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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

Do you want a separate Sign-Up thread?

  • Yes, keeps it nice and neat ^^

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • No, fuck that :X

    Votes: 2 66.7%

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  • Poll closed .


The Lovers
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
Romance - Action - Drama - Fantasy - YAOI .... I feel like I can put everything here so don't make me do it ^^;

  • Underneath the cover of the night, a group is gathered around a small camp fire. Glass is scattered around them, like their broken homes, heart and dreams.

    Smoke is disappearing up into the air, taking away any hopes of peace, safety and life.

    Bodies are littering the ground around them, white poppies growing from their corpses.

    Women. Children. Men.

    None are spared.

    No mercy is given.

    In this place where God has forsaken them, where no one else will help. . .

    They'll have to do it themselves.

    Over the fire their hands unite, covered in blood, bruises and dirt.

    Together they swore to do what no one else on this land had done.

    "We, risking everything that we have, solemnly swear that we will abide by everything said in this oath.

    First, filling up our empty hearts.

    Second, finding the right path and going on that path.

    Third, never leave anyone behind.

    We become as one, protecting the Tear Clan,"

  • The year is 2017.

    Once more the world has fallen into conflict. The "leaders" of the world have failed their people, and now they're sacrificing them like pawns in a game of chess. As if their lives are only resources that is used as payment for a potential future victory. A victory that earn more power, more conflict, more death.

    Remnants of life are hiding among the ruins left after the bombings that seemed endless at some point. Children's laughter that once filled the street has been replaced with their tears or corpses, mothers screaming for names that will never return. Fathers that disappear to lose their lives in a battle that shouldn't even be theirs, only to die surrounded by men that will not even know their names nor what they sacrificed for the home they deserved.

    Necessities like food and water are something few have and many fight over, as if there wasn't enough of that in the world already. Injured and sick are as good as dead, only a few hospitals are left to help them, but the necessary supplies barely exist.

    One would think that it would take more than fourteen days to destroy a whole nation, but those days were plenty of time to ruin what little had remained after the many attacks.

    First there were the public executions of all that had or were under suspicion of resisting the new reign. They were either hung or shot, some were publicly "interrogated" until they admitted to a "crime" they hadn't committed.

    Second were the loss of supplies. The nation needed to feed their own soldiers, their own people, so they took what they could from what they destroyed. What was left for those who lived there did not matter, they were none of their concerns.

    Third the people began fighting each other. What had been left was sacred, human acting like animals in order to get it. The act to "kill" was no longer foreign, it was daily practice that was needed in order to survive. Supplies are dropped every now and then, meant for the enemy, but survivors claw what they can from the crates.

    It is strange to think that now they are living in more "peaceful" times. Maybe because there's nothing more to steal, to kill or destroy.

    However in this time of need, where all hopes and dreams have been shattered and thrown into the void. One last attempt is made in order to take back what is theirs, because now they truly have nothing more to lose, but their lives.

  • - Basic Iwaku rules apply!

    - I'm pretty sure none of us are dicks/bitches, but let me remind you guys to treat each other nicely~ <3 If not, I'll boot your ass right out of this RP, no warning :x

    - Decisions throughout the RP will be made as a group. You do have a Leader in the group, but they have other responsibilities, group decisions are group decisions and therefore you should definitely be active in the OOC to get to vote where to go/what to do :D!

    - Please only use real face claims ^^!

    - It'll be nice if you'd be able to reply possibly once a week, maybe once every two weeks. . . just to keep it going ^^!

    - Do not kill off or injury another person's character without asking for permission!

    - During fight scene with someone else's character, write one big collaboration post, instead of going back and forth ^^! Do it in the PM, put it all together and then post! :D

    - This story will shape around the choices you guys make. That means. . . Whatever happens is in your hands :X

    - Your character might not like each other, but you will get along >: O! I'll put you both in time out and have you talk over it if I need to! >:T xD

    - Personal supplies can be either kept for oneself or shared, if your character finds something I'll PM it to them, and then you decide whether or not you want to share, and what you want to share ^^

    - I'll keep the supplies updated all the time new supplies are added! It may not be too much right now. . . But it'll grow ^^

    - Try to write a minimum of 2 paragraphs (6-8 lines, without dialogue) just to keep the RP going ^^ It's really hard to work with one liners/short replies (in my opinion) so don't be scared and be as detailed as possible, if you're stuck we're here to help! :D <3

  • These are the items the group shares. Food, water and weapons will be distributed to the group through the Leader.

