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Tamsin did calm down, knowing Lazar was getting better, but she still wished and wished again she had more use of magic than just scanning people's soul.. Her father had always said such a gift would be bad if it fell to the wrong hands.. hah! What good would it do even a bad person? Help someone snitch on another person? ooo scary. She snuggled close to Lazar, keeping the chairs balanced, and wound her arms around his waist. "I just feel like the only one in the family without any real useful magic. I have nothing to offer." she said with a tired sigh. All her life, she'd tried to test her powers, but all her ability did was show her the inner feelings and truths of all the people around her, and half the time it made her wary of people, and wished she didn't have such a gift of seeing people's insides.. She'd be grateful for a second power, anything to help more... "But we'll go see Gavin once you're a lot stronger... What about Chastianna? Is there still no way to rid Hanna out of her womb?" She asked.

Gavin thought for a moment... then sent his telepathy over to Claire. <Hey Claire? There's six kids in the palace right now. How many do you guys have with you in the forest?> He asked, a little hesitant to find out. Claire answered immediately.. <Considering half this side of the village had more dead families than living... Only a few children are left, we haven't really gotten a head count.. But expect more arrivals.> She answered, her voice full of disgust and despair. Gavin shook his head- suddenly able to see the very scene she was witnessing, house after house of dead people. It nearly made him fall over, but he stayed up right. "There will be a lot of kids here I'm afraid and I'm wondering if guards and palace staff would like to adopt some of them, or even villagers of Malthen Ana." He added, hesitantly. He wouldn't send kids to complete strangers no... but there would be an interview process, and regular visits to check on how the kids were adapting to their new families. His mind was racing with ideas on how to help them.. "And Laurana was able to save Chastianna's eggs. She saved at least three. Caden used his magic to implant one of the eggs and it's already grown to six weeks. She's on bed rest for the remainder of the pregnancy..things are more ...fragile, since it's not her own baby she's carrying." He explained grimly.

Serena's eyes were wide. ... "I would like to, but maybe just one? As we're....we're having twins come January, Morden." She admitted, a little nervous on telling him. They had been definitely trying to have their own baby again, to make up for the loss of her baby girl. But the higher powers had gone above and beyond... and blessed her with two!

Gavin's eyes widened..."That's terrific! I'm so glad for you, Serena, Morden... I'm going to go get the paper and writing stuff I'll need and make up those documents, you two have a great day." He hugged them both and left them to go get supplies for the adoption papers he'd need to make. He really was glad for Serena and Morden though!

Ginnia, up in the tower room with Mumford, stopped drawing glowing flowers for a moment and stared at the door. "I hear kids' laughing and playing even from here... dad what happened?" She asked him, putting down her bright blue pencil.

Irena continued using her energy to heal all of the lands and water they visited. Claire was using far less energy and less blood calling the storms as needed, but the mission felt endless and she worried how far out these poachers had gotten..

Marianna simply helped make things easier for everyone while they were traveling or while they stopped. She brought the poor families provisions, and helped Claire find a few people who needed healing, and when they traveled she made sure she stayed at Xavier's side. She hoped there were no poachers left.... That would be terrible if they had es escaped and were still causing damages! It felt like a never-ending battle to her.

Cain smiled at Rook. <It's all in the back.> He assured him, carrying the people and objects with ease as they went to other villages..
Lazar shook his head, "Nonsense Tamsin," he said lifting her head so he could look at her, "You are a fierce warrior, and protector. Your powers have helped your father know when someone was an enemy posing as a friend. You are loving and supportive and have a lot of common sense. You give more than you see. I'm sure there will be a lot that needs doing when your father returns. I think this is going to end up being a real painful trip for him." he frowned, "Seeing people hurting won't be easy for him...he'll need a lot of support." He had never seen Tamsin as useless. She'd always seemed larger than life to him, so high above him and unattainable. He couldn't understand why she didn't see that worth in herself, but he was going to keep telling her about it until she did.

Morden blinked and looked at Serena, "We are??" he asked and scooped her up and spun her in a circle. "Oh that is the best news!" he said, "Maybe we'll wait as see if the children find homes first and then we'll discuss taking on more." He didn't want Serena to over do anything and have even a possibility of losing another child. he didn't think she could take that. "Maybe we should go down and see if they need any help getting the kids situated though?"

Mumford looked up from his reading and quirked his head to the side, "well..I do too. Want to go see what's going on?" At the avid shake of her head he held out his hand and they made their way into the palace following the sounds of children. "My heavens!" Mumford exclaimed, "Violet...Allin...Billy...Dina...Mickey...what are you all doing here?"

Violet looked up at Mumford, "The king came to our village and the nice lady healed us...we were all so sick...we..." Billy spoke then, "Our moms and dads are gone...the fever took them....so the king sent us here." he looked at Ginnia, "I was worried about you...when they took you away. I'm glad you're ok."

Mumford frowned, "I'm so sorry ... so sorry....I didn't know..."

Billy nodded, "No one did...not even the king. We are being well cared for here. Good food and nice people."

Mumford nodded, "I'm very glad to hear that, not that I am surprised."

Rook huffed out some smoke *Yeah yeah..whatever...I'll get there.* They flew for about ten minutes when they saw another group of huts below *That looks like our target...* he said and began to descend down to it. Having passengers who weren't used to flying he descended slower so as not to make them sick and landed as lightly as he could.

Xavier and the others were just getting everything packed up and on the road when the others landed at the next village, so they were about three or four hours behind them, likely four since they were having to travel at night.
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Tamsin nodded, hugging Lazar close.. He always knew how to make her feel more cherished than she felt on her own. Maybe it was a complex from watching her sister struggle with her storm magic and gaining a new power? She wasn't sure where this self doubt came from. But she did need to lock it back in its closet for good.. He was right, dad was going to need every ounce of support from his whole family, and they couldn't afford to be divided or full of doubt.. "You're right.. Lazar... I can't imagine what all of them are going through." She shook her head. "I'll be there to help with whatever he needs.. even if it is just to see the truth in whoever he brings back. But- is there anything you need, Lazar?" She asked, resting her head on his chest gently.

Serena giggled as she was swept in Morden's arms, it had been such a long time since she'd laughed and felt truly happy, she would -not- be able to handle another incident like the last one! But she agreed they should definitely help the other kids downstairs, and see if they were all walking or using poor Chastianna as a jungle gym yet! "Yes love.. I had a nice visit with Melise recently...after I missed my monthly and had a slight morning sickness. It passed fairly quickly though, nothing serious." She assured him, kissing his cheek... "After the kids are all settled down, we should also check on Laurana. . . she's been alone an awful long time being pregnant again already after the first baby." She added worriedly.

Gavin hurried back down to the dining room. Theresa had already cleaned the table of any leftovers and dishes were scrubbed sparkling in the sink and put neatly away. She had been watching the rugrats with amusement in her eyes. These kids were all so happy and grateful to be out of their sad situations; alot of them were cuddling on Chastianna's lap! He grinned as Ginnia soon joined them and ran up to hug Billy and her other friends... "I'm fine. The guards were all super nice when they got me here." She assured him. She smiled at Violet and Allin and the others. She hadnt seen any of her friends in a long time. Gavin smiled, Ginnia was popular it seemed! That was good. He winked at Mumford...then sadly explained the situation to him. "We're bringing more kids here as we speak, Mumford.. Hopefully things will settle down soon, but in the mean time...We'll have to find ways to keep them occupied and in a good routine.." He added.

