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RalewayQuicksandOswaldRoboto; Merienda; Euphoria Script; Fjalla One;
Welcome to my Playground!

Hi there! This is where I abuse play with bbcodes for fun. I'm a weird person who uses coding on Iwaku as a stress reliever :'D

Please do not post on my thread (unless you have my permission to); you can always just create your own test thread. It's free. You wont get in trouble for having your own. Accidentally posting on my thread is fine, I won't chew you out for it or anything.

Please do credit me if you use my codes. I don't really mind if you use my codes without my permission (though it is preferable if you do ask first), just please credit me. Coding here may be a stress reliever for me, but I still do work hard on my codes and spend quite a bit of time on each of them. Even the simpler ones take at least an hour.

Not all my works are mobile friendly. Some of my older works aren't mobile friendly at all, but majority, if not all, of my recent works are mobile friendly. Someday I'll rework my older ones to make them readable on mobile. I usually put a note at the top of my post saying whether or not it's mobile friendly, but if there's none, it's probably mobile friendly and I was just too lazy to add it in.

2022 / 05 / 06 - HELLO! I AM ALIVE YES. A lot of my older works on this thread are broken as I haven't been around for several forum updates and obviously wasn't able to update them accordingly. I plan on slowly fixing some while completely redoing others. Layouts that aren't really broken may also receive a small tweak here and there, mostly to make them more responsive and appear less awkward on certain screen sizes.

//note to self: columns to be changed to accordions

Finished Works

Aureole Scriven - CS
Asher Fay - CSIC1IC2
Izabella Zielinski - CSIC
Gareth Himura - CS IC
Ren Griffin - CSIC
Fujimoto Nanami - CSIC
Nikandros Volkov - CS
Zedekiah Blackbourne - CSIC
Carina Fang - CS
Zoe Sinclair - CS
Han Seo-Hyeon - CS
Lucas - CS

Hogwarts 1975
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Roleplay Thread
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I'll tell you now you can't win this ╍╍❞. ■■■ ■ You're way too slow
⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ i'll tell you now ❖ i'm gonna take this


▌Basic Information
Name: Gareth Himura
` Red - name called by some of his peers due to his hair
` Gared - a play around his name and his other nickname, Red.

Age: 18 years old
Date of Birth: August 3 ( Leo )

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Ethnicity: Japanese - Welsh

**⚊ I'll let it show that I'm not always [ hiding ]

` Hair
Auburn in colour, Gareth's hair is quite long, but not too long. It ends around where the neck connects with the shoulders. His bangs are also long enough to cover his eyes. When playing a sport or doing something that involves a lot of moving, Gareth would either clip his bangs back, or gather all his hair and tie them all into a small ponytail at the back. Sometimes, when his hair is being extra annoying, he would do both--tie it in a ponytail and clip his bangs away to the side. Gareth trims his own hair to save money. He finds going to the barber shop every month or so just to keep it at an acceptable length (for him) to be quite expensive.

` Eyes
His eyes are of a dark brown colour, just like his mum's.

` Height & Weight
Winning once more on the gene war, Gareth managed to inherit his foreign father's tall stature as he stands at a height of 6'1 ft. He weighs 150 lbs, approximately 65 kg.

` Body Build
Tall and leaning more towards the athletic side. He's the type of person to gain weight fast, but thanks to his sports and being an active person in general, Gareth doesn't doesn't get fat too easily.

` Piercing's & Tattoos
Gareth has a piercing on his right earlobe where he wears a silver ring. This isn't seen very often as his hair usually covers his ears. The piercing was something he got out of impulse. He likes it, but he can't help but feel guilty for wasting money on something so nonsensical. As much as he wanted to get a small tattoo somewhere, he has refrained himself from doing so, keeping in mind their financial situation.

` Noticeable Scar(s)

` Attire
His style preference includes casual and comfortable clothing. Gareth isn't highly concerned with what he looks like and would often simply throw whatever shirt he finds first, jeans and sneakers when he's going out. His closet mostly consists of sleeveless or muscle tees which he buys from the thrift store. Most of his clothing are from the bargain bin, but he does own a few clothes that are of a higher price and quality thanks to his mum. Although they aren't particularly rich, his mother still likes to spoil him whenever she can. Majority of the clothing she bought for him were bought on impulse, much to Gareth's dismay.

**⚊ Come all the way down And watch me [ burn ]

` Independent & Assiduous
Gareth may appear like a good for nothing lazy ass jock, but he isn't. He is actually quite the diligent and independent person. Tasks handed to him are done with care and as much precision as he could. His apathy overshadows all of these when he's at school. Outside school however, Gareth's perseverance can clearly be seen. Anyone catching him practising his sport on his own could see this.

His independence on the other hand, stems from having an extremely busy single parent. Alone in raising her child, Gareth's mum worked to the bone. She had a night shift which meant that the two rarely got to spend a waking moment together. Regardless, Gareth doesn't hold it against his mother. If anything he's mad at his father for not being there, unaware of the story between the two. He is semi grateful for it however, since it has forced him to learn to how become an independent individual.

` Apathetic & Aloof
Behaviour wise, Gareth is more than often seen apathetically lounging around, as if he didn't have a care in the world. Very little things in school interest him. But once something has managed to garner his full attention, Gareth gives it is all. For sports, he would devote time practising alone to improve himself.

Gareth can also come off as an aloof and uncaring person. This isn't exactly false, but neither is it entirely true. Gareth does care for some things (and people), but the number of things that he does care for are very minimal. He finds it easier to distance himself from others. They don't get in his way and he doesn't get in theirs. That doesn't mean that Gareth is completely closed off, it just means that it takes more effort to actually befriend the poor sod.

` Crass & Kind-hearted
Socialising never was and probably never will be one of Gareth's strong points. He tends to be quite insensitive and uses words which others deem to be a little too harsh without meaning to. When called out on this, his apathy comes out in full colours as he tends to argue that he doesn't find his words to be hurtful in any way. He claims that he doesn't understand why people are so sensitive. Thanks to this, it's very hard for him to make friends and quite easy for him to make enemies.

Underneath it all however, if one were to persevere and look into him deeper, one would see that Gareth is actually a kind-hearted person. Just because he is mostly apathetic, doesn't mean he is completely incapable of showing sympathy towards others. People have often painted him as some sort of antagonist in their minds, but Gareth is no villain; he simply one of the many misunderstood guys in the world.

**⚊ I won't let it show that I'm not always [ flying ]

` Conception
Tokyo, Japan; the place where a Welsh business man met a young Japanese woman. Both were in Tokyo for a business deal, a business deal that was between their two companies respectively. The Welsh was the owner of his, meanwhile the Japanese woman was merely her company's secretary. In the short one month stay in Tokyo to arrange business details between the two companies, love bloomed. Business mixed with pleasure between the woman and the Welsh. Everything between the two people, ended after the month was over. The man went back to Wales and the woman stayed in Tokyo to resume her work. It wasn't until a month later, did she find out two things 1) the Welsh man was a married man, 2) she was pregnant with his child. Despite knowing that he was married, the woman tried contacting the man to inform him about his child. Her efforts were fruitless however as each one of her emails went unanswered. Shortly after, she fired. The man she was with had apparently filed a complaint against her and somehow managed to get her fired. The woman was gutted. Finding a new job was extremely hard for a pregnant woman like her. Eventually, she didn't have enough money to keep staying at where she lived in and was forced to move out. Her brother let her stay with him and his family in Kikonobe until the baby is born and she's found a stable job which she managed to do so shortly after her child was born.

` Growing Up
As a baby, Gareth's mother often left him under the care of Gareth's uncle. He would play with his cousin and they got along pretty well, but at some point she started becoming snobby and looked down upon him for his family situation. Despite his mum finding a stable job, they were still on the poorer side, specially compared to his uncle's family. Gareth's uncle has offered help to his mother, but she refused saying that she shouldn't be leeching off of him. His mum's independence was something he looked up to as a child. One day, he asked his mum to leave him at home instead of dropping him off at his uncle's place to be taken care of. He wanted to learn how to be more independent like her. While his mum was skeptical and worried at first, she ended up allowing him so long as he didn't answer the door. That was the start of Gareth's growth as an independent person. He eventually learned to clean up their place while his mum was working, and when he was old enough, he learned how to cook.

Gareth grew up not knowing his father. Ever since he reached the age of being able to comprehend more complicated matters, Gareth wanted to ask his mother about him, but she was always working. At one point, she even started working a night shift making the time that they see each other even less than it already was. She worked six days a week; Mondays were her only day off. Unfortunately, Gareth had school during Mondays. They could've talked when he got back home, but his mum always seemed to be out during the evenings. One night however, Gareth arrived home and saw his mother, lounging on the couch. It was awkward. No one spoke a word and merely stared at each other. Finally, his mother broke the silence with an apology. She apologised for being so busy, for not being there for him. She explained how she busied herself to avoid the subject of his father, she knew that Gareth would have questions and she knew that she wasn't ready to answer them. She admitted that she still wasn't ready to reveal more than needed about his father. Young as he was then, Gareth understood. That night, he asked her who his father was, no more no less. He got his answer and soon the discussion veered off from his father and onto them bonding as mother and son. That was the night that Gareth realised how little he and his mother spent time together. After that night, his mother started to spend more time with him; at least, as much time as she could possibly spend with him. Whether they liked it or not, his mum was their main and only provider and she had an extremely demanding job. Gareth understood though. He understood fully and never held it against his mother.

` Change
When the letter came informing them of Maple's closing, his mother became extremely worried. Monarch was expensive, they both knew that they couldn't afford to simply send Gareth there. Again, Gareth's uncle offered to help pay for Gareth's education. He was fairly delighted that Gareth would be transferring to the same school that his daughter was studying in. This time, Gareth's mum was on the verge of accepting the offer but Gareth answered for her. He wanted to see if he could get in through a scholarship of some sort. True enough, Gareth managed to get in through his sport: basketball.

**⚊ So on the way down I'll watch you [ burn ]

` Strengths & Weaknesses
Physical prowess and athleticism
is Gareth's main strength. His prime sport is basketball, but his endurance allows him to excel in most sports. Things that require a decent amount of creativity however, are his weaknesses. Art class has always been his enemy. Gareth cannot for the life of him draw anything. Even in attempting to draw stick figures he fails. Sculpting is what salvages his grade in arts. Writing is also something he isn't good at. He can write a decent paragraph with proper grammar and spelling, but he lacks the creativity to expound on an idea. His essays are mostly graded average or below average. Gareth isn't the stereotypical jock though, there are other things apart from sports in which he is good at. One would be cooking. Growing up with a busy mother has led Gareth to teach himself how to cook.

Other Strengths - fast reader, good hand-eye coordination, singing, logical
Other Weaknesses - socializing / interacting with others, low alcohol tolerance, dance (has two left feet), history (class)

` Fears
Gareth has no known phobias, but that doesn't mean he doesn't fear anything. He is afraid of a number of things, one of which is heights. Another fear of his was blood. The sight of a bleeding wound, no matter how small, is enough to make him go pale.

` Secrets
He doesn't consider it to be a secret, but not many are aware that Gareth is a bloody good cook. He also has a cousin who is attending Monarch as well. The two don't interact, mainly because his cousin doesn't wish to be seen interacting with someone like him--a poor person. Gareth doesn't really care, they never did talk to each other before even during family reunions. Besides, he doesn't want to be seen associating with an elitist like her.

` Likes & Dislikes
Likes - winter, licorice, sports in general, cats, scarves, apples
Dislikes - miso soup, being threatened, injuries, greasy food, alcoholic drinks

` Playlist
Three Days Grace
Lane Boy
twenty one pilots
20 Dollar Nosebleed
Fall Out Boy
Imagine Dragons


` Location place​

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse ac lorem tortor. "Vestibulum commodo ante ac erat mattis, at fringilla neque elementum." Quisque accumsan magna ornare, auctor augue quis, blandit odio. Aenean eu elit eu enim vehicula ultrices. Aenean aliquet nunc sed orci pharetra finibus. Mauris semper a ligula ut porttitor. Nunc sit amet ante urna. Mauris et augue magna. Quisque ullamcorper consectetur nisl. In et dignissim lectus. Morbi non mi magna. Donec pulvinar, diam non efficitur consequat, nunc lectus placerat metus, in accumsan libero lectus eu nulla. Donec vitae euismod leo, a scelerisque nibh. Nunc et mattis neque, sed tincidunt libero. Nunc tristique euismod turpis, at sagittis ipsum venenatis ac.

Praesent pellentesque, massa et blandit commodo, metus erat bibendum lorem, elementum sollicitudin diam turpis ut magna. Fusce ornare blandit aliquet. Suspendisse euismod pellentesque leo sit amet laoreet. Quisque pellentesque cursus ullamcorper. Duis fermentum est eget dui auctor sagittis. Fusce aliquet nulla semper nisl dignissim, nec rhoncus lectus rutrum. Morbi blandit magna at dapibus finibus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Duis blandit felis non finibus iaculis. Duis lacus massa, posuere ut arcu ut, sagittis pharetra nisl. Donec at commodo ipsum. Integer quis porttitor turpis. Sed mi sem, finibus nec neque quis, vehicula sagittis dolor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc facilisis, elit cursus feugiat lobortis, libero erat molestie leo, in efficitur libero tellus sit amet purus. Quisque sed neque scelerisque, pulvinar leo at, euismod purus. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce malesuada lacus tortor, id fermentum urna interdum a. Aliquam ultricies ornare nulla, at porta mi pharetra id. Curabitur interdum suscipit orci, sit amet porta justo tincidunt eget. Proin diam lectus, volutpat eget gravida vel, congue semper sapien. Cras lacinia semper luctus.

Donec in cursus erat, sed suscipit sem. In scelerisque nisl risus, et euismod purus iaculis ut. Vestibulum sit amet semper est, in pharetra felis. Nulla sem lacus, scelerisque vel blandit eu, commodo quis lorem. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Ut sit amet nulla quis magna efficitur mollis nec ut metus. Nam congue eu est a condimentum. Cras eu mi varius, volutpat ipsum vitae, hendrerit turpis. Integer et finibus nisi, sit amet consectetur nisl. Morbi ac mauris quam.

Donec scelerisque dui ut libero bibendum imperdiet. Sed consequat commodo lectus, faucibus vestibulum nunc placerat ac. Donec eu justo a nisl fringilla venenatis. Ut sit amet malesuada erat. Integer lectus ante, dignissim vitae suscipit a, cursus at quam. Donec at facilisis purus, vitae accumsan libero. Nulla eu pellentesque sem, quis hendrerit nulla.

tags go here

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⌊ Fujimoto, Nanami ⌉
▪ details
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse ac lorem tortor. "Vestibulum commodo ante ac erat mattis, at fringilla neque elementum." Quisque accumsan magna ornare, auctor augue quis, blandit odio. Aenean eu elit eu enim vehicula ultrices. Aenean aliquet nunc sed orci pharetra finibus. Mauris semper a ligula ut porttitor. Nunc sit amet ante urna. Mauris et augue magna. Quisque ullamcorper consectetur nisl. In et dignissim lectus. Morbi non mi magna. Donec pulvinar, diam non efficitur consequat, nunc lectus placerat metus, in accumsan libero lectus eu nulla. Donec vitae euismod leo, a scelerisque nibh. Nunc et mattis neque, sed tincidunt libero. Nunc tristique euismod turpis, at sagittis ipsum venenatis ac.

Praesent pellentesque, massa et blandit commodo, metus erat bibendum lorem, elementum sollicitudin diam turpis ut magna. Fusce ornare blandit aliquet. Suspendisse euismod pellentesque leo sit amet laoreet. Quisque pellentesque cursus ullamcorper. Duis fermentum est eget dui auctor sagittis. Fusce aliquet nulla semper nisl dignissim, nec rhoncus lectus rutrum. Morbi blandit magna at dapibus finibus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Duis blandit felis non finibus iaculis. Duis lacus massa, posuere ut arcu ut, sagittis pharetra nisl. Donec at commodo ipsum. Integer quis porttitor turpis. Sed mi sem, finibus nec neque quis, vehicula sagittis dolor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc facilisis, elit cursus feugiat lobortis, libero erat molestie leo, in efficitur libero tellus sit amet purus. Quisque sed neque scelerisque, pulvinar leo at, euismod purus. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce malesuada lacus tortor, id fermentum urna interdum a. Aliquam ultricies ornare nulla, at porta mi pharetra id. Curabitur interdum suscipit orci, sit amet porta justo tincidunt eget. Proin diam lectus, volutpat eget gravida vel, congue semper sapien. Cras lacinia semper luctus.

Donec in cursus erat, sed suscipit sem. In scelerisque nisl risus, et euismod purus iaculis ut. Vestibulum sit amet semper est, in pharetra felis. Nulla sem lacus, scelerisque vel blandit eu, commodo quis lorem. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Ut sit amet nulla quis magna efficitur mollis nec ut metus. Nam congue eu est a condimentum. Cras eu mi varius, volutpat ipsum vitae, hendrerit turpis. Integer et finibus nisi, sit amet consectetur nisl. Morbi ac mauris quam.

