Rise of the Runelords Side Stories

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The response was... nothing.

Every other sound in the shop was amplified by the distinct lack of it from Ven. The footsteps of the people on the street outside. One of them was trotting a horse somewhere, probably a messanger. The slight creak of the door as the midday breeze pushed against it. The faint sound of Ven's chewing as he stared. Mathias. Down.

Finally, he leaned over and spat the leaves into a bowl behind the counter, before he rolled his eyes back up to Mathias.


@The Myrmidion

((Diplo can be rolled, but heavily modified by how the conversation is going))​
Mathias couldn't help but quietly gulp as the air around them was so quiet, that the noises outside were perfectly clear to him. Was this how elves and half-elves felt when sitting around, just listening? The quiet roar of everything outside the one-sided conversation was intimidating to say the least, and it almost felt as though Ven was using it as a means to try and scare Mathias off.

Suffice to say, it almost worked as his head drooped at the response that finally released him from the hell of hearing all of that, "Oh..." However, after a moment, his eyes raised up to meet Ven's stare once again, determination filling them, "Is because I'm a newcomer to Sandpoint, isn't it? Because I'm a tiefling? A bad influence in your mind?"
Mathias couldn't help but quietly gulp as the air around them was so quiet, that the noises outside were perfectly clear to him. Was this how elves and half-elves felt when sitting around, just listening? The quiet roar of everything outside the one-sided conversation was intimidating to say the least, and it almost felt as though Ven was using it as a means to try and scare Mathias off.

Suffice to say, it almost worked as his head drooped at the response that finally released him from the hell of hearing all of that, "Oh..." However, after a moment, his eyes raised up to meet Ven's stare once again, determination filling them, "Is because I'm a newcomer to Sandpoint, isn't it? Because I'm a tiefling? A bad influence in your mind?"
"Because my little, sweetheart of a flower don't need to be worrying about that stuff yet"

Ven's tone didn't change from his monotone drawl even as he spoke those words, but his face still didn't break out into a trademark frown as he shrugged again. "Sorry kid. Nothin 'gainst you."

@The Myrmidon
"Because my little, sweetheart of a flower don't need to be worrying about that stuff yet"

Ven's tone didn't change from his monotone drawl even as he spoke those words, but his face still didn't break out into a trademark frown as he shrugged again. "Sorry kid. Nothin 'gainst you."

@The Myrmidon
"Oh... Alright, guess I can't really argue that point."

Well, at least there wasn't any ill will per say. Rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment, the inquisitor chuckled awkwardly before shrugging, "Well, maybe in the future? Either way, best I clear out then so I don't get in the way of someone trying to buy something."

@Schnee Corp Lawyer
The Rusty Dragon was closed for the day to all save the party. Bethana and the rest few others on the staff had been too worried about Ameiko to run it themselves, and no one was in the mood to do it when their boss got back and was helped up the stairs to bed in the middle of the day. As her rescuers, Ameiko had quietly waved towards the bar as Bethana helped her up the steps and told them whatever they liked was on the house. That had been a few hours ago.

Now, she came down the stairs with quiet steps and a sullen look. She mostly ignored any attempts at conversations, merely giving a nod or a wave as she walked into the kitchen and started pulling out ingrediants for something or another. Starting with vegatables, being chopped with a precise, violent rhythm

@Patrickthekid @OrlandoBloomers @Indolent @Whoever else is still at the inn


Normally, Hemlock handled interrogations. Sullen and straightfoward man that he was, he still had a knack for it on the rare occasions that it was required in Sandpoint. But with him out of town, the sole remaining sergeant and the few guards were honestly at a loss for what to do, so when Mathias offered to handle it, the request was met with relief.

It was a simple cell, partially below ground with a few bars letting in the light from the road above. a gutter drain was under the windows to let rainwater out without flooding the cell as well as serveas a latrine, and a cot was opposite it. On the wall across from the door, a pair of manacles were set into the wall, and it was there that Tsuto was chained up, glowering violently at the inquisitor and arcanist as they walked in.

"So. The fools wish to gloat."

@The Myrmidon @york

The cliffside manor was almost exactly as Argus remembered it. Still with the glorious view of the harbor, and still maintained to perfection by the small but well trained staff. The evening sun was opposite was behind him, casting the door in a soft orange light as it opened.

