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I will be the Shadow to your Light
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[fieldbox=Day 1~Welcome to U.A.!, aqua, dotted]
Today is the first day of the new year for U.A. Academy for Heroics. All the students have gone through the entrance ceremony and are now heading to their respective classes. How will their first day go? Who will they meet? What do the teacher's have in store for them? Will they make it to tomorrow? We shall see![/fieldbox]

  • Hero Course - Homeroom - Swayla Venetica
    Hero Course - Combat Basics - Todoroki Shouta
    Hero Course - Gym - Kirishima Eijiro

    General Studies - Homeroom - Koda Koji
    General Studies - Combat Basics - Tokoyami Fumikage
    General Studies - Gym - Asui Tsuya

  • 9am - Hero, General - Homeroom
    10am - Hero, General - Combat Basics
    11am - All - Lunch
    12pm - Hero, General - Gym
    1pm - All - Extra Curricular/Events/Trips ect

  • Hero Course:

    General Studies:
    (Why are all the girls in General so far? XD )

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Name: Reika (Rei) Hamasaki
Course: Hero
Quirk: Medusa
Mentioned: Present Mic
Location: Auditorium → Hallway → Homeroom
Interactions: None

That Present Mic is so loud. And dramatic. Is all that really necessary for a simple entrance ceremony? Rei placed the heel of her right hand on her ear and shook it a little, trying to relieve it of the painful echo that was still reverberating inside. It was frustrating really, having to come to this ridiculous school because of her parents. She could be at a normal high school on a good tennis team or something right now. In a club, maybe? Anything other than knowing how long she would have to put on this charade.

Reaching in her pocket, Reika pulled out a piece of sour hard candy and unwrapped it carefully, making sure that she didn't bump into anyone as she walked down the hallway. When she finally had the candy in her mouth, she stuffed the wrapper back into the pocket of her blazer and turned her focus to where she was going once again, looking for her classroom. Somehow, she had made it into the Hero Course, when she had expected to be shoved into General Studies. Her parents, and their associates, were on cloud nine now and she could only feel more pressure weighing down on her. She would have to try much harder to keep the position she'd made for herself. So, in reality, it was a problem. The anxiety became overwhelming for a brief moment and the girl dropped the sunglasses down from her head to fall over her eyes in place.

A safety precaution. Sometimes, when she got too frightened or overwhelmed, those eyes would change on their own. It was something she needed to work on, she was aware, and planned to do so while she was in a school for people learning to control powers. Luckily, these glasses were made by a former Support student of this school who now worked with WoB. She was still able to see, but something she wasn't smart enough to understand allowed her to look at things without destroying them. It would just be better if she could control herself, but as back-up these glasses were necessary. She would keep them on for now. That decision made, Rei opened the door to the Hero Course classroom and went to go take a seat somewhere in the back and closer to the side of the door.
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  • Love
Reactions: Pyralithia

Queen Hideaki
General Studies
Bad Charm / Crow

Queen stared out the window of the General Studies class. She hadn't bother to go to the entrance ceremony and it seemed the school was understanding as to why she didn't. This was a good school after all. Her heart felt heavy at the thought that she was entering the school not as a hopeful student wanting to be a pro Hero but as a student with ulterior motives.

At this, Queen's mind went to the two others. Aside from their basic info, she didn't know much about them. Although seemed friendly to the other people in her 'group', she actually tended to avoid them especially the ones that are around her age. She didn't have much to say about the girl with the Medusa Quirk but in a way, she was... nice. As for the one with the empath and senses Quirk, well simply put he was one of the people she makes a constant effort of to avoid. He was just too... dangerous.

Soon, her mind started drifting to her mother and she could feel the dullness on her face. Shaking her head, the straight line was replaced with her ever-present smile. This was no time to think about WoB. Her gaze shifted to the door, waiting to see who'll enter through the door.

Mentioned: @SoleStride
Location: In Class
Interactions: None


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Reactions: Pyralithia
Red Rose
Hero Course
Weapon Memorization X Blink

Red Rose happy go lucky student who is obsessed with weapons. Was sitting in her homeroom already, as soon as the orientation had ended she rushed to her homeroom and awaited eagerly. She picked a seat in the very middle of the room watching the clock excitedly wanting class to start. Red, while doing so started to daydream about all the quirks her classmates may have, and how she would be able to impress them to become their friends. When more and more people started coming to class she wanted to talk to somebody but was too shy to do so. After all none of her friends had made it to the same school as her. Sighing Red placed her arms on the desk in a crossed fashion leaning her chin on them.

'Man I wish it wasn't so hard to talk to new people' Red thought to herself.

Leaning on her elbows she placed her palms together activating her quirk, she pulled them apart for there to be a small, unnoticeable flash. In her hands was now a very dull shuriken that wasn't capable of cutting anything. Sticking it on her finger she let it spin. Using her left hand to hold her chin up she spun the shuriken on her other.