Donec scelerisque dui ut libero bibendum imperdiet. Sed consequat commodo lectus, faucibus vestibulum nunc placerat ac. Donec eu justo a nisl fringilla venenatis. Ut sit amet malesuada erat. Integer lectus ante, dignissim vitae suscipit a, cursus at quam. Donec at facilisis purus, vitae accumsan libero. Nulla eu pellentesque sem, quis hendrerit nulla.

⌊ Fujimoto, Nanami ⌉
age 17 years old
date of birth May 7
gender Female
sexual orientation Bisexual
ethnicity Japanese
▪ Appearance

hair Burgundy; Long & Wavy
eyes Blue

Her hair is long wavy hair and dyed burgundy out of personal preference. She doesn't hate the natural black which she's inherited from her father, she merely prefers having a lighter shade of hair. Nanami is quite proud of her hair. She usually keeps it loose and untied to show off the natural waves in her hair. However, there are just days when her hair refuses to cooperate with her and looks like a bird's nest. During days like that, Nanami keeps her hair tied in a high ponytail or in a fishtail braid.

Nanami has big bright dark brown eyes which she hides under a pair of blue contacts. It wasn't that she hated her natural eye colour, it's just that she found that blue eyes looked good together with her burgundy hair. She likes the way blue eyes look on her so much that she's thinking about getting surgery to have them changed into blue permanently. Nanami is a little hesitant about this though as it would be erasing one of the few things that she's inherited from her father. Most of Nanami's features come from her mother, from her wavy hair to the shape of her lips. A common compliment that Nanami received was that she looked a lot like her mother when she was younger.

height 5'2"
weight 121 lbs
build Curvy

Nanami has the average height for a Japanese woman, standing at 5 ft and 2 inches tall, and weighs 121 lbs (approx 55 kg). She has a natural curvy hourglass shaped body. Nanami wouldn't describe herself as fat or obese--after all, her bmi says she's normal, but she is definitely neither lean or athletic.

piercings & tattoos
2 piercings; 0 tattoos
Just like most girls, Nanami has a piercing on each of her earlobes. She wears a pair of earrings all the time to ensure that the holes don't close up. As for tattoos, Nanami wears a henna tattoo every now and then, but not very often. A henna tattoo is the most that she would do. Nanami isn't keen on the idea of permanently marking her skin with ink.

On the right cheek
She has a small scar on her right cheekbone. It was a product of a slap she received a year or so ago. It isn't very noticeable, and if she brushed her hair in the right way it would cover it up. Still, Nanami prefers to cover it up with some make-up. She'd rather avoid any chance of people seeing it and asking questions, even if the story isn't something she doesn't mind sharing. Besides, she wear's make up on a daily basis anyway, the scar is merely one more area to mask with a concealer.

attire "I wear what I want to wear"
Nanami's walk-in closet is full of high end clothes. Nothing but the best for her daughter is what her mother would say. She considers herself to be a rather stylish person and owns a variety of clothes she can mix and match. The phrase, 'I wear what I want to wear,' best describes Nanami's general style. However, there are still certain things that Nanami tends to favour when it comes to clothes. For one, she tends to go for clothes that are of shades of red or violet. Her favourite article of clothing that she owns is a light brown cardigan (see character photo). She finds it very comfy and loves how the cardigan reaches up to half of her thigh as well as how long sleeves the sleeves are.

When it comes to a casual attire, Nanami's go to combination is a pair of chambray shorts, matched with a white silk blouse, her favourite cardigan, and finally a pair of ankle length boots [casual]. For formal wear, Nanami's go to is a pretty white dress with a forest print and a thin black belt [formal].

▪ Personality

bold & curious
Nanami is one hell of a curious girl. If Hogwarts was real, she's certain she'd have been sorted into Ravenclaw. One might catch her, daydreaming about a question that suddenly popped into her mind, trying to rationalise an answer in her mind. Her curiosity is at an all time high whenever she's in the chemistry lab. She wants to know what would happen if she did this and that, if she mixed solution a with solution b, etc. Nanami is usually the last to leave chemistry class whenever it is held in the lab. It wouldn't be because she hasn't finished the assigned task, but rather, it would be because she's started an experiment of her own which is different from what was given to them.

Her curiosity doesn't just apply to academics, it also applies to the school's social life. Nanami wants to know the latest and juiciest gossip at all times. She'd try to find out if the rumours were true. Whatever answer she would find, she wouldn't share--not without a price. Usually she asks to be paid with more information. Nanami is a bit of an information broker in that regard.

Sometimes though, the truth about something is harder to find than she would expect. Nanami never lets that deter her though. The girl simply doesn't stop until she gets her answers. To satiate her curiosity, Nanami is willing to do all sorts of crazy things. She's a risk taker who isn't easily scared by possible consequences to things. Nanami is confident enough in her abilities to believe that she will not have to face the consequences of a failure.

brilliant & jealous
Her intellect has always been something she was proud of ever since she was little. Nanami is an intelligent girl who is a very quick learner. She would always be ahead in classes. Her peers would flock to her for help with homework or tutoring. Nanami never refuses their calls for help unless she really couldn't. The idea of people needing her help feeds her ego.

Just as she enjoys the thought of being better than others, she loathes the idea of someone besting her. She easily gets jealous when someone gets an achievement that she was hoping to get. Nanami is a bit of a sore loser, but she doesn't take it out on the other party. Instead, she takes it out on herself. She would sulk at home whenever someone bests her and would vow to beat them the next time an opportunity arises. In her mind, anyone who beats her is automatically her rival.

charming & manipulative
Nanami is a fairly popular girl--likely not as popular as any of the the host club members, but still up there. People enjoy talking to her and would approach her in the halls as well as sit with her during lunch. She is polite, nice and great at getting a conversation going. It also helps that she's a sight for sore eyes with her pretty face. Girls would often ask for beauty tips from her, while boys would try to ask her out. Most of the time she just smiles and lets the guys down easy.

Unfortunately, this is pleasantness that she shows towards her peers is mostly an act to garner their favour. Behind all the smiles and polite words is a rather mean girl. Every time a guy asks her out all she wants to do is to flat out reject them with a big fat no. Whenever a girl asks for beauty or fashion tips, she's tempted to make a snide remark about how no amount of beauty tips from her could help them, that they were simply unfortunate enough to lose on the gene war.

She has a rather manipulative side to her. Nanami uses her charm (and good looks) to her advantage. It is the best weapon that she has at her disposal. She knows that people are more inclined to say yes to someone who was nice and paid them a compliment. Most of the time it works. It's the reason why she puts up a face around others. The real Nanami is something she would never bring out for no good reason. She's worked too hard to get to where she is now.

Whether or not she has any real friends is something she cannot answer. Although many like her and hang out with her, she doesn't know if she could call any of them real friends. Part of her thinks that they're only hanging out with her because it benefits them somehow. Nanami believes that everyone has a hidden agenda and doesn't simply act nice towards anyone for no reason.

conceited & judgemental
It isn't very obvious cause she hides it, but Nanami is a vain person. She would spend hours in the morning in front of the mirror getting ready to go out. It is unacceptable for her to present herself to others with her looks anything less than immaculate. Nanami prides herself in how she looks. Even when at home, Nanami makes sure she looks good--just in case any of her classmates suddenly decides to drop by.

Nanami isn't just proud of her appearance, she's also proud of her family's wealth. In her eyes, poor people are beneath her and doesn't wish to be caught associating with any of them. She's a very judgemental person as well. If one looks like a hobo she'll automatically think of them as another poor person. Nanami is most definitely the type to judge something by its cover.

▪ Biography

Young little Nanami had a happy childhood. She had a loving mother who loved her deeply, a father who treated her like a little princess (even though he liked to call her his little mad scientist) and a cousin who was like a little brother to her. Coming from a rich family, Nanami had everything she ever wanted and needed. Back then, Nanami couldn't be any happier.

When she had been born, her parents had been over the moon. Her mother and father both doted on her. A year or so after her birth, her father's sister (her aunt) came and moved in with them. At the time, her aunt was pregnant with her cousin Gareth. A few more months later, a little red head baby was born.

The two cousins practically grew up together. Although Gareth and his mother moved out merely a year after Gareth's birth, her cousin was still dropped off at their place to be taken care of while his mother worked. The two of them shared a nanny and grew very close to each other. Gareth was practically a little brother to her. She felt very protective of him growing up. The same routine of Gareth being dropped off to be looked after while his mother worked continued on til Nanami was seven and Gareth was six respectively.

One night, Nanami accidentally overheard her parents arguing about Gareth. It was then that Nanami learned that her mother wasn't too fond of Gareth and his mom. Her mother criticised as well how it seemed like her father was paying more attention to Gareth than he did his own daughter. Having heard enough, Nanami left as quietly as possible and went straight to her room. She didn't stop her parents from arguing, she knew that she shouldn't be butting in on an adult conversation--or in this case, argument. Nanami laid in bed and stared at the ceiling for what seemed like hours. The words she heard kept repeating in her mind until she fell asleep.

From that moment on, Nanami started noticing two things. One, she started seeing a different side of her mother which she hadn't known to even exist before. Her mother was all smiles when she was in front of Gareth and his mother, but when their backs were turned, that smile turned into a sneer. Slowly, Nanami realised that her mother did this for all poor people. When she asked why her mother acted like that, her answer was simply because the poor were beneath them. Nanami didn't question her mother's words. She had never known the woman to lie to her after all.

Second thing she noticed was how close Gareth and her father were. Her mother's words that night hadn't been baseless at all. In fact, Nanami was inclined to believe that it was true. While her father did make sure to spend time with her during the weekends, she still felt jealous every time she saw Gareth and her father spending time together. It felt to her as if he was trying to steal him away.

The relationship between the two cousin started going downhill from there on. Nanami spent less and less time with him and began preferring the company of her fellow rich kids who she met either through her mother's connections, or through school. She started snubbing out her cousin. Gareth began to come over less and less shortly after and eventually stopped coming over entirely. Nanami was pleased he was gone, but at the same time, part of her felt that she was the reason he stopped coming over and thus felt a twinge of guilt.

Over the years, she's learned to forget all about that guilt. Nanami grew to be an elitist who put up appearances like her mother did. It saddened her father to see how she'd managed to pick up her mother's judgemental personality, but he knew there was nothing he could do. He could try to tell her that her mother is wrong, but he highly doubted that Nanami would believe him. Between him and her mother, Nanami was more attuned to her mother.

▪ Others

Science. Ever since she was younger, Nanami found herself fascinated by pretty much anything science. Her favourite subject is chemistry.
Technology. Nanami is a bit of a tech geek. It was one of the things she bonded over with her father who is the owner of a startup company.
Others: Logical puzzles, Cats, Spicy food

Sports. Physical exertion is a big no-no in Nanami's books. There are only a handful of sports that she tolerates.
"Technology illiterates". It's a term she uses to refer to anyone who doesn't seem to know how to google and instead likes to go on and ask her how to do very simple things on a computer. Nanami has no patience when it comes to dealing with such people.
Others: Poor people, Smokers, Parrots


Confined places (Claustrophobia). She does not do well in tight spaces. Being stuck in an elevator is one of biggest fears. Nanami would hyperventilate if she was left stuck in a small space. Even being stuck in a crowd is enough to trigger her claustrophobia.
Ocean (Thalassophobia). Nanami is deathly afraid of the ocean. She found this out when her parents once tried to take her on a cruise ship tour. It didn't go very well. Throughout the entire trip, Nanami refused to go out of their cabin.

Gareth is her cousin. Despite her father and his mother being siblings, they don't share the same surname. Their grandparents died in an accident and the siblings were adopted separately by their relatives. Nanami's father was adopted by their aunt and into the Fujimoto family, while Gareth's mom was adopted by their uncle and stayed a Himura.
She secretly enjoys basketball. It is one of the few sports that Nanami actually likes. Back when they were little, she and Gareth would play on a kiddie basketball setup that her father gave to Gareth as a gift.
Nanami's sexuality. She identifies as a bisexual but she has never openly told anyone about this in fear of how people--especially her parents--would react.

Intellect. Nanami is smart and she considers her brains to be her greatest strength. She is great at science and math.
Programming & Hacking. While it was Nanami's father who taught her how to program, it was through her own efforts that she learned how to hack. Nanami doesn't claim to be a genius hacker who can hack into anything, but she does claim to be able to hack someone's social media profile. That is the most that she would allow herself to do.
Charm. She does well to make good use of her pretty face and fairly good reputation. With a simple bat of the eyelashes, Nanami can make people do her bidding. Too bad it doesn't work on everyone.


Strength & Endurance. She isn't a very active person and gets tired rather easily. She isn't strong either, in fact, she would often remark that she has noodle arms every time someone makes her try to carry something--even if it isn't even that heavy.
Spoiled. Coming from a rich family, Nanami hasn't ever needed to do housework and such things. Because of this, she has absolutely no idea how to do things such as cooking or cleaning. Nanami has once attempted to try cooking, but she failed so miserably that she burnt both the food and the pan she was using. Needless to say, Nanami is a horrible cook.
Short-sighted / Nearsighted. Her contacts aren't just for fashion purposes, they're actually prescribed. Nanami needs them in order to see things clearly.

Long Dream - The World Ends With You
Last edited:
  • Love
Reactions: rissa
// Playing with flexboxes

// Let's play around with stabs some more and try to make a more mobile friendly code

Damn. It didn't work. There goes that idea.
Got it ~

This is tab 1
{tab=2}Tab 2{/tab}

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean nec arcu aliquet, lobortis purus bibendum, gravida sapien. Cras a felis dictum, sodales velit sed, bibendum nisl. Nunc massa lorem, laoreet vitae tincidunt vitae, luctus sit amet tellus. Aliquam eleifend diam eget turpis convallis tincidunt. Maecenas sagittis posuere lacus sit amet venenatis. Proin eros odio, scelerisque ut vehicula vitae, vehicula eu sem. Vestibulum elementum tristique felis vel sodales. Fusce viverra lacus tincidunt, faucibus ipsum vel, tincidunt dui. Maecenas euismod nisl odio, sed eleifend lectus auctor at. Quisque sit amet porttitor neque. Aliquam vel mauris non nunc dapibus luctus quis at augue. Donec est neque, semper at sapien eu, tincidunt accumsan dui. Duis eu viverra augue. Phasellus auctor placerat dolor ut bibendum.

Integer luctus sapien sit amet mi maximus hendrerit. Donec tristique purus ut turpis finibus, in gravida dolor eleifend. Sed sodales lorem eget augue facilisis, eget mollis quam maximus. Duis sed sapien ut purus auctor tincidunt. Fusce porta eros ex, ac congue risus tempor vel. Etiam velit sem, luctus et elit in, laoreet ultrices purus. Fusce interdum placerat dapibus. Aliquam erat volutpat. In in dolor nec diam faucibus scelerisque a nec turpis. Aenean fermentum semper tellus ullamcorper ornare. Integer dictum, risus et tempor vestibulum, augue arcu scelerisque urna, eget hendrerit leo nibh at diam. Fusce vitae consequat erat. Nullam egestas tortor id est dignissim aliquam. Curabitur dignissim vel ex a feugiat. Morbi condimentum efficitur nisl, eu iaculis mauris volutpat eget.
This is tab 2
{tab=1}Tab 1{/tab}

[div=max-width:700px !important; height:200px; overflow:hidden; /*color:#00df13;*/][div][div=top:40px; transform:rotate(180deg); display:block;][stabs=bcenter|100%x220]
[div=transform:rotate(180deg); width:100%; height:200px; overflow-y:auto;]This is tab 1
{tab=2}Tab 2{/tab}
[div=transform:rotate(180deg); width:100%; height:200px; overflow-y:auto;]This is tab 2
{tab=1}Tab 1{/tab}[/div]{/slide}

Computational notes for dimensions:

content.height = container.height
stabs.height = container.height + 20px
div.rot.top = 40px

Extra notes:
stabs max height = 600px
max content.height & container.height = 580px

// Playtime with accordions

Integer luctus sapien sit amet mi maximus hendrerit. Donec tristique purus ut turpis finibus, in gravida dolor eleifend. Sed sodales lorem eget augue facilisis, eget mollis quam maximus. Duis sed sapien ut purus auctor tincidunt. Fusce porta eros ex, ac congue risus tempor vel. Etiam velit sem, luctus et elit in, laoreet ultrices purus. Fusce interdum placerat dapibus. Aliquam erat volutpat. In in dolor nec diam faucibus scelerisque a nec turpis. Aenean fermentum semper tellus ullamcorper ornare. Integer dictum, risus et tempor vestibulum, augue arcu scelerisque urna, eget hendrerit leo nibh at diam. Fusce vitae consequat erat. Nullam egestas tortor id est dignissim aliquam. Curabitur dignissim vel ex a feugiat. Morbi condimentum efficitur nisl, eu iaculis mauris volutpat eget.

