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RalewayQuicksandOswaldRoboto; Merienda; Euphoria Script; Fjalla One;
Welcome to my Playground!

Hi there! This is where I abuse play with bbcodes for fun. I'm a weird person who uses coding on Iwaku as a stress reliever :'D

Please do not post on my thread (unless you have my permission to); you can always just create your own test thread. It's free. You wont get in trouble for having your own. Accidentally posting on my thread is fine, I won't chew you out for it or anything.

Please do credit me if you use my codes. I don't really mind if you use my codes without my permission (though it is preferable if you do ask first), just please credit me. Coding here may be a stress reliever for me, but I still do work hard on my codes and spend quite a bit of time on each of them. Even the simpler ones take at least an hour.

Not all my works are mobile friendly. Some of my older works aren't mobile friendly at all, but majority, if not all, of my recent works are mobile friendly. Someday I'll rework my older ones to make them readable on mobile. I usually put a note at the top of my post saying whether or not it's mobile friendly, but if there's none, it's probably mobile friendly and I was just too lazy to add it in.

2022 / 05 / 06 - HELLO! I AM ALIVE YES. A lot of my older works on this thread are broken as I haven't been around for several forum updates and obviously wasn't able to update them accordingly. I plan on slowly fixing some while completely redoing others. Layouts that aren't really broken may also receive a small tweak here and there, mostly to make them more responsive and appear less awkward on certain screen sizes.

//note to self: columns to be changed to accordions

Finished Works

Aureole Scriven - CS
Asher Fay - CSIC1IC2
Izabella Zielinski - CSIC
Gareth Himura - CS IC
Ren Griffin - CSIC
Fujimoto Nanami - CSIC
Nikandros Volkov - CS
Zedekiah Blackbourne - CSIC
Carina Fang - CS
Zoe Sinclair - CS
Han Seo-Hyeon - CS
Lucas - CS

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This is a resizable box.
Does not work on mobile tho. rip
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Gonna be coding on mobile in an effort to try and make a mobile friendly slider cheat.
rip me

Edit: this is as mobile friendly as I can get it

Slide 1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse ac lorem tortor. Vestibulum commodo ante ac erat mattis, at fringilla neque elementum. Quisque accumsan magna ornare, auctor augue quis, blandit odio. Aenean eu elit eu enim vehicula ultrices. Aenean aliquet nunc sed orci pharetra finibus. Mauris semper a ligula ut porttitor. Nunc sit amet ante urna. Mauris et augue magna. Quisque ullamcorper consectetur nisl. In et dignissim lectus. Morbi non mi magna. Donec pulvinar, diam non efficitur consequat, nunc lectus placerat metus, in accumsan libero lectus eu nulla. Donec vitae euismod leo, a scelerisque nibh. Nunc et mattis neque, sed tincidunt libero. Nunc tristique euismod turpis, at sagittis ipsum venenatis ac.
Slide 2

Slider notes: [spoili]
Example slider size set : 410 x 410

Slider size generated : 420 x 447 //includes buttons
padding : 5px 5px 32px 5px //needs to be removed
content : 410 x 410

Slide size : 314 x 414
margin : 0 48px //needs to be removed
border : 2px //needs to be removed
content : 310 x 410

Content slide : 296 x 390
padding : 15px //needs to be removed
margin : 7px //needs to be removed
content : 266 x 360

Slider width = <desired width> + 144px
Slider height = <desired height> + 50px

Now what?
We cut away the fats, that's what.

right / left : 5 + 50 + 22 = 77
top : 5 + 2 + 22 = 29
bottom : 32 + 2 + 22 = 56 //not needed if using height to cut off fat from bottom

margin: -29px 0 0 -77px;

Add negative margin to left side for mobile (same value as right margin).
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  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Nemopedia
Zedekiah Blackbourne

Name Zedekiah Blackbourne
Nickname(s) Zed

Age 17 years old
Date of Birth December 20, 1958
Gender Male

Species Wizard
Blood Status Pureblood

House & Year Gryffindor / 7th year

That Reckless Idiot
As much as Zed complains how the sorting hat made a mistake and that he should be with his brother in Slytherin, deep down he knows why the sorting hat placed him in Gryffindor: his courage. Zed is a brave person who likes to face things head on. This however doesn't mean that he is completely fearless. There are still things that scare him, such as the thought of a family member's death--or death in general. Unfortunately, Zed can be a little too brave. He's not exactly one to think things through and often just charges at something without an actual plan. Zed has the tendency to tango with death; thankfully he hasn't gotten himself killed ... yet. His reckless attitude makes him a regular of Madame Pomfrey's, much to the mediwitch's dismay.
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A Softie at Heart
Zed also has a soft side in him which could be seen mostly when he's interacting with his family and close friends. He loves both sides of his family, Blackbournes and Sinclairs; though he is definitely closer to his father's side of the family, rather than the latter. Most people may hate family gatherings but Zed enjoys them greatly. Being with his family gives him a warm feeling, it makes him happy. Zed refuses to hurt them in any way and would go to the ends of the earth for them--specially for his brother. He is a rather sentimental person who greatly values time spent with loved ones. Anyone who knows him can easily see this in the way he interacts with his childhood friends.
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Honest and Quite Naive
Although he isn't one to have his beliefs be easily shaken, he can be a rather naive person. It doesn't take much to convince Zed of some lie about something, especially if the delivery of which sounded so factual and convincing. Though he finds it harder to believe things that the impure say, words from purebloods are something he immediately latches on as truth. Zed doesn't trust everyone, his trust is something that has to be earned by half-bloods and the likes, but for purebloods it is something that he immediately gives. He believes in honesty and doesn't really suspect people to be lie to him--or at least, he doesn't suspect purebloods to lie to him. Zed doesn't see any reason to lie to people--except, of course, when he wants to cause mischief and prank someone. He likes to give his honest opinion on things, especially when it came to blood purity.
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Surprisingly Reliable
Strong will is another Gryffindor trait that he possesses. Once a task has been placed upon him, you can rest assured that he'd stop at nothing--maybe except potential and possible death--to accomplish said task. It makes him a rather reliable person, much to people's disbelief. His determination isn't something that people should underestimate. As reliable as he is, however, Zed isn't some lap dog who obeys every command handed out to him. He knows how to say no and doesn't accept every single favour that's thrown at him. Zed picks and does what he wishes to do.
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Mind Full of Mischief
Zed has a penchant for mischief. Pranks were nothing new to him. A certified troublemaker who loves to poke fun on the impure. He once turned bully back during his first year, accidentally crossing the threshold separating bully and prankster. However, he's realised since then that a bully is not what he wants to be and has gone back to simply being a fun loving prankster. His grandfather has warned him about conducting too much mischief as it may tarnish the proud family name somehow, but pranks were just his guilty pleasure. Zed tries to keep his grandfathers words in mind however and will think twice about what he's about to do... when he remembers to do so at least. Unfortunately, it almost always ends with him deciding to push through anyway.

Born into the Blackbourne pureblood family, Zedekiah "Zed" Blackbourne is the firstborn son of Natasha and Amos Blackbourne coming into the world merely minutes before his twin brother Alistair was born. Unlike most purebloods, Amo and Natasha were not pureblood supremacists. The couple were raised in supremacists households, yet despite this their way of thinking was different. Their marriage was an arranged one, but they ended up finding solace in one another upon finding out that they shared the same views when it came to blood purity. They wanted to raise their children with the same mentality, however, Perseus knew about beliefs and did what he could to prevent their parents from 'brainwashing' their children. In the end, both Amos and Natasha decided that having their children share the same beliefs as the rest of the pureblood community would be for the best, that it'll help keep them safe. Thus, the twins grew to adopt their grandfather's beliefs in blood purity.

Although Natasha and Amos have decided not to push their beliefs onto their children, they still openly show--at least at home, around them--what they truly believe in, with small hope that their children would understand their beliefs. Unfortunately, Perseus simply had a bigger influence on the twins. Du ing their childhood, Zed and Alistair often visited their grandfather. Every time the twins visited him, Perseus would teach them the importance of blood purity. The twins soaked up their grandfather's teachings like sponges.

Despite sharing a different belief from his parents, Zed still grew up to be a kid who loved them regardless. He may not agree with their beliefs and think that they are in the wrong, but they're still his parents and to him that is more important. Family mattered to Zed, even if he felt somewhat neglected from time to time. In Zed's eyes, both his parents and even his grandfather, loved Alistair more. They focused on him more. Zed grew up in his shadow. He didn't hate Ali though, he could never hate his twin. Zed never blamed him either. Instead, he did what he could--or at least, tried to--to garner praise from both his parents and grandfather, but mostly from Perseus. This continued to persist even as the twins entered Hogwarts.
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Entering Hogwarts was one of the things that Zed greatly looked forward to when he was younger. He'd dreamed of rooming with his brother, playing on the same quidditch team as his brother, and lots of other stuff; but that all came shattering down when the Sorting Hat yelled Gryffindor instead of Slytherin. For the longest time, he was in denial, claiming that he should've been placed into Slytherin.