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Reactions: Pyralithia

Name: Yoshio Bakugo
Course: Hero
Quirk(s): Chain-Reaction
Mentioned: N/A
Location: Hallway and Hero Homeroom (Triple H lol)
Interactions: @Sasha Bliss

Yoshio Bakugo had been one of the first people to dash out of that entrance ceremony. The loud mouth welcoming them all seemed to be an air head and all Yoshio had been thinking about the whole way through was how badly he wanted a grape soda from the vending machine he saw outside just before he sat down for the ceremony. He ran the whole way there basically kicking up dust behind him and nearly bumping into a few people before finally making it to the vending machine and purchased his drink drink.

Though before he was about to open it he looked up to see an open window on one of the upper floors of the school. Then after a minute or so of thought he remembered that his homeroom he was supposed to have already been going to was on that floor. With a smirk and not bothering to think if that actually was his homeroom that had that open window Yoshio tucked his grape soda can into his hoodie pocket, pointed his hands towards the ground and fired off a decent enough explosion to get him airborne followed by a few additional midair explosions to get him level with the window and then one more push himself through the open window; landing atop the closest desk to the window which thankfully no one was sitting in yet.

The beanie wearing young man casually hops off of the desk to the floor and opens his drink as if he had normally walked in like most of the other students. As he took he sip he looked around the room as other students were entering but ironically one student that stood out to him was already seated and playing with a...shuriken; but most of all was decked out in a bright red and dark black outfit with a hairstyle to match. With a casual smile Yoshio walked over to the desk directly to the right of the one the shuriken girl was sitting at. He put his feet up on his own desk and leaned back in his chair, his drink lazily dangling from his left hand fingers as he looks over at her. "...are you some kind of...cosplay ninja?

Name: Takagi Sunemizuki
Course: Hero Course
Quirk: Keratin Manipulation
Location: Hero Course Classroom​

Marching down the halls, inauguration was finally over and done with, much to the young girl's relief. It was an hour of droll praise and attempted motivated speaking. Typically Takagi was one to happily accept any compliments or sycophants, when it was so typical and fake it meant very little. It wasn't as if she believed the staff had much faith in her regardless. She was let in to the Academy based off recommendation alone, and while her guardian and some others who put their trust in him believed she could make something of herself, there were many others, including some of her future mentors, that weren't going to hold their breath, specifically because they knew the circumstances of her birth. It didn't matter what they believed, though. Takagi would become a hero even if only to possess what she greatly lacked during early childhood.

It appeared, however, that while some of the staff knew of her situation and didn't approve, most of the students lacked the same information the teachers possessed, given away by a few passing murmurs through the halls and a couple gawking students. As she narrowed her eyes at the pair, it seems they recalled their manners and ceased staring. To her peers, they only knew as far as her being adopted by a renown hero and let in on recommendation, which was a feat that tended to attract gossip on its own. Ignoring those still in the halls, Takagi continued on her way to the classroom and upon entry she noted that a few had already arrived.

In the back, another brooding peer who looked bored to be here. Many responded to studying at U.A. with excitement, but to Takagi, it was more of just another step she had to take. In the middle of the class she observed the interaction between a delinquent and—what Takagi observed as a red ball of energy. At the man's comment about her outfit, an amused smirk appeared on her face as she walked over and seated herself adjacent to the windows. Typically, it would be her plan to listen when the lecture held something important to teach and stare outside apathetically when it didn't.

Glancing outside, she noted a group of bewildered students standing around some scorch marks. Just what had happened to make them so panicked?

Mentioned: @SoleStride @Sasha Bliss @BlueFlameNikku
Interactions: N/A​
Name: Marina Matsuyama
Course: General Studies
Quirk(s): Multiples/Monkey Attributes
Mentioned: None
Location: Hallway to Homeroom
Interactions: None
Marina was in her own little world as she wandered around the hallway. Sure she heard snippets of the entrance ceremony, but her mind was elsewhere. She had made it into General Studies, though certain family members have not made their opinions known to her yet. She was almost certain her mother was already getting an ear full. With that thought in mind, her tail began to drop a little. However, her mom's words floated into her mind. " 'Rina, if you want this you must pursue it with everything you have and with a biscuit on the side. Mama can take care of everything else.".

Marina foot steps were soft when she stopped in front of the Homeroom door. She shook herself from the tension that had spread through her body. She reached up and patted her cheeks until they became pink, erasing any bad thoughts. Everything will be fine, besides even being admitted into U.A. is an accomplishment, a positive light. Something that not even her Papa's family could take away from her.

With a clearer mind and a bag full of delicious snacks her mama sent her with to share and stash for her personal enjoyment, she pushed open the door. Her tail had curled back to it's up right position as she entered. She looked about the room, hoping to find a classroom of interesting individuals.
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Reactions: Pyralithia

Course: Hero
Quirks: Laughter/Rubber physicality
Mentioned: N/A
Location: Halls > Classroom
Interactions: Marina @Alis_Audāx

Appolline nearly skipped with excitement as she made her way to her first class. The having ceremony succeeded in boosting her moral along with many others which was the intended reaction she imagined. Even though she hadnt exactly been dreaming of going to U.A. her whole life like most others around her. She had dreamt of becoming a Hero and now that she was here her heart was pounding with excitement and eagerness. As she passed by other students in the halls she glanced at them with a friendly smile, some particularly catching her eye with their interesting Quirks.