The man on the other side however, was completely new as he raised an eyebrow at the ruffian in front of him and sniffed. "Can I help you?"​
The cliffside manor was almost exactly as Argus remembered it. Still with the glorious view of the harbor, and still maintained to perfection by the small but well trained staff. The evening sun was opposite was behind him, casting the door in a soft orange light as it opened.

The man on the other side however, was completely new as he raised an eyebrow at the ruffian in front of him and sniffed. "Can I help you?"
"Umm... I'm here to see the Master of the House, on town business concerning the welfare of the town. Also...If you could, please tell him its Argus. He'll understand."

Beautiful, but a little terrifying too. Memories were coming back and he winced to look upon it.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer

The Rusty Dragon was closed for the day to all save the party. Bethana and the rest few others on the staff had been too worried about Ameiko to run it themselves, and no one was in the mood to do it when their boss got back and was helped up the stairs to bed in the middle of the day. As her rescuers, Ameiko had quietly waved towards the bar as Bethana helped her up the steps and told them whatever they liked was on the house. That had been a few hours ago.

Now, she came down the stairs with quiet steps and a sullen look. She mostly ignored any attempts at conversations, merely giving a nod or a wave as she walked into the kitchen and started pulling out ingrediants for something or another. Starting with vegatables, being chopped with a precise, violent rhythm

@Patrickthekid @OrlandoBloomers @Indolent @Whoever else is still at the inn


Normally, Hemlock handled interrogations. Sullen and straightfoward man that he was, he still had a knack for it on the rare occasions that it was required in Sandpoint. But with him out of town, the sole remaining sergeant and the few guards were honestly at a loss for what to do, so when Mathias offered to handle it, the request was met with relief.

It was a simple cell, partially below ground with a few bars letting in the light from the road above. a gutter drain was under the windows to let rainwater out without flooding the cell as well as serveas a latrine, and a cot was opposite it. On the wall across from the door, a pair of manacles were set into the wall, and it was there that Tsuto was chained up, glowering violently at the inquisitor and arcanist as they walked in.

"So. The fools wish to gloat."

@The Myrmidon @york

The cliffside manor was almost exactly as Argus remembered it. Still with the glorious view of the harbor, and still maintained to perfection by the small but well trained staff. The evening sun was opposite was behind him, casting the door in a soft orange light as it opened.

The man on the other side however, was completely new as he raised an eyebrow at the ruffian in front of him and sniffed. "Can I help you?"​
"No. We come to become wiser of our situation."

Gone was the scarf that Mathias normally wore along with his armor and scimitar. Instead, the tiefling had chosen only a simple linen shirt and trousers for the occasion, having heard a little of how messy such situations might become if deemed necessary. He wasn't the most versed in torture, but what he had learned had described it in interrogation as somewhat more restricted than the rather wanton sort for painful pleasure that most people thought of. Even so, things could always become messy in a situation like this, and while he would rather avoid it, Mathias would be prepared to accept the possibility.

First though, he would try the less painful means of extracting information, to confirm the ideas that Argus had had about and that the tiefling suspected were true along with to avoid the less civilized methods.

"First off, I'd like to know more about you, Tsuto," The tiefling smiled as he pulled out a bundle of parchment along with a writing utensil, trying his best to put on a friendly, open persona for the man, "Best to begin with the basics, yes?"
When Destiny said she wanted a drink it was no joke. It's not something she usually does in her past time, but it sure helps when she was down. It certainly helped dampen her powers when she felt she needed a break. Still, she wasn't sure if anything would put what happened last night off her mind. This town had much more problems than she realized, and Destinie felt she was getting sucked into it against her will.

Yet not completely, because there was one aspect that was bothering her. One that she hoped to talk about later on.

For now, she sat down on a bench downing some bread. Thinking her words carefully before speaking up to Ameiko. "How are you holding up?" She asked.​
The figure who stood up from a table near the back and trailed after Ameiko to the kitchen took such measures to be light of step, made so unconscious an effort to stay towards the periphery of vision, that the innkeeper might not have noticed Sabine at all until she overextended and prowled around behind her too long without saying a word. There was nothing threatening about it. The effort to stay unnoticed seemed more defensive than anything, and carried almost a nervousness to it, akin to a curious animal padding through the undergrowth to observe a visitor to the woods or some other such peculiarity. The base instinct of most creatures when faced with something unfamiliar was to observe without being observed.