Zed's first year in Hogwarts was... quite a mess. He's always been a prankster, always one to tease people, to make jokes; but during his first year he went from quite harmless prankster, to full on bully. During his first year, he had shared a room with a pureblood and a half-blood with a pureblood father and a muggle mother. Zed got along quite well with the pureblood boy he shared rooms with. Unfortunately, the half-blood wasn't as fortunate. It started with calling the poor kid names, then came the harmless pranks, which soon escalated to downright bullying. Zed wasn't aware that what he was doing was wrong. He thought it was right simply because his pureblood roomie told him it was right. It took the help of his twin brother and childhood friends to get Zed to understand that what he did was completely wrong.

The following year, the pureblood roommate that they had transfered to Durmstang. Zed didn't know why, and honestly he was happy he was gone. The half-blood on the other hand, was still there. As much as he hated doing so, Zed knew he had to apologise to the kid and so he did. They came into an agreement to stay out of each other's business and that's exactly what happened.
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During the summer of their 5th year, Zed started noticing that Ali's presence around the house was dwindling. He was barely at home anymore. However, despite beginning to notice it, Zed didn't refused to acknowledge it. It started years ago, but it wasn't until that year that Zed noticed.

When the summer of their sixth year came along, he could no longer ignore it; Ali declared that he would be living with their grandfather from now on. Part of Zed knew this was coming, but it still shocked him nonetheless. He told Ali to stay, but just as he expected, Ali refused. Instead, his twin invited him to join him in moving in with Perseus. Truthfully, Zed was more than tempted to take up his offer, but he refused. He thought about their parents and how they would be like if both their sons left them.

Czeslaw the Siamese Cat
As a cat lover, Zed only felt it'd be right if he had a cat--much to his brother's annoyance. It was one of the aspects wherein they had different opinions. While Ali disliked cats, Zed loves them. He always wanted one, but he never asked his parents nor granddad for a cat in fear that he wasn't responsible enough to take care of one. But then his parents just had to get him one as a gift. Zed couldn't refuse and decided to keep the pet. He named him Czeslaw, a name he always found to have a nice ring to. The boy is very fond of his pet and refused to leave it at home when his Hogwarts years started.

Czeslaw gets along very well with Jasper, the cat owned by Zed's childhood friend, Madison Van Reeden. The two cats are practically like best friends. Zed believes that when he's away, Czes runs off to play with Jasper, though it is something that he has yet to prove; not that it was a big deal anyway. Czes could do whatever he wished with his free time, in fact, Zed is happy that Czes can find company in the pets of others. It was originally one of his worries that Czes would feel lonely during the times when Zed is in class or somewhere else wherein he could not bring him along. Now, he can rest assured thatCzes would not feel lonely.

Perseus Blackbourne Granddad (Father's side)
Dearest, dearest grandfather Perseus. Zed endearingly calls him Percy, which his grandfather finds annoying and revolting. He loves the twins greatly and and they both love him as well. However, granddad always had a bias towards Alistair--he passed on a wand to Ali and gave Zed nothing but a piece of paper telling him where to get his wand made. Despite this, Zed never felt any form of resent towards the old man. He could never bring himself to hate a family member or grow spiteful of them. Perseus was the biggest influence in the twin's life being the one who taught them about blood purity. He passed onto them his supremacist attitude--much to the dismay of their parents. When Zed was sorted into Gryffindor instead of Slytherin, he noticed that granddad became stricter toward him and the bias towards Alistair became more evident. Nonetheless, Zed remained the same; no resent for the old man, just familial love and respect.
Alistair Blackbourne »
Alistair Blackbourne Twin Brother
Ali is one of the closest people that Zed has in his life. It was unfortunate that the two were separated by the sorting hat into separate classes. Regardless of this, the two still remain close--even if one was up in a tower and the other the dungeons; they make it work somehow. Needless to say Zed loves his brother unconditionally and quite honestly, he is greatly influenced by his brother's views. Zed would do anything for his brother, just as long as it doesn't clash with his own values. While Ali is a great influence to him (be it good or bad), Zed is still his own person and has his own opinion on certain matters. Underneath all the brotherly love he has for Ali, however, is a small seed of jealousy that Zed has constantly ignored for years. Zed has always seen himself as the inferior twin, mainly because of how their grandfather had always praised Ali and never him despite the achievements that he gets.
Melinda Geralds »
Melinda Geralds Childhood Friend
asdfghjkl; wip
Name »
Message me for relationships :>

"The seal patronus is one that shows a playful soul, that seeks excitement in all of it's ventures. These are not studious individuals, as they are too busy trying to feel as free as they can. They have the ability to light up a room, and they know it, and like to use it to the best of their ability. They are never ones to let their feelings get the best of them, because they are too wrapped up in everything else to care very much about what other people think of them. They would much rather be busy exploring life." (source)

As sappy as it may sound, Zed couldn't imagine life without Ali as his brother. Who would he count on to be there? Sure there were his family whom he knows will always be there for him--or at least, he was sure mum and dad would always be there for him; Zed wasn't quite confident that their granddad wouldn't disown him if he did something stupid. Zed fears being completely alone, without Czes, without granddad, without mum and dad, and most specially without Ali. His boggart manifests in the form of his family members, the people he cares most about, leaving him.

A wand made of only the finest materials (some even quite rare). This wand was passed down from his mother's family, the Sinclais. It used to belong to his mother's older sister, his aunt, Ophelia
Sinclair. Ophelia inherited the wand after their father's death (Zed and Ali's grandfather from the Sinclair side) but was never really able to use it and thus decided to give it to her little sister Natasha. Unfortunately, Natasha was had difficulties with using the wand and ultimately decided to stop using it and get herself a different one. With no one left to pass it onto, Natasha kept hold of it. When the twins were born, she hoped that at least one of them would be able to use the wand.

Initially, she saw Alistair as possibly being able to use the wand. But when Alistair received a wand from Perseus and was able to properly use it, Natasha decided to give the wand to Zed instead. She was afraid the wand wouldn't work in his hands but was pleasantly surprised when it did. While it saddened Zed that he only received the wand because his brother already received one from their grandfather, over time he has learned to appreciate the wand. He eventually found comfort in using the wand.
Core »

Wyvern Skin
( core )

"Those who are stubborn, proud, arrogant, short-tempered, strong-willed, fiery, mischievous, quick-witted, conniving and cunning will have this wand core. Having such a wand core suggests that you have a stubborn, volatile energy, unable to yield or to be controlled by most. However, once you have been put in your place (usually through a physical approach), you make for a powerful and loyal friend. In some cases, this core makes for a powerful and superior core to use in wand dueling when compared to other exotic type cores, due to its fiery and stubborn nature. You will defend your friends and family to the bitter end, even to the point where you are willing to sacrifice yourself for the greater good. This core works particularly well in The Dark Arts, but also works well in Potions, Transfiguration, Jinxes, Curses and Duelling Magic. It is a wand core predominantly found among those of House Slytherin, but can sometimes be found among some of those in House Gryffindor and House Ravenclaw."

Wood »

( wood )

"Wand-quality aspen wood is white and fine-grained, and highly prized by all wand-makers for its stylish resemblance to ivory and its usually outstanding charmwork. The proper owner of the aspen wand is often an accomplished duellist, or destined to be so, for the aspen wand is one of those particularly suited to martial magic. An infamous and secretive eighteenth-century duelling club, which called itself The Silver Spears, was reputed to admit only those who owned aspen wands. In my experience, aspen wand owners are generally strong-minded and determined, more likely than most to be attracted by quests and new orders; this is a wand for revolutionaries."

Length & Flexibility »

( flexibility )

10 2​/3​ Inches
( Length )

"A wand with this flexibility may not be too loyal to its owner and may switch loyalties at a moment's notice. It is particularly good at charms. Owners that are matched with wands of this flexibility may be very sociable and fun-loving with a penchant for some mischief-making."

Being Alistair's identical twin, Zed looks a lot like his brother. He shares the same characteristic raven black hair and piercing silver eyes as his brother. Despite being twins, it was fairly easy to tell them apart. While Ali kept his hair long and elegant, Zed kept his hair trimmed to a certain length. They didn't always have different hair styles, however. The twins used to have their hairs the same, which Zed absolutely loved. He found it amusing when people mistook him for his brother and vice versa. Unfortunately, his brother didn't feel the same and wanted to differentiate himself from his brother. When Ali started to grow out his hair, Zed started to as well but was stopped by his brother. After a discussion with Ali, it was decided that Zed keeps his hair shorter than his brother's. Zed normally kept his hair to a length just long enough to cover his ears. However, recently, he's neglected getting his hair trimmed and has let it grow a bit longer than normal.

