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If there was one thing Faora disliked, it was this. Why were there people inside the wooden cage on the carriage? The air around the marketplace had become curious and eerie at the same time. Her green orbs were focused on those around it. Were people being tortured? The pirate woman could almost feel their pain. The agony, the wailing was very intense. The people inside, or whatever it was, were definetely trying to get out.

Listening to the people around them, some were murmuring the very same thing she was thinking. What was going on? However, just standing by and thinking wouldn't help anyone. Even with the help of the people next to the carriage, the latter was about to fall once more. It was being rocked back and forth by those inside the wooden box. Anger built inside her, but Faora very composed in the situation ahead.

She really did not expect something like this in Aesyth if anything. Faora wanted answers, and couldn't help but interfere or ask those who brought the carriage inside. The other one that passed through, did it also have people inside a cage? "I'll find out what's going on.." The brunette added, not waiting for a response from Vesara, she hastily walked up to the carriage. Before she could ask, she heard someone who had an expression that could tell he was afraid.

"They- it's… It's gotten worse,"

"What?.. What do you mean?!" Faora asked, before she walked up to the man. Grasping his collar, she pulled him closer to her face. Yes, she was definetely not in the mood. "Do you know something?! What's in there?!"

The man was terrified, and she could clearly see that. It was as if the poor guard had seen a ghost. Her eyes fell on a stranger, a man with red hair behind the guard. He too, was concerned and had just now, before Faora interrupted him, asked the same question. "You should tell us what you've got holed up inside there." Glancing at the carriage, the people inside, or whatever it was, they could any moment now, break out.

"I'll gladly help them out unless you tell me exactly what is going on here!"
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Lawrence felt the redhead's presence, like a sad little dark cloud, next to him and turned to give her a bright smile. "Of course miss! I'll make sure you get a fair trial!" He declared brightly. It was clear that the Solistian had no idea whether she was innocent or not, but even if she was a criminal Lawrence was never cruel or unkind to anyone. For the young Solistian, showing kindness, more often times than not, tended to reap kindness in return. Besides, its quite possible that a criminal had never received any form of kindness in their life. The idea made Lawrence solemn, therefore he always decided to be the first to do just that. You never know when an act of kindness could save a life.

The russet haired man felt the eyes of another upon him and turned his own pale golden orbs to meet the gaze. The owner of that gaze belonged to the big guy, Boar Man. Those golden orbs focused closely on Jagred, flickering steadily between one eye, then the other. His gaze was neutral as he absorbed the other man's words, waiting for Jagred to finish his speech. Those dark brows were drawn low over his eyes, making him appear stern and confronting as he certainly was moments ago, but in an entirely respectable way.

When Jagred finished his speech, Lawrence looked at him a moment longer, his silence continuing...


The word practically leapt from his lips, springing with the cheeriness of a flying fish (never mind the fact they do this to escape death by hungry maws below). The stern look from earlier evaporated, leaving behind a glowing smile as Lawrence gave Jagred a broad thumbs up. The Solistian liked Boar Man, he had a good head on his shoulders and a good sense of righteousness.

The sudden lull in volume within the market snagged Lawrence's attention, his alert eyes jumping from market goer to market goer, noticing all their gazes aimed in the same direction. The Solistian turned, golden orbs connecting with the ominous rocking carriage. It felt as if someone had cast a bucket of icy water onto a bed of smouldering coals. The air became thick and heavy upon his lungs.

Instantly, Lawrence grew distracted from the conversation between the redhead, Boar Man, and the guard. There was something about that carriage that made the Solistian uneasy, that easy smile of his slowly melting off his face the more he focused on the foreboding wooden box. And then the sound's slithered up his spine, tickling his ears. The Solistian shivered, the hairs rising up along his arms and neck; a warning.

Something was wrong here. Terrible wrong.

And Lawrence didn't like it.

As if to confirm his instincts, there was a thundering snap and the massive, invading carriage went down. The Solistian had managed not to flinch but there was little he could do about the twitching of his hand near his hip, the presence of his pistol nestled within his belt just under his jacket. His eye's darted to the soldier in charge of the fallen thing, his frazzled movements doing little to calm Lawrence's agitation. Stepping forward without any need for encouragement, Lawrence slides his gaze over the carriage, carefully reaching out to pull the wooden beast to its wheels. He barely even noticed Jagred's presence beside him, the Solistian's focus caught upon the barred window, his nose flaring.

There was a strange smell and sudden Lawrence could hear noise from within. Voices. The next few moments happened so quickly Lawrence almost had no time to react, barely diving away before the violent rocking of the carriage could crush his spindly form. When he next turned to face the carriage, however, his face was deathly pale and a dark look overcame his eyes, staring hard at the now empty window.

There were sick people in there.

They were keeping sick people locked up! In a small, diseases infested prison box!

A fire plumed within his breast and all noise and conversation drowned in it, turning to muddled white noise behind him, only vaguely aware of the screeching and screams. There may have been someone, a woman maybe, aggressively drilling the soldier for answers. So were several others. But they were asking.

Life was too short for asking. Lawrence preferred doing.

Without hesitation, the Solistian boldly stepped forward, ignoring someone's call to retreat and drew his pistol. Those golden eyes locked onto the padlock as his thumb pulled back the hammer with a deliberate click.

The barrel rose. Time seemed to stop—then he pulled the trigger.


Cautious and her blade in hand, Victoria took a gander into the windows of the carriage, she needed to know what kind of fiend she was going to go up against in this situation, and observation is the first thing needed in a time like this, even as people were gathering in an effort to lift the carriage up to get it going again, the girl's curiosity took over her. A shiver crept up on her spine as she gazed in the darkness only to be greeted by faint glows, she tried conversing with them, to get a better understanding of what was happening.

"Excuse me, may I ask wha-"

A frown adorned the knight's visage, she just wanted to get some answers and insight on the situation, she didn't need this back talk from someone.

"Look, I'm trying to help you out here, so I'd appreciate it if-"

Victoria groaned at the vitriol of the individuals in the carriage and she simply wanted to make it clear that she wasn't going anywhere until he had answers and she said as much to the obscured figures cooped up in the wagon...that is until the thing decided to come down crashing once again, taking the knight aback from her current position and sending her staggering backwards a few. Then she saw it...

Trying to hide her feeling of disgust of the current state of the woman, Victoria grew queasy just looking at the sight of the poor lady...Keeping them quarantined in the carriage was perhaps for the best interest of many, in time they might be able to return to the beings they once wore...Hopefully, but not hopefully enough as the sound of a gunshot resounded around the area and the lock containing the infected had been released. Her eyes trailing towards the source of the bullet, she was met again with the young man who had taken it upon himself to defend the criminal from earlier. She called out to him with her blade in hand.

"What the hell did you DO? Those people were locked up for a good reason, now you just set them free!"

This wasn't good, this was bad, worse even. Who knows if the disease was spreadable or if there was even a cure in the first place, the gunslinger had probably just started an outbreak thanks to his actions.
Aesyth - The Magic Circle: Great Hall

Estefania narrowed her eyes at the unfamiliar baritone. She was rooted in her position, and a complete stranger wasn't going to make her reconsider bashing the infidel to the ground any time soon.

(Ironic, considering a "complete stranger" did make her move just then.)

