Rona - Space Western (LOL what even is a space western anyway)

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Original poster
*** None of this is set in stone! These are just my thoughts before I expand on them! Things can be changed. ***

Brief summary:

Ruckersford - a once prosperous town now in the dumps. The nearby quarry was its lifeforce with most of the townspeople being employed as miners. The mineral known as Lindium was once found here in great yellow seams. Valued for its ability to power alien space vessels, Lindium transformed the once-quiet town into a vast hub of activity. Soon, Ruckersford was renown in New Roswelk for its ability to transform any prospective diggers into rich men/women/aliens.

Alas, all good things must come to end. The last mine in Ruckersford closed nearly seven years ago. A vast exodus left the town even emptier than when the first mines had been opened. Houses, government buildings, offices - all were left to rot. However, some remnants of society stayed behind. They kept Ruckersford alive despite it now being a hotspot for crime (the isolation was excellent for hiding both wealth and wanted bodies). Some even thrived in the newfound freedom.

However, two weeks ago, a fancy new Inquisitor arrived from the nearby city of Las Glanges. She took immediate control over the town, declaring her intentions of "taking out the trash". There was a mixed reception to her methods but none could deny that in her short span as Inquisitor, she'd already done more than what her predecessor ever could.

With criminals being both locked up and hanged every few days, rumours have been spreading throughout Ruckersford that the mines must have something left in them after all. Others dismiss it as nothing but foolishness. Hope, resentment, greed - emotions are starting to run high once more in this ghost-town. Previous landowners have been slowly trickling back in, prospective diggers still green are renting inn rooms - it seems as though Ruckersford is slowly coming back into the graces of New Roswelk. The question remains: do the rumours hold any weight to them?

Things to know:

- So! I'm going to try GM'ing a group roleplay. I'm probably not the best at it so if someone experienced wants to run it with me, you're more than welcome.

- Although the initial setting's going to be set in Ruckersford, I'm not averse to the thought of our characters slowly visiting other cities. Other planets? Probably not... unless a really good reason comes up.

- Tech level: I'm not really looking for "realistic" tech as in you have to explain every gadget and stuff. But I'm thinking of things that are kinda on the lower futuristic kinda thing. Like for guns, I was thinking more of the ones that shoot "solid" projectiles if that makes any sense? Laser guns and the like are probably reserved for the important NPCs (and you, if you manage to kill them).

- Similarly, I'm thinking of having alien mounts akin to horses BUT having like a hovering motorcycle and the like are probably fine with me. You'd need to have a reason for owning one (say you were rich before the mine closed but if you were rich, why didn't you move out? interesting question for your character's motives :> )

- I am so down with character death. However, this doesn't mean that I'm going to like pick names out of a hat - if you don't want your character to be killed, they won't be. Unless they do something like go in guns blazing 1v99. Then yes, they will die. So basically, actions have consequences (but like... the consequences won't be unexpected, if that makes any sense).

- Alien characters. Yes.

- Posting times: probably pretty slow - medium. Like I'm fine with like one to two posts a week. However, if you disappear on us without warning, your character might die.

- Probably looking for a smaller group. Like maybe five is the maximum?

- Looking for a more grounded experience even though it's going to be a science fantasy. Like I don't think anyone's going to be magic and stuff. Things such as telekinesis (if your alien race has it) is ok.

- Free-roam ish. You can explore Ruckersford as you like but I'm probably going to reel in people from time to time. This is only because in my experience, completely sandbox roleplays kinda die. So while there is an underlying plot, we don't have to follow it to a T. Subplots/tangents can occur.

- Posting levels should be idk, intermediate + ish? I know I'm not perfect either l o l. :L

- oh yeah. Mature themes mayb. On a more darker side. Still OK with bluestar members but like everyone remember site rules yee.

That's the interest check. I'll put up more lore-stuff if people are actually like interested lmao.
I'll elaborate more on expectations too if I can think of any lol.
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You certainly have my interest! I think it could turn out to be a really interesting concept.
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Looks interesting! I'll be sure to keep an eye on it.

