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RalewayQuicksandOswaldRoboto; Merienda; Euphoria Script; Fjalla One;
Welcome to my Playground!

Hi there! This is where I abuse play with bbcodes for fun. I'm a weird person who uses coding on Iwaku as a stress reliever :'D

Please do not post on my thread (unless you have my permission to); you can always just create your own test thread. It's free. You wont get in trouble for having your own. Accidentally posting on my thread is fine, I won't chew you out for it or anything.

Please do credit me if you use my codes. I don't really mind if you use my codes without my permission (though it is preferable if you do ask first), just please credit me. Coding here may be a stress reliever for me, but I still do work hard on my codes and spend quite a bit of time on each of them. Even the simpler ones take at least an hour.

Not all my works are mobile friendly. Some of my older works aren't mobile friendly at all, but majority, if not all, of my recent works are mobile friendly. Someday I'll rework my older ones to make them readable on mobile. I usually put a note at the top of my post saying whether or not it's mobile friendly, but if there's none, it's probably mobile friendly and I was just too lazy to add it in.

2022 / 05 / 06 - HELLO! I AM ALIVE YES. A lot of my older works on this thread are broken as I haven't been around for several forum updates and obviously wasn't able to update them accordingly. I plan on slowly fixing some while completely redoing others. Layouts that aren't really broken may also receive a small tweak here and there, mostly to make them more responsive and appear less awkward on certain screen sizes.

//note to self: columns to be changed to accordions

Finished Works

Aureole Scriven - CS
Asher Fay - CSIC1IC2
Izabella Zielinski - CSIC
Gareth Himura - CS IC
Ren Griffin - CSIC
Fujimoto Nanami - CSIC
Nikandros Volkov - CS
Zedekiah Blackbourne - CSIC
Carina Fang - CS
Zoe Sinclair - CS
Han Seo-Hyeon - CS
Lucas - CS

Hogwarts 1975
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Note: Not mobile friendly.
18 / 07 / 17 - Updating to be mobile friendly

▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ☆ ▇
hair: Iza is best known for her iconic long half shaved green hair. She was born with black hair, a trait she's inheritted from her father. Back when she was still in grade school, Iza kept her hair long; it was only after she started getting into fights, did she chop it all off and kept it as short as she could--it was only hindering her, there was no sense in keeping it. It was only after her brother Nico died did she start growing it long again. Since she's started keeping her hair short and up until now, Iza cuts her own hair. It used to end up messy but after years of practice, she's finally gotten the hang of it. She couldn't be bothered to go to a salon back then. Dyeing her hair was something she started to do way back when she first cut her hair short. Before, it was merely highlights and the tips of her hair--never her whole head. Back then, she used an array of colorus switching between them almost every month till she finally settled on red. However, after finding out that her brother dyed his own hair green, along with his humorous reason for doing so, Iza switched her highlights from shades of red to shades of green. After he died, Iza dyed her hair green in memory of him. Just as she cuts her own hair, Iza dyes them on her own as well.

eyes: She has a pair of big blue eyes; just like her mother does. They have the tendency to appear more of a blue-green colour though thanks to her neon green hair.

height: 5 ft 8 in. Iza is a rather tall girl, in fact, she dwarfs a lot of her female peers even when she was still younger. Despite her height though, she's still short compared to her band mates--high heels help.

weight: 122 lbs; she's just a few numbers away from being underweight. She doesn't starve herself though, in fact, she's actually working on gaining more weight. Iza is simply cursed with fast metabolism--plus, drumming is also quite the exercise so there really isn't that much fat in her.

piercings: Iza has several piercings. She has three ear piercings on each ear: a standard lobe piercing, an upper lobe piercing and a auricle piercing. Iza doesn't fill them with earrings at all time though. She also has a nose piercing on her right nostril where she wears a silver nose ring at all times. Needles don't really scare her, but she's rather conscious on how a piercing would look and dwells on it a lot before getting one. Right now, Iza considering getting a tongue piercing.

tattoos: Unlike piercings, tattoos are something Iza is more hesitant about. Tattoos feel more permanent to her. She currently only has two, one across each of her inner wrists. On the left is a word which reads 'Dream' and on the right is another word which reads 'Believe.' [spoili]

birthmarks: None.

scars: Her body has a few light scars from her delinquent days. Most of them have faded though. Iza hasn't gotten into a fight since she was in high school.

health: Iza is pretty healthy, the only problem she has to deal with is her being close to being underweight.

▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ☆ ▇
rebellious: Ever since she overheard the conversation her parents had that fateful evening, Iza's personality changed for the worse. She could not deny turning rebel after being hurt by what she heard. To Iza, it was a domino effect, one little pushed caused everything to collapse. What her parents wanted for her to do, she pretty much ignored. Rule breaking comes as naturally to her as breathing. Her parents thought that it was merely a phase, but apparently it wasn't. Iza enjoyed the rebellious lifestyle and continued to live a rebellious lifestyle to this day; rules were simply so fun to break.

fun loving: One thing that didn't change about her through all the years was her fun loving nature. Rebel or not, Iza always had a penchant for things she deemed to be fun. This was actually a trait that she picked up from hanging around with her fun loving older brother whenever permitted. To have fun, that was her main goal and reason for doing what she did--most of the time at least; other times it's cause of the rebel inside of her wishing to defy her parents.

loyal: Iza isn't all bad and no good, there's still some positive qualities about her. One would be her loyalty. Even after her personality seem to take a full 180 degree turn, she still remains fiercely loyal to those she deems worthy of her loyalty. If she believes in you, then you're guaranteed that she'll follow you till the ends of the earth.

brave: Another positive quality that she has is her bravery. This, on the other hand, was something she acquired when she became rebellious. In the past, she was someone easily scared, so much so that she'd cling onto Nico who would then comfort her. Now it was completely different. Iza learned to face her fears and problems on her own.

vulgar: Hanging around with the wrong bunch of people, Iza has picked up a bad habit or two. Being vulgar is one of them. Iza has no reservations when came to swearing and the likes. If she feels like saying 'fuck', she'll say 'fuck' and quite crisply as well. In the past, you wouldn't even hear her say the word 'damn' or call someone and 'idiot'. She thought it was too rude. But now, now she was practically a swearing machine gun when she was pissed.

cynical: In the past, despite being the unloved child, Iza had such a colourful view in life. The girl was a former optimist. Now? Ha. You'd be lucky to hear her say anything positive about things. Iza has grown to be cynical and such is reflected by her views in life.

tough: Iza is a tough girl. She's not one that was easy to break, both physically and emotionally. The pain she felt upon hearing that she was merely considered as a mistake by her parents--Iza believes that no pain could ever surpass that. All she had to do to get through an emotionally painful experience was to recall that evening, that conversation, that exact word. Mistake.

▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ☆ ▇
the younger zielinski: Second child of Mina and Arthur Zielinski. Iza grew up rather unloved. They say that the youngest child was always the most spoiled, but Iza was living proof that this wasn't always true. Her older brother, Nico Zielinski, was born with a genetic defect. Nico was predicted to die at an early age. Their parents poured all their love and attention onto Nico; Iza felt abandoned. But she understood why they treated then unequally, and she didn't despise her parents nor Nico for it. In fact, Nico and her had were very close. The fact that they were only a year apart helped with them being able to relate to each other.

The relationship between Iza and her parents only took a turn for the worse when she overheard them talking about how she was a mistake. Iza was never planned, she wasn't even supposed to be conceived. A big accident. It was around this time that Nico began needing to visit the hospital on an almost daily basis only to have him permanently stay at the hospital for further close monitoring. Not having anyone to be there for her, Iza entered her rebellious phase. She started involving herself with the wrong type of people, getting into a gang, having street brawls. Iza claims that she does it on her own volition, but the truth was that she did it in hopes to catch her parents' attention. But she never did.

At some point, Nico needed medical help that they couldn't get in their country. Without any hesitation, Mina and Arthur took Nico away and left Iza with the first relative they could think of: her uncle Lyle Zielinski. Now, her uncle lived in the bad side of town, the side where robbery was not uncommon. The harsh environment did nothing to put Iza out of her rebellious phase, but instead it made it worse. Her uncle didn't help either. Uncle Lyle didn't care was Iza did, just as long as she got back home in one piece. Lyle was a firm believer that children had to learn from their own mistakes--perhaps that was why he didn't have a family of his own.

requested reunion: Years later her parents contacted her uncle Lyle. In all the years since they left, they never once called to check up on her. Iza could only scoff at the news and threw a fit at what came after. Her parents wanted her to hop on a plane and return back under their care. She was about to refuse, however, when she found out it was on Nico's request she found herself unable to refuse. And so she took the ticket provided by her parents, accompanied by Lyle, she flew to where they were. Once she got there, Lyle didn't bother to even greet his sibling and took the next plane back to Poland.

Nico was surprised to see how much she'd changed since the last time he saw her. Thankfully, he didn't judge nor prosecute her for it and Iza was grateful for that. Their parents on the other hand, was a completely different story. Even though Iza started being a rebel before they even left Poland, they were still very surprised to see what she had become. They were disgusted and at the same time ashamed, to say the least. Iza didn't care what they thought though, she stopped caring since the day they left her to fend for herself--though technically she had Lyle to depend on.

During her visits to Nico in the hospital, she learned how he had developed a penchant for drumming and wished he could become a drummer. "Someday, when you get out, " is what she constantly tells him. Nico merely smiles at her words. Each time, a sinking feeling settled on her stomach. That was when Iza decided to get into drums. One day, while she was at school, she heard a distinct sound. Iza followed the sound and found herself in the music room. Inside was someone in her year, playing on drum set. She recalled her brother and how he said he wanted to be a drummer. The boy playing saw that she was watching. His name was Gabriel. Long story short, Gabriel ultimately taught her how to play the drums.

the end is the beginning: Iza was in entering her last year of high school when they told Iza to come live with them. She already knew, from the moment when they told her that it was her brother's request that she come, that it was not a good sign. True enough, her brother died merely months after she came. She already knew it was coming, but knowing was vastly different from it actually happening.

With Nico passing away, her parents now focused on her. They wanted to 'reform' her, to change her, bring back what she was in the past--if they even paid enough attention to her to know what she was like. Needless to say, Iza was pissed. That was when she made the decision to move out as soon as she graduated from high school. She learned to endure her parents till then.

Enduring wasn't as difficult as she imagined it to be. Iza didn't have her own drum set to practice with, so she often went to Gabriel's place who was generous enough to let her practice on his set as he taught her. Every time she would pay a visit to Gabriel, she would claim to her that she was going to a friend's place to study or work on a project together. It was the best excuse she could think of, after all, she couldn't very well say that she was going to a guy's house to learn how to play the drums. Iza knew without a doubt that her parents would be against her taking up the drums.

Upon graduating high school, she told her parents that she wanted to move to Vancouver to study college. This wasn't exactly false, Iza did want to go to college. Drumming was merely a hobby to her. She knew that she wasn't that good of a drummer to make it big in a band of sorts. Her parents granted her request. Maybe they planned on sending her off all along? Whatever the case was, Iza was free.

break the silence: After moving to Vancouver, Iza entered college to work on a degree in philosophy. Honestly, she didn't know what she wanted to study, philosophy was the one that struck her as the most interesting among her options. She kept contact with Gabriel who had moved to back to England after graduating from high school. They talked about drums and music for the most part. Iza got herself a part time job and was saving up to buy her own drum set.

A few months after she managed to save up and buy her own drum set, Iza heard about a band called 'Break the Silence' and how they were looking for a drummer. Part of her wanted to join the band, just to find out how it feels to be part of one. She talked about it with Gabriel and he gave her the push she needed to try out. Then the rest was history.

▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ☆ ▇
◝★ Mina & Arthur Zielinski (parents) - Despite all the bullshit they put her to, despite negative thing she says about them, despite all of that; deep down Iza still really loves her parents.

◝★ Nico Zielinski (older brother) - Closest friend she had and pretty much the only family member who liked her. Iza loved and cared for her brother deeply. He was one of the handful of people she actually trusted. Unfortunately, he died when Iza reached her third year due to his genetic disorder which he's been battling since he was born.

◝★ Lyle Zielinski (uncle; father's side) - Even though his method of discipline was... lacking, Iza is quite grateful for him. If Lyle wasn't around, the current rebellious Iza wouldn't be around. She probably wouldn't have been left by her parents, would've realized sooner that being a rebel was not achieving what she wanted. Iza would've changed methods, perhaps tried becoming an overachiever to attain her parents' attention. Oh wait, that's actually better.

◝★ Gabriel Stark - A former classmate who essentially taught her how to play the drums. He is a fellow drummer, however, unlike Iza, he didn't pursue it as a career and drifted from it over the years. Gabriel is a close friend of hers back in high school, and continues to be so til present.

significant other: TBA

enemies: TBA

others: TBA

▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ☆ ▇
likes: chocolates, soda, the colour black, museums, philosophical books, autumn, partying, arm cuffs, twenty one pilots, Asian cuisine

dislikes: dirt, plane rides, spring season, opening up, religious figures, hospitals, instant food, narrow minded people, butterflies

hobbies + talents:
◝★ Playing Drums - Playing drums started out to be a hobby to her, a hobby which she was quite good at--so good that it became her career.
◝★ Origami - Not many are aware of this, but Iza is quite fond of origami. She claims that it helps her calm down. Iza usually folds origami when she's in deep thought about something.
◝★ Reading - Iza may not look like it, but she's actually quite fond of reading books... well, comic books--it's still reading! She also likes to read books on philosophy.

◝★ Can handle herself in a fist fight.
◝★ Upper body strength; playing drums can be quite the exercise.
◝★ Fast writer.
◝★ Fast reader.
◝★ Quick learner.
◝★ Poor penmanship.
◝★ Isn't very good at memorization.
◝★ Bad sense of direction.
◝★ Doesn't open up very easily.
◝★ Can come off as rude and disrespectful at times

◝★ She's never been in a relationship.
◝★ Smoking is actually something she hates; Iza only does it for photoshoots since it aligns with her 'tough rebel girl' image.
◝★ Iza has a thing for one of her band mates but will probably never act on it.
◝★ She dreams of one day settling down with someone and having her own family.
◝★ Iza reads fanfiction about her band.