Claire braced herself as they descended to the next village, steeling her nerves for more possible deaths. Oh please let a poacher be here... she'd send a jolt of lightning through his whole body... She thought, trying to battle her growing anger as she helped the people down from the dragons, and healing any feelings of nausea before she walked up to the first few huts by herself. She was in full-healing mode and kind of unstoppable at this point, determined to heal everyone who was savable.~

Marianna just kept up, and repeated the same help as she gave the other villages! It was helping her, gradually, seeing the villages healed, cleansed, and the people revived as many as possible, Claire was simply amazing that whole day/night. Never slowing or questioning her abilities... To have gifts like that must be incredible. She was really quite awed and helped Xavier with anything required during all the trips.

Irena however, was about tapped out. She had enough left in her for a few more villages, but she'd definitely need to catch her breath. Healing the lands and waters also meant she was in contact with the sickness and poison in the first place, and it made her sick, though she refused to slow down for anything. She tag-teamed with Claire to get the situation under control. And Claire, the dear girl- managed even to heal her from her sick feeling of dealing with so much poison....
Lazar smiled and held her, "The only thing I need is you." he answered honestly. he drank a little more water and felt like the odd sensation in his legs was passing, so he lifted up and tried to stand again. This time he was able to stay up, "Well...that's a relief..." he said smiling at her, "And ok, so I need one more thing...food..." He held out his hand to her, "Let's go get some of Theresa's amazing cooking."

Morden nodded, "I am so happy love." he said to her as they made their way down to the kitchen area where all the children were. "I hadn't expected so many..." he said honestly. Already his mind was on the task of teaching them. It was the heart of his personality to teach and help others, always had been. "They are going to need a school..." he said as he moved into held occupy one of the boys.

Mumford nodded, "The children were telling me a bit...it seems we did more harm than I even imagined. I am deeply pained by this." And more were coming, how terrible. had that been the intent all along to create a lot of children that could be molded into future criminals? He shuddered to think what would have happened to this bright cheerful children in Mitch's hands. "Maybe they would enjoy helping to care for the horses and other animals." he offered.

Morden looked up, "That's a good suggestion. Excellent learning experience and will be plenty of exercise."

Billy hugged Ginnia, "They have been very nice to us too. I'm glad your dad is ok too...you're lucky." Billy was the oldest of the kids at 13, and he'd been looking out for all the ones who had no one to help them. Like Naild he was already an old soul.

Caden was off Cain's back the second they landed. "You take that side..." he called out to Claire, "I'll be over here." he went into the first house and found the same fever as the first village. So this town had polluted water and arsenic poisoning. He hoped they were fast enough getting here. This hut held four people, all of whom were alive but only barely. If they'd waited he didn't believe they would have been. He moved from person to person quickly, healing and purging them of poison and giving them water to drink before moving to the next hut. In hut after hut he found the same, people near death, but hanging on and he was so grateful.

Rook transformed and pulled on his clothes that Claire was now just leaving by his feet. He ran after her making sure to keep her core charged and ready as she healed people.

The guards were busy setting up a place for Nevyn to cook when the others arrived, and repairing damaged huts. They also found where the water had been dammed up and broke it allowing the water to flow freely again.

Caden came into the fifth hut and was greeted by a very angry man with a wicked looking sword to a half dead woman's throat. "easy there..."

Louden glared at the man, "Who are you? You aren't one of the king's men."

Caden lifted a brow and stood a bit taller, "I am here by direct order of King Jorga."

"You are no golden fae...who are you?"

"My name is Caden, former king of the white fae."

"You are no white fae either liar."

"My wife if Lauranna, daughter of Lars and Aura." he eyed the man, "And you are?"

"Who I am is none of your concern...get out of here before I cut her throat."

Caden wished Xavier was here at this moment, but in his absence he'd have to use his own powers. He wished he didn't have to because they were needed for healing, but he flicked a finger and the man's arms were frozen solid, as were his legs. He moved to the woman and freed her from the man and laid her on the bed nearby, "If I do not release you, you will lose your arms and legs. I suggest you cooperate."

Louden was already shivering and his arms and legs felt like they would easily break off his body. "why should I cooperate with a messenger of the king? He doesn't care about any of us."

"So I have heard before, but it is not true." Caden said as he healed the woman and gave her something to drink. "It is you and the others like you that have caused all this suffering. Your leader is dead as are the others who followed him."

"You lie, MItch is smarter than that."

"perhaps he was...but he was no match for dragons."

Cruel eyes narrowed as they peered at him, "I don't believe you."

Caden shrugged and released the ice knowing the man would fall to the ground in a heap. He picked him up with one hand and brought him out of the hut and handed him over to the guards, "He is to be detained and guarded until the king and Xavier arrive."

Charles nodded, "As you wish sir."
Lauranna was definitely colder and weaker during this pregnancy than her other one! She managed to tend Lauden- at all times, not ever letting him stay cold, hungry or scared or worried, though it was clear in his sad little eyes he missed his dad as much as she did! She was alone a lot of the day, unable to really go many places or even leave to take walks in the garden or fresh air.. She missed seeing other people but she knew she would be fine. Their son was healthy and mostly happy, and she was doing her best, though sometimes she had to magically make food appear -because- it was definitely harder for her to use the stairs as time progressed! But Theresa, wonderful woman, made sure she was well-stocked with food as often as she was able to visit.

Tamsin nodded and kissed Lazar. "I'm going to shower our beautiful 8 hours away first, and then I think I should check on Lauranna.. haven't heard a peep out of her since Caden left.... " She added, knowing she'd be worried sick if Lazar had had to go away like that without her! She kissed Lazar again and showered thoroughly, put her clothes on and straightened her hair, then walked with Lazar to the palace. When she got there, Theresa was definitely able to serve Lazar and Tamsin a good meal of sandwiches and soup. "It's a bit chaotic in here now with so many kids, but they seem to be having fun.. And Tamsin- maybe you could spend some time with Laurana? She's still pregnant with Chastianna and Gavin's baby- but she's been alone in her room since Caden left." Theresa added worriedly. Tamsin nodded. "Of course I will. Poor girl." She added, accepting her meal and sitting at the table. "How are you two parents holding up?" She asked grinning. Gavin laughed.. "I'd say we're holding up... You guys alright?" He asked, then sensed Lazar's power change.."Awesome.." He winked at Lazar.

Serena smiled and helped Morden with the kids, then took some paper and started drawing up basic lesson plans based on their age groups and what they all seemed to understand so far!

Claire healed all the sick people in the huts, then let Irena purify all of the land, water, and animals around them as well. She then summoned more rain, and let nature refresh and purify itself with Irena's help. They made a great trio, her, Irena and Rook. Anytime she was tired, he replenished her energy and she didn't have to pass out or fall asleep -once- "You know... this core- recharging thing... I could have some wild all nighters.." She teased, earning a snicker from Irena. She'd healed -so- many forests and water supplies.... "And what would you do all night?" Irena asked, massive inuendo in her eyes! Claire snickered.... "I think I'll let you and Rook here fill in the blanks.." She teased back. She continued healing families, and Marianna came in behind them delivering all the supplies they would need, guards would fix houses, make them sturdier and repair roofs. When she saw the poacher however her eyes lit up like it was winter solstice arriving early... "Just one electrical current up his ugly ass-- just ooone." She huffed, daydreaming about it, then sighing resolutely and letting Caden and Xavier have their way as she moved to healing others instead. Not your nature, not your job, Claire... she told herself with some regret.

