Pokémon RP, Anyone? (Two Plots/Scenarios, See Inside for Details!)

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Which RP Interests You More?

  • Pokémon: Echoes of Oblivion

    Votes: 13 61.9%
  • Pokémon: Go Adventure

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • Why Not a Mixture of the Two?

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • I've Got a Different Idea to Throw Your Way!

    Votes: 1 4.8%

  • Total voters


The One True Pibbles
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
Looking for a Co-Gm(s) for either plot, as both would be pretty huge to take on as a single GM. PM me if you're interested, but we'll wait until everyone's voted to decide which RP to go with.


Alright so this is gonna be very different from most of my other interest checks, in that I don't really have a "Overly Solid" idea for this RP; I have two xD

So, rather than go all out with a bunch of major descriptions for each idea, I figured I'd provide the 'pitch versions' of each plot for you all to pick from. That way, we can decide as a group which idea we'd like to run with and have a good time.

So without further adieu, here they are;


What To Expect: Epic Adventure, Story-Driven, Serious Plot Elements

Tagline: Three months after the "Alola Incident" (events of Sun & Moon) when Ultra Beasts were revealed to the public, the number of incidents involving the parallel-universe monsters has increased exponentially. To make matters worse, there have been rumors about regular Pokémon being altered by the mere presence of the Ultra Beasts, becoming more violent and aggressive as a result.

But with all this going on, the World Police seem to be convinced that the Ultra Beast attacks and appearance of altered-Pokémon have coordinated in such a manner that suggests somebody is working behind the scenes, either controlling the Ultra Beasts, or using the supposedly altered-Pokémon to instill fear into the citizens of the world for some undoubtedly sinister purpose.

With the fate of the world on the line, a group of unlikely heroes from all walks of life must band together to fight back against the Ultra Beast threat and uncover the mysteries behind it all.

Who We'd Play: The player characters would consist primarily of Original Characters stemming from all walks of life within the Pokémon Universe (Gym Leaders, Breeders, Professors, Casual Trainers, Members of the Elite Four, etc). That being said, you can also play as a Pre-Existing character within the Pokémon Universe (ex. Playable Trainers from each region, In-Game Gym Leaders/Elite Four Members, etc). Although given the slightly darker tone of the story, characters Below the age of 16 will not be allowed.

Setting: The story would primarily take place in the distant Garru Region, which is known for it's astonishing lack of Wild Pokémon (due to a combination of pollution and an intense climate) and rampant crime-rates. Although this is the setting for the plot, your character would not have to be from Garru originally, they could come from any region that already exists.



What To Expect: Casual Adventure, Part-Story Driven, Part-Freeplay

Tagline: There has always been one commonality throughout the world of Pokémon, and that's the sense of excitement one feels upon stepping out of the house for the first time, ready to experience an adventure all their own. Whether they decide to train up and challenge the Gyms/Elite Four to become Champion, vow to see and/or capture every Pokémon in the world, get in-field training and experience to become a Breeder or Professor so they can learn all they can from Pokémon, or to practice day and night to enter Pokémon Contests and dazzle the audience with your performance skills; the possibilities are nearly endless.

So with a world of possibilities out there, it's time you make it out on your own and start the journey you've been waiting on for so long.

Who We'd Play: Anyone, really. There wouldn't be as much emphasis on a larger storyline, but more individual stories generated from the characters interacting with one another and working towards their respective goals as Trainers. You can play an original character starting out on their journey, a canon character who's finished their trials long ago and now roams the world in search of another adventure, or even as a Pokémon**

**Now obviously this last one would apply only to Pokémon with general sentience (ex. Team Rocket's Meowth, who is capable of human speech), but exceptions can be made if you can convince me otherwise. Given how a story can unfold given the accessibility of both Pokémon and Trainers as playable characters, there will only be 4 available Pokémon character slots to begin with and each must be approved by me and a Co-GM before they can be put in play. As well, this process will be even more strict when it comes to Legendary/Rare/Mythical Pokémon (ex. Mewtwo, Meloetta, Lugia, Jirachi, etc).

Setting: Given the scope of this RP, and given how many regions exist in the Pokémon games, there would conceivably be three primary threads; a Region thread (which will be voted on if this idea is chosen), a Colosseum Thread, and an Event Thread.

The Region thread(s) will be the primary IC locale, where we can just mess around with our characters and do as we please to advance our stories. To begin with, we will start with one Region, but will expand to more as the plot progresses and the RP gets larger.

The Colosseum thread would be another IC thread, but one more generally used for non-canon battles (ex. fun meet-ups / challenges with other player characters your character might not meet naturally through the plot), and is more of a fun alternative for those who would prefer more of a systematic fight-based roleplay to a more casual story.

Finally, the Event Threads will be for, you guessed it; events! These can include Legendary Hunts/Spotlights, Evil Team-led Storylines, and maybe even a limited-time tournament that would reward your character with something that would carry over to their IC story (ex. a new Pokémon, Title/Rank, or even a rare item that would be beneficial during a later event).


