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~ GM Post ~

Events in the known world.

This GM post serves to bring news and rumours of what happens in the world. While some events might be vague rumours, twisted by the many mouths that spin the tales into something unimaginable, there are many more occurrences that will impact the clans and nations across the known world. Some events might be orchestrated in secret or openly by nations and clans, in a bid to weaken neighbours or rivals. At the same time, some events are the result of decisions (or lack thereof) in any shape or form.

The current year is 477 ADS,
The current month is July,
This GM post is not without plots and secretive actions of others.~

* ADS = After the Death of the Sage.

In the West.

[ Sayyadian Kingdom ]

The turmoil within the far western reaches of the Sayyadian kingdom has started to spill out further. The chaos has even halted Sayyadian advances and plans to break the defences the Fang legions handled. The horde of Gallasians has yet to be stopped with suffering only minor losses in local skirmishes against brave Sayyadians. Despite the quality of the Sayyadian troops surpassing that of the Galassians, the latter has yet to acknowledge any thresholds that these minor defeats would entitle.
A large detachment from the horde has split into various groups, starting to go on a murderous rampage. Settlements not enjoying any form of walled security are set ablaze, their people butchered and livestock taken.

Two options are now painfully presented for the Sayyadian reinforcements - meant to obliterate or drive off the Galassian barbarians: The murdering and razing bands of Galassians on a rampage or targetting the still immense horde that still ventures eastwards.
Despite various prominent Sayyadians lobbying to focus their might on the Galassian horde, most officers and leaders have voiced their concern for the ravage caused by the large bands of marauders.
As such, the Sayyadians have even withdrawn from their front with the Fang country to contest this vicious threat.
The decision has led to various victories of the Sayyadians decimating the Galassian marauders - who aren't adjusted to fight opponents that deploy advanced military tactics and equipment.

But still, the Galassian horde is advancing eastwards - heading for the Akinian and Sayyadian border. Their route is going alongside the somewhat fertile grounds, causing some fear of the neighbouring countries that this horde can split and cause a ravage in the likes of the occupied Claw country.

[ The Earth Country ]

The ongoing civil war in the Earth country has yet to be determined. Blood is flowing as mothers weep for their lost sons and husbands. Fathers bury their sons and are then instructed to be ready for the next battle. Chaos and violence have replaced prosperity and peace.
The opposition gains various victories, the Dragon's Servants obtaining some ground and essential settlements. This shift has not gone unnoticed by the clans within the nation - some of these clans debating to switch sides and strengthen the Dragon's Servants.

The presence of the mercenary company composed out of Northerners has been a crucial component for various victories. There are even rumours that an emissary is sent from the Lightning to speak with the leaders of the Dragon's Servants.
Regardless of whether this is a mere rumour originating from doubt and fear, it has made some parties in the Dragon Mother's faction hesitant.

These Northern forces have started to aid their allies, causing a shift of discipline and increased morale among the troops of the Dragon's Servants. More elaborate tactics have been sighted, winning various skirmishes and battles for the Dragon's Servants thanks to their Northerner mercenaries.
Meanwhile, in the south, the Tokugawa mercenaries have started to leave a trail of blazing destruction. This versatile force has, however, not kept the majority of wealth to itself. But instead have distributed it to neutral settlements, proclaiming the generosity of the Dragon Mother.

Now both sides seek to reinforce their losses and mount large military operations against each other - in a bid to end the succession crisis and civil war. The presence of both Tokugawa and Northerner troops making it clearer that foreign powers are starting to make a final bid as well to support their chosen faction.

[ The Empire of Akino ]

[ The Tokugawa Clan ]

Some tension has ebbed away. The decrease of Senju forces on the border has been sighted. But the presence of Inuzuka hound units has caused the Tokugawa to embargo the Senju clan - much to the chagrin of various Senju and other parties. Some of these merchants have come together to lobby the Tokugawa court to retract this decree. But the Tokugawa leadership still demands the entire military force of the Senju and her allies to withdraw from the border - less the Senju desire to provoke an even harsher reaction.

On top of this, security is still on a high within various important Tokugawa cities and districts. While there haven't been any major clandestine activities before, the Tokugawa have yet to decrease their diligence. There are rumours that the Tokugawa are even on the hunt for a demon. Many claim that this rumour is born out of some weird urban legend aligning with the previous turmoil present within various Tokugawa cities.

Some people state that a portion of Tiger Claws has ventured to Vindex, likely seeking an audience with the Lord Tokugawa. Some people wonder how such a meeting will go, while many focus on surviving the day and don't worry about the political machinations at work.

[ The Senju Clan ]

The Senju population is currently divided. Some are uncaring for the embargo of the Tokugawa clan - focusing on the plans of their leaders set out for them. However, many Senju that bear some sense of pride are disgusted by the Tokugawa demands and hope that the Senju will not give in to these damned demands.
The Inuzuka clan, a vassal of the Senju, have been relatively neutral about it, stating that they trust the Senju's call and will faithfully support their overlords.

A calming factor has been an increased number of Unkei missionaries bringing supplies and wares for the Senju to rebuild various damaged or troubled sectors within their heartlands. The Senju leadership has approved the Unkei's presence on the condition that the local populace can determine if they want them. If not? Then the Unkei should respect these desires and move on.
The Unkei clan has given a polite response that they wouldn't dare to trespass and will continue to aid the Senju. Some whispers already reached the Senju court that an Unkei envoy has been spotted - travelling southwards.

An unexpected arrival that may bring some complications is that of a Yakimara envoy, bearing the banners of the Yamanaka clan. This envoy seems to travel towards the capital of the Senju clan, though some individuals have voiced that they could be mistaken.

[ The Fief of Mitsuokan, Riojin Clan ]

Hard work is often rewarded with free days or festivals. An occurrence that is now taking place within the Riojin governed fief of Mitsuokan. With nobody attempting to disturb their peace, the Riojin clan's leadership plans to organise festivals to boost morale and promote the Imperial peace.

These plans have proceeded without any hindrances. They have been boosted with the arrival of Tamiyo send caravans to promote the Riojin-Tamiyo cooperation. Many of the locals are pretty pleased with the current situation. But there are a few individuals who whisper doubts and some fears. At the same time, the Tamiyo aid the Riojin; some are worried that this display is nothing more than an undertone of Tamiyo dominance over the Riojin clan.
If these concerns are true or not, many don't seem to care and just look forward to the various festive events being planned.

[ The Miyazato heartlands, of Matsukotan ]

A battle has broken out between the militia force of the Miyazato, supported by Imperial troops, against the 'Kotaku Clan'. Even while the Kotaku clan forces had fortified their positions, they were quickly overwhelmed by the combined numbers and strength of the Miyazato-Imperial troops.
Some of the Kotaku's leaders were captured, but it turned out that this victory was bittersweet, for the leader of the 'Kotaku clan' escaped before the Miyazato led the attack.

Nonetheless, development has continued for the Miyazato clan. The permanent status of the fiefdom granted to the Miyazato has sped up various plans. The multiple exchanges with local nobility and their marriages have allowed the Miyazato clan to strengthen their position.
Aligned with this increased control has been the increased happiness with the local population. Despite some people being worried about where these 'Kotaku' came from, many locals are pleased with their new Miyazato overlords.

As the Imperial contingent travels back with the prisoners, a Yamanaka envoy has arrived within the region - seeking an audience with the Miyazato leadership.

[ The Fief of Bellenau, Yamanaka Clan ]

A sudden outburst of violence has spilt in various locations. Despite the fast responding troops of the Yamanaka reinforcing the Imperial peace, various Yakimara as Taika locals has been brutally murdered.
Investigations have so far pointed out that weapons have been smuggled within the region. On top of that, a portion of the Taika population has been riled up to resist their Yakimara governance. This tragic flow of events is still a mystery at large, but hostility is rising between the Yakimara and Taika local populations within the fiefdom.

The Taika population demands fair treatment, fearing that the Yamanaka clan will side with their Yakimara subjects - favouring their cultural kin more than any Taika subject. These Taika have organised a coalition of settlements, nicking themselves 'The Banners of Tikonari'.
At the same time, the Yakimara subjects demand that the Taika populations are resettled as a blood price for the spilt blood. These Yakimara have organised themselves as a coalition of their own, going by the 'Voices of Garthram'.

With the investigation ongoing, it is clear that something has to be done to prevent more hostility to arise between the two angry factions.

In the North.

[ The North | Dominion of Lightning ]

[ The North ]

The North has been relatively peaceful. The governance of the Ranzaki dynasty has allegedly established clear decrees that allow commerce and industry to flourish again among the nomadic and settled clans.
This peace has seemingly encouraged various clans as the Northern nation itself to invest in maritime affairs. The Northern navy has seen an increase in shipbuilding, rebuilding their numbers slowly from what they lost due to the events within the succession conflict.
The Alaricus clan has started to gain more commerce from the south. An astonishing development has been an increase of Hon traders. Tensions briefly seemed high with the Hon traders emerging, but these newcomers have yet to breach any law so far. Some of the Alaricus wonder if this is a time to let their past go. However, the majority still distrust these Hon barbarians and demand that their profits be taxed - as a beginning repayment for the ancestral Hon's crimes against their people.

Further North, an interesting development has started to take place. The Sanosuke vessels tend to be a common sight within the cold waters. While the Sanosuke still dominate the trade routes and waters, there seems to be a slight decrease. Some people are worried that the Sanosuke clans are preparing for something big, but nobody is entirely sure.

Currently, the Northern leadership is investing primarily in the country's infrastructure. Paved roads are reinforced and improved, whereas productive dirt roads are adapted to better stone, paved roads. This focus has allowed wealth to flow in some of the country's hinterlands - to the joy of the local populations.

In the South.

[ The Jirou Authority ]

[ The Jirou Authority ]

Bad news seems to find the Authority's capital relatively easily. First, the Jirou Authority has received a Sayyadian request to send some troops westwards to reinforce their fight against the Galassian barbarians. The Sayyadians have expressed that they will be grateful if the Jirou Authority joins their struggle - not even needing many troops. According to the Sayyadians own estimations, they reckon that a force of four thousand Jirians can bring a big difference.
However, not much soon after, news has reached the capital. Revenue in the form of taxes and wares from the Akechi clan has come to a sudden halt. Confusion has arisen, and many merchants complain about this new obstruction. What further has complicated matters is that any flotilla or squadron of Jirian ships have been warned to stay away - unless they desire to provoke the wrath of the Akechi defences or war vessels.

Rumours are spreading fast that the Akechi clan has decided to revolt against the Jirou Authority, causing many to prepare for another civil war. But those adept in politics have pointed out that the Akechi clan is isolating themselves - not striking or being openly hostile unless approached. Nor have the Akechi clan called out for other clans to join their isolation campaign.

Undoubtedly, the other clans and vassal states have taken an interest and watch these developments with much curiosity.

[ The Akechi Clan ]

The preparations have gone swimmingly. Food stockpiles have been organised and prepared for a long time without outside aid or trade. Wares have been stockpiled to allow the Akechi industry to continue for some time as an envoy is sent to the capital to inform the Roju of their intention.
The Akechi envoy heralds that they will continue their isolation and not fund the state through taxations or produces until the Roju himself - without a navy or large entourage - comes to the Akechi clan's capital.

All outsiders have been expelled and banned until the situation with the Roju is discussed. No Akechi ship will set sail, nor will any vessels be allowed to dock in their port.

The Akechi clan has already decreased some relations with minor clans that enjoy wealth through trade and industry, through the Akechi waters and islands. Especially the O'zu vassal island has prepared troops to quickly act in violence - clearly intending to take the Akechi settlements on their large island.

[ The Mizuno Clan ]

The Mizuno clan continues to engage with talks with the other Great Clans. The sudden withdrawal of the Akechi clan has, however, caused a slight with the Mizuno.
As a result, the Mizuno clan has reacted in a spiteful fashion. They sent out a small squadron of their warships and waved a large banner with a reproduced Akechi banner drenched in honey. In the range of the Akechi port artillery, the Mizuno crews shouted various accusations.

However, the Mizuno clan has also sent a small force to the O'zu island. The intention of this force is unclear, but many people wager that it is to reinforce the O'zu vassal forces - if it comes to an armed conflict with the Akechi clan.
[ The Battle of Jinseong | Sevudia | Eastern Continent ]
[ Meilin Cho | Jounin of Team 4 | A Lieutenant of the Axebiters, 11th Imperial Division ]
[ "We are going to burn this place down. And no need for prisoners!" ]

The stench of sweat mixed with blood spilt guts and a few other scents that Meilin didn't need to know what their origin was. The company, under the leadership of its captain, positioned itself in some foliage. The wounded had been escorted away by a skeleton crew as the remainder of the Akinians readied themselves. Despite knowing that the enemy fielded many more troops, the atmosphere was tense - everyone seemed eager to fight one more time to end the day and this threat.
Glancing over her shoulder, Meilin took the sight of her platoon in. She noticed some expressions that revealed their fear and yet anger. The mud and blood created a horrifying view of the group. But Meilin reasoned that it must have been because she was used to seeing them in a cleaner state.
Turning her gaze back at the vast camp, Meilin noticed the large plums of smoke rising in the air. Faintly, sounds of people screaming and shouting were mixed with fire tearing through the material of tents. Then as in some fever dream, horse riders started to charge out of the smoke. Wary of this sight, Meilin's grip on her sword tightened. But upon closer inspection, she noticed how the increasing number of equestrians steered away from their direction and heading to the nearby hills.

Then a few banners became visible. Dirtied by ash, mud and blood, the black and royal blue field was stained. Yet by some miracle or divine intervention was the Imperial Sun visible - its white a stark contrast with the other colours.

"Akino Victor!"

The shouts left the lips of many soldiers as they charged forwards upon sighting the iconic Imperial banner. Repeating the battlecry, Meilin started to sprint forwards in unison with the soldiers around her.
From different directions, the shouts were repeated, revealing more Imperial Akinians storming out of their cover - as if they had waited for the specific moment to assault the Rongese encampment.
Rushing into the smoke, Meilin didn't halt her pace upon sighting two confused Rongese. Judging by their expressions, they certainly weren't expecting dozens of Akinians to come charging out of the cloud of smoke and ash.
Swinging her sword, Meilin delivered a mortal blow to one. Before the second could respond, Meilin gripped her weapon with both weapons and shoved it forwards - the thrust manoeuvring the tip through the second Rongese's stomach.
Jerking her weapon out of the dying Rongese, Meilin noticed how the violence once more plagued the Rongese encampment. Without any clear leadership or organisation, the regular footsoldiers were powerless against the Imperial charge.

Feeling her anger rise, as if it was some sentient beast that riled her up to take more Rongese lives, Meilin continued onwards.
"On me," Meilin ordered her platoon as she continued forwards. Spotting a dozen of Rongese attempting to make a wall of spears and shields, Meilin raised her blade. A fierce blue hue quickly enveloped the edge as the Cho shouted, her anger turning into something sweet as the steel pierced through the Rongese square shield and bite deep in the man's arm. His shriek of agony and fear only prolonging Meilin's rush. Before any of the other spearmen could act, the blear sound of other Akinians slamming in the wall resonated.
The Rongese attempt was shredded within mere seconds as a few of them fled while the others were cut down.

Lightly panting, some movement caught Meilin's attention. At the centre of the camp was the fortified position. Probably where the elite and commanders resided, she saw a large group hacking their way through the Rongese and charging in the fortified place with near effort. The sounds of Rongese war horns resonated loud as some desperate call for help. Help against the furious heathen invaders that seemed to be in a rush and near unstoppable.
Turning around, Meilin inspected the visible soldiers for a quick moment.
She noticed familiar faces at the ready, such as Mamoru, or a few others that happily aided the spreading fire to torch down the Rongese camp further.
"Damnit, where the fuck is that Hyuzu vanished to?" Meilin muttered to herself as she looked around. "Alright," Meilin raised a fist to gain the attention of her platoon around her. "We are going to burn this place down. And no need for prisoners!"
Many responded with a yell or shouting, banging their weapon against their shield before following their lieutenant deeper into the troubled camp.
[ Battle of Nangxi | Lagyre, Eastern Continent ]
[ A clash between the Northerners against an unknown Rongese army. ]
[ Satoshi Jun | Jounin of Team 3 ]

Satoshi's gaze was fixated on the scenery in front of him. The tension was near tangible as he waited together with the others in an ambush. From what he had learned, the plan was easily executed on paper. However, Satoshi had enough experience that not everything would always go according to plan. Deciding to focus on his part, Satoshi banished any doubts and ponderings on what could go wrong. There would be victory, nothing else.
Satoshi's sword was already out of its sheath, the cold steel clean from any blood and mud. Weighing the weapon in his hand, Satoshi did throw a look at his right.

The first few rows of crouched Northerners was armed with the typical long Taika spears. Some foliage had been placed to make the crouched troops hard to spot - hopefully near impossible with their attention upon the cavalry led by Lord Raikage, Nariko.
Behind were contingents of clan forces, such as the Sanosuke and Alaricus that wielded shields and sidearms - ideal troops to fill in any breach and drive away any enemy forces. It was a somewhat odd sight, spotting the three distinct clans and people together - all ready to fight someone else instead of each other. Satoshi wondered if this would create a lasting effect, but before his mind could explore that thought more, sounds in the distance attracted his attention.

The ground started to tremble ever so slightly. It took a few seconds before they could spot Nariko and his cavalry dashing in sight. Satoshi's heart skipped a beat upon sighting his brother - leading his riders. It filled the Jun with a sense of pride and yet worry.
But the plan required delicate timing, or else the enemy had the time to respond correctly. Using his free hand to gesture to his officers to hold, Satoshi's eyes narrowed. Nariko's force came rapidly closer, followed closely by the Rongese cavalry. It was now clear that there was no point of return. They had to fight and win today; that was all that mattered.
Nariko's cavalry was allowed to pass through the open gaps in Satoshi's troops - that rapidly closed after the last horsemen were through.
"For the North!" Satoshi yelled as he jumped up and pointed his katana towards the enemy.

His forces jumped from their position - their weapons aimed forwards. The sound of surprised horses neighing or men screaming out of agony was mixed with the clouds of spinning splinters and powdered wood. Arrows would be released with a soft buzz, producing a lethal song before taking down more Rongese. The mere moment of surprise was all that Satoshi and his detachment needed to press on. Without any mercy, the Northerners unleashed vicious attacks on the surprised Rongese troops.
Joining the fray, Satoshi quickly lashed out - his blade leaving a deep gash in a Rongese. In quick and fluid succession, Satoshi's blade was directed in a quick jab. The steel punctured the cloth and flesh of the Rongese horseman quickly, tearing through the material and tissue. Grunting, Satoshi pulled his weapon free as he already saw another Rongese horseman spurring his mount forwards. Grabbing the hilt of his blade with both hands, Satoshi waited. He lowered his body and lashed out just before the horseman could steer away from the predicted path. His sword bit deep in the horse's leg and caused it to fall forwards - head first to the ground. The smack on the terrain was lost in the ambience of the battle raging around them. The Rongese attempted to get up, but Satoshi spared no thought, nor did he hesitate. Simply stabbing the man with a quick thrust in the neck, the Jun already turned around.
The battle was off with a good start, but who would become victorious wasn't decided yet.

[The Blue Raven And The Rising Dragon]
[ Battle of Jingseong| Sevudia, Eastern Continent ]
[ The Gwade Rangers+ Soldiers from the 11th]
[A collab done by Autumn and Oblivion]
[ With the Imperial attack on the Rongese encampment launching, a portion of the 11th Brigade prepares for a special but risky endeavour. To cut the head of the Rongese army off. For a plan in mind, Kazumo decides to 'recruit' Hylli as the two ready and fight their way in the Rongese camp.]