◝★ Male Celebrity - Joshua Dun; he is her idol and inspiration.
◝★ Female Celebrity - Maisie Williams
◝★ Food - Ramen; legit ramen, not the instant one--she hates those (along with every other instant food out there).
◝★ Sport - Volleyball
◝★ Movie - The Godfather (1972)
◝★ Animal - Fennec Fox

origin: Iza and her family originally came from Poland before moving to Canada.

sexuality: Heterosexual. Though Iza has never been in a relationship before--which is something that isn't all too surprising--she's always found herself attracted to people of the opposite sex. Guys tended to avoid her like the plague; they were mostly scared she'd beat them to a pulp, or were too concerned with what people would think if it was found that Iza was 'more manly than them. However, for the very reason that guys avoided her, some girls found themselves attracted to her. Iza has had her fair share of ladies trying to ask her out in hopes that she rolled that way. Too bad for them, she didn't. She'd never found herself attracted to the same gender. Sure she would occasionally voice out her thoughts on a girl, like how she thinks that the girl is pretty and/or beautiful, but it didn't mean she wanted to be with them. Admiration did not equal attraction.

general view on life: "You only live once, so make the most out of it; but don't be a fucking idiot who uses that as an excuse to do whatever they want. That's just stupid. The world has enough idiots as it is."
▬▬▬ See the flames inside my eyes ★
It burns so bright I wanna feel your love

Izabella Zielinski
Iza, Iz, Izzy

23 yrs old
August 12 (Leo)


Drummer - Break The Silence

face claim:
Madeline Rae


I'm a Mess
Ed Sheeran

Uma Thurman
Fall Out Boy


Lacey Sturm
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  • Love
Reactions: Nemopedia
character: Asher Fay | role play: Wanderlust
notes: non-responsive

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character name ( player name )

Carpe Diem (minus sunglasses)
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character: Ren Griffin | role play: N/A | note: mobile friendly

Ren Griffin ⌋
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc nibh risus, tincidunt eu tincidunt sed, dapibus nec dolor. Nam nec vulputate sapien. Quisque in odio eget velit aliquam vestibulum in vel neque. Curabitur feugiat justo in hendrerit commodo. Mauris molestie rutrum tortor sit amet consequat. Fusce at risus nec orci aliquet pretium. Fusce quis ex sit amet quam dignissim fermentum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam pharetra tortor eget nisi tempor vehicula. Donec placerat dui diam, sed ultricies augue sagittis ac. Praesent fringilla ultrices erat, et ullamcorper felis euismod sit amet. Nunc ut efficitur lacus. Curabitur ultrices lectus in varius accumsan. Vivamus volutpat a eros eget elementum. Pellentesque eget orci enim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;

Etiam tincidunt tellus sit amet sollicitudin sagittis. Proin in arcu pulvinar, congue enim at, efficitur tellus. Aliquam euismod eu ipsum eget semper. Etiam id odio gravida, tempor est quis, euismod lorem. Nunc vitae elit vehicula, sodales mauris ac, rhoncus elit. Pellentesque blandit feugiat risus, et venenatis urna iaculis vitae. Praesent porta ullamcorper tellus, rhoncus malesuada tortor ornare ac. Proin bibendum, lacus accumsan sagittis interdum, ligula tellus aliquet elit, sit amet posuere felis dui eu dui. Vestibulum sagittis porta nulla a varius. Sed sed sapien quis lorem gravida efficitur et non dui. Phasellus at pellentesque ligula, tincidunt pulvinar nisi. Fusce mollis felis ac justo interdum, bibendum vehicula dui facilisis. Sed tellus nulla, porta et sodales non, auctor vel lectus. Vestibulum ac lectus non odio efficitur interdum sit amet ac lorem. Sed a mauris risus.

Quisque turpis tortor, ornare quis mattis at, molestie sed augue. Donec ut pretium ligula. Fusce semper ante at neque blandit molestie. In a leo faucibus, ornare dui vel, aliquam tellus. Morbi ornare aliquam euismod. Integer ac fringilla eros. Fusce vitae pulvinar purus.

Nam in elementum mi. Sed vestibulum ex arcu, quis eleifend erat iaculis eu. Fusce luctus est eget feugiat varius. Nunc dictum scelerisque dui, quis commodo erat. Pellentesque gravida vehicula ultricies. Sed gravida tortor vitae suscipit tincidunt. Nullam auctor erat in ultrices dapibus. In vitae faucibus felis, in sagittis tortor.

Sed non dui eget neque mattis pretium. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean rhoncus dui lacus, vitae fermentum lectus volutpat bibendum. Vivamus faucibus, lacus et laoreet aliquet, enim neque cursus nisi, eu pellentesque magna dui consectetur quam. Duis risus erat, fermentum et interdum vel, fringilla a sapien. Pellentesque iaculis quis justo non convallis. Etiam ut mollis quam. Nullam accumsan interdum enim at dapibus.

Interacted With
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Characters Mentioned
Character Name (playerName)​
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  • Like
Reactions: Takumi
character: Iza Zielinski | role play: Starstruck
notes: fragile, somewhat responsive​

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ★ ★ ★ ▬▬
location: Seattle, WA
outfit: Black; as usual
with: people

The screaming crowd, cheering for an encore, still rang in her ears as she packed her things into a black skull embossed suitcase. She couldn't help the grin that spread across her face. Hearing their adoring fans during their live performances had always made her all happy inside--not the sentimental mushy kind of happy, but rather, the thrilling one, the type that made one's hairs stand up. Some people may not equate thrill to happiness, but to Iza, the two things went hand in hand. Live performances to her were simply thrilling. Similar to how bungee jumping brought an adrenaline rush to most people, performing in front of a sizeable crowd brought her an adrenaline rush as well--and she loves it. One can say that adrenaline rush is her opium--performing live, was her opium.

It had saddened her when she left the stage earlier. That had been their last performance for the last leg of their tour. Who knew when the next live performance would be? They were leaving the limelight for a while, off to enjoy a vacation telling no one about it--not their producers, not their record label; just themselves. Truthfully, Iza wasn't such a big fan of the idea vacationing in a small quaint town. Quaint and Iza simply didn't belong in a sentence together. It was only when she found out where exactly they were heading to did she have a sudden change of heart. Of course, no one knew why exactly she changed her mind; she wouldn't tell them, even if they'd asked.

Finished with packing all her clothing, Iza shut her suitcase and grabbed her messenger bag which already had her laptop inside. She continued on with her packing, putting everything and anything small and / or important into the bag she held: wallet, card holder, accessories (contained in a pouch), and of course, her drumsticks which were housed in a leather bag of their own. The action didn't take long--mainly because Iza merely shoved her things into the bag, seemingly without a care. Soon as she was done, she slung her bag over one shoulder instead of across her body like it should be, and dragged her suitcase behind her as she made her way out.

When she got to where the vehicle was parked, Iza immediately headed towards it. She dumped her luggage at back along with everyone else's but kept the messenger bag containing her valuables with her--there was simply no way she was going to part from her precious drumsticks. Iza was about to hop in when she heard James call out, "The sooner we leave the faster the food will come!"

A mischievous grin slowly spread across the green-haired drummer's face. She let out an obviously fake and over-dramatic gasp. "Oh no guys! It sounds like James is starving! We better hurry before he decides to try and eat us!" Iza chuckled as she finished the last bit before finally getting into the vehicle and sitting at the back seat--far from James' reach, just in case he decided to retaliate for what she did just now.
Last edited:
character: Asher Fay | role-play: Wanderlust
notes: responsive​


Joan (user)
Emrys (user)
Saige (user)
Nova (user)
Heather (user)
Allen (NPC)
Jordan (NPC)

describe + link

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec volutpat lacus id velit facilisis, fringilla blandit risus tempus. Sed eu efficitur justo. Nullam efficitur diam vitae quam vehicula, in iaculis ex aliquam. Fusce sagittis lorem sed velit congue, iaculis vestibulum lectus laoreet. Curabitur dolor eros, bibendum non condimentum nec, efficitur et neque. Proin elit purus, lobortis non euismod non, suscipit a est. Curabitur a massa consequat, posuere mi et, suscipit arcu. Fusce molestie viverra pharetra. In eu ligula est. Maecenas in tempor ex. Nullam in lacus ac sapien tincidunt pretium nec non neque. Duis in orci sit amet dui suscipit tempor eget vel ipsum.

Morbi eget viverra dui. Sed in nunc quis ante bibendum pharetra. Praesent accumsan nunc et tincidunt placerat. Pellentesque facilisis libero quis lacus facilisis feugiat. In venenatis sodales convallis. Sed finibus rhoncus purus, non malesuada ipsum tristique eget. Donec purus magna, venenatis sed nibh eu, dapibus ornare mauris. Duis vestibulum ultricies iaculis. Integer pretium sed magna a dapibus. Nulla arcu enim, consequat vel ex at, suscipit pharetra ligula. Nullam non pulvinar velit, eget varius lectus. Vivamus nec orci porta, finibus nisl nec, luctus urna. Sed pretium dapibus orci id dictum. Maecenas mollis a purus vel tempor. Proin consequat ornare turpis, quis semper massa varius non.

Vestibulum nec enim eget nunc sollicitudin efficitur finibus et sapien. Integer convallis mauris eget dolor tempus, eget tristique ante convallis. Nullam semper fringilla nisi interdum ultrices. Sed metus enim, lobortis sed rutrum lobortis, tristique ac urna. Vestibulum sollicitudin facilisis ex vel blandit. Nunc dictum nulla eu magna congue maximus. Vivamus nisl metus, luctus in justo nec, blandit ultricies sapien. Curabitur ullamcorper mattis felis, in viverra ipsum pulvinar vitae. Quisque tellus neque, tempus ac lorem pellentesque, malesuada ornare nisl. Duis eu lobortis mi. Suspendisse potenti. In ac dapibus tortor. Aliquam euismod, lacus quis consequat convallis, leo urna dictum elit, et fermentum justo libero et sapien.

Proin scelerisque dictum placerat. Ut eget ipsum purus. Cras vel dui a ligula viverra tristique. Suspendisse augue metus, mollis nec aliquet et, congue sit amet nisl. Mauris in tellus nunc. Integer tristique velit nunc, nec consequat neque commodo nec. Aliquam malesuada leo eu urna posuere, in aliquam eros pharetra. Vestibulum enim velit, volutpat vitae maximus imperdiet, viverra in dui. Sed tempus quam dui, ut eleifend eros sodales vitae. Etiam ornare vestibulum odio, a lobortis enim rhoncus ut. Duis faucibus ac ligula vitae venenatis. Cras eros mi, tempor quis imperdiet sit amet, dictum at metus. Ut ac nulla id odio cursus sodales.

Integer aliquam iaculis tincidunt. Aenean interdum massa erat, eu sodales nulla gravida congue. Aenean nec molestie quam, ut rhoncus lectus. Sed quis ligula nec nisi efficitur mattis eu et purus. Integer pulvinar viverra felis, a ultrices libero vestibulum quis. Morbi feugiat lorem id sem interdum aliquet. Suspendisse pellentesque urna nulla, eget imperdiet arcu varius et. Nullam imperdiet est at auctor viverra. Proin libero magna, hendrerit quis sagittis non, dignissim vel nisi. Vestibulum gravida elit nec velit dictum, in accumsan mi ultricies.

Quisque nisl massa, finibus id dui sit amet, vulputate efficitur mauris. Etiam dolor nulla, bibendum in consectetur quis, consectetur in est. Quisque sed lacus maximus arcu hendrerit varius. Mauris lacinia felis ut arcu aliquet tincidunt. Pellentesque sed sem posuere, consequat ipsum vel, interdum augue. Vivamus a libero quis neque convallis cursus at quis purus. Aliquam ipsum libero, iaculis in ipsum sit amet, tincidunt dapibus dolor. Morbi fermentum ex at purus luctus rutrum eu nec nisl. Donec congue luctus blandit. Pellentesque at rhoncus tortor. Vivamus eleifend quam vitae massa interdum efficitur. Aliquam molestie tristique tristique.
Praesent vel sapien non enim venenatis scelerisque. Nam mi enim, pharetra eget nisi a, suscipit maximus elit. Sed a felis lacus. Integer interdum gravida lobortis. Phasellus iaculis sagittis enim sed rhoncus. Nullam interdum augue non sagittis volutpat. Donec et tortor vel nulla interdum consectetur.

Nullam id dolor nibh. Maecenas sed justo ut libero rutrum vehicula. Cras tempor magna tristique molestie pretium. Ut ante arcu, commodo vitae rutrum vitae, commodo sit amet mi. Morbi varius viverra justo, a gravida mi finibus vel. Ut at enim dapibus, facilisis magna quis, malesuada libero. Quisque dictum eros pretium nunc semper laoreet. Etiam risus libero, tempor sit amet turpis sed, tristique facilisis turpis. Duis suscipit eros sit amet quam feugiat lobortis.

Phasellus imperdiet, tortor suscipit luctus placerat, orci erat aliquet tortor, vitae auctor odio sapien ut urna. Aliquam volutpat velit sit amet porta faucibus. Vivamus posuere, turpis sit amet interdum viverra, erat turpis molestie odio, porta lobortis erat sapien ac eros. Pellentesque in accumsan urna. Nulla consectetur tortor non ex consequat molestie. Quisque aliquet sem eget tortor varius, sed venenatis orci volutpat. Curabitur maximus sit amet risus sit amet varius. Ut diam augue, convallis nec vulputate nec, tristique sed nibh. In a dignissim nisl. Aenean ut iaculis quam. Quisque volutpat, urna quis varius consectetur, sapien neque facilisis purus, vitae imperdiet leo sem quis orci. Curabitur tempor, mauris vel interdum finibus, leo risus efficitur erat, a vehicula lectus quam sed libero. Aenean in dolor sed metus convallis consectetur. Aenean sagittis vestibulum leo, eget venenatis nisl ultrices at.

