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A Real Walking Talking Human


"I really, really want to date."




Gender: Male
Physical Age: 19 going on 20
Date of Birth:
Yin or Yang?




Background: (optional)
Why Do You Want to be a God?:
Relationships: (with the other Zodiacs)

Character Description: One paragraph will do, though, you may write more if you please. It will be added to the character list later.(Example: Soo Mi, the mischevious Monkey is known to be the troublemaker of the Zodiacs. She has never been more happy to be free and wild again after being released from her imprisonment in the mountains for being quite naughty among the humans. Now that she's free, she wants nothing more than to lift her ice cream ban and the only way to do that is to win the race and become a god. Soo Mi figures it'll be easy.)

Theme Song(optional)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent semper nisl velit, sit amet laoreet ligula facilisis quis. Fusce rhoncus sem non felis laoreet laoreet. Maecenas pharetra orci et facilisis cursus. In laoreet elementum massa. Nulla feugiat erat aliquet auctor volutpat. Phasellus non convallis nisl. In arcu sem, tincidunt pharetra convallis sit amet, ornare at turpis. Integer sed metus ipsum. Phasellus bibendum orci et maximus gravida.

Etiam iaculis cursus mauris sit amet pellentesque. Ut lobortis felis sit amet vehicula vestibulum. Curabitur condimentum tristique venenatis. Cras viverra magna non urna fermentum, id commodo augue dapibus. Donec quam tortor, tincidunt sit amet vulputate nec, porttitor sed lacus. Sed quis consectetur magna, nec fringilla mi. Nam congue metus elit, eget posuere justo sodales et. Sed vitae libero hendrerit, vehicula nunc mattis, sagittis mauris. Ut pretium ante at tellus ornare bibendum. Duis eu nisl eget magna cursus eleifend. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis orci massa, eu dapibus orci varius sit amet. Vestibulum in enim dictum, sodales enim sed, finibus metus.

Phasellus vel elit vitae elit egestas tempor eget eget dui. Fusce non porttitor leo, at fermentum dui. Proin pretium, eros in dapibus vulputate, neque enim bibendum arcu, in sollicitudin mi felis quis quam. Cras quis consectetur urna. Cras varius lectus vitae risus ullamcorper, eget euismod ex laoreet. Duis et vehicula nisl. Donec et congue sapien. Ut eget eros vel neque cursus cursus non eu lectus. Donec sed pretium libero.

Vivamus blandit fringilla dolor, et euismod augue scelerisque eget. Nulla fringilla, nisi non hendrerit accumsan, dolor massa venenatis est, eget vulputate dui neque at libero. Morbi hendrerit ut dolor vitae blandit. Praesent sit amet fermentum nisl. Quisque sit amet erat ut purus convallis imperdiet. Nulla sit amet placerat metus. Cras sed nisl at est tempor ullamcorper vel eget risus. Vivamus iaculis a neque nec scelerisque. Nam ac mauris porttitor, vulputate mi vel, malesuada dui. Aliquam erat volutpat. Proin placerat cursus sem, non facilisis leo euismod non. Etiam ut enim a lectus varius malesuada sit amet id lacus. Praesent massa neque, ultricies sed metus non, dapibus finibus arcu.

Cras vestibulum luctus nibh sit amet sagittis. Nunc fringilla ligula laoreet, dictum est ut, faucibus arcu. Duis at risus in purus volutpat porttitor id nec sem. Donec hendrerit metus erat, vel placerat tortor pretium vestibulum. Proin vulputate scelerisque dolor nec tristique. Sed malesuada rutrum aliquam. Donec luctus ante libero, quis ornare elit molestie eu. Donec venenatis molestie dui. In ornare arcu fermentum velit porttitor, at scelerisque nunc interdum.

Roleplay: The Great Race
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Leon Nakamura


Half Human/Half Demon


Leon is an attractive young man who is well aware of his looks and the effect it may have on others. He had taken the best from both his human and demon heritage. With his raven black hair, fine and straight, usually kept above his shoulders, though sometimes put into a ponytail he lets it down free. It compliments his pale skin and bright blue eyes, while his pupils are seemingly regular, when his emotions heightened, they form slits, revealing his demon side inside. Worst case scenario, his eyes become the colour red. His body frame is a thin one, but he does not lack muscles or the shape of them. And his tall height of 6'0 only proceeds to make him look thinner. And he keeps his clothing simple, casual even. No one would guess he is a wizard.

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Tian Bo
"I am but a shadow, and as a shadow, I shall be the darkness so there can be light."
NAME: Lai Tian Bo

NICKNAME/S: "It's just Bo"

GENDER: Female

AGE: 19

A warrior over a lady. That is the type of person Bo is. Rather than following the customs and hobbies as any other lady, she is the type to pick up a sword and spar. Instead of awing over silk dresses and jewellery, she awed over martial arts techniques and specially made weapons. One could even say that Bo neglected the fact that she is a woman, and more importantly, many others neglect, or more like forget, this fact too. It is rare that she ever exudes ladylike manners or nature. She is a very open-hearted woman with apparently thick-skin and so much confidence, she might as well be arrogant, though, that arrogance is the quiet and subtle kind. Something you never get until moments after it is said and done.

A loyal woman who defends the ones she cares for without any regards to herself. Those loyalties of hers are too one person, in particular, her adoptive older brother. Who might as well be her blood brother for how close they became over the years. When she was a young a starving orphan who lost her parents to bandits, he was the one that took her in, named her, taught her and cared for her like his own. In return, she swore to protect him like he did her.

So, as soon as she was able to pick up a sword, she learned to fight. Her experiences moulded her into the strong, fearless and stubborn woman she grew to be. Despite acting tough and confident, she is more sensitive than one would guess, being easily temperamental.

Thanks to @CrystalTears for amazing coding :3[/div]
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Baek Jun



Two words. Tall and Handsome. With his thin frame, he appears even taller than he really is. And most people assume he mostly skin and bones because of the skinny jeans and body shirts he wears. When in reality, he is, in fact, quite nicely shaped. His hair is naturally dark brown, though, it might as well be raven black. However, on some occasions, he dyes his hair and every color goes well with his brown eyes. While his skins is pale, it is not flawless, having scars scattered here and there.

Kind-hearted + Easy-Going + Clever + Thoughtful + Daring

Arrogant - Reserved - Teasing - Lackadaisical - Scatter-brained

Jun is the first born and only child of the Baek family. Unfortunately, unlike most single children he did not receive all the love and the attention from his parents. In fact, they neglected him more than often, leaving him to himself. He was quite a lonely child until he met his best friend in elementary school. From that moment onward, the two boys were inseparable. His best friend's family was like his own, every other day he hung out at their house and went on trips with them.​

Han Eun-Young
I don't care,
I just want you,
that's all I'll ever want.






Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed dapibus purus vel dui feugiat iaculis. Aenean rhoncus accumsan ante, in accumsan diam. Nam placerat ullamcorper nibh, rhoncus malesuada ante sagittis a. Vestibulum mauris enim, sagittis vitae nibh congue, laoreet posuere nibh. Etiam maximus nisl vel ipsum pellentesque ultrices. Quisque massa tortor, tempus quis urna vitae, ultricies malesuada elit. Curabitur nulla mauris, ultrices eu turpis in, ultricies dignissim mauris.

Nullam eget nunc et nulla blandit aliquet. In rhoncus tincidunt leo. Morbi egestas dolor nec vulputate egestas. In fermentum auctor ante sit amet pellentesque. Donec suscipit sollicitudin augue vel dignissim. Donec nec tincidunt ante, at blandit massa. Pellentesque blandit quis dolor at tincidunt. Donec egestas viverra enim id malesuada. Praesent pretium turpis in nisl feugiat, sit amet volutpat ipsum luctus. Morbi in elit ex. Curabitur pretium odio vitae ex pulvinar bibendum. Etiam pellentesque erat lacus, sed pharetra lacus cursus ut. Pellentesque a scelerisque turpis, quis accumsan justo. Cras vulputate erat ullamcorper mi luctus, id sollicitudin erat tincidunt. Sed pulvinar, erat sit amet finibus fermentum, est enim congue risus, eget efficitur sem velit suscipit odio.

Phasellus consectetur dui dolor, a gravida enim tincidunt fermentum. Quisque at fringilla augue. Maecenas nec augue nec quam dapibus volutpat vitae id lorem. Mauris cursus malesuada elit nec efficitur. Proin congue lectus velit, ut congue ipsum posuere vel. Ut interdum suscipit metus id dignissim. Phasellus mi nisi, faucibus vitae hendrerit eu, commodo sed odio. Fusce ut est nisl.

Aenean accumsan risus tortor. Curabitur volutpat odio non libero imperdiet tincidunt. Fusce vehicula blandit rhoncus. Maecenas blandit est ac purus gravida sodales. Sed et eros tempus metus malesuada egestas. Nulla mattis ante condimentum eros tempor, ut cursus magna luctus. Donec placerat nisl elit, aliquam hendrerit ante gravida et. Donec ullamcorper et magna ut elementum. Cras nunc magna, dapibus ac hendrerit dapibus, viverra mattis arcu. Suspendisse et dolor facilisis ex malesuada eleifend ac pharetra felis. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur eu tellus non sapien commodo ultricies. Sed luctus porttitor odio, at dignissim nisl eleifend in.