The one thing it was representative of, therefore, was an unfamiliarity with the situation, an unsureness in how to proceed. This was new. What was a kidnapping victim likely to be feeling? Was Ameiko still afraid? Angry? Sad? Would approaching even help, or would she just be met with the equivalent of raised hackles and a warning growl, a show of aggression meant to divert her squarely away? There was just no telling. Part of this was why she kept to herself. When people were just faces at arm's length it was easier not to worry about any of that stuff. Now she was starting to get all stupid and care about some of those faces, even when they hardly knew a thing about her.


She sneezed and continued prowling. Still didn't know what to say. Her monologue didn't help.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer @Patrickthekid
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"Umm... I'm here to see the Master of the House, on town business concerning the welfare of the town. Also...If you could, please tell him its Argus. He'll understand."

Beautiful, but a little terrifying too. Memories were coming back and he winced to look upon it.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer

The butler stared at him for a few moments before he sighed and nodded. The door shut in Argus' face, and for a few minutes it was just him, the porch, and the breeze, but eventually it opened back up.

"...You are to leave your weapon in the foyer" The butler informed him with an icy frown. "Saying a name does not make you that person. You understand of course." The butler said as he motioned Argus to come in through the door.



"No. We come to become wiser of our situation."

Gone was the scarf that Mathias normally wore along with his armor and scimitar. Instead, the tiefling had chosen only a simple linen shirt and trousers for the occasion, having heard a little of how messy such situations might become if deemed necessary. He wasn't the most versed in torture, but what he had learned had described it in interrogation as somewhat more restricted than the rather wanton sort for painful pleasure that most people thought of. Even so, things could always become messy in a situation like this, and while he would rather avoid it, Mathias would be prepared to accept the possibility.

First though, he would try the less painful means of extracting information, to confirm the ideas that Argus had had about and that the tiefling suspected were true along with to avoid the less civilized methods.

"First off, I'd like to know more about you, Tsuto," The tiefling smiled as he pulled out a bundle of parchment along with a writing utensil, trying his best to put on a friendly, open persona for the man, "Best to begin with the basics, yes?"
Tsuto let out a low chuckle, letting the manacles support his weight as he leaned forward with his head down. "Fine, why not" he said with a loose wave of his hand. "Ask away, oh holy one."

@The Myrmidon @york
When Destiny said she wanted a drink it was no joke. It's not something she usually does in her past time, but it sure helps when she was down. It certainly helped dampen her powers when she felt she needed a break. Still, she wasn't sure if anything would put what happened last night off her mind. This town had much more problems than she realized, and Destinie felt she was getting sucked into it against her will.

Yet not completely, because there was one aspect that was bothering her. One that she hoped to talk about later on.

For now, she sat down on a bench downing some bread. Thinking her words carefully before speaking up to Ameiko. "How are you holding up?" She asked.​
Ameiko let out a huffy laugh as she continued her work and shook her head. "Not great. Not really great at all." She muttered-
The figure who stood up from a table near the back and trailed after Ameiko to the kitchen took such measures to be light of step, made so unconscious an effort to stay towards the periphery of vision, that the innkeeper might not have noticed Sabine at all until she overextended and prowled around behind her too long without saying a word. There was nothing threatening about it. The effort to stay unnoticed seemed more defensive than anything, and carried almost a nervousness to it, akin to a curious animal padding through the undergrowth to observe a visitor to the woods or some other such peculiarity. The base instinct of most creatures when faced with something unfamiliar was to observe without being observed.

The one thing it was representative of, therefore, was an unfamiliarity with the situation, an unsureness in how to proceed. This was new. What was a kidnapping victim likely to be feeling? Was Ameiko still afraid? Angry? Sad? Would approaching even help, or would she just be met with the equivalent of raised hackles and a warning growl, a show of aggression meant to divert her squarely away? There was just no telling. Part of this was why she kept to herself. When people were just faces at arm's length it was easier not to worry about any of that stuff. Now she was starting to get all stupid and care about some of those faces, even when they hardly knew a thing about her.


She sneezed and continued prowling. Still didn't know what to say. Her monologue didn't help.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer @Patrickthekid
She almost jumped out of her skin at the sneeze. The knife clattered to the ground as she glanced backwards, but after a few moments to register who it was, she took a deep breath and picked up the knife to take it over to the water barrel to clean. "Are you that hungry?" she half joked towards the shifter. "The food'll be done whether you watch me make it or just relax you know." She continued, flicking the water off the knife and going back to her work.

