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Chaotic Lawful
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  2. Slow As Molasses
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Nessie Loch
Hybrid: Cobalt Merfolk + Libitine Darkling

21 years old female, hybrid cross between (Cobalt) Merfolk and (Libitine) Darkling. Born in Southern Cervia, Oria City, Texas, Nessie has been reported to have only recently left her birthplace for Hollowstead, Washington where she is last sighted.

From the left and from the back Nessie appears to be a regular red haired and blue eyed woman, standing 164cm (5'4) tall and with a tendency to gain weight fast through idleness. It is her right side that startles most, however, an obvious nod to her ancestry and also a sign of gross deformation as a result of the radiation and the pollution still found within the sea and affecting the genetics of the Merfolk today. Blue lips and blueish scaly skin with a yellowed fish eye there is little discussion as to what side of the genepool Nessie tends to lean towards.

Class: Lower Class
Occupation: Unemployed

Background: Abandoned at a young age Nessie was left for the state of Cervia to be dealt with. Assumed is that Nessie's biological mother was part of the merfolk, exposed to the remaining toxins and radiation of war that can still be found in the Waste City that has affected Nessie's development even in the womb. Growing up in an orphanage was harsh, particularly so in Oria City, where life in general is known to be ruthless to those born without privileges and Nessie rather not speaks of her time in Florida unless it is to talk about her grand escape. That Nessie didn't grow up under entirely normal circumstances is made obvious with the fact that she wasn't taught any basic life skills, such as money-handling, or even how to sort laundry, but was taught all sorts of crimes, such as pick-pocketing.

Power: Poisonous pheromones - The only time the Libitine Darkling side of Nessie comes to expression is within her power, though it could also be put on the natural abilities of the Merfolk itself. Despite the deformation in her face that makes it hard to describe her as conventionally attractive, Nessie is known to exude a mysterious charm with an ability to draw people in. Accompanied with the unique trait of the Cobalt Merfolk to make poison Nessie is quite literally a femme fatale to all who encounter her.

Limitations: The deformation in her face is an obvious limitation to how attractive she actually may be perceived by the people. Next to the fact that Nessie needs to be near water for her power to come into effect at all.

Known characteristics: Of generally sunny disposition Nessie is a little awkward with the lack of exposure she had to the world, but tries to remain optimistic despite everything as everywhere is better than home. Friendly despite appearances Nessie is setting out to start her life. A sufferer of spells of psychosis Nessie from time finds herself completely altered to a more grizzly and selfish version of herself of which she wakes with no memory whatsoever.

  • There is a search warrant out for Nessie and all who spot Nessie are encouraged to report her to the authorities.
  • Has no clue how money actually works, but is very good at counting and running away from angry people.
  • Is very much aware of the connotations between her name and the Loch Ness monster.
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Anya Nosferatu
Redblood Vampir

Female redblood presumed to be between the 25-35 years old. Presumably from the Neu Kingdom born in Austria, exact location of birth unknown, last registered residence was Styria, Austria before moving to Cervia. Current residence last registered to be in Texas, Oria City, though she has been signalled all over Cervia carrying out her duties in the provost's stead whose health is said to be waning.

Anya's most defining features are her fair features, red hair and petite build. Standing only at 148cm (4'8) she is considered extremely short and falls on the underweight side at 40kg (88 pounds). Hey eyes are a faded pale blue, suggesting the loss of sight in both her eyes, though she moves around with ease without help.

Class: Upper Class, presumed to be born Nobility if not Royalty
Occupation: Assistant Provost to Provost Nosferatu at the Nosferatu Research University

Background: Anya's origins are vague for she doesn't even recall most of it herself. She does remember being able to see, however. Once she knew the blue of the sky and the orange hues of the late afternoons, and the white of the snows on the hills. However who she was, who her parents were and what her name was before Provost Nosferatu found her and named her Anya is unknown and most likely will be left unknown now that she has fully devoted herself to 'Father' and his research.

Her time with 'Father' Nosferatu are better recorded, however, as 'Father' made sure of that. Anya's life with the Nosferatu was one filled with studies and in isolation, leaving much of her childhood in loneliness and isolation, for one of the pillars of the Nosferatu education is the lack of attachment. It was all to prepare her for the upcoming role as 'Nosferatu', self-proclaimed bookkeepers of obscure history and the unbiased observer that won't make it into the popular records, focussing on the secrets that should be kept hidden from the world.

Power: Mind Control
  • Sensory Scrying: the ability to 'share' one of the senses of her chosen object. It is the reason why Anya can move without support despite being blind, hopping between the eyes of those surrounding her. This goes for all other senses where Anya can choose to hear, smell, taste, etc... the same thing as her object does.
  • Information Detection: the ability to sense information/knowledge withheld by a target, whether alive or stored.

  • Anya can't sense more than what the target can. If the target is unable to see borrowing their eyes will be as fruitless as it is to use her own eyes, and if the object has half its taste buds destroyed Anya will only be able to perceive as many flavours as they can.
  • Her power doesn't work the other way around. While she can sense and detect she can't convert that knowledge, or share her senses with others. The ability to be able to sense information also doesn't mean that Anya knows the information instantly, for she still has to reach it first.

Known characteristics: There are two sides to Anya of which only 'Father' has ever seen both sides. To the outside Anya is the enthusiastic Assistant Provost, eccentric and bubbly and endlessly curious about the world and especially marine life with an endearing love for sweets. A happy and friendly countenance that she staunchly maintains until she is alone by herself and 'Father' and the reality of 'Nosferatu' returns to her once more.