    - 3 Bottles of clean water (Can be shared throughout the group)

    - 3 full pieces of bread (can be halved)

    - 4 canned soups

    - 2 bags of chips

    - 3 apples

    - 1 banana

    - A medkit

    (inside of the medkit)

    - Half a roll of bandages

    - Almost empty bottle of disinfectant

    - Some cotton swabs

    - 4 band aids

    - A bottle of pain pills, having 10 capsules inside

    (not in the medkit)

    - 1 Combat knife

    - 3 handguns

    - 32 bullets

    - A flashlight with batteries

    - A small local map

    - A backpack

  • Chenco (The Protector)

    - Handgun (11 bullets)

    - Map

    Selena (The Scavenger)

    - Flashlight

    -1 bag of chips

    Khan (The Fighter)

    - Handgun (10 bullets)

    - 1 bottle of water

    Oliver (The Medic)

    - The backpack (charged with carrying everything for now)

    - The medkit

    Baby (The Scout)

    - 1 bottle of water

    - 1 bag of chips

    Frankie (The Leader)

    - Combat knife

    - Handgun (11 bullets)

  • Character sheet

    Put in picture(s) of your character, wherever you want! :D





    Role (Write down your role here if you want the rest of the group to know, the other characters in the RP will know what role you have, this is OPTIONAL except for "The Leader" and "The Medic")

    Why are you _____? (You're completely allowed to lie here xD This may have something to do with your secret, and it may not. You just need to explain where you got your exceptional skill within a certain area, the explanation that your character gave the rest of the group. The Leader was chosen between the group, so the Leader will not have to explain it ^^ They were the most reliable and responsible, most suited to be the Leader among the Tear Clan ^^)

    Some of your responsibilities (Basically what you contribute to the group, only fill this up if you've shared your role ^^!)


    Eye color

    Hair color



    Distinguishing features

    (Like scars, tattoos, birthmarks. . .and so on ^^)


    Yup, that simple xD Write either bulletpoints (explaining a little bit about each trait) or paragraphs! Let people get to know your character a little bit ^^ <3


    Within the group (if you're particularly good friend/in love with someone)

    Any family that is alive ^^


    Additional information you'd want to add about your character! :D

  • Khan - The Fighter - @MST3K 4ever

    Oliver Kim - The Medic - @Luxii

    Baby DuPree - The Scout - @Mad King Jai

    Selena Woods - The Scavenger - @MaryGold

    Chenco La Para - The Protector - @Pray4me

    Frankie Robinson - The Leader - @Jihae


  • Throughout the RP there will be choices for the group/individual to take depending on the situations.

    It will look like this:

    "Situation A"

    → Option A

    → Option B

    Sometimes you will be given more than two options, and something you will be met by what looks like this:

    → . . .

    When you meet that, you are free to take whatever option you wish to take and can ignore the upper two. A and B will then be more like suggestions of what you can do, rather than options.

    Sometimes the entire group will meet a situation, other times it will only be half of the group and sometimes even just one person.

    I'll tag who the option is for, so don't you worry ^^

    Sometimes I will tag that the option is for "everyone", but it can be an individual option as well. For example:

    "You hear screaming coming from west"

    → Run to check it out

    → Ignore it

    If 3 runs for the scream and 3 doesn't, then that is completely fine ^^ Don't worry though, I'll state when it's not a group decision, but I'm sure that it will be somewhat obvious in those kinds of situations, but I'll write it anyway >: O!

    The post after making a decision, you sort of skip a little bit of time. Your characters will have discussed it in the RP, before coming to a group decision (again, unless it is individual, impulsive decision). Move naturally into it ^^! <3

    I simply wanted to tell you a little bit about how the choices you guys make will look ^^! :D

    Sometimes my posts won't meet the "requirements" of the posting length I posted in the rules. . . I'm the only exception to this, as I will narrator you guys through, and sometimes there's just not a lot of me to give you ^^;

    You will also encounter "traders" in this world, being able to trade what supplies you have for other supplies. This is also a group decision unless someone is trading alone. You will also be given the option to either steal or kill the trader for everything for free, but know that no choice comes without a consequence >: 3

  • Obviously I will post the very first post before you guys get to post, this is for your own sake xD I'll explain a little bit more about the state of the nation, give more detailed descriptions and give you guys a "mission" straight off the bat, but don't worry. . . "Side quests" can and might happen depending on your character's missions.