The Condesa softened her stance after a moment's consideration. She had to respect the willpower of the individual who had decided to barge in on the confrontation, even if for mere courtesy. However, she didn't quite expect the form taken by the stranger - it was a Magical! Estefania had seen a fair number of their kind prowling about the streets when she first arrived in Aesyth, but she avoided them, no matter her personal curiosity. The Others - or Otherfolk - were... unpopular in Gualtierrez and, contrary to her first impression, she didn't always root for needless conflict.

Estefania stared up at the strange furry-man. He seemed amicable enough, if his lax pose was to be believed. She really couldn't find the urge to care when she had a full pot of questions brewing in her mind. She spotted a tail - a tail. The condesa found her attention drawn to the ears next - they were moving, can they do a full rotation? - and barely realized that the Otherfolk was watching her. Almost as if he knew. Did he read her mind? Was it one of their mysterious powers? What else could they do? Bathala have mercy on her, she had let down her guard. Estefania stiffened and turned her face away, avoiding those searing eyes - the color of hellfire. "Noted, sir. Now excuse me."

But the entry of an unsettling, wailing contraption distracted her, as it did everyone else in the room. For all the faults of the bureaucracy in the Circle, they were not remiss in hiring the best engineers and constructors for their tower - sound bounched off the well-made walls, spiralling to the very top in faint echoes. Estefania felt a tiny frisson of guilt for not feeling guiltier when the creatures in the vehicle stopped their auditory assault; for all she knew they were in pain, and she wouldn't want to travel in such a dilapidated wreck... But it was all too good to last.

Men and women flooded out of the carriage. At first she blankly stared at their rushing forms - they must be excited to leave that stifling quarantine of theirs - with a heavy dose of disapproval at their wretched, desperate actions. Surely they could've managed to leave in an orderly file...?

The truth dawned when the sick approached, and she got a closer look at one of them when he pushed a bystander so hard she flew. Red. Redredredredred. In their eyes, bulging from their faces, growing out of their arms. Estefania involuntarily glanced at the Magical beside her and the uncouth gunslinger, suspicion evident in her clear steel gaze - was he...?

But she had no time to voice her questions - a pair of mottled hands grabbed her. The man who had latched on her lunged with so much force that they crashed through the line, civilians finally reacting with fullblown panic as a number of them were accosted or outright attacked by the things.

Estefania skidded across the smooth tiles, dazed and breathless from the impact. Before she had even stopped, the man was atop her again - thick hands dwarfing her dainty shoulders as he started shaking her. Hard.

"Make them stop!" He bellowed in her face, and his violent shoves intensified. Estefania could only attempt to worm out of the deranged patient's grasp, like a bird trapped within the fist of a titan, as she was rocked back and forth with so much hatred she could feel her neck starting to hurt from the whiplash. "I can't find Maria where is she they told me, thEY TOLD ME! CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND!?"
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Vesara simply looked on in confusion, watching as people began to try and right the wagon. What was going on? She had heard of the capture and trade of humans within the culture, she believed it to be an act known to the humans as slavery. Was this what that was? People ripped from their lives for some other purpose? Such an act was condemnable, but it did not differ from acts her clan had been known for; lone adventurers tempted off the paths by visages of fair women, woven of vine and leaf, never to be seen by those in civilisation again. In truth, the tempted adventurers came ultimately from their own will, allowing themselves to be taken and included within their tribe. But was it much different? Vesara did not know why such humans were being traded, but this act was different to her tribe. Wasn't it?

She did not register Faora, the bird protector's exclamation, still studying the carriage as the girl left, heading towards it for some purpose of her own. There must be some other explanation, mustn't there? Maybe the inhabitants of the wooden transport were ill? That would explain the pained wailing from it, the sounds piercing through the crowd. But it did not explain what happened next; the frantic swaying of the box as pained screams returned, those trying to right its structure being flung away. She could tell that this was not normal, the guard exclaiming that they had gotten worse, as Vesara walked within earshot. What had gotten worse? For maybe the first time, true curiosity had overtaken her, mainly due to the concern she had for all, both inside and outside of the box.

As her feet began to approach the rear of the carriage, taking her towards what was apparent to be where the entrance to the innards lay, a piercingly loud sound made her stop. It sounded alien, metallic, a sound she had never heard before. She was thankful for that, it coursed through her body like a cancer, screaming against the natural magics of the world. Whatever created the noise, it was not of nature, it was not of magic or purity. She stopped in her tracks, trying to process what had created such a monstrous roar, until her eyes came across the damage it had caused. The lock to the carriage now lay broken, twisted metal strewn across the floor at the box's base, the door left clear for opening.

"What the hell did you DO? Those people were locked up for a good reason, now you just set them free!"
Vesara heard the yell of a girl, dressed in knightly garb. She must know what she was on about, she appeared to be a higher within the ranks of the humans, evident by the differential in her attire compared to the common folk, so Vesara would do well to listen to her if she wanted to be accepted into the society. With a brief moment, Vesara stood in front of the door, palms outstretched as the faint glow of energy surrounded her.

The vines of her arms began to twist, recovered from their previous endeavour in creating the fruits of the shopkeepers labour, that had been destroyed by a rogue pyromancer. Where once two slender arms had rested, now stood a large wall of writing vines, holding tight against the door of the carriage. Any sign of the door was covered, a complete wall of living, moving plant life covering the rear of the carriage. The screams continued, only heightened now that she had blocked them from any slivers of light they may have been receiving. The thought to drop the guard crossed her mind, looking at those around her in the crowd. The vast array of emotions confused her, she did not understand how people could feel different to one another in the same situation, her tribe was always unanimous in any decisions made.

She was about to drop it, noticing the disapproval in some of the faces, glaring at her with questionable intent. But that was when she felt the first strike. Her head whipped back in pain, feeling the heavy strike of something on the inside of her vined cover, teeth, or nails, or something digging into the plants that compromised her flesh. Now she was resolute, whatever was in there had ill intent; another stabbing pain, a cursed expletive cut off as she muttered it, focusing on keeping whatever frenzied being was inside of there, inside of there. But with each strike, she felt herself weakening. Soon she would have to submit, and whatever wanted its release so badly would get it, unless someone could help, quickly.

A witty retort played at the edge of Liberty's lips, threatening to spill from the confines of her thought into the reality of the air around them, and the posh girl's ears. She noticed the twitching of the girl, the clear agitation in her tone and stance as her hand twitched towards the sword. Now, that was not good. Her thing was words, she was a charmer, a sweet-talker. Sure, she was more than capable of handling herself in a fight, but she was here for answers, not to be kicked out because some pompous princess attacked her.

Luckily, her release came in the form of a large, burly man. She glanced at him, taking in the features of the person stood beside them both. Well, person was an incorrect term, she noticed, as there was something off about him. A tail… So, he was an other? It wasn't everyday she saw those, especially not in Lida. Their presence in her home was naught but extinct, they had fled long ago as the metal machinations of man formed from the wastes they were built on. Before coming here, she had never seen an Other, and now one was talking down to her. But it wouldn't bother her, she was very, very used to being talked down to, intentionally or not.

