Nocturnal's Original and Fandom Cravings [MxF]

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Original poster
Hello there my fine friends. My name is Nocturnal, and my 13 year old brain has convinced me to put out a search for like minded people. BB code is not my forte, and i'll keep the search short and sweet.


- I will always write at least 2 good paragraphs, I expect my partner do the same

- The ability to post at least once every two weeks, more appreciated.

- Someone who likes to talk OOC. I love to make friends

- Someone who would like to RP in private messages

- Drugs, drinking, gore. That all comes up frequently in my RP's. Don't PM me of you aren't OK with at least a little bit of it
Next, my fandoms

The character with *'s around them is who I'd prefer to play

13 Reasons Why:
*Alex Standall* x Hannah Baker
*Alex* x OC
*Justin Foley* x Who ever you'd like

*Jughead* x OC
Veronica x *OC*
*Reggie* x Who ever you want

Princess x *Knight*
*Gangster* x Rival
*Soldier* x Nurse/Highschool Sweetheart
*Bad Boy* x Good Girl
*Vampire* x Human
*Drug Dealer* x Addict
Your idea's
I will update this as it goes. Shoot me a PM, or reply to the thread if interested.

Signing Off
- Nocturnal