    At the beginning your character will be in their "home". If they live in an abandon building, if they have any sort of family left. . . you decide all of that, but I decide that they will be going to the the "meet up" place.

    The current Clan HQ is an abandon house. It is not big enough to house everyone, and not safe enough either. It has one floor, no water nor electricity and one bedroom. There's one bed and a couch available in the house, anyone else that wishes to stay in the house must find other sleeping arrangements.

    For the bed it will be first come first serve, for the couch the second person who wishes to live in the house will get it, and if more are interested in living in the house then I will tell them their character would have to sleep on the floor ^^

    In your first post, I want your character to go to the house. You will all have a meeting, discussing what your characters' first mission will be! :D Which will be at the bottom of the first post ^^

  • DAY 1

    - The Clan gathers to decide whether they are to go to the motel or the supply drop.

    - The Leader distributes weapons among the group.

    - Selena and Baby gets food

    - Khan and Baby gets drinks


    - They met a boy in the need of help


    - The Clan gained:

    * A crossbow + 10 bolts

    * 3 cans of food

    * 5 water bottles

    * 11 bullets


  • Paradox Society IC

  • Leave the boy

    2 votes

    + Prepared for a possible ambush

    + No loss in supplies

    - The life of a young boy on their consciousness and heads

    - Potential loss of an ally/gain of an enemy

    Help the boy

    3 votes

    + Gaining an ally

    + Possibility of a reward now, and more to come later

    - Guarantee loss of supplies

    - Falling into an ambush

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FC: Jason Zivkovic
  • Love
Reactions: CrystalTears
Got a few things to reply to this week so my guy will be up the weekend or next week^^.
  • Love
Reactions: CrystalTears
Got a few things to reply to this week so my guy will be up the weekend or next week^^.
There's absolutely no hurry really ^^

I just wanted to get the OOC up for you guys! We can just have a friendly chit-chat if anything :X

I like talking xD <3
  • Love
Reactions: Justin
There's absolutely no hurry really ^^

I just wanted to get the OOC up for you guys! We can just have a friendly chit-chat if anything :X

I like talking xD <3
I know you like talking XD. Can't do that either while I work on posts for you lol.
  • Love
Reactions: CrystalTears
I know you like talking XD. Can't do that either while I work on posts for you lol.
I know I know :X

I'll be good and not disturb you~ <3

Hwaaaaaiting~! :D <3
  • Love
Reactions: Justin
I should have a CS up in the next 24-48 hours.

FC: Don Johnson (1980's Icon)


Character's Name: Khan...that's all he is known as.
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  • Love
Reactions: CrystalTears
  • Thank You
Reactions: MST3K 4ever
Oh wow :O

Can't wait to see it! :D <3

Yeah and I'll have a CS up in like...pshhh idk XD I'll be amongst the later ones

I'm just here to chat xp
  • Love
Reactions: CrystalTears
Yeah and I'll have a CS up in like...pshhh idk XD I'll be amongst the later ones

I'm just here to chat xp

Who doesn't like chatting though? xD There's no rush in getting it up now anyway! :D
  • Like
Reactions: MaryGold
Who doesn't like chatting though? xD There's no rush in getting it up now anyway! :D
Cool, 'cause I still need to find the perfect FC for meh lady anyway xD
  • Love
Reactions: CrystalTears
Cool, 'cause I still need to find the perfect FC for meh lady anyway xD
I know more than you that are struggling with it XD

*relaxed DM which is basically God in this RP* XD
  • Love
Reactions: MaryGold
I know more than you that are struggling with it XD

*relaxed DM which is basically God in this RP* XD
Luckeee XD

Well, at least I have small list to choose from now xD That's a start....hahaha
  • Love
Reactions: CrystalTears
Luckeee XD

Well, at least I have small list to choose from now xD That's a start....hahaha
It definitely is a start XD

I shall be a faceless God who will play with your character >: D

*plays off evil laugh on YouTube again*
  • Love
Reactions: MaryGold
I have soo many FC's to choose from...such a tough choice.

Also in the mean time I'm still thinking of names. I forgot to save my list and now it's forever gone XD.

