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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

fc: Jae Park

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fc: tba

fc: TBA

fc: tba

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Real Name: Feng Chu Hua
Nickname/s: Chuchu | Wawa | Chrissy
Age: 22
Birthday: September 10th
Zodiac: Virgo
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Level: Cloud District
Occupation: Artist/Fashion Designer/Model(she's business woman)

Slow Dancing in the Dark - Joji


HAIR COLOR: A deep dark brown, almost black
EYE COLOR: Like her hair, it is a reach dak brown color
HEIGHT: 5'7"
WEIGHT: 118 lbs

With her mixed Asian heritage, Chuchu is a natural beauty. Not one that immediately stands out, it's slightly subtle with her wide half-moon eyes that smile with her lips. Her skin is flawless and pale, easily turned pink when she blushes and she does it often. Her limbs are long, such as her arms and legs and she has no problem showing off her legs. They are her pride and while she isn't the curviest, it is no wonder why she has been modeling since she was only a child. She's a pretty girl with long hair, reaching past her back and a bright smile.

Her most distinguishable features despite her slender body size and height are her hair. Most people compare it to the long hair of the woman back in the ancient days of China and so on. And there is a little beauty mark underneath her left eye.


Lovely | Kind| Nurturing | Critical | Hardworking | Faithful | Uptight | People Pleaser | Picky | Modest | Stubborn

Chuchu is a princess, but she's a little far too be a Disney princess. Meaning, she is undeniably spoiled, not in the bratty type of way, but in the way, it's quite obvious she has been handed everything without even having to ask. She is an expectant person even for the most basic things, she claims to be independent, but she still needs and expects help from others. This is not to say that Chuchu isn't a hardworking person. That would be highly incorrect. She will likely be one of the hardest working people you will ever meet, always standing in her fancy heels and working around the clock. But she is one hundred percent picky, she knows what she wants how she wants it, also making her stubborn. It also makes her bit on the uptight side. She can't help who she is. As sweet and innocent her eyes can be, they also can glare in the most deadly way.

Though, the traits that make her very comparable to a Disney princess is her caring and sweet nature. She is full of love and affection for people. Also making her a people pleaser. She will stress to make everyone happy and she won't stop until she does-- that or someone stops her. She is a lady and sweet one at heart. There are times where she is brutal and stern when need be. Sometimes, maybe a little cold. But in general, she's quite a sweetie. A princess with a few traits of a queen.

Though, since she came to zip city, she has become somewhat reclusive and shy. She doesn't know English very well and finds herself embarrassing herself often.


+ She is an artist
+ Floral designer
+ Crafty Hands
+ Good memory
+ Dedicated
+ Uh, pretty?
+ she can cook

- If things don't go according to plan, she semi shuts down and stresses
- People pleaser
- Citrus, she is allergic to citrus
- She is picky
- English, oh how she hates to speak because of the silly mistakes she makes
- A weakness for pretty things
- Ugly laugh (in her opinion)
- she suffers from OCD, PTSD and seasonal depression
- cannot express her emotions very well and is a very bad liar because of it
- shy and quiet
- She suffers from Synaesthesia. She can smell and see sounds/music and feel pain just by looking at others having that pain onto them.


Chuchu is a lovely person, but she comes from quite a deadly family.

Her parent's marriage was arranged between the Triad and the Yakuza. And it was a very mixed couple with her mother is Japanese and her father half Chinese and half Korean. Truth be told, the mixture and Korean side of her family made their branch just slightly weaker because of the weaker heritage. However, her father's perseverance and hard work eventually gained him respect and his family with him.

Chuchu was born as the first-born daughter and child. And so, there was much expected from her from the very beginning. Her studies began from the moment she was able to walk. To learn about their culture, history, and language. She did not have a lot of friends outside of her cousins and other family members. However, she was a curious child and that was a dangerous thing to be in her family business.

She had seen more death and pain than a child should have. It wasn't just from her only family members, but she had been kidnapped once or twice. It messed her up to a point that she had learned to detach herself from terrible situations and becoming cold and nonchalant. Her parents saw this a problem and sent her to a doctor. It helped her a lot along with getting out of the house and doing her own thing.

Chuchu was a talented person and she loved to work and play with her younger siblings and cousins. She first started modeling when she was only eleven and from there, her career skyrocketed with the heavy support of her family. She was often talked about because of her connections, but she brushed away those nasty comments. She was a hit in eastern Asia.

Only after her grandfather, whom she was closed too, passed away did she decide to branch out from her family. She moved to Zip city with her younger and closest brother in tow.

Kai Liang || Her youngest brother and the one who went to live with her in Zip City. He is a little sunflower and her closest friend. He is better at English than her too. He often translates for her and pranks people in the process.



* She sucks at making friends

* Chuchu is fluent in Japanese, Chinese and Korean

* She understands English and can speak it, but not fluently

* She is secretly a gamer. Only her brother knows this, because she gets very into the game when playing

* She used to ice skate every other week with her family

* She loves plants, especially flowers

* Tea is love, tea is life

* Her eyes could melt a glacier with its sweetness just as they can freeze over hell with their deadlines

* She may be a princess, but she sure as hell cannot sing.

* Dr Pepper is her favorite American drink

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  • Love
Reactions: fudgecakez

Clara Mila Amherst


"You're every word I want to speak. But you left me breathless."

date of birth
december 21st



five foot four

sweet; clara never seems run short on affection and kindness to give. her heart may be weak physically, but it is large, strong and soft sentimentally. she sympathizes with many despite having her own misfortunes, and she cannot help but be giving because of it. she is perhaps one of the kindest people you will meet, always wanting to help out and please people. truth be told, it's to a fault.

polite; clara had been raised with manners and while she doesn't know all proper etiquette she is still a polite and modest young woman. many have come to say she is a lady even she doesn't know exactly how to be one, she has the heart and the mannerisms of one. she is respectful and considerate even when people don't seem to deserve it, she holds grace and elegance like no other.

curious; here is where she loses that ladylike attitude. she is curious in both senses of the word. she is a strange character in the way she speaks and acts, making people think of her as an oddball and she is just fine with this. She doesn't care much what people think of her, but she is also always eager to learn about anything. she's a bit of a busybody and she knows it, but this part of her also makes her daring an adventurous. she is far from boring.

humorous; regardless of her tough situation and life, she always has time for a good laugh. clara is a teasing person who likes to make fun. her sense of humor is wide and various. she'll laugh at almost anything just as she can make almost anyone laugh. though most of her jokes are what people consider "dad" jokes.

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Jacob Cho

Location: tba || Interactions: tba || Mentions: tba || Outfit Here​

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce molestie, dolor vitae blandit posuere, felis sem vestibulum leo, eu euismod ante leo at mauris. Suspendisse in leo justo. Aenean tincidunt, urna nec fringilla fringilla, dui justo tincidunt erat, id malesuada augue nisl ut erat. Curabitur nec egestas nulla. Sed egestas mauris ac arcu volutpat congue. Quisque dapibus molestie lacus ac ultrices. Proin molestie sapien et mauris cursus vestibulum. Etiam posuere mi id pulvinar varius. Nullam facilisis tellus eu tellus elementum, quis tempus ipsum pulvinar.

Sed nulla quam, ullamcorper eu ultricies egestas, sagittis non nulla. Sed et auctor est. Morbi efficitur velit justo, nec rutrum mi condimentum in. Curabitur accumsan nisi eu justo maximus fringilla. Proin consequat erat ut tincidunt ultricies. Sed at pulvinar tellus, placerat pellentesque elit. Aliquam accumsan mi nulla, at ultrices odio consequat at. Donec eu ligula sit amet nibh interdum cursus imperdiet vitae mi. Sed vehicula purus sit amet nisi mattis, nec pulvinar turpis sagittis. Integer dapibus rhoncus orci, vitae vulputate enim lacinia quis. Curabitur placerat tellus arcu. Nunc sed felis sit amet neque tempor rutrum congue eget ante.

Nunc rutrum imperdiet lacus eget convallis. Aenean in iaculis ligula. Nulla eleifend tempus gravida. Morbi et ex euismod, suscipit dolor non, lobortis odio. Integer pharetra odio eu neque venenatis convallis. Nunc vitae placerat dui. Aliquam erat volutpat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam nec ligula quis odio bibendum condimentum. Nulla at ullamcorper turpis, vitae malesuada felis.

Proin tempus vitae ex et cursus. Etiam vel orci sed ligula congue porta quis eu dolor. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent pretium porttitor elit, in aliquam purus pretium eget. Pellentesque semper urna justo, condimentum dictum ex porta congue. Pellentesque scelerisque urna sed feugiat tempor. Suspendisse euismod, lectus eget ornare accumsan, dui sapien pellentesque nisi, ut convallis quam ipsum id magna. Etiam lectus sapien, vehicula et mi vel, egestas tincidunt enim.

Donec eget mattis ante. Vivamus tempor ac augue sed commodo. Vivamus eu consequat lectus. Aenean in urna id lectus suscipit tristique eu id neque. Ut scelerisque nulla libero, vitae commodo lacus vulputate ut. Vestibulum vel suscipit sem. Duis vel nunc a est commodo sollicitudin in ac nunc. Suspendisse sollicitudin faucibus sapien, sed convallis enim facilisis id. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis tellus urna, molestie vitae sagittis ac, posuere vel neque. Fusce nec fermentum justo, ac scelerisque magna. In in vulputate libero. Morbi massa lorem, consectetur at tincidunt at, tincidunt sit amet mi. Suspendisse scelerisque auctor pellentesque. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.


Chu Hua Feng

Location: tba || Interactions: tba || Mentions: tba || Outfit Here​

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce molestie, dolor vitae blandit posuere, felis sem vestibulum leo, eu euismod ante leo at mauris. Suspendisse in leo justo. Aenean tincidunt, urna nec fringilla fringilla, dui justo tincidunt erat, id malesuada augue nisl ut erat. Curabitur nec egestas nulla. Sed egestas mauris ac arcu volutpat congue. Quisque dapibus molestie lacus ac ultrices. Proin molestie sapien et mauris cursus vestibulum. Etiam posuere mi id pulvinar varius. Nullam facilisis tellus eu tellus elementum, quis tempus ipsum pulvinar.

Sed nulla quam, ullamcorper eu ultricies egestas, sagittis non nulla. Sed et auctor est. Morbi efficitur velit justo, nec rutrum mi condimentum in. Curabitur accumsan nisi eu justo maximus fringilla. Proin consequat erat ut tincidunt ultricies. Sed at pulvinar tellus, placerat pellentesque elit. Aliquam accumsan mi nulla, at ultrices odio consequat at. Donec eu ligula sit amet nibh interdum cursus imperdiet vitae mi. Sed vehicula purus sit amet nisi mattis, nec pulvinar turpis sagittis. Integer dapibus rhoncus orci, vitae vulputate enim lacinia quis. Curabitur placerat tellus arcu. Nunc sed felis sit amet neque tempor rutrum congue eget ante.

Nunc rutrum imperdiet lacus eget convallis. Aenean in iaculis ligula. Nulla eleifend tempus gravida. Morbi et ex euismod, suscipit dolor non, lobortis odio. Integer pharetra odio eu neque venenatis convallis. Nunc vitae placerat dui. Aliquam erat volutpat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam nec ligula quis odio bibendum condimentum. Nulla at ullamcorper turpis, vitae malesuada felis.

Proin tempus vitae ex et cursus. Etiam vel orci sed ligula congue porta quis eu dolor. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent pretium porttitor elit, in aliquam purus pretium eget. Pellentesque semper urna justo, condimentum dictum ex porta congue. Pellentesque scelerisque urna sed feugiat tempor. Suspendisse euismod, lectus eget ornare accumsan, dui sapien pellentesque nisi, ut convallis quam ipsum id magna. Etiam lectus sapien, vehicula et mi vel, egestas tincidunt enim.