Coolio. Now the biggest question, is it mobile friendly?
... Kinda sorta but not really. :'D

This one is mostly for my own convenience. Because I'm lazy af.


[div=padding:10px; display:inline-block; background:#fd1c85; text-align:center; color:white;]shadow
#fd1c85[/div] [div=padding:10px; display:inline-block; background:#ca025f; text-align:center; color:white;]dialogue
#ca025f[/div] [div=padding:10px; display:inline-block; background:#a7024e; text-align:center; color:white;]main
#a7024e[/div] [div=padding:10px; display:inline-block; background:#650130; text-align:center; color:white;]text

Again. I'm lazy af.

Three Days Grace
Lane Boy
twenty one pilots
20 Dollar Nosebleed
Fall Out Boy
Imagine Dragons

[div][div=width:50%; display:inline-block;][div=width:30px; height:30px; overflow:hidden; border-radius:4px; display:inline-block;][div=top:-134px; opacity:0.6;][MEDIA=youtube]m3aLdsjxb8U[/MEDIA][/div][/div] [div=display:inline-block;][div=display:table-cell; vertical-align:middle; height:30px;]Burn
Three Days Grace[/div][/div][/div][div=width:50%; display:inline-block;][div=width:30px; height:30px; overflow:hidden; border-radius:4px; display:inline-block;][div=top:-134px; opacity:0.6;][MEDIA=youtube]6dAL9ztYRqQ[/MEDIA][/div][/div] [div=display:inline-block;][div=display:table-cell; vertical-align:middle; height:30px;]Lane Boy
twenty one pilots[/div][/div][/div][/div][div][div=width:50%; display:inline-block;][div=width:30px; height:30px; overflow:hidden; border-radius:4px; display:inline-block;][div=top:-134px; opacity:0.6;][MEDIA=youtube]gju6ZLCX5Xg[/MEDIA][/div][/div] [div=display:inline-block;][div=display:table-cell; vertical-align:middle; height:30px;]20 Dollar Nosebleed
Fall Out Boy[/div][/div][/div][div=width:50%; display:inline-block;][div=width:30px; height:30px; overflow:hidden; border-radius:4px; display:inline-block;][div=top:-134px; opacity:0.6;][MEDIA=youtube]o0aoh363PI4[/MEDIA][/div][/div] [div=display:inline-block;][div=display:table-cell; vertical-align:middle; height:30px;]Friction
Imagine Dragons[/div][/div][/div][/div]

Code for code template (cause I don't like Iwaku's default):
[div=background:#1d1d1d; font-size:15px; font-family:courier new; border:1px solid #1d1d1d; color:#ececec;][div=padding:10px;]Code:[/div][div=padding:10px; background:#3e3e3e;][div=max-height:200px; overflow-y:auto; background:#3e3e3e; color:#d2d2d2; font-size:12px; font-family:courier new; line-height:20px;]<code surrounded by plain tags go here>

Code for new colour palette template:
[div=display:flex; flex-wrap:wrap; font-family:courier new; text-shadow:1px 1px 0 black; font-size:12px; text-align:center; color:white;]
[div=background:#0f1215; padding:10px; flex-grow:1;]#0f1215[/div]
[div=background:#111417; padding:10px; flex-grow:1;]#111417[/div]
[div=background:#333333; padding:10px; flex-grow:1;]#333333[/div]
[div=background:#7b7b7b; padding:10px; flex-grow:1;]#7b7b7b[/div]
[div=background:#c0c0c0; padding:10px; flex-grow:1;]#c0c0c0[/div]
[div=background:#f2f2f2; padding:10px; flex-grow:1;]#f2f2f2[/div]
[div=background:#3232ff; padding:10px; flex-grow:1;]#3232ff[/div]
Last edited:
  • Love
Reactions: RebirthSurrender
Edit Log:
16 / 05 / 17
ohno. The stacking is getting fucked by transform. Welp. This. Is a predicament.
Too sleepy to try and find a way to solve this. leaving this here. wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip

20 / 05 / 17
Got it~ Still a wip tho. Too lazy to finish rn.

26 / 05 / 17
I'm not sick anymore. Yay. Finally got time to get some work done again.
I think I made some good progress for today. Got the side navigation going and added the content for each slide. It still needs a rewrite tho.
Next shit to do: Decorate the content
notes: navi colour - #737373; dat whitey colour - #f2f2f2

//did I ever use this? I don't remember. Better keep it just in case. #1a1a1a
//keeping this for future use: steel blue - #3a7785 + bamboo - #efddbc

22 / 06 / 17
After not working on it for nearly a month, I'm back to procrastinate work on it again~
Big change happened. I've replaced the core with the new one I made for maximum mobile friendliness!
It was a pain to do, but I think it was most certainly worth it c:
Changed the font as well.

img border

Arsenal; Playfair Display;

    Name Nicholas Aulis Vanhanen
    Nickname Nic
    Age 19 years old
    Gender Male
    Sexuality Heterosexual


    Nic is a very honest person. The chances of him lying straight to your face is practically close to zero. Needless to say, he hates liars. There's nothing he loathes more than a person blatantly lying to his face. Those kinds of people are automatically placed into his 'list of people to avoid'. He is also rather loyal and will stick by your side no matter what happens--unless of course, you did something unforgivable such as betraying him. If there's anything Nic hates more than a liar, it's a traitor.

    Apart from that, Nic is also an unnervingly silent person. People always comment on how his silence was deafening. They would do their best to try and engage him in small talk, but most of the time, their efforts are in vain. Nic simply doesn't like speaking when he finds that it isn't necessary; he does like silence after all. This also shows just how tolerant and patient Nicholas is. If he weren't, Nicholas would probably have flipped off a bunch of people and would've made a ton more enemies, as well as, have a lot more people who hate him by now. This doesn't necessarily mean that he hates the company of others. While he does prefer solitude, he doesn't mind having people around him. When people are conversing with him, he doesn't tune them out; he listens to them and provides input when necessary.

    He is a rather passive person. Unless there was a need for him to act, Nic will not do anything. This is another trait of his that a lot of people greatly dislike about him. Nic was never the type of person who would volunteer to do stuff, he was the type to stand in the sidelines and watch other people do it. One would have to tell him what to do before he starts acting or helping around--which is ironic since his second name, Aulis, means "willing" or "helpful" in Finnish. Yet, despite this, if he finds that the action would benefit him in the end, Nic will act without having to be told to do so. These moments are unfortunately rare though. Unfortunately as well, because of this, some people have come to see Nic as a selfish person.

    When Nic was only five years old, his father left him and his mother for another woman. Despite this, his mother didn't hate his father, in fact she respected him for having enough courage to follow his heart. Her mother's reasoning has taught Nic not to hold a grudge against his father for leaving. Besides, he sent them financial help every now and then so he didn't completely abandon them. Of course, back then, he was too young to understand this; but his mother wasn't and she was grateful to her husband. Nic was an only child and with the money that his father sent them every now and then, plus the fact that his mother had been working even before his father left, they had no trouble financially. Nic was happy and content with what he had.

    One evening however, the peace in their small household vanished. Nicholas was around nine years old when a psychopath managed to sneak his way into their house and killed his mother. He knew he was about to die as well, but the police arrived just in time and managed to save him. As soon as he was rescued though he fainted. The next thing he knew he was at a hospital with no recollection of what happened during the traumatic experience. However, the memories of that evening weren't the only ones that vanished from his memory. Those of the past years vanished as well. After hearing the unfortunate news, his father took him in to live with his new family.

    It was hard at first, having to adjust not knowing anything or anyone. He didn't recognise his father at first. The first week, Nic was fidgety and jumpy. He didn't trust anyone. Why should he? They were all strangers to him after all. After the first week however, a memory managed to return to Nic. It was a memory with his father. Having recalled who he was, the mask of the stranger was lifted and slowly Nic began to open up to his father as well as his new family.

    It's been ten years since then. Nic has managed to recover whatever memory he had with his father, but surprisingly none of his mother--his birth mother. He is blissfully unaware that the woman he considers to be his mother is in fact, not his birth mother. His father never told him. He'd been waiting for the right time; he'd been waiting for Nic to remember something--anything--about his real mother, but none came forth. Eventually, he decided it was best to keep it a secret. There was a reason why Nic locked up the memories of his birth mother. His father was afraid that opening 'Pandora's box' would cause his son grief and thus, avoided telling him.

    The past ten years have been pretty uneventful for Nic. He got along well enough with his mother and younger sister.While it sometimes bother him how there are holes in his memory, Nic tries not to think about it too much. Years have passed since. He knew it was best to move forward than to dwell on the past.

    Clara Fontaine ( Birth mother ) Nic has forgotten all about her after the incident. Prior to it, however, they were extremely close. Nic loved his mother a lot and vice versa. Clara never viewed her son as a constant reminder of the man who left her for another woman, but instead she saw nothing but her precious little child. She would do anything and would willingly give out her life for the boy--which, she actually did. The night that she died, she tried her best to protect her little boy. A voice in the back Nic's mind is nagging him.

    Erik Vanhanen ( Father ) Prior to him leaving when Nic was five, he and his son didn't have as close a relationship as Nic had with his mother. He would take his son out every now and then, but other than that, there was not much to remember. During the four years before the incident, Nic and his father had exchanged emails and met up a couple of times. Erik has made it a point that despite leaving to be with a woman he loved, Erik had no wish nor will to cut off his own son from his life. Like before, he would take Nic out when he can. He tried to be as much as a father he could be for his son. After the incident which resulted in Nic's memory loss, Erik took his son under his custody. It was only right for him to do so, plus, he wanted to help his son--he was his flesh and blood after all. Over time, the father and son grew closer to each other. Erik became protective of his boy and chose not to reveal anything about his birth mother believing that Nic's memories of her are locked for a reason.

    Julia Vanhanen ( Mother ) After the incident, Nic grew up knowing no other mother other than Julia. She did her best to care for him, treat him as if he were her own son. But there's a certain hesitation that she feels in the knowledge that Nic wasn't her son--that he was the first woman's son. Nic could feel this hesitation and has always felt confused by it. He never asked though and Julia never explained. She felt that it wasn't her place to be the one to tell him that she was not his real mother. Julia constantly Erik to tell Nic the truth about his mother--of course, Nic has no knowledge of this.

    Jennifer Aila Vanhanen ( Younger Sister ) Despite all their teasing (mainly from Aila), Nic and his sister get along swimmingly well. Nic was the older the brother yet Aila is just about as tall as him and acts like the older sibling. While Nic isn't aware that they were only half siblings, Aila was fully aware of the fact that Nic was his half-brother but didn't let that knowledge affect how she views him. To her she's her brother and to Nic she was her annoyingly loving sister.

    Height 5'8"
    Weight 130 lbs
    Eye Color Blue-grey
    Hair Color Dark brown

    Nic's hair is of a dark shade of brown, the type of shade that can easily be mistaken for black under low lighting. He keeps his hair long out of preference, but not too long though. There's only a certain length up to which he allows for his hair to grow, once it surpasses that point, he immediately takes a visit to the local barber shop to have the excess chopped off. Nic didn't always keep his hair long though. Back when he was younger, he kept it short just like most people did. At one point, his sister remarked that he should try growing his hair out; she thinks that it'll suit him. So he did. Nic ended up liking it and thus continued to keep it at such length.

    Build Ectomorph; he is a skinny person with barely any fat on him. This is all thanks to his naturally fast metabolism. Nic's metabolism has always been a point of envy for his sister, but to Nic it was more of a curse. People would always ask him if he was sick, meanwhile relatives would often comment that he's gotten thinner from the last time they've seen him. Quite frankly, Nic is sick of hearing it and has been trying in vain to put weight on himself through eating. At some point, he realised that it wasn't working at all and stopped stuffing himself with more than he can handle.

    Style Nic is a simple guy and this reflects well in his clothing style. He isn't one to dress up fancily and often throws on the first thing he sees in his closet, which is mostly filled with t-shirts. He prefers jeans over shorts but he does own a couple of the latter and throws them on whenever he happens to grab them out of his closet. Majority of his clothes are of dark shades, a personal preference of his. He does own a couple of pastel shirts though, all of which are gifts from his beloved sister; he's fairly certain she gave them to him just to annoy him.

    Likes Silence, Animals (specifically dogs), Writing, Reading, Books, Coffee
    Dislikes Noise, Loud and boisterous people, Being called 'Nicole', Strawberries, Religious figures / statues, Beaches, Sports

    * Solitude - Despite liking silence a lot, Nicholas fears being alone. It is why he tolerates the people around him despite them clashing with what he is and are actually what he greatly dislikes.
    * Death - Much like most people, Nicholas is afraid of death. However, the reason for this is connected to his fear of solitude. Nicholas does not know whether or not there is an afterlife, and if there was, he was afraid of being alone then.

    Home Nic lives with his parents in a simple modern abode. He and his sister have their own rooms at the expense of the guest room. Thus, whenever a relative of their decides to stay overnight, Aila would be evacuated to Nic's room. The siblings don't mind sharing the room though despite what Aila would say. Nic likes to keep his room tidy. [link]

    Car He owns a silver BMW gran coupe. It was his father's old car gifted to him on his eighteenth birthday. Despite owning a car of his own however, Nic still prefers to take a bus or walk if he can. [link]

    * Nic is 1/2 Finnish, 1/4 French, and 1/4 English. His Finnish blood comes from his father (thus, the Finnish name), and his French blood comes from his birth mother who was half French. However, this doesn't mean that he automatically knows the respective languages. Nic isn't bilingual; he can only speak English--though he does know a few Finnish swear words, courtesy of his father's occasional 'slip of a tongue.'
    * His sister sometimes call him Nicole to annoy him. She pretty much likes to annoy her older half-sibling.

Old version


{tab=1}the person{/tab}
{tab=2}his story{/tab}
{tab=3}paths crossed{/tab}
{tab=4}mirror's image{/tab}
{tab=5}the little things{/tab}
◢ ✩ : BASICS
Name Nicholas Aulis Vanhanen
Nickname Nic
Age 19 years old
Gender Male
Sexuality Heterosexual

Nic is a very honest person. The chances of him lying straight to your face is practically close to zero. Needless to say, he hates liars. There's nothing he loathes more than a person blatantly lying to his face. Those kinds of people are automatically placed into his 'list of people to avoid'. He is also rather loyal and will stick by your side no matter what happens--unless of course, you did something unforgivable such as betraying him. If there's anything Nic hates more than a liar, it's a traitor.

Apart from that, Nic is also an unnervingly silent person. People always comment on how his silence was deafening. They would do their best to try and engage him in small talk, but most of the time, their efforts are in vain. Nic simply doesn't like speaking when he finds that it isn't necessary; he does like silence after all. This also shows just how tolerant and patient Nicholas is. If he weren't, Nicholas would probably have flipped off a bunch of people and would've made a ton more enemies, as well as, have a lot more people who hate him by now. This doesn't necessarily mean that he hates the company of others. While he does prefer solitude, he doesn't mind having people around him. When people are conversing with him, he doesn't tune them out; he listens to them and provides input when necessary.

He is a rather passive person. Unless there was a need for him to act, Nic will not do anything. This is another trait of his that a lot of people greatly dislike about him. Nic was never the type of person who would volunteer to do stuff, he was the type to stand in the sidelines and watch other people do it. One would have to tell him what to do before he starts acting or helping around--which is ironic since his second name, Aulis, means "willing" or "helpful" in Finnish. Yet, despite this, if he finds that the action would benefit him in the end, Nic will act without having to be told to do so. These moments are unfortunately rare though. Unfortunately as well, because of this, some people have come to see Nic as a selfish person.

{tab=1}the person{/tab}
{tab=2}his story{/tab}
{tab=3}paths crossed{/tab}
{tab=4}mirror's image{/tab}
{tab=5}the little things{/tab}

When Nic was only five years old, his father left him and his mother for another woman. Despite this, his mother didn't hate his father, in fact she respected him for having enough courage to follow his heart. Her mother's reasoning has taught Nic not to hold a grudge against his father for leaving. Besides, he sent them financial help every now and then so he didn't completely abandon them. Of course, back then, he was too young to understand this; but his mother wasn't and she was grateful to her husband. Nic was an only child and with the money that his father sent them every now and then, plus the fact that his mother had been working even before his father left, they had no trouble financially. Nic was happy and content with what he had.

One evening however, the peace in their small household vanished. Nicholas was around nine years old when a psychopath managed to sneak his way into their house and killed his mother. He knew he was about to die as well, but the police arrived just in time and managed to save him. As soon as he was rescued though he fainted. The next thing he knew he was at a hospital with no recollection of what happened during the traumatic experience. However, the memories of that evening weren't the only ones that vanished from his memory. Those of the past years vanished as well. After hearing the unfortunate news, his father took him in to live with his new family.