Alright, those are the two ideas! Please post below to show your interest, ask questions about either plot, or just to reserve a spot/character for either RP (and don't forget to vote for which RP we should do above!).


For Echoes of Oblivion, we'll be looking for about 4-5 people (which including myself would be 6 total), but for Go Adventure, we'll be accepting up to 11 players (myself including being a total of 12) to begin.
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I would so be interested in this^^ I would love to go with your idea Pokemon Go Adventure.

I have 3 original characters of mine that I'd like to play in this rp. Would you like me to put the backgrounds for my three original characters here in this thread?

And along with the three characters of mine, I think I'd also want to rp as the character Max from the anime too if you're okay with it.
I would so be interested in this^^ I would love to go with your idea Pokemon Go Adventure.

I have 3 original characters of mine that I'd like to play in this rp. Would you like me to put the backgrounds for my three original characters here in this thread?

And along with the three characters of mine, I think I'd also want to rp as the character Max from the anime too if you're okay with it.

Shoot me a PM with their details, I plan to make an original CS for this thread once we figure out an idea ^^

And as an FYI, I generally allow 2-3 characters per player (although I can be convinced to allow more) simply for the sake of having a good variety of characters who aren't played by the same person.
I like the pokemon go rp idea.

I'd love to play one of my pokemon characters and one of my trainer characters, if it gets up off the ground =D
Shoot me a PM with their details, I plan to make an original CS for this thread once we figure out an idea ^^

And as an FYI, I generally allow 2-3 characters per player (although I can be convinced to allow more) simply for the sake of having a good variety of characters who aren't played by the same person.

Okay^^ I'll send you the details of my 3 original characters right away.

And did you say that I could play as Max too if I want to?
I just have had this adventure story idea for Max's character in my head for a long time which is why I wanted to rp him.
And Max is also one of my favorites, other than Paul.^^ And I love Bonnie too.^^
I like the pokemon go rp idea.

I'd love to play one of my pokemon characters and one of my trainer characters, if it gets up off the ground =D

Would you mind sending me a PM talking about your Pokémon character? Since we're still waiting on interest I'd like to hear more about them ^^

Okay^^ I'll send you the details of my 3 original characters right away.

And did you say that I could play as Max too if I want to?
I just have had this adventure story idea for Max's character in my head for a long time which is why I wanted to rp him.
And Max is also one of my favorites, other than Paul.^^ And I love Bonnie too.^^

Max as in May's little brother, right? I have no complaints, just curious to know how to you plan to handle each character so we can figure out how things would work
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Would you mind sending me a PM talking about your Pokémon character? Since we're still waiting on interest I'd like to hear more about them ^^
I'll give you a range of information on both my characters once I am back at my computer.
Max as in May's little brother, right? I have no complaints, just curious to know how to you plan to handle each character so we can figure out how things would work

Yep that's him^^
And I plan on doing a posting for each of the characters I play in each of my posts in the rp. So I'll be putting all 4 characters in each of my posts.
I love the Pokemon go adventure that seems like so much fun I would love to take part I already have ideas for some characters that I would love to try out. I can send you Cs sheets if you would like :)
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I honestly like both ideas, but I would have to say that I find the Echoes of Oblivion is catching my attention but I'm honestly fine with either.

For either I was going to use my MC from Pokemon moon and just give him the name for him in demo, which is Sun. I had a bit to add to him personality and apperance wise to make him more personalized though for this RP.
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Okay so looking at the poll thus far, it seems like Echoes of Oblivion is winning.

Would everyone be alright with doing that as the RP? I know we had some interest for Go Adventure vocalized here, but I'm just going by what the poll's telling me at the moment
To be honest the Echoes of oblivion plot doesn't interest me very much, so if you decide to do that on which is totally fine obviously , I will most likely not join.
Okay so looking at the poll thus far, it seems like Echoes of Oblivion is winning.

Would everyone be alright with doing that as the RP? I know we had some interest for Go Adventure vocalized here, but I'm just going by what the poll's telling me at the moment
To be honest the Echoes of oblivion plot doesn't interest me very much, so if you decide to do that on which is totally fine obviously , I will most likely not join.

I am with Timv999 on this one. It doesn't interest me, so I will sit out if you go that path. But it's best to go with whichever one has the most interest, right?

And if you look at the comments, it's 4 who prefer the pokemon go adventure to 2 who prefer the Echos of Oblivion one.

So it depends on which you would prefer to give more weight to. (Personally, I give more weight to the comments over the votes, since commenters take a little more time to post about their interest. Not everyone votes and not everyone comments.)
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No I agree with that, there does seem to be more of a vocal expression for Go Adventure, I was just saying that based on the votes, that what was gaining the most traction at the moment.

Part of the reason I had the vote up there was to better organize it, because sometimes people who don't want to post have the option of choosing which RP they'd prefer if it was started.
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I'd be interested in the more serious plot, since the character I have in mind would work better there.

Also, I think you should go with the votes for determining what path this ends up going down because

A) it gets me what I want

B) people who didn't vote had their chance and gave it up/dropped it like a fresh hot pocket
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