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Raime's features were nondescript at best in his armor, save for the parts of his arms that were visible. Those revealed little about him, except that his skin was blackened and had a texture almost similar to the bark of a tree. The influence of the Dark had long since changed him, and, unlike others, he had undergone such change willingly. His emotionless visor revealed little about his intentions. However, his stance showed plenty. The towering knight had a posture of definite aggression and mistrust. However, when he spoke, his voice was much quieter than even when he spoke to Shaun. "If you do not know where we are, then who might?"

The Fume Knight tuned the rest of them out the best he could. He didn't even know what the word 'tech' meant. "Imbecile." The towering man spat out at Lucifer. When Vash touched him, Raime's straight sword was out far faster than one might expect someone of his size to be able to accomplish, pointed at Vash's throat. Despite it being as large as any one of them, the sword seemed to weigh very little in the man's hands and didn't compare at all in size to the massive blade in his offhand. He'd never put that one away. He had nowhere to put it. "Keep to yourself, little one, if you want to keep your other arm." This time, his tone was quiet in a more menacing way. It appeared even one such as him didn't have to try hard to recognize the fake limb.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer @OrlandoBloomers @TheSpringwoodSlasher @El Tigre! @Jeremi @Saint Guillotine @york @BarrenThin @Thuro The Assassin Potato @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Krieg
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"...Hmph." She eventually grunted noncommittally. Apart from the brief light show that slightly intrigued her, the rest was more or less drivel. Sitting around studying the purple tower and guessing what it was or how it might have been responsible was likewise a giant waste of time, she figured. More so when it felt like two minds were warring inside the same head. Like right now, a growing migraine from the contradictory thoughts. One felt this ornate, royal armor she was wearing to be as familiar as her own skin. The other felt trapped in a foreign suit. One looked at the world with gleaming golden eyes, burning and intense. The eyes of a predator. The other saw the world through the same golden eyes, but far more warm and inviting. Some small part of her mind was still admittedly trying to wrap her head around this. Around...them.

The rest of her mind, however, was far more focused. Both the princess and the barista were agreed on this. The technology was irrelevant as far as she was concerned. Tanks don't move without drivers, battleships don't travel without someone at the helm. This whatever it was...it didn't activate and bring them here without people working behind it. There was always someone responsible. Her intense gaze rose up to stare at the control room.

"Get down and out of the way, simpleton. I will not be responsible for what happens to you if you don't." She barked out a rough order at Lucifer, the clear tone of command seeping in every word. It was obvious she was used to giving orders and expecting them to be followed to the letter and without hesitation. She twitched slightly and reluctantly she added on a far weaker "...please."

This situation was quickly surpassing her tolerance levels. A combination of memories that didn't make any sense blended together, and yet they were. Such a pain! The thought raced through. Even worse...she wasn't sure which one of those was thinking that. Maybe they both were. But that aside, they were here now. And if there were any people here responsible...well.

Two Azulas working in unison sounded like the perfect answer to deal with these people.

It's like Bad Cop, Good Cop. But in one body!

...I have no idea what that means.

I thought you were a princess?!

I am, you peasant. Enough!!


I said silence, thought pattern! You may make me say please but when I say quiet, you get quiet!

She cleared her mind, took a deep breath and waited no longer for Lucifer. Whether he decided to get out of the way or not was up to him. A clenched fist surged straight forward and up, a sizable blast of blue hot fire emanating out and bathing the room in a brief glow, intent on burning and blasting a window in with sheer force. The next moment, her arms snapped to her sides and the same blue fire streaming out of her hands as she boosted herself up to get inside.


@Saint Guillotine @Schnee Corp Lawyer @TheSpringwoodSlasher @OrlandoBloomers @Jeremi @El Tigre! @york @BarrenThin @CCC Kouhai @Krieg @everyone


The Fume Knight tuned the rest of them out the best he could. He didn't even know what the word 'tech' meant. "Imbecile." The towering man spat out at Lucifer.​

"A simple "Not I" would have sufficed."

Lucifer remarked with quiet dignity in contrast to the belligerence of the knight. Admitting ignorance was not shameful, especially in these circumstances. A pity his blanket inquiry didn't seem to garner anyone else, although it spurred one to action.

Her intense gaze rose up to stare at the control room.

"Get down and out of the way, simpleton. I will not be responsible for what happens to you if you don't. She barked out a rough order at Lucifer, the clear tone of command seeping in every word. It was obvious she was used to giving orders and expecting them to be followed to the letter and without hesitation. She twitched slightly and reluctantly she added on a far weaker "...please."

She cleared her mind, took a deep breath and waited no longer for Lucifer. Whether he decided to get out of the way or not was up to him. A clenched fist surged straight forward and up, a sizable blast of blue hot fire emanating out and bathing the room in a brief glow, intent on burning and blasting a window in with sheer force. The next moment, her arms snapped to her sides and the same blue fire streaming out of her hands as she boosted herself up to get inside.


@Saint Guillotine @Schnee Corp Lawyer @TheSpringwoodSlasher @OrlandoBloomers @Jeremi @El Tigre! @york @BarrenThin @CCC Kouhai @Krieg @everyone

He inclined his head to Azula, one of the more familiar faces to his current memories. In response he leaped back, timing it just right for her move as he flung blades from his hands, all targeting a very specific area as she launched herself in the aftermath.

Namely, her impact area. Perhaps a combined move would accomplish what one could not.

@C.T. @BarrenThin @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Everyone
"A simple "Not I" would have sufficed."

Lucifer remarked with quiet dignity in contrast to the belligerence of the knight. Admitting ignorance was not shameful, especially in these circumstances. A pity his blanket inquiry didn't seem to garner anyone else, although it spurred one to action.

He inclined his head to Azula, one of the more familiar faces to his current memories. In response he leaped back, timing it just right for her move as he flung blades from his hands, all targeting a very specific area as she launched herself in the aftermath.

Namely, her impact area. Perhaps a combined move would accomplish what one could not.

@C.T. @BarrenThin @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Everyone

Raime sighed, muttered a few things about humans being stupid, and stepped with surprising speed to the window. It was only a foot or so over his head. The Knight looked up at Azula. Should she fail, he would provide ample help to get inside. He knew the importance of getting out, or, at least, finding out what was happening. "Idiots...Taking the hard way..." To him, this felt like a quiet murmur, but it was actually quite loud. Raime's hands came up and he tried to lift himself to peer into the room. Obviously, he wouldn't fit in it himself.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer @OrlandoBloomers @TheSpringwoodSlasher @El Tigre! @Jeremi @Saint Guillotine @york @BarrenThin @Thuro The Assassin Potato @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Krieg

"Huh? Whoa! I didn't mean no harm by my gesture, fella! None at all! I just think things would be a lot smoother for all of us if we worked together and stopped being big scary men in suits of armor and started being big nice men in suits of armor! You see the direction I'm going with this?" Vash asked and almost as if he had a quick reaction time of his own, he'd already be on his knees and clasping his hands together by the time Raimes got his sword pointed towards his neck.

