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    Votes: 4 44.4%
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  • Pie

    Votes: 2 22.2%

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Original poster
Welcome to my search thread! Strap in and prepare yourself doods, - this may take a while! There might be a cookie reward upon completion.​

Alrighty! With that out of the way - Hello! Allow me to introduce myself; I go by quite a few names but let's go with Kar for now. But feel free to call me whatever you like! As long as it's not homophobic/racist/etc. slurs it'll be fine with me. Bonus points if you find something new to call me each time you need to use my 'name'​ I've been roleplaying for 4-5 years - but time doesn't necessarily = skill level. By that I mean, I have a lot of ways to go in terms of improvement in my writing, but I guess I'm semi-decent? I'll let you decide that for yourself, anyway. If you want an example of my roleplaying style then ask and I can send you an extract from an existing roleplay or something. Bear in minds my posts, as everyone's will, depending on the flow of the story! I focus mainly on MxM roleplays, but if I can be swayed to do an MxF. If there's any other personal info you'd like to know about me, feel free to ask at any time!

[fieldbox="RULES AND EXPECTATIONS, goldenrod, dotted, 10"][o]Please read all of these as they're important. Main points have been highlighted for convenience of all you lazy peeps c;[/o]

Θ Leave suddenly without warning. If you need to leave for some reason then please at least give me a quick heads up. If you do go then come back, please don't be afraid to come back to me! It doesn't matter how long it's been. I'm not gonna bite your head off for leaving and chances are I'd love to continue the roleplay with you! Or if not create a whole new one.
Θ Ghost me. This is something I really hate. If you're not enjoying the roleplay - whether it be you're just not connecting with the plot anymore, you don't like what's going on, or you just don't like my writing style... Tell me. Don't just leave me hanging, because that's just unfair? I tend to overthink things and it can really mess with my mental state. I'm not gonna get upset with you or anything if you decide you want to quit. Hell, if you're nervous you don't have to tell me the real reason, just come up with some shitty excuse! Or if it's that hard for you, we can come up with a safe word beforehand - such as I dunno... 'Coconuts.' Just say your word and either 'new' or 'finish' to tell me whether you want to start something else or part ways. If you want to part then I'll leave it at that, no more said. Or we can start plotting something else. Sound good?
Θ Use text talk within the roleplay. OOC it's ok, but not IC unless your character is texting someone, and you're writing what they're saying in that text.
Θ Control my characters, please. What's the point of roleplaying with me if you're just going to take over?
Θ Godmod. Goes without saying really, doesn't it?
Θ Leave too short a time between poking me. Leave at least 3 days between each reminder.
Be capable of or willing to play a male character!
Be able to reply at least 3 times a week! I'm active daily, so it'd be nice to have a pretty active partner, but I know things can come up that can delay responses, so don't feel too pressured about this one. As long as you don't take months to reply at a time we should be ok.
Be able to post a minimum of one paragraph - measuring at least 3 sentences.
Have a basic understanding of grammar and spelling. Slip-ups and mistakes are ok, and I get that English isn't everyone's first language. I just need to be able to understand what you're trying to say.
Feel free to talk to me OOC! I love to make new friends and have people to talk to. I get that I can be annoying sometimes and too much for people though, so it's not a mandatory part of roleplaying with me.
✔ Tell me about any ideas you get! If there's something you want to discuss about the RP that you want to happen or whatever, then let's chat about it so we can make it happen!
Feel free to add in extra characters! Multiple characters help keep the story flowing, but if you're not comfortable with playing more than one person you don't have to, it's optional.
Give me a poke if I haven't replied in a little while, I may have forgotten. If I have to leave for a while I will usually check in with you.

So, what can you expect from me?:

A post at least once a week, if not daily, depending on your reply speed.
1-6 paragraphs depending on the flow of the story.
Someone willing to work with you on a plot so it's enjoyable for both of us!
A possible new friend? c;​

With all that out of the way, onto pairings and plots! Roles in bold are the ones I'd prefer, but don't be afraid to request that role instead! Pairings with asterisks beside them also have a plot, situated below. ^^ -- And remember, if you don't see anything you like but you're still interested in roleplaying with me, I'm open to any suggestions you have! So shoot me those ideas! :D
[fieldbox="PAIRINGS!, cyan, dotted, 10"]
Werewolf x Hunter
Werewolf x Human *
‣ Werewolf x Werewolf *
‣ Werewolf x Vampire
‣ Werewolf x Experiment *
Experiment x Scientist
‣ Experiment x Experiment *
Shapeshifter x Hunter
‣ Vampire x Vampire *
Vampire x Hunter *
Vampire x Human*
Demon x Angel *
Demon x Hunter
Demon x Human *
‣ Dragonrider x Thief *
Siren x Pirate/Captain *
Ghost x Human
--- Something Apocalyptic!
Character A, after finally moving out of their parents house, had been looking for a new place of residence for a while now. Everywhere just seemed to be so expensive, too small, or cramped with too many other people living there. Eventually, after hours of searching through advertisements online CA had found the perfect place. It was within his budget, a good size and he only had to share it with one other person - jackpot! The other resident of the house, Character B is a rather quiet individual, coming off as secretive, keeping to themselves. Almost every night CB would sneak out the house, not returning until the late hours of the next morning. After a while, CA's curiosity got the better of him. So one evening he followed CB out, to see what the hell was going on...
Character A and Character B were both raised in the same facility. Both were experiments, created to test new theories on creating humans that could turn into an animal. As they grew up, Character A, the youngest, was the center of attention, but as years went on, and new tests were developed, Character B was beginning to outshine CA. Eventually, after an array of tests, CA was deemed a failure. CB was just better - older, stronger, more capable! So they abandoned CA to the basement, where the rest of the 'failed' experiments were kept.