Zed stands at approximately the same height as his twin brother who is a 5'10". He isn't very muscular, but he also isn't lanky either; Zed was just average, but leaning a bit more towards the lean side due to being an active person in general. His mischievous side keeps him active either by having him run away to escape trouble, or having him carry heavy things for an elaborate prank. Due to being quite sensitive to the cold weather, Zed would often be seen with a scarf around his neck sporting his house colours of red and gold.
Image »

Blood Purity
Thanks to granddad, blood purity has become a very big deal for Zed. Much like his brother and grandfather, Zed believes that being pure-blooded is the best and anything else is nothing but garbage; some garbage worse than others (i.e. half-breeds). Zed refuses to associate himself with anything and anyone who isn't a pure-blood. Unfortunately, not everyone includes their blood status in their introductions. While Zed usually asks almost immediately, there are those people whom he doesn't know what to think of simply because he isn't aware of what their blood status is. Zed isn't really good at telling whether or not someone is a pure-blood unless otherwise stated; he's confused muggle-borns for pure-bloods before. His rule: if they have a regal (or arrogant and snobby) air around them, they're probably a pure-blood.
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He may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but Zed still manages to perform quite decently regards to his studies. Amongst his subjects, he excels in Charms and DADA, even managing to snag perfect scores during exams. History of Magic is his worst subject. He found it to be boring and unnecessary. Transfiguration is another subject he still has difficulty in, despite being good with spells.
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Flying & Quidditch
Zed excels in flying; it was his best class back in their first year. Although he hated how much colder it was up, he loved the feeling of having his feet off the ground. Unfortunately, the proceeding years didn't have any flying classes, but that didn't stop him from mounting a broom. During the summer vacations when they were at home, Zed and his brother would take their brooms--which were gifts from their granddad--and play quidditch with their father.

During his second year, he tried out for the Gryffindor quidditch team, and he managed to get in, but unfortunately he didn't last long and was removed due to insubordination. The captain was some half-blood and Zed being himself, often argued with the captain which one day led to him getting kicked out. Despite this, he still watched every match Gryffindor had. He hoped to one day get back in the team. If that did ever happen he swore to try and be more cooperative with the half-bloods and muggleborns.

Come sixth year, when he found out that the captain was then none other than a fellow pure-blood and childhood friend, Zed saw it as an opportunity to rejoin the team. He immediately grabbed the chance and became Gryffindor keeper. Truthfully, all he had been waiting was for the captain of the team to change. Zed knew that the former captain would hold a grudge against him and make his life a living hell. As much as Zed loved quidditch, he didn't want to fall into an underdog position, especially with the alpha being someone so impure.

Now in his seventh year, Zed continues with his position as keeper.
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Ever since he was young, Zed had always been intrigued by the concept of duelling. He found it interesting. When he learned that Hogwarts had a duelling club, Zed immediately jumped at the opportunity and signed himself up for it. It was one of the few things that Zed greatly excelled at. He believes that duelling was the one thing that he was better at than his brother. Though that belief of his was squashed when Ali became the duelling club captain for Slytherin during their sixth year. Meanwhile, during then, Zed was still only a mere member.

While Zed is normally a mischievous and reckless person, when it comes to duelling it's a whole different story. Instead of playing offensively, Zed mostly plays defensively. His style is to tire out his opponent by deflecting their shots and occasionally reflecting some of them back. All he needed was patience and stamina. His style hasn't always been as such. Zed used to play rather aggressively and lived up to his reckless side. He never used any defensive shield spells before. His style only changed after the realisation that offence was just not enough, and that realisation came in the form of a bitter defeat at the hands of a muggleborn of all people. Since that defeat, Zed had made it a point to learn when to use defence spells to prevent himself from taking so much damage. It was then that he slowly formulated his current defensive style. Zed gradually transitioned to offensive play, to a balance between the two, and now to defensive play. Needless to say, Zed spent a lot of his spare time practising his spells and still continues to do so.

He worked hard, and he was rewarded. He's now the captain for the Gryffindor duelling club, which is something he prided himself in.
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Former Gryffindor Prefect
What in Merlin's name where they thinking when they made him prefect during their sixth year, Zed will never know. It certainly came as a shock to him, to his parents, to his brother, and most especially to his grandfather. He's always been aware how he wasn't granddad Percy's favourite grandchild, but when the old man sent Zed a gift to congratulate him, the Gryffindor couldn't help but feel an extreme happiness. For once, the old man had noticed him. This made Zed determined to be a good prefect and even made him want to aim for Head Boy. Needless to say, Zed took his prefect duties rather seriously. Unfortunately, he didn't get to become Head Boy, a rather disappointing outcome for his grandfather; the fact that Ali became head boy for Slytherin just made it worse. While he is happy for his brother, he can't help but feel somewhat jealous, after all, Ali wasn't even a prefect before.

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  • Nice Execution!
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Jays and Nemopedia


Citizen File

Bulletin Board

Master Game





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Angelo Lovelace
aka Gelo ♦ Male ♦ 15 years old ♦ Wizard ♦ Half-blood ♦ Hufflepuff 5th year​

[ Personality ]
Selfless - Angelo is a kind and selfless soul. He is the type to put off his own needs to help someone else. If someone is injured, he is most likely to be one of the first to help out. Friend or foe, it doesn't matter to him; if he can help someone then he will. Angelo is selfless to a fault. He would probably even die for someone if needed--no joke. It isn't uncommon for others to try and abuse his kindness.

Honest - He cannot tell a lie. Angelo values the truth too much to ever lie to anyone and he trusts people to do the same. The only instance that he would ever (probably) tell a lie is when he is faced with a life or death situation.

Hardworking - No matter what the task is, once it is handed to him, it is for certain that he will give it his all. There is no exception. Even if the task is quite menial he will still put a great deal of effort into it. It isn't because he's a perfectionist; in fact, Angelo doesn't strive for perfection. All he wants is to ensure that he wont regret not putting effort into anything that he does.

Gullible - While Angelo isn't exactly an idiot per se, he can be pretty gullible at times. It's not hard to get convince him of something. He takes almost anything that anyone says to him as the truth, specially if it someone whom he considers to be a friend. Angelo simply believes too much in the goodness of others.

Clumsy - Never entrust him with anything fragile for long, he will more than likely drop or break it one way or another. Angelo is quite clumsy and would often bump into things--which would explain how he breaks things so often. There would even be times when Angelo would suddenly trip on her own while walking.

Cowardly - Angelo is a bit of a scaredy cat. Even the slightest of things, such as a shadow of a rat, is enough to freak him out. He is afraid of many things, but among all them, confrontation sits at the very top of the list.

[ Biography ]
The son of a witch who fell in love with a muggle. His mother died during childbirth, never getting the chance to teach her child about the wizarding world. Luckily for Angelo, his father had known that his wife was a witch. It was no secret from him what his heritage was.

Unfortunately, there wans't much he could do with the knowledge of him being a wizard, no without someone being there to teach him more about the wizarding world. The most he had were his mother's old books, most of which he couldn't understand. Angelo had long ago given up trying to understand his mother's books on spells and potions. He did, however, find himself engaged by the books on wizarding world history and magical creatures. They were like fairytales to his young mind.

Angelo lived as a muggle up till the point he received his acceptance letter from Hogwarts. The letter had been a huge turning point in his life. It was his gateway to the wizarding world. Finally, there was a chance for him to see and learn what the wizarding world was really like.

[ Miscellaneous ]
  • He excels at Herbology and is horrible at Charms.
  • Care of Magical Creatures is his favourite class.
  • Apart from Care of Magical Creatures, he also took Divination as an elective.

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  • Love
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noise bg: CSS Background Noise (Example)
note to self: add link to resource list

Playfair Display SC;Rufina;

Gearalt Coghlan
Main base: The Sky
Role: Council Member

Character Pitch

Hailing from one of Golden City's founding families, he lived a comfortable life in the Sky. From a young age, Gearalt knew the weight of the name he carried. There were standards he was expected to meet, although admittedly, majority of these standards were of his own setting. Even when he was a mere boy, Gearalt was a perfectionist. He was incredibly proud of their family name and wanted to do right by it. Most of all however, he wanted to make his father proud of him. The boy had always looked up to his old man and dreamed of one day holding a seat in the council just like him.

At the age of 25, he got what he wished for and took his father's seat in the council upon his death. His new position was one that he valued greatly. Losing it was the last thing he wanted to happen. In his mind, he was convinced that he would bring his father, the man who he looked up to the most, great shame if he lost the position that was passed to him. Gearalt would do anything to make sure he remains in the council, even if it meant going along with things of questionable morality.

His younger sister, Bridget, was the only family he had left. Unfortunately, the two of them didn't have the best relationship. His sister hated how protective he was, while he hated how she was so reckless. Bickering between the two was not uncommon in their household. It was only their father, a man they both respected, who could ever really stop them from arguing. With no one there to keep the peace between them after his death, the relationship between the two quickly grew incredibly sour. It didn't help that Gearalt practically locked her away, forbidding her to go out post-death of their father. So, she left.

