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Greetings, I am Cloudburst, and I am here to bring you my latest creation, though I am in a rough spot in finding a name for it. For now, it will be known as Project Godflame: A World Full of Wonders. I had designed this to be set in a rich fantasy world rife with lore so thick and convoluted that one could peel it from the very screen they had read it from. Like any world it has many crevices and expanses to explore, but one must know the history of the world they inhabit to experience it to the fullest extent. And so, without any more dallying, I give to you the lore.

When the Godflame was first lit, sparks were strewn near and far. These sparks were the Allflames, the incandescent fragments of the Godflame that had warded off the Abyss. Most had faded into the Abyss before they could burn away the darkness, and in the end, only four had remained. The Xaerrat, Faan-Do, Irostine, and Odir Allflames each burned fervently, halting the advance of the Abyss. For a time, there was peace, and the Allflames grew restless in the wake of their victories over the Abyss. Without warning, within them rose a thing unlike any other. Each Allflame had produced forms to contain a portion of its warmth, fearsome dragons with an ember of their Allflame within them and names to match their creators. The Dragons then were granted free reign of the unformed world, and in truth, gave it form and life.

Xaerrat, the firstborn named after the first of Allflames, had created the land itself, and named the world after himself. He then created Humans, animals, and other hosts to call the world home. Faan-Do, the eldest of the twins had created servants for her and her kin in the form of the Lamia, a combination of Human and woefully incomplete dragon much like herself and her sister. Irostine, the second and more clairvoyant twin had succeeded her sister, and created not only the Centaurs, but the Elves, Dwarves and Ryaa as well. Last as always, the youngest of the dragons, Odir, had sought to create life just as his kin did. However, Odir was driven to madness in his search, and as such, his creations were as twisted as his mind. He had created the Daimons, and his sons and daughters had soon smothered him and his ember within themselves.

With the smothering of Odir, the Allflame responsible for his creation flickered at the Abyss, and faltered at the loss of a mere ember. The Abyss then advanced on the four flames and the world they had created. Before the world was touched, the embers of the Allflames consumed by the Abyss had been reawakened, and a new Allflame was forged from within it. It was called the Abyssal Allflame by the three remaining dragons, and this Allflame had not created a dragon to safeguard its ember, but an entire legion of forms called Ayen. Within the Ayen, the Abyssal ember smoldered, and unlike the Daimons, they were able to utilize their gifts to safeguard their Allflame.

That, however, was long ago, when the world had not yet been filled with wonders.

The first wonder was the Slumbering of Dragons, wherein the dragons bearing the embers of Allflames had been put into a slumber to safeguard their flickering flames, for all fire would soon fade. Two false dragons were created to safeguard the flames without dragons, for the Ayen and Daimons were not trusted by the original triptych of dragons. The two artificial dragons were granted the names Viodir and Uiodir, and were made from the smothered remains of Odir, with Viodir slumbering with the Abyssal Allflame and Uiodir slumbering with the Odir Allflame. Only, without embers, Viodir and Uiodir soon succumbed to the embrace of the Abyss.

The second wonder was the flickering of the Five Flames, and the spreading of embers. All fire required ample fuel, save for the Godflame, and Allflames were subject to a slow death without tithe to burn. The Five Flames spread a portion of their embers to their dragons' creations and bid them a message with their gifted warmth. Those chosen to bear an ember within their bosom were known as the Embraced, and Daimons and Ayen were forbid from becoming Embraced, for they already held their embers dear. Embraced would then amass their power, and ultimately offer themselves to the Allflame that had gifted them their power, but not before passing the trials of the dragon watching over in slumber.

Following the first two wonders, numerous and untold wonders followed. Secrets and treasures of the Abyss had been revealed after the first Embraced gave their lives to strengthen the Five Flames, and soon, the lesser of the consumed Allflames had created worlds of their own that had been revealed to the peoples of Xaerrat. The Age of Wonders had truly begun. Each of the seven races of the world had turned their eyes to the wonders that had seeped in from the Abyss, and had braced themselves for a world full of wonder.