"Please, oh please don't hurt me! I'm just but a simple man who only wants to live to see the finer things in life! Like the beautiful woman you no doubt saw me work over with my charm and donuts! But I can't do that if you point those big nasty blades at me! I promise I'll never nudge your armor again! Spare me!"

If Raimes sheathed his sword and turned his attention elsewhere, Vash would have let out a sigh of relief. That guy seemed like bad news but Vash always tried to never judge a book by it's cover. Maybe he was a genuinely sweet guy who loved kittens behind that big suit of armor and the giant sword. But something that caught Vash's attention was how he managed to note that his left arm was a prosthetic. It had the same sort of covering over it as his other arm did. But maybe he just had a good eye for things like that. As for Azula's burst of flame to get herself up to the window, Vash's jaw dropped in awe. Either those were some very well hidden flamethrowers or there was some strange stuff at work with that girl. Whatever the case, it seemed people were migrating towards that window which got Vash wanting to see it as well.

This would have been a simple task for someone with his unique body due to being a sentient plant. He could leap from rock to rock back home and not waste any energy at all. Still though it seemed like Raimes was busy trying to peek in himself and a smirk adorned Vash's face as he thought of how to use that. Rushing forward, he sought to take a grand leap and sling his arms over Raime's shoulders while inclining his head to the side so he could peek in.

"I bet whatever's in here has to be important! That I'm sure of and hey again, big guy! Hanging onto you so as to get a better view doesn't count as nudging right? I'm clean as can be so no dirt will be left on your armor!" :D

@Schnee Corp Lawyer @OrlandoBloomers @ C.T. @El Tigre! @Jeremi @Saint Guillotine @york @BarrenThin @Thuro The Assassin Potato @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Krieg
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Raime didn't comment on Vash's pleas. He simply sheathed the straight sword and left. Not before glancing at said 'beautiful woman', though, trying to see what Vash meant.

He didn't see it. None compared to Nadalia, his Ashen Idol, his fragment of a darkness long since destroyed, in his eyes.

Raime's head swiveled upon Vash leaping onto his back. Under his visor, solid black eyes and the bark-like skin on his face were visible now that Vash was so close. The Fume Knight didn't respond at first. "... Be thankful I do not rip you in half, little one." For now, he allowed Vash to stay where he was. It should be noted, however, that he didn't take kindly to being climbed. "I'm going to go Hollow by the end of this, aren't I?" The Knight muttered to himself.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer @OrlandoBloomers @TheSpringwoodSlasher @El Tigre! @Jeremi @Saint Guillotine @york @BarrenThin @Thuro The Assassin Potato @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Krieg
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Despite his usual prerogative to keep others at an arm's length, Barnable had to admit frankly this: it had been pleasant intermingling with people again. People people, of a variety of flavors and the like, not just those in the selfsame situation as his. It was honestly a nice departure from the crushing monotony that had become his day to day life, a routine in scavenging and trekking the many faces of the city for scraps just to survive.

It really was nice to have had some semblance of a life outside the microcosm of the homeless, even if the hours whiled away were fleeting. A small act of kindness and compassion truly did mean the world to those in need.

At the night's end, Barnable left, though not without making his appreciation, in his typical stoic fashion, known to Iroh and his employees. Especially Yang Xiao-Long, for she had been the impetus in his decision in remaining. A promise, perhaps half-empty, to visit -- instead of creeping in for the food -- was made.

The cover of the night cloaked Barnes well on the trip back to Fieldspans, by way of alleys and back-roads whenever necessary. Call it paranoia; just as there were the good few, there were the few he elected to bypass. Dissenting ne'er-do-wells enthralled by word of mouth propaganda cropped up on occasion to badger Barnable.

It was a small wonder why Barnable grew more and more cynical by the day, just as he had hopeful.

Hours later, in the dead of night, he'd returned to the location of fellow vagabonds, still there. As he'd predicted, Barnable having memorized their roving patterns. He did not stay with them often but on occasion he would for those were the kindly souls that helped him along in the beginning.

First came the distribution of his prize, along with a quick apologetic grunt of his having by delayed by hours thanks to a certain fiery barista. Which one? Good question. With that out of the way, Barnes swiftly retreated to his own private location, outside the nomadic homeless's camp. It was his custom as former army sniper and soldier to have a vantage point and to stand guard. The homeless were oft left alone but on occasion there'd be a few to trample the already downtrodden. Fortunately, that rarely happened in Parrel. Still...

His selection in his sleeping location was exquisite; upon a fine bed of gravel/asphalt and debris -- disintegrated refuse and trash -- surrounded by small brush, if any, rested a used and worn sleeping back. A tag that extended from one end marked that it was a Gander Mountain product. The exterior was smocked with patches of brown and grey, from dirt and dust embedding into the waterproof fibers, with the interior heavily worn. There were small rips inside, readily revealing its constant use.

Barnes removed his ballcap, sighing with some modicum of relief as he ran a hand through his long, unkempt hair, keeping them back. A brief, cautionary glance around his vicinity followed, despite his brief lapse in his alertness, before he removed his rucksack and set it to the side. It was late, beyond late, and well into the morning. He had better get a start on the day and that meant he needed to go to sleep now. Fortunate he was used to that thanks to his previous life...

A few moments later and there was Barnable, snug inside within the sleeping receptacle, facing upward with steepled hands supporting his head. He'd a habit of staring into the night sky, despite the city's light pollution (if any), counting the stars.

Minutes later, and sleep took hold of him, as he passed unto the unknown and to the land of dreams.

So would it have been imagined for any living soul save for Barnes, and as he would later discover, his fellow flipsiders.

An abstraction, a concept, a figment that shouldn't have existed whatsoever had laid claim to him, horrifying so. A most jarring experience, memories were shattered... and worlds crossed over. He was simply taken, wrenched from a much needed rest. Whatever would follow would make the life of Barnable James Buchanan seem paltry in comparison...


The last he remembered was seeing stars. Quite literally, and now it felt as if he was seeing stars figuratively, eyes flickering open in rapid pace. His skull was throbbing, a pulsing bulge wreaking havoc inside, as he leaned forward from his prone position into sitting in rapid pace.

A deep, terribly inconsolable exhale followed as James "Bucky" Barnes gripped his skull, as if the act would assuage the merciless throbbing. He shook his head, muttering unintelligibly to himself now as he tried to make sense of it all now.

Thoughts that were not his ran amok in his mind, intermingling with thoughts that were. Nothing meshed cleanly, wiring crossing over upon even the scantest similarity between distant, cloudy memories.