Donec eget mattis ante. Vivamus tempor ac augue sed commodo. Vivamus eu consequat lectus. Aenean in urna id lectus suscipit tristique eu id neque. Ut scelerisque nulla libero, vitae commodo lacus vulputate ut. Vestibulum vel suscipit sem. Duis vel nunc a est commodo sollicitudin in ac nunc. Suspendisse sollicitudin faucibus sapien, sed convallis enim facilisis id. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis tellus urna, molestie vitae sagittis ac, posuere vel neque. Fusce nec fermentum justo, ac scelerisque magna. In in vulputate libero. Morbi massa lorem, consectetur at tincidunt at, tincidunt sit amet mi. Suspendisse scelerisque auctor pellentesque. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

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  • Love
Reactions: fudgecakez


i love making you believe
what you get is what you see


Name: Emilia Lee (Korean Name: Eun-Mi, though it is legally her middle name)
Nicknames: Mia || Em/Emmy || Blabbermouth
Date of Birth: July 20th.
Age: 18
Sexuality: Pansexual


Hair: Dark brown, sometimes dyed blonde with some other colors to mix in, but usually and naturally dark brown, full and thick.
Eyes: Dark chestnut brown piercing eyes.
Body: Slim, petite and athletic.
Height: 5'2".
Weight: 115 lbs.
Piercings: A single piercing on each lobe.
Markings/Scars: One on her knee from scraping it badly as a child.
Health/Mental Ailments: Nearsighted, she wears contacts out all of the time but at home, she puts on glasses. It's so bad that she's pretty much blind without her contacts or glasses and she has night blindness because of it too.


Personality: Hardworking | Patient | Friendly | Over-Achiever | Loving | Sensitive | Competitive | Gentle | Insincere | Loyal | Adaptable | Passionate | Flighty | Polite | Secretive | Shy | People Pleaser
Likes: Studio Ghibli | Sports | Photography | Dancing | Music | Video Games | Swimming | Food | Art | Flowers | Animals | Being involved | Summer | Fruit | Waffles
Dislikes: Being left out | Being alone and ignored | Letting People Go | The dark | Gorey movies | Mushy rice | Losing | Bad jokes |
Fears: Being hated | The dark


Brief Background: If she could, Mia would rather erase most of her childhood. It's honestly tiring growing up thinking that you've done something wrong your whole life. She was born as the only child to a wealthy father who was hardly home and when he was, he was cold and callous and a just as wealthy mother who was home, but too drunk all the time to respond. Despite this, she wasn't a somber child at all. She had been timid, but she was always looking to receive love and affection from her parents, with that naive unconditional love a child had for their parents. Most importantly, her grandmother on her mother's side was the one who practically raised her from her kindergarten years.

Most of the time she spent with her family as a family was for work, which included joining her father in donating and giving back. Two places she frequented was the orphanage and the animal shelter, two places that she grew passionate about. She started her own plans and ideas to help out without her father asking her to do so. They either worked or fell through.

As she started to grow up, reality and social expectations started to hit her. She may have come from a "good" background, but she was a pigtailed glasses wearing loser who wasn't very good at many things nor all that smart. She was the perfect target for bullying, it later turned into the type of bullying where one was ignored and talked about behind their back. To make matters worse, her grandmother had passed away.

Mia sick and tired of always being the butt of jokes and ignored by everyone began to change herself. She put herself out there by joining the cheerleading squad in Highschool. She tried to get in with Sophie and Blair and mostly failed, but she did with another group of popular kids. It did require erasing her past, including childhood friends and gossiping about others. She got good at it, even if there were numerous untrue rumors about her that came back.

A lot of those rumors got out of control from time to time, especially when she became Blair's sole friend. And no, she has no plans of ending their relationship, not because of the clout but because she sees her as a real companion.

Lee Hoon | Father | Alive
Park Mina | Mother | Alive
Han Sook Hee | Maternal Grandmother | Deceased
Lee Taemin | Uncle | Alive
Lee Haeun | Aunt | Alive
Song Jungwoo | Cousin | Alive
Lee Hajoon | Cousin | Alive

Other Relationships:
Blair Yost | Friend/Boss | Mia sees her as a real friend. She feels that she's special since she's Blair's only friend when really anyone can tell that she's more or less a lackey. She's clearly a loyal follower of the Yost girl.

Ezra | When she was younger she had a huge and open crush on him and admired his artistic talents. She would have done anything for him until things got too hard for her and in order for her to advance she distanced herself from him and cut him off.

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Hana Winter

Hana Delphine Winter (Birthname: Lee Ha-neul)



Date of birth, Age, Place of Birth:

February 26th | 21 | Incheon, South Korea








Sonokinesis | Sound Manipulation: User can create, shape and manipulate sound. She can mimic, intensify, hush, and distort, as well warp, strengthen, echo, speed up, and slow down sound, using it as a powerful physical force and high-speed movement.

+ Hana can manipulate the frequencies of sound waves by adjusting the tune of sonics and vibrations produced. At low frequencies, sound can be potentially fatal to living beings by causing internal damage, while high frequencies cannot be heard by normal humans but can be used for sonar-like effects. Since sound vibrations can travel through the air, ground, water and any form of medium, defense by using physical barriers is difficult. The vibrations can also affect at a molecular level.

+ She can absorb sound waves while removing it from the source, into her body and use the sound as her own in various ways. This allows her to mute other or objects by absorbing their sound. And with it can become inaudible, either being able to be completely silent or allow herself to only be heard by certain individuals or make things around them inaudible too.

+She can emit and generate sound waves, she is able to use this variously, as an attack or them to use echoes that return from various objects to locate and identify the objects. Alternately, she can use ambient sounds to do the same.

+ She is freely capable of manipulating her voice, allowing her to control her voice to imitate sounds of creatures such as animal noises and explosions or increase or decrease the tone of their voice.

+ Just as she is able to turn down and absorb sound, she is able to amplify sound. She can increase the strength, duration, and potential of sound to it's fullest, the effects may change depending on the original effects of the sound that has now been amplified.

+ She can detect sound-waves, whether it comes from skies, the earth, or the seas. Anything that generates noise, sound, sonic waves, or vibrations, She can detect where ever the source comes from.

- For starters, and arguably the most importantly, Hana does not have complete control of her powers and especially when they have become connected to her psychological issues. When she becomes troubled they either start up unconsciously, shut down without her permission or go haywire. Which is why she refuses to use them so much, she is too terrified that she may hurt someone.

- In order for more than half her powers to work, she needs a medium because sound requires a medium to travel through, such as air, ground or water, though it can be virtually anything.

-When it comes to her sound absorption, Hana cannot absorb the sounds that she self-generated. And there is a range limit when she actually controls it herself consciously, and that is all that her eyes can see. And there is only so much sound that she can absorb, too much wear her down if she does not use it in some other way. And just like with her becoming inaudible, she can only mute people for so long and as long as she's conscious. Just like she can only mute so many people at once. And being in inaudible in dangerous situations puts one at risk, say if there is a fire going on ...

- The thing about her sound waves is that, if they are too powerful, she gets knocked off her feet and hurt by the force nearly as much as the other guy. And being pretty small, it makes it easy for her to get hurt. She doesn't have the complete control to stay firm in her place. It can easily overwhelm her, the same goes for the use of it being echolocation. She can be overloaded if there are too many sensory impressions and other sounds may throw her off.

- When it comes to manipulating her voice, she actually has to use it and Hana rarely speaks. But even then, when she does, this power has as much weakness as the other. Making even the most unusual noises can strain her voice and limit her talking to less and even have her go mute for long periods. It strains her voice to use this ability for a long time and depending on how long she used it and the difficulty of the sound she makes, the longer her speech it is out of commission and the more painful her throat.

- For Hana to amplify or reduce sound, the sound has to be already existing. If there is no sound, the power has no effect.

- In order for her to detect sound-waves, nothing must be blocking the sound and she has to be able to hear it to use her detection to it's fullest.


Hana is a unique type of pretty, it may be obvious at first, but she's not pretty in the typical cookie cutter way. Her facial features resemble that of a rabbit with her two front teeth and her wide doe eyes. Her small frame and height do seem to add to the illusion. Her skin would be considered otherwise flawless if it wasn't for the scars on her back and ribs.


Dark brown, dark enough that in some lighting that it may appear black. Some times, she occasionally will make it lighter but never an unnatural color. Her hair is thick and in its natural state, it's curly in the pattern that you'd see as a perm. But she keeps it straight.


Hana has wide, doe, half-moon eyes that smile when her mouth does. It makes it impossible to hide a smile. If you look close enough you will actually see a lonely soul.




In one word, petite. Hana is slender and small, she only has curves because of her small waist and slightly wide thighs. Otherwise, she's on the skinny side.




Studio Ghibli
Hot Beverages
Studio Ghibli
Arranging/Composing and writing songs
Nintendo Games


Being lied to
Being Alone
Using her powers
Small Spaces


So many people assume that Hana came from a sophisticated and wealthy background when in reality she came from anything but. Her father was a Korean man and a drug addict who smacked her around every other day, while her mother was a Japanese woman who took her pain out on her children. Because of this lack of affection and only abuse, along with the poor state she lived in, she grew up with a very different mindset from ordinary kids and for a long time, she did not speak. The only one who saved her and loved her was her older brother, Joon. The two were inseparable and spent as much time together as they could. It was simply when all she did was sit on the front porch and wait for her brother to return home to her.

The best days were when her father stayed out for days and their mother was working too long to be bothered with them. She liked those days in which they were neglected because it meant they were safe to do whatever they wanted. And it was on one of those days that Joon had snuck her out to his school where he showed her the piano he learned to play. She was only six then, but it was the start of her musical career.

She would go to his school and wait outside for him so that they could go back in and practice the piano. She was an extremely fast learner and that was something the musical teacher instantly noticed on the spot when she caught them one day. Instead of banning them from coming back and telling their parents, she took on Hana as a private student, the girl was clearly a prodigy. There was something about music and it sounds that she understood so clearly and could see better than anyone else. She mastered the piano in just three months and then picked up the violin, now that ... that was her instrument of choice. She loved it so much. What made it more special was the fact that she got to play it with Joon.

On her seventh birthday, the music teacher bought Hana her own personal violin. She excitedly took it home and played it whenever her parents weren't home. Her life was at it's best ... that was until one particular day, her father came home and she didn't hear him over her practice. He busted into the room and hurt her bad for hiding something so expensive from him. He nearly beat her to death, but her brother stepped in and was hurt in return. But then her father tried to take away her gift, it was hers but he wanted to sell it. And that was when she found her voice, she screamed at him, but her scream pact a force that blasted him through the walls and hurt him badly.

That was the night that she and Joon ran away, she had been in shock, as well as Joon, but he snapped out of it first. He packed all that was valuable and useful, grabbed her hand and took them far far away from their home. The two of them lived on the streets for nearly four whole years. And in those years, Joon had encouraged Hana to hone her power and to understand it and not to be afraid of it. So, they started training together and she slowly got a better grip on her powers.

To survive out on the streets, Hana would play Violin and when convinced, she would sing and passerbys would give them tips. They had eventually joined a group of homeless kids to teens who worked together to survive. They were harsh and in most cases, cruel, but it was better than being off on their own as Hana had almost been kidnapped once. They did even dirtier things with those kids, like theiving and when they discovered Hana's powers while she was practicing with Joon, they used that to help them. Of course, one day the siblings had been caught and dropped into an orphanage.

Not even a year later were they adopted overseas. There were one too many things to adapt to, the culture and language difference. Because of this, she was bullied at school a lot. And home was no better, she no longer had poor parents, but they were still abusive. Worse, actually, they're punishments were usually calculated and planned. There was a closed space room that Hana had spent a lot of time either being hurt or locked in for days.

When they discovered the sibling's talent, they knew instantly they could make money off of it. And they did, starting by doing videos online, they quickly gained views and became a sensation. They grew fast in popularity and fans, they started composing their own songs and held concerts, collaborating with others and hosting private shows. Needless to say, the Winters made bank by exploiting the kids

Hana liked to play, and for others, but the stress and abuse from her parents messed with her. When her father was yelling at her after running out on the performance, she just lost it along with control of her powers and she could have hurt him badly, but Joon stepped in the way. He was hurt badly, suffered a terrible head injury and fell into a coma in which they don't know when he'll wake from.

Her parents who were clearly freaked out reported her and she was sent to Mosshurst.


Hana is fluent in Korean, Japanese and English

She likes head pats and hugs but is awkward at giving and receiving affection

She can play piano, violin, guitar, and ukelele

She doesn't like to talk in fear that she will hurt someone

Hana has a beautiful singing voice, but she only ever sings to herself when she's alone

She suffered form anxiety
Clearly, she is socially inept
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Leo Allistair

Leonardo Scott Lindsay Lars Brookes Allistair


Leo | Tiger/Tigger: He had always been an excitable and bouncy kid, so he got the name Tigger. And the most wonderful things about Tiggers is that he's the only one.