Gearalt was livid when he found out. His plan was to find her and forcibly bring her back home. A talk with his father's closest friend had him changing his plans. The old mechanic had suggested he keep an eye of her instead, least he wants their relationship to be irrevocably destroyed. Thus, he hired an inquisitor to keep watch of her.

A full year later, Gearalt continues on with life as a council member. His relationship with his sister remains strained, neither of them reaching out to the other. All he knows is that she is well and alive.



Gearalt was an average looking man of average height with soft brown hair and deep-set eyes. He is often mistaken to be years younger than he is, much to his annoyance. His sister used to tease him about his long lashes and soft jawline, often stating that he would make a pretty convincing girl if he wore a wig and some rouge on his lips.

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Design inspo: Amaha Tsubasa - Starry☆Sky~ - Wallpaper #976963 - Zerochan Anime Image Board
Mobile friendly

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec volutpat lacus id velit facilisis, fringilla blandit risus tempus. Sed eu efficitur justo. Nullam efficitur diam vitae quam vehicula, in iaculis ex aliquam. Fusce sagittis lorem sed velit congue, iaculis vestibulum lectus laoreet. Curabitur dolor eros, bibendum non condimentum nec, efficitur et neque. Proin elit purus, lobortis non euismod non, suscipit a est. Curabitur a massa consequat, posuere mi et, suscipit arcu. Fusce molestie viverra pharetra. In eu ligula est. Maecenas in tempor ex. Nullam in lacus ac sapien tincidunt pretium nec non neque. Duis in orci sit amet dui suscipit tempor eget vel ipsum.

Morbi eget viverra dui. Sed in nunc quis ante bibendum pharetra. Praesent accumsan nunc et tincidunt placerat. Pellentesque facilisis libero quis lacus facilisis feugiat. In venenatis sodales convallis. Sed finibus rhoncus purus, non malesuada ipsum tristique eget. Donec purus magna, venenatis sed nibh eu, dapibus ornare mauris. Duis vestibulum ultricies iaculis. Integer pretium sed magna a dapibus. Nulla arcu enim, consequat vel ex at, suscipit pharetra ligula. Nullam non pulvinar velit, eget varius lectus. Vivamus nec orci porta, finibus nisl nec, luctus urna. Sed pretium dapibus orci id dictum. Maecenas mollis a purus vel tempor. Proin consequat ornare turpis, quis semper massa varius non.

Vestibulum nec enim eget nunc sollicitudin efficitur finibus et sapien. Integer convallis mauris eget dolor tempus, eget tristique ante convallis. Nullam semper fringilla nisi interdum ultrices. Sed metus enim, lobortis sed rutrum lobortis, tristique ac urna. Vestibulum sollicitudin facilisis ex vel blandit. Nunc dictum nulla eu magna congue maximus. Vivamus nisl metus, luctus in justo nec, blandit ultricies sapien. Curabitur ullamcorper mattis felis, in viverra ipsum pulvinar vitae. Quisque tellus neque, tempus ac lorem pellentesque, malesuada ornare nisl. Duis eu lobortis mi. Suspendisse potenti. In ac dapibus tortor. Aliquam euismod, lacus quis consequat convallis, leo urna dictum elit, et fermentum justo libero et sapien.

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Content to be rewritten

suave: Ash is a handsome guy, there's no doubt about that. Girls swarm over to him and flirt with him on a daily basis. It was like he was some kind of celebrity--not that he complains; Ash doesn't particularly mind the attention that he receives. He's a smooth talker; his words can make any regular girl swoon and turn into putty in his hands.

non-committal: Unfortunately for the ladies, getting Ash wrapped around one's little finger is an arduous task. He isn't one to easily enter into a relationship with someone. The jealous portion of the male populace along with his other haters claim that he doesn't wish to enter into a relationship with someone, simply because he enjoys playing around with girls--but that is hardly the case. Ash is simply still hung-over his last relationship and hasn't moved on; he still has lingering feelings for his ex-girlfriend and has no interest in entering a relationship with anyone else.

flirtatious: Ever since the break up, Ash has been... different. Well, their relationship changed him as well, but after that he was a mile away who he was in the past. Before, he could hardly gather up enough courage in him to talk to a girl, now he flirts with just about every person of the opposite gender which he deems to be fairly good looking!

loyal: Back when he was still officially in a relationship, Ash barely paid any attention to the advances from other women. He would simply let them down and never flirt back. It's only now that he's single once more that he's begun flirting. But even still, he may flirt with just about every female within decent age, but he never goes beyond that. He isn't one to enter a purely physical relationship. Even kissing is a taboo to him unless it was with the girl he still had feelings for. Ash remains loyal to the one who still holds his heart--even if the said person has already let him go.

impatient: Ash is definitely not known for his patience. He doesn't like to be kept waiting. The mere action of waiting makes him feel agitated for some reason. Needless to say, Ash hates having to queue in line for anything.

open-minded: He doesn't discriminate others based on what they believe in. Ash knows that not everyone has the same opinions and views on things, and he respects that. He isn't the type of person to shove his ideals onto someone else and force them to believe the same as he does. He's also open to new experiences and ideas. Ash doesn't consider himself to be an adventurous person; he doesn't seek new experiences, he simply says yes when the opportunity knocks on his door--though, naturally, if it goes against his moral code then he refuses... at least until someone manages to persuade him.

normal: Asher grew up in an extremely normal family--really, no abuse, no extreme pressure, nothing major at all. His parents would urge him to do good in school, but not to the point where he had to be perfect. His mother and father were both working, but they made it a point to be there for Asher when he needs support and spend time with him. Ash's parents were rather lenient--lenient, but not crazy and stupid. They were still employed by reason, his mother specially. Partying, drinking, and pretty much whatever he wanted to do (except drugs), was alright with them--just as long as he does these things responsibly. Meaning, no excess drinking, no excess partying, etc. Though really, his parents didn't have anything to worry about regarding him back then. Ash didn't drink a lot, a can or beer at most; he didn't smoke, he found it disgusting; and most importantly, he never did drugs. This all changed when he met Heather.

heather clarke: Heather was like a hurricane that came through his life--a hurricane that captured his heart. When she moved in their neighbourhood and transferred into their school, Ash was immediately infatuated with her. He crushed on her hard. Back then, Ash was still a shy lad. He looked vastly different from how he does now. Younger Asher was handsome, that much didn't change, but his handsome features were buried underneath his plain and truthfully awful style. Which was why it came as a great surprise when he found Heather approaching him one day. She claims that he caught her eye which baffled younger Asher. Long story short, they became an item and Heather transformed him. She changed him, inside and out. Gone was the shy boy and emerged from his ashes was this suave lad. Asher loved it. He loved Heather.

the bad: Blinded by his feelings for her, Asher didn't see that Heather was also a bad influence on him. Heather taught him how to smoke cigarettes, Asher found that he didn't like it, but he did so anyway just to please her; took him to parties practically every evening; encouraged him to shoplift with her; and lastly, she taught him how to do drugs... though the most he did was a browniepot. Drugs were the reason why they broke up. She was pushing him smoke some weed, but Asher refused. It was like he saw the light and saw how much of a bad influence Heather had been in his life. He was awakened from the daydream with a slap. Asher broke up with her. Heather was like drug. She made him high (literally), but was very bad for him.

aftermath: That was the last Asher saw of Heather. Two days after they broke up, Ash found out that Heather moved out. He didn't know the reason why, all he thought was 'good riddance.' Yet, despite knowing how much of a bad influence Heather was, Asher still found himself missing her. Heather may have been bad but he had still undeniably developed feelings for her. He found himself unable to let go. Ash thought that maybe distracting himself with a new girl would help him move on, thus, his flirtatious persona came to bloom. Alas, it didn't work. Asher found himself unable to commit to another girl and another relationship. He missed Heather. When he found that the buddies he met thanks to that stupid chair at school were planning to go on a road trip to where Heather lived, Asher found himself agreeing to go as well. For Heather.

father: Jonathan Fay
mother: Victoria Fay (née Desroisiers)
ex-girlfriend: Heather Clarke

hair: Brown
eyes: Brown
height: 5'8"
weight: 138 lbs

Asher is a handsome boy who attracts a fair number of women with his looks. His family members have often commented on how he looked a lot like his father. He got inherited most of his traits from his father, the only thing he really did inherit from his mother were her ears. Asher has fluffy straight brown hair which he likes to keeps combed to one side. His eyes are pale green colour with flecks of brown in them, making some people mistake them as brown or hazel under certain lighting. He stands at a height of 5'8", and weighs approximately 138 lbs.



full name

William Asher Fay




17 years old


April 02 (Aries)



blood status





7th year

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Kassandra Castillo / 1970
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tempus ligula sit amet scelerisque pharetra. Etiam porttitor, odio at vehicula suscipit, ligula dui efficitur eros, sed feugiat ipsum enim et nisl. Nunc ultrices lectus metus, id viverra lectus mollis a. Nullam nulla felis, bibendum id viverra non, viverra quis sapien. Ut urna elit, maximus at auctor ut, sagittis sit amet nisi. Sed eu risus vitae massa lobortis viverra. Nunc at tortor nisl. Suspendisse accumsan sodales tristique. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Vestibulum efficitur vel dolor a euismod. Donec lobortis sit amet enim eget congue. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam ultricies orci in purus efficitur, eget maximus lacus sollicitudin. Nulla ut mi et odio feugiat tristique ut vel felis. Maecenas eros metus, blandit ut metus in, semper pretium neque. Maecenas ac orci at eros mollis tincidunt vel vel purus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla sollicitudin condimentum sapien, a ultricies diam finibus at. Mauris sed sollicitudin nisi, eu dictum libero. Suspendisse purus quam, porta eu imperdiet id, venenatis tempus mi. Ut luctus, erat sed egestas pretium, nisl lacus placerat arcu, sed sagittis nulla nisl id leo. Sed ex dolor, tincidunt malesuada lacus et, tincidunt elementum ante. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam rutrum imperdiet porta.