I'm pretty experienced when it comes to GMing group RPs, if I do say so myself (my RPs run for like... years, at a minimum), so, I'd be happy to lend a hand with running it.
Looks interesting! I'll be sure to keep an eye on it.

I'm pretty experienced when it comes to GMing group RPs, if I do say so myself (my RPs run for like... years, at a minimum), so, I'd be happy to lend a hand with running it.

Please do. PM me for deets.

In the meanwhile, take a look at this map I made (haven't labeled anything, feel free to toss out some names):

For clarification: New Roswelk is a district of a country (yet to be named) on the planet (Rona).
I'm going to update the OP with this info. :P
So instead of having an entire mining planet, we'd have a mining town in a district of a country. Yeah.

It's kinda like a back-up just in case we do need to go outside Ruckersford! Also, I thought a map might make it easier for people to create backstories for their characters and stuff.
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This is something I'd be down for, eye'll be watchin'.
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Not sure if personal time will allow me to get in on this, but I am highly interested and I'm definitely going to lurk from the shadows.
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The Boo Girlie is down with this yayuh~^^!! Will wait for OoC then. ;D
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I'll certainly be keeping an eye on this. Consider me interested :)
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YO I'm super interested in this! *anxiously watches thread*
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Wow nice to see all these interested peeps.
Word of warning: the OOC won't be up extremely quickly. I'll try to make it worth the wait.
I've updated the OP slightly.

Some thoughts that I've had regarding our planet Rona:

- I've borrowed elements of "eyeball planets", where one side is perpetual dark and the other perpetual sun.
Instead of having fixed sides, I'm going to make four seasons based on the time of the day. The two longest ones, Night and Day, are the aforementioned "eyeball planet" elements. The other two, Dusk and Dawn, are the transitional seasons which are much shorter (both probably lasting a month each).


Now that I've actually typed it up, it just seems like Summer, Winter, Spring, and Autumn. LOL. Okay but remember that during the Night/Day seasons, it literally is Night/Day all around the clock, respectively. So that's a little different :) Many plants would be black in order to absorb all the light they can get. I'm thinking of something like plants having a hibernation cycle, where they burrow down during the Night season.

- Like any other planet, humans are a bit of a minority on Rona. I'm thinking it'd be a bit difficult to adapt to the alien environments, what with the radiation and the gravitational differences. Humans have to be wary of wandering around unprotected (though they have changed throughout the generations so that they don't require spacesuits everywhere, just particularly dangerous areas).

- So how are we going to explain our characters typing in English? Simple; the age-old excuse of "it's actually a con-lang that's been 'translated' to English for the audience". If I didn't make that clear enough - we're all speaking Alien. English/Chinese/French/Swahili/etc are kinda dead. Many older generations used to be more fluent but as time goes on and on and with all the extra-terrestrial contact... well, you know how languages die out.

Also if you ask me why the city names sound so humanish then... I literally thought of it right now lol.
Also Ruckersford sounds much better than Ng'jlsh'schhin or w/e.
(use that translation excuse, LOL)

- Humans did not populate the stars by some Mass-Effect tech. The race kinda hitch-hiked on alien technology many years ago. A lot of alien technology still remains foreign to humans (though don't worry, other alien races are kinda dumb like that too).

- On Alien races! Feel free to come up with diverse creatures. Remember to not go overboard on like racial abilities and stuff. Not every species needs to be native to Rona; there are many planets you can make up.

EDIT: oh yuh. if you have any ideas feel free to say them.
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I don't think it would be all that difficult to imagine Humanity settling Rona 'first'. Maybe they weren't the best at colonizing, but they hit first. Which may be why it's mostly human-y sounding names?

The incredibly long day/night cycles would probably produce some crazy plants for sure. They'd probably get huge in the daylight seasons, and die/hibernate for the night season.

Already got a handful of character ideas rolling around in my head!