Date of birth, Age, Place of Birth:

August 13th | 26 | New York, New York


Kindergarten Teacher








Apparition/Disapparition | Teleportation: User can teleport, or transfer matter (beings/objects, including themselves) or energy from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them. While teleportation may seem like it is simply for travel, it can be a valuable ability as it can be used offensively (and quite powerful, as a spatial attack) while offering superiority regarding movement speed and distance coverage.

+ Leo has had so much practice form a young age, not to mention he has used his powers frequently up until the age he is now. He can teleport great distances and into completely different rooms or buildings.

+Leo is able to teleport to those he has strong feelings for or can teleport to those who have strong feelings towards him.

+ He can teleport short distances. (Also known as flash stepping)

+ Isoportation: Teleport short to shift facing.

+ He can substitute one collection of molecules with another.

+ Partial teleport. Meaning he can teleport parts of a target away.

+ he can also teleport others away without transporting himself along with them or requiring physical contact; can be used both offensively and defensively.

- Truth be told, while Leo has honed his skills, his grasp on them is not as tight as he would like people to believe. They can sometimes act rather faulty.

- If Leo is exhausted, his powers of teleportation can only work short distances and even that becomes dangerous for him as he can faint at any time.

- He is a very difficult teleporting underneath stress and shock, sometimes he is simply unable, and others, he can't control where he goes.

- Leo may be able to teleport just about anywhere, but he isn't able to choose the exact spot of where he'll appear in.

- Unconsciously, Leo may teleport himself to people who he has strong feelings for if he thinks about them too deeply.

- Momentum is conserved when teleporting, meaning that he cannot simply avoid the damage in the midst of falling by just teleporting to the ground.

- If the time-space coordinate which he is teleporting to is already occupied, he may get thrown to another location, or suffer some other sort of teleportation malfunction.


Tall with sharply chiseled features, and not a completely scrawny cupcake, Leo is a good and kind looking young man. His skin is fair and would be flawless if it wasn't for the brown freckles smattering the skin on his face. His hair is a dirty blonde that go well with his bright blue eyes that are full of nothing but trouble. He has an athletic build and a dorky smile and generally just a friendly looking guy.


Dirty blonde and straight, he tries to keep it short, but never grooms it as he should.


"Yeah, Ocean Eyes was about me, haha." Leo has bright blue ocean eyes, they're quite mesmerizing and full of nothing but trouble to come. he can't hide his mischevy behind them.




Now, while Leo isn't a buff guy, he isn't scrawny either and has muscles. His build is athletic and cleans more to the wiry side. With his height added to that and his standout personality, he's impossible to miss.




Video Gams
80's and 70's Songs


Never being taken seriously
Cats (they're evil)
Being sick
Combing his hair
Horror Movies


Growing up, Leo had always been weird, but then most people would consider his whole background strange. He grew up with two mothers and a father, though, not in the sense that most people mistake because he says in as if they all live together. The truth of the matter is that Leo's father is a genius electronic engineer/ scientist who, during his first college years, knocked up his girlfriend, Leo's mother, a major veterinarian student. The two decided to stay together and eventually married because his father's family insisted that they should. And his grandparents were wealthy and sophisticated and harsh. If it was up to them, they would have raised Leo themselves.

Though, when Leo was one, his mother and father separated. The two had grown to more or less hate each other, lots of it having to do with his father's suffocating and pushy parents. She moved in with her best friend and Leo's godmother, Kristen Lars. While his mother continued to go to school and work, Kristen stayed home and cared for him. The two of them were inseparable, she was the first person he came mother and secretly his favorite person. His biological parents were always working and going to school, but they came to see him as much as they could, often spoiling him. Spoiled by three different parents and even grandparents would ruin a child, but Kristen discipline him plenty and he grew up a joyful energetic ball who always got into trouble.

He got into trouble at home, at school and when out with friends. Yes, he was a weirdo, but a charismatic one. To keep him from getting him into too much trouble, Kristen kept him at her side and had him paint with her. He was quite the whiz when it came to arts and craft thanks to his artist mother. And during summers, he often visited his third of grandparents in Norway, Oslo. He loved those days.

When he turned seven, he caught his mother bringing a filtering plant back to its full health. He immediately thought she was God -- Gaia, to be exact. But it turned out she was simply gifted. And apparently, his mother knew about it too. She had the power to heal, which explained a lot. But because of that, he wanted powers so badly himself. He would do stupid and silly and dangerous things to power test himself. The results always came out as a fail. Then, being the child he was, he asked his father for some kind of super serum. And was denied.

As he grew up, Leo figured he was not very special. He didn't have powers, but he wasn't a genius like his parents either, he could o arts and crafts but his paternal grandparents made it clear to him that it wasn't enough. And in turn, he began to think at the young age of ten that he wasn't enough. People would often look down on him at school and never take him serious, the class clown. It was a huge blow to his self-esteem.

Things only got weirder when he started appearing in different places of the house or outside or whenever he spaced out. At first, he was sure that he was likely losing it, but then after an incident of running away from his mother to avoid punishment, he willed himself in a different place. He discovered his powers the same day as his mother and was ecstatic. Despite his mothers telling him to be careful, he used it frequently and because he did, eventually his father found out, but he got over it, eventually.

All seemed well for the next two years until the unexpected happened. Leo and Kristen were on the subway when one of the tunnels collapsed. Leo tried to teleport to save his mother, but he teleported in the wrong spot and was half buried under debris. They were down there for two days, and he was hurt badly. To save his life, his mother used all her strength to heal him as much as she could with her powers. She held his hand, but Leo had let go in the confusion and the dark and she had gone unconscious so he thought her to be gone or dead. So, he was alone, in pain and scared for two whole days in that dark and suffocating place.

The rescue team saved them and they were admitted into the hospital for months. Kristen had lost all feeling her legs, and Leo was mostly traumatized but after leaving the hospital he slowly returned back to the boy he was. With PTSD, of course. But he tried not to let that rule him and learned to train his powers so that he would never be stuck in that situation again.

Years went by and then his father discovered the school Mosshurst. It took a lot of convincing to get him to get Leo to go. He wanted to stay behind and help out with his mother Kristen. But his mother kicked him out and took him to Mosshurst herself.

However, after the incident, he didn't return home. He couldn't. He ended up staying in the offered home of Ravenwood.


His middle names (Lars and Brookes) is his mother's last names. And then he got the middle name Lindsay because his moms were going to give him that name if he was a girl, but then gave it to him anyway. His father only got a say in his first name and the middle name Scott.

Due to mostly being raised by his mother Kristen, he has a bit of a Norwegian accent

He is always getting himself hurt one way or another. He is undeniably clumsy.

Leo will tell you that he does not find trouble, but trouble finds him. It's actually both.

He is a terrible liar. Do not trust him with a secret.

Leo is terrible with confrontation and in most cases will try to teleport out of tough situations like that. He is considerate of other's emotions but sucks when it comes to dealing with his own.

He has a whole stash of dad jokes waiting to be told

Leo surprisingly suffers from PTSD.

He likes sports, he was on the swimming team and taekwondo team and he does parkour.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis vitae scelerisque risus. Nullam vel risus eros. Sed et nisl vitae eros ultricies lobortis. Fusce volutpat, leo eu fermentum volutpat, libero turpis tempor risus, eu mollis velit urna quis metus. Curabitur et mauris id sem lacinia faucibus nec sit amet metus. Morbi rutrum lacus turpis, eu iaculis erat dapibus at. Cras rutrum ante vitae augue maximus, id efficitur massa fringilla. Nam ut tempus sem. Maecenas tincidunt consectetur sem ut porttitor.

Ut consequat maximus rhoncus. Cras et posuere nunc, ut semper felis. Proin elementum nulla non nisi elementum consequat. Ut vitae orci luctus, bibendum leo vel, iaculis nunc. Praesent id massa eget neque laoreet venenatis non id dui. Nam accumsan viverra mi, sit amet ultricies tortor efficitur a. Aliquam aliquam posuere nisl, vel pretium sem. Nam quam tortor, vestibulum eget ante eu, aliquet porta diam. Proin consectetur magna eget pellentesque mollis. Sed in felis sollicitudin, rutrum nisi ac, vestibulum turpis. Nam id lacinia dui. Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque tempus ex justo, dapibus rhoncus magna luctus rutrum.

Pellentesque bibendum pulvinar sodales. Donec nisl arcu, maximus non tellus a, blandit gravida enim. Aliquam ac tempus mauris. Vivamus diam leo, rhoncus vitae mollis sit amet, lacinia ut erat. Nulla suscipit, velit et suscipit faucibus, sapien nibh accumsan leo, vitae gravida leo neque ut nulla. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Ut semper pharetra bibendum. Sed ac leo in eros pharetra ultricies id ac mauris. Donec non leo tristique, facilisis odio sit amet, cursus massa. Proin non leo ac neque pellentesque rutrum a vitae eros. Ut efficitur, mauris in cursus efficitur, purus massa convallis dui, vel molestie mauris erat sed dui. Quisque dapibus ex vitae molestie molestie.


Like A Star

I knew I would
fall in love with you

I had no choice but to love you

Because in my eyes, in my heart

You shine like a star

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Interaction: tba
Mention: The Mossy Spot
Outfit: HERE

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla tincidunt laoreet ipsum. In sodales neque id nibh luctus, eget egestas turpis pulvinar. Donec id efficitur odio. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean convallis placerat fringilla. Donec id dignissim purus. Donec quis tellus vel diam laoreet ultrices a efficitur lorem. Duis vitae tortor venenatis, feugiat tellus auctor, mollis eros. Morbi vulputate enim quis dolor sagittis, at vehicula lorem vulputate. Donec cursus maximus euismod. In vitae eleifend magna. Proin dui nisi, hendrerit ut feugiat ut, condimentum in eros. Suspendisse sed metus ac ligula luctus mattis id sed eros. Fusce gravida maximus est vel congue. Morbi sit amet justo dapibus nulla mollis luctus in quis massa. Mauris et nunc porttitor, vestibulum tellus a, vulputate metus.

Donec at mauris sed odio iaculis finibus ac ac dolor. Ut quam leo, vulputate quis ultricies a, ultrices et ipsum. Duis ac ipsum iaculis, egestas nulla quis, rhoncus lacus. Vestibulum magna libero, ullamcorper sit amet consectetur a, gravida in urna. Donec ut consequat risus, in pellentesque tortor. Aliquam sodales pretium nunc, nec molestie erat rutrum et. Nunc dictum magna non eros ullamcorper, ut porta nunc auctor. Donec posuere turpis sit amet turpis egestas interdum et non orci. Quisque condimentum arcu eu lacus laoreet gravida. Aenean sapien mi, sodales luctus nulla vel, sodales posuere justo. Aliquam in lacus convallis, vehicula mauris nec, bibendum nisl. Integer non enim lobortis, mattis lorem quis, volutpat nunc. Curabitur eu purus pretium, iaculis nulla eu, malesuada felis. Duis interdum lacus eget sapien tempus, at volutpat velit commodo.

Ut vitae magna id felis pretium faucibus non at enim. Vestibulum at ligula sed eros suscipit sagittis. Nullam vel tellus odio. Nullam sit amet erat mauris. Morbi ex metus, dignissim at gravida eget, posuere ac lorem. Duis in auctor dolor. Duis id neque ut tellus lacinia condimentum vel sit amet magna. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Proin ut tortor id erat congue hendrerit.

Sed quis condimentum purus, nec lobortis orci. Pellentesque ut massa nunc. Fusce a malesuada tortor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Mauris magna lectus, dignissim at posuere non, tincidunt et est. Phasellus tellus purus, vehicula scelerisque enim at, placerat commodo purus. Ut sodales lectus et interdum elementum.

Mauris ultrices, lacus et interdum mollis, elit sem rhoncus nisi, at feugiat nisi nisl et odio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin condimentum convallis diam, non viverra diam mollis dignissim. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse tincidunt purus eget metus tempus condimentum. Nam luctus quam a nulla sollicitudin, vitae pellentesque lectus convallis. Morbi eget risus at massa pellentesque euismod eu sit amet libero.