@OrlandoBloomers @Patrickthekid @Indolent
She almost jumped out of her skin at the sneeze. The knife clattered to the ground as she glanced backwards, but after a few moments to register who it was, she took a deep breath and picked up the knife to take it over to the water barrel to clean. "Are you that hungry?" she half joked towards the shifter. "The food'll be done whether you watch me make it or just relax you know." She continued, flicking the water off the knife and going back to her work.

@OrlandoBloomers @Patrickthekid @Indolent

"I ate."

The wording was so terse it might've sounded rude coming from someone more typically spoken, but the gunslinger was never one for talking in more than a few syllables at a time anyway. Her words trailed away, but the focused stare remained, unblinking as she watched the innkeeper bring the knife to the cleaning barrel and then back again. She still didn't shift her presence from near the door, instead leaning a shoulder against the frame.

"By my reckon all of us can find some way to sustain ourselves for one evening, ma'am. You were... that is to say, you bin' through a lot."

@Schnee Corp Lawyer @Patrickthekid @inn​
The butler stared at him for a few moments before he sighed and nodded. The door shut in Argus' face, and for a few minutes it was just him, the porch, and the breeze, but eventually it opened back up.

"...You are to leave your weapon in the foyer" The butler informed him with an icy frown. "Saying a name does not make you that person. You understand of course." The butler said as he motioned Argus to come in through the door.



Tsuto let out a low chuckle, letting the manacles support his weight as he leaned forward with his head down. "Fine, why not" he said with a loose wave of his hand. "Ask away, oh holy one."

@The Myrmidon @york

Ameiko let out a huffy laugh as she continued her work and shook her head. "Not great. Not really great at all." She muttered-

She almost jumped out of her skin at the sneeze. The knife clattered to the ground as she glanced backwards, but after a few moments to register who it was, she took a deep breath and picked up the knife to take it over to the water barrel to clean. "Are you that hungry?" she half joked towards the shifter. "The food'll be done whether you watch me make it or just relax you know." She continued, flicking the water off the knife and going back to her work.

@OrlandoBloomers @Patrickthekid @Indolent
"Oh, I plan to," Mathias responded, still with a smile as the man mocked him. However, the fingers holding his writing tool tightened for a second in annoyance at the name given to him. Without missing a beat, the tiefling began writing down his first few questions that he wished to ask, "Your name, Tsuto Kaijitsu, yes? I'd like to know about your early life. Your father, your mother, your early childhood, if that's alright."

@york @Schnee Corp Lawyer
Normally, Hemlock handled interrogations. Sullen and straightfoward man that he was, he still had a knack for it on the rare occasions that it was required in Sandpoint. But with him out of town, the sole remaining sergeant and the few guards were honestly at a loss for what to do, so when Mathias offered to handle it, the request was met with relief.

It was a simple cell, partially below ground with a few bars letting in the light from the road above. a gutter drain was under the windows to let rainwater out without flooding the cell as well as serveas a latrine, and a cot was opposite it. On the wall across from the door, a pair of manacles were set into the wall, and it was there that Tsuto was chained up, glowering violently at the inquisitor and arcanist as they walked in.

"So. The fools wish to gloat."

@The Myrmidon @york
"No. We come to become wiser of our situation."

Gone was the scarf that Mathias normally wore along with his armor and scimitar. Instead, the tiefling had chosen only a simple linen shirt and trousers for the occasion, having heard a little of how messy such situations might become if deemed necessary. He wasn't the most versed in torture, but what he had learned had described it in interrogation as somewhat more restricted than the rather wanton sort for painful pleasure that most people thought of. Even so, things could always become messy in a situation like this, and while he would rather avoid it, Mathias would be prepared to accept the possibility.

First though, he would try the less painful means of extracting information, to confirm the ideas that Argus had had about and that the tiefling suspected were true along with to avoid the less civilized methods.

"First off, I'd like to know more about you, Tsuto," The tiefling smiled as he pulled out a bundle of parchment along with a writing utensil, trying his best to put on a friendly, open persona for the man, "Best to begin with the basics, yes?"

Tsuto let out a low chuckle, letting the manacles support his weight as he leaned forward with his head down. "Fine, why not" he said with a loose wave of his hand. "Ask away, oh holy one."

