• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Your neighborhood artist
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
Online Availability
All day
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
I like Fantasy, Modern, Modern Fantasy, Yaoi, Yuri, and Romance. Please do not be shy in bringing up another genre. I just might be interested in it ^^

I can do incest and Mpreg as well

This is a RWBY that will consist of, at most, 2 full teams.

If you want to join, please send a message so that I can check how active your posting is. You don't have to post several times a day, but I just want to see if you're active enough

Here is a quick overview:

"RWBY is set in the world of Remnant, a fantasy world with airships, high-tech weaponry and a form of natural energy called Dust, existing side by side. According to narration in the series, the early history of Remnant has been long forgotten, with recollections being passed down in the form of myths and legends.
In the world of Remnant, all living creatures possess a soul, the physical manifestation of which is known as Aura: a form of innate energy that bestows its user with certain abilities and powers. Semblances are unique expressions of this power, and are akin to a personal superpower unique to each character. Remnant is populated by two intelligent species - humanity and the Faunus, a race of human-animal hybrids.
All of the inhabitants of Remnant are beset by the Grimm, which are described as "creatures of destruction" and lack a soul. Huntsmen and Huntresses fight the Grimm and protect the peace of Remnant."


Please refer to the rules to know what I expect for the people that join. They're not harsh or anything, just what I'd like for you to know~



Basic Information




Combat/Weapon Information

Combat School (if attended):

Weapon Name:
Weapon Derivation:

(I.E. Scythe/Sniper Rifle, Sword/Shield)


Miscellaneous Traits/Facts of your character

(Anything we should know or you want to share?):

History: (Optional)


1. Please be active. I know people get busy but all I ask is that the RP doesn't go on hold for more than a week because of one person. If you are that person, you'll receive a message asking where ya went. If I don't hear anything, then your character will be kicked or killed by Grimm.

2. There will be varying levels of writing. If you're not comfortable having someone at Beginner level on your team, I'd recommend not joining. I want everyone to have fun (And not have to rearrange teams all the time).

3. All Iwaku rules apply

4. Try not to OP your characters. I as well as everyone else, will have a say if we think something is wrong with your character in some way. You are absolutely allowed to have a strong character, but they can't be super-awesome-kill-all-the-four-maidens-without-trying strong, you know?

5. I will check how often you post, and I will be playing NPCs unless you tell me what you want to happen. I have the freedom of denying it if it's too much
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I'll get on mine soon
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Jessica

His hair is tied into a ponytail on his back. Also bears a tattoo on his left arm in the form of a half dragon.

Helio S. Blackwell

Confidence, Intelligence, Superiority, and a small bit of arrogance are the main factors that sum up the man that is Helio S. Blackwell. He is a man of logic and science always looking forward to advance his pursuits in either field when given the chance. Can come off as a bit of an ass, as the only real human contact he's ever had has been his family. Helio carries a high sense of honor and pride that he holds in utmost importance to serve as a memento of the teachings his father and uncle instilled into him. While not always kind on the surface he'll never refuse to help someone if he truly feels their plight is genuine.

Helio's aura has a more regal purple compared his brother's rage filled red. Its effects when active makes his presence and being almost overwhelming, as his confidence in victory is magnified upon his opponent who begins to question their own chances.

Combat/Weapon Information:

While the weapon in of itself looks dangerous Helio has managed to add a special secret to make it that much more deadly. Inside the blade is hidden chambers that can be switched to grant it elemental properties, as it draws upon the power of dust.

Combat School (if attended):
Signal Academy

Weapon Name:

Weapon Derivation:
A double-bladed sword.

Odin's Eye: Helio used to use this move in conjunction with his brother's semblance as it made them a fearsome duo indeed. The key to this ability is the time it takes for Helio to latch onto the rhythm and style of his opponent as it differs from person to person. Once this pattern is discerned Helio is able to pick up on their moves by watching their body language, and is able to anticipate their actions in advance as if by predictions into the future.

Miscellaneous Traits/Facts of your character:
°Always had top ranks in classes.
°Has good medical training (Mardi is a training dummy.)
°Was tested and is now ranked within the top 5 brilliant minds currently residing within Vale.
°Has a habit of being a perfectionist about...everything.
°Spends most of his off hours researching different topics within unpressed fields.

