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Klutzy Ninja Kitty

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By Midnight Maiden, thatguyinthestore, and Klutzy Ninja Kitty


A little longer than a year after the events of The Infinity Parable, Star makes her way to Storybrooke, along with some of her friends, to visit Emma and Killian.


Somewhere in the multiverse was a town called Storybrooke. Like many places in the multiverse, this particular town existed in several other alternate universes as well. One particular version of this very town even contained individuals who had been touched by a phenomena known to many as Murder Games. Effected by this phenomena, Emma Swan and Killian Jones took slightly different paths that deviated from the paths that theirselves had taken in another version of their world. Despite the roads taken, however, the pair still ended up in a present that was fairly similar to what it would've been otherwise.

Cora made her way to Storybrooke, to eventually be defeated. Emma still helped Mr. Gold find his son. Killian had still attempted to get his revenge on Rumplestiltskin. Henry had still been kidnapped and taken to Neverland. Emma and her family rescued him and dealt with the curse Peter Pan cast on their town. A year passed and Hook stood at Emma's door in New York to try and bring her back home to her family. When she returned, they dealt with Zelena. After she was defeated, Emma and Killian found themselves sucked into the wicked witch's time portal and had their little adventure in the past. They lost some allies and gained others.

But as mentioned above, not everything happened exactly as it should have. While in the past, Emma never ended up bringing Marian with them on their return trip to the future. And, for whatever reason, the urn containing the long lost queen Elsa, that mistakenly came back with the duo, didn't immediately open after they made it home. It was probably a good thing too, considering the fact that the good townspeople of Storybrooke were about to have a few different visitors instead. That tends to happen in alternate realities.

Anyhow, everything happened close enough to the events that were supposed to happen and now it was present day. Emma and Killian had returned from their little adventure. Snow and Charming had just announced the name of their new baby boy. And, lastly, the pirate and the princess had just finished having a little "chat" outside of Granny's Diner. Except, well, a lot more kissing had happened than talking, to be honest, and Killian was over the moon about it.

Emma had warmed up to him a bit in the past, but their progress had been interrupted by, well, a lot of things that had happened in Storybrooke after they got back from their Murder Games adventure. But now, after they had traveled through the Enchanted Forest together, and learning the fact that he had given up his ship for her, Emma's heart had finally seemed to melt for him. He had brought her walls down and for the first time Killian felt certain that their feelings for each other were mutual.

Beaming with a newfound pride, Killian strutted back into the diner after his rather romantic moment with Emma. While he so very badly wanted to brag about how he had won her heart to every single soul in the room, he couldn't. Aside from the fact her father was there, he also didn't want to say anything that might cause Emma to pull back from him. Her affection only moments ago was more than enough to satisfy him for now. The captain's heart was still fluttering in his chest, and he still felt rather dazed. He would be content enough waiting until later before he would… question Emma about the state of their relationship now. Killian knew he needed to proceed with caution... and avoid making eye contact with Emma's father.

Despite his attempt to avoid her parents, the ever perceptive Snow White watched the two as they had returned, smiling curiously. She said nothing, not wanting to draw this sight to the attention of their husband--who had lately become somewhat protective over his daughter. She did, however, point out one thing.


"Emma looks happy, doesn't she?" She rested her head onto her husband's shoulder, smiling contently. "In fact, I think everyone in here looks happy. We're... all together again. We can finally be a family and the town is peaceful," she stated, lovingly gazing down at baby Neal in her arms.


"Hey, Grandma? Grandpa?" questioned Henry from nearby, pointing out the window. "What's that?" When the group would turn their heads to look, they'd see a flash of light come from the woods in the outskirts of Storybrooke. It wasn't nearly as powerful and intimidating as the flash of light they saw earlier that day, but it was still an unidentified light.

"Okay, maybe I shouldn't have spoken so soon," Mary Margaret muttered, picking her head up off Charming's shoulder to see what was going on.


Overhearing the Charmings, Killian glanced to the window as well, frowning at the sight he would see. "Bloody hell. That had better not be Zelena's time portal again." But it had closed, hadn't it? What could be going on now?

Those in the room would hear the door open moments later, seeing Regina walk into Granny's Diner with Robin and Roland at her side. Her brows were furrowed, and she looked somewhat peeved after having seen the light from the woods. "Tell me you saw it," Regina grumbled to the others. She was annoyed, not really happy that this event had interrupted her date with Robin and his little boy. "Another light show? Apparently, this town can't stay out of trouble for two minutes."

Henry stood up from where he had been sitting. "We should go see what it is. I can come this time," he stated, eager to be included.


"Yeah, out of the question," Regina pipped up, denying her son's suggestion just as quickly as the boy had made it. The queen glanced to a window again, narrowing her eyes thoughtfully. "I don't think it's nearly as dangerous as the time portal from earlier though. It's magic, but..." The woman trailed off, mulling quietly over her thoughts. "Something's different about it. It doesn't appear hostile. Still, better safe than sorry."

They would need to send someone to see what had happened outside. God forbid it was another enemy after they had only just taken care of their last problem.

@Midnight Maiden @thatguyinthestore
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By Midnight Maiden, thatguyinthestore, and Klutzy Ninja Kitty

A little longer than a year after the events of The Infinity Parable, Star makes her way to Storybrooke, along with some of her friends, to visit Emma and Killian.


Somewhere in the multiverse was a town called Storybrooke. Like many places in the multiverse, this particular town existed in several other alternate universes as well. One particular version of this very town even contained individuals who had been touched by a phenomena known to many as Murder Games. Effected by this phenomena, Emma Swan and Killian Jones took slightly different paths that deviated from the paths that theirselves had taken in another version of their world. Despite the roads taken, however, the pair still ended up in a present that was fairly similar to what it would've been otherwise.

Cora made her way to Storybrooke, to eventually be defeated. Emma still helped Mr. Gold find his son. Killian had still attempted to get his revenge on Rumplestiltskin. Henry had still been kidnapped and taken to Neverland. Emma and her family rescued him and dealt with the curse Peter Pan cast on their town. A year passed and Hook stood at Emma's door in New York to try and bring her back home to her family. When she returned, they dealt with Zelina. After she was defeated, Emma and Killian found themselves sucked into the wicked witch's time portal and had their little adventure in the past. They lost some allies and gained others.

But as mentioned above, not everything happened exactly as it should have. While in the past, Emma never ended up bringing Marian with them on their return trip to the future. And, for whatever reason, the urn containing the long lost queen Elsa, that mistakenly came back with the duo, didn't immediately open after they made it home. It was probably a good thing too, considering the fact that the good townspeople of Storybrooke were about to have a few different visitors instead. That tends to happen in alternate realities.

Anyhow, everything happened close enough to the events that were supposed to happen and now it was present day. Emma and Killian had returned from their little adventure. Snow and Charming had just announced the name of their new baby boy. And, lastly, the pirate and the princess had just finished having a little "chat" outside of Granny's Diner. Except, well, a lot more kissing had happened than talking, to be honest, and Killian was over the moon about it.

Emma had warmed up to him a bit in the past, but their progress had been interrupted by, well, a lot of things that had happened in Storybrooke after they got back from their Murder Games adventure. But now, after they had traveled through the Enchanted Forest together, and learning the fact that he had given up his ship for her, Emma's heart had finally seemed to melt for him. He had brought her walls down and for the first time Killian felt certain that their feelings for each other were mutual.

Beaming with a newfound pride, Killian strutted back into the diner after his rather romantic moment with Emma. While he so very badly wanted to brag about how he had won her heart to every single soul in the room, he couldn't. Aside from the fact her father was there, he also didn't want to say anything that might cause Emma to pull back from him. Her affection only moments ago was more than enough to satisfy him for now. The captain's heart was still fluttering in his chest, and he still felt rather dazed. He would be content enough waiting until later before he would… question Emma about the state of their relationship now. Killian knew he needed to proceed with caution... and avoid making eye contact with Emma's father.

Despite his attempt to avoid her parents, the ever perceptive Snow White watched the two as they had returned, smiling curiously. She said nothing, not wanting to draw this sight to the attention of their husband--who had lately become somewhat protective over his daughter. She did, however, point out one thing.


"Emma looks happy, doesn't she?" She rested her head onto her husband's shoulder, smiling contently. "In fact, I think everyone in here looks happy. We're... all together again. We can finally be a family and the town is peaceful," she stated, lovingly gazing down at baby Neal in her arms.


"Hey, Grandma? Grandpa?" questioned Henry from nearby, pointing out the window. "What's that?" When the group would turn their heads to look, they'd see a flash of light come from the woods in the outskirts of Storybrooke. It wasn't nearly as powerful and intimidating as the flash of light they saw earlier that day, but it was still an unidentified light.

"Okay, maybe I shouldn't have spoken so soon," Mary Margaret muttered, picking her head up off Charming's shoulder to see what was going on.


Overhearing the Charmings, Killian glanced to the window as well, frowning at the sight he would see. "Bloody hell. That had better not be Zelina's time portal again." But it had closed, hadn't it? What could be going on now?

Those in the room would hear the door open moments later, seeing Regina walk into Granny's Diner with Robin and Roland at her side. Her brows were furrowed, and she looked somewhat peeved after having seen the light from the woods. "Tell me you saw it," Regina grumbled to the others. She was annoyed, not really happy that this event had interrupted her date with Robin and his little boy. "Another light show? Apparently, this town can't stay out of trouble for two minutes."