Last edited:

Interaction: tba
Mention: The Mossy Spot
Outfit: HERE

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla tincidunt laoreet ipsum. In sodales neque id nibh luctus, eget egestas turpis pulvinar. Donec id efficitur odio. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean convallis placerat fringilla. Donec id dignissim purus. Donec quis tellus vel diam laoreet ultrices a efficitur lorem. Duis vitae tortor venenatis, feugiat tellus auctor, mollis eros. Morbi vulputate enim quis dolor sagittis, at vehicula lorem vulputate. Donec cursus maximus euismod. In vitae eleifend magna. Proin dui nisi, hendrerit ut feugiat ut, condimentum in eros. Suspendisse sed metus ac ligula luctus mattis id sed eros. Fusce gravida maximus est vel congue. Morbi sit amet justo dapibus nulla mollis luctus in quis massa. Mauris et nunc porttitor, vestibulum tellus a, vulputate metus.

Donec at mauris sed odio iaculis finibus ac ac dolor. Ut quam leo, vulputate quis ultricies a, ultrices et ipsum. Duis ac ipsum iaculis, egestas nulla quis, rhoncus lacus. Vestibulum magna libero, ullamcorper sit amet consectetur a, gravida in urna. Donec ut consequat risus, in pellentesque tortor. Aliquam sodales pretium nunc, nec molestie erat rutrum et. Nunc dictum magna non eros ullamcorper, ut porta nunc auctor. Donec posuere turpis sit amet turpis egestas interdum et non orci. Quisque condimentum arcu eu lacus laoreet gravida. Aenean sapien mi, sodales luctus nulla vel, sodales posuere justo. Aliquam in lacus convallis, vehicula mauris nec, bibendum nisl. Integer non enim lobortis, mattis lorem quis, volutpat nunc. Curabitur eu purus pretium, iaculis nulla eu, malesuada felis. Duis interdum lacus eget sapien tempus, at volutpat velit commodo.

Ut vitae magna id felis pretium faucibus non at enim. Vestibulum at ligula sed eros suscipit sagittis. Nullam vel tellus odio. Nullam sit amet erat mauris. Morbi ex metus, dignissim at gravida eget, posuere ac lorem. Duis in auctor dolor. Duis id neque ut tellus lacinia condimentum vel sit amet magna. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Proin ut tortor id erat congue hendrerit.

Sed quis condimentum purus, nec lobortis orci. Pellentesque ut massa nunc. Fusce a malesuada tortor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Mauris magna lectus, dignissim at posuere non, tincidunt et est. Phasellus tellus purus, vehicula scelerisque enim at, placerat commodo purus. Ut sodales lectus et interdum elementum.

Mauris ultrices, lacus et interdum mollis, elit sem rhoncus nisi, at feugiat nisi nisl et odio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin condimentum convallis diam, non viverra diam mollis dignissim. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse tincidunt purus eget metus tempus condimentum. Nam luctus quam a nulla sollicitudin, vitae pellentesque lectus convallis. Morbi eget risus at massa pellentesque euismod eu sit amet libero.

Last edited:
  • Love
Reactions: tcnic

the cheerleader

interactions ; mentions:
tba (@MaryGold )

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce molestie, dolor vitae blandit posuere, felis sem vestibulum leo, eu euismod ante leo at mauris. Suspendisse in leo justo. Aenean tincidunt, urna nec fringilla fringilla, dui justo tincidunt erat, id malesuada augue nisl ut erat. Curabitur nec egestas nulla. Sed egestas mauris ac arcu volutpat congue. Quisque dapibus molestie lacus ac ultrices. Proin molestie sapien et mauris cursus vestibulum. Etiam posuere mi id pulvinar varius. Nullam facilisis tellus eu tellus elementum, quis tempus ipsum pulvinar.

Sed nulla quam, ullamcorper eu ultricies egestas, sagittis non nulla. Sed et auctor est. Morbi efficitur velit justo, nec rutrum mi condimentum in. Curabitur accumsan nisi eu justo maximus fringilla. Proin consequat erat ut tincidunt ultricies. Sed at pulvinar tellus, placerat pellentesque elit. Aliquam accumsan mi nulla, at ultrices odio consequat at. Donec eu ligula sit amet nibh interdum cursus imperdiet vitae mi. Sed vehicula purus sit amet nisi mattis, nec pulvinar turpis sagittis. Integer dapibus rhoncus orci, vitae vulputate enim lacinia quis. Curabitur placerat tellus arcu. Nunc sed felis sit amet neque tempor rutrum congue eget ante.

Nunc rutrum imperdiet lacus eget convallis. Aenean in iaculis ligula. Nulla eleifend tempus gravida. Morbi et ex euismod, suscipit dolor non, lobortis odio. Integer pharetra odio eu neque venenatis convallis. Nunc vitae placerat dui. Aliquam erat volutpat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam nec ligula quis odio bibendum condimentum. Nulla at ullamcorper turpis, vitae malesuada felis.

Proin tempus vitae ex et cursus. Etiam vel orci sed ligula congue porta quis eu dolor. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent pretium porttitor elit, in aliquam purus pretium eget. Pellentesque semper urna justo, condimentum dictum ex porta congue. Pellentesque scelerisque urna sed feugiat tempor. Suspendisse euismod, lectus eget ornare accumsan, dui sapien pellentesque nisi, ut convallis quam ipsum id magna. Etiam lectus sapien, vehicula et mi vel, egestas tincidunt enim.

Donec eget mattis ante. Vivamus tempor ac augue sed commodo. Vivamus eu consequat lectus. Aenean in urna id lectus suscipit tristique eu id neque. Ut scelerisque nulla libero, vitae commodo lacus vulputate ut. Vestibulum vel suscipit sem. Duis vel nunc a est commodo sollicitudin in ac nunc. Suspendisse sollicitudin faucibus sapien, sed convallis enim facilisis id. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis tellus urna, molestie vitae sagittis ac, posuere vel neque. Fusce nec fermentum justo, ac scelerisque magna. In in vulputate libero. Morbi massa lorem, consectetur at tincidunt at, tincidunt sit amet mi. Suspendisse scelerisque auctor pellentesque. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Last edited:

Manager Kim

Name: Kim Eun-Joo
Age: 34
Role: Main manager of Honey's group and personal manager of Honey
Manager Kim has been there for the boys since before the beginning. She scouted all of them and broke through as one of the top managers in the industry, surprisingly as a female. She's a professional but is very close to them all. And she will break anyone who tries to hurt her boys.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla tincidunt laoreet ipsum. In sodales neque id nibh luctus, eget egestas turpis pulvinar. Donec id efficitur odio. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean convallis placerat fringilla. Donec id dignissim purus. Donec quis tellus vel diam laoreet ultrices a efficitur lorem. Duis vitae tortor venenatis, feugiat tellus auctor, mollis eros. Morbi vulputate enim quis dolor sagittis, at vehicula lorem vulputate. Donec cursus maximus euismod. In vitae eleifend magna. Proin dui nisi, hendrerit ut feugiat ut, condimentum in eros. Suspendisse sed metus ac ligula luctus mattis id sed eros. Fusce gravida maximus est vel congue. Morbi sit amet justo dapibus nulla mollis luctus in quis massa. Mauris et nunc porttitor, vestibulum tellus a, vulputate metus.

Donec at mauris sed odio iaculis finibus ac ac dolor. Ut quam leo, vulputate quis ultricies a, ultrices et ipsum. Duis ac ipsum iaculis, egestas nulla quis, rhoncus lacus. Vestibulum magna libero, ullamcorper sit amet consectetur a, gravida in urna. Donec ut consequat risus, in pellentesque tortor. Aliquam sodales pretium nunc, nec molestie erat rutrum et. Nunc dictum magna non eros ullamcorper, ut porta nunc auctor. Donec posuere turpis sit amet turpis egestas interdum et non orci. Quisque condimentum arcu eu lacus laoreet gravida. Aenean sapien mi, sodales luctus nulla vel, sodales posuere justo. Aliquam in lacus convallis, vehicula mauris nec, bibendum nisl. Integer non enim lobortis, mattis lorem quis, volutpat nunc. Curabitur eu purus pretium, iaculis nulla eu, malesuada felis. Duis interdum lacus eget sapien tempus, at volutpat velit commodo.

Ut vitae magna id felis pretium faucibus non at enim. Vestibulum at ligula sed eros suscipit sagittis. Nullam vel tellus odio. Nullam sit amet erat mauris. Morbi ex metus, dignissim at gravida eget, posuere ac lorem. Duis in auctor dolor. Duis id neque ut tellus lacinia condimentum vel sit amet magna. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Proin ut tortor id erat congue hendrerit.

Sed quis condimentum purus, nec lobortis orci. Pellentesque ut massa nunc. Fusce a malesuada tortor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Mauris magna lectus, dignissim at posuere non, tincidunt et est. Phasellus tellus purus, vehicula scelerisque enim at, placerat commodo purus. Ut sodales lectus et interdum elementum.

Mauris ultrices, lacus et interdum mollis, elit sem rhoncus nisi, at feugiat nisi nisl et odio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin condimentum convallis diam, non viverra diam mollis dignissim. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse tincidunt purus eget metus tempus condimentum. Nam luctus quam a nulla sollicitudin, vitae pellentesque lectus convallis. Morbi eget risus at massa pellentesque euismod eu sit amet libero.

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Edward Vale

Edward Hugo Vale (Korean Name: Eun-Woo)


Ed | Eddy

Date of birth, Age, Place of Birth:

November 14th | 23 | London, England



Blood Type:

AB -






Flyrokinesis | Force Field Manipulation
User can create, shape, and manipulate force-fields, a field of energy without mass that acts as a matter/wall, so that objects affected by the particular force relating to the field are unable to pass through the field and reach the other side.

+ He can create a shield, wall, or a field formed from energy, elements, shaped from the environment, or formed by manipulating smaller items to form a greater whole.
+ Create Force-fields for protection from physical attacks and/or energy attacks.
+ Create an area for breathing where doing so can be dangerous, allowing navigation through toxic gas or vacuum.
+ Create a force-field inside an object or person, and expand the force-field so that the object or person explodes.
+ Can create a shield that can absorb anything to protect himself from any incoming attacks and release them later.
+ He is able to bind, imprison, paralyze and/or otherwise stop targets moving normally and possibly completely freezing them where they were with his force fields.
+ Can turn force-fields into tools, objects, weapons and other items, create semi-living constructs and/or create structures/buildings of varying permanence.
+ Can release/use force-fields to attacks of various shapes and/or intensities, either projected, used as a part of melee attacks, etc.
+ He is able to generate and shape force fields in a way that aids in physical combat. Users often employ defensive tactics to wear down the opponent's strength and then crush them with battering force or trapping them inside a dome of force. This power-fighting style could be incredibly lethal to opponents in a variety of gruesome ways.
+ He can manipulate/shape matter, his force fields, in a way that allows him to allow him to matter surf.
+ He can change the colors of his force fields and even have it blend into surroundings by blending in with the coloration and form of their background to avoid optical perception.
+ Can move through force-fields unimpeded.

- His force fields are typically impenetrable and unbreakable, but under the right circumstances, can be removed by energy drain and/or extreme force.
- The lower his energy, the weaker and more fragile his shields will be.
- It is difficult to maintain barriers under stress.
- Eddy can be hurt if one of his barriers are broken, both externally and internally.
- His force fields have a limit for how much they can absorb at once. It would need to be deflected against the enemy before it takes on too much and falls apart.
- Eddy may be over-charged/wounded if too much energy is used at once in his attacks.
- He is certainly not immune to the blasts of his own attacks.
- In most cases constructs will return back into their original state if the User becomes unconscious, leaves the proximity or otherwise loses contact/control of the item.
- Users of Teleportation/Intangibility can escape.
- He is not immune to non-damaging based powers or abilities.


Eddy has a dark look upon him, but still devilishly handsome. His eyebrows are dark, full and perfect, one of his most distinguishable attributes. His eyes are similar, being just as dark and closed off. He hàs a handsome face, but it lacks happy expressions most of the time. Nearly everything about him appears put together. His hair, again, a rich and dark brown, is always groomed, fine and softer than most would assume. The same goes for his skin, soft, medium fair and would be flawless if it wasn't for the few self-inflicted scars he has.


Eddie has a head full of hair, hair that he keeps groomed, never is it a mess, unless he just woke up. Its natural color is a dark deep brown that looks closer to be ink black. He keeps it short and always combed, thick and fine as always. Softer than most people suspect.


Dark brown eyes, usually silently judging people. They are a beautiful and romantic almond shape, though while eyes are the window to one's soul, his is blocked out.