Some of the Rangers suggested he go back with the wounded but he wasn't budging on his choice to keep fighting. A lot of his future resided on this battle and he wanted to make sure he stayed with it until the end. He already had his plan, hence why when they meet up with the 11th quickly. He took Hylli with him and she was very pivotal to what could make or break his plan. He did fail to inform Meilin but she would soon find out it was him one way, as soon as they meet with the 11th and re grouped to properly attempt their attack. The Gwade Rangers and some of the 11th set off. Moving quietly and into position waiting for the moment they were to engage. Waiting was probably the hardest part honestly. Kazumo still had some major pains in his left arm, mostly when he flexed his muscles in it, his shoulder was numb at this point but he should be able to push through with his arm.

Looking at Hylli as they waited he smiled and moved his bag in front of him, "Hey little Dragon. Pick a color and be quick."

In awe, Hylli remained silent - just following Kazumo. The presence of the Gwade Rangers made her feel small and yet eager to claim some glory and honour today. Licking her lips nervously, Hylli did wonder why she was the only one who Kazumo had plucked from the Axebiters. Noticing Kazumo moving a bag, Hylli's head turned to the side as it only clicked a few seconds later what he meant.
"Eh," it was hard to make a decision all of a sudden but Hylli then caught sight of Kazumo's hair and grinned. "I suppose maybe blue will suit me today." Was her answer, curious to see how this Scylding tradition would unfold further.

Blue? He chuckled a bit as he pulled out a small vial of blue liquid. "Blue it is then." Kazumo softly said as he pulled the cork off and dropped a couple drops on his fingers. He started with the lines from the center of her forehead. Making them smaller the further they went down, with the middle line stopping a bit away from in between her eyebrows. "So I won't lie, where I'm going is going to be the hardest part of the battle. So it's going to be a lot of tough enemies there, Hylli." Kazumo said as he tapped his finger to the top of the vial and made a little mark in between her eyebrows.
"So make sure you are careful, no wild swings, no seeking out a kill that will just wind up with you dead." Dropping a few more drops on his fingers he would make another line from her ear, running it along her face and up to her nose stopping at the bridge, before doing the same with the other side.

"After all, you can't beat me up if you die trying to get stronger right?" He said with a small smile before making two small lines underneath the ones he just did, stopping about a quarter of the way to her nose.
"This will feel weird, mostly when it dries haha." Kazumo said before getting more paint and from her bottom lip to her chin he ran his thumb down. "The part where I need you will be later on, yet keep your eye to the sky. I'll fire an arrow high up in it. When you see it, that's when I need you there as soon as possible."

Her eyes were closed as she allowed Kazumo to apply the dye on her face. Hylli remained still and silent. Yet, her mind was racing with the possibilities of how today could end. She hoped that it would provide chances for her to gain something. But Kazumo's words brought her down to earth, the realization that she wasn't invincible making her stomach twist and turn. Wanting to nod, Hylli waited until Kazumo was done.
"I will," the words phrased slowly as her expression shifted, betraying her worry, "You will watch out right? I don't think there is going to be much fun fighting you when you're a corpse. Right?" A wry smile crawled on her lips as she held back her growing nerves and fears. The questions that started to rampage through her mind did little to make her calm down.
"Back to back, that is how we are going at it?"

"Of course I will. Got to remind you that I'm still far ahead of you after all." Kazumo said with a smile as he rubbed her head with the not painted hand. "We can certainly try but once we get in there it's going to be very rough and just a mess. If you don't have me make sure you keep someone with you at all times. You watch their back and they will watch yours guaranteed." Kazumo said as he examined her and made a soft chuckle. "Come now. You are a warrior right? You let fear take over your mind and it will be what gets you. You take each step you can and stand your ground until you can keep moving forward. You are wearing Scylding Paint, the enemy simply seeing us wear it knows that we aren't afraid of them."

The wry smile continued for a moment, yet Hylli felt far from confident. Her hands started to itch terribly as she continued to realise that she was likely the least experienced and competent of the people around now. Once more, she wondered why Kazumo had picked her out of everyone.
"I am the warrior and the storm," Hylli replied, feigning some more confident and trying to ignore the twisting of her stomach, "I will do you proud," the words escaping Hylli's lips a bit softer as she threw a nervous look at the enemy camp. Flexing her fingers, in order to combat the itch, Hylli wasn't so sure what to say or ask.
"Else I suppose I need to try to impress Valdar himself. I just hope that you can keep up with me once I start to get warmed up," Hylli further said, though her voice slightly cracked - betraying her nerves and fears for a mere moment.

Kazumo gave a nod of approval, "That's right and storms bend for no one. Remember that. So you just tear right on through today and I'll see you at the end little Storm Dragon." Kazumo said with a smile before muttering among the others began rising. With smoke started to fill the area more and more, masking soldier after soldier. Kazumo simply motioned for Hylli to follow, as it was evident that the Gwade Rangers were now on their move. Wafting through the smoke, a sight in the distance became more standout as it was barricaded with a palisade all around it. It was clear the area was already a bit in chaos as shouts were clear as day.

The soldiers began getting into position still blocked out by the smoke, then all the Gwade Rangers pulled out one arrow and aimed at the point they would be entering in from. Releasing the hail of arrows from the smoke, and letting it puncture into the unexpecting Rongese that stood guard. Leaving a gap that would be the start of the bloody conflict, after the arrows. A charge command was made as the Rangers and 11th soldiers charged right into the confused soldiers who quickly focused back in against the force of the surprise attack.

Kazumo moved forward with a sword in his right hand and an axe in his left. Charge in towards what was certainly a more geared rongese. Obviously giving the ones better gear who defended the commander. Yet he was also far more skilled too, not being tricked at all by Kazumo's feints with the axe. Making sure to block his sword each time.

Hylli's eyes widened upon hearing the nickname. Storm Dragon, the name repeated itself in her mind as it drove away her fears and doubts. A soft smile touched on her lips as Hylli felt warm and content. Once more, she would follow Kazumo now that the rangers were on the move. Keeping her attention divided between Kazumo and the surrounding, Hylli pulled out two of her knives - holding one in each of her gloved hands.
Waiting as the rangers unleashed a barrage of steel and death upon the Rongese, Hylli followed suit when the charge was executed. Remaining at Kazumo's flank, Hylli didn't move immediately in the fray herself. The chaos and violence briefly distracted her but not enough to miss one of the Rongese soldiers attempting to jab Kazumo with a spear in the side.
Dashing forwards, Hylli landed a kick against the shaft of the spear. The manoeuvre was enough to render the attack harmless. In a fluid following motion, Hylli attacked with her knives. The flurry of jabs and slashes didn't land a hit as her opponent dexterously avoided them. Noticing how her foe wanted to create some distance Hylli didn't pursue him and get seperated from Kazumo. Instead, she flipped a knife and aimed at her opponent - who readied his spear again.

Before the Rongese could thrust the weapon forwards, Hylli threw the knife at the man's shoulder. The armour caused the knife to bounce off, without delivering any damage. However, the weapon suddenly hovered in the air as Hylli made a sign. Just as the spearman attempted to charge forwards, the knife suddenly raced towards the unprotected neck. A gasp and widened eyes betrayed enough before the spearman slumped down on the ground.
Her heart raced as Hylli wanted to turn to Kazumo, half hoping that he was okay and half hoping he had witnessed her kill. Only she was greeted with pain and her vision turning blurry. The smack against her temple from a mace didn't end her - the Imperial helmet providing enough protection from her skull getting cracked.
Dazed, Hylli felt how she was swept from her feet quickly afterwards. The harsh landing was enough to make her grunt in pain as the world refused to clear up.

His eyes briefly skimmed to see Hylli kicking a spear aimed at him away, before refocusing on the one in front of him, as the man swung his sword at Kazumo. He let it go past him, thrusting with his sword at the man. He tried to bring his sword back to deflect the incoming thrust but his sword was blocked by Kazumo's axe who held it down. Allowing the sword to pierce right through the neck. Causing the man to slump back, not paying anymore attention to the fallen foe, he saw Hylli on the ground with another man about to slam down with a mace. Yet before that could happen. An axe slammed into the side of his skull, causing him to drop the weapon as he fell forward, axe embedded in his side.

Kazumo breathed a sigh of relief but not for long as he just saw an incoming attack and moved back barely in time. The sword slashed down, and Kazumo still stood. Kazumo seemed confused about this before swinging his sword first, getting the more exposed stomach as the man clutched at it trying to stop what was trying to make its way out before falling lifeless. Kazumo then saw red drops below him and touched his face to feel a sting. Pulling his hand back, it was covered red in what was his blood. Not letting it get to him he pushed on as did the others, who were now breaking off into different parts of the camp. All the smoke made it hard to tell how things were going, mostly with all the chaos and the fact you could see dead allies on the ground just as you saw dead enemies.

The warm sensation of blood gushing over her face caused Hylli to briefly and physically cringe. Blinking rapidly, she wondered if this was death but then the world around her came back. Quickly jolting up, Hylli looked around as the Gwade Rangers fiercely fought against the elite of the Rongese soldiers. Noticing the man with the axe in his head, Hylli grabbed the axe's shaft and managed to jerk out. Getting on her feet, she felt her head still ringing somewhat from the previous blow.
Managing to notice Kazumo, Hylli pushed herself to go on forward. Before she could fully reunite with Kazumo, a Rongese came charging at her. Cursing loudly, Hylli was forced to make her stand. Deftly, she parried the man's sword with her knife. Attempting with a hack of the axe, she remembered Kazumo's words. Controlling the swing, Hylli watched how the man blocked the strike and attempted to push her back.
Releasing the handle of the axe for a second, Hylli grabbed it again - her fist now just below the bearded axe head. Inhaling, Hylli took a step forward as she used her knife to prevent the man's blade from slashing at her. Exhaling, the Hyuzu slammed the bearded axe at her opponent. A vibration moved through her arm as the steel drove slightly in the man's armour but not enough to deliver a lethal blow.

Forced to defend herself, Hylli tried to find another opening. It seemed that her foe was more on guard, controlling his own attacks and testing her defence. Wanting to surge forwards, the Rongese guard directed his blade.
A flash of pain moved through Hylli's neck as the sword effortlessly sliced through the blue scarf around Hylli's neck. The sting of steel tearing her skin was enough to make Hylli flinch and dive away.
Trying to ignore the hellish pain, she felt like making herself small as her opponent brandished his weapon before moving in again.
"Thats right and storms bend for no one. Remember that. So you just tear right on through today and I'll see you at the end little Storm Dragon."

Instead of making herself smaller, Hylli narrowed her eyes and straightened her back some more. Deflecting the first few blows, she dropped her knife and focused more on using the axe to slap the sword's thrusts and slashes away. Losing more ground, Hylli attempted to hook the blade. Her more experienced opponent didn't let himself be tricked easily - avoiding the trick.
Just before he could land a blow again, Hylli exhaled as her free hand formed a familiar sign. The dropped knife suddenly surged upwards - with a high velocity ramming between the man's legs. The pained gasp was all that Hylli required.
Shouting a battlecry, the Hyuzu lunged forwards and tackled the Rongese to the ground. In a hurry Hylli used her free hand to pin the man down with more desperation than confidence as she raised Kazumo's axe high before letting it surge downwards. Hacking several times at the man's face, Hylli panted as she looked around. Only sighting unknown Gwade Rangers and Imperial soldiers of the 11th brigade fighting against the terrible foe.

Grabbing the wrist of one man to halt his usage of him swinging his sword. The man would headbutt kazumo which briefly stunned him, but not enough to stop his sword from being sent through the man's chest. Twisting it as he pulled it out, he would take the dead man's sword. Even Kazumo was surprised that it was more light than the weapons they use. Which worked well for his left arm that was protesting all this fighting and moving he was doing. Scanning around him he found more silhouettes in the smoke than anything else. Hylli wasn't around so he hoped she found another person to watch her back, so he pushed onwards assuming he was on the right path as he saw dead Rongese but also dead Gwade Rangers.

It pained him slightly that he couldn't stop to offer them a prayer, all he could do was make sure they didn't die in vain. As he moved forward keeping alert for any sudden attacks, he saw a foreboding sight. The amount of dead allies began growing as he kept moving, seeing maybe a dozen of guards that didn't even seem to have an inch of an opening besides the slight opening in their helmet. Yet past them he saw the one giving commands out, one that seemed to be the guy who was meant to get out of danger should it come to it. Explains the elite guards, also explains his dead comrades. Cursing slightly as he pulled an arrow out and stabbed it into the ground. Kneeling down he would pull his bow out, leaving the swords on the ground. Pulling out another vial he would dripple it on the tip of another arrow.

Holding it for now he would pull the one out of the ground and notch it, aiming after looking around him. He couldn't get a sure shot on the commander due to the others perfectly guarding him, so… The arrow whistled through the arrow before puncturing right into the open spot of one of the guards' helmets. Not even reacting, the man simply slumped from his horse. Quickly notching the other arrow, he let it hit a nearby flame causing the arrow to start igniting. Letting this one fly he didn't aim for no guard, but one of the horses which started to set the fur on fire, and a very panicked horse. It started to rebel against it's master, throwing him off and stomping all around, with the unfortunate target being the rider it had just tossed. Only for the other guards to lop the head off the horse before it could cause too much chaos. Then all the sights turned toward Kazumo.

One Last Shot

Jogging forwards, Hylli's heart sank as she saw dead Gwade Rangers or Imperial soldiers. But no blue-haired Scylding. Hearing some panicked noise from a horse, Hylli turned around and hurried in the direction. Spotting Kazumo taking on what appeared to be an elite personal guard, Hylli wondered if the Scylding was utterly insane or braver than she had imagined him to be.
Once more, her anger surfaced as she remembered that he had easily beaten her. That she had to beat him back to regain her lost honour.
Wanting to rush forward, her legs refused to move. Her entire body froze in sheer panic upon sighting the elite guard. "Come on, please," Hylli pleaded with her instincts, urging herself to take a step forwards as the fingers of her left hand wrapped around the steel head of the axe. A hissing sound started to resonate softly as Hylli made another difficult step forwards. Now the blade of the axe started to shift in colour, causing Hylli to raise the weapon - aiming it for the elite personal guard. The world seemed to slow down as adrenaline rushed through her veins.

Noticing a Rongese guard attempting to rush Kazumo from the flank, dashing out of the smoke, Hylli's lips cornered downwards. Throwing with all her might, the axe soared through the air before slamming against the man's shoulder. Within seconds, flesh and metal would be torn apart by the explosion - tossing the man against the ground.
Wanting to pull her knives, Hylli felt something at her side. Looking down, she noticed a bolt in her stomach area. It had pierced through the cloth, chainmail and even padding. Trying to stay standing, Hylli tasted a liquid with an iron flavour. Spitting it out, she felt surprised about spotting her own blood on the ground before sinking to her knee.

His eyes kept on the elite guard who seemed to just watch him before an explosion went off behind him. Turning around he saw practically just a lower half of a body, and Hylli who more than likely did the attack. Only she then sank to the ground with a bolt in her stomach, Judging by where she was hit and from what angle, he followed a line of sight and found indeed a crossbowmen loading another shot. Only to never get that shot as another arrow hit him in the neck, then another in the head. With Kazumo having fired off two shots, this however meant he let his guard down which allowed one of the elite guards enough to ride up and get off his horse, causing Kazumo to sprawl to the side to avoid a charging horse. Just as Kazumo got up though his eyes widened as the man gripped Kazumo by the shoulder, and rammed a dagger into his side.

Spitting up blood, Kazumo looked at him as throbbing began alerting him everywhere, with his brain racing that something was very badly wrong. The man then yanked it out, only for Kazumo to hold up a sign, followed by his hand encased in black to slam through his skull. The man fell dead as Kazumo walked over to Hylli, quickly examining her wound. "Don't pull it out. I know it hurts but pulling it out now will just speed up blood loss." He said as loudly as his body would let him. He grimaced a bit at his side, that fucker actually twisted it on the way out. "For now, stay low and stay hidden. Create an explosion for me…. Right…." Kazumo said pointing at the tent.
"There. Do that and I can finish the rest. Then the rest is all up to you. " Kazumo said, quickly moving up and grabbing the downwards swing from a Rongese. The clear scraping sound coming from the sword screeching against the Obsidian covering his hand. Throwing the hand, he quickly grabbed the man's throat and sliced it with it. The man's clawing at it before slumping beside both of them.

Tears started to mix with the blood and blue paint on her face. The pain was far from bearable and it made her bravado quickly become replaced with fear and dread. For once, she actually really feared that she was going to die. In a dirty, Rongese encampment with a crossbow bolt in her stomach. Not the best material for a song, she would have likely joked in a more safe and comfortable situation.
Hunching slightly forwards, she waited for the following bolt to finish her. But what truly pained her was that she had barely been of any use. Until she heard Kazumo's voice, causing her to look up. The pain ebbed away, just for a mere moment. Focusing on him and his voice cost Hylli a great deal of effort, the pain throbbing from her stomach and troubling her. Raising an arm to cover her head, the sound of steel sliding against obsidian was far from easy on the ears.
Once Kazumo finished their assailant, Hylli threw a glance at the spot where he wanted an explosion. Her free hand moved slowly to her belt, pulling a knife halfway out of its sheath. Only to realise something.
What was he going to do?

Her lips parted but no sound came out, safe for a painful gasp. There was a stream of words that she wanted to spill and say. The irony of her usually not wanting to open up when she had the chance, compared to now would have made her actually die of laughter. Yet, now there was nothing else that she could do than nod.
Focusing on her given task, Hylli would attempt to flow chakra in the knife as she attempted to draw no attention to herself. Waiting for the noticeable hissing, Hylli then threw the knife with the last remainder of her strength to the tent. Only for a few seconds later an explosion to suddenly combust at the specific tent.

He could tell she wanted to speak but whether it was the pain or just the intensity of the situation nothing came out. So when she nodded he smiled and moved to grab his sword he left on the ground. Picking up Metnaður he looked at the sword that was given by Kiyomi and held it to his temple. Staring ahead, he pulled a dagger out just as the explosion he needed went off. Sending the Elite Guards horses to rear up. Tossing his own dagger it would sail right in between them before switching places with Kazumo. Slapping three tags on the horse near him, he bolted and formed the sign causing another massive explosion sending him hurtling to the ground. Yet when he looked back the horses laid in pieces as did the guards who either died from the explosion or from the landing. Only one Elite guard and the commander remained, as the Commander and Guard readied themselves as Kazumo rushed in. His body screamed at him, as he could tell his movements were causing his blood to pour out faster. The Guard Moved in swinging his Warhammer at the Young Raven but he ducked under it, and sliced through the left side legs of the horse. Sending him spilling to the ground. Running past him and for the Commander, he readied his sword and shield and even dismounted. Stopping Kazumo's swing with his own sword and slamming the shield against Kazumo's temple, the blow stunning him but his body moving on auto pilot as he stabbed, skimming past his shield and grazing the side of the older man. He didn't seem to be showing any fear or worry in composure as he continued pushing back against Kazumo. Kazumo would then push back, pulling out a small bomb looking object and slamming it on the ground. Sending more smoke in the area, this was mainly to cut off the sight of the Guard who still lived.

Pushing back into the fray Kazumo traded more blow for blow with the Commander who seemed to be getting more confident, as Kazumo's moves grew more and more slow. A red stain that had been growing on his side covered a good part of his uniform as he breathed heavily. Swinging with his sword only for the man to deflect it with his shield sending it flying from his hands and into the air where it impacted the ground further away. Kazumo's eyes widened in fear as his mind raced on what to do before the inevitable..