At the palace, Ginnia held onto Billy, shaking her head sadly... "I am lucky.... I just wish... mommy had been lucky too." She whispered, not letting Mumford or the others hear her. She was full of grief like he was, but she knew her luck wasn't as bad and was very thankful.~

Back in the lab, Aria heard lots of commotion from above. "Should we go investigate?" She asked Aldin, having finished another air-machine thingy a few hours early that morning. Ellisar wasn't even trying to compete with them and hadn't been very talkative at all... She was wondering what was really bugging the guy..... ~
Caden was glad he'd only found three dead among the huts he'd been moving through so far. Still that was three unnecessary deaths and his blood was boiling. He pushed all that aside and kept moving. This village was much large than the last two combined, so they had quite a job on their hands. It did seem to him that the children were far more resistant to this fever than the adults and that made him wonder a lot of things about the poachers. He saw Claire and Rook moving at about the same pace across the way, and he was hoping they were having the same luck he was, but there was no time to ask. He really missed Lauranna, and he knew she'd have been a great help in this, but she needed to rest and keep Gavin and Chastianna's baby safe and care for Lauden. Still, he really missed them. He had no idea if she could hear him from so far away, but he tried anyway. *I miss you Sweetheart...there are so many sick...the last village all but five were already dead. My heart is sick of seeing death and destruction. I love you...I'll be home soon...kiss Lauden for me*

Lazar was pouring over books as she showered. He wanted to be sure that he totally understood how to capitalize on this open door the sister's had given them. When she returned he went in and cleaned up quickly and was back out in less then five minutes. "Fastest shower on record," he grinned. He was so hungry his sandwich was gone in two bites, though he was watching the children play and laugh. "I'll be happy to help with a school Morden. I actually like kids." Might be news to some but he did actually like children a lot. They didn't lie or play false, they said it like they saw it and he appreciated that, plus they were funny.

Morden nodded, "I'll remember the offer," he grinned and started rounding up children. "I think we need to get baths and fresh clothes on these kids before bedtime and maybe find a few books to read to them." He went into the kitchen, "Theresa? Did you have a room or two for the children?"

Billy gave Ginnia a big hug, "I'm sorry Gingin...I wish she was here."

Mumford looked at the children and felt such sorrow. This was partly his fault, and though he felt sure people would say otherwise he knew it was true. He should never have agreed to help those damned poachers. Look what it caused everyone, and cost his own family. His Jill was gone forever and Ginnia was suffering for it. What a fool he'd been.

Rook noticed that Irena was getting tired so he went to her and touched her shoulder. "I do not have great power but what I have I share with you." And she'd feel her core being filled and revived as if she had done nothing at all that day. He returned then to Claire and kissed her cheek. *One day I will remind you of that comment* he said to her alone and then refilled her core. It had always amazed him that his core never felt empty or depleted. He supposed that was his mother's intention since she'd used him like her own personal battery pack. What she'd meant for evil was now being used for good and he really liked that. "Looks like we have about fifteen more huts to go...you feeling ok?"

Aldin grinned, "Sounds like something interesting at least," he commented as he reached for her hand, "Let's go see what it is." He wasn't ever going to discourage her from seeking out interaction with others. Her suggesting they go see what it was, to him, was a huge step in the right direction and he was proud of her. They got up the stairs and saw a lot of children playing and laughing and two were hugging. "where did all the children come from?" he asked out loud.

Chastianna saw them and moved toward them with a child clinging onto her leg, "They are the orphans from the outlying villages. I'm told more are on the way...poor lambs..."

Aldin blinked, "These are all orphans?" His brows gathered oddly, "what caused this? Sickness?"

Chastianna sighed, "Poachers dammed up their fresh water and poisoned the people...it's amazing any of them survived really. Caden and Claire are out there healing as many as they can. Apparently kids fared better than adults. Weird huh?"

"Very..." Aldin agreed.
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Laurana was greatly saddened by Caden's words. *I miss you most, sweetheart.. Been alone up here except for Theresa's visits and she's really overworked. I saw her look pale and dizzy as she's running about getting rooms ready- which I am helping with, and seeing that all the new kids' rooms have bunk beds, and space to play in, and everything they need. It distresses me as well, knowing how many villages have so many deaths, Caden.. I am so sorry for everyone's deep losses..I hope that is the last of the poachers that you have with you and Xavier.." She added, worrying greatly now. She hated not being able to to him and help him or anyone else.. *Lauden cries a lot for you, he misses you but I will give him a kiss for you, sweetheart..* She said. Her voice was a little faint and tired as well as strained.~

Theresa hadn't slept in two days herself, but she just kept on bringing food out and cleaning as she needed to. Some of the youngsters were super cute and even tried to cling to her skirts and follow her around to help! She laughed, taught them how to wipe surfaces with a wash cloth and soapy-water, and there they went, distracted for a bit! "Hey- you got those base boards better than I did!" She laughed. They brought the dirty rags back to the area they were supposed to go and then ran up to Theresa again. "Tiiired.." One red-haired boy whined, dragging his blanket. "Okay... we've got rooms all set up for you..." She went into the dining area and greeted Lazar and Tamsin.. "So I think the kids that need naps the most should go with me. There's nice rooms set up for you guys, all in the same hallway, and close to eachother. I will check on you all as soon as I feel you're all rested. Sound good?" Several nodded solemnly and attached themselves to her once more, following the nice lady up the stairs and into their respective rooms, where she took time to tuck them all in. Once they were asleep, she gave up on hiding her ability and simply did the rest of the remaining work that was needed with her mind- physically exhausted to the point she seemed ready to pass out.

Gavin looked at Theresa- "Hey- you're not looking so good.. go head and take a rest would you? I don't think Jorga would like if you passed out somewhere on the floor.." He added, worriedly. She sighed a bit. "In a moment, I will sleep in his room...but first I have to get dinner started, and then check on the sleeping kids- and then there's still things to clean and.. " She looked woozy. Gavin pushed her towards the direction of the king's bedroom. "And it can all wait or we can tend to everything.. Go rest. You're pale as a sheet." He said. Theresa smiled and thanked them, then left. She had Percy, another maid, in charge of all the cleaning details and the cooking that night as well. It was true, she could barely keep her eyes open.

Ginnia hugged Billy back. "It's okay, Billy I'm sorry everyone lost their families..." She said, sorrow in her eyes. "Mommy's in a better place though I'm sure of it.. No one can hurt her anymore." She added, leaning her head gently on his shoulder. She'd liked Billy since they were barely out of diapers. His determination and stubbornness matched his sense of right and wrong, and he didn't tolerate anyone bullying her either. In one match at a park, he'd knocked down several rude boys who'd tried to take her bear- and they'd only been 3!