Henry stood up from where he had been sitting. "We should go see what it is. I can come this time," he stated, eager to be included.


"Yeah, out of the question," Regina pipped up, denying her son's suggestion just as quickly as the boy had made it. The queen glanced to a window again, narrowing her eyes thoughtfully. "I don't think it's nearly as dangerous as the time portal from earlier though. It's magic, but..." The woman trailed off, mulling quietly over her thoughts. "Something's different about it. It doesn't appear hostile. Still, better safe than sorry."

They would need to send someone to see what had happened outside. God forbid it was another enemy after they had only just taken care of their last problem.

@Midnight Maiden @thatguyinthestore

"So remind me how long we're gonna be staying in Storybrooke again." Came the all too familiar voice of Safe Kid Marco Diaz, who was currently finishing packing up the remainder of his small suitcase.


"I dunno! Maybe a week." Replied another familiar voice, this one being from none other than Star Butterfly herself. The princess was also packing, although she was packing much more items than Marco had been, yet still managed to keep it all in a relatively small suitcase because of her magic.

"Well sorry for asking but..." Marco began before snapping his own suitcase shut. "You seem to be packing way more than a week's worth of clothes. Also, do we have to bring Pony Head? And Glossaryck? And Janna?" Marco asked, sounding annoyed at that last part.

"Well duh! How else are we gonna introduce them to Emma and Hook?" Star asked with a smile, almost as if it was an obvious answer to Marco's question.


"Yeah not to be rude or nothin' B-Fly, but I think I can only handle dealin' with one earth turd." The floating unicorn head spoke, having somewhat of a Mexican dialect.

"Nooo! Pony Head these guys are cool! You're gonna love them, I promise!" Star exclaimed as she finished packing up as well. Star then turned to girl wearing a green beanie, who was just leaning against Marco's bed with a bored expression on her face. "What about you Janna? You ready?"


"Yeah man. I got everything I need right here." Janna commented nonchalantly.


"Uhh Janna, you only have one other pair of clothes and a few magazines." Marco commented as he looked over to the rebel girl.

"I'm easy to please, Diaz. You of all people should know that by now." Janna replied flirtatiously, earning an embarrassed yet annoyed look from Marco.

"Well since everyone's ready, let's go!" Star exclaimed before pulling out what appeared to be a normal pair of scissors. Although soon after, Star would cut into thin air, which caused a portal to open up. The group eventually made their way through the portal (with Star also carrying a rather large book), and eventually the group ended up in Storybrooke!

Once they made it into the town, Star and the rest of her group looked around with arched brows, not saying a word. That is, until Star spotted Killian in the diner and almost screamed. "OHMYGOSH!!! THATS HIM!!" Star exclaimed. Before the group could see what she was yelling about, Star had already ran over to the diner and pressed her face up against the window next to Killian and his little group, knocking on the glass rather obnoxiously.


"HEY KILLIAN!!! KILLIAN HEY KILLIAN HEY KILLIAN HEY KILLIAN HEY---" Star continued to yell this as she frantically knocked on the glass, earning an embarrassed sigh from Marco. Meanwhile, Pony head and Janna just looked at each other in confusion before redirecting their attention to Star.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Midnight Maiden

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Thankfully, nobody would even have to make a move to explore where this mysterious presence had come from, because the very cause of it would quickly make herself known to the residents of Storybrooke who just so happened to be at the diner. Closest to the window as he was, Henry would be the first to notice Star rush up and press her face against the glass of the window.


"So other kids can go outside while this mysterious light appears in the woods, and it's fine, but I have to stay here? I see how it is," Henry said with a frown before his grandmother would place a hand on his shoulder.

"Henry, it's not like that, we--"

Killian stepped forward, waving a hand to catch their attention so he could interrupt. Before he would speak, he looked to the window in shock. Star was here. Was this real? It had been so long since he had seen her that she was almost like a story in the back of his mind. He hadn't thought of her in quite some time and honestly had never expected to see her again, but here she was.


"We need not worry about going out to explore the woods." He gestured to the girl pressing her face against the window. "She's the cause. I know that lass," he stated. "She's a magical girl from another... world. Swan and I met her a while back during one of our unspoken adventures together." How many adventures had he been on with Emma so far? Quite a few. While he was sorely tempted to brag on this, it was a bit strange considering her father was in the room.

Regina scoffed. "And she's here, how?"

"Guess you missed the bit where I said she's a magical girl. Might want to get your ears cleaned out, your majesty," Killian remarked in turn. "And she's harmless. She's actually a... friend." While Killian tried to hold back on reacting, he was actually sort of happy to see Star again. And he was sure to enjoy the reaction Star would get upon finding out about him and Emma.

"Right, right, as much as I trust leather-clad wonder boy over here, I'd like a second opinion," said Regina before turning to Emma. "So you know this girl too? Is she really harmless?"

@Midnight Maiden @thatguyinthestore

To be honest, Emma was in something of a daze as she began to make her way into the diner alongside Killian, her mind in a fog. But, somehow, a fog of a good sort. Even though that made absolutely no sense. Though, she supposed that right now, a lot of things weren't making sense to her. Yet somehow? She found that she didn't care. Her heart was hammering happily in her chest, and she felt more elated than ever. Yes, a feeling had filled both chest and mind- one she hadn't been able to identify she held towards the man next to her until now.


She, Emma Swan, loved Killian. The man who she had only just realized, in full, would truly do anything for her. If their little adventure just before hand hadn't proven that, his explanation that he had traded his ship to save her had certainly just done that. The fact that he would do such a thing for her, give up the thing he loved most? It filled her with warmth like no other. Or, not quite. That warmth had gotten even more intense, when she had been locked in his kiss. She couldn't recall, no matter how deeply she picked her brain as she entered the building with a smile on her face, a time she had felt this happy. An emotion her father's face reflected as well, where he sat with his wife.


"It would seem so," he agreed, a sincere smile alight on his face as he gazed fondly at his lover and their newborn child. Fortunately, it seemed he hadn't quite caught onto why his daughter seemed so boisterous just yet. Instead, he place a kiss atop Snow's head, nuzzling her gently. "A well-deserved break, if you ask me." Yeah, what an understatement. It seemed like all they had done for years now was fight vigorously- be it physical foes or those of the mental and emotional sort. Surely some peace was in order for the heroes, by now.

Or, you know, not.

"...Definitely spoke too soon,"
Charming concurred with a tight smile, sighing through his teeth. "Though, this is the life we chose, is it not?" he joked lightly with a lopsided smile, hoping to brighten the mood. Unfortunately, it looked like Emma wasn't quite as eager to agree to such a thing. Yeah, she had never asked for a life fighting baddies and quelling threats. Of the magical sort, anyways. Which was likely why the brilliant smile from before had all but fallen from her face, a groan passing her lips.


"Really? Now?"
she complained in a childishly whiny tone, a pouty expression on her face. "Couldn't we have had more than five minutes of, you know, not fighting monsters and stopping stupid portals?" Yeah. Surely she and Killian hadn't been out for more than five minutes, right? It had felt like eternity in the moment, but with this new potential threat arisen, it seemed like centuries ago and like it had only been a fleeting moment. Still, she managed to hold back a sigh as Regina stormed in, settling for an internal eye roll instead as the woman herself began to complain. She had been about to respond, but Henry's own words pulled her attention away, sending her on alert. She eagerly reinforced what Regina said with an apologetic expression, bending down to place a hand on her son's shoulder. "Sorry, kid, but I'm with Regina on this one," she stated, slowly straightening up. "I'll check it out. See what the deal is," she volunteered, already turning towards the door with only one longing glance at Killian between, as though wishing to ask him to come with.

That was right about when she froze in her tracks upon hearing a familiar voice, followed by a loud thud and more shouting from the same voice. She visibly tensed, eyes going wide as she searched, unmoving, for the source. Eventually, she found it- a girl, face pressed flat against the glass windows of Granny's Diner, fists slamming against said glass all the while. She could plainly see the girl, clear as day, but that was impossible. She couldn't be here, not without a curse, or a magic bean, or something else. Perhaps even more costly than the others. She was so caught up in how impossible this was, in fact, that she hardly even noted the conversation going on around her. One simple, but truthful statement resonated through her mind, even passing her lips in a barren, almost inaudible whisper.

"...All magic comes with a price."

Whatever daze she was in was broken only when Regina confronted her face to face, the Savior managing to blink herself out of her trance as the evil queen invaded her sights. Blinking a few more times, Emma opened her mouth, faltering for just a moment before nodding in a slow, dazed manner. "...Yeah, she's a friend. She's harmless," she assured, finding the first bit hard to get off of her tongue for whatever reason. But she shook it off, frowning as she shook her head and turned away. "Hold that thought," she mumbled, heading towards the door without really even thinking about it. Soon, she was outside, should no one stop her, a befuddled and distant expression on her face as she approached the girl. She didn't even immediately notice her friends, too focused on one thing.


"Kid... How did you get here?"

Back in the diner, David appeared somewhat confused, glancing to Snow at first as though she may have an answer. But then, something more important occurred to him, his eyebrows furrowing and eyes narrowing as he glanced inquisitively to Hook. He was tempted to demand how it was that the man and his daughter both knew the girl outside, but he figured that would be better suited for when Henry and the others weren't around. Still, his disapproval was rather obvious.