@The Myrmidon @york
"Oh, I plan to," Mathias responded, still with a smile as the man mocked him. However, the fingers holding his writing tool tightened for a second in annoyance at the name given to him. Without missing a beat, the tiefling began writing down his first few questions that he wished to ask, "Your name, Tsuto Kaijitsu, yes? I'd like to know about your early life. Your father, your mother, your early childhood, if that's alright."

@york @Schnee Corp Lawyer
@The Myrmidon @Schnee Corp Lawyer

It was quite evident that if this were to be chalked down to a "good cop bad cop" scenario, Isabella would be filling in for the role of the former. The Sulli stayed relatively quiet, keeping a close eye on Tsuto, and only really shaking her head when Tsuto asked if they've come to gloat.

Perhaps she was hoping for a better opportunity to enter into the conversation, but for the time being... She was just a quiet observer. Tsuto may be in captivity, but she had a distinct feeling that he would be quite the tough nut to crack, which meant that they might need a different approach.​
Not the most subtle question, but at least she responded. "Not even close." She shrugged, straightening out but not making any effort to approach yet. "I would just want to say if you need anything... we'll be here for you. All of us. It doesn't look like our party will split up any time soon." Her voice was soft and soothing, which contrasted a lot with Sabine's. That last sentence hinted at some mirth.
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The butler stared at him for a few moments before he sighed and nodded. The door shut in Argus' face, and for a few minutes it was just him, the porch, and the breeze, but eventually it opened back up.

"...You are to leave your weapon in the foyer" The butler informed him with an icy frown. "Saying a name does not make you that person. You understand of course." The butler said as he motioned Argus to come in through the door.
"Jeeves, I'd be insulted if he took me at face value."

Without looking, he tossed the blade to land neatly in a cane stand behind the door and out of sight, a little thing that had remained in his memory for a while.

"Keep an eye on it, its expensive." : |

But he walked on and actually paused to adjust his clothing, though he kept the Varisian trappings before sighing and stepping inside the room his grandfather used so much for visitors. A beat later, he spoke.

"....Jeeves is new. What happened to Francois?"

@Schnee Corp Lawyer
"I ate."

The wording was so terse it might've sounded rude coming from someone more typically spoken, but the gunslinger was never one for talking in more than a few syllables at a time anyway. Her words trailed away, but the focused stare remained, unblinking as she watched the innkeeper bring the knife to the cleaning barrel and then back again. She still didn't shift her presence from near the door, instead leaning a shoulder against the frame.

"By my reckon all of us can find some way to sustain ourselves for one evening, ma'am. You were... that is to say, you bin' through a lot."
"Hey, if you don't want my cooking, you can just say it" She said with a small eye roll as she finished cutting and pulled over an iron pot to start pushing the vegetables in. "I don't really care either way. I just need... to be doing something. Might as well be this" She said with a shrug.​
Not the most subtle question, but at least she responded. "Not even close." She shrugged, straightening out but not making any effort to approach yet. "I would just want to say if you need anything... we'll be here for you. All of us. It doesn't look like our party will split up any time soon." Her voice was soft and soothing, which contrasted a lot with Sabine's. That last sentence hinted at some mirth.
"..." she sighed as she finished and glanced up at Destinie then back at Sabine. "Look girls. I appreciate the concern, and I won't ever be done saying thank you for not letting that...." Her mouth snapped shut as she tried to find the appropriate word, her head tilting slightly as she tried to find the right one.

"...lunatic take me off to wherever the hell to 'save me'. But... Its a lot to take in, and to be blunt, I'm devastated that Tsuto turned out like this. But I'll be ok. Not the first time this stupid family went off the rails." She muttered darkly as she heaved the pot over to the water to start filling it up there.

@OrlandoBloomers @Patrickthekid @Indolent
"Oh, I plan to," Mathias responded, still with a smile as the man mocked him. However, the fingers holding his writing tool tightened for a second in annoyance at the name given to him. Without missing a beat, the tiefling began writing down his first few questions that he wished to ask, "Your name, Tsuto Kaijitsu, yes? I'd like to know about your early life. Your father, your mother, your early childhood, if that's alright."
He glanced up from where his head was hanging and arched an eyebrow. "My father fucked my mother and I popped out nine months later. That tends to be how it works."

@The Myrmidon @york
"Jeeves, I'd be insulted if he took me at face value."

Without looking, he tossed the blade to land neatly in a cane stand behind the door and out of sight, a little thing that had remained in his memory for a while.