Morbi porttitor gravida laoreet. Nam eget sagittis nisl. Ut tempus tempor enim, ut vehicula sapien pulvinar eget. Curabitur ex nisi, sagittis at ultrices nec, tincidunt ut lectus. Vestibulum laoreet sem vitae tellus venenatis, sed consequat orci suscipit. Proin euismod purus id nulla fermentum, nec gravida arcu commodo. Cras imperdiet quis libero quis convallis. Integer finibus massa a tortor dignissim accumsan. Phasellus venenatis turpis sed commodo scelerisque. Morbi mattis quam at dolor auctor tempus.

Location Somewhere over the rainbow
Interactions Name (Tag), Name (Tag)





Heather Clarke

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tempus ligula sit amet scelerisque pharetra. Etiam porttitor, odio at vehicula suscipit, ligula dui efficitur eros, sed feugiat ipsum enim et nisl. Nunc ultrices lectus metus, id viverra lectus mollis a. Nullam nulla felis, bibendum id viverra non, viverra quis sapien. Ut urna elit, maximus at auctor ut, sagittis sit amet nisi. Sed eu risus vitae massa lobortis viverra. Nunc at tortor nisl. Suspendisse accumsan sodales tristique. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Vestibulum efficitur vel dolor a euismod. Donec lobortis sit amet enim eget congue. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam ultricies orci in purus efficitur, eget maximus lacus sollicitudin. Nulla ut mi et odio feugiat tristique ut vel felis. Maecenas eros metus, blandit ut metus in, semper pretium neque. Maecenas ac orci at eros mollis tincidunt vel vel purus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla sollicitudin condimentum sapien, a ultricies diam finibus at. Mauris sed sollicitudin nisi, eu dictum libero. Suspendisse purus quam, porta eu imperdiet id, venenatis tempus mi. Ut luctus, erat sed egestas pretium, nisl lacus placerat arcu, sed sagittis nulla nisl id leo. Sed ex dolor, tincidunt malesuada lacus et, tincidunt elementum ante. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam rutrum imperdiet porta.

Morbi porttitor gravida laoreet. Nam eget sagittis nisl. Ut tempus tempor enim, ut vehicula sapien pulvinar eget. Curabitur ex nisi, sagittis at ultrices nec, tincidunt ut lectus. Vestibulum laoreet sem vitae tellus venenatis, sed consequat orci suscipit. Proin euismod purus id nulla fermentum, nec gravida arcu commodo. Cras imperdiet quis libero quis convallis. Integer finibus massa a tortor dignissim accumsan. Phasellus venenatis turpis sed commodo scelerisque. Morbi mattis quam at dolor auctor tempus.

colour: #398c40
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Mortimer Lindberg

Main Base Land
Nicknames Morti, Mortem, Old man

Character Pitch

A mechanic who was raised in the Land. As a kid, he'd always been fascinated by machinery. He would collect whatever scraps parts he could find and try to make something out of it. They were simple contraptions with barely any purpose other than to serve as a toy. One of them, a scrappy wind-up plane, led to him meeting an odd boy from the Sky: Vincent Coghlan.

Morti's initial impression of Vincent was a negative one. He saw him as this privileged little boy who didn't know anything. After their first meeting, Mortimer didn't think they'd ever meet again, but he was wrong. Somehow their paths kept on crossing. To him, Vincent was an annoyance who stalked and pestered him constantly. The boy had apparently found him fascinating and wanted to befriend him. Mortimer tried to get rid of him, but the boy was persistent. Eventually, he grew fond of Vince's company and began to consider him as a friend.

When he was old enough, Mortimer found work under a mechanic. Having a mentor who specialised in the creation of mechanical prosthetics, it was only natural that Mortimer learned this as well. Morti considers himself lucky to have been given such an opportunity. His life wasn't that of luxury, but he couldn't complain, his family did better than most.

Currently 52 years if age, Mortimer now lives in the workshop left to him by his mentor when he passed. While mechanical limbs may be his main product, he does dabble in the occasional commission for other things. Sometimes they are harmless, but sometimes the purpose they serve is morally questionable. It is his rule however, to never inquire about the reason for whatever request his clients may have. Morti respects their privacy. What they do with what they bought is none of his business.


Old age clearly shows on Morti. His grey hair and matching long grey beard are definitely hard to miss. Morti's eyes are small and of a chestnut brown in colour. Crow's feet can be seen on the outer corner of his eyes, yet another indication of his age. He has a golden tooth located in the upper left side of his mouth in place of one of his premolars. It vividly shows whenever he flashes a lopsided grin. Mortimer appears shorter than he actually is due to his bad posture, often slouching when he stands. Whether it is a result of his aging or simply because of how he is hunched over his workstation for most of his life, he isn't certain. He thinks it's likely a combination of both.


Mortimer Lindberg

Main Base Land
Nicknames Morti, Mortem, Old man

Character Pitch

A mechanic who was raised in the Land. As a kid, he'd always been fascinated by machinery. He would collect whatever scraps parts he could find and try to make something out of it. They were simple contraptions with barely any purpose other than to serve as a toy. One of them, a scrappy wind-up plane, led to him meeting an odd boy from the Sky: Vincent Coghlan.

Morti's initial impression of Vincent was a negative one. He saw him as this privileged little boy who didn't know anything. After their first meeting, Mortimer didn't think they'd ever meet again, but he was wrong. Somehow their paths kept on crossing. To him, Vincent was an annoyance who stalked and pestered him constantly. The boy had apparently found him fascinating and wanted to befriend him. Mortimer tried to get rid of him, but the boy was persistent. Eventually, he grew fond of Vince's company and began to consider him as a friend.

When he was old enough, Mortimer found work under a mechanic. Having a mentor who specialised in the creation of mechanical prosthetics, it was only natural that Mortimer learned this as well. Morti considers himself lucky to have been given such an opportunity. His life wasn't that of luxury, but he couldn't complain, his family did better than most.

Currently 52 years if age, Mortimer now lives in the workshop left to him by his mentor when he passed. While mechanical limbs may be his main product, he does dabble in the occasional commission for other things. Sometimes they are harmless, but sometimes the purpose they serve is morally questionable. It is his rule however, to never inquire about the reason for whatever request his clients may have. Morti respects their privacy. What they do with what they bought is none of his business.


Old age clearly shows on Morti. His grey hair and matching long grey beard are definitely hard to miss. Morti's eyes are small and of a chestnut brown in colour. Crow's feet can be seen on the outer corner of his eyes, yet another indication of his age. He has a golden tooth located in the upper left side of his mouth in place of one of his premolars. It vividly shows whenever he flashes a lopsided grin. Mortimer appears shorter than he actually is due to his bad posture, often slouching when he stands. Whether it is a result of his aging or simply because of how he is hunched over his workstation for most of his life, he isn't certain. He thinks it's likely a combination of both.

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Bridget Valeria
Main base: The Land // Nicknames: B, Jet // Role: Citizen


Character Pitch
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tempus ligula sit amet scelerisque pharetra. Etiam porttitor, odio at vehicula suscipit, ligula dui efficitur eros, sed feugiat ipsum enim et nisl. Nunc ultrices lectus metus, id viverra lectus mollis a. Nullam nulla felis, bibendum id viverra non, viverra quis sapien. Ut urna elit, maximus at auctor ut, sagittis sit amet nisi. Sed eu risus vitae massa lobortis viverra. Nunc at tortor nisl. Suspendisse accumsan sodales tristique. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Vestibulum efficitur vel dolor a euismod. Donec lobortis sit amet enim eget congue. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam ultricies orci in purus efficitur, eget maximus lacus sollicitudin. Nulla ut mi et odio feugiat tristique ut vel felis. Maecenas eros metus, blandit ut metus in, semper pretium neque. Maecenas ac orci at eros mollis tincidunt vel vel purus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla sollicitudin condimentum sapien, a ultricies diam finibus at. Mauris sed sollicitudin nisi, eu dictum libero. Suspendisse purus quam, porta eu imperdiet id, venenatis tempus mi. Ut luctus, erat sed egestas pretium, nisl lacus placerat arcu, sed sagittis nulla nisl id leo. Sed ex dolor, tincidunt malesuada lacus et, tincidunt elementum ante. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam rutrum imperdiet porta.