@thatguyinthestore @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

To be honest, Emma was in something of a daze as she began to make her way into the diner alongside Killian, her mind in a fog. But, somehow, a fog of a good sort. Even though that made absolutely no sense. Though, she supposed that right now, a lot of things weren't making sense to her. Yet somehow? She found that she didn't care. Her heart was hammering happily in her chest, and she felt more elated than ever. Yes, a feeling had filled both chest and mind- one she hadn't been able to identify she held towards the man next to her until now.


She, Emma Swan, loved Killian. The man who she had only just realized, in full, would truly do anything for her. If their little adventure just before hand hadn't proven that, his explanation that he had traded his ship to save her had certainly just done that. The fact that he would do such a thing for her, give up the thing he loved most? It filled her with warmth like no other. Or, not quite. That warmth had gotten even more intense, when she had been locked in his kiss. She couldn't recall, no matter how deeply she picked her brain as she entered the building with a smile on her face, a time she had felt this happy. An emotion her father's face reflected as well, where he sat with his wife.


"It would seem so," he agreed, a sincere smile alight on his face as he gazed fondly at his lover and their newborn child. Fortunately, it seemed he hadn't quite caught onto why his daughter seemed so boisterous just yet. Instead, he place a kiss atop Snow's head, nuzzling her gently. "A well-deserved break, if you ask me." Yeah, what an understatement. It seemed like all they had done for years now was fight vigorously- be it physical foes or those of the mental and emotional sort. Surely some peace was in order for the heroes, by now.

Or, you know, not.

"...Definitely spoke too soon,"
Charming concurred with a tight smile, sighing through his teeth. "Though, this is the life we chose, is it not?" he joked lightly with a lopsided smile, hoping to brighten the mood. Unfortunately, it looked like Emma wasn't quite as eager to agree to such a thing. Yeah, she had never asked for a life fighting baddies and quelling threats. Of the magical sort, anyways. Which was likely why the brilliant smile from before had all but fallen from her face, a groan passing her lips.


"Really? Now?"
she complained in a childishly whiny tone, a pouty expression on her face. "Couldn't we have had more than five minutes of, you know, not fighting monsters and stopping stupid portals?" Yeah. Surely she and Killian hadn't been out for more than five minutes, right? It had felt like eternity in the moment, but with this new potential threat arisen, it seemed like centuries ago and like it had only been a fleeting moment. Still, she managed to hold back a sigh as Regina stormed in, settling for an internal eye roll instead as the woman herself began to complain. She had been about to respond, but Henry's own words pulled her attention away, sending her on alert. She eagerly reinforced what Regina said with an apologetic expression, bending down to place a hand on her son's shoulder. "Sorry, kid, but I'm with Regina on this one," she stated, slowly straightening up. "I'll check it out. See what the deal is," she volunteered, already turning towards the door with only one longing glance at Killian between, as though wishing to ask him to come with.

That was right about when she froze in her tracks upon hearing a familiar voice, followed by a loud thud and more shouting from the same voice. She visibly tensed, eyes going wide as she searched, unmoving, for the source. Eventually, she found it- a girl, face pressed flat against the glass windows of Granny's Diner, fists slamming against said glass all the while. She could plainly see the girl, clear as day, but that was impossible. She couldn't be here, not without a curse, or a magic bean, or something else. Perhaps even more costly than the others. She was so caught up in how impossible this was, in fact, that she hardly even noted the conversation going on around her. One simple, but truthful statement resonated through her mind, even passing her lips in a barren, almost inaudible whisper.

"...All magic comes with a price."

Whatever daze she was in was broken only when Regina confronted her face to face, the Savior managing to blink herself out of her trance as the evil queen invaded her sights. Blinking a few more times, Emma opened her mouth, faltering for just a moment before nodding in a slow, dazed manner. "...Yeah, she's a friend. She's harmless," she assured, finding the first bit hard to get off of her tongue for whatever reason. But she shook it off, frowning as she shook her head and turned away. "Hold that thought," she mumbled, heading towards the door without really even thinking about it. Soon, she was outside, should no one stop her, a befuddled and distant expression on her face as she approached the girl. She didn't even immediately notice her friends, too focused on one thing.


"Kid... How did you get here?"

Back in the diner, David appeared somewhat confused, glancing to Snow at first as though she may have an answer. But then, something more important occurred to him, his eyebrows furrowing and eyes narrowing as he glanced inquisitively to Hook. He was tempted to demand how it was that the man and his daughter both knew the girl outside, but he figured that would be better suited for when Henry and the others weren't around. Still, his disapproval was rather obvious.

@thatguyinthestore @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"Emma!!!" Star yelled at the top of her lungs when as soon as the Savior made her way outside. Before Emma even had a chance to get her question out, she would have found herself tackled to the ground by Star and her hugs! It took a while for Star to actually register the question, to which the Princess just hopped off of Emma and brushed herself off.


"Ohh yeah! See I have these super cool things called Dimensional Scissors. All you gotta do is cut a hole through thin air and then a portal opens up!" Star said in an almost child-like tone. "Oh! Right! That reminds me." Star said before snapping her fingers and opening up a portal with said scissors right in front of the diner. After around two minutes, Star stepped out with two bowls of nachos. One for her and one for Emma.


"We never got to eat nachos the last time we saw each other, so I thought I'd make it up to you." She said as she handed Emma her bowl. While the pair were catching up, another one of Star's friends decided to butt in.


"Hey not to like brag or anything, but I was the one who gave you those scissors in the first place." Pony Head boasted, causing Star to look up at her with a slightly annoyed look on her face.

"Yeah, after you stole them from Heckapoo!" Star said with furrowed brows, earning a nervous chuckle from the floating head.


"Whaaaaat? Nooo, I wouldn't call that stealing. All I did was take them after Heckapoo left them on the counter in the Bounce Lounge." Pony Head said nervously, which made Star roll her eyes.

"That's called stealing, Pony Head!"

"You call it stealing, I call it repossessing."

@Midnight Maiden @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"That's right. Dangerous or not, I wouldn't want any other life but this one," Snow replied to David, the prince's comment causing a smile to tug at the corners of her lips. "A life with my family is more than worth all the trouble in the world." And oh man, did they seem to have a lot of trouble. But she truly didn't mind it so long as nobody got hurt.


"Okay, second opinion noted,"
Regina would reply after Emma agreed that Star was harmless. "You can't blame me for being cautious though, not after all that this town has been through."

"If she's harmless, I want to meet her," Henry stated, getting up out of his chair to head over outside the diner and stand next to his mother. He paused, however, watching as Star would create portals of some kind, entering and exiting them with bowls of nachos in tow. "Wow, that's some interesting magic," he said, his eyes wide with wonder. "Mom, whose your friend?"

Henry shot a surprised look to Pony Head afterwards, never having seen a creature quite like it. Regina also shot a look to Pony Head from inside the diner, raising an eyebrow. "Either Leroy spiked the punch and I'm hallucinating, or there's a floating unicorn head outside of the diner. I'm not the only one seeing this, am I?"


After Regina asked her question, Snow decided to lean over and see what the queen was talking about, just barely missing the questioning look on her husband's face, directed at Hook. "Yeah, it's real alright. That really is... strange. We've seen unicorns in our land, but never a... disembodied floating head of a unicorn. But I guess by now we should be used to seeing strange things, right?"

Despite the fact Emma and Henry went to greet Star, Killian stayed back a distance. He was interested in greeting Star too, but felt a bit uncertain as to how he should go about it. Their parting had been somewhat awkward, after all. He had been so fixated on his revenge at the time that he had stiffened up and failed to give her a proper goodbye. This was one of the many reasons he was now glad he had given up on his vengeance.


While they were distracted, however, the pirate did manage to catch Charming's glare in his direction. He merely greeted the look with a smile. "Yes, I know I'm handsome, but there's no need to stare, mate. You might make me blush," he teased, before deciding to ask him a more proper question. "Something the matter?" David hadn't seen himself and Emma kissing outside of the diner, had he? Or maybe there was another reason as to why the man was looking at him.

@Midnight Maiden @thatguyinthestore

Okay, so the minute she was out the door, she found herself being forcefully tackled in a powerful hug. Or, at least, powerful when you considered the size of the person giving it. And it left her a little stunned, her expression contorting with a mix of concern, happiness, and stress. "...Good to see you, too, kid," she spoke softly, still seeming almost dazed despite her genuine content with the girl's presence. But she at least snapped out of it enough to awkwardly and stiffly return the embrace, though she was somewhat relieved when the girl released her again. Immediately, she used her newfound freedom to set to climbing to her feet and brushing herself off, peering down at the child with uncertainty. As happy as she may have been to see her, she was more concerned than anything. Said concern still not quelled even when Star explained her transportation method. Or when the floating unicorn head appeared. In fact, the latter seemed to cause just the opposite. Still, she forced herself to reply,

"...Right," Emma mumbled, trying to ignore how crazy the situation was. She had been in crazier, after all. Though Henry joining her side made her a little more wary, one hand subconsciously moving to his back as though to ensure he remained safely by her side. Outwardly, though, she did her best to avoid allowing her wariness to show: an effort proven futile in her noticeable delay in responding to Star as the girl shoved the nachos into her hands. "Um, thanks, kid." Damn, she was fumbling all over the place where she never did, struggling to even converse due to the high stress of the situation for her. She even took a moment to really process her son's question in full, wrangling an awkward smile onto her face when she did. Damn. How could she have forgotten? Her family- and everyone else save for Killian, for that matter -were unaware of her involvement in that Murder Game.