"Keep an eye on it, its expensive." : |

But he walked on and actually paused to adjust his clothing, though he kept the Varisian trappings before sighing and stepping inside the room his grandfather used so much for visitors. A beat later, he spoke.

"....Jeeves is new. What happened to Francois?"

@Schnee Corp Lawyer
"I'll be sure the cook doesn't mistake it for a kebab" The butler said blandly as he led Argus to the same room Isabelle had been left in before. He gestured to a chair and turned to leave, only to catch Argus' question. He paused and glanced slightly behind his shoulder.

"...I don't have the faintest idea who that is." He said with a shrug before he walked out the door. "The master will be with you in a moment"

"Hey, if you don't want my cooking, you can just say it" She said with a small eye roll as she finished cutting and pulled over an iron pot to start pushing the vegetables in. "I don't really care either way. I just need... to be doing something. Might as well be this" She said with a shrug.​

"..." she sighed as she finished and glanced up at Destinie then back at Sabine. "Look girls. I appreciate the concern, and I won't ever be done saying thank you for not letting that...." Her mouth snapped shut as she tried to find the appropriate word, her head tilting slightly as she tried to find the right one.

"...lunatic take me off to wherever the hell to 'save me'. But... Its a lot to take in, and to be blunt, I'm devastated that Tsuto turned out like this. But I'll be ok. Not the first time this stupid family went off the rails." She muttered darkly as she heaved the pot over to the water to start filling it up there.

@OrlandoBloomers @Patrickthekid @Indolent

He glanced up from where his head was hanging and arched an eyebrow. "My father fucked my mother and I popped out nine months later. That tends to be how it works."

@The Myrmidon @york

"I'll be sure the cook doesn't mistake it for a kebab" The butler said blandly as he led Argus to the same room Isabelle had been left in before. He gestured to a chair and turned to leave, only to catch Argus' question. He paused and glanced slightly behind his shoulder.

"...I don't have the faintest idea who that is." He said with a shrug before he walked out the door. "The master will be with you in a moment"

"Mister Tsuto, your idea of a sarcastic comment does not amuse me," Mathias replied with a slight frown as he glanced up at the man. His writing utensil slipped back into his pocket to be replaced with a magical glow around the tiefling's hand, one that seemed almost like fire as it blazed, "I wish to know their names and races, if at all possible, I wish to know more about your life, Tsuto, and I wish to know by any means necessary."

@york @Schnee Corp Lawyer

(Going to roll Intimidate here in a second.)​
"Hey, if you don't want my cooking, you can just say it" She said with a small eye roll as she finished cutting and pulled over an iron pot to start pushing the vegetables in. "I don't really care either way. I just need... to be doing something. Might as well be this" She said with a shrug.​

"..." she sighed as she finished and glanced up at Destinie then back at Sabine. "Look girls. I appreciate the concern, and I won't ever be done saying thank you for not letting that...." Her mouth snapped shut as she tried to find the appropriate word, her head tilting slightly as she tried to find the right one.

"...lunatic take me off to wherever the hell to 'save me'. But... Its a lot to take in, and to be blunt, I'm devastated that Tsuto turned out like this. But I'll be ok. Not the first time this stupid family went off the rails." She muttered darkly as she heaved the pot over to the water to start filling it up there.

@OrlandoBloomers @Patrickthekid @Indolent

He glanced up from where his head was hanging and arched an eyebrow. "My father fucked my mother and I popped out nine months later. That tends to be how it works."

@The Myrmidon @york

"I'll be sure the cook doesn't mistake it for a kebab" The butler said blandly as he led Argus to the same room Isabelle had been left in before. He gestured to a chair and turned to leave, only to catch Argus' question. He paused and glanced slightly behind his shoulder.

"...I don't have the faintest idea who that is." He said with a shrug before he walked out the door. "The master will be with you in a moment"


Now to wait.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer
"Hey, if you don't want my cooking, you can just say it" She said with a small eye roll as she finished cutting and pulled over an iron pot to start pushing the vegetables in. "I don't really care either way. I just need... to be doing something. Might as well be this" She said with a shrug.​

"..." she sighed as she finished and glanced up at Destinie then back at Sabine. "Look girls. I appreciate the concern, and I won't ever be done saying thank you for not letting that...." Her mouth snapped shut as she tried to find the appropriate word, her head tilting slightly as she tried to find the right one.