For a few years, CB was the center of attention, but all that changed when new methods came about. They trumped the ones that had developed into CB's creation. Because of this, the scientists decided it would be better to discard CB as well. Why have an experiment that could turn into one animal, when you could have one that could turn into any animal?

CB was abandoned to the basement, where he would've stayed until his death. However, he had other plans, meaning the transfer didn't go nearly as smooth as the scientists had anticipated. CB fought back, escaping from his captors. On his way out, he spotted a familiar face looming behind one of the cages - CA. He unlocked the cage, and the two escaped together. Unfortunately for the rest of the experiments, they were either too damaged and aggressive from experimentation to be let out, or had gone insane from so long of being trapped alone in the dark.

The two experiments set off to find a new, better life for themselves, but to do that they have to survive in the wild on their own - a place they've never been before. All the while, the scientists are hunting them down, to stop their secrets getting out to the world.
Character A is a newly turned Vamp. He'd only been on the scene for about a week, and he was already causing all sorts of trouble.

Character B is an experienced Vampire, having been a Vamp for many years now. CB catches wind of CA and is concerned for his own safety - if CA draws the attention of hunters, all the Vampires in the area would be threatened.

Instead of killing CA, which was CB's first intention, CB decides to take him under his wing, caring for him and teaching him how better to survive without being a danger to others
Character A is a hunter, focusing primarily on taking down and ridding the world of as many Vampires he can find. On his latest case, he comes across Character B, who is eager to help. Managing to convince CA that he could be a useful asset, the two begin their journey of tracking down the local bloodsucker. Unbeknown to CA, CB kept leading him astray, editing the info they had gathered to help them find the Vampire. However, also unknown to CB, CA had been doing extra work on his own. One night, CA had finally discovered the location of the Vamp and so off he set, alone to the location. Upon arriving, he burst in... On CB, the vampire.
Vampires once freely roamed the Earth, alongside humans. They knew of their existence, and even had projects in place to help them survive without being a threat to people. Then... One of the countries leaders changed, and the laws were bent. Vampires became nothing but objects which they would use to fight their battles. It wasn't just the military that kept them, though. There was a... Company, of sorts that kept them as attack dogs. It was very underground stuff, revolving around assassination. They would starve the Vampires, until they were blind with bloodlust... This was because they would refuse to do as they were told, and torture only worked on half of them - though it was still used as a punishment- starvation was a much more effective method. Then, they'd be given their target. They never strayed, as they'd been trained up well enough to know of the consequences if they did.

Character A is one of the Vampires owned by this Company. One evening they were sent out to deal with their next target. This time is was a personal enemy, not a customers. Character B was the target, on their list simply because he was against the Companies use of Vampires. Before the Vampires had replaced them, they had hired human assassins. CB had been one of them, so was unhappy, to say the least, that he'd been put out of a job.

When CA came to attack, CB managed to fight it off. Instead of killing the Vampire, he decided to capture it, hoping to use it for himself.
Character A is an angel, sent down from the heavens to clean up the messes on earth that demons cause when they manage to snake their way up from hell. Their job is to put right what's been put wrong, and deal with the demon responsible.