(Anything we should know or you want to share?):

History: "The past is unimportant as the present and future loom ahead. For while yesterday can always be remembered, today is a memory in the making." -Helio Blackwell
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Click here for Appearance

Basic Information

Name: Duncan Clay
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Race: Human
Color: Brown


Smart, curious, and always willing to try something new, Duncan uses his craving of knowledge for what he believes is "worth it". This includes mixing different dusts and incorporating them into Cognitio. Because of this, he is often getting hurt or causing mayhem to personal possessions. Including but not limited to freezing himself to his desk, starting a fire, causing a small tornado to turn the room upside down, etc. Duncan, even if his half-sister calls it foolish, refuses to cease his experiments.

However, spending his free hours in his bedroom has led him to becoming an introvert like Aruna. Not that he cares.


When his aura is active, his hands turn a dull shade of green. Often happens when he's fighting or becomes anxious​

Combat/Weapon Information

Combat School (if attended):

Attended Sanctum

Weapon Name:


(Often creates experimental ammunition to use in battle)

Weapon Derivation:



Air gliding-

His semblance allows him to manipulate the air underneath his feet, allowing him to go airborne at a rate of 70 mph, even upside down if necessary. Basically skateboarding without a skateboard if you want an idea.

Miscellaneous Traits/Facts of your character

(Anything we should know or you want to share?):

He loves dust experimenting
He likes science
Knowledge is power

Click here for Appearance

Basic Information

Name: Aruna Clay
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Race: Human
Color: Brown


Only speaks when spoken to, introvert, and highly respectful of others she sees fit. Aruna is highly protective of her experiment-happy half-brother (despite his recklessness). She comes off as a "Ms. High and Mighty Goody two shoes" at times, but is a valuable ally.

Her hands glow a grayish red color, hereditary in the Clay family

Combat/Weapon Information

Combat School (if attended):

Attended Sanctum

Weapon Name:

Weapon Derivation:



Her semblance allows Aruna's body to fall apart into feathers and reform in a different location, mainly used as an evasive or defensive technique. Damaging one of the feathers can lead to actual damages on Aruna's body.

Miscellaneous Traits/Facts of your character

(Anything we should know or you want to share?):
Her weapon was crafted during a time of peace for the Clay family, hence its name.
Aruna loves sweets, and despises anything bitter.
She is ambidextrous​

(no covering over his mouth)

Basic Information

Name: Lynx Roark
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Race: Human
Color: Grey

Lynx is remarkably intelligent as he has a genius intellect, he is tactically inclined
thinking many steps ahead of his opponents. Although he may be intelligent he is very humble as he does not overestimate his own ability and is usually his harshest critic. He is not always a good guy and its not that he lacks honor its that he is the type to make the hard choices that others can't make. He does have a hero mentality and is the type to put himself in the line of fire if friends are in danger... he actually can seem to be lazy but most don't notice its an act so people underestimate him. He has issue's with anger but he deals with them internally.

Lynx Aura is grey and when his aura is active his mental capacity is enhanced to the point where his perception of time slows down, and his reaction time is greatly enhanced as well. It also gives off a menacing vibe of fear to opponents as if they aren't facing a human but a demon

Combat/Weapon Information

Capable of infusing dust into weapon


Combat School (if attended): None

Weapon Name:
Vanishing Star Tyrant
Weapon Derivation:

(blade opens up handle extends and weapon becomes a powerful rifle)

Semblance: Gravity Manipulation

Lynx can increase gravity within 30 feet of his diameter up to 20x gravity, everything gets heavier within his field some can find it difficult to walk or run. Lynx has room to grow with his semblance he can levitate small items right now like rocks and dust

Miscellaneous Traits/Facts of your character

(Anything we should know or you want to share?): Former Criminal
He is a master at hand to hand combat most notably Akido which uses the opponents strength and momentum against them.
He has great strength but not super human and wears metal platted boots to increase his kicking power and oddly enough can still run and dodge at great speeds

History: (Optional)
Lynx comes from a great family of huntmen as his mom and dad are huntsmen until they died. He was taught how to fight and use Vanishing Star Tyrant by his parents. He was a prodigy at hand to hand combat and a decent shot, but when his parents died he got involved in criminal activity.​


Basic Information

Sigma Caradine






She is a little ditzy and not the brightest bulb in the building
but she is genuine when it comes to making friends, and will stick by them
no matter what. She is a little boy crazy though and tends to get red in the face,
she actually tends to misinterpret conversation and friendliness with flirtation from boys.