A new retort was forming on her lips, ready to be spoken. But she found herself silenced, the wailing, horrific screeching of something entering the hall. Pale eyes glanced over, searching through the crowd until she found the source of such distress. A small, wooden carriage, not unlike the prison carts in her home city, ones that Lib had found herself well acquainted with during her time. But this, this sounded of pain, torture almost. It brought back memories of Elias, of how he would string up their enemies, torturing them until information was released; or of the wanton screams that chorused from his room most nights. She wasn't sure how she felt about those memories, a mixture of bliss, guilt and hatred flooding her system as the screams fell silent.

A crack of wood. A burst of metal. Screaming.

People poured from the contraption, taking off into the crowd at a fast pace. It took a moment for realisation to sweep across the hall, but once it did, the screaming began anew. They were under attack, she was under attack. Her pale eyes darted across the room; she saw one woman thrown across the great hall, body toppling a herd of civilians as frenzied monsters swept over them. She didn't know what was going on, and as her eyes fell back to the two near her, she saw the posh lass pinned.

Fuck. She needed to move, she needed to do something. Shaky hands grabbed a pistol from her waist, rolling across the floor as a being barreled by her, too quick to make out what it may be. She had thought these things people, but that was clearly wrong. The faint sound of the being crashing into the desk caught her, its form having missed her in its sprint. But she focused back, cold eyes on the girl that had previously been preparing to attack her. Violently being shook by this creature, Liberty took a moment to look.

There was red, everywhere. Protruding from the creature, juting red material emerging from its flesh, piercing red eyes, even from its face. She processed what it screamed, ramblings about someone named Maria as it shook the girl violently. That needed to stop, soon. If anyone was teaching that brat a lesson, it was her.

"Watch out!" She called, lifting the pistol in her hand as the sights crossed the being. Wait for it… It's head kept shaking, she couldn't get a clear shot. Wait for it… She kept telling herself, always watching. Wait for it…

Now! With the faint flick of a finger, the explosion within the barrel echoed throughout the room, even shadowing over the screams for a moment. It struck the head, the concussive blast distracting the creature, sending it reeling off of Este. Again. The second pistol was out, this hand much more firm as the second shot struck it in the chest. It was off balance, enough for Liberty to run. She jumped, over Este as she shouldered into the creature. It was enough to cause it to topple, still stunned from her shots.

That was a moment's respite, amidst the chaos that had swept over the room. She was quick on her feet, swerving back around to look for the exit. She needed to get out of here, she had no clue what was going on, and no clue as to how long that thing would stay down.

A pale hand outstretched, her eyes trailing back to Este on the floor as her hand went to offer the girl a hand to her feet. So far, she had actually found the girl quite amusing, livening up the situation of the queue…

Well, there was no way she was getting her information now. Hopefully she could find someone afterwards, if they survived. But right now, she herself needed to survive, or else any information would be useless. "C'mon cutie, can't be laying down during the appocalypse, can we?" She chuckled as her hand remained outstretched. "At least the queues are going quick, it's killer." She joked. Okay, maybe jokes weren't the best right now, but at least they helped distract her from the possible death that faced her in this moment.
In just a moment, the nervous soldier had been surrounded by a few notable individuals. A girl and a man, the latter of whom pitched in with the wagon earlier, surrounded him, blocking his escape. They had questions. Of course they had. Who wouldn't, after seeing all of this? The novice whipped his head from side to side, as if to clear the buzz from his thoughts. "People. Just people! They were fine, just a touch red in the eyes the first day, with all sorts of aches and pains. We were taking them here so the Magemother could see what's wrong." The murmurs of the eavesdropping crowd intensified in their judgment; a farmgirl gasped in shock and raised her muddied hands to her lips. Fearing the persecution of a mob, he added, "They weren't like that before, I swear! I didn't do anything!"

But then, somebody took matters in their own hands. A gunner blasted open the lock which had been the only thing keeping the patients inside - if only just. Reacting to the boy's action, a Magical stepped forward and offered her own limbs as replacement for the breaking door. It only seemed to anger the creatures more. The wagon rocked even more violently - the courageous volunteers who had persisted despite the unnatural nature of the cargo yelled as wood drove into their skin, their bodies having to deal with more punishment. Splinters and nails - the container began snapping at the seams. The nymph's vines could only support so much.

Then a fist punched through the western boards. The nearest townsfolk cried out - the silence that followed was immediately rent by the appearance of a twisted face through the makeshift opening, inspiring a fresh wave of terror. Hands reached out from within the carriage and tore the damaged plank back with a single heave. Wood started snapping one after another- and they were free!

This was too much. He didn't sign up for this kind of chaos. All he wanted was a monthly wage away from the farm, not to stare death in the face of some pus-ridden demon. The neophyte guard turned tail and ran, shrieking at the top of his lungs. The horses, which had been spooked since earlier, erupted into a full frenzy - attempting to break free of their line before the afflicted could tear into them, the panicking beasts ran off in opposite directions. People bowled over each other as the animals stampeded through the once-peaceful bazaar. Tents and stalls were upended as howls filled the air.

Leaving you and a few others to deal with this mess.


Great Hall
When the man shook violently after a deafening boom, the winded Condesa reacted the same way one with her spirit would do in this situation - by rearing her hand back and slapping the man so hard she added a new swath of red to that damned complexion. Another shot - she dimly recognized it was gunfire, now - ensured that the creature was off of her, and a blur charging to her defense knocked it even farther away. For now.

The woman from earlier was offering her a hand. Without hesitation, Estefania accepted the assistance. "Thank you." The condesa shifted from one foot to another once she was off the ground, easing the dizziness out of her head. She pulled out her blade once the black spots in her vision had faded. Though she wasn't feeling much cheer after being nearly manged to unconsciousness, Estefania retorted, "Hmph. I doubt anyone would be stupid enough to form a procession in this chaos. But we shall see."

She didn't know what these things were, but she had to defend herself. Her espada ropera gleamed under the daylight. It was perfectly acceptable to shed blood in this situation... Right? The doubt was still far too strong, and her hand shook from the nerves the previous altercation had plucked to the surface. She willed herself to calm down.

After a deep breath, Estefania nodded at the stranger. The help was appreciated. "You may go your own way now. I will seek the Magemother." Surely one so wise and learned in the field of magic would be able to help, or at the very least contain, these individuals? The problem was that the Magemother was up there - and she would have to wade through or go around these chaotic proceedings to reach the staircase at the end of the Hall. But the noblewoman was nothing if not determined.

But her plans would have to wait, because two events happened at once.

To their left, one of the patients crashed into the enchanting crafthall. The shopkeep and a couple of other customers screamed and fled - or so they tried. The enclosed space of the half-room, with its display counters blocking the singular exit, didn't allow much room for maneuvering. The afflicted got up from the table she had fallen onto and grabbed onto the nearest object she could find - a handyman's hammer. She rushed inside and started swinging.

To the middle, deeper into the fray, a man had been knocked down by another of the lunatics. This one was considerably heavier than his victim and appeared to be bald, but his head had been taken over by a grotesque mesh of red lines, as if someone had repeatedly wrapped a cord around his jaw to his temple. He was pummeling the hapless civilian, hollering gibberish with every punch.
A magical disease after all, one that had exponentially worsened once they were quarantined within a small carriage. Had the soldiers hoped that disease's effects wouldn't be magnified when the infected were put into poorer conditions? Regardless, the actions of the gunslinger had only served to further the volatility of the incident.

Jagred's red eyes narrowed.