It was hard at first, having to adjust not knowing anything or anyone. He didn't recognise his father at first. The first week, Nic was fidgety and jumpy. He didn't trust anyone. Why should he? They were all strangers to him after all. After the first week however, a memory managed to return to Nic. It was a memory with his father. Having recalled who he was, the mask of the stranger was lifted and slowly Nic began to open up to his father as well as his new family.

It's been ten years since then. Nic has managed to recover whatever memory he had with his father, but surprisingly none of his mother--his birth mother. He is blissfully unaware that the woman he considers to be his mother is in fact, not his birth mother. His father never told him. He'd been waiting for the right time; he'd been waiting for Nic to remember something--anything--about his real mother, but none came forth. Eventually, he decided it was best to keep it a secret. There was a reason why Nic locked up the memories of his birth mother. His father was afraid that opening 'Pandora's box' would cause his son grief and thus, avoided telling him.

The past ten years have been pretty uneventful for Nic. He got along well enough with his mother and younger sister.While it sometimes bother him how there are holes in his memory, Nic tries not to think about it too much. Years have passed since. He knew it was best to move forward than to dwell on the past.

{tab=1}the person{/tab}
{tab=2}his story{/tab}
{tab=3}paths crossed{/tab}
{tab=4}mirror's image{/tab}
{tab=5}the little things{/tab}

Clara Fontaine ( Birth mother ) Nic has forgotten all about her after the incident. Prior to it, however, they were extremely close. Nic loved his mother a lot and vice versa. Clara never viewed her son as a constant reminder of the man who left her for another woman, but instead she saw nothing but her precious little child. She would do anything and would willingly give out her life for the boy--which, she actually did. The night that she died, she tried her best to protect her little boy. A voice in the back Nic's mind is nagging him.

Erik Vanhanen ( Father ) Prior to him leaving when Nic was five, he and his son didn't have as close a relationship as Nic had with his mother. He would take his son out every now and then, but other than that, there was not much to remember. During the four years before the incident, Nic and his father had exchanged emails and met up a couple of times. Erik has made it a point that despite leaving to be with a woman he loved, Erik had no wish nor will to cut off his own son from his life. Like before, he would take Nic out when he can. He tried to be as much as a father he could be for his son. After the incident which resulted in Nic's memory loss, Erik took his son under his custody. It was only right for him to do so, plus, he wanted to help his son--he was his flesh and blood after all. Over time, the father and son grew closer to each other. Erik became protective of his boy and chose not to reveal anything about his birth mother believing that Nic's memories of her are locked for a reason.

Julia Vanhanen ( Mother ) After the incident, Nic grew up knowing no other mother other than Julia. She did her best to care for him, treat him as if he were her own son. But there's a certain hesitation that she feels in the knowledge that Nic wasn't her son--that he was the first woman's son. Nic could feel this hesitation and has always felt confused by it. He never asked though and Julia never explained. She felt that it wasn't her place to be the one to tell him that she was not his real mother. Julia constantly Erik to tell Nic the truth about his mother--of course, Nic has no knowledge of this.

Jennifer Aila Vanhanen ( Younger Sister ) Despite all their teasing (mainly from Aila), Nic and his sister get along swimmingly well. Nic was the older the brother yet Aila is just about as tall as him and acts like the older sibling. While Nic isn't aware that they were only half siblings, Aila was fully aware of the fact that Nic was his half-brother but didn't let that knowledge affect how she views him. To her she's her brother and to Nic she was her annoyingly loving sister.

{tab=1}the person{/tab}
{tab=2}his story{/tab}
{tab=3}paths crossed{/tab}
{tab=4}mirror's image{/tab}
{tab=5}the little things{/tab}

Height 5'8"
Weight 130 lbs
Eye Color Blue-grey
Hair Color Dark brown

Nic's hair is of a dark shade of brown, the type of shade that can easily be mistaken for black under low lighting. He keeps his hair long out of preference, but not too long though. There's only a certain length up to which he allows for his hair to grow, once it surpasses that point, he immediately takes a visit to the local barber shop to have the excess chopped off. Nic didn't always keep his hair long though. Back when he was younger, he kept it short just like most people did. At one point, his sister remarked that he should try growing his hair out; she thinks that it'll suit him. So he did. Nic ended up liking it and thus continued to keep it at such length.

Build Ectomorph; he is a skinny person with barely any fat on him. This is all thanks to his naturally fast metabolism. Nic's metabolism has always been a point of envy for his sister, but to Nic it was more of a curse. People would always ask him if he was sick, meanwhile relatives would often comment that he's gotten thinner from the last time they've seen him. Quite frankly, Nic is sick of hearing it and has been trying in vain to put weight on himself through eating. At some point, he realised that it wasn't working at all and stopped stuffing himself with more than he can handle.

Style Nic is a simple guy and this reflects well in his clothing style. He isn't one to dress up fancily and often throws on the first thing he sees in his closet, which is mostly filled with t-shirts. He prefers jeans over shorts but he does own a couple of the latter and throws them on whenever he happens to grab them out of his closet. Majority of his clothes are of dark shades, a personal preference of his. He does own a couple of pastel shirts though, all of which are gifts from his beloved sister; he's fairly certain she gave them to him just to annoy him.

{tab=1}the person{/tab}
{tab=2}his story{/tab}
{tab=3}paths crossed{/tab}
{tab=4}mirror's image{/tab}
{tab=5}the little things{/tab}

Likes Silence, Animals (specifically dogs), Writing, Reading, Books, Coffee
Dislikes Noise, Loud and boisterous people, Being called 'Nicole', Strawberries, Religious figures / statues, Beaches, Sports

* Solitude - Despite liking silence a lot, Nicholas fears being alone. It is why he tolerates the people around him despite them clashing with what he is and are actually what he greatly dislikes.
* Death - Much like most people, Nicholas is afraid of death. However, the reason for this is connected to his fear of solitude. Nicholas does not know whether or not there is an afterlife, and if there was, he was afraid of being alone then.

Home Nic lives with his parents in a simple modern abode. He and his sister have their own rooms at the expense of the guest room. Thus, whenever a relative of their decides to stay overnight, Aila would be evacuated to Nic's room. The siblings don't mind sharing the room though despite what Aila would say. Nic likes to keep his room tidy. [link]

Car He owns a silver BMW gran coupe. It was his father's old car gifted to him on his eighteenth birthday. Despite owning a car of his own however, Nic still prefers to take a bus or walk if he can. [link]

* Nic is 1/2 Finnish, 1/4 French, and 1/4 English. His Finnish blood comes from his father (thus, the Finnish name), and his French blood comes from his birth mother who was half French. However, this doesn't mean that he automatically knows the respective languages. Nic isn't bilingual; he can only speak English--though he does know a few Finnish swear words, courtesy of his father's occasional 'slip of a tongue.'
* His sister sometimes call him Nicole to annoy him. She pretty much likes to annoy her older half-sibling.


Just in case shit happens



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basics bg

Han Seo-yeon (한서연)

Age: 27 years old
Birth Date: September 2
Ethnicity: Korean
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Occupation: Director

Lee Hi
봄,사랑,벚꽃 말고
I don't need a man
miss A
No Interest
Nina Nesbitt
"True love" is something that she doesn't believe in. Seo-yeon is a cynic. She sees couples as a pair of people who merely want something from the other, mutually using each other for their own personal gain--whatever that may be. Generally speaking, Seo-yeon is not very trustful of other people. She could probably count off the amount of people she trusts in a hand and still have plenty left to spare.

Seo-yeon sees herself as an independent woman. She doesn't like having to rely on other people--even her father--for anything. Part of this is because of her cynicism and distrust. She feels as if there really isn't anyone that she could rely on. Working with others is often difficult for her and the people she's working with. Seo-yeon has a bad habit of trying to take all the important work and thus overwork herself to exhaustion.

Work seems to be her main motivator in life. As tired as she may be with seeing the same old stereotypical korean drama scenes over and over again, she still takes her job very seriously. Seo-yeon is a perfectionist. Just because she may feel tired of directing the same thing all over again, it doesn't mean she's willing to let the quality suffer. She pays close attention to detail and is not afraid of calling out mistakes made by someone, regardless of who it may be.

Although work may be her main motivator in life, it isn't the only thing that she takes seriously. Seo-yeon takes pretty much everything seriously. She most definitely isn't the type to jest around. Likewise, she's also the type who would take a joke literally. Jokes either sail right past her or it offends her.

She's definitely someone that people would consider to have a "stick up their arse." Strict and uptight; Seo-yeon likes being in control of things. Change is something that she isn't a fan of but knows is inevitable. She always has a hard time adjusting to new things. Seo-yeon is definitely not an adventurous person. Trying out new things somewhat scare her. She finds comfort in familiarity. Each day Seo-yeon has a routine she follows, otherwise she'll feel very uncoordinated and will likely mess up on even the simplest of things throughout the rest of the day.

Episode 1: Childhood
When she was young, Seo-yeon's mother pushed her to enter the entertainment industry. Her mother often encouraged her and praised her singing. "You'll be able to earn a lot of money," she would often tell her. Seo-yeon's family wasn't rich, but neither were they poor. They were just a little bit below average; able to afford the necessities to live, but doesn't have much to spare for splurging on things.

Hearing her mother praise her singing made Seo-yeon confident that she'd be able to make a name as a singer. Thus, when she was still in middle school, she auditioned to different entertainment agencies, hoping that one of them would take her in. Every time she didn't get accepted, Seo-yeon felt her self-esteem go down. It didn't help that her mother would nag about it every time as well.

Episode 2: A dream that is not hers
One day, her mother up and left her and her father. Seo-yeon didn't know the real reason why and blamed herself. If only she got accepted by an entertainment agency like her mother wanted for her. It pained Seo-yeon, but at the same time it also made her more resolved to enter the entertainment world. In her mind, if she did as her mother wanted her to do, she'd come back. So she went on and continued to audition at various entertainment agencies, regardless of how big they were. After several tries, a small, fairly new, entertainment agency accepted her as a trainee.

Juggling between school and training was hard. Seo-yeon's grades dropped and she wasn't getting a lot of sleep. This worried her father a lot. He tried talking her out of it, telling her that she should quit. This had a negative effect on the relationship between father and daughter. Seo-yeon started seeing her father as an antagonist who didn't want to see her succeed, someone who didn't want her mother to return. She was blind to the concern he felt for her future and wellbeing. Seo-yeon just wanted her mother back.

After three years of training, Seo-yeon debutted in a six unit girl group. By this time, Seo-yeon had just graduated from high school. The debut ended up being flop, but Seo-yeon was still hopeful. She still believed and had hope that if she made it big her mother would return.

Seo-yeon had no intentions on entering college in favour of focusing on her current career. However, as she worked with directors and other backstage crew during video shoots for their music videos, she found herself slowly becoming interested in what happens backstage. It was at this point in her life that she began wondering if she'd made the right decision to pursue a path set by her mother.

Episode 3: Moving forward
Two years later, Seo-yeon's group finally gained tracktion and was starting to rise in popularity. Despite the success they were starting to get, Seo-yeon felt like something was wrong. She wasn't happy. It was then that her mother finally came back into her life. Seo-yeon thought that her mother's return would bring her joy, but instead it made her realise that her mother was only back for selfish reasons. Instead of embracing her mother and accepting her back into her life with open arms, she shunned her out of her life, something that pleased her father. Seo-yeon later found out that her father only ever got together with her mother just so Seo-yeon can grow up with a family. There was no love between the couple.

Soon after her mother tried to worm her way back into her life, Seo-yeon left the girl group she was in and entered college to study film. She wanted to explore other career options. Upon graduating, Seo-yeon left home and began working as a director. It was a decision she was pleased with, however she now finds herself to be stuck in another rut. While she enjoyed directing, she was sick of the same old kdrama blueprint that she had to direct. Unfortunately, she knew as well that it was what people liked and what the people liked it brings in the money. Maybe one day she'll be able to direct something different.

Phone and Planner
These are the two things that she will never ever leave home without. Seo-yeon is very dependant on her phone and planner. Dates have always been hard for her to remember and thus why a planner is a Godsend for her. Although she's aware that she could simply use her phone as her planner, she still likes having a physical planner she can jot important dates on. Without her planner, her life becomes a mess. Her phone is only second in importance next to her planner.

A habit she managed to pick up from when she was in college. Seo-yeon deals with her stress by lighting a cigarette. She always keeps a pack of cigs in her bag just in case she feels the need to smoke one.

Grumpy mornings
Although Seo-yeon is an early riser, she is most definitely not a morning person. She's very grumpy during mornings and is very likely to snap at someone who tries to talk to her. Coffee is a necessity for her during mornings. Truthfully, she isn't a fan of waking up early, but her body refuses to sleep in. Seo-yeon wakes up at exactly 6 am regardless of what time she slept the night before.

Badgering father
Her father has been pestering her to go and marry someone asap. He's quite excited to have a grandchild. Meanwhile, the idea of having children makes Seo-yeon cringe. She isn't ready to settle down yet and quite honestly, she's not even certain if she'll ever want to settle down with someone. Having a family is the last thing on her mind.

Tiny details
○ Seoyeon was the name she used when she was in a kpop group.
• She was one of the group's vocals.​
○ Her zodiac sign is Virgo.
○ Her blood type is AB.
○ Lives alone in an apartment with her pet dog named Ghost.
• Ghost is a white Basenji she bought a year after she moved out.
• Seo-yeon moved out of her childhood home upon graduating from high school.​
○ She is lactose intolerant.
○ Has worked on two other Korean dramas before.
• One as a director, the other as an assistant director.​

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  • Love
Reactions: Nemopedia
character: Zedekiah Blackbourne | role play: Hogwarts 1975
notes: mobile friendly












Note to self: Overlay colour for the tags = character house

Zedekiah Blackbourne
Location Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Millie the Cat

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut dictum imperdiet accumsan. Nam ac augue urna. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse facilisis diam id mauris vehicula dapibus. Vestibulum efficitur turpis ante, vitae auctor risus tristique quis. Donec nec quam eu massa dictum placerat eu et lectus. Aenean non sem nisi. Cras neque mauris, cursus ut erat a, venenatis porttitor lorem. Pellentesque vehicula justo vel elit tincidunt, sit amet commodo nisi iaculis.

Vestibulum congue posuere neque. In varius augue at ligula efficitur iaculis. Proin venenatis gravida est, quis iaculis leo interdum fringilla. Mauris et mi vitae ex vulputate sagittis ut non lorem. Sed odio enim, accumsan nec suscipit sed, pulvinar a neque. Cras odio nunc, suscipit eget mi sit amet, maximus aliquet risus. Duis id ex sit amet purus venenatis fermentum sed vel mi.

Pellentesque mollis facilisis diam, quis volutpat urna eleifend ut. Sed volutpat, purus eget porttitor tincidunt, odio ante rhoncus elit, ac aliquam massa erat sit amet dolor. Quisque libero erat, volutpat sed aliquet ut, molestie ut mi. Aliquam bibendum augue non massa aliquet aliquet. Proin faucibus velit risus, vel rhoncus mauris interdum et. In nunc nisl, dapibus quis velit et, condimentum malesuada elit. Aenean tempus, eros ut maximus laoreet, orci urna tempus augue, eget porta nisl lorem nec diam. Aliquam ut purus luctus, porta felis a, egestas dui. Vivamus venenatis at nisi eget porttitor. Nunc ante nibh, varius id nibh et, facilisis viverra nisi. Suspendisse ultricies urna non aliquam fringilla.

Character list:
(Preparing ahead so I don't waste time figuring out the positioning)

Code: Millicent // Ravenclaw
[div=width:100%; background:url(https://i.pinimg.com/originals/cc/55/10/cc551044dbf699c65b0e27a7362e2c02.png) no-repeat center 41%; background-size:cover; margin-bottom:5px; box-sizing:border-box;][div=background:rgba(12,30,88,0.35); box-sizing:border-box; padding:5px;]Millie the Cat

Code: Melinda // Gryffindor
[div=width:100%; background:url(https://www.iwakuroleplay.com/characters/melinda-geralds.12269/full?d=1473450231) no-repeat center 40%; background-size:cover; margin-bottom:5px; box-sizing:border-box;][div=background:rgba(151,7,2,0.45); box-sizing:border-box; padding:5px;]Melinda Geralds

Code: Alistair // Slytherin
[div=width:100%; background:url(https://www.iwakuroleplay.com/characters/alistair-blackbourne.12263/full?d=1478368784) no-repeat center 20%; background-size:cover; /*margin-bottom:5px;*/ box-sizing:border-box;][div=background:rgba(8,61,15,0.35); box-sizing:border-box; padding:5px;]Alistair Blackbourne

Code: Persephone // Slytherin
[div=width:100%; background:url(https://i.pinimg.com/736x/78/7f/71/787f71e72f1cb024241b49eaabe862a2--pale-blonde-hair-eye-drawings.jpg) no-repeat center 28%; background-size:cover; margin-bottom:5px; box-sizing:border-box;][div=background:rgba(8,61,15,0.35); box-sizing:border-box; padding:5px;]Persephone Gaunt
(Dust Bunnies)[/div][/div]

Code: NPC
[div=width:100%; /*margin-bottom:5px;*/ box-sizing:border-box;][div=background:rgba(62,62,62,1); box-sizing:border-box; padding:5px;]Character Name (NPC)[/div][/div]
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  • Love
Reactions: Nemopedia
Today I played with stabs again.

