RANT Your Brains Out #98274

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love it when people just lie to me like they think i don't know what they're getting onto
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On nights like this, I feel hopelessly alone.
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How many fucking allergies am I going to develop as an adult? First I can't have peanuts anymore, after two decades of peanut butter being my favorite food. Then it's a standard antibiotic and then it's orange dye and now cherries? Really? I can't have cherries? Of the limited fruits I actually like, I'm suddenly allergic to cherries? Idk what I've done to deserve such cruelty but I have had it! Good thing I had a box of Benadryl around or else I'd be going to the emergency room. Goddamnit I'm so mad >:[
Don't get me wring, I appriceated my parents trying to get me a kitten, a rag doll Persian no less, but it's missing the most important thing.....he doesn't seem to like people much. He he seems scared and unsocialized with people. The most important thing and all my parents do is talk about how it was a 5 hour round trip to get him. I'm just gutted right now. I'd rather have looked at cats WITH THEM so I could find a cat that LIKES ME
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I love ARPGs but I also have a peeve with them, which is one that will always haunt you as an artist; underpaying. It's not uncommon for the value of 1 picture being equated to $10. Doesn't matter how much detail you put into the picture, you're only getting $10. It's not to say I intend to make money off these games. I've put zero in and I want it to stay that way, but I am watching other artists do it and I can't help feeling it's a gateway for businesses to underpay these artists later. I mean if your hard work has only paid you $10 for a complete work for years, how is it going to sit in your mind later when you do run your business? Your comfort zone becomes that $10.

There are ways around it and I have been using these alternative methods. I just kind of hope the people feeding the cycle are aware of the cycle and how to break it.
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Just got shitted on by my parents for being a vegetarian because of my 'shitty diet' when the last grocery run consisted of SOLELY lunch meat. Ya know, the thing I CANT EAT. Wanna complain about me eating chips when there's no fruit or vegetables around. Ya know the ONLY THINGS I FUCKING EAT. When there is viable food that's good for me I eat it. Duh. But don't get mad when y'all knowingly buy shit I cannot eat and I'm left with crap snacks because no one thought for one second, "hey our vegetarian daughter might starve when all we have for her to eat are bbq chips, bread and cheese."

Dear Lord please let one of these jobs call me back so I can get TF out of here.

I'm honestly really grateful that they found out what was actually wrong with me. I am grateful that they are not clusters. I am grateful that they are trying something new.

But the things that upset me is the fact that I wouldn't have this (Chronic Post Concussion Syndrome, which unlike mine they normally disappear after a while. It's been 15 years of this, the doctor has informed me that mine is permanent) if my father hadn't done what he had. I don't really want to go into it, but we almost died when I was 14.

He destroyed everything; I was going to be a firefighter but that wreck destroyed my leg, my lower back and now I know why I get confused, forget, seize...all of that. And there's no way that it can be helped.

15 years later and he still fucks me over.
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I just...really need to write somewhere...

My family is in shambles.

On Monday our house received a call saying that my cousin had been involved in a motorcycle accident, and that he was in the hospital. There were very few details given to us, but when we arrived....he was on life support. He was bleeding heavily from his brain, and barely breathing on his own. Despite that, he was moving. Involuntarily so, but moving nonetheless. Something that at least told us, and the doctors that he wasn't paralyzed. Also, that he could feel pain. Both great signs considering he was completely unresponsive upon arrival. We took that as a glimmer of hope in a sea of uncertainty, because there still wasn't much to go off of at that point. On our end, or medically....the accident had just happened a few hours prior, and only so much could be done in terms of surgery while he was still unstable.

Said hope only grew as he eventually did begin to breathe on his own during our visit. It was only a little bit, but still immensely comforting. Not only that, but when my mother, his mother, and other people would speak, it looked like he was responding. His heart rate would increase, head movement, etc. Especially whenever my aunt ( his mother ) would call his name. We could see on the ventilator that there were times when he would inhale/exhale on his own without the aide of the machine. Friends, and family gathered all through the night to see him. Most, including my mom/me, staying for support. A few hours later we decided it best to go home for the night, and return first thing in the morning. He was stable, and we were deeply hoping he'd remain that way.