Also more than happy to provide ideas and insight. I love sci-fi that bends more around the realistic 'hard' elements! Can't say i'm available to help GM or any of that due to the fact i'm GMing 2 RP's already xD.
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So @falk I have a question regarding technology... When you say lower futuristic-y kind of technology, where exactly is the line? Because I have this character that I made for a space RP a long time ago that I was thinking might be fun to resurrect, but she's a full-on cyborg. I'm just not sure where you were thinking of drawing the line in terms of too much tech?

Her character skeleton is at this link, halfway down the page.

(Obvs, the character had some details in her backstory that were specific to that particular RP, so she'd require some tweaking. But the gist of it is there~)
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@Spectre that's cool, we already have a co-GM in @Kagayours ! :P

I think we can go your route some for explaining the human presence on Rona. I'd rather have them have an area/country to themselves rather than a planet though. Since Rona would have had inhabitants before humans arrived, I'm not sure if having them as a planetary majority makes too much sense. I'll elaborate on it when I have the time - right now I'm enrolling for uni and like... omg it is a pain.

@BB-Bauers , sorry for not clarifying that!
When I was talking about tech-level, I was referring more to aesthetic wise. I'm really into the gritty, ugly, mashed up tech of things like Mad Max/Fallout and not so much the sleekness of something like Tron. And since this is a science fantasy roleplay, it saves me the trouble of really going into the nitty gritty details of stuff that I don't know anything about (I'm bad at science, haha).

HOWEVER - I've rethought it and it doesn't make too much sense that a society with interstellar travel wouldn't have things like laser guns and the like. Still, I'd think those things could be reserved for the rich but I dunno. I really want to keep this rough aesthetic but I dunno if it makes too much sense. Thoughts? Maybe we're undergoing a cultural fad where vintage is in? Too poor to own all those fancy gadgets? (these questions go for anyone, not just BB, haha).

Androids are okay.
I'd like for them to have a power source though.
I'm thinking androids are less fighting, more service orientated. Think personal aids and the like (or in the case of your character, medical treatment). Reasoning behind this: it's much easier for wars to be fought using things like drones than mechanical humans, if you had to build anything. Plus I dunno if it makes sense to sacrifice a perfectly good body for a mechanical one (unless the upgrades were really, really, good. Which is something I'm wary of, since I don't really want super-powered things). Since the galaxy our world is set in has an Alien majority populace, humanoid androids like Raylee would be a rarity. A collection/oddity/too valuable to really be put in danger. At least that's the way I see it.

In the case of medical treatment like your character, that's how I think androids should be approached. As medical treatment, not soldiers.

EDIT: So I'm thinking of it as a really advanced prosthetic body. I am not sure how I feel like on having her abilities become advanced - I'd prefer it if it were both a handicap and a boon instead of it being a straight buff. So a mixture of good and bad qualities, like anything else.

Good: Assuming she doesn't need food/water?
Strength higher.
Durability higher?

Bad: More clumsy? It takes time to adjust to your new body?
Energy source? Needs charging?
Phantom limb (or in this case, body) syndrome?

Those are just my baseline thoughts, aha.

Humans are relatively rare in the grand scheme of things so finding a doctor to operate on them would be harder than most. (But this doesn't only apply to humans, there are alien species that are minorities as well) (I'll be thinking of a majority species soon, you guys can chip in any time).
*Sidenote: Fuck medical schools must be like 100x harder. Imagine you have to learn like the different physiologies of like not just your own species but like *insert number* more. I'd imagine there would be specialists but still.

At least that's the way I see it LOL. Feel free to convince me otherwise. Don't be scared cos I'm a GM - this is like my first time and like I am really very open to suggestions. This text might not have even made sense lmao. I'll try to make my thoughts more clear if like any part of it was confusing.

