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The Lovers
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
Romance - Action - Drama - Fantasy - YAOI .... I feel like I can put everything here so don't make me do it ^^;

  • [BCOLOR=transparent]Underneath the cover of the night, a group is gathered around a small camp fire. Glass is scattered around them, like their broken homes, heart and dreams.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Smoke is disappearing up into the air, taking away any hopes of peace, safety and life.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Bodies are littering the ground around them, white poppies growing from their corpses.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Women. Children. Men.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]None are spared.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]No mercy is given.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]In this place where God has forsaken them, where no one else will help. . .[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]They'll have to do it themselves.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Over the fire their hands unite, covered in blood, bruises and dirt.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Together they swore to do what no one else on this land had done.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]"We, risking everything that we have, solemnly swear that we will abide by everything said in this oath.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]First, filling up our empty hearts.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Second, finding the right path and going on that path.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Third, never leave anyone behind.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]We become as one, protecting the Tear Clan,"[/BCOLOR]

  • [BCOLOR=transparent]The year is 2017.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Once more the world has fallen into conflict. The "leaders" of the world have failed their people, and now they're sacrificing them like pawns in a game of chess. As if their lives are only resources that is used as payment for a potential future victory. A victory that earn more power, more conflict, more death.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Remnants of life are hiding among the ruins left after the bombings that seemed endless at some point. Children's laughter that once filled the street has been replaced with their tears or corpses, mothers screaming for names that will never return. Fathers that disappear to lose their lives in a battle that shouldn't even be theirs, only to die surrounded by men that will not even know their names nor what they sacrificed for the home they deserved.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Necessities like food and water are something few have and many fight over, as if there wasn't enough of that in the world already. Injured and sick are as good as dead, only a few hospitals are left to help them, but the necessary supplies barely exist.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]One would think that it would take more than fourteen days to destroy a whole nation, but those days were plenty of time to ruin what little had remained after the many attacks.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]First there were the public executions of all that had or were under suspicion of resisting the new reign. They were either hung or shot, some were publicly "interrogated" until they admitted to a "crime" they hadn't committed.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Second were the loss of supplies. The nation needed to feed their own soldiers, their own people, so they took what they could from what they destroyed. What was left for those who lived there did not matter, they were none of their concerns.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Third the people began fighting each other. What had been left was sacred, human acting like animals in order to get it. The act to "kill" was no longer foreign, it was daily practice that was needed in order to survive. Supplies are dropped every now and then, meant for the enemy, but survivors claw what they can from the crates.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]It is strange to think that now they are living in more "peaceful" times. Maybe because there's nothing more to steal, to kill or destroy.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]However in this time of need, where all hopes and dreams have been shattered and thrown into the void. One last attempt is made in order to take back what is theirs, because now they truly have nothing more to lose, but their lives. [/BCOLOR]

  • These are the items the group shares. Food, water and weapons will be distributed to the group through the Leader.

    [BCOLOR=transparent]- 1 Bottle of clean water [/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]- 3 full pieces of bread (can be halved)[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]- 4 canned soups[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]- 2 bags of chips[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]- 3 apples[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]- 1 banana[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]- A medkit[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent](inside of the medkit)[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]- 1/4 roll of bandages[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]- Almost empty bottle of disinfectant[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]- Some cotton swabs[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]- 4 band aids[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]- A bottle of pain pills, having 10 capsules inside[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent](not in the medkit)[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]- 1 Combat knife[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]- 3 handguns[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]- 32 bullets[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]- A flashlight with batteries[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]- A small local map[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]- A backpack [/BCOLOR]

  • Chenco (The Protector)
    - Handgun (11 bullets)
    - Map

    Selena (The Scavenger)
    - Flashlight

    Khan (The Fighter)
    - Handgun (10 bullets)
    - 1 bottle of water

    Oliver (The Medic)
    - The backpack (charged with carrying everything for now)
    - The medkit

    Baby (The Scout)
    - 1 bottle of water

    Frankie (The Leader)
    - Combat knife
    - Handgun (11 bullets)

  • Khan - The Fighter - @MST3K 4ever
    Oliver Kim - The Medic - @Luxii
    Baby DuPree - The Scout - @Mad King Jai
    Selena Woods - The Scavenger - @MaryGold
    Chenco La Para - The Protector - @Pray4me
    Frankie Robinson - The Leader @Jihae

  • [BCOLOR=transparent]DAY 1[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent] - The Clan gathers to decide whether they are to go to the motel or the supply drop. [/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]- The Leader distributes weapons among the group.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]- Selena and Baby gets food[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]- Khan and Baby gets drinks[/BCOLOR]


    [BCOLOR=transparent]- They met a boy in the need of help[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]- The Clan gained:[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]* A crossbow + 10 bolts[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]* 3 cans of food[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]* 5 water bottles[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]* 11 bullets[/BCOLOR]
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  • Love
Reactions: Justin

[BCOLOR=transparent]Fourteen days. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]That was the magical time in order to lose all of their lands and right to someone else. [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Only fourteen days. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The beginning had been [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]brutal[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] on everyone. "Traitors" or what you would better know them as "Fighters" for your freedom, for your [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]rightfully[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] acclaimed land was executed the first day, they were slaughtering them like flies. Soldiers from the enemy nation had made it a big scene, taunted them and tortured them up on a stage, like some sort of twisted comic show, until big strong men and women had turned into crumbled mess that was granted some sort of mercy when killed, but killed in such a disgusting matter wasn't a death that they had deserved. They had done what they could for their own nation, and now they were being killed one after the other along with anyone else that had some sort of complaint about their new government. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]No one was spared. Men were killed off quicker than women, because the women were kept around as some sort of "trading" value between the soldiers, tossing them around like some sort of toy being shared between children. Children were forced to either flee or pick up the gun, forced to do what no children should be forced to do, nor see. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]What had once been a land brimming with life, hope and prosperity had been rendered into a wasteland only three bombings later. There were no buildings that stood untouched, there were hardly any buildings that stood on their own at all. Nature was close to being dead in the worst bombed areas, wildlife doesn't really exist anymore. It has been ages since anyone has heard birds singing in the morning. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]However from the ashes always rises a phoenix. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Many had already fallen, but the phoenix never dies. It crumbles into ashes and from there it shall rise, and such was the love for their nation as well. How many lives had been wasted into the battle was unknown, but now they were ready to rise once more. Together they would take back their home or die trying, because either way they were not "living" in this place rendered into a deadman's home. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]And such the "Tear" Clan rose from the little hope of peace that still existed. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]This would be [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]their[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] story.[/BCOLOR]

