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Caden heard her say a dream and a demon and his eyes narrowed. When she turned around and showed him her back he let out a deep, muttered curse. "Damn is Laurana," he said and scooped her up and took her back tot he sleeping area. He sat her on the bed and then gave her a serious look,"You ahve to trust me now. I know you're mad at me for some reason, but you have to believe me when i say I would never hurt you."

He watched her face and furrowed his brows a bit, "You have to take the shirt off, and I ahve to clean your wounds," he said in a tender voice, "There is already infection or poison in them. These cannot be healed with magic.." He didn't say WHY he knew that, or how but she would be able to see that he DID in fact know.
She shivered at the mention of poison, but did as she was instructed. Her body had always been too thin, but curvy and lithe; with an elegant bone-structure and smooth skin. Right now her back was a mess of wounds, the scratches deep enough to almost make the bones visible... "I trust you, Caden... its just....it hurt yesterday, when you wouldn't share who you are with me..... I've held nothing back. And by now you should know, I simply cannot and will not judge you for anything you have to tell me." She said finally getting that off her chest. But then the room started spinning from the numbness in her back wearing off, leaving stinging fire in its place. It hurt badly, these wounds, and she did not know if she could stay conscious, but she was terrified of falling asleep again.~
Caden had a what are you talking about look on his face when she explained why she was upset, "What?" he asked, "I never said that," he defended, "I don't want anyone else to know. They WOULD look upon me differently, and for good reason. But I will tell you."

He could not heal the wounds, but he could calm her body's reaction to the pain. His hand went to ehr head and she would feel what felt like a cool mist flowing over her mind and body, easing all pain and discomfort and allowing her to rest easy while he worked. In a blink there was a table and an array of items upon it next to the bed, no doubt conjured by him. Steaming water and sterile cloths, ointment, oddly shaped plant leaves and a knife.

Once he could tell she was calm he leaned down and whispered to her, "Do not move," he said gently, "I must remove a bit of flesh, but I will be able to heal you then. Once I am done I will tell you all, just trust me now. I am going to save your life."

The knife moved with skill and precision over the wounds on her back, as he sliced all skin from her that had been contacted by the poison of the demon. It left her back and sides looking like they had been flayed, but there was no help for it. He covered the area with the ointment that would help her body now accept the healing process, and aid in the speed of the skin reforming over the muscles. Once he had everything prepared he gave her the odd leaf, "Chew on this as I heal you," he said, "It will help." It took about an hour to fully heal her and he had to draw a good deal of energy from around him to accomplish it. He brushed the hair from her face and looked at her then, "Do you feel better?"
Laurana chewed on the leaf as she relaxed against Caden's strong arms. She felt the stinging, pain as he removed the poisonous parts of her wounds from her back, but to her surprise and relief, felt detached enough to where she didn't go into shock, or even fight him. Odd how close she felt to him after such a major operation.. Knowing he'd just saved her life from probably a very painful death made her more aware of his good traits. When the process was over she sat up, slowly, her back no longer hurting. "Yes, much.. .. thank you. Do you need to rest? That had to have taken a lot out of you." She asked, concerned for his well-being, as he was for her own. She was impressed; no one would have tried to help her the way he had back on Earth. . . . why did.. he think he was a bad person, or have so much shame to hide? It amazed her that she no longer felt any pain.~
Caden smiled and shook his head, "I am well Laurana," eh assured her, "I can sustain myself from outside my body, to make sure I am not depleted." he took her hands in his then and looked their joined hands for a long while as he tried to figure out how to tell ehr everything in a way she coudl understand, without reading the whole book.

After a long time he lifted his head and his eyes, "I am not like everyone else here," he said, "I am of the other bloodline of Fae, the dark Fae." He was searching for the proper words, "My people...were hated...and feared...and for good reason. They were the creators of much of the evil in the world, and of almost all the tainted blood in the world. The vampires, wolves, wraiths...all created to torment humans. But they had an uneasy co-existence with the White Fae. Until my Mother ascended the throne...she was cruel, heartless, and had in her mind that no humans or even non black fae deserved to live in her world. So she began calling to the demon world for support. Their alliance was the severance of the long-standing treaty with the White Fae. A war ensued and my family was all killed by the White Fae's Queen, but in so doing, she lost her life. Her tiny baby daughter was all that remained of the royal blood, and it was decided that just in case any Dark Fae remained, she would be sent forward in time..."