Irena smiled as she stood by a tree, letting Rook refill her core.. incredible! Ordinarily she'd have just mediated for a few hours and had been fine... but this was like an instant refill of energy, and it was the purest she'd ever felt. "Thank you, Rook- you really do have a useful gift, and your transformations are wonderful too. I wish there was a way to save us time and travel by healing the entire Earth and waters from just one spot...But I'm not sure if it would reach where it needed to, and then there's the storms we need in the other villages." She said, thinking out loud. Marianna stepped up to her then and thought for a moment.."what if there was, Irena? Could you not,.. channel such energy and direct it? throughout the land?" Irena considered this... "I would like to try it...." She admitted. "That would save soo much time and we'd be able to focus more on the people and animals, and storms..." Marianna agreed, watching her friend pull her long hair off her neck and tie it with a cord. She tapped her foot, thinking of a good meditation space.. "I'll make a spot over here and focus on range-direction." She agreed, then went off to sit on the ground away from everyone. She popped her neck which had cramped up a bit, and settled crosslegged on the dirt floor, closing her eyes for a moment, and tuned everything around her out completely. It never took long for her to shut the world around her down. It took longer for her to come back though! She reached, felt the earth's very deep core, and smiled a bit at its strength, glad she was helping it return to normal. In another few seconds her body was glowing bright blue, then green, and the waves of magic spread out, reaching, searching for any lingering traces of the arsenic and other poison, searching for sick animals, or water, and it took off on its own, spreading further and further along the paths that the poachers had tried to ruin... "Ok. We'll still need rainstorms and healing in the other villages, and provisions, but that worked well." She smiled at Marianna. "I've missed your smart ideas." Marianna just laughed. "Hey- you're the girl with the neat magic, I'm just trying to help." She added, going back to helping the rest of this village.

Claire smiled sadly at Rook but nodded. "I'm alright. You're really amazing Rook. I'm glad your Core is so strong again, and pure." She kissed him, then went and healed as many people as she could find that were still living. She was glad they had found Irena too! Otherwise the same sickness would still be circulating and getting worse. "I'll let you remind me of my remark later.. I think I already forgot what I said." She teased him as they continued from hut to hut.

Aria recognized Ginnia and Mumford and greeted them both. She saw the kids were getting rowdy and just smiled at Aldin, before turning into a giant, tame tiger that they could all play with and pet! "Oh neat! She's a shifter... Can you turn into a unicorn?" One kid asked, bright blonde hair and blue eyes, the girl was about 10, and hadn't seen much outside of her small village before it was nearly destroyed. Aria shifted into a pale pink unicorn, with a sparkling silver horn and bright green eyes. She shifted again back to a fox, ferret, mouse, hawk, even a bear! The kids did not like that animal form at all so she went back to Tiger form. There- now the kids were occupied with petting a large, giant tiger. Tamsin shook her head. "That's a lot of forms Aria... How many do you have?" She asked, curiously. "I can shift into everything except people or dragons. Or bugs. Ew." She admitted, Tamsin laughed.

In the library, Rebecca was soon able to get Cora to a room of her own, and then helped the girl take a bath, waiting just outside the door since she was old enough to bathe herself, despite being so small. The girl made reasonable amounts of splashing sounds, and then dried off after washing up thoroughly, and changed back into the pair of pink shirt and pink pants,even new sandals! "Neat-" the girl whispered as she went right to her bed and slept. "Thanks Becca- I tired now... Will you be in the library still?" She asked, sleepily. Rebecca smiled. "I think I'm going to take an actual nap myself- in my own bed for once.. Then I'll probably have us get something to eat, and yeah, I should be back in the library. I'll get you first, though, okay?" Cora nodded. "K... See you later Becca." The kid was soon out like a light and Rebecca smiled, leaving the girl to rest. She made a glass of ice water appear first, in case she woke up and was thirsty. Then she went to see what she could do to help the crazyness downstairs. She missed Niald like a hole in the chest, and couldn't imagine the terrors he was witnessing in each of the villages.~
Caden heard her and was glad she'd heard his message, but didn't like how tired she sounded and felt in his mind *Baby...please rest...I'll be back soon. Once everyone is healed I'll have Rook or Cain fly me back. I love you both*

Chastianna began gathering up ingredients for dinner, seeing Theresa's recipe. "I can handle dinner." she said to the maid, "I'm sure you need a rest too...it's been crazy today." She'd enjoyed the kids being playful and happy and marveled at their resilience. Percy curtsied, "I am goodly tired Miss...but Theresa will have my head..." Chastianna wagged a finger, "Go rest. I will tell her I made you." She was humming happily as she tootled around the kitchen grabbing this and that as if she'd lived there all her life. Truth was, she really loved to cook and this was going to be a pleasant task for her.

Billy nodded, "Mickey...he's the youngest one...his mom and dad were among the first to get sick and they didn't last long. No one would take care of him though, because supplies were scarce...so I hid him under my bed and gave him scraps." He frowned, but then my mom and dad got sick and the were sick a long while. I tried...I really tried to help them and keep them alive, but they died about a week before the healers came." He laid his head on top of hers. He'd missed having her to talk to, "By then I had all five of these guys in the house with me...I don't know how we managed to stay alive..."

Rook blushed a bit at Irena's compliments and merely bowed his head, unable to think of anything to say in reply. He smiled at Claire though when they were back together, "I am glad I found my reason for existing...being a battery for my mother was a horrible way to go through my life. But now I see I was really meant for you and for good." he hadn't ever felt good about his ability before and it was nice to be able to use it help people do good things instead of helping his mother do evil things.

Xavier and the others were still making their way to the village, and he had his power on full alert in case anyone or anything attempted to attack them but it was another uneventful trip. It was well into the evening when they arrived, and Caden and Claire were almost done healing everyone. This was a much bigger village. Nevyn began preparing food as soon as they hit the camp his men had begun to create. The fire was going and they were already moving to set up tents and pass out provisions. Xavier saw a man bound in the middle of town and asked Charles about him.

"A poacher Caden found," Charles replied, "We left him for you and the king to deal with...we've been busy repairng houses and helping cut wood for fires."

Xavier nodded, "Good work...all of you." He went to Jorga and Naild, "Seems they found another poacher here..."

Jorga lifted a brow, "Oh really." He followed to the man and tipped his head. "Who are you?"

Louden looked up and laughed, "So the king lowers himself to venture out of the palace..."

Jorga lifted a brow, "Your name."

"Is none of your business. You abandoned us long ago...you have no authority over me now."

Naild crouched down and grabbed the man's bread in his hand, "You will answer the King or I will allow my friends to ear your fingers one at a time."

Louden looked at the kid in front of him and laughed again, "What friends?"

Naild called his friends and within a minute there were ten large rats sitting obediently waiting to be turned loose. "These friends...and they're hungry too."

Louden looked at the rates and saw their eyes and twitching tails and then looked back at Naild, "No one controls beasts."

Naild sighed, "Your name or the fingers of your left hand."

Louden scoffed until Naild gave the mental command to the rats and they all leaped up onto Louden and began to bite his left hand only.

"Ok stop stop..it's Louden."

Naild commanded the rats once more and they stopped and stood at his feet ready to do his bidding again. "Now that wasn't so hard was it?"

Louden glared at him, "Who the devil are YOU? with this evil sorcery?"