On the drive home we were almost half way there when my aunt calls saying that the doctors were there, and that.....they said he wouldn't make it...I.could.not.breathe. We quickly turned to come back. Luckily the doctors were still there, and elaborated to my two aunts, my mother, and me, what had happened to him. He had suffered severe head trauma paired with brain hemorrhaging, and a lot of swelling inside of his skull. On top of that he'd also suffered a fracture to his neck extremely close to his spinal cord. Said fracture occurred just under where his helmet stopped. They went on to say that the mortality rate of victims in such cases was very high, but that there were some promising signs, and that only the next few days would tell.

There would be no "next few days"...

My mother and I stayed by my aunt's, and cousin's side the entire night. The next morning at 6:30 am, we returned home to rest. I had been up for over 24hrs, and was exhausted physically, mentally, and emotionally. When I woke up it was around 1pm, and I was waiting for my mom to wake up too, so that we could go back to the hospital. I THOUGHT things were ok! I was checking my mom's phone to see if there were any texts from my aunt, or phone calls. There were none so I really thought things were alright...that I hadn't missed anything important....I feel so stupid...

..Finally my mom wakes up, and she calls me. From there she tells me that my cousin was taken off life support earlier that day...I had never been so devastated in my entire life. WHY THE FUCK DIDNT SHE TELL ME???!?!? WHO CARES THAT I WAS ASLEEP! SLEEP DIDNT FUCKING MATTER, ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?! I felt so angry, and betrayed. I still do....and may always feel exactly that. Waking me up would have taken two seconds...
Couldnt even look at her after that.
Could not.

It really dawned on me then that prayer, and hope had been meaningless.
Clinging onto the latter has made my cousin's passing all the more heartbreaking.......It really has.

Not only that, but I realized that this would become 'normal' from here on out. As I get older, so does everyone else. Between that, and the fact that accidents can happen at ANY TIME, there will be more of this in the near future. I had never experienced a family member passing until late last year when my last remaining grandmother died. My mother's mom having done so when I was two years old. In less than a year I've lost someone on both sides of my family....it makes me question how am I suppose be strong enough to watch this continue? And I know that death is a part of life, but....that never resonated nearly as much as it has recently.
I can not imagine this getting any easier. Not by a long shot.

And right now SHOULD be when my family comes TOGETHER for MY COUSIN, but....that is not wtf is happening.

My uncle, my cousin's father, is out of the country a lot, and was in Afghanistan when his son's accident happened. While keeping in contact with my mom, his sister, he got on the next flight out. He JUST arrived a few hours ago after a 20hr flight. He wasn't there to see his son before he passed. I can only imagine...the immense guilt he must feel between that, and not having been in my cousin's life overall. I probably saw my uncle more than my cousin had. But...that's neither here, nor there.

After his flight he comes straight to my house to see the family. Thats only me, my mother, and my aunt. My aunt's son, my last remaining cousin on my mother's side, lives in Philly so he isn't / wasnt present. Hopefully he will be here soon. Continuing on, my uncle comes to the house, we hug for a long time, and express how sorry we are about what has happened. From there he, my mother, and my aunt sit in the living room to talk. My uncle politely asks if I wouldn't mind leaving the room. I had zero issue with that. The three of them have a TON of matters to speak on that has accumulated over the decades since grandma, their mother, passed away. One would have ASSUMED that they could all speak like adults. THIS WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE ABOUT THEM!!! It was supposed to be about my cousin.....their nephew......his son....

Not more than 5 minutes later there was yelling, and screaming. Old shit that everyone has waited far too long to address spilling out at the wrong time. Everyone is hurt, and so emotions are at an all time high. My aunt, and uncle end up leaving. Nothing changes, nothing is resolved. My uncle JUST lost his ONLY CHILD, and my BITCH OF AN AUNT brings up a mess of shit that did not need to be brought up NOW. Later? Sure! But not the DAY AFTER HE'S DIED. Are you fucking kidding me?!?! My uncle was livid. As well he should have been! He had just gotten off a 20+ hour flight and had missed his son taking his last breath. The last thing anyone, especially him, needed was the absolute shit show that erupted in here.

My grandmother had three children, two girls, and one boy.
Each of them had only a single child. Two boys, and one girl.
Now one of us is gone.....with two left...

I can...barely wrap my head around any of this.