He had not stopped looking at her the entire time, "So..you are home now." he said as he released her hands, "Where you belong." He sat straight in the chair, "You have the power to destroy me," he said, "It is your right, to exact my blood for the murder of your mother by the hands of my mother. I will not fight you. If you wish to end the Dark fae forever...you must kill me. It will proabably also end the nightmares. The demons that hunt you do so because of their agreement with my mother. What is your choice?" he asked as he sat completely still and watched her. She SHOULD kill him, but he had no idea what she would decide.
So she was the daughter of a White Faerie Queen...... she wondered then.. who was the father? "Caden...you know I'll never hurt you....and thanks...for telling me where I'm from...... though I regret never meeting my parents." She stared at the bed, then back at him, tears forming in her eyes at the thought that she should ever even harm him, let alone kill him! "No. I'll do no such thing and no one can make me, dreams or no dreams.. This was probably.. just some fluke. It's not likely to happen again, and even if it does.. you're able to heal so well, that I'm not worried. We'll just deal with this like we have everything else thrown at us so far." Her hands were shaking. She thought about her mother, how brave she'd been to destroy so many Dark Fae. And Caden..... how strong he was for fighting his own nature. Just to keep on protecting her. "I admire you so much, for everything you've done for me. You've saved my life numerous times, including today. The least I can do is keep your secret forever. And I don't want to hear anymore about my being destined to kill you. I'd much rather kill Douglas and other threats to my people." She added, wiping away her tears as best as she could. Her heart hurt.
Caden listened and he reached over and brushed the tears from her eyes. "Thank you," he said, "but that is probably not the wise choice to make. I ahve often wondered why Sovalna and Morden have not killed me already. I flatter myself to think they are not able, but I would wager they could if they combined their abilities."

He tipped his head a bit and the book flew from where it was into his hand. He flipped through the pages and came to a colorful page, it was a picture of her mother. She had the same hair but green eyes instead of violet. "This is your mother," he said, "She never made your father's identity known," he confessed, "But I ahve always suspected that Sovalna and Morden know."
Laurana grabbed a tissue and blew her nose, turning her head, into it, and wiped her face free of tears. She looked closely at the picture of her mother, a truly beautiful woman; her green eyes like emeralds and full of so many secrets. She gently touched the picture, trying to imagine what life would have been like had she been with her parents.. "They know my father? Can we go talk to them and ask questions? I just want to know... more about myself, my family history... I never had a clue until now. And stop thinking you should die. We'll figure some way to keep me from getting hurt by them, that's all." She told him sternly, resting her head lightly on his shoulder, not enough to be crowding, just enough to be comfortable. He was a good person, but she understood now, the conflict he felt inside a little better. But she wouldn't let him forget how much better he was than his darker side.~
Caden let her cry on his shoulder for a while. He had looked at that picture of her mother many times and thought she was the most beautiful being he had ever seen. That is, until he had seen her. He had masked it well, but his breath had been stolen from his chest at the very sight of her. He was not the one for her though, and he knew that. He did not deserve someone like her. He was an evil dark fae. She was pure light and beauty.

"I said I ahve always SUSPECTED that they know," he said, "but we can go ask if you like." He needed a little space, and a lot of distraction.
"You might be a dark fae, but you know every dark has some light, and every light has dark." She said, as if suspecting he was still considering himself unworthy of her. She composed herself, then ducked into the closet area to find a suitable pair of jeans. She wasn't ready for dressing like a princess, and certainly didn't know how a Faerie princess should look, though her mother's picture had shown her wearing a gorgeous silk green gown that had impressed her. She also sensed his discomfort with her crying, and her closeness, so she gave him space, walking a little further head of him. Most of the other people were in their living places, doing their routine things. She saw no one out and about along the way to see Morden and Sovalna's rooms. "Who would know more, Caden? Sovalna or Morden?" She asked, pausing so he could answer. She knew they both might know only a little, but maybe she could figure out the rest after talking to both of them.
Caden shrugged, "I ahve no idea,to be honest," he said, "It would seem reasonable that a SEER would know more, but she would only know what she has been given to know, where Morden has been a trusted adviser and friend tot he royal family all his life." He held out his hands and looked at her, "We will see both no matter what," where would you like to go first?"

He hadn't actually been uncomfortable with her crying, but had been uncomfortable with her nearness. He didn't want to develop any kind of need for her, or her for him. It was just not wise in any way. In truth, he was waiting for someone to tell him to stay away from her altogether.
"You're right, the Seer's first then." She took his hand and lead him to Sovalna's door, knocking on it politely, waiting for the woman to answer. She felt so nervous, finding out about her heritage was really a big deal, since her whole life she'd been a foster-orphan nobody. She was always wondering about her parents, and the fact no record of them had ever been found on Earth. Everything was starting to become clear, like a giant puzzle finding all the pieces now that she was in the right time and world.~
Sovalna opened the door and beckoned the Queen and Caden to enter. "I am honored to ahve a second visit your Highness," she said, "Have you finished with the book so quickly?' she asked giving Caden a meaningful look.

Caden lifted his head a notch, "I did not read the book but I told her all."

Sovalna turned her head a bit, "ALL?"

Caden nodded, "I told her my mother was the queen of the dark fae, and the it was her evil that started the fae wars, and in the ned caused the death of her mother. I even offered her my life. She refused to take it."

Sovalna closed her eyes, "Luckily she did not take you up on that offer."