  • Love
Reactions: Justin and MUSΞ
[BCOLOR=transparent]MONDAY - 8:32 AM[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]15th of May 2017. [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Weather: Clear[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Current military activity: Low[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Peaceful" times was what they called it now. [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]It was a strange word to use considering their current situation. "Peaceful". Whatever they wished to call it, there hadn't been any attacks or bombings in a while and neither had the enemy soldiers rampaged the streets anymore than they already had. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]It was a golden opportunity for the Clan to meet up, the ideal conditions for them to plan in secrecy. They had managed to stay hidden for the one week they had existed, and they preferred it if it stayed that way, it gave them an advantage to be hidden in plain sight among enemy soldiers if it ever came to it. If they didn't decide to blast their way through all of them, but for now they neither had the time nor the resources. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The clan had their own HQ, an abandoned house they had found and bundled up together to hide from enemy soldier attacks and sought for shelter when the bombs had been dropped, how the house was still standing was a miracle in and out of itself. It wasn't a big house, it was one story tall and had neither working taps nor electricity, but it was a [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]house[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]. A roof to hide from the rain, walls to shield the wind. It was [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]something[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent], like a pity trophy for fourth place. What creatures inhabit the home alongside them was unknown, but there had been several sightings of spiders. Some had been very small, others had been close to the size of a child's fist.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]However what "home" it had been wasn't enough. It was too small, too much in the open. The enemy could easily find it, it was hard to defend with no walls, only a door that [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]they[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] had kicked in to get into the building in the first place. It had been good for a while, but now it wasn't [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]good[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] enough anymore. It had been a good place to store their supplies --what little they had-- but now it was time to move on. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]They had heard of a hotel not too far away from here, perhaps a day or two of walking depending on how quickly and easily the route from A to B was going to be. It was a motel, nothing to brag about, but big enough to house them all. If they were lucky there might be some supplies inside of the building, electricity and maybe even running water! It would be good for them all to have all the members of the Clan under one roof, because together they were strong and alone they were easily picked off. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]But they were also short on supplies. Food was good for now, but how long would it last? Their medical kit had began running short, and water was on an all-time low, clean water anyway. Rain wasn't common in their nation, so gathering up water would take too long and boiling water wasn't even an option. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]A supply drop had been announced on the radio, the distance being about a three day walk's trip. It was announced every now and then on speaker systems that had been spread throughout the entire nation. In a way it was almost a twisted game "the new government" played on them. Seeing who could get what, who could get there first and who died getting what. The supplies were meant for both survivors of the occupation and the government soldiers, but if they were lucky they would be able to get there first and stock up on supplies like food, water, medical supplies perhaps even weapons. [/BCOLOR]


@Luxii @Leucothea @Pray4me @MST3K 4ever @Jai @MaryGold

[BCOLOR=transparent]As the group gathered together in the HQ they decided to. . . [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]→ Head to the motel to relocate[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]→ Head towards the supply drop[/BCOLOR]

Going to the motel first could mean:
+ Guarantee of some supplies and chances of water and electricity
+ A guaranteed shelter that's easier to defend, is safer and has room for everyone.
- Less supplies/nothing from the supply drop.
- More military activity

Going to the supply drop first could mean:
+ Guaranteed more supplies
+ Possibility of weapons and/or bulletproof vests
- The motel can then be occupied by someone else, scavenged or empty
- Higher chance of meeting other survivors/bandits


- Get to the HQ
- Move on to motel/supply drop
- Choosing who carries the backpack with remaining the supplies

- Distributing food and water to everyone
- Handing out weapons



[Deceased Friend's Apartment]


[Clan Headquarters]
The Scout
Baby must've been sleeping longer than he thought. Waking up in the far back room of his dead friend's apartment. He was a light sleeper, which was good thing in the world he now lived in. With being a light sleeper, most sounds and movement could and did wake him up and luckily the sound of footsteps kicking in the front door woke him up. Green-Blue eyes scanning around the crummy bedroom. Hidden under a dark green blanket, camouflaged in his sleep. Only the top of his head to the bridge of his nose was visible. Standing up slowly and carefully. There was no telling who or what could be in the apartment. There was only one other exit that wasn't the front door. The basement door. It led out of the apartment and into the alley of the complex. He would have to sneak his way from out of the room and down to the basement. He was born for this. He was The Scout of his Clan and they were all meeting at their Headquarters. He would be damned if some starving bandits got the best of him. Not Baby Douglas DuPree.

Throwing down the shabby and holey piece of cloth. Which couldn't even remotely be considered a blanket to most. It at least kept him somewhat warm. Wearing a biker jacket, red and black plaid shirt and black and red Timberland boots, didn't really keep him that warm at night. Moving towards the door. He placed his ear to it. Waiting to hear more movement. Deciphering where it was coming from and how loud it was. If it was very loud, they were down the hall and coming his way. If it was faint, they were most likely in the kitchen looking for food. Which was definitely not in there or anywhere else in the entire apartment.

Not breathing a word; slowly opening the door. Hearing the faint sounds of two pair of feet moving further from him. Perfect! The bandits... or whomever was inside of the shitty apartment had went straight into the kitchen. Amateurs. Any smart person would look into the rooms before going straight for the food area. That was dumb move number one. At least Baby now knew just what type of fools decided to break down the door of an already ransacked apartment, looking for food. Even though they were idiots in his eyes, they could still be dangerous. Idiots didn't have any self-control and The Scout wasn't a fighter or a protector. He was a runner and hider. Only fighting or defending himself when he had to. Which wasn't often since he usually never got caught hiding and running from area to area. Thankfully he had speed and brains on his side.

Slowly crawling out of the room, entering into the bathroom. With a non-usable toilet. Don't even ask where he had to use the bathroom and how he still smelled nice without running water to take a shower in. Two mysteries he would love to stay that way. Sliding across the wall, in a crouching position. Using the reflection of a piece of glass to see who and how big the two bastards were. They were big. Around 6'7" and 6'5". Damn, Baby was 6'0" even. Those two could handle him easily. If they could catch him. Throwing the shard of glass across the hall. Slipping back into the bathroom. Hiding behind the shower curtain in the darkened area.

On cue, both idiots followed the sound. All the way down the hall. Waiting until he heard their voices and large bodies moving. Once he did hear them move down the hall, Baby stepped out from the tub and ducked down. Heading down, towards the basement stairs. Making it down to the last one. He was in a rush and for the first time ever, he wasn't paying attention to his surroundings and stepped on the bad last step of the old stairs. A loud squeak! sound resonated throughout the entire hollow apartment. "Fuck..." Whispering as he bolted out the basement door. Hearing loud voices from inside. By the time the two boulders made their way down the stairs, Baby was already hiding behind the trashcans in the dark alley. Breathing rapidly. Waiting as the door of the apartment was slammed shut. He wasn't a fool, he would be able to tell if they stayed outside or went back in. Hearing nothing for the next ten or so minutes. Standing up and keeping his eyes towards where the apartment was. Not seeing anything or anyone. "That was way too close. I need to get my shit together." The Scout was the one who should never get caught, and that was as close to being caught as he ever wanted to be again. Heading out of the alley and ducking behind everything while keeping his eyes focused on both sides of the streets at the same time. Ears opened for any noise. "Time to get the hell out of here..." Heading towards the direction of the Headquarters.

It didn't take too long for the fastest runner in the Clan to find himself at the Headquarters. Using his secret entrance to enter the "home" that was even worst than his former apartment. Not bothering to tell anyone about how he almost fucked up over one step. One broken step mishap was ten broken step mishaps for Baby. Watching everyone else around him. Listening to what they all had to say. "Motel or... Supply Drop?" Still catching his breath after sprinting the entire way there. He thought the Drop would be the perfect place to go and so did Selena. The Scavenger of the Clan and the only one two years younger than him. The actual "babies" of the Clan. "Duh... The Supply Drop."

Baby thought everyone would agree with him and Selena, but he was wrong. "The Motel... are you fucking kidding me?" Shaking his head in irritation and disbelief. Seeing the motel as the worst option. Majority rule. He would have to suck it up and agree with them. He didn't have anywhere else to live anymore so now he really had to go with what majority of the clan wanted to do. Even if he, himself thought it was the wrong choice. "Whatever." Taking his chips and water. "I'll be waiting outside. Hurry up." Sounding more upset than he would ever let on. Moving into the shadows as he left the Headquarters. The Clan would know where he was, but no one else would. Which was the point.
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Khan was out of breath as he ducked inside of a warehouse. As the moonlight beamed through the windows and the skylight he could tell that this used to be a supply depot for the Military. Khan saw spray painted on the walls signs of various bandit tribes. He could deduce that a couple of the bandit tribes joined forces to conduct a raid and obviously they succeeded in their mission. The history lesson though would have to wait as Khan was currently running for his life from one of the local bandit tribes. In most cases he would've used his gun, but he gave that to a group of squatters that were being threatened by bandits. The bandits tried to make a raid on them but Khan got them to follow him instead by claiming he was part of the group and he was running off to protect "the treasure" of that group. Khan figured he had a good three-minute lead on them and he managed to use various side streets and allies, but this group was determined to get their pound of flesh from Khan.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead Khan thought as he looked around. His Grandfather Ken taught Khan how to not only survive but thrive in combat especially in the dark. Khan then closed his eyes and began to visualize how the battle would play out. Khan knew they had him on fire power and on numbers, so Khan needed to figure what he had to counter their advantages with. Bandits were not known for being clever or for their stealth abilities, so they would be as subtle as a jack hammer. Khan also knew that where he was there were weapons that could be improvised. He smiled for a second and said, "These clowns don't stand a chance." Khan began to quickly set up his trap. It involved shortening, several wooden crates, and various cleaning supplies.