The goal: Make the foundation for my thinggy even more mobile friendly, cause after using it on Nic's cs, I found out that the last cheat I did wasn't all that mobile friendly after all. Woops.

After toying around for a good hour or two (Not actually sure how long I was playing with it. I lost track of time again.) here is what I have made. This is 100% mobile friendly--as far as I can see rn. I haven't actually checked it out on a phone yet, but I'm pretty confident that it's mobile friendly.
edit: Just looked at it from my phone just now and confirmed that it is indeed mobile friendly

This is tab 1
{tab=2}Tab 2{/tab}
{tab=3}Tab 3{/tab}

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean nec arcu aliquet, lobortis purus bibendum, gravida sapien. Cras a felis dictum, sodales velit sed, bibendum nisl. Nunc massa lorem, laoreet vitae tincidunt vitae, luctus sit amet tellus. Aliquam eleifend diam eget turpis convallis tincidunt. Maecenas sagittis posuere lacus sit amet venenatis. Proin eros odio, scelerisque ut vehicula vitae, vehicula eu sem. Vestibulum elementum tristique felis vel sodales. Fusce viverra lacus tincidunt, faucibus ipsum vel, tincidunt dui. Maecenas euismod nisl odio, sed eleifend lectus auctor at. Quisque sit amet porttitor neque. Aliquam vel mauris non nunc dapibus luctus quis at augue. Donec est neque, semper at sapien eu, tincidunt accumsan dui. Duis eu viverra augue. Phasellus auctor placerat dolor ut bibendum.

Integer luctus sapien sit amet mi maximus hendrerit. Donec tristique purus ut turpis finibus, in gravida dolor eleifend. Sed sodales lorem eget augue facilisis, eget mollis quam maximus. Duis sed sapien ut purus auctor tincidunt. Fusce porta eros ex, ac congue risus tempor vel. Etiam velit sem, luctus et elit in, laoreet ultrices purus. Fusce interdum placerat dapibus. Aliquam erat volutpat. In in dolor nec diam faucibus scelerisque a nec turpis. Aenean fermentum semper tellus ullamcorper ornare. Integer dictum, risus et tempor vestibulum, augue arcu scelerisque urna, eget hendrerit leo nibh at diam. Fusce vitae consequat erat. Nullam egestas tortor id est dignissim aliquam. Curabitur dignissim vel ex a feugiat. Morbi condimentum efficitur nisl, eu iaculis mauris volutpat eget.
This is tab 2
{tab=1}Tab 1{/tab}
{tab=3}Tab 3{/tab}
This is tab 3
{tab=1}Tab 1{/tab}
{tab=2}Tab 2{/tab}

[div=max-width:700px !important; height:220px; overflow:hidden; /*color:#00df13;*/][div=top:15px; transform:scaley(-1); display:block;][stabs=bcenter|100%x320]
[div=transform:scaley(-1); width:100%; height:200px; overflow-y:auto;]This is tab 1
{tab=2}Tab 2{/tab}
{tab=3}Tab 3{/tab}
[div=transform:scaley(-1); width:100%; height:200px; overflow-y:auto;]This is tab 2
{tab=1}Tab 1{/tab}
{tab=3}Tab 3{/tab}
[div=transform:scaley(-1); width:100%; height:200px; overflow-y:auto;]This is tab 3
{tab=1}Tab 1{/tab}
{tab=2}Tab 2{/tab}

And now for my computation notes for the dimensions; more specifically, the heights cause that's the part that pretty much makes or breaks it.
(note: All units for this are in px; those in bold are the important ones / ones I use the most when coding this)

adv_pane_height = stabs_height - num_tabs * 30
//30 = default height of the tabs

content_div_height = adv_pane_height - 30
//30 = default top + default bottom margins of the adv_panes

stabs_height = (num_tabs * 30) + (content_div_height + 30)
stabs_height = content_div_height + (30 * (num_tabs + 1))

height = (stabs_height - num_tabs * 30) + 30
height = adv_pane_height + 30
height = content_div_height + 60
//for full adv_pane including the 15px top and bottom margins

top = 32px
//for full adv_pane including the 15px top and bottom margins

height = content_div_height + 20
top = 15px

//for adv_pane with 10px margin on all sides (at least, it appears like that)

tab_width = outermost_max-width - 14
//14 = right border + left border + right padding + left padding of the tab

Extra notes:
Same as before, stabs max height = 600px
Even if you try to define a larger value, it'll cut it off to 600px
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  • Love
Reactions: Nemopedia
Content WIP


Fjalla One; Special Elite; Oxygen;
{tab=1}general.{/tab} {tab=2}appearance.{/tab} {tab=3}personality.{/tab} {tab=4}biography.{/tab}
Leonid Orlov

Leon, Leo

19 years old


62% Russian, 35% Ukrainian, 3% Bulgarian


The Bad Boy
{tab=1}general.{/tab} {tab=2}appearance.{/tab} {tab=3}personality.{/tab} {tab=4}biography.{/tab}

147 lbs

Tall & slim

hair colour

eye colour
hair - Leon's hair is naturally black, but he dyes it to a platinum blonde out of preference. It's often styled to one side and looks rather messy, almost as if Leon doesn't even bother to comb it. He keeps it rather long and only ever goes to get a haircut once he finds the length to be annoying to deal with.

attire - There is a plethora of black and grey clothes in Leon's closet. He's not a fan of clothes with bright and bold colours. When wearing such clothes, he feels like he stands out too much. Being the centre of attention is something he would rather avoid--even though his troublemaker ways seem to say otherwise. He doesn't have a lot of printed shirts preferring a basic tee instead. Most of the time he can be seen wearing just a black shirt matched with a pair of black jeans. One thing that people will never see him without is a bracelet. Leon is fond of them and would often wear more than one on his left wrist. His favourites are the leather ones.

distinguishing features - Chiselled cheeks, cleft chin, pale skin, very messy platinum blonde hair

health ailments - Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Stage 3A. Leon is often short of breath and would occasionally cough out blood. Doctors are recommending a combination and radiation therapy to shrink the tumour, followed by surgery after to extract it.

{tab=1}general.{/tab} {tab=2}appearance.{/tab} {tab=3}personality.{/tab} {tab=4}biography.{/tab}
Content goes here 3

Personality [1 para minimum]



Likes [5+]
Dislikes [5+]

Thinks of a response to something someone said but forgets to say it out loud
Keeps earphones on despite not having music playing
Forgets to take earphones off when conversing with someone
Picks at his scabs whenever he has any
Borrows things from others without asking for their permission



Mental Ailments
Smoking addiction (note to self: check DSM pls); Substance abuse?


{tab=1}general.{/tab} {tab=2}appearance.{/tab} {tab=3}personality.{/tab} {tab=4}biography.{/tab}
Content goes here 4

Bio [1-2 para]

His father is part of a Russian mob? and wants for Leon to follow in his footsteps (idkkkk)

Yegor Orlov - Father
Anastasiya Sewick - Mother (deceased)

Uriah Pachis


Love interest The Artist

Waves - Dean Lewis
It comes and goes in waves.
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❄ Mobile friendly

IC 'banner' [spoili]




Libre Baskerville; Oxygen; Crimson Text;

Serial no. FR-121319
Name Lucas
Age 18 years old
Gender Male
Sexuality Asexual
Species Falco rusticolus (Gyrfalcon)

Height 5'4"
Weight 124 lbs
Body type Small and frail
Abnormal features Pure white hair, A pair of wings protruding from his back, Talons in place of nails

One of Lucas' most striking features is his hair. They're of a pure white. It isn't a personal preference of his, but rather, a side effect of the avian DNA that was injected upon him. His hair colour was originally black, quite the polar opposite from what they are now. Apart from that, his locks also appear to be very soft and feather-like. His eyes are of a blue-grey colour. Scientists find it curious how his eyes didn't morph into a darker shade like the gyrfalcon has. It was one of the things about him that didn't change. While Lucas' skin had always been on the lighter side, it had gone even paler after the experimentation. His skin seemed flawless as they were. His nails have morphed into sharp talons, much like those that birds of prey posses. Just like the avian DNA that was used in him, Lucas has a pair of wings protruding from the shoulder blades on his back. His wings are predominantly ivory white in colour with greyish markings on top while underneath is pure white, much like how a gyrfalcon's wings appear like. They have a wingspan of approximately 13 ft, which is quite impressive considering that he's rather small standing at a measly 5'4". His height was the other thing that wasn't affected by the gyrfalcon DNA. He's overheard the scientists say that they expected him to grow taller considering that gyrfalcons were rather large, but apparently the Asian genes that were in him were quite formidable.
Silent & Seclusive
Watching people without getting involved was enough for him. He believes that it is easier to just keep quiet. The less one talked, the less chances one had to make a mistake with their words. Human language was fickle after all. One person could say something and mean it to be one thing, the other person could hear it and interpret it to be another. It definitely showed that he was no social butterfly, but he didn't care.

At some point in his life, he has concluded that dealing with others was more trouble that it was worth. He learned to adopt the idea that less people in his life equated to less drama. As he grew older, he learned the concept of the word 'bullshit' and added it into his little equation. Now, less people equated to less drama and less bullshit he had to deal with.

Disciplined & Observant
Lucas has a firm set of morals that he abides by. He is civil to those who are civil to him. Likewise, if someone treats him poorly, he will likely treat them poorly as well. It sounds petty of him, but in his opinion it isn't. Lucas doesn't see any reason why people who treat others like crap be treated kindly. Although he isn't a religious person, the golden rule 'do unto others as you want done to you' is the basis for his philosophy.

There isn't much that escapes Lucas' eye. It also helps that his eyes are genetically sharper than that of a regular human's due to the gyrfalcon DNA he's been imbued with. From afar, he would watch others and learn little things about them such as mannerisms and whatnot. Lucas sees patterns in how people acted and even conversed. If the pattern was broken, he would most likely notice it.

Independent & Stubborn
Believing that there is no one else he could rely on other than himself, Lucas has learned to become independent. He hardly seeks for anyone's help and will always try to do things on his own. Part of him simply doesn't want to feel in debt to others for helping him out. The other part of him believes that there is no one who would willingly help him out. It always comes as a surprise to him when someone does offer to help him out with something.

Although there are those that would willingly help him, Lucas is a stubborn and would oftentimes refuse their help. He will keep on refusing help from others until he finally realises that he cannot do something by himself. However, by the time he realises that, it is usually too late. Either what he is trying to do is no longer something of importance, or the person offering to help had gotten fed off of him and gave up trying to help, usually it's the latter and usually the person trying to help gets pissed off.

Likes Winter, Snow, Solitude, Silence, Books
Dislikes Social interactions, Loud noises, Swimming, Filth, Heat
Born in the lab as one of the dozens of experimental hybrids, there wasn't much that Lucas could say about his life thusfar. The only thing that he knew about his heritage was that he was apparently of Asian descent--or at least, partially Asian. It was one of the things he's overheard the scientist who're assigned to him mutter while pondering over results of the tests they conducted. Not knowing anything but the confines of the facility, he never questioned the things they did to him. He was merely a test subject, but he didn't learn what that trully meant until later on in his life when he was older.

Lucas was the fifth successful bird of prey hybrid and the second under the genus falco. Although Lucas had now learned to accept the life he was now living, part of him still wanted out of it. However, he knew that it was too late for any of them to leave. While they looked and possessed human forms, none of them were fully human. He doubted that society would ever accept them as they are. Lucas wishes that he's wrong about this and hopes that one day they would get to escape the ties they have with Bio-Tech and be able to experience life amongst other human beings.

❄ He has quite the poor stamina and thus will only be able to fly a certain distance before becoming too tired to continue.
❄ Lucas isn't very strong either. His upper body strength is average at most.
❄ Although he has poor stamina, Lucas is very agile. Much like a gyrfalcon, he is able to fly at high speed and rapidly change direction.
❄ Has very sharp and clear vision.
❄ Highly resistant to cold weather but practically melts in the heat.
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Mobile friendly mobile phone :'D
Phone reference: iPhone 5s








content goes here

Code (Base phone):
[div=/*color:df1300;*/ margin:auto; max-width:350px !important; background:#0f1215; border-radius:35px; width:100%; height:680px; box-sizing:border-box; padding:15px; border:1px solid #c0c0c0; display:flex; flex-direction:column;][div=width:100%; display:flex; justify-content:center; flex-direction:column; align-items:center; height:60px; margin-bottom:10px;][div=background:#3232ff; opacity:0.7; border:4px solid #c0c0c0; border-radius:50%; height:3px; width:3px; margin-bottom:13px;][/div][div=background:#333333; width:58px; height:9px; border:1px solid #111417; box-shadow:inset -1px -1px 1px #7b7b7b; border-radius:50px; box-sizing:border-box;][/div][/div][div=width:100%; background:#f2f2f2; height:540px; box-sizing:border-box; padding:10px; color:#111417; overflow-y:auto; font-size:12px; font-family:arial;]content goes here
[/div][div=height:60px; margin-top:10px; display:flex; justify-content:center; align-items:center;][div=border-radius:50%; border:1px solid #333333; box-shadow:inset -1px -1px 1px #7b7b7b; background:#111417; width:50px; height:50px; box-sizing:border-box; display:flex; justify-content:center; align-items:center;][/div][/div][/div]
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Mobile friendly messenger app on phone
App references: Apple iMessage & Facebook Messenger (mostly iMessage)

tfw the battery fa doesn't work so I made my own battery out of divs
Chat bubbles don't have the little tail in them cause raisins. (I know how, but from a glance it doesn't seem possible cause inline css limitations. I'll probably try to find a way to cheat later on, but for now this is what I have).
I'll probably tweak some minor things in the future; most probably how the icons look.

Fun fact: The time displayed on the phone was the time I started doing this xD So I pretty much spent three hours doing this. rip.








Open Sans;


7:05 PM

Impure French Fry

that's cold of you Daviee
am i not worth the effort to type, now? :'(
When were you ever worth the effort?
And stop calling me that.
would you prefer that i call you 'impure french fry' instead? :D
both it is then~ :*
you still love me tho ;)
What is it?
You better not be wasting my time here, Ced.
nononono. i promise this is a good one :>
I'll be the judge of that.

it's great isn't it? ;D
i'm so gooooood~
bish was stunned speechless by how punny i am
... Remind me again how we're friends.
it all started way back grade school
Now you're just being annoying on purpose.
when have i never~ ;)
Message Impure French Fry ...