"Oh, uh, Henry, this is... Star," she introduced quietly with a tight smile, shoving her hands into her pockets. "Star, this is Henry," she added. "He's my son." Yeah. She was pretty sure he had mentioned that before, but it couldn't hurt to reiterate. Either way, she wasn't sure how to brace herself. She had no clue what reaction to expect from Star- or even Henry, for that matter -in regards to each other.


Inside of the diner, though, Robin looked rather perturbed from Regina's side, his hands placed on his hips. "Well, I can't say I recall any such creatures in the Enchanted Forest, myself," he mused dryly, staring at the floating head with both curiosity and disturbance. Not far off, Charming only glared even deeper at Killian, head tilting slightly and frustration quickly rising. While Snow, Regina and the others were busy ogling the outdoor scene, he went to approach the pirate, speaking in a hushed tone filled with aggravation.


"Just who is that girl? And why is it I find it a little odd that you and my daughter both mysteriously seem to know her?"
he inquired, clearly not feeling too eager to jump into the matter of the unicorn. This was a little more concerning to him, at the moment.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @thatguyinthestore

"Nice to meet you,"
the boy greeted with a smile. Henry tilted his head and shot a questioning glance to Emma, his eyes shifting between her and Star. He looked at her with a heavy curiosity in his eyes, the wheels in his head turning as he tried to figure out where his mother may have met this person. "How did the two of you meet? Do you come from the Enchanted Forest?" As far as the boy knew, Emma only could've met Star in the Enchanted Forest. His mother hadn't been anywhere else, at least, nowhere else she had told him anything about. Like the rest of Emma's family, he knew nothing about the Savior's Murder Games adventure.


Inside the dinner, like an aggressive mother bird, Regina stood next to her boyfriend a man ironically with a bird's name : | and glanced out the window with sharp eyes. "That's because there aren't any creatures like that back home. I know Emma said the girl is harmless, but she didn't say anything about a magical, floating unicorn head." The queen tensed her shoulders, ready to move out the door if that thing came anywhere near her son. "You think it could be dangerous?" she questioned, half hoping Robin would tell her that he didn't think it was dangerous. If he said such a thing, maybe, just maybe it would calm her down.

Killian blinked at what Charming would say, seeming taken aback by his words. "You mean Swan never told you about our little... side trip quite a while back?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

Although she had been paying more attention to the window, Snow returned her attention to Killian and David upon hearing what the pirate would say. "Side trip? What side trip? ...Is this something to do with Zelena's time portal again?"


"No, lass, that's--" Killian began to speak, cutting himself off afterwards. If Emma's parents didn't know about their trip, he didn't want to say anything. He had just gotten on the Savior's good side after a massive amount of work. He didn't want to do or say anything to ruin his progress with her. "You'll have to ask her about that, I'm afraid."

@Midnight Maiden @thatguyinthestore

"Nice to meet you,"
the boy greeted with a smile. Henry tilted his head and shot a questioning glance to Emma, his eyes shifting between her and Star. He looked at her with a heavy curiosity in his eyes, the wheels in his head turning as he tried to figure out where his mother may have met this person. "How did the two of you meet? Do you come from the Enchanted Forest?" As far as the boy knew, Emma only could've met Star in the Enchanted Forest. His mother hadn't been anywhere else, at least, nowhere else she had told him anything about. Like the rest of Emma's family, he knew nothing about the Savior's Murder Games adventure.


Inside the dinner, like an aggressive mother bird, Regina stood next to her boyfriend a man ironically with a bird's name : | and glanced out the window with sharp eyes. "That's because there aren't any creatures like that back home. I know Emma said the girl is harmless, but she didn't say anything about a magical, floating unicorn head." The queen tensed her shoulders, ready to move out the door if that thing came anywhere near her son. "You think it could be dangerous?" she questioned, half hoping Robin would tell her that he didn't think it was dangerous. If he said such a thing, maybe, just maybe it would calm her down.

Killian blinked at what Charming would say, seeming taken aback by his words. "You mean Swan never told you about our little... side trip quite a while back?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

Although she had been paying more attention to the window, Snow returned her attention to Killian and David upon hearing what the pirate would say. "Side trip? What side trip? ...Is this something to do with Zelena's time portal again?"


"No, lass, that's--" Killian began to speak, cutting himself off afterwards. If Emma's parents didn't know about their trip, he didn't want to say anything. He had just gotten on the Savior's good side after a massive amount of work. He didn't want to do or say anything to ruin his progress with her. "You'll have to ask her about that, I'm afraid."

@Midnight Maiden @thatguyinthestore

"Allow me to interject." A new figure says as he emerges from the book that Star had brought. "Aha! You must he Emma! I'm Glossaryck!" The tiny blue man says as he shakes her hand. "Now, I see your confused by Star's magic. It's actually kinda common in Mewni. Y'know, normal. None of that 'magic comes with a price' stuff that you guys are familiar with."

"Wait... how do you even know about that?"

"I know how all the universe's magic works, Star. It's kinda my job." Glossaryck replied with a shrug. Star simply nodded, to which Glossaryck would bow and hop back into Star's spell book.

It was around this time that Henry introduced himself, to which Star started fangirling.


"Oh my gosh!!! That's your son???" Star exclaimed before running over to Henry and giving him a gigantic hug. "I'm Star!!!!"

@Midnight Maiden @Klutzy Ninja Kitty


Well shit. Emma faltered visibly when Henry inquired just how it was that she had met Star, unsure just how to explain their rather complex terms on which they met. She didn't really think now was the best time for explaining the situation that had occurred quite a time ago, now. Though in all honesty, she wasn't sure she would ever feel like any time would be the best time for it. But that hardly meant she intended to dive right into it despite. Instead, smile still faded, she took a deep intake of breath and forced a response. "Long story, kid," she mumbled, hoping that this would be enough to keep the topic at bay for the moment. But knowing her son? She doubted she would get off so easy. It was worth a shot, though.

And if avoiding Henry's inquiry regarding how she knew Star wasn't hard enough, she now found herself faced with some sort of tiny, floating... blue fairy old man thing, that decided to explain to her how Star's magic worked. Which, considering the sort of creature he was, didn't help as much as it may have been intended to. Though she did try to take it to heart, just giving a slow, somewhat appalled nod. "...Of course. Good to hear it," she replied uncertainly, though she wasn't sure she was fully convinced.

Moving on, she was a little surprised when the girl suddenly launched herself at her son, pulling him into a hug. As much as she liked Star, she still had her motherly instincts, and was put slightly on alert by the sudden movement towards her little boy. "Easy there, kid. Don't you think the name should come before the hugs?" she mused half seriously, though she did at least have a small smile at that point. If only she knew about what was going on back in the diner.


"Well, you aren't wrong,"
Robin mused with a thoughtful nod at Regina's statement that Emma had said nothing about the unicorn head. But the queen's inquiry on whether the thing was dangerous or not earned a more intense and thoughtful look as he gazed at the creature through the window, taking a moment before responding. "No saying for certain," he stated simply, though he was well aware that this likely wasn't what Regina wanted to hear. "However, I can say with full confidence that if it is? We're perfectly capable of handling it," he added, turning his head to smile at his partner. "I do believe you've proven that by now, hm?"


While Regina and Robin conversed, little Roland stood dormant at his father's side, tilting his head as he followed the pair's gaze out the window. The whole thing was a bit confusing for the young child, but he did decide to pitch in, looking curiously up at the pair. "Daddy, do you think I could pet the unicorn?" he asked fondly. He didn't really realize, in full, that it was just the head of a unicorn. He was kind of short to really see that the head was the only piece, through the window. Still, the question made his father blanch, his smile faltering momentarily as he patted his little boy on the head. "Unfortunately, I'm going to have to say no, Roland. In fact, what do you say we grab some drinks? I can't speak for you, but our little trek left me parched." Hopefully he could distract him with that.

One person who wouldn't easily be distracted from what was on his mind, though, was David Nolan.


"Forgive me, but I find it hard to believe that Emma would neglect to tell me about some magical child with the ability to travel across realms so easily as the one outside seems to. Just what sort of 'side trip' are you implying? And what do you mean, 'a while back'? Certainly if this took place long ago, we would know by now,"
he pressed, frowning and crossing his arms disapprovingly as he went on. Despite Snow having joined, he didn't really care to hold back his questions at this point. The pirate was really raising a lot of red flags, now. "If not in Zelena's portal, then when?" he asked further. Considering how occupied Emma appeared with the children and odd creatures outside, he didn't really think he'd be getting answers from her at the moment. Besides, he didn't like that Hook was clearly keeping something from him.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @thatguyinthestore
Henry again found himself caught off guard, but this time by the little blue man that would appear from Star's book. While he was surprised, he didn't have time to question this creature, finding himself engrossed by his explanation of Star's magic. "Is that... really true? I've never heard of any place where there wasn't a price for magic," he said. But, then again, there were a lot of different worlds out there, right? Maybe it wasn't so outlandish to think there could be one in existence that didn't require a price for magic.

Anyhow, when Star would excitedly chirp about Henry, the boy began to introduce himself. "Hi, I'm--" He was cut off, however, when the girl would suddenly rush at him and wrap him in a massive hug. "A-Ah, it's nice to meet you too. I'm, uh, Henry. So, you're a friend of my mom's?" he questioned, giving the girl a much gentler hug back then the one she had given to him. He would then glance to his mother, somewhat suspicious.