Within the world of Xaerrat, I would assume there would be much to do. They are essentially in a golden age because of the wonders bestowed upon the world due to the sacrifices of the Embraced and the warmth of the Five Flames. However, this golden age does not translate into peace. Counting subdivisions, there are sixteen species that call Xaerrat home, and not all of them see the wonders in the same way the others might. Not only that, but societal barriers occasionally lead to racism and strife. Speaking of which, it would behoove me to explain the species of Xaerrat.

Humans were the first species created by the dragon Xaerrat, and the species that was the first to receive the power of an Embraced. Even before that, Humans had established themselves as the dominant species of Xaerrat, and had constructed sprawling kingdoms, townships, and other establishments that dotted the tamed wilds.

Compared to other species, they are fairly plain. Humans live to reach an average of eighty years of age, but a fraction of what some other species can live. They also have societal concepts that confound some other species such as Ayen and Elves, such as the concept of inheritance or a "royal" bloodline. However, that is not to say that they do not share qualities with the other species. They too had come from fire, and as such can become Embraced, and learn the basic art of Pyromancy as well as other forms of sorcery such as Witchcraft and Thaumaturgy.

Lamia were the second species created overall, and the only species to be created by the dragon Faan-Do. Taking the form of a Human torso melded with a lower half akin to the malformed bodies of Faan-Do and Irostine. Their serpentine lower bodies also is coated in a slick and poisonous oil known as Faan-Do's kiss, and it can kill within minutes if administered to an open wound, and hours if on exposed skin. Created to tend to the Five Flames, Lamia are cold-blooded, and flock to flame and warmth as an instinctual action. Due to this instinctual flocking toward flame, Lamia had revered the Five Flames and the dragons they had created, and see becoming Embraced as a blessing.

To other species, Lamia are exotic and elegant. They live to reach an average of two hundred years of age, though the signs of advanced aging only truly show after one-hundred and fifty. In their society, honor is prized, and other species share the sentiment of honor over unnecessary facets of society. Like Humans, they have a monarch, but this monarch is not chosen by bloodline, but by a voting process due to the actions they have taken in life. This monarch serves for life unless another individual overrules or challenges them to the Nine Trials. What happens in these trials are a closely guarded secret, and all that is known is that the victor becomes the next monarch. However, the Nine Trials may only occur once every century, for preparation takes that long.

Like Humans and Daimons, Lamia can harness the power of fire via Pyromancy, and typically only learn Pyromancy if they are Embraced. However, magic in general is seen as occult to the Lamia, as only Pyromancy is seen as a true and holy magic granted from the Five Flames and the dragons. Those that do practice, however, dabble in whatever they wish to.

Centaurs were the first creation of Irostine, and the third species to be created on Xaerrat. They take the form of a Human torso melded to the body of a horse, and are one of the more physically powerful species on Xaerrat due to this. They, like the rest of Irostine's creations, were brought to life to spite Faan-Do and Xaerrat, and other than that, they served no purpose in regards of the Five Flames. However, like the rest of Irostine's creations, they have an unnatural longevity to them. As the first of her creations, they are ageless, but can only reproduce once.

Due to their endless lifespans, Centaurs are nomadic and sagely by nature, and often seek to either have new experiences in life or seek to teach others. Due to this, they do not have a true society, and in truth, do not congregate as oft as the other species of Xaerrat. Also unlike the other species, they have no proficiency in Pyromancy, but can use Thaumaturgy to augment their already potent skills, or Augury to prevent catastrophes from unfolding.

Elves were the second creation of Irostine, and were the fourth species to be made overall. They simply appear to be lithe Humans with pointed ears, but like Irostine's other creations, they bear an unnatural longevity along with another oddity to set them apart. The oddity of Elves is that they can communicate with creatures beyond the ken of normal language without the use of Thaumaturgy or Witchcraft, and it was with this revelation that they had abandoned their faith within the Five Flames.