Character B is a demon - but not just any demon, mind! He's a prince of demons. CB is young and restless, so he often makes his way to the surface to entertain himself. He's reckless and childish, leaving mayhem in his wake. This means that CA is often called upon to trail after CB and clean up his mess. This angel isn't the only one on his trail, though. Hunters dealing in the black market have also caught wind of his presence and are out to get him to make themselves some cash. If they were to grab themselves an angel as well... Well, that would be a very good bonus.
In a world where Supernatural creatures roam the Earth alongside, but undetected by humans there are... Special apartment blocks. They're set out sort of like hotels, and are specifically for non-human patrons. Character A, a demon, is one of the residents that live in one such establishment. Character B, is a human. They somehow managed to find an apartment listed in the deep, deep web, that humans shouldn't even be able to access. They were surprised to find an ad there... But the room was cheap, so they applied for it. The 'species' part on the application had been a bit odd, but still they thought nothing of it. The owner of the place, who also lived there and acted as security, thought it was rather amusing. They doubted it was a human at first, but went with it anyway. They accepted the application, inviting the CB into the apartment block. CA took an immediate interest in the newcomer.
Dragons are rare, very rare... There are more eggs than actual dragons. How is that possible, you may ask? Well, that's simple! Because the eggs won't hatch unless they come into contact with the 'right person.' That being, whoever they deem worthy. Dragon eggs are protected, and only offered out to a select few who train at a special sort of.. Academy. There are very few dragon riders, as dragons are picky things. Just because you train at an Academy, doesn't necessarily mean you'll get a Dragon at the end of it. People can spend years training, and end up wit nothing. There are ways to prove yourself as worthy to a dragon... But it takes a long time, and is almost impossibly difficult. Suicidal, almost.

Character A is a Dragon Rider, and one of the teachers at the Academy. One day, they were informed that someone had stolen one of the eggs in the protection of the Academy. They were told that they needed to retrieve it as soon as possible, before it was sold off.

Character B, is said thief. They were a known, and pretty wanted thief. Dragon eggs were one of the most valuable things around, so of course they had been after one for years. Finally, they had achieved their goal! Egg in hand, they ran. Knowing someone wouldn't be far behind him to retrieve the stolen good. Unfortunately... His plans of selling the egg would never be reached. As for whatever reason, the dragon inside the egg chose him as its rider. Despite CA's protest, the teacher is tasked with training CB how to raise and care properly for the dragon - then later on how to ride and even fight with one.
Characer A is a Siren, who was thrown out of his group. He'd been beaten, almost to death and tossed out to sea to die. He would've done just that, if it wasn't for Character B. CB was the captain of a ship, which just so happened to pass by where CA had ended up, barely conscious floating in the middle of the ocean. On CB's orders, CA was rescued from the water. CA was left to rest in the Captains quarters. It was only when he woke up, when CB discovered who, or what, rather.. He really was.
Character A lives in a small village, a stones throw away from a large forest. The older generation in the village pass down tales on how the forest is said to be haunted by lost spirits, lost and confused as they aren't aware that they're dead. It was said that there used to be a man that would go into the forest to set these spirits free, so they could be free once more. But now, no one believed those stories, so the spirits were left to roam, alone and afraid. On their usual trip through the forest one afternoon, Character A stumbled upon someone they'd never seen before - Character B. They looked lost, and as if they hadn't eaten or showered in days. They didn't smell too great either, plus their skin was an an unsettling pale color. It was getting late, so CA offers to take CB back to his place for some food and a wash. CB eagerly agrees, trailing after CA. But upon reaching the edge of the forest, CA turns around to find CB nowhere in sight, even though they were pretty sure he'd been right behind him... CA called out for a while, but finally had to give up as it was getting cold and headed home. The next day he set back out again, and sure enough there was CB, standing, waiting for CA in the same place he'd been the previous afternoon.
Character A had inherited his fathers dog when he passed about a year ago. The dog was very smart, and somehow always seemed to know when something was wrong with someone. Character B recently, turned 18, used to be a happy, straight A student... That was until his best, and only friend had died from cancer. From then, he turned to drugs, alcohol, and anything else he could find to indulge in self destruction. One night as a huge storm was settling in, CA's dog got out and ran off, which was unheard of from this particular canine. Worried, CA spent the evening frantically searching for his companion, until the storm got too bad that he had to return inside.

Not far away, CB was off on his way to the shop when he came across the dog, seemingly lost. Abandoning his reason for being out, he took the dog back to his place, worried for the animals safety during the storm. The next day, CA sets out in search for his dog in the aftermath of the storm. After asking around, he was directed to CB's apartment, with warnings that he should 'be careful'. (TRIGGER WARNING: Will contain; Mentions of death, substance abuse and possible self harm descriptions/mentions.)
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Dragonrider x Thief sounds amazing, and I feel like I could play a pretty good thief. Unfortunately, I'm not entirely comfortable playing MxM (I can't really swing a male main :/) but if you're willing to try MxF with me, hit me up :D
Dragonrider x Thief sounds amazing, and I feel like I could play a pretty good thief. Unfortunately, I'm not entirely comfortable playing MxM (I can't really swing a male main :/) but if you're willing to try MxF with me, hit me up :D
Mxf isn't my usual thing, but I don't mind giving it a go! ^^ Shoot me a PM?~
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Hey, I love anything apocalyptic and scientist/experiment. Let me know if you're still looking.
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Reactions: Straix
There were an unholy amount of mistakes in there... And I forgot to bold anything o-o'' I fixed it now though. Woops.
I would be interested in the werewolf x hunter if you'd like to hear my idea for a plot.