Ut sapien sapien, viverra a eleifend in, condimentum eget ante. Nunc tempus, risus quis faucibus viverra, nisi nulla porttitor eros, sed sodales nibh enim ut dolor. Donec vestibulum ligula nec fermentum vehicula. Nulla eleifend vulputate lobortis. In condimentum, felis ut lobortis venenatis, eros est commodo purus, eu tincidunt libero sem vel ligula. Donec nec sem commodo, dictum quam et, pretium sem. Pellentesque auctor, sapien sed dignissim ullamcorper, tellus purus sagittis velit, in lacinia nibh ex nec ligula. Praesent a iaculis metus. Maecenas vel tincidunt lectus, vitae condimentum dolor. Donec ultricies blandit nibh id lobortis. Vestibulum interdum ac enim at ultrices. Nulla venenatis, elit eget dignissim placerat, magna ex congue arcu, vel posuere velit ligula et risus.
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Nemopedia
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Dis is where I tried masking once upon a time...
Forgot to record it OTL
I'll get back to it one day.

dumping shit here
#fdffff #e5e3e3 #f3f2f2
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Song Yeong-Hwan
fc: Baek Myung-Han

Kassandra Castillo


Carlos "Caloy" Castillo was born into the family. Since he was young, Carlos had always been quite the troublemaker. He would often sneak out of the house to play with the non-magical children. His parents would scold him for this, but yet their words merely seem to go through his ears as he continues on to sneak out and play.
A second son was born into the Castillo family. Lorenzo "Renz" was very unlike his older brother. He was more passive and quiet, preferring to stay out of any kind of trouble. Renz never liked to take sides and was very neutral about most things.
Caloy's homeschooling started and with it came another set of eyes to watch over him--his tutor. His tutor was a strict and rather scary wizard. Nevertheless, it didn't stop Caloy from sneaking out, specially minutes before his lessons started. Caloy hated having to study magic and found muggle school subjects much more fascinating. Sometimes, when he sneaks out, he would sneak into a muggle school classroom and listen to the lesson. Despite not liking studying magic, he found himself to be quite skilled in transfiguration. It was the only lesson he didn't dread attending.
Years after the two sons had been born, a third and final one followed. Antonio "Anton" grew to be more like his father in the sense that they were both rather prideful. He was proud of his pureblood heritage and scorns muggleborns. His beliefs lined up with any other pureblood supremacist. Antonio grew up looking up Renz, and greatly disliked Caloy due to difference in belief.
Merely a year after the youngest son was born, their mother died due to illness. Out of the three brothers, Renz was the one most affected. He was the one who was closest to her. Due to her death early on in his life, Anton never really knew their mother and have zero memories of him. Years later upon hearing the story of her death, Anton couldn't help but feel that it's partly his fault she died since her sickness started shortly after he was born.
Due to their mother's death and how greatly it affected the middle child, it was decided by their father that Renz' homeschooling start a year later than planned. He was a quick learner though, and not only caught up with Caloy's lessons, but he became ahead of him. It was mostly Caloy's fault though; him sneaking out trying to escape his lessons ended with him lagging behind his younger brother. Among the things that were taught to them, Renz excelled the most in potions.

Palette option 1






Palette option 2






Palette option 3






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Jim's Motel & Diner
Season: Summer
Weather: Warm and sunny
Time: 7:00 am

It was a close call for the runaway teens. They had been seconds away from getting caught, but thankfully they'd managed to get away--for now at least. The teens decided to drive the car all evening, trying to get them as far as they could. It was a unanimous decision made by the group... well, almost unanimous; only Allen was against it, but in the end he had no choice but to grudgingly agree. They knew that the chance of them getting caught sooner was higher if they stopped to rest for the evening. Allen wouldn't let anyone else on the wheel so he toughed it out through the evening. At least he had the Jordan's company through it. The Asian kid stayed awake with him, and conversed with him despite being sat at the very back of the car.

Morning arrived sooner than anyone wished. Humans had their limits, and Allen was no exception. The young teen needed sleep, and so did his night buddy Jordan. Without even consulting the others, he parked the car at a place called Jim's Motel & Diner. "We're out of gas," he said simply, as it it wasn't his problem to deal with. Turns out Allen forgot to check whether the tank was full or not. Without another word, he looked at Jordan at the back seat and signalled him to follow as he exited his place from the driver's seat and headed into the place. Jordan followed him, yawning as he entered the place.

Jim's Motel & Diner looked plain on the outside; the only thing that would draw attention was the big sign above the entrance. Peering through the window, one would see that the inside was decorated with a retro theme in mind. The first floor was the diner, the second was where the rooms were at.

With a couple of hours to spare, the rest of the remaining teens were free to do whatever they wished.
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  • Love
Reactions: Nemopedia

Nikandros Volkov
age 17 years old ----• • •---- gender Male ----• • •---- species Human

01. Personality

[ Loud & Temperamental ]
Finding Nik is never a difficult task. The boy is practically a walking megaphone. Nik talks pretty loudly; even his whispers are loud. It can be quite obnoxious, but after a while, people get used to it. Majority of the time Nik doesn't even realise that he's raising his voice, even though he has excellent hearing.​

Nik isn't just loud in a literal sense, he's also loud in the sense that he can be pushy when it comes to his views on thing. He's definitely not afraid of voicing out his opinions on things, even when he's in the minority. When he sees something is wrong, he says it. He isn't afraid to call out someone's bullshit--though he doesn't always do this in the most pleasant ways and that has gotten into trouble many a times. Nik stands up for what he believes in. He makes sure that people know what his stand is m--even if it can get him in trouble. For Nik, getting himself in trouble doesn't matter, so long as his message is delivered, then it's good enough for him.

Unfortunately, Nik is also a rather hot headed person. It does take much to rile up Nik. He loves to tease people, but when it's his turn to be teased, he gets upset pretty easily. Nik is easily ticked off even by the tiniest of things. He's very impulsive and would let his emotions take over his actions more often than not. This and his bad temper has led him to a couple of fights here and there as he grew up. It doesn't help that Nik has a bad habit of jumping to conclusions. He has a tendency to overlook the other side of things, especially when angered.

[ Loyal & Selfish ]
Sharing was never one of Nik's strong points; in fact, he doesn't like sharing what is his. He can be quite possessive of things and, sometimes, even people. What's his is his alone, and he makes sure that people know this. Nik is always very hesitant to lend people anything he owns. Even simply touching his things without his permission ticks him off. He knows when his things are out of place.

Though he is rather selfish, Nik is also rather loyal. He doesn't trust many but those that he does consider to be his friends have his undying loyalty. For them, he would go through great lengths just to keep them happy and safe. They are the people he listens to the most. He supports them in whatever endeavour they decide to take and doesn't question their decisions, no matter how dodgy it may seem. Nik simply trusts that they would do the right thing. The only time that he would doubt his friends would be when they insist that he does something against his moral code. He knows that a true friend would never force him to do something he doesn't wish to do.

[ Dauntless & Aggressive ]
There aren't many things that Nik fears and, unlike most, death isn't one of them. Nik isn't afraid of dying, which greatly explains why he has reckless tendencies. He often charges into a battle head on with his only plan being "Don't die." Nik may not fear death, but that doesn't mean he longs for it. Still, he is very aggressive and nearly jumps at every opportunity at a battle, specially one against Grimm.

Though Nik is quite violent and aggresssive, he does have some semblance of self restraint. He wouldn't hit people just because he was angry and whatnot. He's a hot head, but he has morals as well. He knows that physically taking his anger out on others was just plain wrong. He does, however, tend to take it out on the next object that he spots nearby resulting in his notoriety for breaking things. However, when a person has done him or his loved ones wrong, then he doesn't hesitate to pick a fight with them.

As tough and scary (and psychopathic) as he may seem, Nik is actually afraid of bunnies. He flinches at the first sight of them. It was a fear he developed when he was still a kid and never grew out of. He swears that all bunnies are evil and are slowly working to take over the world. People find it funny how death barely fazes him but a little adorable furball can send him cowering.

[ Competitive & Impatient ]
If there's anything that Nik hates more than people touching his things, it'd be losing. Nik is a very competitive person and hates the idea of having to retreat from a battle. It may be a wise decision at times, but to Nik, it is like admitting defeat. Losing can put him in a sour mood for up until a whole week. A loss is something he never forgets.

The act of waiting is another thing he hates. Long queues annoy him greatly. Nik is the type of person who easily gets bored. He constantly wants to be doing something fun and exciting. There may be a ton of things that he needs to do, but if they all bore him, he'll push them away try to find something else to do. He's a procrastinator when it comes to things he finds boring and unworthy of his time and effort. Nik is quick to lose interest in things. Growing up, he received tons of video games as gifts. He enjoyed most of them to the point of playing them everyday, but after a month or so he gets bored of them. There are only a handful of games that he's finished in his collection.

02. History

The bastard son of William Volkov; Nik was conceived before his father was wed to his current wife, Anastasia. His mother, Julia Elwyn, raised him for eight years before passing away. Prior to her death, both mother and son had been in contact with Nik's father. William had contacted Julia with the intention of apologising to her for how things ended between them; he was completely unaware that they had a son together. It was only when the two decided to meet and catch up did Julia tell him about Nik. Naturally, William wished to visit his son and being the kindhearted person that she was, Julia granted his wishes. That was how Nik met his father. William visited him and his mother every other day for a month or so before Julia died. The authoroties labelled her death as an accident, and no one questioned it.

Upon his mother's death, Nik was taken by his father and started living under their roof. It was then he met his pregnant step mother, Anastasia. From the first meeting alone, Nik already knew that the woman was no good. In front of her husband, her attitude towards Nik was all hugs and smiles, but when he was away, she was the evil stepmother. Anastasia hated Nik, he was the living reminder that William loved--and still loves--his ex-girlfriend Julia. Of course, Nik didn't know about this as a kid. He wondered why Anastasia hated him so much despite being a good kid as he remembers. She never beat him up, but her attitude towards him was horrible. Nik tried telling his father once, but before he could, Anastasia threatened him, saying that William would never believe him over her. Being the little boy that he was, Nik easily believed her lie and never told his father.

A month after he arrived, Anastasia gave birth to a young baby boy named Devon. Anastasia spoiled his baby boy while she continued to treat Nik like dirt. This unfair treatment continued to slip by his father whose presence at home was barely there due to his work. Looking back, Nik found it amazing how his father had managed to visit constantly the month before his mother died. Two years later, Nik had grown sick of being in a house where people hated him--or at least, Anastasia did. The staff in the house were merely ordered by the she-devil to ignore him and pretend he didn't exist. Nik didn't find them at fault at first, and couldn't find it in himself to blame them, but within the span of the year he started to think that they were partially at fault for how miserable he felt. Anyone of the maids could've reported to his father about what their mistress was doing, yet they didn't.

The thought that he wasn't wanted at home was implanted into his head. The only times when he felt wanted and loved where when his father was around. William couldn't be home much, but when he was he made it a point to spend it all with his son. This only triggered Anastasia to be more resentful of Nik. She started implanting the idea of Nik being the one to blame for his father's absence at home. The thought festered in his mind till he started to believe it. Not knowing any better, he decided to ran away from home while his father was away on a trip. He thought that maybe they'd all be better off without him there. Nik left a note on his bed addressed to his father, telling him why he was leaving.

The note never reached William, Anastasia made sure of it. She instead told him that Nik was simply an ungrateful child. But William loved his son, and he did everything he could to search for his little boy. Finding Nik proved to be harder than anticipated. For a solid year and a half, Nik miraculously managed to be left unfound. Anastasia had a part of it, she made certain that Nik was hard to find, covering up his traces for him. William was oblivious to this, he didn't even stop to think about anything else apart from his finding his son. It was admirable how William never gave up looking for him despite how long he'd been missing. The hatred that Anastasia felt for the boy grew even more thanks to this.

Nik had left with little money which only lasted him a month. He tried to find a job, but no one would hire a fraile little boy. Instead, Nik resorted to thievery. It was then Nik learned the harshness of reality. One day, as he was trying to steal some food to feed himself, he nearly got caught. A faunus with a wolf's tail helped him out by leading him to a safe spot as hey were chased by the shop owner. Nik later learned that his was name was Kole and was roughly a five years older than him. Nik was originally apprehensive of him, due to him being a faunus, but Kole kept popping up everywhere he was. He quickly became his friend and partner in crime--literally. Kole was friendly and mischievous, it wasn't hard to befriend him. His friendship with Kole made him question why people discriminated against faunus so greatly.

During his time with Kole, Nik learned how to fight with his hands, how to stand up to himself. He felt like a new person. Gone was the Nik who let people walk over him, who let people threatened him. He felt reborn and he loved it. It was amazing how much he changed in the short span of time they've been together. Unfortunately, he may have gotten a bit too courageous. He was so eager to fight anyone who insulted them and most especially, anyone who insulted Kole for being a faunus. This has resulted in them getting into quite a number of scruffs on almost on a daily basis.

Alas, his time with Kole didn't last forever. Their petty crime duo was broken when they finally got caught. It was meant to be a simple job, their usual 'get food and go' that they do each day, but it ended up greatly different from what the expected. No one was supposed to die, and yet, someone did. Nik doesn't recall the details, all he knows is that as they were escaping, he heard a gunshot and his friend's scream. The next thing he knew, Kole was lying in a pool of his own blood--dead. Nik was taken by the authoroties and it was then that his father finally found him.

He was devastated. He refused to come out of his room for weeks. The closest friend--no, the best, friend he ever had was now dead. Nik couldn't help but blame himself. If he did something, if things were done differently, if he didn't leave home in the first place, then Kole might still be alive.

After several weeks of mourning and locking himself in his room, Nik finally went back to living his life. Anastasia's attitude towards him didn't change, but now, Nik didn't let the bitch get to him. He still didn't tell William about Anastasia's attitude towards him though; he believed that his father loved the royal bitchiness and didn't want to spoil it for him just for his selfish reasons. He played with his younger half-brother a lot; the kid actually adores him. Although Nik hates his mother, he had no reason to hate the child. His dad started making sure to balance his time between work and home. He would make sure that his weekends were free to spend time with his two sons. Life was starting to look better for Nik.

When he reached fourteen, a question started to plague his mind: what did he want to do in life? The question was sparked by his father. During on of their father son outings, William had asked Nik what he aspired to be. Nik couldn't answer the question at the time. Being the kind man that he is, his father reassured him that it was fine, that he was still young and had time to think about it. Nik started looking up what he could do. Nothing seemed to appeal to him until he came across The Academy. Nik has already heard about The Academy, but he looked more into it and the more it did, the more and more appealing it became to him. Eventually, he decided that this was it, this was what he wanted to do.

03. Weaponry

Nik has two weapons at his disposal: Devourer and Lupus Anima.

[ Lupus Anima ]
A finger-less glove worn on his right hand. It's embedded with four diamond shaped knuckledusters. At the centre of glove's backhand is a circular dust compartment with six slots. Each knuckleduster is linked to the topmost chamber in the dust compartment for dust dispersal. The dust exits through a pinhole at the front of the knuckleduster, this gives Nik's punches added effect from the dust.