Her aura effects her senses as canine senses become stronger
she can track people​

Combat/Weapon Information

Combat School (if attended): Sanctum

Weapon Name:

Weapon Derivation:


(usually uses it in staff form but it has a large mid section
with grips which opens up and the staff end becomes a scope)


Sigma's Semblance allows her to create a large wolf made out of white aura
that reached up to her shoulder to aid her in battle. It is sentient so any damage causes
it to disappear. she can incorporate dust to give the wolf elemental properties, and the wolf
becomes larger than her when dust is incorporated
standing at about 8 ft.

Miscellaneous Traits/Facts of your character

(Anything we should know or you want to share?):
Fox Ears

History: (Optional)

She is a Faunus who attended Sanctum and she is a proud Faunus although she knows her race is discriminated against she stayed positive her entire life. She felt the best way to fight hatred is with love, she has had little interaction with humans and doesn't know certain rules, but she loves humanity. Although she attended Sanctum after a month they told her that maybe Beacon would be best for her since Sanctum students were really not treating her fairly. She cried but was determined to make humanity accept her because she loves humans for reasons some are surprised about.


Basic Information


Montgomery "Monty" Amherst










Montgomery is friendly, but introverted, often lending to a rather mysterious air about him. Not much is known about him, especially among his peers. While generally polite, he does sometimes come across either aloof or uncaring, feeling that it is impolite and improper to get involved in the business of others without being invited. He has a tendency to treat people respectfully, both with formalities towards males and flirtation with females.

Although Monty doesn't often get angry, he had a history of lashing out when he has. While not purposely taking his anger out on others, it does happen from time to time.


When active, Monty's eyes glow orange and the outline of his eyes change shade. During this time, his reaction time is amplified, and he can see in various forms of light. Infrared, for example.

Combat/Weapon Information

Combat School (if attended):


Weapon Name:

Dusk and Dawn

Weapon Derivation:

Tonfa/Sub-Machine Gun


Incorporeal Body

Allows Monty to assume an Incorporeal form. This causes most forms of matter to pass through him, including blades, bullets, and most materials. This does not work against water, air, or fire, and can only be used for as long as a minute, but can be activated rapidly. Unless Monty is exhausted, he has no cooldown time, when gets to be as much as ten seconds.

Miscellaneous Traits/Facts of your character

(Anything we should know or you want to share?):

I'll add to this later. ^_^

History: (Optional)

Basic Information
Jay Ciel
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Race: Human
Color: Blue
Respect. Loyalty. These are the two principles Jay grew up with. No matter the person, no matter the background, anyone can find a friend or companion in Jay. He is amiable and friendly and always keeps the trusts of others. Jay is sometimes more protective of others than he is himself, often risking his life and/or reputation on behalf of others. He holds few grudges and doesn't normally hate anyone. If he holds a grudge against you, you must have done something really, really bad to piss him off….
Aura/Effects: After "blinking" his body is cover in a dark hue of blue.

Combat/Weapon Information
Combat School (if attended):
Weapon Name: Vol Celeste
Weapon Derivation:
It's a simple yet ornate sword given to Jay from his late mother. It has no secondary function or even uses dust, it's just a plain sword.
Semblance: "Blink"
Jay has the ability to teleport himself to locations where he can see. He can only do many short "hops" before he tires out. He can carry others with him, but this tires him more. Jay mostly uses his semblance to get close to an opponent or confuse the guy.
Miscellaneous Traits/Facts of your character
Was born to a well-to-do family. His father was a lawyer and his mother was a huntress.
Jay's mother encouraged him to go to signal and even give him her own sword when he was accepted.
Was pressured by his father to be a lawyer as there was "natural ability."
When his mother died (long term illness), Jay enrolled and was accepted into Beacon, going against his father's wishes
Constantly called stupid for using such as "plain" weapon, though he is able to use it adequately.
History: (Optional)

Hope this is ok..
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: 1 person
Is everyone who signed up still interested? The person I was waiting on turns out is not gonna make a sheet, and I didn't know until just now.
I'm the one who told her as she is forgetful sometimes.
I'm the one who told her as she is forgetful sometimes.

Iwaku doesn't have a 'Nyeh' or a 'Shaddup' button so I can't rate this as such.
But I have a sarcasm button that has been destroyed by my many varieties of usage.
We just need one more character to get started
By the way, if you want to make a villain or something, be my guest. I'll either create OCs for the Beacon staff and the White Fang leader, or open the sign ups and allow other people to make something.
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