A gasp came from him as he looked down at the sword in his gut. His eyes throbbed at this point and he could feel his muscles giving out. Yet with his left hand, he gripped the blade to prevent the man from pulling it out. His hand got sliced in the process as he with his right covered Obsidian hand slammed it upwards through the man's chin, and into the brain. The Command stopped all fighting as his arms went limp. Kazumo with the last of his energy, used it to sever the skull from the neck. Clutching at the head with his fingers embedded into the skull, He started to tumble around as ravens started appearing before him, then a Blue one appeared before him as well. Trying to grab onto him seemingly.

Shaking his head and body he refused and moved only to bump into the last Guard who had raised a warhammer.

Before the weapon could be brought down, a sharp whistling sound heralded the imminent change. A knife embedded itself in the man's hand, followed by another that bite deep in the man's arm - finding an opening in its armour. Several more followed, only to stick between the Rongese's armour or bouncing off.

"He is mine."

Standing somewhat straight, Hylli glared at the guard that turned his attention to her. Blood covered her fingerless gloves. Pain throbbed through her system but that did little to deter her from what she had in mind. As good as she could, Hylli ran towards the last guard. Only with one last knife hold in her right hand.
The man swung his warhammer but the heavy weapon only soared through the air as Hylli duck underneath the swing. Slamming the knife in the man's leg, the sharp steel slided from the armour - leaving a scratch mark.
Forced to adjust herself, Hylli tried to move away but her opponent was faster. With the butt of his weapon, he slammed it against her forehead. The blow enough to stagger Hylli backwards, causing her to drop her knife. The guard attempted to swing his weapon from above, intending to crush the Hyuzu's head with a powerful blow.
Moving to the side, the soft gust of wind went past Hylli - though she needed no encouragement or knowledge that blow would have been her end. Her hand shot to each other, moving through the few signs. Ending the streak just when the man attempted to slam his hammer in a diagonal upwards motion, Hylli kicked against the hammer's shaft. The vibration was unpleasant but allowed her to lean forwards and place her bloodied right hand against the man's torso.
"Tear… asunder…"

A bloodcurdling scream escaped the guard as something seemed to boil in him. Two large claws seemed to rapidly tear their way out of the man's back, growing rapidly in size as a large cloud of dust was whipped up.
Various Rongese that desired to rush to the scene would be greeted with a tall, looming shadow in the cloud of dust. Suddenly a tail with sharp scales lashed out, crushing a man's shoulder before jerking backwards. A deafening roar would echo through the air before two large wings spread and started to rapidly beat - driving more dust in the air.
Hylli's dragon gently wrapped a claw around Hylli, supporting her. A sort of odd purring escaped the large beast as it continued to drive potential threats away.
"Take… him…" Hylli managed to bring out, as well as attempting to reach out for Kazumo. The world was slowly fading to black for her, the last sight she could witness being a claw wrapping around Kazumo's body before they started to go higher.
The last that Hylli could hear before the world finally became silent was a single word. Or was it a name? No, she was certain that it was a name.
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[ The Battle of Jinseong | Sevudia, eastern continent ]
[ Kyoi Hyuuga | Second in Command of Team 9 ]
@BlueFlameNikku @ChromeHound @RedFox

The battle had been going as smoothly as it could seeing as for the most part the shield wall was holding up and keeping the Rongese back while they retrieved their wounded. Gradually the situation shifted as another brigade's mission completed, with the Rongese being lured into more or less a kill zone within the Imperial lines without even realising it.

And yet, even as their plan was coming to fruition, the Rongese were cooking up something of their own as Kyoi was made well aware of by Hiron's order.
"Kyoi, Red Cloaks! Fuck 'em! Don't let them fuckin' finish their shite!"

"Affirmative. Team Nine, aerial drop on the Red Cloaks, follow after my lead and take them out!" She called to Junko, Masami and Shikaroku as she backed out of the front line and took careful aim with her spear before hurling it up and over the river towards the Red Cloaks on the other side. Though instead of letting it touch down between the five of them, Kyoi rapidly formed some handseals of her own and in a puff of smoke exchanged places with the spear, allowing herself to descend upon the Cloaks without having to force her way through the battle.

Of course she wasn't done though, still forming seals, her hair rapidly grew and fanned out to cover the area surrounding Kyoi and the Cloaks as she stuck the landing just for all that hair to suddenly constrict around the group. Whilst it didn't completely halt their progress, it did render them unable to escape what was to come next.

With her hair tightening it's grip on the Cloaks to try and choke the life out of them, Kyoi willingly left herself seemingly vulnerable to any onlookers, but it wouldn't last for long so long as her fellow team members followed along with the manoeuvre.
[ Sorrow of Fathers ]
[ Sekigahara | Capital of the Akechi Clan - within the borders of the Jirou Authority ]
[ A collab between @Oblivion666 and @Lesli ]
[ Despite containing their isolation, the Akechi leadership invited the Mizuno for a meeting. The leaders of the two Great Clans speak with each other regarding the isolation. All leading to a certain conclusion. ]

This was a major blunder on his part, one that he needed to get fixed promptly. When he went into his isolation stance, he completely forgot to inform Mizuno and Hayashi about it. Now he looked the fool and a liable suspect in Mizuno's eyes who promptly reacted to his actions quickly. In his actions he forgot his clan's duty to be loyal to those they deem allies, and as such he needed to remedy this slight on the Mizuno. As such messages were sent to meet with the Mizuno, who stated they would come to the meeting. This was a relief on Mitsuhide's mind, now he just had to make sure the message was properly delivered. Mostly if he did have to act on his suspicions…

It would obviously take a couple days before the only ship to be allowed access to the port would arrive. With the guards welcoming the Mizuno, and escorting them to the Manor of Mitsuhide's. Where they were to meet in his flower garden, that way the Mizuno guards were able to be present and on the standby to react at any moment's notice should they find need too.

A neutral expression seemed to be plastered on the lord of the Mizuno clan's face. His envoy existed largely out of servants by the looks of it as Lord Mizuno wasn't looking for a fight. Being escorted to the manor, none of the Mizuno envoy did anything to provoke the Akechi or breach any etiquette.
Guided further in the flower garden, Tsunekiyo Mizuno looked around. The appearance of the Akechi garden was marvelous, rivalling that of his own. Not that those thoughts would leave his lips as words.
Arriving at the meeting point, Tsunekiyo folded his hands in front of his stomach. Awaiting and giving the chance for the Akechi to speak first.

Seeing Lord Mizuno coming he stood to greet him and his servants' arrival, it was a relief that he didn't come with as much guards. That meant he also wished for a talk which was perfect for both parties. Giving a respectful bow he would begin speaking.
"First lord Mizuno I wish to apologize for the slight I caused you. I should have informed both you and Lord Hayashi about my actions beforehand. I brought great shame to what my clan upholds and that's Loyalty to whom we call allies." Mitushide opened up with releasing his bow as he looked his fellow lord in the eyes.
"As for why I pulled back on the meeting. When news broke out about your daughter's passing, it became clear that any of us could have suffered the same with our own children as well. As such I started to have my people watching my children more secretly. Mostly my own daughter Kayleen as she is part of the Shinobi service. Recently she and her team went off on a ship, under the watchful eye of our country's leader. I know because one of her one teammates is Aya Oda, who was recently targeted as a victim of kidnapping. Now the ship was sunk by a Dragon Turtle, Not very common to happen lately, yet not also unheard of." Mitsuhide paused for a moment to let Lord Mizuno process the current information before continuing on.

"Now all ships mostly, trade or simple passenger ships tend to have a life boat in case of the ships inevitable sinkage. Yet my daughter and her team were nowhere to be found on this boat. Just the survivors of said wreckage, yet I found this out from my own sources and not our country's leader. I found this to be odd, as one usually informs the family if an event such as this one has possibly claimed the life of their child. As such I withdrew until he has decided to meet with me and explain himself on this matter." Mitsuhide said finishing his point on his Isolation stance.
"I again apologize for slighting you. I would still very much like to work together to finding the culprit behind our losses."

The words of Lord Akechi didn't receive an immediate answer. Lord Mizuno stared at his peer for several seconds, processing what he had been told. Truth be told, he had been surprised when Lord Akechi bowed to him - while the rules of etiquette were clear as they were sort of equal. The bow could be perceived as weakness, which just confused Lord Mizuno. However, it would be a lie to say that he wasn't intrigued either.
Once Lord Akechi was done, Tsunekiyo raised his right hand in a subtle gesture that seemed to motion that he had heard enough.
"My own lord Mizuno and father, may the Divine watch over him, always reminded me that one should honour their alliances and oaths. But that a man who is not loyal to his family is no man at all," a smile crossed Lord Mizuno's lips as he made a bow in return to his peer, Lord Akechi.
Rising from his bow, Tsunekiyo continued on. "I have lost my own daughter and don't even desire to curse such pain on the worst villains imaginable. Consider your mistakes as forgiven and understood, Lord Akechi. The Mizuno clan understands your decisions and will grief with you. As such," the Mizuno leader paused briefly, "I will be happy to continue our cooperation. The forces I have sent south will bolster your footholds with troops and supplies. The Roju will be held responsible for not informing you. As the Mizuno clan stands with the Akechi."

He wasn't sure how Lord Mizuno was taking it, as he didn't respond right away. Main matter was he got the truth to him as well as his sincerest apologies for slighting him at such a terrible time. After a moment though he would raise his right hand causing Mitsuhide to raise his eyebrows slightly as he began speaking about what his father had taught him. Words he indeed could indeed respect, what surprised him however was when Lord Mizuno returned a bow to him. With Lord Mizuno forgiving his mistakes and even going as far as to support his footholds in the south.
"You honor me with this gesture. I hope it doesn't have to come to violence in order to get a proper response. Nor do I wish for your men to get caught in this situation that I have caused, I do however greatly appreciate your assistance Lord Mizuno."

"I hope it can be resolved as well, Lord Akechi. However, the Roju needs to understand his role if he desires to continue to be, well, the Roju," Lord Mizuno said, albit his tone evening when speaking of their nation's leader, "Do not fret over my men. I am already confident that our alliance shall persuade the Roju and if not bring more clans to voice their support."
A friendly smile crested the lips of Tsunekiyo before he spoke further. "So, how about we talk about more pleasant matters while enjoying some delights? I have brought some exotics from the east as well rich vintage that my people acquired from the Tea country."
[ The Battle of Jinseong | Sevudia, eastern continent ]
[ Junko | Newest member of Team 9 ]

As the battle began to rage, it didn't take long for the smells and sounds of death to begin rising up into the air. The sounds of weapons striking bodies and the dying crying out for their mothers. The heavy stench of iron and human waste mixing together into a foul odor. It was more intense than the small shed filled with small dead creatures. But this was what her father said she was bred to be.

The genin focused her efforts on the left flank of the main battle line. She'd be of little use there in the shield wall pushing against the main force. So, she picked off stranglers at the edges as well as those trying to flank at the troops at the far end. Junko had already killed two men, completely decapitating one of them. That feeling in her chest only grew as if someone was beating on her chest. Her pale cheeks flushed red and her dull gray eyes were more alive than ever before. Whatever it was, she didn't want the feeling to stop.

Through all the chaos Kyoi's orders were heard and would be done. Her eyes panned to where the red cloaks were gathered, how would she get there though? At this moment a squad's worth of the enemy were running up towards Junko, trying to flank the main force more substantially this time. Junko bent down to pick up the decapitated head at her feet and with an empty smile on her face, underhand tossing it towards the approaching fools. The lead man caught it and roared angrily at the girl. The idiot wasn't very perceptive, much like the rest of them Junko thought as the explosive tags she'd planted lit up within the head's helmet. The jury rigged head grenade engulfed the squad in a hail of helmet shrapnel and smoke. This was her opportunity to dash forward and get to the red cloaks and she took it, taking off in a dead sprint through the smoke.

Using one of the bodies as a springboard, Junko leapt up above the back half of the Ronguese formation. Following Kyoi's example, Junko traverse over them, letting them wallow on the ground rightly beneath those of the Empire. Skipping on heads and shoulders, occasionally dodging the upward thrust of a spear or two, the genin reached the end and leaped upwards aiming for two of the red cloaks. Sheathing her windao in her chakra, the genin fell gracefully towards the two hair bound foes like a bird of prey. With one slice both men suffered massive gashes to their midsections, bleeding out immediately on the spot.

Seeing a couple men break off from the back line, Junko went to tie them up in a melee so that the team could finish off the rest of the red cloaks; having their backs just as Kyoi ordered.
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Gerontis
[ The Battle Of Jinseong | Sevudia, Eastern Continent ]

[ Masami Hyuuga | Chuniin - Team 9 ]
@Gerontis @BlueFlameNikku @GlitchyBugger @ChromeHound

Dodge. Dodge. Duck. Counter!

Masami was saying the moves she performed, as if they somehow helped to perform them faster. The counter she performed was a jab aimed under the shoulder of a Rong, just as Junko advised. Without any reaction from Masami, the man let out a scream of pain. The Hyuuga unlogded her blade and delivered a roundhouse kick at the neck of the man. She focused her chakra into her left hand and dashed after Kyoi. The battle seemed to be going in their favor, but she refused to let her guard down. Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer, she reminded herself as she engaged another foe in combat.

Parry. Dodge. Deflect. Counter!

She deflected the blade that was coming down on her with an upward swing. Thrusting her left hand forward, her index and middle finger connected with the collarbone of her foe, instantly shattering it. The Rong, letting out an enraged growl steadied his weapon and was about to pierce her chest. Deflect. Her right hand swung down with the blade, her grip tightening momentarily as she channeled her chakra through her blade. The blade severed the man's arm under his elbow, and an immediate upwards slice eliminated him as a threat. Moving her fingers away, she opened her palm and slammed it on the man's heart.

That's when she heard Kyoi calling the order. She started to run the direction she was going, her white hair making it easy to follow her. "On it, Kyoi-sama!" As she swapped places with the spear she hurled, Masami easily disarmed a Rong, leaving him unarmed in the midst of a battle. She hurled the sword over the formation of Red Cloaks as Kyoi did and formed the necessary seals. With spot-on timing, she activated the Substitution Technique - the targets were right under her. She noticed Junko beat her to it - with a subconscious smirk, Masami reached into her equipment pouch and grabbed two kunai. Focusing chakra into them, she hurled them at one of the Red Cloaks. At this range, under these circumstances, there's no way she could miss.

She reached into her pouch again, now falling towards the ground. She channeled chakra into her tools again and hurled them in a tight formation aimed at the head of another Red Cloak. Landing into a forward tumble, she looked around, lunging at the last one.​
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Gerontis
[ The Battle of Jinseong | Sevudia, Eastern continent ]
[ Shikaroku Nara | Reluctant Chuunin of Team 9 ]

@Gerontis @RedFox @GlitchyBugger @BlueFlameNikku

This was a nightmare. Worse, because as bad as it got, Shikaroku knew there would be no waking from this. The battle itself seemed to be going well, for as much as that counted. The shield wall had done its job and was repelling the bulk of the Rongese forces. It had its cracks, however, and like rats seeking their next meal, the Rong would pour in through whatever temporary holes opened up, hacking away at whomever they could. As a part of the rearguard, it was Shikaroku's job to ensure that any rats that made it through the gaps were put down swiftly. His false hope from the beginning of the battle was that he wouldn't ever have to raise his blade; that the shield wall would repel all attackers and he would simply watch.

When the first enemy had breached through, Shikaroku had felt his mind lock up, but his body acted on instinct. Moving swiftly with his twin scythes, the Nara cut the man down before he could do any damage to the shield-bearers. His stomach lurched when he'd realized what he'd done, but he did not have much time to recover before another enemy broke through further down the line. Charging forward to intercept, Shikaroku blocked the man's blade with one scythe but was pushed back by his much stronger opponent before he could land a blow with his second scythe. Dodging backwards as the man launched a counterattack of his own, Shikaroku felt his body responding on instinct once more.

Raising one scythe he hooked it around the Rong soldier's blade and used the man's momentum against him. Twisting the scythe, Shikaroku's maneuver caused the man to stumble forward off balance. Without thinking, the Nara used that to his advantage, bringing the other scythe across and upwards he cut a deep slash in the Rong's neck. The man dropped to the ground and Shikaroku took a step back, his head reeling. That's it boy, it's not so hard, is it?

The sudden voice in his mind brought a fresh wave of nausea and Shikaroku had to take a step to steady himself. Trying to collect himself, the Nara heard Hiron shouting, followed by Kyoi calling to the team, ordering them to move forward past the shield wall. Shikaroku glanced over in time to see the Hyuuga launch a spear past the wall of soldiers before replacing the soaring weapon and then he lost sight of her.

Are you going to let her have all the fun?

Shutting the voice out, Shikaroku quickly stowed his scythes and tried to get eyes on where Kyoi had landed. Withdrawing a kunai, he stepped backwards and took aim before launching the projectile past the throng of soldiers and weaving several quick handseals. In a poof, Shikaroku was suddenly in the air, falling towards one of the Red Cloaks that had been ensnared by what he could only assume was Kyoi's hair.

Pulling his scythes from their sheaths, Shikaroku noticed Masami lunging towards the same man he was about to land on. Somersaulting in mid-air, Shikaroku swung both scythes with as much force as he could muster. The weapons sunk deep into the Red Cloak's back, just beneath his shoulder blades. Continuing his roll, Shikaroku landed in a crouch and used his momentum to throw the Red Cloak over top of him, sending him head first into the ground and wrenching the scythes free. Shikaroku heard a sickening crunch as the man's head connected with the ground.

You're getting good at this. Perhaps you're not so useless after all~

Turning back to Masami, Shikaroku gave her a reassuring nod before glancing around to see if there were any Red Cloaks still standing.
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[ The Battle of Jinseong | Sevudia, Eastern continent ]
[ Meilin Cho and Mamoru Senju | Axebiters company | A collab between @RedFox and @Oetje ]
[ Rongese Encampment ]
[ M and M ]

The air was heavy with the foul stench of blood, burning material and smoke. The ambience was awful with people screaming and shouting - from close and far away. Yet it did little to deter Meilin from wanting to continue onwards. The 11th Brigade was cutting through the Rongese camp with mere ease as their enemy hadn't anticipated a full Imperial brigade smashing through.
The few remaining defenders were trying to rally but soon enough panic seemed to take full effect. While not able to understand the crude language of their enemies, it became evident that something was going on. More so when Meilin managed to spot a dragon suddenly taking to the air from the centre of the enemy encampment before the smoke started to make it difficult to keep track of it.

Focusing her attention back on her platoon, Meilin raised her free hand to signal to her subordinates.
"Stay with me. We are going to keep going on," she shouted to make herself audible. The smoke and ash started to conjure an ominous fog that made it difficult to spot anything in the distance, let alone make it easy to enjoy some air that wasn't tainted with all kinds of horrible smells.
Readying her blade, Meilin saw silhouettes forming and rushing towards them. Raising her sword, she managed to catch and parry an incoming strike as more Rongese stormed in sight - attempting to drive back the platoon.

How are deep breaths supposed to keep calm when the air smells like - The thought was cut by half by a dragon taking flight, causing Mamoru to grasp Oak with strength that made his nails turn white. As it vanished, its menace was replaced by its original source - angry shouts and screams in an alien language. [/i] - like death and destruction.[/i] He forced himself to stay focused in the moment, to prevent his mind from wandering back to the forests of Konoha and their fresh air. Meilin ordered them to press on - the battle was going in their favour, at least that's the picture Mamoru got from his limited scope of it. Either we're winning, or we'll be overwhelmed by an enraged Rong force. The hair on his back stood up at the thought of being captured alive by them. What awoke him from his thoughts was a group of enemies approaching them.

Taking a deep breath, Mamoru stepped up next to Meilin and managed to draw the attention of a pair of Rongese soldiers. Their weapons clashed with a loud clang, and Mamoru was pushed a step back by the combined force of his enemies. With a growl, he pushed them away and made a piercing strike forward, his blade encountering resistance - but he was unable to tell why, for the same reason he was afraid to swing at the pair instead.