Code (Phone + Empty Messenger):
[div=display:none; /*load in fonts*/][font=Open Sans]Open Sans[/font];[/div][div=/*color:df1300;*/ margin:auto; max-width:350px !important; background:#0f1215; border-radius:35px; width:100%; height:680px; box-sizing:border-box; padding:15px; border:1px solid #c0c0c0; display:flex; flex-direction:column;][div=width:100%; display:flex; justify-content:center; flex-direction:column; align-items:center; height:60px; margin-bottom:10px;][div=background:#3232ff; opacity:0.7; border:4px solid #c0c0c0; border-radius:50%; height:3px; width:3px; margin-bottom:13px;][/div][div=background:#333333; width:58px; height:9px; border:1px solid #111417; box-shadow:inset -1px -1px 1px #7b7b7b; border-radius:50px; box-sizing:border-box;][/div][/div][div=width:100%; background:white; height:540px; box-sizing:border-box; /*padding:10px;*/ color:#111417; font-size:11px; font-family:Open Sans; display:flex; flex-direction:column;][div=border-bottom:1px solid #c0c0c0; background:#fdfdfd;][div=/*the tippitytop of the thinggy with the time and blah*/ display:flex; align-items:center; font-weight:600;]
[div=display:flex; padding:5px; flex:1; box-sizing:border-box; align-items:center; justify-content:flex-start;]
[div=font-size:6.5px; white-space:no-wrap;][fa=fa-circle][/fa] [fa=fa-circle][/fa] [fa=fa-circle][/fa] [fa=fa-circle-thin][/fa] [fa=fa-circle-thin][/fa][/div][div=padding:0 3px;]Void[/div][div=font-size:11px;][fa=fa-wifi][/fa][/div][/div]
[div=display:flex; padding:5px; flex:1; box-sizing:border-box; align-items:center; justify-content:center;]7:05 PM[/div]
[div=display:flex; padding:5px; flex:1; box-sizing:border-box; align-items:center; justify-content:flex-end;][div=padding:0 3px;]100%[/div][div=width:18px; height:8px; box-sizing:border-box; background:#111417; border-radius:10%; border:1px solid #f2f2f2; box-shadow:0 0 0 1px #111417;][/div][div=height:4px; width:2px; background:#111417; border-radius:10%;][/div][/div][/div][div=/*header thing*/ padding:0 10px 10px 10px; display:flex; justify-content:space-between; align-items:center; font-size:15px;][div=flex:1; display:flex; justify-content:flex-start; font-size:25px;][fa=fa-chevron-left][/fa][/div][div=flex:1; display:flex; justify-content:center; font-weight:500;][div=text-align:center; font-size:11px;][div=height:45px; width:45px; margin:auto; background:grey url(contact image; adjust positioning as necessary) no-repeat 40% top; background-size:180%; border-radius:50%; margin-bottom:3px;][/div]Contact Name[/div]
[/div][div=flex:1; display:flex; justify-content:flex-end; align-items:center;][div=height:25px; width:25px; display:flex; justify-content:center; align-items:center; box-sizing:border-box; border:1px solid #111417; border-radius:50%;][fa=fa-info][/fa][/div][/div][/div][/div][div=overflow-y:auto; flex:1; padding:5px;]Conversation goes here.
[/div][div=align-item:flex-end; padding:5px; display:flex; align-items:center;][div=padding:0 10px; color:#7b7b7b;][fa=fa-camera|fa-2x][/fa][/div][div=padding:0 5px; flex:1;][div=border:1px solid #c0c0c0; background:#fdfdfd; padding:5px; color:#c0c0c0; border-radius:15px; display:flex; justify-content:space-between; align-items:center; font-size:12px;][div=padding:0 10px;]Message <contact name> ...[/div][div=align-self:flex-end; padding:0; font-size:15px; background:#7b7b7b; border-radius:50%; height:20px; width:20px; display:flex; justify-content:center; align-items:center; color:white; text-align:center; flex-shrink:0;][fa=fa-microphone][/fa][/div][/div][/div][/div][/div][div=height:60px; margin-top:10px; display:flex; justify-content:center; align-items:center;][div=border-radius:50%; border:1px solid #333333; box-shadow:inset -1px -1px 1px #7b7b7b; background:#111417; width:50px; height:50px; box-sizing:border-box; display:flex; justify-content:center; align-items:center;][/div][/div][/div]

Code (Messenger Blue Bubble):
[div=/*from user*/ display:flex; justify-content:flex-end;][div=background:#0b93f6; margin:5px 5px 0 5px; padding:5px 15px; border-radius:15px; color:white; font-size:12px; max-width:55% !important; display:inline-block;]Message goes here.[/div][/div]

Code (Messenger Grey Bubble):
[div=/*from contact*/ display:flex; justify-content:flex-start;][div=background:#f2f2f2; margin:5px 5px 0 5px; padding:5px 15px; border-radius:15px; color:#111417; font-size:12px; max-width:55% !important; display:inline-block;]Message goes here.[/div][/div]
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09 / 07 / 17
Errything is a WIP. It's almost 5am. I need sleep. xD

10 / 07 / 17
Errything is still a WIP. Design progress: 70% ish ? ; Content progress: 30%
Is now 2 am. Leavin it here for today. /

12 / 07 / 17
Progress - Design: 80%; Content: 55%

13 / 07 / 17
Progress - Design: 100%; Content: 90% //only the bio is left to be done

15 / 07 /17
Progress - Design: 100%; Content: 100%





Open Sans;Arizonia;Yantramanav;Roboto;

{tab=2}biodata{/tab} ✦ {tab=3}mind{/tab} ✦ {tab=4}bag{/tab}

( basic info )
Aquila Desroisiers

Date of Birth
September 03
26 years old


French - American
McLean, VA

Former Occupations
Police Officer
Homicide Detective

Current Location
Sawgrass, CA

( description )
Hair Blonde
Eyes Blue
Height 5'7"
Weight 126 lbs
Aquila has naturally blonde straight hair and blue eyes. While she prefers keeping her long hair untied, these days she finds it much more convenient to have them in a ponytail and thus rarely lets them loose now. Her small face is trickled with light freckles, particularly across the bridge of her nose. It's something that is quite unnoticeable against her rather fair complexion, but is hard to miss when someone looks at her up close. Aquila is of average height, standing at about 5'7" and weighs approximately 126 lbs. Her body is on the slimmer side and doesn't posses much upper body strength, however it does allow her to sneak through small gaps and whatnot. She has excellent posture and often carries herself with poise.
(face claim: Amy Gee)

( biography )
Daughter of Christina and Robert Desroisiers, Aquila was born into wealth and had everything she could ever need and want. As the youngest child, Aquila was spoiled rotten by her parents. Everything she asked, they gave more. In their household there was only one thing they needed to remember: Obey. Their parents' word was law. For the majority of her life, Aquila never questioned her parents and merely followed what they say.

This all changed when her older sister Victoria suddenly left. Victoria was a huge part of her life. Aquila looked up to her sister dearly. They close but apparently not as close as she had thought for she never once mentioned that she'd contemplated about leaving. Valen seems to know more than she does.

The most surprising thing to her was how her parents were reacting to her sudden disappearance. They were more mad than they were concerned. Any time Aquila would ask them if they knew anything about Victoria's sudden leave, they would frown and proceed to go on a spiel about how selfish Victoria was and how their reputation was certainly going to take a hit because of this. She found it baffling that they would worry more about they would worry more about their reputation more so than their own daughter's well-being.

It was at that point that Aquila began to realise just how controlling and manipulative their parents were. Quite truthfully, it scared her. Aquila saw just why Victoria would want to leave in the first place, cause right then, so did she.

Leave was exactly what she did. Unlike Victoria however, Aquila asked her parents for permission. She knew they wouldn't really allow it, but she also knew that they were proud people. All she had to do was claim that she wanted to study at a good university that was far from home and they agreed without question. It wasn't a complete lie, Aquila really did intend to study in a university, she just didn't mention where she was going.

Aquila left her childhood home in Virginia and went all the way to California where she took an exam for Stanford University and got in. She majored in Political Science, going against what her parents wishes for her to study Business. However, her parents had no idea of her decision to take up Political Science. In fact, Aquila barely contacted her parents after she left home.

Shortly after accomplishing her degree, Aquila moved to Los Angeles where she joined the LAPD as a police officer and became a homicide detective a few years later. She hadn't heard from her family in a while but she didn't mind. Aquila was quite happy with where she was now. But then the virus broke out and everything she's achieved went down the drain almost in an instant. She worried about her siblings and could only hope that they were on their way, if not already there, to the so called safehaven.
( personality )
Secretive && Distrusting
Aquila is a guarded person. Trusting someone and lowering down her defenses is a feat that she finds difficult to accomplish, if not impossible. Just like how there are only a number of people she cares about, there is also a limited number of people she trusts and these are her siblings, Valen and Victoria (although trusting Valen came later on in her life).

She is also a very secretive person, but she wasn't always as such. Aquila used to be the type to tell everything that happened in her life to those she trusted or was comfortable with--i.e. Victoria. Her line of work changed this. She knew that revealing information to the wrong person could pose danger to her career, hence why she kept what she knows to herself. Although her former career is a thing of the past now thanks to the infection, Aquila still finds herself withholding certain information from her fellow survivors.

Calm && Independent
In the past, Aquila would simply ask a servant to do things for her. Living on her own has taught her things. Although her parents offered to give her one of two maids, she refused it. Aquila wanted to learn how to become an independent woman who could stand up for herself. However, now Aquila may have become too independent. She's turned into the type of person who will try to do everything on her own. Aquila would only ask for help when she deems it to be absolutely necessary and would most likely reject any help that is offered to her. The fact that she's also wary of others only makes it worse. She refuses the help believing that the other party would only do more harm than good.

Aquila isn't the type to panic over things. Aquila is a very level-headed person. She takes things in a calm and collected manner. There isn't much that would visibly rattle her. This doesn't mean that she's emotionless, but rather that she knows how to control her emotions. Relying on instincts and intuition was not something she favoured. Aquila liked to think of things in a logical manner, choosing to follow her brain rather than her heart. But again, she isn't emotionless; there are still those instances where her emotions would win over and she would act upon them instead.

Arrogant && Determined
When it comes to achieving her goals, she's rather determined. However, as determined as she is, she draws the line at using underhanded means to get what she wants. She would never trick or manipulate others to get what she wants. Instead, she likes to work hard to achieve what she wants. Aquila believes that achieving something through a one's own blood, sweat, and tears makes it more worth it in the end.

Unfortunately, Aquila's drive to accomplish things often leads to her asserting herself and ordering others around in a team scenario. In other words, she's a bossy person. This bossiness of hers stems from her arrogance. Aquila sees her opinions as a class above those of others. Can anyone blame her though? She has everything a girl could dream of: wealth, intelligence, and beauty; although in scenario they now live in, only one of those three truly matter.

( aspirations )
Ultimately, Aquila just wants everything to go back to normal; no more virus, no more zombies, just revert back to what things were before all the crazy happened. A cure is what she wishes for the most. She doesn't know if it's even still possible way to cure the infected, but she remains hopeful of the idea.

Aquila wishes to be reunited with both her siblings. Years have passed since she last saw Victoria--hell, she doesn't even know if she was alive before the virus. Nevertheless, Aquila is hopeful. She believes her sister is strong and continues to live. Valen on the other hand, worries her a bit more, but Aquila knew that her brother has his strengths. She just hopes that it's enough to let him survive the zombie apocalypse.

( regrets )
There were many regrets that Aquila had with regards to her older brother. For one, she regrets not making a better effort in becoming closer to him. She's always known that he wasn't a bad person, after all, he and Victoria were pretty close. Aquila used to see him as someone who was beneath her despite him being the older sibling. All she saw back then was the amount of achievements she's had in contrast to how much Valen had achieved.

She regrets leaving not offering for him to join her when she left home to live away from their parents. Aquila wasn't even sure what happened to him after she left. She regrets never calling to check up on how he was doing, or to simply catch up. When the virus broke out, all Aquila could think about were the well being of her siblings.

Ultimately, she knew it was her parents that were to blame to Victoria's sudden leave, but part of her blames herself for it. The fact that her sister didn't share anything about her wish to leave with her makes Aquila question just how good of a sister she really was. Maybe if she knew she could've done something to stop her from leaving, or at the very least join her so that she isn't alone. She feels like she's failed her sister.

( skills )
Trained Officer
As a former homicide detective and former police officer, Aquila was trained at the academy and learned certain skill. She's been taught basic hand to hand combat and was trained on how to shoot a gun. Aquila has also picked up knowledge of basic first aid.

Aquila learned how to swim back when she was in grade school. Swimming to her was a leisurely activity. When she was younger, it was one of the ways that she and her siblings bonded. Nowadays, she no longer sees it as a leisurely activity, but instead, as an increased chance of survival.

Morse Code
She's able to understand and relay information in Morse code. Aquila wasn't really sure why she decided to pick up Morse code. At the time, it seemed a good idea in her head.

Being half-French, her parents only saw it fitting for their children to learn to be fluent in French as well as English. As such, Aquila is not only able to converse in both languages, but she can also translate text and such from one language to the other.

( morality )
Neutral Good
Aquila believes that it is important to follow the law, but at the same time, there are some things that she does not agree with. She's willing to go against certain rules if it's for the greater good. Aquila entered the her career path wishing to have some form of ability to deliver justice. She fights for what is right. In her eyes, no crime should go unpunished, regardless of who the person is. While she does believe that people should pay for their crimes, she does not ever believe that killing someone is ever an answer. She has vowed to never kill unless necessary. Only in the act of self-defence or the defence of others will she kill.
( inventory )
Two water bottles
She's had one with her since the start of her journey, and the other she got from an abandoned convenient store on her way. Aquila refills them at every chance that she gets.

Three cans of food
Canned food may not be the best tasting thing, but food is food and Aquila was never one to complain. She took these three with her as an emergency supply for when there was no place near that food can be acquired from.

Aquila hasn't had the chance to charge her phone in two months now. It's mostly kept turned off to save the battery and is only ever used as a backup flashlight when the one she has with her fails.

Police badge
A stowaway item; Aquila hadn't even realised that she had it with her till she tried putting a something in her back pocket only to find out that it was already being occupied by her police badge. The item is practically useless now, but Aquila still keeps it with her out of sentimentality.

Aquila brought with her a spare shirt for her to change into when she felt too grimy, and her favourite navy blue pea coat. She's worn her pea coat for majority of the journey and is now slightly frayed around the edges. It keeps her warm during the cold nights and is one of the things that bring her comfort amidst everything.

( gear )
To help with her chances of survival, Aquila also brought with her the following items: a Swiss army knife, a lighter, a flashlight with two spare batteries, and some bandages.

( weapons )
Aquila has two pistols with her, one is a Glock 21SF the other a Sig Sauer P225. The Glock 21SF was issued to her as a police officer and is the one that she's most comfortable with using. With her as well are three boxes of .45 ACP ammo for the Glock 21SF and two boxes of 9mm Luger ammo for the P225.

( fight style )
She isn't a fan of fighting in melee range and prefers to keep her distance when fighting. Aquila knows that she only has a limited amount of ammo and thus would rather try and avoid getting into a fight in the first place. However, if a fight was inevitable, she'd use her pistols. She tries to use as minimal bullets as she possibly could when fighting. Aquila likes to let the enemy strike first and will dance around them trying to evade their attacks as she tries to figure out their patterns before counterattacking.

Just One Yesterday
Fall Out Boy

Fly Away
Lola Blanc


The World is Unraveling

Last edited:
  • Love
Reactions: Nemopedia and rissa




Han Seo-yeon (한서연)
Location: Somewhere
Interactions: Character Name (Tag)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse ac lorem tortor. "Vestibulum commodo ante ac erat mattis, at fringilla neque elementum." Quisque accumsan magna ornare, auctor augue quis, blandit odio. Aenean eu elit eu enim vehicula ultrices. Aenean aliquet nunc sed orci pharetra finibus. Mauris semper a ligula ut porttitor. Nunc sit amet ante urna. Mauris et augue magna. Quisque ullamcorper consectetur nisl. In et dignissim lectus. Morbi non mi magna. Donec pulvinar, diam non efficitur consequat, nunc lectus placerat metus, in accumsan libero lectus eu nulla. Donec vitae euismod leo, a scelerisque nibh. Nunc et mattis neque, sed tincidunt libero. Nunc tristique euismod turpis, at sagittis ipsum venenatis ac.

Praesent pellentesque, massa et blandit commodo, metus erat bibendum lorem, elementum sollicitudin diam turpis ut magna. Fusce ornare blandit aliquet. Suspendisse euismod pellentesque leo sit amet laoreet. Quisque pellentesque cursus ullamcorper. Duis fermentum est eget dui auctor sagittis. Fusce aliquet nulla semper nisl dignissim, nec rhoncus lectus rutrum. Morbi blandit magna at dapibus finibus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Duis blandit felis non finibus iaculis. Duis lacus massa, posuere ut arcu ut, sagittis pharetra nisl. Donec at commodo ipsum. Integer quis porttitor turpis. Sed mi sem, finibus nec neque quis, vehicula sagittis dolor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc facilisis, elit cursus feugiat lobortis, libero erat molestie leo, in efficitur libero tellus sit amet purus. Quisque sed neque scelerisque, pulvinar leo at, euismod purus. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce malesuada lacus tortor, id fermentum urna interdum a. Aliquam ultricies ornare nulla, at porta mi pharetra id. Curabitur interdum suscipit orci, sit amet porta justo tincidunt eget. Proin diam lectus, volutpat eget gravida vel, congue semper sapien. Cras lacinia semper luctus.

Donec in cursus erat, sed suscipit sem. In scelerisque nisl risus, et euismod purus iaculis ut. Vestibulum sit amet semper est, in pharetra felis. Nulla sem lacus, scelerisque vel blandit eu, commodo quis lorem. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Ut sit amet nulla quis magna efficitur mollis nec ut metus. Nam congue eu est a condimentum. Cras eu mi varius, volutpat ipsum vitae, hendrerit turpis. Integer et finibus nisi, sit amet consectetur nisl. Morbi ac mauris quam.

Donec scelerisque dui ut libero bibendum imperdiet. Sed consequat commodo lectus, faucibus vestibulum nunc placerat ac. Donec eu justo a nisl fringilla venenatis. Ut sit amet malesuada erat. Integer lectus ante, dignissim vitae suscipit a, cursus at quam. Donec at facilisis purus, vitae accumsan libero. Nulla eu pellentesque sem, quis hendrerit nulla.

the director

Han Seo-yeon

Location: Somewhere
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse ac lorem tortor. "Vestibulum commodo ante ac erat mattis, at fringilla neque elementum." Quisque accumsan magna ornare, auctor augue quis, blandit odio. Aenean eu elit eu enim vehicula ultrices. Aenean aliquet nunc sed orci pharetra finibus. Mauris semper a ligula ut porttitor. Nunc sit amet ante urna. Mauris et augue magna. Quisque ullamcorper consectetur nisl. In et dignissim lectus. Morbi non mi magna. Donec pulvinar, diam non efficitur consequat, nunc lectus placerat metus, in accumsan libero lectus eu nulla. Donec vitae euismod leo, a scelerisque nibh. Nunc et mattis neque, sed tincidunt libero. Nunc tristique euismod turpis, at sagittis ipsum venenatis ac.

