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The cruiser hovered over the planet like a waiting hawk, ready to strike anything that moved. Inside, the ship was a flurry of activity. Crew rushed about preparing for battle as commander Sarah Briggs walked to the briefing room with a young ensign. "I want the 6-4 group in the briefing room as soon as possible, time is of the essence." The young man saluted then ran off as Sarah entered the large room. A tactical holomap table sat in the middle of the room with a circle of chairs around it. She waited as pilots and soldier leaders began filtering in. Soon the room was almost full, looking around she growled as she did not see who she was looking for. "Where the hell is Maupin and Rupen?! Someone tell their asses to get in here!" She huffed in annoyance as the soldiers snickered, knowing full well Argus was sleeping off a hangover. The ensign returned and swiftly saluted Sarah. "Commander Briggs, the 6-4 grouphas arrived and are on their way now."

In the barracks, Argus growled as someone kicked the side of his bunk. "Wake up sleepy head!" The loud and cheerful voice cut into the burly man's ears as he growled and cracked open one eye. "Cmon Nat, knock it off." The sprightly girl laughed and pulled off the blanket and gently poked his side. "Commander is holding a briefing and we need to be there. Apparently we are working with the 6-4 today." Sighing in resignation, Argus got out of his bunk and stretched. Throwing on a shirt over his heavily tattooed and scarred body, Argus splashed some water from a canteen on his face to wake himself up." Remind me next time to not try to out drink those grease monkeys. They spend all day breathing in fumes that some cheap vodka barely has an effect on them." Walking out of the bunk area, Argus nodded to those he passed. Walking into the briefing room, Argus sloppily gave Sarah a salute as Natalie gave a crisp one. "About time you two showed up. This is a joint operation so play nice with the others." Argus laughed as he sat down with Natalie and began talking, not caring if anyone heard. "Those 6-4 shmucks? They act all high and mighty cuz they only employ pilots and they get to choose where they go and who they fight. They only go after the gigs that give them the best PR. When it comes down to the real gritty fighting they are gonna get our troops killed. They dont know how to work with regular troopers, unlike us Marauders. We pilots look out for the grunts and the grunts watch our backs in return." There was a round of hoorahs and grunts of approval from the ground soldiers and pilots as Sarah rubbed the bridge of her nose. "Like it or not you are going to be fighting with them, so act professional or I will revoke your leave privileges."
Time: 00:00 - Zero Hour
Location: "Manticore" - The Bridge- Andomeda- Briefing Room
Crew: Miles Amory & Joan Irons
Mission Parameters: Sync up with Captain Sarah Briggs aboard Andromeda and the M-COR.
Mission Value: € 2,000,000 up front + € 8,000,000 post OP.

The warship Manticore drifted seamlessly through the black velvet of space at a leisurely pace. It was making excellent time in approaching it rendezvous with the M-COR on of their flagships headed by Captain Sarah Briggs. The Manticore was a massive ship, equal to any Destroyer-Class and they were probably the largest ships in the conflict. But it could outgun almost any ship in a one on one fight with its seemingly endless rows of state-of-the-art gauss guns and missile pods bristling its outer hull like a porcupine. It was built on the skeleton of an Andromeda-Class carrier, known for their rugged resilience and marked durability even if they had been obsolete vessels. With new, and better armor as well as a slew of new systems which included weapons and a much-needed upgrade to the lumbering drive cores, making it go faster than it had ever gone before in its service life the ship was reborn as the Manticore.

The vessel was captained by none other than Nathan Hargraves also called '
Charon'; a rear admiral during the early years in the 'Titan Wars' on the side of the Militia, and on of the original pilots of the first Titans, they took from the IMC. He retired after a lengthy time in some of the bloodiest battles, having served with distinction. He now commanded one of the largest, most technologically outfitted ships in the 6-4 fleet. A ship which was now entering Militia space. The 6-4 Company weren't allied to the Militia, though they did often share similar views, but they weren't beholden specifically for them. This often led to a great deal of reservation, and even downright contempt for the mercenary organization. But the fact of the matter was, they were an independent, highly trained fighting force that was highly professional. They had fought for and against Militia and IMC forces and gave as much as they received.