Steve, you don't have anything to prove--

Come on Steve, you aren't going to make it as Captain of the platoon if you keep getting knocked down. By me, ha!


I... I know him. Why don't I recall him? It was... during the war wasn't it. The great war.

World War II? No... I was overseas in Syria-- Steve's my best friend, wha...

H Y D R A.

My memories-- they were lies. All of them. Forgeries.

No. Not all of them.

Why... why can't I make sense of any of this??? All of it--

You were a soldier, remade into an assassin.

I was a good soldier. A good friend.

Not again.

M-my arm?!

Eyes flashed opened as he simply stared, for the briefest of moments.


"No... wha--"

Then came the realization: He was not alone. Barnes immediately kipped to full standing, his left arm extended front in a defensive posture. His frame was twisted, turned to the side as to reduce his profile as his right hand instinctively flickered to small of his back, where the Vz.61 Skorpion was holstered.

What should have been smooth, graceful articulation in movement befitting that of an elite assassin were instead jagged, groggy and affected. His mind was still at full throttle, speeding through the torrent of memories, that coincided and yet conflicted.

A sharp intake of breath shattered whatever imposing image his aggressively defensive posture implied, as he visibly relaxed, partially with his features displaying a mix of uncertainty and surety. Strangely enough.

The eyes would tell it all, just why he stopped.

He recognized at least three of the others here. Or did he? But he felt nothing from them. They had intended no harm toward him. Yet. Yet. Why would they? They were in the same position as him. Cornered animals did anything to survive.

Conflicting ideologies ran amok in mind as two... no, multiple lives converged together. The life of Barnable James Buchanan, the life of James Buchanan Barnes... and the many brief memories of the Winter Soldier's.

A scowling growl escaped his lips as his eyes bolted shut, as he focused intensely. Something was going on. This took precedence over his own predicament, naturally. If nothing was did to resolve the current situation, they were in danger he thought. He needed a temporary resolution, to forcibly bring the splinters of his mind together for now. The common, unifying components of... of his personas came together, that of a soldier's mentality. A fractured psyche.

It'd have to do.

He regarded first those he recognized, yet didn't (???).

"You... I know you." He uttered, his voice quiet yet strong.

This to Azula, who'd by then already vamoosed to assist another. A man he vaguely recalled. Vaguely. There was again the lack of certainty. For Azula, she looked different. Colder in her demeanor and her attire, almost as if she were of royalty. And the other, a darker past than expected. Wasn't he a cop... no, that couldn't be. A person that appeared like so couldn't have been kind.


He broke his eyes from those in question, regarding each and every one with intrigue. Barnes knew instantly they weren't of his world and what little conversation he overhead only cemented this sneaking suspicion. There was a loud-mouthed man in red with sandy blonde hair, he seemed to mean no harm. A gargantuan entity entombed in obsidian black armor, fitting the visage of a knightly giant. A girl that certainly fit the description of an old fable's protagonist, in red and black with a hood. There were more...

He tore his eyes from the others, immediately taking in his surroundings. A domed area with a dangerous laser field in the center, doors off to the side, and a control room elevated out of reach. It seemed the others had the control room well in hand. If one could even say that.

Another survey of his surroundings, to glean anything he might have missed, before he turned to approach the ruined blast doors. Perhaps he could just scout ahead, see if the way was clear obstructed... and a moment to himself wouldn't do any harm in trying to clear his head further. Of course, in doing so he armed himself with the Colt M4A1 that hanged awkwardly on a strap off his left side, slinging it around to peruse the weapon.

@Saint Guillotine @Schnee Corp Lawyer @TheSpringwoodSlasher @OrlandoBloomers @Jeremi @york @BarrenThin @CCC Kouhai @Krieg @everyone

Ruby gave a small sigh of relief as the others started to stir. That quickly died in her throat as some... person(???) who made Yatsuhashi look like a freaking midget apparently decided that Ruby was obviously the most informed and prepared for this situation. Must have been that natural awesome-team-leader aura she gave off. Unfortunately, it was 0% applicable here, and her eyes widened slightly in something akin to fear before her inner huntress did its best to stomp that out. So what if he was big? She'd singlehandedly killed a Nevermore, and that thing was three times this guys size!

...Ok well she singlehandedly came up with the idea to kill a nevermore it just took four people to execute, but still.

She crossed her arms with a small, defiant frown as she glared right back up at Raime. "Why don't you calm down first please" oh god her voice cracked so hard there she couldn't do this intimidation thing T~T

"Agreed with the misses in red and blue." Coughed a voice in the back as Cirilla finally managed to push herself up to her feet. Snow white hair framed a pale face with ashen grey eyes that scanned the room with surprising calm, the young woman appearing, if not completely unsurprised, far less concerned with the change in location than she had any right to be as she finally set her footing and blinked a few times to refocus before smiling brightly at the rest. "We should probably save the angry 'tell me whats going on before I crush you' routines until we at least have a slight idea of whats going on."

"...Yea! What she said" Ruby said with a fervent nod and just kind of sidling her way around Raime towards Ciri. "...How do we do that?"

"Not the slightest clue." Ciri said with a small shrug before she set her hands in front of her "But there is at least one thing I can check...." her hands suddenly glowed with a pale white energy that spilled from her eyes as well, before it flickered out of existence "Right. I, at least, am not in my home dimension."

"...wait what" Ruby squeaked, now suddenly feeling far less safe next to Ciri as took a step backwards. "What... what does that... what?"

"I'm sure that your little gearhead mind would love for me to get into dimensional physics Ruby-" Ciri cut off with her first actually concerned looking frown, staring the young huntress up and down for a moment. "...who I could have swore I hadn't met until now but... regardless, I don't think we'd have the time and there's not really much of it I understand myself. Your confusion leaves me fairly sure it wasn't you who did this sooooo..." Ciri turned towards the rest of the group leaving Ruby to grapple with her own blank confusion as the Lady of Worlds smiled again. "... assuming that none of you are from here either, do any of you want to own up with screwing off with some strange world hopping powers, or should we attribute this to the giant purple.... thing in the middle of the room?