  • 'Father' Provost Nosferatu (NPC): a mysterious figure even to Anya that she decided to name 'Father' one day, simply because she had read that all children have a 'father' and because she remembers having one as well. Though their relationship isn't based on love Anya does believe she cares for 'Father' like a daughter should, even if 'Father' doesn't seem to care for Anya much beyond the vessel of a new heir to the name of Nosferatu.
  • Hidden pockets: Anya's style is described to be classically feminine, flowery, and a lot of hidden pockets. It isn't uncommon for Anya to come around and offer whatever sweets or pastries she has decided to hoard in her pockets today.
  • Croissants: while it isn't approved for Nosferatu to hold any attachments Anya is recorded to have a 'slight' favouritism over croissants.
  • Sight: Anya's sight is limited rather than fully blind. While she is able to make out blurs of objects she isn't able to read texts anymore in the regular manner and in time assumes that she will only be able to differentiate between dark and light.
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August Yilmaz
Hybrid: Rogue Magi + Ethereal Fae

Male magi fae hybrid of the human age of 26. Born in The West Empire August moved to Cervia at a young age and has since lived in almost all major cities of the country, be it because of his parents' profession or because of his own. Standing a little over 6 feet tall August is considered to be of average height for an adult man and slender in build. Currently residing in Elkwood town this vagabond wanderer makes a point out of it to move every five years, at least. With pale green eyes and dark skin there are only few marks that truly gives away his hybrid heritage as August leans more into his Magi side and was born wingless.

Class: Middle class
Occupation: Collections curator
At the request of musea and galleries August seeks out collections and gathers them together. The rarer the better, and the more dangerous the more exciting. It is why it is of such importance to him to be constantly on the move.

Background: Born in The West Empire August was born to a line of scholars of which his parents decided to seek their careers in Cervia. His father hailed from a great Magi-house in The West Empire specialised in Alchemy, before turning into a Rogue Magi for August' mother, an Ethereal Fae with powers of absorption. A great scandal in The West Empire where everyone knew his father's family, a scandal that wasn't silenced in any manner with the birth of fraternal twins of which August was one half of.

Seeking a better place where hybrids would be better tolerated the Yilmaz had decided to form an inter-race union. It was a tough decision that came with many more layers of discrimination than they initially had thought, but as long as the Yilmaz family stayed together they were happy. August grew up with an affinity to his father's Magi side, whilst his sister turned out to be more Fae tuned. They never got to know their grandparents and never would get to, but the twins had plenty of others that they could call their grandparents, even if it wasn't through blood, and many more uncles and aunts. Wherever they travelled the Yilmaz managed to find themselves a community into which they could settle for the while, cultivating many friendships along the way.

Used to the existence of a wandering man August expected himself to do much the same when he became an adult, spending most of his college years in Oria City before graduating early and facing the world out on his own. A decision August soon would find was more difficult as it was only during those later years that he realised for how much his parents protected him from. Yet, it was an experience he wouldn't miss out on or decide differently on, enjoying his continued wandering life as a collections curator.

Power: Alchemy & Energy Absorption: Though August is more Magi leaning he does posses some Ethereal Fae talent. The unique disposition of his heritage have culminated itself into an unique sort of mage, in which he can absorb the energy and convert it into magic. It is hence why his magic branch makes it so easily compatible with his occupation.
  • Ancestral house: Spiritus
  • Level: Advanced

  • Life force: One cannot alter or create life force and so the energy that August absorbs cannot be converted into mana. His supply is as limited as his mana runs and he cannot create more of it to stack up for later use. His body is his very limitation.
  • Promise: Another limitation is the word of the fae. Though at large unaffected by his fae ancestry August is susceptible to this one weakness, in which a promise given is a vow that chains him to a command.

Known characteristics: Most friends know August to be calm and patient, rarely ever losing his cool or even his temper. That doesn't mean that there isn't one hidden within him. Fewer know that to get August to the point of a reaction one has hit the boiling point. Quick-witted and solution-seeking there is very little that ever stumps the man, unless it is another note to bail out his friends out of jail. It is like the man has famously said of himself: he must be the biggest idiot for having these fools for friends. True to his fae heritage August is known to be honest to a fault, disliking the taste of a lie in his mouth and loyal to a fault, for a pledge of friendship is a vow of a lifetime to him. It makes for a lifetime friend, no matter what mistreatment August is faced with, and one that will always stand ready to support.

  • Genie in a bottle; a caged familiar that August happened to catch when he just arrived in Cervia. A pest of a sprite that had been annoying his and his sister's little biology project to no end. It likes to pretend that it is threatened into cooperation with August, which may have been the case at first, but the bottle can be easily opened within and the sprite has found some sort of odd comfort within the case, thus remaining nonetheless. August doesn't mind it so much more, unless it starts attacking his current assignment.
  • Hobbyist musician; when the roads were long his parents used to take turns entertaining him and his sister with music. When they got a little older they participated in the merrymaking, thus picking up a variety of instruments that August still likes to play from time to time when he gets his hands on them. His favourite by far remains the piano, despite the difficulty in moving the instrument, for the energy it reverberates when one plays.
  • Tinkerer at night; a side hustle next to his day job, or a job he does on the side when commissions are low. August enjoys to tinker, tinkering watches that don't require a battery to run, but a heartbeat, or setting precious stones in jewellery. It gives him peace of mind during his usually hectic life. Some ground to land on for a life so often on the move.
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