And for anyone wondering, I'm working on building the town right now. I want to have a detailed environment with places you guys can go/do things without needing to A) invent locations B) ask me for permission to go here and there.
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Yea that all makes perfect sense! In regards to the tech-level stuff: I totally get what you mean about the gritty aesthetic, and I think it makes sense to just have certain tech i.e. laser guns reserved for the rich. Because sure, there's intergalactic space travel, but its not like everyone necessarily has equal access to it. Surely you have to be wealthy enough to afford a spaceship and a crew and the associated tech and blah blah -- and I anticipate many of our characters won't have access to that kind of stuff because they weren't wealthy enough to evacuate the planet in the first place. So I think the gritty aesthetic idea generally works well.

In regards to the soldier vs. servant android thing -- when I originally thought of the character, she definitely wasn't meant to be a soldier-type character, so that works great. The prosthetic body was first and foremost a last-ditch medical treatment kind of thing. (I made up an excuse to work a couple of weapons into her design for the sake of that old RP, but they certainly don't have to stay.) I'm thinking that if I use her for this RP, Raylee will probably have come from a very wealthy family that could afford the experimental procedure, but then she stayed behind when her family evacuated? (Idk, either because she felt betrayed, or some technical issue with the prosthetics, not sure yet.)

Also, I'm very on board with having the prosthetic body be both a handicap and a buff, since it wasn't meant to turn her into a super soldier or anything. As I develop the character more, I'll think of more specific things -- but I definitely like the idea of her needing to like plug into an outlet somewhere and just charge lol.

Which brings me to another question... You said you wanted to have a small group for this, so I'm assuming you don't really want more than one character per person? Because as I was reading your post, I thought it would be interesting if Raylee had a small alien sidekick/mechanic character that followed her around to repair her when anything broke (since Raylee is no mechanic herself). And maybe he's a tinkerer who keeps adding things to her design. (Omg -- and maybe since androids are primarily used as servants, everyone always confuses Raylee for being this alien's servant)

Whoops ok sorry got a little carried away there... But yea, I'm getting too excited about this now xD If we're limited to one character, that's TOTALLY cool and understandable! I just wanted to ask~
Yea that all makes perfect sense! In regards to the tech-level stuff: I totally get what you mean about the gritty aesthetic, and I think it makes sense to just have certain tech i.e. laser guns reserved for the rich. Because sure, there's intergalactic space travel, but its not like everyone necessarily has equal access to it. Surely you have to be wealthy enough to afford a spaceship and a crew and the associated tech and blah blah -- and I anticipate many of our characters won't have access to that kind of stuff because they weren't wealthy enough to evacuate the planet in the first place. So I think the gritty aesthetic idea generally works well.

In regards to the soldier vs. servant android thing -- when I originally thought of the character, she definitely wasn't meant to be a soldier-type character, so that works great. The prosthetic body was first and foremost a last-ditch medical treatment kind of thing. (I made up an excuse to work a couple of weapons into her design for the sake of that old RP, but they certainly don't have to stay.) I'm thinking that if I use her for this RP, Raylee will probably have come from a very wealthy family that could afford the experimental procedure, but then she stayed behind when her family evacuated? (Idk, either because she felt betrayed, or some technical issue with the prosthetics, not sure yet.)

Also, I'm very on board with having the prosthetic body be both a handicap and a buff, since it wasn't meant to turn her into a super soldier or anything. As I develop the character more, I'll think of more specific things -- but I definitely like the idea of her needing to like plug into an outlet somewhere and just charge lol.

Which brings me to another question... You said you wanted to have a small group for this, so I'm assuming you don't really want more than one character per person? Because as I was reading your post, I thought it would be interesting if Raylee had a small alien sidekick/mechanic character that followed her around to repair her when anything broke (since Raylee is no mechanic herself). And maybe he's a tinkerer who keeps adding things to her design. (Omg -- and maybe since androids are primarily used as servants, everyone always confuses Raylee for being this alien's servant)

Whoops ok sorry got a little carried away there... But yea, I'm getting too excited about this now xD If we're limited to one character, that's TOTALLY cool and understandable! I just wanted to ask~

Time to butt in :y

Regarding your interest in a small-alien side-kick, I'd be perfectly fine RPing such a character. What I had in mind for my OC can easily be transferred to small alien mechanic - and the character dynamic might be fun. We can talk more about the details once everything in this world has been finalized - if you're interested, that is.
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I want my character to be some sort of buff lizard-man.