Athletic. Eddy has a wiry and slender build. He isn't brawny, but he's far from a stick figure, he works out regularly to keep in shape by training and exercising. His body is firm.




Classical Music
Being left alone
Board Games
Ice Cream


Lies and liars
Being touched without permission
Any psychic powers
Loud Noises
His own sickness


From the day he was born, Eddy had been dealt a bad hand. He was "the second try" as his older cousin had told him when he was just a wee little child. Before he was born, his older brother, also named Edward, who died of cancer two years before Eddy was born. His parents had been devastated and never had been the same since. But when his mother found out she was pregnant again, it brought her hope and happiness once again. His father wasn't as overjoyed, forever grieving over his first son. He wasn't warm to the idea of his wife naming their second son after their first, but he hardly interjected. In fact, he hardly involved himself with anything that included little Eddy, he would never be Edward Sr, after all.

Eddy's mother doted on her son, spoiled him and took him everywhere with her. He was joined at the hip with his mother and anyone who messed with him got the hand. He had everything he could ever want for, he came from a wealthy socialite family after all. His father was popular and damn good lawyer and his mother a model, entrepreneur and fashion designer whose name was everywhere. He had rich parents, but not so much a good life.

As he started to grow older, his parents began to see something different in him. He was clearly not like other children, he had started to develop his powers from the early age of three. It only slightly scared his parents, after all, his father's side of the family, including his father had powers of their own, powers they kept secret. But it didn't stop there, Eddy acted differently from other children, from "normal children".

It wasn't until his mother set him on a playdate with a friend's child, to introduce him to more children that she decided to take him to see a professional. An accident had occurred in which he locked himself in the closet for hours because he didn't like the other child after he ruined his lego tower. It could have been nothing, but he showed other worrisome and socially withdrawn signs.

So, when she took him to the doctors, they found out that Eddy was suffering from symptoms of autism. It wasn't very bad at all, but,it was still there and obvious to anyone who looked. It put an even bigger rift between Eddy and his father who had never even bothered to touch him as a baby in the first place. But the moment he saw his son wasn't "normal" in any sense, he distanced himself further, but kept a watchful eye on the boy with his developing powers.

His mother, drew him even closer, to a point that she was almost suffocating him. Because he was still learning to use his powers and he was so troubled in public, Eddy was homeschooled. He liked it, but because his mother still wanted him to socialize, she picked out children for him to play with and scheduled those times. She was so cautious with him, doing her best not to lose him like she did the last in any way.

One of his constant playmates even before he was diagnosed was his cousin, Angel. The boy had been close with his deceased older brother and took Edy under his wing as his own. It also helped that he demonstrated his powers, helping to teach Eddy how to control his own, as well as teaching him how to interact, and Eddy's personal favorite, sarcasm. He was just fine with it being only Angel, but the other boy had school and couldn't stick around for as long as Eddy would have liked.

And then that was when he was introduced to the one person who ruined his life single-handedly. Her name was Charlotte Mays. Eddy remembered the day she walked into his life perfectly, it was his ninth birthday and his mother had gathered a small group of kids he knew to celebrate with. It was almost like love at first sight, if it had worked that way for him. He had simply thought she was very pretty and wanted to be her friend instantly. Unlike the other kids, she was quiet, shy, kind and sophisticated. And like him, she was "off" as the adults would say secretly, but in a different way. The girl was somewhere lost in her own head. He liked her, everyone liked her, and how could they not? Even though she was so pretty and thoughtful, there was something distant about her, like she was hiding something.

She came almost daily to see Eddy and play with him. At the time, she was eleven, two years older than him, but he didn't care, nor did he. Their parents were also close, which helped them to see each other often. Before long, he fell in love with her before he even knew what the word love meant. She rejected him, for multiple reasons, he was too young, he wasn't her type and he wasn't something special. It broke his heart, but it was because of that heartbreak he decided to go to a physical school and stop hiding indoors.

It was an experience, the first day, he had entrapped a kid in a force field he couldn't even see. But he deserved it, the boy was a bully. It was the last time he did that, his father threatened to remove him from school. Eddy was determined to prove to Charlotte that he could be just what she wanted. So, he did as he was told and remained her friend and when she told him he still wasn't enough and give him a suggestion, he'd take it. Growing up, he was nearly molded into the guy she wanted him to be. Charlotte liked pianos, he learned piano, Charlotte thought he'd be good at singing, he learned to sing, Charlotte wanted him to stop playing that annoying video game, he would stop playing, Charlotte liked poems, he wrote them. The girl had him on a leash before he was even officially hers. This was something that his cousin pointed out before he went away. And though he changed for her, he was starting to fall out of love with her, though he didn't know it.

What made her finally make him her boyfriend was when she accidentally witnessed his powers. Without question, she claimed him to be like her and made him her boyfriend. The love he felt for her was reawakened. Ironically or romantically, the day they began dating was on his sixteenth birthday. His parents were happy, his mother was beginning to become worried he showed no interest in anyone. And his father felt that Charlotte brought out the better Eddy, the "normal" Eddy. But as they began dating, Charlotte proved to be controlling and suffocating. She wanted him to cut the few people in his life out and introduce him to her friends. She wanted him to do things he didn't want to. But somehow … he would do it anyway, without thinking about it all, his mind free of his own wants.

Eventually, he decided that they were better off as friends. But she when he decided to dump her .. he changed his mind. When he tried to defy her ... he decided not to. It was always best to just do what Charlotte wanted, Charlotte was his girlfriend and he loved her. He did what she asked, slowly but surely he began to stop asking questions about it. Things got weird and blurry, there were lapses in his memories, he would space out, people claimed that he did things he couldn't remember, just as he couldn't remember the time, sometimes the date, how he ended up in some places, some people. He was almost always confused. Nothing made sense.

Then one day, one of his only friends who apparently was his ex friend then asked to meet him. This person confronted him about his behaviour, how they were annoyed and concerned for Eddy. He was nothing but a little robot and toy for Charlotte, it was like he had no bad bone and he let her and her friends treat him so terribly, they just used him. Eddy was at a lost, but it only got worse when Charlotte walked in on them. She and his friend immediately got into a heated argument which ended with Charlotte telling Eddy to push the other off the rooftop they stood on. And it was so easy to do. He didn't even think, he just did and then he forgot about it, waking up in a two days later. He heard that someone had pushed that friend off the rooftop and they were currently in critical condition.

Everything was so wrong and it was even scarier and confusing when he was with his girlfriend. He began to avoid her, but when he couldn't, he learned a trick to bring him back to reality instead of the dazed and confused well he would fall into when around her. Pain. It cleared his mind and brought back his senses. It didn't take long before he learned the reason he was this way was because of her. She was different because she was a psychic and she was playing with his mind, taking it over, erasing memories, creating new ones and manipulating him in general. Eddy was hurt and angry, his initial thoughts were to attack her, to free himself of her bondages, but each time he would try it, she take a hold his mind just like that. One day, instead of just using force, he used his powers and got the upper hand.

Unfortunately, his parents walked in on them. Between him and Charlotte, they believed Charlotte. She was so damn good at lying. She painted the perfect picture that he was abusive and had anger issues, that she was trying to be a good girlfriend and help him. His mother was doubtful because this was her only child, his father … the man believed it instantly. After all, Eddy had never been normal and he had barely been his son. And how would anyone believe that Eddy was the one being abused, that she was actually a psychic who screwed his mind up. All of her friends and the people around them backed her up. Why wouldn't they? Eddy was far from normal and they had witnessed times that he would try to free himself from her grasp on his mind. To put the cherry on top, she even told his parents that he pushed that person off the roof.

His father decided to take tough action. He was angry and he wanted the truth from Eddy. The truth that Eddy repeatedly gave but the man would not accept. So, things worsened and he ended up tying his own son down and using his powers to try and make him "confess". Those powers of his were also psionic powers. It lasted two days, two days in which Charlotte had tried to come over and visit. She still loved him and he knew then that she was also crazy. But when he finally had enough of people messing with his mind, Eddy broke out of his bonds and attacked his father.

He was done playing their way, it was his turn. He knocked his father out cold and stormed out to hurt everyone who had ever hurt him. Luckily, most of them were gathered in one place, Charlotte's home. It was quite some time, he was done hiding his powers and had no qualms using it against the lying cowards. Charlotte had actually been excited to see him, but she was crying when they were locked in battle and he almost killed her … almost. His parents had stopped him before he could, but even before that, he had stopped himself.

His father cleaned up the mess, erased memories, except for Charlotte's. She could protect her own. And then, his father completely stopped talking to him. The authorities had come by because there had been a huge scene but suddenly no one could remember. His father reported him in, silently throwing him under the bus and wanting him out of his house. Edward was glad to believe, to get far away from Charlotte and so he was sent away to Mosshurst.

His mother kept in contact with as much as possible, especially within his first few months there. The new surroundings caused him no ease and he had gotten into trouble here and there. His father stopped contacting him in general. And Charlotte, she just wouldn't let him forget her.


Eddy has a baby sister. She was born while he was within Mosshurst and his father has banned him from ever seeing her. That was the first and last time he talked to the man since coming to Mosshurst.
Eddy suffers from minor symptoms of autism, something he detests about himself.
He uses reading glasses, because his eyes aren't the best.
And because his mind had been a playground for such a long time, he also suffers from delirium.
He likes to do art and is genuinely good at it. The same goes for writing, especially poems.
You know he wears Gucci, he only wears designer in general. He never dresses like a poor man.
Eddy does not apologize. Mainly because he's rarely ever sorry and he doesn't like to lie. He's honest and frank and it has been many upset, but he doesn't care. And if doesn't say anything, it means he's likely silently judging you.
He is currently working on the full detachment of his feelings. He has a heart as much as he hates it.
Honey-Luna was a gift from his mother. The feline helped him get a little better at accepting affection.
He has used his force fields to block people out and other less kind things.
He is very good at bluffing and honestly a damn good gambler.

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Angel Vale

Angel Dante Vale (Korean name: Ahn)


Angie | Ange | An (Ahn) | Jelly Beans

Date of birth, Age, Place of Birth:

June 21st | 25 | London, England



Blood Type:

AB +






Ictiokinesis | Light Manipulation: The user can create, shape and manipulate visible light, commonly referred to as light, is electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye, and is responsible for the sense of sight.

+ He can generate light of various intensities.
+ He can create a field of absolute light that blinds the targets either temporarily or permanently and may also dull or even completely negate the other senses. They are potentially able to generate light so intense it can completely obliterate objects in its path without heat.
+ An can absorb visible light or its partial wavelengths, while removing it from the source, into his body and use it in various ways, gaining some form of advantage, either by enhancing himself, gaining the drained power, using it as power source etc., either temporarily or permanently.
+ He can manipulate photons to solidify the light, with the level of solidity going from loose jelly to metal-like hardness or beyond. And with that light he can turn it into tools, objects, weapons and other items, create semi-living constructs and/or create structures/buildings of varying permanence.
+ He can bypass/negate the intangible/immaterial nature of light, and treat them as if they were solid objects without being physically harmed.
+ He can infuse objects (usually a weapon), beings or powers with light, empowering and energizing them and allowing the user to manipulate their qualities and efficiency.
+ He becomes stronger, faster, more durable, etc. when he comes into contact with light.
+ He can release/use light to attacks of various shapes and/or intensities, either projected, used as a part of melee attacks, etc.
+ He can use light in their physical combat, making their attacks extremely fast, mixing precision strikes with broader effects and unpredictability.

- An has yet to reach the full extent of his powers, sometimes he learns something completely new and it takes a while to learn. Such has bending and shifting light particles, he has yet to really learn to do that and hasn't touched it.
- Darkness is his biggest weakness and challenge.
- Darkness can and will weaken his powers of light when he is in it. In fact, it doesn't just weaken his powers, but him too.
- He can be overwhelmed by intense levels of darkness.
- In most cases constructs will return back into their original state if the User becomes unconscious, leaves the proximity or otherwise loses contact/control of the item.
- He can be over-charged/wounded if too much energy is used at once.
- He needs control to avoid unnecessary destruction.
- He has to use the light he absorbed in some way or it could release after being held in so long and/or hurt someone.
- Light has had effects on his body, such as changing his appearance (namely the color of his eyes and hair). He hasn't really been able to revert the effects, it changes on its own whenever.