"Long story, huh? A long story you're going to tell me about... right?"
The boy looked at Emma somewhat hopefully, not wanting this friendship with Star to be another secret she was trying to keep from him. He had thought they got past the the point of keeping secrets from one another quite some time ago.

Meanwhile, within the diner, Regina continued to watch outside the window, ready to pounce on these guests in a moment's notice. "Oh, I'm more than confident I can handle these goons if it comes down to that. I just... don't want it to come down to that. If these people are friends of Emma's, well, it's not exactly going to make me look very good to spontaneously attack them." Regina was still trying to keep up her good appearance, after all. She had made a lot of progress when it came to improving her life and didn't exactly want to take any steps backwards.

Still, she couldn't let this go, especially not after spying Star hugging Henry. "Screw it, I'm going out there. If I look like I'm going to do anything I regret, stop me," she said, throwing open the door to the diner, and exiting. She stepped behind Henry, placing a hand on the boy's shoulder.


"So, who are your friends?"
she questioned with a tight smile on her lips, trying to gain a bit of insight on this situation before she did anything rash. The girl had only hugged Henry, but she still wanted to make sure nothing else was going on.

Killian pulled his eyes away from David, glancing to the door of the diner. He was honestly eager for Emma to return inside, and hopefully take over explaining this situation to her parents. It really wasn't his place to say anything, especially since he wasn't aware of just how much her parents knew about that adventure. "As I said, mate, you'll have to ask your daughter on that one. I'm sure she'll be happy to tell you all about the adventure."


"I'm sure this is just a misunderstanding," Snow chimed in, placing a hand on her husband's shoulder so she could try and sooth him. "There has to be a reasonable explanation as to what's going on here. Isn't there, Killian?" She questioned, now shooting the pirate a somewhat stern look herself.

"Yes, there is an explanation," he replied, tugging at his coat collar, somewhat uncomfortable. "An explanation that your daughter will happily clear up for you once she returns. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need a drink," he added, trying to slip away so he could get out of his position.

@Midnight Maiden @thatguyinthestore
Henry again found himself caught off guard, but this time by the little blue man that would appear from Star's book. While he was surprised, he didn't have time to question this creature, finding himself engrossed by his explanation of Star's magic. "Is that... really true? I've never heard of any place where there wasn't a price for magic," he said. But, then again, there were a lot of different worlds out there, right? Maybe it wasn't so outlandish to think there could be one in existence that didn't require a price for magic.

Anyhow, when Star would excitedly chirp about Henry, the boy began to introduce himself. "Hi, I'm--" He was cut off, however, when the girl would suddenly rush at him and wrap him in a massive hug. "A-Ah, it's nice to meet you too. I'm, uh, Henry. So, you're a friend of my mom's?" he questioned, giving the girl a much gentler hug back then the one she had given to him. He would then glance to his mother, somewhat suspicious.


"Long story, huh? A long story you're going to tell me about... right?"
The boy looked at Emma somewhat hopefully, not wanting this friendship with Star to be another secret she was trying to keep from him. He had thought they got past the the point of keeping secrets from one another quite some time ago.

Meanwhile, within the diner, Regina continued to watch outside the window, ready to pounce on these guests in a moment's notice. "Oh, I'm more than confident I can handle these goons if it comes down to that. I just... don't want it to come down to that. If these people are friends of Emma's, well, it's not exactly going to make me look very good to spontaneously attack them." Regina was still trying to keep up her good appearance, after all. She had made a lot of progress when it came to improving her life and didn't exactly want to take any steps backwards.

Still, she couldn't let this go, especially not after spying Star hugging Henry. "Screw it, I'm going out there. If I look like I'm going to do anything I regret, stop me," she said, throwing open the door to the diner, and exiting. She stepped behind Henry, placing a hand on the boy's shoulder.


"So, who are your friends?"
she questioned with a tight smile on her lips, trying to gain a bit of insight on this situation before she did anything rash. The girl had only hugged Henry, but she still wanted to make sure nothing else was going on.

Killian pulled his eyes away from David, glancing to the door of the diner. He was honestly eager for Emma to return inside, and hopefully take over explaining this situation to her parents. It really wasn't his place to say anything, especially since he wasn't aware of just how much her parents knew about that adventure. "As I said, mate, you'll have to ask your daughter on that one. I'm sure she'll be happy to tell you all about the adventure."


"I'm sure this is just a misunderstanding," Snow chimed in, placing a hand on her husband's shoulder so she could try and sooth him. "There has to be a reasonable explanation as to what's going on here. Isn't there, Killian?" She questioned, now shooting the pirate a somewhat stern look herself.

"Yes, there is an explanation," he replied, tugging at his coat collar, somewhat uncomfortable. "An explanation that your daughter will happily clear up for you once she returns. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need a drink," he added, trying to slip away so he could get out of his position.

@Midnight Maiden @thatguyinthestore

"Oh yeah! Emma is like one of my besties! We went on an adventure and--"


"Uhhh Star, maybe we shouldn't tell them about tha--"

"Nooo it's fine Marco!" Star insisted before continuing. "Anyways, so like we were all kidnapped by this crazy guy named Thanos and thrown in some kail, but then this super cool lady kicked a hole in the ground and we jumped through a portal and then we went through a bunch of different dimensions! And then at one point we like died and met this blue guy named Hades who was like made of fire, and then I met this cute dog with three heads and named him Freckles! Then after that we escaped and met Thanos and then I almost died again but then I woke up and we all beat Thanos then he died!!" Star explained. Marco just sighed and facepalmed before nodding.

"Yup, that's pretty much what happened."


"Hey." Said another one of Star's friends, Janna. "I'm Janna, and you're hella cute." Janna said to Henry before delivering one nice, hard slap to his buttox.

Meanwhile, in an alternate universe, a young boy wearing a yellow t-shirt was sitting on the couch with an elderly man who appeared to be in his sixties.

"Hey Rick?" Asked the young boy.

"Whaaaaaa-urp-aaat do you want Morty?"

"Do you think that there's a girl out there who flirts with a ton of awkward people my age who would wanna, y'know, date me?"

"Well I mean there are infinite parallel universes, Morty. But for the sake of being funny, I'm gonna say no."

"Ah gee Rick. You're a-a-a real jerk, y'know?"

"Uh huh. Now shut the hell up and watch TV."

Pointless Rick and Morty cameo over

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Midnight Maiden


"Well, attacking isn't entirely what I had in mind, myself. Believe it our not, avoiding such a thing is more than within my preference, as well,"
he mused in response. In any case, he did give a nod upon Regina's words, more than willing to comply to her requests. Though, before she could leave, he did give her a quick peck on the forehead, flashing his infamous grin with eyes alight with affection and amusement all the while. "Your wish is my command, m'lady." And so he allowed her to leave with a flourishing half-bow before glancing down to Roland and fondly ruffling his hair, turning to lead the boy to grab a couple of waters, watching Regina from his peripheral vision all the while to make sure his promise was kept true.

While she didn't voice it, Emma was in agreement with Henry, never having heard of such a thing before. In fact, it was similar to her shock at finding out that all of the fairytales she grew up with were real, for the motto that magic always came with a price had practically become engraved into her mind and life by now. Yet she did her best to accept it and move on with face, instead trying to make sure that Henry was still comfortable after Star's little hug attack. Which, while he seemed a little unsure at first, he seemed to be alright with it after a moment. Which was good.

Because that was about when things took a turn.

Of course her son had pressured her to share just how she had met Star. She hadn't exactly expected anything less, to be honest. Still, it earned a more sincere smile of both defeat and slight amusement at her son's predictability, and she lightly patted him on the shoulder once as she gave a reply. "Yes, a long story I'm going to tell you about," she replied as though it were obvious, though not in a condescending manner. "But first, I thought maybe we could, you know..." she trailed off, looking about helplessly only to look to her hands, recalling the food Star had given her. "Have nachos, or do some other normal thing for a bit," she explained, only to be cut off by Star's explanation. Right after Regina joined them, nonetheless. Which, only served to make her groan, chest filling with defeat. Man, as much as she loved the kid, she could really do with learning a bit of subtlety. If she intended to reply to the girl's explanation, the train of thought was quickly severed by a rather... unexpected, occurrence.



Emma's face as an unfamiliar girl waltzed up and immediately set to not only flirting with her son, but also smacking him right on the ass, was that of pure disbelief, shock, and even something like horror. What the hell was that kid doing? It didn't really fully process for her, at first, that this kid had really just smacked her son's butt. Because really, what decent human being would do that? So there she stood in shock and horror, at a loss for words as she sent a half glare Janna's way. Or, rather, a look of 'like hell, you better not have just done that'.


"Don't know if you noticed, but she's a little occupied at the moment with that friend of yours,"
David spoke pointedly, briefly looking down before looking instead to Snow as her hand found it's way to his shoulder, a weak smile mustered for his wife and child in her arms. Though, he did seem mildly annoyed when Killian continued to insist on Emma sharing the tale, even turning tail to get a drink. "Of course. I wouldn't want to keep a pirate from his rum," he remarked with subtle spite, not hesitating to again make a jab at Killian's pirate status.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @thatguyinthestore
"I thought it was normal for a mom to tell her son about things she's done," Henry replied with a cheeky smile when Emma would suggest they do something normal first. Witty Henry strikes again! Still, he wasn't going to press his mom about hearing all the details of this story, not yet at least. "I guess I wouldn't mind some nachos though," he added to show the Savior that he was pretty chill about the whole thing.