A man that acted before thinking was nothing but a beast.

Against blows that shook the entire carriage, cracking wood and displacing nails, even the attempts of an Other to undo the damage that had been done fell short, flesh and bone tearing apart plant matter as the panic around the area increased. Even the young soldier had all but given up now, fleeing in terror at the infected monstrosities that spilled from the wreckage. No longer human, they had become incarnations of violence and destruction, their burning marks driving them further into madness and incoherence. Berserkers. Savages. Demon-possessed.

Strong enough to break wood. Tough enough that their own hands didn't break in response. And, above all, fast enough to rival the beasts that he hunted.

Fast enough to chase down those that fled.


Jagred let out an undulating warcry, carriage wheel in both hands as he charged towards the new 'entrance' within the wagon. Someone had to draw the attention of those disease-enraged humans, and it was clear already that no one but him had the fortitude to do it. The first that rushed out was the woman he had seen before, red staining her face and eyes swollen shut. Even blind though, Jagred's roar was enough to draw her attention as he smashed into her wheel-first, cracked nails grasping onto the spokes of the wagon wheel. An ordinary woman, especially one not of his tribe, would have been blown away by now, but this one held strong, feet digging into the recesses of cobbled stone as she shouted out incomprehensible questions that had no answers.

No, it was as if those questions were her own battlecry, Jagred's eyes widening as the thin spokes cracked under the strength of her grip, as she began to push him back even after he had initiated the charge.

So he released his grip instead, sidestepping before landing a kick to her shins that caused her to topple face-first onto the stone-ridden path. She would have gotten up, but the man saved her the trouble, pulling her up by both legs and swinging her into another one of the infected ones. For all their abnormal strength, their sense of balance was still terrible and their combat techniques were non-existent, even when compared to a barbarian like himself. If he had a mace, he could probably resolve the issue just by being careful and breaking their legs, but…

Jagred charged the couple while they were still an unsteady tangle of limbs, a shoulder check to both sending them sprawling. "Revered Nature Spirit, bind those two!" he shouted, right as the third, a pot-bellied man, ran past him, tongue out to the side as he chased down the child-napping arsonist from before. Three others were already halfway down the abandoned bazaar, following the same path as the panicked populace, while two pus-ridden youths slid under the vines, driven by fear and hatred as they approached the vined Other.

Gods above, they didn't have enough people at all to deal with this mess.

From within the shadows of the carriage, a hulk of the same beefiness as Jagred emerged. A village champion? A former guard? Regardless, the red growth that masked half his face marked him out as another infected beast. Steam escaped from the hulk's mouth as he recited names constantly, rhythmically, before taking in a deep breath, as if catching a scent.

One step. Two steps. And then, a full on spr-

From the side, Jagred dove low, crashing into hulk's kneecaps and sending the two of them tumbling into a stall, a tangle of limbs.
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The Gwyllgi couldn't help but look over the girl from Gualtierrez, hiding a smirk as he witnessed her surprise at what he was. Even after all these years, Cain still found it amusing to watch the surprise and intrigue minds of those not used to being around his kind. He briefly pondered whether or not she was like the others, with countless questions into what he was until he noticed her obvious stares at his tail and ears, confirming his suspicion. Her politeness at his warning gave him a moment of surprise in turn, but he simply gave a nod and a smile.

The other girl as well seemed to not be familiar with his kind as well, though she was interrupted before she had the chance to respond.

Suddenly, loud wailing assaulted his ears, the horrid cacophony of suffering coming from an approaching carriage to leave him wincing at the auditory bombardment. And then…cracking wood and a new batch of screaming, though this time not only from the ones in the carriage, as the forms of men and women charged from out of the newly opened vehicle. This…this had suddenly become very interesting, much more so than his previous raging against his friend and Magic Circle contact.

His eyes shot to the two he'd just spoken to, noting a clear suspicion in the smaller girl before, suddenly, she vanished farther into the line, tackled by one of the raving men from within the carriage. How had he cleared the distance so quickly? His gaze shot back towards the carriage, and the spreading swarm of diseased passengers, before he quickly turned back to the sounds of a shout of warning and the sound explosion from a firearm; the sound enough that he winced once more before a second shot rang out. Unable to react immediately due to the crippling explosions of sounds that erupted so close, he then witnessed the Lidaran woman knock the creature over with a shoulder before offering the other woman aid in getting to her feet once more.

After another second, Cain shook his head and waved his hand towards the downed man from the carriage, taking advantage of the man's disorientation to conquer a sphere of darkness to isolate and secure the man. "Take a timeout. Someone will come to get you later." He turned to look back at the other two, his gaze moving between the two for a quick moment before shifting momentarily to the spreading horde. He watched as one of the individuals crashed into another, the shockingly red lines on his balding head marking the attacker as one of the infected. "Maybe you shouldn't go; the Magemother's likely already been informed of what's happening, or she will be soon enough. Something has to be done in the meantime to control how much damage these people cause." Cain had already begun moving as the last words left his lips, his steps quickly accelerating into a sprint as he approached the two struggling men in the midst of the fray. Even as he approached, a faint haze of mist-like darkness had already started to engulf his form.

"Head's up!" He suddenly called as he approached, lashing out with a solid punch towards the jaw of the attacker despite his distance. A sudden fist of pure shadow lashed out from his fist, forming from the mist that had formed, and rocket forward to sucker punch the man and knock him bodily off the other man. "Everyone! Get away from the infected and restrain them from a distance, if you can; I don't think anybody here wants to find out personally if whatever these people have is contagious!" Cain shouted above the screaming, straining his voice as another ball of darkness extended from the infected man's shadow to engulf him in a sphere of darkness like the other.
Well, shit...

The poor guard had fled in terror, and the locks keeping the people inside the wooden cage was broken. Someone with a gun had made an impulsive decision, and one Faora would eventually come to mention and agree upon. But first, the wailing from inside the cage intensified, and more so when these people came bursting out, horrifying the people in the area.

Panic ensued, and people ran away into safety, or at least tried to. Faora was in shock, or rather stunned. What was going on? From left to right, the prisoners inside had began assaulting others nearby. Easy to distinguish them from the others, their veins were bulging, popping out in the color of blood. Their eyes were blodshot red as well. People screaming, her eyes eventually followed another voice in the vicinity.

"What the hell did you DO? Those people were locked up for a good reason, now you just set them free!"

So far, that impulsive decision by the man with the red hair was not going well. These prisoners were spreading, and not a moment later, vines had emerged from beneath the cobblestone path, covering the broken exit, substituting as another to keep the remaining creatures, or humans, or whatever they were inside.

Faora's eyes fell on the Nymph, and could see that she was struggling. "Vesara!" She exclaimed, and began thinking. What would she do in a situation like this? From what she could gather, these creatures were eating through her vines, and sooner or later, the rest would escape as well. Quickly, she reminisced about the guard, and what he said before running away. 'A disease?!'

What could possibly make someone do something like this? Many questions ran through her mind, but nevertheless, she moved her attention towards the Nymph once more. For her, it would be difficult to use her rifle in this situation. Shooting them? Was that the right call? This was a terrifying dilemma in her mind.

The pirate woman was having a hard time making a decision. Others had already taken action, and the robust male next to the guard no longer there had begun as well. However, the way he was handling the people with the disease, was almost if not baffling. Such strength. It was clear to her now. They were kept inside for a reason.