In one word, ethereal. An has lived up to his name, looking like a heaven sent angel. He has the type of face that could simultaneously pull off being cute and sexy at the same time. And how could he not be? Big brown eyes and full pink lips. With both his charms and appearance, he is nearly irresistible to look at or talk to. Not to mention the color of his hair and eyes change here and there. But his face is always the same. His eyes are very expressive, he's hardly able to hide anything behind. And if he smiles at you, then you'll find that it's perhaps both the sweetest and secretive one you've come into contact with.


An was born with a head full of dark brown fine hair, straight, thick and soft to the touch. But the hair that one will find him with is always platinum blonde white or pink. Sometimes the dark roots of his hair will come into play.


Naturally, his eyes are wide and expressive and the color coffee brown. When he uses his powers, they become a silver-bluish color.


5'11 ½".


An is 90% legs. It's no wonder he was once a model, face aside, he has a slight build with long legs. He gets in exercise so he's in shape, but is not very muscular and weighs a little less than he should.


Easily flustered


Sunny days
Cold Sweets
Competitive Games
Card Games


Staying up late
Pitch black rooms
Being forced into things
Mushy rice
Being sick
Bitter Cofee


Angel is, by absolute blood, a Vale. And the Vale's are of high social class, rolling in their on wealth and popularity. Angel, however, did not grow up in such circumstances. He was born as an illegitimate child, the result of an affair. While his father recognized him as his child, he did not recognize the responsibility to being involved with him. So, he was given the name and his mother was sent checks to support her only child.

His mother was furious, but there wasn't much she could do about it. She raised Angel by herself for a long time. Things weren't any easier for him growing up. He was a beautiful child who took after his mother, most people recognized this. But at school, he was constantly bullied with the other kids always asking him if he was a boy or girl. And most days he would have to return home to an empty house as his mother was always working to support their other needs.

It made him feel lonely and bitter. That wasn't the end of things, he had started to develop powers. His mother freaked out at first, but made him promise to keep it a secret. But then things took an unexpected turn when his father suddenly dropped by. Angel had no idea who this man was as he had never met his father ever. But his mother knew and when he revealed why he had come after so long, she took advantage of it. Apparently his father's wife was struggling to get pregnant and she was getting lonely without a child of her own and he needed an heir to the company the Vale family owned.

Angel didn't want to leave his mother's side, but she had practically shoved him out the door when the time to go had come. His stepmother was kind and payed him more attention than his biological mother ever had been. The kids at his new school were just a s cruel and as he got older, they only got older. They knew his origin and held it over his head.

The only solace he had gotten was when he was forced to play with his cousin. The brat was spoiled on a new level, but he wasn't bad. Angel had been mean to him at first, going as far to even tell him he was just "the second try" after hearing the history regarding his uncle and aunt's family. But the more he hung out with the kid, the closer they got and even practiced their abilities together.

At school, he started dance, because a friend asked him to fill a spot for a performance and in doing so, he learned he had a talent for it. Not only did he have a talent for it, he enjoyed it. When his aunt witnessed one of his performances, she scouted him to be a model for her fashion company. He worked as a model and joined a dance company.

This lasted for a long time, things were looking up Angel was actually happy. That was until his stepmother finally got pregnant and gave birth to her son. She began to neglect him and ignore his existence and payed attention to her own child, his father was the same. They couldn't care less about Angel and in fact put him down to raise their new son on the pedestal.

Angel decided then, that he wanted to go home. And home was where his mother was. His father allowed him to go without another word. When he did return, his mother was upset with him for giving up such a good life for the below average one she had to offer. But she was also happy to have her boy back after so many years.

The kids in his hometown were still assholes, but he reconnected with some old friends through his ex bestfriend, Yuna. Things were different, but okay. His old friends had become little troublemakers,but he was still satisfied with everything and grew close with them once again. When they found out about his powers, they tried to convince him to use them for "fun". He had been tempted, but refused.

Of course, this was all the calm before the storm. He found out his mother was ill, very ill and treatment was expensive. His father couldn't be bothered with them and his mother refused to accept his help. The only person who was there for him, was Yuna. The others had offered him an illegal option, but she told him it was his choice.

With a lack of options and job opportunities, Angel ended up joining his first heist with his friends. And from that moment on, he was stuck in their criminal activity with his modeling and dance mostly a front. They were successful for a while, taking on jobs for clients and helping out others in need. They were basically naughtier Robin Hoods.

When his mother did succumb to her illness and pass away, they were all he had left to rely on. And then, he eventually had to drop them too after losing Yuna right after her. It broke his heart into two, changing him.

The two of them had only been going for a night walk, talking about how he lost his mother when she had suddenly been shot. Angel's initial reaction had been to stop him, which he did and in doing so, exposing his powers. To watch the light go out of someone whom he loved eyes again, it hurt more than words could describe.

Because he had called an ambulance and the police, he had been taken in for questioning and admitted to what he did. He was still young, it was self-defense, and a Mosshurst employee had been in the station for another matter when they overheard his situation. Lucky him, he had been able to get away scot-free. At the time, he didn't want to go, but he also couldn't bring himself to stay.


Angel learned several dancing styles, modern, contemporary, hip hop and so on. He had been working for Modern dance company, however, and gained a lot of popularity for it.
He can sing, but he doesn't see himself doing for a living.
He's very good with technology. He takes apart his computer for fun, just to put it back together again and often hacks into other's systems and accounts when he's bored.
He wears glasses for their sense of style, and reading, bad eyes run in the family and he suffers from night blindness.
He likes to make people smile. Something about it makes him feel warm. But he also doesn't take shit from anyone.
Disney movies are one of his favorite past times. The animated ones.
He really loves Sistar. And yes, he knows all their dances and songs. Fight him.
Angel also has a photographic memory, so he is a very fast learner.

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Interaction: tba
Mention: tba
Outfit: HERE

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla tincidunt laoreet ipsum. In sodales neque id nibh luctus, eget egestas turpis pulvinar. Donec id efficitur odio. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean convallis placerat fringilla. Donec id dignissim purus. Donec quis tellus vel diam laoreet ultrices a efficitur lorem. Duis vitae tortor venenatis, feugiat tellus auctor, mollis eros. Morbi vulputate enim quis dolor sagittis, at vehicula lorem vulputate. Donec cursus maximus euismod. In vitae eleifend magna. Proin dui nisi, hendrerit ut feugiat ut, condimentum in eros. Suspendisse sed metus ac ligula luctus mattis id sed eros. Fusce gravida maximus est vel congue. Morbi sit amet justo dapibus nulla mollis luctus in quis massa. Mauris et nunc porttitor, vestibulum tellus a, vulputate metus.

Donec at mauris sed odio iaculis finibus ac ac dolor. Ut quam leo, vulputate quis ultricies a, ultrices et ipsum. Duis ac ipsum iaculis, egestas nulla quis, rhoncus lacus. Vestibulum magna libero, ullamcorper sit amet consectetur a, gravida in urna. Donec ut consequat risus, in pellentesque tortor. Aliquam sodales pretium nunc, nec molestie erat rutrum et. Nunc dictum magna non eros ullamcorper, ut porta nunc auctor. Donec posuere turpis sit amet turpis egestas interdum et non orci. Quisque condimentum arcu eu lacus laoreet gravida. Aenean sapien mi, sodales luctus nulla vel, sodales posuere justo. Aliquam in lacus convallis, vehicula mauris nec, bibendum nisl. Integer non enim lobortis, mattis lorem quis, volutpat nunc. Curabitur eu purus pretium, iaculis nulla eu, malesuada felis. Duis interdum lacus eget sapien tempus, at volutpat velit commodo.

Ut vitae magna id felis pretium faucibus non at enim. Vestibulum at ligula sed eros suscipit sagittis. Nullam vel tellus odio. Nullam sit amet erat mauris. Morbi ex metus, dignissim at gravida eget, posuere ac lorem. Duis in auctor dolor. Duis id neque ut tellus lacinia condimentum vel sit amet magna. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Proin ut tortor id erat congue hendrerit.

Sed quis condimentum purus, nec lobortis orci. Pellentesque ut massa nunc. Fusce a malesuada tortor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Mauris magna lectus, dignissim at posuere non, tincidunt et est. Phasellus tellus purus, vehicula scelerisque enim at, placerat commodo purus. Ut sodales lectus et interdum elementum.

Mauris ultrices, lacus et interdum mollis, elit sem rhoncus nisi, at feugiat nisi nisl et odio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin condimentum convallis diam, non viverra diam mollis dignissim. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse tincidunt purus eget metus tempus condimentum. Nam luctus quam a nulla sollicitudin, vitae pellentesque lectus convallis. Morbi eget risus at massa pellentesque euismod eu sit amet libero.

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Loving can hurt, loving can hurt sometimes
But it's the only thing that I know


➳ Thomas Robin Mitchell​
➳ th AW - m uh s | r AW b ih n | M IH - ch uh l​
➳ Tom || a common nickname he's called by colleagues and friends alike.​
➳ Tommy || only those who are close to him call him by this nickname and he actually prefers it.​
➳ Tomcat || only his friends call him this, he gained the nickname back in high school.​
➳ April 25th, 1933​
➳ Twenty-two​
➳ Tauras​
➳ Male​
➳ Bisexual || Though, it is yet something he has realized about himself.​
➳ Kansas City, Kansas, USA​
➳ Midland American. Common.​
➳ Thomas is full-blooded American with roots in Germany.​
➳ American​
➳ Tax Manager for an in town company​

➳ Thomas has a head full of beautiful chestnut brown hair. It is naturally curly and loopy, but like most men in his time period, he follows the trend of slicking it back grease and keeping it combed and groomed.​
➳ To match his dark brown hair, Thomas's eyes are the color of dark chocolate and just sweat and romantic as his demeanor is.​
➳ 5'11" (180cm)​
➳ 168lbs (76kg)​
➳ Fair​
➳ Thomas is a handsome man with instead of sharp features, they are soft. His eyes ere large and round and his smile is the sweetest, with two sweet dimples on either side of his cheeks. He has a kind face, one that isn't easily forgettable​
➳ Thomas' frame is slightly and would be otherwise athletic if he worked out more, but sitting at a desk in the office every other day kind of prevents that. He had the shapes and some muscle mass due to some yard work, but the definition is not all there, his stomach is flat and most everything else is too.​
➳ Thomas is a businessman, he is mostly seen sporting suits and ties and when he's not dressed for work he's dressed similarly in sport coats and blazers of numerous colors. Or in most cases simple slacks and short sleeve t-shirts.​
➳ None.​
➳ None.​
➳ There is a scar Thomas has, on the back of his neck, gained from a fight. It's small and faded over time.​
➳ None.​
➳ He is a smoker.​
➳ Evan Peters​


Thomas a softie. A softie that is incredibly charismatic. Thomas has always been a figure that caught eyes even if he looks otherwise a normal and average everyday joe. He's the type of person who attracts people, good and bad, simply by being himself. He's a very friendly man who easily makes friends without hardly even trying. His kindness plays a large role in this as he is always trying to lend a hand to those in need. He's a thoughtful soul, looking out for those around him without so much as feeling he needs any other reason but because it's the right thing.

This is not to say that he is a pushover, far from it. Part of being the reliable person that he is remaining sturdy and stable. And boy is he. It's as much as a fault as it is a strength. The man is stubborn and uncompromising. Once he makes up his mind it's nearly impossible to change it. He usually has everything all mapped out and convincing of anything otherwise is hard. He can hardly ever admit to being wrong … even if he totally is. Makes him a bit petty, but if he sees it has done wrong by someone, then he will make things right.

Regardless of his stubborn and even competitive nature, Thomas is still a sweetheart, especially on his wife. He can't help but naturally be nurturing to her. Being with her has accentuated his patience and responsible nature. He tries to be nothing short of perfect just for her, even though most people like him, there are some, many, who see something off about him. They think he doesn't get mad, but he does. Thomas actually has a little bit of an anger issue, but not violent and rather passive-aggressive. When it comes to sour and unpleasant emotions, he bottles them up and so they come out differently.

