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Previously Edge Lord 9000
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
  4. 1-3 posts per week
  5. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Beginner
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
  4. Adept
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Primarily Prefer Male
  3. No Preferences
Fantasy, Scifi, Modern , Magical, Horror , Romance, Angst, Drama, Comedy , WHATEVA FLOATS MA BOAT
Well anyways it has been a while since I actually have been on here fully I use to lurk at times and that was just to catch up with people I have rped with for a long time. But since life has actually decided to let me have free time and not deal with life on such a stressful level anymore (personal stuff and family stuff , blah blah blah blah, you know life things) . I have decided that I can actually RP AGAIN YAYYY!!!, and back for a good long time as well or you know until i croak and bite the dust but hey I don't see that happening anytime soon. *falls over and dies*

His ghost speaking here since he decided to go up and just die I guess I have to take over. So its about time for that about me section I think.

-I like long walks on the beach

-No seriously

- I have been rping about waht maybe about up to 9 years man i feel old even tough I am not.

- Any ways I can almost do all the genres as long as it does not involve clowns, don't ask)

- I can do up to about 1-15 paragraphs it all depends on what we are doing and how flexible you want to be and how not lazy I am going to be.

- I haz delicious Engrish speaking skulls and i expact you to have dem aswull ( Noice right!!!)

- I like me some romance but it just can't be an overnight or insta super dooper in love because that don't happen in real life and it should not happen in the Rp , a romance should be developed and taken care of like a fine wine and be tasted slowly until it gets to perfection.

- Smut can be in there as long as it serves a purpose and helps the plot in some form or other .

- I prefer to play the males cause hey I am a Man I think. But I can double up and Play a female secondary character If need.

-I am looking for some long term partners or hey short flings are welcomed :devil:

-OOHHH and PRETTY please be gentle on my I have not been one here in a long time In a writing capacity so I still need to get muh groove back.

Anyways like I said I can do pretty much every genre , but I like me some fantasy , some romance and hey why not some action thrown in there. I will have some pairing slash plots down but if you want we can do that real good shizz and come up with our own.

Just a reminder I can play any side of these pairings I have no real preference.
Also I mainly do MxF but I can do the others If I has to as long as le story is good enough

Le Vampire X Human
Werewolf X Human/ or Vampire
Pirate X Captive
Teach X Student
Boss X Employee
OC Super Hero X OC Super Hero/ Villian
DC Characters or Marvel your choice I am down for any pairing really.
Gangster X Police Officer
Hitman X FBI/CIA Agent
Knight X Angel/Demon
Demon X Angel (This could be fun I think)
(I will or probably should add more I will do that later)

Also I have watched and played so many things so I have a lot of fandom over a wide variety of Genres so tell me yours and I most likely have watched it or played it or read it just tell me and I am 98% sure I will be up for it ( Totally not lazy and wish to type them all down)

Actual story lines and plot lines will be below this sexy typed line but I will need to that when I think of good ones . Maybe tomorrow (:

Plot 1

The Crimson death returns.
Vampire rp with Werewolves and Hunters.

Its been over 10000 thousand years since they great war with for the planet between the to sides of Vampires against the Temporary Coalition of Hunters and Werewolves. The Battles were great but long and bloody , and when the killing blow was struck to the hear of the great and mighty Dracula they thought it was over, they thought it ended there but it did not Dracula vanished went deep underground to rest and heal from his/her wounds. The time finally came for Dracula to come back but it everything has changed, the world has changed the vampires are all on the run hiding in little covens while the world has been separated by the humans and the wolves. Dracula vowed to rise again and up heave the world in its terrible wrath.

(Oh and who ever between us chooses to play Dracula can choose the gender of Dracula , i think that could add some twists to it.)