In a fluid motion, Meilin kept parrying the strikes of her opponent. She had no time to check upon her platoon that fought against the sudden enemy charge - their training showing off as Meilin caught glimpses of Imperial Akinian steel fending off the Rongese.
Meilin's opponent attempted to move in with a feigned strike. Instead of waiting and parrying the actual attack, Meilin moved in. Using her free hand, she blocked the motion of her enemy's sword arm. Her own sword thrusted forward, its steel driven deep in the man's stomach.
Grunting, Meilin pushed the dying man backwards as she lashed out to finish him off. Just as she twisted her head to check out how her unit was doing, the world trembled. A terrible ring went through her mind, causing her to realise that she was dazed.
The soft sound of crystal cracking was the only sound that Meilin oddly registered before a force slammed against her face - causing her to fall down on the ground. Blinking rapidly, she felt a sharp pain over her face, causing her left hand to shoot up to her face.
"Fuck," the word softly left her lips as her fingers felt the warm blood gushing over her face. Turning, she noticed how a Rongese soldier readied a machete in a clear fashion to hammer its sharp edge down upon her. Instinctively Meilin brought up her own sword in a defensive position.

Mamoru pulled back his sword, it's edge red - could have been dried blood, he reminded himself. Checking the corners of his vision, he saw no other Akinian nearby. Grasping Oak firmly, he lashed out in a wide arc, his effort being grimly rewarded by an agonised scream. The second foe, however, sidestepped his attack and used the opening provided by Mamoru to strike at him. No matter how much he wanted, Mamoru was unable to ready a defense - he let go of Oak with his left hand and used his arm guard to deflect the attack. Despite managing to keep his head on his shoulders, he felt a sharp pain shoot into his left arm - the guards were not meant to be used like this. He was too late to notice another strike coming at him, and could not block it in its entirety. Despite the tightness of his grip, he felt Oak slide out of it.

His stomach twisted and churned at the feeling, his eyes rang with the voice of a crystal being shattered. Instinct took over. His left hand reached for the arm attacking him and grasped it as firmly as he could, his right arm guard blocking a fist aimed at his face. He reached for Ash, but that left him open to another strike, connecting with his face. He yanked the foe he grappled closer and raised his knee.Fight! His mind, under the influence of the flight or fight instinct was screaming at him. Gritting his teeth, he noticed Meilin overwhelmed as well. His heart stopped beating and he felt as he was squeezed from all sides. His body was burning up from the inside - with fear. Anger. Desire." No, no, no! I won't let you!" He yanked the man again and pulled him in, headbutting him. A skull splitting pain filled his mind from his scar. Growling, he did it again. Finally grasping Ash firmly in his bandaged hand, he thrust it into the body in front of him.

The sound of steel grinding briefly against other steel rang loud in her ears. Deflecting the incoming strike, Meilin rolled away. Getting up on a knee, her free hand reached out to Rongese's belt. Grabbing the belt, she yanked it forwards as blood seemed to gush over her arm - a sharp extension of crystal extending from her wrist forwards.
The sound of shattering crystal rang loud once more as Meilin jerked her hand free, leaving a part of the sharp extension in the man's stomach. Panting, she tried to make clear sense of the world as the sharp pain on her face made it difficult.

A loud shout heralded a new opponent. Managing to raise her blade in time, Meilin blocked the strike. Only to feel a vibration in a weird place - at her stomach. Stumbling a step back, she saw a figure attempting to stab her again. Pivoting to avoid the jab, Meilin couldn't strike back due to another Rongese launching attacks again.
Attempting to find an opening, Meilin managed to parry the swordfighter. Noticing the spear-wielding enemy moving forward, she rapidly positioned herself to grab the shaft. In a quick move, her steel sword slammed in the arm of the spear wielder. Before she could slice the sharp edge and open a deep gash, the first opponent lunged and tackled her to the ground.

He struck the man's lungs from under his ribcage. He wanted to pull away his hand, but he couldn't - he grit his teeth as he struggled, and his arm came off with great difficulty. It made the sound of branches snapping and breaking in a howl of wind too strong for them. He pulled his hand back, ready to strike again. The Rongese soldier slumped to the ground, showing no signs of life. Mamoru stumbled back a step or two and sheathed Ash back, quickly picking up Oak in the midst of a quick sprint towards Meilin. His Lieutenant, mentor and best friend was pinned down, facing desperately overwhelming odds. His eyes shot open wide, every cell of his body screaming out in agony at the sight. He felt a sharp, stabbing pain in his right hand, but attributed it to a battle injury. In a second, he closed the gap between himself and Meilin.

" I! Won't! Let you! I'll defend her!" He didn't shout. He was screaming at the Rongese troops, despite them not understanding him. He lowered himself, trying to tackle the man in front of himself. Dodging his strike, his right-hand thrust Oak forwards, piercing the man's knee, allowing him to easily tackle him. Oak got lodged in between the bone, and as he attempted to free it, his ears were deafened by a deafening scream of agony. Leaving the blade, he scrambled to his and closed the few steps between his first foe and Meilin." Even if it's the last thing I do!" He clenched his right hand into a fist and struck at the man's rib cage from the side. A second after his hand connected, branches tore their way out of the opposite side of the man's chest, ending his life.

" I WILL protect her!"

Still somewhat dazed, Meilin was surprised when the one coming in between her and imminent death was Mamoru. Her mind registered his shouts and the chaos of the fights around them. Scrambling to get up, her right hand moved to her weapon belt. Unsheathing her short sword, Meilin took a defensive stance. The sharp pain at her face didn't diminish and it was causing her to feel slightly light in the head.
Able to glance around, the platoon was holding its own against the enemy. The last few were taken care of as some of Meilin's soldiers seemed wounded - but supported by others.
Relaxing her stance, Meilin brought her left hand once more to her face. A soft hissing rang just before her fingertips touched down on the torn skin and blood. Cringing physically, Meilin removed her hand after a few seconds, shaking it loose as if the blood itself was the cause of the discomfort. Closing her left eye, Meilin decided that she had to watch out better if they would come across more Rongese.

"Thanks," she managed to bring out to Mamoru, only to notice something. His hand was soaked in blood and what not. But what had really caught her worry and attention was something odd.
Her left hand grabbed Mamoru's wrist and lifted it up, so that her right eye could see it better.
"You hurt?" She asked the question in a brusque fashion, a frown forming on her brow as she released his wrist. Her gaze still fixated on the sprouts covered in blood, forming from his skin.

His mind went blank the second he saw what his strike did to his opponent. He stood there, frozen as Meilin got up. He pulled his hand away, followed by the same snapping sound as before. The lifeless body fell to the ground. He turned at Meilin and nodded, and was surprised when she lifted her hand. It was only then that Mamoru looked at it himself. He gasped, his breathing out of control at the sight. The sharp pain in his hand was still present, and now he knew why." I - I don't know, Sensei. You - you tell me." All the brutal noises of the battlefield faded out, his eyes focused on his hand. The small sprouts twisted a bit, one of them having a small green bud on it. A second or two later, it blossomed out into a tiny leaf.

A green leaf. The sharpest contrast he ever saw as he saw the blurred battlefield behind it." Why - why is a leaf sprouting from a branch protruding from my hand?" He asked, his hand shaking, making the leaf sway with the movements. He looked at Meilin, his look full of wonder and fear.

An answer from Meilin didn't come immediately. She had a hunch but it was nothing more than that. Raising her gaze from his wrist to Mamoru's eyes, Meilin patted him on the shoulder.
"We will figure it out later. If it hurts, get to the back and guard our rear," Meilin instructed him. There was, of course, the worry and curiosity that demanded her to investigate it. But a burning and attacked enemy encampment wasn't the place for it.
"You are doing great today," she said before turning her attention to guiding the platoon deeper in the enemy camp. For the day wasn't yet over and much more bloodshed was likely awaiting them.

Shaking his head, he nodded. He clenched his right hand into a fist and the sprouts all broke off. Gasping, his bandaged hand managed to catch the falling leaf. Storing it into one of the pouches on his waist, wanting to safekeep it." I'm - I can fight, Sensei. I'll be right there with you." He didn't dare to question her in the same way. In this regard, Meilin appeared to be utterly indestructible. He walked back to the Rong with Oak still in his knee. In one swift motion, Mamoru pulled out the blade and thrust it into the man's heart. He pulled it out with a shaky hand and pierced the ground with the tip, soaking the ground with the blood from his blade.B-balance. Stay balanced, Mamoru. He took several deep breaths as he walked back to Meilin, the sounds of battle filling his ears again.
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[ The Battle of Nangxi | Lagyre, Eastern Continent ]
[ A battle between the Northerners and a Rongese army ]
[ Cyrus Saemund, Genin of Team 3 ]

Watching in silence as they waited, Cyrus couldn't help but be excited at the notion of fighting the enemy. It had felt like some time since the last battle, and he was eager and ready. But for now, they had to wait for Satoshi's signal.
The wait ended up paying off, and the Saemund watched with many of his fellow Northerners as the enemy was lured in their direction by non other than the Raikage and numerous other riders. As the riders begin passing by them, Cyrus's grasp over his axe tightened. The time was almost here. And finally, the time came, and Satoshi gave the call.

"For the North!" Cyrus repeated, charging forward as well. As many of the forces charged forward, hitting both the horses and their riders, Cyrus moved in, before swinging his axe and hitting the leg of one of the riders. With a strong pull, he caused the rider to turn sideways on the saddle, before falling off the horse completely and hitting the ground. Cyrus was quick to release his axe and move back, before the now free horse tried trampling him. The horse did end up trampling his own owner, and Cyrus pushed away from the spot, hearing the horse as it tried to escape the battlefield.

After moving away, Cyrus tried swinging sideways at a Rongese soldier who was occupied with another Northener, only to be stopped by a different Rongese with their own sword, and locking their sword against the axe's head. Instead of trying to pull, Cyrus pushed his axe forward, still causing the axe head to hit the man in the body, albeit from the top, before pushing him more, causing him to collide against the second Rongese, which allowed Cyrus to force the axe deeper into the Rongese's body, before finally pulling away. The Rongese would drop down, but not before still trying to take a swipe with his sword against Cyrus's leg. Kicking the attempt away, Cyrus was quickly pushed away by several other soldiers of both sides, who moved away from a fallen horse, to avoid being crushed by it. Once he was able to move more freely again, Cyrus raised his axe again, before making his way through the people, aiming to take down as many Rongese as he could.
Ahab and the White Whale - Part II
| Imperial Sworn Sword - Yamada Suzu |
| Trade City of Havnav, Saemund Territory - Lightning Country |
| Part I |
"And that's how we make sure that the things Havnav needs get here on time."

Suzu smiled, nodding her head in feigned interest as she leaned in to regard the myriad of papers and data that had been laid out in front of her. She'd found it easy enough to gain an audience with a member of the Havnav Port Authority, though of course the man before her was barely older than twenty-four years and reeked of inexperience. He was particularly expressive when it came to things that shined the light directly on the Port Authority itself, had they ever miscalculated needed imports? Had there been smuggling incidents? Could goods be assured a fair price upon arrival?

Of course, he'd been adamant that no such things could happen under the Port Authorities watch, and that those that somehow slipped through the cracks were quickly dealt with. Green as green could be, Suzu thought as she leaned further forward and drew the young man's gaze once more, "And this here? These numbers, all assured?" she asked as she breezed over a list of livestock imports and exports for the last month. The younger administrator struggled for a moment to wrench his gaze from Suzu and to the numbers as he read quickly from the paper.

"Of course Miss. Havnav would starve if these numbers were not maintained," he assured her in his strange dialect of Chonobi.

Suzu nodded her head in contentment and leaned away from the man with a simple smile, "My employers will be very pleased with this information." she finished as she stood, a hand outstretched before her as she readied to leave, "To the fine work we have done."

"And to the work ahead of us." the young administrator offered on cue, his Tunga dialect distorting the words slightly as he did.

"...So then we bring the fish from the Northern reaches, out past the Snow. The trip is arduous, but it is passable." the man smiled, a smug look of confidence as he added in the next part, "I've made it many a time, no sweat."

Suzu smiled, an eyebrow rising in astonishment as the Northerner gloated, "It must have been difficult, I can't imagine that just any man could make such a voyage…" she brought a hand to her chest as the other fell to rest on the table between them, "especially not more than once."

The man, a Sanosuke by title and turn-of-phrase, grinned now as he saw his words at work, "Of course not love, not just any can make the passage through the North."

Suzu smirked as the Sanosuke spoke, her interest remaining at the surface of the conversation at best as he spoke. Suddenly, Suzu leaned forward, a hand falling on the Sanosuke's as she did, "So only the Sanosuke are brave enough to make this trip then? From those terrible Northern seas to here?" she gripped his hand tightly, a facsimile of concern growing across her features as she begged for an answer to quell her concern.

"Of course!" the Sanosuke boasted, "None other than the finest crews can make the trip. The Saemund crews think it not worth the risk, the other Northerners have better ways to make their coin, and the Earth and those Outsiders have better things to fret about with than the fish of the Northern Ocean."

Suzu's grip tightened slightly before she released the man's hand, "Then you make it safe? With knowledge and skill no?"

"Dear, no better skill exists on the Northern Seas than that between a Sanosuke and his sailing ship." the man boasted clearly as he brought his other hand forward to clasp Suzu's forearm.

"Unfortunately Miss, we can not discuss open contracts with third parties." the aged Hojo sitting before her said with a smile born of years of negotiation, "We can however speak of any possible contract between your employers and mine of course," he added with a knowing nod.

Suzu bit the inside of her lip as she remained silent for a bit before pulling out another blank sheet of paper and pressing it across the table, "My employers, a small town of shipbreakers from the Southern countries, wish to inquire about supplying block and tackle for Havnav. They offer fine quality, and can move the goods of their own power of course."

The Hojo studied the paper intently, a ghost of doubt running across his mind as he scrutinized at nothing on the paper in his hands. Suzu could practically see his subconscious mind warring with his waking thoughts, the idea that something was innately wrong with the parchment threatening to swim its way to the surface as he looked.

"Of course," she began loud enough to wrench his view from the paper, "they are willing to provide competitive prices with a commission for the intermediary that arranges the sale once the equipment arrives at Havnav." she smiled warmly now, her eyes intently locked on the Hojo's as the shimmer of doubt she had seen in his eyes ebbing away at the new prospect, "They're willing to be quite generous to establish a solid working relationship, 35% of all transactions to be precise. Negotiable of course." she finished with a smug grin as the man finally suppressed the voice in the back of his head telling him something was wrong here in favor of the small lizard in his head that quite enjoyed the idea of profit.

"That is quite an offer Yrsa--"

"But we need guarantees, at least of competition for it. My employers wish to know who they compete with directly. No need to explain any contracts you have, open or closed, they simply wish to know the caliber of craftsman they are up against to better temper their own work you know?"

The Hojo shifted uncomfortably, the commission obviously weighing heavily as he leaned forward and spoke in a low whisper, "The Sanosuke of course run this sort of market," he stated grudgingly, "though the Saemund themselves provide in far lower amounts… And the Outsiders bring such goods in number, though it tends to vary in quality."

"My employers will be very pleased to hear of this I think." Suzu smiled as she scooped up the empty sheet from between them and slipped it into the folder she had taken it out of.[/hr]
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[ Kirigakure | The Jirou Authority ]
[ Jirou Kanbe | Dictator of the Water ]
[ Answering a Demand ]

Looking at the port at two ships, one larger and one smaller, Jirou went over matters in his head. The Mizuno refusal to deploy any troops to the west, despite agreeing to it earlier, essentially negated the agreement until they did so. But while that was the Mizuno, there had been the Akechi, who took a bigger step and just completely isolated themselves. Seeing some of the recent developments he became aware of, the Roju had an idea as to what caused it. And while the Hayashi had not acted yet, there was a sense that their own reaction might follow soon enough.

Once one of his Silver Immortals gave him the signal, Jirou went ahead and boarded the smaller of the two ships. It was one of the larger fishermen vessels, aimed for catching large sea creatures. Several of his Silver Immortals remained on the dock, as the two ships began distancing themselves from the port, and out into he open seas.

The captain of the ship had given his room to Jirou, for the duration of the sail. Sitting in the room, surrounded by numerous charts, Jirou closed his eyes. For about halfway, the ship will be accompanied by the larger vessel, just as overall protection, as the fishermen's ship did not possess much in terms of protecting itself against other vessels. Once they were past the halfway, the civilian ship will continue on its own, until it docked at the Akechi capital. At which point, the crew was already instructed to do as they are told, and not to cause any risk for themselves by trying to act out. The crew seemed to understand it well, as most had their own families to return to.

The travel on the ship went by quietly, both with the larger ship's escort and afterwards. As the Akechi capital became visible, and Jirou heard the call, the man stepped outside of the room and looked in its direction. It was time almost time to go and meet Lord Akechi and, hopefully, settle things without making them any worse.
[ Fortress Balagan | Sevudia | The Jirian Army ]
[ Hisao Kawata and Yuyuko Takeda ]
[ A collab between @Sakayanagi Selko and @Nim
[ Training Session and Change ]

Sitting in a more open area, outside of the captured, Hisao had his eyes closed. He listened to the breezes of winds that passed over him. While on their side, the capture of the fort had gone seamless, he had heard of what occurred at the gate side. It made him wary of any other secrets that the Rongese might be hiding amongst their numbers. And from what he saw, he had some significant doubts about the readiness of his genin and chuunin to face such a thing. And not to mention, he wanted to ensure both are capable of utilizing melee weapons that were more efficient in both attacking and defending, rather than just tools aimed more at attack and provide little to no defense.

He had informed his students to meet him at this area, where they won't be disturbed. He also had a crate beside him, in which lay a few wooden weapons of different types. There wasn't a large variety, but enough to have 2 of several types.

It was not long after Hisao arrived that Yuyuko could be seen making her way over to her sensei, her eyes a little flushed with tiredness from the recent battle she had just been through as while she has experienced fights and death, the enemies never exceeded past 30 except on rare occasions.
This battle however had twice to even thrice that many and that was being generous as there was probably more that would lose their lives soon.
Yuyuko thinking back on the ninja who trained her previously at camp as that one's words of how she was not ready begun to hit her like boulder to the face.

After taking a short moment to breath of relief at how lucky she was to survived that battle, her eyes caught sight of Hisao as she waved slightly and made her way over, but it was not as cheerful as she used to. But then again even her cheerfulness was more or less a cover for her to hide her worry, so at least it allowed Yuyuko some leeway to relax from keeping up her facade.

Seeing Yuyuko arrive, Hisao nodded towards her, waiting for a bit to see if his other student would arrive on time. After a couple of minutes, he stood up and shook his head a bit, before looking at Yuyuko "I guess it's gonna be the two of us that start the session. Hopefully your teammate will join soon, or she will be getting some punishment." He said, before motioning to the chuunin to take a sit on the ground.
"During the assault on the fort, you were using a katana, which is fine, but I felt like your movements could be refined some more. The chaos that occurred there was the main advantage we possessed, certainly, but what would you do if opponents just came and focused on you?" He asked, and looked at the weapons in the crate "We're going to be using training weapons. You can stick to the katana, and I'll be using a few alternating weapons. I'm not an expert with most of these, but I do want to teach you some basic movements that can help you. And as to why we're using the training weapons, it's because they weigh more, so you will be capable of maneuvering your katana with more ease. Go ahead and pick up one of the training katanas." Hisao stated, moving his gaze from Yuyuko towards the fort.