At least, he had been chill about the whole thing until he became distracted by Star's off the wall explanation about Emma and Killian's journey through a bunch of different dimensions. "Wait, Thanos? You mean, like, the one from marvel comics? Cool!" he said, eyes widening. "I guess I should've figured he would be real too. I never really thought about it, but if the stories in my storybook can be real, it would make sense if others were to-- Whoa!"

The boy cut himself off, slightly jumping when he would feel a unexpected slap on his booty. He appeared rather surprised, his mouth half hanging open as he would turn to glance in the direction of the offender of his ass. "Uh, hi?" he mumbled, very much like his birth mother in seeming unsure exactly how to greet someone who would do something like this. As for his adoptive mother, well, she had a thing or two to say.

Hell to the nah.


The formerly evil queen couldn't believe her eyes. Janna had just slapped her son's ass. Her one and only precious son. Mentally, Regina was ready to tell that girl off like a sassy black woman. Had she still been evil, she might've even turned that girl into a frog for doing such a thing to someone she cared about. She wasn't evil though, so instead she settled on firmly scolding the girl.

"Excuse me? Did you just slap Henry on his behind? I'm his mother and I'll have you know that was not appropriate. Apologize to my son!" she reprimanded, taking a step towards the girl.

"Ugh, M-Mom, no," Henry began to say. He was already embarrassed enough from having been touched in such a way, but was even more embarrassed now with his mom trying to defend him. "It's fine. She probably didn't mean anything by it. Can we just drop it?"

"Drop it? Uh, Henry, you shouldn't just let her get by with any such behavior. At least tell her not to do that again!"

"I was... getting to that," he mumbled, awkwardly rubbing his arm. He opened his mouth to say something, but honestly wasn't sure what to say next. His mother interjecting had made it harder to think of a proper response.

~Meanwhile, in the diner~


"Much obliged, mate. We'll talk later," Killian remarked, slipping away from David as quick as he could before casually walking over to the window to peek at the reunion between Star and Emma. He arrived just in time to see a rather awkward looking Henry standing next to his irritated adoptive mother. He quirked an eyebrow, glancing to Robin who was also watching close by. "Any idea what they're talking about?" he said, half questioning the man as he observed.

After Killian walked away, Snow glanced to her husband, giving him a half smile. She knew him better than anyone, and could tell that he had forced a weak one to try and make her feel like he was okay. But he wasn't. As always, the man was worried for his daughter. The young woman placed her hand over his, giving it a gentle squeeze.


"Hey, I'm sure she'll tell us what's going on. I'm sure there's a good explanation as to why she hasn't yet."
The princess paused for a moment, glancing to her newborn for a moment before adding, "Will you be fine here for a minute of I go feed Neal? I don't wanna come back and see you in a brawl with our pirate friend," she teased, giving him a gentle nudge with her elbow.

@Midnight Maiden @thatguyinthestore
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"Well, attacking isn't entirely what I had in mind, myself. Believe it our not, avoiding such a thing is more than within my preference, as well,"
he mused in response. In any case, he did give a nod upon Regina's words, more than willing to comply to her requests. Though, before she could leave, he did give her a quick peck on the forehead, flashing his infamous grin with eyes alight with affection and amusement all the while. "Your wish is my command, m'lady." And so he allowed her to leave with a flourishing half-bow before glancing down to Roland and fondly ruffling his hair, turning to lead the boy to grab a couple of waters, watching Regina from his peripheral vision all the while to make sure his promise was kept true.

While she didn't voice it, Emma was in agreement with Henry, never having heard of such a thing before. In fact, it was similar to her shock at finding out that all of the fairytales she grew up with were real, for the motto that magic always came with a price had practically become engraved into her mind and life by now. Yet she did her best to accept it and move on with face, instead trying to make sure that Henry was still comfortable after Star's little hug attack. Which, while he seemed a little unsure at first, he seemed to be alright with it after a moment. Which was good.

Because that was about when things took a turn.

Of course her son had pressured her to share just how she had met Star. She hadn't exactly expected anything less, to be honest. Still, it earned a more sincere smile of both defeat and slight amusement at her son's predictability, and she lightly patted him on the shoulder once as she gave a reply. "Yes, a long story I'm going to tell you about," she replied as though it were obvious, though not in a condescending manner. "But first, I thought maybe we could, you know..." she trailed off, looking about helplessly only to look to her hands, recalling the food Star had given her. "Have nachos, or do some other normal thing for a bit," she explained, only to be cut off by Star's explanation. Right after Regina joined them, nonetheless. Which, only served to make her groan, chest filling with defeat. Man, as much as she loved the kid, she could really do with learning a bit of subtlety. If she intended to reply to the girl's explanation, the train of thought was quickly severed by a rather... unexpected, occurrence.



Emma's face as an unfamiliar girl waltzed up and immediately set to not only flirting with her son, but also smacking him right on the ass, was that of pure disbelief, shock, and even something like horror. What the hell was that kid doing? It didn't really fully process for her, at first, that this kid had really just smacked her son's butt. Because really, what decent human being would do that? So there she stood in shock and horror, at a loss for words as she sent a half glare Janna's way. Or, rather, a look of 'like hell, you better not have just done that'.


"Don't know if you noticed, but she's a little occupied at the moment with that friend of yours,"
David spoke pointedly, briefly looking down before looking instead to Snow as her hand found it's way to his shoulder, a weak smile mustered for his wife and child in her arms. Though, he did seem mildly annoyed when Killian continued to insist on Emma sharing the tale, even turning tail to get a drink. "Of course. I wouldn't want to keep a pirate from his rum," he remarked with subtle spite, not hesitating to again make a jab at Killian's pirate status.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @thatguyinthestore
"I thought it was normal for a mom to tell her son about things she's done," Henry replied with a cheeky smile when Emma would suggest they do something normal first. Witty Henry strikes again! Still, he wasn't going to press his mom about hearing all the details of this story, not yet at least. "I guess I wouldn't mind some nachos though," he added to show the Savior that he was pretty chill about the whole thing.

At least, he had been chill about the whole thing until he became distracted by Star's off the wall explanation about Emma and Killian's journey through a bunch of different dimensions. "Wait, Thanos? You mean, like, the one from marvel comics? Cool!" he said, eyes widening. "I guess I should've figured he would be real too. I never really thought about it, but if the stories in my storybook can be real, it would make sense if others were to-- Whoa!"

The boy cut himself off, slightly jumping when he would feel a unexpected slap on his booty. He appeared rather surprised, his mouth half hanging open as he would turn to glance in the direction of the offender of his ass. "Uh, hi?" he mumbled, very much like his birth mother in seeming unsure exactly how to greet someone who would do something like this. As for his adoptive mother, well, she had a thing or two to say.

Hell to the nah.


The formerly evil queen couldn't believe her eyes. Janna had just slapped her son's ass. Her one and only precious son. Mentally, Regina was ready to tell that girl off like a sassy black woman. Had she still been evil, she might've even turned that girl into a frog for doing such a thing to someone she cared about. She wasn't evil though, so instead she settled on firmly scolding the girl.

"Excuse me? Did you just slap Henry on his behind? I'm his mother and I'll have you know that was not appropriate. Apologize to my son!" she reprimanded, taking a step towards the girl.

"Ugh, M-Mom, no," Henry began to say. He was already embarrassed enough from having been touched in such a way, but was even more embarrassed now with his mom trying to defend him. "It's fine. She probably didn't mean anything by it. Can we just drop it?"

"Drop it? Uh, Henry, you shouldn't just let her get by with any such behavior. At least tell her not to do that again!"

"I was... getting to that," he mumbled, awkwardly rubbing his arm. He opened his mouth to say something, but honestly wasn't sure what to say next. His mother interjecting had made it harder to think of a proper response.

~Meanwhile, in the diner~


"Much obliged, mate. We'll talk later," Killian remarked, slipping away from David as quick as he could before casually walking over to the window to peek at the reunion between Star and Emma. He arrived just in time to see a rather awkward looking Henry standing next to his irritated adoptive mother. He quirked an eyebrow, glancing to Robin who was also watching close by. "Any idea what they're talking about?" he said, half questioning the man as he observed.

After Killian walked away, Snow glanced to her husband, giving him a half smile. She knew him better than anyone, and could tell that he had forced a weak one to try and make her feel like he was okay. But he wasn't. As always, the man was worried for his daughter. The young woman placed her hand over his, giving it a gentle squeeze.


"Hey, I'm sure she'll tell us what's going on. I'm sure there's a good explanation as to why she hasn't yet."
The princess paused for a moment, glancing to her newborn for a moment before adding, "Will you be fine here for a minute of I go feed Neal? I don't wanna come back and see you in a brawl with our pirate friend," she teased, giving him a gentle nudge with her elbow.

@Midnight Maiden @thatguyinthestore

"Nah, no worries." Janna said to Henry nonchalantly when Emma shot her a glare and Regina scolded her. "We'll have s'more 'alone time' later, won't we Henry?" Janna asked the other young teen before winking at him and climbing up a nearby tree, laying on one of its branches.


"Don't worry. She does it to me too." Marco said in an attempt to comfort Henry. He did have to deal with Janna's rampant flirting like, every day after all. Though to be completely honest, it was kinda nice that he had someone to share his pain with.