Once he had everything in place Khan picked up a nail and found a cigar laying on the ground still in a wrapper. He picked it up and sniffed it. Khan nodded approvingly as he said, "Cuban, gotta save this for later." He stood next to a pully system in a darkened corner, and looked at the nail and said, "You are my ticket out of here." Just then the door began to creak open and Khan smiled as he said, "It's show time."

With that six well-armed bandits made their way in and one of them called out, "All right my friend! The chase is over! Show us where the treasure is and we'll kill you quickly."

Khan replied, "My friend? Okay fine since you guys are being so nice I'll tell you. Not to mention I'm outnumbered and outgunned." He let out a sigh and said, "There should be a handle on the floor in front of you. Turn it to the left and give it a pull."

There was silence and then the leader said, "I don't see it."

Using every fiber of his being Khan was trying so hard not to smile as he said, "Really? You all have a match you should be able to see it if you light it up."

There was a spark and then suddenly the room was a glow as the bandits were encircled by a ring of fire. The flames were too high for them to just step over and the bandits were suddenly shocked that they were trapped. Khan said, "Oh my bad I forgot to mention that there was shortening on the ground which is highly flammable, and those crates behind you...." He waited for them to turn and see the crates and Khan said, "Yeah, they're coated in highly flammable cleaning materials. I guesstimate you all have about two to three minutes before those crates turn this warehouse into your funeral pyre."

The leader raised his gun and said, "At least, I'll take you to Hell with us. Any last words my friend?"

Khan reached over and pulled down a fire extinguisher and put it next to him. He said, "If anyone of you is feeling altruistic there is a way out for five of you." This interested the leader as Khan continued, "One of you can try to leap through the flames and put them out saving the other five." Khan was suddenly very serious as he said, "I know you clowns all too well. You're out of yourselves. You don't give a damn about each other. It's all about you and what you can get and screw the rest of humanity. Whoever jumps through the flames might put them out, but they become a liability. They will slow the group down and none of you is going to care for that poor soul, so you'll kill them. My guess you all waste your time debating who goes all the while your salvation is right here. While mine…" Khan showed the nail, and said, "is right here."

With that Khan put the nail in his teeth, and kicked a lever on the pully system. Khan grabbed the chain and was pulled part way up the wall. He then used the chain to swing over to a window and then pulled the nail out. He said, "Just need to hit it right." Khan hit the corner of the window twice in rapid succession which caused the window to spider-web. He then pushed away from the window and then swung towards it breaking the window out. He let go of the chain and landed inside of a dumpster. Khan quickly closed the lid and just as he did there was a thunderous kaboom. He could feel the heat through the dumpster as he heard debris hitting the ground outside.

Khan counted to 100 and got out of the dumpster. The warehouse was fully engulfed as he said, "Wow, I hope whoever owned this was insured." Khan pulled out his cigar and walked close enough to the warehouse that it lit. He took a couple of puffs and said, "Helped some people, killed some bandits, and got rid of a potential ambush spot. Sadly, though probably could've used some of the supplies in there. Oh well, life goes on. Well, except for those six assholes."

Khan made his way to the home of the clan. They had only been together for a short time, and they were still learning about one another, but Khan could tell that this clan could be something special. As the fighter of the group he would fight to the death to see to it that everyone survived…with or without him these people would survive that was his vow. Once he arrived he heard about the options and thought for a moment. He said, "I don't know about you all but the prospect of running water and electricity sounds awfully good to me. Besides those supply drops we're going up against the troops too, and right now with our limited resources and taking a look at some of us right now…" he shook his head and said, "not worth the risk. We might get lucky and find some supplies at the hotel or along the way." He was given some supplies. A bottle of water and a gun with 10 bullets which made him smile.

Walking over to a corner Khan took a seat, put his arms behind his head, crossed his feet, and enjoyed his cigar as he said, "Let me know when we're ready to go."[/Fieldbox]
  • Love
Reactions: CrystalTears
[BCOLOR=transparent]Chencho La Para | The Protector[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Supplies: Map | Handgun with 11 bullets[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Interactions: Baby @Mad King Jai [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He laid completely sprawled out on the rickety bed, the frame bouncing and creaking with the slightest movement. The mattress felt more like a crumbled stack of cardboard boxes, the scratchy sheets that rested across his bare feet constantly made him scratch his left foot with his right, and the pillow beneath his head was more useless than if he just bundled up his black hooded poncho he mainly wore. The room he was in, the size of a standard guest bedroom, was built with extremely drafty walls that let in any breeze that swirled in the direction of the headquarters. The ceiling sprinkled dust on him every single minute, and in each corner of the room housed his neighbors, a family of spiders. There were the five mama spiders that sat in the center of the drunkenly spun webs and wedged in each corner was her egg size sac full of babies.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The abandoned home, the Clan's HQ, was a shotty built place that somehow survived the terrors that happened around them. Somehow, this eyesore of a building was ignored for years until they accompanied it. It was a piece of shit, but it was theirs. And right now, it was Chencho's.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]With his black beanie pulled completely down his forehead to cover his eyes, he slept shirtless on the bed. The cold of the room didn't bother him at all. He slept like a baby, even snoring at random times during the two hours. That's all he could sleep for, exactly two hours every ten hours. And, in just a few seconds, that two hour mark was about to be hit…[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He suddenly leaned up, flaring his nostrils as he took in a deep breath. He folded up his beanie over his eyes, a giant smile appearing on his face. It felt like mid morning. His body was wide awake and refreshed. His bones and joints felt oiled and functional. The quick sleep recharged his body to 100%, making him ready for the day.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Chencho jumped out of bed and grabbed his white muscle tee and his hooded black poncho. He slipped both on quickly, stuffing his beanie into the large pockets of his dark gray jeans. After quickly running his fingers through his thick, black hair, he walked up to the open and threw open the shagged curtains to stare out into the distance.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]There wasn't much of a view besides overgrown brush that nearly reached the roofline of the shack, a few misplaced piles of dirt that looked like a start of a bunker, and random items scattered across the yard. Most interesting were a pair of little girl sandals, bright purple with glitter on them. They brought the idea that maybe this use to be an ordinary single family house, your average neighborly family that kept to themselves. Maybe the yard once held a playground built by the father with help from the mother as the kids tried their best with figuring out what tools to offer to help.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Ideas of family were a constant thought to Chencho who grew up without one. He always hoped someday he would buy a house just like how their headquarters used to be and have a bunch of kids running around as he built them their own, private park. That hope, even for someone as positive as Chencho, seemed extremely bleak during these current times.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]But, it was no matter. He had a new family made up with a bunch of outcasts like him. A second family. His first one unfortunately met with an untimely end with Chencho nearly being killed off. A miracle saved him, a guy he owed his fate to. Everyday Chencho wondered about his friend, his partner in crime, his match that disappeared after saving his life.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]While his first family came to an end, Chencho was blessed to join another one. He was blessed to meet Vinnie. And, through Vinnie he met the others that made up this new clan. Chencho loved each of them and their faults, even if he had a feeling a few weren't his biggest fans. It didn't matter. Each had each other's back while Chencho offered his whole self to all of them. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]His head snapped towards the direction of the door as mumbled voices echoed in his ear. A big grin appeared on his soft face. Slipping on his black boots, Chencho made his appearance in the main living room.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Aye! You all made it here safely!" he stopped at each member of the family, checking them over briefly before going onto the next. "What's the plan for today?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Chencho stood in the center of them all, cupping his ears forward to really listen to what was up. There was a talk about the discovery of a motel a day's trip away that they could potentially own as their new headquarters. Each would have their own room with a chance of clean, running water, electricity, and a few supplies they could gather. But, there was a risk of it already being occupied. Another talk was about a supply drop that was scheduled at a location three days from where they were. It was a guarantee for supplies, but no one knew what exactly the supply drop would hold and what kinds of people it would attract.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Chencho scrunched his face, a hand scratching at his chin as he considered the options.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"We're kind of runnin' low on supplies, no? Do we have enough for a three day trip to the supply drop? I don't know about you guys, but the motel is the better option right now. We need a safe place to stay at together, maybe reinforce it like some sort of fort or somethin'. So, you know, we can keep any supply we collect safe 'n sound. But, who wants to room with me? You guys know I hate bein' alone."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Laughing at Baby's reaction to the decision, Chencho balled up his hands and placed them at the sides of his eyes, mimicking a cry.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Awww boohoo, Baby didn't get his way?" he teased, following Baby to the door and letting his friend step outside alone. "'Ey yo, don't be like that. We'll give you the best room, yeah? The romantic suite with the heart shaped jacuzzi in the corner of the room."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He snort-laughed hard, nearly choking on it. Chencho rejoined the group still inside and given his share of their dwindling supply, a map and a handgun with eleven bullets.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Come on amigos! Let's go! It feels like a good day today! Smell that fresh air!" he said joyfully, his slight accent coming through. He pocketed the gun, but kept the map out ready to go as he already began to walk in the direction of the motel.[/BCOLOR]