On this sortie, the M-COR found itself lacking when looking to start a fight with the IMC. In desperate need of extra boots on the ground, as well as further Titan support coverage. Militia reinforcements were stretched too thin so they would have arrived too late. The M-COR resorted to hiring the band of bounty hunters and mercenaries because of necessity: they simply could not allow the IMC to move a developmental Titan off-world and into more secure space--or worse allow it to be activated and turned on the Militia. Worse still, they could even turn it on 6-4. More than the money, they needed to stop the IMC.

Joanathan stepped onto the bridge, sauntering towards the admiral with his polished boots clicking against the glossy deck. He came to a halt a few feet from the Nathan, snapping the heels of his feet together and made a crisp salute, drawing his hand to the corner of his face with his fingertips near the edges of his eyebrow, bent arm parallel with his shoulder.

Hargraves spun around in his chair, stood, and tugged on his uniform to smooth out the wrinkles from sitting before he summarily issued a quick salute of his own. The admiral then held out a hand in which Irons took graciously and shook with great respect.

"I assume you've read the reports?" Hargraves questioned, retrieving his meerschaum pipe from the inside of his uniformed coat. He also withdrew some tobacco. Most militaries would flip shit over smoking on board a vessel. But this was Hargraves' castle, and since his experience was indispensable, it was his rules to go by.

Meerschaum otherwise called Sepiolite, was a lightly colored of clay-like material. It was a hydrous magnesium silicate; soft when first gathered, it hardened with solar heat. The material that was often used in meerschaum pipes, was opaque and off-white, gray or cream colored. It would break with a conchoidal or fine earthy fracture, and was occasionally, fibrous in texture. When all was said and done, meerschaum pipes were a pipe smoker's dream.

"Aye sir," Joanathan replied, "The IMC seem to be very busy these days with trying to build the biggest, baddest toy around." He watched as the admiral packed the pipe.

Rich Virginian tobacco mixed with Latakia; Virginians undergo changes in flavor as they aged, similar to a fine wine. Lighter in body than Oriental blends, they had a subtle complexity of flavor that made them a favorite of many experienced smokers. It was a complex and delicate type of tobacco. When smoked poorly, it could taste like hot air, but with a good smoking technique it can span a range of tastes, that are usually sweet, tangy and fruit-like. Latakia was cured over a stone pine or oak wood fire, which gave it an intense smoky-peppery taste and smell. Too strong to smoke straight, it was often used as a "condiment", especially in English and some American Classic blends.

Joanathan stepped forwards pulling out a box of matches from his pocket. He withdrew one, striking the match and igniting the flame, he let the sulfur burn away before passing it over the tobacco in Hargraves pipe letting the older man make several puffs before whisking the match away and tossing it into the ashtray.

"In my day," Nathan said, turning away from Joanathan, turning back around and sitting down in the command chair with his legs crossed. "We fought with what we had and not wasted resources on prototypes hardly worth the effort." The admiral took the pipe in his hand.

"With all due respect, sir--weren't Titans a new commodity that underwent drastic changes to be the capable machines we know and love?" Joanathan chuckled, as did the rear admiral.

"Fair enough," Nathan said putting the mouthpiece of the pipe back in his mouth as he laughed softly. "I'll give you that one, even though we barely understood the technology at the time."

"All things considered, I think you pioneers and test subjects, did a fine job getting the Militia where it needed to be in the end," Joanathan remarked, leaning on a nearby unattended console."It was quite something to have gone from a fighting force with no Titans to absconding your enemy's own resources."

The admiral held his pipe aloft before continuing. "You and your partner will be leading our efforts ground side in conjunction with Militia forces--meanwhile, the Manticore will be providing orbital support." Nathan stated.

Joanathan bowed his head, saluted and pivoted before he was stopped in his tracks by Nathan's voice. "Godspeed Lieutenant, and give Sarah my regards."

"Aye, sir." Joan responded not turning back but instead continuing to the elevator.

Three hours later...

"Lower the landing gear and prepare to dock Miles." Said Joan who was carefully piloting the small transport craft.

"Already on it sir." Miles responded his voice calm as he flipped several switches which extended the legs along the underside of the craft.