In condimentum, tortor id mollis placerat, augue leo pulvinar ex, sit amet condimentum nulla tellus nec eros. Sed maximus ex leo, vitae lobortis massa ornare id. Phasellus ullamcorper risus eget turpis fringilla, id volutpat libero interdum. Curabitur mattis, eros id gravida egestas, sem enim lobortis eros, vitae tristique dui eros vel enim. Cras eros nibh, sodales vitae placerat aliquet, volutpat vel metus. Sed volutpat consectetur eros in tristique. Sed suscipit vestibulum eleifend.

Codes done by the one and only @CrystalTears
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Seo Yun-Hee
I'm not angry,
I don't hate you,
I just missed you.






Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed dapibus purus vel dui feugiat iaculis. Aenean rhoncus accumsan ante, in accumsan diam. Nam placerat ullamcorper nibh, rhoncus malesuada ante sagittis a. Vestibulum mauris enim, sagittis vitae nibh congue, laoreet posuere nibh. Etiam maximus nisl vel ipsum pellentesque ultrices. Quisque massa tortor, tempus quis urna vitae, ultricies malesuada elit. Curabitur nulla mauris, ultrices eu turpis in, ultricies dignissim mauris.

Nullam eget nunc et nulla blandit aliquet. In rhoncus tincidunt leo. Morbi egestas dolor nec vulputate egestas. In fermentum auctor ante sit amet pellentesque. Donec suscipit sollicitudin augue vel dignissim. Donec nec tincidunt ante, at blandit massa. Pellentesque blandit quis dolor at tincidunt. Donec egestas viverra enim id malesuada. Praesent pretium turpis in nisl feugiat, sit amet volutpat ipsum luctus. Morbi in elit ex. Curabitur pretium odio vitae ex pulvinar bibendum. Etiam pellentesque erat lacus, sed pharetra lacus cursus ut. Pellentesque a scelerisque turpis, quis accumsan justo. Cras vulputate erat ullamcorper mi luctus, id sollicitudin erat tincidunt. Sed pulvinar, erat sit amet finibus fermentum, est enim congue risus, eget efficitur sem velit suscipit odio.

Phasellus consectetur dui dolor, a gravida enim tincidunt fermentum. Quisque at fringilla augue. Maecenas nec augue nec quam dapibus volutpat vitae id lorem. Mauris cursus malesuada elit nec efficitur. Proin congue lectus velit, ut congue ipsum posuere vel. Ut interdum suscipit metus id dignissim. Phasellus mi nisi, faucibus vitae hendrerit eu, commodo sed odio. Fusce ut est nisl.

Aenean accumsan risus tortor. Curabitur volutpat odio non libero imperdiet tincidunt. Fusce vehicula blandit rhoncus. Maecenas blandit est ac purus gravida sodales. Sed et eros tempus metus malesuada egestas. Nulla mattis ante condimentum eros tempor, ut cursus magna luctus. Donec placerat nisl elit, aliquam hendrerit ante gravida et. Donec ullamcorper et magna ut elementum. Cras nunc magna, dapibus ac hendrerit dapibus, viverra mattis arcu. Suspendisse et dolor facilisis ex malesuada eleifend ac pharetra felis. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur eu tellus non sapien commodo ultricies. Sed luctus porttitor odio, at dignissim nisl eleifend in.

In condimentum, tortor id mollis placerat, augue leo pulvinar ex, sit amet condimentum nulla tellus nec eros. Sed maximus ex leo, vitae lobortis massa ornare id. Phasellus ullamcorper risus eget turpis fringilla, id volutpat libero interdum. Curabitur mattis, eros id gravida egestas, sem enim lobortis eros, vitae tristique dui eros vel enim. Cras eros nibh, sodales vitae placerat aliquet, volutpat vel metus. Sed volutpat consectetur eros in tristique. Sed suscipit vestibulum eleifend.

Codes done by the one and only @CrystalTears
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Reactions: CrystalTears

I laugh with many
but don't trust any


[ Name ]
Alexander Elias Schmidt

[ Nicknames ]

[ Date of Birth ]
December 1st

[ Age ]

[ Gender ]

[ Sexual Preference ]

[ Ethnicity/Race ]
Austrian | German | Norwegian

[ Occupation ]
Night Club DJ


[ Hair ]
Dark brown, chestnut colored hair, usually kept short and even. However, most times it's a tousled mess.

[ Face ]
Oval, triangular.

[ Eyes ]
Light green.

[ Body ]
Atheletic; while he isn't too muscular, he is very much shaped with a tall and sturdy build. Though those muscle aren't very evident unless he's clothless.

[ Height ]

[ Weight ]
172 lbs.

[ Tattoos ]
His left wrist.

[ Piercings ]
One on his right earlobe.

[Birthmarks/Moles/Scars ]
He has a few little beauty marks on face and scattered on his body.

[ Outfit/Clothing Style ]
Alex likes to dress comfortable, wearing simple things like sneakers, jeans t-shirts and large sweaters, always sweaters, if not then he's wearing a hoodie. His style is very casual, on occasions he will try something more chic.

[ Faceclaim ]
Grant Gustin


[ Overall Personality ]
A dork. Alex could be described with that one word as he is very dorkish. He's a rather carefree soul who is very friendly among first meetings as he. His temper is mild and he's almost always patient, it takes a lot to genuinely get him angry. While he may seem a little shy, he's really not, he's just lost in his own thoughts most of the time. Really, he's a confident guy with a teasing and flirtatious streak. He exudes cheek and and charm both, being a very charismatic person, people seem to be attracted to him. Yet, he would not describe himself too much of a good person as he is known to be rough with his words as he is blunt and straightforward and insensitive to other's feelings. Nor is he ever very apologetic for his actions.

[ Likes ]
Music; alcohol; dancing; dogs; jogging; making music; singing; coffee; flirting;

[ Dislikes ]
Screamo; being bossed around; crying; cats; plagiarism; humid weather;

[ Fears ]
Never being able publish his own music; being betrayed

[ Hobbies ]
Video games; playing piano/guitar/ukulele/violin; jogging; singing; recording song covers

[ Mental/Health Ailments ]
Alex suffers from some symptoms of autism and is severely allergic to shellfish. He is also nearsighted, but wears contacts instead of his glasses. He only wears glasses at home for comfort.


[ Mother ]
Sophie Schimdt; alive

[ Father ]
Louis Schimdt; alive

[ Siblings ]
Older brother; Noah Schimdt; alive

[ Current Relationship/Status ]

[ Relationship with Adrian Kane ]
Alex met Adian at a party he happened to be DJing at. The two were drunk as a doorknob and ended up bumping into one another, spilling the drinks on each other and so began their drunken adventure, starting with them trying to clean up the other, leading to talking and laughing about nothing at all, trying to pick up chicks and opening up dreams of the future. Afterwards, the two became close friends, finding that they got along even when they weren't completely wasted.

[ Relationship with others ]
To be announced.


[ Past ]
Suffering from symptoms of autism, Alex had a tough making friends, at least true friends. Without knowing it he always pushed people away, including his parents who were lways constantly worried about him. Honestly, they were a loving couple who always supported their son. But like everyone else, he always pushed them away. The only person he was close to was his grandfather, and when Alex was 12 the man passed away, leaving him devastated. His parents managed to comfort him and eventually, he let them in. It was enough to make him better in socializing, he blossomed tremendously. While he wasn't exactly popular in high school, he was well-liked by everyone, and hated by some because of his blunt attitude.

[ Present ]
At present, Alex works as a DJ for a nightclub and during the day he uploads song covers on to youtube, and even some of his original songs. He has a small and cozy apartment, though, a lot of times, he rarely stays the night at his own place, he often stays with his brother or even his parents.

[ Extras]
- Alex has two dogs who are white/cream poodle mixed breed, Nora and Jesse.
- He continues to volunteer at the Animal shelter as he did in his child and teen years.
- One of his original songs made it to the top billboard list, but he did not release it, it was stolen by his ex.


well, my heart is gold and my hands are cold


[ Name ]
Tilde Nadette Durand

[ Nicknames ]
Tildie | Till | Miss Til-de-lot | Beauty queen

[ Date of Birth ]
May 16th

[ Age ]

[ Gender ]

[ Sexual Preference ]

[ Ethnicity/Race ]
Danish | Russian | French

[ Occupation ]


[ Hair ]
Dark brown with light brown highlights, it's long and straight.

[ Face ]
Oval, heart-shaped.

[ Eyes ]

[ Body ]
Slim and curvy.

[ Height ]

[ Weight ]
121 lbs.

[ Tattoos ]
On her right ankle.

[ Piercings ]
Both her earlobes are pierced twice and twice on he helixes.

[Birthmarks/Moles/Scars ]
She has a small and barely noticeable scar right below her hairline with quite a funny story to it.

[ Outfit/Clothing Style ]
Tide is always fashionable, even when she doesn't have name brand she knows how to make it work, being very creative with clothing. She is especially fond of dresses, whether they be simple or formal or casual as well as shoes.