The Scavenger

"I can only please one person a day. Today isn't your day. Tomorrow doesn't look good either."

Location: Selena's Van Clan Headquarters
"I'm waking up, I feel it in my bones. Enough to make my system blow. Welcome to the new age, to the new age ... " Selena sung softly to herself as she did her hair up, looking into the cracked, dusty and slightly smudged mirror.

When she woke up, it was before the sun had came up. A daily routine really, her body had even adapted to it, picking her up at the same time every morning. And it was a good thing too. Selena was a firm believer in the saying 'the early bird gets the worm.'. God knew that she would always need that worm. Everyone did in these times. And if they didn't, it would be because they were already dead.

But she took advantage of each morning the same. She freshened up, or as much as she could with her supplies, if you could call them that. Her little sleeping quarters was bare for the most part. It was a van. Though the tires had been ripped off, the gas sucked dry and the cushions from the seat were gone as well as the glass windows shattered And sadly it wasn't her who had stripped it down.

Yet, it was still useful. Very useful, she set up to be livable in. A skill she took exceptional pride. She gathered pieces and bits wherever she went and brought it right back to the van. In the short time she had found it, she found plastic to cover the windows, a tattered small mattress to set in the back and sleep on. It was thin, but so much more comfortable that the cold metallic floor.

And the location of the broken down van was rather secure too, for the most part, hidden in an alleyway. She supposed it wasn't the most ideal place and a small space, but it was good enough for her. Besides, it reminded her of the old times with her parents. When they all lived in that van they called home, traveling all the time.

"We live in it to seek adventure, Lena." Her father had told her.

Yeah right, she wasn't dumb. She knew they were homeless and dirt poor. That's why they dug in trashcans all the time for resources.

Still,it was a hell of a lot better than where she was now in her life. And she longed for her parents so much on some days it left her feeling hollow inside. She would do anything to go back to that van where they all squished together in the back for warmth on those cold freezing nights.

Selena shook her head to focus herself, she didn't have time to reminisces on the past. What mattered was the here and now.

She finished tying her hair up, and grabbed a tin can where a small amount of water was held in. How she gathered it? The rain, duh. There were some leaks o the hood of the van, but she hadn't found anything to fix that problem yet, so she used her little tins to gather the water with it. Water was valuable.

In the end, she had gathered enough to keep her going for a long while. But, this was the last of it. And she used it to finish cleaning herself.

She dipped her tattered rag into and wiped her face clean. There. She was all set and ready to go.

With a slight smirk, she hopped out of the van and sighed. This could possibly be the last time she'd see it, every time she left it was always a possibility that it would be the last. Hell, she could die today or tomorrow or anytime. Or someone could ruin her home. You never knew what could happen.

Stalking the streets, with the head lowered,she raised the hood of her hoodie over her head. She didn't want to be noticed. Especially as a woman. Ugh, she didn't want to even think about that. She had been in that situation way too many times.

She had considered chopping her hair, and any other obvious femininity in her appearance,such as her painted nails and the necklace around her neck. But to hell with that! She loved her hair,and there was no way in hell she'd get rid of her pretty accessories. They were too precious to her.

"Hey! You!"

Selena kept walking.

"I'm talking to you!" The older man,large and rugged, grabbed her shoulder and forced her around. His eyes widened in surprise when he saw her face. "You're girl."

Giving him an impassive face, she blinked. "No, I'm just a feminine looking man." She said sow stoically he couldn't tell whether she was being honest or sarcastic. She tried ripping away from his grip, but he only held on tighter.He grinned with his yellow teeth, his intentions clear in his eyes.

Selena's stomach did a flip and she reacted instantly by biting into his arm, not holding back in the least.

The man cried out in pain and let go, she took that chance to run. Of course he chased after her, but she knew these streets better than anyone else. And so she quickly found a hiding place down an alley and up a fire escape.

He went into the alley, holding his bleeding arm. She had gotten him good. But when he saw no one, he ran off, looking for her elsewhere.

She breathed a sigh of relief and climbed down. Yep, there was no going back to her van after that. She supposed she would stay at the clan house with Oliver and Chencho until she found another place.

The trip to the headquarters was a quiet and careful one. There was no way she was going to run into anymore trouble. She was evidently relieved when reaching the house and settling in for the meeting.

Supply drop or Motel? Both sounded greatly beneficial. But, she was leaning more toward the supply drop and said so along with Baby. Seriously, though, what type of name was Baby? His name didn't match him at all in the short time she had known.

Of course, they went with the motel. It had upset her a little, she'd admit. But she tried not to look at in a bad light. At least they'd have a home where they could look out for one another. She needed that.

"Don't be a little bitch, Baby." She said to the young man closet to her age. She was the only girl and the youngest of the group. But she wanted to hang out with him more than the others considering how close they were in age. "We have one thing they don't." She smirked.

"Doritos! Wooh!" Selena raised her bag in the air and grinned. She was aware she was being silly, but she fucking loved Doritos. And as mush as she was tough, she was silly too. You had to be to have all that sarcasm.

"Also, I'm pretty sure Chencho's on drugs." Because how the fuck could someone be so happy every time. Or at least every time she saw him. "And he should be sharing, I would love to get high." She shrugged.

"Let's trade, I want Nacho Cheese, you can have this Cool Ranch."


The dainty lace rolled in his fingers, a soft smile on his face as the money was offered on a prom dress, about $300 for something from just fabric but a whole lot of meaning. "Vinnie..?" his mind was broken by a young girl, her eyes looked brightly at her brother and her face smiled like the sun. It was perfect, they had come a long way from an abusive father to this pink lace dress and matching sarong. Long ways from a mother who left them for a Lawyer in Connecticut. Vince had offered to take her to get her dress, it only seemed right since their father couldn't scrape enough money to get a dress for her when his alcohol addiction made it so easy to spend.Their father ad a disease, and in time, Vince would learn the bliss of its escape. Margaret had a date, a young man named Johnny. He had asked her to prom as a ploy to get in with the popular kids his age. Margaret had't been a popular girl, she never had a lot of friends though the ones she did were faithful, outcasts like her who were bullied in the same way. It was hard to become popular like Vinnie was in highschool, of course when every student was in a bunker and treated like an animal it was easy to make friends. Margaret had been good, she listened, she was smart. Wanted to be a Surgeon. She wanted to go to Harvard, something Vince had been saving for with his money. He made a lot being in the Military, his position was highly ranked and sought after.

