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Creator of Worlds
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
Online Availability
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Fantasy, Modern, Magical, Sc-fi, Horror, Steampunk, anything really
The W.E. IC is up! Once your character has been approved then you can post them here!



Why hello there, friend. I see you have stumbled across my little corner of Iwaku. Now my goal for all of my games, is for my players to have fun. With that, I would like to welcome you to my long term world-building role-play game, Wuinderre-Expanse. Below, I will break down the many facets of this game, in simple to understand terms. If by any chance you have a question, or don't understand something, I will always respond to an inbox or a comment. Thank you for giving Wuinderre-Expanse a chance. You the player will help craft our story and everything involved in our game.


In the Lore section of the game, I will explain everything there is to know about the starting point, geography, biology, npcs and more! You may find this information below:

Starting Point:
Deep beneath the grounds of a ravaged futuristic Earth lies a secret laboratory. A scientist named Xristofer Jurgatt has crafted several genetically modified humans he likes to call "Divine Ones". It had been years since the prophecy had first been uttered in the safe havens;

"When the fabric of dimensions rips apart,
Only the ones with the divine heart,
May wield the power to build a new,
An expanse for them and their people too."

The well renowned scientist had a stroke of genius before disappearing into the confines of the underground before the nuclear war decimated earth. You are these modified humans called "Divine Ones". Your lives before this laboratory can be entirely up to you, which means you can choose whatever country they were previously from and so on. Your abilities include immortality among many other things. You and the others awaken in the lab to find your senses x10 stronger than what you had when you fell asleep. All you remember is that once you awaken you must find Dr. Jurgatt. That is your first quest. From there, once you find him, he will explain everything to you and your second quest will begin.

Outside the rip in the dimensions lays a barren wasteland. Nuclear wars have ravaged the once beautiful Earth and everything is rubble. There are several safe havens that the remaining humans have made above ground. Below the ground, only the rich have made vaults and other tenements to wait out the wars in. As you get closer to New York City, the air seems to ripple with energies. In the middle of a safe haven is a rip in the fabric of the universe. It has inky black folds, and the air around it is crackling with energy. The safe havens are remains of cities and other establishments that have been repurposed for a budding world. In the beginning the player character's surroundings will be that of a scientists laboratory. It will seem dark and cave like in appearance, being as it is underground. You will move onto a platform that elevates you up to the surface and from there you will emerge into the outskirts of a ravaged NYC. From there you will travel into central park where the rip awaits you.

Stepping into the rip there will be an expansive starry tunnel for three post turns, near the end of the third post turn the group will begin to see a white light grow steadily closer until it envelops everyone. From there you will be transported to Wuinderre, a land full of wonder and mystique. There are numerous mountain ranges within Wuinderre. Plenty of forests and oceans as well. However, it seems to all of the group that the landscape has a lot left to use up. A link to the world guide will be here.

Outside the rip the lands are bare and dusty. The dirt is no longer fertile and the water is evaporating. What is left is scrub and cactus. The most notable of all flora in Wuinderre is the crystal mushrooms that grow abundant throughout the deep forests. These mushrooms are crystalline in structure and come in a variety of colors. When ground up and fused in a drink, one can gain experience to level their character. When the characters have unlocked their "Divine One" ability they will be able to create all types of plants and trees out of thin air. These flora can be like the ones from their Earth or entirely made up. Once a plant has been created for Wuinderre, it will go down in our Flora Guide. A link to the guide will be placed here in the future.

Outside of the rip there is very few wildlife left. Some have been so badly mutated there is no hope to recognize what it once was. What is left of the general population is made up of humans. Within the rip there is numerous wildlife. They seem to appear out of thin air within Wuinderre. Upon entering the rip you will be prompted to change your species if you so desire. You may change it to anything within reason, make sure to run it by WhisperingWIllows first. Beasts and critters of all shapes, sizes, and colors live in the expanse of Wuinderre. Upon meeting a new creature, their data will be recorded in the game's Bestiary for future reference. A link to the bestiary will be placed here.