The small two-man craft lowered as it entered the docking bay, setting down in a cleared space with the assistance by two signal officers. Shutting the ship down, the two combatants and leaders for the 6-4 forces rose from their seats; the seventeen-year-old Miles Amory was dressed in a synthetic polymer suit which refracted light though it didn't fully turn him invisible like a cloak would have it acted more like a ghillie suit only stead of leaves and twigs breaking up the monotony of his silhouette tiny cameras did instead, by portraying what was behind him along his front making it appear like he was just part of the background. It was noticeably missing the left arm sleeve, which his mechanical arm was plain to see.

Strapped over his suit, was with a tactical vest which crisscrossed in-between his shoulder blades and came over each shoulder. Along the front, it had mag pouches, which held six magazines for his sniper ammunition, and six for his sidearm. He also had three throwing knives and one data knife. Along the small of his back, was a pouch and in it, he had satchel charges.

Joan was much more heavily armored than his protege. He wore a heavy tactical vest, which consisted of highly bullet resistant materials woven together in layer upon layer, as well as built-in ceramic plates that could take one hell of a pounding even from large caliber bullets--within reason of course. It could take anything up to a high-velocity sniper round but if you were to him with anything suitable to for taking down a Titan, chances were it was not going to be a good day.

Miles and Joan left their ship behind, heading across the hanger after talking to the signaling officer about their meeting with the captain of the vessel they were aboard. They entered the lift, which, with the push of a button, took them several decks up. The Andromeda wasn't as big as the Manticore since it was only a cruiser, still, it was impressive nonetheless. They left the lift once reaching the floor Miles knew the meeting room to be on from memorizing the layout of the ship from their initial scans of it.

"Those 6-4 shmucks?" Boomed a voice from the meeting hall. Both Joan andMiles looked at each other. "They act all high and mighty cuz they only employ pilots and they get to choose where they go and who they fight. They only go after the gigs that give them the best PR. When it comes down to the real gritty fighting they are gonna get our troops killed. They don't know how to work with regular troopers, unlike us Marauders. We pilots look out for the grunts and the grunts watch our backs in return." There was a round of hoorahs and grunts of approval from the ground soldiers and pilots as Sarah rubbed the bridge of her nose.

Just then, a knife came up against Argus' throat as a black metallic limb folded around the man's shoulders. The young man had seemingly come from nowhere without a sound. Though the other's facing past him might have seen him--they wouldn't have been fast enough to stop him drawing his knife and poising it towards Argus. The fine blade, sharper than a surgical scalpel, barely grazed the man's full blown beard causing several hairs to fall.

"I'd be glad to start with a noisy one that will get us all killed." Growled Miles.

That's enough Miles, we didn't come here to fight the Militia--we are contractors and pointing our weapons at our clients isn't very good business acumen." Joan stepped forwards nonchalantly, hands held behind his back. He eyed Miles until the young man sheathed his knife and stepped away.

"My apologies Captain Briggs--Miles is the only living orphan from Arcadia IX when the Militia began their counter strike against the IMC. He's a proud member of the 6-4 Company and has been training to be a soldier since he was six. He takes great pride in being a part of that."

Joan lent a hand forwards towards Sarah. "Admiral Nathan Hargrave sends his best wishes from the Manticore--and I hope we can do good business."
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When the knife came up to his throat, Argus simply rolled his eyes. It was not the first time it had happened to him so he was used to it. Although several pilots and troopers had noticeably almost drawn their weapons when Sarah motioned for them to stand down. "No worries Joan, I apologize for captain here. Not exactly the best with making friends." While her voice was calm, Sarah was glaring daggers at Argus. Argus simply rolled his eyes and crossed his arms as Natalie tried to supress a giggle.

Walking up to the projector, Sarah activated the console to reveal a three dimensional map. "Alright everyone, the objective of today's mission is highly important. The IMC has been developing an experimental titan chassis that could tip the balance of the war in their favor should it be mass produced." The map showed a large plateau surrounded by desert. There were several small canyons that ran towards the mountainous rock formation. "The R&D lab has been built inside the plateau. It has been heavily fortified against air attack so we will have to attack from the ground. This base has many defenses so getting inside will not be easy. There are sensor arrays, anti-titan emplacements, and several anti-infantry positions as well. Our best course of attack is to use the small canyons as cover to get close to the base." Three beacons appeared over the entrances to the canyons that ran towards the base.