A moment later, a fat man, was chasing after another red head, and one who was a female. "Crap!" It was time for Faora to make a move as well, and to keep these people at bay if anything. Pulling her rifle from her back, she rushed in the same direction. Hoping she could make it in time, she made sure that the red head would know whats coming her way.

"HEY! THERE'S ONE BEHIND YOU!" Good thing the person chasing the red head was fat. Once she reached the man, she hit him in the head from the side, with the back side of her rifle, throwing him off balance. As the fat male crashed into the ground, Faora moved her attention towards the red head.

"That was close.." A quick smile came across her face, but it quickly changed. The fat beast of a man growled, before he stood up. His tongue sticking out to the side, saliva around his face, down his tongue.. He dashed towards Faora next. Before she could react, he quickly grabbed her rifle, and pulled her up close to him, before throwing her onto the ground. "Ack!" Sharp pain in her back, he was on top of her, but her green orbs had registerred that much.

'What is driving them? Do they not have a rational mind no more?!' Her rifle was the only thing between them. "Ugh!! I can't keep him away for much longer!" Struggling, she was trying to keep him off of her, but with his unimaginable strength, it was only a matter of time, before he would break her rifle. Her green orbs landed on the woman she just saved, maybe she could do something... Wasn't she the mage?
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All it took was one measly gunshot. In the span of a second, everything went wrong. Whether the gunner understood the gravity of his decision or not, he'd taken fate into his own hands - had made the choice for everyone else in the vicinity. Lawrence had a good heart, Anais would give him that, but he seemed to be as stupid as he was kind.

"Oh my God." It was all she could muster.

Diseased people started spilling out of the carriage and Anais found herself spellbound by the sight of it all. Bloodshot eyes, wounded flesh, and a pulsing red growth that clung to faces like a hungry parasite. Her breathing hitched as the flame in her palm burned brighter. She had to act, and yet, her legs felt as heavy as lead. She watched with wide eyes as Nymph tried to keep the diseased contained and as the large man from earlier fought tooth and nail with nothing but the wheel of a carriage.

Despite her tendency to act tough, Anais was afraid.


The pyromancer spun around and came eye to eye with a pot-bellied man. The flame in her palm was extinguished the moment she brought up her hands in defense. The blow never came. Instead, a woman with a rifle swooped in to save her. The pot-bellied man was sent crashing to the ground and she stood there with her heart in her throat, unable to even say so much as a thank you. At the end of the day, she was just a coward pretending to be someone she wasn't. They were right, she was nothing like her parents. They were heroes of Ivalon and she was scared little girl.

She watched in a daze as the infected got back to his feet and tackled her savior to the ground. She couldn't lob a fireball at the man, not when he was on top of the woman who'd saved her. Her eyes scanned the vicinity for anything of use and she noticed a shovel leaning against one of the many stalls. Anais made a mad dash for the shovel. To the woman, it must have looked like she was running away and leaving her to fend for herself. The pyromancer disappeared from view only to burst back into the scene with the shovel lifted high above her head. "GET OFF OF HER!" Anais screamed. With all the strength in her 5'2" frame, she swung the shovel into the side of the man's face.

There was a sickening thud as he was knocked off to the side and away from Faora.

Anais rushed towards her fallen hero and reached for the woman's arm. "Fuck," there was no mistaking the panic in Anais eyes or the way her voice quivered with each word. "Fuck, fuck, fuck—are you wounded? Are you bleeding? You're not going to die, right?" She helped the woman to her feet, and noticing that blood wasn't gushing everywhere, Anais managed to calm herself down just a teensy bit. The moment of peace, however, was short-lived.

As she was worrying about Foara and pacing around, a speedy youth barreled into her. The sheer force of the tackle sent her crashing into a cart of cabbages. Pain flared across her back and she spent the next few moments anticipating a brutal follow-up attack. Instead of finishing her off, the youth sniffed at the air and chose to run after someone else. The infected may have been stronger than the average human but they also weren't very smart. Anais was left alone, hurting but alive.

And then an idea hit her out of blue. She could use this cart to her advantage. Anais narrowed her eyes at the large infected the red haired man was grappling with. This wasn't the best plan, it probably wasn't even a good plan, but there was no time for regrets. She set one of the cabbages alight and the flames began to spread from one veggie to another. Before the blaze could grow too intense, she held onto the cart's handles and began to push, putting all of her weight into giving the cart some momentum. "A little help here?" She called out. Faora was quick to offer some assistance and their combined efforts were enough to set the cart into motion. The wheels spun faster and faster before both girls gave the cart one final push. The rest was up to gravity. "Watch out!" Anais yelled. "Muscle man! Big guy! JERK! Get out of the way!"
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  • Love
Reactions: Akashi
The utter chaos the ensued after the lock clattered to the ground struck Lawrence like a mace. His wide golden eyes looked on in joy as he freed the poor, sick prisoners but that looked quickly turned to one of confusion and soon to be horror. The Solistian stood frozen before the chaos, watching as these sick individuals viciously tore at the vines that a Magical had thrown up as a last ditched effort to protect the crowd. The sudden gleam of a sword edge pointed in his face, drew Lawrence out of his shock, his gold eyes trailing up the blade to the lass who stood behind it, barely registering her words. For once, there was no positive gleam in the Solistian's eyes. Instead, his glowing features who shadowed by a cloud of distress that was quickly growing as the Magical struggled to hold her vines, her face wrinkled with pain.

"I—I just wanted to help!" Lawrence anguished, unsure of what to do. His pistol hanging limply in his hands. He couldn't just leave those sick in the box to die! It was inhumane! Never had the Solistian seen such treatment of the ill and yet they seemed to be so aggressive and violent. Lawrence could only recall having to put down livestock that suffered from a similar disease that caused them to froth at the mouth and attack any living thing in sight. Certainly, this was a similar illness to humans? Surely they were just fevered? Right?

When the sick finally broke free of the carriage, Lawrence lost sight of the accusing woman, stumbling back as a rush of grotesque forms charged.

The sick looked beyond human and acted more like demons, screeching mindless streams of speech that had little to do with their vicious reactions to the mass of people surrounding them. Lawrence watched helplessly as they attack the people around them, violently bouncing and thrashing against both market goers and the strange group of people he had just met.

As his gold eyes took in the scene with horror Lawrence spotted the redheaded girl and a stranger being attacked by a pot-bellied infected, yet before he could respond he was suddenly swept off his feet, his skull smashed into the cobblestone ground as a crushing weight pressed down onto his chest. His cry of pain was drowned out by the screeching and screams and even if others heard, Lawrence doubt they could help. The nearest people seemed swarmed by other infected just as he was.

It almost looked like there were two sick women sitting a top, gnarly hands reaching for him, poised like claws. The Solistian managed to grab one wrist before it could grab hold of his face while the other encircled his throat, pressing down. Dazed and now deprived of air, Lawrence began to thrash, kicking and squirming as the woman shrieked into his face. Just when his sight began to fail him once more, Lawrence's other hand swung up, swinging the butt of his pistol into her temple. The woman went flying to the left, tumbling off his waist long enough for the Solistian to regain his feet, swaying uncertainly on shaking legs.

