward
Azuha, Shouya, the second eldest sibling in his family of five. Excluding his parents, he has both a little and an older sister. They were all born into a simple houshold with a good, yet standard lifestyle. There isn't much to say about his family. The love from his parents was and still is undying. Growing up, he was eventually capable of manipulating and generating ice like his siblings. It was nothing new.

Even if his father was quirkless, his family was known for the ability to manipulate ice in general. Fortunately, unlike his father, Motoba, they all inherited a quirk. The energy within the family was and always is positive. In time, his older sister wanted to become a hero and protect others out there. Obviously his little sister wanted the same. She was actually quite clingy when it came to Shouya's older sister.

The siblings had a nice relationship with one another, but at some point in the future, an incident occured in the kitchen. His mother, Satomi had by accident cut her own finger, and Shouya was seated on the kitchen table, playing with his toys. He enjoyed spending his time with his mother. Once he saw the blood, he was able to manipulate it. It was a shocker to his family, but having a second quirk was not something to celebrate over.

The ability to manipulate blood was rather bad, instead of good. It had many negative traits to it. Though once it was determined Shouya having the ability to control it, he was strictly told by his mother to stop using it in the future. Back then, the little boy had no idea how he could use it. This alone, brought back memories for his parents.

His father, Motoba had a mother, Ryogo, Fumiko, Shouya's grandmother. His grandmother was able to manipulate it. It was thanks to her, Shouya had inherited it. Even if his own mother was against the use of his second quirk, his father encouraged him to embrace it and use it like none other, but to also keep it a secret. It was a rare and powerful quirk, but also harmful to the user.

To make sure his mother did not worry, he tried his best to keep his second quirk to himself. Use it to control it when training, but other than that, to not use it against others out there. But both his siblings had only inherited the ability to manipulate ice. The odd one out was only Shouya.

Shouya eventually set out and wanted to become a hero. His mother was against it, but eventually caved in to his determination to become one. Like his sister, he too entered the Hero Academy, setting out to accomplish his goals.

Azuha, Motoba - There isn't much to say here really. Shouya has a good relationship with his father. When he was younger, his father helped him get a good control of his first quirk. He continously told him that in order to become a hero, one has to rely on human instincts as well, and not just the quirks.

Azuha, Satomi - A really good relationship. He knows that his mother worries too much, but understands why. She even calls him from time to time when he's at the Academy.

Azuha, Sayuki - His sweet little sister. They have a very tight relationship with one another. Like him, she too, inherited the ability to manipulate ice. Shouya even helps her with it from time to time. Whenever he returns home from the Academy, she is one of the first who runs over and glomps her big brother.

Azuha, Tomori - His older sister, who has long since graduated from the Academy with excellent grades. She's a hero, and he does look up to her, but he doesn't make his feelings known. They have a simple relationship, but only from Shouya's side. Tomori actually loves his very much, and encourages him to use both his quirks. Whenever she's around, he knows he's in for a ton of questions. She likes to involve herself in every aspect of his personal life.

Ryogo, Fukuya - His grandparents are no longer in this world. He doesn't know much about his grandmother. Only knows that he inherited the ability to manipulate blood from her. Other than that, she was a kind and thoughtful woman. She even had a hero name; Red Demon. It sounds ominous and villainous. Shouya was told her hero name was only to put fear in the villains, and intimidate them as well.

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"Tell me, where should I go? To the left, where nothing is right....Or to the right where nothing is left?"

Daiji, Kaizu "Kai"
Half Japanese/Half Irish
Parent Quirks:
Father - Dragon Physiology/Strength
Mother - Quirkless

Sexual Orientation:

Hair Color/Style:
Lime green and straight but layered
Eye Color:
Blood Orange
Body Build:
Athletic but slim
Belly button is pierced. No Tats
Noticeable Scar(s):
On his left shoulder theres a 3 inch straight scar and a small faded scar on the left side of his upper lip.
This but just the outfit.
Costume Mods:
A hole made in the toga/pants for his tail and light weight but durable so his scales dont shred it.

Kaizu has a very open personality. Or so it seems. Hes always kind, generous, quirky, and loyal to those he believes deserve it. But despite this exterior he does have some secrets and struggles eating at him from within that can sometimes come to the surface if he sees evil being done or if he becomes desperate in a fight.
Partial dragon physiology and super strength.
He has scales on his forearms, back, and legs as well as on his hands and feet along with sharp claws. He has a 4'3ft scaled tail with a small 3 prong barb at the end. He has 2 large horns on the top of his head then 2 smaller horns on his forehead.

Quirk Weakness:
Kai cant deactivate his Quirk's so he has to pay extra close to his surroundings, strength, and contact with others/fragile things.
Although his scales are hard and act as a kind of armor. They arent unbreakable and can be crushed/pierced with enough force or repeated hits.
His scales hinder his flexibility/agility a bit.
Right now his strength is limited to being able to lift about 1.5 tons. If he tries to lift more or overuses his strength he will quickly grow exhausted and eventually be unable to move for a time.