Meanwhile, Star was still standing by Emma when she suddenly nudged her on the shoulder with a wide grin on her face.


"Soooooooooooo..." Star began in a tone that only meant something embarrassing was soon to follow. "How are you and Killian doing? Are you, y'know, dating yet?"

Real subtle, Star.

@Midnight Maiden @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Well, that managed to earn a grin from Emma. Despite having no desire to talk about the subject, she had to appreciate her son's smarty-pants attitude. Truly, it was something that reminded her of... his father. It was something that made her falter momentarily to think about, but she quickly sealed away such thoughts, instead giving her boy a nudge. "Yeah, I get it. I already said I'd tell you, no need for the sass," she teased back, obviously well aware that Henry wasn't taking it too seriously. Still, she did offer the boy the bowl of nachos in hand, as though to make a peace offering or perhaps a promise she would hold up her end.

She still didn't really get to reply to the matter of Star's explanation, or even Henry's awe on it, still in shock due to that booty tap and not really sure what to do or say. Fortunately it seemed that Regina wasn't as badly shaken as her, flipping out on the girl just as Emma internally wanted to, but couldn't quite get past her shock to do. By the time she snapped out of it, all she could do was securely drape an arm around Henry's shoulders, speaking slowly with clear shock still on her face. "Yeah. She's staying far away from you, kid," she muttered, honestly grateful Janna had moved away. She wanted to ask why the hell Star had brought the kid along, but she couldn't bring herself to.

And speaking of Star, of course the girl brought up yet another unsavory topic. Ughhhh. Why couldn't the kid keep quiet? She really didn't want to publicly get into these topics, especially considering how well her night had been going before. But at this rate, it looked like she'd have to. But for now, she just did her best to hold off the topic, instead patting Star once on the back with her free hand. "Later, kid," she muttered, hoping only the girl would hear. She didn't want to get into this right now at all. "For now, how about we go inside? I don't need any of you kids catching colds," she spoke, nodding towards the diner and rubbing Henry's shoulder with a faint smile. "C'mon. Let's go."

Hopefully they'd all listen.


What the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-- okay. yeah. some little girl had just slapped henry's butt wat da heel. Robin was suddenly grateful that Roland was preoccupied with sipping down some water, cup held to his face with both of his tiny hands. Otherwise the boy may have seen the horror that his father just had, leaving the man looking completely befuddled. He didn't even seem to notice, or perhaps just didn't care, about Killian's approach, staring intently out the window from the bar. Though at the pirate's inquiry, he glanced at the man fleetingly before his gaze returned to the window. "Not certain I want to know," he half-joked. "It would seem one of those little 'friends' of yours just gave Regina's son a spat on the behind. Can't say that's a topic I'd like to delve into." Yes. Fortunate that Roland was oblivious, indeed. He did notice Regina getting a little heated by the matter, but he knew that he would as well, were someone to do such a thing to his own child. So he was at a bit of a loss, scratching the side of his face in deep thought. "Don't suppose you'd know if I ought to intervene?"


As Killian hurried away, David glanced to his wife, his tension that had come to be during dealing with the pirate slowly ebbing away as he lost himself in her gaze and presence. She was akin to a cup of tea, for him, soothing away his worries and filling him with warmth and comfort. Yet he still just couldn't shake the bad feeling he had about Killian and Emma's little journey. "I'm certain, as well," he assured with a small smile, truthfully. "I merely fear what this 'side trip' of theirs entails. Children who can traverse realms without a curse? Floating heads of mythical beasts?" he spoke, gesturing to the window with worry. "Not to mention that pirate's clear reluctance to share." Yeah, altogether it just made the situation frustrating. Still, for Snow, he would give the world. And it seemed right now, that dedication meant just steering clear of the pirate for now. "Of course," he chuckled, softly. "I'll refrain from such activities."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @thatguyinthestore

Well, that managed to earn a grin from Emma. Despite having no desire to talk about the subject, she had to appreciate her son's smarty-pants attitude. Truly, it was something that reminded her of... his father. It was something that made her falter momentarily to think about, but she quickly sealed away such thoughts, instead giving her boy a nudge. "Yeah, I get it. I already said I'd tell you, no need for the sass," she teased back, obviously well aware that Henry wasn't taking it too seriously. Still, she did offer the boy the bowl of nachos in hand, as though to make a peace offering or perhaps a promise she would hold up her end.

She still didn't really get to reply to the matter of Star's explanation, or even Henry's awe on it, still in shock due to that booty tap and not really sure what to do or say. Fortunately it seemed that Regina wasn't as badly shaken as her, flipping out on the girl just as Emma internally wanted to, but couldn't quite get past her shock to do. By the time she snapped out of it, all she could do was securely drape an arm around Henry's shoulders, speaking slowly with clear shock still on her face. "Yeah. She's staying far away from you, kid," she muttered, honestly grateful Janna had moved away. She wanted to ask why the hell Star had brought the kid along, but she couldn't bring herself to.

And speaking of Star, of course the girl brought up yet another unsavory topic. Ughhhh. Why couldn't the kid keep quiet? She really didn't want to publicly get into these topics, especially considering how well her night had been going before. But at this rate, it looked like she'd have to. But for now, she just did her best to hold off the topic, instead patting Star once on the back with her free hand. "Later, kid," she muttered, hoping only the girl would hear. She didn't want to get into this right now at all. "For now, how about we go inside? I don't need any of you kids catching colds," she spoke, nodding towards the diner and rubbing Henry's shoulder with a faint smile. "C'mon. Let's go."

Hopefully they'd all listen.


What the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-- okay. yeah. some little girl had just slapped henry's butt wat da heel. Robin was suddenly grateful that Roland was preoccupied with sipping down some water, cup held to his face with both of his tiny hands. Otherwise the boy may have seen the horror that his father just had, leaving the man looking completely befuddled. He didn't even seem to notice, or perhaps just didn't care, about Killian's approach, staring intently out the window from the bar. Though at the pirate's inquiry, he glanced at the man fleetingly before his gaze returned to the window. "Not certain I want to know," he half-joked. "It would seem one of those little 'friends' of yours just gave Regina's son a spat on the behind. Can't say that's a topic I'd like to delve into." Yes. Fortunate that Roland was oblivious, indeed. He did notice Regina getting a little heated by the matter, but he knew that he would as well, were someone to do such a thing to his own child. So he was at a bit of a loss, scratching the side of his face in deep thought. "Don't suppose you'd know if I ought to intervene?"


As Killian hurried away, David glanced to his wife, his tension that had come to be during dealing with the pirate slowly ebbing away as he lost himself in her gaze and presence. She was akin to a cup of tea, for him, soothing away his worries and filling him with warmth and comfort. Yet he still just couldn't shake the bad feeling he had about Killian and Emma's little journey. "I'm certain, as well," he assured with a small smile, truthfully. "I merely fear what this 'side trip' of theirs entails. Children who can traverse realms without a curse? Floating heads of mythical beasts?" he spoke, gesturing to the window with worry. "Not to mention that pirate's clear reluctance to share." Yeah, altogether it just made the situation frustrating. Still, for Snow, he would give the world. And it seemed right now, that dedication meant just steering clear of the pirate for now. "Of course," he chuckled, softly. "I'll refrain from such activities."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @thatguyinthestore


Oh this guy did not just call Pony Head a "mythical beast."

With the fury of a thousand suns, Pony Head flew over to David and looked him straight in the eye as soon as he called her that name. "Ummmm, excuse me? I ain't no mythical beast, you little earth turd! I am Princess Pony Head, for your information!"


"Woah! Pony Head, calm down! I'm sure he meant nothing by it!"
Star exclaimed as she attempted to pull Pony Head away from David.

The floating unicorn head tried to struggle at first, but eventually gave in and just snarled at the man. "B-Fly, this earth turd better hope that he never crossed me again." With that, the floating head would fly away and to somewhere else in the diner for the time being.


"Sorry about that. She gets uhh.. worked up when people call her names like that, heheh." Star said in an attempt to smooth things over with them. In an attempt to change the subject, the interdimensional Princess would awkwardly lean on the desk with her elbow. "So... how do you know Emma?"

@Midnight Maiden @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
God this girl was frustrating. Regina was pissed. Boy was Janna lucky that she was on her best behavior right now. The formerly evil queen clenched her teeth together and shot a glare to the girl when she would speak to her son again. She then stepped protectively in front of him while Emma draped her arm around the boy.


"I'm with Emma on this one,"
she cut in, before the boy would even get a chance to reply on his own. "There won't be any alone time. Not on my watch."

"Moms, don't worry about me," Henry said with a grin, addressing both of the worried women. Although he would tell them not to worry about him, it was secretly glad that they cared about him so much. He had spent the first half of his childhood feeling as if he wasn't cared about at all. But now, things were different. He had a big family filled with people who loved him. For the first time since he had been born, his life was complete.

"I'm your mother, it's my job to worry," Regina replied back, her eyes following Janna as the girl would move to climb a random tree. "Wait a second, get back here! You didn't apologize to my--"

"Mom, it really is fine. I can handle myself," Henry said, grabbing Regina's wrist to prevent the woman from following after Janna. "Besides, she's not my type."

Regina blinked. "Wait, you have a type? You're a kid, Henry."


"I'm thirteen, Mom, not a baby."

