→ ❤️ ⚔️ prince x assassin roleplay ⚔️❤️ [mxm]

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Original poster

❝i am a prince before i am a son or brother.❞

Last updated 4/31/18. As of 4/31/18 this thread is CLOSED.

Hello! I'm NC, pronouns they/them or she/her. I've been lurking on Iwaku for a while but I haven't posted anything, so here I am with my first interest check on this site ^^ I'm pretty excited!

I started roleplaying five years ago, and ever since then it's been a huge part of my life. In the last couple of months, though, I haven't been able to roleplay due to personal issues and school. But now that I'm on spring break, I'm ready to dip my feet back into roleplaying and create an awesome story with someone. ^^

At the moment I'm looking for a partner for a MxM prince x assassin roleplay, which I will elaborate on below. Unfortunately, I'll only be accepting one partner for this pairing. It's been a while since I've last roleplayed and I don't want to overwhelm myself. ^^

Alright~ Before I elaborate on the idea I have, let me first talk a little about myself and what I'd like from my partners.


→ About
  • I'm under the age of 18. Because of this, I don't feel comfortable RPing with anyone over the age of 21.
  • If you are looking for a partner who can write fast back and forth replies, I am not the partner for you. I am a student with some classes that have intense work loads. There will be times when I won't be able to respond to OOC or IC messages for two to four days due to school work. Please keep this in mind if you wish to plot something out with me. owo
  • My busiest days are from Monday to Thursday. I'll almost always be able to respond on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
  • For those who are curious, I'm in the Central Time Zone.
  • I'll only RP on Iwaku in either PMs or forum threads. PMs are preferred.
  • My average reply length is 3+ paragraphs. I usually write in third person and have no particular tense preference. All I ask is that we write in the same person and tense for continuity's sake. I've been wanting to experiment with first person for a while, so I'd be more than willing to write an RP in that style!
  • I refuse to RP any of the following: heavy gore, horror, rape, pedophilia, incest, smut, abuse (sexual, physical, and mental), and large age gaps (5 years+). I'm fine with mentioning any of that in light detail or as part of a character's backstory, but if you want to actually roleplay them in detail I'm out.
  • Characters of any gender, sexuality, and ethnicity are fine by me!
  • I tend to use anime faceclaims. Feel free to use whatever type of face claim you like.
  • I am ditch friendly. As long as you send a message stating that the RP isn't working for you anymore, I'm totally fine with ditching. Life happens, and I know times can get tough. I'll make sure to extend the same courtesy to you, too. If in the long run you realize that you want to pick up our RP again, don't be afraid to shoot me a PM and ask if we can restart it.
  • If you haven't responded for two weeks without prior notice, I'll assume that you want to drop the RP.

    [*]I'm the type of person who loves to send songs, art, or text posts that remind me of our RP / ramblings about our characters or the RP in general.
    [*]I like to make friends, so don't be afraid to make any OOC chatter with me! ^^

→ What I'd Like From You

    • Please be a literate roleplayer who can write 3 well-developed paragraphs at minimum. That doesn't mean that you should write 3 paragraphs of useless description, though. Give me something to work with, something to move the plot forward. I'll do the same.
    • Have good grammar and spelling when writing in-character. A lack of good grammar and spelling are a major, major turn off for me.
    • No one-liners. I have nothing against people who write one-liners. I just find that I lose motivation quickly if I write a lot for an RP only to receive very little in return.
    • Contribute to plotting and such. I'm an aggressive plotter. I love suggesting ideas for character relations and world-building, but I don't want to carry the entire roleplay. I want to hear my partner's ideas, too! So please don't be afraid of bringing any of your ideas to the table. ^^ Similarly, don't be afraid to tell me if you have any concerns about the RP or if you think that the RP isn't going to work out anymore. I won't judge at all.
    • Be under or at the age of 21.
    • If you can reply at least two times a week that'd be lovely. There's no pressure to respond 24/7. Roleplaying is a hobby, after all, and I don't want any of my partners to feel stressed about something they should find enjoyable. I know life can get really stressful. ^^ I'll be able to reply at the same rate. A bump will come if you haven't responded in a week. Feel free to also bump me if I haven't responded in a week.
    • Be open to doubling. I'm not saying that we will double, but I'd appreciate it if my partner could consider it.
    • Be open to writing a romance. Romance won't be the main focal point of this RP, but it'll still be one of the main elements.
    • I like the send my partners things that remind me of our RP. This isn't a requirement, but if you're the same way, we'll get along nicely.
Thank you for reading through all of my personal information and what I'd like from my partners! I promise that I'm not always this serious. OTL

If you're still interested and believe that we can be compatible partners, scroll down to see what I have in mind for this pairing.

✿ The Plot

A prince has been quiet and reserved since birth. In the hopes of curing his son's personality problem, the king assigns the liveliest, most personable knight in the castle to be the prince's personal guard for a year. Little does he know that the "knight" is an assassin assigned to kill the prince.

→ General Notes

This plot bunny was shamelessly inspired by the anime The World is Still Beautiful, which I have been binge watching obsessively for the past few days. Something about that anime just tugs at my heart strings. I love it so much ;;

In this roleplay I'd like to play the role of the prince. In addition, I'd like for our characters to be in their late teens to their early twenties, as that is the age range I am most comfortable portraying.

I imagined the world to be a low fantasy world with magic and some magical creatures. I also imagined that the prince would have some magical powers, too. This can be further developed during plotting.

Although I'd like for there to be some romance between the prince and the assassin, I don't want romance to be the sole focal point of the roleplay. If you're craving a purely sweet slice-of-life RP, I won't be the right partner for you. I'd like to focus on the political struggles that come with being a part of the royal family. There's so much opportunity to talk about potential power struggles, rivaling kingdoms, and changes of allegiance. I really want to create an intense, dramatic scenario where it's impossible to tell who to trust or who to dismiss. In short: be open to a lot of drama, angst, and political maneuvering.

I also want to create complex characters who have more to them than just a single trait. Character creation is a passion of mine, so I'd love to flesh out our characters and make them living, breathing people with intricate motivations.

My favorite part of roleplaying is grappling with philosophical themes that challenge my characters to question their viewpoints and the world around them. I'd like to be able to write that in this RP, too.

In terms of romance, I'd like for it to be very slow burn. I can imagine that the prince and the assassin will have to grapple with a multitude of personal issues before even considering a relationship.

✿ End

If you're read all the way down to here, thank you so much! If you're interested or have any questions, please PM me instead of directly replying to this thread.

Thank you for your time! I hope we can create an amazing roleplay together!! ^u^

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