"I'll keep going on as long as there is one smile to save."
Hero (Villain associated)

Spicy/Hot Foods
Helping Others

Really Cold Foods
His Quirk sometimes

Accidentally Hurting anyone
Fragile things
The sound of Styrofoam against itself
Being sucked back into the dark

He use to be a "villain" though not a known one
His father is a villain
He cries during sad movies/tv shows

Strength|Hard to faze|Martial Arts|Lightening the mood|Creativity|Jumping
Speed/Agility|Clumsy|His secrets|Turning a blind eye
Bio: (5 Sentence minimum)

Father - Bad/Enemies (Alive)
Mother - Neutral (Alive)
Siblings - OPEN

Favorite Song(s):
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Name: Koda Atsuhiro
Age: 15

Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Japanese Mother, Russian Father
Parent Quirks: Acid Poison, Blood and Bone Manipulation
Height: 6'3
Weight: 169
Sexual Orientation: Straight

Hair Color/Style: Silver, and black where his hair is cropped short
Eye Color: Amber (deepens to scarlet according to mood)
Body Build: His height evens out his thick muscles
Piercings/Tattoos: Has the Gungnir symbol tattooed on his tongue (keeps hidden)
Noticeable Scar(s): Numerous scars, the most severe on his abdomen (keeps hidden)

Costume Mods: Durable to corrosion and flame.

Personality: Atsuhiro can come off as malicious, his intentions always doubtful and difficult to trust. He would make the perfect the villain. Fortunately his hatred for villainy has led him to the path of becoming a righteous hero. Whatever his idea of righteous may be. He's always been a clever and scheming child, however strait laced for authority and the higher ups. Despite his sarcastic and playful manner, he has a menacing presence to him. It's difficult to determine his kindness to be genuine or another one of his charades. He's got a soft spot for mother's and children, but that can immediately flip if his sense of justice overrides his will to protect. Let's say he's been working on his twisted ways. He's actually a nice guy- approachable to boot. When he considers someone close, he cares for them and will be overly loyal (in his own way).

Quirk: Adopted a combination of his parent's quirks. (1. Structure) Tsu is able to manipulate, expand and harden his blood into a bone like structure, which can be used for defensive and offensive purposes. (2. Toxin) His blood is toxic poison, it's severity and use ranging from paralysis effects, deadly toxins and corrosive acid. (His saliva is the cure to his unique poisons.)

Caution: His structures are made from his blood, so mind the effects!
Quirk Weakness: The range of his toxic poison quirk is determined by his emotions. He also has a limit to how much of his structures he can control.
Motto: "Who is to say who is the villain and who is the hero"
Alignment: Hero

Likes: Sweets, Tea, Heroism, Cats, Children
Dislikes: When those that aren't close to him call him "Tsu," Villainous acts
Fears: Seeing loved ones die, Losing himself
Secrets: Past of a child soldier, Villainous parents

Strengths: Immune to poison, cannot die of blood loss, immense physical strength and endurance, quick thinker, exceptional speed
Weaknesses: Driven by emotion, Self doubt, Trust issues
Bio: There's a reason for his villainous aura.

In his youth he cared about one thing- keeping his comatose mother alive. She was a delicate yet loving piece of his earliest memories. One that he couldn't lose, even if he was stripped of his free will. Koda Atsuhiro was one of the child solider's under the villainous organization Gungnir- the quirk market. Branded and produced for their quirks, these children were used for the dispense of evil purposes. Atsuhiro was one of the few children that knew of his parents. His mother had been a child solider of Gungnir before him, tied to a villainous fate. However with the birth of her child, she began to refuse such a life for him. As she sought a way to free her child, she was put into a comatose state. Young Atsuhiro was threatened with the life of his mother to be obedient, and an ideal product. At the age of thirteen, a branch of Gungnir market was seized by the hero Shoto Todoroki. A total of eleven children were saved and put into rehabilitation, Koda Atsuhiro being one of them. Fortunately his mother's body had also been salvaged.

Two years later, Koda Atsuhiro had earned enough trust and recognition to be admitted into the Academia with Todoroki's reference. His determination is fueled by his malice towards villainous deeds and his admiration for the hero Todoroki.

Relationships: Shoto Todoroki: The hero he respects and admires, and a somewhat father figure. Had a rough patch in the beginning, gaining each other's trust.
Shira Nadeshiko: Mother to Atsuhiro, and also the one that began calling him "Tsu." Was once an infamous villain, but now under the custody of heroes in a comatose state.

Ito Emko: Age four, one of the eleven children with an amplification and nullification quirk. Is like a little sister to Atsuhiro.

Extra: Due to his ability to expand blood, cannot bleed to death.
Immune to poisons, as he harbors them in his blood.

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