Leaving the queen speechless after his comment, Henry returned his focus to what Star would say about Emma and Killian. Huh, interesting. "Why would you think my mom and Killian might be dating?" Henry questioned Star, ignoring Emma for the moment when she would suggest the go inside. Did Star know something about them that he didn't? Before he could get an answer, however, it seemed that Star had gone off to chase Ponyhead who had entered the diner. Darn. No matter, he'd still talk to Star more later. "I'm looking forward to talking more with your friend, Mom. I'm sure she has all kinds of interesting stories about you," he said to Emma, shooting her a sneaky smile before moving to head inside with them.

Within the diner, before the others began to enter, Killian had a front row seat to the sight of Janna giving Henry that spank on his booty with Robin. But unlike Robin, the pirate was a bit more amused by it. Captain Hook liked dis show.


"On the contrary, I'd say he's a lucky lad. I didn't get that kind of racy attention from females until I was much older than him,"
he said with a grin. "Seems that your queen's son is keeping her under control though. I'd say there isn't really a need to intervene, not yet at least." The man continued to watch after speaking, finding this situation more entertaining the longer it went on. He totally hoped to get his captain ass slapped by Emma someday. : |

Too bad it didn't last much longer before the others would start to make their way back inside. Upon seeing them enter the diner once again, Hook moved to stand further back in the area. He still felt a bit guilty, unsure how he would approach Star at the moment. Regina, on the other hand, would move next to Robin, folding her arms with a pouty look on her face. "Did you see? That girl defiled my son right in front of me. I shouldn't have to put up with this," she grumbled.

"You worry too much," Snow said with a shake of her head before moving to kiss David on the cheek. "But that's one of the many things I love about you. I'll be right-- Oh god!" the woman suddenly exclaimed, cutting herself off when Ponyhead would come over and start scolding David. Between the sound of Ponyhead shouting and Snow's gasp of surprise, the newborn in her arms awoke with a start, starting to cry and the top of his lungs. "Ah, no, shhh, shhh, it's okay, it's okay," Snow began to say, rocking her son before shooting Ponyhead a glare. "I don't care what you are. Please keep it down. You scared my son."

Somewhat annoyed, the princess would still soften her expression when Star would ask them a question. "We're Emma's parents, actually. Nice to meet you. What's your name?"

@Midnight Maiden @thatguyinthestore

"Regina's right. It's our job to worry," she added onto Henry's other mom's response, pointedly, giving her son a gentle squeeze in a demonstration of fondness. Now that she finally had her son back- sincerely, this time -, she wasn't about to let him slip away again. Nor was she going to allow some wannabe rebel- nor anyone else, for that matter -harass him. Physically or verbally, or any other way possible. So far as Emma was concerned? That girl was going to stay damn far away from her son, or she'd face the consequences. A mother's wrath was the worst hell possible to deal with, after all, and Henry? Well, he had two right at his side.

Despite this, it seemed Emma wasn't the only one surprised by Henry's comment, though Emma's own astonishment was to a much lesser extent by comparison. Nonetheless, Emma could only give Regina a shrug, should the Evil Queen look to her at all on the matter. After all, it wasn't exactly like she could just explain the workings of her son's mind. He was a teen, after all. But unlike Regina, she received no time to linger, what with her son inquiring just why Star might think she was dating Killian. Something that made the Savior cringe internally, though fortunately, it looked like Star was at least taking her suggestion of going inside, which spared her for the moment. Phew.


There was no trace of surprise whatsoever, however, upon Henry turning to her with that cheeky little grin to suggest he'd be getting info out of Star. Emma didn't bother replying at first, tilting her head back and raising her eyebrows with an amused grin in response. Yeah, the kid was definitely like his dad. "Yeah, yeah. Just get inside before you catch a cold," she remarked with playfulness, rubbing his shoulder one last time before lightly ushering him in, following right behind. She wasn't really eager to face the matter, but she knew she'd have to, eventually. And honestly? She'd much prefer that the others hear the story from her mouth, as opposed to Star's.

Andddd speak of the devil. She was already talking to her parents. Damn it. Groaning inwardly, she tried to devise a plan to get her family pulled aside so she could get them briefed on the situation.


Well, Killian's comment earned a quirked brow from Robin, who didn't seem nearly as amused by the situation as his 'mate' beside him. "Can't say the boy seems to share your sentiments," he mused. "His mother certainly doesn't, at the very least." All two of them, at that. "Though, I suppose you're not wrong. I'm not entirely eager to get in the path of a mother's wrath, let alone two of them." Jokes aside, he was thankful that it seemed that Janna had left Henry be(and that Regina had, in turn, let the disrespectful child go with a warning), and met Regina with a weak smile as she returned, scratching behind his ear awkwardly. "Unfortunately. I would assume the child merely never received a proper education on manners, based on her behavior."


Welp. David was caught off guard when Pony Head all but charging towards him after entering the diner, yelling up a storm and apparently finding itself rather offended by his choice of words. His expression was that of surprise and mild disturbance, unsure how to even react to such a thing at first. So he could only fumble, speaking an apology with his face leaned away from the impending unicorn head. "I'm... Sorry?" he half chuckled with surprise, unsure what else to even say. "I meant nothing by it. Though it would be appreciated if you could quiet down," he spoke, trying to soothe the thing to avoid it upsetting his son. Though it was a little late, Neal already starting to bawl, leading him to join in trying to soothe his child alongside Snow. Though, he wasn't as adept at it. Oops.

Fortunately, it seemed that the pony was pulled away, leading David to feel somewhat relieved. Though he was surprised to find the little girl from before asking about his daughter, a small pause coming before he nodded his agreement with Snow. "Indeed. And you are...?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @thatguyinthestore
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"Regina's right. It's our job to worry," she added onto Henry's other mom's response, pointedly, giving her son a gentle squeeze in a demonstration of fondness. Now that she finally had her son back- sincerely, this time -, she wasn't about to let him slip away again. Nor was she going to allow some wannabe rebel- nor anyone else, for that matter -harass him. Physically or verbally, or any other way possible. So far as Emma was concerned? That girl was going to stay damn far away from her son, or she'd face the consequences. A mother's wrath was the worst hell possible to deal with, after all, and Henry? Well, he had two right at his side.

Despite this, it seemed Emma wasn't the only one surprised by Henry's comment, though Emma's own astonishment was to a much lesser extent by comparison. Nonetheless, Emma could only give Regina a shrug, should the Evil Queen look to her at all on the matter. After all, it wasn't exactly like she could just explain the workings of her son's mind. He was a teen, after all. But unlike Regina, she received no time to linger, what with her son inquiring just why Star might think she was dating Killian. Something that made the Savior cringe internally, though fortunately, it looked like Star was at least taking her suggestion of going inside, which spared her for the moment. Phew.


There was no trace of surprise whatsoever, however, upon Henry turning to her with that cheeky little grin to suggest he'd be getting info out of Star. Emma didn't bother replying at first, tilting her head back and raising her eyebrows with an amused grin in response. Yeah, the kid was definitely like his dad. "Yeah, yeah. Just get inside before you catch a cold," she remarked with playfulness, rubbing his shoulder one last time before lightly ushering him in, following right behind. She wasn't really eager to face the matter, but she knew she'd have to, eventually. And honestly? She'd much prefer that the others hear the story from her mouth, as opposed to Star's.

Andddd speak of the devil. She was already talking to her parents. Damn it. Groaning inwardly, she tried to devise a plan to get her family pulled aside so she could get them briefed on the situation.


Well, Killian's comment earned a quirked brow from Robin, who didn't seem nearly as amused by the situation as his 'mate' beside him. "Can't say the boy seems to share your sentiments," he mused. "His mother certainly doesn't, at the very least." All two of them, at that. "Though, I suppose you're not wrong. I'm not entirely eager to get in the path of a mother's wrath, let alone two of them." Jokes aside, he was thankful that it seemed that Janna had left Henry be(and that Regina had, in turn, let the disrespectful child go with a warning), and met Regina with a weak smile as she returned, scratching behind his ear awkwardly. "Unfortunately. I would assume the child merely never received a proper education on manners, based on her behavior."


Welp. David was caught off guard when Pony Head all but charging towards him after entering the diner, yelling up a storm and apparently finding itself rather offended by his choice of words. His expression was that of surprise and mild disturbance, unsure how to even react to such a thing at first. So he could only fumble, speaking an apology with his face leaned away from the impending unicorn head. "I'm... Sorry?" he half chuckled with surprise, unsure what else to even say. "I meant nothing by it. Though it would be appreciated if you could quiet down," he spoke, trying to soothe the thing to avoid it upsetting his son. Though it was a little late, Neal already starting to bawl, leading him to join in trying to soothe his child alongside Snow. Though, he wasn't as adept at it. Oops.

Fortunately, it seemed that the pony was pulled away, leading David to feel somewhat relieved. Though he was surprised to find the little girl from before asking about his daughter, a small pause coming before he nodded his agreement with Snow. "Indeed. And you are...?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @thatguyinthestore

"Heeeeeeey! I'm Star!" The princess responded to Snow and David. "Oh and I'm sorry about my friend. She gets a little riled up sometimes." Star said with a smile to the pair. Pony Head, overhearing this, merely scoffed as she continued to look out the window. After offering a brief glance to Pony Head, Star would notice Snow's baby.


"Awwwww!! He's so cute!! What's his name!?" Star asked as she looked at Snow's adorable baby, completely entranced by its cuteness.

@Midnight Maiden @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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