Morbi porttitor gravida laoreet. Nam eget sagittis nisl. Ut tempus tempor enim, ut vehicula sapien pulvinar eget. Curabitur ex nisi, sagittis at ultrices nec, tincidunt ut lectus. Vestibulum laoreet sem vitae tellus venenatis, sed consequat orci suscipit. Proin euismod purus id nulla fermentum, nec gravida arcu commodo. Cras imperdiet quis libero quis convallis. Integer finibus massa a tortor dignissim accumsan. Phasellus venenatis turpis sed commodo scelerisque. Morbi mattis quam at dolor auctor tempus.

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Caridad Castillo

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tempus ligula sit amet scelerisque pharetra. Etiam porttitor, odio at vehicula suscipit, ligula dui efficitur eros, sed feugiat ipsum enim et nisl. Nunc ultrices lectus metus, id viverra lectus mollis a. Nullam nulla felis, bibendum id viverra non, viverra quis sapien. Ut urna elit, maximus at auctor ut, sagittis sit amet nisi. Sed eu risus vitae massa lobortis viverra. Nunc at tortor nisl. Suspendisse accumsan sodales tristique. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Vestibulum efficitur vel dolor a euismod. Donec lobortis sit amet enim eget congue. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam ultricies orci in purus efficitur, eget maximus lacus sollicitudin. Nulla ut mi et odio feugiat tristique ut vel felis. Maecenas eros metus, blandit ut metus in, semper pretium neque. Maecenas ac orci at eros mollis tincidunt vel vel purus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla sollicitudin condimentum sapien, a ultricies diam finibus at. Mauris sed sollicitudin nisi, eu dictum libero. Suspendisse purus quam, porta eu imperdiet id, venenatis tempus mi. Ut luctus, erat sed egestas pretium, nisl lacus placerat arcu, sed sagittis nulla nisl id leo. Sed ex dolor, tincidunt malesuada lacus et, tincidunt elementum ante. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam rutrum imperdiet porta.

Morbi porttitor gravida laoreet. Nam eget sagittis nisl. Ut tempus tempor enim, ut vehicula sapien pulvinar eget. Curabitur ex nisi, sagittis at ultrices nec, tincidunt ut lectus. Vestibulum laoreet sem vitae tellus venenatis, sed consequat orci suscipit. Proin euismod purus id nulla fermentum, nec gravida arcu commodo. Cras imperdiet quis libero quis convallis. Integer finibus massa a tortor dignissim accumsan. Phasellus venenatis turpis sed commodo scelerisque. Morbi mattis quam at dolor auctor tempus.

Location Somewhere Over the Rainbow
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Elizabeth Carrow
full name: Elizabeth Luna Carrow
nicknames: Liz, Luna

age: 16 years old
gender: Female

blood status: Pureblood
house & year: Slytherin / 6th year

Panic Room - Au/Ra


Liz is a dreamer. She dreams of a world where there were no purebloods, half-bloods, muggle-borns, or even half-breeds. In this ideal world, there were only witches and wizards. Blood didn't matter. It didn't matter to her and she believes that it shouldn't matter to anyone else.

Unlike most in her family, Liz doesn't believe in blood purity. She may have been raised in such a family and may have shared the same ideals as they did when she was younger, but she learned to challenge that way of thinking. Liz was never vocal about this however. She knew it was far too dangerous for her to voice it out. Like most Slytherins, she has a sense of self-preservation.

She's also a clever and reserved person. Liz would rather be a wallflower than stand in the spotlight. While she is generally patient and mature enough to not be easily offended by thoughtless comments and the likes, she does have her limits. Liz can be quite unforgiving once her patience has run out.


Liz's life hadn't always been cloaked in darkness. At one point she was a happy child in a loving family. Things changed when her father joined the ranks of Death Eaters. The act had seemed so sudden, yet deep down she knew the signs had been there.

It was the winter break of her fourth year at Hogwarts when she noticed subtle changes in both of her parents' demeanour. Her parents tried to smile and pretend that everything was normal, but she could hear her mother cry during the evenings, her father's eyes had lost the youthful twinkle that made him look ten years younger.

When she returned home for the summer that followed was when she found out that her father had become a Death Eater. She was shaken by the news, but she didn't question it. Liz knew her father wasn't the kind of man who would support a fannatic like the Dark Lord, even if their views on blood purity did align. He did it for their safety. Her parents never told her this, but they didn't have to; Liz knew her mother and father well enough.

For a full year everything seemed normal, yet at the same time, it wasn't. There was fear inside of her all throughout fifth year. Liz would walk the halls, wondering how her peers would react if they knew of her father's newly forged allegiance. But above all, she constantly wondered how her parents were doing and hoped that they were well.

The summer before her sixth year was when her fear was realised. Her father had been caught while on a Death Eater mission and was sent straight into Azkaban. The news had been on the papers and had spread like wildfire across the wizarding world of Great Britain. The fear that Liz had felt was magnified by tenfold, but she continued to hide it. She had to--for her mother's sake.
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Angelo Lovelace

Somewhere over the rainbow

Character Name (Player)
Character Name (Player)
Character Name (Player)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tempus ligula sit amet scelerisque pharetra. Etiam porttitor, odio at vehicula suscipit, ligula dui efficitur eros, sed feugiat ipsum enim et nisl. Nunc ultrices lectus metus, id viverra lectus mollis a. Nullam nulla felis, bibendum id viverra non, viverra quis sapien. Ut urna elit, maximus at auctor ut, sagittis sit amet nisi. Sed eu risus vitae massa lobortis viverra. Nunc at tortor nisl. Suspendisse accumsan sodales tristique. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Vestibulum efficitur vel dolor a euismod. Donec lobortis sit amet enim eget congue. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam ultricies orci in purus efficitur, eget maximus lacus sollicitudin. Nulla ut mi et odio feugiat tristique ut vel felis. Maecenas eros metus, blandit ut metus in, semper pretium neque. Maecenas ac orci at eros mollis tincidunt vel vel purus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla sollicitudin condimentum sapien, a ultricies diam finibus at. Mauris sed sollicitudin nisi, eu dictum libero. Suspendisse purus quam, porta eu imperdiet id, venenatis tempus mi. Ut luctus, erat sed egestas pretium, nisl lacus placerat arcu, sed sagittis nulla nisl id leo. Sed ex dolor, tincidunt malesuada lacus et, tincidunt elementum ante. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam rutrum imperdiet porta.
EVERYTHING IS WIP. INCLUDING COLOURS. Especially the mobile friendliness.
left will look like a tarot card. probably. I'm too lazy to work on it rn

You looked at death in a tarot card.

Name Annastasia Morgue
Nickname Anna
Gender Female
Species (If non-human, please keep the themes and symbolism of your desired card in mind.)
Age 20

Tarot Depiction Death
Symbol of Choice (Major Arcanist's will be able to see your symbol, so choose wisely! Keep the themes of your card in mind while choosing.)

You have 40 "points" to spend. No more than 10 in each category. Minor arcana cards cannot have more than 5 points in the arcana category. Categories are self explanatory.

Strength 1
Perception 5
Endurance 2
Charisma 3
Intelligence 10
Agility 5
Luck 3
Arcana 11

Personality (Write this out however you wish.)

Brief History (If you wish to include pre-apocalypse history feel free to do so, but I only require a brief description of the past four months. Exception: Characters who knew about their Arcanist status before the apocalypse.)

Inventory (Non-Arcana)

Arcana (Spells / Powers -- List and describe them however you see fit.)

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Theodore Wolfe
full name
Theodore Caiden Wolfe



sexual orientation

18 years old

date of birth
January 2

Haven Peak

Poems & Poison

• • • You won't find faith or hope down a telescope • • •

Hair Colour: Brown | Eye Colour: Dark Brown​
It wasn't hard to tell that Theo is an adopted child. For one, he looked nothing like his parents. He had brown hair while his parents both had blonde hair, his had dark brown--almost black--eyes while his father had cornflower blue and his mother had emerald green. Then there was his height. Theo had always been quite a tall boy, something both his father and brother notably were not. Now at the age of eighteen, he stands at 6', a few inches taller than his father and brother. Time spent playing football with the Thunder Dogs has helped him stayed fit, but not bulky.

tattoos / piercings
None. He doesn't dare upset his parents by getting one.

scars / birthmarks
Theo has a few moles on the left side of his face, the most prominent one being that on his cheek. He also has two more along his neck. His brother would often playfully tease him about it, calling them vampire bite marks.

clothing style
Smart casual and preppy. His signature look is a button down shirt and a casual blazer matched with dark jeans. Sometimes he changes things up and wears cardigan over a shirt instead. While a member of the school's football team, Theo notably doesn't wear his Thunder Dogs sweater very often. It's simply not his style preference. During the weekends, he dresses much more casually, but still keeping towards a neat look. He absolutely hates baggy clothing.

face claim
Jack Cain​

• • • You won't find heart and soul in the stars • • •

◖ ➴PERSONA ✯❞ ◗
Studious, polite, conservative--basically the child every parent dreams of having. He very rarely disobeys his parents and does everything he can to make them happy. For Theo, as long as his parents are happy, then he's happy. From what he's observed, his parents are seems to correlate with his achievements. They are happiest when he does something for them to be proud of. Unfortunately for him, his parents weren't exactly easy people to please. They were strict and had very standards for him. While Theo claims that his parent' strictness is what pushes him to do his best, he also can't help but feel frustration at how unreasonable they could be at times.