My heart says "biker lizard-man" but my brain says "you can't RP a biker because you don't know anything about motorcycles in real life and you'll just embarrass yourself."

But maybe I can get away with it if it's some sort of futuristic space-bike.

Also I want my character to have some sort of chameleon-like ability where his skin changes color based on his emotions. Because I think that would be an adorable little quirk to have on such a tough-looking character.

Note: I apologize if anything I've said here contradicts lore that has already been plainly stated. My brain is currently operating on low-power-mode and will continue to do so until about the 11th so I've had a hard time processing a lot of the lore stuff thus far. I'll give everything a much closer read once I'm back on my meds.
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before I respond to everything else
here's what your bike can look like @Kagayours


behold the mighty hoverbike
before I respond to everything else
here's what your bike can look like @Kagayours


behold the mighty hoverbike

Ooooh. :D That looks like a nice ride for my still-unnamed reptile.
Right, first about the whole group thing.
I wanted a smaller group to start with because I'm new to GMing so I knew right off the bat that I wouldn't be able to handle a large amount of people. So for right now, I think I'm going to stick with one character per person. Maybe later on I'll be more comfortable about handling larger groups, lol.

Secondly about my weird hang-ups:
- Spaceships are expensive to charter. Even with the alien tech, it still takes months to travel to different planets. Think of it as sailing in the old days.

- I've changed the OP and made Ruckersford into a mining town, instead of having Rona as a mining planet. That way, @BB-Bauers , your parents don't necessarily have to move off the entire planet - they could have just moved to a different city. Maybe Raylee just chose to stay behind? Told to take care of the house while they were gone? Fell in love? Doesn't like the city (perhaps her operation was done there and she doesn't want anything to do with cities in general after that)? Owes a debt? Hopefully that gives you something to think about. :P

- I've decided that it would be too weird to have our relatively rural characters wielding shotguns while the city-goers have fancy laser guns. So yeah. Go wild. I mean, if you look at the world today, even third world countries do have similar weaponry. So years into the future, it wouldn't make much sense to have the gap widen even more. Especially when you consider just how much more advanced laser guns are to like ballistic ones.

- However, the very top of the line stuff would be restricted to rich people.
- Doesn't mean you can't have it though, you just need a reason as to why your character would be rich (or stole it, or killed the previous owner, or w/e).
- I'm thinking older models of both guns, vehicles, w/e, are based on some form of solar energy. That way we still have an ammo system instead of infinite laser beams.

- I don't know if I ever elaborated on this before but: Your character doesn't necessarily need to be from Ruckersford, New Roswelk, or Rona even. What they do need is a solid reason as to why they'd be in Ruckersford at the time of our RP. Are they an officer under the new Inquisitor? Lost archaeologist? Snake-oil salesman? Dude on a road-trip who just gets tangled into things? Like there's so many options so I don't want you guys to feel like as if you have to like have been born in Ruckersford.

- One more thing about the planet's seasons to clarify things up. Just think of it as one really long 24 hour day, just stretched out over a year. I think that's a good way to visualize things. We could even have certain festivals, like a lunar one, where light breaks the darkness for like a period of one week - one month. Things to think about. :)

- I am so into the vintage theme.

EDIT: @Kagayours , yeah that concept sounds fine. I just want to avoid abilities where it's like you shoot fire out your eyeballs or something, haha. Apologies to anyone who was planning on doing so!
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Time to butt in :y

Regarding your interest in a small-alien side-kick, I'd be perfectly fine RPing such a character. What I had in mind for my OC can easily be transferred to small alien mechanic - and the character dynamic might be fun. We can talk more about the details once everything in this world has been finalized - if you're interested, that is.

Aw heck yes~ Definitely down for this.
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