Finally she made it to the door of Class A-1, stopping in front of it she took a deep breath before sliding it open and quite literally hopping inside with a bright smile toward the classroom. To her surprise it looked like most of her classmates were already there. 'Hmm...Maybe I got a little too distracted...' She thought but then mentally shrugged it off. App noticed another girl that must of just entered before her standing in front of her, a girl with what looked to be a monkey tail no less. "Hello! I'm Appolline Venetica, but you can call me App. I'm looking forward to being your classmate!" She introduced herself cheerfully to the brunette, holding out her hand for the other to shake if she so wished.
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Reactions: Shitsuji-Carty
Name: Sofie Longsford
Quirk: Super eyesight and summon illusions
Mentioned: @BlueFlameNikku @≈Evërlastiπg≈ @Queen of Null @Alis_Audāx
Location: Auditorium → Hallway → Homeroom
Interactions: @Alis_Audāx

Sofie was happy to begin her first day away from home, and at her new home for the next few years. She eagerly sat through the opening ceremony taking in all she could, even giggling a little at some of Mic's corny jokes, much to her embarrassment as some of her peers would stare. She may have failed making it into the hero course but this school was so bright and colorful, there was no way she could waste one day here without learning something new about herself or her new classmates. As the ceremony finished up Sofie was almost glued to her chair until she heard some loud explosive noises, looking to see what happened she stood on a chair and used her eyesight to see on student propelling himself into the air with what she assumed to be his quirk. she was almost in awe at what the others could do, would she ever be able to catch up to them? she thought to herself as the chair started to wobble underneath her. Sofie quickly threw down an illusion wall before she fell to the floor on her bottom, wincing in pain she quickly got herself back up and dusted herself off. looking around she hoped no one had saw her but any students behind her would have seen what happened. After collecting herself she made her way out of one building and into another.

As Sofie wandered through the hallways on her way to home room she noticed one girl more than anyone, She seemed to be skipping all around, even past her own classroom once going into it, it was a little odd, but she was probably just as excited as Sofie was. She stopped to get a drink of water before soon finding her own home room, It didn't look quite the same as the hero classroom but that because it isn't the same. opening the door she stepped into the classroom with a bright smile on her face. once inside she looked around for a second seeing some students chatting amousgt themselves as well as two girls who seemed to be on their own. One was staring out the window and didn't seemed like one to bother while the other was still looking for her place to sit maybe? She approached the girl before seeing her tail and freezing in place, her curiosity getting the better of her as she wanted to touch it but struggled to stop herself. her hands almost moving on their own she quickly used her voice to cover up what she was gonna do and go for a handshake. "h-Hi there i'm Sofie...your tail looks really soft..." she said only moments later realizing how stupid she sounded, she quickly started to turn red and wanted to hide her face from Marina but managed to hold her hands at her side for the time being.
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  • Love
Reactions: Pyralithia
Name: Marina Matsuyama
Course: General Studies
Quirk(s): Multiples/Monkey Attributes
Mentioned: The class
Location: Homeroom
Interactions: @≈Evërlastiπg≈ @Shitsuji-Carty @Queen of Null
Marina's body swiveled to the side and out of the way of the incoming students. She had not chosen a seat yet and didn't want to get in the way. However, her thoughts were broken by the bouncy new individual and her cheerful introduction, which made Marina's own body hop lightly in excitement. At last, the classroom was beginning to get full and so was her energy level.

Marina's face broke out into a bright smile and as she hopped her way closer to the one who had introduced herself as App. She quickly reached out and grasped the offered hand. She then introduced herself, "Hola! App, my name is Marina. I am looking forward to having fun in this class.". The heavy looking bags she was holding increasingly swayed as she became more excited. Threatening to spill whatever contents inside.

She was about to continue onto her next question when another voice made it's presences known. Marina was more than happy to respond, she quickly turned to the one that had introduced herself as Sofie. She reached out to shake her hand. Though, in her movement for cheerful introductions several of the contents fell out of one of the bags. "Hola Sofie! I am Marina and you are right my tail is soft. Just be careful when getting near it, for if you grab it scary things can happen.", Marina face light up in a dramatic diabolical expression.Followed by a fake sinister laugh. After a few seconds she giggled, "I am only kidding, of course". Her tail twitched in agreement.