[ Faceclaim (real only) ]
Barbara Palvin


[ Overall Personality ]
Despite being beautiful and very well aware of it, Tilde isn't very vain at all. After all, she is more than just a pretty face and an "easy lay" as people assume her to be. She is very vibrant, playful, affectionate and lively with a kind and an open heart. She isn't one to hide her feelings, instead she acts according to them. If she feels like crying, she'll cry, feels like punching someone in the face, watch out. But it also makes her a sensitive person, easily hurt by others, and she isn't able to hide it making her an easy soul. However, she does have an attitude, known to make sassy and sarcastic comments.

[ Likes ]
Flowers; animals; kittens; waffles; music; dancing; whipped cream; animated movies; yoga; shoes; sports; bad jokes; children

[ Dislikes ]
Rude people; bigots; being treated like less than she is; insects;

[ Fears ]
Ending up alone; ending up like her mother; insects;

[ Hobbies ]
Yoga; watching animated movies; dancing; crocheting

[ Mental/Health Ailments ]
Tilde suffers from recurring bulimia.


[ Past ]
Tilde was always a pretty child, though, her life wasn't too pretty. Her parents never married and her father only came around every once in a while, bearing gifts for his princess. She never once thought anything bad about him, but she did her mother. While her mother singlehandedly provided and raised her, she also neglected her. Most nights she stayed out late after work partying, leaving her child alone at home. And the times she was home, she brought strange men with her who always ended up dumping her. Tilde vowed she would never be like the woman who raised her, however, she wasn't too much better. She focused more on boys than school and partied too much.

[ Present ]
Tilde finally moved out of her mother's house and into her own apartment, which her boyfriend helped her buy. She works as a florist as her mother couldn't afford to pay for her college, though, she isn't too sure if she even wants to go to school. But she is sure she wants to settle down, something she is failing to convince her boyfriend to do with her.

[ Extras]
Tilde has a white kitten named Snowbelle.

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Reactions: CrystalTears


"To me, you're beautiful no matter what they say."

Oliver "Ollie" Bakker



Pansexual Demiromantic

Ollie is very sensitive about his looks, especially his height. He feels he inherited the worst genes from his parents and came out a weird mix of the two. He stands only 5'4 to his great annoyance. And his size isn't very big either, he's sort of thin, though he is not skin and bones, he has muscle mass and his body is in great shape as he worked very hard to get the form he has now. His hair is blonde though kept short. And then there are his eyes, one dark brown and the other blue. It used to be hidden behind his glasses, but now he wears contacts, a colored one to hide his one blue eye. Then there is his skin, it's fair and otherwise would have been perfect if it wasn't for the scars that marred his body. Most of them are hidden though. And he does has his ears pierced, twice on both lobes.

Ollie is very shy and awkward, it's hard for him to become comfortable with others and be assertive. Most times he would let himself get pushed over just because it's easier than actually saying and doing what he wants half the time. Yes, he is a big pushover with people, because of it many people ask him for favors knowing he won't be able to refuse. He is also what they call a scaredy cat, nor can he really hide it as he has an open heart, wearing it on his sleeve. People can easily see how kind he is and most times they take advantage of that too. However, once he feels comfortable around a person he won't be all stutters, mumbles, and blushes. Okay, yes, he'll probably still blush because he's easily made flustered. But, when he is comfortable with a person that is when he becomes more assertive. Some would go even as far to say bossy and constantly nagging. It's true, but it's only because he cares. Many call him a mother figure because he's always trying to take care of his friends. He's really a lively and even a little dorky. Last but not least, he is very affectionate with his friends and family. Hugs and hand holding is a common thing with him.

Rap; guitar; jogging; cotton candy; reading; hand-holding; baked goods; cooking; plants; flowers; dancing; listening to music; cats; puppies; berries; sketching

rude people; being perceived as weak; his height; his father; horror movies (uh, he'll die); spiders; mice; the dark; closed spaces; bullies; bigots; sexist;

Born to a Korean mother and Dutch-American father was Oliver Baker. If you think Oliver is shy scaredy cat now, then you would be blown if you had meant him years ago. His father was an abusive alcoholic who took out his frustrations and anger on his wife and child. Honestly, Oliver could recount many horror stories regarding the man including starving him, which resulted in malnutrition and that stunted his height and made his immune system weak. Unfortunately, all of it played a big part in shaping who he is now. The only solace and freedom that he and his mother shared when was he left for days on end without a word. When he was fifteen, his mother learned that she pregnant but sadly miscarried after receiving a horrible beating from her husband. It was then that Oliver tried to fight back to protect his mother despite being scrawny and weak, a nearly died in the process. That was when his mother finally decided to act. When his father left again, so did they. They skipped town as far as possible. His mother picked up a job as soon as possible and used the saving that she hid to rent them an apartment. With just the two of them, things started to get better slowly but surely. Oliver was able to act like a normal teenager. He himself picked up a job a year later to help support and stabilize them. Now, he wants his mother to find someone and even though it's a selfish wish, he want a younger sibling or two.

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Alex Schimdt

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eu velit a nulla fringilla aliquet ac sed dui. Praesent consequat et purus sed rutrum. Etiam eu nunc pellentesque, dignissim lacus nec, dignissim metus. Vestibulum nec maximus turpis, eget malesuada felis. Fusce nec enim ac ante imperdiet volutpat. Ut tincidunt lectus id mattis faucibus. Morbi pretium porta tortor, id maximus quam. Sed pulvinar, lacus vel luctus pulvinar, elit dui vestibulum urna, eu aliquam nisi tellus nec mi. Integer maximus libero id risus volutpat malesuada.

Aenean vulputate, lectus quis semper venenatis, est nulla pharetra metus, sit amet auctor sapien enim vel orci. Aliquam ultrices commodo diam sit amet volutpat. Sed in convallis libero. Fusce tempor nec quam quis gravida. Donec id felis eget elit tempus rhoncus. Praesent in velit quis felis rhoncus vestibulum. Integer justo nisi, posuere a dictum in, aliquam non mauris. Fusce a nulla leo. Mauris placerat imperdiet ante vel laoreet. Mauris bibendum leo eu sagittis tempor. Mauris volutpat mauris eu ex iaculis, non accumsan purus tempor. Etiam facilisis risus libero. Sed a mollis est, at vulputate lacus.

Quisque pharetra sit amet libero vel iaculis. Integer quis felis elementum, luctus velit et, gravida enim. Pellentesque tincidunt est et consectetur mattis. Pellentesque ultrices nibh quis sapien aliquam fermentum. Duis tempus hendrerit orci sed ultricies. Mauris semper, est in aliquet sagittis, ligula ipsum posuere ante, nec rhoncus quam urna in purus. Donec ex diam, rhoncus eget odio nec, maximus consequat velit. Vestibulum non nibh lacinia metus tristique euismod sit amet sed tortor. Praesent at accumsan velit, ut consequat quam. Ut leo leo, lobortis sit amet elementum non, aliquam id tortor. Vestibulum consectetur enim quis lectus feugiat, nec ullamcorper odio luctus. Sed ac ultricies lorem, vel scelerisque lacus. Curabitur molestie eros non ante rhoncus, eget ultrices quam convallis. Suspendisse non hendrerit eros. Suspendisse vehicula tincidunt leo ullamcorper rhoncus.

Mauris sed neque eget lorem tempus egestas. Curabitur feugiat ipsum eget nibh efficitur faucibus. Praesent pretium nunc enim, a volutpat elit porttitor nec. Duis non rutrum ante. Sed consectetur diam id elit dapibus blandit. Nunc vitae aliquet odio. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce erat enim, sagittis ac bibendum quis, dignissim ac mi. Sed at massa non nisi sollicitudin sagittis a hendrerit quam.

Cras at augue purus. Donec fringilla dolor ac ipsum bibendum, vitae finibus odio posuere. Donec in mattis eros, at venenatis neque. Mauris nec mauris tellus. Quisque ut mi vel sem vestibulum semper. In laoreet velit eget arcu vehicula hendrerit. Duis odio quam, hendrerit id risus a, suscipit pellentesque augue. Aenean justo nulla, accumsan nec commodo euismod, pellentesque vitae erat. Duis iaculis, nisl vel laoreet lacinia, lectus ante volutpat nunc, sit amet dictum nulla neque eget eros. Ut quis libero ipsum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam dictum tincidunt aliquet. Phasellus dignissim ante ut turpis commodo iaculis. Vestibulum eleifend fermentum odio vel placerat. Vestibulum eu bibendum massa.
Tilde Durand

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eu velit a nulla fringilla aliquet ac sed dui. Praesent consequat et purus sed rutrum. Etiam eu nunc pellentesque, dignissim lacus nec, dignissim metus. Vestibulum nec maximus turpis, eget malesuada felis. Fusce nec enim ac ante imperdiet volutpat. Ut tincidunt lectus id mattis faucibus. Morbi pretium porta tortor, id maximus quam. Sed pulvinar, lacus vel luctus pulvinar, elit dui vestibulum urna, eu aliquam nisi tellus nec mi. Integer maximus libero id risus volutpat malesuada.