Praesent pellentesque, massa et blandit commodo, metus erat bibendum lorem, elementum sollicitudin diam turpis ut magna. Fusce ornare blandit aliquet. Suspendisse euismod pellentesque leo sit amet laoreet. Quisque pellentesque cursus ullamcorper. Duis fermentum est eget dui auctor sagittis. Fusce aliquet nulla semper nisl dignissim, nec rhoncus lectus rutrum. Morbi blandit magna at dapibus finibus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Duis blandit felis non finibus iaculis. Duis lacus massa, posuere ut arcu ut, sagittis pharetra nisl. Donec at commodo ipsum. Integer quis porttitor turpis. Sed mi sem, finibus nec neque quis, vehicula sagittis dolor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc facilisis, elit cursus feugiat lobortis, libero erat molestie leo, in efficitur libero tellus sit amet purus. Quisque sed neque scelerisque, pulvinar leo at, euismod purus. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce malesuada lacus tortor, id fermentum urna interdum a. Aliquam ultricies ornare nulla, at porta mi pharetra id. Curabitur interdum suscipit orci, sit amet porta justo tincidunt eget. Proin diam lectus, volutpat eget gravida vel, congue semper sapien. Cras lacinia semper luctus.
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Time for a code break!
Just trying something out. Image taken from pinterest. Was too lazy to make a map I wanna use so I'm using this as an experiment.
Sad that font awesome doesn't work with the tab linking, but ohwells.




SEOUL {tab=1}X{/tab}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam a lectus non tellus sagittis accumsan. Quisque rutrum aliquam elit, id mollis mauris interdum ac. Vivamus faucibus nec lacus pretium volutpat. Morbi tempus eleifend eros, vehicula feugiat turpis aliquam ac. Etiam varius nunc at dui commodo, nec pulvinar ligula rhoncus. Aliquam ac molestie est, in euismod ligula. Ut dapibus et ipsum nec semper. Nulla ut gravida libero. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean id mi quis arcu consectetur efficitur vitae sodales odio.

Morbi mollis volutpat tempor. Sed vitae dapibus tellus, et consectetur nibh. Nunc tempus massa magna, quis dapibus eros maximus nec. In egestas, turpis sit amet pharetra tincidunt, quam diam volutpat elit, sit amet tincidunt mauris lorem a odio. Quisque ut massa in lectus facilisis rutrum. Aliquam sed nulla non ante malesuada sollicitudin. Sed bibendum nisl in nisi blandit dignissim. Nam vel posuere lectus.

Vestibulum auctor malesuada nisi ut blandit. Cras feugiat ultrices sodales. Nunc pulvinar id arcu non luctus. Fusce lacinia felis ut sapien varius, sit amet eleifend dui hendrerit. Etiam sodales sollicitudin velit vitae fermentum. Quisque accumsan commodo nisl. Ut cursus tincidunt neque, a aliquet ligula lacinia sed. Proin pellentesque turpis nunc, ut sodales lacus hendrerit sed. Phasellus quis lorem consectetur, lacinia metus nec, pulvinar arcu. Vestibulum ut porta neque. Nulla ac mauris elementum, ultrices quam at, eleifend mi. Pellentesque sed vehicula dolor, ac fermentum dui. Duis sit amet feugiat velit, at facilisis libero.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam a lectus non tellus sagittis accumsan. Quisque rutrum aliquam elit, id mollis mauris interdum ac. Vivamus faucibus nec lacus pretium volutpat. Morbi tempus eleifend eros, vehicula feugiat turpis aliquam ac. Etiam varius nunc at dui commodo, nec pulvinar ligula rhoncus. Aliquam ac molestie est, in euismod ligula. Ut dapibus et ipsum nec semper. Nulla ut gravida libero. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean id mi quis arcu consectetur efficitur vitae sodales odio.

Morbi mollis volutpat tempor. Sed vitae dapibus tellus, et consectetur nibh. Nunc tempus massa magna, quis dapibus eros maximus nec. In egestas, turpis sit amet pharetra tincidunt, quam diam volutpat elit, sit amet tincidunt mauris lorem a odio. Quisque ut massa in lectus facilisis rutrum. Aliquam sed nulla non ante malesuada sollicitudin. Sed bibendum nisl in nisi blandit dignissim. Nam vel posuere lectus.

Vestibulum auctor malesuada nisi ut blandit. Cras feugiat ultrices sodales. Nunc pulvinar id arcu non luctus. Fusce lacinia felis ut sapien varius, sit amet eleifend dui hendrerit. Etiam sodales sollicitudin velit vitae fermentum. Quisque accumsan commodo nisl. Ut cursus tincidunt neque, a aliquet ligula lacinia sed. Proin pellentesque turpis nunc, ut sodales lacus hendrerit sed. Phasellus quis lorem consectetur, lacinia metus nec, pulvinar arcu. Vestibulum ut porta neque. Nulla ac mauris elementum, ultrices quam at, eleifend mi. Pellentesque sed vehicula dolor, ac fermentum dui. Duis sit amet feugiat velit, at facilisis libero.
JEJU {tab=1}X{/tab}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam a lectus non tellus sagittis accumsan. Quisque rutrum aliquam elit, id mollis mauris interdum ac. Vivamus faucibus nec lacus pretium volutpat. Morbi tempus eleifend eros, vehicula feugiat turpis aliquam ac. Etiam varius nunc at dui commodo, nec pulvinar ligula rhoncus. Aliquam ac molestie est, in euismod ligula. Ut dapibus et ipsum nec semper. Nulla ut gravida libero. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean id mi quis arcu consectetur efficitur vitae sodales odio.

Morbi mollis volutpat tempor. Sed vitae dapibus tellus, et consectetur nibh. Nunc tempus massa magna, quis dapibus eros maximus nec. In egestas, turpis sit amet pharetra tincidunt, quam diam volutpat elit, sit amet tincidunt mauris lorem a odio. Quisque ut massa in lectus facilisis rutrum. Aliquam sed nulla non ante malesuada sollicitudin. Sed bibendum nisl in nisi blandit dignissim. Nam vel posuere lectus.

Vestibulum auctor malesuada nisi ut blandit. Cras feugiat ultrices sodales. Nunc pulvinar id arcu non luctus. Fusce lacinia felis ut sapien varius, sit amet eleifend dui hendrerit. Etiam sodales sollicitudin velit vitae fermentum. Quisque accumsan commodo nisl. Ut cursus tincidunt neque, a aliquet ligula lacinia sed. Proin pellentesque turpis nunc, ut sodales lacus hendrerit sed. Phasellus quis lorem consectetur, lacinia metus nec, pulvinar arcu. Vestibulum ut porta neque. Nulla ac mauris elementum, ultrices quam at, eleifend mi. Pellentesque sed vehicula dolor, ac fermentum dui. Duis sit amet feugiat velit, at facilisis libero.
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Open Sans;Arizonia;Yantramanav;Roboto;


Somewhere over the rainbow

Person (tag)
Person (tag)

Person (tag)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse ac lorem tortor. "Vestibulum commodo ante ac erat mattis, at fringilla neque elementum." Quisque accumsan magna ornare, auctor augue quis, blandit odio. Aenean eu elit eu enim vehicula ultrices. Aenean aliquet nunc sed orci pharetra finibus. Mauris semper a ligula ut porttitor. Nunc sit amet ante urna. Mauris et augue magna. Quisque ullamcorper consectetur nisl. In et dignissim lectus. Morbi non mi magna. Donec pulvinar, diam non efficitur consequat, nunc lectus placerat metus, in accumsan libero lectus eu nulla. Donec vitae euismod leo, a scelerisque nibh. Nunc et mattis neque, sed tincidunt libero. Nunc tristique euismod turpis, at sagittis ipsum venenatis ac.

Praesent pellentesque, massa et blandit commodo, metus erat bibendum lorem, elementum sollicitudin diam turpis ut magna. Fusce ornare blandit aliquet. Suspendisse euismod pellentesque leo sit amet laoreet. Quisque pellentesque cursus ullamcorper. Duis fermentum est eget dui auctor sagittis. Fusce aliquet nulla semper nisl dignissim, nec rhoncus lectus rutrum. Morbi blandit magna at dapibus finibus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Duis blandit felis non finibus iaculis. Duis lacus massa, posuere ut arcu ut, sagittis pharetra nisl. Donec at commodo ipsum. Integer quis porttitor turpis. Sed mi sem, finibus nec neque quis, vehicula sagittis dolor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc facilisis, elit cursus feugiat lobortis, libero erat molestie leo, in efficitur libero tellus sit amet purus. Quisque sed neque scelerisque, pulvinar leo at, euismod purus. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce malesuada lacus tortor, id fermentum urna interdum a. Aliquam ultricies ornare nulla, at porta mi pharetra id. Curabitur interdum suscipit orci, sit amet porta justo tincidunt eget. Proin diam lectus, volutpat eget gravida vel, congue semper sapien. Cras lacinia semper luctus.
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Caridad Castillo

Basic Information
Name Kassandra Caridad Castillo

Kass was named after two people, both of which had some form of meaning in her parent's lives. Her first name, Kassandra, came from one of her great grandmothers who was cut off from the family due to her difference in belief on the subject of blood purity. Great grandmother Kassandra was a source of inspiration for her father whose beliefs aligned with. He may not have met the woman, but he found a journal of hers when he was younger. Carlos had always been doubtful whether or not the family views were right. Reading his grandmother's journal gave him a voice from another perspective which helped him figure things out. This ultimately led him to meeting his wife and having a daughter.

Her second name, Caridad, on the other hand, came from her mother. Katrina Bautista was born and raised in the Central Visayas region. Growing up, she and her neighbour were very close. The two were practically sisters and had promised to name their first born daughters after each other. They parted ways when Katrina and her family moved to a different region after her father got a new job. Kat and her friend exchanged letters, but at some point they stopped. Despite this, Katrina never forgot about her dear friend and was very proud of her when she started acting. Needless to say, she didn't forget about her promise either and named Kass after her.

Kass - Shortened form of Kassandra. It's what most people call her.
Cari - Derived from her second name. Only her grandparents from her mom's side of the family called her this.
Candy - A nickname affectionately given to her by her uncle Anton. It comes from a mixture of Kassandra's love for sweets and her name.

Age 17 years old
Date of Birth September 16, 1958

Gender Female
Ethnicity Filipino (Tagalog)

Species Witch
Blood Status Half-blood

House and Year
Ravenclaw • Seventh year


Curious - Ever since she could remember, Kass has always asked a lot of questions and demanded a lot of answers. Back when she still lived with her birth parents, she would often ask them silly little questions that suddenly popped into her head such as 'Why am I brown?', 'What does this do?', 'Why is the sky blue?' She's always had a seemingly unquenchable thrist for knowledge. Kass simply loves to learn new things. She's always an eager beaver when it comes to new knowledge she can aquire.

Her curiosity was heightened when she was given a proper introduction to the wizarding world. Kassandra never stopped bothering her aunt and uncle with all sorts of questions about magic. She was never the garrulous type, but when it came to seeking answers, it was like she would never stop.

Competitive - Apart from books and sweets (and of course her family and friends) there's something else that Kass loves, and that is a good competition. Kass rarely backs down from any challenge presented to her, but only when it's about academics and whatnot. She loved a good puzzle and would pour hours and hours in trying to solve one that is presented to her. Physical challenges, on the other hand, were a whole different matter. Kass doesn't losingand will do everything she could to win, however, she draws the line at cheating. If there's anything that Kass absolutely hates, it's a cheater.

As competitive she may be, she isn't a sore loser. Kass is a very humble person, never boasting around what she has and most certainly never make a fuss about losing. She knows that there'll always be others better than her. Just as much as she hates a cheater, she also hates a sore loser. A loss will hurt her, but she will never badmouth or blame anyone apart from herself for her loss. Losing motivates her to work harder and hopefully do better the next time around.

Insecure - Kass was never a confident person. Even though she's proud to have been sorted into Ravenclaw, she's never really felt like she lived up to do the house proud. It is why she has a hard time making a decision on thing as well as why she's so competitive. Kass wants to at least be one of the best. She feels that if she does this, she'll have more confidence in herself.

Most of her insecurities stemmed from her childhood. For a long time, she's had trouble reconciling with the fact that she was a witch. Learning about it was amazing yet devastating for her. While she's now fully accepted the fact that it is who she is, Kass still can't help but feel somewhat self-conscious of being one due to her religion. She feels that it's a feeling that will never really go away unless she forgets about her religion, something she's considered doing in the past but has always decided against.

Responsible - Although she has a lot of insecurities, she never lets any of them get in the way of her responsibilities. Kass is someone who can be trusted to keep her word when she says she going to do something. She is definitely not the type who procrastinates on things. It's why she's been trusted to be a prefect.

As responsible as she is however, Kass cannot be trusted to completely strictly follow rules. While she would not ever cheat to get the upper hand on someone, she has found that sometimes, a little rule breaking may be necessary. True to her house, Kass does what she feels to be the smartest thing to do in a problematic situation, even if it meant bending a few rules.

On September 16 of the year 1958, Maria Katrina Castillo gave birth to a healthy baby girl named Kassandra. At this point Carlos "Caloy" Castillo, her father, had yet to tell his wife about his family heritage. Quite truthfully he wasn't sure if he should. Caloy had been scared of telling his wife in fear of how she would react. Kass' birth gave him joy, but at the same time it filled him with dread. As cruel as a thought it was, he hoped that his daughter ended up being a squib simply to avoid ever having to tell his wife the truth.

Growing up, Kass was mostly taken care of by her mother's side of the family. Before she was old enough for schooling, Kass' parents would drop her off her at grandparents' place before work and pick her up in the afternoon. When they weren't available to take care of her, Katrina's brother and his wife would do so instead.

A big turning point in her life came the year she turned seven. It was then that Kass' magic finally started to show. It started with things she needed appearing right beside her just when she needed them. Kass never really found it strange, she chalked it up as pure luck. One day, while Katrina was out in the market, Caloy caught sight of Kass' magic in action.

Kass had been studying in her room when she found that she needed to note something down. Her eyes were still on the book she read while her hand was looking around the area beside her, trying to find a pen or a pencil. Her father Caloy had decided to check up on her at this exact moment. There he saw a pencil, floating from the other side of the room towards where Kass sat. He knew what was happening in that moment, but it seemed to him that his daughter had no idea at all. Without thinking, he called her name, panic evident in his voice. Kass immediately turned around and when she did, she caught a glimpse of the floating object right before it fell to the ground. She was scared.

It was then that Caloy's fear had finally been realised. There was no hiding it any longer. He knew what he should do, he should tell her the truth; but that wasn't what happened. Instead of comforting her and explaining the truth to her, he got mad. Caloy raised his voice at his daughter for the first time. He forbade her from using her magic ever again, even though he knew that she barely had any control over it. The Castillo patriarch knew that things would change around the house if the truth were to ever come out. He didn't want things to change, not now, not ever. Caloy was a coward who continued to run away.

From that day on, Kass changed. She became more conscious and paranoid. The last thing she wanted to do was to upset her parents. Kass grew so scared that she eventually started locking herself up in her room just incase something happens. Her change in behaviour worried Katrina. Carlos on the other hand, felt immense guilt. He knew that he was responsible for how their daughter was acting.

Later during the year, both of Caloy's brothers decided to pay him a visit. It wasn't a social visit for them to catch up, but rather, something much more serious. They were there to inform him of their father's recent passing. It was how the two found out that they had a niece named Kassandra. The first question was the brothers threw at Caloy was whether or not Kass was a witch. The silence that met their question was enough of an answer for the two. Anton wanted to take Kass away, raise her properly. Katrina, who took offence at Anton's insinuation, demanded an explanation. It was then that Caloy accepted the fact that the truth could no longer be hidden and thus, he explained everything to his wife.

To say that Katrina reacted badly was an understatement. She started throwing things at the brothers, and even at her own daughter. Katrina couldn't deal with the truth. It was her belief that witches were evil. Before the woman could do damage to any of them, Renz acted quickly and stunned the muggle. Her reaction only further fuelled Anton's argument of having Kassandra under his care, yet Caloy continued to refuse.

Finally, a decision was made when the young girl in question was asked to speak up by Renz. It seemed that the middle brother had noticed that the young witch had something to say. Looking directly at his father, the girl made the decision for them. I want to leave. Four words that her father would never forget.

She was set to leave a week from that day, giving ample time for his father to make up something to explain Kass' leave to his wife. As her uncles left, Anton made sure to obliviate Katrina's memories of the incident before undoing the stunning spell done by his brother. She watched as he cast the spell and couldn't help but think how she could one day learn that as well.