Yuyuko on her part used the time they were waiting for their team-mate to relax her mind after the events of capturing the fort.
It was not exactly too much on the young chunin as she was not at one of the more major part of the battlefield which did allow her to survive it, all things considered as she took a good look at the scars of the battle.
Her thoughts were shortly interrupted when Hisao decided that they waited long enough as she took a seat with him.
As he spoke of her performance, the chunnin nodded and she agreed internally that while she 'could' handle 2 opponents at once, it was more of possibly but not a certainty as she herself had been more than a little dysfuctional with her training methods.
"Ok sensei."
She said as she went over to the crate looking around and shortly retrieves a training katana before glancing back at Hisao slightly following his gaze to the fort but making sure that she was still being attentive.

Glancing back at Yuyuko after she grabbed the training katana, Hisao nodded, before moving and taking a training katana as well from the crate. After checking his own grasp over the weapons, Hisao gestured for Yuyuko to follow him "Tell me a couple of things before we begin. How long have you been utilizing the katana, and have you ever considered taking up any other weapons." He presented her with the two questions, before bringing them both to a stop somewhat away from the crates.
He took a pair of steps away, before facing her, wielding the training katana with one of the basic poses he knew "Answer me both of those, and then try and hit me. And if you do get a hit on me, then I'll answer a question. Of course, as long as I consider it to be reasonable." Hisao stated, preparing himself for however Yuyuko would try to come at him.

Yuyuko nods as she followed after Hisao as she checked her grip with the training katana to be sure that she could in a sense be one with the blade…..at least to some extent as she would privately admit to herself that she was not sure of her father's concept of being 1 with the blade.
With that, she tilted her head as she heard Hisao's questions and considered them for a moment.
"Ok, well for question 1, when i was at a young age thanks to Father. And...for other weapons...umm...i do not think so as i mostly feel comfortable with Fuurai….i mean my katana...and right,i shall start then."
Yuyuko said as she realised that referred to her katana by name and moved to correct it and readies her stance holding her katana behind on her left side and takes a breath while considering what question to ask Hisao. After a deep breath, she uses her feet to lunge forward using her right shoulder to slightly feint from Hisao's perpective, a right side swing before turning the blade's angle to do an upward slash.

As Yuyuko charged forward to him, Hisao kept his stance. As he watched her movements, he took a right step, while putting his katana more to the left, allowing Yuyuko's blade to clash with his blade, before he took a step backwards as she started moving her blade upwards instead.
Looking at Yuyuko, Hisao's expression seemed to remain neutral "Using feints is a good strategy, but they can work better under different circumstances then just immediately when a spar begins." He explained, raising his katana "And you can keep thinking of your question. We have some time." He told her, before they continued to train more, with Hisao switching between a couple more blades, and teaching her some basic moves to defend herself from each weapon.

After some time passed, Hisao called it the day for the training, and allowed Yuyuko to head back to camp, and give her more time to think about her question for him. However, he'd come to learn that the brass had decided to, yet again, shift things around, and now he was to continue serving in the eastern front, only without any team under him. He let Yuyuko know of the change, letting her know she will now answer to Jounin Nishi Hirashima.
Apologizing for the sudden change, even though it was out of his control, he went to go and find himself something to occupy himself with. He might have not bonded with them, but the sudden loss of a team did irk him a bit. He wondered if he would get another chance to lead a team later on.
[ The Battle of Jinseong | Sevudia, Eastern continent ]
[ Dagrún of Tryggve | Specialised Jounin of Team 4 | A sergeant of the Axebiters ]
[ Rongese Encampment ]

Many suffered and cursed their situation. The smoke and ash seemed to bother many as they trudged forwards, fighting both against the war-like surrounding and Rongese camp defenders. However, Dagrún seemed to revel in it. She walked forward with the platoon with a straight back as if it all didn't bother her. A grin seemed to be plastered on her face as her eyes eagerly looked around for the next victim.
Humming a rather cheerful tone, Dagrún did wonder if the Rongese would flee and scatter. Their camp would be destroyed at this rate, and their army's flanks would be devastated soon. Any reasonable warrior wouldn't desire such a situation. Then again, it seemed that the Rongese warfare doctrine was massively different. Their steady source of manpower and resources likely did little to motivate them to discipline their entire force instead of small detail.
"How bothersome," the two words left Dagrún's lips as a soft complaint, easily lost in the eerie ambience of the camp and the sounds of battle. The moment that she looked up, Dagrún's eyes widened. A huge shadow moved with a certain grace through the air.
"A dragon," she muttered, but this one was much larger than that of Orun's. For a moment, Dagrún halted and hoped that the beast would descend upon them. Already she couldn't help but what kind of trophies such a magnificent beast would grant her!
However, the beast didn't attack or even likely saw them from its height - much to Dagrún's disappointment.

Scoffing, Dagrún was about to mutter something. But then she halted upon detecting something. Gripping the handle of her sword tighter, she was about to warn her lieutenant, Meilin, but the Cho already signalled the unit to be ready themselves.
Readying herself, Dagrún became a bit frustrated as their assailants were once more the regular brutes that were no fun. Keeping her place in the ranks, Dagrún raised her shield to block an attack. In a fluid movement, her sword moved forwards and skewered her opponent.
Noticing another opponent moving in close - charging at a fellow Axebiter - Dagrún shoved her dying foe aside and aimed briefly. Much to the surprise of her allied Axebiter, the round shield of Dagrún slammed itself against the Rongese's head. Before the Rongese could recover, the Axebiter's spear pierced the Rongese's chest.
Scoffing, Dagrún saw more silhouettes moving in on them.
"Aye, I can also play that bloody game," she grumbled as she dashed forwards.

As a deadly spirit, Dagrún used the cover of the fog from smoke and ash to close in on her prey. The only warning that her enemies got was her counting in Chonobi.
Using her axe in her left hand and sword in her right, Dagrún went from enemy to enemy - preventing them from ever going close to the platoon of Meilin.
When the attack was over, Dagrún appeared to the platoon with a bloodied attire.
"Tch, fookin' hells. Not enough to reach a solid fifty."
[ Fortress Balagan | Sevudia | Jirian Army ]
[ Team Nishi | A collab between @Nim , @DeliciousFood and @Oetje ]
[ With some peace returning, the Jirian army sets Balagan as a base of operations. While many are attending to mundane tasks, Nishi rallies her team for a well-needed training it seems. ]

[ Part 2 ]
~ Previous Post ~

Nishi remained silent, observing the two pupils in front of her. When Alsanna flicked her blade, Nishi did a step to the side but managed to catch the blade by the handle. Flicking the weapon, she seemed to briefly inspect it before turning her attention back at the two.
One being ready to put herself, her very health, on the line to improve herself. An attitude that was far from a joke, despite the girl's usual sarcasm and banter. Admirable as it was, Nishi had her thoughts and experience with such an approach.

But before Nishi could really ponder on Hikari's words, Alsanna already moved into action. As a response, Nishi's eyes narrowed - her right hand pulling out a kunai.
In a fluid motion, Nishi moved away as she held the weapon in a defensive fashion.
"So impatient," Nishi mumbled underneath her breath. Because of Alsanna's action, Nishi hadn't caught all that Hikari said. Relaxing her stance ever so slightly, Nishi spoke up louder.
"Impairing my vision? It is a bit generic but taking away a sense from your opponent can always lead to openings. Though what follows isn't a trap, really. You haven't laid anything in preparation but just throw shuriken with wire. You two should be able to come up with something better, quite easily."

To maybe one's surprise, contact with the kunai did not yield anything nor did it begin to explode. It was as inert as ever, not even the lightest of curses. With Hikari's decision to keep it theoretical and diplomatic, the more agitated of the two scoffed before performing another whip-like motion, which forced the weapon to retract and adopt the cane-form she seldom utilized over the parasol. The weapon was made to rest over her shoulder while her gloved hand set itself upon her hip, "Plans rarely go as expected, the baseline was essentially to have Hikari consistently undermine your posture and superior prowess so I can then cripple you with one of the nasty afflictions I have in store. Of course, a true master of the mysterious arts doesn't fully disclose the whole thing! And I maaaayyy have kept Hikari in the dark." a shit-eating grin was directed toward the blonde, followed by an exaggerated shrug and a wink.
"But, the only way we'd win against you, Nishi, is with extremely underhanded tactics and unusual abilities. Hence my inclination to seize the initiative right away. Give you little time to think. And turn this into a chaotic fest like with those Rongese fodder." she sucked in her cheek, her gestures illustrated by her cane being spun and swung about as if she had some massive attention issue, "Oh well. I had also marked blondie here so you could have a face-to-face with not-Blondie if need be. A contingency, if she messed up too much."

As she listened to both Nishi and Alsanna, Hikari moved her gaze between both. She wasn't surprised by the response from the Jounin, considering the 'plan' she gave was a half assed response she gave on the spot without thinking much of it. Alsanna's response, however, made Hikari curious. Alsanna had not touched her exactly gently, considering there was the punch. She didn't know if it was possible for her to put seals that way.
"Well, I agree with her that plans don't often go exactly as intended. Part of the reason why we need to train to be capable of readjusting and improvising, right?" Hikari said, looking at Nishi briefly, before turning her attention to Alsanna.
"That's not something I'm very eager to see. But I guess it wouldn't hurt to have it as a potential defence. Would've been nice to know ahead of time though, otherwise I would've been caught off guard by it too, and then that both would've distracted me and potentially created an opening for Nishi to take me down." Hikari sighed and shook her head a bit, before glancing and Nishi again "Another something I would've personally tried going for, is to try and get you to stay off the ground. To try and keep you from using your earth techniques as much as possible. Of course, I don't know if I know all the ones you do, but the ones I did witness you utilize, required being on the ground. As to how, my main thought was controlled explosions with explosive tags, not target you directly, but rather your surrounding ground."
Once she finished explaining her second line of thought, Hikari shrugged a bit "But I don't know how reliant I would be on that, considering how much of a dust screen and mess that plan would create." She added.

Still wary of any attacks of Alsanna, Nishi straightened her back but not holstering her weapon back. Listening to the responses, it became clear that the two were missing some critical points. Nishi remained, however, silent until both had given their reply. But judging from her features, she was mildly disappointed. Even if she hadn't set her standards to the same demanding levels as before, Nishi doubted that the performance she was witnessing would sate her.
"Using an ally to achieve victory is a cliché tactic for us shinobi. However, one that works or else it wouldn't likely be a cliché," Nishi began as she glanced at Alsanna, "I can also appreciate your cunning, knowing what to share and what not with your ally. For underhanded tactics are never wrong in our vocation. Same with the initiative. I will have to give you some points for that," the jounin calmly stated as if attacking one's sensei wasn't wrong, "But as you puppeteer, you need to be careful. I don't think your reliance on Hikari is something that would work out. However, those are speculations that we can't be certain of until we try."

Turning her attention to Hikari, Nishi did slightly frown. The mere fact that the girl was okay with being marked made Nishi feel disgusted - so far, the woman could see. No sense of pride or even annoyance that her ally used her as a puppet. The ironic part is that the chuunin was outranking the 'puppeteer' in this scenario.
"You would aid me. It will help if you remember that you are dealing with the five senses. Sight is one of those. If your plan takes away the sight of the enemy's movement, you need to be confident or competent enough to deal with such a hurdle. Neither of you is sensors or trained in the subtle arts of stealth to pull that off. Your plan that you told me about? You are going to prohibit Alsanna as yourself."

Placing her hands on her hips, Nishi seemed to consider what to do with the two pupils visibly. In short, both were ready to follow a plan of their own. However, as ambitious as it all sounded, they would fail. Granted, Nishi reckoned that in a real fight, they could try to communicate. But she saw that the two failed in doing so when they were given both time and space, which meant that it wouldn't be better in a combat situation.
"Tactics is undeniably something that you two need to work on, both as individuals and as a pair. I will tackle that later. For now, let us not drag this further. I want you two to settle down now," Nishi gestured to them to sit on the dry grass.
"Aside from tactics, chakra control is an essential skill. You both have learned in the Academy that there are five basic natures. I hope that you both are aware of what chakra natures you're affiliated with. Each basic nature has two signs that resonate with the respective nature. For example, my affiliation nature is earth."
Nishi settled down on the ground and crossed her legs in a typical meditation seat before bringing her hands together.
"That means that Serpent and Boar signs resonate with my affiliated chakra nature. To train my control over chakra, I can form and hold this sign. Allowing me to mould and actively gain control over my chakra. But," raising her right index finger, Nishi made sure that her tone was stern, "this training isn't easy or without risks. If you lose even the slightest of concentration, your moulding chakra will go on a rampage. Some known cases of people who lost their ability to use ninjutsu or even got horribly injured because they messed up. Any questions?"

Listening to Nishi's response about her second suggested plan, Hikari nodded. It was exactly as she remarked. Without being trained to utilize those types of things, they would hinder both her and Alsanna.
As the jounin spoke up again, Hikari briefly glanced at Alsanna, before moving her attention back to Nishi. Even if she didn't voice it out loud, the glance would make it clear that what Alsanna had mentioned before did bother her, only she elected not to voice it. As she kept her attention on Nishi and did as she was told, sitting down on the grass as they were told. As she explained things further about what they were going to do, Hikari's expression turned more serious. She adjusted her sitting position to be the same style as Nishi's, but didn't put her hands together yet.
"My affinity is fire, and the Tiger sign is one that resonates the most with that affiliated nature." Hikari stated quietly, only looking at her hands and not making the sign yet, only visualizing it in her mind, before looking up at the jounin "Only one question from me. If we must keep our concentration completely on this, does it mean this is a type of training that we can only afford to do in safe environments?" She asked. Unlike training with a weapon, this felt like the type of training that would leave them completely exposed, at least until they become better at it.

"Reliance? I thought this was some team exercise. I do something on my own, scolded for going solo. I do something with Hikari, scolded for relying on her." she glared over at the teacher, the cane in her hand now vanishing into nothing, "'Tis why practical application is better. But guess we're lazing today. Which is also cool." a rough gesture of dismissal had the teen walk a few meters away, where she'd claim a tree stump for herself, and adopt various sitting positions to see which was the comfiest.
The soles of her boots kicked at the edge of the stump as the exchange continued, with Alsanna's gaze venturing away from the group and focusing on various irrelevant elements in their surrounds, "I don't use my nature the way you two do. The signs are of minimal consequence. I don't use enough chakra for it to matter." she passively responded, azure eyes now fixated by a roosting pigeon nearby, "Yeah, I have a question. Who is stupid enough to mess up ninjutsu so bad to the point of actually scarring their pathways? That's pretty next-level stupid. They completely deserve it. Most cases the chakra just doesn't take shape, or is weaker than normal." the blue pupils then dropped to confer a small glance to the duo, "Although to gain sovereignty over other chakra flows that aren't yours, now that's an interesting exercise ..." she smiled.

A sigh escaped Nishi as she waited a second before responding. Turning her attention first to Hikari, Nishi nodded to emphasise her answer. "Yes. It requires focus and concentration. Something that I just learned, that not everyone has. Doing this in any way that breaks focus is a bad plan. Go ahead and start."
Turning to Alsanna, Nishi's eyes narrowed as a clear sign of focusing on her current source of annoyance. Taking some steps to the half-Sayyadian Nishi crouched to bring herself to the girl's level.
"I am going to be really honest with you, Alsanna. My patience is lately not in abundance. I am not in the mood now to argue with you," Nishi said, her voice cold but calm. If the girl was observant, she could see the woman's right hand trembling slightly as some cold sweat was slightly visible on the woman's skin.
"So be a good little genin. Do as you are told today before I will do some real unpleasant stuff." Nishi paused as she kept her gaze fixated on Alsanna. "Cause it is really stupid to be a pain in the ass of someone like me. Certainly when you are a genin that has her head so far up her ass. So shut those lips, sit on the ground and be silent for the next thirty minutes. Before I will literally force you to do so."

Hearing the repeated response, Hikari moved her gaze to her hands, before forming the tiger seal. Closing her eyes, she began focusing on her chakra, and blocking everything else out. The only thing she needed to concentrate on was maintaining control of her chakra. Feeling the chakra being moulded in her hands, She kept her breathing steady, and kept her focus solely on the moulded chakra.

Observant she was, for she had been seeking out the clues this whole session, and now they had been made more obvious. This realization made the 'levelling' that just happened lose some of strength, as Alsanna went from slightly startled with her posture stiffened into one where she had both hands over her knees and her posture straightened with her eyes right into Nishi's. Now, however, she'd have the lightest smirk pushed against the edge of her lips, her head swinging from side to side as she absorbed the information communicated by the Jounin, verbally and non-verbally.
"Only a few days left, and about to burst, I see ..." her upper body leaned forward, closing the distance between the adult and the teen to the point where Nishi could smell Alsanna's minty breath quite clearly, "Do not relent now, sensei. We do have a very consequential deal going on. Besides, wouldn't getting physical be giving me what I want?" she responded with a head tilt, her voice wasn't nearly as taunting as before, as if she was stating facts.
Surprisingly, she'd actually cross her legs over the tree stump and form the dragon seal, which in turn prompted the two other females to feel the most subtle change in the air and a much lighter form of 'infiltration' they had sensed in the past when Alsanna touched them. "Let's see here ..." this time, her palpitating murmurs ability was used, but what she was looking for was something different. A more vulnerable Nishi and a focused yet probably slightly uncomfortable Hikari provided the best contrasts possible. She was going to sniff out their chakra, and its flow within them, by reading their own bodies' reactions and their clearly manifested emotions. "I learn best by seeing things done first. So, keep at it, Nishi-Sensei."

Nishi's narrowed, revealing her frustration and increasing anger at the attitude of the genin in front of her. If Nishi lacked just a bit more discipline, it was clear that she would have likely lashed out or made an attempt to choke the life out of the genin.
"Fucking brat," Nishi muttered underneath her breath, as Alsanna decided to not continue her resistance and do as she was instructed. Briefly, Nishi raised a hand to rub her nose bridge.
A familiar sensation crept over her body, causing the jounin to slowly lower her hand and throw a glare at Alsanna. For a few seconds there was no reply leaving the jounin, that was close to giving in to her temptations of punishing the genin.
"I swear by the Divine, this must be my test. My damned punishment," Nishi once more muttered to herself before passing by Alsanna and taking a more central position. Observing Hikari and Alsanna, Nishi's anger continued to simmer for a while.

"That is enough," Nishi's voice broke the silence that reigned for some time. "Hikari, focus on slowly halting your chakra. Don't break your concentration or handsign until your chakra is completely still again," Nishi further instructed as she threw a look at Alsanna. There seemed to be something that Nishi wanted to say or ask but opted against it at the last second.
Waiting till both were done and ready, Nishi spoke up again.
"We are now going to start something that will prove most useful. And luckily something you can only train by practicing it. It is what many refer to as Silent Killing. I am certain that the name explains itself," Nishi paused before she continued on, "There is some theory but you guys aren't ready for that yet. First, just show me how quitely you can approach a shadow clone of mine."

Conjuring a shadow clone, Nishi's duplicate would turn her back on the pupils before taking some distance.
"Just to motivate you two further. Each success will be rewarded. Of course, it is going to be a surprise."
[ The Battle and Victory of Jinseong | Sevudia, Eastern continent ]
[ Hiron Hon | Jounin of Team 9 | Major General of the 3rd Imperial Division ]
[ The Victory of the 3rd Imperial Division ]

The Red Cloaks were quickly decimated as the surprise attack of Kyoi landed. The additional support of Team 9 swiftly led to the Red Cloaks deaths. However, more Rongese soldiers came charging at the few Akinian shinobi with murderous intent. Before Team 9 had to defend themselves against the overwhelming odds, a series of warhorns sounded an Akinian charge. The 10th and 12th Imperial brigades soldiers moved forwards and slammed against the Rongese charge - an orchestra of battle cries, splintering wood, shouts and cries going together with the eerie songs of swinging steel.
The battle continued onwards as both sides fought with unrelenting anger and determination, most of the combatants having the water of the crossing up to their knees as they continued to hew and kill each other.