Aenean vulputate, lectus quis semper venenatis, est nulla pharetra metus, sit amet auctor sapien enim vel orci. Aliquam ultrices commodo diam sit amet volutpat. Sed in convallis libero. Fusce tempor nec quam quis gravida. Donec id felis eget elit tempus rhoncus. Praesent in velit quis felis rhoncus vestibulum. Integer justo nisi, posuere a dictum in, aliquam non mauris. Fusce a nulla leo. Mauris placerat imperdiet ante vel laoreet. Mauris bibendum leo eu sagittis tempor. Mauris volutpat mauris eu ex iaculis, non accumsan purus tempor. Etiam facilisis risus libero. Sed a mollis est, at vulputate lacus.

Quisque pharetra sit amet libero vel iaculis. Integer quis felis elementum, luctus velit et, gravida enim. Pellentesque tincidunt est et consectetur mattis. Pellentesque ultrices nibh quis sapien aliquam fermentum. Duis tempus hendrerit orci sed ultricies. Mauris semper, est in aliquet sagittis, ligula ipsum posuere ante, nec rhoncus quam urna in purus. Donec ex diam, rhoncus eget odio nec, maximus consequat velit. Vestibulum non nibh lacinia metus tristique euismod sit amet sed tortor. Praesent at accumsan velit, ut consequat quam. Ut leo leo, lobortis sit amet elementum non, aliquam id tortor. Vestibulum consectetur enim quis lectus feugiat, nec ullamcorper odio luctus. Sed ac ultricies lorem, vel scelerisque lacus. Curabitur molestie eros non ante rhoncus, eget ultrices quam convallis. Suspendisse non hendrerit eros. Suspendisse vehicula tincidunt leo ullamcorper rhoncus.

Mauris sed neque eget lorem tempus egestas. Curabitur feugiat ipsum eget nibh efficitur faucibus. Praesent pretium nunc enim, a volutpat elit porttitor nec. Duis non rutrum ante. Sed consectetur diam id elit dapibus blandit. Nunc vitae aliquet odio. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce erat enim, sagittis ac bibendum quis, dignissim ac mi. Sed at massa non nisi sollicitudin sagittis a hendrerit quam.

Cras at augue purus. Donec fringilla dolor ac ipsum bibendum, vitae finibus odio posuere. Donec in mattis eros, at venenatis neque. Mauris nec mauris tellus. Quisque ut mi vel sem vestibulum semper. In laoreet velit eget arcu vehicula hendrerit. Duis odio quam, hendrerit id risus a, suscipit pellentesque augue. Aenean justo nulla, accumsan nec commodo euismod, pellentesque vitae erat. Duis iaculis, nisl vel laoreet lacinia, lectus ante volutpat nunc, sit amet dictum nulla neque eget eros. Ut quis libero ipsum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam dictum tincidunt aliquet. Phasellus dignissim ante ut turpis commodo iaculis. Vestibulum eleifend fermentum odio vel placerat. Vestibulum eu bibendum massa.
  • Love
Reactions: CrystalTears
Philosopher; Crimson Text;
Tian Bo

The Warrior

"I made a promise, and I intend to keep it."

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eu bibendum purus. Phasellus eget cursus tortor, eu dapibus urna. Sed luctus rhoncus libero eu ornare. In facilisis lobortis cursus. Aliquam semper a ante in vehicula. Phasellus sit amet eros id justo commodo viverra. Etiam rutrum leo nec nisl tincidunt, nec tempus dui fermentum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla nulla augue, ultrices rutrum nisi nec, gravida tempus arcu. Pellentesque non neque viverra, blandit tortor id, cursus orci. Aliquam odio nulla, posuere a tempor et, imperdiet a justo. Pellentesque in consequat tellus, ac aliquam augue.

Praesent consequat nunc eget sem mollis convallis a et sem. In quis arcu arcu. Aliquam vehicula gravida nulla, eget vulputate nunc sagittis eu. Etiam commodo leo pellentesque, eleifend enim non, semper sem. Sed suscipit semper orci, ac mollis nibh. Ut in dapibus massa. Sed faucibus justo libero, vel vulputate orci pharetra ac. Fusce commodo arcu non est pharetra vulputate. In at ultrices mauris. Sed lectus ante, ornare at mollis sit amet, feugiat at elit. Duis mi ante, efficitur nec sagittis ac, mattis ut nisi. Morbi dui mi, congue et nisi nec, consequat maximus elit.

Curabitur ornare diam interdum neque vehicula, ut pellentesque enim mattis. Aliquam consequat sodales hendrerit. Fusce scelerisque cursus lacinia. In convallis est ut erat lobortis, in semper risus maximus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque rhoncus ut libero at condimentum. Vivamus quis lorem gravida, varius velit vehicula, volutpat lacus. Quisque condimentum massa enim, non tincidunt urna accumsan quis. Aliquam auctor laoreet vestibulum. Ut viverra ultrices enim ac laoreet. Curabitur convallis a turpis eget volutpat. Phasellus eu gravida eros, vitae pellentesque lorem. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque condimentum urna vitae erat ullamcorper, sit amet pretium leo aliquet. Duis eleifend, sem quis fringilla interdum, turpis lectus varius tortor, et fermentum purus eros ac eros. Vivamus augue neque, convallis at eros eget, porta pellentesque neque.

In eget quam porttitor, pulvinar dui sit amet, sodales nulla. Proin nisi lectus, placerat in arcu convallis, vulputate ultrices dui. Vivamus iaculis justo id libero eleifend sodales. Sed vitae nunc id felis pulvinar ultrices in eu magna. Morbi tincidunt lacus ut malesuada dictum. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam sodales mauris in sem gravida auctor. Fusce sagittis erat ut eros tristique, ac volutpat leo convallis. Suspendisse placerat vitae lectus et semper. Mauris efficitur, lorem ac placerat convallis, ligula elit sagittis risus, quis porttitor augue magna eu erat. Vestibulum vel orci vel sapien molestie viverra sed vehicula sapien. Quisque eu viverra odio, eget porttitor eros. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Duis sed vehicula arcu. Fusce malesuada ipsum in rhoncus elementum. Donec maximus iaculis nibh quis pulvinar. Donec sed ornare mi, nec facilisis dui. Pellentesque porta tellus sodales risus pellentesque pretium. Nunc vel massa mattis, suscipit mauris et, lobortis nibh. Sed sed molestie nibh. Vivamus ante metus, iaculis a fringilla eu, vulputate at quam. Aenean metus nisl, ornare in dignissim vitae, faucibus ac mi. Maecenas leo nulla, maximus ornare dignissim sed, semper a mi. Sed vel nunc lacinia, pulvinar justo vel, venenatis nisi. Sed ultrices ligula quis faucibus laoreet. Proin cursus a orci sed volutpat. Vivamus gravida nulla in felis sollicitudin, id faucibus purus condimentum. In diam massa, dignissim id ante non, rutrum vulputate orci.

Philosopher; Crimson Text;
Uzumaki Himari

The Ghost Pepper of Konoha

"If you've got something to say, then say it to my face, or else say it to my fist."


Name: Uzumaki Himari

Nickname/Title: The Ghost Pepper of Konoha

Age: Seventeen

Appearance: Himari is an average heightened young woman standing 5'6 with a slight, athletic build and not all as fragile as she may look. Her personality usually distracts others from any of her attractiveness, such as her soft features and pretty but flippant smile. Her hair is crimson red and long. Most times, she keeps it in a ponytail down her back or over her shoulder to keep it from getting in her way, along with hair clips for her bangs. While her eyes a sea green color, easily complimenting her hair, but burn passionately whenever she's angry or serious.
Ninja Clothing: Himari wears a blue, sleeveless qipao top and dark short navy black shorts with thigh-high stockings. Her shuriken holster on her left thigh. She also has gray elbow protectors and wears her hi-ate on her her head.


Hand-to-Hand - "Sometimes a good defence is just kicking ass!" Himari is quite the taijutsu master to put it lightly. Hand-to-hand combat is as easy as breathing air for Himari, in both offence and defence. Needless to say, she is more of an offence user. She's not just physically strong, but quick. When in a fist fight she is able to deflect moves and predict others with her fast eyes. She may be somewhat of a fighting genius, also incorporating her chakra into her attacks too.

Sealing - Fuinjutsu is basic knowledge to Himari. She carries many scrolls carrying many things and all kinds of mysteries. She is most knowledgeable in the techniques of her clan but does know others too. She can easily recognize, catch and open/break seals.

Sensory - Himari possesses a unique ability what they call the Mind's Eye Of the Kagura. Unlike most sensors, Himari is able to sense chakra barely making a conscious effort. This is her largest skill when it comes to tracking which she considers herself somewhat of an expert in.

Life Force and Chakra/Physical Prowess - As a direct descendant of the Uzumaki clan and even containing Senju blood, Himari's chakra is both strong and resilient, granting her tremendous chakra reserves and immense stamina. She has a remarkably powerful life-force and that inherit life-force also grants powerful healing capabilities, allowing her to mend wounds and regenerate quickly. Even more, by biting herself and consuming some of her chakra, her healing becomes instantaneous. Likewise, she can heal others by letting them bite her.