The week went by quickly and before she knew it, Kass was picked up by her uncle Renz and was on her way to the house her father grew up in. She stayed there for years, learning about magic from her two uncles, but mostly from her uncle Anton as Renz had to return to Europe for his business. Renz still visited though and everytime he did, he gave her a new book to read.

It was when Kass turned ten that the topic of her schooling came about. Anton wanted for her to be home schooled, but Renz gave her the option of studying at a school. Schooled appealed to her more and thus, Kass moved yet again. This time it wasn't just to a different part of the country, it was to a different country entirely. She headed to England with her uncle Renz and attended Hogwarts the following year.

Carlos "Caloy" Castillo Father - Kass has a strained relationship with her father. The deterioration in their once loving relationship began the moment her father forbade her to use magic when she was younger. She resents him for making her think she wasn't normal--which she wasn't, but her father made her feel like that was a bad thing. Up till now, Kass isn't certain if she could ever forgive her father for what he did.

Maria Katrina Castillo (née Bautista)Mother - Her relationship with her mother is significantly better than that with her father, but it isn't spectacular either. Kass couldn't forget about how negatively her mother had reacted to the truth that she had to be obliviated. She isn't quite sure how to feel about her mother.

Lorenzo "Renz" CastilloUncle - He along with his brother Anton served as Kass' gateway to the wizarding world. She could only imagine how miserable her life would've been like if the two hadn't come when they did. Kass is eternally grateful to the two of them, but specially to her uncle Renz. He was the one who encouraged her to decide if she stays with her father or not, it was also him who opened the opportunity for her to move to another country and study in a wizarding school.

Antonio "Anton" CastilloUncle - The uncle who spoils her rotten. Kass finds it surprising how much her uncle Anton spoils her considering that she's a half-blood bearing their name. While her uncle Anton never explains why to her, her uncle Renz thinks that it's attributed to the fact that Anton's own son is a squib and that he's simply excited to have a child in the family who could do magic.

Eurasian Tree Sparrow - More commonly known in the Philippines as a type of Maya (bird) and is locally called "mayang simbahan." The Eurasian tree sparrow is a bird that is commonly found in urban areas of the Philippines. Kass never knew why, but she was also quite fond of the small creature, despite it being so common. Just like the animal it mimicked, Kass' patronus is also small in size. When she first managed to cast her patronus, Kass couldn't help but think that there was no other creature more fitting to be her patronus.

Scorpio - Scorpio, or Scorp, is a white faced scops owl given to her by her uncle Anton. Kass got him when uncle Anton came to the UK for a sudden visit during the Christmas break of her first year at Hogwarts. It was a last minute gift that he bought for Kass upon hearing her stories of how other students at Hogwarts had pets such as owls. While Kass never really hinted wanting one nor expressed any sadness of not having a pet of her own, her uncle still got her one. Anton simply loved spoiling his niece, much to Renz' dismay.

Core Griffin Feather
"Those who are true, skillful, stubborn, protective, strong-willed, logical, observant, perceptive and witty would have this wand core. Having such a wand core suggests that you have a strong will as well as a strong heart. You are clever and witty, as well as observant, able to observe and perceive things that others would otherwise overlook or would not comprehend or see the connection to. Having such a strong will makes this wand core one of the best to use in high impact and blunt force magic, such as Dueling Magic. But this wand core also works well with those who are skilled in DADA, Elemental Magic (particularly Air Spells and Fire Spells), Occlumency, Legilimency and magic that involves allot of strategy, mind over matter, thinking and planning. The owners of such wand cores tend to be skillful in all magic, including The Dark Arts. However, due to the stubborn, volatile nature of this wand core, few wizards and witches are able to control it by itself, which is why it is normally paired up with a softer, gentler wand core such as Unicorn Hair, which often tames the more volatile core. But for the few that can control this core by itself, it makes for a very powerful core indeed. But it should be noted that Griffin Feather cores by themselves do not work well with all types of wands, which is why only certain wand types will have Griffin Feather cores. This wand core is often seen among those of House Gryffindor and House Ravenclaw, but it will sometimes bond well with a few of House Slytherin from time to time. "

Wood Reed
"Reed is always delicate, and a difficult wand to work with. However, its wisdom and intelligence make it sought-after by some. It is almost solely a Ravenclaw wandwood."

Length 11 inches

Religion - Christian (Christianity). During the first seven years of her life, Kassandra was greatly bathed in the religion due to her birth mother being a very religious person. Kat was the one who taught Kass the bible, the Lord, and everything else she needed to know about Christianity. As taught by her mother, Kass read a passage in the bible everyday. She remembered to pray upon waking up, before having a meal, and before she goes to bed. Sunday mass was never a thing she missed; she and her family were always in attendance. In fact, the priest already knew them personally. This all changed when she moved out her house.

Neither of her uncles were as religious as Kass' family was. In fact, they didn't have a religion. With no one to influence her to continue such religious acts, as well as the fact that Kass began busying herself with learning about the wizarding world, she started to stop doing some of her former practices. She no longer read the bible on a daily basis, instead she reads the different wizarding and history books that her uncles had; she no longer prayed as often as she forgets to do so; and lastly, Kass no longer visited the church to attend mass during Sundays, nor on any day for that matter.

Despite not being able to actively practice these Christian activities that have been taught to her, Kass still stood by the Christian belief of God's existence.

Legilimency - Ever since Kassandra learned about how uncle Anton was a legilimens as well as what legilimency was, she wanted to learn the art as well. it didn't take much begging for Kass to convince her uncle to teach her legilimency. It was like the man had always intended to teach her. This occurred near the end of the summer of her third year as a Hogwarts student. However, since they were outside the school, Renz made Anton agree to only teach her how it was performed. He forbade Kass from practising it while she was home for the summer due to the underage magic law. Kass was forced to wait until she was back at Hogwarts to practice the spell. The spell gave her great difficulty, especially since she didn't want anyone to know and thus had to practice it in secret. By the end of her fourth year, Kass had managed to learn legilimency albeit she can't perform it non-verbally and requires the incantation.

Classes - Kass' grades have consistently been good for the past years. She is good in Charms and Potions, but Transfiguration is possibly her favourite class. Herbolody is her weakest subject, having great difficulty in it, though this is mainly because she finds it to be the least interesting of them all and thus, is not all that motivated to study it. When asked to pick an elective during their third year, Kass chose Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, and Muggle Studies, despite having lived a muggle life during her childhood. She thought it'd be interesting to have a different perspective on muggles. Amongst her electives, she found Arithmancy to be one she liked most.

Sweet Tooth - If there's anything this girl loves more than her books, it's sweets. After getting a taste of Honeydukes sweets during the train ride to Hogwarts back in her first year, Kass immediately got addicted to them and often wrote letters to her uncle Renz to ask for Honeyduke sweets. When they were finally allowed to visit Hogsmeade during her third year, the first place she went to was Honeydukes. Since then, trips to Hogsmeade would often be spent with Kass getting her candy rations from Honeydukes. Cauldron cakes were her favourite as the taste reminded her of the cupcakes her birth mother baked on occasion.

Early Bird - Kass is a morning person. She's most productive during the mornings and claims that it is when her mind is more active. She is the type of person who'd wake up at 6 am feeling refreshed and ready for the day.

Prefect - During her fifth year, Kassandra was chosen to be one of Ravenclaw's prefects. She accepted the badge, deeming it an honour to have been selected.
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Lucas Hsieh

19 years old
Young and Menace - Fall Out Boy

1 - personality




Lucas is a rather contradicting fellow. Most of the time is he the mischievous sort. Pulling pranks on others and annoying them is his thing. There are times however when he would openly choose to seclude himself from other people and just observe from the sidelines. The quietness and peace that comes with being alone is something he enjoys and appreciates, though he can't exactly understand why that is.

What is consistent however is his observation skills. There isn't much that escapes Lucas' eye. It also helps that his eyes are augmentations that allow him to see from a great distance. From afar, he would watch others and learn little things about them such as mannerisms and whatnot. Lucas sees patterns in how people acted and even conversed. If the pattern was broken, he would most likely notice it.

There was also his independence. Lucas believes that there is no one else he could rely on other than himself. He hardly seeks for anyone's help and will always try to do things on his own. Part of him simply doesn't want to feel in debt to others for helping him out. The other part of him believes that there is no one who would willingly help him out. It always comes as a surprise to him when someone does offer to help him out with something.

He can be a rather tactless person as well. Often would he say things in a very blunt and matter of factly manner. Ninety percent of the time he doesn't care if his words hurt others. The other ten percent is him not realising sooner that his words would be hurtful.

Although he may seem like the reckless sort due to his mischievous side, he actually isn't--far from it actually. Lucas doesn't charge head on into things. Fighting and confrontations are things he avoids when he can.

2 - biography




As far as Lucas can remember, his childhood was not very ideal. He was an orphan who grew up going back and forth between the orphanage and homes who didn't want him. Lucas too much of a troublemaker apparently. Despite knowing this, he didn't care to change himself. He figured that if a family really wanted him then they wouldn't give up on him so easily.

Who his birth parents were was always a mystery to him. He didn't have any memory of his birth parents. All he was ever told was that they died when he was around three years old. He was placed in the orphanage shortly after due to the lack of living relatives.

The cycle he thought would be his life till he was of age to live on his own came to an end when a couple claiming to be his aunt and uncle took him in to live with them in Salvation city. Admittedly, he found it sketchy at first, but after living with them for a few months, he stopped questioning it. The couple treated him well and didn't give up on him. For the first time in his life Lucas found himself happy and content.

Unfortunately, he just can't seem to get himself out of trouble. He was young and he was foolish. Wanting to earn a bit more money for himself, Lucas began smuggling drugs. At first it was great. He made a profit and even managed to save up money to get a pair of wing augmentations that he's been eyeing on for quite sometime.

As good as he was at what he was doing, he eventually got caught and was taken into custody. Needless to say, his adoptive parents were greatly disappointed in him. It was at that point that Lucas felt the lowest he ever in his life.

It was a week later he was taken in that BioTech reached out. They were offering him a chance at redeeming himself. Remembering the faces of the people he's disappointed, Lucas couldn't say no and thus started he became a part of Project:Firefly.

3 - appearance




* Hair - White

* Eyes - Blue
* Height - 5'4"

* Weight - 124 lbs

One of Lucas' most striking features is his hair. Lucas' hair appear to be very soft and feather-like. They're dyed pure white with some streaks of bright blue added in. His original hair colour was black, quite the polar opposite from what they are now. His eyes are of striking cobalt blue colour that is further accentuated by his pale hair.

Lucas is a rather small and slim person and often gets mistaken for a kid. While he found it to be quite annoying how he was shorter than most guys, he couldn't deny that his height also came with it's advantages. For one, it made it easier for him to hide and sneak around places.

His skin had always been quite pale. It's so pale that he would appear ghostly on certain lights--not that many could see it as often he is wearing a slim full body mech suit.

* Mech Suit - Lucas' mech suit features a built in mask which covers the lower half of his face. Although retractable, he keeps it up mostly out of preference. Inside the mask is a built in voice changer allowing Lucas to alter his voice to whatever and whenever he wants. While not as durable as the bulkier models, the suit he has is enough to ensure that he has at least some kind of protection. He specifically chose a slimmer model as it doesn't impede the natural advantages he has with being small as he is. At the back of the suit is what seems to be a hump. This is where his wing augmentation rest on his back. They open up whenever the augmentation is activated.

4 - augmentations.




Stealth is Lucas' speciality. While he has zero augmentations that allow him to attack or retaliate, he does have a number that allow him to be stealthy enough to avoid confrontations.

* Retinal - Allows him to zoom in on things thereby letting him see clearly from a distance. It comes specially handy whenever he's doing any form of recon. Apart from that, his retinal augments also grant him night vision.

* Wings - One of the more eccentric augmentations that Lucas has is a pair of wings. These wings have a cybernetic bird like appearance to them with their white feathers. Fully functional, it allows him to fly to get around places. When not in use, they fold up against his back and the feathers retract making them appear like a small backpack of sorts.

* Cloak - A skin augmentation. This allows Lucas to turn invisible to the naked eye at the cost of his energy. The longer he uses this augmentation, the more energy is drained from him. When using cloak, Lucas often limits himself to only thirty seconds of it.

* Silence - Feet augmentations that he got to go along with his cloak augmentation. This removes the sound of his footsteps thus allowing him to move silently. It is a passive augmentation that is always in effect.


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Coda; Share Tech; Iceland; Roboto;

Lucas Hsieh
> Codename: Falcon
> Location: Place
> With:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus vestibulum viverra metus. Praesent semper convallis nibh, at eleifend leo. Vestibulum tempus magna a nibh laoreet commodo. In sit amet mauris sem. Donec facilisis vitae sem ac venenatis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam commodo pharetra odio, eu ultrices erat suscipit et. Suspendisse sit amet enim eu sapien suscipit lobortis sit amet eget odio. Mauris ac ornare arcu, sit amet aliquet orci. Proin hendrerit consectetur viverra. Pellentesque hendrerit dignissim erat, ut dictum libero pellentesque eget. In malesuada accumsan nibh, vitae bibendum sem sodales in.

Aliquam vitae ligula neque. Nullam sit amet ex ac nisi facilisis facilisis id eget dolor. Pellentesque nec metus enim. In blandit massa nec finibus interdum. Morbi eros ante, finibus at nisl in, mattis tristique libero. Maecenas sed massa tincidunt, ultricies neque accumsan, laoreet erat. In nisl tellus, fringilla a viverra in, scelerisque vestibulum nulla. Praesent hendrerit dui nec imperdiet ultricies. Morbi sit amet nulla ullamcorper, tempor tortor a, tempor sapien. Donec et feugiat augue, sit amet volutpat eros. Curabitur a odio eget leo laoreet finibus id vel velit. Vivamus fringilla vitae orci a cursus. Fusce viverra nulla est, a finibus justo porttitor fermentum. Mauris suscipit massa nisi, nec pharetra mauris maximus et.

Coda; Share Tech; Iceland; Roboto;

Lucas Hsieh
> Codename: Falcon
> Location: Place
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus vestibulum viverra metus. Praesent semper convallis nibh, at eleifend leo. Vestibulum tempus magna a nibh laoreet commodo. In sit amet mauris sem. Donec facilisis vitae sem ac venenatis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam commodo pharetra odio, eu ultrices erat suscipit et. Suspendisse sit amet enim eu sapien suscipit lobortis sit amet eget odio. Mauris ac ornare arcu, sit amet aliquet orci. Proin hendrerit consectetur viverra. Pellentesque hendrerit dignissim erat, ut dictum libero pellentesque eget. In malesuada accumsan nibh, vitae bibendum sem sodales in.

Aliquam vitae ligula neque. Nullam sit amet ex ac nisi facilisis facilisis id eget dolor. Pellentesque nec metus enim. In blandit massa nec finibus interdum. Morbi eros ante, finibus at nisl in, mattis tristique libero. Maecenas sed massa tincidunt, ultricies neque accumsan, laoreet erat. In nisl tellus, fringilla a viverra in, scelerisque vestibulum nulla. Praesent hendrerit dui nec imperdiet ultricies. Morbi sit amet nulla ullamcorper, tempor tortor a, tempor sapien. Donec et feugiat augue, sit amet volutpat eros. Curabitur a odio eget leo laoreet finibus id vel velit. Vivamus fringilla vitae orci a cursus. Fusce viverra nulla est, a finibus justo porttitor fermentum. Mauris suscipit massa nisi, nec pharetra mauris maximus et.
> With:

Code: Interaction - Wayland / Watchdog
[div=margin:0 3px; /*Wayland*/ width:30px; height:30px; background:url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/16/e5/21/16e521058ce82f48d3cadbc389473877.jpg) no-repeat center 10%; background-size:500%; box-sizing:border-box; border:solid #479fb1; border-width:1px;][/div]

Code: Interaction - Fran / FrankenSing
[div=margin:0 3px; /*Fran*/ width:30px; height:30px; background:url(http://i.imgur.com/lmea07S.jpg) no-repeat center 30%; background-size:150%; box-sizing:border-box; border:solid #479fb1; border-width:1px;][/div]

Code: Interaction - Oscar / Anvil
[div=margin:0 3px; /*Oscar*/ width:30px; height:30px; background:url(https://pre00.deviantart.net/8332/th/pre/i/2017/167/4/8/commission__huscarl_by_futurefavorite-dbcwk3j.jpg) no-repeat center 15%; background-size:520%; box-sizing:border-box; border:solid #479fb1; border-width:1px;][/div]

Code: Interaction - River / Surgeon
[div=display:none; margin:0 3px; /*River*/ width:30px; height:30px; background:url(https://www.iwakuroleplay.com/attachments/e5c0f4be83a59b0aa676715b1a5d62d5-jpg.147834/) no-repeat center 65%; background-color:white; background-size:110%; box-sizing:border-box; border:solid #479fb1; border-width:1px;][/div]
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