Jorga leaned in, "He is the rightful king of Malthen Ana. Grandson of Keylen."

Louden's eyes widened, "No...it cannot be..."

Naild smiled, "I assure you it is true."

Louden frowned, "Well...you are too late. No one out here believes the palace cares about our well being. Mitch is watching out for us now."

Naild crouched down again, "Mitch is dead. as are all the others we found. Mitch is the one who caused all of this. He stole your provisions, poisoned the water and the soil. He was trying to kill all the adults. For what reason? Have you any idea why he would leave children alive?"

Louden narrowed his brows, "Mitch never poisoned anything and he only stole things that were going topside, not anything that was coming to us." He glowered at them both, "He wasn't trying to kill us...you were."

Naild shook his head, "No...provisions were send every week. And every week he stole them and then told you none were sent. Where do you think this fever came from? It is caused by arsenic in the air. Our healer discovered it in the first village we came to and we have another with us who is healing the land and animals. Anything you were drinking and eating was poisoned."

"I don't believe you."

Xavier had had enough of this fool. He placed a hand on his arm and looked at him. "Then hear it from Mitch's lips then." He invaded the man's mind without taking the time to temper it, though it would cause pain. The images of Mitch's arrogant gloating about his plans played in Louden's mind as if he was watching a movie. He also saw the man packing to leave everyone behind as well and the images of them being burned alive and eaten by dragons as well. Then he released the man and stood. "Believe now?"

Louden looked pale and sick. "Why would he do this?"

Jorga shook his head, "Greed...he was selling it all...come now. Don't tell me you didn't know he was planning to sell women and children."

Louden shook his head, "I had no idea...I would never have allowed him to sell the children or the women...that is disgusting..."

Xavier looked at Jorga and nodded that the man spoke the truth.

"But you were willing to help him steal from the king. and the other people of Malthen Ana."

"We stole to eat and survive."

Jorga sighed, "But who actually survived? Mot many. The last village were were in had only 5 survivors."

"What? Surely that's not..." But he could see it was. He saw the king's men running from house to house with provision and he frowned. "So he lied to us all and was going to leave us to take the fall for his crimes..."

Aldin watched Aria change for the kids and he was smiling like an idiot at her. She was amazing and had the kids totally zoned in and playing and allowing the other adults to have a moment to breathe. "What ever happened with all those things you needed?" he asked Lazar.

Lazar smiled, "We used them to make a magical amulet and free Rook from the spell on his core."

Aldin looked shocked, "that's amazing. Bravo."

Lazar shrugged, "It was nothing really...the hard part is going to be using Gavin's spell to kill the sisters once and forever.."
Lauranna promised Caden she'd get some sleep soon, and took care of Lauden's need's first, making sure he was ready for his own nap. She felt Chastianna's baby swimming around for a moment, and went back to bed, drinking some water first, then curling up under the blankets. *Love you.* She thought to Caden, then fell asleep fairly easy. It had been such a long week..~

Theresa's recipe of Meatloaf, mashed potatoes and green beans was a favorite at the palace, all the ingredients were easy for Chastianna to find, and all the seasonings and other things were in their rightful places. The woman was meticulous and did not let anything get out of place. She would find the mixing bowls and stirring spoons within easy reach as well.

Gavin watched the kids for a bit, but seeing Aria continue to play with them made him smile as he went to help Chastianna make dinner. He got her all the things she required for this meal and then let her take over unless she wanted him to hold or stir something, as he liked helping. It took his mind off of all the depressing things going on around them. He felt so bad for these poor kids...

Ginnia smilled sadly at Billy's explanation for how they managed to survive, and brought Mickey over to hug too. She felt really lucky Mumford was still with her or she didn't know how she'd manage anything anymore. She didn't think she could -function- at all without her father still being around. "You did really great, Billy. I am glad so many of you are still around." she told them.

Aria eventually shifted into a tall black horse and carried kids around the room, until supper would be ready. The kids who'd gone napping earlier soon came down, clean clothes and bathed. They too wanted horsey rides! She grumbled a bit as one kid sat on her back like a potato sack! Eventually she got tired enough to shift into a panther instead, making sure none of the kids fell off too suddenly, and napped right there on the floor, not even noticing if someone poked her tail. She was out like a light. Shifting took a lot of energy when she had that many forms going at once.

Marianna had been keeping busy with transporting provisions, and then helping out with passing around food. Nyven was pretty adept at cooking, and the potatoes and steak were very tasty. Everyone had plenty to eat that night.

Tamsin poked Aria a couple times herself! But the tiger-Aria was sleeping and the kids were happily cuddling next to or by her, so she meowed innocently and face planted the rug! Too tired to move anywhere. Even when one kid pulled her tail, she just thumped him with it gently as a no no.

Claire took a look at the poacher who obviously had believed Mitch and Chur's lies about everything and rolled her eyes in disgust as she healed a few more houses, made sure to help Marianna with the provisions and anything else Caden might need as well.

Rebecca had a really good nap, and woke up feeling refreshed, and eager to find other things to do. She was done with studying for a moment and really needed a break from those books! She dressed in a pale blue skirt and blouse, with casual sandals, then brushed out her hair and tied it back. She then went next door to Cora's room and knocked to see if she was awake yet. The girl was, and playing with a bright blue yo-yo. It looked like she was good at entertaining herself. "Hi Rebecca, is it dinner time yet?" She asked, standing up from the bed. "No, not yet, Theresa's taking a much needed break, so Chastianna and my brother Gavin are cooking. Want to see what crazy stuff's going on downstairs?" Cora nodded, and held Rebecca's hand. The two of them walked down together to the dining room. Tamsin grinned at the girls. "Looks like you've made a new friend." She said. Rebecca smiled. "She likes reading too, so we've been in the library." She explained, sitting next to Mumford at the table. "How are you holding up?" She asked him.
Chastianna smiled and kissed Gavin's cheek when he started handing her things, "I love you!" she smiled in a rather sing songy voice. "What are the kids doing?" she asked as she mixed together the five pans of meatloaf, while the ten pounds of potatoes were boiling away on the stovetop.

Billy shrugged and hugged Mickey to himself too. "What else could I do?" he asked, "A few more days though and I think things would have been very different." He really was far more mature than his age would indicate. Serious and capable were things often said of him in the village, but really he just wanted to be a normal kid and not be the one who had to hold everything together for everyone around him.

Aldin smiled when she fell out completely and he sat next to her panther form on the floor and made sure no one abused her while she slept. If a child came over he showed them how to pet the kitty nicely and let her sleep.

Caden continued until he'd visited every hut on his side of the village. He was hungry and his back hurt but he was relieved they'd found less dead people here. He was sure they'd done the right thing in traveling straight here instead of waiting. Those 4 hours could have made a lot of difference, but no one would ever know for sure. His side of town had ended with twelve dead, unfortunately one of the couples he'd found dead had five children, so they were added to the numbers of orphaned children. His total here was seven, the five brothers and sisters and two others not related in any way. He went to find Claire and Rook, "How are things on your side of town?" he asked as he walked with them to the fire and some food, "Magically I'm fine but I am tired...how are you holding up?"

Xavier took Marianna's hand and led her to a log and sat down with her, "Please sit and eat. you've been going and going...humor me..." He sat with her and ate the steak and potatoes. Giving Nevyn the thumb's up signal. "It's been a long day...how are you holding up?"