Plot 2

The Fallen Angel

The war in heaven was great , and then came the day Lucifer fell, but what history forgot to mention was. That is was not just one Arch Angel that fell that day there were two. The other angel was one one of the few who sided with Lucifer because he believed in his brother , their father abandoned them for the humans. But when he fell he did not fall to hell like his brother he fell on earth. He watched and watched and finally realised his mistake but now the world is about to end the Apocalypse is coming . The final war between Lucifer's Demon armies and the Armies of heaven. This lone Arch Angel has decided to stand with the humans to give them a fighting chance not to win but to survive against these dark times. Will the humans who he chooses to be worthy of fighting follow him into battle or will they doom themselves and the entire human race.

Plot 3
Jack the Ripper (Taken for now)

Horror/ Thriller/Action/Drama/Suspense/ Romance/ Dark Fantasy
Warning dark themes ahead.

There were always many stories about jack the ripper , that he was the serial killer of whores. That he was the horror of London. So many bad stories but if I told you those stories were all lies, Jack the Ripper was a serial killer but that of the supernatural kind, those that would harm humans and do us harm. The whores were Succubi simply trying to lure men in to slowly steal their souls, and there were countless more. Jack was the last of his organisation but he was simply done waiting it was now time for him to start rebuilding and take back London from the Supernatural and eventually England.

Pokemon Apocalypse.**********

Action/ Drama /Suspense/Romance/ Fantasy/ Slight Horror

The world was once a teeming place for Humans and Pokemon to live together, and battle together. But then it happened to Apocalypse came , Pokemon died by the droves and humans but they did not stay dead they came back for an insatiable hunger for the living it did not matter what it was Pokemon or Human. Most of the Legendary Pokemon have all died except for a few that are in hiding with the humans and other places. And all that remains are a few human cities far apart. From this came the Helios agents. Agents that with their trusty Pokemon go on dangerous mission to the outside world, whether it is to transport goods, or help people get across to other cities . And thus the story starts in Pallet town where a Helios agent is preparing to train a few new cadets on the dangers of the outside world and trying to keep them alive in the process.

(Something I have wanted to do for a long time.)

Removed two plots because they are taken and fleshed out.
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Hey there; I know kind of creepy to pop up like right after this is posted lol. I like babasically all your pairings; are there any you're currently craving more than others?
Hey there; I know kind of creepy to pop up like right after this is posted lol. I like babasically all your pairings; are there any you're currently craving more than others?

*Ghost gets scared of sudden pop up and dies*

Sorry about that , this is the ghost of his ghost speaking and, nope no particular cravings . I have cravings for all of them really , so if there is one you are really interested in pick and choose your fancy I will be pretty up for it.
Teacher x Student
Boss x Employee
Werewolf x Human

Any of those strike your fancy?
Teacher x Student
Boss x Employee
Werewolf x Human

Any of those strike your fancy?

Ooooooh I really like the Werewolf X Human but the Mutants one could be super fun , I say we go for Mutants but if we feel like we its not working we can always keep Werewolf X Human as a back up.

So why don't you pm me and we can start hashing out dem deets .
Well I have white a few plots that could also work with the pairings, Vampire x Human, Werewolf x Human/ Vampire, pirate x captive or Demon x Angel.
Well I have white a few plots that could also work with the pairings, Vampire x Human, Werewolf x Human/ Vampire, pirate x captive or Demon x Angel.

Saweeettt all right send me a Pm and we can go from there.
Updated with two quick plotlines that I wrote while tired.
Are you still looking for partners? I'm interested! ^_^
If you are, i really like the idea of a Demon x Angel romance.
Pm me! :)
I would love to do your Dracula plot. Also what are your favorite fandoms?. Am always curious XD.
Are you still looking for partners? I'm interested! ^_^
If you are, i really like the idea of a Demon x Angel romance.
Pm me! :)

Sure pm me and we can hash out the deets. (:
I would love to do your Dracula plot. Also what are your favorite fandoms?. Am always curious XD.

Sure thing , Give me dat pm and we can hash some stuff out oh and my Fandoms your gonna have to pm me to find that one out.
I see you like scifi and fantasy. I may have a couple of ideas that are right up your alley if you're still looking as of this moment.
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