To those observing the room, unless they were particularly skilled scientists or engineers and wanted to study the purple doom laser tower themselves, there wasn't anything else of particular interest in the vast room besides said purple doom laser tower, the menagerie of people from different worlds that were themselves, and maybe the control room windows if you had a way of getting fifteen feet up the sheer steel walls that led up to them. And, well, the doors if they wanted to just head off by themselves
@Schnee Corp Lawyer @OrlandoBloomers @TheSpringwoodSlasher @El Tigre! @Jeremi @Saint Guillotine @york@BarrenThin @Thuro The Assassin Potato@Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Krieg

Edit:color derp fix =w=
Chell (Canon)
@Schnee Corp Lawyer @OrlandoBloomers @TheSpringwoodSlasher @El Tigre! @Jeremi @Saint Guillotine @Schnee Corp Lawyer @BarrenThin @Thuro The Assassin Potato @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Krieg @Others

Chell frowned, she wondered where her portal gun went... Though, at the very least, she looked down, to check if her long fall boots were still there; even if she couldn't recognize anyone around her, at the very least... She could probably try and break her way out of here, but it may be more difficult to do without any of the tools considering the heights she would have to climb to in order to get through the windows above them. On the other hand, maybe that laser tower could be of some use? But... How, and, for what exactly?​
"Of course, being the ever lovable rogue that I am, it'd simply be uncouth of me to not do all that I can for someone as beautiful as you are. As for messing around with things that one shouldn't mess around with? I am at least 99% sure it wasn't me. Don't quote me on that though."
Ciri leaned back slightly from Vash as he approached, obviously a bit nonplussed by the suddenness and forwardness. "...Well thank you for your contribution then." She blinked again as Raime took Vash's attention instead and rolled her eyes before she closed them and took a breath to focus herself for a few seconds, hand's glowing once more.

Ruby, for her part, had at least recovered enough to look incredibly confused and worried but didnt' want to interrupt... whatever it was Ciri was doing because it didnt' feel anything like aura, so she just shuffled over towards Yang, staring slightly wide eyed at the surroundings as she still tried to take it all in before she knelt down and shook her sister's shoulder. "Hey. Yang. You ok? Everyone else is ok unless that suit of cool looking armor's got a person in it so you better be too :|" she half joked.

As for those scaling up to the control room, the window was very easy to break considering it had already been shattered into a million pieces by whatever blast had wrecked the rest of the room. There were what was once a dizzying array of screens, dials, buttons, keyboards, and at least one lever, but most of it was absolutely ruined by the blast.

Perhaps of more interest however, were the two bodies crushed into the wall, a disturbing mixture of rolling office chair and human being from the impact. They were dressed in what had been full radiation suits before they'd been shredded, a single stylized *R* all that was visible on one of the scraps that seemed to nag at the back of their minds as familiar. The bodies themselves were scorched to the bone, and strangest of all seemed... fuzzy. Like if they were being looked at through glasses that weren't the right prescription, edges seeming to flicker ever so slightly as if surrounded by slight static.

"I'm not entirely sure what you all are doing up here, but I have a question that you'll all probably find important!" Called Ciri, her focus finally breaking. She rubbed her head to ward off some headache from whatever she was attempting, and after whoever was interested came back down spoke.

"Right. So I'm sure you're all as curious as I am as to what the hell is going on here, but... well, I'm not entirely sure its our problem. And there are things occurring that are my problem back in my own world. World ending, very important problems. Whatever happened here, whatever's going on..." She shrugged, trying not to sound too cold. " Either this world can take care of itself, its already ruined, or I can always come back later if I find the time. But first I need to get back home, and I'm sure many of you feel the same. So, whoever has a burning desire to figure out what terrifying magic absolutely wrecked this place, I'm not going to kidnap you or anything, but whoever would rather go home to their own world... I can do that. So. Who's coming along?" she asked with an easy grin.

@OrlandoBloomers @TheSpringwoodSlasher @El Tigre! @Jeremi @Saint Guillotine @Schnee Corp Lawyer @BarrenThin @Thuro The Assassin Potato @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Krieg @C.T. @CCC Kouhai
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Ciri leaned back slightly from Vash as he approached, obviously a bit nonplussed by the suddenness and forwardness. "...Well thank you for your contribution then." She blinked again as Raime took Vash's attention instead and rolled her eyes before she closed them and took a breath to focus herself for a few seconds, hand's glowing once more.

Ruby, for her part, had at least recovered enough to look incredibly confused and worried but didnt' want to interrupt... whatever it was Ciri was doing because it didnt' feel anything like aura, so she just shuffled over towards Yang, staring slightly wide eyed at the surroundings as she still tried to take it all in before she knelt down and shook her sister's shoulder. "Hey. Yang. You ok? Everyone else is ok unless that suit of cool looking armor's got a person in it so you better be too :|" she half joked.

As for those scaling up to the control room, the window was very easy to break considering it had already been shattered into a million pieces by whatever blast had wrecked the rest of the room. There were what was once a dizzying array of screens, dials, buttons, keyboards, and at least one lever, but most of it was absolutely ruined by the blast.

Perhaps of more interest however, were the two bodies crushed into the wall, a disturbing mixture of rolling office chair and human being from the impact. They were dressed in what had been full radiation suits before they'd been shredded, a single stylized *R* all that was visible on one of the scraps that seemed to nag at the back of their minds as familiar. The bodies themselves were scorched to the bone, and strangest of all seemed... fuzzy. Like if they were being looked at through glasses that weren't the right prescription, edges seeming to flicker ever so slightly as if surrounded by slight static.

"I'm not entirely sure what you all are doing up here, but I have a question that you'll all probably find important!" Called Ciri, her focus finally breaking. She rubbed her head to ward off some headache from whatever she was attempting, and after whoever was interested came back down spoke.

"Right. So I'm sure you're all as curious as I am as to what the hell is going on here, but... well, I'm not entirely sure its our problem. And there are things occurring that are my problem back in my own world. World ending, very important problems. Whatever happened here, whatever's going on..." She shrugged, trying not to sound too cold. " Either this world can take care of itself, its already ruined, or I can always come back later if I find the time. But first I need to get back home, and I'm sure many of you feel the same. So, whoever has a burning desire to figure out what terrifying magic absolutely wrecked this place, I'm not going to kidnap you or anything, but whoever would rather go home to their own world... I can do that. So. Who's coming along?" she asked with an easy grin.

@OrlandoBloomers @TheSpringwoodSlasher @El Tigre! @Jeremi @Saint Guillotine @Schnee Corp Lawyer @BarrenThin @Thuro The Assassin Potato @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Krieg @C.T. @CCC Kouhai

"If it wouldn't be too much of an inconvenience..." Luvia replied stepping closer towards Ciri. "While I am certainly curious to why we have ended up here I'd rather ponder the possibilities from my home than in a den of strangers. A sentiment I am certain I share with others here."

A callous reply certainly but what the girl was saying was true. There was nothing to gain here...but at the same time she felt that maybe there was still something important she was missing.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer @OrlandoBloomers @TheSpringwoodSlasher @El Tigre! @C.T. @Saint Guillotine @york @BarrenThin @Thuro The Assassin Potato @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Krieg


Brushed aside was any traces of fear from Raime's open threat towards him remaining in one piece. It had been replaced by an unhealthy dosage of anger at seeing the bodies of what he assumed were healthy living people. But their lives had been cut short and given how in poor of a condition the bodies were, Vash had to assume that if their deaths weren't caused by a man, then there was no doubt in his mind that the being who brought him and all these people here had expected these people might die. This was worse than anything they could have done to him personally. Whoever was behind all this would get what was coming to them and that was a promise.