We will split into three forces, alpha, bravo, and charlie. The first objective is to disable the air defenses so we can drop in more troops and titans as needed. Each squad will be equipped with demolition charges that will take out the disable the gun emplacements. Pilots, your job is to make sure our troopers make it to the base. Your titans will be dropped for you mid-battle so as to maintain the element of surprise until we strike." She stopped and made sure to make eye contact with as many people as possible. "I will not lie, this is a risky mission. But the stakes are too high for us to try and play it safe. I trust that you all understand the importance of today's mission. Each trooper squad will have at least one pilot with them so as to provide support. While they will not be your squad leader, treat them with respect as they might be the ones to save your life."

Sarah left the projector running for people to take notes and turned to Joan. "If you want to say anything to our troops now is the time."
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"Alright everyone, the objective of today's mission is highly important. The IMC has been developing an experimental titan chassis that could tip the balance of the war in their favor should it be mass produced." Joan and Miles listened to Sarah as the lights dimmed when the three-dimensional appeared and slowly rotated as she spoke.

"The R&D lab has been built inside of the plateau. It has been heavily fortified against air attack so we will have to attack from the ground. This base has many defenses so getting inside will not be easy. There are sensor arrays, anti-titan emplacements, and several anti-infantry positions as well. Our best course of attack is to use the small canyons as cover to get close to the base." Red dots began cropping up, dotting locations in correlation to enemy positions, in and around the base of operations.

"We will split into three forces, alpha, bravo, and charlie. The first objective is to disable the air defenses so we can drop in more troops and titans as needed. Each squad will be equipped with demolition charges that will take out the disable the gun emplacements. Pilots, your job is to make sure our troopers make it to the base. Your titans will be dropped for you mid-battle so as to maintain the element of surprise until we strike." Captain Briggs said, eying the silent room. "I will not lie, this is a risky mission. But the stakes are too high for us to try and play it safe. I trust that you all understand the importance of today's mission. Each trooper squad will have at least one pilot with them so as to provide support. While they will not be your squad leader, treat them with respect as they might be the ones to save your life."

The captain then turned towards Joan, who handed Miles a tiny UFS card. "If you want to say anything to our troops now is the time."

"Thank-you Captain," Joan said as he shook her hand again.

There was something very dignified and professional about him--about the way he moved, the way he talked, and the way he held himself. The M-COR would get a good look at what pilots had to endure when Titans were first produced by Hammond Robotics. The artificial A.I wasn't like it was these days, easy to use and easy to employ--something that separated it'self from the identity of the pilot that was not so when Titans began to be produced, why, it seemed, he had an apparatus bolted to the side of his skull. It was a synchronization link. Pilots were often children in those days, orphans and the like, used for experimentation. While trying to create a working A.I, they first tried to plug it directly into the cerebral cortex. Those who didn't go mad or believe they were schizophrenic because their brain misidentified the A.I translating words into a communicative speech pattern, as it creating a whole nother personality entirely, could pilot the first Titans with incredible skill. 40 years of piloting, Joan started when he was just 13, he was now going on 54.

"What I am about to show you, cost many lives to get. I hope, that in due time, why this objective is so important that we cooperate today of all days, more than we have in the past." Joan looked out over the numerous Marauders, Captain Briggs, and Miles. Though his eyes were cybernetic, they emphasized the words he had spoken. "I am Joan and that--is Miles. We will be leading the 6-4 Company's forces on the ground. We will start at Charlie, and meet up with the Marauders at Bravo. Now I understand there is a rivalry between our two groups, and that's all well and good. Competition is fun, and it can push people to do better. But don't let it cloud your judgment, look out for one another. Because today we face a highly advanced adversary." Joan stated.

He then nodded to Miles who hit a button, revealing a monstrous Titan.

"This," Joan pointed at the Titan. "This is your enemy today. The Titan codenamed 'Absolution'." The 6-4 pilot looked down at the model. "It is a bit taller than an Atlas type or an Ogre--and more armored. The IMC has been brokering deals with other financial backers about a new metal that has been found within IMC space. This metal is far more durable than what Titans are normally made of and is also many times lighter. In truth, the only thing it has a trade off with is heat dissipation. Now, before you go saying take a blow torch to it--the heat source has to be very substantial. It still takes quite a bit of heat to cause significant damage. Next slide please."

The next model highlighted the many armaments that this monstrosity had which was several.