The following are the dusts which is loaded into Lupus Anima's compartment and their respective effects to the target:
  • Wind - Emits a gust of wind upon punching a surface. Used mostly to propel himself off a surface. Nik is able to use it both defensively and offensively. He's able to propel himself out of danger, at the same time he can use the acceleration he gets from the propulsion to hit his target harder.
  • Fire - Burns the target on contact. If Nik hits hard enough, he is able to cause an explosion. Although it is able to do great damage to his target, he may also sustain damage from the explosion due to how close he is upon causing it.
  • Ice - Freezes the target area. Due to the nature of the weapon, Nik is unable to freeze huge targets in one hit, but he is able to freeze smaller parts of a target, such as their limbs, to render that part immobile. Punching the ground, or any flat surface, allows him to create a thin sheet of ice over it.
  • Lightning - Shocks the target which may cause temporary paralysis. The only dust in his arsenal whose effects remain the same regardless of how hard he hits his target; hitting harder will not make it more likely to paralyse his target.
  • Steam - Releases a fog of steam in the nearby surrounding area of the punch. Hitting harder causes more steam to be released. This steam fog allows him to move stealthly and confuse the enemy. It also gives him the opportunity to make quick and stealthy escape.
  • Gravity - Gives his punches an added force making them two times heavier and stronger. Although Nik considers gravity to be his most powerful dust, he does not use it very often and especially not in continuous succession. Due to the pull his hand receives from the use of it, it can dislocate his arm--something that Nik has learned the hard way.

[ Devourer ]
Devourer is a chainsaw sword (chainsword) that Nik wields primarily with his left hand. On its hilt is a lightning crystal which serves as the source of power for the chainsword as opposed to the use gas.

It features an inactive mode which Nik calls its sheathed mode. During this mode, the chainsword shows no signs of it being a chainsword. The edges are blunt making it seem more of a paddle than a sword. It is these blunt edges that make the sword safe to carry around, usually holstered on Nik's left side. Although its edges aren't sharp, Nik can still use Devourer to fight with even in this mode. Striking hard enough can still leave an opponent staggering and even break a few bones.

From sheathed mode, the edges retract to the middle to reveal the chainsword that lays inside. This is Devourer's active mode. Unlike a regular chainsaw, the chainsword is lighter and can be wielded with one hand.

On the handle is a trigger, holding it down activates the chainsword. The moment Nik releases his hold on the handle, the chainsword stops spinning. Switching between sheathed and chainsword is also done through this trigger. Pressing the trigger twice in rapid succession switches whatever mode Devourer was in into the other.

( inspiration / reference : Frost Blade ; Chainsword )​

04. Aura & Semblance

[ Rapid Cellular Regeneration / Healing Factor ]
Nik's semblance allows him to regenerate cells in his body faster than normal. This enables him to heal minor wounds, such as cuts, bruises and light burns, faster. Reproducing blood cells can be hastened thus allowing him to be able to recover from minor blood loss. Unfortunately. Nik's semblance is limited only to himself; he cannot heal anyone else but himself. The bigger the wound is trying to heal, the more energy and aura is drained from him.

Although he can regenerate cells, there are still limitations to the extent he can heal. For one, he is unable to reattach or regrow a dismembered limb. He can't heal fatal wounds completely, such as damage to internal organs and the nervous system, but he can close up any wounds to prevent further blood loss. Lastly, Nik is unable to heal fatally damaged cells such as in the case of a severe burn.

Unlike comic book characters, such as Wolverine, Nik's regeneration isn't automatically done by his body. Nik has to concentrate on the wound he wishes to heal for it to work. His aura, light grey in colour (timberwolf), surrounds the wound which he is healing. This makes it harder for him to heal himself in the midst of a battle. It should also be noted that while the cell regeneration process is faster, it is not instantaneous. The bigger the damage / the more cells that need to be regenerated, the longer the healing will take. Nik is unable to heal multiple wounds at once, thus, he prioritises the wounds that are most severe which he is capable of healing.

( inspiation / reference: Regenerative Healing Factor )

05. Others

[ Dogs ]
Nik loves dogs. He can easily get distracted by one. When he's in a sour mood, or one of his fits, playing with a dog makes him forget what it was that he was mad or upset about. Nik has a rather goofy smile around these animals. They simply bring him great joy.

While he loves just about every dog out there, his favourite dog would always be his pet corgi, Helios. Helios has been with him since he was fourteen. His father got him a dog in hopes it would help him cheer up after the loss of his friend. At first, Nik hated the dog and he was mad at his father for giving it to him. He felt as if his father thought that a dog would be able to replace the friend he lost. After a while though, he eventually warmed up to the pup and now he loves him to bits.

Helios has orange fur, quite similar to a painting that his mother made. It was a picture of an orange corgi playing with a blue ball. The painting had always been Nik's favourite and was hung on the corridor wall leading to his room. Nik remembers showing it to his father when he was younger and telling him how it was his favourite out of his mom's works. Looking back, Nik thinks that Helios having an orange fur was no mere coincidence. He has no doubt that his father had specifically chosen the dog for him because he remembered the painting that little Nik excitedly showed and told him about. It made Nik love both Helios and his father even more.

[ View on Faunus ]
Faunus used to scare him. As a little kid, he thought they would gobble him up. He was six when his little fear turned into something completely different. Influenced by his playmates and neighbours, Nik started to think lowly of them as well. He wasn't exactly sure why he easily accepted the view of others so easily. Meeting a befriending Kole changed turned his opinion a complete 180 degrees. He started to see that faunus weren't as bad as people made out to be.

[ Not-so-important Details ]
• Nik's dominant hand is his left.
• A fan of graffiti art; he dabbles in it every now and then (story).
• He loves to eat meat. When it comes to his steak, his preference is medium raw.

[ Playlist ]
Emperor's New Clothes - Panic! At the Disco
Crazy = Genius - Panic! At the Disco

06. Appearance

Nik has grey, somewhat messy, short hair. He likes to keep it short so that it stays out of his way. His eyebrows are thick on end and thin out on the other making them look sharp and 'angry' as some would say. Nik's eyes are sharp and of a golden colour. A mischievous smile that simply screams trouble sits on his face most of the time--exceptions would be when he's angered or in a bad mood. His smile is really the only thing that people can rely on to accurately tell the mood he's in. His eyes and eyebrows simply make it seem like he's mad all the time. He's quite tall, standing at a height of 6'2" and still growing. He weights about 158 lbs, not too skinny, but not too fat either.

Both of his ears are pierced; on his left, he wears a simple silver hoop earring, and on his right are two silver studs. Nik can usually be found wearing his black leather jacket. His style is casual but at the same time somewhat edgy. From time to time, Nik likes to wear a white hooded jacket with wolf ears attached to it. Wearing it with his hood up in public often causes whispering and incredulous looks among the people who sees him, but Nik doesn't really give a fuck. It's his way of showing that he doesn't share the opinion of the public when it came to faunus.

timberwolf - #DBD7D2 ; purple colour - 76697b

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris iaculis, purus sed dignissim consequat, neque libero faucibus metus, et pharetra massa augue nec neque. Maecenas vel mi condimentum, commodo purus at, rutrum sem. Mauris iaculis porta sollicitudin. Curabitur molestie, sem a malesuada pulvinar, risus mauris maximus tortor, vel feugiat mi diam sit amet quam. Nunc urna nulla, condimentum eu iaculis eget, blandit vel purus. Sed eleifend, arcu at accumsan mattis, tellus dui hendrerit neque, non suscipit leo purus in tortor. Sed id facilisis velit, ac cursus erat. Maecenas accumsan nisi vitae tortor congue, sit amet facilisis metus eleifend. Ut fringilla quam id dui ultricies, sit amet congue diam condimentum. In eu augue eget orci lacinia viverra ut sit amet leo. Vivamus porta nibh non aliquam ornare. Suspendisse nec augue vitae nibh egestas pretium non ut purus.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris iaculis, purus sed dignissim consequat, neque libero faucibus metus, et pharetra massa augue nec neque. Maecenas vel mi condimentum, commodo purus at, rutrum sem. Mauris iaculis porta sollicitudin. Curabitur molestie, sem a malesuada pulvinar, risus mauris maximus tortor, vel feugiat mi diam sit amet quam. Nunc urna nulla, condimentum eu iaculis eget, blandit vel purus. Sed eleifend, arcu at accumsan mattis, tellus dui hendrerit neque, non suscipit leo purus in tortor. Sed id facilisis velit, ac cursus erat. Maecenas accumsan nisi vitae tortor congue, sit amet facilisis metus eleifend. Ut fringilla quam id dui ultricies, sit amet congue diam condimentum. In eu augue eget orci lacinia viverra ut sit amet leo. Vivamus porta nibh non aliquam ornare. Suspendisse nec augue vitae nibh egestas pretium non ut purus.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris iaculis, purus sed dignissim consequat, neque libero faucibus metus, et pharetra massa augue nec neque. Maecenas vel mi condimentum, commodo purus at, rutrum sem. Mauris iaculis porta sollicitudin. Curabitur molestie, sem a malesuada pulvinar, risus mauris maximus tortor, vel feugiat mi diam sit amet quam. Nunc urna nulla, condimentum eu iaculis eget, blandit vel purus. Sed eleifend, arcu at accumsan mattis, tellus dui hendrerit neque, non suscipit leo purus in tortor. Sed id facilisis velit, ac cursus erat. Maecenas accumsan nisi vitae tortor congue, sit amet facilisis metus eleifend. Ut fringilla quam id dui ultricies, sit amet congue diam condimentum. In eu augue eget orci lacinia viverra ut sit amet leo. Vivamus porta nibh non aliquam ornare. Suspendisse nec augue vitae nibh egestas pretium non ut purus.
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[glow=#d2d7d1]ZEDEKIAH BLACKBOURNE[/glow]

Zedekiah Blackbourne, also known as Zed, is a male seventeen year old pureblood wizard born on the 20th of December, 1958. He is a student at Hogwarts, currently in his 7th year, and has been sorted into the Gryffindor house.


That Reckless Idiot
As much as Zed complains how the sorting hat made a mistake and that he should be with his brother in Slytherin, deep down he knows why the sorting hat placed him in Gryffindor: his courage. Zed is a brave person who likes to face things head on. This however doesn't mean that he is completely fearless. There are still things that scare him, such as the thought of a family member's death--or death in general. Unfortunately, Zed can be a little too brave. He's not exactly one to think things through and often just charges at something without an actual plan. Zed has the tendency to tango with death; thankfully he hasn't gotten himself killed ... yet. His reckless attitude makes him a regular of Madame Pomfrey's, much to the mediwitch's dismay.

A Softie at Heart
Zed also has a soft side in him which could be seen mostly when he's interacting with his family and close friends. He loves both sides of his family, Blackbournes and Sinclairs; though he is definitely closer to his father's side of the family, rather than the latter. Most people may hate family gatherings but Zed enjoys them greatly. Being with his family gives him a warm feeling, it makes him happy. Zed refuses to hurt them in any way and would go to the ends of the earth for them--specially for his brother. He is a rather sentimental person who greatly values time spent with loved ones. Anyone who knows him can easily see this in the way he interacts with his childhood friends.

Honest and Quite Naive
Although he isn't one to have his beliefs be easily shaken, he can be a rather naive person. It doesn't take much to convince Zed of some lie about something, especially if the delivery of which sounded so factual and convincing. Though he finds it harder to believe things that the impure say, words from purebloods are something he immediately latches on as truth. Zed doesn't trust everyone, his trust is something that has to be earned by half-bloods and the likes, but for purebloods it is something that he immediately gives. He believes in honesty and doesn't really suspect people to be lie to him--or at least, he doesn't suspect purebloods to lie to him. Zed doesn't see any reason to lie to people--except, of course, when he wants to cause mischief and prank someone. He likes to give his honest opinion on things, especially when it came to blood purity.

Surprisingly Reliable
Strong will is another Gryffindor trait that he possesses. Once a task has been placed upon him, you can rest assured that he'd stop at nothing--maybe except potential and possible death--to accomplish said task. It makes him a rather reliable person, much to people's disbelief. His determination isn't something that people should underestimate. As reliable as he is, however, Zed isn't some lap dog who obeys every command handed out to him. He knows how to say no and doesn't accept every single favour that's thrown at him. Zed picks and does what he wishes to do.

Mind Full of Mischief
Zed has a penchant for mischief. Pranks were nothing new to him. A certified troublemaker who loves to poke fun on the impures. He once turned bully back during his first year, accidentally crossing the threshold separating bully and prankster. However, he's realised since then that a bully is not what he wants to be and has gone back to simply being a fun loving prankster. His grandfather has warned him about conducting too much mischief as it may tarnish the proud family name somehow, but pranks were just his guilty pleasure. Zed tries to keep his grandfathers words in mind however and will think twice about what he's about to do... when he remembers to do so at least. Unfortunately, it almost always ends with him deciding to push through anyway.


Born into the Blackbourne pureblood family, Zedekiah "Zed" Blackbourne is the firstborn son of Natasha and Amos Blackbourne coming into the world merely minutes before his twin brother Alistair was born. Unlike most purebloods, Amo and Natasha were not pureblood supremacists. The couple were raised in supremacists households, yet despite this their way of thinking was different. Their marriage was an arranged one, but they ended up finding solace in one another upon finding out that they shared the same views when it came to blood purity. They wanted to raise their children with the same mentality, however, Perseus knew about beliefs and did what he could to prevent their parents from 'brainwashing' their children. In the end, both Amos and Natasha decided that having their children share the same beliefs as the rest of the pureblood community would be for the best, that it'll help keep them safe. Thus, the twins grew to adopt their grandfather's beliefs in blood purity.

Although Natasha and Amos have decided not to push their beliefs onto their children, they still openly show--at least at home, around them--what they truly believe in, with small hope that their children would understand their beliefs. Unfortunately, Perseus simply had a bigger influence on the twins. Du ing their childhood, Zed and Alistair often visited their grandfather. Every time the twins visited him, Perseus would teach them the importance of blood purity. The twins soaked up their grandfather's teachings like sponges.