At Ciri's response however, Vash's brief show of anger was quick to fade into that of submissive obedience as he gracefully leaped down from Raime's back. Upon landing on his feet, he'd do a little spin before making his way back towards the super attractive woman with glowy energy stuff. "I'm not one to give up on places or the people from them so easily, it's just in my nature. But I'd never question the suggestion of anyone who radiates beauty as much as you do! So, please if you'd be ever so kind I'd like to go back from whence I came as well!

While Vash kept up the facade of being an overly obsessive idiot when it came to attractive women, the truth of the matter was that while Vash was more than wanting to get to the bottom of all this, he couldn't simply pass aside the offer that was open to him. Because if this really was the doing of his younger brother, then he no doubt had other plans he was already setting into motion.

Plans which would have likely brought great harm to Meryl and Milly and while he trusted Wolfwood to keep them safe, it was only up to a certain extent as there were things that Wolfwood couldn't tackle. But he wasn't keen on letting people, especially not strangers seeing the true side to him. The side who abandoned the need for fake smiles and simply followed what he felt needed to be done. Even his close allies back home rarely saw Vash's true nature and that was how he wanted it to be.

"She's got a point, I'd feel much more comfortable doing my thinking in a place far away from scary men in big suits of armor. Even if I'm sure they've got a great personality outside of the suit, ehehehe!" He added on after Luvia's statement. While making sure to carefully edge himself behind Ciri just in case Raimes heard him and took offense to his statement.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer @OrlandoBloomers @TheSpringwoodSlasher @El Tigre! @C.T. @Saint Guillotine @york @BarrenThin @Thuro The Assassin Potato @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Krieg
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As for those scaling up to the control room, the window was very easy to break considering it had already been shattered into a million pieces by whatever blast had wrecked the rest of the room. There were what was once a dizzying array of screens, dials, buttons, keyboards, and at least one lever, but most of it was absolutely ruined by the blast.

Perhaps of more interest however, were the two bodies crushed into the wall, a disturbing mixture of rolling office chair and human being from the impact. They were dressed in what had been full radiation suits before they'd been shredded, a single stylized *R* all that was visible on one of the scraps that seemed to nag at the back of their minds as familiar. The bodies themselves were scorched to the bone, and strangest of all seemed... fuzzy. Like if they were being looked at through glasses that weren't the right prescription, edges seeming to flicker ever so slightly as if surrounded by slight static.

"I'm not entirely sure what you all are doing up here, but I have a question that you'll all probably find important!" Called Ciri, her focus finally breaking. She rubbed her head to ward off some headache from whatever she was attempting, and after whoever was interested came back down spoke.

"Right. So I'm sure you're all as curious as I am as to what the hell is going on here, but... well, I'm not entirely sure its our problem. And there are things occurring that are my problem back in my own world. World ending, very important problems. Whatever happened here, whatever's going on..." She shrugged, trying not to sound too cold. " Either this world can take care of itself, its already ruined, or I can always come back later if I find the time. But first I need to get back home, and I'm sure many of you feel the same. So, whoever has a burning desire to figure out what terrifying magic absolutely wrecked this place, I'm not going to kidnap you or anything, but whoever would rather go home to their own world... I can do that. So. Who's coming along?" she asked with an easy grin.

@OrlandoBloomers @TheSpringwoodSlasher @El Tigre! @Jeremi @Saint Guillotine @Schnee Corp Lawyer @BarrenThin @Thuro The Assassin Potato @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Krieg @C.T. @CCC Kouhai

"Respectfully lady magister, I must decline your generous offer."

Awarding Ciri the respective nominal title in recognition, the Executor stepped forward to explain.

"Among our discoveries were two bodies, flung back into the wall. Coupled with the already shattered glass and none on the ground in our immediate area, this indicates something with enough force blasted it prior to our coming... Someone else much like us I presume, on a more powerful scale."

He turned to the group as a whole.

"Or am I alone in my experiences? Memories of a diverted lifetime, that vague memory of a malignant nature before awakening?"

He turned back to Ciri.

"If trap this is, by some Outsider I would prefer to prevent it in its conception. So I humbly express my grattitude for your offer and wish you well in returning home."

He glanced at the rest and smiled.

"Good luck to the rest of you."

And alone if need be, he turned to make his way out of the room if possible, leaping back to the control room to search the bodies for any sort of key card if they had one.

No telling if one had, but if he was to do this alone, he couldn't afford to slack.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer. @everyone
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"...Well. This place has certainly seen better days." She commented with an air of biting sarcasm, stepping on in and surveying the ruined pieces of what seemed to be fairly complex machinery(these screens and dials) mixed with the simple. Levers and buttons. They all did...used to do something. She stepped closer, staring at her reflection in one of the screens, a slight scowl written all over her face. "These things tell me nothing." Her initial statement, then a brief flash from her other side.

I recognize them. Yes...computers. This is...was the standard laboratory sort of deal. So many movies like it. An experiment or something goes wrong, it all goes to hell. Like a cheap sci-fi flick. The scowl only deepened at this realization, now annoyed that most of the stuff was unsalvageable. It could have been a handy clue, if nothing else. A reason why. Even the maddest of scientists have their reasons. She pulled away, her eyes quickly roving to the only remaining thing of interest in the room. The dead bodies.

The only hint that they had been clothed at all was a single scrap with an insignia cleanly on it. A single foreign symbol, nothing like the kanji she was used to writing or any of the symbols of the Four Nations. So then, what was it--

That's an R.


Yes. I...it's eerily familiar. I can't place it just yet but...

Her thoughts rambled on, mind still coming together. Not an easy process.

While she was not overly fond of having all these memories and more jumbled together like this, she had to admit that there were advantages. Her firebending, her force of will, her intelligence and even more so, a underlying sense of vague familiarity with a lot of otherwise strange and foreign things.

"Perhaps something else went through the same thing we did? And it was a lot angrier?" She gave voice to a thought directed at the others in the control room. Or it was a side effect of the process that brought us here in first place. C'mon princess, check for cameras.

She frowned, shaking her head as thoughts raced in and out. No, not just yet. There's something off. Like after too many drinks of cactus juice. She stared at the bodies for a second longer before sliding a hand in front of her eyes for a few seconds. And then a quick removal to see...yes. Just as distorted. Her frown transitioned into a thin line of concentration, hand reaching out to try and touch the body to see if anything would happen. She paused right before touching the body, glancing over her shoulder as that voice called out pretty loud and clear. She stood, moving to the edge of the former windows and just looking down, content to listen.