Yet they struggled, it became harder to hide the bruises from her face when their father got going. Vince had his own apartment, but due to an engagement with a woman he had met a few years later, he couldn't take Margaret in. Father's anger had lessened on Vincent, since Vince had become too independent. He could defend himself. A few years later, his father would die from a knife sharpener through the brain and his body would be dumped into a sinkhole down the street at 3 am. Vince swore his father would hit Margaret for the last time.

Vince smiled "It's perfect right? now that James is going to be so jealous" He gave a slight chuckle and offered the money to the cashier, passing the dress off to Margaret as she giggled "His name is Johnny..." She paused in contentment "I can't wait for Stephanie Orden to see my hot brother escorting me to Prom" Stephanie was the girl who had bullied Margaret through the years, it was a small town, bullies didn't go far and some of them never grew up. Vinnie had tried to step in but his Military ability would have not done so much trashy high school drama queen. With some begging, he had agreed to be her date for Prom, he forced her to go and be social. Their bond was close and in some ways people assumed she was his daughter. But he shaved and dressed himself up for her, not to embarrass her, though it was his job. Prom was a hit, literally. Halfway through the night one of the first bombs hit the school. He had tried to save her, tried to grab that hand reaching out for him. Could still hear her screaming for him from the distance. Vinnie.


He blinked, his vision going from a blur of colors, to view the rugged down dump they called a home. For now that's all it was, a temporary home from the discourse of the world. His small family, those who have band together to seek refuge, those who have chosen him as a leader even though he was the wrong one. His Military experience only got him so far, the only compassion he's been able to muster was for his sister and even she left him a shell of his former self. From when he was child, his fun loving side while being a supportive father figure to Margaret. Pushing himself from the wall when he got strength, his hands rubbed at his eyes wearily, rubbed the insomnia that plagued him, even in the Military, it hit him hard, but he knew he was refreshed enough to continue to move. Vinnie shifted lowly on his feet, it didn't take long for the pulse of his veins led him to his happy little group. Still as energized as ever Chencho teased baby on the motel. A plan everyone had agreed on, for the most part.

It wasn't a smart move but neither was heading towards a supply drop when not many weapons could be found anyways, going against the military wasn't a smart option too. But everyone had agreed, put too much faith in Vince's decision. He was always concerned if he made the right decisions at all. He didn't greet his comrades very happily but gave a general nod to them all. Vince let Chencho lead the way as usual, today he seemed like he wanted to just follow. Vinnie pocketed the gun, placing it safely on his lower back while his belt kept it against his skin. He walked with the rest of them, keeping quiet while his mind plagued him of thoughts of Margaret, the position they were in. He couldn't help but wonder if they were making the right move. But he let the man with the map leave, keeping somewhat of a distance from the rest of the group, his eyes wandering, looking for signs of danger.
  • Love
Reactions: CrystalTears
Supplies: backpack and medkit

---- but no, not today

. . .

Oliver usually kept quiet during the clan meetings, and this one was really no different. It just wasn't in his personality, like it was with Baby and Chencho. But he was happy with the outcome, all things considered. It was foolish, in his opinion, to go for more supplies if they didn't have any place to keep it safe. The little shack that he and Chencho called 'home' was far from ideal, and it would be so much better if they had a bigger space that could be more easily defended.

As it was, Oliver was lucky that Chencho never slept for too long. On more than one occasion, Chencho had run off straggling bandits in the middle of the night, saving Oliver's ass on more than one occasion. In return, Oliver patched up his scrapes and cleaned his cuts, and thank god that was usually all the damage done. The med kit was dwindling low, so Oliver hoped that at the motel he'd be able to find some sort of first aid kit or a bottle of over the counter pain killers. Anything would help.

On the other hand, Oliver also hated when the group disagreed or had any sort of confrontation between the members, so when Baby - clearly upset that no one else had agreed with him besides Serena - left the run down house in what was clearly an overdramatic way, Oliver sighed and shrugged the backpack over his shoulders, anxiety churning low in his belly. He hoped that Baby didn't pout the whole way to the motel, but Selena and Chencho seemed to usually do a pretty good job of cheering him up, so Oliver just decided to give them their space.

He hung back more with Vinnie once they all were ready to head out, letting the rowdy part of the group take more of the front. At least it was a nice morning with a clear sky and a slight breeze, so Oliver couldn't help but smile and inhale deeply. Maybe things were starting to look up for them after all.

. . .
  • Love
Reactions: CrystalTears

Khan was enjoying his Cuban cigar in the corner watching the group members arrive. The interplay between Baby and Chencho was something that was going to have to be monitored. There was going to be tensions and back and forth in a group this diverse. It was just a part of life, but if it became a distraction then he would step in. Khan didn't mind Chencho he was energetic and could be counted on to deliver when called upon. Chencho was looking forward to the adventure and that was all right with Khan. It was safe to say that Khan liked him, but that high energy personality at times made Khan seriously consider taking up drinking again. At the same time he could see Baby's point of view on this one. Khan accepted Baby as being a part of the group and by that Khan would protect him if called upon. Were they friends? No, in fact their entire conversations could be written on a post-it and not need all the space. Yeah Baby was right about supplies getting low, but it was an extra day's journey and the supply drops were free-for-alls which usually ended with more than just bruised feelings if you didn't get that package of jerky you wanted. A cracked skull was more likely. Baby would have to get over it, and besides Selena was doing what she could to help him move along from his disappointment. Selena was a very caring person, and Khan found her to be not only an asset in terms of her job within the group, but she was very sensitive to the needs of others. In a world that frowned upon that sort of thing Khan had to give her credit for staying true to herself. To his credit, Vinnie once again let Democracy have the final say on the matter. Khan was older but he didn't want to be the leader. He was a leader in another group, and hated it. Though he couldn't put his finger on it there was an underlying tension between the two of them almost like a sibling rivalry. They viewed one another as brothers yet there was something there under the surface. Bottom line for Khan though was Vinnie was the leader and Khan always respected the chain of command. Olivier finally arrived and that made Khan smile. Oliver had a heart the size of a bear and had no issues showing it. Khan considered it a breath of fresh air in a group that at times could be so dark and on edge.

It was about time for everyone to move out, and Khan looked at his cigar that was now about 3/4ths gone. He said, "Shame I don't have the chance to finish you off. It was nice though, but duty calls." With that Khan stood up and put his cigar out against the wall then dropped it into a nearby puddle of water. He stretched his back out and loosened his legs figuring with Chencho leading the way keeping up was gonna be a challenge to say the least. Khan chambered a round and slid the gun into his back making sure that his vest covered it up.

Khan stayed in the back so he could keep a close eye on everything and everyone. He made sure that he was next to Vinnie in case something came up that would require, what Khan called, "intense negotiations" he could tell Vinnie instantly. Since he was the fighter in the group if something looked or felt wrong he would be the first one to let everyone else know with two high pitched whistles. By the time he got to that second whistle if you didn't have your weapon out, or had ducked for cover then it was all over for you. By then Khan would already have his gun out and have a better than average sense of where the trouble was. This was the best time to make a lot of ground mainly because the bandits were sleeping off the night before in most cases.