"...lunatic take me off to wherever the hell to 'save me'. But... Its a lot to take in, and to be blunt, I'm devastated that Tsuto turned out like this. But I'll be ok. Not the first time this stupid family went off the rails." She muttered darkly as she heaved the pot over to the water to start filling it up there.

@OrlandoBloomers @Patrickthekid @Indolent

He glanced up from where his head was hanging and arched an eyebrow. "My father fucked my mother and I popped out nine months later. That tends to be how it works."

@The Myrmidon @york

"I'll be sure the cook doesn't mistake it for a kebab" The butler said blandly as he led Argus to the same room Isabelle had been left in before. He gestured to a chair and turned to leave, only to catch Argus' question. He paused and glanced slightly behind his shoulder.

"...I don't have the faintest idea who that is." He said with a shrug before he walked out the door. "The master will be with you in a moment"

That's not something she would contest (even with her own issues with her family), but she would refrain from saying that out loud as she nodded. "Glad to hear. It's just that... it's not entirely the reason I came here."

She contemplated whether to continue... pushed that aside as she spoke in a more assertive force. "There's nothing more that I would like than to give you your space, but things are more dire than we thought. We found his diary in the glassworks. Turns out he has an accomplish, and if what he has written is true, they may have a lot more than just a bunch of goblins on their side. We have people interrogating him, but there's no guarantee they can get information out of him. So if there's anything that you remembered that may help us find where the goblins are meeting, then we would greatly appreciate it."
"Hey, if you don't want my cooking, you can just say it" She said with a small eye roll as she finished cutting and pulled over an iron pot to start pushing the vegetables in. "I don't really care either way. I just need... to be doing something. Might as well be this" She said with a shrug.
"..." she sighed as she finished and glanced up at Destinie then back at Sabine. "Look girls. I appreciate the concern, and I won't ever be done saying thank you for not letting that...." Her mouth snapped shut as she tried to find the appropriate word, her head tilting slightly as she tried to find the right one.

"...lunatic take me off to wherever the hell to 'save me'. But... Its a lot to take in, and to be blunt, I'm devastated that Tsuto turned out like this. But I'll be ok. Not the first time this stupid family went off the rails." She muttered darkly as she heaved the pot over to the water to start filling it up there.

@OrlandoBloomers @Patrickthekid @Indolent
That's not something she would contest (even with her own issues with her family), but she would refrain from saying that out loud as she nodded. "Glad to hear. It's just that... it's not entirely the reason I came here."
"Can ya blame me? You didn't even wash your hands first," The gunslinger drawled about the cooking in quippy fashion, kicking a foot out to prop her boot up against the floor by the heel and bending over slightly to examine the tip of the shoe idly. She didn't seem pushed to argue her point, though, instead putting a hand on her jacket and seeming to mull something over. Her mouth opened a moment later to say something else, but when Destinie spoke up again her gaze instead tilted towards her as brown eyes gave her a long sideways glance.

"Oh. Well. That actually was the entire reason I came here. Just so you know..."

@Schnee Corp Lawyer @Patrickthekid

He glanced up from where his head was hanging and arched an eyebrow. "My father fucked my mother and I popped out nine months later. That tends to be how it works."

@The Myrmidon @york
"Mister Tsuto, your idea of a sarcastic comment does not amuse me," Mathias replied with a slight frown as he glanced up at the man. His writing utensil slipped back into his pocket to be replaced with a magical glow around the tiefling's hand, one that seemed almost like fire as it blazed, "I wish to know their names and races, if at all possible, I wish to know more about your life, Tsuto, and I wish to know by any means necessary."

@york @Schnee Corp Lawyer

(Going to roll Intimidate here in a second.)​
@The Myrmidon @Schnee Corp Lawyer

Isabella frowned, though Mathias was quite an intimidating fellow, she still worried that Tsuto would refuse to yield... But, she decided to at least wait for Tsuto's response before trying her own thing.

Though she was here to get information, and perhaps even figure out some sort of method to the madness in Tsuto's scheme, she wished not to come off as hostile, but instead... Gentle.

She had a more docile look on her face as she looked Tsuto over, wondering if she would be able to appeal to whatever softness he might have left... If anything at all.

He did still care for his sister... But, he had a rather peculiar way of showing it...

What could have happened to him that had caused him to turn to the methods he had? And... What of his supposed lover? It was likely she had an influence over his actions, but... If that was the case then, she hoped the influence would at least lift enough for them to get something usefull out of Tsuto, somehow.​
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