"Yeah? And which home is that?" She replied back. "I don't know about any of the rest of you but I'm not crystal clear about what home means right now. Part of me is remembering a small, quaint, loving tea shop...another part of me is bringing to mind a luxurious palace, stuffed to the brim with servants who's sole purpose in life is waiting at my beck and call.. I...don't know. And I don't agree or disagree with anything I don't know, sorry." She shook her head, resuming to touch the skeletal corpse.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer @OrlandoBloomers @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Saint Guillotine @El Tigre! @Jeremi @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Krieg @CCC Kouhai @BarrenThin @york @Thuro The Assassin Potato
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Raime looked at the corpses quietly for a few seconds before turning to the small woman the annoying little man kept calling beautiful. "... What happened here?" There was a surprisingly soft tone to his voice now. The man didn't immediately address her request. He hated humans... but he was used to them not staying dead. These people were quite clearly not Cursed.

He shook his head after a moment, his hard tone returning. "Take me back home then, little one. I've been away from Na... my home longer than I'd care to be." Nadalia wasn't totally defenseless... she had the soldiers and other guards there. But none of them compared to Raime; they could never protect her as well as he.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer @OrlandoBloomers @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Saint Guillotine @El Tigre! @Jeremi @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Krieg @CCC Kouhai @C.T. @york @Thuro The Assassin Potato
Ciri leaned back slightly from Vash as he approached, obviously a bit nonplussed by the suddenness and forwardness. "...Well thank you for your contribution then." She blinked again as Raime took Vash's attention instead and rolled her eyes before she closed them and took a breath to focus herself for a few seconds, hand's glowing once more.

Ruby, for her part, had at least recovered enough to look incredibly confused and worried but didnt' want to interrupt... whatever it was Ciri was doing because it didnt' feel anything like aura, so she just shuffled over towards Yang, staring slightly wide eyed at the surroundings as she still tried to take it all in before she knelt down and shook her sister's shoulder. "Hey. Yang. You ok? Everyone else is ok unless that suit of cool looking armor's got a person in it so you better be too :|" she half joked.

As for those scaling up to the control room, the window was very easy to break considering it had already been shattered into a million pieces by whatever blast had wrecked the rest of the room. There were what was once a dizzying array of screens, dials, buttons, keyboards, and at least one lever, but most of it was absolutely ruined by the blast.

Perhaps of more interest however, were the two bodies crushed into the wall, a disturbing mixture of rolling office chair and human being from the impact. They were dressed in what had been full radiation suits before they'd been shredded, a single stylized *R* all that was visible on one of the scraps that seemed to nag at the back of their minds as familiar. The bodies themselves were scorched to the bone, and strangest of all seemed... fuzzy. Like if they were being looked at through glasses that weren't the right prescription, edges seeming to flicker ever so slightly as if surrounded by slight static.

"I'm not entirely sure what you all are doing up here, but I have a question that you'll all probably find important!" Called Ciri, her focus finally breaking. She rubbed her head to ward off some headache from whatever she was attempting, and after whoever was interested came back down spoke.

"Right. So I'm sure you're all as curious as I am as to what the hell is going on here, but... well, I'm not entirely sure its our problem. And there are things occurring that are my problem back in my own world. World ending, very important problems. Whatever happened here, whatever's going on..." She shrugged, trying not to sound too cold. " Either this world can take care of itself, its already ruined, or I can always come back later if I find the time. But first I need to get back home, and I'm sure many of you feel the same. So, whoever has a burning desire to figure out what terrifying magic absolutely wrecked this place, I'm not going to kidnap you or anything, but whoever would rather go home to their own world... I can do that. So. Who's coming along?" she asked with an easy grin.

@OrlandoBloomers @TheSpringwoodSlasher @El Tigre! @Jeremi @Saint Guillotine @Schnee Corp Lawyer @BarrenThin @Thuro The Assassin Potato @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Krieg @C.T. @CCC Kouhai
Raime looked at the corpses quietly for a few seconds before turning to the small woman the annoying little man kept calling beautiful. "... What happened here?" There was a surprisingly soft tone to his voice now. The man didn't immediately address her request. He hated humans... but he was used to them not staying dead. These people were quite clearly not Cursed.

He shook his head after a moment, his hard tone returning. "Take me back home then, little one. I've been away from Na... my home longer than I'd care to be." Nadalia wasn't totally defenseless... she had the soldiers and other guards there. But none of them compared to Raime; they could never protect her as well as he.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer @OrlandoBloomers @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Saint Guillotine @El Tigre! @Jeremi @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Krieg @CCC Kouhai @C.T. @york @Thuro The Assassin Potato
Chell (Canon)
@Schnee Corp Lawyer @OrlandoBloomers @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Saint Guillotine @El Tigre! @Jeremi @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Krieg @CCC Kouhai @C.T. @BarrenThin @Thuro The Assassin Potato

Chell eventually decided to scale the walls carefully, following the suit of a few others, though, as she made her way upwards, she realized that some sort of blast had shattered the windows more or less; the remaining bits of glass that might scratch her weren't too hard to brush away with the sleeves of her rather worn aperture science jumpsuit, which she had even undone a little so it wouldn't be so stuffy to move around in it... As she examined the wreckage that was in front of her, she froze, seeing the charred corpses, clearly having taken the brunt of some sort of blast, though, these, unlike ones that she had seen before, were flickering a little... As if she were viewing them through an unstable portal created by her portal gun; those were rare though, and, she wasn't looking through one... So, what could possibly be causing these strange distortions? She could hear someone else asking what happened here, but, she didn't respond, just shaking her head a little, clearly not really sure either herself.​
Ciri shrugged, her face growing solemn for the first time as Lucifer as she nodded to him. "Not sure whether I'd consider that very stupid or very brave, but either way I wish you luck. As for the rest of you, no reason for us to tarry here any longer than necessary" She said firmly as she concentrated again and splayed her hands in front of her. "If you could all take a step back for a moment, I need to pull on a good deal more energy than I usually do when I do this if I'm going to take so many people especially if one's fourteen feet tall >_> so please keep your distance at the start. also.... something is interfering with my senses for this. my personal guess being the giant purple beam of desolation shooting into the sky." She added with a small grin. "But so this portal's going to be a blind jump to literally any world I can reach. Most of them support life, but, well... some will probably be completely benign and peaceful on the other side, and some might be less so. So just... be ready, ok?"

Her explanation and warnings given, she nodded again and gestured for the others to back up. Ruby obliged, heaving her sister onto her back with a grunt and stumbling slightly towards one of the walls with a concerned, scared, and worried frown. Needless to say this was a lot to be taking in at such a short notice, her sister hadn't woken up yet, and whatever had happened here... well there's a good chance she'd never know.

"Everyone ready?" Ciri asked, glancing over her shoulders as her hands began to glow far brighter than they had before. a tiny pinprick heralded the opening of the portal in the worl-


Everything froze.

Their eyes, their hearts, the flickering flames around them, everything suddenly ground to a halt.