But I do remember some names for the rp:

-Paradox Society
-Veiled Men
-Arcanum...something. It was a two part name
-Cloak and Dagger

Let me know! I feel like I'm on the verge of the perfect name, hopefully.~

Name: Khan (First name is a private matter)
Age: 32
Gender: Male

The Fighter. Over the years in his travels with others and from his family Khan has acquired skills that make him a dangerous man. Khan is an expert when it comes to guns, explosives, knives, and hand to hand combat.

If there is a bad situation that involves life or death Khan is the one who steps right into the middle of it, looks each member of the clan in the eye and says, "Get behind me I'm getting us out of here." While he is not afraid to kill Khan does so because the clan is threatened not because he is a trigger-happy psycho. When it comes to a combat situation Khan is the most dangerous man on the planet with a combat intellect to match his lethal skills.

Eye color: Brown eyes
Hair color: Dark Brown
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 205
Distinguishing features: Scar on the back of his left arm that runs from the top of his shoulder to his elbow, and a tattoo of a coiled cobra on the back of his right shoulder.

• Loyal: Khan knows that he is lethal and could kill any member of the clan at the drop of a dime, but he won't…ever! He views the clan as his family and no one messes with his family. He is also respectful of those who are the leaders within the clan.

• Strong-willed: Khan doesn't ever believe that he will lose. He firmly believes that he can win the day with his will alone.

• Sense of humor: While he does have a sense of humor Khan knows that there is a time and a place for it. It's his way of helping cope with what is going on around him.

• Compassionate: While Khan is the group bad ass no one in this group cares for its members more than Khan. He doesn't always say it but he shows it through his actions.

• Quiet: Khan is far from an extrovert. He isn't an introvert because he is arrogant or being stand-offish but he is always analyzing a situation for potential dangers, and he can't do that if he is talking all the time. When he does talk it usually something important or a rye comment about a situation otherwise he will usually nod at someone, and if he likes you give you wink or a smirk.

Family members: All dead. Wife and son were killed in a raid
Within the clan: TBD.​
  • Love
Reactions: CrystalTears

Name: Khan (First name is a private matter)
Age: 32
Gender: Male

The Fighter. Over the years in his travels with others and from his family Khan has acquired skills that make him a dangerous man. Khan is an expert when it comes to guns, explosives, knives, and hand to hand combat.

If there is a bad situation that involves life or death Khan is the one who steps right into the middle of it, looks each member of the clan in the eye and says, "Get behind me I'm getting us out of here." While he is not afraid to kill Khan does so because the clan is threatened not because he is a trigger-happy psycho. When it comes to a combat situation Khan is the most dangerous man on the planet with a combat intellect to match his lethal skills.

Eye color: Brown eyes
Hair color: Dark Brown
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 205
Distinguishing features: Scar on the back of his left arm that runs from the top of his shoulder to his elbow, and a tattoo of a coiled cobra on the back of his right shoulder.

• Loyal: Khan knows that he is lethal and could kill any member of the clan at the drop of a dime, but he won't…ever! He views the clan as his family and no one messes with his family. He is also respectful of those who are the leaders within the clan.

• Strong-willed: Khan doesn't ever believe that he will lose. He firmly believes that he can win the day with his will alone.

• Sense of humor: While he does have a sense of humor Khan knows that there is a time and a place for it. It's his way of helping cope with what is going on around him.

• Compassionate: While Khan is the group bad ass no one in this group cares for its members more than Khan. He doesn't always say it but he shows it through his actions.

• Quiet: Khan is far from an extrovert. He isn't an introvert because he is arrogant or being stand-offish but he is always analyzing a situation for potential dangers, and he can't do that if he is talking all the time. When he does talk it usually something important or a rye comment about a situation otherwise he will usually nod at someone, and if he likes you give you wink or a smirk.

Family members: All dead. Wife and son were killed in a raid
Within the clan: TBD.​
Aw. . . He thinks he is invincible <3

How cute. . . Yeah buddy, you're not :x >: 3
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Reactions: MST3K 4ever
We'll just use this as a sign-ups too xD

Don't worry! I'll link all the CS's in the "Cast List" So. . .

Don't freak out! XD
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Reactions: MST3K 4ever
I'm spamming my own thread xD <3

There's more name possibilities out there! :D <3

Come on and pick xD I'm too indecisive to pick really, your responsibility here people :X