However, the struggle didn't continue for too long as the Rongese native tongue shouts started to spread. Hiron panted as he had delivered a mortal blow to one of the bastards. Looking up, he couldn't see the enemy camp - due to the large hills between them. But upon sighting large and dark columns of smoke, he knew enough. The sight of the Rongese army starting to waver was enough of a sign for another force to dawn upon them.
As hungry lions, the Senju allied force moved in. Hundreds of arrows were fired off in various volleys and delivered a rain of death upon the flanks of the Rongese army. Trumpets were sounded as the Senju footsoldiers moved in formation, the row of Senju pikes and steel presented in a deadly fashion.
The Senju footsoldiers ignored any Rongese that started to run, for their horsemen were waiting eagerly to chase down and hack any stranglers.

The morale of their enemy started to waver but more so when the 11th horsemen moved in for a flanking charge. Various of the Hell's Raiders horsemen carried the banners taken from the Rongese encampment - some of the flags burning or ripped and damaged to showcase their victory on the Rongese encampment.
"Heh," Hiron stood still as more of the surrounding Akinians pushed forwards, not showing any mercy upon their dreaded foes. "What a day," he said, briefly closing his eyes as his bloodlust and desire for revenge was sated.

For today.

The significant battle was over. Various mounted soldiers' detachments were sent out to kill the fleeing Rongese troops - for Hiron didn't need any of them to be captured. Wounded and dead Akinians were taken back to the nearby camp immediately. At the same time, other Imperials and Senju either scavenged the dead Rongese for the few valuable items that they could possess. Any wounded Rongese that was founded was abruptly killed, save it for a few officers gathered up.
"Major General, sir," Drent's voice sounded, causing Hiron to twist his head to throw a look at the captain. The bald Yakimara made a resolute salute before he spoke further. "We have several captives. Officers, diverse of rank. What do you want with those?" Drent asked.

Hiron considered their options and then sighed. With a dismissive gesture, he waved back at Drent. "Just kill them. I won't waste resources, effort and time on them, and we got plenty of enough to worry about without them."
Drent nodded and just turned around to deliver the answer. Hiron turned his gaze back at the crossing where many people were still busy with their given tasks. As the night started to descend upon the world, the Imperials and Senju were back in their respective camp. They counted and honoured their fallen, as good as it was possible in their current situation. The wounded were prepared to be transported for the next day as a small detachment of the 10th Imperial Brigade moved to a new position to prepare a large encampment.

Upon the arrival of the next day, all Imperial and Senju camps were bustling with activity. Hiron had decided to instruct some of the Senju forces to station guard and lookout posts, in case their control over the river crossing would be threatened again - from an unexpected angle. Forager and scouting parties were sent out as the bulk of each force moved to the new position. Those not wounded or able to tend to them were put to mundane tasks. For the next few days, there would be a semblance of peace as hard labour erected a large Imperial Akinian encampment - its palisade standing tall before the fall of the next night.
[ After the battle of Jinseong | Sevudia | Eastern Continent ]

[ Kensuke Nimatsu | Scholae ]
[ Meilin Cho | Jounin squad leader, Team 4 - a lieutenant of the Axebiters ]

The wound had been treated but it still sent stings whenever she placed some pressure nearby. Oddly enough, Meilin didn't feel out of place with a scar on her face. Just one facial scar was enough but it could have been worse. Way worse, if she had seen the fate of other Imperials that had been wounded or killed during the last battle.
Not long after she had been treated, Meilin left the area where the tents and physicians were at work. For a full two days working and tending to the wounds of others, she was quite relieved to be given some time off. Heading off to her tent, it was slightly confusing to adjust to the camp life. At least, the mere fact that nearly the whole 3rd division was complete in one location. Sighting the different uniformal garbs of the 12th and the 10th Imperial brigades on her way, Meilin could also hear people talk Taika and Yakimara. A fact that shouldn't confuse her further but she guessed that hearing Chonobi for the majority of the time had made her adjust more to it? Whatever.
Then she heard a name that she hadn't heard for a while. Slowly coming to a halt, Meilin twisted her head slightly to look at the right. A few soldiers of the 10th were talking. About the Green Falcon?
Curious, Meilin tried to reason with herself for a moment. She did know that the chances were slim that Kensuke Nimatsu would be assigned to a brigade filled up to the brim with Cho, Scylding and what not. Then again, Mamoru and the genin were Taika as well.
In the most casual kind of way, that she possibly could, Meilin continued but decided to take a detour - passing by the group of soldiers she opted to eavesdrop on.
The name of Green Falcon, Scholae and Nimatsu fell several times. Together with several keywords as; 'here', 'present'.

Frowning as she continued onwards, Meilin wondered what brought Kensuke to the front. Had he been assigned to either the 10th or 12th? Remembering what she had told Mamoru before, Meilin realised that she wasn't feeling so sure if she should seek the Nimatsu out. Their parting had been abrupt and not on the best of grounds. Then again, she reckoned that there wasn't anything to lose either.
"And best to avoid my tent anyways," she mumbled to herself, realizing that the downtime after the battle would invite the likes of the lower ranks to request some sort of training.

The search involved talking and questioning the quartermasters. Despite their non-combat role, those guys knew what was going on. Almost as if managing the inventory and dealing with requests was their secondary job and gossip was their first. After a somewhat pleasant exchange, Meilin received the location of where Kensuke's tent should be.
Not much surprising, he was situated close to the 10th Imperial brigade. Heading out, it wasn't too far as the tent actually seemed to be on the edge of the 11th, which worked out just fine.

Looking around, Meilin still remembered what Kensuke looked like. Actually, she mused, she hadn't ever seen any blonde guy taller than him. Deciding to wait out, Meilin found a small crate to sit on as she kept looking around.

The outside world greeted him with a pleasant afternoon, almost no cloud in the sky. Kensuke blinked his eyes against the sudden daylight, coming straight at him. He murmured something about the idea of making a tent with the exit right in the direction of the sun, but he couldn't really blame anyone for that. Zakito had warned him of this, and Kiyomi had confirmed this as well, but work was everywhere. He could brightly remember the day before he arrived here as he had nothing to do for the entire day. That was almost two weeks ago by now. Ugh. Even his training schedule had to suffer under the amount of tasks he had to give out, the amount of reports he had to read, and that was absolutely nothing if he also accounted for the amount of waiting he had to do. Anxious waiting for a report that might not come from his scouts, only to figure out that the problem lay with his retainers who'd been so foolish as to tell the wrong person. Tsk. And then there was his secret mission he also had to worry about. Things never seemed to end.

Finally he had some free time from this whole endeavour, and for the first time in at least a week his stomach told him it wasn't time to eat yet. Time to sleep, perhaps? There was nothing else to do other than waiting for now. Of course he'd just sent out some scouts to gather information about the movements of the Rongese after the battle, especially their red cloaks, but that information had just been sent out. Then again, and he looked out into the sun and the surrounding area. The afternoon had just begun, and he was enjoying the warmth of the sun, despite his initial complaints.

Maybe, just maybe, he could stand here a while?

Staring from her seat, Meilin was certain of it. Rising from her sit Meilin considered how she should approach the Nimatsu. With a casual pace she strode towards the taller guy.
"Kensuke?" Her head slightly tilted to the left as she introduced a pause, "I heard you were in the neighbourhood. I didn't really believe that it could be true until I saw you practically towering out above everything else."
Her tone betrayed a tone of amusement as she flashed a small smile.
"So, how are you doing these days?"

Suddenly he was talked to. By a voice that sounded familiar. He saw a girl, which sent his mind into a train of memories until he finally found whom it belonged to. Ah! Meilin! She kept talking however, and he had to put real effort in understanding what was being said. This camp was a hotbed of languages, but his mental tiredness was the real deal here. He finally caught up at the last few sentences Meilin Said, and he was too tired not to grin.

"Hi." He said somewhat lazily, and to add insult to injury he yawned right afterwards. "All in all, not too bad considering. How are you doing? I saw from the reports that I am to call you a jounin by now. Not bad!" He said with respect. At least her next teacher must've been someone great to be able to achieve these kinds of results with her.

It felt odd. For some reason Meilin hadn't expected that he would either know or congratulate her with the promotion to the rank of jounin.
"Thanks, still adjusting to it. After all this time," she responded at first, "I wish it would involve a bigger pay rise, but I can't really complain that much," Meilin added before introducing a short pause.
"So, what are you doing here? I thought that you Scholae were the Empress favorites? Did something naughty to get sent to the war front or something?" Meilin asked, crossing her arms out in front of her chest.

He nodded, much in agreement. "You see why I had to do with such a tiny house now." He joked, before she turned the conversation around to why he was here. That fact hadn't changed allright.

"That, or perhaps the Empress decided to devote one of her Scholae to the war? I couldn't say, but what do you think?" He stated.

A soft scoff escaped Meilin upon hearing the first comment. When Kensuke brought the question back, on what she thought about the matter, Meilin just shrugged lightly.
"Truthfully? I can only guess. Hayate and Koike are also Scholae. But they have been on the front since the start. And if the rumours are entirely correct, the Northerners as … what are they called these days? Jir-something? Eh, southerlings, I suppose. Or Rats, as some of the guard loveling call them here, are also bringing more numbers to the game." Her eyebrows lightly perked upwards, "So if I had to make a guess, you were so bored that you decided to check out the action here. That or you're going to admit that you were missing my boldness."

Throwing a look around for a few seconds, she then fixated her gaze back on Kensuke.
"Though, I haven't yet seen the others of Team 7. Karma? Kyoi? Well, Madoc is in my squad now. Annoying bugger is doing fine. Got promoted to specialised jounin. I even got him to work and train with the lower ranks from time to time."

"Almost there," Kensuke said approvingly. "but not quite there yet." He finished his sentence with glee. He looked around to see if anyone was listening before he turned towards her. "Let's just say my name is known throughout the empire, and in their empire as well, if you know where to ask. If I'm surrounded by soldiers who are meant to kill the Rongese, I am less of an opportunity." He explained curtly, and hoped she'd understand.

Ah, team 7. Those were some days. Despite that period not lasting all that long, and the fact that it had begun and ended in crisis for him, it had been strangely good. But he was glad that he wasn't a team leader anymore, as he was sure that the Hyuuga were all too happy about that.

"I've heard that Kyoi was doing just fine. She got promoted to a tokubetsu jounin. About Karma however? I actually don't know. The Empress kept me busy during that time, that's for sure and certain."

"Huh, almost," Meilin repeated, wondering what kind of machinations were at work. Then again, she wasn't that curious that she was going to pry further. Chances were that politics of the highest level were at work. Something that Meilin rather avoided if she could.
"Promoted, huh, seems everyone is doing rather well. Aside from this whole conflict being a thing. Then again, I doubt we can decide to ignore the Rongese now," Meilin further added as she wondered more about his reasoning. Wasn't he leading a team anymore?

"Then again, with your height, you are a target for nearly everything. I assume that you haven't managed to meet the local wildlife yet? I can truly recommend some of it if you like beasts with rows of teeth, exploding scales or having a worse stench than some of the guys here." Meilin casually stated, "Though, now that we are talking. How about we grab some lunch? I have yet to eat and I want to talk about something now that I have caught you here. Unless you have some super secret stuff going on that little ol' me isn't allowed to be indulged in."

He raised both of his hands. "I have already eaten, but there's always room for some more." He said, and went towards the closest cantina. "What do you want to talk about?"

Walking alongside the tall blonde, Meilin shook her head subtly.
"You see, this is where it likely all started. You are eating too much. Lucky you though, with it all going in height instead of width." After the half-attempt of joking at his expense, Meilin became visibly and audibly more serious.
"I just want to talk. We didn't really have a good dynamic back when we were on the same team. I did some, hm," squinting an eye closed, Meilin paused, "things that were lacking cooperation. Now that I have been a leader of a squad with three troublesome idiots, I think I can understand how much of a hard time I gave you. Not the others," scoffing Meilin's tone betrayed her slight irritation, "Karma was weird. Sen was useless in almost every situation. Kyoi? I think we only met once? Twice? Eh, I never had a quarrel with a Hyuuga. But neither any good relationship either."

Arriving at the cantina, there were plenty of people 'enjoying' the simple meal being handed out. Arranging something for herself and Kensuke, they had the sheer luck that a few left and created a spot for them to sit without bumping elbows against others.
"So, what I am trying to say, in my own way," Meilin continued as she picked up the wooden spoon and glanced at the soup, "I guess I wish things had gone a bit different, knowing what I know now."

It remained quiet for a time as Kensuke processed all this. Yes, he had expected this, but the time where he would be happy about it was long gone. It had all been replaced with a sore vagueness that it didn't matter anymore what he thought of that period. He had always done everything for Konoha, everything for the Land of Fire, and even then everything for the Empire. He even was willing to offer up his life for the empire, but it just didn't go both ways. He was lied to, and that was that. But to tell all that to Meilin, who just became a jounin and had other things on her mind, namely, how to survive in this hostile environment, deep inside Rongese lands? That was too much, he feared.

"That's fine. You always know in hindsight what would have been the best for everyone. For example, I wasn't the best teacher either. To give me leadership over a whole new team, based upon my activities that I had undergone in another team, a team I knew and a team that knew me, was a mistake." Kensuke said, nodding while eating his soup. "Besides, I can't explain it even further than that. It was just a mistake none of us could have solved."

He remained silent while finishing his soup, pondering over what could have happened but didn't. "What of your current teammates then?"

She didn't mind that it was silent. The bread wasn't too stale, so it was probably baked today. The soup itself could have been better but it was better than an empty stomach. Chewing on a first bite, Meilin did pay attention to Kensuke. The load was from her shoulders as she had said what she wanted to tell him. But it was nice that he didn't rub it in her face or just painted himself as the bigger person.
While Meilin had thoughts of her own, she kept those for herself. A new team would be difficult yeah, so she opted to not discuss those finer points.
"Oh great. I have a Miyazato, that is, hm, well, let just put that she once attempted to bash my teeth in. If I hadn't been capable of defending myself somewhat, she may very well had been able to knock some out. But I like her. Even if she has her flaws," pausing Meilin thoughts went from Aoi to Dagrún, "then I got a Dowhon on my team. Or Tryggve, she prefers that more. I don't think I have seen anybody enjoy combat more or made an art out of it. She is probably the fastest in terms of reflexes and attacking. Hell, you probably won't be able to keep her down if you try it out."
Then Madoc came up in Meilin's thoughts, which provoked a soft sigh.
"You already met and may remember Madoc. Blonde haired cunt is still the same. At least, first glance. I got to bond with him. I suppose I am now cursed of being one of his best friends. Yet it is better than Sen. Or Karma."

A small smile crossed her lips as she then thought on how to describe Mamoru.
"And to top it all of, they decided I could mentor a genin. Granted, the first one died. Not entirely on my watch. Wrong place, wrong time and facing someone with far more skill. That kind of ordeal," Meilin casually stated as she shrugged lightly, "now I got a Senju. A Cho mentoring a Senju. It was quite weird but the guy is alright. Eager to learn and loyal to the boot. I think I got really lucky with him as a pupil."

Kensuke nodded above his lukewarm soup, finishing the rest of it in one go. "Good." He finally said. Meilin seemed completely as she had been back then. Eager to go, combat-ready and perhaps a little too likeable for his reasoning. The fact that she instantly wanted to distance herself from the genin that had been slain was a sign of that. Well, he didn't know exactly how that had happened, nor did he want to know. He knew enough to see that Meilin was at the right place, and that saddened him somewhat.

"And during the battle? I would imagine that a genin'd have second thoughts about that. Those aren't the battles you usually fight."

"He performed quite well," Meilin started, though it seemed clear that she was weighing her words carefully, "The green behind his ears is gradually fading. His loyalty to me does tend to make him reluctant to leave my side. Endearing at times but nothing too problematic." She said, feeling a hint of pride as it had been mostly her that had attended Mamoru's training.
"But I intend to train him more in the coming days. Last battle he showed a rather intriguing ability. Wood release, if I am not too mistaken. A well seasoned rot as yourself may know a thing or two about it, wouldn't you?" Meilin decided to ask in return.

"Actually, in all my years as a shinobi, I've never really dealt with wood release." He said, smiling wryly. "I know of it of course, but that's about it. I seem to remember that it's a … more creative version of the metal release?" He asked, feigning interest. He pushed the empty bowl away from him and took a more relaxed pose in his chair.

It was time he ended this, how remarkably good this might be. After coming out of the woods back that time, he was disillusioned with how things had gone with Meilin, Karma and Kyoi. Terrified of that, he submitted that he didn't want to lead a team anymore. That Meilin, the one who caused this all, still liked him, was a great boon, you would think. But at this time, Kensuke had other goals. Ryo Katsu.

"A shame, I had hoped I could drag you in. Perhaps even gain some of a rest myself, by clearly setting you up to deal with my pupil," Meilin said, though the clear amusement marking her words as nothing more than a half-hearted attempt at joking. "I suppose I will have to delve further in the matter myself then."
Then again, if Kensuke's words were right, then perhaps she could inquire Hayate or Hylli's aid? Perhaps.

"So, what are you going to do now? With the force clearly focusing on the aftermath, will you remain in camp or going to bugger off and bother the Rongese yourself?"

"Break through of course!" Kensuke said in a posh voice. "I am afraid that that isn't for your ears," He looked around. "-or anyone else's here." He shrugged helplessly.. "Point is, I'm not taking over command or anything. I go wherever the commander needs me, and at this moment, I'm stuck here."

Raising both her hands as if she needed to prove she was innocent from any hidden Imperial agents meant to sniff out any traitors or foreign infiltrators, Meilin gained a wry smile.
"Then consider me not intrigued. I have seen my own fair share of secret missions. Those were a pain in the ass. Reckoning with your rank, they are just even more complex." Lowering her hands, she wondered briefly if he could really take command over. The 11th or 12th would likely complain or worse if suddenly a Nimatsu was going to commandeer them around. Then again, was that her worry? No.
"You, at least, arrived at a better time than before. Not to even forget, a better season. Being stuck in this hellhole in winter is the absolute worst. If we tend to ignore the Rongese and whatever dreadful things they can conjure or bring to the battlefield or missions."

When Meilin said that he laughed, despite everything. "Consider yourself lucky that you didn't have to spend the Winter in the Land of Iron then!" He was, as of right now, on a secret mission to save someone, so he didn't pay that much mind to it. But his teammates? Oh, they knew it. Katsu'd let him know every time they took a break that it was cold. Heh.

A soft whistle escaped Meilin as Kensuke stated the Iron country. She only knew some rumours, that the isolationist nation was far from easy or safe to approach. "I suppose there is some interesting story to it. Perhaps you should consider spending supper with my unit and tell us about it," she suggested, being genuine with her invitation. "I can't promise that the food will be splendid but it may be a nice change of pace for you."

The offer was considered. It would be nice to spend an evening away from all of this. But given Kensuke's mission, that would be nigh impossible, if he even was here at all. "I'll see." Was his cryptic response.

"Alright," Meilin said as she rose from her seat. "You know where to find me, I suppose. Thanks for the talk. Surprisingly pleasant," Meilin stated, a friendly smile flashed as she nodded her head.
"Good luck on your secret endeavour," would be her greeting as she raised a hand briefly while heading back to the side where the 11th Imperial Brigade was camped.
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[ Fortress Balagan | Sevudia | Jirian Army ]
[ Team Nishi | A collab between @Nim , @DeliciousFood and @Oetje ]
[ With some peace returning, the Jirian army sets Balagan as a base of operations. While many are attending to mundane tasks, Nishi rallies her team for well-needed training it seems. ]

[ Part 2 ]
~ Previous Post ~

Hearing the instructions, Hikari remained with her eyes closed and focused on doing as she was told. It took about a minute before she reached a state where she didn't feel her chakra moving anymore, before she opened her eyes and looked at Nishi, standing up as an indication that she was ready for whatever came next. And listening to the jounin, Hikari only nodded in response. She did hear about Silent Killing, although she didn't see anyone actually use it yet. Then again, if she did see it, then it probably failed.
As Nishi conjured the shadow clone, which turned and stepped away. Hearing the further motivation note about being rewarded, Hikari simply nodded once more, to show she understood, before looking over the area between her and the clone.