Despite sharing a different belief from his parents, Zed still grew up to be a kid who loved them regardless. He may not agree with their beliefs and think that they are in the wrong, but they're still his parents and to him that is more important. Family mattered to Zed, even if he felt somewhat neglected from time to time. In Zed's eyes, both his parents and even his grandfather, loved Alistair more. They focused on him more. Zed grew up in his shadow. He didn't hate Ali though, he could never hate his twin. Zed never blamed him either. Instead, he did what he could--or at least, tried to--to garner praise from both his parents and grandfather, but mostly from Perseus. This continued to persist even as the twins entered Hogwarts.

Entering Hogwarts was one of the things that Zed greatly looked forward to when he was younger. He'd dreamed of rooming with his brother, playing on the same quidditch team as his brother, and lots of other stuff; but that all came shattering down when the Sorting Hat yelled Gryffindor instead of Slytherin. For the longest time, he was in denial, claiming that he should've been placed into Slytherin.

Zed's first year in Hogwarts was... quite a mess. He's always been a prankster, always one to tease people, to make jokes; but during his first year he went from quite harmless prankster, to full on bully. During his first year, he had shared a room with a pureblood and a half-blood with a pureblood father and a muggle mother. Zed got along quite well with the pureblood boy he shared rooms with. Unfortunately, the half-blood wasn't as fortunate. It started with calling the poor kid names, then came the harmless pranks, which soon escalated to downright bullying. Zed wasn't aware that what he was doing was wrong. He thought it was right simply because his pureblood roomie told him it was right. It took the help of his twin brother and childhood friends to get Zed to understand that what he did was completely wrong.

The following year, the pureblood roommate that they had transfered to Durmstang. Zed didn't know why, and honestly he was happy he was gone. The half-blood on the other hand, was still there. As much as he hated doing so, Zed knew he had to apologise to the kid and so he did. They came into an agreement to stay out of each other's business and that's exactly what happened.

During the summer of their 5th year, Zed started noticing that Ali's presence around the house was dwindling. He was barely at home anymore. However, despite beginning to notice it, Zed didn't refused to acknowledge it. It started years ago, but it wasn't until that year that Zed noticed.

When the summer of their sixth year came along, he could no longer ignore it; Ali declared that he would be start living with their grandfather from now on. Part of Zed knew this was coming, but it still shocked him nonetheless. He told Ali to stay, but just as he expected, Ali refused. Instead, his twin invited him to join him in moving in with Perseus. Truthfully, Zed was more than tempted to take up his offer, but he refused. He thought about their parents and how they would be like if both their sons left them.


------------------- F A M I L Y -------------------
Perseus Blackbourne
Granddad (Father's side)
Dearest, dearest grandfather Perseus. Zed endearingly calls him Percy, which his grandfather finds annoying and revolting. He loves the twins greatly and and they both love him as well. However, granddad always had a bias towards Alistair--he passed on a wand to Ali and gave Zed nothing but a piece of paper telling him where to get his wand made. Despite this, Zed never felt any form of resent towards the old man. He could never bring himself to hate a family member or grow spiteful of them. Perseus was the biggest influence in the twin's life being the one who taught them about blood purity. He passed onto them his supremacist attitude--much to the dismay of their parents. When Zed was sorted into Gryffindor instead of Slytherin, he noticed that granddad became stricter toward him and the bias towards Alistair became more evident. Nonetheless, Zed remained the same; no resent for the old man, just familial love and respect.

Alistair BlackbourneTwin Brother
Ali is one of the closest people that Zed has in his life. It was unfortunate that the two were separated by the sorting hat into separate classes. Regardless of this, the two still remain close--even if one was up in a tower and the other the dungeons; they make it work somehow. Needless to say Zed loves his brother unconditionally and quite honestly, he is greatly influenced by his brother's views; probably because Ali was the older twin. Zed would do anything for his brother, just as long as it doesn't clash with his own values. While Ali is a great influence to him (be it good or bad), Zed is still his own person and has his own opinion on certain matters. Underneath all the brotherly love he has for Ali, however, is a small seed of jealousy that Zed has constantly ignored for years. Zed has always seen himself as the inferior twin, mainly because of how their grandfather had always praised Ali and never him despite the achievements that he gets.


Czeslaw the Siamese Cat
As a cat lover, Zed only felt it'd be right if he had a cat--much to his brother's annoyance. It was one of the aspects wherein they had different opinions. While Ali disliked cats, Zed loves them. He always wanted one, but he never asked his parents nor granddad for a cat in fear that he wasn't responsible enough to take care of one. But then his parents just had to get him one as a gift. Zed couldn't refuse and decided to keep the pet. He named him Czeslaw, a name he always found to have a nice ring to. The boy is very fond of his pet and refused to leave it at home when his Hogwarts years started.

Czeslaw gets along very well with Jasper, the cat owned by Zed's childhood friend, Madison Van Reeden. The two cats are practically like best friends. Zed believes that when he's away, Czes runs off to play with Jasper, though it is something that he has yet to prove; not that it was a big deal anyway. Czes could do whatever he wished with his free time, in fact, Zed is happy that Czes can find company in the pets of others. It was originally one of his worries that Czes would feel lonely during the times when Zed is in class or somewhere else wherein he could not bring him along. Now, he can rest assured that Czes would not feel lonely.


"The seal patronus is one that shows a playful soul, that seeks excitement in all of it's ventures. These are not studious individuals, as they are too busy trying to feel as free as they can. They have the ability to light up a room, and they know it, and like to use it to the best of their ability. They are never ones to let their feelings get the best of them, because they are too wrapped up in everything else to care very much about what other people think of them. They would much rather be busy exploring life." (source)


As sappy as it may sound, Zed couldn't imagine life without Ali as his brother. Who would he count on to be there? Sure there were his family whom he knows will always be there for him--or at least, he was sure mum and dad would always be there for him; Zed wasn't quite confident that their granddad wouldn't disown him if he did something stupid. Zed fears being completely alone, without Czes, without granddad, without mum and dad, and most specially without Ali. His boggart manifests in the form of his family members, the people he cares most about, leaving him.


A wand made of only the finest materials (some even quite rare). This wand was passed down from his mother's family, the Sinclais. It used to belong to his mother's older sister, his aunt, Ophelia Sinclair. Ophelia inherited the wand after their father's death (Zed and Ali's grandfather from the Sinclair side) but was never really able to use it and thus decided to give it to her little sister Natasha. Unfortunately, Natasha was had difficulties with using the wand and ultimately decided to stop using it and get herself a different one. With no one left to pass it onto, Natasha kept hold of it. When the twins were born, she hoped that at least one of them would be able to use the wand.

Initially, she saw Alistair as possibly being able to use the wand. But when Alistair received a wand from Perseus and was able to properly use it, Natasha decided to give the wand to Zed instead. She was afraid the wand wouldn't work in his hands but was pleasantly surprised when it did. While it saddened Zed that he only received the wand because his brother already received one from their grandfather, over time he has learned to appreciate the wand. He eventually found comfort in using the wand.

wyvern skin
- core -
"Those who are stubborn, proud, arrogant, short-tempered, strong-willed, fiery, mischievous, quick-witted, conniving and cunning will have this wand core. Having such a wand core suggests that you have a stubborn, volatile energy, unable to yield or to be controlled by most. However, once you have been put in your place (usually through a physical approach), you make for a powerful and loyal friend. In some cases, this core makes for a powerful and superior core to use in wand dueling when compared to other exotic type cores, due to its fiery and stubborn nature. You will defend your friends and family to the bitter end, even to the point where you are willing to sacrifice yourself for the greater good. This core works particularly well in The Dark Arts, but also works well in Potions, Transfiguration, Jinxes, Curses and Duelling Magic. It is a wand core predominantly found among those of House Slytherin, but can sometimes be found among some of those in House Gryffindor and House Ravenclaw."
- wood -
"Wand-quality aspen wood is white and fine-grained, and highly prized by all wand-makers for its stylish resemblance to ivory and its usually outstanding charmwork. The proper owner of the aspen wand is often an accomplished duellist, or destined to be so, for the aspen wand is one of those particularly suited to martial magic. An infamous and secretive eighteenth-century duelling club, which called itself The Silver Spears, was reputed to admit only those who owned aspen wands. In my experience, aspen wand owners are generally strong-minded and determined, more likely than most to be attracted by quests and new orders; this is a wand for revolutionaries."

10 2​/3​ inches
- length -
- flexibility -
"A wand with this flexibility may not be too loyal to its owner and may switch loyalties at a moment's notice. It is particularly good at charms. Owners that are matched with wands of this flexibility may be very sociable and fun-loving with a penchant for some mischief-making."


Blood Purity
Thanks to granddad, blood purity has become a very big deal for Zed. Much like his brother and grandfather, Zed believes that being pure-blooded is the best and anything else is nothing but garbage; some garbage worse than others (i.e. half-breeds). Zed refuses to associate himself with anything and anyone who isn't a pure-blood. Unfortunately, not everyone includes their blood status in their introductions. While Zed usually asks almost immediately, there are those people whom he doesn't know what to think of simply because he isn't aware of what their blood status is. Zed isn't really good at telling whether or not someone is a pure-blood unless otherwise stated; he's confused muggle-borns for pure-bloods before. His rule: if they have a regal (or arrogant and snobby) air around them, they're probably a pure-blood.

He may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but Zed still manages to perform quite decently regards to his studies. Amongst his subjects, he excels in Charms and DADA, even managing to snag perfect scores during exams. History of Magic is his worst subject. He found it to be boring and unnecessary. Transfiguration is another subject he still has difficulty in, despite being good with spells.

Flying & Quidditch
Zed excels in flying; it was his best class back in their first year. Although he hated how much colder it was up, he loved the feeling of having his feet off the ground. Unfortunately, the proceeding years didn't have any flying classes, but that didn't stop him from mounting a broom. During the summer vacations when they were at home, Zed and his brother would take their brooms--which were gifts from their granddad--and play quidditch with their father.

During his second year, he tried out for the Gryffindor quidditch team, and he managed to get in, but unfortunately he didn't last long and was removed due to insubordination. The captain was some half-blood and Zed being himself, often argued with the captain which one day led to him getting kicked out. Despite this, he still watched every match Gryffindor had. He hoped to one day get back in the team. If that did ever happen he swore to try and be more cooperative with the half-bloods and muggleborns.

Come sixth year, when he found out that the captain was then none other than Madison Van Reeden, a fellow pure-blood and childhood friend, Zed saw it as an opportunity to rejoin the team. He immediately grabbed the chance and became Gryffindor keeper. Truthfully, all he had been waiting was for the captain of the team to change. Zed knew that the former captain would hold a grudge against him and make his life a living hell. As much as Zed loved quidditch, he didn't want to fall into an underdog position, especially with the alpha being someone so impure.

Now in his seventh year, Zed continues with his position as keeper.

Ever since he was young, Zed had always been intrigued by the concept of duelling. He found it interesting. When he learned that Hogwarts had a duelling club, Zed immediately jumped at the opportunity and signed himself up for it. It was one of the few things that Zed greatly excelled at. He believes that duelling was the one thing that he was better at than his brother. Though that belief of his was squashed when Ali became the duelling club captain for Slytherin during their sixth year. Meanwhile, during then, Zed was still only a mere member.

While Zed is normally a mischievous and reckless person, when it comes to duelling it's a whole different story. Instead of playing offensively, Zed mostly plays defensively. His style is to tire out his opponent by deflecting their shots and occasionally reflecting some of them back. All he needed was patience and stamina. His style hasn't always been as such. Zed used to play rather aggressively and lived up to his reckless side. He never used any defensive shield spells before. His style only changed after the realization that offense was just not enough, and that realization came in the form of a bitter defeat at the hands of a muggleborn of all people. Since that defeat, Zed had made it a point to learn when to use defense spells to prevent himself from taking so much damage. It was then that he slowly formulated his current defensive style. Zed gradually transitioned to offensive play, to a balance between the two, and now to defensive play. Needless to say, Zed spent a lot of his spare time practicing his spells and still continues to do so.

He worked hard, and he was rewarded. He's now the captain for the Gryffindor duelling club, which is something he prided himself in.

Former Gryffindor Prefect
What in Merlin's name where they thinking when they made him prefect during their sixth year, Zed will never know. It certainly came as a shock to him, to his parents, to his brother, and most especially to his grandfather. He's always been aware how he wasn't granddad Percy's favourite grandchild, but when the old man sent Zed a gift to congratulate him, the Gryffindor couldn't help but feel an extreme happiness. For once, the old man had noticed him. This made Zed determined to be a good prefect and even made him want to aim for Head Boy. Needless to say, Zed took his prefect duties rather seriously. Unfortunately, he didn't get to become Head Boy, a rather disappointing outcome for his grandfather; the fact that Ali became head boy for Slytherin just made it worse. While he is happy for his brother, he can't help but feel somewhat jealous, after all, Ali wasn't even a prefect before.


Being Alistair's identical twin, Zed looks a lot like his older brother. He shares the same characteristic raven black hair and piercing silver eyes as his brother. Despite being twins, it was fairly easy to tell them apart. While Ali kept his hair long and elegant, Zed kept his hair trimmed to a certain length. They didn't always have different hair styles, however. The twins used to have their hairs the same, which Zed absolutely loved. He found it amusing when people mistook him for his brother and vice versa. Unfortunately, his brother didn't feel the same and wanted to differentiate himself from his brother. When Ali started to grow out his hair, Zed started to as well but was stopped by his brother. After a discussion with Ali, it was decided that Zed keeps his hair shorter than his brother's. Zed normally kept his hair to a length just long enough to cover his ears. However, recently, he's neglected getting his hair trimmed and has let it grow a bit longer than normal.

Zed stands at approximately the same height as his twin brother who is a 5'10". He isn't very muscular, but he also isn't lanky either; Zed was just average, but leaning a bit more towards the lean side due to being an active person in general. His mischievous side keeps him active either by having him run away to escape trouble, or having him carry heavy things for an elaborate prank. Due to being quite sensitive to the cold weather, Zed would often be seen with a scarf around his neck sporting his house colours of red and gold.

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Blood & Water
(oyis. I'm bringin it back)


There once was a great inventor by the name of Daedalus. He made inventions of great, many at the request of his King. Among these, was a Labyrinth where a Minotaur was made to reside. The Minotaur demanded a human sacrifice, to which, the king complied. Every nine years, the king sent a man into the labyrinth and face his inevitable death. At one point, however, one of the king's daughters fell in love with the sacrifice. Wanting for her love to live, she sought help from Daedalus who made the labyrinth. With the help of a ball of yarn from the inventor, the daughter's lover was able to kill the Minotaur and escape the labyrinth. Displeased with the result, the king punished Daedalus for helping the sacrifice escape. He imprisoned the inventor and his son in the labyrinth he made.


