Possession (MxF)

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Naomi Tuesday

Demon Queen
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. 1-3 posts per week
  6. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
I'm on whenever even while I'm at work, though depending on what work is like I can take forever to respond. Expect most responses to happen within the time of 4 pm and about 11 pm weekdays.
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Intermediate
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. Transgender
  5. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy, Sci-fi, magical, romance, Yaoi (depending on the situation), Action, mystery.
Demons enter this realm through the process of possessing dead bodies that have not been interred into the ground. There are often rumours and strange news reports of bodies going missing from places such as the morgue and often the scene of a murder. The demons after possessing the body are able to use some of their own power to alter the way the body looks to a degree, making it so that they can create a new identity for themselves.

Most demons have their own lives, where they have integrated themselves into the human society. One of the demons keeps to himself, working as a detective in the police force. Things get strange when the demon has a human female prying into his life, after he saves her from almost getting hit by a car. He doesn't want her to find out about his own realm and about what he is, so things can become hectic, and he starts to show that he might not be as coldless as he seems to be.

Name: Aabon (Charles Fauxe)
Age: 231
Sin Alignment: Wraith

Aabon is a powerful demon from his realm, often seen as the demon king's right hand man. He has fought in many of the battles that pitted humans and demons against each other, and even in the great war that caused the demons to be pushed into a different realm of existence. When things started to become tense in the demon realm he was one of the demons that started to lead the resistance against the demon king. He is also the thirty-fifth demon to return to the human realm.

Living in the human realm, Aabon took on the guise of a human detective that goes by the name Charles Fauxe. Aabon is able to use his demonic abilities to his advantage when out on the field, able to run, and use his sense to an ability far past what the human brain can handle. Aabon chose to have a simple life for himself, no family, and a fairly small apartment. For Aabon his "human" relatively lives a routine life. Work, home, food and sleep. It's very rare that Aabon decides to interact with other demons in the human realm.

Looking for someone to play a human female for this! Anybody interested should send me a pm! Questions are welcome and answers will come!