In reality however, Theo isn't as perfect as people make him out to be--far from it actually. One of his major flaws was his ego. Theo isn't used to being wrong and often thinks his idea is best. A lot of times this can be true, but not always. Just like his parents, he can be quite narrow minded. It's uncommon for him to fail to see things from a different angle. The quote, "the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree," applies to him quite well, even though they're not his biological parents. Apart from that, he is also quite judgmental. He is quick to judge and quick to assume things about a person. "To see is to believe," is what he would say. Unless there was evidence to prove otherwise, Theo will continue to view a person with the brand that society has placed upon them. Needless to say, he is one to stereotype people.

Scented candles
Fruit teas

Alcoholic drinks
Loud music

Skateboarding - He may not look like it, but Theo knows a trick or two on the board. It was something he learned from his brother, Tristan. Ever since Tristan left home however, Theo hasn't touched a skateboard much less ride one. He simply didn't have the time with him working hard to be an achiever.

Cooking - Theo picked up the hobby during the two weeks their parents left them at home to visit their mom's relatives. Tristan was an awful cook, something that he was strangely proud of. Sick of eating his brother's cooking, Theo went ahead and began to learn how to cook. He wasn't the best at it, but it was significantly better than what his brother could make. It was then that he learned how enjoyable cooking could be and continued on with it as a hobby.

Disappointment → Abandonment - He fears that if he doesn't please his parents, if he doesn't live up to the standards they've set, they would no longer want him and abandon him--just like how his birth mother did when he was still a child.

Astraphobia / Fear of Storms - Ever since he was little he was afraid of the booming sounds of thunder, the howling winds, and the heavy downpour that comes with a storm. When he was still a young boy, he would curl up under a blanket and watch the storm from his bedroom window in mystified horror. As afraid he is of storms, he also finds them somewhat mesmerising.

• • • You can break everything down to chemicals • • •

To say that Theo grew up under a household with strict upbringing was an understatement. His parents, Christopher Caine Wolfe and Tara Wolfe, had always been strict even from before he came into the picture. Tristan Wolfe, his older brother, knew this very well.

Theo was six years old when he was adopted into the Wolfe family. It was roughly around the same time that Tristan entered high school. Theo may have not been a Wolfe by blood, but he was by name and as such Christian and Tara didn't spare him from their strictness. Afraid that they'll toss him back into the orphanage, Theo did everything he could to garner their acceptance. He did his best to become like their 'perfect' son Tristan. But he knew, he was never going to become like him. No matter what he did, Theo never received their parent's praises. For a kid who was merely in grade school, it felt like a huge rejection. That didn't stop him though.

Four years later, just as Tristan was beginning to prepare for college, he finally snapped. The pressure and expectations set by Christian and Tara became too much for him. And so, Tristan rebelled. Ten year old Theo couldn't do anything but watch as Tristan was almost disowned by their parents. The son that Christian and Tara were so proud of was gone. They tried to 'fix' him by keeping him on house lock down. He was to go to school and go home immediately. But Tristan didn't obey. He threatened to leave home. Theo thought that was it, Tristan won. He was happy for his older brother and a part of him felt inspired by him. Ten year old Theo contemplated on slacking off a bit (as compared to before) with his studies to give him time for hobbies he wished to pursue.

How foolish of him to think of that. While the couple were in shock at their only blood related son's outburst, they were ruthless and called his bluff. They were daring Tristan to leave. Theo couldn't understand why they would do that. Did they not love him? Or were they that too prideful? Confused, scared and in shock; Theo could do nothing but watch it all unfold. His brother left that night when everyone was fast asleep. Tristan left without saying another word to any of them. Since then the spotlight has moved onto their only son left, Theo. The pressure that was once cast upon Tristan was transferred onto him.

• He's cheated on a major exam once before having not enough time to prepare for it properly.
• Smoker. The first stick was out of curiosity, the rest were because he liked what the first stick offered. Because of this, he always keeps a mint in his pocket to mask the scent from his mouth right after.
• Theo dreams of taking up forensics one day but knows his parents would be dead set against anything other than med school.

Asher Lenford - A good friend of his. At first, Theo's parents urged him to befriend the Lenford due to his status as the Golden Boy. Afteer getting to know him however, Theo found that he enjoyed Asher's company and the boy quickly grew to become one of his closest friends.

• • • But you can't explain a love like ours • • •

He picked up the sport half out of expectation from his parents, and half because he needed a new hobby to keep his body moving. Skateboarding was out of the option ever since Tristan left. There was the lack of time as well as the fear of getting caught that he didn't have as much when he used to sneak out with Tristan. It killed two birds with one stone and in the end, he found that the sport to be enjoyable enough.

Out of all the animals in the world, Theo's favourite would have to be rabbits. He just has a soft spot for the adorable 'ball of fluff' as he so eloquently likes to refer to them. Theo always wanted a pet rabbit, but since his older brother had already gotten a dog even before he came into the picture, his parents no longer felt the need to give Theo a pet of his own. One pet in the household was all they said each time he asked for one. When Tristan left home, he also left his dog, named Hound, behind. There really wasn't much of an option for the brunette. Theo certainly didn't want to leave Hound off at the pound, that would just be cold of him to do. So, instead he took care of Hound and treated him as his own pet.

Theo is ambidextrous, not that he always was. One day he just decided he wanted to be able to write with his right hand as well as his left so he trained himself to write with his right. Though his he could write quite legibly with his right, his left-hand handwriting still looked neater and better. Despite being left-handed, Theo likes to use his right hand. For one, it was more convenient as most objects were designed for right-handed people and hardly have any left-handed counterparts.

writing sample
"What am I looking at here, Lenford?" This was Theo's near instant reaction the moment his friend entered Pop's and settled into the seat across from him. In Asher's hand was a bouquet, but it wasn't any regular bouquet, its contents seemed to be--

"Cotton candy," his friend said in answer to his earlier question. Then, without the need to ask any further, he continued, "It's for a girl. I heard she likes cotton candy."

"I sure hope she does, that is quite a lot after all." Theo took a sip of his tea. He already figured that would be his friend's answer--unless he suddenly decided he wanted diabetes that is. "So, who's the lucky girl?" he asked, curious to know who would be getting a sugar rush courtesy of the town's golden boy.

Asher reached over to his side of the table, snatching away a fry out of Theo's basket. "Not telling," he answered in a singsong voice before chucking the fry straight into his mouth.

The two of them sat there chatting for a few minutes longer, till it was finally time for Asher to leave and meet up with the cotton candy bouquet's recipient. Theo never did get the girl's name out of him that day, not that it bothered him. He knew that he'll find out who it was eventually, it was hard for someone like Asher to keep a secret for long in a town like Haven Peak.

〈〈Ooh, It's the way we feel ⋯ ✧ ⋯ yeah this is real !! ❜❜ 〉〉
I has realisation today.
It led me to this.

Well at least it's easier to cheatsies I guess 🤷

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    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tempus ligula sit amet scelerisque pharetra. Etiam porttitor, odio at vehicula suscipit, ligula dui efficitur eros, sed feugiat ipsum enim et nisl. Nunc ultrices lectus metus, id viverra lectus mollis a. Nullam nulla felis, bibendum id viverra non, viverra quis sapien. Ut urna elit, maximus at auctor ut, sagittis sit amet nisi. Sed eu risus vitae massa lobortis viverra. Nunc at tortor nisl. Suspendisse accumsan sodales tristique. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

    Vestibulum efficitur vel dolor a euismod. Donec lobortis sit amet enim eget congue. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam ultricies orci in purus efficitur, eget maximus lacus sollicitudin. Nulla ut mi et odio feugiat tristique ut vel felis. Maecenas eros metus, blandit ut metus in, semper pretium neque. Maecenas ac orci at eros mollis tincidunt vel vel purus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla sollicitudin condimentum sapien, a ultricies diam finibus at. Mauris sed sollicitudin nisi, eu dictum libero. Suspendisse purus quam, porta eu imperdiet id, venenatis tempus mi. Ut luctus, erat sed egestas pretium, nisl lacus placerat arcu, sed sagittis nulla nisl id leo. Sed ex dolor, tincidunt malesuada lacus et, tincidunt elementum ante. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam rutrum imperdiet porta.

