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The best treasures are buried within
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
Online Availability
It varies
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Beginner
  3. Elementary
  4. Intermediate
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Fantasy, Romance
I am looking for people to RP with. I consider myself a decent writer but it depends on my partner. See the samples for an idea of my average posting length. I can do MxM, FxF, or MxF. I am open to almost any idea. My ideas are flexible and can be tweaked in lots of ways depending on the characters. Want to do a teacher/student with shapeshifter, sure. Want to do the beast/slave but don't want to be a slave, be thief instead. Feel free to use your imagination. I like the story to write itself so the plots are a little vague. Here are mine plots:
Kidnapper/hostage- Character A is the son/daughter of a mob boss. A discovers that his/her father has become obsessed with Character B. Knowing how cruel his/her father can be A decides to kidnap Character B in order to save him/her.

Empath/Anchor- Empathy/anchor-
A is an Empath, meaning they can feel the emotions of the people around them. They've had this ability from a young age and because of it, they sometimes have a hard time separating their own emotions from everyone else and knowing what they themselves are feeling. Large groups and crowds only make it worse. B is A's Anchor. An Anchor is kind of like a buffer for the Empath between them and other people's emotions. The Empath focuses on their Anchor's emotions and it keeps them from getting overwhelmed and overloaded with other people's emotions and also allows them to keep their sanity intact..

FBI Agent/Witness - Character A is a witness to a major crime. A is put into the witness protection program. character B is assigned to protect A.

Alien/human- Character A is an alien on a mission. He/she has been sent to find a cure for the mysterious illness that is killing his/her people. Character B is the human that finds A.

Time traveler/person- Character A discovered a box. It seems like an ordinary box, but when A opens a bright light blinds A. When A can see again he/she finds himself/herself in another time and place with no idea how to get home.

Stoker/Victim- Character A is a man/woman possessed. He/she wants Character B but he/she knows he/she can't have B. So A stalks B.

Drago/human- Dragons used to be known all around the world until they disappeared. Now thought of only as myths, stories only found in children books. They do still exist in an area known as the Bermuda Triangle, where their race is the only thing that there. Castles and homes built on an island not just anyone can see and the poor ships that caught in their magic usually taken down. Dragon King and Queen son finally of age to hunt for its mate, but one thing that isn't known they leave the island to find their mate. They can be as human. So the Prince leaves the island and ventures onto the mainland and meets your character. A mark appears on the skin, showing they both are meant for each other.

Addict/lover- Character A is an addict (drugs, sex, gambling, alcohol, ect). B is their lover. He/She wants to help A overcome their addiction.

Mage/slave- The King's daughter is hit by a mysterious illness. None of the healers in the land can tell him what it is or how to cure it. One day a prophet comes to the king and tells him there is one way to save his daughter. He must send a mage and a slave on a quest to acquire several items that can be use to heal the girl.

Beast/slave- Character A is a beast with a quest. A needs to save is son/daughter from poachers. But A needs help to do it. A has no one he/she trusts so A buys Character B from the slave market.

Abused/rescuer- Character A is minding their own business when a sound catches their attention. A follows the sound to where he/she finds Character B being abused.

Abused/abused- Everyone is born with a birthmark over their heart. These birthmark match someone in the world. One their eighteenth birthday a name appears under the mark. Couples can feel each other's pain and emotions.

Beauty/Beast- Character A has been cursed by a witch to look like a beast. Character B has been sent to the castle to met with A thinking he/she is a regular person. What will happen when B finds out the truth?

Accidental family- Two single parents (this is optional) go to Los Vegas for an adult get away. One night they get drunk. When they wake up the next morning they discover that not only are they not alone in the bed. They decide what stays in Los Vegas should stay in Los Vegas. Atleast that was the agreement they reached until one of them find a wedding certificate. Neither of them (again optional) believes in divorce. So they decide to see if they can make their new marriage work.

Stripper/Normal- Character A is a stripper (or prostitute). He/She started as a way to support themselves. Now they are looking for a way out of the business. Character B is a regular person (client or club member) that is willing to help character A.

Sleeping beauty- amnesia victim/significant other-
A is one their way to their wedding when they were in a car accident and ends up in the hospital. A is unconscious and has no ID so is listed as a J. Doe. B thinks that A got cold feet. After days of no contact B starts calling friends and family. Eventually B calls the hospitals and discovers what happened to A. B goes to the hospital. When B kisses A, A wakes up but has no memory.