All of the Non Playable Characters will actually be played by the game master; WhisperingWillows. Each NPC listed here is notable to the story and may offer various quests for each character to complete throughout the game.

1. Dr. Xristofer Jurgatt - Eccentric Humanoid Scientist
- Many decades ago each character volunteered to be a part of a scientist experiment. The leader of this experiment is Dr. Jurgatt. He had promised you that after a serious of tests you would fall asleep for several years. When you woke up you would have to find the doctor. Dr. Jurgatt has spent centuries perfecting his formula for a genetically modified human. One that could theoretically travel between dimensions and ultimately live forever. The main quest line will begin when you find him. He will explain your purpose and where you can find the rip in the dimensions.
2. Doxen Areth - New York City Safe Haven Leader / Guard
- The newly elected leader of the New York City Safe Haven, she is the guard to the rip in central park. You must prove to her that you are truly the "Divine Ones" from the prophecy and complete a series of tasks for her before she will grant you access to the rip.
3. Vixxey Foxyen - Wuinderre Ambassador / Guide
- The first person you will meet from Wuinderre. She is a small and friendly fox girl. She will guide you throughout your journey in Wuinderre, and further on down the event chain she will grant you the ability to create anything out of thin air. She is also has your first Rip quest.

[bg=#2A0320]Game Mechanics[/bg]

Below, I will explain every candy that our game comes with! There will be a leveling system, classes, a ranking system, knowledge and ability trees, as well as many other things for your enjoyment!

Leveling System:
The first and foremost game candy is our leveling system. The leveling system will only be enacted once your characters have stepped through the rip and have met the NPC Vixxey Foxyen. From there, everyone will start out at level 1. This will be recorded in your character profile for reference. For every level, you need to gain experience. You can gain experience by crushing up crystal mushrooms and mixing the powder into a drink of your choice. For each level gain you will need to multiple your level number by 10. The product is how many crystal mushrooms you will have to pick up in order to make enough powder for your experience gain.

So, for example, if you are level 1 you would need 10 mushrooms to gain a level. For level 2 you would need 20 mushrooms to gain, and so on. At various levels you will gain tokens to use on an ability or knowledge tree. Each level rewards you with a wide choice of options. Each leveling will hold an IC ceremony for the character. The maximum level you can reach is 100. This is, however, rare in forum role-play aspects, but if it were to come down to this, we would discuss it OOC.

Once in the rip you will be assigned a class based on what card you pick. There are five cards to choose from; Adventurer, Builder, Healer, Florist, and Tamer. Once you have picked a card than you will gain the attributes and stats of that class. Each class has specific Knowledge and Ability trees they can unlock throughout the game. Each character starts out with base level stats, after they pick a class each stat will be raised or decreased accordingly. The base stats the character starts out with are:
+Strength - 5
+Dexterity- 5
+Intelligence- 5
+Charm- 5
+Arcana- 5

1. Adventurer -
- This class is the most daring and brave. They are the explorers and mappers of the land of Wuinderre. They bring back foreign objects to trade amongst the various peoples and are always ready for an adventure. They have +8 in Strength, +2 in Dexterity, +3 In Intelligence, +5 in Charm, and -3 in Arcana. The card that represents this class has a knight in his armor on a valiant steed. It is emblazoned with gold and silver.
2. Builder -
- This class is for those who are apt in creation. The Builders will create every voted upon structure in Wuinderre and they are the master architects. They have +2 Strength, +7 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -5 Charm, +6 Arcana. The card that represents this class has building tools and a hard hat. It is encrusted with a single ruby.
3. Healer -
- This class is the medicine shaman of the group. They are the healers of Wuinderre. They have -4 in Strength, +3 in Dexterity, +4 in Intelligence, +8 in Charm, and +7 in Arcana. The card that represents this class has a healing staff and rune upon it. It is adorned with pearls and sapphires.
4. Florist -
This class is important for the environment of Wuinderre. They are the source of the flora that grows abundant for the inhabitants to use. They have -2 in Strength, +8 in Dexterity, +4 Intelligence, -3 Charm, and +6 Arcana. The card that represents this class has a plant upon it, and it is entwined with flowers and plant fibers.
5. Tamer -
- This class is for all of the non playable creatures. They are the creators of all creatures. They have +4 in Strength, +5 in Dexterity, +2 in Intelligence, +3 Charm, and -4 Arcana. The card that represents this class has a beast upon it and bear teeth draped around the card's edges.