Shaking his head, Lawrence dodged her next attack and swung his pistol again, slamming the butt into the base of his skull. This time she went done for good, a mass of twitching limbs on the floor. Lawrence gazed in anguish before he stepped away, pulling out his other pistol and wielding them like clubs.

It seemed he had made a grave error, one that was quickly turning deadly. He had to do something. But how?

His racing thoughts were interrupted by a blazing wagon rushing through the crowd towards the big guy. The boar man was currently entangled with an infect giant, struggling to over power the massive brute. Lawrence wasn't sure he would be able to get out of the way in time and took off towards Jagred. "Coming through!" Lawrence yells, grabbing a torn piece of tent fabric. It was big enough to cover himself entirely and Lawrence hoped it would work. Leaping onto a forgotten barrel, Lawrence leaped, throwing the fabric over the big brute's head. "Push him!" Lawrence yelled before he landed in a pile of garbage.

The gunner Victoria was about to confront had a tinge of regret in his eyes, as if he had only realized now the consequences of his actions. Crying out how he wanted to help and all, it left the girl stumped, what kind of help did he think was going to happen? The knight took a quick glance of the carriage and had taken note of an arboreal Magical trying to diffuse the commotion, turning her appendages into a wall of ramblers all in an attempt to keep the diseased in their place but it was all for naught and they broke free...

In the resulting confusion, Victoria had lost sight of the progenitor of this outbreak and decided to let him go, for now. She swears by her hand that he'd be subjugated by the hands of justice soon. Rather than give chase, the floral knight began to take up arms and began to defend the surrounding townsfolk and shoppers from the infected. The girl was uneasy at the fact that she had to use lethal force just to stop them from hurting others, but she was left with little choice in her arsenal. She wasn't as tough nor as able-bodied enough to make full use of her physique so using her blade had to come in play, whether she liked it or not.

Her eyes met with the deranged gaze of an individual about to strike a helpless woman and her child, quick on her feet, she began to direct the attention of the plaguebearer to her by calling out to him and even whistling to make sure he'd leave the defenseless duo alone. In a surprising feat of ferocity and speed, the man came rushing at her quicker than she had anticipated, his sharp nails clutching her neck, strangling and shaking her violently while making guttural sounds that sounded like they belonged more to a wild beast than a human. Sharp fingers digging their way into her flesh and making her gag, steeling herself and determined to save at least one life in this mess, with all her might, Victoria kneed the infected right in his chin. Grunting in pain and releasing her from his hold, the girl began to pant and heave to catch her breath as the man tried to shake off the pain, in this moment, Victoria grabbed the hilt of her blade and landed a forceful strike on the head of the diseased, knocking him out cold for the time being. With the threat gone, Victoria aided the mother up on her feet and urged her and her child to flee the perimeter and take refuge to somewhere safe and sound.

"No rest for the wicked." She thought to herself, there was more work to be done, far more. The newbie knight took note of the arboreal Magical from earlier, having fallen back from the force of the swarm that had presumably clawed their way out of her vine wall, looking around to see that there was a bit of a gathering of them around her, and she didn't exactly seem to be in the current condition to fight back. Rushing towards the scene and gaining momentum, Victoria had her sights on the one infected man near the Magical and as soon as she was in range...landed a hard knee strike to the groin to make him fall down to his knees. She drew her blade once more and adopted a fighting stance, she was a little disappointed that she couldn't use her blade the way it was meant to but if it meant saving lives, it was a necessity. Victoria glanced at the Magical woman and nodded before attacking with the pommel of her blade once more, striking the heads of the infected with the blunt end of her sword.
Each attack sent pain jolting through Vesara's body, the vines that surrounded the door to the carriage being mauled by whatever lay within. But it didn't last long; for as the carriage splintered, infected spilling from its tainted innards onto the cobble of Aesyth, she retracted the vines, seeing that it was now a futile effort. The writing, tattered forms of what were once undamaged vines recoiled back towards her as amber eyes gleamed over the escapees. The red taint, staining their existence with fury, was something that she had never encountered before. SHe was intrigued, but also alarmed, by it, and where it may have come from. Never once had she been told of such a disease by her mother, and never had any of her tribe succumb to such an ailment.

Her eyes scanned back down to her own hands; the once perfect replicas of human hands now mangled and tattered, far from fully functioning hands. The vines had taken too much of a beating, it would take time for her to heal from such an attack. But it appeared that time was not on Vesara's side, as she heard the call of an assisting defender. "Revered nature spirit, bind these two." It rung in her ears, accompanying the visage that she saw, two of the infected coming towards her with haste.

She did not have her hands to fight with, so Vesara had to think quickly. The illness seemed to have infected them greatly, making the humans rabid in their motions and intent. The response of her tribe to such an event would be to eliminate the individuals, taking out the infection before it could spread to any more. She was prepared to take such action as the beasts charged towards her, plan formulating in her mind. But he had said restrain. Was the human custom not to eliminate infection? Would they rather study it? She did not know, but she remembered the words of her mother. Do not anger the humans, some are unkind towards beings such as ourselves…

She stepped back, watching intently towards the raging humans as they darted towards her. But still, vined feet continued to carry her backwards, until the feeling of cold cobble beneath them was replaced by the soft soil at the edge of the path. Viney toes curled into the dirt as her legs quickly begin to sink into the ground. Her limbs spread like roots throughout the land, until large vines burst from beneath the cobbles, cracking them open as she wrapped around the humans. She could hold them like this for now, torso still above the dirt as what had once been her leg restrained the creatures, holding her best against their attacks.

Anais had expected the worst possible outcome, but before the tragedy she had been dreading could unfold before her, Lawrence came to the red haired man's aid. Together, the Solistian and Lidaran managed to evade the confused infected, and together, they managed to leap out of the flaming cart's path of destruction.

The loud sound of splintering wood and force against flesh echoed throughout the bazaar as the collision sent the infected skidding across the cobblestone path and crashing into the vegetable man's stall. Everything fell apart, the same way it had earlier when Anais had accidentally set the man's produce alight. For a moment, the infected remained lying among the rubble. Besides the light rise and fall of his chest, he was still.

"No way!" Anais looked at Faora with wide eyes. "Did that really work? Holy hell - we did it!"

Had the man remained unmoving, Anais would have tackled the sniper into a grateful hug, but nothing was ever that easy. From the rubble, the brute of a man began to rise and a blood-curdling roar tore through his throat as he stomped towards the very cart that had knocked him down. He grabbed the flaming cart by its sides then lifted it above his head as if it weighed nothing.

The ground beneath him rumbled as vines began ensnaring two of the smaller infected. He paid them no mind, the veins beneath his muscles popped, and with every ounce of his strength, he launched the flaming cart back from where it came.

Anais saw her life flash before her eyes. Screaming as loudly as she could, she launched herself at Foara and tackled the woman to the ground. The flaming cart flew past their heads by barely a few inches, the cart shattering upon impact and exploding into a shower of splinters and broken glass.

Anais sat up immediately, babbling like a child who'd chanced upon a ghost. "Holy shit, are you... are you okay?" She reached for Faora's arm only to feel lightheaded when a bloody hand print remained on the sniper. Anais stared at her skinned palms and the blood she'd left on Foara's clothes. "I... I think I'm going to be sick."

