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Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
  5. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Whenever I can get on.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Male
Fantasy, Comedy, Medieval, Romance, Sci-Fi, Modern
Ello there, mes amis. I have two characters that I just redesigned and want to try out. One's a female, looking for you to play a male, and one's a male looking for you to play a female. I know, really descriptive by far, but it gets my point across. As for content, I tend to write 3-5 paragraph responses with very few spelling and grammar mistakes. I would like a partner that can deliver the same. I typically respond within 28hrs of your IC post, though I may respond quicker or slower pending on my mood, and whatever real life has prepared to throw at me. Currently, the thrown item of choice has been school busses. You have been warned.


"Welcome to Eldritch High, Academy for Young Scholars!"

It was your first day at this new snobby rich kid school. You'd already determined it was going to fucking suck as you walked to the pretentious, prestigious white marble building that stuck out against the steel and glass of the city streets as a stand alone. As you drew closer, the numbers of fancy cars began to increase and the air seemed to vibrate with energy, you couldn't tell if it was the good or bad kind.

Families of power paid around fifty thousand dollars a year for their children to go to this elite private school. The school offered full rides for "less fortunate" students in the city who tested well and had damn good grades. You busted your ass to get here, and you could feel the difference when eyes began to burn into your $20 shirt from Marshall's and you caught a glimpse of $2,000 sneakers there, there, and even over there.

So this was it. Eldritch High, Academy for Rich Pricks. You steeled yourself as you walked through the doors, ready to come out on top of the world.


"Oof! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" You just weren't ready for a girl to crash into you with bright turquoise eyes and a Five Nights at Freddie's tshirt. Those big bright eyes got wider as she took you in, still standing a bit too close for a moment until she processed something. "You must be the new honor student! My name's Anna Tilling, second year, and I'm head of the Honors Student Welcoming Committee. I'll be showing you the ropes on how to survive here." The light laugh that escaped her as she took a step back and casted a toothy grin up at you turned your confused scowl into a tentative smile.

Suddenly a preppy rich school didn't seem so bad.


The Corvin family name has been among the rich and famous for several generations, though it often goes unsung among the populace. Corvins are the best in security. Jackson Corvin is no different than his predecessors, with an analytical mind and a keen eye. But, he has a nose for trouble. This instinct is difficult to quantify, and is often written off as nothing. Due to some disagreements with other security staff, Jack's out of work.

Your character is a businesswoman from a well known company who has started to receive death threats, and after a break in at her condo, she's looking for a security specialist. A trusted individual namedrops good ol' Jackie, and you call him in.


With your personal guard lingering around 24-7, will professionalism prevail or will the lines of work and play cross?[/dash]​
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Still looking.
Can I haz your Jackie? :3

Anyway, are you still looking? Also, how often do you expect your partner to post?
Craving school plot.
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