Chakra Nature(s): Water

Mind's Eye of the Kagura:
By focusing and opening the mind's eye, Himari is able to find and track an individual's chakra over a vast distance that exceeds ten kilometres. By further focusing her chakra, she can extend this range to far greater distances. This ability also gives her the capability to perceive fluctuations in a person's chakra made when a person is lying or if someone, including herself, is under a genjutsu. Also, by focusing on a particular chakra, she can perceive her target's movements and surrounding area with great detail. These sensory capabilities bless Himari with abilities that even surpass dōjutsu with comparable powers.

Adamantine Sealing Chains: This technique moulds the user's chakra into extremely durable chains which can be used for various purposes, such as directly combating or physically restraining their targets — foes even as powerful as a tailed beast. These chains could also be used to bind the chakra of a target, completely neutralising them.

Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique: The Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique shapes a large amount of water into a giant, powerful dragon, which hits the opponent with formidable might, dealing physical damage. The ideal place to use it is near a body of water, but if the user's skill allows it, it is possible to use it even in a place where there is none. The amount of water used will be in proportion with the user's skill.

Water Release: Water Shark Bullet Technique: The user shapes water into the form of a large shark and thrusting their hand forward, sends it hurtling towards the opponent at high-speeds, resulting in a powerful impact. The user can also ride inside the water shark to dramatically increase their swimming speed.

Water Release: Water Fang Bullet: A technique that deals physical damage to the enemy with a liquid mass brought forth from underwater. Its power to kill and maim is augmented by adding a spinning motion to the compactly pressured water. During fights on water, taking advantage of its characteristic ability to attack from anywhere in a 360 degrees radius, in conjunction with other techniques for distraction, confusion and so forth, this technique has an extensive array of applications.

Summon: Team 0
  • Her Kekkei Genkai is yet to be discovered.


Standard shinobi equipment.

Scrolls: As a ninja who specializes in the fuinjutsu field, Himari carries many scrolls carrying different secrets and items on her. The most notable is a large scroll she carries on her back.

Chokuto Sword: Lastly, she has a chokuto sword. Most times, she does not carry it directly on her, but in an easily accessible scroll. It was a gift from her father that helps channel her chakra, though, she is still learning to use it with her chakra.


Impulsive: Himari's impulsiveness goes hand and hand with her recklessness and can sometimes be stemmed from her short-temper. She is a girl of action and that often gets her into trouble on more than one account.

Selective Hearer: Himari isn't the best of listeners. And almost every time she does listen, she only hears what she wants to hear.

Insects: Bugs, insects, it matters not. She suffers from entomophobia after a horrendous and traumatizing experience with them. Needless to say, she has a hate for the Aburame clan, completely disgusted and freaked out by them.

Healing: While Himari is able to heal others with her own chakra, it's dangerous to use it more than once a day. And each time it leaves permanent scars from the biting.


Himari was born to a leaf village "princess" and a survivor Uzumaki shinobi from Uzushiogakure. Her mother's status of being a not only a Senju, but the granddaughter of the first Hokage and sister to a Sannin put Himari in the limelight. With her famous heritage alone she had a lot of eyes on her and generally well-liked by many. Naturally, with her uncommon features such as her hair and her unique and abundant chakra, she was picked on by other kids and sometimes given strange looks by adults. It didn't dawn on her until later that the village did not approve of the match that was her parents, a foreigner and their respectable princess.

As a student, she fared well in her studies but was constantly given a hard time by her peers and teachers both. To top it off, Himari wasn't the brightest student and was often underestimated. She was more clever than they gave her credit for. At home, her studies continued, mostly with her father. He was determined not to let the teachings, techniques and culture of his village and their clan die. It was stressful to Himari, to say the least as she had gained mountain high expectations at school and at home. The pressure at home was worse though. She was more determined not to let her father down more than anything in spite of being so young she recognized her father's pain of losing his family and village. And she was special, after all, everyone kept saying so.

Things changed when her father returned from a mission with the village scorning him. He had gotten his entire squad killed because he had disobeyed orders and showed sympathy to the enemy. In doing that, their whole family was resented. While they didn't hate her mother too much, their contempt for Himari and her father was quite clear and open. They were practically ostracised and the only time they weren't treated like dirt was when they were with her mother. The treatment and bullying had taken its toll on Himari who violently defended her father's title and her own. Her grades plummeted and her social interactions had too.

Not long after, her father was reported to have gone rogue after stealing village secrets. Himari was just one of the many ninjas who went after him despite not a being a genuine ninja at the time. Naturally, the shinobi were the ones to find him first after weeks, while they were able to hurt him he still escaped. Himari was the one to find him later or to be precise, his body wash up at the Valley of the End. His departure only left further criticism from the villagers. Nothing had changed for Himari, arguably it had gotten worse. Her mother became neglectful and the girl often spent time alone and with particular people, seeking to feel the empty hole. Sadly, some of these people had betrayed her trust. She began skipping school days here and there and came to disrespect the teachers who didn't even want her in their classes. Getting into fights was a common occurrence for her just as getting into trouble for beating up the kids half to death. She failed the academy twice for "trivial" things as she called it.

When the kyuubi attacked, Himari was ready to launch into action and help. Naturally, the superiors forbade it and naturally, Himari went ahead anyway. She was able to help some villagers, but that was about it. Her mother was incapacitated during the attack and no longer able to be a ninja. This news didn't bring Himari any closer to her mother and instead made her more distanced, isolating herself from everyone still.

Needless to say, she wasn't exactly happy with the idea of finally being put in a team. Least of all team 0 with a shady sensei, a pussy cat and some fox boy.

Sources: Narutopedia
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2. The Ox


"And the thing is, I know I'm a terrible person. And I'm trying to be better. And I know it's not good enough. And I'm sorry."


Ahn Hyun Ki

|| Yin || Earth ||



May 21st

Physical Age

"dumb cow" | Mooonster

Hyun Ki is in one word tall. He stands about 6'4 feet n the dot, and from a distant some would even he looks more than with his long limbs. He easily stands over most people that he comes into contact with. His body is well-built and sturdy, he is nearly impossible to knock over, some has even called him a rock. His skin is surprisingly fair, but not flawless as he has quite a few battle scars he's gained more from helping people or getting involved in something he shouldn't have rather than fighting with others. His hair is dark and his eyes are a light brown color that draws the attention from others.

Hyun Ki has been described more than once as a big brother figure, a kind and affectionate one at that. Most of the time, if not all the time, he is seen caring for others, including when he really isn't in that much of a state too. The Ox especially has a weak spot for children, weak ones and girls(not so much as women).He's someone who that likes to and is able to stay strong, knowing that others look up or to him. And naturally, he encourages others to be stronger too, quite literally. Hyun Ki tells people to "man up" a lot despite always being there for them when they need him. His kindness knows its bounds, but sometimes he can't help himself. He's a responsible and trustworthy guy, so even people who don't like him know they can trust him when it comes down to it. Like everyone else, he has his faults. One of the biggest faults being his caring stand because he cares, he often nags and scolds people whom he cares about more than others. The second biggest flaw is his cluelessness. He's no fool but he is rather oblivious to a lot of things. More than often, you'll have to be direct with him in order for him to understand. Otherwise, he will be lost. And while Hyun KI is a patient and calm person most of the time, he does get angry. Though, it takes a lot to make furious. And when he's furious, he doesn't seem to have much control over his abilities and actions. He is also very distant, not being always open with others, but never lacking honesty. Something that most don't know is that he suffers from bouts of depression from time to time. Most times he likes to go through the moods, let it run its course like one would a fever, but when he just can't he makes dad jokes. He often makes them cheer up others too, he genuinely enjoys jokes.

naps; rice wine; vegetables; children; his friends; fresh air; eating; noodles; seafood; blankets & pillows; reading; milk; video games; dad jokes; piano;

rude people; meat(red meat in particular); cowards; screeching noises; hibiscus tea;

- Super Strength/Durability
- Enhanced Speed
-Enhanced Agility
- Enhanced Hearing
It doesn't seem extraordinary, but when it uses, it really is.

- He has a hard time controlling his strength. It had taken him a long time to even find a percentage that is considered normal, and when he loses his temper, he loses his grip on his strength
- He too, like everyone else, gets exhausted
- he is sensitive to loud sounds
- He can only take so much damage before it starts to take an effect on him. And things that can pierce the skin, like knives and even bullets, he is not immune to.

Not a lot is known about what the Ox did after he became a Zodiac. The only thing that stuck out to everyone's knowledge is that years ago he had gone on a rampage and destroyed an entire village. There was on survivor, a sick young girl who he ended up taking in and caring for before she died. Two things about this were odd, one he was not a person to harm others yet along humans who are weaker for no reason at all and two he was not at all punished for it by the gods, despite them having punished other Zodiacs for meddling with humans.

Why Do You Want to be a God?
Hyun Ki doesn't really want to become a god, though he won't lie, the thought has appealed to him and he will accept it if he wins. But! HE only decided to participate in the race to make sure the ones he cared for did not get hurt or die. And most importantly, to watch over the cat. He let her down once(quite literally) and he plans to make sure that this time he won't.