Khan said, "Well if nothing else today's a nice day for a walk. I just hope Captain Enthusiasm is reading the map right. If he isn't…" Khan shrugged his shoulders and said, "Let's use him as barter for supplies."
@Mad King Jai

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[ Streets ]
The Scout
[ @Pray4me ][ @MaryGold ][ @Leucothea ][ @Luxii ][ @MST3K 4ever ]

Hearing Chencho's obnoxiously chipper voice in his ear, mocking him, made Baby stop in his tracks. He did consider the other male a friend at this point. Like that one friend you want to punch every chance you got. He knew that Chencho was a vital part of the dysfunctional group's success and safety, but Baby did get exhausted with having the bastard around for almost 24/7. Sticking up both of his middle fingers. "How about you go play in traffic. Chicken..." Rolling his eyes. Thinking about getting the best room in the motel, started making him feel better about his option being turned down. At least he would hopefully be sleeping in the softest bed in the entire building; if there was even beds left in the entire place.

What or more like who brought him out of the frustration he was put in by Chencho's mocking and entire being; Selena speaking to him. The only person in the group younger than him by two years. They were close in age and in thinking; which is why he knew that she would agree with going to The Supply Drop. He always felt like the two of them were always outnumbered when it came to any and all decisions made for the entire group. Giving a small smirk to her words. The only person in the group that could call him a bitch, and he wouldn't curse them out like no one's business. He might not be the biggest and greatest fighter in the group, but he did have the biggest mouth. Selena and Vinnie were the only ones in the group that could make a smile or any form of happiness appear on his face. Either by having fun with him or making fun of him. When Chencho did it, he just got annoyed. When Selena did it; Baby found it hilarious.

Shaking his head. "Yeah, we got Doritos and they don't." Looking at his big bag of Nacho Cheese flavored Doritos. Giving an almost silent chuckle to Selena's excitement over the bag of chips. The only person he knew who was more invested in Doritos than pretty much anything else.

"Maybe he is high..." The idea of Chencho being on drugs had come across his mind on multiple occasions. It would explain a lot. Maybe he should find out and see just what exactly made someone soo fucking happy and excited in the world they all lived in now. "I don't think you want to do ANYTHING Chicken has been doing." Looking over at said male; before turning back to Selena.

Eyebrows raising in confusion. "Who said I wanted Cool Ranch?" Placing the bottle of water in one of his leather jacket's front pocket. "You know what... fine." Shoving the bag of Nacho Cheese flavored chips into her hand, taking the Cool Ranch. Placing them inside of his leather jacket's inner pocket. "I guess I do like Cool Ranch way more than Nacho Cheese." Shoulders shaking with light laughter. In his small fit of laughter, Baby nearly missed everyone else walking out of the shitheap of a "home."

"Looks like everyone is ready to go." Chencho, Vinnie, Oliver and Khan came out, one by one. Oliver and Khan were the only two in the group that Baby didn't have a lot in common with. Thus, The Scout didn't make an effort to speak to them. Though they didn't make an effort to speak with him either. Giving everyone a once-over, before looking at Selena. Grabbing onto her right arm. "I know a shortcut..." He was The Scout; he didn't need a damn map to get to the Motel safe and sound. Why not bring company while he was at it? "See you fools there..." Getting ready to head into the shadows. "You do wanna come right? Or do you wanna hang with the grandpas?" Holding back a grin.

[BCOLOR=transparent]Chencho La Para | The Protector[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Supplies: Map | Handgun with 11 bullets[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Interactions: Baby @Mad King Jai [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Hmm…" he flipped the map around and around, eyes squint. "Damn...I should have stayed in school."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He brought the map near his face, his nose nearly touching it. He recognized the area the map showed and saw their shit house circled in red ink. Pressing his finger on the map, he followed the nearest road up the map, pausing at an intersection before continuing forward. Concentrating, he barely heard Baby approach him. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Aye? Play in traffic? I did that last week," Chencho flipped the map again, settling on this direction they were going. "Great trainin'! You should join me next time."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He ignored Baby stomping away to the soothing presence of Selena and focused his best on getting the group towards the motel. With the pace Chencho was going, already a football field length's away, it seemed that they may be able to reach the motel in half the day if they all were able to keep up. Folding the map and slipping it inside his poncho, Chencho rested his hands behind his head and took in the scenery that was around. The sun was heating up his warming body, illuminating the faint brown freckles across his nose and cheeks his skin always tried to hide. It felt energizing being outside and away from the depressing shack with his family right behind him. For weeks he was surrounded by the pure ugliness of the inside of their previous headquarters, the dead plot of land the house was situated on, and the various ugly bandits he had to beat senseless when they dared to move in. The only sunshine in that dark cloud of ugly was Oliver who kept him company during the weeks the group was temporarily separated.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Before the group got together back at the headquarters, Chencho spent his days pacing from window to window and patrolling the headquarter grounds for any sort of interaction or entertainment. When days were especially slow, Chencho always returned from a day's voyage of gathering random items and presenting them to his roommate. They were always things that didn't hold any special value to most people, magically curved sticks, oddly shaped rocks with swirls of glitter in them, metal boxes that took him hours to stomp with his foot and open with nothing inside, metal pipes, anything. There were some valuables, like the time Chencho found a small bottle of lighter fluid or when he brought back a sack full of oranges. It kept him busy and was probably annoying, but it was better than having Oliver take the full front of Chencho's boredom.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]It was why when any bandits who randomly showed up at their headquarters that Chencho would leap into action without a second thought and pummel them to near death for no good reason besides releasing pent up energy. They had no chance with an overly bored Chencho desperate for some fun. Luckily for him, the bandits were everyday lowlives, people who looked and acted intimidating than actually being a problem. His fun never got him terribly hurt. The worse injury he obtained was a sprained finger from punching before fully forming a fist. Every time he was patched up by Oliver, Chencho was back at patrolling their grounds, fighting off bandits, and collecting random things.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He wasn't too sure how the group saw him. It didn't really matter to him. He was closest to Vinnie who understood him the most and Baby, Chencho's favorite to playfully tease. Those two gave him the attention and response he needed, in their own different ways. The others he wasn't sure. With relocating to a new place of residence, maybe it was about time to learn more about Khan, Selena and Oliver. All Chencho knew of them were their position in the group, that Selena and Baby formed their own little duo, and Khan and Oliver seemed to mostly keep to themselves.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Looking back at the group yards away, Chencho squinted his eyes noticing Baby and Selena were suddenly gone. He paused briefly, cupping his hands around his mouth to shout for them, until he noticed a shiny green hummingbird whizzing by him. His eyes gleamed as he watched the bird zip along, following close behind it. Soon he was out of sight of the group, following the hummingbird until it was able to out speed him. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Chencho waved his hands in the air to the family, his flowy, black poncho acting like a marker flag for the group.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Too slow! Too slow!" he shouted actively, his bright smile being able to be seen for miles. "The sun will beat us before we get there!"[/BCOLOR]
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The Scavenger

"I can only please one person a day. Today isn't your day. Tomorrow doesn't look good either."

Once Selena had been given her Nacho cheese, she thought she couldn't have been any more satisfied in their crappy world. She could die in peace with that one bag in her hand. They had no idea how difficult Doritos were to scavenge. They were a rare and special delicacy. And she loved them. Doritos and chocolate, or and soda. Basically the good junk food.

It was way better than any drugs. Not that she was sure if Chencho was taking any at all. But, she was still at the most ninety-nine point nine percent sure he was.There was no explaining his peppiness. Though, she supposed she would soon find out when getting to know him better down the line.

"Why, thank you, Baby." She smiled, though it was more of a smirk. She was too happy to have gotten her way in this situation at least. she made a gesture with her hand as if she was shooting him with a gun but instead shot him a wink with a playful click of her tongue.

Everyone else was filing out of the house and Chencho was getting ready to lead. She had no offense to him, but she wasn;t sure to enough to follow him. And it was because he didn't look completely sure when reading that map. So, when Baby offered a shortcut, there was no way she could turn it down.