Mumford smiled at Rebecca, "I could say I am fine but it would be a lie. I feel responsible for all these children being without family. I should never have gone to work with those men. Look what happened?" He sighed and his shoulders slumped a bit, "I'm hoping I can help make things right by them somehow...but I don't know how." He looked at Cora and smiled, "You always did love books didn't you Cora?" he said to her trying to lighten the dark mood he was in, "There are a lot of books here I bet....did you read anything interesting?"
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Gavin laughed at how happy she seemed in the kitchen. "I love you too. The kids? Oh, they're happily being entertained by Aria. She's a good kid-sitter. She's been amusing them with all her shifting forms. She's passed out as a huge panther right now though." He told her, helping stir the mashed potatoes and keep the time for the meatloaf.

While Theresa rested, she dreamt of Jorga and Niald as well as the others on their mission. Rats were chewing on a captured Poacher's hand and she winced. Looked pretty gruesome out there where he was.She quickly learned in her sleep, that there were even more children found abandoned and her heart broke. Especially for Jorga, who she knew kept blaming himself..<Love you, Jorga. Please come home safe.> She thought to him, wondering if he'd receive it.~

Ginnia smiled and shook her head. "Things will get better, Billy..we're all together at least, and these bad people are being dealt with so things like this can't happen again..." She was rather a serious child herself, but mostly solemn and normally at a loss as how to deal with so much cruelty going on.

Aria slept for a few minutes and soon felt less tired, so she shifted back to human in a while and yawned. "That was fun... " She said sleepy still. More kids were definitely interested in knowing how she did that! "Oh, that? It's really the only thing I can do." She said shrugging. She was glad Aldin had stayed next to her though, and nobody had tried to pull too hard on her ears or tail, so they had behaved.

Claire's eyes were full of fire as she ended up catching up with Caden. She healed his back easily. "Six dead, two kids, and a poacher I want to punch in the neck." She grumbled, popping her back slightly. She was tired, beyond-core healing tired. More ...spiritually tired. It felt like there was nothing beautiful or good left. That the poachers had somehow ruined everything and destroyed too many lives for the differences they were making to even things out.

Marianna smiled as she accepted her plate and ate next to Xavier.."Fine. Just sore muscles is all, but nothing I can't manage." She added patting his knee lightly. "You did that trick with the poacher there... how's your head?" She asked, hoping his headache wasn't too bad.

Cora smiled up at Mumford. "Yep. Books are nice. I like the young adult and childrens books...but sometimes I'll read bigger ones." She shrugged. "Helps pass the time. Rebecca helps me find anything I'm looking for. It's like she knows the library or lives there.." Rebecca shrugged.. "It's definitely a nice haven. Anyone's welcome there." She added to the younger ones mostly, if any of them liked to read. Ginnia did, and assured her she'd make a trip up there eventually. She tugged on Mumford's sleeve.. "Dad... you had no part of what those foul poachers were doing... I'm just glad it's all being stopped.." She said, her eyes far too serious for a normal girl.
Chatianna smiled, "Really?" she asked and peeked out the door to look, "Aww...they are all so cute...and look at Aldin making the kids be nice...awww..." She returned to the bean snapping and smiled, "Maybe Aldin is finding new happiness?" She wondered aloud, "I really hope so..."

Jorga was watching everything, helping pass out provisions and dealing with the poacher, who was another deceived commoner that fell for Mitch's lies. He looked at the man and sighed, "Yes he was going to leave you all to take the fall. And many of you HAVE already fallen. What is your choice?"

Louden frowned, "I have a choice?"

Jorga sighed, "Yes, you have a choice. I am not out here to kill more people...if you will work with us and make these villages thrive again then you are free to do that...but if I hear anything and you will be brought bound back to the palace."

Louden bowed his head as best he could, "That is more than fair, Sire. More than fair."

Jorga nodded, "Release him." He ordered and then looked at Louden, "You can start by helping to distribute these provisions and meals to the people here."

Louden nodded, "Happy to help."

Jorga walked away and could have sworn he heard Theresa's voice. He smiled and thought of her as he walked back to the carts for another load of food. *Love you too my sweet elf...be home soon* He had no idea if she'd hear it but he thought it and it made him smile.

Billy nodded, "It's good we're all together. That's a good thing...especially for the little ones..." He had really missed her, more than he'd even realized. "It's good you're here too Gingin...I really missed you."

Aldin rolled his eyes, "The ONLY thing she says....that looked like a LOT of things to me....how 'bout you guys?" he asked. The kids nodded in agreement, 'She's pretty amazing isn't she?"

Mickey was making a face, "Where Kitty??"

Violet and beaming, "You did a bunch of things...can you be a bird? And fly? That would be so amazing..." There were stars in her eyes thinking of it.

Caden nodded, "Much lower death toll...we did the right thing coming immediately...but that's 9 more kids to go back to the palace...these people are struggling to provide for their own. they can't take on more." He didn't mention the poacher. he didn't have the emotional energy for that. He grabbed a plate of food and ate it like a starving man. "This is great...thank you..." He said as he sat for the first time since arriving in this village. He looked at Xavier, "How many more villages?"

Xavier held up a hand with one finger lifted, "One more but it's on the eastern edge of the forest...about five hours away. It'll have to wait til tomorrow. The horses need rest. "We'll have to send another empty cart back to the palace with the children and lose another of my men. But we'll be able to handle the load..."

Xavier lifted a brow at her, "For that kind of thing, I don't get headaches...that's not much of a strain for me really. It's when I push it full out and scan groups of people that it gets painful. It's a small price to pay for what I've been given." He covered her hand with his and gave it a squeeze, "you have been an amazing help. I'm glad you are here."

Mumford listened to Cora and grinned, "That wounds great. i'm glad you found a friend to help you." his eyes were fixed on the girl and even though he smiled there was still that sad tone to his expression. He looked at Ginnia though and smiled. She was such a dear sweet child, but she was so wrong. How could he tell her the truth?
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Gavin chuckled, especially as he heard Mickey ask for Aria-kitty. "He is definitely happy. He mourns the loss of Serena, but Aria is there with him, helping him through everything even though her past is kinda screwed up too." He shrugged. Seemed no one in life got a really happy childhood or past, but he hoped everyone would be able to have at least a happier future. He pulled out the green beans and buttered them when they were fully cooked.

Claire nodded. One more village. 9 children! That was so many families lost, she couldn't wrap her mind around the enormity of the poachers' violence. She huffed a bit as she helped finish the last of handing out provisions. She heard and saw food being passed around but she didn't think she could eat that night. Her mind and eyes were too full of death. It wasn't easy for her to absorb all at once, and so she kept going, the only thing she could do at that time without losing it.

<Love you too, my fair man...> Theresa's words reached him as the more she practiced telepathy the better she became with it. She slept well, but when it was just about time for dinner, she woke up, much more rested, and had a long shower, then got dressed and went down to finish helping the remaining children down to the table. She greeted everyone and went to help Chastianna. "Thanks, hon.. I definitely got plenty of sleep..I don't need much." She added. "Is there anything you need help with?" She added, seeing that Chastianna really had gotten the hang of all the cooking!