Relationships: (with the other Zodiacs)

Hyun Ki

Location: The Lotus Room Interactions: Junho, Dae Jyung​


Mentions: Min Jee, Soo​

Roleplay: The Great Race
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Event List

1. The Hickory's announcing that they'll be fostering Lauren.

2. Anders and Lauren's hot date at a restaurant.

3. TBA

4. Tba

5. Tba

6. Tba

7. Tba


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  • Love
Reactions: CrystalTears

Suyin Huang



she had a way of seeing beauty in others, even, and perhaps, most especially, when that person couldn't see it in themselves.



[ Name ]
> Suyin Huang

[ Name Pronunciation ]

[ Age ]
> twentysix

[ Gender ]
> female


> Suyin is a beautiful, slight and tall beauty. She lacks curves and has a mostly athletic build, though is rather thin. She stands tall, 5'7 to be exact. Her complexion is pale and flawless except for the beauty mark she has underneath her right eye. Her hair is dark brown, bordering on black, as well as long, running down to her waist and thick. She usually keeps it groomed under most circumstances.


> Suyin is generally under most cases very because of it most people assume her to be quiet too. But she is quite the opposite. Once she feels comfortable enough around a person, she is quite lively and cheerful. Her curiosity often gets the best of her as well as her empathy towards other people. More than anything, she hates to be pitied and looked down upon as she had gone through more than enough of that during the many years she had been blind. But because she recently regained her vision thanks to a donor, she has tried to look on the best side of everything if possible.


> Suyin was born to a very well off family who moved to the states after her father received a job offer. It was hard the first year living there as she barely knew any English at the age of five, but soon enough she adjusted. She was only ten, sometime after she became an older sister when she had gotten into an accident that damaged her eyes to the point she was blinded. From that point on her life had changed entirely. The one thing that helped her cope was music, she had already been playing violin and piano and soon enough she was recognized as a prodigy. Suyin was accepted into Julliard and studied there. However, one day when performing for a school concerto, she had fallen off the stage in a panicked state. She was admitted into the hospital and during her stay there she had befriended another girl who was also admitted there. Not long after her friend left, Suyin was approached about a donor. It hasn't been too long since the operation and has now been hired into a symphony to her greatest delight.

Roleplay: @Through Her Eyes
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Juniper Woods


[Full Name]
Juniper Echo Woods

Junie ; June


[Sexual Orientation]
Demisexual Heteromantic; While Junie finds any sex attractive, he is not sexually or romantically attracted to them until he builds an emotional bond with them. Even then, he is mostly attracted to women.


[Date of Birth]
December 20th

[Haven Peak or from the Southside]
Haven Peak

[Poems & Poison or The Fight Club]
Poems & Poison


A pretty boy. Junie is without a doubt a pretty boy, flower boy, all the same. He has a lovely face with dark eyes that might as well simply be dark pooled orbs. Yet, only one of his eyes can be seen as the other is usually hidden by a patch. His skin is fairer than most girls despite never putting any real effort into keeping it smooth and nearly flawless. It isn't perfect though, he has scars to ruin in, scars he keeps hidden. He stands at the height of 5'9 with a slight and skinny frame, but that doesn't mean he's all skin and bones. Junie has worked to give his body muscles definition, even if it's only noticeable if he's shirtless. As for his hair, it is naturally dark brown, but he dyes it often, mainly dying it either ink black or red.

[Tattoo/ piercings/ etc]
Juniper has three piercings on his right ear, four on his left and a single lip piercing that he rarely wears. He has a single tattoo on his right wrist.

[Scars/ Birthmark/ etc]
Junie has a few scars hidden on his body, they stick out on his pale skin.

[Clothing style]
x | x | x | x | x

[Face claim]
Byun Baekhyun


A carefree spirit with a cheeky attitude and streak of mischief. Juniper is a very easy going person, not a lot can get him upset nor get under his skin. This is mainly because he cares little about what other people think of him and holds each and everyone at arm's length for his own benefit. But this also makes him slightly insensitive to others feelings, because he doesn't care so much for them he has no problem saying rude or hurtful things. He's not oblivious to this, the boy is very observant, staying quiet and watching from the sidelines. He is not particularly a loner, but he drifts from group to group, never staying long enough to be considered a close friend and always does his own thing.

However, if by some miracle he becomes close to a person, there will be no hiding all his other traits. While he is openly playful and teasing, he mostly does this to people whom he is fond of. The boy is protective and possessive of these people, so, he is very easily made jealous, revealing his more childish attributes. And he has a temper, even still, it's hard to drag out. Truth be told, he is a softie, but a force to be reckoned with when angry. He can very cruel in an angry state, somewhat passive-aggressive as he doesn't particularly like to hide it but isn't an aggressive person.

Tea | Strawberries | Baked Goods | Meat | Music | Taylor Swift |Comics | Sketching| Hot beverages |Naps | Rain | Whipped Cream | Video Games | Horror films | Aesthetics | Reading | Cats | Noodles | Food | Piano

Boredom | Sitting still | Closed Spaces| Being stuck in one place | Humidity | Rodents | Children | Homework | Math | Skin contact | Being touched without permission | Hot days | Insects | Racism | His glasses |

Sketching | Piano | Listening to Music | Sketching | Guitar |

Mice | Closed Spaces |


Junie's history is a slightly complicated one. He was born in the southside and raised there for more than half his life. His mother and father never married despite living together, they argued day and night. His father was a rather loving and caring man to his son, but could hardly stand to be around the house because of his mother, besides that, it was nearly impossible for him to be at home long. The man worked day and night to provide for his family. While Junie's mother was miserable and quite ill, mentally. She took out her frustrations on him, it only worsened when his father was arrested for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, something easy to do when you are in the southside.

His mother no longer had to handle the house duties, which she already did poorly, but work. Junie suffered by her hands greatly until she finally departed from the world of the living by taking her own life. He was placed in a foster home, but not long after he was adopted by a wealthy couple in Haven Peak after helping their child.

His right eye suffers from amblyopia, not only that, but its natural colour is sky blue. He keeps it hidden underneath his eyepatch.

He also suffers from anaemia, a weak immune system and delirium.

He wants to leave Haven Peak, but he doesn't want to leave his father behind. Though, he barely remembers the man's face. His adoptive parents won't let him meet with the man, thinking he is a bad influence on him.

Junie is constantly bullied by his adoptive brother both at home and at school for being southside trash.

[Relationship with Asher]
Asher was one of the few people Juniper liked. He was generally nice and honest, something that Junie found admirable and refreshing both. The boy also recognized Junie's hidden talent before anyone else and invited him to the club. He was hesitant at first, but joined and stuck to Asher as close as he possible.

OPEN (PM me)

His father was a musician, a rocker of sorts. Junie also has a musical talent and wants to go into the music field.

a taste of Junie


His mother always told him not to play with his food, but it was a repetitive habit that Junie found nearly impossible to break. The tips of his metal fork prongs rolled the mushy macaroni around on his barely touched plate. His mind was sky high as usual, never bound to the earth as it was always somewhere else when he was left alone to his own thoughts. No, it always floated away half the time even if he was with people. It was hard to focus, the rowdy noise that surrounded him in the cafeteria only made it harder. His brows creased together as he wondered why on earth he bought the crappy lunch that was in front of him in the first place. Most days he skipped lunch, but that was only because his brother took his money the moment their parents were no longer looking.

"Junie!" His shoulder was suddenly shaken by a hand and he nearly jumped out of his seat until he realized who had made a cry for his attention. Asher Lenford, the president of his club and someone whom he admired.

A soft smile crept across his face as he leaned back in his seat, staring at the standing blonde male. "Why, Mr. President, what do I owe this great honour?" His smile grew when Asher snorted. "Can I get you a drink? I'm afraid I only have . . . " His eyes wandered away to his tray and spotted the Kool-Aid. "Pink lemonade Kool-Aid to offer you, sir?"

"Haha," Asher rolled his eyes but smiled none the less. "I want to make sure you are still coming to club after school. You tend to forget a lot."

Juniper always forgot a lot of things when his mind was too focused on something else. He hated it, forgetting. He forgot so many things, so many important things."Ah, yes."

"Good, then I'll see you there?" Asher had already begun walking backwards and away from Juniper's table.

"I said yes, didn't I?" Junie shook his head as Asher ducked out of sight. With a sigh, he finally took a bit of his cold mac 'n cheese. Instantly, he regretted doing so.

Charlotte Bertram


[Full Name]
Charlotte Rose Bertram

Lottie ; Lotta ; Charlie; Sharkie (by her family only)


[Sexual Orientation]
Pansexual Heteromantic; to put it simply, Lottie just likes people. However, she is both romantically and more sexually attracted to the opposite sex.


[Date of Birth]
September 15th

[Haven Peak or from the Southside]

[Poems & Poison or The Fight Club]
The Fight Club


Lottie is not a Barbie beauty nor a beauty that sticks out much at all. She rarely wears makeup and dresses however she likes. And that means whatever she has in her closet and is clean. Her long legs gave her standing 5'5 feet tall. And in spite of being raised in a family that has to skip meals some nights, she has a healthy slim build containing curves in all the right places. Her complexion is dusky but far from flawless, she has scars and moles on her body. However, her hair is by far her most proud part of her body. The shade of it is a light brown, matching her eyes. Her hair is fine but thick and wavy curly.