She wiggled her way in front of the two females and made sure she was addressing them both. "However, what we can grab are the goodies in this bag.". Marina raised it higher into view, the contents that had first spilled on the floor were of several brands of snacks. She glanced over at the student already sitting by the window. "I have enough here to share with the whole class. After all, you know what they say, "Those with Quirks must work, so have a treat and move your feet!". She smiled as she recited the line from a childhood food commercial.
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Name: Sofie Longsford
Course: General studies
Quirk: Super eyesight and summon illusions
Mentioned: @everlasting @Alis_Audāx
Location: Homeroom
Interactions: @everlasting @Alis_Audāx

Sofie watched as the girl with the tail introduced herself to the other girl, then soon turned her attention back to Sofie and would introduce herself again. Her name was Marina and the other was Appolline, though she preferred to go by App. With her introduction Marina shared a little information about her tail, causing Sofie to blush a little more until she went on to make a sinister laugh and evil expression obviously making a joke out of the situation. Sofie laughed with her a little only to notice the snacks falling from her bag, there were so many different kinds. While she was messing with her bags sofie would take this opportunity to turn to Appolline and introduce herself. Still a little embarrassed from the scene before quickly tried to break through her shyness to talk to the others. H-hi there App, if you dont mind me calling you that, I'm Sofie its nice to meet you." she would say with a gentle smile coming to her face, she really was trying to be friendly, she wanted to fit in with everyone else.

Sofie would then hear the jingle of a food commerical from Marina as she offered her snacks to the whole class. Soon spotting something she liked she would point to it before asking Marina "uhhh Marina....may i have some of those fruit snacks you have?" she would ask thinking the sweet treat sounded nice before they started their morning classes.

Course: General Studies
Quirks: Senses Fail/Minimal Empath

Mentioned: Queen @Queen of Null | Appolline @Everlasting
Location: Auditorium > Courtyard > Homeroom
Interactions: N/A

Sora listened to Present Mic and the Principal speak as well as the other teachers with his stomach flip flopping in his gut the entire time. 'These are Heroes, good Heroes...' Glancing around him he saw the various students all with their own reason for being there. 'and good people. And I'm going to betray them...' He thought as he felt the rising emotions around him. Excitement, fear, impatience, inspiration. It was too much for him to take. Abruptly Sora got up and swiftly made his way to the exit, only the people around him would really notice though in the sea of students. Luckily it was almost the end of the ceremony so he wouldnt be missing much.

Once outside the Auditorium Sora slipped behind a pillar in hopes of breaking sight with the other students and teachers. Taking a few deep breaths he ran a hand through his silky multi-colored hair. Honestly he felt like he wanted to hurl, this was going to be a lot harder than he thought....After a few minutes he regained his composure though. Being away from the throngs of emotions was helping him keep his own in check. That was one nasty side effect of his "Empath" Quirk, if he was around others experiencing intense emotions too long they would start to taint his own. Like if he was around an angry mob for more than a few minutes he would eventually start to feel angry as well even if he truly wasnt. Luckily it was nothing close to his mother's ability.

Wiping a few beads of sweat from his brow Sora forced himself to focus on why he was here, to save his father. Loosening his uniform tie he sighed, he always hated wearing preppy stuff like this. Stepping out from behind the pillar he kept his head down as he made his way through the courtyard and eventually down the halls to homeroom. All the while his mismatched gaze analyzed his surroundings and fellow students with an expert eye, making mental notes. Once he arrived at his class he stepped in without hesitation, expecting to be the first to arrive. To his surprise he wasnt, there was another student, a girl. A girl he recognized nonetheless. His red and gold eyes narrowing slightly at the other informant, he took a seat farthest from her in the front row. Unlike him who was forced into this situation, she was doing it voluntarily and that made them enemies despite having the same "mission".

Sora pulled out a pair of earbuds from his pack and slid one into his right ear as he plugged them into his phone before starting his playlist while looking out the window. Trying his best to ignore the happy and excited emotions that were bombarding him as more and more students began to enter the classroom. Every now and then he would glance over to scan each new person that entered. One in particular was bursting with energy as she entered the room like a little kid hopped up on too much sugar, at Disneyland, after winning 1,000,00 yen. It was enough to finally push him out of his gloom a bit and actually enjoy this experience, while he could. The unintentional dark aura that had been surrounding him now dissipated.
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[fieldbox= Yuutsu Yoake, gray, solid]


Course: Hero
Quirk(s): Darkness Manipulation (Overt)/ Light Manipulation (Covert)
Mentioned: literally @Everyone who had posted already.
Location: Hero Course Classroom
Interactions: @EmperorsChosen

A sigh escaped Yuutsu's lips as he calmly walked through the hallways of U.A. after participating in the tedious entance ceremony. He was one of the few people the got in through recommendation but unlike others, he preferred to have that fact only to only be known by the faculty.

It was true that he belonged to a family of heroes, both particularly renowned, albeit for different reasons. But if he wishes to achieve one of his objectives then he felt like he must truly start from the ground up. He didn't want his fame to depend on his blood nor lineage... if he had depended on that, then there was no way he could prove the world wrong. Rather, he wanted to prove to everyone, whether they be heroes, villains, or ordinary citizens that it is the person, not his or her quirk that defines the hero.

However, that was just one of his long term goals. The other wasn't as simple. He needed to become stronger... without losing sight of what he is in order to confront Akane and free her from Shiso Ashikase's grasp. Yuutsu felt that U.A. would be instrumental in his quest to gain that strength and at the same time prevent such strength from corrupting his ideals.