Before beginning to take any step, however, Hikari seemed to wait briefly. She was working on calming her breathing, trying her best to make it the least noticeable as possible. Someone of Nishi's scale would likely catch onto that as she got closer. Once she felt a bit more comfortable with her breathing, she started taking slow, careful steps towards the clone, raising her hand slowly as she moved, aiming to only tap the clone at its back if she could reach it. Hikari tried using the wind to conceal her stepping sounds entirely, but she wasn't sure just how effective it would be, as it did make her move slower than what she felt was optimal.

"Cool." was her response to the notion of silent killing, all the while she was inspecting her nails and posing on her tree stump in a sitting position. First came Hikari, and the more stubborn of the two beared witness, albeit easily distracted by anything that may have passed by, whether it'd be a leaf or her imagination.
After the blonde's attempt, Alsanna would go for her own approach, although first she had to complain, "Yeah, sneak up to the shady teacher with loads of experience. Definitely possible. I'm sure even those of your rank can't do that." and with that she hopped on her two feet. And she didn't move when she was out of the clone's sight. With index and major fingers, she seized a blade in her sleeve, and oh so carefully raised it to cheek-level. It seemed this was a movement she was used to, and as a surgeon, dexterous fingers necessary. But the discrete nature of her approach ended here. The moment she threw the blade at the base of the clone's neck. The biggest change would be the blade cutting through the air, and the ever so minor change in air current. Evidently, this didn't constitute 'approaching', but there was something she clearly had in mind. With a shrug, she turned to Nishi, "Yeah, I'm not getting close to that without a method." quick to give up, she crossed her arms behind her head.

Watching how Hikari made an attempt, Nishi had to reign herself in to not unleash a shout of frustration upon hearing Alsanna. Watching the girl attempting to take the clone down with a thrown blade, a shuriken thrown by Nishi intervened - knocking the girl's weapon from its trajectory.
"In a combat situation, you wouldn't ever get close to me without anything to warrant such a feat," Nishi said, her teeth nearly gritting when she paused, "The fact, however, remains that this served to be giving me an indication how well you two would be in said skill. Sadly, it is a skill that requires dedication and patience. The latter who I am quickly losing with such a turd as you," the last sentence having some venom instead of the mockery or amusement that usually paired with Nishi's comments towards Alsanna. Placing her hands on her hips, Nishi spoke further.
"If you know so much better, please. Take the floor. Show me and Hikari how it is done. No? Then stay silent and follow commands or bugger off before I really decide to let loose."

"Hey now, I never said I actually had a method." her index rose up and pointed right at the jounin, trying to match the animosity that had been growing, though she then seemed to cool down, her body language seeming to relax and pointing taking its end, "Although if you're interested, this little exercise has indeed given me an idea! Perhaps an alternative to those not-so-versed in the unsavory arts of rogues." that last part did have a degree of condescension on her tone, although she kept the smirking to a minimum and the descriptive at a low. "That's not to say the art itself isn't intriguing. But this is the sort of thing I'd indulge in theory first. Since, y'know, it's akin to a kata where know-how matters above all else. Experience dictates how it goes down, of course."

The sound of Alsanna's blade suddenly being thrown made Hikari stop and duck to the ground, until she heard another weapon clash with it in the air. Turning to look in the two's direction, it didn't take Hikari much to figure out what had happened. Standing back up, Hikari just made her back to the two.
"Alsanna, do us both a favour, and shut the fuck up." Hikari said as she got back to the two, glaring at the genin "Medical stuff? Sure, you got more experience than both of us, without a question. But you don't get to goddamn dictate how to do things or change plans, without a goddamn good reason. And what you're saying right now? Absolute bullcrap. You don't know squat about actually performing this. For all you know, you could study the theory for 10 years, and still not get to the same level as someone who has been physically training it for a single year. If Hirashima-sensei thought this was the way to go, then goddamn follow the instructions." Hikari spoke, clearly angry at the thought that the genin not only interrupted her, but also threw a bladed weapon in her direction.
"She said we don't start with the theory because it is not something we start with. That this is a technique we can only train. So get it up your stupid ass for once in your life that you don't know how its best to undertake everything. Unless you only got ego up your head when it comes to stuff you basically know nothing about." While still fuming, Hikari would just shake her head at Alsanna, before looking towards the clone again "Should I try again, sensei?" Hikari asked, taking deep breaths to calm herself.

"Double cool. The kitty bears fangs again when the tides are in her favour. Wonderful patterns." after taking the chewing from Hikari, which she did in silence and her arms crossed along with an adamant gaze, she smirked while giving that brief response, "Though not as misplaced this time. But once again unleashing yourself without good reason." that smug smirk melted until a frown and a half-lidded gaze. Absolutely dull, with one hand on her hip and the other just hanging down her side, "You act as though I claimed only theory mattered. Given my inclinations, I'd be a hypocrite if I had actually implied that in any way." she tittered for a brief moment, peering down at her slightly raised hand as her fingers wiggled, as if recalling something from a while back. "If we're to learn a technique, we should know the fundamentals first. Not just … TrY aNd SnEaK." -yeah, she used the voice, "Give us SOMETHING before we try it. I'm just going to end up tip-toeing like an idiot. THEN we practice. Even if it's something super basic." the wiggling hand had risen to gesture right before Hikari's visage, although Alsanna would often shift her gaze to the jounin when the remarks were more so directed to her.
"So. No. I won't shut the fuck up." an index was pointed toward Nishi, "Not until our challenge is resolved, anyway," then it lowered, and her posture became more relaxed, "so, if I may more humbly suggest … Ahem." she took a moment, "What is the Silent Killing and what do we do to make it work?"

Hearing Alsanna, Hikari turned back towards her "Maybe sneaking IS the basics that you so much want to learn? It is called Silent Killing. Or do such obvious things go right over your head? I swear, for all your talk, you can be pretty damn dense." She said, still taking deep breaths to calm her nerves down.
"And you yourself are preventing us from progressing with the challenge by being like this. We had our instruction. You decided to just say screw it and throw a goddamn blade and throw it away. You didn't even give it a chance. You don't want to shut up? Fine. But don't expect everything to go your way just because you try to shift everything to be the way you're comfortable with. You are not the one in charge here, and neither am I. I know I don't understand everything, so I at least try to do things how I am told to do them. But throw another goddamn blade at the clone, at my direction again, and you're gonna get one right back at you."
Closing her eyes and shaking her head a bit, Hikari just seemed to shift her focus onto her breathing again.

The back and forth between her pupils did little to amuse Nishi. Raising her left hand, Nishi pinched her nose bridge as a headache started to manifest itself.
"Both of you idiots, shut up before I really lose it and decide to report to the commander that I had to murder you both to keep a semblance of my sanity, dear Divine," Nishi sneered as she lowered her hand and shot a glare at both the girls.
"What I attempted was a form of inductive teaching, Alsanna, to not give the theory and let students attempt to grasp what they are dealing with. By presenting a situation and letting you boneheads try to showcase a possible solution or approach."
The tone clearly gave away that the limit of Nishi's patience was reached. Only one more incident needed to occur or the metaphorical dam representing the woman's patience would break.
"Silent Killing is a method on how to kill your opponents in silence. Not that surprising but it is focused on stealth, using knowledge on someone's anatomy and what weapons or takedowns work best to acquire that result. Most people go for the throat but other spots are feasible too. Such as a stab in the back, to puncture one's kidneys, for example. The pain will shut your victims throat down, so they can't scream for help. Those who have mastered the technique have practised to sharpen their senses with or without chakra to even not require their sight. You numbskulls are too inexperienced for that, so I won't delve deeper in that."
Pulling a kunai, Nishi started to make the weapon spin with the usage of the weapon's ring.
"It is a common skill among what some call shinobi killers. Seeing neither of you are fitted for direct combat against others that are heavily focused on it, I figured it could level the playing field. So, I will give this one more try or else I intend to abruptly end today's training and you two will have to figure it out for yourself."

Grabbing the hilt of the kunai, halting its spin, Nishi pointed at her shadow clone before she spoke again.
"Seeing I was wrong to trust you girls with some freedom, allow me to give some basic instructions," Nishi started, "the best way to approach a person is having the right kit and technique. First, your breathing. Keep it slow and quietly. Don't hold it or else you will be forced to let out a big breath. Surprisingly, if you manage to get close enough, someone on guard will then likely hear you." Pausing to let the information sink in, Nishi continued after a few seconds.
"I hope I don't need to tell you that your victim needs to have their back towards you. Or in any way or form their vision is blocked. If you can manage to disable their hearing or scent, that also will work in your favour. Just know that if you hamper your own senses, you are really next level screwed and stupid."
Pointing at her boots with the kunai, Nishi continued with the instructions.
"Now, the basics of moving stealthily is about foot movement. Don't put all your weight on your feet. Crouch, so that when you lean weight you will focus in that direction. The right footwear also helps. Our boots are currently too heavy but I will be forgiving, as you two clearly need that. There are also some other tricks but it can be both in and against your favour by creating a distraction. Such as throwing something or creating a sound elsewhere."

A big fat eye-roll came from Alsanna with nostrils briefly flaring, with her gaze focusing back once the teacher intervened. A slightly opened mouth with her tongue locked between her rows of teeth kept the loud genin gagged. Although Nishi provided what was requested: An explanation. A slightly tilted head conferred enough attention to the subject to indicate Alsanna was at least paying some mind. Still, the attitude seemed to reek out of her until about halfway through Nishi's instructions and examples.
"What makes the difference between someone who is discrete and someone capable of even catching those of your level off guard? What of sensors? What of those with refined senses?" clearing her throat, she kept a wide, fish-like gaze toward her teacher, "Shutting down the senses. Which would signal to your target that one is coming. Would you say the silent killing is just as efficient in the heat of battle as it is during covert operations, Nishi-sensei?"

The questions made Nishi's eyes narrow but the jounin would answer the questions.
"Experience but also learning various methods and having access to quality gear to aid their methods," Nishi started with, "Sensors can be fooled. It is hard to pick out someone that can mask their chakra or when there is a lot of people around, not allowing many sensors to lock on a particular signature. Refined senses are a rarity. If you come across those or a Master of this kind of style? You just need more experience and better gear."
Sheathing her kunai in its respective holster, Nishi paused before answering the last question.
"That entirely depends on a lot of factors. If your opponents are capable of tracking you or aren't having their hands full on potential other threats. Or if you can create a chance to sneak away or blinding your opponent, to reposition yourself to then strike from a different angle."

Listening quietly, Hikari couldn't help but be a bit frustrated. She already tried maintaining a calm and steady breathing pattern! But apparently even Nishi didn't notice it before. Probably because of Alsanna's interruption. And she did try to conceal her movement somewhat, moving when the wind blew. She did feel like her movement was rather heavy due to the gear they currently held. But it still felt very frustrating that her efforts in her interrupted attempt were just ignored.
"I've got no questions. I'm going to try again." Hikari stated, just looking at both, before working on calming her breathing again, making it as silent as she could, before beginning to slowly move towards the clone once more. She moved more when the wind was stronger, or when birds around were chirping, and more carefully when there was nothing. As she came closer to the clone, Hikari raised her hand, aiming to only tap the clone on the back if possible. They only needed to reach it right now.

"Right-o." she answered to Nishi's own answers, now reaching for more of those minty leaves in her pouch to chew on. Chew, chew, chew, the silence that reigned during Hikari's new attempt was being devoured by the chewing, which she didn't even try to be obnoxious with, it was just that calm. "Watch out, a dragon!" she pointed upwards, although she didn't shout or anything, ending it with a chuckle.
"Chakra suppression. Control of one's every step and composure. Environmental hazards. I feel as though only the specialized truly shine with this ability if they're fishing for more than just gobies like the ones we took out, yeah?"

Nishi's gaze was fixated on Hikari as the shadow clone made an audible sigh.
"Not even close. Try again," the shadow clone told Hikari, instructing the girl to try again and what had given her away.
The real Nishi threw a sideways look at Alsanna.
"Got to train and gain experience to become specialised. But yes, they do."
Writing's on the Wall

[ Fortress Balagan | Sevudia | Jirian Army ]
[ Nishi & Alsanna | A collab between @DeliciousFood and @Oetje ]
[ The time has come to give Alsanna the special attention she probably needs. Attitude, ideas and loads of back'n'forth incoming, with insidious concoctions born from these machinations. ]

[ Part 1 ]

A light drizzle made many adopt a cloak or coat some reprieve from the dreadful weather. Watching a patrol of soldiers marching past, Nishi sat on a wooden box - her darkgrey coat providing some protection. The aftermath of the siege allowed some peace and rest as the region slowly but surely became under the control of the Jirian army.
Slowly the drizzle became heavier and Nishi was certain that she could hear someone curse, on the wall up behind her. Happy that she and her team were yet to be subjected to the mundane duties of soldiering, Nishi did wonder how her day would transpire today.
There was the fact she was going to spend time with Alsanna. Already, the genin had proven herself in certain ways - even despite Nishi not entirely happy with some of those 'achievements'. As such, Nishi did decide to grant Alsanna a training fit to her interests. Hopefully, it wouldn't yield any horrors or give cause for other Jirians to come up in arms.

"Zzzzz." the sound of very light snoring was muffled by the abundant rain that had blessed the new encampment. It hadn't always been this bad out, it was actually quite sunny before Alsanna had fallen into slumber. She was on a long chair, at the top of a building, with a large parasol protecting her from the sun, and consequently the rain too. Sunglasses on, and only a light top and small shorts as clothing. She looked as though she was on vacation, with a glass filled with a fruity drink and a straw to her left, although quite a bit of rain water had accumulated in it.

Frowning, Nishi waited until her patience had run dry. Getting up from her spot, she started to walk around - her senses fully sharp to pick up the anticipated sounds of conflict. For the first thing that came to Nishi's mind was that Alsanna had gotten herself in trouble. Or better phrased: she had caused troubles to others and her sarcasm wouldn't help either to alleviate tension.
But instead of finding an upset quartermaster, frustrated soldiers or even slighted officers, Nishi came to a halt when she sighted a large parasol. A mental sigh would be followed with Nishi making her way to the sleeping 'beauty'.

Before waking up Alsanna, Nishi threw a glance at the parasol. Turning her attention at her pupil, Nishi wondered how she would disturb the girl's peace. The first suggestion surfacing in the jounin's mind was simple and brutal. A few other satisfying ideas pop'd up in Nishi's mind but the jounin decided on something that was less rewarding.
"Sometimes, I am too good for this job," she mumbled to herself as she crouched next to sleeping genin. Gently, Nishi shoved the girl's shoulder a few times to wake her up.

The arrival of the adult did not prompt any startle or even movement beyond the heaving of Alsanna's chest. Otherwise perfectly still, there'd be nothing stopping Nishi from employing any approach she wanted. And when the shoulder was nudged, there wouldn't be any sort of sudden awakening or jump. No, instead the Genin's head turned as if it had fallen over, sunglasses pointed right toward Nishi. Then, as fluidly as a fully awake human, her hand rose to lower the sunglasses, revealing the azure eyes, wide and fully aware. "Yo." she otherwise didn't move, "Yes, I'm making you into grander than some piss-shit teacher, aren't I?" a little bit of groggy chewing followed those characteristically jabby words as she scooted herself a bit to sit more upright. "Final day of no-sip. How are the sleepless nights?"

Nishi's eyes narrowed upon the girl's manner of greeting, let alone her first comment. Of course, Nishi didn't reply - not wanting to give more for Alsanna to poke at. The question was enough to frustrate Nishi, to the point that the woman debated to punch her pupil square in the face. Her right hand trembled slightly as Nishi straightened her back and looked down on the girl - her restraint only possible due to her discipline and desire to not prove the girl right.
"They have been pleasant, thanks for asking," Nishi blatantly lied without any effort, yet her voice had a clear annoyed undertone to it, "Now, care to tell me why you are here and relaxing as if we are on some southern island? You are aware that I had left you instructions on where and how late to meet me? For training, remember?"

A toothy smirk pushed against the edge of Alsanna's lips, her eyes now scrutinizing Nishi's figure and taking a good look at the various little tells to be noticed. Left satisfied, she eventually oriented her blue gaze to the superior's visage. "I'm sure the cold sweats make the heat slightly more bearable. Or not." her arms stretched out, prompting a loud and vulgar yawn with the sunglasses dropping to her thighs. "It was nice out, and I wanted to nap. Busy-bee life 'n' all. But it seems my little companion has foregone his duties." lips were pushed out in a light pout as she peered from side to side, "Must be the rain." at the mention of said rain, she'd turn her frame and reach for a couple of flip flops under her chair, though she'd frown upon finding them wet, "Anyway, yeah. Training. That thing. We do lots of that. Very thrilling. What am I to be subjected to now?"

Closing her eyes for a moment, Nishi reminded herself of what her duties were. What was expected from her. That it would all pay off in the end. The short-lived satisfaction of choking the live out of Alsanna wasn't worth the grumbling and annoyance with the brass. Yet, it was becoming increasingly more difficult to not let her pent-up frustration loose on her pupil.
"Already forgot? Maybe that's why you're late and so carefree," Nishi replied, at first, "I had the idea to indulge your request. Teaching you more about fūinjutsu. However, seeing you are late, I wonder if I should even bother."

Half turning away from Alsanna, Nishi threw a look at the distant forests and hills eastwards. "Perhaps a more dull training in throwing shuriken can do you good? I am certain you can find some enjoyment in that kind of training regime."

"But," a push from her hands against the long chair had Alsanna stand and pursue her stretching routine, although without a yawn this time, "you will bother anyway, because otherwise I'll have no reason to fulfil my end of the deal if you can't properly operate as a teacher when undergoing this booze fast." she didn't give Nishi a look, instead she seemed actually a bit annoyed with droplets hitting her now that she was at the edge of her parasol's barrier, "Shit."
Under the chair was also a duffel bag, the standard-issued kind. A quick switch to the expected attire was in order, though she didn't have a fancy coat. Hair was tied, and then sealed away into a tuque that came with the attire. "Where do you want to do this? Shuriken throwing when it's raining is pretty fucking genius and super fun. Amazing suggestion."

"Brat," Nishi mumbled underneath her breath, raising a hand to her nose bridge. Briefly massaging it, she tried to keep her composure. Only likely the Divine could know the extent of her patience and how close it was to crash and burn.
"We can do the training anywhere. Some of it is theory. Not to mention, I want to gauge how much you actually know of it all. The basics or already some advanced stuff. Not that I need to know where you got it from," the last being added quite hastily as Nishi threw a sideways glance at Alsanna.
"But seeing the weather? Perhaps we can go to the gatehouse. It is relatively calm there and we won't be in anybody's way for a while."

Not waiting for Alsanna's response, Nishi already moved to the edge of the building and seemingly dropped herself without a second thought downwards. However, the jounin descended rapidly by using objects to break her fall and get to the street level.
"Well?" Nishi's voice resonated loudly, "Are you coming or what?"