"Onto the weapons systems. You will notice first of all, that it has a lot more weapons that any Titan could have. Since its chassis is comprised of a lighter, stronger metal--much more can be added to make up for that." The image zoomed to the right forearm of the Titan. It had a large, flat square-shaped protrusion that almost resembled a shield. "This is a BRARA03 MSAC Launcher. It fires guided missiles; very agile and with a highly damaging yield. The missiles are faster than an Ogre or an Atlas--but I believe a Stryder, with some manuevering, can out run it. "

The image swapped to the left arm which had a significantly larger protrusion, that was reminiscent of some form of medieval wrist-mounted weapon. " And this is a game changer," Joan said directing the soldier's eyes. "It produces a beam of super-heated energy, produced by the Titan's core, and confined in an electromagnetic field to keep a uniform shape. This can produce excessive heat that can burn through standard Titan armor. This blade is also experimental in design. Next."

The image switched to the back shoulder pauldrons, where two large, rectangular platform launchers were situated, one for each shoulder. "BVS-50 Launchers, very damaging with explosions that can, and will be highly dangerous even for more armored Titans."

The projector was then turned off, and the lights brightened.

"Make no mistake ladies and gentleman, if that thing is mass produced there won't be a hole to crawl into left. The IMC is hellbent on reclaiming lost territories for want of the mineral rich planets it can harvest from. That means homes and lives, can and will be destroyed. Now, I don't make any great illusions that the 6-4 Compan doesn't profit from the conflict that the Militia and the IMC have been fighting for a decade now, and we don't see ourselves as 'fighting the good fight'. But more often than not, our goals coincide with the Militia's, and this time the IMC threatens both of our groups. So if they are going to build a Titan and name it Absolution--why don't we sinners show them what we think of them trying to force us to repent?"

Right Arm: BRARA03 MSAC Launcher

Left Arm: MOONLIGHT (Energy blade)

Shoulders: BVS-50

Main Gun: Plasma Railgun (Enhanced)
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Sarah nodded as Joan finished his briefing. "Thank you Joan." Turning to the assembled soldiers she made sure to look many of them in the eye. "This operation is now a go. Report to your assigned squad leaders for individual assignments. We will all meet in the hanger in 15 minutes. From there we will board the dropships and head planetside, dismissed." Everyone stood at attention and saluted, Sarah returned with a crisp salute of her own then turned to Joan. "While I am sure your pilots are more than capable, I want this operation by the books. Any showboating that gets my troopers killed will be reported directly to my superiors." She had a fiercly maternal look in her eyes, like that of a mother bear protecting her cubs. "I wish you the best of luck on this operation, godspeed." With a sharp nod, Sarah turned around and walked off to the bridge.

Argus walked out of the briefing room with Natalie at his side. "Fuckin 6-4, of all the people to work with..." Natalie smiled and punched Argus in one of his beefy arms. "Oh quit complaining like a little bitch Gus. I think it will be fun having some new people to fight with. Everyone in the M-COR has gotten boring, they arent any fun to play with anymore." The two pilots followed a group of troopers to the armory. The large room was filled with racks of weapons, cases of explosives, and various pieces of heavy weapons. Going up to the quatermaster in his reinforced cage, Argus and Natalie filled out their requisition forms for their firearms. "Well I hope those 6-4 guys dont hold a grudge. When I was with the apex predators I am pretty sure I fought them a couple of times." Handing in their forms, the quartermaster disappeared for a moment then returned with their weapons. Argus took his spitfire machine gun and checked it over. The various kill tally marks and scratches attested to its use and age. Natalie rubbed a speck of dust off her sleek R-97 submachine gun, it's black paint glistening as if freshly painted. As they walked over to the anti-titan weapon racks, she pulled out her shotgun pistol and checked for any inconsistencies. "Well I am sure they wont mind, professional attitude and all that." Argus smirked as he retrieved a MGL grenade launcher and slung it over his back while Natalie screwed suppressor s into her weapons. "Sure Nat, let's go with that." He chuckled as they left the armory now fully armed.