He has definitely made many bad decisions in his life because of how he deals with these emotions.
➳ jazz || homemade food || buying gifts for his wife || music || milkshakes || his car || the radio || chocolate || dancing || making hazel laugh || going for drives || doing handywork || checkers || stargazing || an occasional drink || record players || carpentry || naps || coffee || buying a new hat || animals​
➳ losing || being bored || sexist || mistreatment of women || abusive people || judgemental people || racists || unnecessary violence || tea || peas || jerks || bullies || working overtime || the idea of not being good enough || not being the perfect husband and father || humid weather || his parents​
➳ Listening to the radio or putting on records to dance to || Doing handy work around the house || carpentry​
➳ Running his fingers through his hair when stressed || Bites the inside of his cheek when angry​
➳ He's a math whiz || Carpentry || Dancing​
➳ Not being good enough for Hazel or his child || becoming a father || losing his family in any way​
➳ It's not diagnosed nor is it extreme, but it's extreme enough that it is noted as a problem. Thomas has anger issues, instead of being explosive and aggressive, he's very passive-aggressive.​
➳ "There is no sincere love than my love for a good hot meal, other than my love for you, my dear."​
➳ "I'd like to do whatever I liked the whole day long."​
➳ "I'm telling you, Hazel, we don't need to call the plumber, I have it under all under control. Now, do you have any idea where the wrench is?"​


Frank Mitchell || Thomas has an incredibly rocky relationship with his father. The man always looked down on him when he rather stay indoors doing "pansy things" rather than going out and doing what all the other young lads were, with his brother. And when Thomas finally did, he had often gotten trouble. This only made his father more annoyed with him and so he put on a front that pleased everyone. Though his father always has something to complain about with him.​
Susan Mitchell || Thomas had been close with his mother at a young age, she had always been to him and allowed him to be himself. But she always sided with Frank whenever Thomas got into trouble and some days he could tell she preferred her other sons. She is still proud of him nonetheless.​
Bruce Mitchell || Thomas has a typically good relationship with Bruce. The man was always too busy with friends and school to play around with Thomas much, but when he was around, he was nothing short of kind. Thomas only got closer to him when he started high school.​
Jack Mitchell || When he was young, Jack used to bully Thomas with his friends. He would often get him trouble with their father too, but as they got older, the boys found a middle ground.​
➳ Thomas has many friends. He attracts people left and right, but most of his friends consist of those he works with.​
➳ Thomas has dated a number of girls, all of which he can count on one hand, before he met Hazel and was forever smitten with her.​
➳ He has no mortal enemies, but his father is an enemy to him.​
➳ None.​
➳ Hazel Arlene Mitchell || Wife || Thomas loves his wife with all his heart and would do just about anything to make sure she lives comfortably. However … He's terrified of becoming a father and not being good enough for her and their child. Is he even ready?​
➳ Angelica Brighton || Sister In-law ||Alive || Thomas' relationship with Angelica is similar to that of frenemies. He does not hate her and quite frankly admires her, but he can't say she feels the same about him. She constantly teases him and threatens him.​
➳ Thomas had a bit of troubled youth, but he was a genius and once he cleaned up his act, he shot right through college.​


I can't write one song that's not about you
Can't drink without thinkin' about you


➳ Angelica Iris Brighton​
➳ ae n - j EH - l ih - k uh | AY r ih s | b r AY - t uh n​
➳ Annie || By far the most affectionate nickname she has and only a select few people are allowed to call her this.​
➳ Angie || Also very common, among friends and when someone wants something from her.​
➳ Angel || Not many call her this, but it is used to tease her or get flirty with her.​
➳ March 31st, 1932​
➳ Twenty-three​
➳ Aries​
➳ Female​
➳ Heterosexual​
➳ Kansas City, Kansas, USA​
➳ Midlan American. Common.​
➳ 50% American | Maternal​
➳ 25% French/25% American | Paternal​
➳ American.​
➳ Elementary English and literature teacher​


➳ Angelica's hair is thick and long. It's a beautiful and rich dark brown, with a natural slight wave pattern. She typically wears it down in glorious curls except when she's at work, then she has it up in a ponytail or an updo.​
➳ To match her hair, Angelica has coffee brown eyes that flash with fierceness and playfulness. Her eyes speak volumes.​
➳ 5'4" (162cm)​
➳ 120 (54kg)​
➳ Pale​
➳ Angelica is an undeniable beauty, her students would often say she looks like a princess from a storybook or an actress, most specifically, Audrey Hepburn. Angelica has full eyebrows, lips, and dainty features.​
➳ For a woman with such a big attitude, Angelica is rather small. She has curves, usually accentuated by her outfits, but she is very slender.​
➳ Like most women of her time, Angelica dresses in knee lengths skirts, dressed and button-down tops. But she is also very much into pants, though, she never wears them at work. She's comfortable with her style.​
➳ None.​
➳ Angelica has two piercings, one on each ear lobe.​
➳ Angelica's skin is flawless.​
➳ None.​
➳ She has a pollen allergy.​
➳ Lily Collins​


➳ Many times, her mother had always told Angelica that she was a woman ahead of her time. The girl had always had a powerful personality, one that drew people to her and left them wondering whatever would Angelica Brighton do next. She proved to anyone that spoke to her that she was more than just a pretty face, Angelica is incredibly intelligent, clever, witty and feisty. She has never had a boring conversation, everyone who speaks with her either leave entertained or annoyed. Because she does have a habit of accidentally upsetting people from time to time.​
Like her sister, she shines bright like a star but is not as sweet and kind. Angelica is a tough cookie and has had her share fair of fights both verbal and physical. She stands up for what she thinks is right no matter what the consequences and she's never wrong. Or at least, that what she says, but when she is, she will begrudgingly admit to it. She is a confident little cookie and she knows she has every reason to be. And though her anger may get the best of her sometimes, she is still a lady.​
Yes, she may be flirty and sassy, but Angelica has class and no one will forget that about her. She is an intelligent speaker and uses the manners and etiquette her mother taught her. She knows when to act out and when not to. Angelica is the best friend and sister one could have. She is incredibly protective, but always loving. And that's a fact.​
➳ pastries || alcohol || music || books and comics || children || teaching || writing || dancing || singing || piano || going for cruises || the beach || flowers || attention || fashion || movies || poetry || laughter || swimming || barbeques || winter || snow || musicals || plays || picnics || natural landscape​
➳ bullies || racists || sexists || idiots || abuse || violent men || jerks || bullies || being told no || being wrong || gossiping about others || stupid questions || messes || slobs ||​
➳ reading || dancing || writing || piano || cleaning​
➳ Chewing on her thumbnail || pacing || Singing to herself​
➳ singing || writing || dancing || piano​
➳ Dying alone or being stuck in an unhappy marriage || Centipedes​
➳ Alcohol abuse || Like father like daughter. It's serious enough that she would never acknowledge that she has a problem, and hides bottles here and there. But it's her little secret and no one knows about it. Least of all her friends and family. To them, she's the perfect independent woman.​
➳ "Angelica Brighton does not chase boys."​
➳ "The trouble with trouble is, that it starts out as fun."​
➳ "Thomas, the ladies are speaking, trust me when I say even if you used all your brain cells you wouldn't be able to understand what we're talking about."​

➳ Angelica has no idea who her biological father is, but she has gone looking for him some times.
Bart Brighton || Stepfather || an alcoholic abusive man who Angelica cannot stand. She was ecstatic when she got a job and immediately skipped town to get away from the vile man.

Helen Margeret Brighton || Mother || Angie loves her mother with all her heart and would do almost anything for her. She constantly calls the woman to check up on her and lets her stay with her when she visits as well as tries to convince to just stay in general and to leave Bart.

➳ Hazel Mitchell || Sister || Angelica adores her darling little sister and would give her the world. She is very protective of her and has hurt people just to protect her sister.

➳ Angelica has lots of friends, but her true friends are limited and unfortunately not all in town with her. She may attract people, but there are only a few who actually get close to her.

➳ Back in school, Angie was incredibly popular, truth be told, she still is. She has gone on many dates with men, but there are just a few she actually seriously dated. The one who had stolen her heart was named Gregorio Cortez. But there were several reasons that did not work out, his family, race and the fact that he ended up marrying a girl who was of his "class".

➳ Being the type of person she is, Angel has man and women enemies alike. Women who can't stand her and men too.

➳She has a cat named Sophie. She had always wanted one, but Hazel as allergic and her father never allowed it.

➳ Thomas Mitchell || Brother-in-law || He's not bad, but Angelica believes that Hazel can do so much better than him. It also makes her anxious how in love her sister is with him, love can hurt and it has hurt and she's afraid that one day he will hurt her. Especially knowing his history.
Jonathan Brown || It started out as a simple summer fling, but they enjoy each other's company and being the rich boy he is, he throws many parties or get-togethers with friends and Angie is always his date.

➳ Angelica is very good with children to most people's surprise, she used to babysit as a job and saved up the money she earned from it. So she'd very excited to meet her niece or nephew.

Susannah Keala

Susannah Alohi Moana Keala


Susie | Sue | Amazon | Wonderwoman

Date of birth, Age, Place of Birth:

July 22nd | 23 | Honolulu, Hawaii



Blood Type:

O +






Enhanced Condition: User's physical and mental abilities are above the peak human levels of other beings in their universe. This entails that they are faster, stronger, more intelligent and overall superior to beings at peak human level (in that verse).

+ Susie has strength beyond that of a normal member of their species. It is by far the most outstanding display of the features of her power. Being able to lift heavier structures from battleships to massive aircrafts. And using that strength in numerous ways, crushing, cutting, ground pound, etc.
+ Her physical durability (ability to resist damage) is extremely high, allowing them to take numerous blows of internal or external assaults before succumbing to the effects. Her durability being able to withstand extreme temperatures and pressures, virtually all corrosives, punctures, and concussions without sustaining an injury.
+ She can move much faster than the average member of her species, beyond what can be emulated via natural training and with little to no maintaining. She is able to think, react, run and move at superhuman speeds.
+ Along with her enhanced speed, she has enhanced health. In the rare event of suffering a serious injury, Susie can heal from mild to moderate injuries at an amazing rate. Her normal regenerative abilities allow her to recover from injury within seconds to minutes. She possesses an incredible immunity from poisons, toxins, as well as disease.
+ Sue has drastically enhanced reaction speed, allowing her to dodge bullets, catch flies in mid-air, dodge and maneuver around complex attacks, catch falling objects, block detriments and react instantaneously to what others take more time to react to.
+ Sue has super agility and with it she can go from one motion to another effortlessly, effectively dodge attacks, swing from things easily, sprint, do back-flips, leap across rooftops, and numerous other gymnastic, athletic and martial implements with little to no effort.
+ Sue's body is highly resistant to the build-up of lactic acid in their muscles, allowing her to be physically active for considerably longer periods of time than the average member of the user's species.
+ She has extremely accurate senses, allowing her to see, hear, smell, taste, and feel better than an average member of their species.
+ She is unbelievably skilled in most known forms of fighting. She is also superhumanly skilled in her own use of weaponry.

- Sue may have super strength, but she doesn't always have complete control over it all. She may damage the environment/other people without meaning or noticing. She can easily slip up under the right circumstances, such as anger or stress or if her heads are in the clouds. Also, balance and gravity still have a mass effect.
- She is also susceptible to Strength Absorption, Muscle Mass Weakening, Strength/Muscle Manipulation, Strength Reduction, etc.
- Since her durability isn't the same as Invulnerability, she can only take so much damage before it finally takes an effect. At best, she will only be stunned by damage that would usually kill ordinary people.
- Because of her speed, she does suffer from physical state affects their speed and endurance. She needs a large number of calories because of her accelerated metabolism. It's also very hard for her to pick up weight. And users of super speed or supernatural speed can outrun her.
- Objects moving at tremendously quick speeds may be too difficult to dodge.
- She has enhanced health and accelerated healing, not super healing. Meaning,that she can still totally feel pain and she may always need a doctor for fatal injuries. And just enough toxins and poisons can hurt her too.
- If Susie is fatally hurt or heavily poisoned, or just tired in general from lack of stress, her enhanced Stamina wears down along with her durability.
- With her enhanced senses, Susie is often overloaded by intense noises, tastes, lights and other things of the sort that have to do with senses.
- And in the presence of anyone who can negate her powers, she is just a normal human being.


Enhanced beauty is a thing and Sue is beautiful with or without it. She has a naturally sweet face with two deep cheek dimples, a freckled face, full lips, and beautiful light brown. Her skin is glowing and nearly flawless tan. While her hair is dark brown, looking to be a black, naturally thick and wavy. She keeps it long and usually allows it to be however it wishes. As for her body, she is a tall, slender and shaped woman with definite muscle definition.


One of her proudest features. Sue has naturally thick and wavy long brown hair. In a lot of cases, she likes to simply braid it or put it up so that it's out of her way.