Elves tend to congregate where mass amounts of life, be they plant or animal, are situated. It was in this environment that the Elves had learned that fire could not only escape, but was destructive in nature. They had then forsaken the Five Flames, and dedicated their long existences to serving life instead of fire. However, these traditions had faded just as the Five Flames did, and some had returned to their ways of tending to the flames. Due to this schism, only Elves devoted to flame, or at least related in blood to one that is, may become Embraced.

Elves live long lives, with the eldest living to be over two-thousand years old, and the eldest recorded dying when the Five Flames had started to fade. Unusually, Elves also possess unnatural beauty, but nowhere near that of a Succubus. In terms of magic, they can only use Pyromancy if they are Embraced, and Witchcraft is a commonly accepted form of magic for self defense.

Dwarves are the second to last species created by Irostine, and were the fifth species to be created by a dragon. They assume the form of a short Human, often being half the height of a Human counterpart. Dwarves revere the concept of fire differently than other species. Where the Lamia respect it, the Ayen and Daimons harbor it, and the majority of Elves despise it, Dwarves seek to master it like the dragons. They live underground, away from the prying eyes of all but the Ryaa and Drow, for the Ryaa and Dwarves are allies, and they and the Drow are bitter enemies.

Dwarves are somewhat odd in comparison to the other species, for they had directly inherited a trait from their dragon-creator. They had the clairvoyance of Irostine, and used such gifts to usher themselves into a new era of technology and innovation. Sadly, these innovations did not seep onto the surface world until the Five Flames had began to fade. Due to their longevity, however, Dwarves had ample time to think of excuses on why the world at large was not ready for their technological gifts. They did not need magic where the others did, for technology had handled most of their problems for them, and as such, they had never learned to use magic.

Ryaa are the last species that Irostine created, and the sixth species created by a dragon. They are large,green, humanoid masses of muscle and blubber than have strength and durability far surpassing that of a Centuar, as well as the capacity for higher learning if not for their flaw. The Ryaa, unlike the other creations of Irostine, had a purpose, for Irostine had seen visions of the Five Flames fading, and had created the Ryaa to be the optimal candidates for becoming Embraced. However, they had one fatal flaw. Ryaa of sufficient age would grow horns that would eventually come to impale their brains, leaving them little more than instinct-driven bodies of fat and muscle. One day, the Dwarves had come across a Ryaa in the middle of this process, and had created a method of preserving their brains in the form of devices they called Spires. With the Spires embedded within their skulls, Ryaa would never again fear being overwhelmed by insanity, and had joined the Dwarves in their underground kingdom.

Aside from the Dwarves and Drow, the Ryaa have had little contact with the other species of the world, and most had assumed that the Ryaa had started to die off due to their malediction. In addition to that, the lifespan of a Ryaa without a horn was doubled, and one can live to see a thousand thanks to the Dwarves. Just like intended by Irostine, the Ryaa make excellent Embraced due to their size, but due to their nature as living kindling, they can only use Pyromancy well.

Daimons are the only species to be made by Odir, and the last species created by a dragon. Daimons once had form, but when they had smothered Odir's ember within themselves, they had burned away and became incorporeal. For ages, they watched the other peoples of Xaerrat from a safe and unknown distance, until the Five Flames had began to flicker at the Abyss, and fade. Having the power of Odir's ember within them, the Daimons challenged the Abyss, and were rewarded thusly with the retrieval of another Allflame's ember. They had smothered it just as they did to Odir's, but this time, the ember had given them both domain and power. Soon, their descendants, the Demons were born of the ember and the chaos it had sewn.

Demons were Daimons that had used their ember to create life not unlike Odir, and just like them, their creations were twisted versions of preexisting forms. The Drow, the twisted facsimile of an Elf. Arachne, once a vision of a Centuar, but fiercely warped by their ember. Gorgons, mimics of Lamia but gone horribly awry. Succubi and Incubi, facsimiles of Humans perverted by lust. Oni, Dwarves corrupted by chaos and avarice. Wendigo, chaos-bound Ryaa marked by their insatiable gluttony. And finally, Drakes, imitations of the very dragon that had given Daimons life that could morph their forms into that of whatever they wished.