Once you have reached level 35 you will unlock the ability to achieve multiple classes and ranks based on various quests given throughout the game.

Ranking System:

For each class there is a set of five ranks to achieve. Each rank has various attributes to help your class. Having a higher rank in your class may also help you at certain quests that are present within the game. For each rank gain there are different tasks for you to accomplish. Listed below are all the ranks for each class:
Adventurer Ranks
Rank 0
- Starting Rank, no attributes
Rank 1
- To reach Rank 1 you must be level 5, fight one battle, and map one uncharted territory. You gain a new weapon, empty scrolls, and three crystal mushrooms.
Rank 2
- To reach rank 2 you must be level 10, fight two battles, and map two uncharted territories. You gain rare mapping tools, 2 Sturdy Satchels, and 5 crystal mushrooms.

Rank 3
- To reach rank 3 you must be level 15, Fight three battles, and map two uncharted territories. You gain a rare weapon, a temple key, and 6 crystal mushrooms.

Rank 4
- To reach rank 4 you must be level 20, fight four battles, and map three uncharted territories. You gain a magic compass, Iron Boots, and 8 crystal mushrooms.

Rank 5
- To reach rank 5 you must be level 25, fight a mini boss battle, and map four uncharted territories. You gain a treasure map, superior mapping tools, and 10 crystal mushrooms.

Rank 0
-Starting Rank, no attributes

Rank 1

  • To reach rank 1 of the Builder class you must be level 5, have built a structure, and found 1 magic recipe. You gain an energy stone, Recipe Holder Book, and three crystal mushrooms.
Rank 2
  • To reach rank 2 of the Builder class you must be level 10, have built two structures, and have found 2 magic recipes. You will gain 1/5 piece of a map, 2 sturdy satchels, and 5 crystal mushrooms.
Rank 3
  • To reach rank 3 of the Builder class you must be level 15, have built three structures, and have found 3 magic recipes. You will gain 2/5 piece of a map, a temple key, and 6 crystal mushrooms
Rank 4
  • To reach rank 4, you must be level 20, have built four structures, and have found 4 magic recipes. You will gain 3/5 piece of a map, a rare energy stone, and 8 Crystal mushrooms.
Rank 5
  • To reach rank 5 you must be level 25, have built a large, important structure, and have found five magic recipes. You will gain two remaining pieces of the map, channeling rod, and 10 crystal mushrooms.
Rank 0
-Starting Rank, no attributes

Rank 1

  • To reach rank 1 of the Healer class, you must be level 5, have healed two minor wounds, and one major. You will gain healing sand, blessed water, and three crystal mushrooms.
Rank 2
  • To reach rank 2 you must be level 10, have healed three minor wounds, and one burn. You will gain a rare staff, 2 sturdy satchels, and five crystal mushrooms.
Rank 3
  • To reach rank 3 you must be level 15, have healed four minor wounds, and two major. You will gain a spellbook, magic bindings, and 6 crystal mushrooms.
Rank 4
  • To reach rank 4 you must be level 20, have healed five minor wounds, and three major. You will gain a resurrection stone, a rare energy stone, and 8 crystal mushrooms.
Rank 5
  • To reach rank 5 you must be level 25, have brought someone back from the dead, and have healed four wounds of any sort. You will gain a protection jewel, a guard cloak, and 10 crystal mushrooms.
Rank 0
-Starting Rank, no attributes

Rank 1

  • To reach rank 1 of the florist class, you must be level 5, have created one tree and one plant. You gain a trowel, watering can, and 3 crystal mushrooms.
Rank 2
  • To reach rank 2 of the florist class, you must be level 10, have created two trees, and two plants. You gain a soaking spell, 2 sturdy satchels, and 5 crystal mushrooms.
Rank 3
  • To reach rank 3 of the florist class, you must be level 15, have created 5 flowers, and three plants. You gain an energy stone, magic soil, and 6 crystal mushrooms.
Rank 4
  • To reach rank 4 you must be level 20, have created a field of flowers, four trees, and a crop of food baring plants. You will gain a book on all manner of plants, a greenhouse, and 8 crystal mushrooms.
Rank 5
  • To reach rank five you must be level 25, have created a forest of trees, five underwater plants, and two crops of food baring plants. You will gain a rare energy stone, Growing powder, and 10 crystal mushrooms.