He was the scout, and she trusted him severely when it came to these things.

Selena's pink lips formed a smirk, "And stay behind playing bingo with these old dudes, yeah right?" She rolled her eyes, falling in line beside him. "Lead the way scout."

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MONDAY - 11:15 AM
15th of May 2017
Weather: Clear
Current military activity: Low

Baby and Selena had taken Baby's "shortcut", but while they were a little bit further away from the group they weren't really far away. Their words that they exchanged might have been muffled, but their voices were definitely loud enough to be heard. The two sworn troublemakers of the Clan were exchanging bets between each other of whether or not Chencho would make them get lost again. Even if Baby was a bit pouty after his own choice being overruled by the majority, he wouldn't allow Chencho's "reliable" map reading to make them run straight into a military camp

Selena was keeping her eyes open for any possible camps that were left from other survivors, possible for her to pick up something that they may have left behind. She also couldn't help, but tease Baby a little bit about the Cool Ranch bits that were left all over his mouth, purposely letting him walk like that for at least an hour before telling him, earning herself a whine from Baby which wasn't really anything new.

Chencho was a little bit ahead of the rest of the group in order to read the map. Vinnie and Khan seemed to have taken turns on telling him which direction the map should be pointing, making him wonder why in the world they decided to give it to him in the first place. In all honesty he was a little bit bored at staring at lines and curves, if he had to be staring at that then he'd rather it be a nice curvy woman or a stick of one, he got a little bit lost in daydreaming about it before Oliver warned him about the branch that decided to hit him straight in the forehead.

Luckily his walking speed wasn't very fast and there was only a little red mark left on his forehead, but it did make a light laughter spread throughout the Clan, which Chencho ended up joining anyway.

Khan and Vinnie had kept lookout around as they had been on foot, leaving them more in the open than what was preferred. They had also exchanged what they thought would be possible if they did use Chencho as a barter for trader, and they ended up that the man would be good enough for possibly a bucket filled with drumsticks, preferable chicken drumsticks.

Oliver on the other hand had been quietly observing them all. He liked to keep a little bit to himself, occasionally shrugging the backpack filled with supplies over his shoulders, chuckling whenever he heard Vinnie and Khan mentioning "chicken" and Chencho's name in the same sentence.

Though suddenly rustling could be heard from the side. Vinnie motioned for them all to stop dead in their tracks, and whatever chatter had been going on fell dead silent the moment he held his hand up. All hands that could were positioned on their guns' hilt, ready to draw up to defend themselves. Baby, Selena and Oliver --who were unarmed-- were gestured back so that the other four would be able to protect them, but before Oliver had managed to get back in together with the group a shadow emerged from the nearby bushes.

At first it seemed as if the figure was pouncing on Oliver, bumping into his shoulder hard enough to force the male a couple of steps back, but on closer inspection the truth behind the matter was that the figure had stumbled over.

Now that he was in the clear it was easier to see who it was. None of the group members were able to recognize him, but out in the open they could clearly see it was a boy. Shaggy brown bangs covered his eyes somewhat, the boy couldn't have seen a shower in at least a week. His clothes were covered in what all recognized to be dry blood, it looked almost as if he had bathed in it at some point. He could hardly be thirteen years old, maybe fourteen.

"P- Please don't shoot!" A frightened voice rang out from the boy, his words clearly shaking as he held up his hands in the air. "Please-- Please don't shoot me." The boy pleaded a second time. It was now that the group could see why he was stumbling out of the shrubbery in the first place-- his left ankle was badly injured. His tattered jeans were covering the wound up a little bit, making it hard to tell whatever could have given him it in the first place, but judging by the blood that was pooling around the end of his jeans, it looked recent in comparison to the rest of the blood the boy was covered in.

When he saw the medkit that Oliver was wearing, his brown eyes lit up. "C- Can you help me?" He stuttered out, the question in fact was turned to Oliver. "Please--! M- My leg! I-- It'll get infected at this point. Please." He pleaded, this time turning more to the group instead of Oliver alone.

The boy didn't look armed, but this trick wasn't uncommon anymore these days. People would send out children in order to trick other survivors, use them as bait and then rob or kill when they had taken the bait. The shrubbery they were surrounded in could be used as cover, no one really knew whether or not there were anyone hidden in there. Not to mention he was young, the possibility of him being alone was slim, but of course it existed. While he looked unarmed, one could never be too sure. Dirty tricks had been forged in this world, and many more were forged by the second.

On the other hand this was a boy. He had maybe been eleven, at its best twelve, years old when all of this started. Who knew what he had gone through? In the state their nation was in, most humanity anyone held had been thrown down the crapper day one. The Clan members had held onto what they could, but of course it held its risk. But this was just a boy, a poor child asking them for help that would surely meet the bullet of a soldier or the knife of a bandit with the condition his leg was in now.

@Luxii @Pray4me @Leucothea @MaryGold @MadKingJai⭐™ @MST3K 4ever

As they looked at the boy the group decided to. . .
→ Leave the boy
→ Help the boy

Helping the boy will use up half of the remaining roll of bandages. The group is also given the additional option of giving the boy something to eat and/or drink. While helping the boy may not pay off right off the bat, it is highly possible that it'll reward the group as a whole in the future.

Leaving the boy could mean:
+ Prepared for a possible ambush
+ No loss in supplies
- The life of a young boy on their consciousness and heads
- Potential loss of an ally/gain of an enemy

Helping the boy could mean:
+ Gaining an ally
+ Possibility of a reward now, and more to come later
- Guarantee loss of supplies
- Falling into an ambush


- Help/Leave the boy

If they help him:
- Which member(s) helps him? (Bandages his wound, will be the most vulnerable if an attack should happen).

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MONDAY - 11:30 AM
15th of May 2017
Weather: Clear
Current military activity: Low

The Clan gathered up together in order to discuss the possibilities, of course it would be a split decision. The supplies were on an all time low, and they had decided to not go to the supply drop to possibly refill it. They couldn't be too sure about what would be at the motel either, they might just end up running out of supplies at this point.

However while the others were discussing Oliver squatted down next to the boy. He gave him a kind and reassuring smile, Selena followed shortly after and gave him one too. Khan ended up standing, but not too far away keeping an eye out of their surroundings. Of course it wasn't approved by the other three, but no matter how important supplies were in a time like this, humanity trumped it all. Oliver asked for permission before rolling up the boy's pant leg, revealing what seemed to be a rather deep wound, but it was clean. It wasn't a bullet, something thinner and almost sharper. Whatever had pierced through hadn't gone through all the way, which made it a bit easier for the flesh.

"It was a crossbow bolt." The boy told Oliver, meeting his gaze when he looked up from his ankle. "Up ahead there's a bandit camp. If you go through the forest you'll be able to avoid them. I- I didn't know and-- well I guess you can guess the rest." He said and seemed to want to end it there, curling up a little bit and giving out a quiet sniffle. Oliver could tell by the way the fresh blood was still running down his ankle that it wasn't too long ago since he got it, the bandit camp the boy told him about would possible be maybe just 30 minutes of walking ahead. It would have been really bad if they had ended up running straight into it.

Luckily it didn't take long to patch the boy up and the little disinfectant they had to use didn't affect what they had as a whole, what they lost the most was the roll of bandages. Khan and Selena helped the boy up on his feet, he gave his foot a little wriggle, but it seemed to be fine.

That's when the bushes gave away and a new form emerged from the bushes. He was definitely older, maybe around the same age as Selena and he headed straight for the boy. "What are you doing all the way out here?! I told you to meet at the camp!" He instantly scolded, just as he noticed the other six standing around them.

"It's okay!" The boy instantly shouted out just so he wouldn't do something stupid. "They helped me." He informed which seemed to wash relief over the older's fac.