Sue's eyes are light brown, perfectly framed by thick eyelashes and full of confidence and trouble to come.




Sue has the build of a supermodel. She is very tall, slender with curves but isn't just skin and bones as she has clear muscle definition that can be seen with just the flex of the bicep. Perhaps if she worked out better it would be obvious without her having to use those muscles.




Tropical Fish and Sea turtles
The Little Mermaid, Moana and Lilo and Stitch


Sitting at one place for too long
Being helped
Really sweet food


Sue would consider herself to have a normal life compared to most others with gifts. There were quite a few hiccups there, however. Her father was a Polynesian man who met his wife overseas in the Philippines while serving the US Navy. He brought her back to his home in the states to Oahu, Hawaii where Sue was born. Unfortunately, he was not there to see his daughter born, that did not mean he was unable to see her.. With the help of her grandmother, her mother raised her while her father was away until she just dipped only a month or two before his father left the Navy to stay with his family. Sue was only three then, she didn't understand that her mother was leaving and never coming back. Little did she know, it had a lot to do with her, who was starting to show her powers.

Her father was left to raise her himself, his daughter who hardly recognized him and starting a new business for better income. What made it worse was that his mother who hoped raised the child died a year later, so they really were all on their own. And what a mess they had been, they were hardly functional, and yet still so loving family. But then Sue started to become more aware of his gifts as it became more obvious and so did her father. It brought them closer rather than further apart.

And so began her training. Her powers could seriously hurt anyone and he wanted her to have some control so she would be able to live however she pleased. There were times that Sue hated this training and love dit, there was just no end to it. But it was a good distraction from the reality of her social life.

Growing up, she had always been "weird" compared to the other kids. The things she did and said were just too much for them, she supposed. Plus, she was insensitive to the moods and so blunt without a filter. She was not necessarily bullied as she always stood up for herself, but the kids often ostracized her. It left her lonely with her only friends being the fishes and sea turtles she hung out within the ocean for as long as possible.

Her father's business was a restaurant that attracted tourists and vacationers, and even as she worked there and gather attention for talent and beauty, once people got closer to her, they usually turned the other way. So, training was a great distraction along with her other hobbies. Sure there were times she felt insecure and out of place, but her confidence and pride were strong. After all, she was her father's Wonderwoman.

It was recently when she saved a group of people from getting crushed by a rock slide and it got caught on camera that the locals and no one could ignore her anymore. It was even harder to live on not just Oahu but to go around on the other islands and not be recognized. She was then approached by a family friend who had heard of Mosshurst through a friend. She was reluctant to go at first. Hawaii was all that she had known and loved, plus, it was where her father was.

But her father convinced her to go and meet others similar to her. So, she's ready for the school year with super-powered freaks like herself.


When Sue is upset, just needs time to herself to think or hide, she liked to sit on the ocean floor to think long and hard. With her enhanced lung capacity, she can be there for a long time. There is no ocean at Mosshurst, so maybe the pool will have to do.

Sue used to work as an entertainer at her father's restaurant. She can sing, especially Hawaiin songs, Hula dance (she's working on fire dancing, last time she set fire to the stage), can make leis and flower crowns, and play the ukulele.

One of her main hobbies include surfing and swimming. Unfortunately, at school, she can only do one of those things.

She knows quite a few martial arts as well knows how to use a pistol (because her father wouldn't trust with anything else at the shooting range and she's not that fond of guns anyway) and a sword. She has a katana. It's mainly for decoration.

She likes to do fun and harmless pranks. And silly jokes that usually scare and concern people.

She is fluent in Hawaiian and knows a few words from other languages. She has picked up some things from the tourist and vacationers.

She's learning voodoo for those who need to be punished.
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Interaction: tba
Mention: The Mossy Spot
Outfit: HERE

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla tincidunt laoreet ipsum. In sodales neque id nibh luctus, eget egestas turpis pulvinar. Donec id efficitur odio. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean convallis placerat fringilla. Donec id dignissim purus. Donec quis tellus vel diam laoreet ultrices a efficitur lorem. Duis vitae tortor venenatis, feugiat tellus auctor, mollis eros. Morbi vulputate enim quis dolor sagittis, at vehicula lorem vulputate. Donec cursus maximus euismod. In vitae eleifend magna. Proin dui nisi, hendrerit ut feugiat ut, condimentum in eros. Suspendisse sed metus ac ligula luctus mattis id sed eros. Fusce gravida maximus est vel congue. Morbi sit amet justo dapibus nulla mollis luctus in quis massa. Mauris et nunc porttitor, vestibulum tellus a, vulputate metus.

Donec at mauris sed odio iaculis finibus ac ac dolor. Ut quam leo, vulputate quis ultricies a, ultrices et ipsum. Duis ac ipsum iaculis, egestas nulla quis, rhoncus lacus. Vestibulum magna libero, ullamcorper sit amet consectetur a, gravida in urna. Donec ut consequat risus, in pellentesque tortor. Aliquam sodales pretium nunc, nec molestie erat rutrum et. Nunc dictum magna non eros ullamcorper, ut porta nunc auctor. Donec posuere turpis sit amet turpis egestas interdum et non orci. Quisque condimentum arcu eu lacus laoreet gravida. Aenean sapien mi, sodales luctus nulla vel, sodales posuere justo. Aliquam in lacus convallis, vehicula mauris nec, bibendum nisl. Integer non enim lobortis, mattis lorem quis, volutpat nunc. Curabitur eu purus pretium, iaculis nulla eu, malesuada felis. Duis interdum lacus eget sapien tempus, at volutpat velit commodo.

Ut vitae magna id felis pretium faucibus non at enim. Vestibulum at ligula sed eros suscipit sagittis. Nullam vel tellus odio. Nullam sit amet erat mauris. Morbi ex metus, dignissim at gravida eget, posuere ac lorem. Duis in auctor dolor. Duis id neque ut tellus lacinia condimentum vel sit amet magna. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Proin ut tortor id erat congue hendrerit.

Sed quis condimentum purus, nec lobortis orci. Pellentesque ut massa nunc. Fusce a malesuada tortor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Mauris magna lectus, dignissim at posuere non, tincidunt et est. Phasellus tellus purus, vehicula scelerisque enim at, placerat commodo purus. Ut sodales lectus et interdum elementum.

Mauris ultrices, lacus et interdum mollis, elit sem rhoncus nisi, at feugiat nisi nisl et odio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin condimentum convallis diam, non viverra diam mollis dignissim. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse tincidunt purus eget metus tempus condimentum. Nam luctus quam a nulla sollicitudin, vitae pellentesque lectus convallis. Morbi eget risus at massa pellentesque euismod eu sit amet libero.


Quinton Beckett


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla tincidunt laoreet ipsum. In sodales neque id nibh luctus, eget egestas turpis pulvinar. Donec id efficitur odio. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean convallis placerat fringilla. Donec id dignissim purus. Donec quis tellus vel diam laoreet ultrices a efficitur lorem. Duis vitae tortor venenatis, feugiat tellus auctor, mollis eros. Morbi vulputate enim quis dolor sagittis, at vehicula lorem vulputate. Donec cursus maximus euismod. In vitae eleifend magna. Proin dui nisi, hendrerit ut feugiat ut, condimentum in eros. Suspendisse sed metus ac ligula luctus mattis id sed eros. Fusce gravida maximus est vel congue. Morbi sit amet justo dapibus nulla mollis luctus in quis massa. Mauris et nunc porttitor, vestibulum tellus a, vulputate metus.

Donec at mauris sed odio iaculis finibus ac ac dolor. Ut quam leo, vulputate quis ultricies a, ultrices et ipsum. Duis ac ipsum iaculis, egestas nulla quis, rhoncus lacus. Vestibulum magna libero, ullamcorper sit amet consectetur a, gravida in urna. Donec ut consequat risus, in pellentesque tortor. Aliquam sodales pretium nunc, nec molestie erat rutrum et. Nunc dictum magna non eros ullamcorper, ut porta nunc auctor. Donec posuere turpis sit amet turpis egestas interdum et non orci. Quisque condimentum arcu eu lacus laoreet gravida. Aenean sapien mi, sodales luctus nulla vel, sodales posuere justo. Aliquam in lacus convallis, vehicula mauris nec, bibendum nisl. Integer non enim lobortis, mattis lorem quis, volutpat nunc. Curabitur eu purus pretium, iaculis nulla eu, malesuada felis. Duis interdum lacus eget sapien tempus, at volutpat velit commodo.

Ut vitae magna id felis pretium faucibus non at enim. Vestibulum at ligula sed eros suscipit sagittis. Nullam vel tellus odio. Nullam sit amet erat mauris. Morbi ex metus, dignissim at gravida eget, posuere ac lorem. Duis in auctor dolor. Duis id neque ut tellus lacinia condimentum vel sit amet magna. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Proin ut tortor id erat congue hendrerit.

Sed quis condimentum purus, nec lobortis orci. Pellentesque ut massa nunc. Fusce a malesuada tortor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Mauris magna lectus, dignissim at posuere non, tincidunt et est. Phasellus tellus purus, vehicula scelerisque enim at, placerat commodo purus. Ut sodales lectus et interdum elementum.

Mauris ultrices, lacus et interdum mollis, elit sem rhoncus nisi, at feugiat nisi nisl et odio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin condimentum convallis diam, non viverra diam mollis dignissim. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse tincidunt purus eget metus tempus condimentum. Nam luctus quam a nulla sollicitudin, vitae pellentesque lectus convallis. Morbi eget risus at massa pellentesque euismod eu sit amet libero.

Delilah Martinez


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla tincidunt laoreet ipsum. In sodales neque id nibh luctus, eget egestas turpis pulvinar. Donec id efficitur odio. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean convallis placerat fringilla. Donec id dignissim purus. Donec quis tellus vel diam laoreet ultrices a efficitur lorem. Duis vitae tortor venenatis, feugiat tellus auctor, mollis eros. Morbi vulputate enim quis dolor sagittis, at vehicula lorem vulputate. Donec cursus maximus euismod. In vitae eleifend magna. Proin dui nisi, hendrerit ut feugiat ut, condimentum in eros. Suspendisse sed metus ac ligula luctus mattis id sed eros. Fusce gravida maximus est vel congue. Morbi sit amet justo dapibus nulla mollis luctus in quis massa. Mauris et nunc porttitor, vestibulum tellus a, vulputate metus.

Donec at mauris sed odio iaculis finibus ac ac dolor. Ut quam leo, vulputate quis ultricies a, ultrices et ipsum. Duis ac ipsum iaculis, egestas nulla quis, rhoncus lacus. Vestibulum magna libero, ullamcorper sit amet consectetur a, gravida in urna. Donec ut consequat risus, in pellentesque tortor. Aliquam sodales pretium nunc, nec molestie erat rutrum et. Nunc dictum magna non eros ullamcorper, ut porta nunc auctor. Donec posuere turpis sit amet turpis egestas interdum et non orci. Quisque condimentum arcu eu lacus laoreet gravida. Aenean sapien mi, sodales luctus nulla vel, sodales posuere justo. Aliquam in lacus convallis, vehicula mauris nec, bibendum nisl. Integer non enim lobortis, mattis lorem quis, volutpat nunc. Curabitur eu purus pretium, iaculis nulla eu, malesuada felis. Duis interdum lacus eget sapien tempus, at volutpat velit commodo.

Ut vitae magna id felis pretium faucibus non at enim. Vestibulum at ligula sed eros suscipit sagittis. Nullam vel tellus odio. Nullam sit amet erat mauris. Morbi ex metus, dignissim at gravida eget, posuere ac lorem. Duis in auctor dolor. Duis id neque ut tellus lacinia condimentum vel sit amet magna. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Proin ut tortor id erat congue hendrerit.

Sed quis condimentum purus, nec lobortis orci. Pellentesque ut massa nunc. Fusce a malesuada tortor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Mauris magna lectus, dignissim at posuere non, tincidunt et est. Phasellus tellus purus, vehicula scelerisque enim at, placerat commodo purus. Ut sodales lectus et interdum elementum.

Mauris ultrices, lacus et interdum mollis, elit sem rhoncus nisi, at feugiat nisi nisl et odio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin condimentum convallis diam, non viverra diam mollis dignissim. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse tincidunt purus eget metus tempus condimentum. Nam luctus quam a nulla sollicitudin, vitae pellentesque lectus convallis. Morbi eget risus at massa pellentesque euismod eu sit amet libero.

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