Rank 0

  • Starting Rank, no attributes.
Rank 1
  • To gain rank 1 you must be level 5, have tamed and recorded 1 Wuinderre Beast. You will gain an energy stone, magic ropes, and 3 crystal mushrooms.
Rank 2
  • To gain rank 2 you must be level 10, have tamed and recorded 2 Wuinderre Beasts. You will gain a beast whistle, 2 sturdy satchels, and 5 crystal mushrooms.
Rank 3
  • To gain rank 3 you must be level 15, have tamed and recorded 3 Wuinderre beasts. You will gain a summoning spell, an animal roost, and 6 crystal mushrooms.
Rank 4
  • To gain rank 4 you must be level 20, have tamed and recorded 4 Wuinderre Beasts. You will gain an invitation to the Collector's castle, a rare energy stone, and 8 crystal mushrooms.
Rank 5
  • To gain rank 5 you must be level 25, have tamed and recorded 5 Wuinderre Beasts. You will gain a pet, two summoning spells, and 10 crystal mushrooms.

When a character has gained a rank, there will be a ceremony held IC where each item given is explained. If after all players have reached the fifth rank of their class, than we can discuss about further ranks.

Ability Trees:
Within the rip there is a magical forest of trees. When given tokens, they will grant your character with either abilities or knowledge. The ability trees are large and stout, they have red and gold colored pointy leaves and their trunk is an ashen gray. There are many various abilities these trees will bestow upon your character, just know that it depends on what and how many tokens you lay upon its branches. Each ability granted depends on the IC.

Knowledge Trees:
Within the grove of magical trees lies a deep green tree with needles for leaves. If you bestow tokens upon this tree it will grant you various knowledge depending on what and how many tokens you apply to it's branches. Like the ability trees each granting depends on the IC.

Inventory Items:
Within your character profile, there will be your inventory slots. In the beginning, your characters start out with five open slots. The best way to get more inventory slots is to craft, or acquire bags. Each bag will give you extra slots for you to use up! You can find items hidden within the labeled narrator post. If you want this item, you must role-play out your character trying to take it. Than we will use a random number generator to decide if you receive the item or not. If the random number generator lands on an even number, you take the item. If it lands on an odd number, than you won't receive it in your inventory slot. The numbers will be from 1 to 100. This is the site I will use for the generator:
Random Number Generator

World-building System:

Now one of the most important aspects of our game, is our world-building system. This system allows us to create the new earth for the humans IC. To begin, the system will only work when you are inside the rip. So trying to create things out of thin air won't work on Earth. In OOC we will collectively vote on what gets created in the world. Each class is assigned to different tasks in Wuinderre. For example, the builders would create the structures, and machines IC, Florist would grow/create the flora IC, and the Tamers would create fauna IC. Once something has been voted on, the selected characters would create the materials and such and then use energy stones to channel their divine magic into building. For different projects you will need a certain type, amount, and combination of energy stones to allow your magic to work.

[bg=#2A0320]Rules & Guidelines[/bg]

Before we can start having lots of fun, I'd like to let you all know a few rules for my game.