"Thank you." He instantly thanked and walked over to the boy to take his weight off Khan's and Selena's shoulders.

Almost like a lightbulb lighting up in the dark the boy seemed to have remembered something. "Wait here!" He called out and limped a bit into the bushes.

"Chris! You gotta stop--"

As quick as he went into the bushes he came back out, holding a large plastic bag out towards Oliver. "I- It's not much. I'm sorry. . . But you should have it. You didn't have to help me. . . I- It belong to my brother, but. . . he won't need it anymore. . ." Chris --as the boy was called-- said and gave the plastic bag to Oliver. It was quite heavy.

The older boy let out a sigh, but his own back was strapped with a backpack and unlike the boy, he was clearly armed with a gun. "Okay Chris. You've paid your debt. Let's go meet up with the others okay? They won't be waiting forever." The older one stated and allowed Chris to lean onto his shoulder. The two went back into the forest, and soon enough both of their figures disappeared among the many trees.

- One crossbow + 10 crossbow bolts
- 3 cans of food
- 5 water bottles
- 11 additional bullets
- Information about a bandit camp up ahead


- Get to the motel

- Hand out new weapons and ammunition
- The possibility of distributing water/food to more members



Khan had been to this party before. A kid laying there wounded, someone walks up to help them, and then BAM! The kid either kills them someone with the kid kills them, or worse case there's an ambush by a group of bandits and then life becomes a wish for a quick death. However, in this case Khan knew in his gut that this kid was in genuine distress. This wasn't a trap, because Khan knew all too well how bandits worked. If this were an ambush Oliver would've been dead once he was within a foot of the kid. The kid would've shot him first, and then there would've been others that did the job on the rest of the clan.

Khan was able to see the wound and that alone helped him see that this kid wasn't in league with anyone else. First off, if he was the attack would've happened already. Second, the kid would be dead because even if there were bandits, and they succeeded, in killing the clan this kid would now be a drain on the resources of the bandits. He would also slow them down to the fact that he was wounded. Lastly, by now the word about the supply drop has gotten out. Most of them would be directing their resources towards getting what they could from that, and those who were trying to get there. While those factors made Khan feel safe in helping this kid Khan also believed that no matter what else he would be able to handle whatever crew was stupid enough to attack them. Khan wasn't going to let anyone in this clan die while enroute to the hotel.

He helped the kid along with Selena just as an older kid came to help out. The wounded kid insisted in paying the clan back for helping him, and Khan at first was going to insist that they didn't need to do that. However, Khan also realized that there were times in life that one should just smile and say, "Thank you." The moments of compassion and mercy like this weren't readily found in the world, and so it was important to remember that they still exist and take them where they were found. Oliver to Khan was the symbol of that, because he went in without even thinking about it. He saw a need and met that need Khan was proud to have Oliver in the group.

As the two left the group, Khan knew that there would be those in the group that felt like helping this kid was a mistake. He could understand that and they had valid concerns in most cases, but Khan also believed in the Golden Rule. While he was a man of Faith he never sought to push his beliefs on others in the group, but that Faith helped form the core of his being. In that sense he was also a bit of contradiction. His faith informed him that killing was wrong, but by the same token if it came down to him or someone trying to kill him Khan had no issues with defending the clan. Khan was ready to sacrifice himself for the clan there was no question on that subject.

He figured Baby and Selena would go off by themselves, and while Khan wanted to warn them that it wasn't the best idea they were both adults. They were old enough to make their own choices. Khan looked over to Chencho and his map. Khan looking at the map pointed to that appeared to have a series of caves on it. He said to Frankie, "Assuming we stay on our current path this will put us on course to this group of caves. We should try to get there by nightfall. The bandits who aren't making a run for the supply drop will be out by then. With the cave openings there will be only one way in or out and we can establish rotating watches. I'm willing to take first watch."




The Scavenger

"I can only please one person a day. Today isn't your day. Tomorrow doesn't look good either."

Selena did not deem herself the type to say 'I told you so', but she did tell them so. Her conscience actually helped for once. And honestly, she had been a little upset for the others wanting to abandon the child. Sure, she understood that they were only thinking rationally and cautiously, it was reasonable, but some things you had to take a chance with.

They were supposed to be helping humanity, not abandoning it, turning their back on it. And it really bothered her to leave them. She was no saint, she knew that. And she also knew you had to make sacrifices for certain goals, for everyone. But still, she was going to do as much good as she could.

And while old man Khan began babbling of what they should do, she made her way to stand next to Baby and Chencho."I guess Chencho isn't the only chicken in our group, huh?" She nudged Baby's arm, keeping her voice to a whisper. She was only playing, of course, partially.

The girl didn't mean to distract them from the old man's plan, she could hear what he was saying with one ear and it would forever imprinted in her mind even if she didn't comprehend his words as he said them.That was one of the many great things about having a photographic memory.

"I suppose we'll have to be traveling with the geezers." She noted aloud, folding her arms over her chest thoughtfully.

[BCOLOR=transparent]Chencho La Para | The Protector[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Supplies: Map | Handgun with 11 bullets[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Interactions: Selena @MaryGold | Khan @MST3K 4ever | Frankie @Jihae [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Noticing his family bunching up into a tight group, he hurried over to them with the map held tightly in a fist. Each expression each person held showed a different reaction to whatever was found, from pity, to sorrow, to worry to concern and finally to skepticism. Chencho stood beside Selena and Baby, staring down at a small, injured boy pleading for help. His heart sank at the sight of the bleeding wound the boy shared with them, his bottom lip sticking out into a small frown. All Chencho wanted to do was help the boy, hug the kid tightly and kidnap him to keep him safe.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]But, Chencho couldn't. Unfortunately, he's seen this ploy before. A group of heartless men and women luring an innocent soul with the bait of an injured child just to be ganged up on, attacked, or done worse. He's seen times where not only did the helper get attacked, but the child being caught up in the scuffle and being killed. Stories of children being used as bait, as weapons, strapped with bombs and such seemed be stranger than fiction, but was life during these times. No matter how much Chencho wanted to help, he couldn't justify the risk. They were low on weapons, supplies and had a deadline to keep on track to have a chance at a new base without a fight.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The wound was fresh, but without medical intervention, the surrounding environment would help set on a nasty infection. There was also that chance of the boy being a toy in some evil plan. Fingers felt along the grip of the gun that rested in his pocket. Chencho wasn't above shooting children. All he had to think of relieving the boy from suffering from a fate of dying painful with infection or tortuously with his captors.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Selena and Oliver were the only two who were against abandoning the kid. Chencho was relieved that at least two of his family still had their hearts with them despite the world they all had to live in. It was a needed sight to witness Oliver helping the injured boy with a gentle touch, patching up the wound with only a few of their dwindling bandages, and to see the thankful eyes of a boy that simply wanted assistance. Chencho smiled softly, proud of Selena and Oliver to remind them all that there was always a time to be considerate and charitable to people in need, especially now.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Oh, I am so moved!" Chencho suddenly went to hug Selena, bringing her tightly against his chest. "You and Oliver have reminded me of the good people can still have! Ah! I must take this lesson to heart! Into mi corazón!"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He swung Selena around as Oliver patched up the boy, placing her down right beside Baby to listen to the information the boy shared with them. Nodding at Khan pointing to the location of where the group of caves was located,he took out a pen in his pocket and circled the location of the cave system and a line that led them to the motel.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Everyone keep my pace and we will make it there by nightfall," Chencho commented after Khan. "Baby, Selena, you two should stick with the group instead of tryin' to go off on your own. I want you two by my side at all times! Yes? You two could use the exercise! Okay!" he clapped his hands together before staring up at Frankie. "Cap'n, you have any ideas on who should get this new stuff we were so lucky to get?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Chencho had his ideas on how to split the new items, but he waited to hear the options from Frankie and the others before sharing his idea. [/BCOLOR]
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