She turned then to Laurana and leaned close from her seat on the chair, "Why did you NOT?"
Laurana blinked, looking at both of them. "I could not. I'd never have the heart for such a thing. He's been too good of a friend, the most loyal person I've met in a long time, and he's absolutely a wonderful person, despite his dark heritage. He has too many good characteristics and . . . I feel drawn to him." She finished, admitting that she liked him was hard, mostly to the reason that he didn't want the feelings between them to develop any closer... but she could not help how her heart seemed to call to him. The thought of him dying was too sad, and she would never risk his life. Or his secrets. She liked him more as time passed, he was so complicated, yet so endearing... He had a heart of gold, not black.~
Sovalna nodded, "Good," she said and leaned back in her chair. "He is a bit thick headed...but he is not a bad man."

Caden lifted a brow, "Really?" he asked, "You know different."

Sovalna shook her head, "No...I do not know different." She said and then looked at the Queen, "So...this is not what you ahve come to know. What is your question?"
She smiled at Sovalna, though her eyes were deeply troubled. "I was wondering, if you knew about my mother and father..any information would be greatly appreciated." She added, trying to be brave enough to absorb everything she was learning. The horrible dream lingered in her mind still, but she wasn't going to let it ruin her discoveries.
Sovalna lifted a brow and looked at Caden, "You did not show her the picture?"

Caden nodded, "I did, she means her father."

"Ahhh," Sovalna said turning back to the Queen, "Your father was a might man, both feared and adored, most especially by your mother. My she did love him, so much so that she was willing to step down from the throne for him. Unfortunately, Neri, Queen of the dark fae loved him as well. When he scorned her, she killed him and something changed within her. She became evil and cruel. So she attacked the White Fae blaming them for the loss of her love, and more specifically your mother. She wanted to hurt her, before she killed her. Neri did this by hurting the White Fae. This, she knew would wound your mother's heart. Lastly she thought to kill you, but your mother was wise, and sent you to the future for protection. Your father you see, was a Dark Fae, and he had stepped down from his throne for her. His sister Neri stepped into his role. He did not regret it for a second and he loved you very much."

Caden pushed away from the wall he'd been leaning agasint and with a frown and a puzzled expression touched Sovalna's shoulder, "Wait," he said," THIS is NOT in the book.." He'd read the book many times, and NONE of this was in it. "And you are saying Laurana is my cousin?"

Sovalna shook her head, "No, she is not."

Caden frowned, "But...Neri is my mother.."

Sovalna shook her head again, "Is she?"

Caden squeezed her arm, "What do you know?"

Sovalna covered his hand with hers, "I know that you should ask Morden that question."

Caden looked stricken, and like he'd been betrayed on a lvel that pierced to the very deepest part of his soul. "Morden knows?"

Sovalna patted his hand, "Ask him what he knows of this. You will find answers and peace."
Laurana was heartbroken.... and very very confused. Were she and Caden...related after all? She didn't want to think about that, not right now. Her heart was beating so fast after that fascinating story about her parents... Wait.. didn't Sovalna also say her father was Dark Fae? Then that meant..... was she half dark, half light? "Let's go, Caden.. we'll have Morden sort all of this out... " She couldn't help that her voice was shaky. The rest of her entire body was trembling like a leaf blown by a brutal wind-gust. She didn't know what to think anymore, but her blood ran cold as she thanked Sovalna and practically dragged Caden to Morden's place, knocking on the door, unable to do much but stare blankly at the floor. What were they? What was she? Did she have evil magic too?
Caden was in shock. There was no other explanation but that he was related to her. His mother and his uncle, so they were cousins. But why would a sister be angry at her bother finding love? what kind of love did she ahve for her brother? He wondered. He barely registered Laurana dragging him out and down the tunnels to Morden's.

Morden opened the door and both brows rose at the sight of Laurana and Caden, "Well," he said cheerfully, "What a nice surprise." he said, "come in, com in!" he held the door while they ushered in. His cheerfulness vanished though when Caden's expression registered on him.

"We just met with Sovalna," he said in an icy voice, very unlike the other times she had seen him address Morden, which were friendly and filled with affectionate teasing.

Morden lifted just one brow puzzled, "She tends to put you in bad humor, Caden," he observed, "But this is something different than bad humor."

He took a step closer but stopped, afraid he would actually harm the man in his current state of confused, disappointed betrayal. "She told Laurana about her mother and father....."

Morden gasped and looked from one to the other and then down at the floor, "Oh, I see."

Caden, "She said...when I said that Laurana and I are related...and I quote....NO, you are not." He peered at his mentor and long time friend like he was a stranger and enemy, "She then told me to ask you what you knew about it."

Morden looked pale, "Well...She had to." He said in a tired sounding voice, "I made her promise to never speak of it." He walked to the row of books that were on his shelf. He pulled a book that looked VERY much like the one he'd taken with him to Laurana's, but it was a bit thicker and had a lock on it. "You might as well ahve a seat," he said, "This is going to take a while to explain."
Laurana walked inside, and found a chair to sit on, looking pretty upset her father had been a dark fae, even if he had stepped down from the throne, it didn't change his roots. She looked at Morden then sighed warily. "Can you tell us more about our pasts, Morden? Sovalna's told us everything she knows... and now I guess the last part is with you." She added, trying to control her shaking nerves. She really felt bad.~