Ocean Patrol

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Michelle the Editor

Original poster
It has been 50 2 days since we prevented an apocalypse.
You see, the universe is a lot bigger and scarier than you might think. For the moment, that's probably a good thing. The kinds of creatures we encounter tend to be a little hard to handle if you think too much about them. That's a major problem when dealing with beings as ancient and malevolent as the Outer Gods, or any of the beasties that work for them. By most metrics, we're nothing but ants compared to them. Emphasis on "most."

See, we've learned enough about them to know what makes them tick, as far as our little reality goes. They could squash our planet like a bug, but with the right rituals and tricks, they go back to sleep, leave us alone for another few hundred years. Their minions are another story, which is where you come in. You, and the rest of the team, will be monitoring a section of our ocean, keeping an eye out for any of the things that go bump in the night and making them disappear. It's not a fun job, you'll probably have nightmares for the rest of your life and the shifts are murder, but hey, at least the world's in good hands.

I'm kidding. If you took this job you're an idiot.

Welcome to Ocean Patrol.

Basically this concept is of a ragtag team composed of talented misfits fighting off Lovecraftian horrors. If you've ever heard or read the tale of Old Man Henderson (and if not, here, you're welcome), it's something along those lines, though maybe a little less ridiculous.​
I'm on board.

Are the teams specialist like rifleman, expert swimmer, mechanic?

Are there special abilities?
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Specialists would make sense. I don't think there will be any special powers beyond perhaps heightened mental abilities, though. Psychics yes, superheroes no.
So physics with special skills or psychics and specialists?
Psychics would be one type of specialist, most likely.
Sounds great. Can't wait till this starts
I'll try to get up a more detailed OOC and start taking profiles by the end of the week.
Interesting RP stuffs. I've actually had a concept similar to this bouncing around my head for a few years now; but taking place in the 1930's-1970's compared to modern times. It seems like an interesting concept to say the least.

Will the lore pull directly from the greater Lovecraftian mythos or will it be more interpretive with ancient ones, old gods, things beyond time and space, etc?
I'm not alone! :) The setting's ambiguous and most of the tech could probably be from the thirties for the most part. It's going to be more interpretive, not naming names so that we have a little wiggle room--I prefer making up our own lore as we go over anything that forces us to stop and do research in order to play.
I'm easy with whatever! I'm just a big fan of the psychological horror and the sheer grandiosity of the scales against the protagonists in stories like these. To play something akin to a flea or an ant against a giant unknowable being is always a fun practice in both the human spirit and the futility of fate. Or maybe something less poetic!

My original RP had a character during a more modern time working for a salvage trawler; and they uncover a sunken ship graveyard which was the outskirts of a portal to one of these outer realms. Diving into the hull of a cruise ship; finding parts still with pockets of air and suddenly having flashbacks/time dilations to the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s as characters move between the past, the real world and the warped dimension of the ancients. I always thought it'd make an interesting little story, but as it turns out grading essays is a very time consuming task.

So yeah! Anything even in the same vein of that spirit is going to excite me. Even if it's more humorous and character driven, I think this story could be quite a fun little misadventure!
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That sounds like a lot of fun; I assume you won't mind if we integrate some of those ideas into the plot of this game?
I have just finished the OOC (more or less), check it out here!
I am a venerable student of Lovecraft...the guy and his Cthulhu mythos are ever so fascinating. I envision playing an incredibly damaged character who got a little to close to the presence of the Old Ones in his research and it drove him a little nuts. Any chance we could have an introduction of The Necronomicon or something like it?
Hey, glad to see you! Definitely, I haven't got everything fleshed out so that we can build the world a bit ourselves when we begin the game. A Necronomicon's going to show up.
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