[Tattoo/ piercings/ etc]
Her earlobes are only pierced once on each ear and she surprisingly has no tattoos.

[Scars/ Birthmark/ etc]
She has a few scars on her legs from playing too rough as a child, getting into fights and picking her scabs. She also has a beauty mark underneath her left eye and a few on her chest.

[Clothing style]
x | x | x | x | x

[Face claim]
Alisha Boe


Charlotte is a rather difficult person to approach. The energy that rolls off of her is standoffish and the way she speaks is rather abrasive as she has a hard time filtering her speech. So on the surface, she is rather rude, gruff and aloof. To be honest, Charlotte has no issue with people thinking of her this way. She has experienced enough hardship in Haven Peak High School and she doesn't care to take on any more from anyone else. She takes no nonsense from anyone, including those who have authority over her.

However, she isn't a mean person in general. Charlotte is socially inept, making friends has always been a difficult thing for her to do even as a child. It's difficult for her to speak with other and she often has no idea how to respond to people as she is more used to getting into fights with them or being by her lonesome self. This doesn't mean she enjoys being alone, she simply doesn't know what is outside of it. Charlotte is a kind person with a usually patient temper, however, whenever she gets mad she can't control her temper. It's hard for people to believe she has a gentle soul and dorkish attitude when she fights so well and her tongue is so sharp.

Birds | Photography | Dancing | Jokes | Cartoons | Flowers | Coffee | Yoga | Taekwondo | Calming music | Stickers | Caramel | Fruit | Sunsets | Barbeque | Sports | Musicals

Discrimination | Haven Peak High School | Sharp objects | Bullies | Being judged | Pork | Gross horror movies

Gardening | Watching cartoons | Drawing comics | Dancing

Sharp objects | Anyone figuring out about her condition


There's not much to Lottie's history, born in the southside, raised in the southside. She is the youngest of three girls and was lucky enough to have both her parents in her life. Her family was happy regardless of their living conditions. However, making friends had always been a problem for her and she often got into fights even as she grew older. And eventually, it led to her hanging out with the wrong crowds. Her parents became upset with her behaviour which she felt was hypocritical because her father hadn't been working a legal job in the longest times. To solve their problems, they sent her to Haven Peak's school hoping she would have a better future than she would.

Charlotte had been a part small time of a gang before going to HPHS

She suffers from mild Asperger syndrome, something she has become paranoid about. She used to suffer from kleptomania and fears it will come back.

In all honesty, she would never admit it but she had wanted to be a Haven Angel

[Relationship with Asher]
He was the "enemy" but someone Lottie both hated and liked. At first, she hated him simply because she assumed him to be a wealthy jerk, but discovered him to be more than she had ever imagined. The most interaction she had with him was when their two clubs were at each other's throats. she flip-flopped between liking him and hating him, to be honest, she had a bit of a crush on the boy. Especially when he caught her looking at the application for cheerleading tryouts and encouraged her to join.

OPEN (PM me)

Her favourite place to hang out is her treehouse she built with her father when she was nine.

a pinch of Lottie


"Stunts, jumps, run tumbling ... "
Lottie quietly read the sheet of paper to herself as she rested her back against the hallway wall. "I can do that. " She mumbled to herself with a shrug. Just by looking out at the tryout information written on the sheet, being a Haven Angel would be no big deal for her. She had been flexible since she was a child, jumping around and pulling stunts that got her into trouble often. The girl was confident she would win all points in every field that was listed, however, she wasn't at all confident she'd apply or make the team. After all, she was already in a club, a fight club and she was quite fond of it.

Still, the prospect of being a Haven Angel was a compelling one. It was silly, though, wasn't it? Charlotte Bertram a cheerleader? The girl who was jumping in the air kicking people's teeth in since she was thirteen? She could hear not just the school laughing but all her "friends" within the southside too. It was simply ridiculous.

Charlotte huffed and crumped the sheet of paper in her hands before tossing it toward the garbage can. The ball barely made it halfway before it hit Asher Lenford, who seemingly came out of nowhere, in the face. The blonde boy winced before picking up the paper and opening it. Charlotte launched forward and snatched it from his hands, but he had already read enough by then. She glared at the boy before marching over to the can herself and dumping her paper in.

"I never pegged you to want to be a cheerleader."

"I never pegged you to be such a busy body."

There was the short silence that feels between them before an embarrassed Lottie inhaled shortly and took the first steps to walk away.

"I think you would make a good angel!" He called to her, making her halt and turn back around to face him. There was no hiding the shock that she felt. The look on her face only prompted him on. "If you want to join go for it."

"You really are a busybody." She blinked her brown eyes.

one beautiful mess

Penelope Iris



Penelope Tess Iris

> Poppy; almost everyone calls her by this, and she is most fond of this nickname herself
> Penny; because her ex-boyfriend had to call her something different, this was just one of the many names he called her
> Nell; the name her best friend calls her by
> Rosie Posie/Posie; a dear name to her, only her family refers to her as such
> Pixie; while she got the name from her parents, everyone started calling her such when they saw her perform. She resembled a pixie with her features and performs like one too

April 25th




a freshman in college, and also works part time at a bakery.

Poppy was born in America and primarily raised in the country, but her parents were not. She has both French and Dutch in her blood.

average American




100 lbs

Poppy's hair is naturally golden blonde and reaches past her shoulders.

Bright and colourful blue

Poppy's build is a mix of athletic and hourglass as she is in perfect shape but does carry curves.

Fair skinned and nearly flawless

she has triple lobe piercings on her right ear and a single piercing on her left ear lobe

she only has a few self-inflicted scars on her stomach




Britt Robertson



Poppy looks like a classic good and prissy girl, one you would find in an honour roll class, not part of a sorority or at parties. This about her is half true, she likes order and not chaos. Because of this, a lot of people view her as a stick in the mud. But there's more to her than what is on the surface. The girl is really quite a loveable dork with a playful spirit. She does like to let loose and have fun, though, she is so cautious it is often overshadowed. And she is very assertive and honest, never letting people walk all over her. She has a sharp tongue, something she wields rather than her fist when she's upset. Teasing others is another way she has fun, but knows when to stop because she is also a very comforting person. Like every other person, she has layers and is quite excitable when you peel away those layers.

Baked goods | Painting | Winter | Hot cocoa | Chocolate | Ice skating | Birthdays | Pillows | Whipped cream | Laughter | Disney movies | Flowers | Costumes | Animals

Bigots | Smoking | Being touched without permission | Being called Barbie | Humid weather | Binge eating

Ice skating | Baking

Picking at her nails | Ruffling her hair | Sniffing just about everything

Breaking down again | Failing everyone

Bulimia | OCD | Anxiety

> "I don't know you, I don't want to know you, so you need to leave me alone, understand?"
> "Like a date?"
> "Screw it"
> "Why are you smiling?"
> "I don't feel very strong right now"
> "No, lie to me"



> Eduoard Iris ; father ; alive
> Rose Iris ; mother ; alive
> Anthony Iris ; older brother ; alive

She has a bunch of friends, but only one she is super close to

More than she realizes

Just one.

She has two pet rabbits.



Poppy was born in the states but was raised from age 1 to 7 in France. She spent a lot of her time playing with her brother, back then they were close. Something they enjoyed to do together was ice skating. At the age of five, her parents recognized her talent and entered her into competitions. And she only continued to rise as a little star when they moved back to the states. She was popular through every grade being a beauty and having a magnificent talent in figure skating. However, it was a lot of work, the training, the competitions, the fans and popularity. It took a toll on her, a huge toll.

She finally broke when she discovered her boyfriend was cheating on her. Her parents sent her away to receive the help she needed, in doing so she missed her first year of college.

Ever since she had been released from the hospital, her parents have been monitoring her. Her brother treats her coldly, but she wants a sense of normalcy.

She is fluent in French.

just wing it

Anthony Iris



Anthony Logan Iris

> Theo; commonly used by his friends
> Ant; it started off with his parents calling him this and sooner or later everyone else followed when wanting to tease him
> Ant Hill; his sister called him this because he's huge compared to her
> Ice King; He gained the name for practically dominating the ring in hockey
> Rock Star; he gained the name from his friends long ago for shredding the guitar, but hasn't played in a while

October 14th




a junior in college, and also works part time at a bar.

Anthony was born in America and primarily raised in the country, but his parents were not. He has both French and Dutch in her blood.

average American




165 lbs

Light brown which he generally tries to keep short.

Like his sister, he has bright and colourful blue eyes.

Anthony has an athletic build, though he isn't large he is well toned.

Fair, but not at all flawless.


He has a few small scars from playing roughly as a kid and light freckles on his chest

He has one on his left wrist and right forearm.

