Ouran High School Host Club

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Welcome!!!! We are each playing like three characters so if you want to take one of the main guys let us know and I'm sure someone will be okay with sharing. ^_^
Yes what Almalthia said, plus Ouran hosts aren't even being played yet and I definitely told Sora I would play Mori opposite of Yugi haha :) However, do what you want and invite friends! :)
OMG I forgot about that!!!! LOL I would love to take the twins then!!

Name: Chiyo Hajime
Meaning: Beginning of one thousand generations
Role: Computer Girl / Hacker / Etc.
Birthday: August 21st
Year / Grade: 3 - C
Personality: Chiyo is your average high school girl. She enjoys spending time with her friends, but she isn't all that active. Instead, she saves her energy and uses it when she's working on things late at night. While she is bright enough to hack and code, she doesn't get the best grades. However, she works hard and never gives up, so she always ends up with at least a C.
Sexual Preference: Heterosexual
Class: Hella Rich
History: With her mother working as a well-known violinist and her father a pop singer, Chiyo has always been a rich girl. However, she never really cared about what class she was. Chiyo at first never talked to anyone and was always on some sort of electronic. However, after meeting someone online who goes to her school, she gained a friend. They talked a lot at school and did cool stuff online. As people began to see her social side, she became noticed. Despite that, she keeps her social circle small so there's not a whole lot of dramam and the such.
Blood Type: O
Crush: Open ~


Name: Ryo Masayuki
Meaning: Righteously cool blessing
Role: Big Brother
Birthday: December 2nd
Year / Grade: 3 - B
Personality: Ryo is laid back and cool for the most part, which is probably why people like him. He is always wingig things and has a good sense of humor. However, he is protective and willing to do anything needed to keep those he holds close safe. He is a loveable guy with a quirky side, who is always a joy to hang with. Though he does have his other sides, so watch out.
Sexual Preference: Heterosexual
Class: Mediocre
History: Ryo didn't have all that bad of a life. At the age of five, his father was caught doing drugs as well as drinking excessively, which is why he was taken away. Ryo lived with his mother who worked as a doctor, until he was ten. His father came back into their lives, clean and the owner of big time game making company. With two amazing paying jobs, they did lots of stuff together until they lost Ryo's mother to suicide. Ryo's lived with his father since then.
Blood Type: AB
Crush: Open ~
@Almalthia. Yes I have been hah

And @XxDreamingxX If you play your male character, it may get a bit confusing due to my main character Ryoku being called Ryo more often than not, but if you're okay with that, then so am I
Really? I didn't think of that. Well, I usually do my posts a certain way so I can guarantee that the others won't get it mixed up.
Can someone fill me in on what's going on in the roleplay? I really don't feel like reading 11 pages worth of wonderful writing.
Haha I feel you there, as of now.. The Saiyano hosts are about to go great the Ouran hosts at Ryoku's families second estate, where most of them will be staying however, Yugi(Sora Blade's 0 of) just tell down the stairs. And we're in a pit of drama
Okay, thank you! I have to reply to one roleplay I'm apart of them get working on my posts for this one. Can't wait! :3
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Name: Naomi "Nao" Tsukino
Meaning: Naomi - "Honest self", "straight self", "Honest beautiful" or "Straight beautiful" (depends on the spelling. and I did look it up, Naomi is a unisex name)
Tsukino - "moon field"
Role: the Shy one
Birthday: October 30th
Year: 2
Appearance: Naomi stands at 5'6" tall, has pale skin, white hair and pale green eyes. He is usually seen wearing his light green jacket over everything he wears, whether it be his school uniform or his street clothes. Said street clothes consist of a white t-shirt with a red design on it, dark grey jeans and brown shoes. His white hair is always looking like he had rolled out of bed. His expressions usually consist of shy or timid and his voice is said to be soft to the ears, like a flower petal on the skin.
Personality: as his title says, Nao is a shy boy, but not so much that he would refrain from talking to others at all times. He just can't seem to start them when he meets someone new. He is willing to put what friends he does have before himself and would protect them at all costs. Sadly, he is also a target of bullying due to his shy demeanor. On the inside, he hopes to find someone to fill in his need for love and not be seen as something common. He also loves sweets.
Sexual preference: Bi-sexual but prefers boys more often than not.
Class: Rich, though doesn't flaunt it and prefers to pretend to come from a middle class family.
History: Naomi is the fifth child to a well known plastic surgeon and her lover, who was also her patient, but he was usually compared to a simple white daisy, common and not special like his older half siblings. His mother usually left him in the care of the head maid, as the rest of the family wanted nothing to do with him. Due to this and his want for love of any form, he turned to eating sweets. The head maid tried her best to fill in the role of a loving guardian, but he would simply smile at her and thank her for her hard work every day. His high metabolism and hobby of jogging every morning is his key to staying in shape.
Blood Type: O
Crushes: Open​
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So... am I accepted or after I make him, I jump right on in?
Oh yes you are, sorry and just jump in yeah :)
what's been happening in the rp? I have 11 pages to go through.
Haha I feel you there, as of now.. The Saiyano hosts are about to go great the Ouran hosts at Ryoku's families second estate, where most of them will be staying however, Yugi(Sora Blade's 0 of) just tell down the stairs. And we're in a pit of drama
There ya go @Cybermoon

Also, how should I introduce Miku and Chiyo? I already plan on having Ryo visit the residence but the girls have no real reason.
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