A great evil that lives deep within the Labyrinth does not want Daedalus and Icarus to be able to escape but they still managed to do so. Using the wings that Daedalus has made, both of them were able to gain their freedom and soar with the birds in the sky. Daedalus warned his son to not get too close to the sun, for it will melt his wings but despite his father's warnings, the voice of the great evil is so much stronger inside Icarus' mind that it made him ignored his father's words. He soared up high in the sky, getting closer and closer to the sun, until he plummeted back to earth.

Generations had passed and the wings of Icarus is still unrecovered, or neither has it's location been found. A group of treasure hunters in search for the wings of Icarus ventured a site where no one has ever returned from. They were able to realize soon enough that the site where they are in is the Labyrinth of Daedalus. They ventured forth inside the Labyrinth without knowing what lies ahead of them. As they continue their adventure, they stumbled across a trail of wax feathers which assured them that the wings are inside the Labyrinth. The treasure hunters soon remembered the story of Daedalus and Icarus, that the only way to leave the Labyrinth was with the use of the wings. With the knowledge that only one of them would be able to escape from the Labyrinth, greed started to take over each and every one of them. Betrayal rips them apart and now they are racing against each other to find the Wings of Icarus. However, the treasure hunters are unaware that their arrival inside the labyrinth has stirred the great evil that lives deep inside the labyrinth, the same one that plagued Icarus' mind which caused him to ignore his father's words. The great evil is set to destroy anyone who dares to take the wings.

Now, it is a race against time. Will one of the treasure hunters be able to reclaim the lost Wings of Icarus or will the great evil succeed again in sealing the wings, the object of Daedalus and Icarus' defiance? Only eternal glory or eternal damnation awaits them.

Liberty awaits the one who holds the wings.

The game is played by three to five players, one of which plays the role of the evil lurking within the labyrinth, while the rest of the players play as the treasure hunters seeking the Wings of Icarus, hoping to escape the labyrinth.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse ac lorem tortor. "Vestibulum commodo ante ac erat mattis, at fringilla neque elementum." Quisque accumsan magna ornare, auctor augue quis, blandit odio. Aenean eu elit eu enim vehicula ultrices. Aenean aliquet nunc sed orci pharetra finibus. Mauris semper a ligula ut porttitor. Nunc sit amet ante urna. Mauris et augue magna. Quisque ullamcorper consectetur nisl. In et dignissim lectus. Morbi non mi magna. Donec pulvinar, diam non efficitur consequat, nunc lectus placerat metus, in accumsan libero lectus eu nulla. Donec vitae euismod leo, a scelerisque nibh. Nunc et mattis neque, sed tincidunt libero. Nunc tristique euismod turpis, at sagittis ipsum venenatis ac.

Praesent pellentesque, massa et blandit commodo, metus erat bibendum lorem, elementum sollicitudin diam turpis ut magna. Fusce ornare blandit aliquet. Suspendisse euismod pellentesque leo sit amet laoreet. Quisque pellentesque cursus ullamcorper. Duis fermentum est eget dui auctor sagittis. Fusce aliquet nulla semper nisl dignissim, nec rhoncus lectus rutrum. Morbi blandit magna at dapibus finibus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Duis blandit felis non finibus iaculis. Duis lacus massa, posuere ut arcu ut, sagittis pharetra nisl. Donec at commodo ipsum. Integer quis porttitor turpis. Sed mi sem, finibus nec neque quis, vehicula sagittis dolor.

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Now what?
We cut away the fats, that's what.

right / left : 5 + 50 + 22 = 77
top : 5 + 2 + 22 = 29
bottom : 32 + 2 + 22 = 56 //not needed if using height to cut off fat from bottom

margin: -29px 0 0 -77px;
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  • Love
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Nemopedia and Jays
Signature (waiting for when divs can be used in siggies again if that ever happens )

Flames' Attempt at Teaching Code [WIP]

current role plays:
[ GM; Closed; Modern ] Wanderlust
[ Private; Fandom ] Hogwarts 1975

You and me together we were gemini feed
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Nemopedia







Carina Fang

▸ Fāng Xiùlán (方 秀兰)
▸ Chinese
▸ 20 years old
▸ August 7 (Leo)
▸ Female
▸ Demisexual

Personality 吃软不吃硬
"Chī ruǎn bù chī yìng (Unable to withstand harsh criticism)"

INSECURE - Ever since anyone could remember, Carina had always been insecure about her self. She worries a lot about what the rest of society think of her. Her biggest fears included being scrutinized and prosecuted for her flaws by her peers. Confined with such a way of thinking,

TIMID - Carina greatly lacks confidence. The only thing she's really confident about is her intellectual capabilities, everything else is just flawed in her eyes. A big influence as to why she is as insecure as she is now is her mother. Being a house mom, Fāng LǐYù had a lot of time on her hands to tend to her children. Unfortunately for Carina, her mom spent this time criticizing almost her every movement.

PESSIMISTIC - Her view in life, and most especially on herself, it seen through a grey filter--practically everything she saw all negatives. There exists blotches of colour, but for the most part these are overlooked by the negatives.

SHY - Carina is a shy person in general. She doesn't really speak much, especially around strangers. Her insecurities and social anxiety prevented her from making the first move in regards to opening up a conversation or meeting new people. It was really hard for her to make friends; in fact, for the majority of her childhood her only friend and playmate was her brother Jiàn.

RESERVED - She doesn't easily open up to others. This has made it rather difficult for others to determine how she really feels about things. Her facial reactions help with getting a general idea of what she's feeling, but other than that, people are in the dark of her true opinions. For the most part, she keeps things bottled up inside her especially the negative emotions.

INTELLECTUAL - As previously mentioned, Carina is only ever confident about her intellect. She may see have a negative aspect in life and see herself as a highly flawed being, but she is aware that the repository of knowledge in her mind is her best weapon. Carina knows how to play her strength. She wasn't born smart though, but she was thankfully blessed with the ability to comprehend information at a quicker rate and thus allows her to learn things quicker than most of her peers. Intellect was the one thing about her that she was proud of and her main asset.

DILIGENT - Diligence played a huge role in helping her get to where she is now. Once something is handed to her, Carina works really hard on it and will do what she can to ensure that it is accomplished without having to compromise quality. It was this diligence that allowed her to become the intellectual person that she is today.

OPEN-MINDED - Carina doesn't judge others. As someone who's very fear was being scrutinized by others, she wouldn't very well inflict it on someone else. She's open other's views and ideals--which funnily enough, is quite the opposite of what her parents are.

PRACTICAL - Just as her parents have taught her to be, Carina is a practical person. She handles things in a sensible and realistic manner. Though, unfortunately, at times this trait of hers makes her seem heartless but she really isn't. Carina simply believes that sometimes, one has to make sacrifices for the greater good.

OBSERVANT - Details are something that Carina pays close attention to. There are very little things that she misses to spot. The information she learns simply by observing is fascinating to say the least. Observing others, or rather, people-watching, is her second favourite pastime. She may not like interacting with people, but that didn't mean that she didn't like observing them.

f e a r s
Being scrutinised by others.
Being the centre of attention.
Speaking / performing in front of others.
Using public transportation.
The dark.
a s p i r a t i o n s
Overcome her social anxiety.
Be able to get into a good college.
Self-publish her own book.
Have her own family (someday).
Visit her grandparents in China.

h o b b i e s
READING - Reading is her favourite pastime. Carina loves to immerse herself into what she is reading and imagine herself as the main character, living a different life. Books are her escape from reality. She isn't the stereotypical bookworm who lugs around a book with her; instead, she's the digital type of bookworm. Carina carries with her at all times her Kindle which houses her book collection. She finds it to be more practical to own a digital copy rather than a hard copy.

cooking, cleaning, Chinese calligraphy, people watching, stargazing
q u i r k s
Carina likes to arrange things by colour.
She bites her lower lip whenever she's anxious.
Has slanted handwriting; like it's italicised.
Is very picky about pens and only uses her own / one she carefully picked.

Biography 海纳百川
"Haǐ nà baǐ chuā (We all shared a common destiny)"

Carina's parents moved to America back when YǒngJiàn (who's simply called Jiàn by his friends), her older brother, was only three years old. Almost after they moved, her mother LiYù became pregnant with Carina. Nine months later, she was born into the world. While she grew up, Carina stuck to her brother like glue. Their father was always working and was almost always never home. Meanwhile their mother... well, she was at home, but Carina feared her. She was a strict mother who always berated Carina for the tiniest things. It was why she stuck to her brother a lot, any excuse not to spend time with her mother. Her mother's constant critique made Carina very insecure about things.

Her insecurities were so bad that it affected her performance at school. Carina's teachers were worried about her and informed her parents about Carina's behaviour in class. It was soon found that she had social anxiety disorder (social phobia). She soon dropped out of school, but that didn't mean she stopped her education. Her parents weren't going to let her grow up knowing nothing, and neither did Carina want that for herself as well. Thus, she was home schooled.

To try and help cure her of her social phobia, Carina's parents also signed her up for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) with a psychiatrist. The sessions have helped Carina deal with people better. Feeling a bit more confident, Carina requested from her parents that she try going to school again for high school. They were worried but granted her request nonetheless.

f a m i l y
Carina still lives with her parents, meanwhile her brother (勇健 YǒngJiàn) moved out of the house approximately two years ago for college. Her father (志 Zhì) used to be a workaholic who barely had time for his children, while her mother (理玉 LǐYù) was a strict housewife who often critiqued her own daughter. However, her parents' treatment of her changed after she was diagnosed with social anxiety. Since then, her mother stopped criticising her for everything and her father made it a point to spend more time with his family.
s c h o o l
Her grades are no problem for her. Carina gets excellent marks and is top in class. It's only right that she is as well. Carina puts a lot of effort into her studies. Originally it was so that she could please her mother by attaining high grades, but soon learned that she enjoyed the very act of studying. She eventually found herself studying not to attain high grades, but rather for her own leisure. This still led to her attaining high grades, so it was a win-win situation.
s o c i a l
Barely existent. Despite undergoing CBT, Carina still finds it hard to make friends and talk to others. She thought that now she was older, she would be able to handle high school and make actual friends. While she was able to handle high school in an academic sense, in a social sense, she still failed. Several people have approached her before, trying to befriend her. Several times has Carina messed up by either running away or being a complete blubbering mess of nerves.

Relationships 同病相怜
"Tóng bìng xiāng lián (People suffering the same misfortune sympathize with each other)"
NAME - Description.

Appearance 人无完人,金无足赤
"Rén wú wán rén, jīn wú zú chì (Have to settle for something less than perfection)"

h a i r
Carina has black hair which she keeps long. She has a full fringe which she also likes to keep long as she could without them blocking her vision. Before she entered high school though, she kept her fringe long enough to cover her eyes. Her hair was thin enough that she could see through her old fringe length without much trouble. It was only because of high school that she changed it. She wanted to make herself more presentable and feared that people would mock her if she showed up with a fringe that long. Very rarely would Carina tie up her hair, preferring it loose such that it curtains around her and hides her face when she looks down.

e y e s
Her eyes are of a chocolate brown colour, though many people often perceive this as black due to the shape of her eyes. Like the Asian that she is, Carina has narrow eyes.

p i e r c i n g s
Carina has a piercing on each of her ear lobes, just as most girls do.
h e i g h t
Due to her Asian genes, Carina is a rather small petite girl standing at the unimpressive height of 5ft 2in.

w e i g h t
She's a thin girl, not because she doesn't eat much but because of her crazy metabolism. Though she may look underweight, she actually isn't. She's at the border of it though, weighing 100lbs.

b u i l d
Petite. Carina barely has any curves to her. She's pretty flat chested, one of the many things that she's insecure about, but she does have a visible waistline. Not very curvy, but enough such that she doesn't get mistaken for a boy.

s t y l e
Carina mostly wears skirts that reach up to her knees and plain sweaters. Underneath her sweater, she normally wears either a blouse of a simple shirt. Her clothes are mostly of a pastel colour. She's a fan of flats and will almost always be seen wearing them. [example]

Other 人各有能有不能
"Rén gè yǒu néng yǒu bù néng (Everyone has their own particular set of skills)"

TRADITIONAL FAMILY - Carina's parents adhere to Chinese traditions. This include encouraging--or rather, only allowing, for Carina to marry a Chinese man. Most Chinese families these days allow their children to wed a non-Chinese (only high encouraging them), but this is not the case of Carina's family.

LANGUAGES SPOKEN - Madarin and English. The language mainly used in Carina's home is Mandarin and thus, why and how she came to learn it.

CHINESE NAME - 秀兰 (Xiùlán). It means 'beautiful orchid, elegant and graceful', words which Carina has never associated herself with. She's never found herself beautiful nor elegant and most certainly not graceful. If she had it her way she would've chosen 敏 (Mǐn) which meant 'quick, clever'; something she felt would fit her better. Unfortunately, the name wasn't her choice. Her parents gave it to her with the idea that it suited her. Carina hated the name and would get mad when her brother calls her by it.

SOCIAL ANXIETY DISORDER - She displayed symptoms on her first day of elementary school. Her parents initially thought it was just 'first day jitters'. However, it wasn't. Soon they were informed by her teacher that she was too anxious in class. Carina avoided conversations with her classmates, even if they were the ones to approach her. When working on a task at school, she would often cover her work from everybody with her hair. The teacher recommended having Carina be checked up by a psychiatrist. LǐYù was appalled as she saw it as the teacher instigating that her daughter was crazy, meanwhile Zhi was very much worried for the well being of his daughter. They consulted with a psychiatrist and it was then that Carina was diagnosed to have Social Anxiety Disorder or Social Phobia.

credits: Chinese Proverbs from [link]; Character photo by Leo-Aba on deviantart [link]; Chinese name from [link]

Plague [spoili]
WIP. Will finish some time this week hopefully

Carina Fang

▸ Fāng Xiùlán (方 秀兰)
▸ Chinese
▸ 21 years old
▸ Female
▸ Tech Expert
▸ GMT+8

Personality 吃软不吃硬
"Chī ruǎn bù chī yìng (Unable to withstand harsh criticism)"

INSECURE - Ever since anyone could remember, Carina had always been insecure about her self. She worries a lot about what the rest of society think of her. Her biggest fears included being scrutinised and prosecuted for her flaws by her peers. Confined with such a way of thinking, Carina greatly lacks confidence. The only thing she's really confident about is her intellectual capabilities, everything else is just flawed in her eyes.