As a certain pyromancer fought back the urge to vomit on her hero, the infected brute stood unnervingly still. It was the calm before the storm and it was over as soon as it began. The large infected let out another cry and the infected crowd around him grew even more frenzied. Sensing the Nymph's magic, an infected man and woman began stumbling over the vines in an attempt to reach her. The duo whispered frantically as they made a beeline towards the nymph. The few infected who remained uninterested in Vesara went for the Flower Knight instead.

The brute, uninterested in both, stomped towards the nearest stall and wrapped his arms around it. With a pained cry, he lifted the entire booth off the ground and pitched forward, launching his latest projectile at the Solistian and Lidaran duo who'd escaped him earlier. Once the booth was flung, he lowered his head like a bull and charged towards them.
The stench of the rotting produce pile that Lawrence had fallen into even failed to drown out the overwhelming stink of the rabid infected. But the Solistian didn't have much time to dwell on smells currently as the cart barreled into the giant mass of flesh, just missing Jagred. Pulling himself out of the garbage, Lawrence whip his head in the direction of the brute, paling as he watched the infernal monster stir.


The words of alarm died in his throat as the cart was launched, feeling his heart leapt to his throat as he watched it crash into the spot where the redhead and blonde stranger had been. Through the crumpled chaos Lawrence thought he spotted the pair just behind the mess but he didn't have a chance to make sure. The brute had turned back to Jagred and himself, looking very much enraged, which Lawrence didn't think was really fair. Then again there was no such thing as fair in battle, at least not with rabid humans.

"Look out!" Lawrence shouted to Jagred, throwing himself in the opposite direction out of the way of the flying stall. A second later the air just behind the Solistian exploded in a burst of splinters and abused jewelry, bouncing off Lawrence's back and head as he shielded his neck. In the chaos he had dropped one of his pistols, leaving him armed with only one. It was starting to occur to Lawrence that his own strength was not very effective against the infected, especially considering Jagred's struggle with the brute.

But the only weapons the Solistian possessed were his beloved pistols and his cutlass, both of which could cause great bodily harm. He didn't want to use them again the sick, he didn't want to hurt anyone. But Lawrence was running out of options. And if the sudden thundering of feet was anything to go off by; time.

Glancing up from the debris, Lawrence found the brute charging towards them. "Heads up!" He warned, scrambling to his feet to try and evade, slipping on a rounded jewel.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Warden
After the pot-bellied man was dealt with, another threat was looming right around the corner. So much was happeing around both Faora and the red haired mage, that despite the confusion in the entire ordeal, she decided to follow suite, and help out the woman she saved, who again, saved her only seconds later.

Both Faora and the red haired mage did what they could in order to help those in the vicinity. Another red haired male, one who was fighting one of the infected his own size, and the one she could remember being by the guard who fled when the terror was set loose, was told to get to safety.

Listening to the red haired mage, she mustered her strength along with the former in order to push the cart. Successful, it still didn't change much. The very cart was only moments later thrown in their direction. For a moment, the pirate woman had a smile on her face. Despite the fact that these people were humans, she couldn't help but help others who were actually sane unlike them.

Yes, Faora was just as confused, or perhaps happy as the red haired mage right next to her, but once the cart was hurled in their direction, she was unable to react, her green eyes wide as they could get. How were they this strong? Fortune was on her side though, as the red haired mage tackled her into safety. The cart barely missing them in return but the impact, its explosion was something else.

Even if the brunette was in safety for the time being, the splinters from the cart.. One of them had dug into the left side of her stomach, or rather close to her ribcage. A sharp sudden twinge of pain could be felt. Confused, Faora un-intentionally blocked any and all conversation and sound. The pain only intensified until her left hand finally found the source.

Her green orbs barely landed on the splinter, which was to the size of a kitchen knife. It was likely from the cart and the explosion. Faora moved her hand before her face. Her eyes were only half-way open. She was losing blood and her palm, her hand was to the color of blood red.

She tried to move, but even that did not help. The pain was excruciating, and her moaning was only verifying that. "Ughhh.. The.. The explosion-- It.." Faora tried telling the red haired mage in front of her in combination with her eyes, making an attempt in indicating her.

"I-- We.." Hurt, injured, her energy, her strength was leaving her in that very moment.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Remmy Rose
Great Hall

While nowhere near the pandemonium in the bazaar, the confines of the Circle led to less maneuvering room and more stampeding — which was not doing any of the people inside any favors. Fortunately, the craftsmasters of the various stalls at the ends of the Great Hall were not prone to extreme flights of emotion. While most fled and scurried away, these artists and scribes — ranging from magically attuned civilians to veterans of wars past — quickly handled their own after a period of shock. Upturned tables, swinging shields, and activated barriers — the room flared with enchantment from products that could have been sold to the highest bidder. The resistance started in that fleeting moment of practicality combined with altruism.

Eventually the flow of the movement in the Hall became more centralized, as both northern and southern corners locked the infected into the same place. Though their unhinged foes met this process with increased agitation, the protection charms supplied by the craftsmen — even the unfinished ones — were used to create rudimentary chokepoints.

But it will not last.

One of the weaker areas on the makeshift barricade, by the southern side, was haphazardly thrown up by a fledgling mage. The blows committed against her trembling shield — glittering like spun sugar, but with the brittle thinness of glass — were beginning to overwhelm.

Until spikes of frost flew in from the upper floors, followed by a tail of dry wind. Upon contact, these magical projectiles shattered into silvery dust and sharp crystalline spikes — like the fingers of Winter itself, greedily reaching for the nearest source of warmth and climbing up their body in a smothering embrace, until the last flame of heat had been extinguished from their chest. A couple of the patients found themselves rooted to the spot by the unforgiving magics, and though they managed to break off the initial hold — this spell, and its creator, was more tenacious. The following shots were more vicious in their intent.

The besieged mortals and Magicals glanced up, only to see a dozen faces alight with the various tones of the elements. The Arcane Council! They were coming!


In the wake of the wanton destruction inflicted by the patients running amok, the Bazaar had been left with a fraction of its initial crowd. Plumes of acrid smoke billowed from the collapsed stalls, and the cobblestone street was slick with the juices of a dozen shattered potions. What few survivors that remained of the first onslaught — most others had fled, while more were unconscious and insensate on the ground, rendered so by violence or by their own terror — were too busy evading the attentions of the rabid ones.

So it was that the pounding of a dozen boots on the pavement received little notice. Only when the noise was far too close for comfort did it pierce through the thick, oppressive atmosphere of chaos in the once-lively bazaar. There! Weaving around the remains of the wagon and into plain sight; a quarter guard of Aesyth's watch — towering figures covered head to toe in medium armor, bearing armfuls of thick rope and smooth batons, led by none other than that forgetful old coot from earlier!

"Fan out! I want all of those things back and looped in one place!" "Yessir!"

With a short huff, the group splintered off, with the larger portion running off to deal with the swarmed nymph and the gigantic man, whose powerful charge was halted when he found his limbs wrenched back with several coils of rope. As the soldiers heaved to give some respite to the civilians who had been on the end of the brute's attacks for quite some time now, a gaunt woman wearing soiled clothes and the telltale mask of an alchemist —or plague doctor — ducked under the line. Holding a basket filled with gray powder that had a numbing odor to it, she grabbed a clump of her creation and threw it at the face of the frothing captive.