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Thank you
(Funny Rant)

Them: (Mind you, these people let their dogs shite in the house) "The neighbor's never clean their house! Smells like shit!" (We clean it often actually, but he had friends over and was humiliated by the smell of their own house so they blamed it on us. They shouted this loud enough for me to hear, and unlucky him I had a very bad day at work and was not in the mood to deal with his shite).

Me: *burns sage for five hours, lets it burn the whole bundle, and listens to them have something to complain about*

Don't ever get in a war with a petty person.
"Why am I like this? And why am I always alone, when I'm like this?" she pathetically asked herself in her half-drunken state.

Well. At least my cats are here. I love you, cats.
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Let me get this straight; you shot a cat in the head because you thought it would be funny?! What the bloody hell is wrong with you?!
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Anxiety continues to make my life a living hell. It's like living with a million voices telling you how badly you screwed up, you shouldn't have said that, shouldn't have done this, should just keep your mouth shut before you bother someone else. I'm not trying to pester, I'm just worried. And I can't ever explain how this feels to someone without it, and even if I tried, I'd feel like I'm pestering them anyway.

I get it, I know: I don't need to worry about that, why am I worried? Guess what? Can't help it. Even when the tiniest thing goes wrong, or I interpret it as going wrong, it's like all hell has been let loose. And so few medications ever come close to helping. It's hard to keep up with them these days.

frak off anxiety, i've got things to do
If one more person abandons their pet near my house, I am going to lose my mind. How about you be a decent person? How about you take your pet to the shelter where it could be adopted by someone who isn't an irresponsible trashcan? Surrender your pet to a rescue. Do that challenge. Don't drop your pet off on the road behind my house and then just leave. I've had to start buying dry cat food just in case a cat wanders up onto my deck and starts meowing. This one was pregnant. She didn't even have any claws. I'm happy she was friendly and wanted to snuggle or else I wouldn't have been able to get her inside. There are so many cats around here that I can't catch, though. What about them? People make me so angry.
Dear Neighbor,

Get your ass off my Wi-Fi. You don't pay the fucking bill, I have no idea how you got on it but get the fuck off. You are bumping me off my own stuff.
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It's July and I'm sitting in my office freezing, I can't eat lunch because I can't leave my desk, I'm wearing jeans and socks and normal shoes and a god damn hoodie and my feet and legs are freezing. Fuck today.
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feeling awful. i'm in debt, i can't afford to fix my computer, my work is cutting back on my hours, and i probably can't even do school next semester. i wish my grandma or my other dad was available so i could talk to them.
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Friday afternoon, you were perfectly fine. You were happy to see me, jumping at me like you always do, and speaking to me. When I next see you on Monday morning, just two days and with my brother to care for you, you're miserable. You don't want to eat (but you still do), you're willing to drink when I bring the water to you, and you just aren't acting like yourself.

Something obviously happened, but I spent the day caring for you. I did what we could to try and help, and I don't think we even made your suffering in those last few hours any less. You've been around for a good chunk of my life and I've had you since you were a pup. You always greeted us when we came home, and were as playful as you were when you were a year old.

I'm sorry that I couldn't be there to catch the first signs of something being wrong. I'm sorry we couldn't make it better. And I hope you're in a much better place now. I love you, and I'm sorry that I couldn't do more for you.
I have read a stupid comment on a different site, and people were agreeing with them, and I just have to say something before my mind melts. Basically they said fidget cubes/spinners/etc should be restricted to those with mental disorders. Like you should need medical clearance to get them. What. If this was something chemical like pills, sure, but it's a hunk of plastic for mental stimulation, exactly like toys. It is a toy. For all ages, but still a toy. Well, maybe not all all ages. I think mine has like a 3+ on it or something. I threw away the box. D:

Can you imagine if you had to show your medical records to buy bananas because they help ease stomach problems? Or if you had to provide paperwork for tampons? I can't be the only gal who has sent a guy on an emergency trip to the store with my blessings. ;)

The historical trick to killing social stigmas is to normalize the issue, not the opposite. Social divisions fuel outrage culture and we know how that is.

By the way, my cockatiel loves the sound of the switch on the cube. So its a fun toy for bird owners to bond with their birds as well. :D Probably not recommended if you do any clicker training at all, unless you're using it as the clicker, then I guess?
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i just realized how much i hate the statement "your loss". there is no loss. there is only opportunity.
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