"This isn't going to work, just so you all know"

The air was frozen along with them, and yet footsteps echoed through the vast chamber from the door behind them all. The voice was ice cold, the amusement darting around the edge of it sharpening the words rather than giving them any warmth.

"She'd probably figure that out herself, if she wasn't in such a rush." A figure passed between Raime and Vash, paying the gunman and behemoth no heed as he strode towards Ciri. He was a gaunt man in dark brown leather, his boots almost up to his knees and his face as pale as death itself, save for the vague hints of a smirk on his lips. There was something about him that seemed familiar to them all, but in a way that their minds screamed they never wanted to remember. He moved to circle Ciri, stare full of analytical boredem as he spoke again. "Its subtle, but the edges of this world are very wrong. Its impressive how the work of just a few men and women could have such wide reaching implications. All this is happening because one man wondered, and his wonderings have whole worlds smashing together, their edges rubbing off onto his own. Thats all you are by the way. Shavings. Side effects of one man's questions. And despite that... you're the only ones who can do anything about it. A whole world will literally be at your fingertips in the end, to save, rule... destroy..."

He stopped his pacing and pivoted on his heel, facing the group with a calm smile as he clasped his arms in front of him.


"So lets see what you choose. But first you'll have to get there. So tread carefully little copies, if you want to save yourselves, miss Ciri, either of these worlds and your own. There are things far more terrible than you or even I that have been drawn to this, this tear in what is and what will be, and if you cross them callously, well..."

He shrugged and raised his hands to snap his fingers.

"You'll see what I mean shortly."


-d's fabric. Ruby tried to speak up, to stop whatever Ciri was doing before the portal opened, to warn her about what just happened.

She didn't get out more than a "STO-" before dark grey tendrils of scaly flesh suddenly gripped the sides of the portal. Ciri's eyes flared wide, her hand tried once to gesture to seal the portal shut, and when that didn't work she reached for her sword. She all but managed to twitch her hand in its direction before the portal was rent wide open, and something flew out to skewer the girl almost half a dozen times, lifting her off the ground with a sharp gag that died in Ciri's throat as her head lolled back.

The portal was forced open farther, and the thing slithered out through the air as if it was water, Ciri limp on its talon'd limbs as its eyeless visage seemed to roam over the group. For now almost seeming to study them, no intent to strike save what it had already done. That was likely not true both ways.


It sure as heck wasn't true for Ruby, who's let out a choked gasp at her friend(?)'s sudden end before her slightly teary eyes narrowed in a surprising determined fury for such a small form as she reached for Crescent Ro-

Oh. Right.

Instead she made a mad dash for the doors so she could drop Yang off first. THEN she was gonna open up a can of huntress buttwhoopin on... whatever this was

@Schnee Corp Lawyer @OrlandoBloomers @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Saint Guillotine @El Tigre! @Jeremi @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Krieg @CCC Kouhai @C.T. @york @Thuro The Assassin Potato @BarrenThin
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Ciri shrugged, her face growing solemn for the first time as Lucifer as she nodded to him. "Not sure whether I'd consider that very stupid or very brave, but either way I wish you luck. As for the rest of you, no reason for us to tarry here any longer than necessary" She said firmly as she concentrated again and splayed her hands in front of her. "If you could all take a step back for a moment, I need to pull on a good deal more energy than I usually do when I do this if I'm going to take so many people especially if one's fourteen feet tall >_> so please keep your distance at the start. also.... something is interfering with my senses for this. my personal guess being the giant purple beam of desolation shooting into the sky." She added with a small grin. "But so this portal's going to be a blind jump to literally any world I can reach. Most of them support life, but, well... some will probably be completely benign and peaceful on the other side, and some might be less so. So just... be ready, ok?"

Her explanation and warnings given, she nodded again and gestured for the others to back up. Ruby obliged, heaving her sister onto her back with a grunt and stumbling slightly towards one of the walls with a concerned, scared, and worried frown. Needless to say this was a lot to be taking in at such a short notice, her sister hadn't woken up yet, and whatever had happened here... well there's a good chance she'd never know.

"Everyone ready?" Ciri asked, glancing over her shoulders as her hands began to glow far brighter than they had before. a tiny pinprick heralded the opening of the portal in the worl-


Everything froze.

Their eyes, their hearts, the flickering flames around them, everything suddenly ground to a halt.

"This isn't going to work, just so you all know"

The air was frozen along with them, and yet footsteps echoed through the vast chamber from the door behind them all. The voice was ice cold, the amusement darting around the edge of it sharpening the words rather than giving them any warmth.

"She'd probably figure that out herself, if she wasn't in such a rush." A figure passed between Raime and Vash, paying the gunman and behemoth no heed as he strode towards Ciri. He was a gaunt man in dark brown leather, his boots almost up to his knees and his face as pale as death itself, save for the vague hints of a smirk on his lips. There was something about him that seemed familiar to them all, but in a way that their minds screamed they never wanted to remember. He moved to circle Ciri, stare full of analytical boredem as he spoke again. "Its subtle, but the edges of this world are very wrong. Its impressive how the work of just a few men and women could have such wide reaching implications. All this is happening because one man wondered, and his wonderings have whole worlds smashing together, their edges rubbing off onto his own. Thats all you are by the way. Shavings. Side effects of one man's questions. And despite that... you're the only ones who can do anything about it. A whole world will literally be at your fingertips in the end, to save, rule... destroy..."

He stopped his pacing and pivoted on his heel, facing the group with a calm smile as he clasped his arms in front of him.


"So lets see what you choose. But first you'll have to get there. So tread carefully little copies, if you want to save yourselves, miss Ciri, either of these worlds and your own. There are things far more terrible than you or even I that have been drawn to this, this tear in what is and what will be, and if you cross them callously, well..."

He shrugged and raised his hands to snap his fingers.

"You'll see what I mean shortly."


-d's fabric. Ruby tried to speak up, to stop whatever Ciri was doing before the portal opened, to warn her about what just happened.

She didn't get out more than a "STO-" before dark grey tendrils of scaly flesh suddenly gripped the sides of the portal. Ciri's eyes flared wide, her hand tried once to gesture to seal the portal shut, and when that didn't work she reached for her sword. She all but managed to twitch her hand in its direction before the portal was rent wide open, and something flew out to skewer the girl almost half a dozen times, lifting her off the ground with a sharp gag that died in Ciri's throat as her head lolled back.

The portal was forced open farther, and the thing slithered out through the air as if it was water, Ciri limp on its talon'd limbs as its eyeless visage seemed to roam over the group. For now almost seeming to study them, no intent to strike save what it had already done. That was likely not true both ways.


It sure as heck wasn't true for Ruby, who's let out a choked gasp at her friend(?)'s sudden end before her slightly teary eyes narrowed in a surprising determined fury for such a small form as she reached for Crescent Ro-

Oh. Right.

