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Life has me at it
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
Online Availability
Normally all day, especially M-F mornings. Weekends depends. I will let you know if I am going to be away.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
I like pretty much everything, have done pretty much everything. Mecha, school, fantasy, pack, historical, magically, modern, sci-fi, slave/master, yaoi, horror, action, romance, paranormal, anime themed, etc.
Looking for someone who can...
-make multiple posts per day (at least two)
(if you can't one day just tell me example 'hey will be busy tomorrow might not be able to post'. I also know that things come up last minute, so if you can't tell me up front its no big deal but if it is something that happens often, I might ask to call a quits. I will let you know if I can't/won't be able to post for a day.)
-has good spelling and grammar
-write multiple, detailed and well thought out paragraphs
-play dominate role

Looking for RP with
-MxM (+NPC as needed)
-MxF (+NPC as needed)

Looking for Genre
-time traveling
-romance (with a plot)
-fandom (depends on topic just as me)
-open to other ideas just ask me

-is definitely ok : 70(P) x 30(S) or 80(P) x 20(S) I want a plot line not mindless smut.
-nothing extremely dark (violence, angst, darkness is good to a point)
-Oks: bondage, D/M, S/M, non consensual, Uke/Seme, rough.... (just ask and I will say yes or no)
-NOs: fisting, showers of any kind, extreme dark violence.... (again just ask and I will say yes or no)

Looking for a person
-who is a red heart ONLY
-is open and honest
-has good communication skills
-is willing to plan with me or allow me to plan if you don't want to

Currently interested in RP
-Time travel (my character from the future, partner from the past)
-open to other ideas just ask me

Please post requests and interest here. Thank you!
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Reactions: TheChronicler
added interest idea

-MxM: dominate (authority such as a prince, etc) x submissive (I would play S role). Want something were the dominate takes what he wants, rough, a little violent, push/pull. PM me for more information on this one.
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Hey I am looking for someone to play a male role or two in a historical roleplay with me, I can currently post several times a week but my posting average is 2.5 to 5 paragraphs on average. :) Interested in hearing more?
@Arwen sorry I forgot to do that
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sorry, currently tapped out
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