PESSIMISTIC - Her view in life, and most especially on herself, is seen through a grey filter. There exists blotches of colour, but for the most part, these are overshadowed. Ever since she started dating <person> however, the positives in her life seemed to have grown brighter and much more known to her. Her pessimism lessened. However, after the incident and their breakup, Carina has regressed and has become even more pessimistic than before.

SHY - Carina is a shy person in general. She doesn't really speak much, especially around strangers. Her insecurities and social anxiety prevented her from making the first move in regards to opening up a conversation or meeting new people. It was really hard for her to make friends, in fact, for the majority of her childhood her only friend and playmate was her brother Jiàn.

RESERVED - She doesn't easily open up to others. This has made it rather difficult for others to determine how she really feels about things. Her facial reactions help with getting a general idea of what she's feeling, but other than that, people are in the dark of her true opinions. For the most part, she keeps things bottled up inside her especially the problems and negative emotions she may have.

INTELLECTUAL - As previously mentioned, Carina is only ever confident about her intellect. She may see have a negative aspect in life and see herself as a highly flawed being, but she is aware that the repository of knowledge in her mind is her best weapon. Carina knows how to play her strength. She wasn't born smart, but she was thankfully blessed with the ability to comprehend information at a quicker rate and thus allows her to learn things quicker than most of her peers. Intellect was the one thing about her that she was proud of and her main asset as a member of Unit 14.

DILIGENT - Diligence played a huge role in helping her get to where she is now. Once something is handed to her, Carina works really hard on it and will do what she can to ensure that it is accomplished without having to compromise quality. It was this diligence that allowed her to become the intellectual person that she is today.

OPEN-MINDED - Carina doesn't judge others. As someone who's very fear is the scrutiny of others, she wouldn't very well inflict it on someone else. She's open to the views and ideals of other people--quite the opposite of what her parents are.

PRACTICAL - Just as her parents have taught her to be, Carina is a practical person. She handles things in a sensible and realistic manner. Though, unfortunately, at times this trait of hers makes her seem heartless but she really isn't. Carina simply believes that sometimes, one has to make sacrifices for the greater good.

OBSERVANT - Details are something that Carina pays close attention to. There are very little things that she misses to spot. The information she learns simply by observing is fascinating to say the least. Observing others, or rather, people-watching, is her second favourite pastime. She may not like interacting with people, but that didn't mean that she didn't like observing them.

Biography 海纳百川
"Haǐ nà baǐ chuā (We all shared a common destiny)"


Relationships 同病相怜
"Tóng bìng xiāng lián (People suffering the same misfortune sympathize with each other)"
NAME - Description.

Appearance 人无完人,金无足赤
"Rén wú wán rén, jīn wú zú chì (Have to settle for something less than perfection)"

h a i r
Carina has naturally black straight hair. Brow-skimming bangs frame her small face. Very rarely would Carina tie up her hair, preferring it loose such that it curtains around her and hides her face when she looks down.

e y e s
Her eyes are of a chocolate brown colour; though many people often perceive this as black due to the shape of her eyes. Like the Asian that she is, Carina has narrow eyes.

h e i g h t
Due to her Asian genes, Carina is a rather small, standing at the unimpressive height of 5'2".

w e i g h t
She's a thin girl, not because she doesn't eat much but because of her crazy metabolism. Though she may look underweight, she actually isn't. She's at the border of it though, weighing 100lbs.

b u i l d
Petite. Carina barely has any curves to her. She's pretty flat chested, one of the many things that she's insecure about, but she does have a visible waistline. Not very curvy, but enough such that she doesn't get mistaken for a boy.

Other 人各有能有不能
"Rén gè yǒu néng yǒu bù néng (Everyone has their own particular set of skills)"

TRADITIONAL FAMILY - Carina's parents adhere to Chinese traditions. This include encouraging--or rather, only allowing, for Carina to marry a Chinese man. Most Chinese families these days allow their children to wed a non-Chinese (only high encouraging them), but this is not the case of Carina's family.

LANGUAGES SPOKEN - Madarin and English. The language mainly used in Carina's home is Mandarin and thus, why and how she came to learn it.

CHINESE NAME - 秀兰 (Xiùlán). It means 'beautiful orchid, elegant and graceful', words which Carina has never associated herself with. She's never found herself beautiful nor elegant and most certainly not graceful. If she had it her way she would've chosen 敏 (Mǐn) which meant 'quick, clever'; something she felt would fit her better. Unfortunately, the name wasn't her choice. Her parents gave it to her with the idea that it suited her. Carina hated the name and would get mad when her brother calls her by it.

SOCIAL ANXIETY DISORDER - She displayed symptoms on her first day of elementary school. Her parents initially thought it was just 'first day jitters'. However, it wasn't. Soon they were informed by her teacher that she was too anxious in class. Carina avoided conversations with her classmates, even if they were the ones to approach her. When working on a task at school, she would often cover her work from everybody with her hair. The teacher recommended having Carina be checked up by a psychiatrist. LǐYù was appalled as she saw it as the teacher instigating that her daughter was crazy, meanwhile Zhi was very much worried for the well being of his daughter. They consulted with a psychiatrist and it was then that Carina was diagnosed to have Social Anxiety Disorder or Social Phobia.

credits: Chinese Proverbs from [link]; Character photo by Leo-Aba on deviantart [link]; Chinese name from [link]

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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: rissa
Content WIP

24 years old

Mysterious, Charming & Polite
A true enigma, little is known about Ren Griffin. Many reporters have tried to interview him but only select few have managed to get past his strict manage--errr, mother. And even then the reporters that get to interview him still don't manage to get as much information as they would've liked. Ren somehow always manages to dodge a rather juicy question. Despite this though, the reporters don't feel any animosity towards the Griffin. His answers were always polite and his charming nature often left them baffled enough to not push through with asking whatever scandalous question they were supposed to.

Needless to say, Ren is a well mannered man. His mother has taught him well on the acts of etiquette which is often put to the test by his employees who speak poorly of him behind his back. He could've reacted, fired them even, but he doesn't. Instead he treats them with respect and in turn they do the same -- when in front of him at least; behind his back they just resume with badmouthing him.

His mysterious aura combined with his politeness and charming personality makes girls swoon. Though this only started when he was listed as one of the top 20 eligible bachelors under the age of 30 by a magazine. Ren is aware of it but greatly impartial to it. He simply doesn't have the time to focus on girls. This only made him more desirable in their eyes, something that Ren doesn't fully understand.

Workaholic, Insecure & Timid
A trait of his that annoys his mother to no end is his how restless Ren is. To put it simply, Ren is a workaholic. He refuses to rest as long as there's still things he could work on for the company -- even if it is work that isn't needed until two weeks later. Somehow Ren always manages to find some form of work to do. His own mother has to drag him out of his own office just to make sure he doesn't wear himself out from all the work he does. Employees of InTech merely think that Ren is a workaholic and restless person even before he filled in the position of managing director; but he wasn't. The need to prove himself to the employees has meld him into such a person.

The need to prove himself stems from his insecurity. Even as a child, Ren wasn't confident. In fact, his insecurity is one of the main reasons why he dodges some questions during interviews. He's afraid of making the company look weak if he sells himself short, but at the same time, he can't seem to glorify himself; thus, evasion. The whispers that he hears around the office of those bad mouthing him, "He's not good enough to be CEO" "I bet I'd make a better CEO than him" "He doesn't deserve the position he has right now", hearing such things doesn't help with his insecurities at all.

Ren is also timid, however, it is a side of him that he doesn't show to anyone. Even his own mother isn't aware of it -- at least, Ren hopes she isn't, although he has a feeling that she's always known. Why does he hide it? Easy. It's because his employees already think lowly of him, what more if they found out that he lacked confidence. He keeps to himself to avoid people finding out about it. Unfortunately, him locking himself up in his office for majority of the time has caused many employees to think of him as presumptuous, that he thinks that he's better than all of them; which is the exact opposite of what he's thinking, thanks to his insecurities combined with his timidness.

Part I: Birth & Family
Ren was born in England where his father was from. Their family lived there for a good ten years since his birth before they moved back to Japan so that Kumiko may be with her father; it was found that Ren's grandfather (mother's side) had cancer. Upon moving, Chase Griffin started working for Hiroshi in his company as a means of helping him out. Majority of the employees in InTech frowned upon Hiroshi's hiring of Chase. Regardless of the snide remarks, Chase did his best at the job and managed to get into Hiroshi's good graces (finally; Hiroshi initially resented Chase for taking his daughter Kumiko away). Originally, it was planned that after Kumiko's father had become well again in hopes that he would be able to fight cancer, they would move back to England and resume their life there. However, Hiroshi Himura never did recover, he only got worse. As morbid as it sounds, Kumiko and her husband changed their plans to going back to England after Hiroshi passes away. Evidently, the plan never came into fruition. The family was unable to leave for Hiroshi entrusted the managing of InTech to Chase just before he passed away. It was something that Chase couldn't turn down; hence his accent to managing director of the company.

Part II: InTech & A Motherly Intervention
Growing up, Ren saw how InTech's employees sneered, looked down, and frowned upon his father Chase. Even when he was made the managing director of the company, Ren's father still didn't acquire the respect he deserved from the employees. Sure they followed his leadership, but when Chase had his back turned, Ren could only hear the whisperings that they would start. It made him wonder if his father knew about this; and if yes, why does he allow it? Why wouldn't he just leave the company? Young Ren didn't understand anything.

Upon graduating from his choice of university, Ren went on to work for his father who began to shape him to inherit the company. Unfortunately, the day came a bit too early. Ren was hardly ready when he inherited the company from his father; but it was unavoidable. Chase died at a young age, a sad day for both him and his mother. Because of this, Ren started to overwork him. He was trying to overcompensate, trying to garner the approval of the employees. Work was basically Ren's life.

Kumiko worried about her son. It was evident to her how Ren had turned into a workaholic. Wanting for him to relax and think about himself for a change, Kumiko tried her best to convince him to take a vacation or even consider getting a girlfriend, someone who would help him relax. Ren politely refused claiming he had no time for a vacation nor a girlfriend. It was at this point that Kumiko decided that it was time to act. She tried reasoning, talking, but he wouldn't listen. She entered him into a dating show. It was the perfect plan. Two birds with one stone; Ren gets a vacation and has a possibility to find himself a girl.

And so, here we are today.

A skill he acquired through nights alone and eventually through living on his own. Ren is a great cook. His mother taught him the basics, and the rest was him experimenting with things. Often times, his mother would come visit his apartment just to make him cook for her. She often remarks how lucky the girl he'll marry is going to be.

Though he hasn't played in a while and thus has become somewhat rusty at it, Ren knows how to play the violin and is actually quite good at it. This was one of the few things that his father taught him before passing away. Part of the reason why he hasn't played the violin for quite sometime is because it brings back memories of his father. A year after his death, he tried playing the thing. Midway through the song he was playing, he stopped. He couldn't bring himself to finish the piece. While the memories were good ones, it still makes his heart ache as it serves as a reminder that he's no longer with them. However it may seem, he isn't giving up on the violin. He just... needed time.

Bless the heavens for this magnificent drink. Ren is rather reliant on the thing. The moment he gets up in the morning, the first thing he does is groggily walk to the kitchen and brew himself a cup of coffee. Talking to Ren before he's had his caffeine could result into some verbal wounds;

During his spare time, all that Ren does is bury himself into a good book. He makes it a point to at least read something -- any book, before the day ends. Ren claims that it helps keep his mind sharp and allows him to brush up on his vocabulary while entertaining himself;

Sweets; Winter; Snow

He may be part English, but that doesn't mean he has to like what the normality likes. Tea is just not... well, his cup of tea. Though he does find himself sipping some green tea with his mother at her backyard from time to time. It shows that he doesn't hate the drink, Ren just has a great dislike of it.

Crowded Places; Spiders;

Losing the Company (InTech)
Ren's greatest fear is losing the company built by his grandfather (mother's side). When his grandfather passed away and left the company to his father, his father was always scrutinized by the employee behind his back. As a child, he often heard the employees whispering in Japanese -- his father couldn't understand Japanese, but Ren could due to his mother teaching him. All he heard was how an outsider such as his father shouldn't be running the company. Ren's father died when Ren was 22, thus taking up his father's place. He knows the employees think lowly of him as they did with his father; he's afraid that one day they would oust him and someone would step up and take away the company.

Spiders are his greatest weakness. Even the tiniest one could send him running. His place is often kept clean, cobwebs are immediately removed by him on sight -- except when a spider is present in said cobweb. In those situations calls in a maid to clean up his house for the day. Ren has done it several times now that the maid already knows that there's only one thing she has to get rid off: a cobweb along with the spider.

• Colour : Grey
• Movie Genre : Mystery, Crime, Science Fiction (specifically Apocalyptic / post-apocalyptic, Steampunk, Cyberpunk, and Biopunk)
• Song Genre : Pop (Ed Sheeran mostly), Pop rock & Pop punk (Fall out Boy, Panic! At the Disco)
• Food : Pasta; He's a sucker for a good lasagna.
• Drink : Coffee

He's not a big movie fan. In fact, the last movie he hasn't seen a movie over a year prior to entering the show. The fact that he worked extra hours also contributed to why he hasn't seen a movie in a long time.

Unknown to nearly everyone except his mother, Ren has a peanut allergy. Because of this, he avoids eating absolutely anything with nuts. Just the tiniest trace of peanuts causes his skin to rash.

Living Conditions
Ever since he turned 21 years old, Ren has been living on his own in a cosy apartment no far from InTech. When he inherited the company from his deceased father, his mother moved back to her childhood home which had been unused since his grandfather died (his grandmother died when his mother was young). From time to time he visited his mother -- rather, she dragged him out of his office -- for some tea.; even though he didn't like tea all that much, it pleased his mother to have him around.

Language & Accent
Due to the ten years of living in England, Ren is fluent in the English (British) language and even has the English accent that his father has. Back then, he only knew little Japanese thanks to his mother. Living in Japan for the rest of the remaining years of his life has undoubtedly increased his knowledge of the Japanese language and he is now fluent in it as well. Despite living in Japan longer than he lived in England, Ren still hasn't lost his English accent though it can only be heard when he is conversing in English.
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Just casually trying to recreate the layout of a facebook profile
Not mobile friendly
//cs link
content to be edited
dis is me procrastinating on thesis

pls dun steal. pls.