But as mentioned before, those are just his long term goals. In order to survive the next few years, he needed to focus on the present. And right now one of his short term goals was to at least make a handful of friends. Yuu's currently on his way now towards his classroom and yet it feels like he was walking on quicksand with every step he took. It was due to how anxious he felt about meeting not just other people, but other aspiring heroes as well. Surely these people would have very interesting backgrounds and reasons why they are here at U.A.

As his reached out, visibly shaking hand managed to open the door, he saw that a bunch of students had already made it there before him, which is unsurprising considering how hesitant he was to head there right away after the entrance ceremony ended.

Among them was a green haired girl wearing sun-glasses... indoors. Yuutsu tried not to judge her though making as he quickly made an assumption that such a decision by the green haired girl must be related to the nature of her quirk.

Another girl, this time with short black hair, seemed to be deep in thought. Yuutsu tried to be considerate to her and made an active effort not to disturb her train of thought as he silently entered the room.

Glancing around again, his eye caught the sight of a girl with peculiar mix of black and red-colored hair casually playing with a shuriken which somehow acted like an improvised version of those fidget spinners that had become a fad these days. She seemed bored though but just as Yuutsu had worked up the courage to talk to her, another student, this time a guy wearing a beanie, had addressed the fidget-spinner redhead before he could. He somehow referred to her as a cosplayer though, which did strike Yuutsu as weird but he wasn't about to argue with anyone on his first day.

A couple of students were also gathered near the entrance of the room, apparently intrigued by one of the students' mutations of a monkey tail. One of the girls sported white hair comparable to the color of snow and an equally light complexion. The other girl also had white hair, though not as "pure" as the first girl, but what truly differentiated her from the first girl was her chocolate brown complexion and her...

"Holy shit, it's the first time I've seen a loli in my life! I guess U.A. really does bring in all sorts of unique people, huh?" Yuu thought. Despite how much the cheerfulness of the small group tempted Yuu to join in their gathering as well, he refrained from butting in out of consideration.

Another student entered, a black haired guy this time around and casually took a seat. Although Yuu couldn't help but feel like this person was a lot more observant than you average student. He dispelled it as nothing more than excessive curiosity. Yuutsu avoided him for now as he didn't want to be scrutinized by a stranger just yet.

Finally, he saw a mature-looking, yet beautiful girl sitting by the windows. She had long, flowing black hair, great proportions, and a beautiful, yet intimidating face. She was looking at the ground and that's when Yuu noticed those scorch marks and the bewildered students and curious passer-by investigating them.

Seeing such a sight made Yuu instinctively whistle and blurt out a comment towards the black haired girl.

"I don't suppose you caused that, right?" He mused.

Realizing how rude he must have sounded, Yuu immediately bowed apologetically to the girl and apologized profusely.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to blame you for that scene down there. It must have been caused by a student that's too eager to use his/her quirk." said Yuu in an apologetic voice.

He glanced at the girl warily and nervously extended a hand for a friendly handshake. "My name's Yuutsu. It's nice to meet you!" With how nervous Yuu sounded, the girl would possibly derive two things from him. Either he was genuinely afraid of her, which is not true, or he was just a nervous wreck.

Hopefully she can look past with how awkward their interaction started and they could actually become friends.


Location: Unknown
Name: Shiso Ashikase & Akane Yoake

In an undisclosed location somewhere in Japan, a red haired girl in her late teens was having a relaxing cup of tea with a black haired girl who was around the same age. Even though the entire estate they were in exhibited an explainable amount of hopelessness and dread, she was still smiling from ear to ear as Akane thoroughly enjoyed every moment she had with "her". From an observer's point of view, there were simply far too many differences between them which made it quite baffling how they got along so well. For starters, Akane wore a stylish jacket over a plain white shirt, covering a camisole of the same color, skin-tight pants, and boots while the black haired girl wore a black uniform akin to those conservative, knee-length school uniforms one would usually find in Kyoto. Another distinct difference was there personality with Akane being bright, loud and chipper while her companion being calm, reserved, and conniving.

But Akane didn't know who this black haired girl is nor much less who she was for that matter. What mattered to her was the sole fact that she was with the black haired princess and she would do anything for her. Right now, only the princess' happiness mattered for

Unknown to the unfortunate redhead, it had already been nearly a decade since she had fallen victim to the Villain "Dementia's" grasp. Her previous life, her identity, her memories, everything had been taken from her with that one foolish act of self-derision and she had unknowingly caused more pain to her family instead of bringing them peace of mind by running away from home only to be brain washed and taken by the villains. Still, she should be aware of that as she continues to live her life in blissful ignorance, only ever caring about the black haired princess' whims.

"Ojou-chan~ You seem to be in a really great mood than usual today! Did something good happen?" Akane asked as she eyed the black haired girl.

"Why yes, my dear Akane. Today is quite the momentous day. Didn't you know?" Replied the school uniform princess.

"Hm? Wait, don't tell me it's your birthday?!" Akane was about to hurriedly leave the room in blind panic were it not for the school uniform princess motioning her to stop.

"It's not my birthday Akane. But today is a very important day not just for me, but for you as well. Because if I remember correctly, this is the day... when our little game begins."