    Morbi porttitor gravida laoreet. Nam eget sagittis nisl. Ut tempus tempor enim, ut vehicula sapien pulvinar eget. Curabitur ex nisi, sagittis at ultrices nec, tincidunt ut lectus. Vestibulum laoreet sem vitae tellus venenatis, sed consequat orci suscipit. Proin euismod purus id nulla fermentum, nec gravida arcu commodo. Cras imperdiet quis libero quis convallis. Integer finibus massa a tortor dignissim accumsan. Phasellus venenatis turpis sed commodo scelerisque. Morbi mattis quam at dolor auctor tempus.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tempus ligula sit amet scelerisque pharetra. Etiam porttitor, odio at vehicula suscipit, ligula dui efficitur eros, sed feugiat ipsum enim et nisl. Nunc ultrices lectus metus, id viverra lectus mollis a. Nullam nulla felis, bibendum id viverra non, viverra quis sapien. Ut urna elit, maximus at auctor ut, sagittis sit amet nisi. Sed eu risus vitae massa lobortis viverra. Nunc at tortor nisl. Suspendisse accumsan sodales tristique. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

    Vestibulum efficitur vel dolor a euismod. Donec lobortis sit amet enim eget congue. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam ultricies orci in purus efficitur, eget maximus lacus sollicitudin. Nulla ut mi et odio feugiat tristique ut vel felis. Maecenas eros metus, blandit ut metus in, semper pretium neque. Maecenas ac orci at eros mollis tincidunt vel vel purus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla sollicitudin condimentum sapien, a ultricies diam finibus at. Mauris sed sollicitudin nisi, eu dictum libero. Suspendisse purus quam, porta eu imperdiet id, venenatis tempus mi. Ut luctus, erat sed egestas pretium, nisl lacus placerat arcu, sed sagittis nulla nisl id leo. Sed ex dolor, tincidunt malesuada lacus et, tincidunt elementum ante. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam rutrum imperdiet porta.

    Morbi porttitor gravida laoreet. Nam eget sagittis nisl. Ut tempus tempor enim, ut vehicula sapien pulvinar eget. Curabitur ex nisi, sagittis at ultrices nec, tincidunt ut lectus. Vestibulum laoreet sem vitae tellus venenatis, sed consequat orci suscipit. Proin euismod purus id nulla fermentum, nec gravida arcu commodo. Cras imperdiet quis libero quis convallis. Integer finibus massa a tortor dignissim accumsan. Phasellus venenatis turpis sed commodo scelerisque. Morbi mattis quam at dolor auctor tempus.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tempus ligula sit amet scelerisque pharetra. Etiam porttitor, odio at vehicula suscipit, ligula dui efficitur eros, sed feugiat ipsum enim et nisl. Nunc ultrices lectus metus, id viverra lectus mollis a. Nullam nulla felis, bibendum id viverra non, viverra quis sapien. Ut urna elit, maximus at auctor ut, sagittis sit amet nisi. Sed eu risus vitae massa lobortis viverra. Nunc at tortor nisl. Suspendisse accumsan sodales tristique. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

    Vestibulum efficitur vel dolor a euismod. Donec lobortis sit amet enim eget congue. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam ultricies orci in purus efficitur, eget maximus lacus sollicitudin. Nulla ut mi et odio feugiat tristique ut vel felis. Maecenas eros metus, blandit ut metus in, semper pretium neque. Maecenas ac orci at eros mollis tincidunt vel vel purus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla sollicitudin condimentum sapien, a ultricies diam finibus at. Mauris sed sollicitudin nisi, eu dictum libero. Suspendisse purus quam, porta eu imperdiet id, venenatis tempus mi. Ut luctus, erat sed egestas pretium, nisl lacus placerat arcu, sed sagittis nulla nisl id leo. Sed ex dolor, tincidunt malesuada lacus et, tincidunt elementum ante. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam rutrum imperdiet porta.

    Morbi porttitor gravida laoreet. Nam eget sagittis nisl. Ut tempus tempor enim, ut vehicula sapien pulvinar eget. Curabitur ex nisi, sagittis at ultrices nec, tincidunt ut lectus. Vestibulum laoreet sem vitae tellus venenatis, sed consequat orci suscipit. Proin euismod purus id nulla fermentum, nec gravida arcu commodo. Cras imperdiet quis libero quis convallis. Integer finibus massa a tortor dignissim accumsan. Phasellus venenatis turpis sed commodo scelerisque. Morbi mattis quam at dolor auctor tempus.
  • slide 1
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    Hello, this is slide 2
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- outer dimensions === inner dimensions
- you only get 90% of whatever dimension you set
- (or less if you do the thing stated after)
- add 10% margin-left to make it look even
- margin auto to center and hide the fugly 90% max-width and 10% marginleft hack

... that's it.
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I've got an itch that needs to be scratched

responsive? you bet your ass it aint 8D hahahha jk

am not a fan of the colours. probs will change things around. did not use all that's listed








Charlene Santiago
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tempus ligula sit amet scelerisque pharetra. Etiam porttitor, odio at vehicula suscipit, ligula dui efficitur eros, sed feugiat ipsum enim et nisl. Nunc ultrices lectus metus, id viverra lectus mollis a. Nullam nulla felis, bibendum id viverra non, viverra quis sapien. Ut urna elit, maximus at auctor ut, sagittis sit amet nisi. Sed eu risus vitae massa lobortis viverra. Nunc at tortor nisl. Suspendisse accumsan sodales tristique. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

    Vestibulum efficitur vel dolor a euismod. Donec lobortis sit amet enim eget congue. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam ultricies orci in purus efficitur, eget maximus lacus sollicitudin. Nulla ut mi et odio feugiat tristique ut vel felis. Maecenas eros metus, blandit ut metus in, semper pretium neque. Maecenas ac orci at eros mollis tincidunt vel vel purus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla sollicitudin condimentum sapien, a ultricies diam finibus at. Mauris sed sollicitudin nisi, eu dictum libero. Suspendisse purus quam, porta eu imperdiet id, venenatis tempus mi. Ut luctus, erat sed egestas pretium, nisl lacus placerat arcu, sed sagittis nulla nisl id leo. Sed ex dolor, tincidunt malesuada lacus et, tincidunt elementum ante. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam rutrum imperdiet porta.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tempus ligula sit amet scelerisque pharetra. Etiam porttitor, odio at vehicula suscipit, ligula dui efficitur eros, sed feugiat ipsum enim et nisl. Nunc ultrices lectus metus, id viverra lectus mollis a. Nullam nulla felis, bibendum id viverra non, viverra quis sapien. Ut urna elit, maximus at auctor ut, sagittis sit amet nisi. Sed eu risus vitae massa lobortis viverra. Nunc at tortor nisl. Suspendisse accumsan sodales tristique. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

    Vestibulum efficitur vel dolor a euismod. Donec lobortis sit amet enim eget congue. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam ultricies orci in purus efficitur, eget maximus lacus sollicitudin. Nulla ut mi et odio feugiat tristique ut vel felis. Maecenas eros metus, blandit ut metus in, semper pretium neque. Maecenas ac orci at eros mollis tincidunt vel vel purus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla sollicitudin condimentum sapien, a ultricies diam finibus at. Mauris sed sollicitudin nisi, eu dictum libero. Suspendisse purus quam, porta eu imperdiet id, venenatis tempus mi. Ut luctus, erat sed egestas pretium, nisl lacus placerat arcu, sed sagittis nulla nisl id leo. Sed ex dolor, tincidunt malesuada lacus et, tincidunt elementum ante. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam rutrum imperdiet porta.

    Morbi porttitor gravida laoreet. Nam eget sagittis nisl. Ut tempus tempor enim, ut vehicula sapien pulvinar eget. Curabitur ex nisi, sagittis at ultrices nec, tincidunt ut lectus. Vestibulum laoreet sem vitae tellus venenatis, sed consequat orci suscipit. Proin euismod purus id nulla fermentum, nec gravida arcu commodo. Cras imperdiet quis libero quis convallis. Integer finibus massa a tortor dignissim accumsan. Phasellus venenatis turpis sed commodo scelerisque. Morbi mattis quam at dolor auctor tempus.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tempus ligula sit amet scelerisque pharetra. Etiam porttitor, odio at vehicula suscipit, ligula dui efficitur eros, sed feugiat ipsum enim et nisl. Nunc ultrices lectus metus, id viverra lectus mollis a. Nullam nulla felis, bibendum id viverra non, viverra quis sapien. Ut urna elit, maximus at auctor ut, sagittis sit amet nisi. Sed eu risus vitae massa lobortis viverra. Nunc at tortor nisl. Suspendisse accumsan sodales tristique. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

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