001. Absolutely NO god-modding/power-play/auto-hitting

002. No Mary sues/gary stues

003. One paragraph min.

004. Try to have proper spelling and grammar, please!

005. Your ideas are always welcome!

006. Have fun!

[bg=#2A0320]Character Sheet[/bg]

Our initial character sheet is simple:

Full Name:
Extra Information:

[bg=#2A0320]Cast List[/bg]

Valentina Phantome | Lovelessesbutterfly

Aphrodesana Phantome | Lovelessesbutterfly

Ophelia Nicolaides | -'ToxicGhostie'-

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Now this, has caught my interest to an extreme. I would like to apply, if you would so desire me.
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Reactions: Absyinthe_Artica
OF COURSE! Come, come! I would love to have you!
Of course you can! ^.^
How you pronounce the name.
So for example; Maria Withersby, in the pronunciation slot you would put something like:
Mar-ee-a With-ers-bee
Do you understand? :D
[fieldbox="Chi, Burnt Orange, Solid"]


Full Name:

Chianna LaCroix.
(Chee-anna La-Croy, Chee)


Chianna appears to be quite a shy girl, she prefers not to speak when it's not necessary and much prefers to listen before acting. She would much rather watch people before interacting with them to get an idea (even if it's basic) to what they're really like. When she's warmed to someone she's actually quite sweet, she can be funny and fiercely protective.

Chi stands a modest Five feet and three inches tall, with a slight, willowy frame. She was lucky, her father was well off and they'd ridden out most of the nuclear wars in an underground bunker, meaning her skin was a willowy white colour save her finger tips which were slightly stained an off tinge of green. Her complexion was quite fair, without much in the way of marks, scars or blemishes. She has a typical oval shaped face, with a bright shock of copper coloured hair which due to it being quite curly she keeps short, clipped down below her ears. She has water blue eyes which reflect much of her emotions. Her high cheekbones sport a small tattoo in the shape of a heart under her right eye. She has a button nose and sweet pink lips were almost perpetually in a sweet little pout. She has a modest bust, that fits her frame well and is accentuated only by the off brown corset she wears. Slender, narrow hips are covered by pale brown trousers which are tucked into travelling boots. When out in the upper world she often wears a simple respirator to filter out most of the dirt and toxins as well as a brown leather duster, old and beaten that belongs to her father, his name embroidered on the inside pocket.

Basic History:
The LaCroix name was built on pharmaceuticals. But that didn't matter when the bombs started to drop and they retreated to their bunkers. People were rioting everywhere and their eyes all turned angrily to anyone who was rich. Her father had been a very giving man but it was hard to please hundreds of people when the bunker you owned would sustain only four. He had to fight his way with his heavily pregnant wife to the bunker with their good friend Jack keeping them both safe. The dropping bombs barely shook their bunker but the vibrations triggered early labour and Chi was born in the middle of a barrage. From Jack and her father she learned a great many things that would usually be taught at schools and from her mother she learned to sew and knit and how to make things grow. They often tried to grow things in a simple pot of soil they'd taken with them but nothing seeded. Or if something grew it was weak and weedy and died before it blossomed. Not that Chi cared, she was convinced that one day green things would grow everywhere on the world like in the books and stories Jack read to her.

When she was seventeen the Doctor contacted her parents via Jack (who often went out with Chi on supply runs) offering Chi a chance at a better life. They bickered about it while she slept until, without her parents permission, Jack told Chi the offer he'd had and she chose to volunteer. Her parents, certain they'd never see their little girl again prepared her for the worst. Her father gave her his beloved duster jacket***, complete with a hip flask full of their famous 'all cure' before the fall. He gave her dried food packs in the pockets and a compass and her mother gave her her respirator mask. Jack promised to go with her and drop her off personally and they set off.

Extra Information:
- Partially deaf.
- Knows how BSL (British Sign Language).
- Dryad Chi also wears armour/riding clothes**

*Dryad pic in Spoiler

**Armour/clothing pic in spoiler

***Duster Pic in spoiler

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Once everyone is finished with their character sheet, let me know!
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Dimitri Logan Yagami

Hair Piece
Adventurer Pack

Logo - Occasionally Dimitri will answer to the shortened version of her middle name, though she doesn't like it.