Billy would make her cry if he said one more thing! Ginnia hugged him though, and smiled. "I missed you too, Billy. She turned to Mickey, and pointed at Aria. That's the kitty, Mickey- she can turn into all kinds of neat animals and creatures. I think she's tired though, she's shifted a lot today." She added. Aria blushed, and patted Mickey on the head. "I'll turn back later okay? Have to recharge first. After dinner?" She added smiling. She made a face at Aldin saying she always said that and poked him. She did grin at Violet's comments though.. "Humming bird is one of my favorite forms.. I used to like wolf- but haven't turned into that since that one day in the woods." She said, leaving out those details. No need to scare the kiddies!

Marianna smiled as Caden joined them. She squeezed Xavier's hand. "Good- I can't imagine how many people you can handle, but I'm sure it's quite a lot. I'm just glad to be able to help, Xavier. It does give me hope, seeing that there are lives that can be repaired and restored... just also very sad how many have been lost.." She added.

Irena ate her own supper, then went to bed early, definitely tired from the entire day's work. She would be glad when they reached that last village.. she just hoped everyone was alive there, or at least most people would be. Such a waste of life... destroying innocent people for greed.... When all any of those Poachers had had to do in the first place, was tell the King of their conditions! She didn't trust that Louden either, at all.
Chastianna nodded, "They'd be good parents those two...if they are a two. I mean i don't want to push people into something but they look really cute together..." her little matchmaking wheels were turning. "Maybe we should invite them to dinner..." She smiled at Gavin sweetly.

Rook got a plate of food and sat with Claire wrapping his free arm around her, "You're doing a great Job. I'm really proud of you." He could feel the pain she was feeling, but he knew all he could do was be there for her and offer his support. Sadly, for him, all of this was all too familiar. His whole life he'd watched his mother cause such things, death hardly even touched him now.

Chastianna smiled at Theresa, "I'm so glad you rested!" she said brightly, "You look so much better and I think we have everything but I didn't see any plan for dessert...I can help you make something if you tell me what you had in mind." She was almost bouncing in place, "I love to cook...the kitchen is my happy place!"

Billy hugged her back and then grinned at Billy and at Ginnia attempting to explain to an almost three year old how that lady he was was a kitty. Mickey made a frowning face at Ginnia then looked at Aria and back and there was a definite I am not buying this look on his face. "Where kitty?" he asked as he started looking under the rug, the table, a chair anywhere it may have gotten to totally ignoring the words of the people who were crazy. Violet was wide eyed though, "A Hummingbird?" she squealed in delight, "They are so amazing. they can hover not just fly and their wings move so fast you can't see them. That much make you REALLY tired then...wow...you are the most special person I ever met."

Xavier nodded as he finished his own dinner and set the plate on the ground next to his feet."I can scan all of Malthen Ana at once if I have to but that would cause me a lot of pain and usually sends me into a rage at what I hear and see. I try not to do that if I can avoid it." He had used his powers many times for the king and had never balked at the pain, because he knew it was for all of Malthen Ana and now was for all fae kind. It was important and necessary at time. "There would have been a lot more loss of life had Caden and Claire not flown ahead of us." He admitted, "I used to scan the forest regularly...but everything had been fine for so long I stopped." He frowned, "I should never have stopped...letting my guard down helped this happen."

Aldin smiled at Aria and leaned a bit closer, "You are a hit, Aria. They love you!" He stood and helped her to her feet. "Looks like it's time for dinner. Are you going to be ok? I can help you back down to your room if you need to..."
Gavin smiled. "I know they are both taking their time with things.. Aldin would be Aria's first actual boyfriend anyway." He added, as he took the mashed potatoes and the meatloaf out and did the seasoning and let the food cool down a bit. Theresa smiled at them both. "Yes, good naps always help! And I saw Jorga and the others- they are fine... they've rescued more people and healed nearly all of the land that had been poisoned by poachers." She explained sharing what she knew from that dream. Gavin's eyes widened. "Yikes... Shall we expect their arrival tomorrow or the day after do you think, Theresa?" Gavin asked. "I am not certain. Hopefully soon," She added. "Oh- dessert- yes I think the kids especially would like that. Let's try baking pies shall we?" She added, getting the ingredients out and ready for apple, lemon and chocolate pies.

Claire looked at the food, and attempted to eat. It was good, nourishing.. but she didn't feel like she could really eat much that evening.. "Sorry- Rook.. I know.... I just can't sit around doing nothing even for a moment. The sooner this situation is fixed, the slight chance I have to get a peace of mind from all this.." She added, unable to eat hardly anything. She managed a bottle of water, but only half. Any thing else she would feel even more nauseated. She simply rested her head on Rook's arm, letting him eat, but refusing food or drink for that night. "Thinking about this, it just makes me crazy that Malthen Ana has been under the thrall of such evil people this long and no one told us about it...It didn't have to be my father they told.. or Xavier or even any of the guards.. someone could have just as easily gone to Lazar and Tamsin... or a servant... And this would be reported ages ago and so many lives spared." She said, ignoring tears that burned away at her eye lids. She held them back, refusing to let her immature, emotional self show any more.. She would harden and freeze quickly as she needed to.

Aria laughed as Violet seemed really awe struck! She humored Mickey again and shifted for him, back into the tiger form he seemed to love so well. "Hi Mickey-- it's still Aria. Just as a kitty... see?" She tried, hoping that showing him would help him figure out she was the kitty he searched for. She licked Aldin's cheek and then padded over to perch by Violet and Mickey, keeping both kids amused while Gavin brought out the huge platters, bowls and plates of the delicious dinner meal. A lot of kids were happy to see the meatloaf, mashed potatoes and green beans. They hadn't had a good meal like this in a while, and soon all of them were in their seats.

Rebecca grinned at Aria as she helped one younger boy sit up right in his chair, then padded back over to Aldin. If he wanted to stay and eat here, she would too! Rebecca was fine by the corner end of the table, and helped the kids to however much food they needed, and poured drinks for them as well.

Tamsin grinned at Aldin and Aria.. "Please, you two need to eat too. Been busy for everyone, but you guys have been a huge help." She said, enjoying her own meal with Lazar at the table. The palace sure had become a fun place again! She was glad to see it.. too many sad things had been going on.
Chastianna looked at Gavin and tipped her head, "how do you KNOW all this stuff?" She asked but then looked at Theresa, "Oh wonderful...Were there more children? She asked looking a bit worried. They would find places for all of them but they were going to have to make more plans, for school and other things. It would be good to have everyone home again, but then Theresa was speaking of pie and her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree, "OH PIE!" she clapped her hands, "I love pie...I"ll start on the crust..."

Rook frowned, "But Claire....you have to be strong...you cannot help people if you body grows weak and you cannot withstand these sicknesses yourself." He knew what she was saying was true as well. "It is easy for us to see this but they were deceived by a master...he covered his lies well and convinced them he was right..that is why it is good that the king will meet with the people once a month now and this can never happen again." He really wanted her to eat. He could see how tired everyone was, especially the men who had been working hard all day fixing houses and carrying heavy barrels and boxes of food. He leaned over to her, "Not everyone has the luxury of a personal battery Love. They all need to sleep."