"Is it working, Aggie? I thought that thing was supposed to knock an elephant asleep!?" One of the toiling sentries called out. The alchemist responded by intensifying her efforts — throwing the whole damn basket at the man. It may have no immediate effect, but a perceptive eye would have seen that the target's struggles against his bonds got just the tiniest bit sluggish, after a moment.

Meanwhile, the three who had been assigned to keep the crowd off of Vesara were having a harder time. For the most part, they worked efficiently, obviously used to teamwork — one pummeled off any encroachers with his baton, while the other two lassoed and looped in the bodies their companion had left behind together in one huge knotted line. The process was simple, but they were having a hard time dodging vines and beating a path through the infected. "Hey, tree lady! Are you okay? We're almost there! Ah damn, my shoulder got bit! Fuck off, you!"

A quartet wove through the marketplace, though their composition was different from the warriors of the other groups. Two were guards, for sure, and the other two were… civilians, for lack of a better term. And when one of them approached a bleeding father of two, his hands aglow in a soft light, it became clear the watch had brought in the village healers. The other one spotted Faora and, discerning the severity of her injury, headed straight to her.
There was a ringing in his ears. Just standing up made him nauseous. It was like being drunk and having a hangover simultaneous. A dozen prickly pains burst from his back, wounds gained when he partially shielded the foolish gunslinger who sought redemption for his actions. But those were minor issues. Nothing to worry about. He had been punch-drunk like this before, and Jagred narrowed his eyes, forcing the world to come into focus once more.

Aeysth's guards had arrived, the giant bound by the strength of half a dozen as concoctions were tossed onto its face with little effect. So many men used on a single individual. Such a waste of strength and resources.

"RGHHH!" Hissing through grit teeth, Jagred slammed an open hand against his chest, bolstering his fighting spirit. He wasn't armored as much as before, but this was no great beast, no skilled warrior, only a mixture of both, fusing their weaknesses instead of their strengths. Charging forward once more towards his immobile quarry, the Lidaran savage pushed past the coiled ropes in his way and pounced onto the giant's back.

A beefy forearm wrapped around that tree trunk of a neck, before Jagred squeezed.

Sleeping draughts and tranquilizers may have been effective, yes, but a group shouldn't be wasted on an individual in a time of crisis.

"I'll handle this! More of them had ran off into the city!"
  • Useful
Reactions: Warden

The young knight heaved and panted as she made hard work of the infected surrounding the verdant being from before and her lips pursed into a smirk when she glanced back at her, having regained her strength and composure and restraining the frenzied being with her organic powers. Her reprieve was short-lived however when two of the plagued beings began to charge at her in full-force, which prompted the flower knight to brace herself with her blade, sweat trickling down her brows as anxiety crept up on her. She didn't want to kill these people but if she herself didn't do anything at all, it was her funeral. Gulping as the two ravenous fiends were closing in on her, Victoria could only hope she won't stain her hands with any blood, never.

One of the plaguebearers lunged at her at surprising speeds, promptly she raised her saber in defense to block the incoming assault of the nearly-feral woman as she lashed out with her razor-sharp nails, mostly clashing with the steel of the knight's sword but grazing her flesh as the ferocious woman thrashed about with her nails, one could almost mistake them for knives with the way they cut and rend the skin of the girl. She groaned as she stepped back from the woman flailing her talons at her, then it happened...

Slipping and losing her balance, Victoria fell flat on her bottom, hitting the pavement with a soft thud and making her lose her focus and momentum, her hand losing the firm grip it had on her blade. "Damn it!" she exclaimed as she quickly already lost both on the offensive and the defensive, the girl looked up to see the the infected woman about to strike at her with her nails, with the way she was building up so much force, it looked like this attack was going to hurt...a lot. Victoria's mind raced quickly, panic surged through every part of her body for she knew that if she didn't act quick, her life could be in mortal peril. Her eyes darted left and right, if she timed it just right, she could roll away in danger and initiate a counter attack. She gulped down and hard, it was do-or-die time, and hopefully she'd end up making the right choice this time. Her eyes were dead-set on the woman above her and then...

"Hey! Let go of me!" Well...that didn't end well. She rolled alright, rolled right into the arms of the other infected that is. The big, burly, diseased brute of an infected man had Victoria's arms in a tight, vice-like grip subsequently making the girl squirm from the pain and flailing her legs wildly in an attempt to get the man to unhand her. Things started to look grim when the infected woman from earlier was steadily approaching her, those talons of hers about to make their mark. Fear began to creep up the knight's spine and she did her best attempt to struggle but it was all in vain, in one last attempt to shake off her foes she swung herself backwards full-force in an attempt to headbutt the man holding her captive, the impact from the blow caused her vision to start to blur, talk about a knucklehead...Her eyes began to feel weak and all she could hear then and there were the faint sounds of footsteps...a ton of them.

Victoria awoke to a start, beside her she could hear a soft voice whispering reassurance and asking her if everything was fine. Was this it? Is she dead? Has her quest already failed without even bringing home the bacon?! Was it all in vain? She wondered, the voice becoming just a little bit clearer and her eyes starting to regain their vision.
"Oh, thank goodness you're alright!" Alright? So...she wasn't dead? The knight rubbed one of her eyes to meet with an unfamiliar face, a woman who looked fairly older than her who explained that she had been out for a while now, the force of the blow she had done leaving her with a mild concussion. The healer patted her in the back and helped her up as she politely excused herself, most likely in search of others injured from the ensuing attack. The knight looked at her surroundings and now saw dozens of moderately-armored guards patrolling the area and ensuring the safety of the townsfolk, Victoria groaned as she couldn't help but feel discontent about her own work...next time, she muttered to herself.
Great Hall

Estefania held up well so far, and her quick response to the mob - initial collision notwithstanding - was a source of pride she would surely commiserate on later, when this problem had been solved. For now, she was busy keeping harassers off a barricade that had been thrown up by a pair of resourceful individuals. It wasn't as easy as it sounded; she kept her blade sheathed and utilized her hand guard to avoid wounding the infected who, by all accounts, were merely sick civilians... Albeit very sick ones. That meant she had to get in much closer than she would have liked, but after a few mishaps Estefania learned a neat trick to keep out of their way.

Earlier, the condesa rushed to aid noncombatants who sought refuge in a forging stall - she had been thrown a chair instead of a thank you, and the noblewoman would've been quite irritated had she not realized what they wanted her to do. So it was that the young tourist found herself discouraging the plague carriers - was it even a plague? They haven't been informed - from ramming onto their small haven. It wasn't a lot of time to contemplate the strangeness of her opponents, and she wasn't a contemplative person anyway - dealing with them in a physical manner was enough to wholly engage her attention, an unfortunate trait many of her tutors had noted. Hmph.

The tide turned when a hail of magic rained from above, esnaring some of the Red-afflicted. Estefania leaned out of the stall and caught a glimpse of some faces, before they disappeared from the edge to presumably keep on heading downstairs. Well, it was about time for the Arcane Council and the Magemother to do something!

Unfortunately, the show of sorcery inspired a renewed hysteria from the infected, as they cried out in unison. The condesa gritted her teeth, irritated. Her eardrums might give put before her body did. Even if the patients thrashed and frothed, it would be no herculean task to stay alive until the experts finally alight...
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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