Shapeshifter/human - Character A is a human that finds cat/dog. The animal has obviously been abused and neglected. When A takes it home and cares for him/her. The cat/dog turns into Character B. The two are now bound.

Red Riding Hood- Character A is walking through the woods. A feels like someone is watching and following him/her. A catches a glimpse of something that doesn't look quite human. Character B has been living in the woods for years.

Character A was at a flea market one day when A found _______ that A felt drawn to. So they bought it, taking it home with them and not thinking much of it. Until the next morning when A comes out of the shower and finds B lounging on her bed, flipping through one of their books as if everything was normal. Of course A freaks out. Turns out that B is a cursed being bound to the ____________ that A purchased and now B is bound to A.

Pet Sitter- Character A is a pet sitter, who loves animals. A gets a call saying he/she is looking after a pet for the evening. When A arrives at the appointed apartment, A doesn't see any signs of a pet. Until A looks in the bedroom where he/she finds B tied to the bed, wearing a collar.

Muse A is coming of age in their magical family. On their 18th birthday, they learn what element (water, air, earth, or fire) they have been gifted with. Muse A has been under the impression and hope that they will have inherited the same element that their parents and grandparents have been blessed with, however they come to discover that they have been bestowed with the opposite element. According to rules set forth in the family's grimoire, Muse A must learn to master their gift from a witch/warlock who possesses the same elemental power as they do. Muse B, who has the same element as Muse A, becomes Muse A's reluctant mentor. Muse B is brilliant and powerful, but lacks in the department of manners and compassion, especially when Muse A shows difficulty harnessing their new abilities. Muse B is condescending and impatient often without provocation. One day, Muse A meets their wit's end with Muse B's treatment and they demand to know why Muse B is so hostile toward them. Muse B reveals that they come from rival families and they are only teaching Muse A due to the terms of a 1,000 year old truce. Once Muse A has mastered their gift the two will be forced to marry in order to keep the peace.

Traveler/lost person-character A is going to visit his family.(maybe for the holidays) on his way he comes across character B. Character B looks like a wild man because he has been living in the woods for awhile. He was in an accident and cant remember who he is or where he belongs so Character A takes him home with him.

Werewolf/Human-Werewolves: a myth that brings equal parts fascination and terror to those who hear of it. But what if it were real? It may soon be. The military is conducting experiments to create their own werewolves, trained to be nigh-invincible super-soldiers. Their first successful subject, the new Alpha of his pack, will be sent on missions that no human would ever dare to face down. Can he lead his pack through them successfully? Will he be a good leader for his people? And what is it about the sight of the moon that seems to invoke such... yearning?

- A just getting home from school,they hear their psyco dad in the kitchen, sounds like he's drunk again. A starts to dismiss it, but then they hear small whimpers. They turn their head, and see their father has a kid from your school tied up to a chair, and gagged. Their father was holding and a butcher knife to the B's throat. The poor thing looked terrified, and appeared to be crying.

Military/civilian- A and B dated in high school. A joined the military right after college without telling B. After ___ years A gets injured in battle. A was sent home to heal. Shortly after A arrives he/she runs into B.

fighter/abuse- A is involved in an underground fight club. One night on their way to a fight A heard someone being whimpering in a alley. When A goes down the alley they sees another fighter abusing someone A challenges the other to a fight. Whoever won would get B. The other fighter agreed and they head to the club. A wins and takes the abused person home with him. Now free of their abuser B wants to help A get out of the fight club.
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If you're still looking for partners, I'm interested in the 4th and/or 5th plots!
I like idea #7, if you're still looking for partners
Interested in plots 7, 12, and 23, with a preference on 7~! Message me if interested
If you are still looking, I would love to do either plots 11, 12, 24, or 25!
I'm interested in 21 and/or 2 if you need another partner!
The shy feline hesitantly raised a hand, "Uhm ... if you're still open f-for partners ... I'm heavily interested in a few of these plots ... t-that is, i-if you are still looking? ..."
  • Haha
Reactions: Ice Dragon
I have a plot in mind for Lean On Me <3
need more partners