Mickey watched and his eyes got big, "Where lady?" His little mind was so confused, but then he was smelling food and seated in a chair at the table eager to eat. Violet looked at the food and like at lunch was shocked at home much there was. "We get to eat all of this?" she asked.

Billy moved to the table with Ginnia in tow. "A little of everything Violet, just like always. You don't want to make yourself sick."

Lazar grinned, "And I heard someone say pie...so save room for that...YUM!"

Aldin looked at Aria, "Are you too tired to change back?" he asked, "I can grab us both plates if you are and we can eat down in the lab..."

Lazar was helping kids too, putting food on their plates and pushing in chairs. He was really enjoying having them around and it was brightening his mood a lot. He smiled at Tamsin hoping they had children one day. Maybe they could now that he had a core. He really hoped so.
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"From what I saw in my dreams 9 more kids will be on their way back by wagon shortly. But yes, more kids, Chastianna. Listen hon, you're going to have a son of your own soon and it's wonderful you want to help and adopt others. But trust me, everything will be sorted out as soon as Jorga and everyone return. Don't feel like you have to take care of everything on your own, alright? We'll all help out." Theresa assured her smiling as she helped with the pie crusts and the filling. Gavin had gone out to the kitchen to make sure the kids were able to eat alright.

Ginnia smiled at Billy's advice. "Yes, don't be sick again guys- take things slow. Theresa's food and Chastianna's are delicious, but some of your stomach's might still be small." She added. Everyone seemed to listen and used caution with their first servings! Rebecca was impressed. They were all such good listeners and helpers! She smiled as she enjoyed her meal, she only needed one plate that night though, she still felt like going back to the library as soon as everything was settled.

Tamsin watched the kids like hawks, noticing who could handle their food best, and she was reassured their appetites were at least healthy now. They all looked to be enjoying everything, they even ate their green beans, something she still passed on most nights, but tonight she even ate her veggies. "Pie... haven't had that in a long while," She said grinning.

"I know... you're right... just hope I can keep it down.." She sighed, then took a few more bites of the potatoes and steak. Nyven really knew his seasonings and she thanked him for cooking as well. She was able to eat a little more that night, and finished the water bottle. Then, she helped clean up, and get camp situated for the night, before returning to Rook's side... "I know how evil Mitch and Chur were. They had no regards for any human life. But. . .I can't dwell on it. I don't want to be...cold or angry all the time... " She sighed, trying to think of distracting things instead.. "Hey Rook... you can heal anyone's core right? Is it possible to heal everyone's core at once?" She wondered aloud, thinking instead on his now-unpolluted powers, instead of everything going on around them.

Aria shifted human again, and managed a smile for Aldin. "It's alright. We can stay here.." She said, sitting wherever there was an available seat. She helped Mickey portion his food, so his tummy wouldn't hurt or feel sick later, but enough that he'd feel full.
Chastianna nodded, "Oh I know...but two of those babies out there are ours...I feel them..." She said with a smile. The outgoing one there ...violet...and the really quiet one there...Allin..." she was beaming at them even now. She churned out pie crust pretty quickly and soon the pies were in the oven and filling the dining room with a lovely aroma.

Billy sat down and took modest amounts of everything. He wasn't used to eating three times a day yet, and this was a lot. He'd be glad when it was normal and he'd start to feel stronger, but that would take a while he knew. He grinned at Ginnia. "This is really delicious. Thank you."

Aldin nodded, "Nor I, Pie sounds wonderful actually." He did enjoy the dinner but as soon as he smelled the pies he stopped eating mashed potatoes in favor of the other. He smiled at Aria, "You were amazing with the kids...I"m really proud of you. You're not so afraid anymore." He gave her hand a gentle squeeze under the table.

Rook was glad she tried, "Thank you Sweetheart...I feel better now." He also helped clean up and soon everyone was sleeping in their tents. Last time though, neither of them had needed a tent. he'd been a dragon and she'd been in Irena's hut. So they found themselves out in the open. He grabbed a few blankets from the next town's provisions and laid them in the empty wagon and then helped her up into it. "sleeping under the stars...nothing better eh?" He said pulling the last blanket over them both. "I can keep us both warm...no worries."
Theresa chuckled as she finished cleaning up the kitchen. "Well then that's fine...I know you and Gavin will make great parents." She added, smiling. The pies would take only 30 minutes, but there was definitely plenty of food for everyone to enjoy. She definitely felt more energetic since her rest, and had no troubles refilling pitchers, or bringing out more napkins or anything else that might be needed.

Ginnia smiled and enjoyed her meal as well. She'd been possibly eating two meals a day, since Mumford always had food at the house for her, but she really didn't know how to cook, and being gone so long during the day meant she'd not eaten much either. Still, she managed to eat everything on her plate, and drank plenty of water. "I'm just glad you're here..." She said, remembering the pangs of loneliness she would feel during her time alone as well. But she was glad Mumford was a knight at the palace now, and they had a better life here. Though she'd always miss her mother, she knew Jess would want them to try to have a good future.~

Aria blushed at Aldin's compliments and smiled as she ate her string beans.."It's fine...I think my mind's mostly out of it's bad space... this is helping... We can go back and find Ellisar later though..see what he's up to. Does he seem more...lethargic than usual to you?" She asked him. He didn't even seem to notice either of them whether or not they were there anymore and seemed so mopey.. She could not even begin to guess what was going on with the guy..

Claire smiled at Rook, glad she'd made him feel okay at least. Once everything had been cleaned up and she even helped with some of the preparations for tomorrow morning, and then climbed into the wagon with Rook.. "It does seem so very peaceful.. I could look at them ....and you...for hours.." She told him, kissing him softly under the star light. He always helped her feel so much better than she would have on her own. She loved his strength, his ability to go on even though there were so many sad things happening.... He was brave, far braver than she was, and he helped her keep focus on the really important things.
Chastianna smiled brightly at Theresa, "I hope so...we are very much looking forward to it." She sat down with Gavin to eat once the pies were in the over. She smiled at all the children and chatted with them as she ate really glad they all enjoyed the food. Her eyes kept moving to Allin and seeing him sit there quietly while everyone else talked and made friends. He looked so alone and sad and he broke her heart all over again. She noticed he DID eat his food and was actively watching everyone and smiling at other conversation, but he was left out and she hated it.

Billy smiled, "i'm glad too. Things will have to be better here." No way they could be worse in his estimation.

Aldin tipped his head, "I haven't known him long but he did seem a bit off today especially." He looked over his shoulder, "Maybe we should fix a plate up and take it to him with a piece of pie. Maybe that will help cheer him up." She knew him better, so if she thought he needed a pick me up he was al for providing it. Ellisar was an odd duck to be sure, but he was a kind and helpful one and had befriended him without hesitation even though he was just a human. All good reasons to help the guy out, or find out what if anything was troubling him. It really was odd that he wasn't coming up for the meals though. It was one of the first things he'd been told about palace life..don't miss meal time.

Rook nodded and pulled her close and shared that kiss with her. Had they been in a private place that might have become much more, but for tonight he was content to look up at the stars with her there in his arms cuddled close. "Let me know if you get too warm," he asked, "I'll turn it down a bit..." He could restore her magic core yes, but her body was recovering from other things that his core did not help, so he wanted her to e warm, safe and peaceful. He was hoping she was all three...happy would be a definite plus as well.
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