Pausing for a moment to sip some tea, Shiso Ashikase smirked wickedly while gazing at a picture of her "cute" little cousin.

"Now then, Yuutsu. I wonder how you'll try to win our little wager? Well then, let the games begin!"

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Reactions: Pyralithia
[GALLERY=media, 15228][/GALLERY]
Reika (Rei) Hamasaki
Course: Hero
Quirk: Medusa
Mentioned: Red Rose (@Sasha Bliss), Yoshio Bakugo (@BlueFlameNikku), *Takagi Sunemizuki (@EmperorsChosen), Yuutsu Yoake (@Accelerator)
Location: Hero Homeroom
Interactions: None

Before too long, more people were entering the classroom, prompting Reika to glance in their direction. Her eyes had reverted back to normal, but the sunglasses stayed in place none-the-less – at least for now. The first girl seemed to be... enthusiastic maybe? She sure looked kind of jittery. She had planted herself in the dead center of the room, a place Reika always assumed was meant for attention-seekers. Should Rei try to strike up a conversation? What better way to blend in than to make friends? Her mouth opened. "Hey-" but she was cut off by some guy landing on a desk just inside the window.

Her eyes were wide, but not visible behind those shades. Were those explosions she saw? Was it really necessary to enter the classroom that way? Hooligan. Feet up on a desk, jumping through windows, not dressing to school code. Secretly all things she wished she could do. Reika glanced down at her own uniform, tugging a little at the hem of her skirt and squirming a little in her seat. So short and so embarrassing. Unable to stop it from happening, a blush lit her face in pale pink. So she turned her face away to stare at the wall, realizing that her attempt to start a conversation had been interrupted, maybe for a reason. It would probably be easier to avoid making any friends, and it was definitely easier to not get attached – thinking negative thoughts about every person she saw should help.

Not long later, another girl entered that actually caught her eye. Gorgeous long hair and a pretty face. Reika's back straightened to subconsciously fix her posture, her eyes trailing the dark-haired girl who had entered last. Totally my type…! Rei stared a little too long as the girl sat and peered out the window, turning her eyes back to her own desk only after noticing that she'd been gawking. So obvious - please don't notice me staring at you! The shade of pink on her cheeks became deeper in color. The question now was to decide whether she should try to make friends or not. On one hand – friends… She glanced over at the raven-haired beauty – that you will stab in the back one day. On the other hand – loneliness, deep depression, and the avoidance of harming people's feelings.

Before she realized it, her tongue flickered out – the long, forked tongue that came with her serpentine qualities. She quickly slapped a hand over her mouth to trap it back inside. I thought I had more control than this! What is happening to me?! I'm gonna get punished for sure when I get home if I don't shape up. She straightened her back again, this time while trying to make herself seem less like an annoyed and slightly love-struck teenager. Start a conversation? Yes? No? Yes…? She looked at the other students in the classroom, debating her options. Meanwhile, some white-haired guy was already swooping in and striking up a conversation with the long-haired girl. He didn't even hesitate. "Tsk." Reika clicked her tongue, wrinkling her nose up at his social ease. The ire lasted only a second though, and Rei let out a defeated sigh, her shoulders slumping visibly.
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Red Rose
Hero Course
Weapon Memorization X Blink

Red had been playing with her shuriken when she heard a few explosions, she put it off as nothing before she continued, cause you know it's a school that trains heroes. It was then when a boy around her age walked up to her and asked if she was some kind of cosplaying ninja? Red was surprised by the sudden question from the boy and dropped the shuriken on the drop, for the metal to clang against the floor. She looked over to see a blonde boy, who was wearing a hoodie, and drinking a grape soda. Out of all the people to come and talk to her it was a boy who looked like a delinquent and the question was odd in on its own. He also could have been bit more considerate, in Red's opinion cause when she looked over he cut off two other people.

"Um uh no I just um was bored" she said picking up the shuriken off the ground before letting it dissipate into her quirk. "I made it with my quirk."

"I'm Red, Red Rose" she paused for a moment. "What's your name?" Red asked with a nervous smile. 'he seems like he might be nice' she thought looking at the boy. This was probably one of her few chances to see what people thought about her or more so part of quirk.

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[fieldbox="Yuuki Ishida, gold, solid"]


Name: Yuuki Ishida
Course: Hero
Quirk: Aura of Will
Mentioned: @Everyone In Hero's Homeroom
Location: Halls---> Hero Homeroom
Interactions: @SoleStride

Rubbing his head as he walked down the hallway, he could still hear Present Mic's voice ringing in his head. He understood that you would most certainly hear that guy's voice but was it that necessary to use him for the opening ceremony? Well eventually that man's voice would fade from his head, he would stop walking for a moment to check his text messages from his mom who was wishing him a great first day, followed by listen to your teachers and don't hang around with bad crowds. Which she more so meant by Hero's that were more aggressive in their approach. After all you can still be good yet be disliked by the public's eye.