Nearsightedness | Night Blindness


Hayden Christensen



Anthony is probably one of the most chill people you will ever meet. Despite being so popular, he is still down to earth with an easy-going personality and mild temper. He's an assertive follow who is kind but also somewhat abrasive. Without meaning it, he can be unintentionally rude but just as much as he can be thoughtful. He is sometimes influenced by other people, but if he thinks something is wrong or right, there is no changing that in his mind. While his a bit arrogant, knowing that he is the campus's hottie, he also has no problem with making jokes at his own expense. Anyone trying to insult him will do so in vain, insults roll off him like water on a duck's back. Still, there are a few things he is highly sensitive of, like his sister.

Parties | Drinking | Smoking | Rock music | Alternative | Guitar | Girls | Getting what he wants | Action movies | Photography | Sunglasses | Old horror movies | Hockey

Judgemental people | Discrimination | Taking care of his sister | Broccoli | Opera

Playing the guitar | Ice skating | Photography

Smoking | Tearing paper

His sister breaking down again | Being left alone


> "This is when the fun begins."
> "I've got a bad feeling about this."
> "Oh, this is the worst day of my life."
> "Thank you for talking about me behind my back, that'll be useful in court."
> "Lady, you don't know shit about shit."
> "I'm not lying to you."



> Eduard Iris ; father ; alive
> Rose Iris ; mother ; alive
> Penelope Iris ; younger sister; alive

He has a lot.

Probably just as many as he has friends.

A lot, but only a few ones that matter.




Anthony lived a rather normal and nice life, being born to a well-off family.



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Penelope Iris
my heart is gold and my hands are cold

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ac posuere tellus. Sed malesuada risus in sapien imperdiet dignissim. Cras finibus nunc vitae metus venenatis eleifend. Aliquam fermentum pretium ipsum, at sodales neque vestibulum a. Maecenas euismod auctor scelerisque. Praesent a facilisis nisl. Duis molestie pellentesque euismod. Sed posuere enim et nisi porta ultrices. Vivamus dolor turpis, euismod eget neque vitae, fermentum accumsan metus. In in venenatis nisi. Mauris venenatis mi metus, nec accumsan metus scelerisque vel. Vestibulum vel libero eu mauris vehicula fringilla nec nec sem.

Maecenas velit dui, faucibus in ultrices ac, volutpat et arcu. Aenean efficitur ligula in metus euismod, at molestie augue lobortis. Nam quis dui nisl. Integer et porta dui, venenatis tempor ligula. Nam faucibus sit amet odio quis laoreet. Sed molestie eget arcu vel tristique. Fusce lectus magna, faucibus et mauris quis, eleifend scelerisque dui. Aliquam dapibus iaculis enim, ac vehicula nisl. Proin aliquam ut augue lobortis accumsan. Sed vitae ultrices lorem. Pellentesque mattis turpis nec est finibus volutpat. Nunc porttitor tortor nibh, sit amet semper orci ultricies ut. Quisque aliquet augue id massa egestas maximus. Vestibulum tincidunt, tortor in ornare interdum, arcu ipsum placerat eros, eu cursus sapien metus sed magna. Duis sapien elit, commodo et ligula eget, lacinia accumsan diam.

Morbi purus nulla, posuere a arcu nec, aliquam laoreet quam. Integer non condimentum odio. Donec dolor mauris, pellentesque non felis a, ullamcorper consectetur nisi. Fusce non felis purus. Proin hendrerit lorem sed risus porta, vitae vestibulum felis bibendum. Pellentesque congue nulla nec tellus aliquet, a vulputate neque rutrum. Fusce massa risus, pulvinar a rhoncus eu, varius sit amet eros. Quisque egestas, augue sit amet egestas lobortis, dolor mauris imperdiet nulla, ac accumsan massa odio vel orci. Donec vitae tellus eget justo condimentum mollis et sit amet urna.

Etiam a mauris ex. Fusce convallis condimentum metus, a volutpat quam porttitor nec. Fusce aliquet lacus in semper eleifend. Morbi eu bibendum mauris, fermentum lobortis nibh. Praesent a turpis fringilla, iaculis arcu a, pretium mi. Donec ut purus id lorem iaculis volutpat. Morbi ultricies urna nulla, non gravida massa vehicula id. Suspendisse posuere posuere quam, et hendrerit erat dapibus vitae. Suspendisse placerat rutrum blandit. Phasellus eget lacinia mauris. Vestibulum libero ligula, luctus ut orci sed, porttitor efficitur felis. Fusce vitae lobortis diam. Donec nisi diam, aliquam quis nulla quis, iaculis convallis ipsum. Aliquam convallis ullamcorper consequat.

Donec tempor gravida egestas. Maecenas accumsan nunc eget eros ultrices, eget ornare tellus aliquam. Mauris dictum vestibulum velit, non sagittis sem maximus sit amet. Aliquam dapibus a mauris placerat suscipit. Vestibulum ultrices dolor eget magna vestibulum, a consectetur nulla fermentum. Fusce feugiat mollis magna. Proin elementum lacus sollicitudin diam imperdiet, vitae laoreet arcu sagittis. Nullam feugiat nulla eget felis iaculis, tristique mollis urna efficitur. Suspendisse et urna vitae erat elementum sagittis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi a augue ut ante dignissim cursus. Sed vel mauris odio. Nullam lacinia tellus non cursus aliquam. Nunc sed elementum lorem. Etiam arcu diam, vulputate sed justo sed, iaculis porta sapien.

Anthony Iris
and i'm always tired, but never of you

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ac posuere tellus. Sed malesuada risus in sapien imperdiet dignissim. Cras finibus nunc vitae metus venenatis eleifend. Aliquam fermentum pretium ipsum, at sodales neque vestibulum a. Maecenas euismod auctor scelerisque. Praesent a facilisis nisl. Duis molestie pellentesque euismod. Sed posuere enim et nisi porta ultrices. Vivamus dolor turpis, euismod eget neque vitae, fermentum accumsan metus. In in venenatis nisi. Mauris venenatis mi metus, nec accumsan metus scelerisque vel. Vestibulum vel libero eu mauris vehicula fringilla nec nec sem.

Maecenas velit dui, faucibus in ultrices ac, volutpat et arcu. Aenean efficitur ligula in metus euismod, at molestie augue lobortis. Nam quis dui nisl. Integer et porta dui, venenatis tempor ligula. Nam faucibus sit amet odio quis laoreet. Sed molestie eget arcu vel tristique. Fusce lectus magna, faucibus et mauris quis, eleifend scelerisque dui. Aliquam dapibus iaculis enim, ac vehicula nisl. Proin aliquam ut augue lobortis accumsan. Sed vitae ultrices lorem. Pellentesque mattis turpis nec est finibus volutpat. Nunc porttitor tortor nibh, sit amet semper orci ultricies ut. Quisque aliquet augue id massa egestas maximus. Vestibulum tincidunt, tortor in ornare interdum, arcu ipsum placerat eros, eu cursus sapien metus sed magna. Duis sapien elit, commodo et ligula eget, lacinia accumsan diam.

Morbi purus nulla, posuere a arcu nec, aliquam laoreet quam. Integer non condimentum odio. Donec dolor mauris, pellentesque non felis a, ullamcorper consectetur nisi. Fusce non felis purus. Proin hendrerit lorem sed risus porta, vitae vestibulum felis bibendum. Pellentesque congue nulla nec tellus aliquet, a vulputate neque rutrum. Fusce massa risus, pulvinar a rhoncus eu, varius sit amet eros. Quisque egestas, augue sit amet egestas lobortis, dolor mauris imperdiet nulla, ac accumsan massa odio vel orci. Donec vitae tellus eget justo condimentum mollis et sit amet urna.

Etiam a mauris ex. Fusce convallis condimentum metus, a volutpat quam porttitor nec. Fusce aliquet lacus in semper eleifend. Morbi eu bibendum mauris, fermentum lobortis nibh. Praesent a turpis fringilla, iaculis arcu a, pretium mi. Donec ut purus id lorem iaculis volutpat. Morbi ultricies urna nulla, non gravida massa vehicula id. Suspendisse posuere posuere quam, et hendrerit erat dapibus vitae. Suspendisse placerat rutrum blandit. Phasellus eget lacinia mauris. Vestibulum libero ligula, luctus ut orci sed, porttitor efficitur felis. Fusce vitae lobortis diam. Donec nisi diam, aliquam quis nulla quis, iaculis convallis ipsum. Aliquam convallis ullamcorper consequat.

Donec tempor gravida egestas. Maecenas accumsan nunc eget eros ultrices, eget ornare tellus aliquam. Mauris dictum vestibulum velit, non sagittis sem maximus sit amet. Aliquam dapibus a mauris placerat suscipit. Vestibulum ultrices dolor eget magna vestibulum, a consectetur nulla fermentum. Fusce feugiat mollis magna. Proin elementum lacus sollicitudin diam imperdiet, vitae laoreet arcu sagittis. Nullam feugiat nulla eget felis iaculis, tristique mollis urna efficitur. Suspendisse et urna vitae erat elementum sagittis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi a augue ut ante dignissim cursus. Sed vel mauris odio. Nullam lacinia tellus non cursus aliquam. Nunc sed elementum lorem. Etiam arcu diam, vulputate sed justo sed, iaculis porta sapien.
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