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This was the first thread I ever created, was it good?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 80.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No opinion

    Votes: 1 20.0%

  • Total voters


Original poster
Let's get into it...

  • I have roleplayed on and off for 6-7 years.
  • I would like to see myself as experienced but anyone could argue that.
  • I write any length of post but I try to do at least 1-2 medium to large paragraphs.
  • I go to university meaning sometimes school will take up my time.
  • I have roleplayed a range of different roleplays and I am open to pretty much anything.
  • I would like my partner to keep an OOC dialogue with me and plot the rp with me, even if there's a plot ready to go I am of the belief that everyone should be heard.
  • If I am uncomfortable with something I will speak up, I would like my partner to do the same.
  • I attempt to respond to any roleplay once a week at least and I hope my partner respects that.
  • Have fun: if you are not having fun in our roleplay please make your concern known and we'll either solve that or end the roleplay right there. It is okay.
Gender: Primarily female (because in most of the plots I want to be female) but I can definitely play male.
Plot candies: I'm open to most things but one of my absolute favorite candies is romance. (as one will notice on my plots)
Blood&Gore: I have noticed throughout the years that there is very little someone can write in this department that disgusts or chocks me - go wild!
Smut: I have little experience with writing these types of texts but if someone wants it I'd rather have more plot than smut and... bear with me.

Adrian had just about completed his morning guard duty when the maid came running down the halls. Adrian knew her, she was fairly young - about the same age as the princess - and had brown, doe-like eyes and light brown hair. The maid wasn't exactly the belle of the ball but neither was she very plain and her husband was within the ranks of the city guard. Adrian could already tell she was distraught and so he steeled himself for whatever mad request the princess has in store for him today.
"Adrian!", the young woman shrieked when she laid eyes upon him and he smiled in return. What was the princess up to now?
"Yes, yes, miss Gwendolyn, what's the matter?", he replied and saw actual tears in the young woman's eyes. Poor girl, either the princess is distraught or is having a terrible morning on her on birthday. Gwendolyn burrowed her red, puffy face into Adrian's clothes and Adrian carefully patted her on the back. Somehow, this was routine. "Please, miss, tell me what the trouble is", he continuedd and Gwendolyn sniffed and whimpered as she attempted to collect herself.

"By our maker, I don't even know to begin today! Last night she had all these odd requests from the kitchen and then I swear she was awake in the middle of the night and now she refuses to come out from under her covers! She keeps asking for you", she blubbered on and Adrian nodded along whilst they walked through the halls towards the princess's room. Gwendolyn was a known talker so Adrian let her chatter on and on about her husband and how she felt ashamed to have to ask Adrian to help. Adrian, of course, reassured her that it was no trouble and that he was headed to the princess soon anyway. She also talked about how she was hoping that they would finally have a child soon and that she had gone to the village doctor to get remedies. Adrian admittedly did not care too much about it all but he knew Gwendolyn just appreciated to have someone to talk to.

They reached the doors to the princess's room and Gwendolyn knocked carefully.
"I did as you asked, princess! We're coming inside!", she called through the door before opening it up and Adrian stepped inside first but kept his head down and stepped to the side.
"Good morning, your highness, you called for me?" Adrian said and excused his reluctance to look up with a bow.

Khaalida didn't think much was out of the ordinary up until the Starbeast caught Rosie as she was about to plummet towards the ground. This was, of course, due to yet another failed thieving attempt from a villain-child with no other option. Khaalida was rather unimpressed, what had been this foolish idiot's plan? Grab whatever holds value and run into the villain quarters? They must've known that it would never work. Perhaps it had been a suicide mission? After all, the guards cared little for villain-children. Khaalida admits, she felt bad for them.