Making his way to the classroom he could already see it filling up, a smile was growing on his face before it faded into shock when an explosion went off followed by a man appearing. Talk about arriving in style, he could tell who his mom would dislike already when he would speak about the class later. Everyone else seemed rather tame so far. The explosion guy was already chatting away with this young woman. He also saw a rather rough looking female who looked like she enjoyed giving a back breaker or two. Yet she didn't eat the white haired kids head off yet so don't judge a book by its cover was at work here, and then another female with green hair and sunglasses who was looking around. Then it happened. For a split second which she covered up quickly, was a tongue that didn't fit for normal human tongues. That. Was. Awesome. Yet she then let out a sigh and slumped her shoulder in what seemed like defeat.

Curious about why he would walk over and sit at the desk in front of her pulling the chair out and sat in it backwards so he could talk to her. "Hey! Whats the defeated expression all about? Is it cause I saw.." He was about to say tongue out loud but caught himself and pointed at his mouth to signal tongue. He hoped she got the hint as he didn't wish to open his mouth and be disgusting to signal tongue. "If so, then that aint nothing to be worried over. We got people that have antlers and wings. Its a normal thing! In fact it was kinda cool." He said grinning and chuckling a bit.[/fieldbox]

Name: Takagi Sunemizuki
Course: Hero Course
Quirk: Keratin Manipulation
Location: Hero Course Classroom
The room had grown quite busy in the short time she had been seated, though that was to be expected. Even if it was the first day, students wouldn't be allowed to loiter around and move at their leisure. It had a schedule to keep, after all. Likely class would have already begun on any typical days, but with it being the day of inauguration the staff probably wanted to allow the alumni to celebrate with friends and peers. Scowling a bit at that, mainly due to the prior, or lack thereof. Friends were a commodity that Takagi unfortunately was quite horrible in acquiring. Not that she needed any, of course—but looking over at those that were already conversing, it did look somewhat nice...

With a sigh, Takagi moved her focus away from what she lacked and resumed looking back out the window, but a strange sensation distracted her. Perhaps it was simply some leftover paranoia from her time on the streets, but it felt like someone was watching her, or more accurately burning a hole through her. Resting her chin in her upright palm, she attempted to casually look over to her right, but all she took note of were the students socializing and then the green-haired girl that made it in before her. The girl appeared to be nervous about something. Maybe it was her...?

Suddenly, Takagi was brought out of her search for the spectator. A boy had approached her and commented on the markings outside, wondering if perhaps she was the cause of it. Opening her mouth to respond, her classmate suddenly turned guilty, bowing and apologizing rapidly. Not only did it cut her off from speaking, but it startled her somewhat. It wasn't exactly very rude, or at least she didn't take it as hostile. Then again, going from his sudden one-eighty Takagi wasn't sure if the boy was capable of being hostile. He was either afraid she was going to rip his head off or panicking mess regardless.

Waving her hand in an attempt to calm him, she didn't want people glancing over and thinking she was bullying him or something. "I-It's fine! It's fine! ...Nothing to make such a big deal over..." She assured. Usually some smart-assed retort would've followed but Takagi was a bit afraid of teasing him with how nervous he seemed to be.

Taking his hand in hers and shaking it, she replied. "I'm Takagi... And you have no need to be so worried. My quirk is neither scorching the ground nor do I bite... much." Smirking as she purposely added in that last part to taunt him, it seemed that despite fear of how he'd react, it was hard to beat programming. "You can relax." As for the burns on the ground, she had her own hypothesis regarding the perpetrator. Though while she had not witnessed whomever caused the dent in the ground, Takagi had her suspicions. Tracing the trajectory straight up from the marking, it intersected with an open window in the class. Glancing over, there was one student's attitude that seemed to fit. Though perhaps stereotyping, her money was on the guy with his feet kicked up, a drink in his hands and a beanie covering his blonde hair. She probably wasn't too far off.

"Yes... everyone is quite excited, aren't they?"

Mentioned: @BlueFlameNikku @SoleStride
Interactions: @Accelerator
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Name: Jack Kennedy
Course: Hero
Quirk(s): Overgrow
Mentioned: @Hero Homeroom
Location: See Above
Interactions: Anyone who speaks English.

Jack ran through the hallways at full speed. Unable to read any of the signs on his way here, he'd gotten lost three separate times just trying to get to school, and now that he'd finally gotten here, he had no idea where the hero course homeroom was. He was rapidly beginning to regret having agreed to come out to Japan for his education, as he scrambled desperately through the halls. He knew he was late, he must have been late by now, and he didn't want to be late on his first day. Normally he wouldn't care, but being this was his best shot at being a hero, so for once, he was putting effort into things. Coming to a stop outside of the only door he had yet to check, he stopped, taking a moment to catch his breath before opening the door. A group of U.A. students were inside, but Jack had no clue as to whether or not these were his fellow hero course students. It was the same as every other room: full of strangers speaking in a language he couldn't understand.