Arriving in the hanger, the fully armored Natalie and Argus went to their titans that were docked next to each other. The techs signaled that the titans were ready for combat and Argus and Natalie gave them salutes. Opening the cockpit, Argus left the hatch open as he ran a diagnostics check. "So Nat, you think that prototype we are going for is operational?" Natalie sat in her open cockpit and ran a weapons check. "I dunno Gus. If it is I am sure we can take it. With your armor and my speed, we can take on anything the IMC throws at us."
"Thank you, Joan." Sarah said initially before turning towards the group gathered. "This operation is now a go. Report to your assigned squad leaders for individual assignments. We will all meet in the hanger in 15 minutes. From there we will board the dropships and head planetside, dismissed."

The pilots and soldiers then snapped to, standing upright in the correct posture; arms fixed to their sides with their thumbs aligning with their seams. Their chins were up, their chests were out, their shoulders were held back squared away, and their stomachs were tucked in. They were the epitome of what any well-oiled machine should be. The then lifted their right arms in salute to their captain, and just like that the mood in the room had changed. Eagerness mixed with nerves like a half stirred cocktail. Miles, who was standing with his arms folded over one another, watched the other soldiers around him with mildly curious eyes as they filed past him. He then emerged from the dissipating crowd, nearing Joan and Sarah Briggs.

"While I am sure your pilots are more than capable, I want this operation by the books. Any showboating that gets my troopers killed will be reported directly to my superiors." He heard the woman say with a protective tone. Both commanders cared about the people under their command. But as a battlefield commander, he knew Joan wasn't partial to anyone. He would get the job done.

"With all due respect ma'am, the 6-4 Company does not follow the same procedural guidelines that the Frontier Militia nor IMC do. We can't. We aren't the uniform fighting force that either F.M or the I.M.C are. We are mercenaries and bounty hunters, showboating, unfortunately, is part of the flair. We both have men under our command that see each other as rivals, and this operation as a proving ground. " Joan stated without flinching, but his tone still held respect.

"That said," He continued. " I will make sure that my men watch your men's backs during this joint operation. We will no doubt suffer casualties on both sides. But if a little showboating relaxes their nerves, it's best to let them. Going into an engagement with uncertainty is equally as dangerous. However, there is another matter I would like to discuss with you." Joan stated, he then motioned to Miles who stepped further up.

"Miles is what we call a Specter, his specialty is infiltration and espionage. I have been ordered by my superiors to get him inside the facility at all costs. He is to upload a virus that will eradicate anything to do with the Absolution's design and research. Destroying the prototype is all well and good but it will be pointless if they can just build another. Miles will infiltrate the facility and find the mainframe. He will then upload the virus which will wipe out the information on the Absolution and perhaps, if we are lucky, more. Doing this will no doubt draw attention, which will lessen the troops seen in the field. Also, the Manticore will provide heavy duty weapons support should any IMC vessels come into orbit." Joan informed the captain.

Once the talks had been dealt with and were out of the way, Miles and Joan made their way back to the Manticore. Joan Miles suited up; Joan outfitted himself for a long firefight with the high-accuracy semi-automatic G2A5 rifle. While many perceive the semi-automatic function a downside when compared to other assault rifles, such as the R201 carbine, Joan didn't think that way. With a 14-round magazine, a match trigger, and the rifle's high-damage output due to the heavier round made it one of the best rifles to the grizzled vet. He also chose the dependable Archer Heavy-Rocket as his backup weapon.

For Miles, it was usually a matter of staying away, staying hidden and striking out against an opponent. However, this mission would require him to be a bit more up close and personal with the enemy. That said, he chose his weapons accordingly; A Volt sub-machine gun with great accuracy that lobbed bolts of concentrated high energy that would be deadly in close quarters such as inside a structure. With a speed loader and extended clips as best friends. If that wasn't enough, he also loaded up with an Amped EVA-8 shotgun and modified it so that it had a drum magazine and modded it so that it increased the spread of the weapon, causing it to disperse its pellets over a larger area.

After the two were geared up Joan looked at Miles and began adjusting his armor almost like a parent grooming a child. "I have faith in ya'," He said to Miles as Miles slid the helmet on.

"That's dangerous." Miles retorted half jokingly.

"Yeah, well, I've lived my whole life in dangerous situations. Thought I'd get comfortable--by the way, that girl didn't look half bad. What was her name?"

"Natalie. And is now really the time to be thinking like that?!" Miles huffed.

"My boy, in this line of work--" Joan slid his helmet on. "It's now or never."
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