"What do you want to do? Shake him down?" Khaalida asked with deliberate force enveloped in her voice. The Starbeast had covered her up until now but she stepped out as to be seen. She towered over the salesman. "And how premium can your leather be? You sell it next to rat-furs", she continued. The shopkeeper, though muscular, didn't scare her particularly much. She had dealt with him in the past and as far as she knew, he was no more than a scoundrel who only cared about wealth. The man was suffciently concentrated on her now though instead of the thief. Khaalida didn't even doubt for a second that the thief indeed was a thief. However, she figured that the man could do without some leather and she wasn't about to let a struggling villian-child... or simply a villain-child at all get i trouble with a scoundrel like this one.
"That leather is worth ten whole gold pieces!" Khaalida laughed in response.
"More like 1 gold", she responded.
"If you want me to let it go, pay me 10 gold pieces, right now!"
"You get no more than 1, I've seen your garbage", she scoffed.
"3 gold pieces and 5 silver!"
"2 gold pieces, or you won't come back to any wares at all in the morning", Khaalida responded and the shopkeeper looked stunned whilst Khaalida plucked out two gold pieces, took his hand and placed them within it. "Happy to do business with you", Khaalida said stoic before snatching the thief off the ground and dragging him past the entrance to the villian quarters.

"Desmond of Cruella, you're still an awful thief", Khaalida said and stood him up as Desmond finally showed her the premium leather. Desmond had come out of Mortale at the same time she and Illian had and Desmond had never even been able to snatch a stool from out under someone's arse. He did like making clothes though, evident on his fairly irregular outfit. Khaalida had completely forgotten about the Snow-child and also, the future robbery that were to occur at this point.

Vampire X Human
Witch X Human
Witch X Vampire
Witch X Witch
Vampire X Hunter *
Gypsy/Romani X Nobility/Royalty * *

Angel X Fallen Angel *
Fallen Angel X Human *

Human X Bound Demon *

The Vampire Diaries -
Teen Wolf -
The Last Airbender *
The Legend of Korra *
Harry Potter

Dragon Age

Romani X Royalty *
A young royal is traveling through Europe on a last adventure before they are expected to marry. During their travels the royal meets a romani fortune teller who has an unexpected accuracy in their predictions.
(Idea based on a previous roleplay on a different site.)

Plot candies: Forbidden romance, tragic event, court machinations

Angel X Fallen Angel
A high status angel learns that a fallen angel has gotten their hands on a death angel's scythe. The angel is tasked to learn how the fallen got their hands on a scythe, what they intend to use it for and to take it away.

Plot candies: Forbidden romance, corrupt leadership

Fallen Angel X Human
A recently fallen angel tries to interact with normal society and falls in love with a human. The fallen learns of a demonic presence and attempts to bring it down to get their angelic status back.

Plot candies: Romance, slice of life, school

The newly self-discovered avatar runs away from their destiny and meets and befriends a criminal. The world looks for the new avatar as the world is entering a crisis. Meanwhile, the avatar themselves are slowly learning the elements from different criminals.

Plot candies: Romance, corrupt leadership

Harry Potter
A prophecy of a returning great evil (that we can decide the extent of) has been told and two students encounter the first sign that the prophecy is coming true but they don't know that it is. They become instrumental in the prophecy.
(I know it's vague but I like plots that we can develop together.)

Plot candies: Romance, enemies turned friends, best friends

Vampire X Hunter
A vampire has found a home in a rainy city but recieves a grave warning from the hunters of the town that the vampire is to stay away from the citizens but when he meets a strange girl he seem to recognize from his past he decides to disregard the warning and investigate.

Plot candies: Romance, forbidden romance, ancient prophecies

Human X Bound Demon
A human finds themselves at the brink of death and asks for anyone of anything to help. A demon takes the offer and returns his life and becomes the servant of the human until their death.

Plot candies: Romance, forbidden romance, gore
Anything marked with * is a current craving.
Anything with * at the end has a corresponding plot/plots.
Any fandom with - at the end means I'm not up to date.
Any role that is bolded is my preference.
You can write here in the thread if you wish to show interest. I can roleplay in thread and in message but I prefer having the RP in a separate message from the planning/OOC-message.

Hope anything is of interest! :)
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It has been a while and I might be a little rusty (in addition to having an erratic work schedule); however I would love to do an angel x demon role play with you. I have some plot ideas or we could plot together.
It has been a while and I might be a little rusty (in addition to having an erratic work schedule); however I would love to do an angel x demon role play with you. I have some plot ideas or we could plot together.
I would love to hear your ideas :) Please send me a PM and we can discuss them ^^
Hi! I'm super rusty but would love a new roleplay. I like a few of your ideas if you're still looking.