POSITIVITY One Good Thing About Today - Every Day!

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Finally got word from the IRS that our refund is on the freaking way. It's about damn time...

Plus, it's my day off. Going out to lunch with my oldest and my hubby, and then taking her out to dinner for the big 1-8.
I hope you guys are all okay from that flooding crud! >:/ Oklahoma has had a total of 61 tornadoes March-May- fortunately nothing stronger than F3 ...

I might have a secure job at SITEL- back to telemarketing- only this time I'll be helping people with removing credit fraud :D
I survived my first week of Sitel-training... Pulled 40 hours Get paid next friday! :D
Had visitors this morning that I haven't seen since 2013! Super happy they were able to meet my son and spend time with me. Maybe the next time I see them it won't be after so much time :3
Here's a little twist on your usual good things that happened. The good thing that happened didn't happen to me though, it happenned to a complete and total stranger. I was at the grocery store last night buying bread when I witnessed an old lady trying to pay for her groceries. I of course wanted to help her but was beaten to the punch by none other then the cashier. The cashier ended up pulling thirteen dollars (American) out of his wallet to help her get all of her groceries. So just remember. Even when good things don't happen to you specifically, they can still restore your faith in the future of our people.

Finally, a day off where I don't have to do a damn thing.
The child I've worked with all year has finally officially graduated AND finished 8th grade as of today.
The 2018-19 school year has ended here in NYC, and today was incredibly bittersweet. Sweet because all of our 8th graders, including my boy ( child I worked with ) are one step closer to adulthood with highschool on the horizon. They are a bright bunch of kids who I truly hope will go far in life.

The bitter part stems from how worried I am about my kid no longer having our school, his second home, to come to everyday.
A safe space full of adults / staff that know him, and his situation. I know full well that I, nor any one else, can never fully shield him from the cruelties of the world. All the more so what may come his way as a young boy, soon to be man, of color.

I'm not usually an optimistic person by any stretch, but I hope more than anything that he will be ok. That he will be safe, learn to be confident in his intelligence, and build new positive relationships at his highschool. I hope that he gives the staff there a chance to get to know the real him, and not the facade he exudes as a defense mechanism. The sweet goofball hidden beneath the short-tempered hot head.

I wish the utmost best for all of our students in each, and every one of their future endeavors.
I'm so happy to have experienced their 8th grade year with them <3
My shirt has finally been shipped! I can't wait for it to get here!! 😍😍😍😍😍
Work brought in ice cream today. Like, four giant containers of it. There was enough that everyone in the studio got some, and there was enough left over that it started to melt.
I discovered Lavender tea today and now I'm wondering how I ever lived without it.
Saw Lion King, and experienced all the nostalgia.
Got the recall fixed on my car today!
Got through my first health inspection!
ooo i like this!!

it's been super hot lately, but today the weather is nice and cool and i plan on enjoying it :3
Prof is going to a concert for the first time in months! I'm happy is able to do something he really enjoys!
I can now watch Endgame whenever I want. <3
Even though I hate that I'm back to work, I am doing part time this week- so i got to come home to my baby at 1:30 today!
It's 2019 and Rocko's Modern Life is still weird, gross, and sometimes kinda funny.
I might be getting a new job!
I got a call back! My video interview is on Monday!