"I can replicate people's bodies with my sealing abilities. Assume I grasp advanced notions." The parasol was folded, as well as the chair, which would then be made to warp away into a scroll in the duffel bag. Said bag was then carried by the student, although she didn't jump along with her teacher. Instead she'd employ the nearby stairs that led into the vacant building below. It'd take her a bit longer to reach the ground floor, but eventually she'd open the entrance door, and then move to the side, "Or we can use this place."
A couple of feather-kunai were hurled at opposite directions, made to jam themselves into the stone walls before their markings would light up in bright, blue hue. The light itself felt 'cold', very soothing to the eye, though it made for a weaker overall reach. "Sealing abilities tend to only be theory anyway. Now of course, when they become curse seals, it becomes a little less simple." the duffel bag was dropped into the corner of the main room. There were multiple empty shelves and a few tables along with a few unbroken chairs.

Following Alsanna into the vacant building, Nishi didn't answer immediately. "That is true," she replied, regarding Alsanna's comment that it was theory for the most part. "But curse seals are something we can delve in once I have grasped enough how much you know. And if you will not become too troublesome."
The jounin looked around as there was not an awful lot in the vacant building. A few boxes and stools were present, giving the idea that it used to be some sort of storage. Perhaps prior before the Rongese lost it to them.
Grabbing a stool, Nishi sat down and gestured to Alsanna to do the same.
"Of course, there are different kinds of 'schools' of both thought and application with sealing abilities or techniques. You already have shown that you're probably on chuunin level. An admirable feat for a brat like you," Nishi stated, "But what do you know of sealing ninjutsu and how it connects to perhaps irrelevant looking matters? Such as us, animals or even how a building is designed?"

A chair was pulled and Alsanna sat upon it, one leg over a dusty table and the other pushing against the floor as to have her creaking chair rock. "Chuunin? That's it? Please. I've yet to see any Jounin do what I do." a third kunai was held in her left hand, and with her digits she started to have the pointed tip spin over her index, "What do you mean, exactly? Sealing ninjutsu is meant to convey intention and instructions by its formation and the chakra put into it. In theory," she let the kunai drop only to catch it in her hand, almost entirely concealing it. When she'd open her palm, the piece of metal would have its marking shine orange, much stronger than the blue lights, with little flames dancing around it, "you can more or less do anything. But we're limited by many things that make this potential not as open-ended. It requires a lot of chakra, insight that may be beyond our fathom, and of course a brain like mine."

Leaning slightly forwards, Nishi's eyebrows perked up on her brow. "Mhm, you are certainly a common sight within the jounin's circles. Anyhow," Nishi paused briefly, "You have some points that are correct. A creative mind with enough chakra can achieve incredible things when it comes to sealing. Enough people can even achieve to seal the likes of Bijuu in another individual, to all kinds of effects."
Pulling out a kunai, Nishi carefully placed the steel tip on the wooden table. Rising up from her seat, she started to carve to explain what she meant to Alsanna.
"I am certain that your brain will get this but what I meant is a certain school of thought, regarding sealing ninjutsu. You see, sealing chakra or an object is relatively easy. Not even a feat for your level or understanding, I wager. But that is just the tip of the iceberg or understanding what you can do."

Carving a large circle, Nishi started to carve various other circles inside of it, some even overlapping each other - creating a space within those circles. "Let us consider that a person is a complex form of sealing ninjutsu. We have chakra within us, that flows and is regenerated with rest. In a way, our bodies thus are nothing more than walking and breathing vessels that contain chakra. Same with animals or even stuff like trees. However, the difference between you and me, you and a tree, there is a pattern. Something that guides and keeps your chakra from rampaging or ebbing away."
Throwing a glance at Alsanna to see if she was following, Nishi continued onwards.
"This is, of course, not a school of thought I want to linger on for too long. It is intriguing for our work, for if we acknowledge that this is fact, it can mean that an expert sealing user can destabilise its victims. Breaking the pattern or flow of chakra within a victim can bring a large amount of results. From simply delivering pain to all forms of death. But what is perhaps interesting is how we can combine schools of thoughts."
Gesturing to the overlapping circles, Nishi elaborated further. "For there are plenty of buildings or even areas designed to form a pattern. These patterns can have a subtle effect, drawing their strength from those that walk that pattern. Almost the same as how blood flows through your veins and allowing you to move a limb."

During the theory class, Alsanna's attention seemed to mostly be on the blade she had been messing with. Her chair was brought to stand on only two legs as she pushed herself further back with her foot on the table keeping some degree of stability. She was, for all intents and purposes, being this ADHD child at the back of the classroom, looking as though she was daydreaming. "Is that how they see it? Schools of thought? Is that how they categorize it for the slower-minded?" and then she threw the blade onto the ceiling, and the lights shining from it were of various colours. Like a disco-ball of sorts, with beams of different lights making for quite the unusual sight. "I'm a surgeon, Nishi, I think the notion of bodies and structures are grasped already. The fact that I used curse seals, while the majority of you all can barely fathom it says a lot." condescending as ever, she gave a passing glass to her teacher, one arm over the seat she had been toying with, "I'd like to see what you can do. What peak Fuinjutsu looks like these days. Something big that I cannot simply understand by seeing. Let's start from there, and then we'll work on smaller. Because I'm DYING to dazzled."

"Alsanna," Nishi said the name with some frustration as the genin's ego was showing, "Easy now. I am not planning to rush this. Either we do this in a controlled pace or not at all." The stern voice revealing that Nishi wasn't going to take a no for an answer.
"Know what? If you behave and we can work our way from A to H, I will show you a trick. Will it dazzle you? Who knows? Oh, you will know if you are going to behave and stop acting as a brat. Okay?"

A sneer reigned on her expression, her eyelid twitching every so subtly, "Student engagement has always been a challenge in the educational system." eyeroll to posture adjustment, she got her chair back to its normal stance before some unfortunate accident would occur. Arms now crossed, she exhaled from her nose, "Don't forget that I can actually see how bodies work and how they physically differ from each other. Which is a key component to my clones. Besides, Juinjutsu requires me to grasp these notions. So … " her head tilted to the side, "tell me how you see it and how you go about it. What is the perspective to adopt to be a fuinjutsu master?"

"You are a remarkable student," Nishi began, though an angry tone started to surface, "but you are testing my limits, girl. Just sit, listen and try to observe if you ego allows it."
Requiring a pause, Nishi enlisted one as she looked back at her engravings upon the dusty wooden table.
"So, to continue where I left off, it isn't just all about sealing a tool, weapon or even a bijuu in a person. As you and others demonstrated, sealing techniques can achieve a multitude of things. Granted that the right mind is at work with them."
Gently shoving some nearby dust from her engravings, Nishi remembered her own training in the respective field. "Let us stick with patterns. For now," adding the last two words as she shot a look, that said enough, towards Alsanna. "You probably already noticed how many sealing techniques tend to form or have inscriptions or forms to them. Allowing or adjusting the flow of chakra, to produce a certain effect. A small mistake can bring about dire consequences for either the caster or victim. So that is just patterns. But I suppose it is true."

Straightening her back, Nishi left the kunai on the table as her gaze fixated on Alsanna. "You know how chakra flows and moves. What do you know of even or odd-numbered sealings or patterns?"

"It allows it." fingers drummed over her bicep, as her half-lidded eyes kept a focused gaze on the teacher. Alsanna's head shook from side to side, as if rattling the information that was entering her ear and nestled in her brain. "Uh-huh." she added from time to time, looking as though she wasn't entirely focused despite her gaze. It was hard to tell what was going on in the teen's mind right now, although 'engagement' wasn't entirely achieved yet.
"Even and odd-numbered sealings or patterns? What kind of bizarre lingo is that?"

"Hm, alright," Nishi said instead of throwing a sarcastic response to Alsanna. Gesturing the teen to stand next to her, to better see the large circle and those within, Nishi explained what she meant.
"There are even and odd-numbered sealings or patterns. Interestingly, if you apply an odd-numbered sealing to an even-numbered sealing, it will create an imbalance. There are various schools of thoughts but we don't need to delve into that." Nishi decided as she reckoned that was theory Alsanna wasn't interested in. "This imbalance can create a chaotic response from the chakra being manipulated. See it as two flows that collide and in such a fashion they can't continue forward. Chakra will start to boil and gather, until its container can't take it anymore. Whereas compatible even numbered seals will have a flow that can coexist without creating an imbalance."

Gesturing to a few of the circles where an imbalance seemed to be lacking, Nishi threw a glance to see if Alsanna's curiosity was piqued.
"The perhaps contradictory part is that in our line of work, imbalances aren't something you need to consider as imperfect.That is where we basically jump into the more advanced part. After all, if you can use a technique that prohibits your opponent from moving due to an imbalance, it is still then a technique that has its uses. Compared to a technique that lacks imbalance and yet does nothing to give you an edge within certain situations."

"Really?" she sighed and rolled her eyes to maintain a degree of petulance, but she rose up to stand where she was asked to, arms still crossed and her gaze reluctantly directed to the pattern. Lips pursed, impatience evident, she had her foot frequently tap against the floor.
"Alright, alright, hold up," she raised her hand to indicate a pause in this explanation, "I get it, these are conflicting orders and intents, which often obstruct activations. Is this really how many see it? So binary? As if there are just two categories of seals when in truth there's more nuance?" she tilted her head to Nishi's direction, giving time for a response, "It's like saying there's compatible blood types, and incompatible. But there are actually many more types, just that for one specific situation you either have the right one, or the wrong one."
Her hand rose, and she seized Nishi's blade. Onto the carving, she drew an arrow, piercing through the layers and ending up in the center, and then another going outward, but curving immediately at the second layer, which then harmonized with the more external part of the illustration. "Certain orders and characteristics of a seal will downright prevent certain parts from functioning. Which is sometimes to your advantage, yes. This is how advanced seal-crackers bypass curses without causing too many issues or having to adhere to the conditions." peering over at Nishi's direction, she rose an eyebrow, "What you've been telling me about, by the way, is the essence of Juinjutsu. Corrupting the flows of another's body and chakra via a seal that may be constructed in such a way to be inherently incompatible with most functions, but ultimately end up crippling the functions of those it is latched too like a sort of auto-immune disease."

For a moment, Nishi didn't realise it but she enjoyed it when Alsanna took the lead. Placing her hands behind her back, the jounin observed and listened to the genin's response. The fact that the binary school of thought was pissing Alsanna off was a source of enjoyment for Nishi. Not because she simply wanted to provoke the girl into thinking or participating but because she had been the same.
Then as she observed Alsanna, a chill ran down Nishi's back and the frustration overwhelmed the previous joy that Nishi had experienced.

"I have actually, in a sense, told you nothing too new," Nishi replied, in the usual way how they replied to each other. Gesturing to the engravings, Nishi continued. "This is nothing more than the general school of thought for using chakra. It can be applied for more fields than just sealing, if we bend it a little here and there. Some guru's even preach about it as the perfect balanced lifestyle. But if you want to learn about that, you have to find someone else."
Looking at the engravings, Nishi became briefly silent.
"However, the idea that modifying the flow of chakra or using a technique to corrupt it is something I don't agree with. It is how we come to juinjutsu, in fact. Because it is different, it is labeled easily as that. So let us just not consider it as a form of corruption," the jounin said before she gently grabbed the kunai back and started to further carve something on the table. "I can't really put this in medicinal jargon but I hope it will be clear to you. Let us say that you want to modify a flow. Most people would use the 'binary' approach. Seeing only the even and odd-numbered seals or flows. But what if there is a way to adjust a flow of chakra in a different manner? What if you could twist and warp your target's chakra to become something else?"

Letting the questions sink, Nishi had carved the kanji of the basic natures in the usual routine - within a circle.
"When someone uses an elemental technique, they twist and warp their chakra to resemble said element. To the point it will take such attributes to near the core. But what if you break that circle? What can you imagine then to happen?"

"What is so wrong with cursing? No, really. Let's pause this shit for a moment, alright?" now she got accusatory, pointed her index toward Nishi while pacing away, her voice conveying the frustration Nishi had merely expressed through her facial features, "Lots of feeble-minds act all virtuous when I bring up this shit, with little self-awareness of course, as they had just come out fresh from beating some enemy recruit to death with a rock. Oh no!" she waved her arms in the air, "you dare rob an enemy's free will that leads to a variety of different opportunities instead of just sealing their fate in some other gruesome manner and only gain another strike in the enemy casualty chalkboard?! Heathen!" and then her arms dropped, followed by an aggressive gesture of dismissal, "Absolute wastemen, every single one. And no, juinjutsu is not the beacon of anything good. But I've yet to see one person not see the irony of this critique when they're in the most exploitative and cruel industry in this world, willingly."
Her pacing had brought her to one of the first blade she had planted into the stone, as she'd yank it out and merely hold it, "You're talking about decomposing the chakra-moulding process? That's … Very advanced and dangerous. We're essentially creating things out of what is essentially 'nothing', chakra. To meddle with the very careful process of both Yin, the vision of the user, and Yang, that vision made solid, could lead to a myriad of things. All from a chakra source foreign to yours, and thus inherently incompatible with you." she paused her rant to give Nishi a suspicious glare, "What are you trying to sell me here?"

Not too surprised about the girl's frustration, Nishi remembered vaguely that Hikari and Alsanna had some quarrel regarding cursed techniques. Turning fully towards the pacing genin that aired her frustration regarding the subject, Nishi allowed her without any interruption.
"Alright," Nishi began, almost with a certain caution as if she feared that the door could be kicked down and a force of ANBU would flood the room to arrest them, "You did answer your question, dear. Cursed techniques are nothing more than what some people consider either too dangerous or risky. But what it truly is fear for progression or that someone becomes too powerful to control. Cause in essence, that is what this all is about. Control," she pointed at the genin, "you are nothing right now than a cog in a big construction. One that acts upon you and uses you, until you are able to fit somewhere else. If you don't? Well, you are clever to figure out what happens then."

Crossing her arms out front of herself, Nishi waited a second.
"Lucky for you, the current brass is very different from the ones before. If you had aired such words during previous regimes, you would have faced worse than prison." Not that Nishi reckoned she needed to tell that to Alsanna. "There is also quite some nuance to this control and why cursed techniques… exist, as they do. I think you remember Karuko's response to your technique. Your techniques conflict with the ideals of the Divine. To conjure something as what you had shocked and brought either fear or anger. Perhaps both. Who knows? But the point is, your frustration exists out of fear of others."
Narrowing her eyes slightly, Nishi considered something.
"Know what? Let us put sealing techniques aside for now. What do you imagine you can do? Against prejudice? For I have heard what you achieved with that other brat. What was her name again? Yo something? Yu? Anyhow, I imagine you either convinced her to accept a curse mark or managed to apply it subtly without her knowing." Raising a hand to gesture to Alsanna to not already come with a defense, Nishi spoke further, "Not that I care much for a random genin or chuunin's health. If they are willing to sacrifice themselves for a curse mark, then the consequences are on them. What I am trying to gauge is, how are you planning to continue? You want to remain as the Witch of Sevudia? "

"Yeah, they should be afraid. I can one day make their jobs entirely worthless." she hissed in clear and unrefined frustration, seeking some reprieve by leaning against one of the wooden beams that kept this old building together. "Wanna know something? If I made these things a little nicer and called my curses the will of whatever God they believe in, I'd be a priestess." again, her arms rose, though to imitate a rapturous state, "O' Divine, confer to me your will, and guide these misguided men and women to the righteous path in their final moments in this world! Give me your children, envoys wearing the faces of our enemies, but taking the one, TRUE path! Pffttt." and then they dropped back down, returning to their usual fold. "It's all bullshit."
"Takeda." she informed, her tone more mundane and composed now, "She wanted something. I obliged. It's hardly a curse. But it is a shortcut. And shortcuts come with a price. She knows it. If people have a problem with it, then maybe they should've taught her better." she stayed passive on the issue, almost even defensive. "So long as my life isn't in danger, it hardly matters how I'm seen. Those that grasp what I can do and have the power to make use of it will do so before I'm gimped. And if I croak before that? Oh well, not like I'd be able to do much otherwise. And what would be the point of going on if I cannot exact what I'm good at, hmm?"

Nishi's curiosity was piqued when Alsanna asked if she wanted to know something. Listening, Nishi found the girl's frustration also endearing. But silently, Nishi agreed with her pupil. She had seen before, the damning hypocrisy that existed within their world. A nasty creature that refused to be stamped out and refused to go down silently, whenever tackled.
"You are right," Nishi stated, calm but mostly as if Alsanna had stated a fact and not a deemed dangerous school of thought. "If you poured some effort to make it more appealing, you wouldn't be targeted by others' fear or anger. Karuko would never attack you. I wouldn't need to put myself in danger for your sake. Hikari would never spat in your face."
Frowning, Nishi's tone became more serious.
"But you are right, it would be a facade. An ugly truth masked by the desires of others. What is truly so repulsive about the ugly truth when it is as efficient or productive as when you mask it?"

Scoffing in an amused way, Nishi continued on. "Know you perhaps can understand why I turned to booze perhaps a bit better. Anyhow," Nishi lightly shrugged. "I suppose I also could say that I don't see you as a 'witch'. You are just a misunderstood little puppy that has clearly too much bark than it is good for her."

"I'm not going to change for them. They're too low of creatures, the chaff, for me to bend over. Facade or not, they are not deserving of any more glamour than I already put on. Which I do a lot, and will do when it is convenient FOR ME." the blade in her hand fell, veiled by her wrist and forearm, but it would not fall beyond that, as if it had either gotten stuck or had vanished. When she folded her arms again, one could see the kunai had completely disappeared.
"I don't understand why you've turned to substances to cope with your predictably bad feelings," she just deadpan stared right at Nishi, "is emotional hardening and self-control part of your training? What happened to that resilience? The dependency is now a weakness. No matter the horrors faced, would it not make you and your 'colleagues' dysfunctional products?" there was a certain anger in her tone along with how accusatory it was, "And I'm no puppy. I may not be nearly as mystical as the ignorant say, but the extent of my abilities may as well be as wicked as they think. Witch isn't as unfitting as I initially thought."

"One day, I may reveal what has made me what I am," Nishi said, surprising herself initially with how smooth and calm that left her lips. "Nothing for you to worry or fret over. Or to question, for now." The jounin threw a look at the engravings that they had made on the table. The conversation wasn't as amusing or endearing as before. In fact, Nishi felt far from continuing the topic now.

"Come, let us focus back on where we were. I believe that I was trying to make you think about something advanced and dangerous? Ah yeah," she feigned as if the whole topic of before had been forgotten, "What do you think I am trying to sell you with such questions? Other than to coerce you to partake, for the usual teaching is quite a frustration for both you and me, it seems."

"Dodging it again. You said the exact same thing the last time." she aimed to make her tone as venomous as possible, her glare clearly judgemental, "I have a feeling it will not justify your descent, and you're preparing yourself for my inevitable negative response. Heh." pushing herself off the beam, she made a few steps to start pacing around the table.
"You're trying to tell me that one of your better abilities involves disrupting moulded chakra in some way. Which can be anything from cancelling it, to changing it, to downright taking the chakra for yourself. But I don't know how you can do any of these reliably nor if that's what you're hinting toward."

Nishi didn't respond to the initial response. Her expression remained the same but her eyes seemed to shift, almost like they radiated a certain regret or sorrow. Staring at the engravings, however, Nishi subtly nodded upon Alsanna's second response.
"Correct. You are now thinking as an advanced sealing user. The majority of people see sealing as what it is commonly used for. To store chakra, to block use of it or something 'binary' like that," the emphasis on binary spoken with a modicum of mockery and amusement. "But you want to know the pinnacle of sealing ninjutsu? Then we are treading on the edge of what is really fucked up and dazzling."

Placing her finger at the circle of elements, she threw a sideways glance at Alsanna. "But where does this all fit in? Many warp their chakra in an element. But to look further and apply it to do something terrifying, you need to break that mould. At its core, chakra is composed of yin and yang. You know the basics but twist them slightly. What would happen if you could control a flow of chakra, regardless of who it originated from? Using the knowledge that chakra responds to patterns and flows, technically, something like that would be possible, right?"