Francesca Kingsley
Friends 352
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Gender Female
Sexuality Heterosexual

Age 18 years old
Birthday 21 January 1998

From Location


Franny is a simple girl. She's humble -- perhaps even too humble. Franny has a habit of denying almost any compliment thrown at her (except when it was about how her family was rather ideal; it was something she could never deny). While Franny is kind most of the time, she could still turn into a rather scary bitch when provoked; though it usually takes a lot to actually rile her up as she's quite known for her patience and tolerance. Because of this, many describe her as a rather mature individual, something that Franny disagrees greatly -- not only because of her humility but also because she knows how childish she could be at times.


Average and very normal; these were the best words to describe Franny's history. She was an only child. Both parents lovingly raised her. Franny love both equally and was very thankful they weren't workaholics who didn't have any time to spare for their child. One would say that Franny had the 'ideal' family, and she would humbly agree with them. Franny was happy that she grew up in such an environment, though sometimes she wished she had a sibling. There came times when she was pleased with viewed her life as dull and boring. Needless to say, Franny craves for some form of drama and excitement to enter her life.


Franny has long brown hair which she often keeps in twintails. Like her hair, her eyes are also of a brown colour. She has a small mouth. The phrase, "You look just like your mother" is something she commonly hears from people who've seen her mother and then see her. Even her father says the same thing which amuses both her and her mother.

Franny can often be seen rocking a pair of shorts and a tee. She's a rather conservative person and thus, refuses to wear shorts that are too short. Her signature attire consists of a navy jumper with a white 3/4 sleeve shirt underneath and her favourite red cap.


deets deets deets

//relationships go here. put them in accordions maybe? idunno. toosleepy for this. I should sleep. yep. sleep. goodnight world. /

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Somewhat mobile friendly? You can read the stuff on it, but it looks a bit wonky.
Made using stabs and divs and a fuckton of patience
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Might change later on; I wanna change the entire pic to be the background of the whole thing

04 / 04 / 2017 - Made the navigation 'click' area bigger. Fixed the content div height and paddings (cause it was bugging me too much even tho it was like, only a few pixels off)

04 / 09 / 2017 - Had to update the background image url. Methinks fc deleted the original photo I used. Saddd :c

Colour Palette: #587573 #86a69b #c9d5c9 #e6dcc3 #c6bc99 #a4a891

zoe sinclair
age: 18 years old
birthday: October 09
gender: Female
sexuality: Heterosexual
ethnicity: Caucasian
face claim: Lorena Rae





Although she comes from a rich family and is the older sister of the football team's captain, Zoe prefers to keep a low profile. She isn't one to gossip and prefers to stay out of the limelight. Rather than gossip about, Zoe prefers to keep her head in books, not just school textbooks but fiction books as well. While this is all true, she still attends to parties but that's mainly because of her dear little brother. If it weren't his party then she wouldn't be going. They lived under the same roof, it only made sense that she attend.

Some people see Zoe as a selfish cold-hearted bitch, though the cold-hearted part may have some truth to it, she isn't exactly selfish. Zoe is simply cautious of who she extends her generosity to. It wouldn't be wise to lend help to a disgusting gold digger, now would it? Throughout her childhood, gold-diggers were the type of people that Zoe was most cautious of. She didn't easily and openly accept the friendship and companionship of others. It was no secret that her family was rich. Zoe was always afraid of befriending someone only to find out they befriended her for her family's wealth, hoping to get some blessings from her generosity. It was one of the main factors as to why she turned into what she is now. She's gotten better--kind of. Zoe no longer pushes everyone away, but she does keep them at a certain distance from her still not able to fully trust anyone except those who are rich like her. She knows that rich people are not gold-diggers, why would they be? They had money of their own after all. Unfortunately, this has made people think that she's arrogant, that she thinks that she's above others. To some degree this is true, but Zoe doesn't know that. The way that she's overly cautious thinking that people who weren't rich were befriending her for her money was a sign of arrogance, even if she doesn't recognize this herself.

While all this is true, like every human, Zoe has redeeming qualities in her as well. For one she's an ambitious person. Many see ambition as a negative trait--especially the Potterheads who believe that Slytherin is an evil house--but it really isn't. It's this ambitious nature of hers that drives her to become the studious student that she is. Zoe wishes to follow her parents footsteps and become a lawyer herself, something that she knows wouldn't be easy but she's pretty determined. She wishes to make her parents proud.

There is also a certain kindness in Zoe. She can't stand to see injustice. It was part o the reason why she wanted to be a lawyer, to help the innocent clear their names--though she's well aware, that someone guilty can also hire her, but when she does become a lawyer, Zoe vows to take on only help the innocent... though she wasn't certain how long she'll survive if that she did that. In any case, if she can do something try and help right the wrong, then she will. It was the very reason why she warned Bernie. Zoe couldn't stand by and just watch as the girl digs her own grave. Unfortunately that wasn't enough. She tried, the girl didn't listen to her though. Did she feel guilty? About not being able to help her? Not one bit. Zoe tried, and while she should feel guilty knowing that the girl was innocent, she still didn't. In the end, a person could only help themselves and it was clear to Zoe when the girl didn't head her warning that she didn't want to help herself. A lost case is a lost case, there was nothing that she could do but move on. Zoe was that kind of person who would help, but when the person she's trying to help doesn't head her advice, she feels absolutely no remorse for whatever outcome the person faces. In her eyes, it was their fault, not hers.





First born child of the Sinclair family, Zoe was spoiled rotten. It was her parents way of apologizing for not being there for her and her brother. They were always too busy with work to pay attention to them. As a young child, Zoe liked to wander about their house. It was big and made it seem like an adventure to her. It was her way of relieving the boredom. It sounded like a dangerous thing to do, let a child wander around the house of her own, but the thing was she wasn't alone. Zoe had her nanny. She took care of her and her brother in their parents' stead. She watched over Zoe whenever she would go 'round the house on her adventures, always standing by to make sure she doesn't hurt herself badly. She never stood too close though, always maintaining a distance. Zoe didn't like when she had a chaperone on her adventures apparently.

One day, Zoe stumbled upon the library. She was around seven at the time. Zoe was aware of what a library was and that they had one at home, but she's never really seen it before then. It didn't sound appealing to her at the time, books and reading back then sounded boring to her. But she now knew that she was wrong to ever think that. It was during then that Zoe started to acquaint herself with books and started to develop a fondness for reading. No more adventuring for her, instead she spent most of her time in the library reading, much to the relief of her nanny. Besides, by that age, Zoe was starting to grow tired of adventuring around the house. It was a large estate, but by that age she's already managed to see all of it more than once. Books started to became her companion.

At some point thought, Zoe began to feel lonely. She didn't have many friends, in fact, she didn't have any at all. Zoe kept pushing people away, afraid of befriending a gold-digger. Her father had warned her about such people who would befriend and act like they care just so they can get a taste of their wealth through their generosity. Time with their parents was precious; thus, whatever their parents told them during those times that they get to spend together, Zoe committed to memory and treasured them. Never once did she question it. Unfortunately, the lack of friends and the lack of time spent with their parents was starting to get to her. She was fifteen at the time. Zoe was at the edge of rebelling. She had gotten the idea from one of the books she was reading, she couldn't remember the title though. At some point though, she realised, 'what's the point?' She could rebel and catch their parents' attention, but did she really want to make them ashamed of her? The answer was clear as day: no. Zoe may have come to hate and realise that she and her brother grew up practically without their parents, but she understands what they do is for their own benefit.

So instead, she aimed to catch their attention in a different manner. She wanted to make them so proud that they had to pay her and her brother attention. Thus, studying became her number one priority above all. The goal of becoming a lawyer came at a later date, when she realised that her parents would be even prouder if she became as successful as a lawyer as they are.





name: relationship description

name: relationship description





general: Zoe has long straight brown hair that fades into a light brown at the ends that is normally worn loose. She isn't a fan of fussing over how she looks and thus very rarely styles her hair. The only times when she would be bothered would be when there is an event which calls for it. Make up is another thing that she doesn't bother much with. Light make up is all she'll wear on a daily basis, even during special occasions and events--unless, again, absolutely necessary. Zoe isn't at school to impress and therefore doesn't find the need to 'gussy up'. She does make herself presentable, but as for extra effort to be noticed? Nope.

Zoe is neither a giant nor a midget, standing at a height of 5'6 ft. She's s slim girl, but certainly not one who's borderline anorexic. She doesn't starve herself nor go on a crazy diet. In fact, she can be quite the glutton and yet stay slim, much to the envy of others. Though some girls envy her body's metabolism in helping her stay slim, they certainly don't envy her chest. Zoe isn't well endowed, she's quite the opposite--not that she minds, Zoe quite likes it that way, makes it easier to move.

height: 5'6"
weight: 120 lbs
hair: brown
eyes: blue

piercings/tattoos: A piercing on each ear for earrings--just as what society deems a normal girl would have. Zoe isn't a big fan of tattoos, but she does have one that runs across her left inner wrist. It's small word tattoo written in an elegant handwritten script and reads 'elegance.'. The tattoo was hardly something she planned on getting. It was something born out of the combination of peer pressure and intoxication. Never again, she swears, will she drink so much. She hides the tattoo by either wearing long-sleeved clothing or covering it with accessories such as a watch, usually she goes with the latter.





* Books - More specifically, fiction books. She doesn't mind non-fiction such as their history textbooks and autobiographies, but she prefers to read a fiction book any time over a non-fiction book. Her favourite book series so far is The Infernal Devices and oddly prefers it over The Mortal Instruments series. Zoe isn't picky on what genre a book is--if she finds it to be interesting or if the title, or even the cover, catches her attention, then she'll read it. Some people find it shallow of her to read a book due to it's title and / or cover, but Zoe knows that it's what people do anyway regardless of what they may claim and thus feels no shame in it.

* E-books - Zoe doesn't like lugging around books and prefers her reading materials to be in a digital format. For this reason, she owns a Kindle which she carries with her at all times. Paperbacks and hardbacks are a pain for her to carry; she can't understand why some people prefer lugging around a thick and heavy book with them to read when there is technology available to make their lives easier.

* Rings - These are Zoe's favourite jewellery of all time. When entering into a jewellery store, it is 100% guaranteed that Zoe will go straight to the rings section. She skips over the golds, preferring the silver ones over them. Black Zirconium is probably the only thing that could trump silver in her books. Unfortunately, she doesn't own one of those yet. Rings with big stones such as diamonds never manage to catch her attention. Zoe prefers the simple ones with small or no stones in them.

* Peppermint - Zoe loves just about anything peppermint; peppermint candy, peppermint coffee, even peppermint tea! She's practically addicted to it. This is why she loves the Christmas season, it's that time of the year when she can have her favourite drink: Starbucks' Peppermint Mocha.

* Pistachios - Her go-to snack. She likes to munch on them when she's reading or studying, or really whenever she finds the need to snack. Zoe keeps a small bag of them in her bag most of the time. While she likes pistachios, she doesn't like pistachio ice cream.

* Gold - Never give her gold jewellery she'll automatically reject it--well, not really; she'll accept it, but she'll most likely never wear it. Zoe finds gold to be... simply unappealing to her. She doesn't get why people go gaga over it. Gold screams expensive to her, something that hardly interests here. It's too eye catching for her. She owns a couple of gold jewellery, mostly gifts from her parents, but she hardly ever wears them. Rose gold and white gold are probably the only ones that she wears among her gold jewellery.

* Doughnuts - She hates them. Zoe has tried them once, but ever since after she's never tried it again. It's simply too fatty and oily in her opinion. She isn't a health conscious person, but doughnuts have this ability to make her health conscious.

* Earrings - Zoe doesn't like wearing earrings, most specially the dangling ones. She normally doesn't wear any earrings but when absolutely necessary, she'll wear simple studs which upsets her mother who can't seem to take a hint and gives on giving her dangling earrings.

* Tattoos - Despite having a tattoo herself, Zoe isn't a big fan of them. The tattoo she has was most certainly unplanned, a product of poor decisions on her part. There are some tattoos though, which she finds to be pretty, these are mostly the small ones.

* Sports - She isn't a fan of it and only ever goes to watch football games to support her brother. Zoe isn't good at it and avoids having to play or watch any sport as much as she can.

* Whenever she's nervous, she habitually fiddles with her ring using her thumb.
* Zoe can be seen biting her lower lip when she's in deep concentration.
* She likes to keep her earbuds in her ears despite not listening to any music. It's her way of telling people to leave her alone, she doesn't want to talk.

* She's left handed.
* If you want a kitchen to go up in flames, hire Zoe as a chef. The girl has absolutely zero culinary skill, thankfully for her--and everyone else--she has no interest in cooking. Zoe acknowledges her lack of skill in the kitchen.


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POST WEEKLY. We're flexible people, we're not gonna crack the whip or anything. Just make sure you don't leave people waiting for months for a reply

THIS IS A PRIVATE RP, so if you stumbled upon this, cool take a read, but you can only post here by invitation, so please don't ask to join. Thanks xD

THREE CHARACTER LIMIT. Each person is only allowed to have three characters, just so we can make sure you spend time on each one equally

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Melinda Geralds
Madison Van Reeden
Zedekiah Blackbourne



Sabrina Gallagher
Anice Runeswell
Alistair Blackbourne
Garaile Scriven
Averill Trevelyan

HEAD BOY : Alistair Blackbourne
HEAD GIRL : Anice Runeswell


Hazel Mbali
Crispin Fairlie
August Yilmaz



Charlotte Monrova
Stella Prince
Raina Summers


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Captain : Madison Van Reeden
Members : Zedekiah Blackbourne, Melinda Geralds
Captain : Alistair Blackbourne
Members : --

Captain : --
Members : --
Captain : --
Members : --

Captain : Zedekiah Blackbourne
Members : --
Captain : Sabrina Gallagher
Members : Alistair Blackbourne

Captain : Crispin Fairlie
Members : --
Captain : Raina Summers
Members : --


Leader : Melinda Geralds
Members : --

Leader : August Yilmaz
Members : Hazel Moreau

Leader : Hazel Moreau
Members :

Leader : Garaile Scriven
Members : Sabrina Gallagher

Leader : --
Members : August Yilmaz



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