(Dim-me-tree - Lo-gin - Ya-gi-me)


Neko - Bird
-Will be changed if asked by GM-

[fieldbox=" Adventurer, blue, solid"]
This class is the most daring and brave. They are the explorers and mappers of the land of Wuinderre. They bring back foreign objects to trade amongst the various peoples and are always ready for an adventure. They have +3 in Strength, +2 in Dexterity, -1 In Intelligence, +5 in Charm, and -3 in Arcana. The card that represents this class has a knight in his armor on a valiant steed. It is emblazoned with gold and silver.

Strength: | | | ~ +3
Dexterity: | | ~ +2
Intelligence: | ~ -1
Charm: | | | | | ~ +5
Arcana: | | | ~ -3


Dimitri is a Head Strong leader she wont take talk back and she can become Demanding. Dimitri once you get to know her is amazing she nice and caring maybe even sweet if your lucky, but she's built this wall that she can her game face on and not cry in the saddest of situation's. Dimitri doesn't cry unless shes pushed to extreme circumstances also don't underestimate Dimitri is a strong thinker and Leader. Dimitri's temper is like a fire, feed it and your bound to get burned, but respect Dimitri can think on her feet an normally doesn't like loosing cause Dimitri's all about go big or Go Home.t it and care for it, it'll stay tame.

Extra Information:

- } Dimitri has Bipolar { -

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Reactions: Absyinthe_Artica
They are both approved! What kind of colors do you want for your character profiles, guys?
Working on my character, be done soon !
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Reactions: Absyinthe_Artica
Can't wait to see them!
Full Name: Arianna Alexandria Estrus

Nickname(s): N/A

Pronunciation: Are-e-on-uh Al-ex-and-ree-a S-ter-us

Gender: Female

Species: Human-Gorgon

Class: Tamer

Personality: Arianna is a very reserved individual. But do not let her seemingly shy outside fool you, her true nature is that of a predator. Arianna sees everything very...objectively. No cost is too great, no blood too precious. She seeks for the constant advancement of all things, and those deemed unworthy of continuing are coldly shut out, or even cut down. She acts kindly towards those she sees as friends, but enemies are nothing more than obstacles on the path to perfection. This pride in her own strength, and that of her creations, may one day cause her downfall; but until then, it is rather well-placed pride. She has no fear of what is normally considered "Gross" and openly embraces the unknown.

As a human, Arianna was a brown haired woman with pale white skin. She stood at 6', rather tall for a woman. She was often seen wearing a darkly colored dress and a necklace with a single emerald in it. Her eyes were as green as the emerald in her necklace, shining a brilliant green.
Extra Information:​
  • May choose when to turn enemies to stone, but may only do so up to 3 times a week.​
  • Wields a whip​
  • If whip is ineffective, often resorts to her claws​
[I dunno why this took me so long, guess I'm out of practice, but oh well, I'm done!]​
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Reactions: Absyinthe_Artica
Full Name: Arianna Alexandria Estrus

Nickname(s): N/A

Pronunciation: Are-e-on-uh Al-ex-and-ree-a S-ter-us

Gender: Female

Species: Human-Gorgon

Class: Tamer

Personality: Arianna is a very reserved individual. But do not let her seemingly shy outside fool you, her true nature is that of a predator. Arianna sees everything very...objectively. No cost is too great, no blood too precious. She seeks for the constant advancement of all things, and those deemed unworthy of continuing are coldly shut out, or even cut down. She acts kindly towards those she sees as friends, but enemies are nothing more than obstacles on the path to perfection. This pride in her own strength, and that of her creations, may one day cause her downfall; but until then, it is rather well-placed pride. She has no fear of what is normally considered "Gross" and openly embraces the unknown.

As a human, Arianna was a brown haired woman with pale white skin. She stood at 6', rather tall for a woman. She was often seen wearing a darkly colored dress and a necklace with a single emerald in it. Her eyes were as green as the emerald in her necklace, shining a brilliant green.
Extra Information:​
  • May choose when to turn enemies to stone, but may only do so up to 3 times a week.​
  • Wields a whip​
  • If whip is ineffective, often resorts to her claws​
[I dunno why this took me so long, guess I'm out of practice, but oh well, I'm done!]​
I thought that were were going to get assigned our classes :/ Unless were able to choose what we want. ;?
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