Instead she made a mad dash for the doors so she could drop Yang off first. THEN she was gonna open up a can of huntress buttwhoopin on... whatever this was

@Schnee Corp Lawyer @OrlandoBloomers @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Saint Guillotine @El Tigre! @Jeremi @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Krieg @CCC Kouhai @C.T. @york @Thuro The Assassin Potato
Well. That was cryptic.

And maddening in turn, providing just enough information to get them curious and not enough to show what was really going on. Still, this....Being didn't resemble any sort of Trickster or God he was familiar with. Save perhaps the Black Pharaoh, who he thankfully managed to avoid up to this point. Was this his work? No...He'd imagine there would be a more sinister feel to it, as well as a fairer disposition. At the least, he was right about one thing.

It really wasn't going to be as easy as all that. And it was now confirmed that at least one Great Power had a vested interest in their group and them individually. He stopped searching the body in the control room, rose up and strode to the window as from his right sleeve flicked out a katana handle.

And froze briefly as he took note of what happened, of the creature unmoving as Saint Guillotine activated in his hand.

And kicking off from his vantage point, the Executioner rushed into battle, slashing down with the blade right at its back, targeting on the assumption that its body followed basic rule of thumb as he aimed for where the spine connected near the skull base.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer @OrlandoBloomers @TheSpringwoodSlasher @El Tigre! @Jeremi @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Krieg @CCC Kouhai @C.T. @york @Thuro The Assassin Potato
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Vash quickly backpeddled the hell away from Ciri as her hands began to glow and the portal started to open. Peeking out from behind Raimes, Vash couldn't help but look in awe at this powerful display from Ciri. He'd met plenty of women in his long time of life but never any who could create portals! But wait a second here, she was just going to any world? That raised a couple of alarm bells with Vash because he certainly didn't want to be stranded on some planet with no donuts or anything! That'd be terrible, he'd have to speak out against this injustice. Which he did so by politely raising his hand and asking in a gentle voice.

"Is it too late to back out of this? I don't know if I'm fine with the implications of being taken to some random world without my friends or donuts."

But before Vash's request could gain any responses, he felt himself freeze up suddenly. This wasn't an unfamiliar feeling to the gunsman mainly due to Legato's antics involving innocent people and bending them to his will. But this felt more alien than even that and he couldn't even struggle against this feeling, again unlike Legato's control.

He'd finally notice the source of the feeling walking right past him and Raimes as he began to circle Ciri. He couldn't quite place it but something about this man seemed familiar. He mentioned that all of this was the result of one man which only furthered Vash's suspicions even more. Having gone up against Knives's band of mercenaries: The Gung Ho Guns, he knew his brother had friends in high places so was this man just another subordinate and all of this another one of Knives's attempts to wipe out the human race for having the fault of being so inferior to him and his brother. Either way, he couldn't help but grow more and more annoyed the second this man continued speaking. What did he know that all of them were so unaware of? Who was he and why did they have to be subjected to the curiosity of one man?


As everything seemed to return to the way it was, Vash could only watch in horror as Ciri was impaled by the creature that had appeared through the portal. It horrified him to say the least to see someone who had been trying to help all of them just suddenly cut down. But whatever the case, he wasn't going to sit by and see someone's corpse slung onto a mindless creature's claws. Whipping out his gun, Vash took aim as he sought to try and let loose an onslaught of shots, aimed at the creature's arms before seeking to blast it straight in the face.

All of which if it was successful, he'd seek to sprint forward as he tried to work in conjunction with Lucifer's attempted sword attack to try and grip Ciri and smash his fist into what constituted as the creature's face. If only so he could shove it back while trying to free Ciri from it's grip. Even if he had seen her head loll back, he hated seeing someone in such a position like this. Even someone he hadn't talked to for so long. Even if he got hurt in the process. He had to save everyone.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer @OrlandoBloomers @TheSpringwoodSlasher @El Tigre! @Jeremi @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Krieg @CCC Kouhai @C.T. @york @Thuro The Assassin Potato
Raime's eyes followed the little man as he so boldly walked past him and Vash. He had no questions. No curiosity. The idea that he was some copy was preposterous! No one could do such a thing. But, before he could tell the man just how idiotic he sounded, he was gone... and everything went wrong rather fast. Raime watched as Ciri was impaled. It made the towering knight cringe under his helmet. Though he didn't feel any sadness that she was dead, he certainly understood the idea of pain. Raime only hoped these people weren't Cursed. That wouldn't be a memory he'd want to keep with him.


He started forward rapidly... before winding the huge sword up for a swing. "Impressive."


"You won't get to do it again." The huge blade arced with all of the force he could muster at the creature's waist.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer @OrlandoBloomers @TheSpringwoodSlasher @El Tigre! @Jeremi @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Krieg @CCC Kouhai @C.T. @york @Thuro The Assassin Potato

If nothing else, she would be able to witness the portal opening. She stood at her perch, near the spot where the windows had been before being shattered. Reaching other worlds with ease like this? That seemed--

...Yep. Her thought was confirmed not a moment later when everything down to the air whishing around them was frozen. It had seemed too good to be true. When those situations came, it usually ended badly. Unable to even move a single strand of muscle, she just listened. Unable to vehemently deny the stupid claim of being called shavings. How dare this peasant. This fucking guy. Only brave enough to say that when she was frozen, she wagered. Typical. As it was, her scowl remained internal as time resumed and...

All that happened. She winced, the small part of her that was feeling like saying "I told you so" overshadowed by the rest of her shocked by the sudden creature. A portal bringing another creature here. Doorways swung both ways, after all. Even back home...but as she studied the creature from this vantage point...she could tell it was nothing she had heard about from home. The Spirit World, home to many strange creatures and otherworldly things. None matched this description as far as she knew and she could sense nothing like it. She was more spiritually attuned than almost any other Firebender alive but she felt no spiritual charge like she was used to. "...Hmph."

Analysis of consequences. Those idiots if their sword and melee strikes hit and hers did likewise...they might be electrocuted if the metal was conductive. Not that I really care. And there was no guarantee her lightning would even affect such a creature. But there was only one way to be certain. Taking advantage of the time afforded to her and her vantage point from the control room, she willed her thoughts away and focused on the only thing that mattered right now. Taking a deep breath, she went through the familiar and yet also unfamiliar motions...separating the positive and negative energy around her. The imbalance upset the energies and in a moment, the yin and yang crashed back together, generating her lightning. With a thrust, she directed the raw energy over to the creature.


Well, at least that guy was right in one thing. The power is at my fingertips.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer @OrlandoBloomers @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Saint Guillotine @El Tigre! @Jeremi @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Krieg @CCC Kouhai @BarrenThin @york @Thuro The Assassin Potato
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