"Can anyone tell me where to find the hero course? I'd prefer english, since I don't speak a word of Japanese," he said more to himself than anyone else, as the realization that he'd likely be trapped behind a some desk doing work for some lame, dead end company weighed heavy on his shoulders. He'd never be able to live something like this down, at least not for himself. He'd wanted to be a hero for so long, and now he'd finally gotten the one in a million chance that only came around in old comic books, only to have it crash and burn against impenetrable language barriers. He let out a heavy sigh. What was the point? He didn't even know how to access the power that had gotten him into this school, and even if he did, he still wouldn't be able to understand a damn word of any of his classes.

Maybe he could get some sort of device that translated things for him from a support-course hero, but it's not like he'd be able to ask them for one, since they didn't share a language with him either. There was no way his parents, poor farmers from the country, could hope to afford paying for hero schooling, and he sure as hell knew that he didn't have that kind of money. Freelance heroics were illegal in America, unless you were certified, and there was no way he'd be getting a Vigilante License without an education in heroics. Were he religious, he probably would have been praying for some miracle english-speaker to appear, but he wasn't, so he didn't bother. Regardless of what happened, he was going to have a long talk with the hero who'd nominated him for U.A. about why exactly he'd been sent here, as opposed to some school where the teachers spoke english.
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[GALLERY=media, 15228][/GALLERY]
Reika (Rei) Hamasaki
Course: Hero
Quirk: Medusa
Mentioned: Yuuki Ishida (@zane620)
Location: Hero Homeroom
Interactions: Yuuki Ishida (@zane620)

The girl nearly yelped, uncertain herself of how she held it back, when some boy plopped down in the chair in front of her and started talking to her. Me? He's talking to me? She glanced to both sides quickly, determining instantaneously that he was, in fact, trying to speak to her. Her hand was clenching loosely at her chest where she was sure her heart was trying to leap out. Saying that she had been surprised was a severe understatement. The sudden interaction about caused her to have palpitations.

It took a few seconds for the process of realization, to understanding, to reaction, to work itself out - but when she reacted, she sure did react. Her cheeks were already tinged with pink before the boy showed up, but now they were practically glowing with color – the effect of a mixture of extreme embarrassment, sudden shock, and overwhelming joy. Oh my gosh, someone's talking to me! I'm so embarrassed I could die. Being complimented, if that's what it was, was like catnip to a feline. Had she ever been complimented before? For a few seconds, there was nothing but delight and some other weird emotion that she couldn't place that made her want to burst into happy tears. Was that still happiness or was it something else? That was followed immediately by humiliation and some low-level self-loathing – amateur stuff really.

What was she getting so excited for? The girl slapped a hand to her face, causing the sunglasses to push painfully into the corners of her eyes, which in turn caused her to flinch and exclaim "Ow!" while lifting her hand a little to ease the pressure without removing it. "…N-No… It's not the tongue…" It was the understanding that, even if only for a brief instant, she'd gotten sidetracked enough to shift without meaning to. Her mother would give her a lashing if she knew. Reika shook her head, trying to keep her burning face hidden behind her hand. Pull yourself together, seriously. But… he's laughing. And smiling. Smiling and laughing! People DO this with each other! More palpitations. This day was already so exciting. "You…?" She struggled to get the words out, trying her hardest to sound as casual as possible. But the poor girl was transparent enough. "I mean - What's your Quirk then?" She cleared her throat. "Is it cool?" Is this how small-talk is made? With peers? She tried to think back to the last time she'd spoken with a peer, but she was home-schooled villain-style and never remembered having many peers to have normal conversations with.
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Name: Yoshio Bakugo
Course: Hero
Quirk(s): Chain-Reaction
Mentioned: N/A
Location: Hero Homeroom
Interactions: @Sasha Bliss

Yoshio Bakugo continued to be oblivious to the other students now pouring into hero homeroom as he listened to his fashionably red peer student. His eyes would dart down to the shuriken as it clanged against the floor not expecting her to drop but not much. "Oh, its some kind of creation quirk then I guess. I hear those kinds of quirks can be pretty good." he'd respond to her explanation of why the shuriken was a thing before taking another sip of his beverage. He figured there had to be more to the quirk than just making shuriken but for the moment he wouldn't pry about it, maybe in a little bit.

Just as Yoshio thought everything was going smoothly; of course the custom of exchanging names comes up. The moment the red cloaked girl asks Yoshio his name he had put his drink down and pushed one of his palms into his forehead. His father's name has never done anything for him accept grant him for enemies than friends as he grew up. He always ended up getting into fights because others wanted to best him cause he was Bakugo's son and no one wanted to be his friend because of the previous reason. Not to mention the incident and events involving his older brother Daiki only ever made things worse. An entire family of volatile misfits the teachers and parents would always say or the other kids only ever saw him as the younger brother to a villain.

Realizing that he had drifted off in his thoughts Yoshio scratched the back of his head and started laughing with a goofy smile. "My bad I was just thinking about something not important. Nice to meet ya Red. Um...my name...um...you can just call me Yoshio if that's alright?" He tried putting up a smile to mask his worry about not wanting history to repeat itself at least on the first day. "Hey so what actually is your quirk anyway huh?" He'd quickly change the subject back to quirks in attempt to dodge any questions about not wanting to share his last name; hoping that it would work.
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