Out of all the species, Demons had to create their own home, the city of Bedlam. However, the Drow detested the ember within them and the Five Flames, and fled underground only to be met with the Dwarves and Ryaa. The species soon entered a war that still rages on. The other Demons, however, had stayed within their grand city, and ruminated on their place in the world.

Ayen are the only species created by the Abyssal Allflame, and never had a corresponding dragon to their ember. Instead, the Ayen have pieces of the Abyssal Allflame's ember buried within themselves, though they pay heavily as a result. Born of the abyss, the Ayen are strange creatures, having purple skin, empty white eyes, ram-like horns, and a lack of any indication of sex. Indeed, Ayen have no need to reproduce, as they simply are brought into existence, fully grown, ready to bare themselves upon the Abyssal Allflame.

Ayen pay dearly for their conception and holding the raw embers of the Abyssal Allflame within them, as their bodies are short-lived, and they only truly die when the ember within them is lit no more. The average Ayen's body lives for three decades before they are burnt away and reformed in a new body a short time after, without the memories of the prior incarnation. Due to this, Ayen have no concept of childhood or parenthood, but do have a semblance of royalty for those Ayen that had strengthened the Abyssal Allflame with their ember.

Ayen have a unique outlook on the Five Flames compared to the other species of Xaerrat, and also have a unique connection to the world in general. They can access the powers of Witchcraft without worry of death, and naturally know how to use a unique form of Pyromancy, Abyssal Pyromancy.

Within the species synopses, I had mentioned forms of magic. Magic is not a prevalent part of this world, but it does shape the ways the peoples that live on it interact with themselves and the wonders bestowed upon them. In truth, the peoples of Xaerrat using anything but Pyromancy was in and of itself, a wonder. After magic was bestowed upon the world, there were six forms of magic, Pyromancy, Abyssal Pyromancy, Thaumaturgy, Witchcraft, Augury, and Etchcraft.

Pyromancy channels the warmth of the Five Flames into a tangible and malleable flame, and the Embraced can utilize this even further by using their own ember to help fuel the flame. Abyssal Pyromancy burns from the Abyss, and produces a white and black flame that is cold to the touch, but burns what is unworthy. Thaumaturgy is the manipulation of the energies from wonders and leftover energy from other magic. Witchcraft is magic that pulls energy from the Abyss, but harms those not versed in its secrets. Augury is the gift of being able to manipulate time to an extent, and renew or ruin things temporarily. Finally, Etchcraft is the art of etching runes and trapping the energies of the other magics within it.

Despite what is stated in the species section, each species can learn a type of magic if they wish to, and try hard enough. However, there are some lore reasons why some species can't use certain magics, such as Elves with Pyromancy.

Now onto the rest of the information.

This roleplay if focused on both adventure and characters, and I do truly have some semblance of a plot involved. All of the species and magics would be available upon OOC creation, though that is only if this roleplay sees the light of day. Hopefully someone would have read this, and if so, thank you for your time.[/hr][/hr][/hr]
Seems pretty cool. I want to say I see some Dark Souls-like elements but doesn't seem as dark and hopeless lol. Would be interesting.
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Yes, that was one of the inspirations I suppose. The whole concept of fire was brought about from that parallel concept in Dark Souls. Regardless, thank you for your interest, and viewing this thread.
//The Great Dragon bowed his head to the ground, as he approached his mass would match that of a mountain//

What would you have this great dragon do?
I would have you show interest in this, if that is what pleases you.
Interested~^^!! Will wait for OoC
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Most excellent. If Seishin and Myth truly are interested, we can begin with one more person.
Most excellent. Now we wait in anticipation of the one or many that may come to fill such a role.
Excellent. Still searching, but excellent nonetheless.
I gotta head to bed but the Banner got me. Will read everything after work tomorrow night.
Excellent. I am beginning to work on the OOC now. There will be more information on the species, magic, wonders, and the world there. For now, I will take questions if there are any to be asked.
The thread will likely be up within the next 24 hours, if not, I apologize due to my lack of honesty.
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Reactions: Nanashi
I'll throw my hand in with the lot.

We're gonna die a lot aren't we.
Dying is the best part of living. ⭐